I. FOOD CROPS Food crops were produced carbohydrate as sources of protein and energy for humans
Wheat (Triticum aesticum L.) Is the single most important crop on a global scale. Used for human & animal nutrition. World annualy production 600 Mt Provides 20 % energy & 25 % protein 6.6 billion people of the world
GANDUM DI INDONESIA • Penggiling/penumbuk gandum
menjadi tepung di Indonesia PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Bogasari Flour Mills • Kebutuhan terigu (tepung gandum) 3,2 juta ton/tahun • Bahan utama pembuat roti, mie, martabak dan lainnya • 70 % tepung gandum UKM; Indofood 18 % • 1 kg terigu Rp 3.000 (Nop 2003) 15 mangkok mie • Tanaman gandum di ndonesia baru pd tingkat penelitian • Produktifitas 5 ton/ha di KPC (1.600 m dpl 18 C)
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) The second most important food crops globally in terms of sources of energy and protein in human nutrition. World annualy production 500 Mt 1.6 billion people
That is Some 70% of the world’s poor! …and nearly all of them eat rice two or three times a day! Human Development Report, 1997
90% of the world’s rice is produced and consumed in Asia. Current annual demand for rice in Asia is 533 million tons of paddy Robert S. Zeigler Director General International Rice Research Institute (International Rice Conference 2005. IAARD – IRRI. Bali, Indonesia September 12 – 14 th 2005.)
Nutrition from rice (selected Asian countries, 1999) 80 70 60 50 40 30
Calories Protein
20 10 0
Sources: FAO online database (2001); World Development Report (2002); World Bank
Maize (Zea mays L.) Indian corn America; The third food crops globally, with three main purposes : 1. human food particulary in the tropic (energy & protein), 2. feed for livestock (two thirds of total in feed grains). 3. raw material or many industrial products; •
• •
Planted at : 1.423.000.000 km-2 588 Mt (4 t.ha--1); Have C4 photosynthetic pathway; Indonesia imported ± 1 million ton per year
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Potato makes the largest contribution to the total production of tuber crops. Annual world production currently totals 274 million ton on 18 million ha. The Russian federation rank as the world’s largest producer, followed closely by China. In the early 1990s, 30 % of the global potato output was produced in developing countries, Asia, Africa & Latin America
Soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) Geographic origin : China; The fifth most important food crops globally or ranked no 5 worldwide among the 30 leading food crops; Grain legumes are one of the primary sources of protein for humans and their animals; Important grain legumes because of higher protein and oils; The caloric energy per unit mass of oils is higher than that of stored carbohydrates; Sensitive to photoperiod; 100 - 150 days old with daily air temperatur 20 - 30 C; Indonesia imported 1.5 million ton per year
II. HORTICULTURE CROPS Penghasil gizi & vitamin unt pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan ; tan hias untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan jiwa & pendukung lingkungan untuk melestarikan ekosistem kehidupan Fruits
Alpokat (Persea americana Mill.) Durian (Durio zibethinus) Nanas (Ananas comusus) Jeruk (Citrus sp.) Mangga (Manginfera indica L.) Pisang (Musa paradisica L.)
Vegetables Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) Brokoli (Brassica oleraceae var Italica Plenck.) Cabe (Capsicum sp.) Kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.) Kubis (Brassica oleraceae var. capitata) Mentimun (Cucumis sativus) Terong (Solanum melongena L.) Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum L.) Wortel (Daucus carota L.)
Ornamentals Plants Tanaman bunga potong Tanaman pot (out door & indoor plant)
Medicines Plants Jahe Temulawak Kunyit Sambiloto Kapulaga Mahkota Dewa Gingko giloba
III. Tanaman pakan ternak, penghasil biji-bijian dan hijauan untuk makanan ternak • Jagung • Rumput gajah/elephant grass • Kacang-kacangan
IV. INDUSTRY CROPS Tanaman penghasil bahan pendukung utama bagi kebutuhan hidup manusia Tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.), Beet Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) Karet (Hevea braziliensis l.) Kopi (Coffea sp.) Teh (Camelia sinensis L.) Tembakau (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Kapas (Gossypium sp.) Ketela pohon (Manihot esculenta) Kelapa (Cocos nucifera) Kelapa sawit (Elais guinensis) Bambu, Kenaf, Pisang Abaca, Acacia sp
V. BIOFUEL CROPS Sawit, Kelapa, Bunga matahari, Kedelai, Canola, Jarak
Prospek Industri Kelapa Sawit by Ir. Michael PT. Sinar Mas, FKPT-PI Manado 2006
Posisi # 2 terpopuler di dunia sebagai minyak yang dapat dikonsumsi (kedelai = 31%, kelapa sawit = 24%)
Pertumbuhan permintaannya tertinggi di dunia (kelapa sawit = 9%, kedelai = 8%)
Indonesia merupakan produsen minyak kelapa sawit terbesar kedua di dunia
Diproyeksikan menjadi yang terbesar karena keunggulan kompetitifnya (ketersediaan lahan, kualitas tanah yang baik, tenaga kerja yang berlimpah, iklim yang menunjang)
Indonesia diperkirakan bisa mengungguli Malaysia di tahun 2010
Kegunaan Palm Oil & Palm Kernel Oil – Food
Kegunaan Palm Oil & Palm Kernel Oil – Non Food
Pharmaceutical Tobacco Soap Cosmetics Paper Industry Textiles Detergents Animal Feed
Inks Rubber Explosive Toiletries Lubricant Leather Industry Steel mill application Diesel substitute
Tumbuhan Indonesia Penghasil Minyak-Lemak Nama Jarak pagar Sawit Kapok/randu Kelapa Kecipir Kelor Kusambi Nimba
Jatropha curcas Elais guineensis Ceiba pentandra Cocos nucifera Psophocarpus tetrag. Moringa oleifera Sleichera trijuga Azadirachta indica
Saga utan Akar kepayang Gatep pait Kepoh Ketiau Nyamplung Randu alas Seminai Siur (-siur) Tengkawang tungkul Tengk. terindak Bidaro Bintaro Bulangan Cerakin/Kroton Kampis Kemiri cina Nagasari (gede) Sirsak Srikaya
Adenanthera pavonina Hodgsonia macrocarpa Samadera indica Sterculia foetida Madhuca mottleyana Callophyllum inophyllum Bombax malabaricum Madhuca utilis Xanthophyllum lanceatum Shorea stenoptera Isoptera borneensis Ximenia americana Cerbera manghas/odollam Gmelina asiatica Croton tiglium Hernandia peltata Aleurites trisperma Mesua ferrea Annona muricata Annona squamosa
Nama Latin
minyak/lemak Pangan (edible fat/oil), NP
Sumber Inti biji Sabut + dg buah Biji Daging buah Biji Biji Daging biji Daging biji
Kadar, %-b kering 40 – 60 45-70 + 46-54 24 – 40 60 – 70 15 – 20 30 – 49 55 – 70 40 – 50
Inti biji Biji Biji Inti biji Inti biji Inti biji Biji Inti biji Biji Inti biji Inti biji Inti biji Biji Biji Inti biji Biji Inti biji Biji Inti biji Biji
14 – 28 65 35 45 – 55 50 – 57 40 – 73 18 – 26 50 – 57 35 – 40 45 – 70 45 – 70 49 – 61 43 – 64 ? 50 – 60 ? ? 35 – 50 20 – 30 15 – 20
minyak/lemak Non-Pangan (nonedible fat/oil).
Sumber: Soerawidjaja, 2004
Jatropha curcas
JARAK PAGAR (Jatropha cucrcas L) Tanaman tahunan sampai 50 tahun, berbentuk semak, tinggi mencapai 3 – 5 m. Daun agak lebar, berwarna hijau muda sampai hijau tua, semi menjari, dengan 5 – 7 lekukan. Berbuah pada berumur 6 bln setelah tanam, produksi maksimal tercapai setelah umur 4 tahun. Biji berbentuk oval dengan berat 0,4 – 0,6 g/biji, kadar minyak 30 – 40 % (dari kernel 50 – 60 %). Pada kondisi optimal dapat dipanen 2- 3 kali per tahun.
Sumber : Dr. David Allorerung, 2005