Werken aan Transparantie in de keten NEVI Inkoopdag 25 juni 2013 Lex de Bruijn
Programma FIRA: Korte inleiding – wat is MVO? Lex de Bruijn
ING: De uitdaging van transparantie Kaitlin Crouch: Sustainability Program Lead
PostNL: Wat komt er af op een leverancier Rob hafkenscheid: Key Account Manager Post NL
Wat is MVO?
ISO26000: De principes van MVO 1. Afleggen van Rekenschap 2. Transparantie De feiten in context Aanjager verandering 3. Ethisch gedrag Respect voor: 4. Belangen van Stakeholders 5. Wet- & Regelgeving 6. Internationale gedragsnormen 7. Mensenrechten
ISO26000: Zeven Kernthema’s Stemrecht
Onderwijs Arbeidsrelaties
Dialoog Klimaat
Eerlijk Marketing Technologie
Per sector verschillend …… Schoonmaakbedrijf Werkomstandigheden en arbeidsvoorwaarden Schoonmaakartikelen Eerlijk zaken doen (scope tov prijsstelling) Voedsel/Catering Veiligheid en arbeidsvoorwaarden Voedselverspilling Gezonde voeding Keten: mensenrechten, arbeidsvoorwaarden, pesticiden & gentechnologie, eerlijke prijs Vloerbedekking Arbeidsveiligheid Emissies en afval Hergebruik bij einde levensduur (Cradle to Cradle) Recycled content Samenstelling van tapijt ivm gebouw ratings LEED, BREEAM Gezondheid: gebruik stoffen die gezondheid kunnen schaden
MVO en Business 2003: The essential test that should guide CSR is not whether a cause is worthy but whether it presents an opportunity to create shared value. 2011: Business development based on ‘societal needs’
Stakeholders + Transparentie = Samenwerken
Eisen stellen (audits) en verstoppen
De ‘Omkering’
MVI Eisen -product -bedrijf -supply chain
MVI Eisen -product -bedrijf -supply chain
Bedrijf X Leveranciers
Als Bedrijf Als Leverancier Als Klant
Prestaties van leveranciers zichtbaar maken
Prestaties als bedrijf zichtbaar maken aan klanten
Bijdrage aan waarde creatie voor klant (Added Value Chain)
ING and Sustainable Supplier Management
Nevi Inkoopdag 25 June 2013
Presentation Summary
• Introduction • ING’s Strategy • Earning Trust in Today’s Business Climate • ING and Sustainability • Transparency as a means to earning trust • The Benefits of Transparency • Expectations of ING Stakeholders • ING’s Journey towards a Transparent Supplier Base • The Challenges that come with Transparency
‘Sustainability is still a differentiator at present, but will be your license to operate in the future’
Kaitlin Crouch Sustainable Procurement Program Lead – ING Global Procurement Bank
“There are only two kinds of companies in the world, those that source and provide sustainable goods and those that will do so in the future.”
ING’s Strategy Trust is our license to operate…
“As a global financial services company, our customers’ trust is our license to operate. …To earn trust, we will build the future of our businesses on sustainable profit based on sound business ethics and good corporate citizenship.” – ING Strategy Statement
Earning Trust in Today’s Business Climate Trust in industries
Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2013
ING and Sustainability www.ingforsomethingbetter.com
ING’s Sustainability strategy is founded upon five main pillars Better Customer Experience Better Business Better Workplace Better Environmental Footprint Better Communities
Transparency as a Means to Earning Trust
Do no harm Contribute to a better society Transparent Governance Know our clients/customers Know our Suppliers
Is trust the only driver for transparency?
[ Sustainable Lending ] 780,000
The Benefits of Transparency Trust the major driver, but not the only driver for transparency
Benefits of Transparency -Drives Change -Uncovers opportunites (innovation!) -It’s inherent to Sustainability -It protects.
Expectations of ING’s Stakeholders …to be a transparent and responsible (thus sustainable) company!
The market is moving.
Customer expectations. If consumers expect it of themselves, they will expect it of a multinational… “A study of consumer environmental purchasing habits shows that demand for sustainable offerings remains strong despite the recent downturn in the economy.” PRWeb
There are risks in ignoring it.
We are accountable.
ING’s Journey towards a Transparent Supplier Base
ING’s Journey towards a Transparent Supplier Base A Step by Step approach
The ING Sustainable Procurement Program consists of three main elements 1) ING Procurement Sustainability Standards (IPSS) 2) FIRA Assessments MVO product-specific criteria applied
3) Employment of MVO product-specific criteria in tenders and introduction of circular purchasing concept in. procurement
FIRA assessments of supplier performance
IPSS as minimum requirements
Phase 3
Phase 2
Phase 1
The Challenges that come with Transparency
Defining the scope of responsibility Tier 1
Tensions between cost savings and costs of transparency [clash of the targets!] Centralized rather than diffused knowledge
Lack of connectivity throughout the business [culture change!] Large organization means a communications challenge
Tier 2 Tier 3
Trust is the foundation of a relationship, and transparency is the currency of trust. - Christopher S. Penn, CTO Edvisers Network
Leveren van duurzame diensten
Rob Hafkenscheid Sales Director Zakelijke Markt 25 juni 2013
Koekje !
“Onderdeel van het probleem, voorop in de oplossingen”
De ‘verbinding’ tussen beleid en klant vraag is soms een uitdaging
Chauffeurs met “het nieuwe rijden” Euro 5 motoren VGWMVGWM-beleidsverklaring
ISO 26000
Social return CO2 compensatie ISO 14001 ISO 9001
Milieu jaarplan Stille banden
Geluidsarme banden Gescheiden afvalstromen
En brengen we het MVO beleid stap verder? Hoehoe kunnen we een transparante eneen vertrouwde verbinding maken?
Koekje !
Transparantie Waarom willen we dat eigenlijk?
Transparantie Hoe pak je dat aan?
Transparantie Hoe ver moet je gaan? Hoeveel schakels terug? Waar liggen d grenzen?
Transparantie Wegen de kosten op tegen de baten?
Hoe kun je de leverancier belonen voor MVO inspanningen?
Hoe weet je dat de leverancier doet wat hij/zij zegt?