6th Leiden Chess Tournament
July 5th – July 15th
Main sponsor Roel Piket (Adhoc & Solide Administratie & Advies) and tournament director Jan Bey
Opening event: mini match between IGM Zhaoqin Peng and WGM Bianca Muhren
Top players of LCT 2012 (ratings over 2600)
ANNOUNCEMENTS Participants who are not being scheduled due to an odd number of players will receive an e-mail or telephone call in the morning (on the same day). Does the organization have your current phone number and/or e-mail address? Rolls are available daily. During the weekends soup and snacks will also be served. Smoking is prohibited in the entire building. You are only allowed to smoke outside the building (government rules). Outside the front door you will find an ashtray, please use it. Cancellation is only allowed in case of emergency. Please call during the tournament +31 (0) 610 453 453 (TD Jan Bey) Relevant announcements will be published on the website as soon as possible: www.leidenchess.nl Analyzing possibilities in room D (next to the bar) Mobile phones must be turned off, this also goes for visitors (players and visitors will be fined!) A locked bicycle shed is available (recommended!). Ask for the key at the bar.
Bureau Chapeau
Bureau Chapeau
From left to right: Karin Zwanenburg Maaike Valkenburg Judith Valkenburg Anke Meijs
WELCOME ...to the 6th Leiden Chess Tournament We are very happy to welcome you at the 6th Leiden Chess Tournament. Thanks to our main sponsors Adhoc & Solide Administratie & Advies, Stichting Denksport Leiden, Topsport Leiden and our co sponsors we are able to offer you this year the strongest edition ever. Players from at least 14 countries will be playing in Leiden. This year the tournament (from July 6th thru 15th), will start with an opening match on Thursday July 5th. The match will be between IGM Zhaoqin Peng and WGM Bianca Muhren. Besides this exciting match between the lady’s numbers one and two from Holland the tournament has in addition five 2600+ players. With the number one on rating (2670) and German Champion 2011, Igor Khenkin, the tournament proudly presents the number 84 of the world. Together with former winner Predrag Nikolic (Bosnia), Bartosz Socko (Poland) and the youthful talents Parimarjan Negi (India) and David Howell (England), these are the 5 players with a rating above 2600. Furthermore there will be seven International Grandmasters and a large group of strong International Masters who will keep the top players very busy. First moves The first move for the opening match between Peng and Muhren will be made by sponsor Mrs. Iris Piket (Interim Management). The first move on board number one of the tournament on Friday July 6th - in order to start the tournament - will be made by one of the main sponsors Mr. Roel Piket of Adhoc & Solide Administratie & Advies. We are looking forward to welcoming you (again) at the Leiden Denksportcentrum (mindsportcentre) for the tournament. We wish you all a most sportmanslike event. Please note! Next year the seventh Leiden Chess Tournament will be held from July 12th thru July 21th 2013. Be sure to write down these dates on your calendar of 2013!
Jan Bey Tournament Director
Tournament Director: Jan Bey
Photographs: Maaijveld
Tournament Arbiters: Arthur Schuering (chief arbiter) Chris de Weert, Vincent Schenkelaars, Ariën Hooimeijer. Jan van den Ende (appeal)
Finances Roel Piket (Adhoc & Solide Administratie & Advies)
Classification: Chris de Weert
Catering Bureau Chapeau
Technical Support: Nick Bey (website) Geralt Serdijn (live-games)
Public Relations: Maaike & Judith Valkenburg, Jan Bey (press)
Medical Support Ed Noordijk
Volunteers: Harry Zwanenburg, Anke Meijs
Tournament arbiters
Geralt Serdijn Arthur Schuering Ariën Hooimeijer Vincent Schenkelaars Chris de Weert
PRIZE FUND Prize fund (total amount > € 5000 and several other prizes) 1st prize € 1.750 (A) 1st prize € 500 (B) Registration fee: group A (>1900) € 50 group B (< 1950) € 50 (registration at the tournament hall: € 55) (W)GM, (W)IM, FM who have a rating > 2350: no entry fee
Extra Prize for highest ending player from Leiden and surroundings
One week stay in a two persons apartment in Torremollinos, Spain (not during the season). Prize made available by the owner of the apartment: Ger Logeman
TOURNAMENT INFORMATION Classification Swiss by rating, nine rounds, FIDE-time table. Two byes allowed during rounds 1 to 6. It is not allowed to have a bye in round 7, 8 or 9. Rating KNSB-rating processing: yes (group A and B) FIDE-rating processing: yes (group A and B) Location Denksportcentrum, Robijnstraat 4, Leiden Telephone: +31 (0) 71 572 32 29 Bus 11 and 12 from the station (Leiden Centraal) to Denksportcentrum (bus stop: Opaalstraat) 5
LCT 2011
Start Friday July 6th registration from 17:30 h to 18:30 h at the latest please check your personal data on the registration form
OPENING EVENT Mini match between IGM Zhaoqin Peng and WGM Bianca Muhren Thursday July 5th 19:00 h
Opening event (first move) Friday July 6th, 18:50 h 1st round, Friday July 6th, 19:00 h 2nd round, Saturday July 7th, 13:00 h 3rd round, Sunday July 8th, 13:00 h 4th round, Monday July 9th, 19:00 h 5th round, Tuesday July 10th, 19:00 h
Wednesday July 11th no chess (day off)
6th round, Thursday July 12th, 19:00 h 7th round, Friday July 13th, 19:00 h 8th round, Saturday July 14th, 13:00 h 9th round, Sunday July 15th, 11:00 h (!) (PLEASE NOTE THE DIFFERENT START TIME!) followed by prize-awarding ceremony 7
Tournament Regulations 1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
11. 12.
The tournament is organized according to the latest FIDE rules. Playing schedule is Swiss by rating, nine rounds. During the first 6 rounds players are allowed to have a maximum of two byes (half point). This must be announced at the registration desk at the latest before the first round. The playing time is 40 moves in 90 minutes, followed by 30 minutes extra time per player to end the game. From the first move onwards players get 30 seconds in addition per move. Players are obliged to record the moves until the end of the game. After the game both players are obliged to sign the score sheet and hand in the original sheet to the arbiter. The final standings will be stipulated by: scores, Buchholz, SB-scores Contrary to article 5 regulations for a shared first prize are: if players who all end first have met each other all, the mutual score counts, Buchholz, SB-scores, lot. Shared prizes for equal ended scores. A player can only win one prize except for the spectacular prize and the so called ‘supertrio’ prize. If due to sharing prizes the amount of money is smaller than 10 euro per player, the organization committee will add an amount of money necessary to pay 10 euros per player. Appealing against a decision of the arbiter is possible. An appeal has to be recorded on the score sheet. The arguments for the appeal must be handed in, in writing, to the arbiter within 30 minutes after the end of the game. No appeal is possible against the final decision of the appeal committee. See also rule 13. After the 3rd round the total amount of the prize fund will be announced. a) Contrary to article 6.6 under a of the FIDE laws of Chess a player loses the game if he arrives at the chessboard more than one hour after the scheduled start of the session. b) Contrary to FIDE rules the first time a mobile phone rings the player will not lose the game but he or she will be fined (10 euros will go to a charity fund). The second time (during the same round) the player loses the game. In case the tournament regulations do not cover the rules, the tournament organization decides together with the tournament arbiters. The outcome can not be discussed.
Toernooiregels 1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12.
Gespeeld wordt volgens de huidige FIDE-regels voor het schaakspel. Er worden negen ronden Zwitsers op rating gespeeld. In de ronden 1 t/m 6 heeft elke speler twee keer de mogelijkheid een bye te nemen (half punt). Spelers die van deze mogelijkheid gebruik willen maken dienen dit uiterlijk voor de eerste ronde aan de wedstrijdleiding bekend te maken. Het speeltempo is 40 zetten in 90 minuten, gevolgd door 30 minuten extra tijd voor het beëindigen van de partij. Vanaf de eerste zet krijgt iedere speler 30 seconden per zet toegevoegd. Men is verplicht tot het einde van de partij te blijven noteren. Na afloop van de partij dienen beide spelers het volledig ingevulde en ondertekende originele notatieformulier in te leveren bij de wedstrijdleiding. De eindstand wordt bepaald door: score, weerstandspunten, SB-score In afwijking van artikel 5 geldt voor de gedeelde eerste plaats: indien de op de gedeelde eerste plaats geëindigden allen tegen elkaar gespeeld hebben gelden de onderlinge resultaten, weerstandspunten, SB-score, loting. Bij gelijke score worden de geldprijzen gedeeld. Een speler kan niet meer dan één prijs winnen met uitzondering van de spektakelprijs en het supertrio. Als door het delen van prijzen een bedrag resteert dat kleiner is dan 10 euro, dan wordt dit door de organisatie afgerond tot 10 euro. Tegen een beslissing van de wedstrijdleiding is protest mogelijk. Het protest moet vermeld worden op het ingeleverde notatiebiljet. Binnen 30 minuten na afloop van de partij moet een schriftelijke toelichting op het protest bij de arbiter ingeleverd zijn. De uitspraak van de arbiter in hoger beroep is voor alle partijen bindend. Zie ook regel 13. Na de derde ronde wordt het volledige prijzenschema bekendgemaakt. a) In afwijking van artikel 6.6 onder a van de FIDE regels verliest een speler de partij als hij meer dan één uur na het in het speelschema vastgestelde aanvangstijdstip van de zitting aan het schaakbord verschijnt. b) In tegenstelling tot de FIDE regels zal het - de eerste keer - afgaan van een mobiele telefoon niet direct tot het verlies van de partij leiden: boete € 10 in de boetepot t.b.v. het goede doel. Een tweede overtreding door dezelfde speler tijdens dezelfde ronde leidt tot verlies van de partij. Daar waar het reglement niet voorziet, beslist de organisatie in overleg met de wedstrijdleiding. Op deze beslissing is geen beroep mogelijk. 9
FORMER WINNERS 2007: GM Erik van den Doel 2008: GM Roeland Pruijssers 2009: GM Babu Lalith 2010: GM Predrag Nikolic 2011: GM Sergey Tiviakov
Tournament winner 2011: GM Sergey Tiviakov and Main Sponsor Roel Piket (Adhoc & Solide Administratie & Advies)
Winner B-group 2011: Tom de Ruiter 10
Adhoc & Solide Administratie & Advies is een administratiekantoor dat zich richt op midden- en klein bedrijf. Ons kantoor biedt op maat gesneden financiële en fiscale dienstverlening voor bedrijven. We hebben cliënten uit alle branches van het bedrijfsleven. We hebben twee vestigingen, de hoofdvestiging in Leiden en een nevenvestiging in Ter Aar. Onze activiteiten omvatten: bedrijfsadministratie, salarisadministratie, fiscaal advies, organisatie advies en detachering. Onafhankelijkheid, integriteit en vertrouwen vormen de basis voor de samenwerking met onze cliënten. Onze betrokkenheid, kennis van zaken en klantgerichtheid maken dat we snel kunnen inspelen op allerlei vragen waar u als ondernemer mee zit. Een team van zes medewerkers staat u graag ten dienste. Dit kan telefonisch, online, of in een persoonlijk gesprek. We zijn een modern bedrijf dat met zijn tijd meegaat, zo bieden wij onze cliënten al enige jaren de mogelijkheid om online hun eigen administratie (gedeeltelijk) bij te houden, zodat wij ons alleen met de controle van de administratie bezighouden. Voordeel daarvan is, behalve kostenbesparing, dat cliënten de mogelijkheid hebben om te allen tijde online hun eigen administratie te bekijken en daarop te sturen binnen hun eigen organisatie. Naast het verzorgen van de administratie denken wij met u als ondernemer mee hoe zaken binnen uw organisatie beter/efficiënter en/of goedkoper geregeld kunnen worden en geven wij desgewenst advies. www.adhoc-solide.nl 11
MAIN SPONSORS TOPSPORT LEIDEN The Leiden Topsport foundation manages the Leiden Topsport fund. The fund is sure to promote top sports in Leiden, to help develop top sports and support wherever possible. Due to the limited size of the fund and given the fact that the fund is (partly) filled through municipal funding, it is necessary to determine criteria that must be met in order to make sure that the money is spend in a way that is most effective for the sport, athlete or sport clubs. www.topsportleiden.nl
STICHTING DENKSPORT LEIDEN The Mind Sports Centre (Denksportcentrum) opened its doors in 1998 after a number of mind sports lovers joined in a foundation in 1996 in order to start their own mind sports centre. In August 1998 the first six clubs entered the building and since then practice their favourite mind games e.g. chess, bridge, go or checkers once a week. Nowadays nine clubs have their residence in the building. Apart from the board a number of volunteers and professionals make sure the exploration of the centre runs smoothly. We find it important to create an ambiance that is equipped for professional mind sports players but also a place where players and visitors feel at home. We are very happy to host the Leiden Chess Tournament for the sixth time. We are looking forward to another sportive event and we hope to meet old and new friends during the tournament. Welcome! Maaike Valkenburg, chair
Jan Bey Maaike Valkenburg
Harry Zwanenburg
Vincent Schenkelaars
Karin Zwanenburg
Roel Piket
Arthur Schuering Iris Piket
Judith Valkenburg Geralt Serdijn
Chris de Weert
Bert vd Marel
Ariën Hooimeijer
CITY OF LEIDEN In the Golden Age, Leiden was the second most important city in the Netherlands with all of its wealth and academic fame. It is in this atmosphere that the sociable, authentic "Leidener" has been living alongside the equally sociable student in the charming, historic inner city lined with canals. Rembrandt, the most famous Leidener of all, would still be able to find his way around the picturesque streets and alleys today while making a discovery or two at the same time. Leiden is not called the Key to Discovery for nothing. Leiden is located on the Old Rhine, in a distance of some 20 kilometers from The Hague and 40 km from Amsterdam. A university town since 1575, Leiden houses Leiden University and Leiden University Medical Centre. It is twinned with Oxford, the location of England’s oldest university. The municipality of Leiden counts approximately 118.000 inhabitants. The Leiden Visitor Centre is situated nearby the Leiden railway Station (Leiden Centraal) at Stationsweg 41. Here you can find information about city tours/walks, wall poems, museums, night life, mills and so on. You may also visit the website: www.vvvleiden.nl/en 13
CO SPONSORS CHESS PIECES Pawn a2 Pawn b2 Pawn c2 Pawn d2 Pawn e2 Pawn f2 Pawn g2 Pawn h2 Rook h1 Knight g1 Bishop f1 King e1 Queen d1 Bishop c1 Knight b1 Rook a1
Adviescentrum Oegstgeest
Atlantis Maaijveld
IPIM Joop Piket Scheffer Team
Pawn a7 Pawn b7 Pawn c7 Pawn d7 Pawn e7 Pawn f7 Pawn g7 Pawn h7 Rook h8 Knight g8 Bishop f8 King e8 Queen d8 Bishop c8 Knight b8 Rook a8
WHV Shantih
Bureau Chapeau
C-1000 C-1000
HW 80
Slijterij Adegeest
Bureau Chapeau
Loper c1-g5
Joop Piket
CONTENT Announcements Welcome Crew Prize fund Tournament information Schedule Tournament regulations Toernooiregels Former winners Main sponsors City of Leiden Co sponsors Content
2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 16
Tournament website: www.leidenchess.nl Cancellation only in case of emergency: Jan Bey (+31) (0) 610 453 453 Denksportcentrum Leiden Robijnstraat 4, Leiden (+31) (0) 71 57 23 229 www.denksportcentrumleiden.nl