Own the future Agenda
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Welcome / Vítejte Vážení obchodní přátelé, co nejsrdečněji vás vítám na dalším ročníku Ca Expo ´14, které se tento rok věnuje tématu „Application Economy“. Společně s našimi partnery GORDIC, AUTOCONT, CATTA a ICZ vám přejeme příjemně strávený den.
Dear Delegates, I would like to welcome you to CA Expo '14, which this year focuses on the application economy. The application economy has emerged testing any organization’s ability to continuously plan, build, secure, release and manage high-quality applications that provide ongoing competitive and strategic advantage. Those companies that proactively recognize and respond to those demands and apply the best available technology will out-perform their counterparts, and continue to thrive by: • Entering new markets quickly and successfully • Delivering new products and services • Driving more efficiency into the fabric of their business • Mitigating risk and security issues. CA Technologies provides software for businesses that are development-driven, because we believe that those who build the apps will own the future. Our software and solutions help organizations thrive in the new application economy by delivering the means to deploy, monitor and secure the applications and infrastructure. We live in an application economy. We shop in an application economy. Our news, our entertainment, our banking, education, communications, everything is driven by a connected, mobile application-based world that sits in the palm of our hand. For companies everywhere, this is the opportunity. Together with our partners GORDIC, AUTOCONT, CATTA and ICZ, I sincerely hope you get lots out of your time with CA today.
Karel Schmidtmayer Managing Director, CA Central Eastern Europe (CEE CA)
Agenda (U anglických prezentací bude překlad v dopolední části zajištěn)
Plenary Sessions 08:30 - 09:00
Registration, Coffee & Refreshments Registrace, káva & občerstvení
09:00 - 09:20
Welcome and Opening Address Přivítání a zahájení CA Expo'14 Karel Schmidtmayer, Managing Director, CA Central Eastern Europe (CA CEE) Nitin Maru, Senior Vice President & General Manager, CA Technologies
09:20 - 10:00
CA Keynote – Survive and Thrive in the Application Economy Přežít a prosperovat v době „Application Economy“ Trevor Bunker, Senior Vice President, Global Presales, CA Technologies
10:00 - 10:30
CA Keynote – Generation Z and Their Mobile Apps Generace „Zet“ a její mobilní aplikace Andi Mann, Vice President, Office of the CTO, CA Technologies
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break Kávová přestávka
11:00 - 11:30
National Registers Authority – CA Tools in Practice CA nástroje v praxi Správy základních registrů Jakub Fiala, Head Solution Architect, Service Management, Gordic spol. s r.o. Michal Pešek, Managing Director, Správa základních registrů
11:30 - 12:00
CA Keynote – Faster Delivery, Better Quality and Lower Cost: How Software is Rewriting the Rules in Your Business Rychlejší dodání, lepší kvalita a nižší náklady jak software přepisuje pravidla v podnikání Jan Christiansson, Senior Director Solution Sales, CA Technologies
12:00 - 13:30
Lunch & Networking Oběd & Networking
17:15 - 17:20
Summary & Close (Suite 1 – Foyer) Zakončení CA Expo´14 Karel Schmidtmayer, Managing Director, CA Central Eastern Europe (CA CEE)
17:20 - 19.30
Closing Cocktails Závěrečný drink
Stream 1 Accelerating New Apps & Ensuring Superior Performance Urychlení nových aplikací a zajištění jejich vysokého výkonu 13:30 - 14:00
Connecting Customers to the Business: How to Excel in the Application Economy Vytváření aplikací, které umožňují svým zákazníkům komunikovat s jejich podnikáním Simon Poulton, Business Lead, Application Delivery & Mobility, CA Technologies
14:00 - 14:30
Delivering Virtualized Service for DevOps: Streamlining Development Virtualizované služby pro DevOps: Zefektivnění vývoje Roman Tuchyňa, Practice Manager, Service Assurance & DevOps, CA CEE
14:30 - 15:00
Release Automation – Leveraging Continuous Delivery Principles to Get Quality Applications to Users Faster Release Automation - nasazení software balíků Simon Poulton, Business Lead, Application Delivery & Mobility, CA Technologies
15:00 - 15:20
Coffee Break Kávová přestávka
15:20 - 15:45
Why is Your Datacenter not Delivering the Agility and Efficiency You Need? Proč vaše datové centrum neposkytuje agilitu a efektivitu, kterou potřebujete? Carl Lloyd, Business Lead, Service Assurance, CA Technologies
15:45 - 16:15
Predictive Capacity Management – Presentation & Demonstration Predictive Capacity Management – Prezentace & Demonstrace Roman Tuchyňa, Practice Manager, Service Assurance & DevOps, CA CEE Štefan Pivoda, Consultant, CA CEE
16:15 - 16:45
Delivering Exceptional Customer Experience in the Application Economy Nevšední zkušenosti našich klientů v době tzv. Application Economy“ Carl Lloyd, Business Lead, Service Assurance, CA Technologies
16:45 - 17:15
CA Infrastructure Management Strategy Update Aktuální stav a novinky technologií CA Infrastructure Management Carl Lloyd, Business Lead, Service Assurance, CA Technologies
17:15 - 17:20
Summary & Close (Suite 1 – Foyer) Zakončení CA Expo´14 Karel Schmidtmayer, Managing Director, CA Central Eastern Europe (CA CEE)
17:20 - 19.30
Closing Cocktails Závěrečný drink
Stream 2 Securing Access to the Right Apps for the Right Users Anywhere Zabezpečený přístup ke správným aplikacím pro správné uživatele odkudkoliv 13:30 - 13:55
Securely Enabling the Open Enterprise CA Security od A do Z Shirief Nosseir, Business Lead, Information Security, CA Technologies
13:55 - 14:00
CA IT Security and the New Cyber Security Law Bezpečnostní řešení CA pro Zákon o kybernetické bezpečnosti David Matějů, Security Consultant, CA CEE
14:00 - 14:30
Protecting Against Insider Threats and Targeted Attacks Nebezpečí hrozí zejména zevnitř organizace. Proto je nezbytné řídít, auditovat a omezit privilegované uživatele a administrátory vašich kritických systémů Marijan Franovic, Security Practice Manager, CA CEE
14:30 - 15:00
Governing & Managing Identities in the Open Enterprise Moderní webový portál pro správu identit a rolí včetně plnohodnotné uživatelské samoobsluhy. David Matějů, Security Consultant, CA CEE
15:00 - 15:20
Coffee Break Kávová přestávka
15:20 - 15:45
Delivering Securely New Business Services: Harness the Power of APIs and Accelerate the Secure Delivery of Mobile Apps Centrální správa a zabezpečení vašich API Marijan Franovic, Security Practice Manager, CA CEE
15:45 - 16:00
Unleashing the Power of Social Media and Multi-Channel Business Využití sociálních sítí a nových komunikačních kanálů pro váš business Shirief Nosseir, Business Lead, Information Security, CA Technologies
16:00 - 16:45
Q&A Session with CA IT Security Panelists Na vaše otázky odpovídají specialisté na IT bezpečnost Shirief Nosseir, Simon Poulton, Marijan Franovic, David Matějů
16:45 - 17:15
Case Study: CA IdentityMinder at Raiffeisenbank Případová studie: CA IdentityMinder v Raiffeisenbank Jiří Vitinger, Solution Architect, AMI Praha
17:15 - 17:20
Summary & Close (Suite 1 – Foyer) Zakončení CA Expo´14 Karel Schmidtmayer, Managing Director, CA Central Eastern Europe (CA CEE)
17:20 - 19.30
Closing Cocktails Závěrečný drink
Stream 3 Enabling a Holistic View of IT Services, Portfolios & Assets Ucelený pohled na IT služby, portfolia & aktiva 13:30 - 14:00
Expand your Service Management Capabilities – Product Strategy and Roadmap Rozšiřte dovednosti Service Managementu – strategie a roadmapa produktového portfolia Petr Běhávka, Business Unit Lead, IT Business Management, CA Technologies
14:00 - 14:30
Case Study: Customising the CA User Interface Uživatelské rozhraní na míru pro produkty CA Vladimír Bejšovec, Head of Service Delivery & Processes, Česká Spořitelna, a.s.
14:30 - 15:00
CA Cloud Service Management to Save Your Day! CA Cloud Service Management: snadno a rychle Jakub Koláčný, Consultant, CA CEE
15:00 - 15:20
Coffee Break Kávová přestávka
15:20 - 15:45
Mitigate Legal, Regulatory and Financial Risk with Software and Asset Compliance Management Vyhněte se právním a finančním rizikům se Software a Asset Compliance Managementem Jaromír Šlesinger, Practice Manager, IT Business Management, Virtualization & Automation, CA CEE
15:45 - 16:15
Case Study: Agile Implementation: Project and Portfolio Management Agilní Implementace: Project and Portfolio Managementu Štěpán Kubíček, Managing Partner & Vít Posel, Catta Consulting
16:15 - 16:45
Connecting Strategy to Results with the Modern PPM Solution Propojte strategii a výsledky pomocí moderního řešení Project & Portfolio managementu Petr Běhávka, Business Unit Lead, IT Business Management, CA Technologies
16:45 - 17:15
Case Study: CA Service Desk Manager: Full of Hidden Surprises CA Service Desk Manager: jak ho ještě neznáte Jakub Fiala, Head Solution Architect, Service Management, GORDIC spol. s r. o.
17:15 - 17:20
Summary & Close (Suite 1 – Foyer) Zakončení CA Expo´14 Karel Schmidtmayer, Managing Director, CA Central Eastern Europe (CA CEE)
17:20 - 19.30
Closing Cocktails Závěrečný drink
Keynote Presenters
Trevor Bunker Senior Vice President Global Presales, CA Technologies Trevor Bunker is Senior Vice President of Global Presales at CA Technologies. In this role, he leads nearly 1,000 Presales professionals in aligning customers’ needs to CA Technologies solutions to ensure their satisfaction and success. Previously, Trevor served as Chief Technology Architect for the Partner and Technology Alliance organization, where he worked with strategic accounts to develop innovative solutions comprised of CA Technologies products, services and education offerings. He was also responsible for leading the company’s technology thought leadership and enablement of virtualization, cloud and security solutions. Prior to that, Trevor headed the IT Transformation Group that provided solution architecture consulting services, and supported clients on data centre consolidation, software and service rationalization and overall IT transformation initiatives. Earlier, Trevor served as Vice President, Solution Sales for CA Technologies IT Infrastructure Management solutions and oversaw the CA Centre of Excellence for this space. In this capacity, he delivered demonstrations, proofs of concept, business analysis and escalation capabilities in support of company sales specialists and technical consultants. Trevor joined CA Technologies in 2005 with the acquisition of Concord Communications, Inc. Within CA Technologies, Trevor leads the Associate Consultant and University Graduate programmes focused on developing our next-generation sales engineers and consultants, primarily engaging through digital commerce platforms. Trevor has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Information Systems from the University of Southern New Hampshire and currently lives in London, UK.
CA Expo ’14 Presentation: Survive and Thrive in the Application Economy We live in an application economy. Retail, news, entertainment, banking, education, logistics, government, communications - everything is driven by connected applications. No matter what devices, platform, or systems you use, applications are the key to delivering a differentiated user experience. Developing and delivering superior user experiences that excite and engage your customers and staff is already a multi-billion dollar opportunity. How will you capitalize on the opportunities in this new application economy? This session will help you understand and answer that question, with actionable guidance on how to: • Drive value and innovation from traditional IT investments into exciting new opportunities • Develop and deploy exciting new applications and experiences, faster, cheaper, and safer • Optimize experience and security even across a broad, hybrid, internal-external ecosystem Join this presentation to learn how to grow your market, excite your customers, empower your people, and deliver value to your stakeholders by leveraging the new business value of IT in the application economy.
Andi Mann Vice President, Office of the CTO, CA Technologies Andi Mann is a VP in the Office of the CTO at CA Technologies. Andi is an accomplished digital business executive with extensive global expertise as a strategist, technologist, and communicator. For over 25 years across five continents, Andi has built success with corporations, vendors, governments, and as a leading research analyst. Andi is a sought-after commentator on business technology in trade and business media, at tradeshows and conferences, on radio, television, webcasts, podcasts, and live events. Andi has been named to Business Insider's Top Thought-Provoking Enterprise Tech Execs and Huffington Post's Top 100 Cloud Computing Experts. He is co-author of the popular handbook, Visible Ops – Private Cloud; and his latest book, The Innovative CIO. He blogs at 'Andi Mann – Übergeek', and tweets as @AndiMann. CA Expo ’14 Presentation: Generation Z and Their Mobile Apps Generation Z will not work for you unless they can do their job using their Smart Devices. For much of the time they will almost certainly be working remotely from outside the firewall. They will expect corporate apps to be given to them for use on their Smart Devices and they expect them to be intuitive to use. They will expect new versions of these apps weekly if not daily. Generation Z and the mobile apps they use are the future of your company - are you ready?
Karel Schmidtmayer Managing Director, CA CEE Karel Schmidtmayer je absolventem Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze se specializací na informační technologie. V letech 1999 až 2002 pracoval v IBM Czech Republic. Do CA nastoupil roku 2002, od roku 2007 zastával funkci Country Managera pro Českou a Slovenskou republiku. Od roku 2011 působí na pozici ředitele společnosti CA pro Střední a Východní Evropu. Za svou práci získal mnohá ocenění, nejvýznamnějším z nich je členství v Compass Clubu a to po tři roky za sebou. Členy tohoto prestižního klubu se stávají nejúspěšnější manažeři prodeje společnosti CA z celého světa.
Jakub Fiala Head Solution Architect, Service Management, GORDIC spol. s r. o. Jakub Fiala působí ve společnosti GORDIC® jako Head solution architekt pro celou oblast Service Managementu. Je vedoucím sekce CA pro implementaci nástrojů na platformě CA, jako je například CA Service Desk Manager, Asset management apod. Díky své více jak desetileté praxi získal v oblasti Service Managementu hluboké znalosti a zkušenosti, které aktuálně využívá v rozsáhlých projektech na pozici vedoucího projektu a implementace, včetně integrace a zajištění podpory. Některé z projektů byly též oceněny v projektu roku itSMF 2013. Je držitelem certifikátů PRINCE2, ITIL, Auditor systému řízení IT služeb, CA a dalších.
Nitin Maru Jan Christiansson Senior Director Solution Sales, CA Technologies Jan Christiansson is responsible for running CA’s Service Management business in EMEA. Since joining in 2000 as a Services Architect, Jan has had a long and successful career at CA Technologies in services, presales and sales, becoming the Director for Service Management in EMEA in 2010. With a broad and well established track record in the IT business, Jan brings nearly three decades of experience in software development, consulting, sales and Enterprise IT Management, from various roles in private equity firms, consulting agencies, service providers and software vendors since 1986. CA Expo ’14 Presentation: Faster Delivery, Better Quality and Lower Cost – How Software is Rewriting the Rules in Your Business Everything in business – from people to pencils, cars that brake for themselves or drones that deliver groceries – all are part of the emerging world of disruptive technologies. Today’s IT must accelerate and evolve to deliver the business capabilities required to ensure competitiveness of the business, supply chain, partners and customers – all of whom are totally dependent on IT. More with less is still important but today, speed and quality, the ability to rapidly transition and grow the top line are even more critical. That said, the culture of “no” within IT or hiding behind rules, process and mandates are no longer acceptable. It is time for IT to alter a “no” to a “know”. Know the risks, know the opportunities, know the most effective method for delivery, know how to communicate effectively and to empower your business while leveraging IT for competitive advantage. This session will discuss the emerging technologies that will be impacting you and your organization, and how the support organization will transition to deliver real value in this new business environment.
Senior Vice President and General Manager, Eastern and Africa Region, CA Technologies Nitin Maru is Senior Vice President and General Manager of CA Technologies Eastern and Africa region. Nitin leads a team of sales and technical professionals who work with our partners across the region, managing CA Technologies business in the Middle East and Turkey, Central Europe and Russia, Greece and the Adriatics, and Africa. Prior to this role, Nitin was the SVP and Regional Chief Counsel for CA Technologies in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), where he was responsible for all legal affairs within EMEA leading a team of lawyers, paralegals and support staff based in different locations across the region. As a leading executive in the management team in EMEA since 2004, Nitin has been a key player in the execution of CA Technologies business goals across EMEA. Nitin is a UK-qualified Solicitor with an Honours Degree (LLB) in Law. He has over 20 years of legal and business experience over 13 years in the software industry. He has a wide range of experience from licensing contracts, corporate law, employment law, real estate law, mergers and acquisitions, litigation, intellectual property etc. Prior to joining CA Technologies in 2004, Nitin was the European General Counsel at Novell EMEA where he and his team established world class legal services in line with the Company’s business requirements. He also assisted in turning around the business in EMEA at Novell including being instrumental in the largest customer contract in Novell’s history.
Stream 1 Presenters Simon Poulton
Roman Tuchyňa
Business Lead, Application Delivery & Mobility, CA Technologies
Practice Manager, Service Assurance & DevOps, CA CEE
Simon Poulton is a technology professional with over 15 years experience in IT & Technology. Over this time he has worked for end users, integrators and vendors on a diverse array of projects in Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa and Europe. For the last 10 years he has held senior technical and technical sales posts at several integrators and vendors. He has specialized in taking new and innovative infrastructure solutions into business in areas such as virtualization, cloud and mobility. He currently leads the DevOps and Mobility initiatives for the CA Technologies business in the Middle East and Turkey, Central Europe, Russia, Greece and Adriatics, and Africa. CA Expo ’14 Presentation: Connecting Customers to the Business: How to Excel in the Application Economy During this session we will explore components of a successful strategy to create customer connection in the application economy. How do users expect to interact, versus how we make can make this possible. In addition to exploring how some groundbreaking businesses have leveraged new technologies to create markets, we’ll review the mindset and technology tools which make this possible. CA Expo ’14 Presentation: Release Automation Leveraging Continuous Delivery Principles to Get Quality Applications to Users Faster Modern applications need to be adaptive to customer needs and constantly improved. This puts IT under pressure to get fixes into apps quickly without impacting quality. Release Automation can help meet these challenges. This session will explain all the essentials and give you the opportunity to ask your questions.
Roman Tuchyňa pracuje v CA Technologies na pozícii Practice Manager zodpovedný za oblasť Service Assurance a DevOps. V minulosti bol zodpovedný za dodávku projektov v organizácii CA Services v regióne strednej a východnej Európy a takisto prešiel neskôr do presales organizácie CA Technologies. Má skúsenosti s navrhovaním a dodávkou systémov pre zabezpečenie a dodávku IT služieb, zároveň aj s navrhovaním a optimalizáciou IT procesov a simulačnými hrami na optimalizáciu IT procesov. Vo voľnom čase sa pokúša ovládnuť vzdialené planéty našej galaxie.
Carl Lloyd Business Lead, Service Assurance, CA Technologies Carl Lloyd has over 20 years of experience in the IT management market, focused in the areas of network and systems management, application performance management and service assurance. Having previously held positions in technical sales, product marketing and business development he joined CA Technologies in 2005 and is currently responsible for the CA Technologies service assurance business in the Middle East and Turkey, Central Europe, Russia, Greece and Adriatics, and Africa. Carl has also spent time working in Asia Pacific and is a regular presenter at user forums and industry events. He is based in the UK. CA Expo ’14 Presentation: Why is Your Datacenter not Delivering the Agility and Efficiency you Need? Modern datacenters are being transformed with new technologies that are expected to increase business agility and reduced cost. Higher density and energy efficient compute platforms are being deployed to support ever increasing workloads. Virtualization, private and hybrid cloud support flexible capacity on-demand. Unfortunately this datacenter transformation has not reached the IT operations team who are still struggling with too many legacy tools in operating silos putting business service reliability at risk. See how CA’s unified monitoring of IT and facilities supports the agility, efficiency, and service quality that businesses expect from their datacenter investments.
CA Expo ’14 Presentation: Delivering Exceptional Customer Experience in the Application Economy In the application economy business success is determined by the user experience you deliver. Customers will not accept poor service quality while employee productivity suffers when business applications do not perform. But the application architectures supporting new customer facing and mobile services are increasingly complex, composite in design, and increasingly difficult to troubleshoot. IT operations and application support teams face significant challenges in understanding the user experience and quickly restoring service when problems occur. See how deep application visibility and a new generation of behaviour analytics available in CA’s Application Performance Management solution are helping companies worldwide to deliver business service reliability and exceptional customer experience. CA Expo ’14 Presentation: CA Infrastructure Management Strategy Update CA has a diverse and rapidly evolving set of infrastructure management solutions from legacy Network and Systems Management (NSM) to Spectrum and eHealth to NetQoS and Nimsoft. This session will provide an update on product status and CA’s strategy to deliver innovation and value to our customers and to maintain our leadership in the infrastructure management market.
Stream 2 Presenters
Shirief Nossier Business Lead, Information Security, CA Technologies Shirief Nosseir is the Security Solutions Regional Manager for the CA Technologies business in the Middle East and Turkey, Central Europe, Russia, Greece and Adriatics, and Africa. With over 25 years in the software industry, Shirief’s experience spans a multitude of disciplines including information security, service and infrastructure management, application lifecycle management, business process optimization and business intelligence, amongst others. This provides Shirief with insightful understanding to assist organizations in developing business-oriented architectures, while melding disparate technologies into whole solutions. Shirief regularly advises organizations on how to leverage information security for transformational business enablement, rather than just the traditional use of security for business protection. He also champions the use of security for mobility, cloud computing, social media and big data analytics to help organizations deliver innovation while controlling risks. Shirief is a regular speaker at conferences and summits and frequently writes for various industry publications on security-related issues. He is based in the UK.
David Matějů Security Consultant, CA CEE
CA Expo ’14 Presentation: Securely Enabling the Open Enterprise with Focus on the New Cyber Security Law Organizations need to embrace mobility, leverage the cloud and exploit emerging technologies to take advantage of new business opportunities and channels. See how CA provides end-to-end security across different interaction methods to meet the real challenges of an open enterprise. CA Expo ’14 Presentation: Unleashing the Power of Social Media and Multi-Channel Business With the continuing growth of multi-channel business fuelled by the exponential growth in mobility and social media, we are witnessing an exciting intersection between marketing and identity management. As the line-of-business seeks to achieve tighter relationships with their consumers, listen to how IT organizations can achieve the proper balance between customer experience and risk.
David Matějů vystudoval gymnázium se specializací na programování. Po studiu pracoval pro různé společnosti v oblasti vývoje software (DataStar Computer Systems, AVIT, CA Technologies, Compaq Computer a Hewlett-Packard) jako konzultant pro rozvoj obchodu a prodej technologií. Mezi lety 2003 a 2013 byla jeho kariéra spojena se společnostmi Oracle Corporation a EMC / RSA, kde se specializoval na návrh řešení v oblasti IT bezpečnosti, zejména ochranu systémů proti kybernetických útokům. V roce 2014 se vrátil do CA Technologies, kde pokračuje v roli konzultanta pro oblast IT bezpečnosti.
Stream 3 Presenters Petr Běhávka
Vladimír Bejšovec
Business Unit Lead, IT Business Management, CA Technologies
Head of Service Delivery and Processes, Česká Spořitelna, a.s.
Petr Běhávka má v CA na starosti prodej řešení pro Service Management and Project & Portfolio Management v regionu Middle East a Turkey, Central Europe, Russia, Greece a Adriatics, a Africa. Pro společnost pracuje již 10 let v regionálních rolích obchodu a pre-sales konzultací. Petr je členem zájmového združení projektových manažerů BPUG, a držitelem certifikátů PRINCE2 a ITIL. CA Expo ’14 Presentation: Expand your Service Management Capabilities – Product Strategy and Roadmap CA Service Management remains a leading solution for customer-centric enterprises. Continuous innovations in CA’s offering enable IT organizations to leverage social aspects of solution support, take advantage of mobile capabilities, align operational work with the project management world and assure software compliance in the datacenters. Join us for a session that will take you through CA’s product strategy and roadmap for the near future. CA Expo ’14 Presentation: Connecting Strategy to Results with the Modern PPM Solution Modern PPM solution needs to scale “above the line” to strategic planning, where senior leaders are provided with a toolset for effective preparation of their strategic action plans. Also, it needs to address “below the line” operational work, such as ad-hoc tasks and non-project effort and Agile software development. Join our session to get an insight into the most innovative PPM toolset offering.
Vladimír Bejšovec má více než 15 letou zkušenost v oblasti řízení finančních a optimalizačních projektů v České republice a Polsku. V letech 1997 až 2008 působil v několika funkcích v Polsku, mimo jiné pro významný private equity fond Enterprise Investors a dále pak pro dominantního telekomunikačního operátora, který patří do skupiny France Telecom. Od roku 2011 působí ve skupině České spořitelny, kde má v současné době na starosti oblast IT Service Delivery and Processes. Je držitelem certifikátů PMP, ITIL a COBIT.
Jakub Koláčný
Jaromír Šlesinger
Consultant, CA CEE
Practice Manager, CA CEE
Jakub Koláčný má více než šestiletou zkušenost s různými CA produkty, jeho specialitou a srdeční záležitostí je pak produkt CA Service Desk Manager. Dříve pracoval na pozici technického konzultanta pro Service Desk řešení u partnerské společnosti. V CA CEE, kde je třetím rokem, má v roli konzultanta na starosti především implementaci a podporu Service Management řešení.
Jaromír Šlesinger má více než 15 let zkušeností s implementacemi řešení CA v oblasti managementu IT infrastruktury a služeb. Pracoval v různých technických rolích u velkých systémových integrátorů a od roku 2006 jako architekt v CA Technologies. V současnosti je ve společnosti CA CEE zodpovědný za prodej, implementace a podporu řešení v oblasti Service Managementu a automatizace v regionu.
CA Technologies (NASDAQ: CA) creates software that fuels transformation for companies and enables them to seize the opportunities of the application economy. Software is at the heart of every business, in every industry. From planning to development to management and security, CA is working with companies worldwide to change the way we live, transact and communicate – across mobile, private and public cloud, distributed and mainframe environments. Learn more at ca.com. Copyright ©2014 CA. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. This document is for your informational purposes only. CA assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information. To the extent permitted by applicable law, CA provides this document “as is” without warranty of any kind, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non- infringement. In no event will CA be liable for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, from the use of this document, including, without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, goodwill, or lost data, even if CA is expressly advised in advance of the possibility of such damages.