EQAVET binnen de bancaire sector
NIBE-SVV EBTN Clemens Spoorenberg Breukelen 18 november 2010
NIBE-SVV Nederlands Instituut voor het Bank- , Verzekerings- en Effectenbedrijf 50% Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken, 50% Verbond van Verzekeraars Branche opleidingsinstituut en exameninstituut 40.000 cursisten per jaar 20.000 examens per jaar Ruim 100 opleidingen Veel incompany maatwerk Uitgeverij Lid EBTN
European Banking & Financial Services Training Association Bancaire opleidingsinstituten in Europa 32 leden uit alle Europese landen Europese certificering en accreditatie Europese LdV en LLL projecten Congressen en seminars Uitwisselen “best pratices Focus op “Quality Assurance”
Ontwikkeling en verbetering Vocational Education and Training (VET) in de financiële dienstverleningssector Erkenning non-formeel opleiden European Qualification Framework en NLQF European Creditpoints (ECVET) European Quality Assurance in VET (EQAVET)
Europese projecten
EFCB European Foundation Certificate in Banking
Virtual European banking School
Learning Organization
Quality Assurance
CERTIFIED Certification system based on Competences
Quality Ass. in L.O.
Adult Trainers Certificates
EFEP Financial Literacy
B.I.F. Network EC VET Application
EQF Translator
European Banking Network for Quality Assurance Past precies binnen doelstellingen EQAVET - Netwerk op Europees niveau (EQAVET network) - Ontwikkeling instrumenten - Verspreiding, promotie en communicatie
Toepassen van het Reference Framework van de cyclus kwaliteitsgarantie op trainingsinstituten in de FSS: Planning; Implementatie, Beoordeling en Evaluatie Opbouwen van een netwerk binnen VET in de FSS op het gebied van Quality Assurance Ontwikkelen van richtlijnen om Quality Assurance binnen de sector te verbeteren
Guideline No. 1 Planning Establish within the institution a responsible position for quality assurance management (appoint a person or set up a committee) One agency for all relevant information Coordination for the complex task of quality assurance Point of contact for employees and external partners Facilitating control of quality assurance measures
Guideline No. 2 Planning Agreement on objectives, including establishment of processes for monitoring and auditing results Objectives are transparent
Objectives are accepted to a high degree (after common discussion) Increased probability for realization of objectives Obstacles can be anticipated in advance
Guideline No. 3 Planning Express defined and agreed objectives in terms of department units and individual positions/functions Involvement of employees, increased consciousness for organisational objectives Increased probability for realization of objectives due to motivated employees More clarity about requirements
Guideline No. 4 Implementation Set criteria for the selection of teachers and trainers and match with the needs of the trainees Improvement of teaching
Increased probability for successful training courses Positive for the reputation of the training institute and therefore for getting customers
Guideline No. 5 Implementation Implement an overall training plan for further education of staff and training providers
Career development in accordance with organisational goals Support of organisational development by human resources development Purposeful investment in further education
Guideline No. 6 Evaluation & Assessment Regular inquiry to evaluate training outcomes (former students/ customers) Proving of learning outcomes Information about long-term effects
Information about the applicability of learning contents Information about effects on career pathways Increased customer loyalty
Guideline No. 7 Evaluation & Assessment External audit and/or peer review Getting feedback from outside the organisation / objective comparison Finding appropriate standards for the own performance Counselling of specialists in the field (peer review)
Guideline No. 8 Evaluation & Assessment Analysis of internal and external data, examen results and final grades Legitimacy for stakeholders
Systematic account of performance and output Providing information for quality improvement
Guideline No. 9 Review Internal and external recognition/consensus on the need for change: incentives and rewards Strengthening motivation and commitment of employees Establishment of a quality culture
Representation in public relations Objectives are transparent
Guideline No. 10 Review Evaluation of processes which have been changed. Lessons learned. Feedback to the system Creation of a quality cycle allowing continuous adaptation to change Improvement of processes and results
Stopping unfavourable developments Objectives are transparent
Wat heeft het ons opgeleverd?
Herinrichting organisatie ISO, CEDEO, CDFD erkenning Goede uitgangssituatie EQF en NLQF inschaling Internationale contacten Veel plezier
[email protected] www.ebtn.eu