Enquiry – Poptávka Vocabulary: enquiry (n) – žádost, poptávka (písemná, ústní), (also inquiry – especially in AmE) enquire about sth (v) – dotázat se na něco enquire into sth (v) – vyšetřit něco require (v) – žádat, potřebovat requirement (n) – požadavek, potřeba request (n) – žádost, přání request (v) – žádat ask for (v) – žádat (méně formální než request nebo require)
Practice Complete the expressions in English using the expressions above in the correct form, then translate them into Czech. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
to meet/fulfil/satisfy the ___________________(požadavky) _____________________________________________________________________ When you come, you´ve got ____________________ Jane. (žádat) _____________________________________________________________________ I called the station __________________ (zeptat se, dotázat se) train times. _____________________________________________________________________ The situation ___________________ (vyžadovat) that he should be present. _____________________________________________________________________ A committee was appointed ___________________ (vyšetřit) the allegations. _____________________________________________________________________ We were __________________ (požádat) to assemble in the lobby. _____________________________________________________________________ They made a ___________________ (požadavek) for further aid. _____________________________________________________________________
Enquiry – Making Enquiries
We write an enquiry when we want to ask for more information concerning a product, service or other information about a product or service that interests us. These letters are often written in response to an advertisement that we have seen in the paper, a magazine, a commercial on television when we are interested in purchasing a product, but would like more information before making a decision. A simple enquiry can be made by email or fax .
Content of an Enquiry depends on - how well you know the supplier (if the supplier is your permanent one, you can use a printed enquiry form which requires neither a salutation (Dear Sirs) nor a complimentary close (Yours faithfully) - the type of goods or services you are enquiring about (a diference between asking a computer company about the cost of installing a complex computer network and asking a publisher about the price of a book)
The Letter of Enquiry should include:
Short introduction of your company.
A brief mention of how you obtained your potential supplier´s name (the source may be an embassy, chambers of commerce, exhibitions, catalogues etc.)
Details of what you would like your prospective supplier to send you. Normally you will be interested in catalogues, prices, lists, samples etc.You may also ask about discounts, methods of payment etc.
A closing sentence to round off the enquiry. Usually you say that a prompt reply would be appreciated. You can also indicate further business.
F.Lynch & Co.Ltd Nesson House, Newell St. Birmingham B3 3EL Tel: +44(0)21 236 6571 Email:
[email protected] Satex S.p.A Via di Pietra Papa 00146 Roma
12 May 2009
Dear Sir/Madam We are a chain of retailers based in Birmingham and are looking for a manufacturer who can supply us with a wide range of sweaters for the men´s leisurewear market. We were impressed by the new designs displayed on your stand at the Hamburg Menswear Exhibition last month. Could you please send us your current catalogue and price list, we would like to order over 500 garments. We hope to hear from you soon.
P . C r an e
Peter Crane Chief Buyer
1. Opening of an enquiry - short introduction of your company. Tell your supplier what sort of organization you are. Vocabulary. Translate into Czech. be based be interested in chain of retailers importer main producer manufacturer on behalf of society specialize in subsidiary wholesale deal with
Practice Use the expressions from the table and translate the opening sentences. 1.
Jsme jeden z hlavních výrobců průmyslových chemikálií v Německu a zajímáme se o … ______________________________________________________________
Jsme řetězec maloobchodníků nacházející se na severu Anglie a hledáme výrobce … ______________________________________________________________
Jsme velký hudební obchod v centru Prahy a rádi bychom věděli o …. ______________________________________________________________
Naše firma je pobočkou Universal Business Machines a specializujeme se na ... ______________________________________________________________
Jsme výrobci a vývozci hraček do USA. ______________________________________________________________
Píšu v zastoupení našeho generálního ředitele p. Kusého. ______________________________________________________________
Jsme společnost, která se zabývá prodejem … ______________________________________________________________
Opening of an Enquiry How did you hear about the company you are contacting? Opening phrases: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
We refer to our conversation at the Brno Fair …. Your name has been given us by the Chamber of Commerce in … We have seen your products at the Brno Fair and we are interested in … We hear that you are exporters of … Our business friend Mr. Jones has recommended your firm to us. We have seen your advertisement in the Guardian and should be pleased to have your catalogue and price list. I have been referred to you by Mr. … We were given your name by the Hoteliers´ Association in Paris. We were advised by Spett. Marco Gennovisa of Milan that you are interested in supplying ... The British Consulate in Madrid has told us that you are looking for an agent in Spain to represent you.
Vocabulary – translate the words used in the opening phrases. advertisement
refer to exporter
The Chamber of Commerce
be interested in supplying
Practice – Enquiry. Translate the opening sentences. 1. Viděli jsme Váš inzerát v novinách, velmi nás zaujal. 2. Pan Focus nás na Vás odkázal. 3. Viděli jsme Vaše výrobky na veletrhu v Drážďanech a zajímáme se o .. 4. Dozvěděli jsme se, že jste výrobci … 5. Obdrželi jsme Vaše jméno od Obchodní komory v Praze. 6. Odvoláváme se na náš rozhovor v Berlíně během veletrhu. 7. Vaše jméno jsme obdrželi od pana Holého. 8. Bylo nám sděleno, že dodáváte… 9. Byli jste nám doporučeni panem Kusým, který zastupoval Vaši firmu na veletrhu.