EL 2013-2014 Issue No. 3 October 2013
Important dates to
remember 28th Oct-1st Nov Grade 4 LitFest week 5th November Islamic New Year (holiday) 7th November National Museum field trip 27th November Grade 4 Bahasa Indonesia assembly 3rd December
Trip to the Presidential Palace
Aquatic Fun Day 10th December End of Semester 1 9th January Start of Semester 2
4A and 4B assembly
We are READY.
Politicians Tea Party
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UOI - Where We Are In Place and Time by Mr. Josh
Over the next six weeks, we will be starting our new unit of inquiry – ‘Where We Are In Place and Time’. Students will be inquiring into the discoveries, explorations, and migrations of humankind, as well as exploring the relationships and connections between civilizations of the past and present. What is the central idea? * “Many systems of past civilizations are linked to societies and cultures of today.”This is a great opportunity for students to use their reflection skills to look into the past and discover connections that ancient civilizations have with our own and how those civilizations had an impact in shaping the world and people today. In other words, they are studying the past to learn about the present! The focus of this unit will be on Ancient Egypt, but students will be given the opportunity to explore other ancient civilizations they show interest in as well. We encourage parents to help in finding resources at home to extend students inquiring and learning beyond the classroom. What is the summative assessment? At the end of the unit, students will be creating and presenting an ancient and modern museum. They will be showing a mini museum containing facts about different aspects of ancient Egyptian life, and explaining the connection these things have with modern civilizations. We kindly ask that you help inspire and encourage your child’s curiosity about this topic as much as you can! Thanks!
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Literacy in UOI By Ms. Elena Listening, Speaking For this unit, students will learn to paraphrase and summarize through Dictogloss activities. They will also create picture conversation which they will deliver orally, Weekly spelling contracts and home reading activities will be continued. Students will also continue adding new words to their personal dictionary. Grammar and Writing : Students will publish a recount of any character from the past using the first person point of view. The recount will be in a form of diary entries. To help them out in their writing, students will do a revision of past forms of the verb and time connectives. They will also have some practices and drills on writing short texts in first person point of view. Reading : Students will be exposed to reading texts related to the systems developed by the past civilizations. They will assess, read, interpret and evaluate a range of source materials. They will know when and how to use the internet and multimedia resources for research. They will also be trained to skim and scan resources to find out whether the resources are relevant or not. Finding the main idea as well as expanding on main ideas will be done in this unit.
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A world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers.
By Ms.Ou Qing
Students will learn Classroom Language and Food from Chinese Made Easy for Kids Text Book2. Students will use Chinese to say “Please sit down”,“Please come in” etc. and talk qǐng jìn
about meals and favourite food. Students will learn some Chinese characters like“请进 shuō huà
zhàn qǐ
miàn bāo
jī dàn
(please come in/go into), 说 话(speak, talk),站起来(stand up),面 包(bread),鸡蛋 niú nǎi
(egg),牛奶(milk)”. Students have to be able to read the vocabulary without pinyin, and also write some sentences based on the learning topic. At the end of this unit, they’ll have Chinese Oral Assessment. As part of the UOI, CSL students will discuss different education systems in China and how they have changed over the years.
Indonesian Studies
By Ms. Elsya
Di pelajaran bahasa Indonesia, murid akan mempelajari tentang menyusun kalimat acak menjadi cerita yang urut, mengidentifikasi masalah-masalah aktual yang terjadi di Indonesia khususnya di bidang pemerintahan, menanggapinya, mencatat, dan mengomentari masalah-masalah aktual tersebut. Untuk kebahasaan siswa akan mempelajari tanda baca titik dua (:), titik koma (;), dan kurung ( ), kalimat berita, dan paragraf eksposisi. Sedangkan yang terkait dengan unit How We Organize Ourselves, siswa akan memahami sistem pemerintahan daerah dan pusat serta mengenal lembaga-lembaga negara RI dalam struktur pemerintahan presidensil (Lembaga eksekutif, legislatif dan yudikatif) Tugas akhir: Siswa akan menuliskan dan menjelaskan prosedur Pemilu di Indonesia (Pemilu difokuskan pada pemilihan presiden) Bahan pembelajaran: Sari Kata Bahasa Indonesia untuk Sekolah Dasar Kelas 3. 4. 5. 6 Bahasa Indonesia untuk SD kelas 4, Sehata Tugiman, KTSP 2006, Grasindo Bahasa Indonesia untuk SD kelas IV Y. Titik Lestariyati S.Pd dan V.K. Wismaningrum S.Pd, Karisma publishing group Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial untuk SD, ESIS Amandemen UUD 1945 Video pembelajaran tentang sistem pemerintahan RI Video pembelajaran tentang MPR/DPR dan Panduan Pemilu tahun 2004 dan 2009
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Using Numeracy -
By Ms. Corita
In unit 3, students will focus on understanding the following Math concepts: Fractions Kinds of fractions Conversion of fractions Equivalent fractions Bar models to represent fractions Mixed numbers and improper fractions Fractions of a set Adding, subtracting, multiplying fractions Word problems involving fractions Time Elapsed Time Time Difference Word problems involving 24-hr time and time difference
A series of assessment tasks will be given to students to monitor their understanding of the concepts. End of unit quiz/test will also be given before proceeding to the next topic.
BIFL (Bahasa Indonesia As a Foreign Language) In Bahasa Indonesia as a Foreign Language, students will learn about historical places in Indonesia, such as Candi Borobudur, Candi Prambanan, and other well-known historical places in Indonesia. For the summative task, students will write a postcard to a friend about one historical place in Indonesia. In Bahasa Indonesia grammar points, students will learn expressions of asking permission, asking somebody if they remember, and pronouns. References: Bahasa Tetanggaku Stage 2, Ch.7, Ian White
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A world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers.
MUSIC By: Ms. Melvina Gultom In Music Theory Class, students will make a comparison between musicians in the past and musicians at present, looking for possibility of a pattern in the music industry. Responding: share and compare their experiences as audience at various performances reflect upon how their music expresses their personal voice and the impact it has on others Creating: express themselves as individuals thru musical compositions Activity: Students will watch performances from famous African, Asian, European and American musicians. They will later on choose one of them to learn what impact they made thru their music to their audience and make a comparison, if there’s any, with present musicians that come from a similar genre, or style. In Instrument Class, students will continue to learn more songs and finger exercises to enhance the skill they have learned last year. Assessment : Group Presentation using MS Power Point about the Comparison of Musicians
Visual Arts By: Ms. Irma D.S & Ms. Ariane I.P In Visual Art, the learners will study and learn the ancient tribe’s artwork. They will apply what they have learned in making an artwork and should meet the following criteria: Responding: Compare, contrast and categorize artworks from the range of cultures, places and times. Creating: Make connection between the ideas they are exploring in their artwork and those explored by other artists through time, place and cultures. Use personal interest, belief or value as the starting point to create a piece of artwork. Use range of strategies to solve problems during the creative processes. Learning Activities: From responding and creating experiences, the learners will create a 3-D model of tribal paper mask and Tutankhamen drawing. The assessment tool for this activity: rubric and observation.
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Physical Education by. Mr. Hendra Adventure Challenge This experience offers a variety of task requiring the use of physical and critical—thinking skills by individuals and/or groups ; challenges that require groups to work together collaboratively in order to solve problems and accomplish a common goal and recognizing the role of the individual in group problem solving. The adventure challenge aims to provide an opportunity for the students to solve the problems collaboratively involving physical and critical thinking skills.
Religion Outline Buddhist Religion
By Ms Irene
Pada unit ini, siswa akan belajar mengenai perbedaan sistem religius yang ada dalam agama Buddha melalui sejarah-sejarah yang ada juga tradisi -tradisi dan perayaan-perayaan yang dirayakan oleh umat Buddha. Siswa juga akan mempelajari bagaimana proses perayaan hari raya umat Buddhis beserta tradisi-tradisi yang ada sekarang ini. Siswa akan belajar melalui diskusi di dalam kelas, mendengarkan penjelasan, menelusuri informasiinformasi melalui internet kemudian membuat laporan dan mempresentasikannya. Tujuan dari pembelajaran ini yaitu agar siswa dapat semakin memahami sejarah Buddhisme beserta tradisi-tradisi yang ada dan dapat mempertahankannya di masa sekarang ini.
Catholic Religion
By Ms Maria Gosal
Pada unit ini, kelas 4 Katolik akan mempelajari topik-topik tentang: Desaku, kampong halamanku dan Kotaku, tempat tinggalku. Tujuannnya adalah agar peserta didik memahami bahwa Allah menciptakan dirinya sebagai mahluk yang unik, mengenali perasaan-perasaannya yang dapat mengganggu persahabatan, serta lebih memahami dan menerima lingkungan hidupnya sebagai karunia Allah.
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Christian Religion
By Ms Merry
“Pertolongan datang dari Tuhan,” merupakan topic pembahasan bagi siswa di term ini, dimana membahas mengenai kuasa Tuhan atas segala hal. Dengan mempelajari kuasa Tuhan yang mengatasi apapun, siswa tahu dan percaya bahwa ketika mereka diperhadapkan pada berbagai kesulitan, mereka bisa mengandalkan Tuhan dan meminta pertolongan-Nya melalui doa. Penjelasan mengenai kuasa Tuhan ini akan disampaikan melalui berbagai mukjizat yang Tuhan Yesus lakukan semasa Dia hidup dan menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada satu halpun yang tidak mungkin bagi-Nya.
Moslem Religion
By Mr. Taufan
Pada unit ini siswa akan belajar tentang perayaan hari besar dalam islam seperti hari raya idul fitri, hari raya idul adha, maulid nabi Muhammad, isra mi’raj, juga perayaan tahun baru islam. Mereka akan mengenal latar belakang dimulainya perayaan tersebut sehingga akhirnya menjadi tradisi untuk dirayakan oleh seluruh muslim di tiap negara di dunia.
Hindu Religion
By Ms. Yeni
Pada unit ini siswa belajar tentang Alam Semesta. Siswa akan diperkenalkan dengan Buana Agung yang juga disebut Macrocosmos dan Buana Alit yang juga disebut dengan Microcosmos. Siswa juga akan mempelajari unsur dasar yang membentuk Bhuana Agung dan Bhuana Alit yaitu Panca Maha Bhuta.
A world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers.
Field trip to MPR/DPR I was happy because I got a signature from Audi's father and I now know more about a governor’s job. I showed many people that I am respectful to other people when I listened to Audi's father. I was really interested about his explanation and information. I hope I can be one of the members of parliament when I grow up later on. To be one of the members of this parliament is not easy. They must prepare a campaign and get support from formal people. The election of the parliament members is done once every 5 years. Since they are the representative of Indonesian people, they must create good social welfare. Josephine 4C I was in the building of DPR MPR . I thought it was a turtle’s shell. The speaker is Audi's father. He is a DPR member. He explained that the building is like a half tennis ball . The visit to DPR was so insightful because we learnt about politics and the way it works. I learnt about the government and its wonderful leaders and how it influenced the present day. We learnt about the legislative, judicial and executive branches. I also observed and reflected with my friends about this trip. I also learnt about the world of politics. I have watched and observed that government has greatly influenced the lives of citizens. Kinanti 4C My class left at 8 am. We took the White Horse coach for our field trip. I enjoyed my trip there. We walked to the building when we alighted the coach. We stopped at the lobby to listen to more instructions. We were asked to enter four huge rooms: 1. The first room is for all the official appointees. They all sit there for their discussions. 2. The second room is for the President and all the Ministers. The President will address all his people accordingly. 3.The third room is for all the Governors of various provinces and states. Zedan 4C
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