EL 2013-2014 Issue No. 4 January 2014
Important dates to
remember 9th January Start of Semester 2 14th January Birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW (holiday) 29th January Grade 4 Bahasa Indonesia assembly 30th January PTC 11-12th February
LiFest 2013
ISA tests 24th-28th March Chiang Rai and Bali Immersion programme 31st March– 4th April Term break
We are READY.
Elcanna Art Gallery
Presentation from Oliver’s Dad
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Presentation Andrew and Yansin (Grade 9) on Cyber bullying
A world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers.
UOI /English- How We Express Ourselves by Ms. Corita
For the next six weeks, our next unit of inquiry will be based on the transdisciplinary theme, ‘How We Express Ourselves’. The central idea for this unit is, “Plays examine feelings, explore social issues and entertain.” This is a very exciting unit for the children as it allows them to express themselves in creative ways. The lines of inquiry that the children will look into are: Play as a form of literature Different types and purposes of plays The role of audience in a dramatic performance The differences and similarities between plays and other forms of literature Some of the tasks in this exciting unit will include rewriting favourite stories into a script, attending various entertainment forms such as plays and live TV recordings, and creating graphic organizers to show similarities and differences between plays and other literature forms. The children will have the opportunity to produce their own TV commercial to understand the role of the audience in a dramatic performance. Our summative task for this unit will be integrated with our Bahasa Indonesia classes. The children will be producing and acting in a role play based on one of two social issues – internet safety and conflict resolution. They will draw on skills learnt from drama class and they will have the option of presenting the play in Bahasa Indonesia. As part of integrated literacy, we will focus on the four skills namely listening and speaking, viewing and presenting, reading and writing. For listening and speaking, students will listen reflectively to stories read aloud so that they will be able to identify the story structures and comprehend its idea. They will also read aloud different lines showing different characters as well as implying different emotions. For viewing and presenting, students will learn about the different techniques used in interpreting presentations, the effects of body movements and the identification of the intended audience so as to get the message across. Literary forms associated with fictional writing will have an emphasis on identifying the elements so as to achieve the effectiveness of the different genres. Students will study particular author’s writing strategies to gain an in-depth understanding and appreciation of literature. As for grammar, we will be learning active and passive voices as well as direct and indirect speeches.
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A world-
By Ms.Ou Qing
During this unit, besides extending students' vocabulary in addressing more family members and directions, the students will also learn how to apply objective words to describe the features of people's appearance, height, and body shape. Students will learn some Chinese vocabulary like “ 外 ( wài)公 ( gōng) ( g randfather(maternal)),工 ( gōng)作 ( zuò)(work),舅 ( jiù)舅 ( jiu) (uncle (maternal)), 阿 ( ā)姨 ( yí) (aunt(maternal)), 朋 ( péng)友 ( yǒu) (friend),北 ( běi)京 ( j īng) (Beijing),个 ( gè) 子 ( zi) (height)”. Students will improve their comprehensive understanding by doing question and answer exercise, as well as making oral conversations based on the learned topic. For UOI, CSL students will learn to write a lyric to demonstrate a moral withdraw from a sand-painting video, and then students will show their understanding by giving a reading aloud presentation. CFL Students will learn a Chinese ancient literature about respect, and present their understanding by writing a short article giving a reflection on a Chinese Ancient literature.
Indonesian Studies
By Ms. Elsya
“How We Express Ourselves” Di pelajaran bahasa Indonesia, murid akan mempelajari tentang mengutarakan kembali isi cerita, memahami kegiatan bermain peran, memahami akting khususnya dialog dan gerak dalam bermain peran, membaca kumpulan cerpen anak yang diproduksi oleh DAR Mizan, “Kecil-kecil Punya Karya” dan menuliskan naskah drama untuk kegiatan bermain peran, mengenal kembali penulisan surat dengan baik (surat resmi dan surat pribadi, membaca lantang dan memahami pantun anak. Untuk tata bahasa siswa akan mempelajari penggunaan tanda baca titik (.), koma (,), tanya (?), seru (!) dalam kalimat.
Tugas akhir: Siswa akan menuliskan naskah drama yang diadaptasi dari kumpulan cerpen “Kecil-Kecil Punya Karya” dengan mengubah akhir ceritanya, dan mempresentasikannya di depan kelas.
Bahan pembelajaran: Bahasa Indonesia untuk SD kelas 4, Grasindo Bahasa Indonesia untuk SD kelas IV, KARISMA Publishing Group Cerdas Menghafal Bahasa Indonesia untuk SD kelas 4, 5 dan 6, Scientific Press Kumpulan pantun anak Cerpen anak “Kecil-kecil Punya Karya”, DAR Mizan Kumpulan artikel mengenai kegiatan bermain peran Film cerita rakyat Indonesia dan luar negeri Tanyangan kegiatan bermain peran
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Numeracy -
By Mr. Josh
In unit 4, “How We Express Ourselves”, students will be focusing on decimals. This will be building upon their knowledge of fractions from unit 3. It will be a challenging unit in Math because it is shown that use of the decimal system is not easy to learn and there are many points which beginners find hard. However, good understanding is essential for dealing with measurements and with numbers. The following are just some of the topics students will be learning: Notation and place values (tenths, hundredths, thousandths) Identifying the values of the digits in a decimal Use of number line to display decimals Comparing and ordering decimals Conversion of decimals to fractions Round off decimals Addition and subtraction of decimals Multiplication and division of decimals Solving a 2-step word problem involving the 4 operations Estimation of answers in calculations Checking reasonableness of answers
BIFL (Bahasa Indonesia As a Foreign Language) In Bahasa Indonesia as a Foreign Language, students will watch Indonesian drama theatrical video “Bawang Merah Bawang Putih” and mention the elements of the story and discuss the type of drama and the role of audience. Students will also learn about facial expressions and voice intonations. For Bahasa Indonesia grammar, students will review greetings and sentence structure Subject, Predicate, and Object. Summative task: Students will act-out a drama skit with a simple epilogue (their own closing version of the story).
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A world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers.
MUSIC By: Ms. Melvina Gultom Responding:
sing with accuracy and control focusing awareness on the musical elements Creating: express themselves as individuals thru musical compositions read and write music using non-traditional notation Activity: Students will learn to sing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow (taken from Wizard of Oz Musical Play) and I Got Rhythm (taken from Crazy Girl Musical Play) Students will learn how to read numbers notation(non-traditional notation) Sing with accuracy and control focusing awareness to read notes In Instrument Class, students will continue to learn more songs and finger exercises to enhance the skill they have learned last year.
Assessment : Singing Performance
Visual Arts By: Ms. Irma D.S & Ms. Ariane I.P Responding: Use their knowledge and experiences to make informed interpretations of artworks. Recognise that different audiences respond in different way to artwork. Creating: Identify, plan and make specific choices of materials, tools and processes. Use a range of strategies to solves problems during the creative process. Learning Activities: Students will create board game such as chess, snake and ladder, etc.
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Physical Education by. Mr. Hendra Movement Composition (Gymnastics) Gymnastics in EL focuses on activity involving performance of exercise requiring physical strength, flexibility, agility, coordination and balance. The process of educational gymnastics and emphasizes effective, cognitive and psychomotor development. Sequencing is a strategy to be used continuously from the very beginning to harness the various skills and content of the subject. Group work and partner interaction are encouraged so that students work cooperatively and support each other to create new responses to tasks that may often be beyond their individual physical limits and abilities .
Religion Outline Buddhist Religion
By Ms Irene
Christian Religion
By Ms Merry
Pada unit ini siswa akan belajar tentang makna Puja Bakti secara lebih mendalam, setelah membahas Tiga Permata, dan Tiga Perlindungan. Siswa akan belajar lebih jauh mengenai bagaimana menjadi siswa Buddha yang baik, baik dalam ucapan, pikiran, maupun perbuatan. Siswa akan belajar melalui penjelasan, diskusi di dalam kelas, mengisi lembar kerja, dan berbagai kreativitas dan aktivitas lainnya. Melalui pembelajaran ini diharapkan agar siswa dapat lebih mendalami ajaran Sang Buddha, sehingga siswa dapat benar-benar menerapkan ajaran Sang Buddha, sehingga siswa dapat menjadi seorang siswa Buddha yang baik di manapun mereka berada.
Pada unit ini siswa belajar akan berbagai kemampuan yang mereka miliki. Siswa mendapatkan penjelasan bahwa Tuhan menciptakan manusia dengan memberikan berbagai talenta, kemampuan dan bakat kepada mereka masing-masing, itu sebabnya mereka perlu untuk mencaritahu apa saja yang menjadi kelebihan mereka, sehingga mereka bisa mengembangkannya dan menggunakannya sebaik mungkin. Namun di lain pihak, siswa juga perlu tahu bahwa sebagai manusia mereka juga memiliki beberapa kelemahan, baik secara fisik maupun batiniah, dan mereka perlu mengatasi kelemahan tersebut dengan mengenali dan berusaha sebaik mungkin.
Catholic Religion
Pada unit ini siswa muslim akan belajar tentang ketentuan shalat, yaitu rukun shalat, sunah shalat, syarat sah dan wajib shalat, hal-hal yang membatalkan shalat, juga keserasian bacaan dan gerakan shalat. Siswa akan mempraktekkan shalat fardhu (gerakan, bacaan, dan tuma’ninah yang sempurna) di kelas. Tujuan akhir dari pembelajaran ini yaitu agar siswa mampu melakukan shalat dengan sempurna dan mengerti semua syarat dan hal yang membatalkannya.
By Ms Maria Gosal
Pada unit ini, kelas 4 Katolik akan mempelajari topik-topik tentang: Allah memberikan 10 firmanNya sebagai pedoman hidup, Bangsa Israel memasuki tanah terjanji, Samuel dan Saul, serta Daud dipilih menjadi raja. Tujuannya adalah memahami bahwa Allah setia pada janjiNya dengan memberikan pedoman hidup, mendampingi dan memilih pemimpin umat dalam memasuki tanah terjanji. Misa Natal dan Tahun Baru akan diadakan pada hari Selasa, 21 Januari 2014 pukul 14:30 s/ d 16:00 di Indoor Playground Basement 1.
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Moslem Religion
Hindu Religion
By Mr. Taufan
By Ms. Yeni
Pada unit ini siswa belajar tentang Budaya yaitu mengenal lagu lagu kerohanian Agama Hindu atau disebut juga Dharma Gita. Siswa akan diperkenalkan dengan Kidung dan contohnya. Kemudian juga akan membahas pengertian dan jenis-jenis lagu kerohanian. Tujuan akhir dari pembelajaran ini adalah agar siswa dapat melafalkan jenis-jenis lagulagu kerohanian.
A world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers.
Trip to the National Museum National Museum is a great place. I love the museum a lot. I was happy to hear that we were going there on a field trip. I was so interested and inspired. The most interesting, eye-catching and my favourite thing was the cave because it looked quite real. Although it was hot, we still had lots of fun! I also learnt a lot of things. I learnt a lot about Papua and how the natives there lived their lives. The trip to the National Museum was By: Kandi (4B) very interesting and fun. I learnt what kind of houses the people lived in in the past, their clothing, statues, etc. I learnt that they used statues to express their beliefs and culture. I look forward to going to the museum again. By: Darrian (4B)
I learned a lot of things from the field trip to National Museum. I learnt that our ancestor made things that no one was allowed to touch. For example, the bed that was used by a king in the past. We saw different skulls and bones in the prehistoric times. We saw different types of houses in the whole of Indonesia. Each statue also has its own story. By: Akbar (4B)
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