EL 2013-2014 Issue No. 2 September 2013
Important dates to
Grade 4 sharing with the rest of PYP at assembly on how to be healthy.
7th October Field trip to MPR/ DPR 10th October 3 way conference 11th-15th Term break 22nd October Parent Info Session 12.10-1.30 5th November Islamic New Year 10th December End of Semester 1 9th January Start of Semester 2
We are READY.
4D Presenting Their Summative Task to Gr. 2
4A preparing their Summative task posters
4B presenting their Summative task to Grade 3
4C presenting their Summative task to 5A Page 2
A world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers.
UOI - How We Organise Ourselves by Ms. Elena
Over the next six weeks, we will be starting our new unit of inquiry – ‘How We Organise Ourselves’. This is a very exciting and engaging topic as we introduce different forms of governments around the world. This is actually a very important unit of inquiry as this will allow our children to understand the importance of good government and good leadership. The most important thing to realise is that leadership is not only about government, but that everyone has the opportunity to lead positively and responsibly in their own way. We will also give an opportunity for children to create their own ‘govtopia’. This will be a creative way to show what they have learnt about the different government forms and for them to think of ‘why’ they would lead things a certain way. What is the central idea? * Government systems influence the lives of citizens. What is the summative assessment? * Students will create their fictional government and country through a means of their choice (e.g poster, powerpoint, album, etc.). This will be a group task and a checklist will be provided to guide them in their planning. Some of the questions we will be asking the children and getting them to inquire about would be: *What is a government system? * What are the different forms of government? *Who are leaders? How are they considered leaders? * How can we be responsible members of the community? The children will be engaged in a number of tasks during the unit over the six weeks including gallery walks, role plays, debate and argumentation, speech, Politicians’ Tea Party, and writing a persuasive text . We will also integrate English comprehension texts and writing. At the end of the unit, we hope the children will grasp the importance of good leadership and government and why it is important to have effective leaders today. The tasks we do will give them a hands-on approach as to what leaders need to do. We look forward to teaching this unit of enquiry to the children and we hope they will be inspired and ready to be the leaders of today!
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Literacy in UOI By Mr. Joshua In this unit, “How We Organize Ourselves”, students will have the chance to display their communication skills and practice their public speaking in preparation for becoming future leaders of the world. Because the unit focuses on government systems, students will be researching different politicians and types of government. They will then use their findings to organize and take part in classroom debates. The classroom debates will be the first steps taken in learning how to develop persuasive arguments. This will eventually lead to writing a persuasive text on a local or global issue of the students choosing, as well as creating a persuasive flyer or poster of a politician. In grammar, students will be focusing on past tense and future tense verbs. They will also inquire into the proper use of adjectives and how they can improve their writing by using more descriptive and colorful adjectives. We ask that you please support the students learning throughout this unit by encouraging their inquiries further about government systems and current events.
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A world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers.
By Ms.Ou Qing
Students will learn Classroom Language and Food from Chinese Made Easy for Kids Text Book2. Students will use Chinese to say “Please sit down”, “ Please come in ” etc. and qǐng
talk about meals and favourite food. Students will learn some Chinese characters like “ 请 jìn
shuō huà
zhàn qǐ lái
miàn bāo
进( p lease come in/go into), 说话( s peak, talk),站起来( s tand up),面包( b read),鸡 dàn
niú nǎi
蛋( e gg),牛奶( m ilk) ” . Students have to be able to read the vocabulary without pinyin, and also write some sentences based on the learning topic. At the end of this unit, they’ll have Chinese Oral Assessment. As part of the UOI, CSL students will discuss different education systems in China and how they have changed over the years.
Indonesian Studies
By Ms. Elsya
Di pelajaran bahasa Indonesia, murid akan mempelajari tentang menyusun kalimat acak menjadi cerita yang urut, mengidentifikasi masalah-masalah aktual yang terjadi di Indonesia khususnya di bidang pemerintahan, menanggapinya, mencatat, dan mengomentari masalah-masalah aktual tersebut. Untuk kebahasaan siswa akan mempelajari tanda baca titik dua (:), titik koma (;), dan kurung ( ), kalimat berita, dan paragraf eksposisi. Sedangkan yang terkait dengan unit How We Organize Ourselves, siswa akan memahami sistem pemerintahan daerah dan pusat serta mengenal lembaga-lembaga negara RI dalam struktur pemerintahan presidensil (Lembaga eksekutif, legislatif dan yudikatif) Tugas akhir: Siswa akan menuliskan dan menjelaskan prosedur Pemilu di Indonesia (Pemilu difokuskan pada pemilihan presiden) Bahan pembelajaran: Sari Kata Bahasa Indonesia untuk Sekolah Dasar Kelas 3. 4. 5. 6 Bahasa Indonesia untuk SD kelas 4, Sehata Tugiman, KTSP 2006, Grasindo Bahasa Indonesia untuk SD kelas IV Y. Titik Lestariyati S.Pd dan V.K. Wismaningrum S.Pd, Karisma publishing group Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial untuk SD, ESIS Amandemen UUD 1945 Video pembelajaran tentang sistem pemerintahan RI Video pembelajaran tentang MPR/DPR dan Panduan Pemilu tahun 2004 dan 2009
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Using Numeracy -
By Ms. Corita
In this unit HOW WE ORGANISE OURSELVES, students will focus on the Math strand Shape and Space. They will learn the following concepts: angles, perpendicular and parallel lines, properties of polygons and regular, irregular, similar and congruent shapes. Firstly, the students will learn how to name and find unknown angles. They will estimate and measure angles in degrees. They will be taught how to use the protractor to accurately measure angles. They will also learn to associate turns and degrees when we study the eight-point compass. Secondly, vertical and horizontal lines will be introduced for our indepth study of perpendicular and parallel lines. The students will be required to use rulers and set squares to draw these lines. Finally, the students will learn the properties of polygons and how to identify and differentiate between similar and congruent shapes. They will also draw regular and irregular polygons as well as similar and congruent shapes. We will still continue our Mental Maths and Speed Tests to review the operations, as well as Math Quizzes to evaluate their understanding of the concepts learnt during this unit.
BIFL (Bahasa Indonesia As a Foreign Language) In Bahasa Indonesia as a Foreign Language, students will learn about functions of government systems and role of citizens in promoting a civilized society. Students will read and discuss vocabulary of political systems, make a mind map and a picture story about rights and responsibilities of citizens. For Bahasa Indonesia grammar, students will learn expressions indicating location, agreeing and disagreeing, and asking where people or things come from. They will still learn how to make open-ended and closed –ended questions. References: Bahasa Tetanggaku Stage 1, Ch.5, Ian White
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A world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers.
MUSIC By: Ms. Melvina Gultom In Music Theory Class, students will create National Anthem for their imaginary country and present it in front of the audience Responding: compare aspects of music from different times and places describe the process used to create their own music and compare it with others, in order to improve their compositions Creating: create a musical composition expressing their own ideas and feelings on a social issue deliver a musical message to different audiences (for example, peace message to parents, kindergarten children, friends Activity: They will discuss in group what the contents of a national anthem should be. Then, using melody given by the teacher, they will create their own national anthem to be presented along with their imaginary country. In Instrument Class, students will continue to learn more songs and finger exercises to enhance the skill they have learned last year.
Visual Arts By: Ms. Irma D.S & Ms. Ariane I.P Learning outcome Responding: Use their knowledge and experiences to make informed interpretations of artwork Use relevant and insightful question to extend their understanding Creating: Show awareness of the affective power of visual art Use range of strategies to solve problems during creative process Learning Activities Responding: Review the elements and principle of art: proportion, pattern, line and shape Creating: Students will create an artwork inspired by Modigliani’s painting Assessment strategies & tools: Observations & Rubrics
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Physical Education by. Mr. Hendra Games At elementary level, basic games are introduced through modified games using fundamental skills, which provide greater opportunities for students to hone their fundamental skills. Games will be divided into three broad categories namely territorial, net/wall and striking and fielding games. It includes recognizing the challenges presented by games; the importance of manipulating space; the categorizing of game; identifying and developing appropriate skills and strategies; recognizing the importance of rules and how they define the nature of a game; modifying existing games and creating new games and teamwork. It aims equip the students with knowledge, skills and attitudes to pursue and enjoy a physically active and healthy lifestyle through games and sports.
Religion Outline Buddhist Religion
By Ms Irene
Moslem Religion
Pada unit ini, siswa akan belajar mengenai nilai-nilai ajaran dalam Buddhisme, yang kemudian akan dilakukan studi perbedaan dengan ajaran agama lainnya. Siswa akan belajar melalu mendengarkan penjelasan di kelas, berdiskusi, dan mencari informasi-informasi melalui media internet. Kemudian siswa akan menuliskan refleksi pada selembar kertas. Tujuan dari pembelajaran ini yaitu agar para siswa dapat semakin memahami bagaimana menjadi penduduk yang baik dengan memahami dan mempraktekan nilai-nilai dalam ajaran agama masing-masing.
Catholic Religion
Christian Religion
By Ms Merry Gr. 4
Gr. 4 “Kuasa Allah ditampilkan dalam berbagai mukjizat” merupakan topik bahasan untuk siswa Gr. 4 kali ini, dimana mereka belajar akan kekuasaan Allah yang melampaui segalanya. Dia bisa menyembuhkan segala penyakit, meneduhkan badai, bahkan membangkitkan orang mati, karena Dia adalah Allah. Tidak ada sesuatupun yang tidak mungkin bagi-Nya, itu sebabnya manusia harus sungguh taat dan percaya kepada-Nya.
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Pada unit ini siswa muslim akan belajar tentang perilaku terpuji dalam ajaran islam yaitu menghormati teman sebaya, menghormati orang yang lebih tua, serta menghormati tetangga. Islam menekankan perilaku terpuji kepada setiap muslim agar saling menghormati, saling menolong, serta saling peduli antara teman sebaya, orang yang lebih tua, juga tetangga. Tujuan dari materi ini yaitu agar siswa terbiasa berperilaku terpuji terhadap
By Ms Maria Gosal
Pada unit ini kelas 4 Katolik akan mempelajari topiktopik tentang Menghormati orangtua, Menghormati hidup dan menghormati milik orang lain. Tujuannya supaya mereka memahami kehendak Allah bagi dirinya, dalam bersikap terhadap orangtua, diri sendiri dan sesamanya.
By Mr. Taufan
orang-orang yang ada di sekelilingnya yang berbeda agama, budaya, kebiasaan, bahkan berbeda negara agar tercipta keharmonisan diantara mereka. .
Hindu Religion
By Ms. Yeni
Pada unit ini siswa belajar tentang Panca Sradha yaitu lima kepercayaan atau keyakinan yang dianut oleh agama Hindu. Bagian-bagian dari Panca Sradha adalah kepercayaan terhadap adanya Tuhan, kepercayaan terhadap adanya Atma, kepercayaan terhadap adanya Karma Phala, kepercayaan terhadap adanya Punarbhawa dan kepercayaan terhadap adanya Moksa.
A world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers.
PYP Attitudes in first UOI I am cooperative by working together with my group for the formative task. We shared ideas and made decisions together. Steffi 4D
Everyday I show respect by saying “Good Morning” and “Thank You.” Chris 4C
I show independence when I do work by myself. BJ 4A
I was responsible for my items at school and at home. And I was cooperative by giving different ideas to my group. Aixa 4D
I show independence by doing my homework by myself. Angelica 4B
I was cooperative when I shared ideas with my group members in the summative task. Areanda4A I showed cooperation by working and giving ideas to my friends. I was independent by working hard by myself. Chadd 4C
I was able to do the work by myself. However, I didn’t hand the ‘Case Study’ in on time so I need to be more independent with my homework. Dhyandra 4C
I was independent while I was working alone and I was confident to show my work I have made. I stood up to present a lot of things. Kandi 4B
I am a communicator because I share my ideas with all my friends and we work together as a group. Artaya 4D
I cooperated with my partner to make the poster of the heart by giving ideas. Darrian 4B
I showed being cooperative when I did the summative task by listening to my group members. Hara 4A
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