Nr. 7 - oktober 2009
Business Cooperation Newsletter Beste Ondernemer, Op vrijdag 9 oktober 2009 organiseert het Enterprise Europe Vlaanderen een gratis seminarie “Duurzaam ondernemen, hoe begin ik er aan ?”. De inschrijvingen lopen vanaf 9 uur 30, de eerste spreker begint om 10 uur. Het seminarie eindigt rond half één en wordt aansluitend gevolgd door een broodjeslunch met mogelijkheid tot netwerking. Doelgroep van dit seminarie zijn de KMO’s in Vlaanderen. Dirk Le Roy van Sustenuto zal het thema schetsen en verduidelijken wat momenteel op regionaal, Europees en federaal vlak de tendensen zijn. Aansluitend volgen er twee getuigenissen van bedrijven die het principe van duurzaam ondernemen reeds toepassen: Charles Van der Heyden van Asap Photographic Services in Wilrijk en Benny Smets van Ninatrans in Bierbeek. Het seminarie vindt plaats in het ALM vergadercentrum: Filip Williotstraat 9, 2600 Berchem, parkeerruimte vóór het gebouw en in de straten rondom. U kunt ook gebruik maken van het openbaar vervoer; wanneer u ingeschreven bent, sturen wij u een bevestigingsbericht met plannetje voor de weg. Deelname is gratis maar het aantal plaatsen is beperkt. Vooraf inschrijven is noodzakelijk, met vermelding of u al dan niet deelneemt aan de broodjeslunch. Inschrijven kan tot en met 7 oktober 2009, liefst via e-mail:
[email protected] of via fax 02/209.27.31. Met vriendelijke groeten,
Lutgart Spaepen Consortiumleider Agentschap Ondernemen Enterprise Europe Network Vlaanderen Koning Albert II-laan 35 bus 12 | 1030 Brussel T 02 209 27 32| F 02 209 27 31
[email protected]
AGENDA 21 en 22 oktober Luik - “MATCHMAKING EVENT VOOR ICT EN BUSINESS SERVICE” - Internationale bedrijvencontactdagen BICT speciaal georganiseerd voor bedrijven uit de dienstverlenende sectoren (ICT, engineering, logistiek, communicatie, marketing, training en consultancy). BICT = Business-InternationalCooperation-Trade richt zich naar ondernemers die op zoek zijn naar nieuwe zakenpartners. Dit forum heeft als doel business-to-business meetings te organiseren zodat de deelnemende bedrijven verkennende gesprekken kunnen opstarten en tevens kunnen onderhandelen over een potentiële samenwerking. Hoe registreren ? Om deel te nemen, maakt u een bedrijfsprofiel op dat gepubliceerd wordt in de online catalogus van de BICT website. Elke deelnemer kan vooraf uit de lijst van ingeschreven bedrijven die contacten selecteren waarmee hij een afspraak wenst tijdens dit tweedaags evenement. Een week op voorhand krijgt iedereen zijn individuele afsprakenagenda toegestuurd. Meer info kunt u verkrijgen via
[email protected] of op de website van BICT 2009:
19 en 20 november Düsseldorf - “HEALTHCARE MATCHMAKING EVENT OP MEDICA 2009” - Internationaal matchmaking event georganiseerd ter gelegenheid van MEDICA, de wereldwijd toonaangevende vakbeurs en verzamelpunt voor nieuwe trends en ontwikkelingen op het gebied van medische zorg. Dit forum biedt bedrijven de mogelijkheid om op korte tijd en op één locatie veel internationale contacten te leggen, toekomstige business partners te ontmoeten, kennis te maken met innovatieve producten en technologieën en onderhandelingen op te starten met hun aanbieders. Topics: elektro-medische producten en medische technologie, benodigdheden voor laboratorium en hulpbijstand, orthopedische producten en technologie, textielmateriaal voor medische toepassingen, meubilair voor de gezondheidszorg, verzorgingsproducten, fysiotherapie, diagnostiek, ICT. Hoe registreren ? Elk geïnteresseerd bedrijf moet een bedrijfsprofiel opmaken dat gepubliceerd wordt in de online catalogus van de Medica matchmaking website. Op basis van deze profielen maakt elke deelnemer zijn selectie van afspraken. Een week op voorhand krijgt iedereen zijn individuele afsprakenagenda toegestuurd. Meer info kunt u verkrijgen via
[email protected] of op de website van Medica matchmaking: De bedrijven die al ingeschreven zijn, vindt u terug bij “Catalog”, selecteren kan via Free text search.
SAMENWERKINGSVOORSTELLEN VOOR ONDERNEMINGEN Deze maand hebben we opnieuw een ruime selectie gemaakt van interessante samenwerkingsvoorstellen. Hieronder vindt u de Europese samenwerkingsvoorstellen voor juli en augustus. Samenwerkingsvoorstellen juli 2009
Profile ID Summary
20090706005 A Danish trade-, sales- and services company specialised in technical components within the industrial and marine sectors is looking for new products to distribute on the Danish market.
Profile ID Summary
20090706038 A French company specialized in environmental solutions for the industrial sector is looking for manufacturers of watertight solar panels or photovoltaic cells. The French company is ready for a distribution agreement.
Profile ID Summary
20090708066 French company, specialised in pedagogical tools and services to help young people to get ready to start professional life in Europe, is looking for European partners,distributors, agents, representants. The company offers subcontracting cooperations and is open to joint-ventures.
Profile ID Summary
20090716022 French company specializing in the distribution of bio-fuel fireplaces seeks new commercial partners to represent its products on foreign markets. This company also offers to use its French distribution network to distribute innovative renewable-energy related products towards its clientele of wholesalers, DIY chain stores and independent retailers.
Profile ID Summary
20090721007 Italian enterprise specialized in hybridization and micropropagation of garden plants is looking for partners abroad.
Profile ID Summary
20090728001 A Lithuanian company specializing in cargo carriage is looking for transport/logistics cooperation partners.
Profile ID Summary
20090703043 A Macedonian pharmaceutical company is specialised in production of own patented herbal medicines. Business cooperation is sought in partnership cooperation with companies interested to be representative or distributor of the companies' products in the respective countries. Also, the company can offer their facilities for production of liquid and solid pharmaceutical forms (extracts, tablets, etc.) and for processing of all types of materials of herbal origin.
Profile ID Summary
20090721042 This company is based in Northern Ireland and specialises in design of health and safety protection for the head. The company has designed a eye/ear protection device for extreme sports and is looking for partners in Europe who will manufacture and distribute their new protection device.
Profile ID Summary
20090727011 A company from north-west Poland specialized in the design of digital systems, reprogrammable circuits and microprocessor chips is offering trade intermediary services for the producers and suppliers of software (compilers, debuggers, program simulators), electronic devices (protocol analyzer, programmers, debuggers, measuring devices) and research & development systems. The Polish SME is capable of assuring technical assistance to retailed products. The company is
interested in cooperation with producers of software and electronic devices by being its subcontractor. Profile ID Summary
20090721032 A Polish company specialized in trade, service and repairs of belt conveyor's elements (reels and rollers) is looking for producers and/or suppliers of these products and is offering its services as a trade intermediary on the Polish market.
Profile ID Summary
20090715006 A Scottish company has designed and prototyped a novel four seat garden swing for adults. The company are looking for a partner with manufacturing and marketing resources to take the product to market.
Samenwerkingsvoorstellen augustus 2009 Profile ID Summary
20090807003 Bulgarian company specialized in manufacturing of small recreational boats and plastic products is looking for joint venture partners who want to start a new joint production using the company's free production capacity and the partners' new business ideas.
Profile ID Summary
20090810001 A Chinese company providing high quality services for the manufacturer of the internal-combustion engine. The main products are CNC (computer numerical controlled) for piston contour and NC (numerical control) boring machine for piston pin hole. They also produce cold working product line for piston, piston casting machine, piston measuring instrument, and CNC for piston ring contour. The company is looking for outsourcing or joint ventures cooperation.
Profile ID Summary
20090901009 Cypriot Company is a manufacturer, and wholesaler of fine jewellery in 18KT and platinum set with diamonds, is looking for business partners.
Profile ID Summary
20090910013 A Danish trading company seeks manufacturers of romantic decorative dinnerware (plates, wine glasses etc) across Europe.
Profile ID Summary
20090724027 A French enterprise specialized in installation and maintenance of payment terminals is looking for European partners to get into new markets. A commercial agreement and a joint venture with a partner in the same area of activities are sought.
Profile ID Summary
20090730030 A French SME with 20 years of experience proposes its services in welding by electron and laser. This SME has already concluded partnership agreements with the prime contractors.
Profile ID Summary
20090812013 A German manufacturer and supplier of content management solutions for SMEs such as document management long-term filing, records management, content management, information and knowledge management, workflow management is looking for European trade partners for distribution, for reciprocal production partners for the further development of the software and for investors/joint-venture partners for the expansion of the enterprise.
Profile ID Summary
20090825003 A German enterprise is looking for manufacturers who work with wood / metal and can: produce amplifier boxes (musíc), do the upholstering of the boxes with artificial leather or similar materials; install tube amplifiers, produce the metal boxes, front covers and nameplates. The company is also interested in production/installation/ upholstering of loudspeaker boxes. The company wants to outsource work to these partners.
Profile ID Summary
20090902007 A German company specialised in all sorts of packaging and packaging machinery is looking for trade intermediaries and opportunities for joint ventures and for subcontractors.
Profile ID Summary
20090907001 A German company which is specialised in dosing fluid media, i. e. liquids and gases, in minimum quantity dosages by means of a special microdosing modification, is looking for and offering trade intermediary services. The company is also interested in reciprocal distribution and marketing cooperation.
Profile ID Summary
20090831022 A German manufacturer of plastic items is interested in joint venture, reciprocal production and subcontracting or outsourcing activities. The company's products are cosmetic packing materials, orthopaedics and pharmaceutical packing materials. Partners in medicine, orthopaedics and cosmetics are sought.
Profile ID Summary
20090911001 A German company offers contract research and custom synthesis of small molecular organic and inorganic compounds. Focus is the development of synthetic routes and mg to kg scale manufacturing of fine chemicals and APIs for pre-clinical, all clinical phases and commercial material. They offer their research services as subcontractors to companies that require: - synthetic route development, - custom synthesis (inorganic and organic small molecules), - GMP compliant material for clinical studies or marketed.
Profile ID Summary
20090915015 A well established German company specialised in manufacturing high quality aluminium garage doors and doors is looking for joint venture opportunities, trade intermediaries and franchise partners.
Profile ID Summary
20090914046 A Hungarian large enterprise is specialised in renewal and replacement of road surfaces of asphalt covered highways and motorways (bridges). The company is looking for partners for subcontracting/outsourcing agreements.
Profile ID Summary
20090730034 An Italian company, is a manufacturer and supplier of semi-finished products based on cereals (oats, spelt, malted wheat, maize... ), vegetables and derivates, brans, flakes, granulated products, gluten free products, soluble flours, fibers and anhydrous creams. The company is looking for trade intermediaries (distributors or agents) and is also open to reciprocal production agreements.
Profile ID
A Lithuanian company specializing in cargo carriage is looking for transport/logistics cooperation partners.
Profile ID Summary
20090813002 A Polish company specialized in complex re-location of factories, i.e. assembly and disassembly of machinery, installation and start-up of industrial systems, inside and outside transport on air cushions, is looking for reciprocal production and subcontracting activities. The company runs small scale high quality production for some branch of manufacturing industry as well. 20090806022 A Scottish SME specialises in the supply of sandstone for building cladding and drystone dyking is seeking new building materials to add to their product range. They are seeking sandstone, granite and limestone, in its natural form for further processing, or ready-processed e.g. guillotined or cut.
Profile ID Summary
Profile ID Summary
20090728034 A Slovenian company, with many years of experience in the field of distribution of a wide spectrum of products, would like to offer itself as a trade intermediary for medical devices for professional or home usage.
Profile ID Summary
20090825004 A Spanish company dedicated to the food sector specialised in ready cooked products for catering is looking for distribution services, as well as it is interested in joint venture agreements.
Profile ID Summary
20090804026 Spanish company devoted to roll flattening and cutting is looking for a long-term partner active in the steel industry dealing with rolled coil, cold rolled coil, pickled roll and hot dipped galvanized steels coil.
Profile ID Summary
20090827016 Turkish company specialized in producing hydroelectric systems, power turbines and power electronics systems is looking for trade intermediaries, wishes to establish not only a subcontracting cooperation but also joint venture cooperation. The company is also ready to open its logistic activities to potential foreign partners.
Profile ID Summary
20090828013 Turkish company specialized in solar energy systems is looking for partners for joint venture in the field of renewable energy systems.
Het volledige samenwerkingsvoorstel kunt u verkrijgen door een mailtje te sturen naar:
[email protected]. Indien het samenwerkingsvoorstel u interesseert en u wenst de gegegens van het bedrijf dan contacteren wij voor u onze partner in het buitenland. Wenst u zelf een samenwerkingsvoorstel te verspreiden via de Business Cooperation Database, dan kunt u met één van de provinciale kantoren contact opnemen via
[email protected]. Of wenst u samen te werken op het vlak van onderzoek, technologische ontwikkeling en innovatie dan kunt u terecht bij het IWT.
Meer info vindt u op
U kunt zich uitschrijven voor deze nieuwsbrief door een mailtje te sturen naar
[email protected] V.U.: Bernard De Potter
DISCLAIMER: Dit elektronische bericht heeft een informeel karakter. Het kan op geen enkele wijze een invloed hebben op de contractuele relaties tussen het Agentschap Ondernemen en de betrokken partij. Alle officiële communicatie moet gebeuren per gewone briefwisseling.