Nr. 9 – december 2009
Business Cooperation Newsletter
NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Belgisch EU-voorzitterschap 2010 Van 1 juli 2010 tot 31 december 2010 bekleedt België het voorzitterschap van de Raad van de Europese Unie (EU). Ook Vlaanderen zal tijdens dit voorzitterschap een belangrijke rol spelen. Voor Gemeenschaps- en Gewestmateries zijn de deelstaten immers ook internationaal bevoegd. Dit stelt Vlaanderen voor een reeks uitdagingen die goed moeten worden voorbereid. Het Vlaamse voorzitterschap zal, overeenkomstig de bepalingen van het Verdrag van Lissabon, functioneren binnen een teamvoorzitterschap met Spanje (1ste helft 2010) en Hongarije (1ste helft 2011). Ook het Enterprise Europe Network zal een aantal acties ondernemen. Meer hierover in volgende nieuwsbrieven.
Commissie begint raadpleging over "EU 2020", een nieuwe strategie voor een slimmere en groenere sociale markteconomie Op 4 december heeft de Commissie een publieke raadpleging gestart over de EU 2020-strategie, die betere perspectieven voor de EU-economie moet opleveren. De nieuwe strategie bouwt voort op de resultaten van de Lissabonstrategie en op de lering die daaruit is getrokken. Het raadplegingsdocument geeft aan hoe het herstel na de crisis kan worden vastgehouden en een nieuwe crisis kan worden voorkomen. Drie punten staan centraal: kennis als meerwaarde, kansen bieden in een samenleving die niemand uitsluit, en een concurrerende, groenere netwerkeconomie creëren. Reacties kunnen worden gemaild voor
15 januari 2010 naar:
[email protected]. Daarna zal de nieuwe Commissie ten behoeve van de Europese voorjaarsraad een voorstel uitwerken Het complete raadplegingsdocument zal worden gepubliceerd op: en
Machinerichtlijn 2006/42/EG gaat van kracht op 29 december 2009 Vanaf dan moeten alle nieuwe machines en productielijnen voldoen aan de nieuwe eisen. De wijzigingen liggen vooral op het vlak van het toepassingsgebied, de begripsdefinities en enkele fundamentele veiligheids- en gezondheidseisen. Ook nieuw is de uitbreiding van de eisen voor machines, bedoeld voor inbouw in een productielijn, de zogenaamde ‘niet-voltooide machines' of "IIB-machines". Meer info op: Meer info: Preben Bruylandt, tel.: 02 209 27 34, e-mail:
[email protected]
Enterprise & Industry magazine De online magazine van DG Ondernemingen en Industrie wordt regelmatig bijgewerkt met nieuwe artikelen over beleidsontwikkeling, wetgeving en reglementering met betrekking tot het bedrijfsleven, innovatie, ondernemerschap, interne markt,… Kortom u vindt er alle actuele informatie over het EU-beleid waarvoor DG Ondernemingen en Industrie verantwoordelijk is. Breng een bezoekje aan de website: U kunt zich tevens abonneren op de papieren versie, in het Engels, Frans of het Duits. De magazine verschijnt driemaal per jaar en is een compilatie van de beste online artikelen én een nieuw thema-artikel.
Lutgart Spaepen Consortiumleider Agentschap Ondernemen Enterprise Europe Network Vlaanderen Koning Albert II-laan 35 bus 12 | 1030 Brussel T 02 209 27 32| F 02 209 27 31
[email protected]
23 november 2009 - Rondetafel over de leermobiliteit van jonge mensen Naar aanleiding van de twintigste verjaardag van het Erasmusprogramma in 2007 werd binnen de Europese Unie een debat opgestart over de voordelen van mobiliteit in het hoger onderwijs en de noodzaak om mobiliteit naar andere gebieden uit te breiden. Het groenboek “De leermobiliteit van jongeren bevorderen” vat de belangrijkste punten van dit debat samen en belicht de domeinen waarin verdere actie vereist is. Op basis van dit groenboek werd een publieke consultatie uitgeschreven met als doel suggesties te verzamelen van alle belanghebbenden over mogelijke actiepunten. Enterprise Europe Vlaanderen en het Vlaams-Europees verbindingsagentschap (VLEVA) organiseerden op 23 november 2009 een rondetafelgesprek over deze publieke bevraging waarbij experten uit de Vlaamse onderwijsen ondernemerswereld hun visie gaven op de uitdagingen van de toekomst. Voor meer informatie kunt u terecht bij Christine Vanhoutte, tel.: 02 209 27 36, e-mail:
[email protected]
10 december - Rondetafel over herziening van financiële regelgeving voor Europese projecten De Europese Commissie wil tegen 2010 de financiële regels voor Europese programma’s herzien. Europa zoekt hierbij naar ervaringsdeskundigen die al Europese financiering hebben ontvangen of managers die op dit ogenblik bezig zijn met Europese projecten. De nadruk van de publieke consultatie ligt op mogelijke vereenvoudiging en het inbouwen van meer flexibiliteit. Enterprise Europe Network Vlaanderen en het Vlaams-Europees verbindingsagentschap (VLEVA) organiseerden op 10 december 2009 een rondetafelgesprek over deze publieke bevraging. Meer info kunt u verkrijgen bij Els Compernolle via telefoon 03 260 87 00 of via e-mail:
[email protected].
SAMENWERKINGSVOORSTELLEN VOOR ONDERNEMINGEN Deze maand hebben we opnieuw een ruime selectie gemaakt van interessante samenwerkingsvoorstellen. Hieronder vindt u de Europese samenwerkingsvoorstellen voor oktober en november. Samenwerkingsvoorstellen oktober 2009 Profile ID Summary
20091030005 Catalan company (Spain) is specialized in offering integral solutions and consultancy services around the concept of Health tourism. They are looking for potential trade intermediaries such as insurance companies, travel agencies and patient associations willing to distribute their services in northern Europe, Italy and United States. Moreover, they offer their consultancy services as well as they are able to negotiate a potential joint venture agreement.
Profile ID Summary
20091002016 A Danish trading company is looking for European suppliers of cell phones to elderly and/or mobile phones for blind people.
Profile ID Summary
20091002025 A German company specialised in trading in consumer goods (convenience and shopping goods) has an established trade relation to Ghana/ West Africa and is offering and requesting trade intermediary services. Additionally, subcontracting possibilities may occur.
Profile ID Summary
20091005025 A German packaging company offers subcontracting services for repackaging of import goods and warehousing with focus on hot and cold beverages,
confectionery, bakery, deli food, OTC for the German market. Profile ID Summary
20091012020 A German company specialised in design, engineering and distribution of welding and mounting workbenches, tools and appliances searches for trade intermediary services, joint venture, logistical co-operation and subcontracting. The company also offers transfer of know-how and technology as well as manufacturing licence. Target countries are PL, CZ, SK, DK, NL, BE, FR, CH and AT.
Profile ID Summary
20091020059 A German company specialising in logistics services with high IT-expertise for the optimisation of logistics processes offers high-quality logistics services - the company is among the leading specialists for food logistics in Germany. The company is looking trade intermediaris in the fields of logistics and warehousing.
Profile ID Summary
20091021032 A German company specialised in communication audio testing is looking for industrial collaboration partners in Europe that are offering test assembling.
Profile ID Summary
20091021031 A Hungarian company specialised in developing and producing surgical instruments, including ultrasonic nebulisers, sweat analysers and colloids is looking for trade intermediary services and partners for joint venture and is interested in selling the whole company or a part of it.
Profile ID Summary
20091021048 An Icelandic SME producer of high quality breaded fish products is looking for partners and possible investors (joint venture, sale of shares or merger) in Europe in order to develop the business and widen the range of innovative foodstuffs.
Profile ID Summary
20091026017 Russian company, dealing with production and building of wooden houses made of pine, cedar, larch, is looking for trade intermediary services and joint venture.
Profile ID Summary
20091026024 Russian individual entrepreneur specialised in development of high-strength materials on resource-saving and energy- saving technologies is looking for cooperation in joint venture and reciprocal production.
Profile ID Summary
20091023020 A Serbian company that is registered for the production of pharmaceutical and herbal preparations is looking for distributors and companies willing to set up joint venture.
Profile ID Summary
20091030009 Spanish packaging company is offering the whole service of promotional products. They can print both 2D and 3D promotional items like stickers, cards, tazos, scratch and win cards, magnets, recipes, etc. Besides that, they pack it in paper or plastic envelopes, or in a flowpack. They are requesting promotional marketing agencies, food or publisher companies that they want to give a promotional item in their promotional campaign.
Profile ID Summary
20091019003 Swedish company is looking for manufacturers of print media such as polybanner, canvasmesh etc for rollup and display production.
Profile ID Summary
20091021035 A Swedish dance cooperative of choreographers is looking for European partners for exchange and cooperation concerning the development and execution of
shows and performances and to find partners for future projects. They are also interested in finding partners for joint venture.
Profile ID Summary
Samenwerkingsvoorstellen november 2009 20091118027 A Czech company manufacturing and selling wooden windows and massive interior and exterior doors is looking for a trade intermediary and offers to the partner to become a franchise representation. The company intends to make a reciprocal manufacturing agreement with manufacturer of similar products. Its content depends on the further negotiation.
Profile ID Summary
20091112018 Danish company who owns a number of private food and sweets labels and brands is looking for a supplier of high quality original English wine gum. The company offers to act as wholesale trader in order to resell the wine gum to the Danish retail business.
Profile ID Summary
20090918011 A German company specialised in production of rubber goods offer the production of technical rubber goods for the sector environment engineering, electrical industry, plant engineering and food industry. They are looking for other producers of technical rubber-mats and composites for reciprocal production agreements.
Profile ID Summary
20091102030 A German company producing plant oil for the usage as food and fuel is looking for trade intermediaries and joint venture partners as well as offering subcontracting activities.
Profile ID Summary
20091104040 A German company is a trading cooperation specialising in timber-related products (panels, flooring, doors, laminated wood, boards and timber related building materials). Being the biggest cooperation exclusively tailored to meeting the needs of the timber trade in Germany and the neighbouring European countries it is offering trade intermediary services and subcontracting for suppliers within the timber business.
Profile ID Summary
20091111004 A German company, active in the import-export business in the food (especially sweets, marmalades) and textiles sector, is looking for mutual marketing and distribution agreements for food products in Europe.
Profile ID Summary
20091113027 A German company specialised in the culture and production of seeds for vegetables, flowers and herbs is looking for partners active in seed production of herbs and energy crops as well as producers of seedlings for reciprocal production agreements.
Profile ID Summary
20091117022 German company specializing in the development, production and sales of textile materials whose superstructural parts are used for the interior of vehicles and in other fields for instance technical textiles and home-textiles seeks trade intermediaries as well as reciprocal production cooperation.
Profile ID
A German agency specialised in the design and planning of fair constructions, shop fittings and interiors seeks representative agents as well as partners for joint venture and subcontracts.
Profile ID Summary
20091118034 Italian ice-cream producer (both impulse and bulk), milky and water based and other desserts is looking for agent, distributors and buyers for his products. The company can produce customised ice-cream for third companies and transform thirds feedstocks with its know how. The company is also interested in franchising activity, reciprocal production and outsourcing agreements.
Profile ID Summary
20091130010 Luxembourg company, active in the medical sector, has designed a patented non invasive medical devise for eyeglasses, offers et requests trade intermediary services for its product.
Profile ID Summary
20091113018 Polish company specializing in services related to powder coating of metal and aluminum up to 7m long details, galvanizing is looking for subcontractors for manufacturing all their products. The company is looking for new markets for its products. They are looking for new opportunities, new partners. The company offers trade intermediary for new products or new services, which are not on Polish market. They are interested joint venture. They can create a completely new business or develop their existing company. They are also very eager for reciprocal production possibilities if a potential partner has a real proposals or any ideas.
Profile ID Summary
20091109030 A Polish company which offers comprehensive energy solutions, specialized in producing water and steam boiler power plants, steel structures (reservoirs of heat, standalone chimneys), control cabinets and integrated visualization is looking for trade intermediary services such as distributors of their products and outsourcing activities, e.g. companies interested in delivery of technology, ready systems for using biogas and biomass for the production of the green energy to their client base.
Profile ID Summary
20091130029 Portuguese company of wood works looks for trade intermediary services and jointventure. The company offers franchise and transport and logistic cooperation. The company also offers merger or exchange of shares or the sale of the complete company. The company also offers manufacturing activities and offers itself to be subcontracted.
Profile ID Summary
20091124023 Russian company specialized in early diagnostics (Infra-red thermometer and thermograph for early non-invasive diagnostics; medical teleconsulting services) is looking for trade intermediary services and joint venture creation, while outsourcing sale of a complete company or part of it is offered. It offers a certain amount of its shares and access to its technology to an investor as well as sale of the company and production facilities relocation.
Profile ID Summary
20091125036 Catalan 20-year old company (Spain) that manufactures and distributes plastic masking products for professional painters is willing to find an experienced trade distributor or agent for their novel products within the European Union. They are also open to negotiate a potential joint venture, reciprocal production or subcontracting/ outsourcing of activities and offer themselves as a distributor.
Profile ID Summary
20091109009 A Turkish company which produces a wide range of powder and liquid building
construction chemicals searches for a joint venture and/or reciprocal production, which might include technology and know-how transfer from the potential partner. In addition the company can perform outsourcing activities and distribution. Profile ID Summary
200911001 UK company is looking for distributors for its innovative software product that uses high quality, natural sounding voices to read text out loud captures either from a photograph or an electronic document.
Het volledige samenwerkingsvoorstel kunt u verkrijgen door een mailtje te sturen naar:
[email protected] of via onze website: Indien het samenwerkingsvoorstel u interesseert en u wenst de gegevens van het bedrijf dan contacteren wij voor u onze partner in het buitenland. Wenst u zelf een samenwerkingsvoorstel te verspreiden via de Business Cooperation Database, dan kunt u met één van de provinciale kantoren contact opnemen via
[email protected]. Of wenst u samen te werken op het vlak van onderzoek, technologische ontwikkeling en innovatie dan kunt u terecht bij het IWT. Meer info vindt u op
U kunt zich uitschrijven voor deze nieuwsbrief door een mailtje te sturen naar
[email protected] V.U.: Bernard De Potter
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