Brazil Business in Brief - Juni
Brazil Business in Brief is a publication of the Dutch Economic Network in Brazil composed of the Embassy in Brasília, the Consulates-General in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and the Netherlands Business Support Offices in Porto Alegre and Recife. The publication provides a selection of news and developments in Dutch priority areas in the Brazilian economy. It is shared with public and private entities with special interests in Brazil. It is put together on the basis of publicly available information from various sources such as news articles, press releases and third party information. The Dutch Economic Network in Brazil, however, is not responsible for the accuracy of the published information. Volg ons ook op LinkedIn en Twitter: #iobrazilie #keesrade Inhoud 1.
Brazil in numbers S&P cuts Brazil credit rating outlook to negative because of sluggish growth Brazil cuts import taxes on 157 products Rule changes ease work visa application in Brazil 2. Transport en Logistiek Government emerges with important port reform victory Tender rules ready for privatization of Galeão & Confins airports Outcome of federal port infra-structure interim measure still uncertain Estaleiro Atlântico Sul delivers 5th Promef programme vessel 3. Olie en Gas Vendor list Petrobrás blijft een uitdaging voor toeleveranciers Out of a total of 289 blocks offered by ANP (Brazil´s Oil Agency), 39 were sold in the North and Northeast 4. Energie Diversifying key to more generation Electricity Utility sector booming 5. WK 2014 & OS 2016 Eerste internationale wedstrijd in heropende Maracanã stadion goed verlopen Veiligheidscentra geopend in Rio de Janeiro 6. Agribusiness Op basis van vetweefselcellen gekloond kalf geboren Consumption of dairy products on the rise in the Northeast De achtergrond voor de huidige ethanolcrisis Vakbeurzen in Brazilië
1. Algemeen Brazil in numbers The financial market has lowered its outlook for this year’s economic growth. At the end of last year, 2013 was expected to register an expansion of gross domestic product of close to 4% but market analysts in the Central Bank’s weekly Focus survey reduced their average projection to 2.98%, the first time the outlook has fallen below 3%. The Central Bank is projecting an expansion of 3.1%. Inflation is showing signs of slowing with the IPCA-15 registering a May rate of 0.46%, according to IBGE. Food prices, which have been the main factor behind the year’s rising prices, rose by 0.47% in May, down from 1% in April. The price of tomatoes, the year’s number one villain, fell 12.42% after having climbed by 16.62% in April. On 29th May, Copom announced its unanimous decision to up the Selic-rate by 50 bps to 8.0%. Market analysts are now predicting additional 50 bps hikes at the next two Copom meetings in July and August. Savings accounts will now pay 5.6% per month. On 3rd June, MDIC announced that Brazil had posted a trade surplus of US$760 million in May. Brazil’s 2013 trade deficit now stands at US$ 5.392 billion – the worst result since the first five months in 1995 (US$ 3.339 billion). In the first five months of 2012, Brazil posted a trade surplus on US$ 6.261 billion. The heaviest part of this deficit came from the importation of US$ 4.6 billion in petroleum and derivatives in this five-month period. On 7 th June, IBGE released data for the May IPCA (official inflation index): +0.37%, below the +0.55% posted in April. Thus, the IPCA accumulation in 2013 reached +2.88% and the 12-month accumulation is now +6.50% -- exactly the “ceiling” for the Central Bank inflation target for 2013. On Thursday, 29the May, the IIMD-International Inst. for management Development (based in Switzerland) released its 2013 report – Brazil dropped five ranks (46 th 51 st out of 60 countries. Source: Brasilinform, Brazil Focus, May. S&P cuts Brazil credit rating outlook to negative because of sluggish growth Brazil’s credit rating outlook was cut to negative by Standard & Poor’s saying sluggish economic growth and an expansionary fiscal policy could lead to higher government debt levels. S&P reduced the outlook on the government’s BBB rating, which is two levels above junk and in line with Mexico and Colombia, from stable. The move, which threatens to end a decade-long stretch of rating upgrades for Latin America’s biggest country, was triggered by the outlook for “modest” economic growth, “weaker” fiscal policy and deterioration in the government’s credibility, S&P said in a report. S&P last upgraded Brazil in November 2011. The country is rated BBB by Fitch Ratings and an equivalent Baa2 by Moody’s, which has a positive outlook on the grade. Source: MercoPress, June, 7. Brazil cuts import taxes on 157 products RIO DE JANEIRO, May 14 (Xinhua) -- The Brazilian government on Tuesday announced import tax cuts on 157 products, including capital goods and computer equipment. The government renewed its lower tax rates on 17 products and added another 140 to the list, slashing the tax rate on capital goods from 14 percent to 2 percent and the rate on computer and communications equipment from 16 percent to 2 percent. The lower import taxes are designed to boost production and efficiency of the country's industrial sector by allowing companies to bring in needed machinery at a lower cost. The government said it expects the auto parts, railways, services, oil, telecommunications and paper sectors to benefit the most from the tax breaks. It also voiced the hope that the tax cuts will lead to an investment of some 1.69 billion U.S. dollars. Several large projects, including improvements to the railway network to accommodate greater production and transportation of goods to ports, are expected to benefit from the lower import taxes. The tax break will remain in effect until Dec. 31, 2013, for communications equipment and until Dec. 31, 2014, for capital goods. Source:, May, 2013.
Rule changes ease work visa application in Brazil The Brazilian government will add two news rules in order to attract skilled foreign workers making it easier for companies looking for professionals: it will reduce the amount of visa required documents and allow "internships" for graduate students. The measures were being discussed since last year, as announced to Folha in December. The approved rules, however, did not meet the expectations proposed by the Secretary of Strategic Affairs of the Presidency. The original proposal would allow highly skilled professionals to obtain visa even without a work contract and would not force a foreigner to leave the country to get a new visa every time there would be a company or job change. The changes approved this week by the National Immigration Council reduce visa applications bureaucracy for temporary and permanent work. Until now, foreign workers wanting to apply for a visa must submit documents such as diploma and proof of work experience at the Brazilian consulate at their country to be evaluated. This phase of the application process could take up to 30 days. Then, the translation of documents is needed. Only then, the process begins at the ministry, which has about 20 days to evaluate the petition and issue the visa. Brazil now requires on average 19 documents from immigrants seeking work visa - in Mexico and Canada, are 8, in the UK, 12, in Australia and in Chile, 13. Thus, obtaining a work visa takes on average 52 days. In Australia, it takes 30 days and, in Mexico, 40. With the change, companies can obtain a visa before the professional worker meet all bureaucratic steps - a foreigner will have 60 days after gaining the work permit to submit all the documents. With the new rules, there will also be an electronic registry of the companies recruiting foreigners to work in Brazil. This way, it will not be necessary to resubmit all documents after each application. The five papers that today must be filled out by the company will become one. In addition, there will be a temporary visa for students with a master or doctoral degree for those wanting to work for up to 90 days in Brazilian companies. Today, immigrants represent 0.3% of the Brazilian population. According to Census data, the number of foreigners in the country has shrunk in the last decade, from 683,000 in 2000 to 593,000 in 2010. And 43% of them are over 60. Worldwide, the average immigrant population is 3%, in Latin America, not counting Brazil, is 1.5%, and in the U.S. is 15%. Source: Folha de São Paulo, May, 17. 2. Transport en Logistiek Government emerges with important port reform victory The government’s lengthy and often raucous struggle to gain approval of its port reform decree finally came to a successful conclusion on May 16 with approval by both house of Congress. In the lower house, congressmen battled exhaustion at the end of a record 21-hour session to approve the decree in its revised form. The decree was sent immediately to the Senate where Senate president Renan Calheiros announced that a vote would be taken without giving the senators time to examine the legislation. Opponents of the reform asked the Supreme Court to intervene, claiming that Calheiros was violating Senate rules but Justice Celso de Mello refused to issue an injunction suspending the effects of the session. In a final vote at 7 p.m., five hours before the decree would have lost its validity, the Senate approved the legislation which now goes to President Dilma Rousseff for her signature. Rousseff is expected to veto several parts of the bill, including one that would give the owners of port terminals created after 1993 the right to automatic renewals of their concessions. These terminals are considered inefficient and are one of the main targets of the reform. The government insists that if concessions are renewed there must be a prior discussion with authorities and the adoption of new rules on terminal operations. The decree as it was approved would allow the concessions to be renewed without any changes in their operating conditions. Source: Brasilinform, May 2013. Tender rules ready for privatization of Galeão & Confins airports The government released the preliminary tendering rules for the privatization auctions of the Galeão Airport in Rio de Janeiro and the Confins Airport in Belo Horizonte. The minimum bid for a 25-year operating concession for Galeão was set at R$4.65 billion (US$2.1 billion) and the winning group will be required to invest at least R$5.2 billion (US$2.5 billion) to expand and modernize the airport. For Confins, the minimum bid will be R$1.5 billion (US$724 million) and the required investments R$3.5 billion (US$1.7 billion) for a 30-year operating concession. The proposed tender rules will be open to suggestions for 30 days. The final rules are expected to be released in September with the auctions tentatively set for October. Source: Brazilinform, June.
Outcome of federal port infra-structure interim measure still uncertain Under tough pressure from the Federal Government, Congress and Senate voted for the approval of the port infra-structure Interim Measure. The proposed bill did not reach the plenary sessions unscathed. It had already received numerous amendments from a diversity of entities, political parties and unions. Next step is the Federal Government’s final sanction and enactment of the new law. It is expected, however, that a number of alterations to the original text will be vetoed by President Dilma. The final version of the new law will hopefully be made public soon. Source: Jornal do Commercio, May 16. Estaleiro Atlântico Sul delivers 5th Promef programme vessel EAS in Pernambuco has delivered Zumbi dos Palmares, its second VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier) to Transpetro, Petrobrás’ logistics subsidiary. Three other product carriers had already been delivered by Mauá Shipyard in Rio de Janeiro. According to the newspapers, having completed this unit with a minor delay, the Shipyard from Pernambuco has qualified to reverse the suspension of 12 other orders which had been put into force as a penalty for the substantial delay of their first tanker, named João Cândido. This indicates that the most serious difficulties suffered in the first production phase of this new shipyard, have been overcome. It also means it will probably succeed in maintaining its backlog, which will guarantee its cash flow for the next 5 to 7 years. Source: Jornal do Commercio, May, 21 / IBP 3. Olie en Gas Vendor list Petrobrás blijft een uitdaging voor toeleveranciers Sinds april 2012 is Petrobrás bezig met het doorvoeren van verschillende structurele veranderingen in zijn vendor list systeem, dat een nieuw aantal regels voor toeleveranciers aan Petrobras impliceert. Hoewel er diverse verbeteringen voor buitenlandse bedrijven zijn doorgevoerd – document templates zijn nu beschikbaar in duidelijke tweetalige versies en voor Engelstalige documenten is geen beëdigde vertaling meer vereist – is op technisch gebied de hoeveelheid vereiste informatie juist toegenomen. De technische bewijzen moeten strikt overeenkomstig de Petrobrás eisen overlegd worden en een bewijs van ‘local content’ is nu ook vereist voor diensten- en productenleveranciers. Bovendien wordt bij het ontbreken van één van de documenten de vraag voor extra tijd niet altijd geaccepteerd, of enkel verlengd met maximaal 15 dagen, hetgeen vaak niet voldoende is om alle documenten in te dienen. Het procesverloop blijft daardoor een uitdaging. Gelet op deze problemen is goed management van het registratieproces cruciaal. De leverancier dient een duidelijke strategie te hebben om verassingen gedurende het proces te voorkomen. Bron: Consulaat-Generaal van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, Rio de Janeiro Out of a total of 289 blocks offered by ANP (Brazil´s Oil Agency), 39 were sold in the North and Northeast The ANP offshore auction held on May 14 th produced very positive results. Total amount bonuses paid reached the record value of R$ 2.8 billion (approx. US$ 1.4 billion), and major international players such as Total, Exxon, BP and BG not only took part, but bought drilling and exploration rights as well. Shell participated but did not win any of the blocks offered. The geographic focus of this round was particularly in the North and Northeastern regions. Of the 64 registered oil companies, 30 of them ended the session with new acquisitions, being 18 foreign companies and 12 Brazilian. Noteworthy was the participation of a (not entirely) newcomer, Petra Energia, a company that belongs to magnate Roberto Viana, from Pernambuco. This company won 39 bids, 4 of which in the Pernambuco-Paraiba offshore basin. Two blocks in Pernambuco were won together with Queiroz Galvão. Two others were won with Canadian Niko Resources, one in Pernambuco and one in Paraiba. All are deeper than 400 meters and are therefore considered deep sea blocks by ANP. Given this offshore region is relatively unmapped ANP also classifies the area as “high risk blocks”. Just as important as the 11th Tender Round held on May 14th was the announcement by ANP that two other tenders will be taking place this year. One October 22 nd and another in November exclusively for the pre-salt oil basin. The October auction would be limited to just one oil field; Libra. This field located near the Tupi field (Brazil’s largest discovery) holds an estimated 5 billion barrels. It is not yet known whether the November auction will be dubbed the “13 th ANP Auction” or the “1 st ANP Pre-salt Auction”. The difference is not only geological and geographical, but legal as well since the November
Auction will be held under the new (2010) Oil Legislation in which the private investor´s revenue will come from a production-sharing arrangement with the Federal Government. Moreover, despite the geological mapping in the pre-salt fields has been much more extensive (making its risk classification lower from this perspective), it is also a fact that the relatively little industry experience in oil production at such profound depths poses an unprecedented operational risk. Under the new legislation Petrobras will have to hold a 30% stake in each of the future pre-salt projects, and will be designated the sole operator in all pre-salt fields. Source: Jornal do Comércio, May, 15 / IBP – Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo and Brazil Focus, May. 4. Energie Diversifying key to more generation Investors are funding Wind Parks, gas, and even coal projects in Rio Grande do Sul. Rio Grande do Sul’s business community and government must increase the states’s power generation, diversify sources and stimulate the inclusion of natural gas in the local grid in order to continue attracting productive investment. “Rio Grande do Sul is located at the tip of the transmission system and is an energy importer. Furthermore, entrepreneurs will require more natural gas in the coming years”, says Marco Tavares, partner at Gás Energy. At the peak of this summer, state wind farms also faltered, due to lack of wind. “The state needs robust generation and different sources that increase the security of supply”, says Sérgio Souza Dias, president of the group CEEE. Options include larger investments in wind energy projects, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) projects and even coal. Several companies have set up wind parks in the state, with 400 MW of installed capacity. In the third quarter of 2012, Odebrecht Energia will begin the construction of four wind parks that are part of the Corredor do Senandes in Rio Grande do Sul State (RS). With 117 megawatts (MW) of local installed capacity, the projects will receive an R$ 380 million investment. ” the region’s wind power potential is important if Brasil is to increase its wind power generation to 11, 5 gig watts by 2020,” says Fernando Chein, director of generation for Odebrecht Energia. Earlier this year, CPFL Renováveis (renewables) signed contract to purchase four wind parks that will be built in Palmares do Sul (in the State of RS), with a capacity of 120 MW. CEEE has also been investing in the sector. In partnership with other companies, it expects to implement 50 MW in wind parks in the state over the next three years. “There’s a great potential for wind energy in the State”, says Souza Dias, who notes that the company will also invest in expanding its small hydroelectric stations”. The company forecasts investments of R$ 23 billion by 2014. Another need is expanding the supply of natural gas to state. Currently the state’s share of the Gasoduto Brasil/Bolívia (Gasbol) is 2.8 million cubic meters daily. Sulgás will invest R$ 200 million between 2013 and 2015. Source: Netherlands Business Support Office Porto Alegre / main article from journalist/expert Roberto Rockmann Electricity Utility sector booming The Brazilian electricity sector is governed basically by the 1995 Public Utility Services Law and the 1996 legislation (Law Nº 9.427/1996) that created and instituted the country’s Electricity Agency (ANEEL – Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica). This relatively recent legislation has set the legal framework for the sector and opened up the market for private investors to participate in the efforts of building and exploring the infrastructure needed to cope with the increasing demand for electricity. In May one of those private groups, Neoenergia, formally applied for a R$ 3.6 billion (US$ 1.8 billion) loan from Development Bank BNDES. The Federal institution has been generous with the very large companies involved in large infrastructure projects and many of the loans have been granted with subsidized rates. Neoenergia owns three large Electricity distribution companies: COELBA in Bahia, CELPE in Pernambuco and COSERN in Rio Grande do Norte. They also own two Thermo Electric Plants (one in Pernambuco and another one in Rio Grande do Norte), as well as some mid-sized hydroelectric dams in Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo. According to reports, the requested funds are intended to expand the existing distribution grid in the three above mentioned states, where Neoenergia operates as main electricity utility firm. Repayment will be done over an 8 year period. As expected by the Federal Development Bank (BNDES), in order to apply for the special loan, holding company Neoenergia has had to assure that 0,5% of the total amount will be used in social projects. Source: Jornal do Commercio, May, 15.
5. WK 2014 & OS 2016 Eerste internationale wedstrijd in heropende Maracanã stadion goed verlopen Ondanks vertragingen in de bouw en controverses over de privatisering, heeft het Maracanã stadion in Rio de Janeiro haar eerste internationale evenement goed doorstaan: zondag 2 juni speelde de Braziliaanse nationale ploeg een vriendschappelijk duel tegen Engeland. 66.000 toeschouwers (max. capaciteit 76.000) konden genieten van een attractieve wedstrijd die eindigde in 2-2. Het stadion werd april jl. vier maanden later dan gepland heropend na een verbouwing van drie jaar en voldoet nu aan een lange lijst FIFA-eisen. De rond de 1.500 Engelse fans kregen een voorproefje van hoe een en ander gepland staat voor het WK2014: het reizen van en naar het stadion verliep snel en soepel, mede door de constructie van additionele entree-tunnels, het gebruik van extra metrotreinen en de inschakeling van Engels sprekende vrijwilligers die meehielpen om de buitenlandse fans in het stadion te ontvangen. Bron: Consulaat-Generaal van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, Rio de Janeiro Veiligheidscentra geopend in Rio de Janeiro Deze maand zijn er twee state-of-the-art veiligheidscentra geopend in Rio de Janeiro: het CCDA, gerund door de Braziliaanse strijdkrachten en het CICC, een samenwerkingsverband tussen federale en gemeentelijke politie, brandweer en andere hulpdiensten. De centra zullen samenwerken in het garanderen van de veiligheid en openbare orde voor en tijdens de aankomende mega-evenementen zoals de FIFA Confederations Cup (juni 2013), Wereld Jongeren Dagen (juli 2013), FIFA WK2014 en de Olympische Spelen van 2016. Bron: Consulaat-Generaal van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, Rio de Janeiro 6. Agribusiness Op basis van vetweefselcellen gekloond kalf geboren In Brazilië is de geboorte van het eerste op basis van cellen uit vetweefsel van een volwassen koe gekloonde kalf een feit. Deze nieuwe techniek werd uitgevoerd door Embrapa, het onderzoeksinstituut van het Braziliaanse Ministerie van Landbouw. Volgens het instituut – dat vier jaar aan de methode heeft gewerkt - is het kalf gezond en ontwikkelt het zich normaal. In onderzoeksliteratuur wordt eerder melding gemaakt van pogingen tot klonen op basis van geïnduceerde stamcellen uit vetweefselcellen. Dit is echter de eerste keer dat een dier levend en gezond wordt geboren. Nadat vetweefsel is weggehaald worden de vetcellen op kweek gezet. Vervolgens wordt het geïnjecteerd in een geprepareerde eicel. Het toedienen van schokken moet bevorderen dat het embryo zich binnen 7 dagen gaat ontwikkelen. Daarna wordt het geïmplanteerd in de draagmoeder. De zwangerschap duurde in dit geval 9 maanden en 20 dagen. Het kalf werd via een normale bevalling geboren en woog 35 kilo. De onderzoekers noemen de gelijkenis van het kalfje met de cel donor, zelf 2 jaar oud, opvallend. Bron: Valor, 7 mei en d.d. 21 mei. Consumption of dairy products on the rise in the Northeast Being the fastest growing consumer of Dairy products, the Northeast has been calling the attention of large producers, such as Danone (French), Nestlé (Swiss) and Brazilian Foods - BRF Group. BRF owns well-known brands such as Batavo and Elegê (dairy), as well as Perdigão and Sadia (cold cuts). According to the company, currently BRF holds an 11% market share, however intends to increase its portion to 20%. Based on the current trend, considering the Northeast is expected to approach almost 25% of Brazil´s consumption in a few years’ time, BRF is planning to double production in a facility in Bom Conselho (hinterland of Pernambuco). Besides producing butter and milk, monthly yogurt production in this plant currently stands at 1,5 thousand tons. Some of the characteristics of the Northeast are its large geographic area (from Bahia to Maranhão, covering 9 states), its relatively large population (almost 28% of Brazil´s total), and its fragmented market (with almost 25.000 retail outlets). Source: Diario de Pernambuco, May 25.
De achtergrond voor de huidige ethanolcrisis De recente geschiedenis van ethanol in Brazilië heeft iets weg van een filmscript. Het begon allemaal toen voormalig president Lula wereldwijd pronkte met de uit rietsuiker geproduceerde ethanol als alternatief voor fossiele brandstoffen, een ontwikkeling die de nationale economie zou kunnen veranderen. Daarop werd de vloot aan ‘flex’ auto’s (een auto die zowel op ethanol als op fossiele brandstof rijdt) flink uitgebreid en lag betreding van de Amerikaanse markt – na een flink geschil met lokale producenten en lobbyisten - in het verschiet. Er volgde een verrassende wending: Brazilië bleek onvoldoende ethanol te produceren voor export en de standaard flex auto’s werden vooral gevuld met benzine omdat dit goedkoper is dan ethanol. Aan de andere kant werd de sector tussen 2008 en 2012 geconfronteerd met sluiting van 40 fabrieken (bron: UNICA, de Vereniging van Rietsuikerproducenten). Het paradepaardje van de Braziliaanse regering werd ondergedompeld in een ernstige crisis. De Braziliaanse overheid heeft recentelijk een pakket maatregelen aangekondigd om de suikerrietsector te stimuleren. Het Ministerie van Mijnbouw en Energie heeft sinds 2011 middels onderhandelingen met de sector aan het pakket gewerkt. Deskundigen zijn sceptisch en vinden de maatregelen onvoldoende om de sector weer op het juiste pad te krijgen. Hieronder 4 factoren die hebben bijgedragen aan het ontstaan van de crisis: Ontbreken van een langetermijnpolitiek Een van de struikelblokken is het gebrek aan lange termijn planning. De ethanolindustrie is al meer dan 40 jaar actief in Brazilië en nog steeds is er geen sprake van een geconsolideerd beleid. Met sporadische maatregelen lukt het de regering nooit om problemen bij de wortel aan te pakken. Daarnaast concentreren de producenten zich liever op suiker vanwege de aantrekkelijke prijzen. Dat is juist één van de gevolgen van gebrekkig beleid en maakt het moeilijk om de ethanolproductie los te koppelen van de suikerproductie. Factoren als deze dragen bij aan de kritiek op de energiestrategie van Brazilië. De ambitie om de markt voor biobrandstoffen te leiden is niet langer prioriteit, terwijl andere landen dat voortouw wel nemen, zoals de productie van ethanol uit mais in de VS. Met de ontdekking van de pre-salt gebieden kreeg fossiele brandstof weer ruimte en verdween ethanol nog meer naar de achtergrond. Rol benzine in economisch beleid Hoewel begaan met het milieu, gaat menigeen bij de pomp ethanol voorbij vanwege de kosten. Ethanol zou maximaal tot 70% van de benzineprijs mogen kosten, aangezien deze biobrandstof minder efficiënt is. Al jaren is sprake van een (te) hoge ethanolprijs, en de afweging aan de pomp wordt door de consument niet eens meer gemaakt. Volgens een investeringsonderzoek van de Itaú bank werd in januari 2009 nog 80% van de flex auto’s voornamelijk gevuld met ethanol, terwijl dit aantal in oktober 2012 is gezakt naar 27%. Volgens UNICA (de belangrijkste vereniging voor de Suikerriet Industrie, namelijk die voor de deelstaat Sao Paulo) is het daarom van belang het aanbod aan de pomp te verhogen, voor de producenten een prijsgarantie te bewerkstellingen en voor de consument een prijsvoordeel. Daarnaast moet de consument middels een campagne geïnformeerd worden over o.a. de milieuvriendelijke voordelen van ethanol, ook als dit minder rendement oplevert voor Petrobras. De biobrandstof is nu het slachtoffer van de overheidsbemoeienis. Om de inflatie te beteugelen reguleert de overheid de prijs van fossiele brandstof. Als de prijs niet mag fluctueren op de internationale markt - zoals elders gebruikelijk – blijft ethanol kwetsbaar en minder concurrerend. Eerder dit jaar nog verdedigde de Braziliaanse Minister van Financiën, Guido Mantega, het prijsbeleid van de Braziliaanse overheid. Hij stelde dat met dit beleid een gemiddelde brandstofprijs gegarandeerd bleef en niet onderhevig zou zijn aan schommelingen in prijzen van olie en derivaten. De internationale financiële crisis ging niet aan de suikerproductie voorbij. Producenten zagen hun kredietmogelijkheden slinken en de kosten voor aanplant stijgen, waardoor het totale productieproces duurder uitpakte. Het goed onderhouden en vernieuwen van de plantage is immers essentieel voor een goede oogst. Wereldwijde financiële onrust dwong diverse producenten de deuren te sluiten. Ook werd er minder geïnvesteerd in de sector met inbegrip van buitenlands kapitaal dat naar Brazilië kwam via BP, Shell en Bunge in de hoogtijdagen voor ethanol. Productiviteit De crisis heeft dus zeker bijgedragen aan de daling van de productiviteit van de gehele sector over de afgelopen jaren, maar ook mechanisatie heeft hier schuld aan, volgens agronoom José Baccarin van de UNESP. Natuurlijk is het kostenbesparend, maar machinale kap werkt ook meer verspilling in de hand dan handmatige kap. De productie nam in 2012 af van 86,6 ton per ha in 2006 naar 74,7 ton in 2012. Het weer Volgens Unicamp is suikerriet zelf niet de enige boosdoener. Hoewel er geen sprake is van natuurrampen, heeft het weer de laatste tijd ook niet altijd meegewerkt. Het ene jaar was te droog, het ander weer te nat en in 2012werden veel plantages beschadigd door de vorst. Deze nadelige weersomstandigheden hebben uiteindelijk bijgedragen aan de hogere kosten van ethanol. Deze kosten - die niet zijn doorberekend in de prijs vanwege een toch al nadelige positie – hebben als sluitstuk de
sector dieper in de financiële problemen gebracht en de productiecapaciteit verminderd. Bron: BBC Brasil, mei. Vakbeurzen in Brazilië SIAL - The Latin American Food Marketplace (Nederlands Centrum voor Handelsbevordering, NCH, is aanwezig met een Holland paviljoen) São Paulo, June 25-28. Fispal Tecnologia (International Food and Beverages Industry Packaging, Processes and Logistics Fair) São Paulo, June 25-28. Fispal Food Service (International Out-of-Home Dining Products and Services Fair) São Paulo, June 25-28. BRASIL LOG 2013 - 4th International Logistics Fair Jundiaí/SP, June 26 – 28. Expo Aero Brasil – EAB (International Aeronautical Fair) São Paulo, July 11-14. Navalshore – international tradefair for the maritime and offshore industry Rio de Janeiro, August 13-15. Expoagas (supermarket fair) Porto Alegre/RS, August 20-22. Embala Nordeste (Packaging industry) Recife, August 27-30. Concrete Show (exhibition and conference on concrete technology in Latin America) São Paulo, August 28-30. Brazil Windpower 2013, Rio de Janeiro, September 3-5. ABAV, Tourism Fair in the Americas, São Paulo, September 4-8. Frutal 2013, International Week of Fruit Crops, Floriculture and Agribusiness Fortaleza, September 9-12. FITABES - 9th International Environmental Sanitation Fair Goiânia, GO, September 15-18.
Movimat, International Intralogistics Fair São Paulo, September 17-19. Rio Pipeline - international tradefair for (offshore) pipeline industry Rio de Janeiro, September 24-26. Mercopar (Industrial Innovation Fair) Caixias do Sul/RS, October 1-4. SÃO PAULO BOAT SHOW 2013 - 16th Latin American Indoor Boat Show São Paulo, October 17-22. Futurecom 2012 (Largest Event for the Communications Sector in Latin America) Rio de Janeiro, October 21-24 RIO INFRAESTRUTURA - 3rd Infrastructure Products and Services Trade Fair Rio de Janeiro, October 28-November 02. OTC Brasil - international tradefair for the oil&gas industry Rio de Janeiro, October 29-31. NT Expo - Business on Rails - The largest rail event of Latin America São Paulo, November 5-7. Fimai (International Industrial Environment and Sustainability Fair) São Paulo, November 5-7 Soccerex (football business fair) Rio de Janeiro, November 23-27. Transpoquip (Transportation Infrastructure) São Paulo, December 3-5. Verdere informatie over beurzen en tentoonstellingen in Brazilië is hier te vinden. Voor vakbeurzen op het gebied van agro-business, zie hier.