2009 Scientific publications Otto, J.M. (2009). Rule of Law, Adat Law and Sharia: 1901, 2001, and Monitoring the Next Phase. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 1(1), 15-20. Otto, J.M. (2009). Rule of Law Promotion, Land Tenure and Poverty Alleviation: Questioning the Assumptions of Hernando de Soto. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 1(1), 173-194. Ubink, J.M. (2009). Chiefs and farmers: Social capital and the negotiability of rights to land in Ghana. Recht der Werkelijkheid, 3, 49-67. Assies, W.J. (2009). Land tenure, land law and development: some thoughts on recent debates. Journal of Peasant Studies (The), 36(3), 571-587. Dekker, A.J. & Ostien, P. (2009). L'application du droit penal islamique dans le Nord-Nigeria. Afrique Contemporaine, 231(3), 245-264. Bedner, A.W. (2009). 'Shopping Forums': Indonesia's Administrative Courts. In A. Harding & P. Nicholson (Eds.), New Courts in Asia (pp. 163-180). London: Routledge. Li, P., Prosterman, R., Ye, J., Wu, J. & Rooij, B. van (2009). Land reform and tenure security in China: History and current challenges. In J.M. Ubink, A.J. Hoekema & W.J. Assies (Eds.), Legalising Land Rights. Local Practices, State Responses and Tenure Security in Africa, Asia and Latin America (Law, Governance and Development) (pp. 409-433). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Otto, J.M. (2009). Islam, Family Law and Constitutional Context in Indonesia. In E. Cotran & M. Lau (Eds.), Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, 13 (20062007)) (pp. 73-86). Leiden/Boston: Brill. Reerink, G.O. (2009). Land registration programmes for Indonesia's urban poor: Need, reach and effects in the kampongs of Bandung. In J.M. Ubink, A.J. Hoekema & W.J. Assies (Eds.), Legalising Land Rights. Local Practices, State Responses and Tenure Security in Africa, Asia and Latin America (Law, Governance and Development) (pp. 527-548). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Rooij, B. van (2009). Land loss and conflict in China: Illustrated by cases from Yunnan province. In J.M. Ubink, A.J. Hoekema & W.J. Assies (Eds.), Legalising Land Rights. Local Practices, State Responses and Tenure Security in Africa, Asia and Latin America (Law, Governance and Development) (pp. 435-465). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Ubink, J.M. (2009). Legalising customary land tenure in Ghana: The case of peri-uban Kumasi. In J.M. Ubink, A.J. Hoekema & W.J. Assies (Eds.), Legalising Land Rights. Local Practices, State Responses and Tenure Security in Africa, Asia and Latin America (Law, Governance and Development) (pp. 163-191). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Ubink, J.M. (2009). Legalising land rights in Africa, Asia and Latin America: An introduction. In J.M. Ubink, A.J. Hoekema & W.J. Assies (Eds.), Legalising Land Rights. Local Practices, State Responses and Tenure Security in Africa, Asia and Latin America (Law, Governance, and Development) (pp. 7-31). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Vel, J.A.C. (2009). Playing the Religious Card: Competing for District Leadership in West Sumba, Indonesia. In T.G. Kirsch & B. Turner (Eds.), Permutations of Order: Religion and Law as Contested Sovereignties (Law, Justice and Power Series) (pp. 207-225). Farnham, United Kingdom: Ashgate.
Vel, J.A.C. (2009). Reading Politics from a Book of Donations: The Moral Economy of the Political Class in Sumba. In G. van Klinken & J. Barker (Eds.), State of Authority. The State in Society in Indonesia (pp. 117-148). Ithaka, New York: Cornell Southeast Asia Program. Wiratraman, H.P. (2009). Akses Untuk Keadilan: Problem HAM dan Pembaruan Hukum dan HAM [Access to Justice: Law Reform and Human Rights Problems in Indonesia]. In F. Aminuddin (Ed.), Globalisasi dan Neoliberalisme: Pengaruh dan Dampaknya bagi Demokratisasi Indonesia [Globalisation and Neoliberalism: The Influence and Impact for Indonesia's Democratization] (pp. 107-132). Yogjakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Arnscheidt, J. (2009, januari 20). 'Debating' Nature Conservation: Policy, Law and Practice in Indonesia. A discourse analysis of history and present. LEI Universiteit Leiden (447 pag.) (Leiden: Leiden University Press). Prom./coprom.: prof. mr J.M. Otto & mr. dr. A.W. Bedner. Tjiook-Liem, P. (2009, januari 15). De rechtspositie der Chinezen in Nederlands-Indië 1848-1942. LEI Universiteit Leiden (689 pag.) (Leiden: Leiden University Press). Prom./coprom.: prof. mr J.M. Otto, dr. J.. van der Vliet & mr. dr. A.W. Bedner. Otto, J.M. (2009). Een historisch-vergelijkend onderzoek naar de positie van de sharia in nationale rechtssystemen van twaalf moslimlanden. In P. Kruiniger (Ed.), Recht van de Islam 23 (pp. 57-83). Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers. Otto, J.M. (2009). The gradual incorporation of Islamic law in Indonesia's national legal system. In Austrian Association for the Middle East Hammer-Purgstall (Ed.), Family, Law and Religion. Debates in the Muslim World and Europe and their Implications for Co-operation and Dialogue (pp. 131-156). Oberwart, Austria: Gröbner Druck. Professional publicaties Sonneveld, N. (2009). Op straat gezet worden of op straat zetten? Echtscheiding in Egypte. ZemZem. Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam, 5(3), 104-110. Bedner, A.W. (01-12-2009). Rechtsstelsel met koloniale wortels. Elsevier, speciale editie "Ons Indië", pp. 78-79.
Moniaga, S. (2009). Fighting over the land and forest. Century-old conflicts persist in the vast tracts of Indonesia that are designed as state forest. Inside Indonesia, 98. Other research output Ubink, J.M., Hoekema, A.J. & Assies, W.J. (Eds.). (2009). Legalising Land Rights. Local Practices, State Responses and Tenure Security in Africa, Asia and Latin America (Law, Governance and Development). Leiden: Leiden University Press.
2010 Scientific publications Bakker, L.G.H. & Moniaga, S. (2010). The Space Between: Land Claims and the Law in Indonesia. Asian Journal of Social Science, 38(2), 187-203. Bedner, A.W. & Vel, J.A.C. (2010). An analytical framework for empirical research on Access to Justice. Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal, 15(1). Bedner, A.W. (2010). An Elementary Approach to the Rule of Law. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 2(1), 4874. Bedner, A.W. (2010). Consequences of Decentralization: Environmental Impact Assessment and Water Pollution Control in Indonesia. Law & Policy, 32(1), 38-60. Bedner, A.W. & Huis, S.C. van (2010). Plurality of marriage law and marriage registration for Muslims in Indonesia: a plea for pragmatism. Utrecht Law Review, 6(2), 175-191.
D'Hondt, L.Y. (2010). Seeking Environmental Justice in North Maluku: How Transformed Injustices and Big Interests get in the way. Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal, 15(1). Huis, S.C. van (2010). Rethinking the Implementation of Child Support Decisions - Post-divorce Rights and Access to the Islamic Court in Cianjur, Indonesia. Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal, 15(1). Novirianti, D. (2010). District Legislation and Access to Justice: A Case Study of Female Migrant Workers in Cianjur. Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal, 15(1). Simarmata, R. (2010). Legal Complexity in Natural Resource Management in the Frontier Mahakam Delta of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law, 62, 115-146. Sonneveld, N. (2010). Khul' Divorce in Egypt: How Family Courts are providing a 'Dialogue' between Husband and Wife. Antropology of the Middle East, 5(2), 100-120. Vel, J.A.C. & Makambombu, S. (2010). Access to Agrarian Justice in Sumba, Eastern Indonesia. Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal, 15(1). Vel, J.A.C. (2010). Policy Research on Access to Justice in Indonesia: A review of World Bank and UNDP reports. Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal, 15(1). Otto, J.M. (2010). Rechtsstaatbevordering in Moslimlanden. Liberaal Reveil, 51(1), 3-10. Reerink, G.O. & Gelder, J.J. van (2010). Land Titling, Perceived Tenure Security, and Housing Consolidation in the Kampongs of Bandung, Indonesia. Habitat International , 34(1), 78-85. Simarmata, R. (2010). Gejala Informalitas pada Tanah Garapan [Informality phenomena over cultivated land]. Law Reform, 4(1), 39-60. Bedner, A.W. (2010). Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara di Indonesia: Sebuah studi sosio-legal [Administrative Courts in Indonesia: A Socio-Legal Study] (Seri Sosio-Legal Indonesia). Jakarta: HuMa, Van Vollenhoven Instite, KITLV-Jakarta. Safitri, M.A. & Moeliono, T. (2010). Hukum Agraria dan Masyarakat di Indonesia [Agrarian Law and Society in Indonesia] (Seri Sosio-Legal Indonesia). Jakarta: HuMa-Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV-Jakarta. Vel, J.A.C. (2010). Ekonomi-Uma: Penerapan adat dalam dinamika ekonomi berbasis kekerabatan [The UmaEconomy: Indigenous economics and development work in Lawonda, Sumba, Eastern-Indonesia] (Seri Socio-Legal Indonesia). Jakarta: HuMa; Van Vollenhoven Institute; KITLV-Jakarta. Assies, W.J. (2010). Terres, territoires, multiculturalisme et pluriethnicité en Bolivie. In J.P. Jacob & P.Y. le Meur (Eds.), Politique de la terre et de l'appartenance. Droits fonciers et citoyenneté locale dans les sociétés du Sud (pp. 351-373). Paris: Karthala. Berger, M.S. & Sonneveld, N. (2010). Sharia and National Law in Egypt. In J.M. Otto (Ed.), Sharia Incorporated: A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems in Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present (Law, Governance and Development) (pp. 51-88). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Moniaga, S. (2010). Antara hukum negara dan realitas sosial politik di tataran kabupaten: Perjuangan mempertahankan hak atas tanah adat di perdesaan Banten. In M.A. Safitri & T Moeliono (Eds.), Hukum Agraria dan Masyarakat di Indonesia [Agrarian Law and Society in Indonesia] (Seri Sosio-Legal Indonesia) (pp. 143-182). Jakarta: HuMa-Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Instiute, Leiden University; KITLVJakarta.
Ostien, P. & Dekker, A.J. (2010). Sharia and National Law in Nigeria. In J.M. Otto (Ed.), Sharia Incorporated: A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries (Law, Governance, and Development) (pp. 553-612). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Otto, J.M. (2010). Gagasan-gagasan lama dan baru dalam kajian sosio-legal mengenai penguasaan tanah dan pembentukan negara hukum di Indonesia [Old and new ideas in socio-legal research concerning land titling and rule of law formation in Indonesia]. In M.A. Safitri & T. Moeliono (Eds.), Hukum Agraria dan Masyarakat di Indonesia (Seri Socio-Legal Indonesia) (pp. vi-xiv). Jakarta: HuMa-Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV-Jakarta. Otto, J.M. (2010). Introduction: investigating the role of sharia in national law. In J.M. Otto (Ed.), Sharia Incorporated. A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present (Law, Governance, and Development) (pp. 17-49). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Otto, J.M. (2010). Sharia and national law in Indonesia. In J.M. Otto (Ed.), Sharia Incorporated. A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems in Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present (Law, Governance, and Development) (pp. 433-490). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Otto, J.M. (2010). Towards comparative conclusions on the role of sharia in national law. In J.M. Otto (Ed.), Sharia Incorporated. A comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present (Law, Governance, and Development) (pp. 613-654). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Reerink, G.O. (2010). Ganti rugi? Ganti untung! Hukum dan praktik pengadaan tanah di Indonesia pasca-Orde Baru. In M.A. Safitri & T. Moeliono (Eds.), Hukum agraria dan masyarakat di Indonesia [Agrarian Law and Society in Indonesia] (Seri Socio-Legal Indonesia) (pp. 311-338). Jakarta: HuMa-Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV-Jakarta. Safitri, M.A. & Moeliono, T. (2010). Bernegara hukum dan berbagi kuasa dalam urusan agraria di Indonesia Sebuah pengantar. In M.A. Safitri & T. Moeliono (Eds.), Hukum Agraria dan Masyarakat di Indonesia [Agrarian Law and Society in Indonesia] (Seri Sosio-Legal Indonesia) (pp. 1-32). Jakarta: HuMa-Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV Jakarta. Safitri, M.A. (2010). Reformasi hukum periferal: Kepastian tenurial dan hutan Kemasyarakatan di Lampung. In M.A. Safitri & T. Moeliono (Eds.), Hukum Agraria dan Masyarakat di Indonesia [Agrarian Law and Society in Indonesia] (Seri Sosio-Legal Indonesia) (pp. 109-142). Jakarta: HuMa-Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Insitute, Leiden University; KITLV-Jakarta. Vel, J.A.C. (2010). Penggunaan hukum adat terkait tanah pada masa kini di Sumba, Nusa Tanggara Timur [Contemporary use of customary land law in Sumba, Eastern Indonesia]. In M.A. Safitri & T. Moeliono (Eds.), Hukum Agraria dan Masyaraka di Indonesia [Agrarian Law and Society in Indonesia] (Seri SosioLegal Indonesia) (pp. 213-247). Jakarta: HuMa-Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV-Jakarta. Safitri, M.A. (2010, december 15). Forest Tenure in Indonesia. The socio-legal challenges of securing communities' rights. LEI Universiteit Leiden (369 pag.) (Leiden: Faculteit der Rechtesgeleerdheid). Prom./coprom.: prof. mr J.M. Otto. Professional publications Vel, J.A.C. (2010). Editorial to Special Issue. Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal, 15(1). Tjandra, S. (2010). Disputing Labour Dispute Settlement: Indonesian Workers' Access to Justice. Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal, 15(1). Other research output Otto, J.M. (Ed.). (2010). Sharia Incorporated. A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present (Law, Governance, and Development). Leiden: Leiden University Press.
Otto, J.M. & Huis, S.C. van (2010). Modernisation, Tradition and Identity: The Kompilasi Hukum Islam and Legal Practice in the Indonesian Religious Courts [Bespreking van het boek Modernisation, Tradition and Identity: The Kompilasi Hukum Islam and Legal Practice in the Indonesian Courts]. ajal, 11(2), 318321. Ubink, J.M. (2010). Towards Customary Legal Empowerment in Namibia. Concept Note. : International Development Law Organisation (IDLO). Ubink, J.M. & Rooij, B. van (2010). Towards Customary Legal Empowerment. : International Development Law Organisation (IDLO).
2011 Scientific publications Huis, S.C. van (2011). Dilema Perempuan Bercerai di Cianjur [A dilema for women who divorce in Cianjur]. Jurnal Hukum Jentera, 21, 28-46. Otto, J.M. (2011). 'De sharia' in rechtssystemen van moslimlanden: een referentiekader. Rechtstreeks, 4, 8-63. Bedner, A.W. (2011). A Rule of Law Perspective on Spatial Management in Indonesia. In S. Dwi Harijanti (Ed.), Negara Hukum yang Berkeadilan. Kumpulan Pemikiran dalam Rangka Purnabakti Prof. Dr. H. Bagir Manan, S.H., M.CL. [A Just State under the Rule of Law: A Compilation of Thoughts for the Commemoration of the 70th Birthday of Dr. H. Bagir Manan, S.H., M.CL]. Bandung: Rosda. Bedner, A.W. (2011). Pengantar: Akses terhadap keadilan dan penanganan masalah lingkunan [Introduction: Access to Justice and Environmental Dispute Resolution]. In W.J. Berenschot, A.W. Bedner, E. Riyadi Laggut-Terre & D. Novirianti (Eds.), Akses terhadap keadilan: Perjuangan masyarakat miskin dan kurang beruntung untuk menuntut hak di Indonesia [Access to Justice: the Struggle of Indonesia's Poor to Claim their Rights] (Seri Sosio-Legal Indonesia) (pp. 163-176). Jakarta: HuMa Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV Jakarta; Epistema Institute. Bedner, A.W. (2011). Suatu Pendekatan Elementer Terhadap Negara Hukum [An elementary approach to the rule of law]. In M. Safitri, A. Marwan & Y. Arizona (Eds.), Satjipto Rahardjo Dan Hukum Progresif: Urgensi Dan Kritik [Satjipto Rahardjo and Progressive Law: Urgency and Critique] (pp. 139-186). Jakarta: Epistema Institute & HuMa. Berenschot, W.J. & Bedner, A.W. (2011). Akses terhadap keadilan: Sebuah pengantar tentang perjuangan Indonesia menjadikan hukum bekerja bagi semua orang [Access to Justice: an introduction to Indonesia's struggle to make the law work for everyone]. In A.W. Bedner, E. Riyadi Laggut-Terre, W.J. Berenschot & D. Novirianti (Eds.), Akses terhadap keadilan: Perjuangan masyarakat miskin dan kurang beruntung untuk menuntut hak di Indonesia [Access to Justice: the Struggle of Indonesia's Poor to claim their Rights] (Seri Sosio-Legal Indonesia) (pp. 3-25). Jakarta: Huma Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV Jakarta; Epistema Institute. Berenschot, W.J. (2011). Kesimpulan: Lorong-lorong baru dalam memperjuangkan akses terhadap keadilan [Conclusion: New trends in the Struggle for access to Justice]. In W.J. Berenschot, A.W. Bedner, E. Riyadi Laggut-Terre & D. Novirianti (Eds.), Akses terhadap keadilan: Perjuangan masyarakat miskin dan kurang beruntung untuk menuntut hak di Indonesia [Access to Justice: the Struggle of Indonesia's Poor to Claim their Rights] (Seri Sosio-Legal Indonesia) (pp. 273-284). Jakarta: HuMa Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV Jakarta; Epistema Institute. D'Hondt, L.Y. (2011). Konflik pertambangan di Maluku Utara: Mencari keadilan di antara keuntungang, identitas adat, dan lingkungan [A Mining Conflict in North Maluku: Seeking Justice between profit, traditional identities and environment]. In W.J. Berenschot, A.W. Bedner, E. Riyadi Laggut-Terre & D Novirianti (Eds.), Akses terhadap keadilan: Perjuangan masyarakat miskin dan kurang beruntung untuk menuntut hak di Indonesia. [Access to Justice: the Struggle of Indonesia's Poor to Claim their Rights] (Seri 5
Sosial-Legal Indonesia) (pp. 197-216). Jakarta: HuMa Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV Jakarta; Epistema Institute. Huis, S.C. van (2011). Akses terhadap hak-hak pascaperceraian bagi perempuan bercerai di Cianjur [Access to post-divorce rights for women in Cianjur]. In W.J. Berenschot, A.W. Bedner, E. Riyadi Laggut-Terre & D. Novirianti (Eds.), Akses terhadap keadilan: Perjuangan masyarakat miskin dan kurang beruntung untuk menuntut hak di Indonesia. [Access to Justice: the Struggle of Indonesia's Poor to Claim their Rights] (Seri Sosio-Legal Indonesia) (pp. 233-251). Jakarta: HuMa Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV Jakarta; Epistema Institute. Novirianti, D. (2011). Pengantar: Meninjau peluang akses perempuan terhadap keadilan di Indonesia. [Introduction: Reviewing the opportunities for women for Access to Justice in Indonesia]. In W.J. Berenschot, A.W. Bedner, E. Riyadi Laggut-Terre & D. Novirianti (Eds.), Akses terhadap keadilan: Perjuangan masyarakat miskin dan kurang beruntung untuk menuntut hak di Indonesia. [Access to Justice: the Struggle of Indonesia's Poor to Claim their Rights] (Seri Sosio-Legal Indonesia) (pp. 219-231). Jakarta: HuMa Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV Jakarta; Epistema Institute. Novirianti, D. (2011). TKI mencari keadilan: Personalan hukum, respons pemerintah, dan advokasi LSM. [Migrant workers seeking justice: Law, government and advocacy]. In W.J. Berenschot, A.W. Bedner, E. Riyadi Laggut-Terre & D. Novirianti (Eds.), Akses terhadap keadilan: Perjuangan masyarakat miskin dan kurang beruntung untuk menuntut hak di Indonesia. [Access to Justice: the Struggle of Indonesia's Poor to Claim their Rights] (Seri Sosio-Legal Indonesia) (pp. 253-269). Jakarta: HuMa Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV Jakarta; Epistema Institute. Otto, J.M. & Mason, H.E. (2011). Delicate Debates on Islam. Policymakers and Academics Speaking with Each Other: an Introduction. In J.M. Otto & H.E. Mason (Eds.), Delicate Debates on Islam: Policymakers and Academics Speaking with Each Other (Islam Society Series) (pp. 9-22). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Otto, J.M. (2011). Sharia and Law in a Bird's-Eye View: Reform, Moderation and Ambiguity. In J.M. Otto & H.E. Mason (Eds.), Delicate Debates on Islam. Policymakers and Academics Speaking with Each Other (Islam Society Series) (pp. 73-76). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Simarmata, R. (2011). Upaya para nelayan dalam mencari keadilan antara kepentingan ekonomi dan lingkungang [The efforts of fishermen to achieve Justice in between Economic and Environmental Needs]. In W.J. Berenschot, A.W. Bedner, E. Riyadi Laggut-Terre & D. Novirianti (Eds.), Akses terhadap keadilan: Perjuangan masyarakat miskin dan kurang beruntung untuk menuntut hak di Indonesia. [Access to Justice: the Struggle of Indonesia's Poor to Claim their Rights] (Seri Socio-Legal Indonesia) (pp. 177196). Jakarta: HuMa Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV Jakarta; Epistema Institute. Ubink, J.M. (2011). Effectuating normative change in customary legal systems: An end to 'widow chasing' in Northern Namibia. In G.J. Abbink & M.E. de Bruijn (Eds.), Land, Law and Politics in Africa. Mediating Conflict and Reshaping the State (pp. 315-333). Leiden: African Studies Centre. Ubink, J.M. (2011). Gender Equality on the Horizon: The case of Uukwambi Tradtional Authority, Northern Namibia. In E. Harper (Ed.), Working with Customary Justice Systems: Post-Conflict and Fragile States (pp. 51-71). Rome: International Development Law Organization. Ubink, J.M. (2011). Stating the Customary: An Innovative Approach to the Locally Legitimate Recording of Customary Law in Namibia. In J.M. Ubink (Ed.), Customary Justice: Perspectives on Legal Empowerment (pp. 131-150). Rome: International Development Law Organization (IDLO), Van Vollenhoven Institute. Ubink, J.M. (2011). The Quest for Customary Law in African State Courts. In J. Fenrich, P. Galizzi & T.E. Higgins (Eds.), The Future of African Customary Law (pp. 83-102). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Ubink, J.M. & Rooij, B. van (2011). Towards Customary Legal Empowerment: An Introduction. In J.M. Ubink (Ed.), Customary Justice: Perspectives on Legal Empowerment (pp. 7-27). Rome: International Development Law Organization (IDLO), Van Vollenhoven Institute. Vel, J.A.C. & Makambombu, S. (2011). Akses terhadap keadilan dalam sengketa tanah: Bagaimana ketidaksetaraan sosial membentuk resolusi konflik di Sumba [Access to Justice in Land conflicts: how social inequalities shape conflict resolution in Sumba]. In W.J. Berenschot, A.W. Bedner, E. Riyadi Laggut-Terre & D. Novirianti (Eds.), Akses terhadap keadilan: Perjuangan masyarakat miskin dan kurang beruntung untuk menuntut hak di Indonesia [Access to Justice: the Struggle of Indonesia's Poor to Claim their Rights] (Seri Socio-Legal Indonesia) (pp. 53-71). Jakarta: HuMa Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV; Epistema Institute. Wiratraman, H.P. (2011). Does post-Soeharto Indonesian Law System Guarantee Freedom of the Press? In A. Sharom, S. Petcharamesree & Y. Sumarlan (Eds.), Breaking the Silence: Human Rights in Southeast Asia Series 1 (pp. 102-120). Bangkok, Thailand: Southeast Asian Human Rights Studies Network (SEAHRN). Moeliono, T. (2011, december 13). Spatial Management in Indonesia: From Planning to Implementation. Cases from West Java and Bandung. A socio-legal study. LEI Universiteit Leiden (405 pag.) (Leiden: Universiteit Leiden). Prom./coprom.: prof. mr J.M. Otto & mr. dr. A.W. Bedner.
Reerink, G.O. (2011, december 13). Tenure Security for Indonesia's Urban Poor. A socio-legal study on land, decentralisation, and the rule of law in Bandung. LEI Universiteit Leiden (281 pag.) (Leiden: Leiden University Press). Prom./coprom.: prof. mr J.M. Otto & mr. dr. A.W. Bedner. Huis, S.C. van (2011). De rol van de islamitische rechtbank in de praktijk van het scheidingsrecht voor vrouwen in Cianjur. In P. Kruiniger (Ed.), Recht van de Islam 25 (pp. 75-90). Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers. Professional publications Otto, J.M. (03-11-2011). Sharia is niet zo eng als politici ons doen geloven. Trouw. Wiratraman, H.P. (30-09-2011). Gagalnya Penegakan Hukum dan HAM [The Failure of Law and Human Rights Enforcement]. Kompas. Other research output Ubink, J.M. (Ed.). (2011). Customary Justice: Perspectives on Legal Empowerment (Legal and Governance Reform: Lessons Learned, 3). Rome: International Development Law Organisation (IDLO), Van Vollenhoven Institute. Berenschot, W.J., Bedner, A.W., Riyadi Laggut-Terre, E. & Novirianti, D. (Eds.). (2011). Akses terhadap keadilan: Perjuangan masyarakat miskin dan kurang beruntung untuk menuntut hak di Indonesia [Access to Justice: the Struggle of Indonesia's Poor to Claim their Rights] (Seri Sosio-Legal Indonesia). Jakarta: HuMa Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV Jakarta; Epistema Institute. Otto, J.M. & Mason, H.E. (Eds.). (2011). Delicate Debates on Islam. Policymakers and Academics Speaking with Each Other (Islam Society Series). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Bedner, A.W. (2011). Restating the Legal Anthropological Discipline [Bespreking van het boek The Power of Law in a Transnational World: Anthropological Enquiries]. Recht der Werkelijkheid, 32(3), 114-120. Huis, S.C. van (2011). Book Review: R.M. Feener, Muslim legal thought in Modern Indonesia (2007) [Bespreking van het boek Muslim legal thought in Modern Indonesia]. Bijdr Taal Land Volkenkunde, 167(4), 579-581. Lankhorst, M. & Otto, J.M. (2011). Adviesnota Rechtsstaatbevordering in het Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsbeleid: inbreng van hoogwaardige expertise. Leiden/Den Haag: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC).
Ubink, J.M. (2011). Customary Justice Sector Reform. Rome: International Development Law Organisation (IDLO). Ubink, J.M. (2011). Stating the Customary: An Innovative Approach to the Locally Legitimate Recording of Customary Law in Namibia. (‘Traditional Justice: Practitioners’ Perspectives’ Working Paper Series 8). Rome: International Development Law Organization (IDLO) / Van Vollenhoven Institute. Ubink, J.M. (2011). Gender Equality on the Horizon: The case of Uukwambi Tradtional Authority, Northern Namibia. (IDLO Customary Justice Working paper series 3). Rome: International Development Law Organization (IDLO) / Van Vollenhoven Institute.
2012 Scientific publications Huis, S.C. van & Wirastri, T.D. (2012). Muslim Marriage Registration in Indonesia: Revised Marriage Registration Laws Cannot Overcome Compliance Flaws. Australian Journal of Asian Law, 13(1). McCarthy, J.F., Vel, J.A.C. & Afiff, S. (2012). Trajectories of land acquisition and enclosure: development schemes, virtual land grabs, and green acquisitions in Indonesia’s Outer Islands. Journal of Peasant Studies (The), 39(2), 521-549. Bedner, A.W. & Vel, J.A.C. (2012). Sebuah kerangka analisis untuk penelitian empiris dalam bidang akses terhadap keadilan [A Conceptual Framework for Empirical Research on Access to Justice]. In A.W. Bedner, S. Irianto, J.M. Otto & T.D. Wirastri (Eds.), Kajian Sosio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies] (pp. 81114). Jakarta: Pustaka Larasan; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen. Bedner, A.W. (2012). Shopping forums: Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara Indonesia [Shopping Forums: Administrative Courts in Indonesia]. In A.W. Bedner, S. Irianto, J.M. Otto & T.D. Wirastri (Eds.), Kajian Sosio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies] (pp. 209-240). Jakarta: Pustaka Larasan; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen. Bedner, A.W. (2012). Suatu pendekatan elementer terhadap negara hukum [An Elementary Approach to the Rule of Law]. In A.W. Bedner, S. Irianto, J.M. Otto & T.D. Wirastri (Eds.), Kajian Sosio-Legal [SocioLegal Studies] (pp. 45-80). Jakarta: Pustaka Larasa; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen. Mason, H.E. (2012). Female genital cutting in Ethiopia: A changing practice? In A. van der Kwaak, G. Baltissen, D. Plummer, K. Ferris & J. Nduba (Eds.), Understanding Nomadic Realities. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute (KIT). Otto, J.M. & Pompe, S. (2012). Aras hukum oriental [The Legal Oriental Connection]. In A.W. Bedner, S. Irianto, J.M. Otto & T.D. Wirastri (Eds.), Kajian Socio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies] (pp. 19-44). Jakarta: Pustaka Larasan; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen. Otto, J.M. (2012). Kepastian hukum yang nyata di negara berkembang [Real Legal Certainty in Developing Countries]. In A.W. Bedner, S. Irianto, J.M. Otto & T.D. Wirastri (Eds.), Kajian Socio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies] (pp. 115-156). Jakarta: Pustaka Larasan; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen. Otto, J.M. & Hoekema, A.J. (2012). Legalising Land Rights, Yes But How? An Introduction. In J.M. Otto & A.J. Hoekema (Eds.), Fair Land Governance. How to Legalise Land Rights for Rural Development (Law, Governance, and Development) (pp. 7-30). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Otto, J.M., Stoter, W.S.R. & Arnscheidt, J. (2012). Penggunaan teori pembentukan legislasi dalam rangka perbaikan kualitas hukum dan proyek-proyek pembangunan [The Use of Lawmaking Theory for Improving Legal Quality in Development Projects]. In A.W. Bedner, S. Irianto, J.M. Otto & T.D. 8
Wirastri (Eds.), Kajian Sosio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies] (pp. 171-208). Jakarta: Pustaka Larasan; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen. Setiawan, K.M.P. (2012). Human Rights: Indonesia. In S. Joseph (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures. Leiden: Brill online. Simarmata, R. (2012, december 06). Indonesian Law and Reality in the Delta. A Socio-Lega Inquiry into laws, local bureaucrats and Natural Resources Management in the Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan. LEI Universiteit Leiden (311 pag.) (Leiden: Leiden University Press). Prom./coprom.: prof. mr J.M. Otto & prof. dr. G.A. Persoon. Professional publications Otto, J.M. (2012). Islam, populisme, en de verenigbaarheid van islam en vrijzinnig christendom. In A. van der Hoek (Ed.), Islam, populisme en kerkelijke respons. Vrijzinnigen aan het woord (pp. 49-57). Utrecht: Remonstrantse Broederschap. Wiratraman, H.P. (2012). Adakah Perlindungan Hukum Pers Bebas di Indonesia? [Is there legal protection of press freedom in Indonesia?]. Onbekend juridisch. Other research output Bedner, A.W., Irianto, S., Otto, J.M. & Wirastri, T.D. (Eds.). (2012). Kajian Socio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies]. Jakarta: Pustaka Larasan; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen. Otto, J.M. & Hoekema, A.J. (Eds.). (2012). Fair Land Governance. How to Legalise Land Rights for Rural Development (Law, Governance, and Development). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Vel, J.A.C. & Nugrohowardhani, R. (2012). Plants for Power: The potential for cultivating crops as feedstock for energy production in Sumba. The Hague: Hivos.