THE QUALITY OF THE ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS USED BY ENGLISH TEACHEERS FOR THE TENTH GRADE OF MAN MODEL PALANGKA RAYA BASED ON EDUCATION NATIONAL SSTANDARD COUNCIL (BSNP) THESIS Presented to the English Education Study Program of State Islamic Institute Palangka Raya in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)
By: RIA MAHMUDAH SRN:1201120754
Title of the thesis
Ria Mahmudah
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
Language Education
Study Program
English Program
Palangka Raya,
Approved by, Advisor I
Advisor II
Dra. Halimah, M.Pd
Aris Sugianto, M.Pd ORN. 198308192015031001
ORN. 19672261996032003 The Vice Dean 1 Academic
The Leader of Language Education Department
Dra. Hj. Rodhatul Jennah, M.Pd ORN. 19671003 199303 2 001
Hj. Hamidah, M.A ORN. 17004251997032003
Judul Skripsi
Kualitas buku teks bahasa inggris yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa inggris untuk kelas X di MAN Model Palangka Raya berdasarkan Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) Ria Mahmudah
Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan
Pendidikan Bahasa
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Palangka Raya, Menyetujui, Pembimbing I
Dra. Halimah, M.Pd NIP. 19672261996032003
Pembimbing II
Aris Sugianto, M.Pd NIP. 198308192015031001
Wakil Dekan I Bidang Akademik
Ketua Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa
Dra. Hj. Rodhatul Jennah, M.Pd NIP. 19671003 199303 2 001
Hj. Hamidah, M.A NIP. 17004251997032003
LEGALIZATION OF THESIS EXAMINING COMMITTEE This thesis entitles THE QUALITY OF THE ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS USED BY ENGLISH TEACHEERS FOR THE TENTH GRADE OF MAN MODEL PALANGKA RAYA BASED ON EDUCATION NATIONAL SSTANDARD COUNCIL (BSNP) in the name of RIA MAHMUDAH, and her Students Registration Number is 1201120754. It has been examined in the board of examiners of the State Islamic Institute of Palangka Raya on: Day : Tuesday Date
: Mei 3rd, 2016 Palangka Raya, Mei 3rd, 2016 Board of Examiners:
Rahmadi Nirwanto, M.Pd
The Head of Examiner 2.
Zulida Arifa, M.Pd
Examiner 1 3.
Dra. Halimah, M.Pd
Examiner 2
Aris Sugianto, M.Pd
The Secretary
The Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of State Islamic Institute of Palangka Raya
Drs. Fahmi, M.Pd ORN. 19610520 199903 1 003
OFFICIAL NOTE Palangka Raya,
Mei 2016
Case : Examination of Ria Mahmudah’s thesis To. The Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of State Islamic Institute of Palangkaraya In Palangka Raya Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh, By reading and analyzing of this thesis we think that thesis in the name of : Name SRN Title of Thesis
Can be examined in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in the Study Program of English Education of Language Education Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the State Islamic Institute of Palangka Raya. Thank you for your attention. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh Advisor I
Advisor II
Dra. Halimah, M.PD NIP.19672261996032003
Aris Sugianto, M.Pd NIP. 198308192015031001
NOTA DINAS Palangka Raya, Mei 2016 Hal : Permohonan Ujian Skripsi Saudari Ria Mahmudah
Kepada Yth. Dekan Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Pendidikan Institut Agama Islam Palangka Raya Di Palangka Raya Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh, Setelah membaca dan menganalisa skripsi ini, kami menyatakan bahwa:
Nama NIM JudulSkripsi
: Ria Mahmudah : 1201120754 : Kualitas buku teks bahasa inggris yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa inggris untuk kelas X di MAN Model Palangka Raya berdasarkan Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP)
Dapat diujikan untuk mendapat gelar Sarjana Pendidikan Islam pada program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Pendidikan , Institut Agama Islam Palangka Raya Terima kasih atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb. Pembimbing I
Pembimbing II
Dra. Halimah, M.Pd NIP. 19672261996032003
Aris Sugianto M.Pd NIP. 198308192015031001
Alhamdulillah and prises belong to Allah the Almighty, because of His Blessing and Mercy, the writer is able to accomplish this thesis entitles: the Quality of the English Textbooks Used by English Teachers for the Tenth Grade of MAN Model Palangka Raya Based on Education National Standard Council (BSNP). This thesis is written to fulfil one of the requirements to get title of Sarjana Pendiidkan Islam (S.Pd. I) in the English Education, the Department of Education, the State Islamic Institute of Palangka Raya. Many people have contributed guidance, suggestion, and support to improve the writer’s thesis, therefore the writer would like to express the greatest gratitude to: 1. Mr. Ramin S.Pd and Mrs. Sumiati, my beloved parents for all everything that I can not to mention one by one. 2. Hafizi Gamma Sintha and Astajib Daniyal Hafizh, my beloved little sister and brother who always support and pray for me. 3. Mr. Dr. Ibnu Elmi A.S Pelu, SH, MH. , The director of State Islamic Institute of Palangka Raya (IAIN), for his direction and encouragement. 4. Mr. Drs. Fahmi, M.Pd. the Dean of the State Islamic Institute of Palangka Raya (IAIN) , for his direction and encouragement. 5. Mrs. Dra. Hj. Rodhatul Jennah, M.Pd. the dean vice I of Faculty of State Islamic Institute of Palangka Raya (IAIN), for her agreement so that the writer can complete the requirements of writing this thesis.
6. Mrs. Dr. Hj. Hamidah, M.Pd. the chair of Department of Language Education, for her agreement so that the writer can complete the requirements of writing this thesis. 7. Mr. Zaini Miftah,M.Pd. the chief of the English Education Study Prorgam, for his permission so that the writer can complete the requirements of writing this thesis. 8. Mrs. Dra. Halimah, M.Pd the first advisor, for her valuable guidance, suggestion, and encouragement. 9. Mr. Aris Sugianto, M.Pd the second advisor, for his valuable guidance, suggestion, and encouragement. 10. John Sarif, M.Pd and Siti Masniah, S.Pd the English teachers of MAN Model Palangka Raya, for the time and the opportunity that have given during accomplishment of the thesis. 11. Some students of MAN Model who helped the writer in completing the thesis research. 12. All English lecturers and staff of IAIN Palangka Raya for their help support. 13. My special friend, Muhammad Hasan, who always support and help the writer in completing the requirement of the thesis. 14. Last, all of my friends who have helped the accomplishment of the thesis The researcher realizes that this thesis is not perfect; therefore some constructive critical and suggestion are warmly welcomed. The writer hopes that
may Allah always keeps us on the straight path, reward, and blesses us for what we do and this writing can be useful for all of us.
Palangka Raya,
Mei 2016
The writer
Ria Mahmudah 1201120754
THE QUALITY OF THE ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS USED BY ENGLISH TEACHERS FOR THE TENTH GRADE OF MAN MODEL PALANGKA RAYA BASED ON EDUCATION NATIONAL STANDARD COUNCIL (BSNP) ABSTRACT The objectives of this research were (a) To describe the quality of the English textbooks used by English teachers for the tenth grade of MAN Model of Palangka Raya whether they are proper based on Education National Standard Council (BSNP) or not, (b). To describe English teachers’ opinion about the quality of the English textbooks used by English teachers for the tenth grade of MAN Model of Palangka Raya, (3) To describe students’ opinion about the quality of the English textbooks used by English teachers for the tenth grade of MAN Model of Palangka Raya Since the research concern with the analysis of the content of the textbooks as data or document material. It is designed as descriptive qualitative content analysis. Qualitative data is employed in this research the source of the data is the English textbooks, namely; Contextual English published by Erlangga, BUPENA published by Platinum, and Bahasa Inggris published by Education and Culture Minister. In measuring the quality of the English textbooks is using scoring activity in percentage form to provide the qualification of the textbook quality. The result of this research are (1) the English textbooks used by English teachers for the tenth grade of MAN Model of Palangka Raya whether they are proper based on Education National Standard Council (BSNP) with score 93, 75%, it is mean that very good for “Contextual English” textbook, “BUPENA” textbook score is 70, 83 %, it is mean that good, and “Bahasa Inggris” textbook is 79,167 %, it is mean that good. (2) English teachers’ opinion about the quality of the English textbooks used by English teachers for the tenth grade of MAN Model of Palangka Raya are these textbooks very helpful in teaching and learning activity in English class so make them to be easy to deliver the idea based on the topic. With good enough quality of their language, presentation and graphic presented so attracting them to get and learn the materials presented. Although for the “BUPENA” and “Bahasa Inggris” textbook is not suitable with SK and KD used for the tenth grade of MAN Model Palangka Raya but the weakness and the straightness of the material presented in each textbook can be complementing each other. For the whole, these textbooks are good. (3) The students’ opinion about the quality of the English textbooks used by English teachers of MAN Model Palangka Raya are the presented language of three textbooks are understandable and help them to know the theory that is presented accurately enough, especially for “Contextual English” because suitable with SK and KD for the tenth grade of MAN Model Palangka Raya. For “BUPENA” and “Bahasa Inggris” textbook’s materials are not suitable with SK and KD for the tenth grade of MAN Model Palangka Raya, so they just as additional sources of the material
discussed for them. Besides that, they really interested with the cover and content design of these textbooks, such as the illustrations, pictures and the other features which are so proportional and currently so make them motivated. On the whole, these textbooks are good. And from their weakness and strengthen in each textbook complete each other because no single textbook can satisfy in teaching and learning activity.
Key terms: Textbooks, Education National Standard Council (BSNP)
KUALITAS BUKU BAHASA INGGRIS YANG DIGUNAKAN OLEH GURU BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS SEPULUH DI MAN MODEL PALANGKA RAYA BERDASARKAN BADAN STANDAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (a). Untuk menggambarkan kualitas buku bahasa Inggris yang dugunakan oleh guru bahasa inggris untuk kelas sepuluh di MAN Model Palangaka Raya apakah sesuai berdasarkan Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) atau tidak, (b).untuk mengambarkan pendapat guru-guru bahasa inggris terhadap kualitas setiap buku teks bahasa inggris yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa inggris kelas sepuluh di MAN Model Palangka Raya, (c). untuk mengambarkan pendapat siswa-siswa terhadap kualitas setiap buku teks bahasa inggris yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa inggris kelas sepuluh di MAN Model Palangka Raya. Penelitian berkaitan dengan analisis isi buku teks sebagai data atau bahan dokumen. Hal ini dirancang sebagai analisis isi kualitatif deskriptif. Data kualitatif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sumber data adalah buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris, yaitu; Contextual English yang diterbitkan oleh Erlangga, BUPENA yang diterbitkan oleh Platinum, dan Bahasa Inggris yang diterbitkan oleh Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Dalam mengukur kualitas buku teks bahasa Inggris menggunakan aktivitas penilaian dalam bentuk persentase untuk memberikan kualifikasi kualitas buku teks. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) buku teks bahasa Inggris yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris untuk kelas X MAN Model Palangka Raya sesuai berdasarkan Badan Standard Nasional pendidikan (BSNP) dengan skor 93, 75%, itu berarti bahwa sangat baik untuk buku teks "Contextual English", skor buku teks "BUPENA" adalah 70, 83%, itu berarti bahwa buku teks “BUPENA” adalah baik, dan buku teks"Bahasa Inggris" dengan skor 79, 167%, itu berarti baik., (2) opini guru-guru bahasa Inggris tentang kualitas buku teks bahasa Inggris yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris untuk kelas X MAN Model Palangka Raya mengatakan bahwa buku ini sangat membantu dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas sehingga membuat mereka menjadi mudah untuk menyampaikan gagasan berdasarkan topik. Dengan cukup baik sajian dari segi bahasa, penyajian dan grafis yang disajikan dalam tiga buku teks tersebut, sehingga menarik mereka untuk mendapatkan dan mempelajari materi yang disampaikan. Meskipun bukuteks "BUPENA" dan "Bahasa Inggris" tidak sesuai dengan KI dan KD yang digunakan untuk kelas X MAN Model Palangka Raya tapi dari kelemahan dan kelebihan materi yang disajikan di setiap buku teks bisa saling melengkapi satu samalainnya. Untuk keseluruhan, buku ini baik, (3) Pendapat siswa tentang kualitas buku teks bahasa Inggris yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris dari MAN Model Palangka Raya yaitu bahasa yang disajikan dari tiga buku teks tersebut dapat mudah dipahami dan membantu mereka untuk mengetahui teori yang disajikan cukup akurat, terutama untuk "Contextual English "karena sesuai
dengan KI dan KD untuk kelas X MAN Model Palangka Raya. Untuk materi "BUPENA" dan "Bahasa Inggris" tidak cocok dengan KI dan KD untuk kelas X MAN Model Palangka Raya, sehingga mereka jadikan buku teks “BUPENA” dan “Bahasa Inggris” sebagai sumber tambahan . Selain itu, mereka benar-benar tertarik dengan cover dan isi desain buku teks tersebut, seperti ilustrasi, gambar dan fitur lain yang sangat proporsional dan terkini dan begitu membuat mereka termotivasi. Secara keseluruhan, buku ini baik. Dan masing-masing buku saling melengkapi dari kekurangan dan kelebihan karena tidak cukup hanya menggunakan satu macam jenis buku dalam proses belajar mengajar. Istilah Kunci: Textbook, Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP)
Bismillahirrohmanirrohim I myself make declaration that thesis entitles: The Quality of the English Textbooks Used by English Teachers for the Tenth Grade of Man Model Palangka Raya Based on Education National Standard Council (BSNP) is truly my own writing. If it is not my own writing so, it is given citation and shown in the list references. If my declaration is not right in this thesis in one day so, I am ready to be given academic sanction namely, the cancellation of the degree of the thesis.
Palangka Raya,
Mei 2016
My Own Declaration,
Ria Mahmudah 1201120754
There is no problem that cannot be solved as long as there is mutual commitment to get it done. Where there is a will there is a way
Who earnestly will surely succeed
DEDICATION This thesis dedication to all of my special people around me: 1. My beloved parents, Mr.Ramin S.Pd and Mrs. Sumiati. Thanks for your blessing, praying, love, motivation and material in completing my study. You are my biggest motivation and spirit in my life. I do love you and thanks matchless. 2. My beloved little sister and brother, Hafizi Gamma Sintha and Astajib Daniyal Hafizh. Thank you so much for your praying and everything that you gave to me. Always cheer me up and never hopeless to me. I love you so much and proud to be in this family. 3. My big family, I can not to mention you one by one. Thank you very much for all everything that have given to me. I do love you all. 4. Thanks to my special friend; Muhammad Hasan, who always to support, pray and never get tired to listen the difficulties in completing the thesis. 5. All of my friends of English study program at academic year 2012, thank you so much for your help and support. I am happy to meet you all and to be part of you.
TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE OF COVER ..................................................................................................i APPROVAL OF THE THESIS ADVISORY COMMITE ..................................ii OFFICIAL NOTE ....................................................................................................iv LEGAALIZATION OF THE THESISEXAMINING COMMITE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.......................................................................................vii ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................xi DECLARATION OF AUTHENTICATION .........................................................xv MOTTO ....................................................................................................................xvi DEDICATION ..........................................................................................................xvii TABLE OF CONTENT ...........................................................................................xviii LIST OF TABELS ...................................................................................................xix LIST OF ABBREVIATION ....................................................................................xx LIST OF APPENDICES .........................................................................................xxi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Study .....................................................................1 B. Previous Study ....................................................................................3 C. Problem of The Study ...........................................................................5 D. Objectives of This Study.......................................................................5 E. Significance of the Study ......................................................................6 F. Method of the Study ............................................................................7 G. Operational Definition .........................................................................14 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. The Nature of Textbook 1. The Definition of Textbook .............................................................16 2. The Criteria of Qualified Textbook..................................................20 3. The Teachers’ Role in Choosing the Teaching Materials ................24 4. Criteria textbook based on Education National Standard Council (BSNP) 4.1 Contents Eligibility ..................................................................28 4.2 Presentation Feasibility .............................................................34 4.3 Language Feasibility .................................................................41 4.4 Graph Feasibility .......................................................................43 CHAPTER III RESULT OF THE STUDY A. Data Presentation ............................................................................54 CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION A. Discussion ........................................................................................73 B. Scoring Activity ...............................................................................152
CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion .........................................................................................168 B. Suggestion ..........................................................................................172 REFERENCES APPENDICES LETTERS CURRICULUM VITAE
LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 The result of checking the suitability of the textbooks based on Education National Standard Council (BSNP) of Content Eligibility as the first Instrument.................................................................................54 Table 3.2 The result of checking the suitability of the textbooks based on Education National Standard Council (BSNP) of Presentation Eligibility as the Second Instrument.......................................................55 Table 3.3 The result of checking the suitability of the textbooks based on Education National Standard Council (BSNP) of Language Eligibility as the Third Instrument.........................................................57 Table 3.4 The result of checking the suitability of the textbooks based on Education National Standard Council (BSNP) of Presentation Eligibility as the Fourth Instrument.......................................................58 Table 4.1 Suitability table of KI and KD in curriculum of MAN Model with the textbooks of “Contextual English” textbook..........................................75 Table 4.2 The examples of the accuracy of facts, and illustration..........................92 Table 4.3 The example of presenting the chapter and the goals that should be achieved by students and the “Grid Map” that can help the students in achieving the goals in the chapters based on the material that should be learnt................................................................. 93 Table 4.4 The list of contents of “BUPENA” textbook.........................................100 Table 4.5 The list of contents of “Bahasa Inggris” textbook................................107 Table 4.6 List activity of “Bahasa Inggris” textbook in each chapter..............................110 Table 4.7 The examples of the accuracy of facts, picture and illustration.............121 Table 4.8 The example of colourful pictures ........................................................126 Table 4.9 Cover of “ Contextual English” textbook..............................................138 Table 4.10 Cover of “ BUPENA” textbook.............................................................143 Table 4.11 The example of presenting of chapter on “BUPENA” textbook...........145 Table 4.12 Cover of “Bahasa Inggris” textbook......................................................149 Table 4.13 The example of writing in the title of each chapter...............................150 Table 4.14 Scoring rubric the quality of textbook...................................................153 Table 4.15 The Criteria of Book Quality...........................................................................158 Table 4.16 The result of the English textbooks quality scoring used by English teachers for the tenth grade of MAN Model Palangka Raya................159
: Contextual English
: Bahasa Inggris
: Standar Kompetensi
: Kompetensi Dasar
: Kompetensi Inti
: Suitable
: Unsuitable
: Madrasah Aliyah Negeri
: Suku, Adat , Ras dan Agama
: International Organization for Standardization
1Attachment Assessment
2 The instruction of the Attachment Instrument
3 English subject standard competence and base competence used for the tenth grade of MAN Model Palangka Raya
4 Questions for interview activity for the English teachers and the students
5 The quality of the textbook scoring rubric
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February 18, 1994 in Batu Belaman, Pangkalan Bun city of Central Kalimantan. She is the first daughter from Ramin S.Pd and Sumiati . She has a young little sister named Hafizi Gamma Shinta and a young little
Hafizh.her hobbies are listening the music and make a hand-make. She graduatedfrom SDN 1 Batu Belaman in 2006; she continued her study to SMP Islam Al-Hasyimiyyah in Pangkalan Bun from 2006 until 2009 and to SMA 1 Pangkalan Bun from 2009 until 2012 took a concentration of language program class. To continue her study, she entered to the State Islamic Institutof Palangka Raya in 2012. In order to be an English teacher, she chosen Enflish Study Program and finished her study 3.10 in the eighth semester. Finally , she got her Sarjana Degreeand graduated in 2016.