Anggaran Komprehensif
Sub Pokok Bahasan 1. Kerangka anggaran komprehensif untuk perusahaan manufaktur, jasa dan dagang 2. Jenis-jenis anggaran
Faktor-faktor yang dipertimbangkan dalam penyusunan anggaran Nafarin (2007: 11)
1. Pengetahuan tentang tujuan dan kebijakan umum perusahaan 2. Data masa lalu 3. Kemungkinan perkembangan kondisi ekonomi 4. Pengetahuan tentang taktik, strategi pesaing dan gerak-gerik pesaing
5. Kemungkinan adanya perubahan kebijakan pemerintah 6. Penelitian untuk pengembangan perusahaan.
Master Budget The master budget is a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the first year of the long--range plan. long It summarizes the planned activities of all subunits of an organization.
Sales Production Distribution Finance
Steps in Preparing the Master Budget 1. Basic data
2. Operating budget
3. Financial budget
Master Budget Components Operating budget (Profit plan). . . Focuses on the Income Statement and supporting schedules or budgeted expenses.
Financial budget. . .
Focuses on the effects that the operating budget and other plans will have on balance sheet
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Components of Master Budgets • Operating Budget – building blocks leading to the creation of the Budgeted Income Statement • Financial Budget – building blocks based on the Operating Budget that lead to the creation of the Budgeted Balance Sheet and the Budgeted Statement of Cash Flows
Basic Operating Budget Steps 1. Prepare the Revenues Budget 2. Prepare the Production Budget (in Units) 3. Prepare the Direct Materials Usage Budget and Direct Materials Purchases Budget 4. Prepare the Direct Manufacturing Labor Budget
5. Prepare the Manufacturing Overhead Costs Budget 6. Prepare the Ending Inventories Budget 7. Prepare the Cost of Goods Sold Budget 8. Prepare the Operating Expense (Period Cost) Budget 9. Prepare the Budgeted Income Statement
Basic Financial Budget Steps Based on the Operating Budgets: 1. Prepare the Capital Expenditures Budget 2. Prepare the Cash Budget 3. Prepare the Budgeted Balance Sheet 4. Prepare the Budgeted Statement of Cash Flows
Budgeting Overview Flowchart
Jenis-jenis Anggaran
Anggaran Induk 1. • • • • • 2. • • •
Anggaran Operasional: Anggaran penjualan Anggaran produksi: bahan baku, upah langsung, overhead Anggaran beban produk yang terjual Anggaran beban pemasaran Anggaran beban administrasi Anggaran Keuangan: Anggaran kas Anggaran neraca Anggaran laporan Rugi-Laba
Participative or Self Imposed budgeting: The budgeting approach in which managers prepare their own budget estimates is called self imposed or participatory budget. This is generally considered to be the most effective method of budget preparation. Managers at all levels participate and coordinate with each other in budgeting.
Other Budgeting Issues • Financial-planning software may be employed to conduct sensitivity (“what-if”) analysis to assist in the budgetary process • Kaizen Budgeting – incorporating continuous improvement factors in the budgeting process • Activity-Based Budgeting – incorporating Activity-Based Costing in the budgetary process
Budgets and Feedback • Budgets offer feedback in the form of variances: actual results deviate from budgeted targets • Variances provide managers with – Early warning of problems – A basis for performance evaluation – A basis for strategy evaluation
Human Aspects of Budgeting • The budgeting process may be abused both by superiors and subordinates, leading to negative outcomes • Superiors may dominate the budget process or hold subordinates accountable for events they have no control over • Subordinates may build “budgetary slack” into their budgets
• If a budget program is to be successful, it must have the complete acceptance and support of the persons who occupy key management positions.
Budgetary Slack • The practice of underestimating budgeted revenues, or overestimating budgeted expenses, to make budgeted targets more easily achievable.
Budget Committee: A standing budget committee will usually be responsible for overall policy matters relating to the budget program and for coordinating the preparation of the budget itself.
Komite Anggaran Tanggung jawab penyusunan anggaran di suatu perusahaan terletak pada para manajer yang melakukan fungsi pokok perusahaan, seperti: produksi dan pemasaran. Komite anggaran memberikan pengarahan dan melaksanakan prosedur penyusunan anggaran berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip uang ditetapkan manajemen puncak.
Komite anggaran terdiri dari direktur anggaran dan para eksekutif yang mewakili semua bagian. Komite anggaran mengkoordinasikan kegiatan perencanaan, mengevaluasi perencanaan dari setiap bagian, menggabungkan anggaran setiap bagian menjadi master budget.
• Perlu diperhatikan apakah target setiap bagian sesuai dengan target perusahaan secara keseluruhan.