Undergraduate Program School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung 2007
Adjustment of Career Path System toward New Organizational Structure (Case Study PT. Jasa Marga) Written By:
Alfin Merancia 19004031
Undergraduate Program School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung
Validated By,
(Ir. Nurhajati Ma’mun, MSc) ii
Final project made as one requirement to terminate study in SBMITB. This final project (Adjustment of Career Path System toward New Organizational Structure) is a case study based on the problem in PT. Jasa Marga. PT. Jasa Marga itself is a big state-owned company which has a role as the operator of the highway, and implementing planning function, reconstruction, operation, and road maintenance, Established on March 1st 1978, which is based on concept that the road infrastructure has important role in developing the region, infrastructure as an activator of economic wheel, and involved in many people wish of life.
This case study chosen by the real condition of the real problem that PT. Jasa Marga recently faced. Currently PT. Jasa Marga change, on form of the change is the changing its organizational structure, and there must be some impact from the change that must be managed. One of the impacts is the changing of the employee’s career path, and the idea is to solve the problem in designing new career path toward new organizational structure.
Although career path which is part of career management is Human Resources subject, but there are no subject of career management given
specifically in SBM-ITB. It is just explained generally in People Management subject in 5th semester.
To get deeper knowledge about career management, literature study and sharing knowledge with many advisors become very powerful source, and make it as tools in analyzing the data and to solve the problem. Bandung, July 31st 2007
In making this final project of course there are many parties that are involved. I would like to thanks to every party for the shared energy, shared time, recommendation, and involvement in producing this final project.
Utterance of thanks is always accompanying Mrs. Nurhajati Ma’mun, Ir., MSc. My excellent supervisor, who has helped my these very much, without whom I can not complete my project. Mr. Aurik Gustomo, ST.MT. my advisor who has done many things for me. Everyone in People & Knowledge Management who has never been bored to answer my question (Mr. Achmad Ghazali, S.T., MBA, Mr Donald C. Lantu S.T., MBA, Mr. Anggara Wisesa, S.Hum). Mrs. Yuni Ros Bangun who has inspired me very much. All of lecturers and staff in SBM-ITB. Thank you very much.
Big thanks to everyone in PT. Jasa Marga, especially Mr. Jeffri for the concept, and the knowledge shared, Mr. Andi, and Mr. Jutis for supporting the data.
Never ending thanks to my father Mr. Androecia Darwis and my mother Mrs. Mulni Erfa, also for my brother Aldio Merancia and my sister Alsha Merancia.
Special thanks to all of my friends in SBM-ITB. Thank you for accompanying me for so long. My SBM friends in the kost, you are my second family, MADESU group, it has been really wonderful teamwork, kelompok belajar Ibu Guru FWH, Jasa Marga friends, kuliner friends, mon ami m’a quittée, Cross Culture group, AND Company, Mosaic of Indonesia, SBM Moslem Society, C-9, D-13, Goggle 5 (one year team), etc. I love you all.
Thanks to all of my OSKM friends, and former committee of IEC2. Grâce à mes amis de Centre Culturel Français, and UPT Bahasa ITB.
I can not say anymore name here. Thank you very much, you are inspiring, and motivating me to work harder. Betrayer friends, without you I can not learn many things in this life.
Everyone who is not mentioned here thank you for helping me to finish my project on time. You are always in my mind. Thank you very much.
Tu me manqueras tous les temps……
Untuk Tuhan, kekasih hatiku,
ADJUSTMENT OF CAREER PATH SYSTEM TOWARD NEW ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE (CASE STUDY PT. JASA MARGA) ALFIN MERANCIA (19004031) Examination Date: August 6th, 2007 Graduation Date: October 27th, 2007 Undergraduate Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2007 Advisor: Ir. Nurhajati Ma’mun., MSc ABSTRACT Along with the development of an enterprise, many things could change anytime, including vision-mission, and organizational structure of the enterprise. As the impact from the development, PT Jasa Marga changes the organizational structure. While with the change of organizational structure itself, many things also got the impact, on of them is career path system. Career path system itself is one part in the career management system. The importance to redefine career path is to motivate employee, so they are eager, and zest to achieve higher level of career. Beside that, very strong relation between career management system with two other human resources system, that are performance system, and reward system as one series of all human resources system that can not be separated one to another. Employee will show their best performance, because of their motivation to achieve higher level of career. Motivation to achieve higher level of career itself is caused also by motivation to get bigger reward. When the performance of employee is maximum, then bigger reward must be given. Example above is proven that the three human resources system is one series of system that can not be separated In defining career path needed data in form of job description to determine technical competencies. After technical competencies determined, so the career path also can be formed by comparing the technical competencies mentioned in a position to another position that has higher level. After the comparison mentioned, so it will produce competencies gap, which determine if a position could achieve higher position directly, or needed a rotation. Keywords: Career, Technical Competencies, Competencies Gap, Gap Analysis
ADJUSTMENT OF CAREER PATH SYSTEM TOWARD NEW ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE (CASE STUDY PT. JASA MARGA) ALFIN MERANCIA (19004031) Tanggal Ujian Akhir: 6 Agustus 2007 Tanggal Wisuda: 27 Oktober 2007 Program Sarjana Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2007 Pembimbing: Ir. Nurhajati Ma’mun.,MSc ABSTRAK Seiring dengan berkembangnya suatu perusahaan, banyak hal yang dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu, termasuk visi-misi, dan struktur organisasi perusahaan. Sebagai dampak dari perkembangan tersebut, PT Jasa Marga merubah struktur organisasinya. Sedangkan dengan perubahan struktur organisasi sendiri, banyak hal ikut terkena dampaknya, salah satunya adalah sistem jalur karir. Sistem jalur karir sendiri merupakan salah satu bagian di dalam sistem manajemen karir. Pentingnya untuk merumuskan ulang jalur karir adalah untuk memotivasi pekerja agar mereka semangat dan bekerja keras untuk mencapai level karir yang lebih tinggi. Selain itu keterkaitan yang sangat erat antara sistem manajemen karir dengan dua sistem sumber daya manusia lainnya, yaitu sistem kinerja, dan sistem pengupahan sebagai suatu rangkaian utuh yang tidak dapat dipisahkan antara satu sama lainnya. Pegawai akan menunjukkan kinerja yang baik dikarenakan oleh motivasinya untuk mencapai jenjang karir yang lebih tinggi. Motivasi untuk mencapai jenjang karir yang lebih tinggi itu dikarenakan pula oleh motivasi untuk mendapatkan upah yang lebih besar. Ketika kinerja pegawai tersebut telah maksimal, maka pengupahan yang lebih besar harus diberikan. Contoh tersebut telah menunjukkan bahwa tiga sistem sumber daya manusia merupakan satu rangkaian utuh yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Dalam menentukan jalur karir diperlukan data berupa job description untuk menentukan technical competencies. Setelah technical competencies ditentukan, maka jalur karir pun dapat ditentukan dengan cara membandingkan technical competencies tersebut pada suatu posisi dengan posisi lain yang memiliki level lebih tinggi. Setelah perbandingan tersebut, maka akan terbentuk competencies gap, yang menentukan apakah suatu posisi dapat mencapai posisi yang lebih tinggi secara langsung, atau diperlukan suatu rotasi. Kata Kunci: Karir, Technical Competencies, Competencies Gap, Analisis Gap viii
LIST OF CONTENTS VALIDATION PAGE................................................................... ii FOREWORD................................................................................iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................... iv DEDICATION.............................................................................. vi ABSTRACT (English) ................................................................ vii ABSTRAK (Indonesia) ..............................................................viii LIST OF CONTENTS ................................................................. ix LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................... xi LIST OF TABLE........................................................................xiii LIST OF APPENDIX ................................................................ xiv
CHAPTER I Introduction 1.1 Background ................................................................... 1 1.2 Purposes and Benefits ................................................... 2 1.3 Problem Formulation .................................................... 3 1.4 Problem Approach ........................................................ 6 1.5 Data Collection Planning .............................................. 6 1.6 Expected Output............................................................ 6 1.7 Limitation ...................................................................... 6 1.8 Outline........................................................................... 7
CHAPTER II Theoretical Study 2.1 Career Management ...................................................... 9 2.1.1 Career ............................................................. 9 2.1.2 Career Path ................................................... 10 2.1.3 Types of Career ............................................ 11 2.2 Organizational Structure ............................................. 11 2.3 Changes in Organizational Structure .......................... 12 2.4 Career Change ............................................................. 12 2.5 Competency................................................................. 13
CHAPTER III Methodology 3.1 Methodology ............................................................... 15 3.2 Problem Formulation .................................................. 16 3.3 Literature Study........................................................... 16 3.4 Data Collecting............................................................ 16 3.5 Analysis Method ......................................................... 16 3.6 Discussion ................................................................... 17 3.7 Recommendation......................................................... 17
CHAPTER IV Data Analysis 4.1 Recitation of Old Organizational Structure................. 21 4.2 Recitation of New Organizational Structure ............... 22 4.3 Comparison of Old & New Organizational Structure 23 4.4 New Career Path Based on Technical Competencies Gap Analysis ............................................................... 38 4.5 Cases in PT. Jasa Marga ............................................. 40 4.5.1 Deleted Position Case .................................. 40 4.5.2 New Position Case ....................................... 41 4.5.3 Merged Position Case .................................. 42
CHAPTER V Conclusion & Data Analysis 5.1 Technical Competence Determination ........................ 51 5.2 Recommendation for New Career Path in Three Divisions of Human Resources................................... 51 5.3 Recommendation for Three Cases in PT. Jasa Marga 52 5.3.1 Recommendation for Subordinates of Deleted Position......................................................... 52 5.3.2 Recommendation for New Position ............. 52 5.3.3 Recommendation for Merged Position ........ 53
REFERENCES ............................................................................ 55
1.1 Illustration Old Organizational Structure.................................. 3 1.2 Illustration New Organizational Structure ................................ 3 1.3 Technical Links among Three Main HR Systems (Presentation of Drs. Irfanul Kamal, MSc, PT. Pindad) ................................. 4 1.4 Strategic HR PT. Jasa Marga (Power Point PT. Jasa Marga) ... 5
2.1 Level of Competencies............................................................ 14
3.1 Framework of study research .................................................. 15 3.2 Gap Analysis Method of Deleted Position.............................. 18 3.3 Gap Analysis Method of New/Merged Position ..................... 19
4.1a Gap Competencies toward Direct-Upper Level (Divisi Manajemen SDM) ................................................................ 28 4.2a Gap Competencies toward Direct-Upper Level (Divisi Hukum) ................................................................................ 29 4.3a Gap Competencies toward Direct-Upper Level (Divisi Umum & Logistik) ........................................................................... 30 4.1b Gap Competencies toward Cross-Upper Level (Divisi Manajemen SDM) ................................................................ 31 4.2b Gap Competencies toward Cross-Upper Level (Divisi Hukum) .............................................................................................. 32 4.3b Gap Competencies toward Cross-Upper Level (Divisi Umum & Logistik) ........................................................................... 33 4.4 Career path of Divisi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia...... 35 4.5 Career path of Divisi Hukum .................................................. 36 4.6 Career path of Divisi Umum & Logistik................................. 37 4.7 Gap Analysis of Deleted Position (Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM) .............................................................................................. 43 4.8 Gap Analysis of Deleted Position (Seksi Administrasi Tanah Bangunan) ............................................................................ 44 4.9 Gap Analysis of New Position (Seksi Bantuan Hukum) ........ 45
4.10 Gap Analysis of New Position (Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan) .......................................................................... 46 4.11 Gap Analysis of New Position (Seksi Pengamanan Tanah Kelola).................................................................................. 47 4.12 Gap Analysis of New Position (Seksi Pengamanan Aset) .... 48 4.13 Gap Analysis of New Merged Position (Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan)...................................................................... 49
Comparison of Main Function Between Old & New Organizational Structure ........................................................................................ 24
A. Struktur Organisasi Baru PT. Jasa Marga B. Struktur Organisasi Lama PT. Jasa Marga C. Job Deskripsi Lama PT. Jasa Marga (Departemen SDM) D. Job Deskripsi Baru PT. Jasa Marga (Departemen SDM)