4.1 Recitation of Old Organizational Structure
It is important to know that PT. Jasa Marga call seksi as sub-bagian, and sub-division as bagian, while Division also called Biro.
In the old organizational structure there are four bureau/division that supervised by the Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia. There are : 1. Divisi Administrasi Kepegawaian has two Sub-Division which is Sub-Divisi Remunerasi and Sub-Divisi Hubungan Industrial as subordinates. Sub-Divisi Remunerasi has three section, that are: o Seksi Kompensasi o Seksi Kesejahteraan o Seksi Data & Program Sub-Divisi Hubungan Industrial has three section, that are: o Seksi Hubungan Kerja o Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM o Seksi Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja 2. Divisi Pengembangan SDM that has two Sub-Division, which is Sub-Divisi Perencanaan SDM and Sub-Divisi Diklat & Pengendalian Mutu. Sub-Divisi Diklat & Pengendalian Mutu has three section, that are: o Seksi Perencanaan Pendidikan & Pelatihan o Seksi Pelaksanaan Pendidikan & Pelatihan o Seksi Pengendalian Mutu 3. Divisi Hukum has three subordinates, which is Sub-Divisi Pelayanan Hukum & Peraturan and Sub-Divisi Perjanjian & Korporasi, and Seksi Administrasi Dokumen Hukum. 4. Divisi Umum has Sub-Divisi Administrasi and Divisi Perlengkapan as subordinates. Sub-Divisi Administrasi has two sections, that are: 21
o Seksi PenataUsahaan o Seksi Fasilitas & Perawatan Sarana Sub-Divisi Perlengkapan has three sections, that are: o Seksi Pengadaan Barang o Seksi Administrasi Barang o Seksi Administrasi Tanah Bangunan Figure can be seen in Appendix A-1
4.2 Recitation of New Organizational Structure In the new organizational structure there are some adjustment, where old Human
organizational structure Human Resources Department has three division that is supervised by the Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia. 1. Divisi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia has subordinates of Sub-Divisi Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi and SubDivisi Hubungan Industrial. Divisi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia assisted by a group of senior staff (staf utama) with role to help Sub-Divisi Hubungan Industrial, and Sub-Divisi Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi. Sub-Divisi Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi has two section, that are: o Seksi Pengolahan Data SDM o Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan Sub-Divisi Hubungan Industrial has two section, that are : o Seksi Hubungan Kerja o Seksi Program Pemeliharaan Kesehatan 2. Divisi Hukum has Sub-Divisi Peraturan & Bantuan Hukum, and Sub-Divisi Perjanjian & Korporasi as subordinates. Divisi Hukum assisted by a group of senior staff (staf utama) which has role to help Sub-Divisi Peraturan & Bantuan Hukum, and Sub-Divisi Perjanjian & Korporasi Sub-Divisi Peraturan & Bantuan Hukum has two Section, that are: o Seksi Pengendalian & Tata Laksana Administratsi Hukum 22
o Seksi Bantuan Hukum 3. Divisi Umum & Logistik has Sub-Divisi Administrasi, SubDivisi
Perusahaan as subordinates. Divisi Umum & Logistik assisted by a group of senior staff (staf utama) which has role to help Sub-Divisi Administrasi, Sub-Divisi Logistik, and Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan. Sub-Divisi Administrasi has two section, that are: o Seksi PenataUsahaan o Seksi Perawatan Fasilitas Sarana & Lingkungan Sub-Divisi Logistik has two section, that are: o Seksi Pengadaan Barang o Seksi Administrasi Inventarisasi Barang Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan has two section, that are: o Seksi Pengamanan Aset o Seksi Pengamanan Tanah Kelola
4.3 Comparison of Old & New Organizational Structure By comparing two organizational structure, that is old organizational structure, and new organizational structure, it will become clear what position still remain, removed, new, or even merged, and the comparison will show up the changes of main function of every position from the old to the new organizational structure. (Table 4.1)
Table 4.1 Comparison of Main Function Between Old & New Organizational Structure Gol
Organisasi Lama
Organisasi Baru
Biro Administrasi Kepegawaian
Biro Manajemen SDM
Divisi Pengembangan SDM Biro Hukum
Biro Hukum
Biro Umum
Biro Umum & Logistik
Bagian Remunerasi
Bagian Hubungan Industrial
Bagian Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi Bagian Hubungan Industrial
Sub Divisi Perencanaan SDM Sub Divisi Diklat & Pengendalian Mutu
Catatan Perubahan Fungsi Pokok Tidak lagi menjalankan kegiatan administrasi kepegawaian, tetapi menyelenggarakan kegiatan perekrutan, seleksi, penempatan,dan hubungan industrial, pembayaran kompensasi dan kesejahteraan karyawan, pelayanan dan pembayaran hakhak karyawan, penyusunan program kerja dan anggaran kerja karyawan, pengelolaan data karyawan, penegakan hukum dan disiplin karyawan, serta analisa resiko terhadap pengelolaan SDM. Pindah ke Komite
Penambahan fungsi pada analisa resiko terhadap dampak penyelesaian masalah hukum bagi perusahaan Penambahan fungsi pada pengelolaan transportasi dan akomodasi, kerumahtanggan kantor, penyediaan sarana kerja dan fasilitas kantor, pemeliharaan dan penataan lingkungan kantor, penyusunan program kerja, perhitungan dan pengendalian anggaran biaya umum, serta analisa resiko terhadap dampak pengadaan barang dan jasa. Penambahan fungsi pula terhadap penyelenggaraan kegiatan pengadministrasian, penyimpanan, pemeliharaan, dan pengamanan aset perusahaan, pengamanan dokumen bukti kepemilikan asset milik perusahaan termasuk tanah kelola, serta analisa resiko terhadap pengelolaan dan pengamanan aset perusahaan termasuk tanah kelola. Tidak ada perubahan
Penambahan fungsi pada penyelesaian kasus-kasus karyawan termasuk melalui pihak ketiga (serikat karyawan, lembaga ketenagakerjaan, dan lembaga peradilan, serta alternatif resiko terhadap pendayagunaan SDM. Pindah ke Komite
Pindah ke Komite
Table 4.1 Comparison of Main Function Between Old & New Organizational Structure Continued
Organisasi Lama Bagian Pelayanan Hukum & Peraturan
Organisasi Baru Bagian Peraturan & Bantuan Hukum
Bagian Korporasi & Perjanjian
Bagian Perjanjian & Korporasi
Bagian Administrasi
Bagian Administrasi
Bagian Perlengkapan
Bagian Logistik
Sub-Bagian Kompensasi Sub-Bagian Kesejahteraan Sub-Bagian Data & Program
Sub-Bagian Hubungan Kerja
Sub-Bagian Pendayagunaan SDM
Bagian Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan Sub-Bagian Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan Sub-Bagian Pengolahan Data SDM Sub-Bagian Hubungan Kerja
Catatan Perubahan Fungsi Pokok Penambahan fungsi pada pemeliharaan dan pengendalian dokumen hukum, penyusunan laporan aktivitas pelayanan hukum, serta alternatif resiko terhadap dampak penyusunan peraturan perusahaan dan pelayanan hukum. Penambahan fungsi pada penyelesaian masalah hokum yang menyangkut perjanjian & korporasi, serta alternatif resiko terhadap dampak aktivitas perusahaan yang terkait dengan bidang perjanjian dan korporasi. Penambahan fungsi pada pelaksanaan kearsipan, transportasi, dan akomodasi perjalanan dinas, kerumahtanggaan kantor pusat, transportasi kendaraan pool, penyusunan program kerja, perhitungan, dan pengendalian anggaran biaya umum Penambahan fungsi, yaitu tidak hanya pada pengadaan barang, tetapi menjadi barang dan jasa, serta alternatif resiko terhadap pengadaan barang dan jasa. Baru
Penggabungan dua Sub-Bagian menjadi Satu Fungsi Pokok.
Penambahan pada fungsi penyusunan program kerja, dan perhitungan anggaran belanja karyawan. Penambahan fungsi pada perhitungan kebutuhan jumlah karyawan, monitoring dan evaluasi penegakan hukum dan disiplin karyawan, pemrosesan kasuskasus karyawan, termasuk melalui pihak ketiga (Serikat Karyawan, Lembaga Ketenagakerjaan, Lembaga Peradilan), perencanaan dan pelaksanaan administrasi pemeriksaan terhadap karyawan yang diduga melakukan pelanggaran disiplin, serta usulan alternatif resiko terhadap pendayagunaan SDM. Hilang
Table 4.1 Comparison of Main Function Between Old & New Organizational Structure Continued Gol
Organisasi Lama Sub-Bagian Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja
Seksi Perencanaan Pendidikan & Pelatihan Seksi Pelaksanaan Pendidikan & Pelatihan Seksi Pengendalian Mutu Sub-Bagian Administrasi Dokumen Hukum
Organisasi Baru Sub-Bagian Program Pemeliharaan Kesehatan
Pindah ke Komite
Sub-Bagian Pengendalian & Tata Laksana Adm. Hukum
Sub-Bagian Tata Usaha
Sub-Bagian Fasilitas & Perawatan Sarana Sub-Bagian Pengadaan Barang
Sub-Bagian Perawatan Fasilitas Sarana & Lingkungan Sub-Bagian Pengadaan Barang
Sub-Bagian Administrasi Barang
Sub-Bagian Administrasi Inventarisasi Barang
Sub-Bagian Administrasi Tanah & Bangunan
Penambahan fungsi pada perhitungan aggaran biaya pemeliharaan kesehatan; pelaksanaan program promotif, preventif, kuratif, dan rehabilitatif kesehatan direksi, komisaris, karyawan dan pensiunan beserta keluarganya. Pindah ke Komite
Pindah ke Komite
Sub-Bagian Bantuan Hukum Sub-Bagian Penatausahaan
Catatan Perubahan Fungsi Pokok
Penambahan fungsi pada kegiatan penelaahan terhadap rancangan peraturan perusahaan, analisis aspek hukum dalam penyusunan peraturan Perusahaan, serta penyusunan laporan aktivitas pelayanan hukum. Baru Penambahan fungsi pada penyusunan program kerja, perhitungan, dan pengendalian anggaran biaya umum. Tidak ada perubahan.
Penambahan fungsi pada penyusunan daftar harga satuan barang, serta usulan alternatif resiko terhadap pengadaan barang dan jasa. Penambahan fungsi pada pendistribusian, pencatatan, penyimpanan, dan inventarisasi barang. Perencanaan, dan pelaksanaan penghapusan barang inventaris kantor, serta usulan alternatif resiko terhadap pendayagunaan barang inventaris kantor. Hilang
Table 4.1 Comparison of Main Function Between Old & New Organizational Structure Continued Gol
Organisasi Baru Sub-Bagian Pengamanan Aset Sub-bagian Pengamanan Tanah Kelola Pekerjaan dengan Nama Tetap Pekerjaan yang Berubah Nama Pekerjaan yang Menjadi Satu Pekerjaan Hilang Pekerjaan Baru Organisasi Lama
Catatan Perubahan Fungsi Pokok Baru
Divisi Manajemen SDM Competencies Needed: 1. Recruitment & Selection (5) 2. Remuneration Management (5) 3. Legal (4) 4. Safety of Employee (4) 5. Personnel Administration (5) 6. Industrial Relation (4) 7. Risk Management (5) 8. Human Resources Planning (5)
Sub-Divisi Hubungan Industrial Competencies Needed: 1. Recruitment & Selection (4) 2. Industrial Relation (4) 3. Legal (3) 4. Risk Management (4) 5. Safety of Employee (4) 6. Human Resources Planning (4) 7. Personnel Administration (4) Gap: 1. Remuneration Management (5)
Sub-Divisi Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi Competencies Needed: 1. Remuneration Management (4) 2. Personnel Administration (4) Gap: 1. Recruitment & Selection (5) 2. Legal (4) 3. Safety of Employee (4) 4. Industrial Relation (4) 5. Risk Management (5) 6. Human Resources Planning (5)
Seksi Hubungan Kerja Competencies Needed: 1. Recruitment & Selection (3) 2. Industrial Relation (4) 3. Legal (3) 4. Risk Management (3) 5. Human Resources Planning (3) 6. Personnel Administration (3)
Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan Competencies Needed: 1. Remuneration Management (3)
Gap: 1. Personnel Administration (4)
Gap: 1. Safety of Employee (4)
Seksi Program Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Competencies Needed: 1. Personnel Administration (3) 2. Performance Management (3) 3. Safety of Employee (3) 4. Planning & Budgeting (3) Gap: 1. Recruitment & Selection (4) 2. Industrial Relation (4) 3. Legal (3) 4. Risk Management (4) 5. Human Resources Planning (4)
Figure 4.1a Gap Competencies toward Direct-Upper Level (Divisi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia)
Seksi Pengolahan Data SDM Competencies Needed: 1. Personnel Administration (3) 2. Remuneration Management (4) Gap: -
Legend: Position Title Position Competencies (level) Position Gap toward Direct Upper Position
Divisi Hukum
Competencies Needed: 1. Law Technical Consultation (5) 2. Legal (5) 3. Contract Execution (5) 4. Risk Management (5) 5. Law Administration (5)
Sub-Divisi Peraturan & Bantuan Hukum Competencies Needed: 1. Law Technical Consultation (4) 2. Legal (4) 3. Risk Management (4) 4. Law Administration (4) Gap: 1. Contract Execution (5)
Sub-Divisi Perjanjian & Korporasi Competencies Needed: 1. Legal (4) 2. Contract Execution (3) 3. Risk Management (4) Gap: 1. Law Technical Consultation (5) 2. Law Administration (5)
Seksi Pengendalian & Tata Laksana Administrasi Hukum Competencies Needed: 1. Law Administration (3) 2. Legal (3) Gap: 1. Law Technical Consultation (4) 2. Risk Management (4)
Seksi Bantuan Hukum Competencies Needed: 1. Law Technical Consultation (3) 2. Legal (3) 3. Risk Management (3) 4. Planning & Budgeting (3) Gap: 1. Law Administration (4)
Legend: Position Title Position Competencies (level)
Figure 4.2a Gap Competencies toward Direct-Upper Level (Divisi Hukum)
Position Gap toward Direct Upper Position
Divisi Umum & Logistik Competencies Needed: 1. Office Administration (6) 2. Support & Facility (5) 3. Logistic & Asset Management (5) 4. Risk Management (5) 5. Planning & Budgeting (5)
Sub-Divisi Administrasi
Sub-Divisi Logistik
Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan
Competencies Needed: 1. Support & Facility (4) 2. Office Administration (5) 3. Planning & Budgeting (4)
Competencies Needed: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (4) 2. Office Administration (4) 3. Risk Management (4)
Competencies Needed: 1. Security Management (5) 2. Office Administration (4) 3. Risk Management (4)
Gap: 1. Logistic & Asset
Gap: 1. Support & Facility (5) 2. Planning & Budgeting (5)
Gap: 1. Support & Facility (5) 2. Logistic & Asset Management (5) 3. Planning & Budgeting (5)
Management (5)
2. Risk Management (5)
Seksi PenataUsahaan
Competencies Needed: 1. Office Administration (4) 2. Planning & Budgeting (3) Gap: 1. Support & Facility (4)
Seksi Perawatan Fasilitas Sarana & Lingkungan
Seksi Pengadaan Barang
Seksi Pengamanan Aset
Competencies Needed: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (3) 2. Risk Management (3)
Competencies Needed: 1. Security Management (4) 2. Office Administration (3) 3. Risk Management (3)
Gap: 1. Office Administration (4)
Gap: -
Seksi Administrasi Inventarisasi Barang
Seksi Pengamanan Tanah Kelola
Competencies Needed: 1. Support & Facility (3)
Competencies Needed: 1. Office Administration (3) 2. Risk Management (3) 3. Stock Taking (3)
Competencies Needed: 1. Security Management (4) 2. Office Administration (3) 3. Risk Management (3)
Gap: 1. Office Administration (5) 2. Planning & Budgeting (4)
Gap: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (3)
Gap: -
Legend: Position Title
Figure 4.3a Gap Competencies toward Direct-Upper Level (Divisi Umum & Logistik)
Position Competencies (level) Position Gap toward Direct Upper Position
Divisi Manajemen SDM Competencies Needed: 1. Recruitment & Selection (5) 2. Remuneration Management (5) 3. Legal (4) 4. Safety of Employee (4) 5. Personnel Administration (5) 6. Industrial Relation (4) 7. Risk Management (5) 8. Human Resources Planning (5)
Sub-Divisi Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi Competencies Needed: 1. Remuneration Management (4) 2. Personnel Administration (4) Gap: 1. Recruitment & Selection (5) 2. Legal (4) 3. Safety of Employee (4) 4. Industrial Relation (4) 5. Risk Management (5) 6. Human Resources Planning (5)
Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan Competencies Needed: 1. Remuneration Management (3) Gap: 1. Recruitment & Selection (4) 2. Industrial Relation (4) 3. Legal (3) 4. Risk Management (4) 5. Safety of Employee (4) 6. Human Resources Planning (4) 7. Personnel Administration (4)
Seksi Pengolahan Data SDM Competencies Needed: 1. Personnel Administration (3) 2. Remuneration Management (4) Gap: 1. Recruitment & Selection (4) 2. Industrial Relation (4) 3. Legal (3) 4. Risk Management (4) 5. Safety of Employee (4) 6. Human Resources Planning (4)
Sub-Divisi Hubungan Industrial Competencies Needed: 1. Recruitment & Selection (4) 2. Industrial Relation (4) 3. Legal (3) 4. Risk Management (4) 5. Safety of Employee (4) 6. Human Resources Planning (4) 7. Personnel Administration (4) Gap: 1. Remuneration Management (5)
Seksi Hubungan Kerja Competencies Needed: 1. Recruitment & Selection (3) 2. Industrial Relation (4) 3. Legal (3) 4. Risk Management (3) 5. Human Resources Planning (3) 6. Personnel Administration (3) Gap: 1. Remuneration Management (4)
Seksi Program Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Competencies Needed: 1. Personnel Administration (3) 2. Performance Management (3) 3. Safety of Employee (3) 4. Planning & Budheting (3) Gap: 1. Remuneration Management (4)
Legend: Position Title Position Competencies (level)
Figure 4.1b Gap Competencies toward Cross-Upper Level (Divisi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia)
Position Gap toward Cross Upper Position
Divisi Hukum
Competencies Needed: 1. Law Technical Consultation (5) 2. Legal (5) 3. Contract Execution (5) 4. Risk Management (5) 5. Law Administration (5)
Sub-Divisi Peraturan & Bantuan Hukum Competencies Needed: 1. Law Technical Consultation (4) 2. Legal (4) 3. Risk Management (4) 4. Law Administration (4) Gap: 1. Contract Execution (5)
Sub-Divisi Perjanjian & Korporasi Competencies Needed: 1. Legal (4) 2. Contract Execution (3) 3. Risk Management (4) Gap: 1. Law Technical Consultation (5) 2. Law Administration (5)
Seksi Pengendalian & Tata Laksana Administrasi Hukum Competencies Needed: 1. Law Administration (3) 2. Legal (3) Gap: 1. Contract Execution (3) 2. Risk Management (4)
Seksi Bantuan Hukum Competencies Needed: 1. Law Technical Consultation (3) 2. Legal (3) 3. Risk Management (3) 4. Planning & Budgeting (3) Gap: 1. Contract Execution (3)
Legend: Position Title
Figure 4.2b Gap Competencies toward Cross-Upper Level (Divisi Hukum)
Position Competencies (level) Position Gap toward Cross Upper Position
Divisi Umum & Logistik Competencies Needed: 1. Office Administration (6) 2. Support & Facility (5) 3. Logistic & Asset Management (5) 4. Risk Management (5) 5. Planning & Budgeting (5)
Sub-Divisi Administrasi
Sub-Divisi Logistik
Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan
Competencies Needed: 1. Support & Facility (4) 2. Office Administration (5) 3. Planning & Budgeting (4)
Competencies Needed: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (4) 2. Office Administration (4) 3. Risk Management (4)
Competencies Needed: 1. Security Management (5) 2. Office Administration (4) 3. Risk Management (4)
Gap: 1. Logistic & Asset
Gap: 1. Support & Facility (5) 2. Planning & Budgeting (5)
Gap: 1. Support & Facility (5) 2. Logistic & Asset Management (5) 3. Planning & Budgeting (5)
Management (5)
2. Risk Management (5)
Seksi PenataUsahaan
Competencies Needed: 1. Office Administration (4) 2. Planning & Budgeting (3) Gap Toward Sub-Divisi Logistik: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (4) 2. Risk Management (4) Gap Toward Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan: 1. Security Management (5) 2. Risk Management (4)
Seksi Pengadaan Barang
Seksi Pengamanan Aset
Competencies Needed: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (3) 2. Risk Management (3)
Competencies Needed: 1. Security Management (4) 2. Office Administration (3) 3. Risk Management (3)
Gap toward Sub-Divisi Administrasi: 1. Support & Facility (4) 2. Office Administration (5) 3. Planning & Budgeting (4)
Gap toward Sub-Divisi Administrasi: 1. Support & Facility (4) 2. Planning & Budgeting (4)
Gap Toward Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan: 1. Security Management (5) 2. Office Administration (4)
Gap Toward Sub-Divisi Logistik: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (4)
Legend: Position Title
Figure 4.3b Gap Competencies toward Cross-Upper Level (Divisi Umum & Logistik)
Position Competencies (level) Position Gap toward Cross Upper Position
Divisi Umum & Logistik Competencies Needed: 1. Office Administration (6) 2. Support & Facility (5) 3. Logistic & Asset Management (5) 4. Risk Management (5) 5. Planning & Budgeting (5)
Sub-Divisi Administrasi
Sub-Divisi Logistik
Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan
Competencies Needed: 1. Support & Facility (4) 2. Office Administration (5) 3. Planning & Budgeting (4)
Competencies Needed: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (4) 2. Office Administration (4) 3. Risk Management (4)
Competencies Needed: 1. Security Management (5) 2. Office Administration (4) 3. Risk Management (4)
Gap: 1. Logistic & Asset
Gap: 1. Support & Facility (5) 2. Planning & Budgeting (5)
Gap: 1. Support & Facility (5) 2. Logistic & Asset Management (5) 3. Planning & Budgeting (5)
Management (5)
2. Risk Management (5)
Seksi Perawatan Fasilitas Sarana & Lingkungan Competencies Needed: 1. Support & Facility (3)
Seksi Administrasi Inventarisasi Barang
Seksi Pengamanan Tanah Kelola
Competencies Needed: 1. Office Administration (3) 2. Risk Management (3) 3. Stock Taking (3)
Competencies Needed: 1. Security Management (4) 2. Office Administration (3) 3. Risk Management (3)
Gap Toward Sub-Divisi Logistik: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (4) 2. Office Administration (5) 3. Risk Management (4)
Gap toward Sub-Divisi Administrasi: 1. Support & Facility (4) 2. Planning & Budgeting (4)
Gap toward Sub-Divisi Administrasi: 1. Support & Facility (4) 2. Planning & Budgeting (4)
Gap Toward Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan: 1. Security Management (5) 2. Office Administration (4) 3. Risk Management (4)
Gap Toward Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan: 1. Security Management (5) 2. Office Administration (4)
Gap Toward Sub-Divisi Logistik: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (4)
Legend: Position Title
Figure 4.3b Gap Competencies toward Cross-Upper Level (Divisi Umum & Logistik) Continued
Position Competencies (level) Position Gap toward Cross Upper Position
Divisi Manajemen SDM
Sub-Divisi Hubungan Industrial
Seksi Hubungan Kerja
Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM (Refer Figure 4.7)
Figure 4.4 Career path of Divisi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
Sub-Divisi Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi
Seksi Program Pemeliharaan Kesehatan
Seksi Pengolahan Data SDM
Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan
Legend: Career path Deleted Position
Divisi Hukum
Sub-Divisi Peraturan & Bantuan Hukum
Seksi Pengendalian & Tata Laksana Admin. Hukum
Sub-Divisi Perjanjian & Korporasi
Seksi Bantuan Hukun
Legend: Career path Figure 4.5 Career path of Divisi Hukum
Divisi Umum & Logistik
Sub-Divisi Administrasi
Sub-Divisi Logistik
Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan
Seksi PenataUsahaan
Seksi Pengadaan Barang
Seksi Pengamanan Aset
Seksi Perawatan Fasilitas Sarana & Lingkungan
Seksi Administrasi Inventarisasi Barang
Seksi Pengamanan Tanah Kelola
Figure 4.6 Career Path of Divisi Umum & Logistik
Seksi Administrasi Tanah & Bangunan (Refer figure 4.8)
Legend: Career path Deleted Position
4.4 New Career Path Based on Technical Competencies Gap Analysis Based on competencies gap, the new career path of new organizational structure could be defined. From the three division in new organizational structure, there were only one division which were do not need adjustment in the career path, that was Divisi Hukum.
The criteria used in deciding whether a position holder can move upward or not is determined by Criteria 1 : Gap on competencies element whether lower position have Same competency element or not. Criteria 2 : Skill of competencies gap in similar competencies element
When the gap of competencies element between two different level position more than two elements, and considered need special training or education to obtain those elements, it is proposed to rotate to same level position which has those element gaps to acquire the competencies needed.
The other consideration is the difference between competency level between the two position could be acquired through experiences, therefore it is no need to be rotated to move to upward position. It will become room for learn which will challenge the job holder in new position.
In Divisi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia there is one position that must rotate to another position before they move upward. Sub-Divisi Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi has to be rotated to Sub-Divisi Hubungan Industrial before it promoted to upper level position. This rotation needed because there are too wide competencies gap between Sub-Divisi Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi with the upper level position, which is Divisi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. There are 6 competencies gap between Sub-Divisi Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi with Divisi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Before Sub-Divisi Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi rotated to Sub-Divisi Hubungan Industrial, there will be needed some training in order to reduce gap between Sub-Divisi Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi and SubDivisi Hubungan Industrial (Figure 4.1a, 4.1b, and 4.4)
Seksi Program Pemeliharaan Kesehatan has two choice in the career path since it can not go straight move to Sub-Divisi Hubungan Industrial. The first one is move to another Sub-Division, and move to upper level that is Sub-Divisi Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi, because it just has one gap competencies, or do rotation to Seksi Pengolahan Data SDM or Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan if the cycle time is not enough to fill upper level position. Cycle time is a period needed by position holder to get more experiences to acquire more competencies needed in performing their job. The rest of positions in Human Resources management do not have to do rotation, because there are not too many gap of competencies, and they just need some training or courses to be given to reduce the gap, and increase the level of competencies to move to upper level of position. (Figure 4.1a, 4.1b, and 4.4)
Divisi Hukum does not have any problem in the competencies gap, because the average of competencies gap in both Sub-Division (Sub-Divisi Peraturan & Bantuan Hukum, and Sub-Divisi Perjanjian & Korporasi) was less than two. The position in Divisi Hukum just need some time and experience to increase their level of competencies to move to upper level position. (Figure 4.2a, 4.2b & 4.5)
In Divisi Umum & Logistik There is one position that must rotate to another position before they move upward. The competencies gap analysis implied that Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan position has two option to be rotated to Sub-Divisi Logistik or Sub-Divisi Administrasi. This rotation needed in order to move to upper position, and there are too many competencies gap between Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan and Divisi Umum & Logistik (3 competencies gap). On the other side, Seksi Pengamanan Aset and Seksi Pengamanan Tanah Kelola do not have any gap competencies to move to their direct upper level, Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan. The two position only need some work experience to increase their level of competencies to move to upper level position. (Figure 4.3a, 4.3b, & 4.6)
4.5 Cases in PT. Jasa Marga There are three cases in PT. Jasa Marga due to the organizational position, that are deleted position case, new position case, and merged position case.
4.5.1 Deleted Position Case The first case is the deleted position. There are two deleted position, that are Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM from Divisi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, and Seksi Administrasi Tanah & Bangunan from Divisi Umum & Logistik.
The underlying consideration of solving deleted position case is : when a position removed from the structure, then the lower level of this position will lose its path/route. The scope of job of deleted position assumed still in same division in other position. Therefore to reroute the position below the deleted position could be to other position at the same level with deleted position. The next analysis is to find out competencies gap between position below the deleted position and with upper level positions in the same division. This competencies gap become the basis for defining new route.
Commence by reviewing Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM (Figure 4.7). Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM is in Divisi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, it is seen that there are two position with same level to Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM in a same Sub-Division, that are Seksi Hubungan Kerja and Seksi Program Pemeliharaan Kesehatan. The problem is by the deletion of Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM, the subordinates of Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM lose their career path. In this case because there are no data about the subordinate of Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM, then it is assumed that the competencies of all subordinates level of Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM is the same, and more likely to the competencies of Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM. The solution after analyzing the competencies gap between Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM with other two positions at the same level is the career path of subordinates from Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM can be promoted to another position that has the same competencies with Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM. In this case There are no similiar competencies between Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM with the other position in the same Sub-Division, there are too many gap between them. The best solution for this case is to promote the subordinates of Seksi 40
Pendayagunaan SDM to upper-cross position. In this case Seksi Pengolahan Data SDM is the most similiar position with similiar competencies, there is only one competency gap between them, on the other hand it can be promoted also to Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan with one competency gap. So the subordinates of Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM can be promoted to Seksi Pengolahan Data SDM or Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan.
While for the second job in this case is the removing of Seksi Administrasi Tanah Bangunan in Divisi Umum & Logistik (Figure 4.8). There are two positions at the same level with Seksi Administrasi Tanah Bangunan in SubDivisi Perlengkapan, that are Seksi Pengadaan Barang, and Seksi Administrasi Inventarisasi Barang. The subordinates of Seksi Administrasi Tanah Bangunan who lose the career path could be promoted both to Seksi Pengadaan Barang, and Seksi Administrasi Inventarisasi Barang with two gap competencies of each position.
4.5.2 New Position Case Second case is the emergent of new position. There are four new positions that are Seksi Bantuan Hukum, Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan, Seksi Pengamanan Tanah Kelola, and Seksi Pengamanan Aset. This analysis will be focused on the career path of the new position moving upward their career ladder.
Commence by Seksi Bantuan Hukum (Figure 4.9), drive the problem in determining the career path of Seksi Bantuan Hukum. By analyzing the competencies gap, it was clear that Seksi Bantuan Hukum can move upward without any obstacles from competencies gap. There are two options : the first one Seksi Bantuan Hukum can be promoted to Sub-Divisi Peraturan & Bantuan Hukum with one competency gap of Law Administration, and the second Seksi Bantuan Hukum can move to Sub-Divisi Perjanjian & Korporasi with just also one gap of Contract Execution.
The new positions in Divisi Umum & Logistik are Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan, Seksi Pengamanan Tanah Kelola, and Seksi Pengamanan Aset. Start with Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan (Figure 4.10), 41
where the position can not move straight to upper level (Divisi Umum & Logistik) because of the three competencies gap of Support & Facility, Logistic & Asset Management, and Planning & Budgeting. Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset & Perusahaan need a rotation. There are two options, first rotate to Sub-Divisi Logistik with only one competency gap of Logistic & Asset Management, or rotate to Sub-Divisi Administrasi with two competencies gap of Support & Facility and Planning & Budgeting.
For Seksi Pengamanan Tanah Kelola and Seksi Pengamanan Aset (Figure 4.11 – 4.12), both of them are new position in the same Sub-Division. There is no career path problem for Seksi Pengamanan Tanah Kelola and Seksi Pengamanan Aset, because both of them do not have any competencies gap to move
upward to Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan. Seksi
Pengamanan Tanah Kelola and Seksi Pengamanan Aset can be promoted also to their cross-upper position Sub-Divisi Administrasi with two competencies gap or Sub-Divisi Logistik with one competency gap. As the obstacle, both of them only need to increase their level of competencies to move upward. If both of them are compared, the two positions do not have any competencies gap.
4.5.3 Merged Position Case This third case of PT. Jasa Marga is Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan (Figure 4.13). It used to be two Sections that are Seksi Kompensasi & Seksi Kesejahteraan. Similar with new position case, it is important to find the career path of Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan. After analyzing competencies gap, there is just one competency gap (Personnel Administration) for Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan to be promoted higher level (Sub-Divisi Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi), while to move upward to Sub-Divisi Hubungan Industrial, the competencies gap is too wide (more than two elements of competencies gap). There is just only one competencies gap for Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan compared to Seksi Pengolahan Data SDM. Obviously there are no obstacles for Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan with the career path in moving to go to upper level position.
4.5.1 Deleted Position
Seksi Hubungan Kerja Competencies Needed: 1. Recruitment & Selection (3) 2. Industrial Relation (4) 3. Legal (3) 4. Risk Management (3) 5. Human Resources Planning (4) 6. Personnel Administration (3)
Seksi Pengolahan Data SDM Competencies Needed: 1. Personnel Administration (3) 2. Remuneration Management (3)
Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan Competencies Needed: 1. Remuneration Management (3)
Seksi Program Pemeliharaan Kesehatan
Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM
Gap: 1. Recruitment & Selection (3) 2. Industrial Relation (4) 3. Legal (3) 4. Risk Management (3) 5. Human Resources Planning (4) 6. Personnel Administration (3)
Competencies Needed: 1. Personnel Administration (3)
Gap: 1. Remuneration Management (3)
Position X
Gap: 1. Remuneration Management (3)
Gap: 1. Performance Management (3) 2. Safety of Employee (3) 3. Planning & Budgeting (3)
Competencies Needed: 1. Personnel Administration (3) 2. Performance Management (3) 3. Safety of Employee (3) 4. Planning & Budgeting (3)
Legend: • Deleted Position: Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM • Position X : Position in old organizational structure can fill the Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM, but lose the career path in the new organizational structure New career path
Figure 4.7 Gap Analysis of Deleted Position (Seksi Pendayagunaan SDM)
Seksi Administrasi Tanah & Bangunan
Seksi Pengadaan Barang
Competencies Needed: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (3) 2. Risk Management (3)
Gap: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (3) 2. Risk Management (3)
Competencies Needed: 1. Office Administration (3)
Position X
Figure 4.8 Gap Analysis of Deleted Position (Seksi Administrasi Tanah Bangunan)
Seksi Administrasi Inventarisasi Barang
Gap: 1. Risk Management (3) 2. Stock Taking (3)
Competencies Needed: 1. Office Administration (3) 2. Risk Management (3) 3. Stock Taking (3)
Legend: • Deleted Position: Seksi Administrasi Tanah & Bangunan • Position X : Position in old organizational structure can fill the Seksi Administrasi Tanah & Bangunan, but lose the career path in the new organizational structure New career path
4.5.2 New Position Sub-Divisi Peraturan & Bantuan Hukum Competencies Needed: 1. Law Technical Consultation (4) 2. Legal (4) 3. Risk Management (4) 4. Law Administration (4)
Sub-Divisi Perjanjian & Korporasi
Legend: • New Position: Seksi Bantuan Hukum New career path
Competencies Needed: 1. Legal (3) 2. Contract Execution (3) 3. Risk Management (4)
Gap: 1. Law Administration (4)
Gap: 1. Contract Execution (3)
Seksi Pengendalian & Tata Laksana Admin. Hukum
Seksi Bantuan Hukum
Competencies Needed: 1. Law Technical Consultation (3) 2. Legal (3) 3. Risk Management (3) 4. Planning & Budgeting (3)
Gap: 1. Law Administration (3)
Competencies Needed: 1. LawAdministration (3) 2. Legal (3)
Figure 4.9 Gap Analysis of New Position (Seksi Bantuan Hukum)
Legend: • New Position: Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan
Divisi Umum & Logistik
New Career path
Competencies Needed: 1. Office Administration (6) 2. Support & Facility (5) 3. Logistic & Asset Management (5) 4. Risk Management (5) 5. Planning & Budgeting (5)
Gap: 1. Support & Facility (5) 2. Logistic & Asset Management (5) 3. Planning & Budgeting (5)
Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan
Sub-Divisi Administrasi Competencies Needed: 1. Support & Facility (4) 2. Office Administration (5) 3. Planning & Budgeting (4)
Gap: 1. Support & Facility (4) 2. Planning & Budgeting (4)
Competencies Needed: 1. Security Management (5) 2. Office Administration (4) 3. Risk Management (4)
Figure 4.10 Gap Analysis of New Position (Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan)
Sub-Divisi Logistik
Gap: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (4)
Competencies Needed: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (4) 2. Office Administration (4) 3. Risk Management (4)
Sub-Divisi Administrasi
Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan
Sub-Divisi Logistik
Competencies Needed: 1. Support & Facility (4) 2. Office Administration (5) 3. Planning & Budgeting (4)
Competencies Needed: 1. Security Management (5) 2. Office Administration (4) 3. Risk Management (4)
Competencies Needed: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (5) 2. Office Administration (4) 3. Risk Management (4)
Gap: 1. Support & Facility (4) 2. Planning & Budgeting (4)
Gap: -
Seksi Pengamanan Tanah Kelola
Competencies Needed: 1. Security Management (4) 2. Office Administration (3) 3. Risk Management (3)
Legend: • New Position: Seksi Pengamanan Tanah Kelola New career path
Gap: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (5)
Gap: -
Seksi Pengamanan Aset
Competencies Needed: 1. Security Management (4) 2. Office Administration (3) 3. Risk Management (3)
Figure 4.11 Gap Analysis of New Position (Seksi Pengamanan Tanah Kelola)
Sub-Divisi Administrasi
Sub-Divisi Pengamanan Aset Perusahaan
Sub-Divisi Logistik
Competencies Needed: 1. Support & Facility (4) 2. Office Administration (5) 3. Planning & Budgeting (4)
Competencies Needed: 1. Security Management (5) 2. Office Administration (4) 3. Risk Management (4)
Competencies Needed: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (5) 2. Office Administration (4) 3. Risk Management (4)
Gap: 1. Support & Facility (4) 2. Planning & Budgeting (4)
Gap: -
Seksi Pengamanan Aset
Competencies Needed: 1. Security Management (4) 2. Office Administration (3) 3. Risk Management (3)
Figure 4.12 Gap Analysis of New Position (Seksi Pengamanan Aset)
Legend: • New Position: Seksi Pengamanan Aset New career path
Gap: 1. Logistic & Asset Management (5)
Gap: -
Seksi PengamananTanah Kelola Competencies Needed: 1. Security Management (4) 2. Office Administration (3) 3. Risk Management (3)
4.5.3 New Merged Position Sub-Divisi Hubungan Industrial
Sub-Divisi Pengelolaan Data & Remunerasi
Competencies Needed: 1. Recruitment & Selection (4) 2. Industrial Relation (4) 3. Legal (3) 4. Risk Management (4) 5. Safety of Employee (4) 6. Human Resources Planning (4) 7. Personnel Administration (4)
Competencies Needed: 1. Remuneration Management (4) 2. Personnel Administration (4)
Gap: 1. Recruitment & Selection (4) 2. Industrial Relation (4) 3. Legal (3) 4. Risk Management (4) 5. Safety of Employee (4) 6. Human Resources Planning (4) 7. Personnel Administration (4)
Legend: • Merged Position: Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan New career path
Gap: 1. Personnel Administration (3)
Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan Competencies Needed: 1. Remuneration Management (3)
Seksi Pengolahan Data SDM
Gap: 1. Personnel Administration (3)
Competencies Needed: 1. Personnel Administration (3) 2. Remuneration Management (3)
Figure 4.13 Gap Analysis of New Merged Position (Seksi Kompensasi & Kesejahteraan)