©2011 Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) UPT Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Cibodas
Konservasi Tumbuhan Tropika: Kondisi Terkini dan Tantangan ke Depan. Prosiding Seminar/UPT Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan. – Cibodas, 2011. xx + 564 hlm.; 21 x 29,7 cm
ISBN 978-979-99448-6-3 1. Konservasi 2. Tumbuhan Tropika
: Didik Widyatmoko, D.M. Puspitaningtyas, R. Hendrian, Irawati, Izu A. Fijridiyanto, Joko R. Witono, Risna Rosniati, Siti Roosita Ariati, Sri Rahayu, Titien Ng. Praptosuwiryo. Setting dan Layout : Musyarofah Zuhri, Neneng Ine Kurnita, Suluh Normasiwi, Masfiro Lailati, Destri, Wiguna Rahman. Desain Sampul : Kusetiawan
*UPT Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Cibodas Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) Sindanglaya, Cipanas, Cianjur, Jawa Barat 43253 Telp.: +62263 512233, 520419; Fax.: +62263 512233 Email:
[email protected] www.krcibodas.lipi.go.id
PROSIDING Seminar Nasional “Konservasi Tumbuhan Tropika: Kondisi Terkini dan Tantangan ke Depan” Cibodas, 7 April 2011
ISBN : 978-979-99448-6-3
Penelaah: Didik Widyatmoko D.M. Puspitaningtyas R. Hendrian Irawati Izu A. Fijridiyanto Joko R. Witono Risna Rosniati Siti Roosita Ariati Sri Rahayu Titien Ng. Praptosuwiryo
Penyelenggara: UPT Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Cibodas – LIPI Bekerjasama dengan Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia (PBI), Balai Besar Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (BBTNGGP), dan SEAMEO BIOTROP
PROSIDING Seminar Nasional “Konservasi Tumbuhan Tropika: Kondisi Terkini dan Tantangan ke Depan” Cibodas, 7 April 2011
Tidak dibenarkan mengutip ataupun memperbanyak seluruh maupun sebagian isi buku ini kemudian mendistribusikannya, tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit.
Diterbitkan oleh : UPT Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Cibodas – LIPI Sindanglaya, Cipanas, Cianjur, Jawa Barat 43253 Telp.: +62263 512233, 520419; Fax.: +62263 512233 Email:
[email protected] www.krcibodas.lipi.go.id cetakan 2011© ISBN : 978-979-99448-6-3
Penelaah : Didik Widyatmoko, D.M. Puspitaningtyas, R. Hendrian, Irawati, Izu A. Fijridiyanto, Joko R. Witono, Risna Rosniati, Siti Roosita Ariati, Sri Rahayu, Titien Ng. Praptosuwiryo. Setting & Layout : Musyarofah Zuhri, Neneng Ine Kurnita, Suluh Normasiwi, Masfiro Lailati, Destri, Wiguna Rahman. Desain Sampul : Kusetiawan
Time is flying. Tidak terasa Kebun Raya Cibodas telah berusia 159 tahun pada tanggal 11 April 2011. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu tantangan yang dihadapi tidak semakin ringan. Kebun Raya sebagai garda terdepan dalam konservasi tumbuhan secara ex situ dituntut untuk berkontribusi secara nyata dalam melestarikan dan mendayagunakan tumbuhan tropika secara berkelanjutan. Program dan kegiatan Kebun Raya juga harus menjadi bagian integral dalam merespons isu-isu penting nasional, regional, maupun global, seperti kemerosotan keanekaragaman hayati, deforestasi dan degradasi lahan, serta perubahan iklim. Perubahan tata guna lahan yang sangat cepat, degradasi hutan dan kawasan-kawasan konservasi, serta perubahan iklim global secara jelas telah mengancam keanekaragaman hayati, terutama di daerah tropis. Kondisi ini makin diperparah dengan berbagai kebijakan dan praktek-praktek pengelolaan sumberdaya yang belum mampu mengatasi laju penurunan kuantitas dan kualitas sumberdaya hayati. Prosiding ini merupakan dokumentasi Seminar Nasional dengan tema “Konservasi Tumbuhan Tropis: Kondisi Terkini dan Tantangan ke Depan” yang dilaksanakan di UPT Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Cibodas – LIPI pada tanggal 7 April 2011. Seminar ini digagas dalam rangka membahas dan mendiskusikan perkembangan penelitian yang telah dan sedang dilakukan dan tantangan-tantangan yang akan dihadapi dalam mengkonservasi tumbuhan tropis pada masa yang akan datang. Seminar ilmiah ini diikuti oleh 135 peserta, yang berasal dari berbagai institusi baik nasional maupun internasional. Narasumber yang dihadirkan dalam kegiatan ini yaitu Prof. J.W. Ferry Slik (pakar ekologi dan taksonomi tumbuhan dari Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, China); Prof. Barry Conn (pakar Biosistematika dari National Herbarium of New South Wales Sydney, Australia); Prof. Dr. Ir. Iskandar Zukarnaen Siregar, M.For.Sc. (pakar silvikultur dan pemuliaan tumbuhan dari Institut Pertanian Bogor); dan Dr. Irdika Mansur, M.For.Sc. (Deputi Kepala Manajemen Sumber Daya dan Komunikasi, SEAMEO BIOTROP Regional Centre for Tropical Biology). Prosiding ini berisi 93 makalah yang merupakan hasil penelitian dari para peserta seminar. Secara umum topik yang disampaikan meliputi biologi konservasi, biosistematika tumbuhan, ekologi tumbuhan, etnobotani, dan hortikultura. Ucapan terima kasih kami sampaikan kepada Panitia Pelaksana Seminar, Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia, Balai Besar Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango, SEAMEO BIOTROP, dan seluruh pihak yang telah membantu penyelenggaraan seminar ini. Besar harapan kami bahwa prosiding ini dapat bermanfaat bagi upaya konservasi tumbuhan tropis pada masa yang akan datang.
Cibodas, September 2011
Dr. Didik Widyatmoko, M.Sc. Kepala UPT Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Cibodas - LIPI
ISBN 978-979-99448-6-3
Kata Pengantar......................................................................................................................................
The Population Dynamics, Life Cycle and Conservation Status of Very Rare Rafflesia Bengkuluensis Susatya, Arianto & Mat-Salleh at Talang Lais, Kaur, Bengkulu Agus Susatya ........................................................................................................................................
Lasianthus spp. Germination: Role of Air Temperature, Received Radiation and Substrate Humidity Annisa Satyanti and R. Subekti Purwantoro ..........................................................................................
Mengenal dan Melestarikan Pohon Andalas (Morus macroura Miq.) Aswaldi Anwar......................................................................................................................................
Phylogenetic Analysis of Tree Fern Dicksonia blumei (Dicksoniaceae) Bayu Adjie ............................................................................................................................................
Sebaran, Keragaman dan Kelimpahan Vegetasi Mangrove di Pulau Batam, Karimun, Natuna, dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil di Sekitarnya Danang Wahyu Purnomo dan Didi Usmadi...........................................................................................
Beberapa Jenis Syzygium yang Tumbuh di Tepi Sungai di Wilayah Kabupaten Malang Deden Mudiana ....................................................................................................................................
Pengaruh Arsitektur Pohon Model Petit, Leeuwenberg, dan Aubreville Terhadap Aspek Hidrologi Lolosan Tajuk, Aliran Batang, Intersepsi Hujan dan Intersepsi Serasah di Kebun Raya Purwodadi Siti Sofiah dan Dewi Ayu Lestari ...........................................................................................................
Persebaran dan Keragaman Anggrek Pecteilis susannae (L.) Rafin. di Indonesia Diah Sulistiarini ...................................................................................................................................
Potensi Dipterocarpaceae Sebagai Penyerap C02 dan Penyimpan Karbon di Kebun Raya Bogor Didi Usmadi, Sri Wahyuni dan Melani K. Riswati .................................................................................
Membangun Pengelolaan Kolaboratif Kawasan Hutan Konservasi di Indonesia Didik Suharjito .....................................................................................................................................
Keanekaragaman Anggrek di Cagar Alam Panjalu Dwi Murti Puspitaningtyas ...................................................................................................................
Uji Daya Simpan Biji Anggrek Dendrobium stratiotes Rchb.F. Dwi Murti Puspitaningtyas dan Elizabeth Handini ................................................................................
Regenerasi Heritierap percoriaceae Kosterm. di Kebun Raya Bogor Dodo dan Yupi Isnaini ..........................................................................................................................
Pengaruh Jenis dan Kadar Bahan Enkapsulasi Terhadap Viabilitas Benih Mangium (Acacia mangium Willd) Dody Priadi ..........................................................................................................................................
Inventarisasi Kerusakan Flora Hutan di Lereng Selatan Gunung Slamet Dwi Nugroho Wibowo dan Ani Widyastuti ............................................................................................
ISBN 978-979-99448-6-3
Kelekak: Kebun Buah-Buahan Lokal untuk Generasi Mendatang Salah Satu Bentuk Konservasi Masyarakat Bangka Eka Sari, Dyah Sandra Fiona, dan Nova Adelia ....................................................................................
Efektivitas Dua Periode Waktu dan Beberapa Metode Penyimpanan Terhadap Biji Garcinia picrorhiza Miq. Elly Kristiati Agustin ............................................................................................................................
Konservasi dan Perbanyakan Dendrobium spectabile (Blume) Miq. di Kebun Raya Bali Ema Hendriyani dan I Gede Tirta .........................................................................................................
Kapulaga (Amomum compactum Sol.ex Maton): Manfaat dan Sebarannya di Gunung Honje, Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon Emma Sri Kuncari ................................................................................................................................
Atribut Ekologi Hutan Sekunder Dataran Rendah yang Terbentuk Setelah Peladangan di Talang Tais, Kaur, Bengkulu Enggar Apriyanto dan Siswahyono ........................................................................................................
Inventarisasi Bahan Obat Tradisional di Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli, Bali. Eniek Kriswiyanti, I Ketut Junitha, Endang Sri Kentjonowati, Nyoman Darsini, dan Iriani Setyawati....
Kegiatan Eksplorasi Flora Kebun Raya Purwodadi di Pulau Sulawesi Esti Endah Ariyanti...............................................................................................................................
Eksplorasi Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Anggrek di Kawasan Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan, Kab. Lampung Barat, Propinsi Lampung Esti Munawaroh dan Popi Aprilianti ....................................................................................................
Lumut di Kawasan Konservasi Ecology Park Cibinong, Jawa Barat Florentina Indah Windadri ...................................................................................................................
Potensi Duapuluh Tujuh Jenis Tumbuhan Obat yang Dimanfaatkan Oleh Suku Sasak di Sekitar Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani Francisca Murti Setyowatid dan Wardah ..............................................................................................
Keragaman Anggrek Alam di Kawasan Konservasi Bukit Bungkuk, Kabupaten Kampar, Provinsi Riau Sri Hartini dan Hary Wawangningrum..................................................................................................
Adaptasi dan Seleksi 50 Jenis Begonia Dataran Tinggi di Kebun Raya Bogor Hartutiningsih - M. Siregar dan Mustaid Siregar ................................................................................
Eksplorasi dan Inventarisasi Anggrek di Lereng Selatan Gunung Merapi : Data Terakhir Sebelum Erupsi 2010 Susila, H., A. R. U. Wibowo, I. B. Nugroho, M. Bait, M. B. Atmaja, A. C. Pamuji, T. Sukoco dan H. Wardhana .......................................................................................................................................
Silangan Begonia robusta Blume var. robusta dengan Begonia flacca Irmsch I Made Ardaka dan Ni Kadek Erosi Undaharta .....................................................................................
Hama Penggerek Daun (Catocala sp.) Pada Koleksi Zingiberaceae di Kebun Raya Bali dan Pengendaliannya I Putu Agus Hendra Wibawa ................................................................................................................
Keanekaragaman Fungi Endofitik yang Berasosiasi dengan Akar Anggrek Spathoglottis plicata Blume dan Flickingeria fimbriata (Blume) Hawkes Imam Bagus Nugroho, Hendry Susila, dan Rina Sri Kasiamdari .......................................................... Keanekaragaman Anggrek Epifit di Sekitar Danau Tamblingan-Bali
ISBN 978-979-99448-6-3
Ig. Tirta dan Ema Hendriyani ...............................................................................................................
Analisis Vegetasi dan Kandungan Fitokimia Akar Kuning (Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr.) di Hutan Penelitian Samboja, Kalimantan Timur Ibnu Hajar ............................................................................................................................................
The Diversity of Lichens in Cibodas Botanical Gardens and Their Potential as Herbal Medicine Iin Supartinah Noer ..............................................................................................................................
Pengaruh Aplikasi Arang pada Pertumbuhan Semai Beberapa Jenis Leguminosae Indriani Ekasari....................................................................................................................................
Keanekaragaman Jenis dan Ekologi Sirih-Sirihan Liar Anggota Suku Piperaceae di Kawasan Hutan Lindung BKPH Gunung Slamet Barat dan BKPH Moga Inggit Puji Astuti, Eka Fatmawati Tihurua, dan Sugeng Budiharta ........................................................
Germination of Indonesian Paphiopedilums at Different Maturity of Fruits and The Affinities Between The Species Irawati ..................................................................................................................................................
Input Karbon dan Nitrogen Via Gugur Seresah di Hutan Dataran Rendah Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango Joeni Setijo Rahajoe dan Chumairoh ....................................................................................................
Prospek Konservasi Daun Sang (Johannesteijsmannia spp.) di Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser Kansih Sri Hartini.................................................................................................................................
Keragaman dan Karakteristik Pisang (Musa acuminata) Kultivar Group Diploid AA Koleksi Kebun Raya Purwodadi Lia Hapsari dan Ahmad Masrum ..........................................................................................................
Study Laju Pertumbuhan Alamiah Tetrastigma glabratum Dibandingkan Dengan Laju Eksploitasi Oleh Masyarakat Sekitar Hutan Lindung Gunung Prau Lianah, Henna, Munifatul I. ..................................................................................................................
Variasi Anatomi (Stomata & Idioblast) pada Marga Curcuma Lilih Khotim Perwati, Erry Wiryani, Murningsih...................................................................................
Studi Aktivitas Antifungi Lumut Terhadap Fungi Patogen dari Daun Anggrek (Bulbophyllum flavidiflorum Carr.) Lily Ismaini...........................................................................................................................................
Karakteristik Anatomi Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) di Berbagai Media Tanam Tailing Timah dengan Penambahan Limbah Padat Kelapa Sawit Lina Juairiah ........................................................................................................................................
Tipe Morfologi dan Anatomi Kulit Batang Pohon Inang Anggrek Epifit di Petak 5 Bukit Plawangan, Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi Muhammad Bima Atmaja dan Asri Cahyaning Pamuji ..........................................................................
Potensi Cadangan Biji di Dalam Tanah pada Hutan Sekunder Wornojiwo Musyarofah Zuhri, dan Zaenal Mutaqien ..............................................................................................
Pemanfaatan Bambu di Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur Ninik Setyowati dan Nurul Sumiasri ....................................................................................................
ISBN 978-979-99448-6-3
Karakterisasi Morfologi Klon Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) Lokal Berpotensi Unggul di Kecamatan Kasembon, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur Nurul Aini, Kuswanto, and Ghunthur Sheto Ari Utomo .........................................................................
Variasi Plasma Nutfah Tumbuhan Secara Lekat Lahan di Pekarangan: Studi Kasus Kecamatan Jenggawah, Jember Nurul Sumiasri dan Ninik Setyowati .....................................................................................................
Distribusi dan Status Konservasi Syzygium zollingerianum (Miq.) Amsh. (Myrtaceae) Pudji Widodo, Tatik Chikmawati, dan Dwi Nugroho Wibowo................................................................
Eksplorasi Tumbuhan di Daerah Konservasi Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Rea-Kaltim Purwaningsih........................................................................................................................................
Komposisi Floristik Hutan Sekunder di Lokasi Restorasi Blok Hutan Sei Serdang, Resort Cinta Raja- Besitang, Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatera Utara Razali Yusuf ..........................................................................................................................................
Induksi Proembrio Terhadap Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) dengan Kombinasi Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Auksin dan Sitokinin Ria Cahyaningsih, Darda Efendi, dan Endah R. Palupi .........................................................................
Profil Pohon Induk dan Penyebaran Regenerasi Kayu Bawang (Scorodocarpus borneensis Becc.) di Hutan Pendidikan Kebun Raya Unmul Samarinda Rita Diana, Deddy Hadriyanto, Hastaniah, Raharjo Ari Suwasono .......................................................
Populasi Biji di Lantai Hutan Pamah Pasir Pring, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat Rochadi Abdulhadi, Rike Anwar Fuadi, dan Suhardjono .......................................................................
Studi Penyebaran Corypha utan Lamk. di Taman Nasional Baluran, Jawa Timur Rony Irawanto ......................................................................................................................................
Komposisi Jenis dan Struktur Vegetasi Pohon di Hutan Pantai pada Kawasan Cagar Alam Pulau Sempu, Kabupaten Malang Ruddy Polosakan ..................................................................................................................................
The Effect of Light on the Germination and the Growth of the Seeds of Dendrobium spectabile Blume (Orchidaceae) In Vitro Siti Nurfadilah ......................................................................................................................................
Pemanfaatan Jenis-Jenis Tumbuhan oleh Masyarakat Madura, Mandar dan Bajau di Pulau Sepanjang, Sumenep, Jawa Timur Siti Susiarti, Rugayah dan Suhardjono .................................................................................................
Estimasi Laju Penyimpanan Karbon pada Beberapa Jenis Ficus Koleksi Kebun Raya Purwodadi Soejono.................................................................................................................................................
Kolonisasi Rafflesia patma pada Pohon Inang di Cagar Alam Pangandaran Sofi Mursidawati dan Melani K. Riswati ...............................................................................................
Ekologi Anggrek Didymoplexis pallen Griffith di Kebun Raya Purwodadi Solikin ..................................................................................................................................................
Keragaman Habitat Hoya multiflora Blume di Stasiun Penelitian Bodogol, Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango Sri Rahayu, Rochadi Abdulhadi, Rosniati A. Risna, Yayan W. C. Kusuma .............................................
ISBN 978-979-99448-6-3
Studi Banding Akumulasi Timbal (Pb) pada Daun Hibiscus tiliaceus L. dan Daun Ki Hujan Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr. di Makassar Sri Suhadiyah, Muhammad Ruslan Umar, dan Surni .............................................................................
Inventarisasi Tumbuhan Obat di Kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru Sri Wuryanti dan Esti Endah Ariyanti ...................................................................................................
Pengetahuan Tradisional Suku Lembak Tentang Keragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Obat di Dua Desa di Bengkulu Steffanie Nurliana .................................................................................................................................
Studi Biologi Bunga Ixora amboinica (Blume) Dc. R.S. Purwantoro dan Sumanto ..............................................................................................................
Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms. R.S. Purwantoro, A. Agusta, dan Praptiwi.............................................................................................
Pengelolaan Lanskap Multifngsi: Pendekatan Alternatif Dalam Konservasi Tumbuhan Kayu Subekti Rahayu, Hartiningsih, Sonya Dewi, Agus P. Kartono, dan Agus Hikmat....................................
Aktivitas Anti Bakteri dan Anti Jamur pada Plectranthus javanicus (Blume) Benth., P. galeatus Vahl, dan Scutellaria slametensis Sudarmono & Conn (Lamiaceae) Sudarmono, Hartutiningsih M-Siregar, R. Subekti Purwantoro dan A. Agusta ......................................
Pertumbuhan Awal Tanaman Bambu Tutul (Bambusa maculata Widjaja) di Stasiun Penelitian Hutan Arcamanik, Bandung Sutiyono dan Marfu’ah Wardani ...........................................................................................................
Canonical Corespondence Analysis of Plant Community at Buyan-Tamblingan Lake Forest Areas Bali Sutomo dan I Dewa Putu Darma ..........................................................................................................
Inventarisasi Alternatif Bahan Pangan Pokok dari Hutan Sebagai Langkah Rediversifikasi Pangan dan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Hayati Secara Berkelanjutan Syamsul Hidayat ...................................................................................................................................
Eksplorasi dan Penelitian Flora Gunung Singgalang, Sumatera Barat Taufikurrahman Nasution dan Destri ....................................................................................................
Keanekaragaman Karakter Fenotipik Tanaman Dahlia Asal Jawa Barat dan Padang Tien Turmuktini, Usep Taryana, dan Agung Karuniawan .....................................................................
Survey and Monitoring Methods for Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Sm. (Cyatheaceae) Titien Ngatinem Praptosuwiryo, Rugayah, dan Didit Okta Pribadi .......................................................
Fenologi Aktivitas Reproduktif Tiga Jenis Rutaceae, Koleksi Kebun Raya Purwodadi Titut Yulistyarini dan Abban Putri Fiqa ...............................................................................................
Kajian Variasi Morfologi Kantong Semar (Nepenthes spp.) Sebagai Pendukung dalam Upaya Pengembangannya untuk Tanaman Hias Tri Handayani .....................................................................................................................................
Konservasi dan Mikropropagasi Rhododendron radians J.J.Sm. di Kebun Raya ‘Eka Karya’ Bali Tri Warseno dan Dyan Meiningsasi Siswoyo Putri ................................................................................
Jenis-Jenis Anggrek Epifit dan Inangnya di Cagar Alam Pulau Sempu, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur Umiyah, Nina Dwi Yulia, dan Dani Prasetyani .....................................................................................
ISBN 978-979-99448-6-3
Role of Dye Plants as Natural Dyes Uses in Local Communities in Indonesia Wardah dan Francisca Murti Setyowati ................................................................................................
Eksplorasi Flora di Kawasan Gunung Rinjani Nusa Tengara Barat Nyoman Peneng dan Wawan Sujarwo ..................................................................................................
Perkembangan Dicksonia blumei Moore dengan Biakan Spora Secara In Vitro Wenni S. Lestari ...................................................................................................................................
Survivorship and Growth of Eight Native Tree Species during their Early Stage at a Restored Land Within Gede Pangrango National Park, Indonesia Wiguna Rahman, Fitri Kurniawati, Eka A.P. Iskandar, Imawan W. Hidayat, Didik Widyatmoko, dan Siti Roosita Ariati ...........................................................................................................................
Pengaruh Naungan Paranet Terhadap Sifat Toleransi Tanaman Kecapi (Sandoricum koetjape (Burm.F.) Merr. ) Wihermanto dan Tri Handayani ...........................................................................................................
Pemanfaatan dan Karakterisasi Tumbuhan Tropis untuk Biosintesis Nanopartikel Perak Windri Handayani, Cuk Imawan, dan Susiani Purbaningsih..................................................................
Aspek Etika dalam Konservasi Tumbuhan di Indonesia Wiryono ...............................................................................................................................................
Uji Media Pertumbuhan untuk Perbanyakan dan Viabilitas Spora Trichoderma sp., Kapang Endofit Akar Puspa (Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth.) Yati Nurlaeni ........................................................................................................................................
Seedling Growth of Diospyros blancoi A. DC., the Common Plant for Rehabilitation, Under Different Shade Level Yayan Wahyu C. Kusuma dan Tri Handayani........................................................................................
Potensi Karbon Tersimpan pada Tegakan Pohon di Taman Kota I Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD), Tangerang Dini Fardila, Lily Surayya Eka Putri, dan Yudhi Nugraha ....................................................................
Konservasi In Vitro dan Perbanyakan Anggrek Alam di Kebun Raya Indonesia Yupi Isnaini, Ema Hendriyani, dan Siti Nurfadilah ................................................................................
The Genus Typhonium Schott (Araceae - Areae) in Java Yuzammi ...............................................................................................................................................
Penyebaran Tumbuhan Asing di Hutan Wornojiwo Kebun Raya Cibodas, Cianjur, Jawa Barat Zaenal Mutaqien, Vin-Vin Maria Tresnanovia, dan Musyarofah Zuhri ..................................................
Indeks ..................................................................................................................................................
Seminar Nasional HUT Kebun Raya Cibodas Ke-159
ISBN 978-979-99448-6-3
THE GENUS Typhonium Schott (ARACEAE - AREAE) IN JAVA Yuzammi Centre for Plant Conservation – Bogor Botanic Gardens, LIPI Jl. Ir. H. Juanda no. 13 Bogor (16122) Phone: 0251 8352519, Fax: 0251 8322187 E-mail:
[email protected] Abstrak Marga Typhonium termasuk ke dalam suku Araceae. Sekitar 40 jenis dapat ditemukan di daerah tropikal dan sub tropikal. Di Jawa ditemukan ada tiga jenis Typhonium yaitu T. horsfieldii, T. flagelliforme, T. roxburghii. Salah satu jenis Typhonium sering digunakan sebagai bahan baku obat kanker dan dikenal dengan nama keladi tikus yaitu T. flagelliforme. Kekeliruan dalam mendeskripsi jenis ini sering terjadi. Dalam studi ini akan dipaparkan deskripsi lengkap jenis-jenis Typhonium yang ada di pulau Jawa berikut kunci jenisnya. Kata kunci: Araceae, Deskripsi, Jawa, Typhonium. INTRODUCTION The Araceae is a medium size family, consists of 105 genera and over 3,300 species worldwide, mainly in the tropics. Within Malesia, Indonesia has the highest floristic diversity of Araceae with about 30 genera and over 410 species (Mayo et al., 1997). The genus Typhonium comprises of about 40 species from tropical and subtropical Asia through the South Pacific to Australia. This genus has been revised by Sriboonma et al. (1994). The confusion of four species in taxonomy and nomenclature has been clarified by Nicolson & Sivadasan (1981), namely T. trilobatum, T. flagelliforme, T. roxburghii and T. blumei, three of which occur in Java viz. T. flagelliforme, T. roxburghii and T. horsfieldii. The latter is a rare species. Members of the Araceae are of major economic importance, mostly in tropical countries. They are used as foods, ornamental plants, medicinal plants and may even be used in mystic or ritual ceremonies. One of the members of aroids has been recorded as medicinal plant i.e. Typhonium flagelliforme, which is commonly known as rodent tuber or “keladi tikus”. Typhonium flagelliforme has been used as one of the components of traditional herb for combating
breast, lung, colon and liver cancer (Lai C-S. et al. 2008). TYPHONIUM SCHOTT Typhonium Schott, Wiener Z. Kunst 3 (1829) 732; Schott, Melet. bot. (1832) 17; Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 3 (1856) 192; Miq., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 14 (1856) 563; Schott, Syn. Aroid. (1856) 17; Schott, Gen. aroid. (1858) 17; Schott, Prod. syst. Aroid. (1860) 105; Engl., in A. & C. DC., Monogr. phan. 2 (1879) 609; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 6 (1893) 509; Ridley, Mat. Fl. Mal. Pen. 3 (1907) 9; Koord., Exkurs.-Fl. Java 1 (1911) 263; Engl., in Engl., Pflanzenr. 73 (IV.23F) (1920) 108; Ridley, Fl. Mal. Pen. 5 (1925) 90; Bakh.f., in Backer, Bekn. fl. Java 17 (1957) 47; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 3 (1968) 123; Nicolson & Sivad., Blumea 27 (1981) 487; A.Hay, Blumea 37 (1993) 347; Sriboonma, J.Murata & K.Iwats., J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 3, 15 (1994) 288; Mayo et al., Gen. Arac. (1997) 260. TYPE: Typhonium trilobatum (L.) Schott (Arum trilobatum L.) (Lecto, selected by Nicolson, 1967). Heterostalis Schott, Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. 7 (1857) 261; Schott, Gen. aroid. (1858) t.18; Schott, Prod. syst. Aroid. (1960) 109.
Seminar Nasional HUT Kebun Raya Cibodas Ke-159
ISBN 978-979-99448-6-3
Leaf pedatifid ......................................................................................................... 2. T. horsfieldii Leaf not pedatifid .......................................................................................................................... 2 Lamina shallowly to deeply trilobed ....................................................................... 3. T. roxburghii Lamina elliptic to ovate ...................................................................................... 1. T. flagelliforme KEY TO THE SPECIES, USING REPRODUCTIVE FEATURES
1a. b. 2a. b.
Sterile organs clavate ............................................................................................ 2. T. horsfieldii Sterile organ spathulate or acicular ................................................................................................ 2 Lower spathe longitudinally keeled; lower sterile organs spathulate, black to purple-tipped ............... .......................................................................................................................... 1. T. flagelliforme Lower spathe without keel; lower sterile organs acicular, yellowish to reddish, deflexed ................... ................................................................................................................................ 3. T. roxburghii
Tuberous herbs, very small to medium-sized; corm globose, subglobose or irregular (not in Java), sometimes rhizomatous or stoloniferous (not in Java); leaves few to several together; petiole slender, sheathing in lower 2/3 or less; lamina very variable from cordate-sagittate, sagittate to hastate, very narrowly lanceolate (not in Java) to elliptic (not in Java), trifid (not in Java), pedatifid; major venation reticulate, frequently with 1-2, sometimes 3 submarginal veins; inflorescence solitary, sometimes subtended by cataphylls or leaves; peduncle shorter than petiole, rarely wholly below ground (not in Java); lower spathe usually convolute, rarely connate margins (not in Java), persistent or evanescent (not in Java), mostly greenish, constricted at the level of sterile zone of spadix; limb narrowly lanceolate to broadly ovate, usually green or purple, eventually reflexed backwards from constriction; spadix sessile, shorter (not in Java), subequal or much longer (not in Java) than spathe; female zone cylindric, subconic to subglobose; pistils unilocular, with 1 or 2 basal orthotropous ovules; placenta basal; stigma sessile, discoid-hemispheric; sterile zone covered partly or entirely with spathulate to filamentous sterile organs; male zone cylindric to ellipsoid; staminate flowers with 1-3 stamens; thecae ovoid to ellipsoid, opening by slits or pores; pollen inaperturate, spherical or subspheroidal, radiosymmetric, medium-sized (mean 32 m, range 28-36 m); exine spinose (Grayum, 1992); appendix shortly stipitate, rarely disk-like (not in Java) or sessile (not in Java), smooth, slender and usually long-exserted; infructescence usually housed within the enlarged persistent lower spathe; fruit a berry, ovoid, usually orange-red, green or white, 1 or 2 seeded; seed albuminous, orthotropous.
Chromosome numbers 2n = 14, 16, 18, 20, 26, 36, 52, 54, 65, 118, 130, 152, 160, 168 (Petersen, 1989). Distribution: At least 40 species from tropical and subtropical Asia through the South Pacific to Australia (Sriboonma et al., 1994). Three species occur in Java. 1. Typhonium flagelliforme (Lodd.) Blume Typhonium flagelliforme (Lodd.) Blume, Rhumpia 1 (1837) 134; Kunth, Enum. pl. 3 (1841) 26; Schott, Aroideae (1855) 12; Schott, Syn. Aroid. (1856) 19; Schott, Prod. syst. Aroid. (1860) 109; Engl., in Engl., Pflanzenr. 73 (IV.23F) (1920) 112; Bakh.f., in Backer, Bekn. fl. Java 17 (1957) 48; Nicolson & Sivad., Blumea 27 (1981) 489; A.Hay, Blumea 37 (1993) 350; Sriboonma, J.Murata & K.Iwats., J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 3, 15 (1994) 303. Arum flagelliforme Lodd., Bot. Cab. 4 (1819) t. 396 [Roxb., Hort. Beng. (1814) 65, nom. nud.]; Roxb., Fl. ind. 3 (1832) 502 ‘flagelliformis’; Wight, Icon 3 (1) (1844) 6, t. 791. Heterostalis flagelliformis (Lodd.) Schott, Gen. aroid. (1858) t. 18; Schott, Prod. syst. Aroid. (1856) 109. TYPE: India, Bengal, C. Loddiges, Bot. Cab. 4 (1819) t. 396. (fide Nicolson & Sivadasan, 1981). [Typhonium flagelliforme var. . typicum Engl., in Engl., Pflanzenr. 73 (IV.23F) (1920) 112 (nom. superfl.)]. Arum cuspidatum Blume, Catalogus (1823) 101. Typhonium cuspidatum (Blume) Blume, in Decaisne, Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 3 (1834) 39; Blume, Rumphia 1 (1837) 133, t. 30, f. 1-2; Kunth, Enum. pl. 3 (1841) 26; Hassk., Pl. jav. rar. (1848) 143; Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 3 (1856) 194; 545
Seminar Nasional HUT Kebun Raya Cibodas Ke-159
Schott, Syn. Aroid. (1856) 19; Engl., in A. & C. DC., Monogr. phan. 2 (1879) 616; Ridley, Mat. Fl. Mal. Pen. 3 (1907) 11; Koord., Exkurs.-Fl. Java 1 (1911) 264; Koord., Exkurs.-Fl. Java 4 (1923) 205, fig. 410. TYPE: Java, C. L. Blume s.n. (L-898.90 - 268 and -269 - n.v.). Typhonium hastiferum Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 3 (1856) 194; Miq., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 14 (1856) 563. SYNTYPE: Java, Surokerto, Horsfield 1416 (K); Java, ‘Fui Nao’(?), T. Horsfield s.n. (BM n.v.). Typhonium reinwardtianum de Vriese & Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 3 (1856) 195. TYPE: Java, bij Kolelah in een moeras, C. G. C. Reinwardt s.n. (L-898.90-275 - n.v.). [Typhonium divaricatum auct., non Blume: Koord., Exkurs.-Fl. Java 1 (1911) 264; Koord., Exkurs.-Fl. Java 4 (1923) 204 fig. 409; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 3 (1968) 123]. Herb; corm depressed globose, c. 2 cm diam.; petiole c. 15-30 cm long, slender, sheathing in lower c. 2/3; leaves several together; lamina very variable, elliptic to ovate, the base acute to auriculate, cordate or hastate, dull mid green adaxially, paler abaxially; anterior lobe c. 6-25 cm long, to c. 1-5 cm wide; posterior lobes horizontally spreading to c. 5 cm long; midrib prominent abaxially, with 2 or 3 primary veins on each side, diverging at an angle of c. 40; inflorescence solitary; peduncle slender, to c. 15 cm long; spathe greenish white and pinkish, to c. 3.5 cm long; lower spathe longitudinally keeled; limb narrowly lanceolate, sometimes longacuminate, greenish abaxially, purplish brown to white adaxially, recurve or coiled and spreading at base, 10-30 cm long, 5-8 cm wide; spadix equalling the spathe; female zone c. 0.5 cm long with c. 60 pistils; stigma 1 rounded lobe; sterile zone c. 2 cm long, covered with spathulate black or purple-tipped sterile organs in the lower half c. 0.6 cm x 0.2 cm, somewhat filiform in the upper half, c. 0.3 cm long; male zone c. 0.5 cm long; male flowers with a single yellow stamen; thecae opening through apical pores; appendix yellowish green, subsessile, tapering from the base, deeply ridged and channelled surface, c. 20 cm long; infructescence surrounded by persistent lower spathe; fruit a berry, light greenish, 2-3 seeded. Distribution: Ranging from Sri Lanka to Indochina, northern Philippines, South Malesia through southern New
ISBN 978-979-99448-6-3
Guinea and northern Australia (Nicolson & Sivadasan 1981; Hay 1993). In Java it occurs in all provinces. Habitat: Rather common along riverbanks and roadsides; 2 to 250 m asl. Notes: This species is common in Java and becoming a weed. Hay (1993) commented that this species is readily recognised by its keeled spathe base, grooved yellowish or greenish appendix and its lower sterile organs with purple-tips. Other specimens seen: Central Java, Banjoemas, Anonymous 470 (BO); West Java, Batavia, Buitenzorg, 10 Mar 1919, Bakhuizen van den Brink 1194 (BO); West Java, Batavia, Tandjong Priok, 1 Mar 1903, Backer 33418 (BO); West Java, Batavia, 6 Mar 1903, Backer 33419 (BO); West Java, Batavia, Goenoeng Sahari Sentiong, Jul 1903, Backer 33421 (BO); West Java, Batavia, Jul 1904, Backer 33420 (BO); West Java, Batavia, Buitenzorg, Goenoeng Batoe, 5 Oct 1924, Bakhuizen van den Brink 3470 (BO); East Java, Madioen, Saradan, 26 Jan 1918, Beumée 1303 (BO); West Java, Buitenzorg, Empang, Bk. Et. De M s.n. (BO); Central Java, Semarang, Koedoes, Tandjoeng Moeljo, 1924, Houwing 438 (BO); Central Java, Banjoemas, Kedoe, Premboen, 1924, Kievits 682 (BO); Central Java, Banjoemas, Kedoe, Premboen, Koetoardjo, 1924, Kievits 1926 (BO); Central Java, Banjoemas, Kievits 616 (BO); Central Java, Banjoemas, Kievits 3435 (BO); West Java, Labuan, 8 Dec 1964, Kostermans 21805 (K, L); West Java, Batavia, river-bank of Tjiliwong in Horto Botanico Buitenzorgensi, 16 Jan 1894, Schiffer 1670 (BO, K); West Java, Indramajoe, 4 Jan 1936, van Steenis 7486 (BO). 2. Typhonium horsfieldii (Miq.) Steenis. Typhonium horsfieldii (Miq.) Steenis., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 17 (1948) 403; Bakh.f., in Backer, Bekn. fl. Java 17 (1957) 48; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 3 (1968) 123; Sriboonma, J.Murata & K.Iwats., J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 3, 15 (1994) 296. Sauromatum horsfieldii Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 3 (1856) 196; Engl., in A. & C. DC., Monogr. phan. 2 (1879) 571; Koord., Exkurs.-Fl. Java 1 (1911) 265. TYPE: Java, opden Oengaran, T. Horsfield aroidea 8 (K, holo; BM, iso - n.v.). 546
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Typhonium fallax N.E.Brown, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 18 (1880) 260; Koord., Exkurs.-Fl. Java 1 (1911) 264; Engl., in Engl., Pflanzenr. 73 (IV.23F) (1920) 121. Heterostalis pedata Schott, Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavum 1 (1864) 278. Typhonium pedatum (Schott) Engl., in A. & C. DC., Monogr. phan. 2 (1879) 613 [comb. illeg.]. TYPE: Indonesia, West Java, M. Papandajan, P. W. Korthals s.n. (L, holo - n.v.). Herb; corm depressed globose, sometimes oblong; petiole c. 75 cm long; sheath persistent; leaves compound, pedately 7-11-foliolate; leaflets sessile, lanceolate, with acute to acuminate apex, larger ones c. 25 cm long, c. 6 cm wide, smaller ones c. 9 cm long, c. 2.7 cm wide with entire margin; rachis 2.5 – 10 cm long; peduncle c. 30 cm long; spathe c. 20 cm; lower spathe ovate, green, c. 6 cm long; limb light green, sometimes covered with purple, c. 14 cm long; spadix shorter than spathe; female zone c. 1 cm long; ovary light yellow, with 2 ovules on each; sterile zone c. 3.2 cm long, covered with clavate to filiform sterile organs in the lower half, erect, suddenly papillae in the upper half; male zone c. 1.5 cm long; anthers yellowish white or pale yellow; appendix subsessile, c. 9 cm long; fruit unknown. Distribution: China (Yunnan, Guizhow), Thailand, Myanmar and Indonesia (Sriboonma et al. 1994). Van Steenis (1948) mentioned that this plant was only known in Java but presumably occurred in Sumatera. Habitat: Van Steenis (1948) noted this plant occurred on the mountain slopes, on limestone and volcanic soils. It is also found in thickets, road sides and open forests; 650 to 1700 m asl. (Backer & Bakhuizen , 1968). Notes: The problems with this species, related to nomenclature and taxonomy, have been discussed by Sriboonma et al. (1994). However, certain aspects need further clarification. The problem of Typhonium pedatum has risen since Engler (1879) made an error, according to modern rules of nomenclature, by creating a new combination, T. pedatum (Schott) Engl. [nom. homonym], based on Heterostalis pedata Schott (1864) [cited from Java, collected by Korthals]. Schott (1857b) had already published T. pedatum Schott, which is heterotypic with Heterostalis pedata Schott, making Engler’s combination illegitimate
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according to the Vienna Code (MacNeill et al., 2006) Art. 53.1. Subsequently, Brown (1880) reviewed both taxa, and concluded that H. pedata Schott is a different species from T. pedatum Schott. Unfortunately, his assessment was only based on the description without seeing the type of H. pedata Schott. Of the two syntypes of T. pedatum Schott, one from Pegu (Myanmar) collected by McLelland and the other from Sikkim (India) collected by Hooker, he chose the former as a type (lectotype according to modern sense) of T. pedatum Schott. He then gave a new name, Typhonium fallax N.E.Brown to Heterostalis pedata Schott. Later, van Steenis (1948) examined Sauromatum horsfieldii Miq. (1856), though only from sterile specimens, and concluded that this was not Sauromatum, then creating the new combination Typhonium horsfieldii (Miq.) Steenis, and reduced T. fallax and T. pedatum sensu Engler to synonymy. According to Backer and Bakhuizen (1968), this species has a naked interstice below the male flowers of the spadix whereas Schott’s illustration appeared with tiny papillae. It is presumed that Backer & Bakhuizen described a dry specimen, which is difficult to interpret. Backer & Bakhuizen (1968) noted that Typhonium horsfieldii is rare in the wild though sometimes sporadically abundant. My last fieldwork has proven the difficulty finding this species. Even though I looked at localities that had been mentioned in several herbarium notes nothing was found though it was in the rainy season. It is presumed, this species has become very rare in Java. 3. Typhonium roxburghii Schott Typhonium roxburghii Schott, Aroideae (1855) 2, t. 17; Schott, Syn. Aroid. (1856) 18; Schott, Prod. syst. Aroid. (1860) 106; Engl., in A. & C. DC., Monogr. phan. 2 (1879) 610; Ridley, Mat. Fl. Mal. Pen. 3 (1907) 10; Koord., Exkurs.-Fl. Java 1 (1911) 264; Engl., in Engl., Pflanzenr. 73 (IV.23F) (1920) 119; Koord., Exkurs.-Fl. Java 4 (1923) 204 fig. 408; Ridley, Fl. Mal. Pen. 5 (1925) 90; Nicolson & Sivadasan, Blumea 27 (1981) 492; A.Hay, Blumea 37 (1993) 373; Sriboonma, J.Murata & K.Iwats., J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 3, 15 (1994) 305. Arum roxburghii (Schott) Thwaites, Enum. Pl. Zeyl. (1864) 432. Typhonium divaricatum var. roxburghii (Schott) Engl., in A. & C. DC., Monogr. phan. 2 (1879) 612. TYPE: Ceylon 547
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(Sri Lanka), Thwaites 3764 (K, lecto, selected by Nicolson & Sivadasan; BM, PDA, isolecto - n.v.). Arum diversifolium Blume, Catalogus (1823) 102. [non Typhonium diversifolium Wall. Ex Schott, 1855]. TYPE: Java, C. L. Blume s.n. (L. 898.90 - 306 - n.v.). Typhonium javanicum Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 3 (1856) 193; Miq., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 14 (1856) 563; Schott, Prod. syst. Aroid. (1860) 107; Miq., Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavum 3 (1867) 80, t. 30; Bakh.f., in Backer, Bekn. fl. Java 17 (1957) 49. TYPE: Java, T. Horsfield, Aroidea 11 (K). Typhonium divaricatum robustum Blume, in Rumphia 1 (1837) 132; Kunth, Enum. pl. 3 (1841) 26; Engl., in A. & C. DC., Monogr. phan. 2 (1879) 612. TYPE: Java, Herb. Jav. Burman (L, lecto - n.v., selected by Nicolson & Sivadasan 1981). [Typhonium trilobatum auct., non (L.) Schott: Pijl, Ann. Bogor. (1953) 81; Backer & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 3 (1968) 123]. [Typhonium divaricatum Blume, in Decaisne, Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 3 (1834) 367, non. Illeg., incl. Type of Arum diversifolium]. Perennial herb; corm subglobose, c. 3.5 cm diam., rooting at top, proliferating; petiole to c. 30 cm long, slender, half terete, sheathing in the lower 1/3; leaves few together; lamina hastatesagittate, shallowly to deeply trilobed, usually broader than long, dark green adaxially, light mid green abaxially; anterior lobe c. 13 cm long, c. 8 cm wide; posterior lobes horizontally spreading; major venation reticulate; midrib prominent abaxially, with 2 or 3 primary veins on each side, diverging at an angle of c. 20-30; secondary veins raised abaxially, somewhat sunken adaxially, forming 2 very distinct submarginal veins, 0.2 - 0.5 cm from the margin; inflorescence solitary; peduncle c. 1.5 cm long (1-8 cm dry), pale greenish covered by faint vertical dark red lines; spathe 15-30 cm long, constricted at base of male zone of the spadix; lower spathe c. 2 cm long, convolute, narrowly ovate, yellowish green suffused with deep purple outside, glossy, inside deep purple; limb c. 13 cm long, usually 3-4 times longer than broad, spreading, ovate with long acuminate apex, twisted at the tip, velvet-like, deep purple or dark maroon inside, slightly yellowish green suffused with deep purple, glossy outside; spadix sessile,
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shorter than or nearly equalling the spathe, c. 10 cm long; female zone c. 0.3 cm long; ovary c. 1 mm long, 0.5 mm in diam., lower half pale yellowish, upper half suffused with maroon, unilocular with one big ovule, placenta basal; stigma sessile, almost sunken with the ovary, rounded to slightly elliptical; sterile zone c. 1.5 cm long, lowermost c. 0.5 cm covered with yellow deflexed acicular sterile organs, followed by interstice naked, whitish, c. 1 cm long toward apex; male zone cylindrical, c. 8 cm long, c. 0.5 cm in diam., coral pink; stamen c. 0.1 cm long, c. 0.5 mm in diam.; anther dumbbell-like, c. 0.5 mm long from above; thecae opening through lateral slits; appendix sword-like, c. 6.5 cm long, shortly stipitate c. 0.5 cm long then somewhat spreading at the base, dark maroon or blackish, smooth; fruit a 1-2 seeded berry. Distribution: Nicolson & Sivadasan (1981) cited this species as presumably native in South and Central Malesia, South India and Sri Lanka. It has been widely introduced to northeast India, east Africa and the neotropics. Hay (1993) also recorded it in Australasia. It is found throughout Java. Habitat: Weedy in disturbed forest and along the roadsides, in volcanic soil, and teak forest; up to 620 m asl. Backer & Bakhuizen (1968) noted that it is common but scattered. Notes: The confusion of the typification of Typhonium roxburghii has been discussed by Nicolson and Sivadasan (1981). In summary, according to them, two illustrations of T. roxburghii are involved, Roxburgh (in Wight, 1844) and Schott (1855). Roxburgh regarded his illustration as Arum trilobatum but without a specimen cited, and there is no trace of a specimen on which he could have based this illustration. Schott’s illustration appeared with a citation of a specimen from Sri Lanka (Thwaites 3764). According to Nicolson & Sivadasan (1981) the typification of T. roxburghii Schott should be based on Schott’s illustration not Roxburgh’s (for further explanation see Nicolson & Sivadasan, 1981). The tuber which is highly irritant, after being ground with ‘adas-pulosari’ and thinned with vinegar, has been used in Java for treating skin eruptions. (Burkill, 1966; Perry, 1980).
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Other specimens seen: West Java, Buitenzorg, 1921, Bakhuizen van den Brink 753 (BO); West Java, Buitenzorg, Pasir Honje, 31 Dec 1929, Bakhuizen van den Brink 7573 (BO); West Java, Cheribon [=Cirebon], Madjalengka, 22 Mar 1918, Beumée 1729 (BO); East Java, Kediri, Complex Gg. Betet, May 1918, Beumée 2401 (BO); Central Java, Pati, Regaloh, Dec 1918, Beumée 3590 (BO); Central Java, Pekalongan, Boschcomplex Soebah, 23 Jan 1919, Beumée 3796 (BO); West Java, Krawang, Boschdistrikt, 18 Nov 1919, Beumée 4600 (BO); Central Java, Banjoemas, Boschcomplex Banteran, Dec 1919, Beumée 4857 (BO); Central Java, Gombong, 1916, Birkhoff 2 (BO); Batavia, Buitenzorg, 30 Nov 1925, Danser 5680 (L); Central Java, Semarang, Kedoengdjati c.a., Djatibosshen, Apr 1898, Koorders 25484 (BO); West Java, Buitenzorg, Nov 1911, Koorders 40323 (BO); West Java, Buitenzorg, 15 Nov 1911, Koorders 40322 (BO); West Java, Buitenzorg, 1912, Koorders 40331 (BO); Central Java, Semarang, 20 Oct 1912, Leeuwen 1027 (BO); West Java, Bogor, bij hec Herbarium Bogoriense, 22 Nov 1951, Lemon s.n. (BO); Java, 1846, Lobb 128 (K); West Java, Bogor Botanic Garden, near Strophantus plantation, 16 Jan 1953, Meijer 1370 (BO); Java, Bij Kampong Bendrong, Mousset 977 (BO). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my thanks to Dr. Alistair Hay and Prof. Chris Quinn for their supervision during my Master study in UNSW Australia. I also thank to the Directors of the following herbaria for allowing me to examine materials held in their institutions: BO, L and K. REFERENCES Backer, C.A. & R.C. Bakhuizen Van Den Brink. 1968. Flora of Java, vol. 3. WoltersNoordhof NV, Groningen. Brown, N.E. 1880. On some new aroideæ: with observations on other known form. Part 1. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 18: 242-263. Burkill, I.H. 1966. A dictionary of the economic product of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. 1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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Engler, A. 1879. Araceae. In: A. & C. de Candolle (eds.). Monograpiae Phanerogamarum. vol. 2: 1-681. Masson, Paris. Grayum, M.H. 1992. Comparative external pollen ultrastructure of the Araceae and putatively related taxa. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 43: 31. Hay, A. 1993. The genus Typhonium (AraceaeAreae) in Australia. Blumea 37: 345-376. Lai, C-S., R.H.M.H. Mas, N.K. Nair, M.I.A. Majid, S.M. Mansor, V.Navaratnam. 2008. Typhonium flagelliforme Inhibits Cancer Cell Growth In vitro and Induces Apoptosis: An Evaluation by The Bioactivity Guided Approach. J. Ethnopharmacology 118: 14-20. Macneill, J., F.R. Barrie, H.M. Burdet, V. Demoulin, D.L. Hawkswoth, K. Marhold, D.H. Nicolson, J. Prado, P.C.A. Silva, J.E. Skog & J.H. Wiersema. 2006. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Vienna Code). Regnum Vegetabile 146. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag KG. Mayo, S.J., J. Bogner & P.C. Boyce. 1997. The genera of Araceae. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Miquel, F.A.W. 1856. Aroideae novae Javanicae. Berl. Bot. Zeit. 14: 561-565. Nicolson, D.H. & M. Sivadasan. 1981. Four frequently confused species of Typhonium Schott (Araceae). Blumea 27: 483-497. Perry, M. 1980. Medicinal plants of East and South Asia. The MIT Press, London. Petersen. 1989. Cytology and systematics of the Araceae. Nordic. J. Bot. 9: 119-166. Schott, H.W. 1853-1857. Aroideae. Gerold, Vienna. Schott, H.W. 1857b. Aroideen-skizzen. Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. 7: 261-263. Schott, H.W. 1863/4. Araceae. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavum 1: 122-131 [1863], 278286 [1864]. Sriboonma, D., J. Murata & K. Iwatsuki. 1994. A revision of Typhonium (Araceae). J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo sect. III, 15 (4): 255-313. Steenis, C.G.G.J. Van. 1948. Typhonium horsfieldii (miq.) Steen. Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 17: 403. Wight, R. 1844. Arum montanum. In: R. Wight, Icones Plantarum Indiae Orientalis, Vol 3: 796. Calcutta.