TYPE OF ENGLISH NEEDED BY TOURISM STUDENTS IN TOUR GUIDING SUBJECT By: Eka Dewi Yusmana1, Istiqlaliah2, Atti Herawati3 ABSTRACT Tourism related to international activities that needs English as a tool of communication. One of subjects which is learned by tourism students is tour guiding subject. In the subject, the students are taught how to guide tourists using proper English. This research was conducted to find out the type of English needed by tourism students in tour guiding subject. The writer uses descriptive method to conduct the research. The research was conducted to the tourism students class XII SMKN 1 Bogor. In this case, she uses purposive sampling to decide the participants. The data for the research were collected by interviewing a teacher of tour guiding subject and a tour guide. Besides, she also observes tour guiding subject class and carries out documentation from books which are used by the students. According to the research finding, she finds that tourism students need communicative English, in addition they need to learn tourism terms and expression related to tour guiding, and also describe tourism objects using proper English. Besides, they also need to learn all skills. However, speaking skill is more emphasized as well as listening comprehension to understand what the tourists say. Reading skill is needed to enrich vocabulary. In conclusion, tourism students need to have good speaking skill which includes correct grammar and pronunciation and also master the tourism object. Keywords: English for Tourism Students, Tour Guiding
A student of English Educational Study Program
A lecturer of English Educational Study Program
A lecturer of English Educational Study Program
ABSTRAK Pariwisata berhubungan dengan aktifitas internasional yang membutuhkan bahasa inggris sebagai alat komunikasi. Salah satu pelajaran yang dipelajari oleh siswa pariwisata adalah mata pelajaran tour guiding yang mana siswa di ajarkan bagaimana memandu turis menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang benar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk menemukan jenis pengajaran bahasa Inggris yang dibutuhkan oleh siswa pariwisata dalam mata pelajaran tour guiding. Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif dalam melaksanakan penelitian ini. Peserta dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa pariwisata kelas XII SMKN 1 Bogor yang ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan guru mata pelajaran tour guiding dan seorang tour guide. Selain itu, penulis melakukan pengamatan dalam kelas tour guiding dan mengambil dokumentasi dari buku yang digunakan oleh siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penulis menemukan bahwa siswa pariwisata membutuhkan bahasa inggris komunikatif, mereka perlu untuk mempelajari istilah – istilah pariwisata dan ungkapan terkait tour guiding, dan juga menggambarkan objek pariwisata menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan benar. Selain itu, siswa juga perlu untuk mempelajari seluruh skill bahasa Inggris. Namun demikian, keterampilan berbicara lebih ditekankan begitu juga dengan keterampilan mendengarkan untuk memahami apa yang dikatakan oleh turis. Keterampilan membaca diperlukan untuk memperkaya kosakata. Dapat disimpulkan, siswa pariwisata membutuhkan kemampuan berbicara yang baik dengan grammar dan pronunciation yang tepat dan juga menguasai objek pariwisata. Kata Kunci: Bahasa Inggris Untuk Siswa Pariwisata, Memandu Wisata INTRODUCTION People always expand their activities year by year to create a better life, therefore their activities in various fields have been developed. Education, science, tourism, economy, and technology are some fields that have been developed. People who are involved in those fields need a language to communicate with other people from other countries. Since English is an international language, people need to be able to communicate in English so that they can interact with
foreigners who speak different language. By being able to communicate in English, people have wider opportunities in various fields of occupation or business. The better someone’s knowledge about English, the more opportunities one can get.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research was conducted at SMKN 1 Bogor. It is located on Jl. Heulang No. 6 Tanah Sareal, Kota Bogor. The participants of this
research were tourism students class XII. Class XII students are chosen because they have taken internship program. In conducting the research, the writer applied descriptive method to find out type of English needed by Tourism Students in tour guiding subject. To collect the data, she used interview, observation and documentation. She interviewed the teacher of tour guiding subject and a tour guide. She observed tour guiding class and collected documentation from books which were used by the students.
Excerpt 1 Kami menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang komunikatif yang atas dasarnya tourism practice ya. [We use communicative English which is based on tourism practice] The second question, the writer asked what skill the most important in tour guiding subject is. The teacher said that the most important skill is speaking skill.
DATA DESCRIPTION 1. Data Description of Interview with the Teacher of Tour Guiding Subject The writer interviewed the teacher of tour guiding subject and also a tour guide to find out type of English needed by tourism students in tour guiding subject. There were ten questions prepared to interview the teacher of tour guiding subject and nine questions to interview the tour guide. The questions were based on five indicators; the use of English, need, want, lack, and also expectation. a. The Use of English First, the writer asked the respondent about how the use of English in tour guiding subject. The teacher said that communicative English is used in tour guiding subject. The students have to be able to guide tourists using English.
Excerpt 2 . Speaking prakteknya, jadi lebih banyak speaking. [Practice speaking is given more, so the most important skill is speaking.]
b. Need According to indicator ‘need’ the writer asked what language skills and language components are needed in tour guiding subject. The teacher said that speaking skill is the most important. However, all language skills and language components are needed but they are not emphasized. Excerpt 3 Speaking, karena presentasi kan menyampaikan maka speaking yang banyak dibutuhkan tapi untuk mencapai speaking itu bisa perfect and fluently pastinya semuanya mendukung dong
Excerpt 5 reading harus bisa, listening harus paham.
Siswa tertarik pada pelajaran tour guiding ketika praktek.
[Speaking skill is needed the most because the activity is presentation which needs speaking skill. However, all skills are needed to support good speaking skill.]
[The students are interested in practice guiding.]
The writer also asked what materials are needed by tourism students to master tour guiding. The teacher said that the students need to learn tourism terms, expressions related to tour guiding in proper English thus the teacher applies English day to accustom the students to speak English. Excerpt 4 Secara garis besar anak – anak harus paham istilah pariwisata dalam bahasa Inggris. [Generally the students have to understand tourism terms in English.] c. Want There are three questions asked to the teacher based on indicator ‘want’. The writer asked what kind of materials that are wanted by the students. The teacher said that the students wanted all materials to be taught because they wanted to get good score. They prefer to practice guiding rather than theory.
Next question was whether the students learned tour guiding subject because they wanted to work in tour guiding field. The teacher said that the students learn tour guiding subject because it is a must. Excerpt 6 Karena kewajiban. Karena pembelajarannya ada didalam kurikulum. [The students learn tour guiding subject because it is an obligation according to the curriculum.] The last question based on indicator ‘want’ is what materials she/he wanted to teach to the students in order to be competent in tour guiding field. The teacher said that the materials which were given to the students were based on curriculum. Then the teacher developed the materials to improve students’ speaking ability by applying English day. Excerpt 7 Pastinya semua atas dasar kurikulum yang diminta, iya setelah itu pengembangan. [It is based on curriculum then the materials are developed by the teacher.]
d. Lack The writer asked whether the teacher found some inadequacies and kinds of inadequacies that the teacher found. The teacher said that the students were still lack of vocabulary.
asked what the teacher expectation in tour guiding subject was. The teacher expected that the students were able to master tourism objects and they could guide tourists using proper English. Excerpt 10
Excerpt 8 Kekurangan akan selalu ada, terutama kembali kepada siswa, vocabulary selalu menjadi kendala. [There are always inadequacies especially in students’ vocabulary.] Besides, the writer also asked if the students were lack of English language skills or tour guiding materials, whether it influenced the students’ ability in guiding tourists. The teacher answered that it will influence students ability in guiding tourists because they will lose their self-confidence. Excerpt 9 Dimana ada kekurangan ada minus akan mempengaruhi minimal satu kepercayaan diri siswa untuk bicara. [Inadequacy will influence the students’ ability in guiding tourists for instance they will lose their self confidence.] e. Expectation The last question is based on indicator ‘expectation’. The writer
Harapan sama anak minimal bisa memberikan informasi satu objek wisata saja dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik yang benar. [Expectation to the students at least they can explain one tourism object in proper English.]
2. Data Description of Interview with the Tour Guide To strengthen the data, the writer interviewed a tour guide to find out type of English needed by tourism students in tour guiding subject. The writer asked nine questions based on five indicators which were the same as indicators of interview questions with the teacher of tour guiding subject. a. The Use of English The writer asked whether English covered tour guiding activities in Bogor Botanical Garden, then why it covered tour guiding activities. The tour guide answered that English covered tour guiding activities because of limitation of tour guides. There were only tour guide who could speak Dutch, French, German and Japanese so for the tourists who came from countries that were not mentioned before, the
tour guiding activities English.
Excerpt 11 Pemandu disini hanya ada bahasa Belanda, bahasa Jerman, bahasa Prancis sama bahasa Jepang otomatis diluar dari bahasa tersebut kan kita kita menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai media kita untuk menyampaikan materi. [There are only tour guides who can speak Dutch, Germany, French and Japanese. Besides the language that has been mentioned before, we use English as a media to guide tourists.] The next question was what English ability that had to be owned in guiding tourists. The tour guide said that in guiding tourists that she had to have good speaking skill as well as listening comprehension skill to understand what the tourists say. Excerpt 12 Untuk guiding di Kebun Raya Bogor sendiri kita punya istilahistilah kata untuk menerangkan pohon kan berbeda. Mungkin istilah – istilahnya aja sih. [We have certain terms to explain the trees in guiding activities here.]
b. Need Question based on indicator ‘need’. What English language skills needed by a tour guide. The tour guide answered that a tour guide needed speaking and also listening comprehension skill. Reading skill is only a little needed. Excerpt 13 Speaking, listening sama grammarnya itu kalo misalnya kayak reading itu hanya kita ketika mencari sumber informasi. [Speaking, listening skill and grammar are needed, but only a little reading when we read informations.] The next question is whether a tour guide had to master pronunciation and grammar, why. The tour guide said that pronunciation and grammar were needed to be mastered. Pronunciation was needed in order to make the tourists understand what the tour guide said because there were some differences in pronouncing words according to the accent. Excerpt 14 Pronountation juga diperlukan, grammar juga. [Pronunciation and grammar are needed.] The writer also asked beside English ability, what ability the tour
guide had to have. the tour guide said that as a tour guide has to have knowledge about the object. Excerpt 15 Kemampuan tentang suatu objek yang ingin dia ceritakan. [A tour guide has to have knowledge about the object.] c. Want The writer asked to the tour guide what abilities that the tour guide wanted to have beside English skill. The tour guide said that she wanted to have deep knowledge about the object that she explained. Excerpt 16 Lebih mendalamnya lagi tentang suatu objek tersebut. [I want to have deeper knowledge about the object.] Besides, the tour guide wanted to improve her grammar in order to have good speaking skill. Excerpt 17 Sebenernya yang ingin lebih dikembangkan oleh saya itu lebih ke grammar. [I want to improve my grammar.]
d. Lack According to indicator ‘lack’ the writer asked what inadequacies
that the tour guide found during working as a tour guide. She said that she found difficulties in understanding what the tourists said especially tourists who spoke British English. Excerpt 18 Mungkin ketika misalnya saya lebih sulit menangkap ketika orang Inggris berbicara, apa yang dia utarakan kadang saya harus meloadingnya dengan lama. Dialeknya beda banget, lebih sulit. [I find difficulties when I am listening to British English accent. It is more difficult than other accents.] e. Expectation The last question is based on indicator ‘expectation’. The tour guide expected that she had better English skill. Excerpt 19 pengennya sih lebih bagus lagi grammarnya, lebih bagus lagi speakingnya, pronountationnya kemudian listeningnya lebih mantap dan lebih bagus lagi. [My expectation is I want to have better grammar, speaking, pronunciation, and also listening.]
Data Description Of Documentation Documentation is taken from books which are used by the students. The students use two books. Both books give examples how to guide tourists using proper English. One book gives example of guiding tourists in paragraph form, meanwhile another one gives example of guiding tourists in points form. Both books consisted assignments for the students. Most assignments are in oral. Besides, the assignments are also in written. 4.
Data Description Observation
Beside interviewing and collecting documentation, the writer also observed tour guiding class. The students are taught tour guiding subject in English. The writer observed the class two times. In the first meeting, the students were asked to come in front of the class and practiced guiding. They were asked to act as a tour guide and the others as tourists. The students who acted as a tour guide had to explain a city and also the culinary. The activity in the second meeting was the same as the first meeting. The students who did not come in front of the class in the meeting before were asked to come forward. DATA ANALYSIS According to interview with the teacher of tour guiding subject and the tour guide, documentation
and also observation the writer concluded that tourism students need communicative English in tour guiding subject which is the students need to be able to speak English well. In the classroom activities, the students also get more practice guiding than theory. The books which are used by the students also give many examples of guiding tourists and oral assignments. Tourism students need more speaking skill than other skills. Besides speaking skill, writing skill is also needed. Reading is needed to enrich the students’ vocabulary. It is also strengthen by the tour guide. Listening skill is needed to understand what the tourists say. The students at school are not taught all skills at school. It is contrast with what Otilia (2012) described, “good material should be based on various interesting texts and activities providing a range of skills, one piece of material serving for developing more than one skill, e.g. reading, listening, speaking, writing.” Tourism students also need to master tourism terms which is how to guide tourists using proper English, expression related to tour guiding and also master tourism objects. The tour guide said that she needed to have deep knowledge about the object that she explained. It is relevant with the statement of Maria (2014) who said that they obviously need to have some knowledge of cultural differences and peculiarities.The students are still lack of vocabulary. In conclusion, tourism students need more speaking skill than other skills. Language components such as grammar and
pronunciation are needed but they are not emphasized. Besides English language skills and language components, the students need to master tourism terms, expressions related to tour guiding and also master tourism objects. CONCLUSION According to the research that has been conducted in SMKN 1 Bogor focuses on tourism department, the writer concludes that English needed by tourism students in tour guiding subject is communicative English. The students need English as a tool of communication in tour guiding subject since it relates to guide and communicate with tourists. In tour guiding subject, the students need to have good speaking skill and also good guiding technique using proper English. The students have to be able to describe a tourism object in detail, it means that beside having good English language skill, the students also have to master the tourism objects that they have to describe to the tourists. In tour guiding subject, the students have to use certain tourism terms and expressions related to tour guiding. A tour guide has to have good speaking skill which is completed with correct grammar and pronunciation because the way the tour guide speaks indicates his/her identity. Therefore, in tour guiding subject the students need to practice guiding tourists orally using proper English. SUGGESTION
After conducting the research, the writer suggests that the teacher should emphasize the students’ pronunciation and grammar when practice tour guiding in order to have better speaking skill. The teacher also should give more interesting assignment to enrich students’ vocabulary thus the students will be eager in enriching vocabulary. The teacher uses two books as guide to teach the students. in teaching learning process, the students do not have the books but the materials have to be copied. REFFERENCES Anca, Maria. (2014). “Teaching English to Tourism Students”. Bulletin of the University of Brasov. 7 (2), 276 – 282. Choi, Kyunghee. (2005). “Need Analysis of Students of Tourism English” 57 – 68. C.
Richards, Jack. (2001). Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dudley-Evans, Tony, dan Jo St John, Maggie. (1998) Developments in ESP. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hutchinson, T dan Waters, A. English for Specific Purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hyland, Ken. (2006). English for Academic Purposes. New York: Routledge. M.Burns, Peter dan Holden, Andrew. (1995). Tourism and New Perspective. United Kingdom: Prentice Hall. Nash, Dennison. (ed) (2007). The Study of Tourism. USA: Elsevier Otilia Simion, Minodora. (2012). “The Importance of Teaching English in the Field of Tourism in Universities”. 152 – 154. R. Jordan, R. (1997). English for Academic Purposes. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Robinson, Pauline. (1991). Esp Today: a Practitioner’s Guide. Cambridge: Prentice Hall. Scrivener, Jim. 2011. The Essential Guide to English Language Teaching. Macmillan. BIOGRAPHY Eka Dewi Yusmana was born on July 16th, 1992. She graduated from SDN Sasana Wiyata I in 2004. She graduated from SMPN 15 Bogor in 2007. She graduated from SMKN 1 Bogor in 2010. She graduated from Pakuan University in 2015.