Questionnare for Code-switching on Twitter by English Department Students Gender : Age : I. Please kindly fill this questionnaire by UNDERLINING the suitable answer. ☺ 1. What language do you often use to update your tweet on Twitter? a. Indonesian b. English 2. Do you realize when you switch your language on Twitter? a. Yes b. No 3. In what condition do you use code-switching on your tweet? a. Feeling something good or bad b. Nothing to do c. Surprise condition d. Just want to switch the language e. Others:___________________ 4. To whom you use code-switching on Twitter? a. Family b. Friends c. Boyfriend or Girlfriend d. Lecturer e. Others:___________________ 5. How often do you use code-switching on Twitter? a. 10 tweets >> two times b. 10 tweets>> four times c. 10 tweets>> six times d. 10 tweets >> eight times e. Others:___________________
I. Based on your opinion, what are the reasons for this following switching action? 6.
@arabellamnda ngga enak badan sayaang.. Mgkn kecapean :) did u sub my class today? a. to quote b. to change the topic
A2 c. to emphasize message d. to show solidarity e. others: _______________________ 7. What is butter? | mentega miss!!! | Now, what is butterfly? | mentega terbang !!!! | zzzzzz a. to change the topic b. lack of knowledge c. for the purpose of amusement d. to quote e. others: _______________________ 8. Excuse me in Javanese is Mit-amit :DD cc: @dyameita a. to comment on another language. b. to change the topic c. to emphasize message d. to show solidarity e. others: _______________________ 9. Meski jomblo tapi ga ngenes tuh. Msh ada skripsi, keluarga, temen2, dosen2, hobby, kerjaan, things to do for the future, dll :) *motivasi* a. lack of knowledge b. to change the topic c. to emphasize message d. to stress feeling e. others: _______________________ 10. dan kardus yg jatoh semalam uda kembali lagi ke tempat semula. what kind of sorcery is this? a. to quote b. to change the topic c. to emphasize message d. to show solidarity e. others: _______________________ 11. Mengobrak-abrik Central Park 20 Februari, serahkan pada kami! Evil eyes to participants of @BNEC Running Man special edition a. b. c. d. e.
to comment on another language to change the topic to emphasize message to show solidarity others: _______________________
12. @SetiawanTjhin @aldopratama18 tp kenapa status u "barcelona is the best"? Arsenal gk jdi the best? Wktu itu kta u the best..skrg gak.. a. to quote
A3 b. c. d. e.
to change the topic to emphasize message to show solidarity others: _______________________
13. Enak banget namanya udah ganti The School of Cumputer Science Binus University Udah B.Sc lagi kapan jurusan gue B. A? a. for the purpose of amusement b. to change the topic c. to emphasize message d. to show solidarity e. others: _______________________ 14. Sebelum tidur.. Gw type-x dulu tanggal 14 febuary (̾˘̶̾ ̯˘̶̾ ̾'̾)̾ a. lack of knowledge b. to change the topic c. to emphasize message d. to stress feeling e. others: _______________________ 15. ''Kebenaran tidak pernah diam, kebenaran akan berteriak tepat pada waktuNya'' maju terus om @PastorGilbertL . God be with you a. to quote b. to change the topic c. to emphasize message d. to stress feeling e. others: _______________________
☺ Thank a Million ☺ God Bless
Participants’ Tweets on February 2012 A. Adinda Nirmala @adindayaa 1. @arabellamnda ngga enak badan sayaang.. Mgkn kecapean :) did u sub my class today? 28Feb 2. suddenly i really miss "grocelix16".. kangen kangen kangeen :') 26feb 3. Tman" binusian apakah ada yg menganalisa film crash dgn teori postcolonialism? Just checking, biar ngga kaget kalo ada yg sama :D 6 Feb 4. A couple of people said that I'm getting skinnier, but my dad : "aya olahraga dong!" Never be enough (˘o ˘") (˘̩̩.˘̩) 6Feb 5. @intatamin aku juga skip hari ini.. thanks inta.. im really sorry too jd makin ngerepotin :'( B. Raisita @dewaayunyoman 1. What is butter? | mentega miss!!! | Now, what is butterfly? | mentega terbang !!!! | zzzzzz 24feb 2. Lo tuh the king of galau.. RT @rudy_effendy: @IerenaVeronika @dewaayunyoman GALAU 20Feb 3. Rambut pendek lg happening bgt, mau potong pendek ahhh ~ 19feb 4. Orang2 smakin kurus gw nya engga. no wonder kerjaan gw makan mulu :| 12feb 5. Uas selesaiii, time to prepare for thesis defense 9feb C. Annora Ivana @AnnoraIvana 1. Batuuuuuk! Minum obat apa ya? Suggestion please 10feb 2. Happy, habis JJ sama bebeks2:D 10feb 3. @wiradikawira diiiikk,, yesterday, u called meeeeee... whyyyyy??? wktu lu tlp, gw lagi mandi, hahahahahaha 10Feb 4. @yen_yuanz its oke lah, hahaha gk ngerepotin kok.. Good luck yaaaaaaa 10Feb 5. Good Luck ya tmn2 yang uda mau Sidang, :) 1feb D. Кристин Наталья @cristinenatalee 1. @novialvionita disini ga ada yg doyan drama Nop : ( banyakan kelas photography palingan. semacam performance arts ga ada :'( 27Feb 2. Aih! Ada Tamagotchi Unicorn :D Download download! 25feb 3. Excuse me in Javanese is Mit-amit :DD cc: @dyameita 25feb 4. Bales comment orang bisa tapi bales message penting gue ga bisa. Dasar bocah! Get a life! 18feb 5. @CiciliaClover @puienawachi haahaha pada penasaran kalo gay make love gmn ya :b 17feb
A5 E. Dyah Meita @dyameita 1. Okay okay, I'll stop eat spicy meals then. *edisi maag ngambek* 27feb 2. Psikolog kalo udh expert ngapa jadi kaya cenayang / fortune teller ya? :O 1feb 3. Meski jomblo tapi ga ngenes tuh. Msh ada skripsi, keluarga, temen2, dosen2, hobby, kerjaan, things to do for the future, dll :) *motivasi* 25feb 4. Quote memotivasi: "If you are looking for the love of your life, stop. They will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love." 25feb 5. I can't stop my tears falling. Ya ampun kawan, gw ga nyangka lw masih suka perhatiin prkembangan gw. Gw aja ga prnah sperhatian itu (╥ ╥) :O 19feb F. Jesvin @JoChandra 1. quality moment with mom, ngemil chiki bareng sambil ngmgn random things :D 23feb 2. tiba tiba si mama nyampe k rmh blg "mama abs mkn ikan bakar di gading" fuuuuuuuuu *mother of troll 22Feb 3. dan kardus yg jatoh semalam uda kembali lagi ke tempat semula. what kind of sorcery is this? 21 Feb 4. tiba tiba kardus di atas lemari gua jatoh, shit shit shit shit... kenapa gua nonton paranormal activity, jadi parno x_x 21Feb 5. @CiciliaClover gua msh kekenyangan, feeling guilty :( 21Feb G. Yohanes Santiawan N @YohNapis 1. cant remember exactly how den, u were singing only in the falseto part... Haha, that was memorable. Kapan2 karokean bareng “@denol_29Feb 2. the only two Cr ex members havent gone! Tenang deb, Tuhan itu adil!! Ada waktunya @debbyarintika Wish I could be in Korea too somedayyy! >.< 28Feb 3. Puji Tuhan more participants for @THE2012AEO currently more than 350... More and more 2Feb 4. Extra participants in the night? We are ready! Semangat Regis Team! @the @ BINUS SQUARE "Hall Of Residence" 13Feb 5. Mengobrak-abrik Central Park 20 Februari, serahkan pada kami! Evil eyes to participants of @BNEC Running Man special edition 5feb H. Giovanny Junius @Gio_Junius 1. @SetiawanTjhin haha.. Twitter u sok private bro, pake di block jdi gk bisa di retweet..wkwkwk.. 28feb 2. @SetiawanTjhin @aldopratama18 tp kenapa status u "barcelona is the best"? Arsenal gk jdi the best? Wktu itu kta u the best..skrg gak.. 23feb 3. @aldopratama18 @SetiawanTjhin wah jgn ampe julukannya berubah dari "The young gunners" menjadi "The young loser".. Haha.. 19feb 4. @aldopratama18 @SetiawanTjhin syangnya gk kotak do,bola itu bundar seperti bos g kemaren katakan "ball is round, arsenal will be the winner" 16feb
A6 5. @SetiawanTjhin siapa tau emang masih menghrapkan nama itu "h" na kicked out n digantikan?wkwkwkw 11feb I. Freddy @FredyKurozawa 1. Chibi3x khak4x ( jenuuuhhh mencapai klimaks ) baby i love u love u love u so much 19feb 2. @CiciliaClover spending whole time dgn tweet yah? hahaha... pantesan aja klo liat u bwaan pgn follow aja #eeaaaa buakaka 19feb 3. @CiciliaClover oiya sala gw hahaha... Kok u tau bngt? U fans ya? Haha girl generation make u feel the heat 19feb 4. Dont know what to do.. Gk ad game baru suram abiis 19feb 5. smnjak knal lu, inggris g makin payah / loh mank g napa? / iya gra2 knal sm lu g cm bs ngmg i love u 10feb J. Yoshua Renaldi Y. @yoshuarenaldi 1. @clrvera gossip lama hahaha.. Iya Jul.. I'm happy for her kok :D 16feb 2. @cristinenatalee @CiciliaClover thankies Tine! Up2date deh nonton Glee.. Hahaha.. 16feb 3. @VinaChristia huuaaa PD! Hahaha.. Eh ngomong-ngomong when will you get married? Undangannya mana nih? Hehe 16feb 4. believe HIM first *nyamber* =)) RT @gabynatasha: Maybe I'm a fool to feel what i feel.. But i believe in miracle and i believe in you and me 12feb 5. @cristinenatalee whoa! nonton dimana Tin? gw nunggu download-an nih haha.. Is Quinn really leaving? she's one of my favorite characters :( 1feb K. Praditya Adipradhana @PradityaAdi 1. @amandavaniakiat greetings keriting 29feb 2. @Liaaaw_ gue lebih suka love is you 26feb 3. @inkasazkia iya nih, it's been a while haha.. Yaa I hope lo cepat selesai masalah cintanya, biar ga kelam 14feb 4. Ga bisa RGH/JTAG? Doesn't matter, I still have you (lah lah) 4feb 5. @inkasazkia duh kenapa ya?? eh saz, kenalin gue ke temen lo yg cewek dong di hari valentine yg kelam ini 14feb L. aldo pratama @aldopratama18 1. Prediksi akurat nih,arsenal destroyed into pieces RT @Gio_Junius: @aldopratama18 @SetiawanTjhin you're right 15feb 2. @alxanderanugrah btul lex..coba aja search tweets and type "Gary Neville"..u will read many people around the world have same opinion with me :) 15feb 3. Hahaha..jgn gt bro,bongpu gt" kan jg mau Go International RT @SetiawanTjhin 11feb 4. @IndosiarTVtwit siarin Roma V Inter dong..rivalries abadi nya melebihi milan v napoli 11feb
A7 5. Jgn smpe arsenal dijuluki "The Loser"RT @Gio_Junius: @aldopratama18 @SetiawanTjhin bro, gmn ni arsenal? 19feb M. Antonius Setiawan @SetiawanTjhin 1. Iy mkny g protect spy gk ad yg aneh" lg.. RT @aldopratama18 2. @Gio_Junius Bahhh, mkny it g lock.. G jg bngung bsa bgtu.. Ya gk lah.. Gk prnh kenal.. Hahaha... 28feb 3. @YoanKristianti Gk yo.. Hahaha... He is so kind.. :) 11feb 4. @ferry_aveng oke lah klo bgtu.. G mau off dlu.. Hehehe... 8feb 5. @FredyKurozawa oh iy salah.. Wkwkwk... Maklum Fred msih beginner.. Hehehe.. 10feb N. D. Wira Atmaja @wiradikawira 1. Alhamdulillah, O Lord, thank you 29feb 2. @adindayaa Itu buat jurusan komputer uda ganti The school of Com. Science, kabar kitak gmn ya? hahaha ganti kek! Hahhaa 6feb 3. Enak banget namanya udah ganti The School of Cumputer Science Binus University Udah B.Sc lagi kapan jurusan gue B. A? 8feb 4. Pengen nyobain ngomong sama SIRI se-sensitif apakah "Voice recognition"nya ya? 5feb 5. @inassausan laah nesas emgnya pesawatnya doang yg bsa nge fly, pilotnya jga bsa nge flyy cuuyy haha 5feb O. Rudy Effendy @rudy_effendy 1. Mitos dr leluhur.. Biar gampang tidur.. View satu2 dp bbm smua contact dl.. 24feb 2. Semenjak gw nge kos.. Sinyal bb gw UP trus.. Apakah ini pertanda sbntr lg gw pny cew.. *abaikan* 5feb 3. Nama : Rudy Effendy Umur : 22 tahun Impian : pnya body kayak Jacoob 5feb 4. Sebelum tidur.. Gw type-x dulu tanggal 14 febuary (̾˘̶̾ ̯˘̶̾ ̾'̾)̾ 6feb 5. @followwawa woiiii... Oshim.. Aku da req follow lu.. Tp gk di approve.. Hahha 2feb P. Desvina Ng @DesvinaNG 1. This situation is killing me softly. *tersesat* 2 feb 2. Seluruh dunia harus tw kalo @MutiaraNg nyebelin. Yes!! 12feb 3. @doctorsasQ coba2 aja keyword na autotext atau emoticon. Aq lg cari2 jg. Wkwkwk 5feb 4. @doctorsasQ di xt9 advanced setting na,spell correction n next word prediction di nonaktif. Yg diaktifkn hny auto-subtitution 6feb 5. @wiradikawira twitteran pk android bkin ktagihan. Wkwkw #lebay 7feb
A8 Q. Alfina Azhar F @AlfinaAzhar 1. @doctorsasQ iihh kakandaaa..ckckck MOVE ON ~ berasaaa beneraan adaa rasaa sampai menusuk hati sama doi~ hahaa 29feb 2. Zzzzzztttt lbh memikirkan kerjaan di banding skripsi ! Oh God pls give the best way for me ☺ 27feb 3. @yen_yuanz yeeaaaahhh couldn't agree more !! bikin gemess mess wkwk 26feb 4. OMG my thesis mentoring! Bismillah aja deh 18feb 5. Perjuangan hari ini toeng toeng ! Finally hotel ! We are independent tourists 12feb R. kartika sari @tikachika 1. Sabarrr..tunda janji buat tungguin 2 jam, skrng hrs turun naik dr lt 3 gedung baru ke lt 4 gedung lama pake heels pula! What a day! 23feb 2. Berkat tidur siang hari ini..double bonus ny! :) 18feb 3. Padahal uda spare waktu yg lmyan buat kumpul project hari ini, tp ttp aja kurang ini itu! Next ny ga deh..huhu.. 4feb 4. Sepanjang ingatan naik 91, kykny baru td ada pengamen nyanyi lagu inggris, moves like jagger ala akustik lagi.. 4feb 5. Perut ga enk ya?! Pgn tdr tp ingt msh ada paper n proposal! Liburaannn kapaannn?!!! 5feb S. Sisca Zhang @sca_sisca 1. @andrebulz mau ikut di cream trus di embath? 29feb 2. How can I asleep if this pain torture me like hell . . . *derita ngantuk tp ga bisa tidur* 26feb 3. Akhirnya dapat juga no nyaaa....! Thankz God (˘ʃ˘) 19feb 4. @ZIETR_Kishi .. "̮ wk°wk (ˆˆ) wk°wk "̮ .. Iya nie..happy wedding sama skripsi..haha 6feb 5. Besok beli coklat toblerone lg yuk @andrebulz..addicted to white chocolate nie.. 24feb T. novi alvionita @novialvionita 1. Restart hp, sabar yah yg bbm, soalnya app nya ga bisa dibuka :( 29feb 2. Bbm error, ga bisa di scroll, kacauuuuu.. Mau chat juga ga bisa, :( 29feb 3. @cristinenatalee disana ga join theater tine? emang disana nda ada acara" main drama dikampusnya? 27feb 4. Ok, karna sudah pindah kamar berarti sekarang harus tidur.. *pelok monis* night all.. Night @CiciliaClover u bobo juga.. 10feb 5. Uber g kenapa ini? Ga mau nge refresh.. Udah gitu ga bisa nge twit.. Berasa bb off :( 7feb
Table Classification of Code Switching Types
NO INTERSENTENTIAL 1 F.A.1 @arabellamnda ngga enak badan sayaang.. Mgkn kecapean :) did u sub my class today? Changing topic 2 F.A.2 suddenly i really miss "grocelix16".. kangen kangen kangeen :')
Repetition 3 F.B.1 What is butter? | mentega miss!!! | Now, what is butterfly? | mentega terbang !!!! | zzzzzz Joking 4 F.C.1 Batuuuuuk! Minum obat apa ya? Suggestion please Emphasizing the message 5 F.C.3
INTRASENTENTIAL F.A.3 Tman" binusian apakah ada yg menganalisa film crash dgn teori postcolonialism? Just checking, biar ngga kaget kalo ada yg sama :D Emphasizing the message F.A.4 A couple of people said that I'm getting skinnier, but my dad : "aya olahraga dong!" Never be enough (˘o ˘") (˘̩̩.˘̩) Quotation F.A.5 aku juga skip hari ini.. thanks inta.. im really sorry too jd makin ngerepotin :'( Expressing feeling F.B.2 Lo tuh the king of galau.. RT@rudy_effendy: @IerenaVeronika @dewaayunyoman GALAU
Emphasizing the message F.B.3 3. @wiradikawira diiiikk,, yesterday, u called Rambut pendek lg happening bgt, mau meeeeee... whyyyyy??? wktu lu tlp, gw lagi potong pendek ahhh ~ mandi, hahahahahaha
Giving Information 6 F.D.4 Bales comment orang bisa tapi bales message penting gue ga bisa. Dasar bocah! Get a life! Expressing feeling 7 F.E.1 Okay okay, I'll stop eat spicy meals then. *edisi maag ngambek* Emphasizing the message 8 M.F.2
Emphasizing the message F.B.4 Orang2 smakin kurus gw nya engga. no wonder kerjaan gw makan mulu :| Emphasizing the message F.B.5 Uas selesaiii, time to prepare for thesis defense Emphasizing the message F.C.4
A10 tiba tiba si mama nyampe k rmh blg "mama abs mkn ikan bakar di gading" fuuuuuuuuu *mother of troll Giving an epithet 9 M.F.3 dan kardus yg jatoh semalam uda kembali lagi ke tempat semula. what kind of sorcery is this?
1 @yen_yuanz its oke lah, hahaha gk ngerepotin kok.. Good luck yaaaaaaa Motivating friends F.C.5 Good Luck ya tmn2 yang uda mau Sidang, :)
Emphasizing the message 10 M.F.5 @CiciliaClover gua msh kekenyangan. feeling guilty :(
Motivating friends F.D.1 @novialvionita disini ga ada yg doyan drama Nop : ( banyakan kelas photography palingan. semacam performance arts ga ada :'
Expressing feeling 11 M.G.1 cant remember exactly how den, u were singing only in the falseto part... Haha, that was memorable. Kapan2 karokean bareng “
Emphasizing the message F.D.3 Excuse me in Javanese is Mitamit :DD cc: @dyameita
Showing solidarity 12 M.G.2 the only two Cr ex members havent gone! Tenang deb, Tuhan itu adil!! Ada waktunya @debbyarintika Wish I could be in Korea too somedayyy! >.<
Joking F.D.5 1 @CiciliaClover @puienawachi haahaha pada penasaran kalo gay make love gmn ya :b
Motivating friends 13 M.G.5 Mengobrak-abrik Central Park 20 Februari, serahkan pada kami! Evil eyes to participants of @BNEC Running Man special edition
Euphemism F.E.2
Showing solidarity 14 M.I.3 1@CiciliaClover oiya sala gw hahaha... Kok u tau bngt? U fans ya? Haha girl generation make u feel the heat
Emphasizing the message 15 M.I.4
Psikolog kalo udh expert ngapa jadi kaya cenayang / fortune teller ya? :O Translation F.E.4 Quote memotivasi: "If you are looking for the love of your life, stop. They will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love." Quotation M.F.1
A11 Dont know what to do.. Gk ad game baru suram abiis Emphasizing the message 16 M.J.1 .@clrvera gossip lama hahaha.. Iya Jul.. I'm happy for her kok :D
Expressing feeling 17 M.J.4 believe HIM first *nyamber* =)) RT @gabynatasha: Maybe I'm a fool to feel what i feel.. But i believe in miracle and i believe in you and me Emphasizing the message 18 M.J.5 .@cristinenatalee whoa! nonton dimana Tin? gw nunggu download-an nih haha.. Is Quinn really leaving? she's one of my favorite characters
Changing topic 19 F.E.5 I can't stop my tears falling. Ya ampun kawan, gw ga nyangka lw masih suka perhatiin prkembangan gw. Gw aja ga prnah sperhatian itu (╥ ╥)
Expressing feeling 20 M.K.4 Ga bisa RGH/JTAG? Doesn't matter, I still have you (lah lah Motivating friends 21 M.M.3 .@YoanKristianti Gk yo.. Hahaha... He is so kind.. :) Emphasizing the message 22 F.P.1
quality moment with mom, ngemil chiki bareng sambil ngmgn random things :D Emphasizing the message M.F.4 tiba tiba kardus di atas lemari gua jatoh, shit shit shit shit... kenapa gua nonton paranormal activity, jadi parno x_x Expressing feeling M.G.3 Puji Tuhan more participants for @THE2012AEO currently more than 350... More and more Emphasizing the message M.G.4 Extra participants in the night? We are ready! Semangat Regis Team! @the @ BINUS SQUARE "Hall Of Residence" Motivating friends M.H.2 .@SetiawanTjhin @aldopratama18 tp kenapa status u "barcelona is the best"? Arsenal gk jdi the best? Wktu itu kta u the best..skrg gak..
Quotation M.H.3 .@aldopratama18 @SetiawanTjhin wah jgn ampe julukannya berubah dari "The young gunners" menjadi "The young loser".. Haha
Giving an epithet (M.H.4) .@aldopratama18 @SetiawanTjhin syangnya gk kotak do,bola itu bundar seperti bos g kemaren katakan "ball is round, arsenal will be the winner"
Quotation (M.H.5)
This situation is killing me softly. *tersesat* Expressing feeling 23 F.P.2 Seluruh dunia harus tw kalo @MutiaraNg nyebelin. Yes!!
Interjection 24 F.Q.2 Zzzzzztttt lbh memikirkan kerjaan di banding skripsi ! Oh God pls give the best way for me Expressing feeling 25 F.Q.3 @yen_yuanz yeeaaaahhh couldn't agree more !! bikin gemess mess wkwk Emphasizing the message 26 F.Q.4
@SetiawanTjhin siapa tau emang masih menghrapkan nama itu "h" na kicked out n digantikan?wkwkwkw Euphemism (M.I.1) Chibi3x khak4x ( jenuuuhhh mencapai klimaks ) baby i love u love u love u so much Expressing feeling (M.I.2) @CiciliaClover spending whole time dgn tweet yah? hahaha... pantesan aja klo liat u bwaan pgn follow aja #eeaaaa buakaka Emphasizing the message (M.I.5) smnjak knal lu, inggris g makin payah / loh mank g napa? / iya gra2 knal sm lu g cm bs ngmg i love u
Joking (M.J.2) @cristinenatalee @CiciliaClover OMG my thesis mentoring! Bismillah thankies Tine! Up2date deh nonton aja deh Glee.. Hahaha Emphasizing the message Showing gratitude (M.J.3) F.Q.5 @VinaChristia huuaaa PD! Hahaha.. Eh ngomong-ngomong when will you Perjuangan hari ini toeng toeng ! Finally get married? Undangannya mana nih? hotel ! We are independent tourists Hehe Expressing solidarity Changing topic F.R.1 (F.D.2) Sabarrr..tunda janji buat tungguin 2 jam, skrng hrs turun naik dr lt 3 gedung baru ke lt 4 gedung lama pake heels pula! Aih! Ada Tamagotchi Unicorn :D What a day! Download download! Expressing feeling Giving information F.S.2 (F.C.2) How can I asleep if this pain torture me like hell . . . *derita ngantuk tp ga bisa tidur* Happy, habis JJ sama bebeks2:D Emphasizing the message Expressing feeling F.S.3 M.K.1
A13 Akhirnya dapat juga no nyaaa....! Thankz God (˘ʃ) Showing gratitude 31 F.S.4 Besok beli coklat toblerone lg yuk @andrebulz..addicted to white chocolate nie.. Emphasizing the message
@amandavaniakiat greetings keriting Joking M.K.2
@Liaaaw_ gue lebih suka love is you
Quotation M.K.3
@inkasazkia iya nih, it's been a while haha.. Yaa I hope lo cepat selesai masalah cintanya, biar ga kelam Expressing solidarity M.K.5
@inkasazkia duh kenapa ya?? eh saz, kenalin gue ke temen lo yg cewek dong di hari valentine yg kelam ini Emphasizing the message M.L.1 Prediksi akurat nih,arsenal destroyed into pieces RT @Gio_Junius: @aldopratama18 @SetiawanTjhin you're right Giving informations M.L.2 @alxanderanugrah btul lex..coba aja search tweets and type "Gary Neville"..u will read many people around the world have same opinion with me :) Giving informations M.L.3 Hahaha..jgn gt bro,bongpu gt" kan jg mau Go International RT @SetiawanTjhin Emphasizing the message M.L.4 @IndosiarTVtwit siarin Roma V Inter dong..rivalries abadi nya melebihi milan v napoli Emphasizing the message
A14 38
M.L.5 Jgn smpe arsenal dijuluki "The Loser"RT @Gio_Junius: @aldopratama18 @SetiawanTjhin bro, gmn ni arsenal? Giving an epithet M.M.1
Iy mkny g protect spy gk ad yg aneh" lg.. RT @aldopratama18 Emphasizing the message M.M.2
@Gio_Junius Bahhh, mkny it g lock.. G jg bngung bsa bgtu.. Ya gk lah.. Gk prnh kenal.. Hahaha Emphasizing the message M.M.4
@ferry_aveng oke lah klo bgtu.. G mau off dlu.. Hehehe... Emphasizing the message M.M.5
@FredyKurozawa oh iy salah.. Wkwkwk... Maklum Fred msih beginner.. Hehehe Emphasizing the message M.N.1 Alhamdulillah, O Lord, thank you Showing gratitude M.N.2 @adindayaa Itu buat jurusan komputer uda ganti The school of Com. Science, kabar kitak gmn ya? hahaha ganti kek! Hahhaa Equivalence M.N.3 Enak banget namanya udah ganti The School of Cumputer Science Binus University Udah B.Sc lagi kapan jurusan gue B. A? Equivalence M.N.4
Pengen nyobain ngomong sama SIRI se-sensitif apakah "Voice recognition"nya ya? Emphasizing the message M.N.5
@inassausan laah nesas emgnya pesawatnya doang yg bsa nge fly, pilotnya jga bsa nge flyy cuuyy haha Joking M.O.1
Mitos dr leluhur.. Biar gampang tidur.. View satu2 dp bbm smua contact dl Giving information M.O.2
Semenjak gw nge kos.. Sinyal bb gw UP trus.. Apakah ini pertanda sbntr lg gw pny cew.. *abaikan* Emphasizing the message M.O.3 Nama : Rudy Effendy Umur : 22 tahun Impian : pnya body kayak Jacoob Emphasizing the message M.O.4 Sebelum tidur.. Gw type-x dulu tanggal 14 febuary (̾˘̶̾ ̯˘̶̾ ̾'̾)̾ Expressing feeling M.O.5 @followwawa woiiii... Oshim.. Aku da req follow lu.. Tp gk di approve.. Hahha Equivalence F.P.3 @doctorsasQ coba2 aja keyword na autotext atau emoticon. Aq lg cari2 jg. Wkwkw
Equivalence F.P.4 @doctorsasQ di xt9 advanced setting na,spell correction n next word prediction di nonaktif. Yg diaktifkn hny autosubtitution
A16 55
@wiradikawira twitteran pk android bkin ktagihan. Wkwkw #lebay Equivalence F.Q.1 @doctorsasQ iihh kakandaaa..ckckck MOVE ON ~ berasaaa beneraan adaa rasaa sampai menusuk hati sama doi~ hahaa Emphasizing the message F.R.2
Berkat tidur siang hari ini..double bonus ny! :) Emphasizing the message F.R.3
Padahal uda spare waktu yg lmyan buat kumpul project hari ini, tp ttp aja kurang ini itu! Next ny ga deh..huhu.. Emphasizing the message F.R.4 Sepanjang ingatan naik 91, kykny baru td ada pengamen nyanyi lagu inggris, moves like jagger ala akustik lagi Quotation F.R.5 Perut ga enk ya?! Pgn tdr tp ingt msh ada paper n proposal! Liburaannn kapaannn?!!! Emphasizing the message F.S.1 @andrebulz mau ikut di cream trus di embath? Joking F.S.5 @ZIETR_Kishi .. "̮ wk°wk (ˆˆ) wk°wk "̮ .. Iya nie..happy wedding sama skripsi..haha Emphasizing the message F.T.1
Restart hp, sabar yah yg bbm, soalnya app nya ga bisa dibuka :( Giving information F.T.2
Bbm error, ga bisa di scroll, kacauuuuu.. Mau chat juga ga bisa, : Emphasizing the message F.T.3
@cristinenatalee disana ga join theater tine? emang disana nda ada acara" main drama dikampusnya? Repetition F.T.4 Ok, karna sudah pindah kamar berarti sekarang harus tidur.. *pelok monis* night all.. Night @CiciliaClover u bobo juga Expressing solidarity F.T.5 Uber g kenapa ini? Ga mau nge refresh.. Udah gitu ga bisa nge twit.. Berasa bb off :( Equivalence F.E.3
Meski jomblo tapi ga ngenes tuh. Msh ada skripsi, keluarga, temen2, dosen2, hobby, kerjaan, things to do for the future, dll :) *motivasi* Emphasizing the message M.H.1
.@SetiawanTjhin haha.. Twitter u sok private bro, pake di block jdi gk bisa di retweet..wkwkwk