ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA ● 2013. május 8.
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TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN KÖZÉPSZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGA 2013. május 8. 8:00 Az írásbeli vizsga időtartama: 180 perc
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Történelem angol nyelven
középszint — írásbeli vizsga 1312
Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
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Important information Give clear answers and make all your work unambiguous – even if you need to make corrections in your text. Try to be concise and keep to the point. Do not use more space than is provided. Only write the number of words or items specified in the task. (If you write more, your answers will be evaluated in the order they appear.) Please write in blue ink. When working on the exam tasks consider the following. • Read the instructions carefully. • Do exactly what the instructions tell you. • Study the sources provided (pictures, diagrams, texts, maps). Please keep in mind that the English texts will be only rough translations which render the meaning of the original text, but not their archaic style. • Use the resources that you are allowed to use for each task: the maps of the secondary school Historical Atlas [Történelmi atlasz] and the bilingual dictionaries. People, topographical data and concepts can only be evaluated when correctly spelled. • Consider your answers carefully before writing them down so that you do not have to correct them later. We advise you to follow these steps when dealing with the shorter or longer essay-type questions: 1. Identify the place and time of the given event or problem. 2. Use the given sources and the map [Történelmi atlasz] to understand the task. 3. Collect the general concepts (for example: development, change, production) and the time-specific concepts (for example: serf, guild, personality cult) that can be used to describe the given event or problem. 4. Include the information contained in the sources, or the conclusions that can be drawn from them, in your answers. 5. Make drafts or outlines before writing your answers if necessary. 6. Identify the events leading up to the given situation, its causes and its results. 7. Describe assumptions about, and explanations of, events. 8. Include your own knowledge of the era (names and dates) as well as your own opinions and personal perspective of it. 9. Make sure that your sentences are clearly structured, and that your ideas are easy to follow. 10. Your whole answer should have a clear structure. Check your grammar and spelling. For your information: The following will be considered when your essays are evaluated: • understanding of the task • proper and relevant content that satisfies requirements • logical overall structure and accurate language and correct spelling. Good Luck! írásbeli vizsga 1312
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I. SHORT ANSWER TASKS 1. This task is about the crisis of the Roman republic. In the following sources you can read about the dissatisfaction of certain people. Which social class or group did they belong to? Choose from the list. Write the number of the appropriate social layer or group into the square under each source. You must write one number to every source. (Score: 1 point for each correct item.) Social layers, groups: 1. colonus; 2. equestrians; 3. patricians; 4. impoverished small-holder peasants; 5. slaves: 6. inhabitants of the provinces; 7. Italian peoples allied with Rome; 8. members of the senatorial order. a) ‛Generals lie to their soldiers when they encourage them in battles to fight the enemy for the graves and temples of their ancestors, as none of these Romans has either a family altar or an ancient burial place, they fight and die for the luxury and wealth of complete strangers; [...]’ (Tiberius Gracchus by Plutarch) a) „A hadvezérek hazudnak a katonáiknak, amikor a csatákban arra bíztatják őket, hogy őseik sírjáért és templomaiért harcoljanak az ellenséggel, hiszen ezek közül a rómaiak közül nincs egynek sem családi oltára, nincs ősi temetkezőhelye, vadidegenek fényűzéséért és vagyonáért harcolnak és halnak meg; […].” (Plutarkhosz: Tiberius Gracchus) b) ‛[the rebels] sent envoys to Rome, who complained that although they had helped Rome to conquer her empire, they were not considered worthy of citizenship by those citizens they had helped. The Senate gave then a harsh answer: if they had regretted their previous deeds, they should send a delegation, but otherwise not. They, then, having lost all their good hopes, started the war.’ (Appian) b) „[A felkelők] követeket küldtek Rómába, akik panaszt emeltek azért, hogy őket, bár Rómának segítettek birodalma meghódításában, az általuk megsegített polgárok nem méltatják polgárjogra. A senatus kemény választ adott nekik: ha megbánták eddig elkövetett tetteiket, küldjenek követséget, ellenkező esetben azonban ne. Ők tehát minden jó reményüket elvesztvén, megindították a háborút.” (Appianosz)
c) ‛Of the circus gladiators kept in Capua [...] he managed to persuade some 70 of his mates to face any danger for freedom rather than be a spectacle at performances. They chased away their guards with violence and fled.’ (Appian) c) „Az itáliai Capuában tartott cirkuszi gladiátorok közül […] mintegy hetven társát arra beszélte rá, hogy inkább vállaljanak minden veszélyt a szabadságért, semhogy az előadásokon látványként szolgáljanak. Őreiket erőszakkal elűzték és elmenekültek.” (Appianosz) 3 points
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2. This task is about the economy of medieval Europe. Using the sources and your own knowledge, do the tasks about long-distance trade. (1 point for each correct item.) a) ‘The Venetians are not obliged to pay any kind of duties, which could be demanded of them by long-established custom or for any other reasons, either when they arrive, stay here, sell, buy or settle down, nor when they leave, only when they arrive or leave on ships carrying pilgrims, for then according to the royal customary law they are obliged to give the king one third.’ (Diploma of the king of Jerusalem, 1124) a) „A velenceiek semmiféle illetéket sem tartoznak fizetni, amit szokás folytán vagy más okból tőlük megkövetelhetnének, sem akkor, mikor megérkeznek, itt tartózkodnak, eladnak, vesznek, letelepednek, sem amikor eltávoznak, csakis akkor, ha zarándokokat szállító hajókon érkeznek vagy távoznak, akkor ugyanis a király szokásjoga szerint harmadrészt tartoznak a királynak adni.” (Jeruzsálem királyának oklevele, 1124) The diploma cited above contributed to the notable increase of trade along one particular medieval network of maritime routes. Name this network of routes. …………………………………………………………………… b) ’We, the consuls and people of the town of Bremen, wish to express our greatest gratitude to the consuls of seaside and other towns, furthermore to all merchants who belong to the German [league] of the Holy Roman Empire for taking us into their grace and giving us a share of the above mentioned merchants’ liberties and privileges [...].’ (Letter of the town of Bremen) b) „Mi, Bréma város konzuljai és közönsége a tengeri városok, s más városok konzuljainak, valamint a Római Szent Birodalom német [szövetségéhez] tartozó valamennyi kereskedőnek mérhetetlen nagy hálánkat fejezzük ki, amiért kegyelmükbe fogadtak, és a mondott kalmárok szabadságaiból és kiváltságaiból nekünk is részt engedtek […].” (Bréma városának levele) Name the trade league to which the town of Bremen addressed the letter. ……………………………………………………………………. c) ’The English king closed off all sea straits, not allowing anything to come [from the territory allied with France], nor arrive there, especially wool and fleecy lamb skin. [The whole population of the territory allied with France] was exasperated, as making broad-linen was their main profession. [...] It was true that a lot of grain came for them from France, but how should they buy it, how should they pay for it when they have no income?’ (Chronicle from the 14th century) c) „Az angol király lezárta az összes tengerszorosokat, semmit sem engedve jönni [a Franciaországgal szövetséges területről], sem érkezni oda, legkevésbé pedig gyapjút és gyapjas báránybőrt. [A Franciaországgal szövetséges terület egész lakossága] írásbeli vizsga 1312
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megdöbbent, hiszen a posztókészítés a legfőbb mesterség […]. Igaz ugyan, hogy sok gabona jön részükre Franciaországból, de miből vegyék meg, miből fizessék, ha nincs kereset.” (XIV. századi krónika) The source describes the limitations of trade imposed on which territory? Circle the number of the correct answer. 1. Champagne
2. Dalmatia
3. Flanders
4. Silesia 3 points
3. This task is about the ancient history of the Hungarian people. Below, you will find a map and four definitions. Using the map and your own knowledge, decide which probable dwelling areas these definitions can be linked to. (There are several theories about the location of the dwelling areas. In this task, you have to consider the presumed location of dwelling areas as marked on the map.) Write the name of the proper dwelling area into the table. The name of a dwelling area may be used more than once. (1 point for each correct item)
The presumed geographical location of Hungarian dwelling areas (the names of the dwelling areas are marked in bold capital letters on the map) Balti-tenger: Baltic Sea Kaukázus: Caucasus Kaszpi-tenger: Caspian Sea Bizánc: Byzantium
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Kárpátok: Carpathians Aral-tó: Aral Sea Fekete-tenger: Black Sea
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Definition a) Friar Julian (Frater Julianus) found a Hungarian-speaking population still inhabiting this dwelling area in the 13th century. b) This dwelling area was located directly south of the royal centre of the united Eastern Slav state. c) This dwelling area was located on the European side of the mountain range dividing Europe and Asia. d) The Vereckei pass is located on the border of this dwelling area.
Dwelling area
4 points 4. This task is about the Reformation. Name the church/denomination in the age of Reformation that can be linked to the following sources. Write the name of the appropriate church/denomination on the dotted line. (1 point for each correct item) a) ‘However, no matter how the deeds of people may be judged, the Lord had his own work carried out by those who broke the bloody sceptre of arrogant kings and destroyed their unbearable rule. Let the princes hear this and let them be terrified.’ (Teaching of the Christian religion, 1536) a) „Ámde – bármiként is ítéltessenek meg az emberek cselekedetei – az Úr mégis azok által egyformán saját művét hajtotta végre, akik fennhéjazó királyok véres kormánypálcáját összetörték, és tűrhetetlen uralmukat megsemmisítették. Hallják meg ezt a fejedelmek és rettegjenek!” (A keresztény vallás tanítása, 1536) ………………………………………….
b) Cover page of the first complete Bible translation into German (1541 edition) ………………………………………..…..
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c) ‘…. be it enacted, by authority of this present parliament, that the King, our sovereign lord, his heirs and successors, kings of this realm, shall be taken, accepted and reputed the only supreme head in earth of the Church of […].’ (Act of Supremacy, 1534) c) „Ezen parlament hatalma által törvénybe iktatjuk, hogy elfogadjuk és elismerjük felséges urunkat, a Királyt, örököseit és utódait a trónon az […] egyház egyetlen fejének ezen a földön.” (Egyházfőségi törvény, 1534) ………………………………………..….. d) ‘The society as a whole, and each of its members, owe obedience to our most holy Lord […] and fight [for Him] with faithful obedience, and however much we may be learned in the Gospel, and however we may be taught in the orthodox faith, let all Christians profess themselves under the […] as leader, and Vicar of Jesus Christ; still, let each one of us, […] besides that common obligation, be devoted to a special vow. So that whatever [they] order, […] let us strive to accomplish as far as we are able, without any turning back or excuse.’ (Constitution, 1540) d) „Ez az egész társaság és annak minden tagja a mi szentséges urunknak […] hű engedelmessége alatt harcol, s jóllehet arra tanít az evangélium, és mi igaz hittel elismerjük és szilárdan valljuk, hogy az összes keresztények alá vannak vetve […], fejüknek és Jézus Krisztus helyettesének, mégis […] minket amaz egyetemes kötelékeken kívül külön fogadalom kössön, úgy hogy akármit parancsolnak, […] azt tartozunk, amennyiben rajtunk fordul, minden halogatás vagy mentegetődzés nélkül végrehajtani.” (Szervezeti szabályzat, 1540) ……………………………………………….. 4 points
5. This task is about the conflicts between Turks and Hungarians in the 16th century. Match the sources with the people who participated in the battles/sieges described. Write the name of those people from the list below on the dotted line who took part in the given battle/siege. In certain battles/sieges more than one person might have participated, two people, on the other hand, took part in none of these events. (1 point for each correctly and completely answered part of the task.) People: István Dobó, György Fráter, (Frater Georgius), Louis II, János Szapolyai, Suleiman, Miklós Zrínyi a) ‘In the meantime, Ahmed completed the conquest of Temesköz, and having recovered his losses his well-rested army joined Ali’s. They were supposed to unite under Szolnok, where Ali had arrived on August 22nd. […] and the strong castle fell into Turkish hands without resistance. Blinded even further by the easy success, the enormous united Turkish army set off to siege the ‘playroom’ or ‘bad pen’ – this is what Ali called it. […] Keeping control over six counties and the safety of land afar írásbeli vizsga 1312
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was at stake […] and it was still not properly fortified as it should have been given its importance. It consisted of an inner and outer castle, a town protected with palisades and a few defensive structures and towers, located outside. The garrison numbered no more than 2000. Some of them arrived just before the siege, as they had been […] to call on nearby towns, counties and lords for help, and these were the ones who constituted the majority of the guards.’ (Historian Sándor Szilágyi) a) „E közben Ahmed a Temesköz meghódítását befejezte, veszteségeit kiheverte s pihent seregével Alihoz csatlakozott. Szolnok alatt kellett egyesülniök, hová Ali már augusztus 22-ikén megérkezett. […] az erős vár pedig ellenállás nélkül török kézbe került. A könnyű sikertől még inkább elvakítva, az egyesült roppant török had […], »a gyermekszoba«, a »rossz akol« – így nevezte Ali – megvívására indult. […] Hat vármegye nagy részének megtartása s messze föld biztonsága függött […], mely fontosságához képest még mindig nem volt kellően megerősítve. Belső és külső várból, a palánkkal védett városból s nehány előre tolt védműből, toronyból állott. Az őrség száma legföllebb 2000 volt. Egy részük csak kevéssel az ostrom előtt érkezett, mert […] segítségre szólította a közeli városokat, vármegyéket, urakat, s épen ezek szolgáltatták az őrség túlnyomó részét.” (Szilágyi Sándor, történész) ……………………………………………………………………………… b) ‛The struggle took exactly one and a half hours. More than one of them were sucked down into the depths of the swamp: many said that was where the king perished. Later, however, he was found in the cleft of a steep bank. In this place the water level was unusually high at the time because the Danube was in flood: he drowned here with his horse as he was, in full armour. [...] In battle and while fleeing there perished, apart from the king, of the bishops : [...], of the barons [...], of the most distinguished and most powerful men of the country: [...]. Besides these, about 500 nobles of high birth.’ (True description by István Brodarics) b) „A küzdelem pontosan egy és fél óráig tartott. A mocsár is nem egyet nyelt el mély örvényeiben: sokan azt mondták, hogy a király is ott pusztult el. Azonban később egy meredek part hasadékában lelték meg. Ezen a helyen akkor a Duna áradása miatt a szokottnál magasabban állott a víz: itt fulladt bele a vízbe lovával együtt úgy, ahogy fel volt fegyverkezve. […] A csatában és menekülés közben a királyon kívül a püspökök közül elpusztult: […]. A bárók közül: […]. Az ország előkelőbb és hatalmasabb emberei közül: […]. Ezenkívül még mintegy ötszáz előkelőbb nemes.” (Brodarics István: Igaz leírás) ……………………………………………………………………………… c) ‛On Saturday morning […] he had the gate above the bridge of the inner castle opened, and sending ahead of him 300 infidels with guns, swords and lances, shouting ‘Haj, huj’ and firing guns he sallied out against the army of Islam. He was wearing velvet headgear with golden embroidery, a golden chain on his chest, and had a golden-hilted sabre in his hand. As he was hit in the chest with a 5-drachma bullet from a janissary gun mounted opposite, he fell backwards, and all his soldiers were slain in a split second. […] a janissary cut off his head from his body. His
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unfortunate head was taken with his velvet headgear and golden chain by the Muhzir Aga to the Sultan’s tent.’ (Chronicle of Salonika by Mustafa Selaniki) c) „Szombaton reggel […] a belső vár hídja fölött levő kaput kinyittatta, s háromszáz embernyi puskás, kardos és dzsidás hitetlent maga előtt bocsátván, »Haj, huj!« kiáltással és puskatűzzel kirohant az iszlám seregére. Fején aranyhímzésű bársonyföveg, mellén aranylánc, kezében aranyos markolatú szablya volt. Mivel a szemközt felállított janicsárágyúból egy ötdrachmás golyó mellen találta, hanyatt esett, összes katonái pedig egy pillanat leforgása alatt lekaszaboltattak. […] egy janicsár levágta fejét a nyakáról. Szerencsétlen fejét a muhzir aga, bársonyfövegével és aranyláncával együtt janicsárjaival a szultán sátrához vitette.” (Szelániki Musztafa: Szaloniki Krónika) ……………………………………………………………………………… 3 points
6. This task is about the Balkan conflicts in the 19th century. On the basis of the blind map, identify the towns and areas described below. Write the appropriate number from the map next to each definition. (1 point for each correct item)
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Number of town /area
a) The capital of the Balkan state which was the first to gain complete independence from the Ottoman Empire, had been an important economic and cultural centre since Ancient times. b) Balkan territory first invaded, then annexed by the AustroHungarian Monarchy. c) The desired object of Russian expansion, the key to the Russian fleet’s passage from the Black Sea, has been the capital of several empires since Ancient times. d) A component of the emerging Romanian Kingdom, previously a Turkish vassal principality.
4 points
7. This task is about Hungarian agriculture under the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy. Each of the facts listed in the task had an effect either on wheat production or on the trade in wheat. Write down a direct consequence of each of the facts listed below which can be deduced from one of the tables supplied as sources. (1 point for each correct item) Average yield of wheat (18711915) Period Average yield (quintals per cadastral yoke/hold) 1871-1885 5.0 1886-1900 6.9 1901-1915 7.0
Other egyéb
73,9 % 73.9% Ausztria Austria
Division of wheat exports according to destination (1887–1891) Average stock market price of wheat (1872-1886) period Price (1867=100) 1872-1876
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a) Fact: In the given period, there was a customs union between Austria and Hungary; the two countries were not separated by a customs border. Consequence: ........................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................. b)
Fact: From the mid 1870’s, cheap American wheat flooded the European markets.
Consequence: ........................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................. c) Fact: New methods were being introduced in agriculture, and regular refertilising became widespread. Consequence: ........................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................. 3 points
8. This task is about the emancipation of women. Decide if the following pictures support or oppose suffrage for women. Write the letter of the pictures into the correct column of the table. (1 point for each correct item)
A) The rope says: ‘Politics is no place for women’
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D) ’It’s love that makes the world go around’ Supports suffrage for women
Opposes or criticises suffrage for women
4 points
9. This task is about the history of Hungary between the two world wars. Answer the questions using the source and your own knowledge. ‘What the neighbouring countries and great powers expect from the Hungarian government at present is peace, above all, in foreign policy, and order in domestic policy. Aggression and turmoil can be triggered by three tendencies: the Hungarian Fascists (irredentist and anti-Semitic organisations), the Carlists [followers of Charles IV] and Communists. Count Bethlen has managed to restrain them so far […] But would another government be able to stay on top of the situation today, and give the same guarantees to foreign governments? This seems very questionable, and some of my colleges are certain that the answer is no.’ (Report on Hungary by the French ambassador, March 1922) „Amit a szomszédos államok és a nagyhatalmak jelenleg várnak a magyar kormánytól, az külpolitikailag mindenekelőtt béke, a belpolitikában pedig a rend. Agressziót és felfordulást három irányzat idézhet elő: a magyar fasiszták (irredenta és antiszemita szervezetek), a karlisták [IV. Károly hívei] és a kommunisták. Bethlen gróf mindeddig féken tartotta őket […]. Képes lenne-e ma egy másik kormány uralni a helyzetet, és ugyanezeket a garanciákat adni a külföldnek? Ez nagyon kétségesnek tűnik, és kollégáim közül többen azt állítják, hogy nem.” (A francia követ jelentése Magyarországról, 1922. március)
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a) Of the groups mentioned in the above source, which one in particular was supposed to be ‘restrained’ by the article cited below? (1 point) '1. Whoever may initiate or lead a movement or organisation aimed at the forceful overthrow or abolition of the legal order of state and society, especially at establishing the sole rule of any social class by force, commits a crime and will be punished with up to five years of imprisonment.' (Excerpt from Article III: 1921) „1. § Aki az állam és társadalom törvényes rendjének erőszakos felforgatására vagy megsemmisítésére, különösen valamely társadalmi osztály kizárólagos uralmának erőszakos létesítésére irányuló mozgalmat vagy szervezkedést kezdeményez vagy vezet, bűntettet követ el, és öt évig terjedhető fegyházzal büntetendő.” (Részlet az 1921. évi III. törvénycikkből) …………………………………………………………. b) Why did Hungarian irredentism conflict with the interests of the neighbouring states? (1 point) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… c) What is the name of the anti-Hungarian alliance established by some of the neighbouring countries in the period? (1 point) …………………………………………………………. d) What features of István Bethlen’s policy did the French ambassador find worthy of acknowledgement? Circle the number of the two correct answers from the list below. (1 point for each correct answer) 1. He respected democratic principles. 2. He prevented the extreme movements from gaining ground. 3. He signed treaties of friendship with the neighbouring countries. 4. He did not exclude the possibility of a Habsburg return. 5. He governed with a firm hand.
5 points
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10. This task is about the history of the Hungarian change of regime. Answer the questions using the source and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item)
Picture taken of a demonstration in Budapest a) The demonstrators in the photo gathered for the 141st anniversary of a notable event in Hungarian history. The opposition speakers demanded the establishment of an independent and democratic Hungary, which was a clear message for the authorities. When was the picture taken? In your answer, write the year, month and day too. ............................................................................................. b) In the picture, the names of two ex-prime ministers appear together on one banner. What fate did they share? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… c) What specific chain of events associated with János Kádár is referred to by one of the banners in the picture? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… d) What was the main demand of the struggle against foreign oppression when the picture was taken? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………
4 points
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11. This task is about the problems of the Third World. Decide which sources discuss directly the problems listed in the table. Put an X into the appropriate column next to each source. In one row, you may put more than one X. (1 point for each correct row.) A) ‘At the sight of the dry, broken land dominating […] the suburban neighbourhood in Mexico City, whose population amounts to 20 million, it is difficult to imagine that this region was rich in water 70 years ago. […] As a result of the dramatic population increase, the extensive exploitation of water reserves and the lack of water recycling a fertile land has turned into a barren desert. Today, many of the city’s inhabitants only have access to running tap water for one hour a week altogether.’ (National Geographic, 2006) A) „A 20 milliós Mexikóvárosban a külvárosi tájat […] uraló száraz, felrepedezett föld láttán nehéz elképzelni, hogy ez a vidék 70 évvel ezelőtt vízzel teli terület volt. […] A népesség rohamos növekedése miatt a felszín alatti vízkészlet túlzott kitermelése és a vízvisszaforgatás hiánya egy termékeny területet kopár sivataggá változtatott. Ma már a város lakói közül sokan egy héten összesen csak egy órán keresztül juthatnak folyó csapvízhez.” (National Geographic, 2006) B) ‘By 2025, the population will have dramatically increased in most of the developing countries, where the density of population is already very high. According to estimates, the number of people living in a stretch of land a 100 kilometres wide by the sea will have increased by 35% compared to 1995. In this way, more than 2.5 billion people will be exposed to the dangers of rising sea levels and other effects caused by global climate change. (National Geographic, 2006) B) „2025-re a népesség számottevően növekszik a legtöbb fejlődő országban, amelyekben egyébként már ma is igen magas a népsűrűség. A tengerpartokon, mintegy 100 kilométer széles sávban élő lakosság száma becslések szerint közel 35 százalékkal emelkedik az 1995. évi értékhez képest, így több mint 2, 5 milliárd ember lesz kitéve a tengerszint emelkedés és más – globális éghajlatváltozás által okozott – hatás veszélyének.” (National Geographic, 2006) C) ‘By today, global warming has become a reality which further impedes the lives of the poorest [in Africa]: draughts followed by floods, spreading diseases, man and beast are both at a loss. ‘The weather has changed. Rain is increasingly unreliable, and the harvest is ever poorer’ – complains Tuke Shika, a peasant living in the Ethiopian village of Loke, at his desiccated corn field.’ (National Geographic, 2009) C) „Az általános felmelegedés mára a legszegényebbek sorsát tovább nehezítő valósággá vált [Afrikában]: aszályok és árvizek követik egymást, terjednek a betegségek, ember és állat egyaránt tanácstalan. »Megváltozott az időjárás. Egyre szeszélyesebb az eső, a termés pedig egyre gyengébb« – panaszolja Tuke Shika, az etiópiai Loke faluban élő földműves kiszáradt kukoricaföldjei előtt.” (National Geographic, 2009)
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a) food crisis b) changes in the natural environment c) epidemics d) population explosion 4 points
12. This task is about ethnic minorities living in Hungary. On the basis of the information contained in the table, decide if the statements are true or false. Write an X into the appropriate column of the table. (1 point for each correct item) Distribution of the population in Hungary according to mother tongue year Hungarian Romanian German Slovakian other 89.6% 0.3% 6.9% 1.8% 1.4% 1920 92.1% 0.2% 5.5% 1.2% 1.0% 1930 92.9% 0.2% 5.1% 0.8% 1.0% 1941 98.2% 0.2% 0.5% 0.3% 0.8% 1960 98.5% 0.1% 0.3% 0.2% 0.9% 1970 98.8% 0.1% 0.3% 0.1% 0.7% 1980 98.5% 0.1% 0.5% 0.1% 0.8% 1990 (The data contained in the table refer to the territory of post-Trianon Hungary) Statement
a) It can be clearly concluded from the data contained in the table that the number of people declaring German as their mother tongue decreased between 1930 and 1941. b) The data contained in the table support that at the time of the change of regime the number of people who claimed that Hungarian was not their mother tongue increased. c) It can be clearly concluded from the data contained in the table that in Hungary between 1920 and 1990 the number of people who claimed that German was their first language was never smaller than the number of people who considered Romanian as their mother tongue. d) It can be clearly concluded from the data contained in the table that between 1920 and 1990 the proportion of people who considered Serbian as their mother tongue in Hungary was never higher than the proportion of people who claimed that Slovakian was their first language. 4 points
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II LONGER, ESSAY-TYPE QUESTIONS Please read the following instructions carefully. You must do three of the following tasks. You must make your selection using the following rules: You must do: one task on world history and two tasks on Hungarian history, one of which must be short while the other task must be long. They must also be about different periods of Hungarian history. Study the tasks carefully. Number World history
Hungarian history
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Periods and subjects
Task type
Church and culture The Great Depression Establishing the system of counties Medieval towns April Laws The Rákóczi freedom fight Agriculture in the Rákosi era Political system of the Kádár era
short short short long short long short long
Below you will find a table with all the possible combinations of the tasks that you can choose. Mark one of the columns by circling the corresponding letter. Task type
Only tasks which have been selected according to the rules above will be marked. You will find the evaluation criteria after each task. The scores will be entered by the examiners. Only do the three tasks you have selected, and leave the rest of them blank. Before doing the tasks please study the Important Information on page 2 of this booklet. You can make drafts while working on the answers.
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13. This task is about medieval culture. (short) Describe the role of the Christian church in medieval science and culture, using the source and your own knowledge. ‘Let the wise men unveil everything, let them seek out the heights of the sky, the regions of earth […] what other will they come to but trouble, pain and a grip around the soul. It was speaking out of personal experience when someone said: ‘I set my heart on acquiring complete wisdom and all knowledge […], and all I learnt was that this only leads to […] headache: in much knowledge you will find only much doubt.’ (On the misery of the human condition by Pope Innocent III) „Tárjanak fel mindent a bölcsek, kutassák ki az ég magasságát, a föld térségeit […] mi más lesz ebből számukra, mint vesződség, fájdalom és a lélek szorongattatása. Saját tapasztalatából tudta ezt az, aki így szólt: Szívemet arra szántam, hogy megismerjek minden bölcsességet és minden tudományt […], s csak azt tudtam meg, hogy mindebből bajlódás […] származik, a sok tudományban csak sok kétséget találni.” (III. Ince pápa: Az emberi sors nyomorúságos voltáról) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………
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Criteria Understanding of task Location: place and era Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points
Maximum Achieved points 4 4 4 4 6 2 24 Divided by 2 12
14. This task is about the history of world economics between the two World Wars. (short) Using the source and your own knowledge, describe the circumstances under which the Great Depression started, and the typical effects it had on everyday life in the United States of America.
Contemporary cartoon run on a bank: large numbers of people suddenly withdraw their deposits from a bank at the same time
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Maximum Achieved points 4 4 4 4 6 2 24 Divided by 2 12
15. This task is about the foundation of the Hungarian state. (short) Describe the establishment and most important features of the county system during the reign of (Saint) Stephen I, using the source and your own knowledge. ’In those days, in Marosvár, there was a powerful prince called Ajtony [...] He paid no respect to king Stephen in any way, for he put his trust in the army of his soldiers and noble men, over whom he had absolute control. [...] He had a warrior he valued highly called Csanád, [... who ] fled, and went to the king in great secrecy; the king, having turned him to Christ, baptised him. [...] [The king] thus spoke to his chief men: ’Prepare for war against my enemy Ajtony, and let us take his country.’ [...] So they set off without delay [...] Ajtony’s army, which was encamped on the lowlands, turned its back and fled. Ajtony was slain on the battlefield by Csanád’s army. [King Stephen] made Csanád the steward of the royal house and Ajtony’s house. This is what the king said: ’From today on this town should not take its name from Maros, but from Csanád. Because you wiped out my enemy from this county, you shall be its bailiff.’[...]’ (Greater legend of Saint Gellért) „Akkoriban volt Marosvárt egy Ajtony nevű nagyon hatalmas fejedelem […]. István királynak nem adta meg a tiszteletet semmiben, mert bízott katonáinak és nemes embereinek seregében, akik felett uralkodott hatalma teljében. […] Volt egy Csanád nevű igen nagyra becsült vitéze, [… aki] elmenekült , és titkon a királyhoz ment; a király őt Krisztushoz térítve megkeresztelte. […]
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[A király] így szólt a főembereihez: »Készüljetek hadra ellenségem, Ajtony ellen, és foglaljuk el országát.« […] Késedelem nélkül harcba szálltak hát […]. Ajtony serege, mely a síkságon táborozott, hátat fordítva futásnak eredt. Ajtonyt pedig Csanád serege a csata helyszínén megölte. [István király Csanádot] megtette a királyi ház és Ajtony házának intézőjévé. Ezt mondta a király: »Ezt a várost a mai naptól ne nevezzék már a Marostól, hanem legyen neve Csanádtól. Azért, mert kipusztítottad belőle az ellenségemet, te légy ennek a tartománynak ispánja« […].” (Szent Gellért püspök nagy legendája) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Criteria Understanding of task Location: place and era Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points
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Maximum Achieved points 4 4 4 4 6 2 24 Divided by 2 12
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16. This task is about town development in medieval Hungary. (long) Describe the policy of Hungarian rulers with regard to town development from the Tartar invasion to the middle of the 15th century, using the sources and your own knowledge. Use your secondary school history map. ‘[…] that the above mentioned burghers and hospes of Óvár, from now and in the future, just like other free royal towns, for example the town of Buda […] shall be fully and perpetually exempt and privileged from the jurisdiction and authority of any judges in the country practicing at present or to be appointed; should any issue or law case arise among them under any circumstances whatever […] it shall be judged […] by their own incumbent judge elected from among themselves by general agreement and common will.’ (Decree by Queen Elisabeth, 1354) „[…] hogy ugyanazon óvári polgáraink, illetve hospeseink mostantól fogva és a jövőben, miként más szabad királyi városok, mint például Buda városa […] az ország bármely most működő és kinevezendő bírájának joghatósága és hatalma alól teljességgel és örökre mentesek és kivételezettek legyenek; a közöttük bármiképpen felmerülő összes ügyeket és pereket […] a maguk közül közmegegyezéssel és közös akarattal választott mindenkori bírájuk […] fogja megítélni […].” (Erzsébet királyné oklevele, 1354) ‘We, Charles, king of Hungary by the grace of God, having […] held a council with Lord John, glorious king of Bohemia […] have decreed that our own merchants, as well as Bohemian ones […] must walk and travel the highways and routes specified below […]. Since we very well know that it was King Béla who designated customs houses for the citizens of Brno and Nagyszombat […] we invite our own merchants as well as those arriving from Bohemia and other countries to pass through the customs houses we have mentioned above freely, together with their possessions […] in peace, unharmed, unhindered, and safe in their person after paying the required duties.’ (Decree of the royal meeting in Visegrád, 1335) „Mi, Károly, Isten kegyelméből Magyarország királya amidőn […] János úrral, Csehország dicső királyával tárgyaltunk, […] elrendeltük, hogy mind a mi kereskedőinknek, mind a csehországiaknak az alább megírt országutakon kell járniuk és utazniuk. […] Mivel jól tudjuk, hogy még Béla király jelölte ki mind a brünni [brno-i] polgároknak, mind a nagyszombatiaknak a vámhelyeket, ezért mind a mi kereskedőinket, mind a csehországi és más országokból érkező kereskedőket hívjuk és bíztatjuk, hogy áruikkal minden akadályoztatás nélkül, a vámok lefizetése után szabadon jöjjenek keresztül az említett vámhelyeken.” (A visegrádi királytalálkozó döntése, 1335)
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Legend ■ Civitas/free royal town ○ oppidum/borough ● oppidum /borough/ with national fair
Hungary’s towns in the 15th century ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………
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Maximum Achieved points 8 4 4 8 10 8 42 Divided by 2 21
17. This task is about the 1848 revolution. (short) Describe how Liberalism (liberal constitutionalism) is manifested in the April Laws, using the source and your own knowledge. ‘Act III on the formation of independent, responsible Hungarian ministry 3. § His Majesty […] shall exercise executive power through the independent and responsible Hungarian Ministry, his orders will come into force only if they are countersigned by one of the ministers installed in Buda-Pest. 4. § All members of the Ministry are responsible for all official procedures of any kind. 5. § In all matters which were formerly assigned to the Chancery of the royal court, or were the responsibilities of the Governor’s Council, or the Royal Treasury […] His Majesty shall exercise the executive power exclusively through the Hungarian Ministry. (Excerpt from the April Laws) írásbeli vizsga 1312
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„III. tc. Független felelős minisztérium alakításáról 3.§. Ő Felsége […] a végrehajtó hatalmat a független felelős magyar minisztérium által gyakorolja, s bármely rendeletei csak úgy érvényesek, ha a Buda-Pesten székelő miniszterek egyike által is aláiratik. 4.§. A minisztériumnak mindegyik tagja mindennemű hivatalos eljárásért felelős. 5.§. Mindazon tárgyakban, melyek eddig a Kancelláriához, a Helytartótanácshoz, s a Kincstárhoz tartoztak […], Ő Felsége a végrehajtó hatalmat kizárólag a magyar minisztérium által fogja gyakorolni.” (Részlet az áprilisi törvényekből) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Criteria Understanding of task Location: place and era Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points
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Maximum Achieved points 4 4 4 4 6 2 24 Divided by 2 12
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18. This task is about the Rákóczi freedom fight. (long) Describe the history of the Rákóczi freedom fight, using the source and your own knowledge. In your answer, summarise the reasons for the outbreak, the decisions brought by the Kurutz diets, the relative strength of the opponents in military and political terms, and how the freedom fight ended. Do not write about specific campaigns. ‘[…] On the first day of September, in this present year of 1705, he would call us together and gather us by his letters of invitation to Generalis Conventus [general estates meeting] to the field of Szécsen, we also considered it necessary to elect for ourselves, above all, such a Leader, who, establishing a covenant with us in faith, will, until he succeeds in the restoration and winning of the ancient liberty by God, manage and govern Our Country’s affairs, not only in military matters, but also in legal, ecclesiastical, political and economic ones, and protect them together with us: we, by common consent and mutual will, decided to elect our Gracious Lord, the above mentioned His Majesty Ferenc Rákóczi of Upper Vadászi, elected prince of the country of Transylvania, the leading Prince also for us confederates, and we have done so.’ (Oath of the town of Hajdúszoboszló on the Confederation of Szécsény, 1705) „[…] e folyó 1705dik esztendőben, September havának első Napjára ide a Szécseni Mezőben Generalis Conventusra [általános rendi gyűlésre] bennünket hívogató Levelei általl öszve hívott és gyűjtött volna, szükségesnek ítéltük mi is, hogy mindeneknek előtte edj olly Fejet válasszunk magunknak, aki velünk eddjütt hittel confoederálván [szövetkezvén] ezen Hazánknak ügyét, valamíg Isten által régi szabadságának helyre hozásával s megnyerésével kívánt tzéllyát el nem éri, nem tsak az Hadi dolgokban, hanem a Törvényes, Edjházi, Politiai és Oeconomiai [gazdasági] állapotokban is igazgassa és kormányozza, velünk egyetemben óltalmazza: Tettzet közönségessen és eddjező akarattal praemíttált [előbb említett] Méltóságos Fejedelem Felső-Vadászi Rákóczi Ferenc Kegyelmes Urunkat, Erdély országának választott Fejedelmét minékünk is, confoederáltaknak [szövetkezetteknek] vezérlő Fejedelmünknek választanúnk, amint választottuk is.” (Hajdúszoboszló városának esküszövege a szécsényi konföderációra, 1705) ’The abdication of Josephus, the period of Interregnum or the absence of a King, and the annulment of any right the House of Habsburg might claim in any way whatsoever. [...] we immediately renounced the badly conducted reign of [...] Leopold I, and we declared ourselves liberated from it, however, investigating it [...] further, and considering the claim made by the present ruler Emperor Joseph I on the Hungarian crown, and his treacherously false pretext, or his desire to come by it [...]’ (Article of the Diet of Ónod, 1707) „Josephus Királyságának lemondása, az Interregnumnak vagy Király nem létének békövetkezett ideje, és az Austriai Ház akármi módon praetendált [követelt] mindennémű jussának eltörlése. […] első Leopoldusnak […] nem jól folytatott Királyi Országlásának azonnal ellene mondottunk, és magunkat az alól felszabadultnak lenni kijelentettük, mindazonáltal tovább is […] vizsgálván, és meggondolván a mostani Országló Első Joseph
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Császárnak a Magyar Coronához képzett jussát, és álnokul koholt praetentióját [követelését], vagy ahhoz jutásra való kívánságát […].” (Ónodi országgyűlés törvénycikke, 1707) 'For the consolation of those of peasant origin who undertake to serve the country or will do so in the future we declare and order that all those who faithfully persist until the end of this war, in their own person […] shall be liberated from the jurisdiction of their landlords forever, shall be free and exempted, and if they present themselves in front of His Majesty the Prince he shall provide them with a dwelling place and grant them special privileges following the example of the Hajdu towns.' (Declaration of the diet in Sárospatak, 1708) „Azok megvigasztalására, akik mint paraszti sorsúak vállalják vagy a jövőben vállalni fogják az ország szolgálatát, határozzuk és rendeljük, hogy mindazok, akik ennek a háborúnak a végéig hűségesen és állhatatosan kitartanak, saját személyükben […] földesuraik joghatósága alól örökre felszabadítottak, szabadok és felmentettek legyenek; gondoskodni fog lakóhelyükről is a hajdúvárosok mintájára különleges kiváltságok adományozásával, ha a fenséges fejedelem előtt jelentkeznek.” (Sárospataki országgyűlés határozata, 1708) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………
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Maximum Achieved points 8 4 4 8 10 8 42 Divided by 2 21
19. This task is about the history of Hungary after World War II. (short) Describe the changes which took place in agriculture during the Rákosi period. In your answer, outline briefly how the changes affected production. Kulak in the shop
Contemporary cartoon (kulak = rich, land-owning peasant)
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2013. május 8.
Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
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Exam points
Maximum Achieved points 4 4 4 4 6 2 24 Divided by 2
20. This task is about Hungarian history after World War II. (long) Describe the most important characteristics of the political system during the Kádár period from the beginning of the 1960’s, using your own knowledge and the sources. In your answer, include the essential differences between the Kádár and the Rákosi periods. Do not write about economic policy. ‘Whoever is not against the Hungarian People’s Republic is with it, whoever is not against the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party is with it […]’ (János Kádár, 1961) „Aki nincs a Magyar Népköztársaság ellen, az vele van; aki nincs az MSZMP ellen, az vele van […]” (Kádár János, 1961)
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2013. május 8.
Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
‘Our coat of arms must express the political concept of our people’s state. In the new coat of arms that is recommended the shield in national colours expresses the Hungarian working people’s patriotic sentiments which hold the national traditions in respect. These patriotic feelings are in harmonious unity with the notion of international proletarian solidarity, and this is symbolised by the five-pointed red star positioned above the shield. The national-coloured and red ribbons woven around the wreath of wheat lend some more national uniqueness and emphasise how our coat of arms represents the People.’ (János Kádár on the new coat of arms) „A mi címerünknek ki kell fejeznie népi államunk politikai eszméjét. Javasolt új címerünkben a nemzetiszínű pajzs kifejezi a dolgozó magyar népnek a nemzeti hagyományokat tiszteletben tartó hazafias érzelmeit. Ezek a hazafias érzelmek harmonikus egységben vannak a nemzetközi proletárszolidaritás eszméivel és ezt kifejezi a pajzs felett elhelyezett ötágú vörös csillag. A nemzetiszínű és vörös szalagokkal átkötött búzakoszorú további magyar sajátosságot kölcsönöz és kidomborítja címerünk népi jellegét.” (Kádár János az új címerről) ‘[…] We started the construction of Socialism with a misconception. Rákosi kept referring to the Soviet example, suggesting that everything was done as requested by the Soviet Union. Of course, in reality no such request existed. However, in those days there was a peculiar ’contest’ unfolding among the Socialist countries, competing with each other over who was closest to the Soviet Union, who was more faithful to it.’ (Confidential conversation between János Kádár and Mihail Gorbacsov, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1985) „[…] a szocializmus építéséhez rosszul fogtunk hozzá. Rákosi folyton a Szovjetunió példájára hivatkozott, arra utalt, hogy minden a Szovjetunió kívánságára történik. Ilyen kívánság a valóságban persze nem létezett. De akkoriban a szocialista országok között sajátos ’verseny’ bontakozott ki, tudniillik, ki áll közelebb a Szovjetunióhoz, ki hűségesebb hozzá.” (Kádár János bizalmas beszélgetése Mihail Gorbacsov szovjet pártfőtitkárral, 1985) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… írásbeli vizsga 1312
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2013. május 8.
Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Criteria Understanding of task Location: place and era Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing the reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points írásbeli vizsga 1312
31 / 32
Maximum Achieved points 8 4 4 8 10 8 42 Divided by 2 21 2013. május 8.
Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:...... Maximum points
1. Crisis of the Roman Republic 2. Medieval trade 3. Ancient Hungarian history 4. Reformation 5. Turkish - Hungarian struggles 6. Balkan conflicts I Short answer 7. Agriculture under the Dual Monarchy 8. Women’s emancipation tasks 9. The Bethlen consolidation 10. Change of regime 11. Third World 12. Ethnic groups in Hungary Total I. Achieved points rounded up 13. Church and culture 14. The great economic depression 15. Establishing the county-system 16. Medieval towns II Longer, 17. The April laws essay-type 18. The Rákóczi freedom fight questions 19. Agriculture under Rákosi 20. Political system of the Kádár period Total II. Achieved points rounded up I. + II. Total score for the written exam
Achieved points
3 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 5 4 4 4 45 12 12 12 21 12 21 12 21 45 90
Correcting teacher
Achieved Points points rounded (rounded up) up / Elért to write in the pontszám egész software / Programba beírt számra kerekítve egész pontszám I Short, simple tasks / I. Egyszerű, rövid feladatok II Longer, essay-type questions / II. Szöveges, kifejtendő feladatok Correcting teacher / Javító tanár
administrator / jegyző
Date / Dátum:…………………….
írásbeli vizsga 1312
Date / Dátum:…………………….
32 / 32
2013. május 8.