ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA • 2017. május 10.
Azonosító jel:
I. Időtartam: 100 perc
Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati
emelt szint — írásbeli vizsga 1711 I. összetevő
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
Important information You must give unambiguous answers; indicate or correct your answers in an unambiguous way. In your answers concentrate on the main idea; do not use more space than is provided by the dotted lines. Only write the number of words or items specified in the task. (If you write more, your answers will be evaluated in the order in which they appear.) Your answers must be written in blue ink.
Please follow the suggested approach when completing the tasks:
Read the tasks very carefully. Follow the instructions with care.
Check how many subtasks there are in the task, and do all of them.
Study all the sources that accompany the questions (pictures, diagrams, extracts, maps). Write your answers after thorough consideration, if possible without corrections. Please take into consideration that people’s names, topographical data and concepts can only be evaluated when correctly spelled.
Good luck!
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2017. május 10.
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
I SIMPLE SHORT ANSWER TASKS 1 This task is about the history of ancient Athens. Use the sources and your own knowledge to complete the tasks. (Score: 1 point for each correct answer.) “What with jurors' wages and other fees and largesses, [Pericles] bribed the multitude by the wholesale, and used them in opposition to the Council of the Areiopagus. Of this body he himself was not a member, […] since he never [became] an archon. […] These offices in the Areiopagus were in ancient times filled by those who had been confirmed as an archon. For this reason all the more did Pericles, strong in the affections of the people, break the power of the Council […] and rob it of its jurisdiction in the most important cases. He also exiled Cimon, on the charge of being a lover of Sparta and a hater of the people […] although he was a man who yielded to none in wealth and lineage and who had won most glorious victories over the Barbarians, and had filled the city full of money and spoils.” (Plutarch) „[Periklész] a törvényszéki napidíjakkal, s a más címeken kifizetett összegekkel és közsegélyekkel megnyerte magának a népet, és felhasználta az Areioszpagosz tanácsa ellen, amelynek ő maga nem volt tagja, mivel […] soha nem [vált] arkhónná […], és az Areioszpagoszba azok jutottak be, akiknek [arkhóni] hivatali működését jóváhagyták. Ezért Periklész, mihelyt biztosan támaszkodhatott a népre, letörte a tanács hatalmát, s […] megfosztotta a legfőbb ügyekben addig gyakorolt bírósági jogkörétől. Ezenfelül Kimónt, mint Spárta barátját és a nép ellenségét, […] száműzette, hiába volt vagyonos és előkelő származású, hiába aratott oly sok győzelmet a barbárok felett, és hiába töltötte meg a várost annyi zsákmányolt kinccsel.” (Plutarkhosz) a) Why did Pericles not become a member of the Areiopagus? Circle the letter of the correct answer. 1. Because membership was dependent on ancestry and he was not sufficiently high-born. 2. Because he was not popular enough to be elected as a member of the council. 3. Because archons were chosen by lot and he was not lucky. 4. Because Cimon, his political opponent, prevented him. b) Use the appropriate term to name the body that took over the authority of the Areiopagus mentioned in the source text. ………………………………………………. c) The source makes reference to Cimon’s removal. Use the term that is exclusive to that period of the history of Athens and defines this method of removing political players. ………………………………………………. d) In which century did the events described in the source take place? …………………………… 4 points
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2017. május 10.
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
2 This task is about the history of mediaeval religious orders. On the basis of their content, decide which order each source is connected to. Put an X in the appropriate box in the table. (The source texts are from the rules of the Franciscan and Benedictine orders, but the content of some of them is connected to both of them.) (Score: 0.5 points for each correct answer.) a) “But the workshop in which we perform all these works with diligence is the enclosure of the monastery, and stability in the community.” „Az a műhely pedig, ahol mindezt szorgosan gyakorolhatjuk, a monostor zártsága és az állhatatos megmaradás a közösségben.” b) “[…] when they travel about the world, they […] should be gentle, peaceful and unassuming, courteous and humble, speaking respectfully to all as is fitting. […] Whatever house they enter, they are first to say, "Peace to this house." According to the holy gospel they can eat whatever food is set before them.” „[…] mikor a világban járnak […] legyenek szelídek, békességszerzők és szerények; kedvesek és alázatosak, s nyíltan szóljanak mindenkihez, ahogyan illik. […] Ha valamilyen házba bemennek, először ezt mondják: Békesség e háznak. És a szent evangélium szerint minden ételből ehetnek, amit eléjük tesznek.” c) “[…] to observe the holy gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, living in obedience without anything of our own, and in chastity.” „[…] kövessék a mi Urunk Jézus Krisztus szent evangéliumát és éljenek engedelmességben, tulajdon nélkül és tisztaságban.” d) “No one may presume to give or receive anything […]; nor to have anything whatever as his own, neither a book, nor a writing tablet, nor a pen, nor anything else whatsoever.” „Senki se merészeljen […] bármit is adni vagy elfogadni, vagy bármit is sajátjaként bírni; egyáltalán semmit sem: se könyvet, se írótáblát, se íróvesszőt, tehát igazán semmit se.” e) “In the first place love the Lord God with your whole heart, whole soul, your whole strength. Then, love your neighbour as yourself. Then, do not kill. Do not commit adultery. Do not to steal. Do not covet.” „Először is: szeresd az Úristent, teljes szívből, teljes lélekből és teljes erődből. Aztán felebarátodat, mint önmagadat. Továbbá: ne ölj. Házasságot ne törj. Ne lopj. Bűnös vágyaid ne legyenek.”
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Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
h) sources
connected to the Benedictines
connected to the Franciscans
connected to both
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)
4 points
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2017. május 10.
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
3 This task is about Charles Robert’s economic reforms. Use the chart and your own knowledge to complete the tasks. 1. He invites Bohemian miners to the country.
3. Mining expands.
6. Trade activity increases.
He loses revenue that resulted from money debasement.
7. He introduces a new tax.
8. Customs revenues grow.
Charles (Robert) I’s economic reforms (The arrows in the chart show cause-and-effect relationships.) a) What measure is missing in box no. 2 in the chart? Write your answer on the dotted line. (1 point) ……………………………………………………………………………………………........... b) What measure is missing in box no. 4 in the chart? Write your answer on the dotted line. (1 point) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… c) Name the royal revenue which is referred to in box no. 7. (1 point) …………………………………. d) The text in which box refers directly to the “thirtieth”? (0.5 points) The number of the box: ………….. e) The text in which box refers to the hospes? (0.5 points) The number of the box: ………….. 4 points
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Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
4 This task is about the wars between the great powers of the 18th century. Use the source and your own knowledge to complete the tasks. Complete the table using the map and your own knowledge. Write into the table the letters of the appropriate pairs of symbols, the numbers of the appropriate provinces and the names of those provinces. There is one extra number and letter. (Score 0.5 points for each correct item.)
Coalitions of great powers in the wars of the 18th century (Only the great powers involved in the two wars have been marked, but not the lesser participants.) Wars
Spanish War of Succession
Austrian War of Succession
The letter of the pair of symbols for the opposing coalitions
The number of the province that was annexed by a new power as a result of the war
The name of the province, marked with a number on the map, that was annexed by a new power as a result of the war
g) Name the two great powers that fought each other in the two wars in this task, but became allies in the third one. …………………………………………..
………………………………………….. 4 points
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2017. május 10.
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
5 This task is about the resettlements in Hungary in the 17th and 18th centuries. Use the sources and your own knowledge to complete the tasks. “Normally, the houses and plots [i.e. the settlers] must be exempted from paying any taxes and performing corvée services for a few years. […] It must also be clearly stated that these subjects and peasants are not bound to land, […] but free men with the right to […b)…] as defined by this country’s laws, and they must remain so. While all others are considered equal, the […d)…], especially those from Your Majesty’s […] hereditary lands, must be given precedence by both commoners and persons of higher standing to […] temper […] the Hungarian blood which is inclined to unrest and revolutions.” (Leopold Kollonich’s proposal to the court, 1689) „A házakat és a telkeket [értsd: a betelepülőket] általában néhány évre fel kell menteni minden adó és robot alól. […] Azt is világosan ki kell mondani, hogy ezek az alattvalók és parasztok nem földhöz kötöttek, […] hanem szabad emberek, a hazai törvényekben megállapított […b)…] joggal, és azoknak is kell maradniuk. Miközben a többieket egyformának tekintjük, mindig a […d)…]-eket/-okat, különösen a császári felséged […] örökös tartományaiból származókat közemberek és magas rangú személyiségek mások elé kötelesek helyezni, hogy […] a forradalmakra és nyugtalanságra hajlamos magyar vért […] lehessen mérsékelni.” (Kollonich Lipót javaslata az udvar számára, 1689) a) To whom did the serfs owe both of the services mentioned in the text? Circle the number of the correct answer. (0.5 points) 1. the church 2. the landowner 3. the monarch b) What phrase marked by the letter b) is missing in the text? (0.5 points) ………………………………………………………………..
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Azonosító jel:
c) What special preference, which is not mentioned in the text, was offered as assistance to the settlers? (1 point)
Types of houses and villages …………………………………………………………………………………………………... d) The name of which nationality, marked by the letter d), is missing from the text? (0.5 points) ……………………………………………………………….. e) Peasants of primarily which denomination did the author intend to resettle in Hungary? (0.5 points) ……………………………………………………………….. f) The successes of what war might have motivated the author of the source text to write it? (1 point) …………………………………………………………………………………………………... 4 points 6 This task is about the different impacts of the industrial revolutions on people’s lifestyle. Use the sources and your own knowledge to complete the tasks. “At the beginning of the 20th century there were about 200,000 horses in New York; that is, one horse for every seventeen people. […] The horse-drawn carts caused continual traffic congestion and when a horse had an accident, it was often slaughtered on the spot. This led to further delays. […] The noise caused by the metal-rimmed wheels and the horseshoes was so great […] that many cities banned the movement of horses in the vicinity of hospitals and other sensitive neighbourhoods. […] In the year 1900, two hundred New Yorkers lost their lives in accidents caused by horses; that is, 1711 írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő
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Azonosító jel:
one in every 17,000. In 2007, 247 people died in car accidents; that is, one in every 30,000. This means that a New Yorker was twice as likely to die in an accident caused by a horse in 1900 than one caused by a car today. […] An average horse produces 12 kilos of manure a day. Making a calculation based on 200,000 horses, this comes to a total of 2.5 million kilos of manure. […] It served as breeding ground for billions of flies, which then spread some fatal diseases.” (From a work by economists Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner) „A XX. század fordulóján 200 ezer ló élt New Yorkban, azaz minden 17 emberre jutott egy ló. […] A lóvontatású kocsik állandó forgalmi dugókat okoztak, és ha egy ló balesetet szenvedett, gyakran helyben levágták. Ez további késlekedéshez vezetett. […] A vasborítású kerekek és patkók zaja olyan nagy volt […], hogy több város megtiltotta a lóforgalmat a kórházak és más érzékeny területek környékén. […] 1900ban 200 New York-i lakos vesztette életét ló okozta balesetben, azaz minden 17 ezredik ember. 2007-ben 274-en haltak meg autóbalesetben, minden 30 ezredik lakos. Ez azt jelenti, hogy egy New York-i kétszer olyan valószínűséggel halt meg ló okozta balesetben 1900-ban, mint autóbalesetben napjainkban. […] Egy átlagos ló 12 kiló trágyát produkál naponta. 200 ezer lóval számolva ez majdnem 2,5 millió kiló trágya. […] Legyek milliárdjainak kínált szaporodási lehetőséget, melyek aztán halálos betegségeket terjesztettek.” (Steven D. Levitt és Stephen J. Dubner közgazdászok művéből) a) Contemporaries expected the appearance of cars to solve some problems. State each favourable impact using the explanations given below. 1. Contemporaries believed that …………………………………………………….., because cars were easier to remove in case of a flat tyre. 2. Contemporaries believed that …………………………………………………….., because the wheels of cars had rubber tyres. 3. Contemporaries believed that …………………………………………………….., because cars were easier to control. 4. Contemporaries believed that …………………………………………………….., because cars’ exhaust gas was released into the air. b) Explain how biofuel causes problems today that are similar to those described in the source text below. (1 point) “Rats and other pests were swarming on the dung-hills to find undigested oats and other cereals – produce which was becoming increasingly expensive for human consumption due to the rising demand for use by the horses.” (From a work by economists Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, 2005) „Patkányok és más kártevők nyüzsögtek a trágyadombokon, hogy meg nem emésztett zabot és más takarmányt keressenek – olyan terményeket, melyek a lovak növekvő igénye miatt egyre drágábbak lettek emberi fogyasztásra.” (Steven D. Levitt és Stephen J. Dubner közgazdászok művéből, 2005)
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Azonosító jel:
………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 points 7 This task is about the debates in connection with the Austro-Hungarian compromise. Use the sources and your knowledge to complete the tasks. (Score 1 point for each correct item.) A) “The laws of 1848 and the system that had been established at the time were later the targets of attacks. […] Kossuth […] held on and hoped. […] The bold line was followed by doom and failure and nineteen years of suffering for our poor country. True, this failure was not without its glory, but a peaceful compromise […] will show that our nation can be just as imperious in politics as it was on the battlefield.” (Ferenc Pulszky, 1867) „Azon törvények, amelyek 1848-ban alkottattak, s azon rendszer, mely akkor megállapíttatott, később élesen lőn megtámadva. […] Kossuth […] bízott, s remélt. […] A merész politikát sikertelenség követte és bukás és tizenkilenc évi szenvedése szegény hazánknak. Igaz, hogy ezen bukás nem volt dicstelen, de a békés kiegyenlítés […] megmutatja, hogy nemzetünk szintoly erélyes tud lenni a politika terén, mint hősies a harc mezején.” (Pulszky Ferenc, 1867) B) “It is our unshakeable conviction that Austria without us, or we without Austria, could only support ourselves in terrible subjugation and humility or not at all. Because Kossuth is truly right when he says that no nation in the Danube valley is strong enough on its own to avoid the shackles or at least the leash of its greater neighbours.” (Zsigmond Kemény, 1867) „Mélyen át vagyunk hatva azon meggyőződéstől, hogy Ausztria nélkülünk, hogy mi Ausztria nélkül vagy általában nem, vagy csak nagy alárendeltség és megaláztatások közt tarthatnók fenn magunkat. Mert abban csakugyan igaza van Kossuthnak, hogy a Duna völgyében külön egyik nemzet sem elég erős arra, nagy szomszédainak vagy bilincsét, vagy legalább pórázát állandóan ne érezze.” (Kemény Zsigmond, 1867) C) “Who will vouch for it that as soon as foreign affairs take a favourable turn for the chamber [read: the royal court], this whole current “constitutional” status […] will not be relegated to past history? […] Parliamentarianism, in the sincere sense of the word, may only exist where everything is subject to the rule of law, including the army, the bank and diplomacy.” (Gyula Schvarcz, 1870) „Ki biztosít, hogy, amint a külviszonyok a kamarillára [értsd: az udvari körökre] nézve kedvezőbbekké változtak, nem fog-e az egész mostani „alkotmányos” állapot […] ismét a történelem körébe utasíttatni? […] Parlamentarizmus a szó jóhiszemű értelmében csak ott létezhetik, hol a törvény uralmának minden, tehát még a hadsereg, a bank és a diplomácia is alávetve vagyon.” (Schvarcz Gyula, 1870)
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Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
a) Which source text takes a critical stance in relation to the compromise? The letter of the source text: ……. b) Which event in Hungarian history does text A) designate as a failure? ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. c) Name the idea that appeared under Kossuth’s name and that source B) refers to? ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. d) Give the generic term for the element of the compromise that the underlined phrase in source C) refers to. ………………………………………………….. 4 points 8 This task is about the effects of the Great Depression. Use the sources and your own knowledge to complete the tasks. (Score 0.5 points for each correct item.) Select the statement which is true about the phenomenon illustrated by the photo below. Circle the letter of the appropriate answer.
a) The New York Stock Exchange, 1929 1. As a result of the crisis, share prices started to fall and huge numbers of speculators started buying shares. 2. As a result of the crisis, share prices started to fall and huge numbers of investors tried to sell their shares. 3. People blamed stock exchange speculation for the outbreak of the crisis, and this resulted in demonstrations outside the building of the stock exchange demanding the resignation of the government.
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Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
b) Unemployed men in Chicago, 1930 (The text on the advertisements in Hungarian: “Tisztes munkát keresek…”) 1. Mass immigration resulted in a surplus workforce and consequently unemployment in the United States. 2. As part of the New Deal, job centres were set up, which used street agents for advertising because of the scarcity of paper. 3. The companies that went bankrupt after the collapse of the stock exchange laid off huge numbers of employees, thus increasing unemployment.
c) A tractor buried in a dust storm, 1936 1. The dust storms of the 1930s destroyed the agriculture of the prairie belt, and the decrease in production was one of the factors that triggered the crisis. 2. The dust storms of the 1930s destroyed the agriculture of the prairie belt, which prevented the mechanisation of this sector. 3. The dust storms of the 1930s destroyed the agriculture of the prairie belt, which further exacerbated the farmers’ situation.
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Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
d) A line outside a soup kitchen in America, 1937 (The text of the poster in Hungarian: “A világ legmagasabb életszínvonala. Nincs különb, mint az amerikai út.”) 1. The Great Depression affected the black population of the United States acutely, which triggered the civil rights movement. 2. The Great Depression affected the black population of the United States acutely, as they were even less likely to find a job than their white peers due to the increasing unemployment. 3. The Great Depression affected the black population of the United States acutely, as slavery had been abolished only thirty years before. e) Use the source below to decide which two statements are correct reflections of Keynes’ idea. Circle the numbers of the correct solutions. “If the Treasury were to fill old bottles with banknotes, bury them at suitable depths in disused coalmines which are then filled up to the surface with town rubbish, and leave it to private enterprise […] to dig the notes up again […], the real income of the community, and its capital wealth also, would probably become a good deal greater than it actually is.” (Keynes, an English economist) „Ha az állam ócska palackokat megtöltene bankjegyekkel, megfelelő mélységbe elásatná ezeket elhagyott szénbányákban, az üregeket színültig töltené utcai szeméttel, s aztán […] magánvállalkozásra bízná, hogy újból kiássa a bankjegyeket […] a társadalom reális jövedelme és tőkevagyona is valószínűleg jelentősen nagyobb lenne, mint amekkora ténylegesen.” (Keynes, angol közgazdász) According to Keynes… 1. … the state need not interfere in economic processes. 2. … employees must be encouraged to undertake public works. 3. … private enterprises must pay higher taxes. 4. … unemployment must be eased through government tenders. 5. … projects which do not increase overproduction are needed. 3 points
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2017. május 10.
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
9 This task is about the history of Hungary in 1918-19. Use the sources and your own knowledge to complete the tasks. A) “Hungary becomes a Soviet Republic. The Revolutionary Governing Council will immediately initiate a series of great works to prepare and realise socialism and communism.” (From a manifesto) „Magyarország Tanácsköztársasággá alakul. A Forradalmi Kormányzótanács haladéktalanul megkezdi a nagy alkotások sorozatát a szocializmus, kommunizmus előkészítésére és megvalósítására.” (Kiáltvány részlete) B) “In the domed hall of the Parliament, the National Council declared the republic. The peasants, workers and soldiers who were present and dressed in rags and wearing red armbands lent a revolutionary aspect to the session.” (From a diary) „A Parlament épületének kupolacsarnokában a Nemzeti Tanács kikiáltotta a köztársaságot. A jelenlévő parasztok, munkások, rongyos egyenruhába öltözött, vörös szalagokat viselő katonák forradalmi arculatot kölcsönöztek az ülésnek.” (Naplórészlet) C) “At the peace conference […] it was decided […] that […] it was advisable to create a neutral zone between the Hungarians and the Romanians, where neither Hungarian nor Romanian soldiers may enter and the principal points of which will be occupied by allied troops.” (A memorandum from the peace conference) „A békekonferencián […] elhatározták, […] hogy […] tanácsos a magyarok és románok között egy semleges zónát létesíteni, amelyben sem magyar, sem román katona nem lehet, amelynek azonban fontosabb pontjait szövetséges csapatok fogják megszállni.” (A békekonferencia jegyzéke) D) “I drove a stake into the earth in Kápolna, which had been in my family’s possession for centuries, in the place where the plot of the first man on the list of the agrarian proletarians who were claiming land started. I was satisfied. The order of things had been restored.” (From a diary) „A kápolnai földbe, amely évszázadok óta a családom birtoka volt, karót vertem arra a helyre, ahol a földet igénylő agrárproletárok listáján szereplő első ember parcellája kezdődött. Elégedett voltam. A dolgok rendje helyreállt.” (Naplórészlet) a) Establish the chronological order of the events described in the source texts. Write the letters of the sources into the appropriate boxes in the table. Start with the earliest event. (1 point) 1.
b) Name the author of sources B) and D), who was prime minister at the time of the event described in source B) and then president of the republic during the period described in source D). Put the person’s first name as well. (0.5 points) ……………………………………. 1711 írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő
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Azonosító jel:
c) The republic mentioned in source B) was officially a people’s republic. Circle the number of the correct justification. (0.5 points) 1. It was called a people’s republic, because it was a communist system. 2. It was called a people’s republic, because the revolutionary circumstances were to be underlined. 3. It was called a people’s republic, because the intention was to introduce a direct democracy. d) (Apart from the change in the form of government) what significant constitutional change did the declaration of the republic constitute? (1 point) ………………….……………………………………………………………………………….. e) Name the Commissar of Foreign Affairs, mentioned in source text A), who was in reality the leader of the Soviet Council. Write the person’s first name as well. (0.5 points) ……………………………………. f) The example of which country did the authors of source A) follow? (0.5 points) ……….……………………….. g) Name two European powers which belonged to the group of “allies” mentioned in source text C) and in theory could have sent occupying forces. (Score 0.5 points for each correct answer.) ……….………………………..
……….……………………….. 5 points
10 This task is about the European integration. Decide which period of European integration the sources below are about; when they were created or introduced. Write the letter of the source into the appropriate box in the table. (Score 0.5 points for each correct item.) A) “The […] activities of the Community include […]: a) the cancellation of export and import duties and any limitations regarding the quantity of goods and other similar measures between member states; b) the establishment of common customs tariffs and a common trade policy regarding third countries; c) the abolition of all obstacles to the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital between member states.” (Intergovernmental treaty) „A […] Közösség tevékenysége […] a következőket foglalja magában: a) a tagállamok között az áruk behozatalára és kivitelére vonatkozó vámok és mennyiségi korlátozások, valamint minden más, azokkal azonos hatású intézkedés eltörlése; b) közös vámtarifa létrehozása és a harmadik országokkal szemben közös kereskedelempolitika kialakítása; c) az áruk, a személyek, a szolgáltatások és a tőke tagállamok közötti szabad mozgását gátló akadályok eltörlése.” (Államközi szerződés)
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Azonosító jel:
B) “We are witnesses to a wonderful moment: Hungary has returned to Europe and the values that it has cherished for a thousand years. […] Europe is brilliant opportunity, a great chance. Neither more, nor less. […] And Hungarian talent and Hungarian people can transform this opportunity into a miracle.” (A prime minister’s speech) „Nagyszerű pillanat részesei vagyunk: Magyarország visszatért Európához, viszszatért azokhoz az értékekhez, amit ezer éve vall magáénak. […] Európa nagyszerű esély, nagyszerű lehetőség. Nem több, nem kevesebb. […] És a magyar képességek, a magyar emberek tehetnek ebből az esélyből csodát.” (Miniszterelnöki beszéd) C) “The French government proposes that the whole of Franco-German coal and steel production is joined in an organisation under a common authority, which is open to the participation of other states of Europe.” (A proposal by the French foreign minister) „A francia kormány azt javasolja, hogy a francia-német szén- és acéltermelés egészét helyezzék közös főhatóság alá olyan szervezetbe, amely nyitva áll Európa más országainak részvétele előtt.” (A francia külügyminiszter tervezete)
Glossary: Európai unió: European Union Európai közösségek (gazdasági unió): European Communities (economic union) Közösségi döntéshozatal: common decision-making Közös kül- és biztonságpolitika: common foreign and security policy Kormányközi együttműködés: intergovernmental cooperation Bel- és igazságügyi együttműködés: cooperation in justice and internal affairs
United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy 29 Poland, Spain 27 Romania 14 the Netherlands 13 Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Portugal 12 Austria, Bulgaria, Sweden 10 Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Slovakia 7 Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg, Slovenia 4 Malta 3 Total 345 F) Number of votes in the Council of ministers held by various countries 1711 írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő
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Azonosító jel:
G) “The League of Nations didn’t fail because of its basic principles or ideas. What caused its failure was that the countries that founded the League of Nations gave up these principles. […] On the road to reviving the European family, the first step must be the alliance of France and Germany. […] Europe cannot be revived without an intellectually great France and an intellectually great Germany.” (A speech by a British politician) „Nem az alapelvei és eszméi miatt vallott kudarcot a Népszövetség. A kudarcnak az volt az oka, hogy a Népszövetséget megalapító országok adták fel ezeket az elveket. […] Az európai család újjáteremtéséhez az első lépést Franciaország és Németország szövetségével kell megtenni. […] Európa nem születhet újjá egy szellemileg nagy Franciaország és egy szellemileg nagy Németország nélkül.” (Egy brit politikus beszéde) H)
The British prime minister signs the accession treaty to the European Economic Community before 1957
after 1991
4 points
1711 írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő
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2017. május 10.
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
11 This task is about the economic policy of the Rákosi era. (complex test question) Use the sources and your own knowledge to complete the tasks. A)
Propaganda posters from 1951 The text on the posters: A) The cooperative is the way to a rich harvest and a high standard of living! B) More steel, stronger country! C) Be among the first in the competition to hand over the most goods! D) Be thrifty for your country and for yourself!
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Azonosító jel:
Match the quotes below to the posters that represent the same economic policy objective or result. There is one extra poster. a) “The implementation of the 1950 national economic plan must serve the development of our defensive power and security.” (A party decree, 1950) „Az 1950. évi népgazdasági terv végrehajtásának szolgálnia kell honvédelmünk, véderőnk fejlesztését.” (Párthatározat, 1950) The letter of the poster: …… (0,5 pont) b) “On the occasion of comrade Stalin’s 72nd birthday, [a] Stakhanovite [model] worker of the Hofherr tractor factory offered on behalf of his brigade to reduce waste to 0.2% by January 1st on top of their previous offer of 0.6%. By comrade Stalin’s birthday, [a] Stakhanovite […] will reduce tool wear by 3%.” (Mood report, 1951) „A Hofherr traktorgyárban [egy] sztahanovista [élmunkás] felajánlotta, hogy Sztálin elvtárs 72. születésnapjára az ezelőtt tett vállalásán kívül brigádja az eddig 0,6%-os selejtjét január 1-jére 0,2%-ra csökkenti. [Egy] sztahanovista, Sztálin elvtárs születésnapjáig […] a szerszámfogyasztást 3%-kal csökkenti.” (Hangulatjelentés, 1951) The letter of the poster: ……………... (0.5 points) c) “Since 1949, more than 1.5 million acres of land have been offered.” (A publication of the Central Statistical Office, 1953) „1949 óta több mint másfél millió hold szántót ajánlottak fel. ” (A Központi Statisztikai Hivatal kiadványa, 1953) The letter of the poster: ……………... (0.5 points) Answer the questions about the sources. d) Members of which two social groups appear on the posters? (Score 0.5 points for each correct item.) …………………………………………….
e) The message of which poster is contradicted by the fact that in 1951 temporary rationing was introduced? (0.5 points) The letter of the poster: ……………... f) Give the technical term for the economic policy objective that the poster marked with the letter A) served. (1 point) …………………………………………….
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Azonosító jel:
g) Give the technical term or another expression for the “handing over of goods” mentioned on the poster marked with the letter C). (1 point) ……………………………………………. h) Explain why people didn’t happily participate in “handing over goods”. (1 point) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… i) What development in international politics may have had an effect on the party decree in part a) of this task? (1 point) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. j) Among other things, the text in part c) also states that “In some industrial regions, agriculture became almost totally depopulated.” Explain a characteristic economic cause of this. (1 point) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8 points 12 This task is about the social changes that occurred in Hungary in recent decades. Use the data in the chart and your own knowledge to complete the tasks. (Score 0.5 points for each correct item.)
Changes in the economic activity of Hungarian society (1980-2010) (The majority of inactive earners are pensioners.) Glossary: Aktív kereső: Active earner Munkanélküli: Unemployed Inaktív kereső: Inactive earner Eltartott: Dependant
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Azonosító jel:
Which period are the statements in the table typical of? Put an X in the correct column of the table. Put only one X in one row. Statement a) Officially, for most of this period there was full employment, however, the number of employed people was decreasing. b) The effect of the increased severity of the regulations about pensions was felt.
c) Among the factors listed below, which two may have played a role in the changing number of active earners between 1990 and 2001? Circle the numbers of the two correct answers. 1. the closure of workplaces 2. the introduction of maternity benefit 3. the rising life expectancy at birth 4. the ageing of society Among people aged between 20 and 29, the proportion of active earners fell from 75% to 58% between 1990 and 2001. In connection with this, decide if the statements in the table below are true or false. Mark your answers by putting a X in the appropriate column of the table. Statements d) Between 1990 and 2001, the proportion of active earners decreased less among young people than among the whole population. e) The higher level of education played a part in the decreasing number of active earners among young people.
3 points
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1711 írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő
Azonosító jel:
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Azonosító jel:
score maximum achieved 1. Ancient Athens 2. Mediaeval religious orders 3. The reforms of Charles (Robert) I 4. Power relations between 18h-century great powers 5. Resettlements in the 17th and 18th centuries 6. The consequences of the industrial revolution I. Simple 7. The debate about the compromise short answer 8. World economic crisis tasks 9. Hungary, 1918-19 10. European integration 11. The economic policy of the Rákosi era 12. Hungarian society today Total I. Achieved points, rounded up
4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 5 4 8 3 50
correcting teacher
pontszáma egész számra kerekítve programba elért beírt I. Egyszerű, rövid választ igénylő feladatok
javító tanár
Megjegyzések: 1. Ha a vizsgázó a II. írásbeli összetevő megoldását elkezdte, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész üresen marad! 2. Ha a vizsga az I. összetevő teljesítése közben megszakad, illetve nem folytatódik a II. összetevővel, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész kitöltendő!
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2017. május 10.
ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA • 2017. május 10.
Azonosító jel:
II. Időtartam: 140 perc
Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati
emelt szint — írásbeli vizsga 1711 II. összetevő
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
Important information Try to be concise when giving your answers, and do not use more space than is provided by the dotted lines. Please write in blue ink. When working on the exam tasks consider the following.
Read the instructions carefully. Do exactly what the instructions tell you. Study the sources provided (pictures, diagrams, texts, maps). Please keep in mind that the English texts will be only rough translations which render the meaning of the original texts, but not their sometimes archaic style. Use the resources that you are allowed to use for each task: the maps of the secondary school Historical Atlas [középiskolai történelmi atlasz] and the bilingual dictionaries. Consider your answers carefully before writing them down so that you do not have to correct them later.
We advise you to follow these steps when dealing with essay-type questions: 1. Identify the place and time of the given event or problem. 2. Use the given sources and the secondary school Historical Atlas to understand the task. 3. Collect the general concepts (for example: development, change, production) and the time-specific concepts (for example: serf, guild, personality cult) that can be used to describe the given event or problem. 4. Include the information contained in the sources, or the conclusions that can be drawn from them, in your answers. 5. Identify the events leading up to the given situation, its causes and its results. 6. Include in your answer your knowledge of the era as well as your own opinions and personal perspective of it. 7. Make drafts or outlines before writing your answers if necessary. 8. Make sure that your sentences are clearly structured, and that your ideas are easy to follow. 9. Your whole answer should have a clear structure. Check your grammar and spelling. For your information: The following will be considered when your essays are evaluated: understanding of the task proper and relevant content logical overall structure and accurate language.
Good Luck!
1711 írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő
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2017. május 10.
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
Read these instructions carefully! You must complete three of the following tasks. Choose according to the following principles: You are expected to work on: one short task about world history, one long task about Hungarian history, one complex task. The short task on world history and the long task on Hungarian history must be about different periods. (In the chart, the periods are separated by a double line.) Study the tasks with special care. Number
Historical periods and topics
Mediaeval guilds
The development of Germany into a great power
Hungarian history
The split of the country into three parts
Social policy in the Kádár era
The question of ethnic groups in Hungary
covering several periods
Matthias Hunyadi’s state and the Ottoman Empire
World history
After studying the tasks circle the numbers of the ones you have chosen. You can find the four options in the following table. Mark your choice by putting an X in the appropriate row. Mark only one of the options. Check your choices by filling in the following chart. The numbers of the chosen tasks
Your choice marked with an X
13, 16 and 17 13, 16 and 18 14, 15 and 17 14, 15 and 18 Write only about the three topics you have chosen. Write your answers on the dotted lines after the appropriate type of task. You are allowed to prepare rough copies for your essays. You can find the evaluation criteria at the end of each task. The assessor will enter the achieved scores. 1711 írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő
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Azonosító jel:
13 This task is about the history of mediaeval guilds. (short) Use the sources and your own knowledge to present how guilds provided vocational training and how the status of master was achieved. Mention the related restrictions and their reasons as well. “A beautiful engraved gold cup, a gold ring with a beautiful coloured precious stone, which has an octagonal seal with a coat-of-arms, but the coat-of-arms is not to have a grille, but should be open.” (The regulations about the masterpiece of the goldsmiths of Debrecen) „Egy szép öszvejáró aranyos kupa, egy aranygyűrű, szép drága szinös kűvel [színes kővel], mely nyolc szegű és helymős [címeres] pecsét, de nem rostélyos és nyitott helymős legyen.” (A debreceni ötvös céh szabályzata a mesterremekről) “Master Ailff shall provide for my son during these eight years. […] Further, if my son Toenis should die in the first of these eight years, Master Ailff shall be obliged to return some of the sixteen gold pieces that I gave him as an advance. If, however, my son Toenis should die just one day after the first year is up, then the aforementioned Master Ailff shall not owe me or my heirs anything.” (Apprenticeship contract from Cologne) „Ailff mester köteles fiamat e nyolc év folyamán eltartani. […] Továbbá, amennyiben Toenis fiam az említett nyolc év első évében meghalna, Ailff mester köteles abból a tizenhat aranyból visszaadni, amit neki előlegbe adtam. Ha azonban ugyanez a Toenis fiam akár csak egy nappal is az első év befejezése után halna meg, akkor az említett Ailff mester sem nekem, sem örököseimnek egy fillért sem tartozik visszaadni.” (Inasszerződés Kölnből) 14 This task is about the history of Germany in the 19th century. (short) Use the sources and your own knowledge to explore what geographical, social and economic policy related causes led to Germany’s rise to great power status. Use the secondary school historical atlas. United Kingdom France the Netherlands Belgium Germany Switzerland Sweden Norway Finland Italy
46.7 81.6 62.2 29.1 75.0 75.0 72.2 55.5 6.7 34.6
The proportion of schoolchildren as a percentage of all 5- to 14-year-olds in some European countries in 1880
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Azonosító jel:
“Art. 1 The opportunity to engage in industrial activity is open to everyone, unless the law specifies any exceptions of restrictions. If a person is entitled to engage in industrial activity at present, he may not be deprived of this right because he does not fulfil the requirements of this present law. Art. 2 The differentiation between urban and rural areas regarding industrial activity is abolished. Art. 3 Parallel engagement in several industrial activities and engagement in one activity at several locations are authorised. The artisan may sell other than his own products. Art. 4 The guilds and commercial societies may not prohibit the engagement in industrial activity by anyone.” (The industrial regulations of the North German Confederation, 1869) „1. § Az iparűzés mindenki számára megengedett, hacsak törvény nem ír elő kivételt vagy korlátozást. Ha valaki jelenleg jogosult valamely ipar űzésére, az ettől nem fosztható meg azért, mert nem tesz eleget jelen törvény rendelkezéseinek. 2. § A különbségtétel város és vidék között az iparűzés tekintetében megszűnik. 3. § Engedélyezett többféle iparág egyidejű űzése, illetve azonos iparág űzése több helyszínen. A kézműves nem csak saját készítésű áruját árulhatja. 4. § A céhek és kereskedelemi társaságok senkit sem tilthatnak el valamely ipar űzésétől.” (Az Észak-német Szövetség iparszabályzata, 1869) The number of the chosen short task about world history: …… Your answer: ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1711 írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő
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Azonosító jel:
..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Maximum Achieved points
Criteria Understanding of the task
Location: space and time
Communication and use of special vocabulary
Acquisition of information and use of sources Describing the reasons behind an event; critical and problem-centred approach Total Exam points
1711 írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő
20 Divided by 2 10
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Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
15 This task is about the history of Hungary in the 16th century. (long) Use the sources and your own knowledge to present the struggle between János Szapolyai and Ferdinand I and the split of the country into three parts. Use the secondary school historical atlas. “As you lost your excellent prince in his prime, you have the majestic Ferdinand […] archduke of Austria, our beloved brother, who, both as natural inheritance and by the strength of earlier contracts and treaties inherited those countries, he who never fails to honour the obligations of a good prince […], and whom we have never failed in our strength, authority or even our very person, […] as much as the immensity of the task allows, we are preparing our own strength and the strength of our subjects to drive the Turks away from your gates as soon as possible, and, with the help of God, keep them away from your borders.” (A letter to the Hungarian estates by Emperor Charles V, 1526) „Mert ha kitűnő fejedelmeteket élete s ereje virágában elvesztettétek, ott van a fenséges Ferdinánd […] ausztriai főherceg úr, a mi kedves öcsénk, ki azon országokat mind természetes örökség jogán, mind a korábbi szerződések és egyezségek erejével öröklötte, ki soha semmit el nem mulaszt, mi egy jó fejedelem kötelessége […], és akit mi, erőnkkel, tekintélyünkkel, sőt saját személyünkkel soha el nem hagyunk, […] s magunk és alattvalóink erejét arra kezdjük előkészíteni, hogy, amennyiben a dolog nagyságához képest lehet, a törököt rövid időn belül, s gyorsan elverjük küszöbötök elől, sőt, ha Isten segít, határszéleitektől is távol tartsuk.” (V. Károly császár levele a magyar rendekhez, 1526)
Sultan Suleiman’s gift to János Szapolyai in 1529 (Detail from a Turkish miniature) “As His Majesty King John has no wife or children, if God calls him away from this earthly world, […] he agreed that after his death, even if he has a son, the whole of the Hungarian empire with all its countries, provinces and vassals and his royal prerogative in its entirety will be bequeathed to us [to Ferdinand] or, if we should die, to our son, whom the country will be obliged to elect as its king by common consent.” (Excerpts from the Treaty of Várad, 1538) 1711 írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő
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Azonosító jel:
„Minthogy pedig felséges János királynak most sem felesége, sem gyermekei nincsenek, ha Isten kiszólítaná ez árnyékvilágból, […] beleegyezett abba, hogy halála után, még ha volna is fia, az egész magyar birodalom összes országaival, tartományaival s alávetett részeivel s a királyi jog egész teljességével mi reánk [Ferdinándra], vagy ha mi időközben meghalnánk, fiunkra szálljon és maradjon, akit az ország köteles lesz közös megegyezéssel királlyá választani.” (Részlet a váradi egyezményből, 1538) “The Turks, attacking from two directions, were killing the panic-stricken Germans and Hungarians, and Kassim’s [bey] fleet was also inflicting severe damage on them from Csepel island. The German fleet made a lucky escape by moving upstream […] towards Komárom. The army of Buda was surrounded and massacred with the exception of those whose favourable aspect or strength promised that they would be good for slaves and who, throwing their weapons away, surrendered and exchanged their life with what is worse than death: slavery. They numbered about three thousand German infantrymen, who were surrounded and captured after they had run to and gathered on Saint Gellért’s Hill.” (Historiographer Miklós Istvánffy about a campaign in 1541 by Ferdinand’s army) „Pusztították a megrémült németeket és magyarokat a kétfelől előretört törökök, s a Csepel szigetéről Kászim [bég] hajóhada is sok kárt okozott. A német hajóhad kétségbeesve, a folyam ellenében úszva szerencsésen megmenekült, s […] Komárom felé húzott. A szárazföldi budai sereget körülfogták és lemészárolták, azok kivételével, akiket erejük vagy tetszetős külsejük rabszolgaságra ajánlott, s akik fegyverüket elhányva magukat megadták, s életüket a halálnál is keservesebb rabsággal váltották meg, akiknek száma mintegy 3 ezer német gyalogosra ment, – ezek a Szent Gellért hegyére futván ott összecsoportosulva körülvétettek s elfogattak.” (Istvánffy Miklós történetíró Ferdinánd seregének 1541. évi hadjáratáról,) 16 This task is about the history of Hungary in the Kádár era. (long) Use the sources and your own knowledge to present social policy in the Kádár era. In your answer also mention educational and cultural policy. 1960 1970 1980 1990
7.6% 13.7% 19.2% 24.3%
The proportion of people receiving a pension out of the total population of Hungary, 19601990
1711 írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő
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2017. május 10.
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
The number of state-funded flats built in Hungary (thousand units), 1949-1990 “At their specific level, educational institutions must provide the socialist, intellectual and emotional, education of all students, the conditions for the attainment of general and professional knowledge in harmony with the development of society, and the upto-date training that scientific and technological advances necessitate. In order for all young people to equally benefit from their right to an education, the state, with the effective assistance of society, supports the further education of the children of physical workers and devotes special attention to the elimination of any circumstances that may hinder the uninterrupted studies of disadvantaged young people.” (Act 4 of 1971 on the youth) „A nevelési-oktatási intézmények rendeltetésüknek megfelelő színvonalon biztosítsák a tanulók szocialista − értelmi és érzelmi − nevelését, a társadalom fejlődésével összhangban az általános és a szakmai műveltség elsajátításának feltételeit, a társadalmi, valamint a tudományos technikai fejlődés által megkívánt korszerű képzést. Annak érdekében, hogy minden fiatal egyenlő feltételek mellett élhessen a tanuláshoz való jogával, az állam − a társadalom hatékony támogatásával − segíti a fizikai dolgozók gyermekeinek továbbtanulását, és fokozott figyelmet fordít a hátrányos helyzetben levő fiatalok zavartalan tanulását akadályozó körülmények felszámolására.” (1971. évi IV. törvény: „Az ifjúságról”) “If I consider all the damage that a single person, and one who is not even in the highest echelons, caused or intended to cause to my career (and not just out of sheer insensitivity), I can imagine how lesser known beginners can be forever excluded from literary life. I have memories from the time I worked as a translator [in the early 1950s] of how much bitterness a proofreader’s malevolence could cause. True, in recent times I have had proofreaders who handle me with kid gloves and warn me whimpering about sensitive passages, so, mindful of how difficult their situation is, I immediately sacrifice the text in question.” (Author László Németh, 1962) „Ha lajstromba veszem a kárt, amit egyetlen s nem is a legmagasabb beosztásban lévő ember tett s akart tenni (s nem is egyszerű érzéketlenségből) munkásságomban, el
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tudom képzelni, hogy kevésbé számon tartott, kezdő embereket mint lehet az irodalomból örökre kitaposni. Hogy a lektori rosszindulat hova keserítheti az embert, arról fordító koromból [az 1950-es évek első feléből] vannak emlékeim. Újabban, igaz, kesztyűs kezű, finom lektoraim vannak, akik szinte szűkölve figyelmeztetnek egy-egy kényes helyre, úgyhogy kétfelől szorongatott helyzetükre gondolva, azonnal föl is áldozom.” (Németh László író, 1962) The number of the chosen long task about the history of Hungary: …… Your answer: ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..………………………………………………………………………………………………….
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2017. május 10.
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Maximum Achieved points
Criteria Understanding of the task Location: space and time
Communication and use of special vocabulary
Acquisition of information and use of sources
Describing the reasons behind an event; critical and problem-centred approach Total Exam points
1711 írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő
2 L1
3 36 Divided by 2 18
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2017. május 10.
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
17 This task is about the period of the history of Hungary stretching from the reform period to the dual monarchy. (complex – covering several periods) Use the sources and your own knowledge to present Hungarian policy concerning ethnic minorities in the reform period, during the 1848-49 revolution and freedom fight and the period of the dual monarchy. In your answer mention the following points: the situation of ethnic groups in Hungary and its changes the reform opposition’s concept of the nation and ethnic policy the Hungarian governments and ethnic groups in 1848-49 the ethnic policy of the Hungarian governments of the period of the dual monarchy Observe the chronological order of events in your answer. “I will never forget the pale Croat who, during a tempestuous session, stood motionless at his seat for an hour and a half surrounded by howling protestation, and continued with his speech in Latin every time that there was a short pause.” (From the memoirs of Imre Fest about the diet of 1843-44) „Sohasem fogom elfelejteni a sápadt horvátot, aki egy viharos ülésen, ordítozó tiltakozások közt másfél órán keresztül mozdulatlanul állt a helyén, és a rövid szünetekben mindig tovább folytatta latin beszédét.” (Fest Imre visszaemlékezése az 1843–44-es országgyűlésre) “We […] say this: we offer to you [the ethnic groups] the freedom of thought, justice, legislation, and land; we offer to you a constitutional bourgeoisie, the political existence of your ethnic groups and all the goods that this country provides for its citizens and in return we wish for nothing else, but that you love and join us in defending the country that hereby takes you as her own child and the nation that gifts you with political adulthood.” (Lajos Kossuth, 1847) „Mi […] ezt mondjuk: Ímé, mi megkínálunk titeket [a nemzetiségeket] az értelem, az igazságszolgáltatás, a törvényalkotás, a földbirtok szabadságával, megkínálunk titeket alkotmányos polgársággal, politikai nemzetiséggel, s mind azon javakkal, melyekkel ez a haza polgárait elárasztja, s mindezekért nem kívánunk egyebet, mint hogy a hazát, mely titeket ezennel ünnepélyesen édes gyermekéül fogad, s a nemzetiséget [értsd: nemzetet], mely titeket politikai nagykorúsággal megajándékoz, szeressétek, és velünk egyetemben oltalmazzátok.” (Kossuth Lajos, 1847) “Until the new constitution is drafted and [accepted] by the diet, […] to better reassure the non-Hungarian speaking citizens of the country […] [the members of the diet] make this resolution: […] In village councils, all can speak either in Hungarian or their own language […]. In primary schools, the language of the community or church shall be used. […] All can submit a petition to any office in their own language.” (A resolution of the diet, July 28, 1849) „Addig is, míg a kidolgozandó alkotmány [elfogadása] törvényhozás útján történnék, […] a haza nem magyar ajkú polgárainak bővebb megnyugtatására […] [az országgyűlés tagjai] határozatképpen kijelentetik: […] A községi tanácskozásokban mindenki akár magyar, akár anyanyelvén szólhat […]. 1711 írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő
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Azonosító jel:
Az elemi tanodákban tanítási nyelvül mindig a községi vagy illetőleg az egyházi nyelv fog használtatni. […] Folyamodványát mindenki anyanyelvén is bárhová benyújthatja.” (Országgyűlési határozat, 1849. július 28.) “In all affairs that in this agreement are not stipulated to be under the authority of the common diet [in Pest] or the central [Hungarian] government, Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia are entitled to […] full self-government rights in both legislation and execution. […] Following from this, the self-government rights of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia extend in both the legislative and the executive sphere to […] internal, religious, and educational affairs, as well as justice […].” (The Croatian-Hungarian compromise) „Mindazon tárgyakra nézve, melyek ez egyezményben a közös [pesti] országgyűlésnek és központi [magyar] kormánynak nincsenek fenntartva, Horvát-, Szlavón- és Dalmátországokat mind a törvényhozás, mind a végrehajtás körében teljes önkormányzati jog […] illeti. […] Horvát-, Szlavón- és Dalmátországok önkormányzati joga ez okból mind törvényhozási, mind kormányzati tekintetben kiterjed […] beligazgatási, vallási és közoktatási ügyeire s az igazságügyre […].” (A horvát–magyar kiegyezés) “The interior minister has stated that a police investigation was conducted into the activities of “Matica Slovenská”, a Slovakian association for literature and the fine arts and the report from this investigation found that the afore-named association […] does not so much engage in the advancement of literature, but pan-Slavic agitation […]. The commissioner conducting the investigation proposes in his report that the association […] must be dissolved. […] [The proposal] has been accepted and approved.” (The minutes of a cabinet meeting, April 1, 1875) „Belügyminiszter úr előterjesztette, hogy a „Matica Slovenská” című tót [szlovák] irodalmi és szépművészeti egylet működése iránt rendőri nyomozás tartatván, az ezen nyomozásról tett jelentésből kiderül, hogy a mondott egylet […] nem annyira az irodalom fejlesztésével, mint inkább pánszláv izgatásokkal foglalkozik […]. A nyomozást teljesítő biztos jelentésében azon javaslatot terjeszti elő, hogy az egylet […] feloszlattassék. […] [Az előterjesztés] helyeslőleg tudomásul vétetett.” (Minisztertanácsi jegyzőkönyv, 1875. április 1.)
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2017. május 10.
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
18 This task is about the Turkish occupation of Hungary. (complex – comparative) Use the sources and your own knowledge to compare Matthias Hunyadi’s state with the contemporary Ottoman Empire. In your answer mention the following points: area and extent of power the ruler’s power the army the administrative organisation the ruler’s revenues Use the secondary school historical atlas.
The area of the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary in the second half of the 15th century
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Azonosító jel:
Glossary 1451-ig: until 1451 1490-ig: until 1490 A birodalom határa: The border of the empire A Magyar Birodalom Mátyás korában: The Hungarian Empire under Matthias Alsó-Ausztria: Lower Austria Anatólia: Anatolia Az Oszmán Birodalom: The Ottoman Empire Az újonnan hódított tartományok határa: The border of the newly acquired provinces Bizánc: Byzantium Bosznia: Bosnia Fekete-tenger: Black Sea Havasalföld: Wallachia Horvátország: Croatia Hűbéres államok: Vassal states Karintia: Carinthia Krími kánság: Crimean Khanate Magyar Királyság: Kingdom of Hungary Magyarország: Hungary Moldva: Moldavia Morvaország: Moravia Rumélia: Rumelia Stájerország: Styria Szászföld: Saxon lands Székelyföld: Székely land Szilézia: Silesia Szlavónia: Slavonia Timur Lenk támadása utáni területe: Its area after Timur the Lame’s attack
“His usual political approach to the aristocrats was one of taking advantage of the conflicts between the groups of magnates. He could not have done differently as, for example in 1458, 44.7% (161 altogether) of castles were in the hands of the magnates. The same figure for 1490 was 41.5%, that is, 150 castles altogether. In contrast, the king and his family held possession of only 10% (36 altogether) of fortifications and the adjacent lands in 1458, while in 1490 he owned 18.6% (67 altogether). […] Matthias gave his followers generous gifts and raised them to become magnates.” (Historian István Draskóczy)
SULTAN appointment, replacement
own maintenance (khas)
sipahis land in return for service large medium small
Types of land ownership in the Ottoman Empire
„Az arisztokratákkal általában oly módon politizált, hogy kihasználta a mágnási csoportok közötti érdekellentéteket. Nem is tehetett másképp, hiszen pl. 1458-ban a várak 44,7%-a (161), 1490-ben pedig 41,5%-a (150) a mágnások kezében volt. Ezzel szemben a király, ill. családja 1458-ban csu1711 írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő
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Azonosító jel:
pán az erősségek és a hozzájuk tartozó uradalmak 10%-a (36), míg 1490-ben 18,6%-a (67) felett rendelkezett. […] Mátyás híveit gazdagon megjutalmazta, a mágnások közé emelte.” (Draskóczy István, történész)
“[…] Soldiers here fall into one of three categories, the first being the heavy cavalry. They want 15 gold pieces every three months for each horse, or they will not join up. The next category is the light cavalry, who are also called hussars; they want 10 forints for each horse or they will not join up. The third category is the infantry […]. Besides them, there are riflemen, who can use guns and pistols, but they are neither as diligent, nor as effective in shooting as the infantry, but at the beginning of clashes and for the siege and defence of castles they are only second best to the shielded soldiers.” (An account by Matthias to his father-in-law, King Ferdinand of Naples, 1481)
Turkish soldiers Glossary: Íj: Bow Lándzsa: Spear Pajzs: Shield Puska: Gun Szablya: Sabre
„[…] A katonaság nálunk három rendre oszlik: Ezek közül az első rendet a nehéz lovasok képezik; ezek minden negyed évre 15 aranyat kívánnak, minden ló után és másképp nem jönnek ide. A másik rend a könnyű lovasság, kiket huszároknak nevezünk; ezek negyedévenként 10 forintot akarnak minden ló után és másképp nem jönnek ide. A harmadik rendet a gyalogság képezi […]. Vannak ezeken kívül puskások, kik tudnak a fegyverekkel és pisztolyokkal bánni, de sem nem oly serények, sem nem oly használhatóak a
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Azonosító jel:
lövöldözésre, mint a gyalogság, hanem azért a pajzsosok után az összecsapás elején […], nem különben a várak ostromára és védelemre legjobbak.” (Mátyás beszámolója apósának, Ferdinánd nápolyi királynak, 1481) The number of the chosen complex task: …… Your answer: ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1711 írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő
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Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..………………………………………………………………………………………………….
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Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
Complex task covering several periods Maximum Achieved Criteria points
Comparative complex task Maximum Achieved Criteria points
Understanding of the task
Understanding of the task
Communication C1 and use of C2 special vocabulary C3
Communication C1 and use of C2 special vocabulary C3
S2 Acquisition of information and S3 use of sources S4
Exam points
Location: space and time
Describing the reasons behind an event; critical and problemcentred approach Total Exam points
Location: space and time
Acquisition of information and S2 use of sources S3
3 3
Describing the reasons behind an event; critical and problemcentred approach
2 2
4 4
4 44 Divided by 2 22
44 Divided by 2 22
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2017. május 10.
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel:
I. Simple short answer tasks
II. Longer (essay-type) tasks
score maximum achieved 50
Total I. Achieved points, rounded up 13 Mediaeval guilds 14. The development of Germany into a great power 15. The split of the country into three parts 16. Social policy in the Kádár era 17. The question of ethnic groups in Hungary 18. Matthias Hunyadi’s state and the Ottoman Empire Total II. Achieved points rounded up I. + II. Score of the written exam
10 10 18 18 22 22 50 100
correcting teacher
pontszáma egész számra kerekítve programba elért beírt I. Egyszerű, rövid feladatok II. Szöveges kifejtendő feladatok
javító tanár
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2017. május 10.