2011. október 18.
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Földrajz angol nyelven
I. Időtartam: 20 perc
Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati
középszint — írásbeli vizsga 1121 I. összetevő
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Important Information The written examination consists of two papers (Paper I and Paper II). The available time for Paper I is 20 minutes. The use of the Geography Atlas for Secondary Schools or any other help is not allowed in this part. After the time is up, hand the completed Paper I over to the supervising teacher. You can answer the questions in any order. First, read the questions carefully, think over your answer then write your answer in ink (with a pen) in the appropriate place. You can correct your answer if necessary, but in the cases of equivocal or unclear corrections, cancellations or corrections made with a pencil, no points can be awarded for your answer. The total number of points and the subtotals that can be awarded for tasks are shown beside/below the tasks. Please leave the grey squares blank.
írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 1121
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Paper I The use of atlas for this paper is not allowed. 1. Solve the problems after examining the outline map below.
a) Name the mountains labelled by capital letters in the outline map above. A: .................................................................... B: .................................................................... C: .................................................................... 3 points b) Name the island labelled by letter a. ........................................................................... 1 point c) Name the cities labelled by numbers in the outline map above. 1. ...................................................................... 2. ...................................................................... 3. ...................................................................... 3 points d) Which national park do the protected natural values of the region belong to? ........................................................................... 1 point 8 points írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 1121
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
2. Solve the problems after examining the outline map below.
a) Name the countries labelled by numbers in the outline map above. 1. ...................................................................... 2. ..................................................................... 3. ..................................................................... 4. ..................................................................... 4 points b) Name the archipelago labelled by letter A. ........................................................................... 1 point c) Name the sea labelled by letter B. ........................................................................... 1 point d) Which cities are labelled by small letters? a. ....................................................................... b. ....................................................................... 2 points 8 points
írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 1121
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
3. Solve the problems after examining the outline map below.
a) Name the mountain ranges labelled by numbers in the outline map above. 1.
4 points b) Which rivers are labelled by small letters in the outline map above? a: ....................................................................... b: ....................................................................... c: ....................................................................... d: ....................................................................... e: ....................................................................... 5 points 9 points Total score in Paper I: írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 1121
25 points 5/8
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 1121
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 1121
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
I. Tasks
assessing topographic knowledge and skills.
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
No. of task 1. 2. 3.
Total score
Student’s score
8 8 9 25
examiner Date: ................................................. __________________________________________________________________________
Student’s score rounded to the nearest integer / (elért pontszám egész számra kerekítve)
Integer score entered in the program / (programba beírt egész pontszám)
I. Tasks assessing topographic knowledge and skills. (Topográfiai ismeretek, készségek feladatsor)
examiner/javító tanár
Registrar of the Board of Examiners/jegyző
Date/Dátum: .............................................. Date/Dátum: ............................................. Notes: 1. If the candidate has started completing Paper 2, this table and place of signature should be left blank. 2. If the completion of Paper 1 is interrupted or not followed by the completion of Paper 2, then this table and place of signature is to be filled in. Megjegyzések: 1. Ha a vizsgázó a II. írásbeli összetevő megoldását elkezdte, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész üresen marad! 2. Ha a vizsga az I. összetevő teljesítése közben megszakad, illetve nem folytatódik a II. összetevővel, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész kitöltendő!
írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 1121
2011. október 18.
2011. október 18.
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Földrajz angol nyelven
II. Időtartam: 100 perc
Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati
középszint — írásbeli vizsga 1121 II. összetevő
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Important Information The written examination consists of two papers (Paper I and Paper II). The time allowed for Paper II is 100 minutes. The use of the Geography Atlas for Secondary Schools is allowed. A calculator can be used if necessary, but the steps of problem solving should also be presented. You can use compasses and rulers if necessary. You can answer the questions in any order. First, read the questions carefully, think over your answer then write your answer in ink (with a pen) in the appropriate place. You can correct your answer if necessary, but no points can be awarded for your answer in the cases of equivocal or unclear corrections, cancellations or corrections made with a pencil. Give the most adequate answers to the questions. More answers than required (e.g. naming three examples instead of the required two) are not awarded by extra points. The total number of points and the subtotals that can be awarded for tasks are shown beside/below the tasks. Please leave the grey squares blank.
írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
2 / 16
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Put the letter of the only correct answer in the box after reading the question. 1.
What consequences would the increase of the axial tilt (angle of the tilt of the rotation axis) of the Earth have? A) The area of the tropical zone would increase. B) The area of the tropical zone would not change. C) The area of the tropical zone would decrease.
What consequences would the decrease of the axial tilt of the Earth have? A) The difference between the weather of the seasons would increase in the temperate zone. B) The difference between the weather of the seasons would decrease in the temperate zone. C) The difference between the weather of the seasons would not change in the temperate zone.
What consequences would the increase of the rotation velocity of the Earth have? A) There would be fewer days in a year. B) There would be more days in a year. C) It would not influence the number of days.
What consequences would the decrease of the rotation velocity of the Earth have? A) The year would be longer. B) The year would be shorter C) The length of the year would not change
D) What consequences would the decrease of the velocity of the revolution of the Earth around the Sun have? A) The year would be longer. B) The year would be shorter. C) The length of the year would not change. 5 points
írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
3 / 16
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Answer the questions after examining the tourist map detail.
a) Which track to the mountain top would you recommend for a group of small children and elderly people? Put the letter of the track in the box. Give reasons for your answer. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 2 points b) Even though vegetation type is not indicated in the map, it is possible to answer the following question: Which track can pass through orchards, vineyards? Put the name of the track in the box. Give reasons for your answer. ......................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 2 points c) What distance does the group cover in reality if the length of the track in the map is 12 cm and the scale of the map is 1 : 20 000? Do your calculation here:
The distance covered in reality: ....... km. 2 points 6 points
írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
4 / 16
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Examine the figures and pictures. Put the number of the relevant picture or figure below the descriptions. It is not possible to match every number and not all boxes need to be filled in. I.
Plastic or plasticized rocks are deformed by lateral compressive forces.
As a result of stress generated in the lithosphere, solid blocks of rock break and shift relative to each other.
5 points
írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
5 / 16
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
4. Solve the problems on the warming up of air. a) Students are measuring air temperature at the ground and at 2 metres above the surface. The data below were collected by them in late April: Time (hour)
Data series A (˚C) 14,5
Data series B (˚C) 12,5
Which data series could represent the air temperature at 2 metres? Put the letter of the correct data series in the box. The highest temperatures were recorded at different times at the two measuring heights. What is the temporal difference? ............................. What is the reason for this difference? ............................................................................ 3 points b) Define the term albedo. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... Which surface type has the greatest albedo. Underline the only correct answer. freshly fallen snow
freshly ploughed black earth
2 points c) Make the incomplete statement true by putting the correct relation mark (>, <, =) in the box. incoming radiation (insolation)
outgoing radiation → temperature decreases 1 point 6 points
írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
6 / 16
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
5. Answer the questions after examining the picture.
Name the formation in the middle of the picture. .................................................... Describe the process of its formation. Use the term „capacity to do work”. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 2 points 6. The chart below shows the mean January, July and annual temperatures of selected cities (A-E) of Eurasia. The cities labelled A-E are located on the same parallel, from West to East. Answer the questions after examining the chart.
írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
7 / 16
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
a) Identify the lines. Put the number of the correct line after the term. 1. Mean annual temperature:
2. Mean July temperature:
............. 2 points
b) Answer the questions by the letter of the relevant city. 1. Which city is the closest to the Greenwich meridian?
2. Which city has the mean annual range of temperature of roughly 30 ºC? ................ 3. Which city can have the highest precipitation?
Why? ........................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... 4. Which letter could represent a Hungarian city?
5. What is the climate type of city A?
.................. 6 points 8 points
7. Solve the problems on the changes of population size. a) The data below indicate the number of births and deaths per one thousand heads in four different periods, but not in chronological order. period births (‰) deaths (‰)
A 25 15
B 50 48
C 8 15
D 47 30
Draw conclusions from the above rates regarding the phase of demographic transition they are typical of. Put the letter of the period to the relevant phase of the demographic transition. Phases of the demographic transition
Letters 4 points b) Which phases are the statements relevant to? Put the corresponding letters next to the statements. Some boxes may remain unfilled. Only the faultlessly completed rows are awarded by a point. In the given period natural population growth can be recorded. In the given period natural population decrease can be recorded. 2 points írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
8 / 16
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
c) Select the schematic diagrams which conform to the chronologically correct data series of task section a).
The number of the correct diagram: 1 point 7 points 8. Solve the problems referring to the text below. The foreign trade balance of Japan was 88.887 billion USD in 2003, while the same indicator for the USA was -578.279 billion USD. The aggregate foreign trade balance of the 25 member states of the EU was 52.798 billion USD in 2003. Source: Tóth József (editor.) 2010. Világföldrajz, Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 430.
a) Name the economic core region or country mentioned in the text whose import exceeded its export. ............................................................... 1 point b) Determine by calculation which core region/country can the data below be relevant to. Import
382.93 billion USD 471.817 billion USD Do your calculation here.
Core region/country: ................................................ 1 point
írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
9 / 16
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
c) The data on trade in the text above do not include the trade of services. Underline the name of the only trade activity in the list below the volume of which was not included in the statistics. crude oil export trade in cereals trade in state bonds export value of pharmaceuticals 1 point d) Put the letter of the only form of integration that has been relevant to the European Union from the mid 1990s in the box. A) B) C) D)
economic union common market free trade association customs union 1 point 4 points
9. Solve the problems on the geography of Europe. The statements have multiple matching/correct answers, but one is incorrect. Put the letter of incorrect answer in the box. 1. Palaeozoic block mountain: A) B) C) D) E)
the Balkan Mountains the Ural Mountains the Pennine the Scandinavian Mts. the Sudetes
2. Mediterranean climate is typical in this region: A) B) C) D) E)
Crete Cyprus Dalmatia the Danube Delta Sicily
3. It is the centre of iron-making in a traditional coal-based industrial region: A) B) C) D) E)
Ostrava Katowice Galaţi Donetsk Duisburg
írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
10 / 16
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
4. It is typical of Austria: A) Salzburg and the surrounding region is a popular tourist destination of visitors interested in active tourism and culture. B) The centres of wood processing, metallurgy and engineering industry are concentrated in river valleys. C) Burgenland is the smallest and least industrialised province. D) Due to the shortage of mineral resources and arable land, the 20th century peace time development of the country could be helped by its neutrality policy. E) The country joined the European Union at the same time as Finland and Sweden. 5. It belonged to the sphere of interest of the Soviet Union and developed a Soviet-type socio economic system in the second half of the 20th century: A) B) C) D) E)
Poland Finland Romania Bulgaria Hungary
6. It is the member state of the European Union: A) B) C) D) E)
Poland Germany Norway Italy Finland 6 points
10. Answer the questions after reading the text and examining the map. “The depletion of ground water is typical in the whole area of the Hungarian Great Plain but it is the most pronounced in the Danube-Tisza interfluve (region between two rivers). Of the many underlying causes climate changes, increased ground water extraction, changing land use and surface cover are the most considerable, thus anthropogenic* causes are predominant. The share of climatic and anthropogenic background-causes responsible for the observed ground water table decrease is estimated to be 50% each. According to estimates the extraction of artesian water has a 25% contribution to the share of anthropogenic causes, while that of soil water and hydrocarbon extraction is 8%, that of changing land use is 10%, and water management is responsible for 7%.” * caused by human interference Source: Mezősi Gábor 2011. Magyarország természetföldrajza, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 243.
írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
11 / 16
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Drop of the ground water table (m) based on the difference of the mean level of 1992 and that of the 1956-1975 period.
Source: Mezősi Gábor 2011. Magyarország természetföldrajza, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 242.
a) Define the term ground water mentioned in the text. ............................................................................................................................................ 1 point b) Name the region of the Danube Tisza interfluve where the most significant drop in ground water table was recorded. ............................................................................................................................................ 1 point c) Fill in the gaps of the sentence below. In some places in the region of the Dunube Tisza interfluve the average ground water table in 1992 was just 1 metre below the average of the ....................... period, while in certain other places it lies deeper by even .......................... . 2 points írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
12 / 16
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
d) Name one possible change that can be a component of the climatic effect. ............................................................................................................................................ 1 point e) The cultivation of which cash crop is typical in the region of Kalocsa? ............................................................................................................................................ 1 point f)
Name two non-renewable natural resources, the exploitation of which has contributed to the drop of the ground water table. ……………………………………..
…………………………………….. 2 points
g) The following statements are relevant to two of the settlements shown in the map. Put the name of the relevant settlement after the statement. 1. The city is an important river port and crossing point. It is renowned for its fish soup (“fishermen’s soup”) beside its meat processing industry. ................................................................................................... 2. The industrial development of the former country town started with fruit processing, today engineering works using up-to-date technology are based in its modern industrial park and recently a new car making plant has been built here. ................................................................................................... 2 points 10 points 11. Answer the questions after reading the text. “The US GDP increased only by 1.8% in the first quarter of the year, which is a 1.3% decrease relative to the previous quarter. Unfavourable weather and rising oil prices are considered as the main reasons for the drop. The latter set back the production of consumer goods primarily, which has a 70% share in the GDP of the United States.” Source: based on the April issue of Gazdasági Havi Tájékoztató in 2011.
a) The following statement was made in a news programme: „In 2011 the USA undoubtedly got over the economic crisis.” Can this statement be supported by the information of the article above? Give reasons for your answer. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 2 points írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
13 / 16
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
b) Why is public consumption (of consumer goods) crucial in the economy of the USA? .......................................................................................................................................... 1 point c) Solve the problems on the US economy relying on your knowledge. Decide whether the following statements are true or false with regard to the USA. Put T (true) before the number of the true statements and F (false) before that of the false ones. ...... 1. The most important financial centres of the USA are located in the Northern economic region. ...... 2. The significant space and missile industry centres of the USA are located in the Southern economic region. ...... 3. The seat of the United Nations is in the United States. ...... 4. The USA has the second largest population in the world. ...... 5. The Midwest is the key region of wheat and corn cultivation, besides meat processing. ...... 6. By now crude oil mining has become insignificant in the USA. ...... 7. The Great Lakes region is the traditional centre of the aircraft industry. 7 points 10 points 12. Match the terms with relevant statements. Put the correct letter before the number of the statement. A) B) C) D)
Foreign exchange Foreign currency Share (stock) Bond
...... 1.
It is the legal tender (means of payment) of a given country.
...... 2.
It is a type of security that can be issued by the state, too.
...... 3.
A type of security offering property right to the owner.
...... 4.
Dividend is payable to the owners.
...... 5.
It is a fixed term investment, offering payment of interest to the owner.
...... 6.
In Hungary a considerable percentage of the loans taken is of this type. 6 points Total score
írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
14 / 16
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
15 / 16
2011. október 18.
Földrajz angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
Total score I. Tasks assessing topographic knowledge and skills. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II. Tasks assessing geographical 6. knowledge and skills 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Total score in the written part of the examination:
Student’s score
25 5 6 5 6 2 8 7 4 6 10 10 6 100
Date: ................................................. __________________________________________________________________________ Score attained rounded to the nearest integer / (elért pontszám egész számra kerekítve)
Integer score entered in the program / (Programba beírt egész pontszám)
(I. Tasks assessing topographic knowledge and skills II. Tasks assessing geographical knowledge and skills) (I. Topográfiai ismeretek, készségek — feladatsor II. Földrajzi ismeretek, képességek — feladatsor) Score in the written part of the examination (Írásbeli vizsgarész pontszáma)
examiner/javító tanár
Registrar of the Board of Examiners/jegyző
Date/Dátum: .....................................
írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1121
Date/Dátum: ............................................
16 / 16
2011. október 18.