ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA ● 2015. október 14.
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TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN KÖZÉPSZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGA 2015. október 14. 8:00 Az írásbeli vizsga időtartama: 180 perc
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Történelem angol nyelven
középszint — írásbeli vizsga 1513
Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
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Important information Give clear answers and make all your work unambiguous – even if you need to make corrections in your text. Try to be concise and keep to the point. Do not use more space than is provided. Only write the number of words or items specified in the task. (If you write more, your answers will be evaluated in the order they appear.) Please write in blue ink. When working on the exam tasks consider the following. • Read the instructions carefully. • Do exactly what the instructions tell you. • Study the sources provided (pictures, diagrams, texts, maps). Please keep in mind that the English texts will be only rough translations which render the meaning of the original text, but not their archaic style. • Use the resources that you are allowed to use for each task: the maps of the secondary school Historical Atlas [középiskolai történelmi atlasz] and the bilingual dictionaries. People, topographical data and concepts can only be evaluated when correctly spelled. • Consider your answers carefully before writing them down so that you do not have to correct them later. We advise you to follow these steps when dealing with the shorter or longer essay-type questions: 1. Identify the place and time of the given event or problem. 2. Use the given sources and the map [középiskolai történelmi atlasz] to understand the task. 3. Collect the general concepts (for example: development, change, production) and the time-specific concepts (for example: serf, guild, personality cult) that can be used to describe the given event or problem. 4. Include the information contained in the sources, or the conclusions that can be drawn from them, in your answers. 5. Make drafts or outlines before writing your answers if necessary. 6. Identify the events leading up to the given situation, its causes and its results. 7. Describe assumptions about, and explanations of, events. 8. Include your own knowledge of the era (names and dates) as well as your own opinions and personal perspective of it. 9. Make sure that your sentences are clearly structured, and that your ideas are easy to follow. 10. Your whole answer should have a clear structure. Check your grammar and spelling. For your information: The following will be considered when your essays are evaluated: • understanding of the task • proper and relevant content that satisfies requirements • logical overall structure and accurate language.
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Good Luck!
2015. október 14.
Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
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I. SHORT ANSWER TASKS 1. This task is about the political consequences of Rome’s wars of conquest. Decide which Roman politicians the following passages refer to. Write the name of the appropriate politician under each passage. Choose from the names listed. There is one extra name. (Score: 1 point for each correct item.) Politicians: Caesar, Caius Gracchus, Scipio, Marius, Sulla a) ‘Whichever way he turned he saw the points of swords aimed at his eyes; his attackers hounded him like a beast wounded by deadly blows, until all of them had stabbed him. [...] And it is said [...] that although at first he defended himself and tried to avoid the blades, shouting for help, when he saw that Brutus had drawn his sword, he pulled his toga down over his head and sank to the ground.’(Plutarch) a) „Mindenütt az arcába, szemébe sújtó kardok érchegyét látta, merénylői úgy hajszolták, akár egy halálos csapásokkal megsebzett vadat, míg mindegyik belé nem döfte a kardját. […] Azt mondják […] eleinte védekezett, igyekezett elkerülni a döféseket, és segítségért kiáltozott, de mikor látta, hogy Brutus is belemártja kardját, fejére húzta tógáját, és lerogyott a földre.” (Plutarkhosz) …………………………. b) ‛Having [...] gained the consulate, he enrolled soldiers, not from the wealthy classes in the manner of our forefathers, but allowing anyone to volunteer, many of them without any property at all.’ (Sallust) b) „Miután […] mégis elnyerte a consulságot, katonákat toborzott, de nem az ősi szokás szerint a vagyonos osztályból, hanem mindenkit felvett, akinek kedve volt, sok teljesen vagyontalant is.” (Sallustius) …………………………. c) ‛Having said this, he read out the list of about four hundred senators and sixteen hundred equites whom he destined for death. He was the first to publish the list of people condemned to death, to put a price on their heads and to promise a reward for those who sought out and denounced them, and he punished those who harboured them.’ (Plutarch) c) „Így szólván felolvasta körülbelül négyszáz senatornak és ezerhatszáz lovagnak a névsorát, kiket halálra szánt. Ő volt az első, aki a halálraítéltek névsorát nyilvánosságra hozta, aki díjat tűzött ki azok számára, kik ezeket megölik, jutalmat azok részére, akik felkutatják és elárulják, büntette azokat, akik elbújtatják őket.” (Plutarkhosz) …………………………. d) ’His laws referring to the allies vested the inhabitants of Italy with rights equal to those of Roman citizens. The corn law ensured cheap bread to the poor. [...] He chose three hundred equites besides the three hundred senatoral magistrates.’ (Varro) d) „A szövetségesekre vonatkozó törvénye Itália lakóit a római polgárokkal egyenlő jogokkal ruházta fel. A gabonatörvény olcsó kenyeret biztosított a szegények részére. […] háromszáz lovagot választott a háromszáz senatori bíró mellé.” (Varro) ………………………….
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2015. október 14.
Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
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2. This task is about the medieval manorial farming system. Do the tasks using the source and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item.) ’We, Frederick, archbishop of the church of Hamburg by the grace of God, send our eternal blessing to all present and future Christian believers. We wish this contract, which we have made with the people on this side of the Rhine known as the Dutch, to be known to everybody. These people came to our Highness, asking strongly to be allowed to have the so-far uncultivated, swampy land which is of no use to the dwellers of the country, located on the territory of our bishopric, in order to make it fertile. [...] We made an agreement according to which they pay us 1 denar annually for every mansus of the above-mentioned land. Here we find it necessary to put down the extent of the mansus so that there shall be no future arguments among the inhabitants: thus it is 720 royal wands in length and 30 wands in width; and we include the river which runs through the land, the use of which we hand over to them in the same way. Finally, in accordance with our will they agreed to give us one tenth of the fruits of the land.’ (12th century charter) „Frigyes, Isten kegyelméből a hamburgi egyház érseke, minden keresztény hívőnek a jelenben és a jövendőben, örökös áldásomat küldöm. Azt akarjuk, hogy mindenki számára legyen ismert ez a szerződés, amelyet mi a Rajnán inneni emberekkel, akiket hollandoknak neveznek, kötöttünk. Ezek az emberek felkeresték felségünket, igen erősen kérve a püspökségünk területén fekvő eddig műveletlen, mocsaras, az ország lakói számára haszontalan földek átengedését, hogy azt termővé tegyék. […] Egyezséget kötöttünk, amelynek értelmében a fent nevezett földbirtok minden mansusáért évenként 1 dénárt fizetnek nekünk. Szükségesnek tartjuk lejegyezni itt a mansus kiterjedését, azért, hogy a jövőben ne legyen semmi viszály a lakosság között: tehát 720 királyi vessző hosszúságú és 30 szélességű, a földön áthaladó folyóval együtt, melynek használatát hasonló módon átengedjük nekik. Végül akaratunknak megfelelően elfogadták, hogy a föld gyümölcsének tizedét nekünk adják.” (XII. századi oklevél) a) According to the above excerpt from the charter, what did the settlers owe to the bishop? Circle the number of the correct answer. 1. Payment in cash and kind. 2. Payment in cash and socage. 3. Payment exclusively in cash. b) Which Latin term is the correct name for the settlers referred to in the source? Circle the number of the correct answer. 1. familiaris 2. hospes 3. serviens c) What is the English / Hungarian equivalent of the word ‘mansus’ used in the source? Circle the number of the correct answer. 1. fief / hűbérbirtok 2. serf’s plot / jobbágytelek 3. manor / majorság
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2015. október 14.
Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
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d) Which (economic) circumstance most often forced the peasants to leave the areas where they were born? ..................................................................... e) The charter ensured relatively favourable conditions for the settlers. Explain the reason for this on the basis of the source. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 points 3. This task is about the Hunyadi period. Name the medieval settlement whose fortress is referred to in each source. (1 point for each correct item) a) ‘And when the […] great multitude of Turks attacked […] the country’s border fortress […], the blessed priest [John of Capistrano] preparing for death in the Catholic faith, […] together with our lord and father, broke into the fortress, which was already fully besieged, alongside men bearing the emblem of the cross.’ (Letter from Matthias Hunyadi to the Italian princes and towns, 1460) a) „Amikor pedig az […] ország végvárát […] megtámadta a törökök nagy sokasága […], akkor a boldog pap [Kapisztrán János] a katolikus hit szerint a halálra felkészülve, […] urunkkal és apánkkal együtt behatolt a kereszt jelét viselőkkel a már teljes erővel ostromlott várba.” (Hunyadi Mátyás levele az olasz fejedelmeknek és városoknak, 1460) …………………………………………….. b) [János Vitéz] was an especially capable man as a bishop, for in the bishop’s fortress he had a spacious dining hall erected, in front of which he had a wonderful, long cloister built of red marble. [...] In order not to expose the basilica of the divine Adalbert to fire, he had it covered with panes of glass [...].’ (Decades of Hungarian history by Bonfini) b) „[Vitéz János] az érsekségre rendkívül rátermett volt, hiszen az érseki várban építtetett egy tágas ebédlőtermet, elébe csináltatott vörösmárványból egy hosszan nyúló gyönyörűséges kerengőt. […] Hogy az isteni Adalbert bazilikája ne legyen tűznek kitéve, üveglapokkal fedte be […].”(Bonfini: A magyar történelem tizedei) …………………………………………….. c) ‘[Matthias] set out to embellish the fortress, in which, apart from Sigismund’s majestic buildings, there was nothing to see; he had the back row of palaces finely built up. […] Upstairs […] he set up his wonderfully rich library; even the bindings of the volumes were magnificent. […] He had a summer residence on the [opposite] side of the Danube, on the Pest meadow, at the first milestone.’ (Decades of Hungarian history by Bonfini) írásbeli vizsga 1513
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c) „[Mátyás] nekilátott, hogy a várat, amelyben Zsigmond fönséges épületein kívül nem volt semmi látnivaló, fölékesítse; a hátsó palotasort szépen kiépítette. […] Fent […] csodás gazdagságú könyvtárát rendezte be; a kötetek kiállítása is pazar. […] Volt egy üdülője a Duna [szemközti] oldalán, a pesti mezőn is, az első mérföldkőnél.” (Bonfini: A magyar történelem tizedei) …………………………………………….. 3 points 4. This task is about the functioning of the English constitutional monarchy. Match the English constitutional monarchy’s institutions, and the principles according to which they functioned in the 17th and 18th centuries, with the appropriate extracts from Montesquieu’s On the Spirit of Laws. Answer the questions using the chart and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item) KING
PARLIAMENT Independent Judiciary
House of Lords
House of Commons
Government Commands the army and civil servants
Electors on the basis of census Adult free men
(election based on census: making the right to vote subject to certain conditions)
State organisation of the English constitutional monarchy a) ‘As, in a free state, every man, considered to have a free soul, should be governed by himself, the people as a body should have legislative power; but, as this is impossible in large states and is subject to many drawbacks in small ones, the people must have their representatives do all that they themselves cannot do.’ a) „Minthogy szabad államban minden szabad lelkű ember maga kell, hogy kormányozza magát, következtetésképp a nép egészét kell, hogy illesse a törvényhozó hatalom. Minthogy azonban ez nagy államokban keresztülvihetetlen, és kis államokban is sok hátránnyal jár, a népnek a maga képviselői útján kell megtennie mindazt, amit maga nem tud megtenni.” Which institution exercises this power in England? .......................................................
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b) ‘In a state there are always some people who are distinguished by birth, wealth, or rank; [...] They form a body that has the right to check the enterprises of the people, as the people have the right to check theirs.’ b) „Az államban mindig vannak olyanok, akik születésüknél, gazdagságuknál vagy rangjuknál fogva kiválnak a többiek közül. […] Olyan testületet alkotnak, amelynek joga van a nép kezdeményezéseit megállítani, éppúgy mint a népnek is joga van arra, hogy az ő kezdeményezéseiket megállítsa.” Which English body fits the above description? ................................................................... c) ‘But if, in a free state, the legislative branch should not have the right to check the executive branch, it has the right and should have the faculty to examine the manner in which the laws it has made are executed.’ c) „De ha szabad államban a törvényhozó hatalomnak nem is lehet meg az a joga, hogy megállítsa a végrehajtó hatalmat, joga van, és lehetősége kell, hogy legyen arra, hogy megvizsgálja, miként hajtják végre az általa hozott törvényeket.” In England which institution represents the executive branch referred to in extract c)? ............................................................................... 3 points 5. This task is about the period of the Reformation in Hungary. Fill in the table using the sources and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item) A) ’The estates and orders of the country, considering the admonition of his royal majesty, have decided that those who re-baptise [Anabaptists] and Calvinists, who still remain in the country, shall be exiled from everybody’s estates. Furthermore they, or anybody among them, must no longer be harboured within the country’s borders.’ (A law passed by the diet of Pozsony in 1548) A) „Az ország rendei és karai, a királyi felség figyelmeztetéséhez képest megállapították, hogy az újrakeresztelők [anabaptisták] és kálvinisták, akik az országban még fennmaradtak, mindenkinek a fekvő jószágaiból kiűzendők. És hogy azokat, vagy közülük bárkit többé az ország határai közé befogadni nem szabad.” (Az 1548. évi pozsonyi országgyűlés egyik törvénye) B) ‘At the persistent request of the gallant lords we graciously allow everyone to maintain the faith they wish, with services new and old; we allow them to do, in affairs of their religion, whatever they wish, but without offending anyone. Followers of the new [Lutheran] faith must not harass the old religion, nor must they commit any injustice against its followers.’ (Decision brought by the Transylvanian diet of 1557) B) „A vitézlő urak állhatatos kérésére kegyesen beleegyeztünk, hogy ki-ki tartsa meg azt a hitet, amelyet akar, az új és a régi szertartásokkal, megengedjük, hogy írásbeli vizsga 1513
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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
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hitük ügyében azt tegyék, ami nekik tetszik, de bárkinek a sérelme nélkül. Az új [evangélikus] hit követői ne zaklassák a régi vallást, vagy annak követőin valami módon jogtalanságot ne kövessenek el.” (Az 1557. évi erdélyi országgyűlés határozata) C) ‘His imperial and royal highness, following the example of his late forefathers and predecessors of happy memory, both Roman emperors and Hungarian kings, honestly proclaims his firm adherence to the holy Catholic faith and religion, and he strives to promote and spread it, stripped of so many heresies and false denominations for the praise and glory of Almighty God in his countries and provinces, especially in Hungary and, fulfilling his royal duties, he wishes to protect and shelter it as far as it lies within his power.’ (A law passed at the diet of Pozsony in 1604) C) „A császári és királyi szent felség, a boldog emlékű néhai felséges őseinek és elődeinek, úgy a római császároknak, mint a magyar királyoknak példájára, a szent katolikus hitet és vallást őszintén vallja és azt országaiban és tartományaiban is, főképpen e Magyarországban az annyi tévtanoktól és felekezetektől megtisztítva, a mindenható Isten dicséretére és dicsőségére mindenütt felvirágoztatni és terjeszteni óhajtja és uralkodói köteles tiszténél fogva azt tehetségéhez képes megoltalmazni és megvédelmezni törekszik.” (Az 1604. évi pozsonyi országgyűlés egyik törvénye) About which of the paragraphs quoted above are the following statements true? Put an X in the appropriate column of the table. You can put only one X in each row. Statements a) It held out the prospect of measures being taken against all protestant denominations. b) It strove to end disputes between Catholics and the followers of Luther. c) It prescribed the persecution of Protestants, except for the followers of Luther. d) From the point of view of the Saxons, who took part in the diet as an independent estate, the acceptance of this bill was a significant achievement.
4 points 6. This task is about the Industrial Revolution. Decide if the statements are true or false, using the source and your own knowledge. Put an X into the appropriate box in the table. (1 point for each correct item) ‘I have visited various great factories of several kinds, among them [a] cotton factory, which is […] of immense extent. A hundred-horsepower steam engine, kept in motion by one man, replaces the strength of 880 men, and is able to drive 50,000 reels, with which 750 people spin as much thread as 200,000 men would be able to produce by hand, without the machine, and in 12 hours the 50,000 reels each being
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able to make 840 yards, altogether make 42,000,000 yards, which could encircle the globe three and a half times. Remembering this might make it easier for you to comprehend the wealth of the three islands; because as you can see only 25,000,000 people live, eat and spend money in the realm, but in the ratio of 750 : 200,000, which I cannot say is common to all factories, the strength of 66,500,000,000 men works and makes money.’ (Travels Abroad by Bertalan Szemere, 1838) „Megnéztem több és többféle nagy gyárakat, ezek között [egy] gyapotgyárat, mely […] roppant terjedelmű. Száz lóerejű gőzgép, mit egy emberke mozgásban tart, 880 ember erejét pótolja ki, s képes hajtani 50 000 orsót, mivel 750 személy annyi cérnát fon, mennyit gép nélkül kézzel 200 000 személy tudna fonni, s 12 óra alatt az 50 000 orsó mindenikre 840 rőföt készítvén, valamennyi összesen 42 000 000 rőföt ad, mi negyedfélszer éri körül a földgömböt. Erre emlékezve talán könnyebb lesz megfognod a három sziget gazdagságát; mert mint látod, eszerint a birodalomban csak 25 000 000 ember lakik, eszik és költ, de a 750 : 200 000 arányában, mit azonban mindenféle gyárakra nézve általánosnak nem állíthatok, 66 500 000 000 embererő dolgozik és keres.” (Szemere Bertalan: Utazás külföldön, 1838) Statements
a) Szemere considered the increase in productivity as the reason for England’s wealth. b) The raw materials for the factory that he visited were primarily provided by English sheep farming. c) The factory that he visited already used steam-powered spinning jennies instead of mechanical spinning wheels. d) The spread of factories similar to the one Szemere visited resulted in a boom in mining as well. 4 points 7. This task is about the history of the 1848/49 revolution and freedom fight. Do the tasks using the sketch maps and your own knowledge. A) Hungarian troops Imperial troops
Area in which Hungarian troops were concentrated Area in which Austrian troops were concentrated Area controlled by the government
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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
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Magyar csapatok Császári csapatok A kormány által ellenőrzött terület Védelmi vonal A toborzás területe Fegyvergyártás A kormány költözése
Hungarian troops Imperial troops Area controlled by the government Defensive line Area where soldiers were recruited Manufacture of weapons The relocation of the government
Magyar csapatok Császári csapatok segédcsapatok Népfelkelés Bécs Horvátország Szlavónia
Hungarian troops Imperial troops supporting troops Popular uprising Vienna Croatia Slavonia
a) Put the sketch maps into chronological order, on the basis of the events illustrated in them. Write the letter of the sketch map into the table. Start with the earliest. (The correct order: 1 point.) 1.
b) Name the person to whom the following passage refers. Choose a person from among the people whose names appear in the sketch maps. Give the person’s first name as well. (1 point) Having lost the capital, the general, who had been appointed several times as commanderin-chief of the Hungarian army, marched north with his army, thus drawing after him significant imperial forces. His aim was to gain time for the Hungarian army to concentrate its forces around the river Tisza. ........................................................................... c) At which settlement did the battle described below take place? Choose a settlement indicated in the sketch maps. (1 point) Windischgrätz intended to stop the Hungarian troops, who were gathering on the territory of the Tisza, from advancing towards Pest, so he attacked the Hungarians. The Hungarian army’s Polish commander-of-chief mobilised the troops stationed further away too late, so after a two-day battle the Hungarians finally retreated. ................................................................ írásbeli vizsga 1513
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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
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d) In which sketch map is the chain of events referred to below illustrated? (1 point) Hostile forces were advancing towards Pest-Buda, but did not make it as far as the capital, since the Hungarian army held them up and forced them to flee. Letter of sketch map: ................................ 4 points
8. This task is about the history of the Soviet bloc. Each of the events illustrated in the sketch maps can be linked to the activities of a Soviet party leader. Decide which one he was. Write the letter of the map in the appropriate box in the table. More than one map may belong to one person. (1 point for each correct item) Route and locations of the demonstration on October 23 Locations of armed conflicts and fighting between October 23 and 28 Volleys fired at unarmed demonstrators Penetration of Soviet troops into Budapest at dawn on October 24 Penetration of Soviet troops into Budapest at dawn on November 4 Location of armed conflicts after November 4
B) Korea A) Budapest tér szobor Jugoszláv követség köz laktanya Műszaki Egyetem körtér Déli Pályaudvar Városliget
square statue Yugoslalavian Embassy alley barracks Technical University circus Southern Railway Station City Park
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Kína Szovietunió Koreai Népi Demokratikus Köztársaság
China Soviet Union People’s Republic of Korea Koreai Köztársaság Republic of Korea Az arcvonalak változásai Changes in the front line Padmindzsoni tűzszüneti vonal The Panmunjom truce line Észak-koreai hadsereg hadműveletei Movements of the North Korean army Dél-koreai és az ENSZ csapatok hadműveletei Movements of South Korean and UN troops Az észak-koreai hadsereg és a kínai egységek Movements of the hadműveletei North Korean army and Chinese units
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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
C) Cuba
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Atlanti-óceán Karib-tenger Az USA által támogatott Kubai emigránsok támadása Középhatósugarú rakétabázis Középhatósugarú repülőtámaszpont Légelhárító rakétabázis USA flottabázis Guantanamo-öböl Disznó-öböl Dél-Amerika Bombázók hatósugara Közepes hatósugarú rakéták Közbeeső hatósugarú rakéták Kanada Kuba Mexikó
Atlantic Ocean Caribbean Sea Attack by Cuban emigrants supported by the USA Medium-range missile base Medium-range air-base Anti-aircraft missile base USA naval base Guantanamo Bay Bay of Pigs South America Range of bombers Medium-range missiles Intermediate-range missiles Canada Cuba Mexico
D) Spread of pollution leaking from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant Stalin
4 points
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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
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9. This task is about Hungarian society between the two World Wars. The written sources each describe the living conditions of a social class. After each written source, write the letter of the picture which best characterises the given social class. There is one extra picture. (1 point for each correct item)
A) Ball at the Pannonia Hotel
C) A bootmaker’s workshop in Hajdúböszörmény
B) Road building workers in Városliget (City Park)
D) The ‘clean room’ (best room) in a peasant house
a) ‘Their year is divided into two great seasons: the inactive period of winter and the working season of summer. They spend the inactive winter period at home, and the busy summer season in various parts of the Hungarian country. […] It is they who travel in the crowded […] cattle wagons of trains at the beginning of the spring towards different regions of the country. […] For months they sleep short hours in miserable holes.’ (Zoltán Szabó, writer) a) „Évjük két nagy évszakra oszlik: a téli tétlen évszakra és a nyári munkás évszakra. A téli tétlen évszakot otthon töltik, a nyári munkás évszakot a magyar haza legkülönbözőbb tájain […] Ők utaznak a zsúfolt […] vonatok marhavagonjaiban tavasz elején az ország különböző részeibe. […] Hónapokon át nyomorult zugokban alszanak, rövid órákat.” (Szabó Zoltán, író) Letter of picture: ……….. b) ‘From the hall we went into the dining room through large glass sliding doors, or opposite this into the drawing room through an open archway which replaced the door. […] From the drawing room we arrived in the study, which, with its impressive size of 6 × 9 metres and its three balconies overlooking Deák square, was the largest and grandest room in the apartment.’ (Panni Láng, writer)
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b) „A hallból nagy üveges tolóajtón át jutottunk az ebédlőbe, vagy vele szemközt, az ajtó helyett nyitott boltíven át a szalonba. […] A szalonból jutottunk az úri szobába, amely 6 x 9 méteres méretével és a Deák térre nyíló három balkonjával [erkélyével] a lakás legnagyobb és legreprezentatívabb helyisége volt.” (Láng Panni, író) Letter of picture: ……….. c) ‘[On the farmstead] there is a larger farm building with a great variety of extensive outbuildings. […] Usually, the workforce of the farmer’s family is not completely employed in this farm. In any case, in general the farmer plays his part; he manages the farm, though he rarely does any actual work.’ (Ferenc Erdei, sociologist, writer) c) „[A tanyatelken] nagyobbfajta tanyaépület áll sokféle és terjedelmes gazdasági épületekkel. […] A gazda családjának munkaereje általában nem foglalkozik teljesen ebben a tanyai gazdaságban. Mindenesetre részt vesz benne a gazda, ő vezeti a gazdaságot, de tényleges munkát már nagyon kevés esetben végez.” (Erdei Ferenc szociológus, író) Letter of picture: ………..
3 points
10. This task is about the Hungarian change of regime. Do the tasks in connection with some of the items of the opposition demands published on March 15, 1989 under the title ‘What does the Hungarian nation want?’ [Mit kíván a magyar nemzet?] (1 point for each correct item) On the basis of the quotations, name the rights to liberty which the opposition wanted to assert. a) ‘The state monopoly over the distribution of news must be abolished.’ „Számolják föl a hírközlés állami monopóliumát.” ………………………………………………………… b) ‘The State Office for Religious Affairs must be dismissed.’ „Oszlassák föl az Állami Egyházügyi Hivatalt.” ………………………………………………………… c) ‘A sensible economy, a functioning market and the equality of forms of ownership.’ „Ésszerű gazdálkodást, működő piacot, a tulajdonformák egyenjogúságát.” ………………………………………………………… Name an event from the period of the change of regime which contributed to the fulfillment of the demands expressed in the following items. d) ’An independent Hungary.’ „Független Magyarországot.” ................................................................................................................................... írásbeli vizsga 1513
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e) ’Honour to the martyrs of the revolution.’ „Tisztességet a forradalom mártírjainak.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 points 11. This task is about the problems of developing countries. Do the tasks using the sources and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item.) corn wheat
A) Average prices of corn and wheat on the world market as a percentage of 1948 prices a) Draw a conclusion from the data contained in graph A) which could have a positive effect for the population of developing countries. ………………………………………………………………………………………………. b) Draw a conclusion from the data contained in graph A) which could have a negative effect for the population of developing countries. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Kukorica Rizs Búza Termésátlag (tonna/hektár)
corn rice wheat average yield (tons/hectare)
B) Average yields of corn, rice and wheat írásbeli vizsga 1513
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C) Amount of land used for cultivating basic food crops (e.g. wheat, corn, rice) in the world Millió hektár = Million hectares
c) Draw a conclusion from the data contained in graphs B) and C) which is positive for the populations of developing countries. ………………………………………………………………………………………………. d) Briefly explain one way in which the changes in the data in graph A) are linked to the changes in the data in graphs B) and C). ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 points
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12. This task is about the demographic characteristics of present-day Hungary. On the basis of the age pyramid and your own knowledge, decide which statements are true. Circle the letters of the four true statements. (0.5 points for each correct item) men
Population (thousand people)
Hungary – 2013
Age groups
Population (thousand people)
A) Typically, more boys than girls are born. B) Women have a longer life expectancy than men. C) In the Rákosi period, a ban on abortion was introduced, which was later relaxed. D) Every year more people will retire than in the previous year. E) In the years before the birth of the most populous age group the range of family allowances was widened. F) In the age when people tend to start a family women do not find enough partners for themselves. 2 points
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II LONGER, ESSAY-TYPE QUESTIONS Please read the following instructions carefully. You must do three of the following tasks. You must make your selection using the following rules: You must do: one task on world history and two tasks on Hungarian history, one of which must be short while the other task must be long. They must also be about different periods of Hungarian history. Study the tasks carefully. Number World history
Hungarian history
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Periods and subjects
Task type
Colonisation in the 16th century Nazi propaganda Prince Géza The Tatar invasion Széchenyi’s economic programme Budapest under the dual monarchy Hungarians living beyond the borders The Rákosi period
short short short long short long short long
Below you will find a table with all the possible combinations of the tasks that you can choose. Mark one of the columns by circling the corresponding letter. Task type
Only tasks which have been selected according to the rules above will be marked. You will find the evaluation criteria after each task. The scores will be entered by the examiners. Only do the three tasks you have selected, and leave the rest of them blank. Before doing the tasks please study the Important Information on page 2 of this booklet. You can make drafts while working on the answers.
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13. This task is about colonisation in the 16th century. (short) Describe the changes triggered by the appearance of European colonisers in 16th-century Central and South America, using the source and your own knowledge. Use your secondary school history atlas.
The Franciscan friar Saint Francis of Solano with a kneeling Indian in America (Contemporary Spanish painting)
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Criteria Understanding of task Location: place and era Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points
Maximum Achieved points 4 4 4 4 6 2 24 Divided by 2 12
14. This task is about Germany under Hitler. (short) Using the source and your own knowledge, describe the typical means of Nazi propaganda, and the fields in which they were applied. ‘The People's State must realize that the sciences may also be made a means of promoting a spirit of pride in the nation. Not only the history of the world but the history of civilization as a whole must be taught in the light of this principle. An inventor must appear great not only as an inventor but also, and even more so, as a member of the nation. The admiration aroused by the contemplation of a great achievement must be transformed into a feeling of national pride. But out of the abundance of great names in German history the greatest will have to be selected and presented to our young generation in such a way as to become solid pillars of strength to support the national spirit. […] It is only when a nation is sound in all its members, physically and morally, that the joy of belonging to it can properly be intensified to the supreme feeling which we call national pride. But this pride, in its highest form, can be felt only by those who know the greatness of their nation.’ (Mein Kampf by Hitler) „A népi államnak a tudományban is a nemzeti önérzet nevelésének egyik segítőeszközét kell látnia. Nemcsak a világtörténelmet, hanem az egyetemes kultúrtörténetet is ilyen szempontok szerint kell tanítani. A feltaláló ne csak feltalálóként legyen nagy, hanem még sokkal nagyobbnak kell feltűnnie néptársi mivoltában. Minden nagy tett csodálatát nemzeti büszkeséggé kell változtatnunk. A német történelem nagy jelentőségű neveinek a tömegéből ki kell választani a legnagyobbakat, és olyan módon kell bemutatnunk ifjúságunknak, hogy azok a nemzeti érzés megdönthetetlen pillérei legyenek. […] Csak testileg-lelkileg egészséges nép keltheti fel bennünk annak az öröm érzetét, hogy ehhez a néphez tartozunk, és csak az ilyen nép lehet nemzeti büszkeség tárgya. Ezt a legnagyobb büszkeséget viszont csakis az érezheti, aki ismeri népe nagyságát.” (Hitler: Mein Kampf) ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..………………………………………………………………………………………………….
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Maximum Achieved points 4 4 4 4 6 2 24 Divided by 2 12
15. This task is about the reign of Prince Géza. (short) Describe how Prince Géza established the conditions for the foundation of the state, using the source and your own knowledge. ‘Prince Géza, who headed the tribal confederation, drew the necessary conclusion. […] The Czech, Polish and Danish princes paid their respects to [Emperor] Otto at Quedlinburg, and a delegation of 12 Hungarians also visited him. Géza […] did not go to Quedlinburg in person, so he was not contemplating submission.’ (Géza Herczegh, legal expert) „A törzsszövetséget vezető Géza fejedelem levonta a szükséges következtetést. […] Ottó [császár] Quedlinburgban fogadta a cseh, a lengyel és a dán fejedelmek tisztelgő látogatását, és megjelent előtte egy 12 főből álló magyar küldöttség is. Géza […] nem személyesen ment Quedlinburgba, tehát nem gondolt meghódolásra.” (Herczegh Géza, jogtudós)
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Maximum Achieved points 4 4 4 4 6 2 24 Divided by 2 12
16. This task is about the Tatar invasion. (long) Explain why the Hungarians were unable to prevent the catastrophe of the Tatar invasion and describe the military events of the invasion, using the sources and your own knowledge. Do not include the reconstruction of the country. Use your secondary school history atlas. ‘And not only did [Béla] not give them any estates, but he also took back estates that were previously granted to them into his own possession and placed them under his own authority without sentencing the person in question to lose his rights as a citizen to any degree.’ (Sorrowful Lament by Rogerius, between 1243 and 1249) „[Béla] pedig nemcsak nem adott birtokokat nekik semmit, hanem a már odaadományozott birtokokat is visszavette a saját jogkörébe és tulajdonába anélkül, írásbeli vizsga 1513
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hogy az illető polgári jogainak valamilyen fokú elvesztésére ítéltetett volna.” (Rogerius: Siralmas ének, 1243-49 között) Tatar (Mongol) tribal territory Empire of Genghis Khan Tatar successor states in the mid-13th century
Mongol (Tartar) expansion ‘As [the Tatars ravaging the land before Pest] were still thought to be Cumans, and not recognized as Tatars, as they had just arrived, all the people were shouting against him [the Cumanian chieftain Kötöny] […] And suddenly the Hungarians and Germans, fully armed, broke into the palace where he was residing, and wanted to force their way up to him. Kötöny and his men, however, seized their bows and arrows and kept them away. But when a great number of people gathered around, they captured them and immediately beheaded them, and threw the heads from the palace into the crowd.’ (Sorrowful Lament by Rogerius, between 1243 and 1249) „És mivel még kunoknak, és nem tatároknak hitték azokat [a Pest alatt pusztító tatárokat], akik most jöttek: az egész nép kiáltozott ellene [Kötöny kun vezér ellen] […] És a magyarok és németek hirtelen felfegyverkezve betörtek a palotába, ahol tartózkodott, és erőszakkal hozzá akartak menni. Kötöny pedig az övéivel együtt íjat és nyilat ragadva nem engedte, hogy ezek hozzájuk jöjjenek. De amikor a nép nagy sokasága odacsődült, elfogták őket, és azon nyomban levágták a fejüket, és a palotából a nép közé dobták.” (Rogerius: Siralmas ének, 1243–49 között) ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. írásbeli vizsga 1513
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17. This task is about the economic programme of István Széchenyi. (short) Describe the most important elements of István Széchenyi’s economic programme, using the source and your own knowledge. Do not include Széchenyi’s practical achievements. ‘But with all this, diligence cannot greatly advance; thus […] 9th: monopolies, guilds, limitations [official control of prices] and all such institutions, […] must be done away with forever because they are harmful obstacles.’ (Stadium by István Széchenyi, 1833) „De mind e mellett szorgalom hatalmasan nem léphet elő; s így félre kell vetni mint káros akadályt 9-szer a monopóliumokat, céheket, limitációkat [hatósági árszabás] s egyéb ilyen intézeteket örökre.” (Széchenyi István: Stádium, 1833) ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Criteria Understanding of task Location: place and era Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points írásbeli vizsga 1513
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18. This task is about Budapest under the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy. (long) Describe the most important factors that constituted and characterised Budapest’s development under the dual monarchy, using the sources and your own knowledge. In your answer, briefly include the role Budapest played in the country’s economic life as well. Use your secondary school history atlas. The distribution of Budapest’s inhabitants according to place of birth between 1869 and 1890 (%) Place of birth 1869 1880 1890 Budapest 54.7 42.7 39.3 Hungary 35.5 46.5 52.1 (outside Budapest) Austria 9.6 9.3 7.4 Abroad 0.2 1.5 1.2
Trench along Andrássy Street, 1895 Number of buildings in Budapest in 1900 and 1914 1900 16,650 Number of buildings 2,514 Number of these which were three or more storeys high
1914 20,220 4,188
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19. This task is about the situation of Hungarians living beyond the borders. (short) Using the source and your own knowledge, describe how the number of Hungarians living beyond the Hungarian borders changed in the decade preceding the change of regime. Give reasons for the changes.
Number of citizens of Romania immigrating to Hungary ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..………………………………………………………………………………………………….
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Criteria Understanding of task Location: place and era Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total
Maximum Achieved points 4 4 4 4 6 2 24 Divided by 2
Exam points
20. This task is about the Rákosi period. (long) Describe the most important characteristics of economic policy in the Rákosi period. Using the sources, include the effects of the economic policy on everyday life. Consumer price indexes (%) 1949-52 (1946=100%) 1949 1952 foodstuffs 113 236 items of clothing 135 226 industrial products 130 188 heating, lighting 140 151 services 192 216 ‘Let Sztálinváros (Stalintown), which belongs to the Stalin Ironworks, be not just a simple housing estate, but a new type of socialist town, let it reflect the victorious efforts of developing socialism […]. The architects have already applied the Hungarian town-planning norms based on the most advanced Soviet town-planning practices when planning Sztálinváros. […] The 170 hectares marked out as a residential area – including the remaining inhabited part of the village – must be built up with multi-storey houses. […] The basis of Sztálinváros’s urban structure shall be the town centre, which is to be established at the crossing of the main road running up to the entrance of the Ironworks, also a parade route, and the access road from the railway station. This shall be the grandest place in the town, where the most important political, public administrative and cultural institutions must be located.’ (Proposal concerning approval of the town plan of Sztálinváros, 1951) „A Sztálin Vasműhöz tartozó Sztálinváros ne egyszerű lakótelep, hanem új típusú szocialista város legyen, tükrözze vissza az épülő szocializmus diadalmas erőfeszítéseit […]. A tervezők a szovjet élenjáró városrendezési gyakorlaton alapuló magyar városrendezési normákat Sztálinváros tervezésénél már alkalmazták. […] A lakóterület céljára kijelölt – a falu megmaradó lakóterületével együtt számított – 170 hektár nagyságú területet többemeletes lakóházakkal kell beépíteni. […]
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Sztálinváros városszerkezetének alapja a Vasmű bejáratánál végződő főútvonal /egyúttal felvonulási út is/ és a vasútállomásról bevezető út kereszteződésénél kialakítandó városközpont legyen. Ez legyen a város kiemelkedő reprezentatív helye, itt kell elhelyezni a legfontosabb politikai, közigazgatási és kulturális intézményeket.” (Előterjesztés Sztálinváros városrendezési tervének jóváhagyása tárgyában, 1951)
Policemen searching a peasant house, 1951 ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..………………………………………………………………………………………………….
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Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
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..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Criteria Understanding of task Location: place and era Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing the reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points
írásbeli vizsga 1513
31 / 32
Maximum Achieved points 8 4 4 8 10 8 42 Divided by 2 21
2015. október 14.
Történelem angol nyelven — középszint
Név: ........................................................... osztály:......
1. Ancient Rome 2. Manorial farming 3. The Hunyadi period 4. The English constitutional monarchy 5. The Hungarian Reformation 6. The Industrial revolution I. Short answer 7. The 1848-49 freedom fight tasks 8. The Soviet bloc 9. Hungarian society 10. The change of regime 11. Problems of developing countries 12. Hungarian demographics Total I. Achieved points rounded up 13. Colonisation in the 16th century 14. Nazi propaganda 15. Prince Géza 16. The Tatar invasion II. Longer, 17. Széchenyi’s economic programme essay-type 18. Budapest under the Dual Monarchy questions 19. Hungarians living beyond the borders 20. The Rákosi period Total II. Achieved points rounded up I. + II. Total score for the written exam
Maximum points 4 5 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 2 45
Achieved points
12 12 12 21 12 21 12 21 45 90
Correcting teacher
__________________________________________________________________________ Achieved Points (rounded points rounded up) to write in the up / Elért software / pontszám egész Programba beírt számra kerekítve egész pontszám I Short, simple tasks / I. Egyszerű, rövid feladatok II Longer, essay-type questions / II. Szöveges, kifejtendő feladatok
Correcting teacher / Javító tanár Date:/Dátum……………………................
írásbeli vizsga 1513
administrator / jegyző Date/Dátum:……………………....................
32 / 32
2015. október 14.