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The completion of this publication was only made possible through the financial support provided by the Grant Agency of Charles University
© Jiřina Růžová, 2003 Translation © Renata Landgráfová, 2003 ISBN 80-7277-002-0 (Libri, Praha) ISBN 80-85983-93-1 (soubor) (Libri, Praha) ISBN 80-7277-001-2 (1. sv.) (Libri, Praha)
catalogue II
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Four years after the publication of the first volume of the Catalogue of the Library of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, the Institute completed the publication of the second volume of this informative catalogue. The original library of Jaroslav Černý, enlarged by the volumes of František Lexa and by the acquisitions of the Czech (former Czechoslovak) Institute of Egyptology has been expanding rapidly in the course of the last years. Above all thanks to the funds of the Czech National Centre for Egyptology (CNEC), its growth assumed a level by far outreaching the situation common on Czech universities. However, this financial support is not the only reason for the large increase of the collection of the library. Another significant factor is book exchange. This is, however, also to a large extent enabled by the existence of the CNEC, which publishes editions of specialised foreign language publications that are highly demanded by our Czech and foreign exchange partners. Permanent, and in terms of quantity steadily growing, contacts exist with the Department of Egyptian Antiquitites, British Museum London, Institut für Ägyptologie Universität Wien, Universität Tübingen, Seminar der Ägyptologie und Koptologie Universität Göttingen, Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie Universität Münster, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier, Institut Français dʼArchéologie Orientale Caire, and many others. Large exchange actions with commercial suppliers should also be mentioned, among our partners are for example Museum Bookshop – London, Oxbow – Oxford, Cybele – Paris, and John W. Pye Rare Books – Massachusetts, USA. The volume of book exchange has substantially increased since 2001, and thus it was in part possible to compensate for the financial means 5
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redirected to support further archaeological works in Egypt. Part of the budget was also alotted for the restoration of the old library collection. Some highly valuable folios were given new semi-leather binding, and some other volumes of common size were newly bound. Readers are no less interested in older publications, to the contrary, the library witnesses an ever increasing interest of readers from among the students as well as the general public. Since the Institute owns the only complete collection of books on Egypt in the Czech Republic, questions and requests for book researches are directed at the employees of the library. It may be expected that the expenses of the systematical maintenance of the collection will increase, since before 1989 only little financial means had been alotted for the library. For the entire range of activities of the only specialised Egyptological library in the country, which moreover also covers an interdisciplinary dimension, nowadays an essential component of any research in the humanities, the funds of the CNEC are an important support. In future it will be necessary to concentrate more on the acquisition of offprints and improving their accessibility, as well as on the acquisition of true and false series. The second volume of the Catalogue includes the call numbers and basic information on monographs and collected volumes of the A (archaeology) and F (philology) call numbers. The collection contains approximately 2600 entries, i.e. approximately 2300 titles. Some call numbers are empty, since the volumes that were originally assigned these numbers have been transferred to false series, and some were written off after revision. Purchased or exchanged publications (as well as a smaller number of donations) are entered in the on-line catalogue (system TINLIB) accessible over the internet pages of the Faculty of Arts or of the Charles University. Besides the on-line catalogue, readers can use also the classical card catalogue, updated with a certain delay, which serves both as a backup in the case of technology failure, and as a basic tool for more conservative users of the library. The author of the catalogue considers it sensible to publish two volumes of the catalogue, which provide the reader with information above all on the historical core of the library of the Czech Institute of 6
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Egyptology, i.e. the books collected by the founders of the discipline František Lexa and Jaroslav Černý. It appears, on the other hand, superfluous to publish other volumes of the catalogue with information on new series, periodicals, and offprints, since they are and always will be available on-line. Prague 2. 10. 2003
Jiřina Růžová
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Po čtyřech letech od vydání 1. dílu Catalogue of the Library of the Czech Institute of Egyptology vydává ústav pokračování tohoto informativního katalogu. Do 2. dílu byly zahrnuty adresy a základní informace o monografiích a sbornících signatury A (archeologie) a F (filologie). Soubor obsahuje asi 2 600 záznamů přibližně 2 300 titulů. Část signatur není obsazena, protože tituly původně v nich zařazené byly převedeny do řad nepravých periodik. Obě tyto signatury jsou průběžně doplňovány specializovanými egyptologickými i obecnějšími publikacemi získávanými nákupy a výměnou s vydavatelskými domy a výměnnými partnery z celého světa. Z těch nejvýznamnějších uveďme alespoň Harrassowitze (Wiesbaden), Cybele (Paris), Brill (Leiden), Louvre (Paris), Museum Bookshop (Londýn) aj. Založení Českého národního egyptologického centra v r. 2000 umožnilo díky další dotaci podstatně zvýšit částky vyčleněné každoročně na nákup knih, a tím zvýšit běžný roční přírůstek na dvojnásobek a v některých letech až na trojnásobek oproti běžnému ročnímu přírůstku knih do fondu egyptologické knihovny. Takto nakoupené knihy jsou paralelně ukládány do on-line katalogu, přístupného přes webové stránky Filozofické fakulty nebo Univerzity Karlovy. Kromě on-line katalogu mají uživatelé výpůjčních služeb knihovny ústavu k dispozici klasický lístkový katalog, doplňovaný s určitým časovým zpožděním, který slouží jako pojistka pro případ selhání techniky a jako základní pomůcka pro konzervativnější čtenáře, kteří s počítačovou technikou nepracují. Praha 2. 10. 2003
Jiřina Růžová
catalogue II
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