Temavezeto: Kozma Tamas
Szetkesztette : Kdzma Tcfrna;s Keszii1t: az Oktatasktitat6 Inbezetny6mdajaban
Pe Idan,ys z am:;J,fOO . ISSN .0230-7189
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Et6sz6 ',' Wolfgang. Mitter professzor, a
Institut fUr Int~rnatio~ale~p~d~~ogische Forschung os~ze,
' . ,
hasonlit6 osztalyanak vezetoje 1984
orszagon, az 'Oktataskuta~~ I~t'zet oktatas~ervez'sl'6szta 'lyanak vend'gek'nt. E16zet~sen atra 'k'rtilk f~l, hogytart~ soneloadasi
konzultaci6t a kozoskoz'piskolak nyugat-·
n'rnet', tap'asztalat,a~r61J 0 azonban ·eg'yuttal: nemzetkozi. kitekint'sre is'v&llalkozot~, ~rnikora Gesamtschule egyfajta, . . .. . . . .
szakmai rn'rleg'tmegvonta.Eload&sa.'saz azt· koveto konzultaci6 tanulsagos volt'a koz'pfokuoktatas fejleszt,'s'r61 .
foly6 haza'i vitak az alabbiakban . ·s.zempontjabol is. Ezert . ,
. . . .
kozreadjuk az eloadas teljes irott eredetij'ben es
angol nyelvil
Ba~ki Dezso/~
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Wolfgang Mitt:er
Concept:Lonand 'reality of,) comp~ehen$ive 'schoolsin Europe .
l. IntroQ.\:lQtQq c·onunent's 'onde.fin:tticon>;pro'blems
Let me begin by .proposing',somethought;s. co;nc:erning ,"the interrelation.between
tion". First, the hoZ'iz.ontal·d£menszl:on comes into the picture. .
In most Weste"rn Europea.nooun~ri.es '. the definition "compre..
hensive school" and ·,~he adequatedef'i.nitions "Gesamtschule", .
"ecole unique" ··and "scnolanie"diattcompriseasecondary school. . . , . . "
This fact 'is based, on the ,.
have an Uinte·gra.ted"
that primary schools .
for Idxample this
has been true since the passing of the:tlReiohsgrundschule" .
/Primary S'chacl'Act/ i.n 19'20 • Other' countries ,~uch 'as Spain and the Scandinavian countries, show adiff:erent .structure by combining, lower s·econdary,.education andprimary'education in one comprehensive school system. In Sweden there is e. nine-year "grundskola", ' the official English transla.tion for this school 'is ttcomprehensivescllool". The problem of "integration"is also relevant lower secondary
The continuous integration efforts in
Sweden /"gymnasieskola"l and in Italy /"biennio"/are good examples. "Integration" is
a topic where modern
university policies. are concerned. In the Federal Republic of Germany there are so-called
universities" ,
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Wolfgang Mitter
A komprehenziv iskola koncepci6ja
1" Bevezeto megjegyz'sek n'hany definicios pr.oblemar61
Mondand6mat hadd ke:zdjem. nehany gondolat;: felvetesevel "integraci6"viszony~r61.Azel-
a "komprehenziv iskolalles az
sokent felmerlilofogalomebberi az 6sszefilgg~sben a horizontalis .
. dimenzi6 fogalma. A "komprehetlziv iskola" meghatarozas es a felelo IVGesatsc,huleu
lIeco).e unique ll es' "scuola media" defini-
ci6k a legtobb nyugat-eur6pai orszagban egyfajta koz'pfoku iskol~t
jelentenek. Ez azon a teitevesen alapul, hogyaz elemi is-
egyfaj ta "integral t .
ez a
jellege van - Nemetorsz~gba.n pl.
/Elemi Oktatasi Torveny/ 1920-aselfo-
6ta van igy.Mas orszagok, ', pl. Spanyolorszag vagy a skan-
dinav orszagok elterofaj£a strukt~rat mutatnak, meiy az ats6bb k8zepfoku ,es az elemi foku oktatast egyetlen komprphenziv iskolarendszerben egyesiti. Svedorszagban
9 eves "grundskola" van,
aminek a hivatalos angol forditasa "comprehesive school", komprehenziv iskola. Az
k8zepfoku oktatas. szamara. Jol
ugyancsak fontos az als6bb
ezt a folyamatos sved
/gymnasieskola"/ es olasz /librennio"/ integraci6s Az
"integraci6" temajaval osszefilggo kerdes a modern egyetemi
kerdese is. A Nemet Szovetsegi
leteznek u&n. "komprehenziv egyetemek" /"G~samthoc6~chulen"/
- 6 IGesa.mthoc~:H30huienl aB a
relict of reformativeeffo-rts that
goals 'ten years ago. The ,"polytechnics"
of, the Br,=L tish university system can be considered under the same p.spect. The vertical dimension onthe'other hand also raises problems in:regardstoint,erre.la tingn~ntegratio!11f ,and "oomprehe.nsive schooltt.lnth,e Federal Republic there a,re,differenttypes ofcomprehensivesohools, i. e. "co--operativ;e" and
nin~egrated" com.prehensd~veschools. Here
the word Uintegration"impl:Lesastriot standardisation and concent
Under a structural
aspect, it could be enough:when the school system is pervious. Further variety is added to the definition problem by comparing the expressions used in different languages ,dictionaries do not prove to be congruent in this respect. "Gesamtschule" and "ecole unique" have other implications than "comprehensive SChool". The.name "people's school" I"folkeskole"/ for the ten-year school in'Denmark i.8 informative ina historic sense, in this the development from a class-oriented to" a democratic school'.system is cl·early
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maradvanyaikent azon reformista torekveseknek, amelyek 10 evvel . eze16tt tlizt~k ki magas celjaikat.Az·arigol egyetemi rendszerben a "polytechnics n hasonlonak tekiritheto.
M6sfel6L a vertikalisdi~e~~i6'i~vet fel problemakat az "integriici6 f1 saval.
es a tikomprehenz-iv
i~kolalle9ymasra vonatkozta.ta:'"
Nemet szo~"etsegi Koztarsas.~gban a -komprehenziv iskoia . .
klilonboz6 tipusai leteznek :'~ko~p~rativ" es
i'ntegral til kompre-
henziv iskQlako 'Az "integraci6"'szo itt'szigoru' sztenderdizaciot es koncentraci6t. foglal magiban. Ezzelszemben
nak nem kellfeltetlenUl a ~truktur'lisszt~n~erdizaci6r~ korlatoz6dnia, hanem' -at,antervn,ek is els6bbseget· nyujthatna. wilhelm von Humboldtazaltalanos /liberalisj es
osztha~atlansagar61 beszeltes
ig:y ,eljutottegy sztenderd i5-
kola /Einheitsschule/ 9_ondolatah~·z. 6 azonbana did~ktika es a tariter~ek sztende£dizalasat·han~sulyozta,· ~~ nem a~arta, hogy
minden 9yerek
bol nezve eleg ;Lehetett, ha az fskolatendszeren bellil lehet mozogni .. A definicios problemat tova~b bonyolitja a kUlonb5z6
nyelvekben hasznaltkifejezesek oss~ehasonlitasa-a sz6tarak nem egybehangz6ak
"GesaITltschule~ ,
es az
"ecole unique" mellekjelentesei masok mint 'a "comprehensiveschool~-eio A
tizeves dan isk91a elnevezese -
/"folkeskole"/ -
ertelernben informativ, vilagosan'
kifejez6dik benne az osztalyorientalt iskolarendszertol a demokratikus iskolarendszerhez vezet6 fej16desi uto
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expressed. These few examples may have shown that interpreting definitions simultaneously is explaining ideas. I intend to make the topic more precise by concentrating on "comprehensive schools"~
However, I do not wish to dismies completely the
aspect of "integrationtt
with its wider scope of definition
and practice - I will refer to this aspect later.
2. Somehistol:'"Y and geography in connection with comprehensive schools
"Th(3 c omprehensive school is a
school of lower
secondary education" for all children, i. e. for children of all social backgrounds, with different talents and interests. ,In tracing back the long history of conceptions "finally leading to modern comprehensive schools, we can refer to Amos Comenius whose concept of a uniquely organised education system was based on theological considerations. In 1792, Antoine de Condorcet presented a plan for "national educationtt to the French National Assembly - right in the middle of the French Revolution; the ideological importance of this plan is obvious. With Condorcet the conception of a comprehensive school has been introduced to the agenda of pedagogic models and education politicies. The realisation of the comprehensive school as an institution is far beyond its trial stage too. It is noteworthy that this school type was introduced in the USA and the Soviet Union at the same time: in
USA this was done
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A megadott peldakbol bizonyara kitilnik, hogy a definici6k
~rtel~~zese e~yidejilleg
gondolatok kifejteset is jelenti.
szeretnem'pont~sabba tenni a temat, es a "komprehenziv iskolak"-
ra koncentralni., Nem akarom azonban a
tagabb definici6ju es
sz~lesebb alkalm~zasu - ~int~g~aci6" a~pektusat teljesen ki-
hagyni: a kesobbiekben utalni fogok
2. T6rtenelmi es f81dtajzi 5sszefliggesek a
kal kapcsolatban' A konprehenziv iskola"als6tlb k6zepfokuoktatas~ vegzo iskola" minden gyermek sz&mara, vagyis mindenfele tarsadalmi hatteru l klilonb6zQ tehetsegli ~s killonboz6 erdekl0c]€sii gyerekek szam~ra. VegGl a modern, kompreh~nziv iskoiakhoz vezeto elkep-
zelesek hosszu tortenetet vizsg~lva AmosComeniusra utalhatunk, akinek az egysegesen szervezetfoktatasi r~ndszerrol alkotott .
Condorcet oktat~s"
teo16giai,~1~eken alapult.1792-ben
tervet - a .
Antoine de
a,Francia Nemzetgyiiles elott egy "nemzeti
franci~ .
forradalom kellos kozepen: "
ideb16giai fontossaga nyilvanva16, tondorcet-val a komprehenziv iskola koncepci6ja 'elfoglalta alland6 helyet a le~
es oktatasi iranyvonalak
c~lkitlizesei ~6z6tt.
A komprehenziv iskolanak mint intezmenynek a megvalositasa regtul van mar a pr6baszakaszon-is.Figyelemremelt6, hogy ezt az iskolatipust az"USA-ban es a Szovjetuni6ban ugyanabban az id6ben
be:az USA-ban ez a "progressziv oktatas"
folyaman va16sult meg, amely a pedag6giai reformmozgalom
in the course of '''progressive education n , which is the America!l
version of'the pedagogic reform movement, and in Russia in ,191~
as one of the first measures after the Russian Revolution
in November 1917., After World War II a modified form of the I<
Soviet "atandard school" /edinaja, skola/ was introduced into all cou:p.triesin Eastern and Central Europe
corporatedinto the Socialist power system. In Western J£urope 'the introduction of comprehensive schools was discussed and demanded in the time
the two
Wars, especially
Great Britain and Germany. After World War II, however,
Sweden was the first country to finally initiate the development' of', the comprehensive school system. At this
me explain the difference between
the German formulations "Einheitsschule" /standard school/ and "GesariltschUle" !comprehensive school!. In the pedagogic discussion during the Republic of Weimar the term ttEinheitsschuI,en was ~sedby socialist as well' as liberal reformers and still appeared in plans and discussions in West Germany after 19451 • In the 60s, however, the term ttGesamtschule" popped up with an exp1i
heitsschule lt which then gained a denounced "socialist tt lin the sense of the GDa/ a'spect e With the two 'contrasting terms, diff;erent definitions were brought into the comparison'of the two Germanies, which refer to the different socio-philosophical , and socio-po1itical conditions of each school. In an international comparison, however, with the emphasis on structur,es, contents and methods, the situation gains more differentiation, and then the generic t-erm
Gesamtschule" r.esp e the English
'- 11 ...
valtozata, Oroszorszagban pedig
19l7-es Novemberi
Forradalom utani els6 int~zked~sek egyike volt; A II. vilaghaboru ut~n a szovj~t "egys~ges iskola"/je~~inajaskolal
dosi tott val tozatat vezett~k be K~let~Eur6paes 'Koz~p-Eur6pa minden olyanorszagaban,' amelyek a ."szocialis·ta hatalmi rendszer . . . .
r~szeive valtak. Nyugat-Europaban a k,omprehenziv isk~lak' beve- . -
. zeteset koveteltekes meg is:vitattak'a ket vilaghaboru kozotti id6b~n, klilonosen Na9Y~Britanniabari es Nem~torszagban. A'IIe .
vilaghaboru utan azoriban SV~dbrszag·volt az az orszag, amely vegGl tenylegesen ke zdemenyez teo is a· komprehenziv iskolarendszer kialakita.sat. Ezen, a ponton' hadd magyarazzam' meg a kU'16nbseget a nemet "-Einheitsschule" /egyseges iskola/ es IIGesamtschule" /komprehenziv iskolal megfo9alma~asok kozc;tt.' A Weimar-i Koztarsasag alatt lezajlott ped~g6giai vitabari az '''Einheitssch~le" kifejezeset egyarant hasznaltak es megjelent
es liberalis
es vitakban ez az 1945 utani Nyugat-Nemet-
orsz~gban is.l~ 60~~s e~ekbenazonban megjelent a "Gesamtschule" .
megjeloles es jelenteset tekintvevilagosan elkUlonUlt az "Einheitsschule" kifejezest6l, amely ~gyfajta szocialista szine.
zetet nyert. A ket terminus szembeallitasat kovet6en tovabbi kiilonboz6 difiniciokat vonultattak fel.a ket
hasonlitasahoz, melyek az egyes iskolak kUlonbozo tarsadalomfilozofiai es tarsdalompoltikai felteteleire vonatkoznak. Nemzetkozi osszehasonlitasban azonban, ahol hangsulyozottak a strukturak, a tartalmak es modszerek, a helyzet differencialtabb megvilagitasba kerUl, s akkor .a "Gesamtschule"
illetve az angol megfelelo "coinpr~hensive school" h·asznalata mindket rendszerre nezve iga.zolhat6 ..
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equivalent »oomprehensive school" can be
. .
for both.
Republic/ introduced: s' standard SOhoC?~s.ystem. They all 'folloWed the Soviet example, but the "individual ,systems show different structures q.ue to the socio-economic conditions and
the national oultural 'and ,educational heritage." Even·the industrial natfons outsi,de Europe, mainly the USA, Canada and Japan, have comprehensive sehopla which· are obligatory institutions of public secondary education. The same is true for most of . the developing countries and ,countries with a progressing economic. development. The 1971 great school reform.in Brazil .for example has been concentrated on establish:J.ng comprehensive 2
" . '.
schools •. Problems arise in former Fren9h and Bri.tish colonies because' the .elites of" these
often have extreme
difficulties in breaking away from the old structured system, much more difficulties than the "former "master countries" have in the development of their own educat'ional systems. The curr,ent sitliation in Western Europe on which we concentrate in the following, is based on three factors. af Since 1962'comprehensiveschools as mandatory institutions of lower secondary education have been introduced in nine countries. Great Britain is added where the comprehensive school'competes with the traditional sohools on a national .
level and where 85
% of all secondary students attend a
- 13 ..
Ve'ssUnk 'mostegy'pillant:ast a "komprehenziv iskola" , j elenleg i helyzetere, nemzetkoz i oss,zehasonlltasban .. , E16s~or is:
1'945 6ta a kele:t- es ;ko,zep~ur6pa,iszocia+ista.~~l teke minden orszaga!a, Nemet''Dem,okr'atikus Kozt~r,sa~agot ls'beleel'tve/ egy-. ,seges iskolarends~~~t,vezetett·be.Min~anriyiana szovjet ~el- ~ aze9Y~s letrejott rendazerek·azonban 'a tarsadalmi.
dat kovettek" ,,"
' , . . . " ,
gazda.sa'gi fel,teteleknek 6sa nemzetkozi'kul turalis, iiI., oktatast oroksegeknek megfelelqen.kUlonbozO strukturakat mutatnak .. Az EurOpankivilli orszag6kban is'vannak komprehenziv iskolak,. .
. . .
'melyek ~ nyilvanqskoiepfoku oktatas kot$lez6 int~zmenyei,f5kent az US,k... ban ,', Kanadaban esJapanban. Ugyanez 'all a legtobb fejlod6 orszagra,
~s ~16rehalad6.gaZda~agifej16de~Uorszagra~
A nagy 1971-e~ bxazil iskolareform pl~"a komprehenziv iskolak' letrehozasara' koncentra16dott. 2
.'problema~ikusabbak a korabbi ,
francia es
orsz'gok vezet6',retegei
gyakran csak rendkivUlnehezen tudnak elszakadni ,aregi strukturalt rendszeit61~. sokkal nag~obb nehezsegei okoz ez nekik, mint az egykori anyaorszagoknak
oktatasi rendszerlik fej-
lesztese. A jelenlegi
helyzet, melyre a kovetkez6k-
ben koncentta+nifogok, harom t'enyez6n alapul. a/ 1962.6ta kilenc orszagban vezettek be a komprehenziv iskolakat mint az als6bb k6zepfokU oktatas kotelez6 intez'm~nyeit.
Ehhezhozza lehet venni Nagy-Britanniat is, ahol a
komprehenziv iSkola orszagos szinten verseng ahagyomanyos i5kolakkales ahol a kozepfoku tanu16k 85 %-a komprehenziv iskola3 ba jar. Ezt azt j~lenti, bogy a ko~prehenziv iskola a legt6bb
- 14 -
bensi've so·hooi'.3.',··ThiS
.that inmost
.school 'has bacom,e the dominant
school· type "of lower secondary .educa.~.1op..
bl In France and Greeoe
t:Q.e'gove~en~al.c~ang$s ·of
the pasttl1.ree, years led to ',a stabili'sat1on of 'oomprehensive
schoollil. since the prelilent .
andcurricula~. 3tandardiB~ti'ori,as well'asinternal'sohool .re-
, fonnation 4 .'Ba.·sical1y' the Sa.rri.e can be .observ~d' in ItalY:,the .
- '
' .
'cur'ric~lum innovations.a.~ thet~scuola media" Imiddle.school/
were'initiated i:ilthe' latesev'ent1ea.' Thedevelopm~ntin.·Grea.t Bri tain
the past 20yeai-s
isre~lectedby .
parl·:i.amentaIj and
majority: ohanges': . tl1e present conservative, government has slowed down ,the·comprep.ens1ve school expansion and supports the private 'sol1oo1smore, Whose.' significa.nce as alternative . anfl, selective institutivns mus.t be considered intha interna'tional comparison •.However, the educational d~ve,lopment generally favoured comprehensive schools, deapite s.ever-al
changes 'of
is due 'to the fact that decisions
on. establishing new schools al:"'e,made by the local education 8.uthoriti·es and not by the central government. 0/ In the
20. years comprehensive schools were
introduceda~experimental'school models in ,the other Western . '
European countries. D'ifferent parliarnentary' majorities and
governments contributed to different views on comprehensive schools' - they either p.ioneered ext ensi ve innovation procedures
or were tolerated merely as unwanted competition for existing school 'structures. Different trends can be observed in the present situation. The-development in the Netherlands is still
-' 15 -
Nyugat-Eur6pa-! orsz'~ban az als6bb k6z'pfoku oktat's domin~ns iskolatipusa lett.
bl Franqiaorsz'gban 's Gor6go~s'za9b?'n az elroulth'rom ev korm'ny\7altoz'sai
a kOlnpreh~,nziV' iskol'k{skolak . •
stabiliza-, '
[alis e,s tan'tervisztenderbizaci6t mint a belsO isk~lareformot c,Hozzak. 4 Alapvetoeri ugyanezff~¥elheto meg Olaszorszagban is: a "f?CUOl~ media "-ban IkozepiSkolaban/ ahetvenesevek'veget;l t(;~n tervi ujitasokatvezetfek be. Alegut~bbi 20 ev feji6d~se Nagy~' BritannL~ban
pa,rlaIl1entaris,est6bbsegi valtoza~okban fejezodik
'ki :·a jelenlegi' ko~zervati.v korm.anylelassito,tt,a'a· komprehenziv .
iskola'terjes,zkedeset es jobban' tamogatjaa'· magani'E3kolakat .. Ezek....
nemzetkoz iosszeha~onli tasban kellmer legelniin·k ... A70nban az oktatasi rendszer fejlodesenek ,iranyaaltalanossagban kedvezett a .komprehenziv is~olaknak, ~ sz~mos kormanyvaltb~a~ ellen~re is . Ezannak a
be, bogy az uj iskolak letrehozasar61
sz6l6 donte~ekethem a kozponti kormany hozza, hane~ a helyi oktatasihatosagok.
Az elmult20 eVben,
komprehenziv iskolakat kiser-
leti iskolamodellkent vezettek be a t6bbi Nyugat-Eur6pa-i orszag,
bari .. A kti16nb6z6
parlamentit6bbs~gek ~s
iskolavalkapcsolatosa~ kli16nb6z6
kormanyok a komprehenziv
nezetekkialakulasat er6sitet-
tek: a komprehenziv iskolakra egyszer ugy tekintettek, mint amelyek elenjarnak szelesk6rU ujit6 eljarasok bevezeteseben,
- 1.9_-
continuin'g, Austria, stopped its experimental programme, the ~ame
is true for lmost of the Lander of the Federal Republic.
vvher:e coml?rehensive school experiments have come to an end or vvill do so in the near future. In short, the spectrum in Western Europe is·variegatedyet
·This alone is reason enough for a comparative inter-
national discussion. Another reason beside 'the topicality' is th·e experience reflected in empiric research work. Helmut, :F,end pointe.d out with ,good
that the evaluations of
comprehensive school models in the Federal Republic of Germany ..
-- and in other countries -·contributed strongly ,to the development of:contents
methods. Not only the evaluation of
comprehensive schools profited from the experience made,· but deep insfghts into
functioning of the traditional school systems could be 'gather~d as wel1 5 •·· Th~ fOllo~ing remarks on the present problems of comprehensive schools are based on the
results of
First I would like to deal
with specific problems of the comprehensive school; later I will pick two criteria which in my opinion clearly define the relationship between comprehensive school and traditional sohool structures e'
3.. The Comprehensive' school as. a ruultifar.io:us eYet:em
There is no such thing as
oomprehensive [school.
Education researchers and experts realise this not only by looking
laws , innovation plans and. researoh repo'rts t
but even more so by visiting schools under different political,
- 17 ....
maskor mint a meglev6 iskola-strukturak nemkivanatos konkurren·-. ciajara .. meg"
helyzetben klilonbo'zo trendek figyelhetok
holTandiaifejlOde.si folyamat tovabbra is tart, Ausztr iei
azon~anlealli.totta kiserleti progra~jat.', ,~, ugyane~
,all a Nemet
SzovetsegiKoztarsasag legtBbb tartomanyara,ahol ~ komprehenziy iskolai
kiserl~tek le~arultak,
vagy a ,kozelj5v6ben.
erni" R5viden,a Nyugat-Europa .... i spektrum ~altozatos,' ,de nyi~ tott" Mar6nmagaban~ez is kel16keppei indokol egy nemzetk5zi,
5sszehasonlit6targyalastti ~ovabbiok a~ id6sz~rU~egen t~l az ,
empirikus kutatasok tapasztalataQ Helmut Fend nyom6~ erv~kkel ~latamasztva
kimutatta, hogy a komprehenziv iskolamodellek' .
ertekelesei a Nemet SZ5vetsegi
K~ztars~~agban -,es'mas?rs?ago~~'
ban - erasen hazzajarultak atattalo~,~s a forma fej16d~s~hez. A szerzett tapasztalatbol nemcsaka komprehenziv' iskolak erte-
kelese profi tal t ,hanem k,el16 melysegben feltarul t ahagyomanyos iskolarendszerek miik6de~e is,.5 Az itt kovetkez6 megjegyzesek a kOITlprehenziv lskolak. jelenlegiproblemair61 az ujabb kutat6~ munka eredmenyein alapulnake E16szor a komprehenziv iskola specifikus problemaiv~l szeretnek foglalkozni; kes6bb pedig kira,
gadok ket
melyek velernenyem
meghatarozzak'a komprehenziv iskola . turak 3
es a hagyomanyos' iskolastruk-
A komprehenziv, is kola miE-tszert~agaz6 rendszer Olran,dolog, hogy komprehenziv iskola: nem letezik~
Az oktataskutat6kat es oktatasi szakembereket nem csak a 'torvenyek I'
economic and'social factora 6 • When'examing national 'and regio,nalcomprehensive school system, it s~udythe~xaminationcriteria., ,in ,
'necessary to
order to get an objective
: •. ,"
compariaon.Inthe following I 'point out 'the most important identific,ation'criteria7 •
,a/ In order to compare structural characteristics, the '
defi:nition of p;rimary'education ana. lower secondary education , has
be made clear. I a1.ready, mentioned that in several
school systems there are no'clearboundariesbetween the structures C):f the two.' However,
educati?n .offers more gene'ral SUbjects Whereas, more differentiation ~a.n be fOmid' 11'1 lower secondary,' ,education; in addition, there ,areteacherswithdifferentqualificationse Another significa:~tfactor i's the~ur~tlon'of.'th.eestablished
school,' usually three to six.years, and the presence of supporting. and orientation' courses. 'The transition from lower, to higher secondary education is more ,obvious sinoe up to now' the end of the lower seo( . , Ldary education level has coincided with the completio~of compulsory education8 everywhere. Differences only derive trom varied durations of compUlsory education. Another important factor for·a comparison is the position of the comprehensive school
wi' t h i n
the lower'
secondary education level. Internationally, there are examples where comprehensive schools are .. general mandatory schools of lower secondary education that are completely separated from the
Other examples show ,the comprehensive
school as an alternative, competing
In this
.... 19'''''
uj i tasi tervek meg
errol,' hanem
kutatasi beszamoJ..6k attanulmany:ozasa gy6zi \
annel is inkabb az, amikor feikeresik· a
kiilonbozc5pol:Ltikai, gazdasagi 'es, tarsadalmt feltetelek kozott
mlikod6'iskolak~t.,6AZ ()tszagos esregionalis komprehe~ziv rendszer vizsgalatanal ~. vizsgalati k~it~riumok tanulmanyozasa szilkseges 'ahho~ ,h.ogy:'objektiv oss'zehasonli tast kapjunk'. Ako": vetke,zokben'kifejtem a legf?nt~saqb azonosite~si kriteriumokat • . ,.
. . '
',~I A strukturalis jellegze~essegek ~sszehasonlita~ahoz'
az elemi
oktatas~s ~za~s6bb
k6zepfoku oktatas
"defirifcoj~t.Maremlitettem,hogy 'e ketto' strukturai kozott . iskolarend~zerben nincsenek '
vilagos .
hata~ok.Ilyen ese•
tekben is ig~z azonban, hoqyaz elemi 9ktatas~ltalanosabb targ~akat kinal,
mig az alsobb,kozepfoku oktatasbantobb a'
differenciacio; ezen kivUl killonbozik a tariarok minositese is. 'Masik fontos tenyezo a letrejott elemi ,iskola' id6tartama -,rend"
,szerint h'rom-hat ~V:-, ~sa kisegito'~s' orient~lo kurzusok lete. Az alsobb kozepfoku oktatasbol'a felsobb koz~pfoku 'oktatasba valo atmenet 'eszrevehet6bb,mivel az' alsobb kozepfoku oktatasi '. . szint vege ezideig mindenhoi egybe-~~etta kotelezo oktatas 8 ,
Kulonbsegekcsak a kotelezo oktatas killonb6zo
tartamabol ad6dtak. Tovabbifontos szemp0rtt az osszehasonlitas szamara a komprehenziv iskola helye azalsobb kozepfoku oktatasi szinten bellil.
Tobb orszagban'van ra pelda, hogy ~ komprehenziv iskolak
az alsobb kozepfoku oktatas clyan altalanos kotelezo iskolai, amelyek
elktilontilnek a szelektiv rendszertol. 'De arra
is van pelda, hogy,a komprehe~ziv iskola alternativ; masokkal
private schools have to be ,recQnsidered which, on
onehand,p~es.er'Ve selective
nave helped'todevelop'and many locations 9 • Final~y,'
f'L\llctions, and on the 'other hand
comprehensive schools in,
inner and 'outer fc;>rtnsof differentiation have
to be pointed Qut as de.oisive criteria,' but I will get to that later.
bl school
and realisation of oomprehensive
'syst,~sb.avestrQngly 'been
influenced by the, structures
of Schooladministrettionswithall th~ir general and specifio educational policies reflecting the discrepancie's between continuity'and change. There in centralised
"innovations fromabove u
part~ 1~flu~noes
for example in "conservative" France and "social-democratic" Sreden. Great Britain and Denmark on the other hanJ are good examples for the establishment ot
schools on'
regional levels. Important variations a:;r-e the education system of the Netherlands which is based on the different religious ,
'denominations 'and the federalistic structures of the Federal Republic of Germany and Switzerland. An advantage of centralised administration forms Hirom '
above" is the more rapid and effective realisation of measures; however, these systems'tend topetrificati~n. Innovations in decentralised s.chool systems 'on thp. other hand ca.n be carried thrOUgh, more .flexibility, offer the opportunity of individual variations and are more open to deficiency corrections, since . ,
these would not necessarily have to affect-the school allover the country.-
- 21
versenyben allo intezmenyo Ebben az osszefliggesben ujbo1 meg kell vizsgalni a
melyek egyfelol fenntartj'k
a szelektiv funkci6t, masfelo1 pedig szamos helyensegitettek a komprehenziv iskolak fej1eszteset
Veglil ra kell mutatnunk, bogy a differenciacio bels6
killso formai danto kriteriumoks Erre azonban a kesobbiekben
fogok kiterni .. · bl A komprehenziv
kidolgozasat es rneg-
valosi tasat erosen befolyasoltak az iskolairany~t~sistruktuI'ak a hozzajuk kapcsol6do' alta1anos es specifikus oktatasi ilanyvonalakkal, me1yek tUkraztek afolyarnatossag es a valtozask6~ zotti aranyta1ansagokat .. Vol tak "feli.ilrol' jovo uj i tasok II kilIan-bozo partok befolyasa alatt al16 kozpontositott
mint pl. a "konzervativ" Franciaorszagban vagy a "szocialdemokrata" S~edorszagban. Masfela1 Nagy-Britannia es Dania j6: peldai a komprehenziv fskolak regionalis szintli kialakitasanak. Jel~ntos
valtozatnak szamitanaka holland oktatasi rendszerek,
mely vallasi felekezetek szerinti,es a Nemet Szovetsegi Koztarsasag es Svajd federalisztikus strukturai. A "fellilrol" va16, centralizalt iranyitasi formak egyik
eI6nye az intezkedesek gyorsabbes hatekonyabb megva16sitasa; hajlamosak azonban a megmerevedesre. Ezzel szeroben' a decentralizalt iskolarendszerekben az ujitasok rugalrnasabban keresztlilvihet6k, azok lehet6seget nyujtanak az egyeni variaci6knak, s ilymodon nyitottak az ujitasok hibainak korrigalasa iranyaban, ugyanis az egyes ujitasokat nero kell sztiksegkeppen.az egesz orszag
final form of comprehensi;ve, 8,choo1s, 'and schools
ingener~l,atrongly depends on the teachers t training. The
teacher training systems inniany coun~ries seem to persist in tradition~ltrainingtowa~dsa
. .fore
selective' school system. There-
be endangered solely because teachers are not at comprehensive schools and are simply. not
deal properly with status differences, lesson
the most important identification criterion
is set by the '
on standards of curriculum and didactios of that system
the intention to set different pedagogic goals and realise them? Both ways play
role in ,the comprehens,ive school
concepts that could·be realised so far. Even hard core followers -of "alternative methods" are often confronted with the "su:periority argumentation tt and have to make compromises in that dire.ctlon .;.. which are seldom favourable f9r the new school. This is especially true in taking over evidently or apparently. successful aohievement a.nd examination standards. Reformers have to deal with social and political conditions as well 'as the influence of specific· national e.ducation tradi tiona" The Greek school reform of 1976 is e. good example for consideration of such traditions. At that ·time a standard school Ittgynmasionttl with· comprehensive school character was created. The curriculum was based on the
- 23 -
,c/ A
komprehenziviskol~k, ~s 'ltal~ban
az iskol'k
v~gleges arculata et6seri ftigg a t~n~ro~k~pzetts~g~t61~ A ~an~rkepzes rendszerei sz~mos orsz~gban ugy tilriik t'agaszk~dnak a hagyoma'nyos szelektiv iskolarendszerre'
ir~n¥ulo tan~~k~pz~s-
hez. Ezert a reformokat ,
mar arz: is
. ' .
hogy a tan,irokat'nem a komprehenziv iskol~kbanyalo tanit~sra k~pezik
ki,s ezert azok
kezelni a stcituszkillonbsegeke-t,az oratervez.est. d/ ValoszinUleg a
legfont6sabb,azonosite~si krit~rium
a t~nterv megtervezese ~s megvalosi tc~sa, kUlonosena kompre.". .
" . '
henziv iskolak ,bevezetesevel
kapcsolatosan~M'g ennel
is fon-
tosetbb:a h,a9yomanyos rendszerre'l szembenifoleny, bizonyit~s~, deegyuttaltantetvf esdidaktikai sztenderdjeinek ka~ete~e ,
~' mas pedagogiai c~,lok kitUzesenek ~s m~gvalosit~s~nak szanI
deka?Mindket ut 5zerepet j~tszik azokban ,akompreh~nziv iskolakoncepci6kban" amelyeket eleddig meg tudtak
Meg az
flalternativ mo?-szerek II legszila'rdabb hivei is gyakran kertilnek szemtie a
"fels6bbrendGs~g ~rv~~~vel
ilyenir~nyu ,
kompromisszumokat ketni - melyek 'r i tkan kedvez6ek az iskola szam~ra.
Ezktilonesen' igaz a nyilvanval6an
teljesitm~ny ~s vizsgamerc~k atvetel~re.
A rni~s
reformereknek egyarant foglalkozniok kell
oktatasi hagyornanyok
valaminta specifikus
Az1976-os g6rogiskolareform
j6 p~ldaja az ilyen tradiciok figyelembev'etel~nek. Egy komprehenziv iskola-jellegli sztenderd' iskolat I"gilmnaszion"/ hoztak
traditional selective grammar
a n c 1 e n t in modern Greek translations/ IO •· per week of recading
had 4 to 5 lessons
Greek· literature /although
It 1s quite obvious that the absolute classification of school d'~signations leads ,into a deadlock ·in the internationa1 compariso.n. This probiem has to be c'onsidered also when two criteria which are
i~portant!actors in
the comprehensive
school issue come into' the picture: I am talking about educational achievement and the relationship between support and selection.
4. Educational achievement as an identification criterion Much emphasis was placed on educational achievement as' an identification and evaluation criterion in the comparison between structured and integrated systems.
results are by
no means clear. Findings of research work by the "International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement .. /I~A/ ~hich,was
carried through in the first half of the
seventies ~~owed that comprehensive schools came off not worse than select~ve schools ll • However, this statement has not remained
Generally it can be said that contro-
versies arise because'of a deficit in the methodological standard, even though progress in individual methods need to be appreciated. The still open research situation is even more coarsened by critics who are not familiar with methodology. by .
limiting controversies to the inadmissible comparison "goo'd bad". It should not be surprising that
doing this, un-
- 25 -
L6tre. A tariterv a hagY0m6nyos szelekti~gimn'zium~kon alap~lt, . arnelyekben heti 4-5.6raban okori g:orog irodalmat olvastak /bar mOdern·gorOgfordi"tasban/. 10 .
Nyilvan~a16, ,hogy az iskola - megjeloi'sek absz61~t
oszt61yoza~a nemz~tk62i osszeh~sonlitasban.zsak~tciba vezet.'Ezt
. 'a
i;igyelembe' kell venni akkoris, amikorfelmerUl
kriteriuJP; melyek'fontos tenyezok a kornprehenziv iskola kerdesben:'
az oktataSi
t~ljesitmenyre'es a.tarnogatasesa
szelekcio' koz6tti
Nagy' hang~ullyal szerepelt az ,oktai;asi,te'ljesitrneny .mint azonositasi es ~rtekelesi kriterium ~ str~kturalt es in-'
t~gralt rendszerek Osszehasonlitasaban .. Az~redmenyektavolrol sem egye~telmtiek.Az lEA jlriternational Association for the Evalvation of Educational Achievement:, Nemzetko~i Szovetseg. az 6ktatasi
teljesi~~eny ~rtekelesere/ altal~ 70~es
evek elso
feleben vegzett kutatas eredmenyei a·z,t mutatta~, hogy a kompre.... henziv iskolakteljesitmenyenem rosszabba ~z~lektiv'iskol'ken'1911 Ez az al1itas azonban nem ~aradt ~egkerd6jelezetlen.
sagban azt mondhatni, hogy bar az egyes modszerek eredrnenyei t el kell 'ismerni,a vitak megis a modszertanisztehder~ hianyos volta kBrtl keletkezn~k.· A kutatas ~tovabbra is eldontetlen kimenetelU helyzetet meg durvabban egyszertisitik Ie
a metodologiaban
jaratlan kritikusok, akik a vitat az elfogadhatatlan"j6-rossz" ellentetpar sernajanak keretei k6ze probaljak
-. 26:--
attainable expec tations are awakened in politicians .'and adparen~s,
ministration officials as well as in .
. .
teachers and
. .
pupils. Just take medicine -as' an' example. We ac~eptthat kidney trouble can be remedied by surgery as well as through
treatment· with medication. The 'decision which method is -
finally applied depends 'onvarious factors such as the general conditiono! the actual patient. Empiric studies' on education ot the.past. few years have· repeatedly emphasised. that the cl~rification of .the following "12 • . b as i c f. ac t s a h s t 0 preas d e ac'he~evem~nt compar2so~s a/ Fi;rst of.all the definition of "educational achievement" has -to be made
Theanswar ·is relatively easy',
where success in basicqualifioations
techniques are concerned. The definition is more problematic en eta,ndf3;rds and curricula play
Usually assessments
are measured against existing curricula. and examination procedures. These,
contain a lot of arbitrariness,
historic fortuitousness and traditions. There are no "eternal U standErrds, and the definitioD of the term
n general
immediately becomes problematic in international comparison when mowing away from vague assumptions.
The assessment problem has' to be' clarified especially
when the school systems under comparison do not have any "objective" st~ndards in form of centralised examinations. The school in Italy and the Federal Republic are clo'se examples since they are comparatively autonomous institutions when it comes to educational. goals, contents and methods. It has not been possible to
assess school types
- 27 -
Bizonyara nem'meglepo, hogy ezzel aztan teljesithetetlen elvarasokat keltenek politikusokban
ben csakugy mint szU16kben, tanarokban estanul6kban. A pelda vegylik.azorvostudomanyt~ Elfogadjuk, . . ,.,'.', .
hogy a vesebaj
muteti beavatko.z'ass'al is es' 9YQ9ysz'eres kezelessel is orvosolhato. A dontes, hogy vegUlis rrielyik.~odszert valasztjuk, szamoste"';
nyezo filggvenye, mint pl. a·z ad6tt:beteg altal~nos kondiciojae. Az 'elmult nehany ev empirikusoktataskutatasai isme-
telten hangsulyoztak,
kell~ k6vetkez6 ~lapvet~ .tenY~ket:12
al j~t
Mindenekelott az "oktatasi
A valasz
k6nnyU ott,
vet6 .kvalifikaci6k~kliI6n6sena kulturalis technikak~ik~res elsajatitasar61 va~ ·s2,:o~.Probl~matikusabb a definialas, amikor bevonjuk a sztenderdeket es a tantervet. Az ertekeleseket altalaban
letezQ tantervekre es vizsga,ztatasi eljarasokra vonatkoz-
tatva vegziku .Ezek azonban szamos 6nkenyes mozzanatot; tortenetileg veletlenill@ hagyomAnybol fakado eleme~ tartalmaznak. t ,
Nincsenek K6rak" mercek, es az "altalanos tudis" terminus de.finicoja egycsap
Az ertekeles - problemat ki.ilonosen akkor kell tisz-
t~zni, amikor az6sszehasoniit6tt iskolarendszereknek ~nincse
nek "objektiv U mereei k6zpontositott vizsgik formajaban. Az . olaszorszagi es a szovetsegi koztarsasigi iskola j6pelda erre, mivel az
celok,' tartalmak es modszerek
viszonylag auton6m intezmeny.
., by comparist?n of pupils' achievements be,cause scrntinous individual studies would be necessary to clarifiy the two dift~cult
preconditions mentioned above. This complex problem
has to.be :r:egarded in connection with another dlfficultYe ,
A.cliievement comparisons only show isolated resul ts when they are not ~'simultalleously' examined with other evaluation areflS such. as: a/·Educational objectives: I have already mentioned the correlation between educational objectives and pupils achievement in view of the various definitions of this term. Foreign language lessons are· an often discussed example. It is a big difference if the traditional knowledge of formal rules and literature is emphasised or - as is the case in many comprehensive schools - the furtheranoe of communicative competence.·
bl structuring of learning procedures:. Bri tish, Dutoh and Danish primary schools for example Bupport. creativity and the ability to express oneself a lot more than primary schools in the'Federal Republic, Franoe and Italy where selection is practised in secondary education. There are even differences within secondary education, especially in regards
examinations at the end of lower secondary education before entering the upper secoridary education
c/ Composition of time taQles: The effect must not be overestimated whether there are 3 or 5 weekly lessons of mathematics; however, such a difference certainly does play a role needs to be examined. d/ The presence of supporting lessons in the comparison of all-day and half-day schools.
- 29 -
A tanu16i teljesitrn6ny 6sszeha~onlit's'n keresztill .
eddig nem bizonyult.lehets~gesnek kG16nb6z6 iskolatipusokat megfele16en ki~rt'kelni, mivel ~~szletekbe men6 egy~nit~nulm'. "
nyok kellen~nek a fentebb emlitett k~t neh~z er6felt~tel tiszt&z~s~hoz~ Ezt a kompl~xprobl~~&t egy m'sik.neh~~s~ggel va16 6sszefligg~sben kell tekintenGnkuA teljesitm~ny6s~zehasonlit'sok
csak elszigetelt eredm~nyeket h~znakakkor, ha nem m~s ~rt~kel~si' terUletekkel ~gyidejill~g vizsg'ljuk 6ket, mint p~ld'ul:
Oktat~si c~lkittiz~sek:
emlitettem m~r az oktat'si
a tanu16i teljesitm~nyek k61csonviszony'taz
ut6bbi terminus kU16nb6z6 definici6ival kapcsolatosan. Gyakran sz6bakerli16 p~ld&k ~z idegen nyelv-6r'k. Jelent6s kUlonbs~g, hogy a form~lis szab~lyok es az irodalom hagyom~nyos ismeret~re fektetik-e a iskol~ban
t~st ~s
A tanul&si~olyamatok struktur~l~sa: a brit, holland
e1emi az
avagy pedig - mint
- a kommunikativ kornpetencia
bl ~s d~n
peld&ul sokkal
6nkifejez~s kepess~g~t,
ink~bb t~mogatj~k
mint az elemi
a kreativi-
a 8z6-
vets~gi K6zt&rsas~gban, Franciaorsz~gban ~s Olaszorsz~gban,
a szelekci6t a kozepfoku oktat~sban gyakoroljak. M~g a koz~p foku
bellil is vannak
kU16nosen az als6bb
k6zepfoku oktat~s vegen, a fels6bb k6zepfoku oktat~si szintre valo tov~bbmenetel e16tt k6vetkez6 szelektiv vizsg~k tekintet~ben~ c/ Az 6rarendek
nem szabad tulbecstilni'
annak hatasat, hogy hetente 3 vagy 5 matematika ora van; mindazonaltal az ilyen kulonbseg ketsegkivUl szerepet jatszik, amelyet vizsgalni kelle
el Special: atteiltlon must be paid t~ the presence of . "new" subjectssuohas labour training lor: industrial arts/., ,
polytechnios and economics. Th$ same is true in reference to thestruoture of optional subjeQts as .complement,ary or addItional subjeots in the ove'rallcurrioulum.'
:1 Finally I wish to' poin.tp~tthepresenoe resp. the (legr~e
of support in social-affective abilities as expressed -
by the German word "soziales Lerrienn Isociallearning/. This
is not only ref'erred
during les,sons but even more so in the
relationship of the school with ,its social environment. '~!wishtopoint
out ,how difficult it is to compare
pupils achievement and how important it, is to beware of lightmindedconclusions in reference to the estimation of school, types by combining the' repres.entations on "educational achievement!' as identification and assessment cri taria. The saine is true for the second example of criteria: "support" and
selection" •
5. Support and Selection in Comprehensive Schools First some basic considerations on the -definition problem: The relationship between support and selection is to be understood as discrepancy whioh cannot be a.bolished within the framework of
an y
educational and social system in
which - notwithstanding political and ideological differencesdivision of labour"decision making and accomplishing tasks are the basic conditions for personal and social
This discrepancy leads to two major factors each of which in
- 31 -
d/ Kisegit60rak l~te az ~g'szriapos ~s f~inapos iskolak osszehasonlitasaban. e/Kiilonosen fig,yelmet kell szentelni ol:yan"uj" tar-
9yakje1en1~t~ne~'mint' pl. ",-
a . mUnkq~oktfl't~s' /vagykezmQipatagak/, ..... ,
poli technika ~skozg'a'zdasagtan! ug'yanez a helyzet: az a1 ta1anos . .
tantervhez hozzat·artozo,vagy' ahhoz jar,ulekos szabadonvalaszt~ l.
hat6 ,ta,rgyak' 'szerkezet~ve1. f/VegezetUl 'szeretnem .-felhivni a figyelmet'a nemet '\
"soziales Lernen" 6Z0 /szocialis tanulas/ altaI' , kifejezet.t szo; .
\ .
Erre nem csak az orakaJ..att
inkabb az isko-
linak tarsadalmi k&rnyezetevel"yalo vision~aban. Azoktatasi.teljesitmeny rep~ezentaci6inflk mint azono,
sittisi es
~rt~kel~si kriterium6~nak
a kombihalasaval
kimutatni, hogy milyen neh~z is a tanuloi'~eljesitm~nyek 8sszehasonlitasa, ~s hogymi1y~n fbntos, hogy6vakodjunk azelhamarkodott kovetkeztetesek levonasat6Iaz iskolatipusok ertekelesevel kapcsolatosan. Ugyanez vonatkozik a masik ket kriteriumra: a " t amog a t as" - r a
~ sa-" s z e 1ekc i 6 " -
r a .'
5. Tamogatas ~s szelekcioa komprehenzi-v iskolak'ban Eloszor is nehany alapfontossagu megjegyzes a definicios problemarol: a tamogatas diszkrepanciakent kell
olyan tarsada10mban - po1itikai ,
mely nem szilntetheto ideologiai
filggetlenill - melyben a munkamegosztas, a
dont~shozatal ~s
- 32 """
turn is the basis of two theses:
The first factor refers to the individual and purports a/ that humans are capable of developing and are therefore supportable,
that humans are unequal due to their biological and
social life
and therefore they can only be supported
within their individual life situation, which, however, must not be understood statically. The second factor refers to society and purports
a/ that the survival and development of making can only be realised in an organisation of divided
matter how distinct the disposition of individuals and groups
may be for the correlations of
A selection based
on effectiveness of social/not just economic!/ procedures is necessary, ·even if-there is a wide disposition basis.
The principles of human dignity and. quality of
living demand that selection is based as much as possible on fairness. These two couples of theses imply that support refers to individuals and selection to society. This comparison makes affinities obvious: the inevitable interrelation of the theses couples in brought forth by the' concurrence of social and personal existence, thus saying that both is necessary: support and selection e The first conclusion drawn from this sentence is that no school can avoid its selective function, unless this task is transferred to other social
Lately some
theories on the separation of education and employment
33 -
feladatteljesit~s ~elent~k a szem~lyes ~s a t~rsadalmi I~tez~s felt~teleit.
Ez a diszkrepancia
nyez6hoz vezet, melyekbal viszont Az elsa tenyeza az
igen fontos te-
tetel eredeztetheto:
kapcsolatos es ugy fogal-
mazhato meg, hogy
az'emberek kepesek a fej16desre es ezert
az emberek biologiai es
kovetkezteberi egyeniatienek es ezert csak egyedi elethelyzeteit~mogathatok,
ken beilil
ezt azonban nem szabad statikusan fel-
fog01. A masodik tenyez6 a
kapcsolatos es ugy
fogalmazhato meg, hogy
a tokeletesedes tovabbelese es fejiadese csak' a munka-
megosztas szervezeteben val6sithato meg, fUggetlenlil attol"
mennyire eltera lehet az egyes egyenek es csoportok hajlandosaga a funkeiok
Egy, a szocialis Inem csak gazda-
sagi!1 elj~rasok hatekonysagan alapulo szelekcio szUkseges meg akkor is, he a hajlandos~gok spektruma szeles:
Az emberi meltosag es eletmin6seg elvei azt Kcvete-
lik, hogy a szelekeio, amennyire lehet, tisztesseges alapokon nyugodjeko Ez a ket tezis azt implikalja, hogy a tamogatas egyenekkel, a szelekei6 pedig a tarsadalommal kapcsolatoso Ez az osszehasonlitas nyilvanvalova teszi az affinitasokat: a tezisek elkerUlhetetlen egymasravonatkozasa
tarsadalmi es az egyeni letezes
- 3!t systems have come into the picture. Certain tendencies in this direction are effective, which is shown in industrial countries whenever companies disregard school certificates and administer their own selection mechanisms. External examination systems, on the other hand, "such: as in Great Britain" are no real examples for this separation since the schools participate .... at least indirectly - by coordinating their lessons with the examinations and by making teachers available as internal Qr external examiners. When acknowledging the necessity
selection, this
does not "automatically imply a pre-decision on priorities in ~egards
to· support and selection as important functions of the
educational system.
decisive role when this question is considered. Economic deficiencies as well as "natural catastrophes and wars had vast influences on life in the past, therefore selection played an accentuated role at schools. However, competent critics such as the authors of the report "No limits to learning" by the Club of Rome, plead for the priority of pupil support due to humanitarian considerations as well as the insight that highly industrialised societies can "afford" to acknowledge the priority of disclaiming selection1J •
According to these prominent critics, student support as a constribution to "anticipative learning" reached a tar quality than that of earlier times.
- pupils in our case - are entitled to support: pupils with slow and medium progress abilities as well as good progress
- 35 -
fakad, s ilym6don azt
ki, hogy mindkett6
szilks~ges: a t~mogat~s is ~s a szelekci6 is.
Ebbol a mondatb61 az elso
len iskolasem kerillheti el szelektiv
az y hogy egyet-
hacsak nem
ruh~zza ~t ezt a fela~at6t m~s t&rsadaimi int~zm~nyekre. A k6-
zelmultban t~~i
n~h&ny elm~letjelent
. ir&nyban
,~gy v~llalat
oktat~si ~s
illeg az
a munk<a-
orsz~gokban nyilv~nul
ebben az meg, arnikor
nem veszi tekintetbe aziskolai
~s saj&t szelekci6s ~echanizmus~it alkalmazza •. A killso vizsg~z
tatasi rendszerek ezzel szemben-mint a Nagy-Britanna-i - nem igaz~n p~ld~i
al&bbis k6zvetve - ebben
vesznek, amennyiben
- leg-
6r~ikat 08Z-
szehangolj&k avizsg~kka~ ~s belso vagy ktilso vizsg~ztat6i min6s~gben tan~raikat rendelkez~sre bocs~tj~k.
Arnikor elismerjilk a
nem k6vetkezik automatikusan egy e16zetes rendszer fontos funkci6ival: a
kapcsolatospriorit~sokr6l~A t6rt~n~lrni
az oktatasi
es a szelekci6val
helyzetek ketsegkivUl
dant6 szerepet j&tszanak ennek a k~rd~snek a t~rgyal~s~n~l. A es
ci6 kiemelt szerepet
Azonban olyan
az eletet,
a szelek-
mint pl. a Club
ot Rome altaI
irt "No limits to learning" /Ne korlatozzuk a tanul&st/ c. jelent~s
szerz6i is a tanulck
tamogat~sanak els6dlegess~g~t .
-36 abilities /including the "exceptionally talented ones"/. The next question in
considerations refers to the
organisation of support and selection which makes us directly return to' the theme "comprehensive schools and integration". There are two basic types of organisation: a/ segregation according to the principle which governed the parallel of selective and non-seleotive schools for centuries, b/ the countertype which can be described best by the term "integration". The constitutional contributions of all tiintegrating" elements are essential for differentiating between ttintegrationtt and tlassimilationttijJ The term "integration" emphasises
principle of
combination and
standardisation: The mentioned accentuations of this principle form into graduated struotures of uintegrated systems ff which are expressed in these forms: easy translations between different school types, adjustment of learning objectives and curricula in all'age groups of all school types, combination of individual types in Hschool centres" and - with advancing integration - the establishment of nco-operative comprehensive schools". Under the
present circumstanoes Sl "integrated compre-
hensive schools" are the most advanced form of integrated systems. They in turn ere graded in a milder form, i. e. outer differentiation, and in a strict form, i
e. inner different-
iation. Within the last few d'ecades, internal differentia:tion on all levels of integration has been
as a means of flexible lesson arrangement and pupil mobilisation.
- 37 -
szorgalmazzak humanitarius rneggondolasokbol is, es arra a belatasra hivatkozva is, hogy az iparilag fejlett orszagok "megengedhetik" ma"guknak, hogy elismerjek a tamogatas elsodlegesseget anelklil, hogy a szelekciot el kellene utasitaniok. 13 E kiemelkedo kritikusok
a tanulok tamogatasa
mint az "anticipativ tanulas"-hoz valo hnzzajarulas sokkal jobb minoseget ert el, mint korabbi idokben. Minden egyen - jelf;n esetben: tanulo - jogosult a tamogatasra: a lassu es k5zepes /bf~ll~'"
fejlodesre kepesek csakugy mint a gyorsan fejlodni tuCiok ertve a "kivetelesen
Gondolatmenetfnk k6vetkezo kerdese a szelekcio megszervezesevel kapcsolatos, szavezet minket a "komprehenziv
68 a
ez k6zvetlenUl vicz-
es integraci6"
t{.l1l~hoz ..
A szervezesnekket alapvet6 tipusa van: a/ szegregaci6 azon ely szerint, amely a szelektiv es nemszelektiv iskolak parhuzamat
evszazadokon keresztUl mey-
bl az az ellentipus, mely legjobban az "integr/lcio" kifejezessel irha to Ie .. Az 5sszes "integra16" elem alkot6 zajarulasa lenyeges ahhoz, hogy elkli16nitsUk az
es az .. assz imilaci6 -t .. Az "integraci6" terminus a U
konc(~rd~.r. :Ie ic:>
a kombinaci6 es a sztenderdizaci6 elvet hangsulyozza. Ezen ernlitett kiemelesei "integralt rendszerek" £okozatos
alkotjak, melyek ezekben a formakban vannak kifejezve: kUl()nb6zo iskolatipusok k6z6tti kBnnyU lefordithat6sag, minden i5kolatipus minden korcsoportjaban a tanulasi celok es a tantervek hozzahangolasa az iskolatipushoz es korcsoporthoz, egyedi
In the international comparisoIl , the preference of 'iinixed abilitygr~ingnover homogenous
grouping has become more
'and more obvious. We now raise a
question: Which schools can provide
better pupil support - schools of integrated or schools of se¢~egated
systems? In
answer I will concentrate on the vast .'
majority of Pupil.p~pulation and dis~egard the, specific, probl,ems of handicapped1 and exceptionally talented15 PUpils.
The. international
does not provide any general
rueles due '.to the complexi t~ of individual factors .. The Rutter report and other research studies16 have found 'that in this connection the individual school with ,all its qualities and deficiencies plays a significant role
the research
situation implies an uncontested preference of integrated systems as' oompared to' traditional segregated systems.
more, existing comprehensive schools are considered to be worthy of support and developr,nent even in cases where deficiencies in the concrete formation,are criticised, where the conunan subject and learning disposition for the vast majority of one age group is considered as being too big, and where controversies exist .~
on achievement standards, curriculum and teaching stylee I keep these facts in
when changing from the
. explanation of comparative analysis to final remarks of the following theses and argumentations.
_. 39 -
tipusok "iskolakozpontok"-ban valo kombinalasa, es - az integraci6 elorehaladasaval - "kooperativ komprehenziv iskolak" letrehozasa: A jelenlegi korUlrnenyek kozott az "integralt komprehenziv iskol~kn az integralt rendszerek legfejlettebb . . . jelentik . formajat: Ezek viszont enyhebben vannak fokozatositva - azaz kills6 differenciati6 ~ ~s szigoru formaban - bels6~ifferenciaci6, Az ut6bbi par evtizedben a belsa differenciaciot az integracio minden szintjen fejlesztettek es tamogattak mint a rug~lmas 6rarend-~ialakitas
es.a tanulok rnobilizalasanak esz-
kozet. Nemzetkozi osszehasonlitasban mind nyilvanvalobba valt a "vegyes
csoportositas" B16nyben reszesitese a
csoportositassal szemben.' Most pedig felvetUnk egy eletbevago kerdest: mely iskalak kepesek a tanuloknak" jobbtamogatast nyujtani: az integr~lt,
vagy a szegregalt rendszerek iskolai? Valaszomban a tanu16tomegek hatalmas tobbseger~ fogok
korlatozodni, nem veve tekintetbe a hatraltatott
ill. a ~ive-
15 tanu l'k ' te 1 esen te h e~seges 0 at. A nemzetkozi osszehasonlitas az egyeni tenyezok osszetettsegebol kifolyolag nem nyujt alta~anos szabalyokat. A Rutterjelentes es mas kutatasi tanulmanyok 16 azt talaltak, hogy ebben az osszefUggesben jelentos szerepet jatszik osszeskvalitasaval es hianyossagaval az egyes iskola. A kutatas altalanos allasa a hagyomanyos szegregalt rendszerekkel szernbeallitott integralt ,rendszerek nem is vitatott preferalasat tUkrozi. Ezen tul a letezo komprehenziv iskolakat tamogatasra es fejlesztesre erdemesnek
6. Final remarks: Theses and argumentations on the evaluation of comprehensive schools
The comprehensive scbool
an institution which in the
past two decades has succeeded in most Western 'European countries as
exclusive, dominant and at least competing
- with the schools of the traditional system - sohool type of lower secondary education. The comprehensive school has ,
accepted,certainly not, by
but by most oitizens of these'
countries, although reservations and resistance were sometimes very strong. This historic experience verifies that camRrehensive schools can be realised as a sohool , type of lower secondary education for the vastmaj or! tyof the age gro.ups. in question, in suocessfully ~s
well as
pupils for further educational careers
Primarily, sohool reforms are politioal decisions which
are based on socia-philosophical ideals and pragmatic expectations of economic and social character. In reference to our topic, this thesis is illustrated when related to the priority between support and seleotion in the education system.
the responsible politicians basically acknowledge both principles of school education and their inevitable interrelation, it is their decision and responsibility to choose, whioh of the two principles is to be emphasised more in laws, decrees and practical measureso Examination procedures play a,decisive ,role in this respect. In everyday politics this'priority conflict expresses itself by
the r
emphasising selection of
- 41 -
tal'lj'k~ m~9'olyari esetekben is, ahol bir'1j'k a kankr~t for-
m'ci6 hib'~t, ahol ~k6z6s t'rgyat ~s a tanul'sra val6 haj1an~6s'got egy korc'sopOJ;t tuJ nyam6 t6bbs~gesz'mara tu1 nagynak
i t~lik, es ahol tov·abbra. is vi tatottak a teljesi tmeny-mercek, a tanterv es a tan! t.~si
Mindezeket a tenyeket szem elott tartva
az osszehasonli to elemzes kif~jt~.es~rol tov'bbmenni befejezo meg"-
jegyzesei~hez a k6vetkez6t~zi~ekrol es erve1esekrol.
Befejezo iskol'k
~s' ~rvel~sek
a komprehenziv
6.1 A korn~rehenziv iskola olyari int~zm~ny, mely az el-
evtizedben a legt6bp Nyugat-Eur6pa-i orsz'gban sikerre
jutott mint az alsobb
oktatas kizarolag6s, dominans
de legalabbis' - a hagyornanyosrendszeru iskolakkal .
' .
iskolat ezen orszagok polg'rainak
ha ~em is 6~szess~ge, de legt6bbje elfogadta, b~r olykor nagyoo erosek voltak a fenntartas6k tapasztalat igazolja azt az iskolak mint az als6bb
az ellen'llas. Ez a
hogy akomprehenziv
oktatas iskolatipusa a szoban-
forg6 korcsoportok..nagy t6bbsege szarria"ra megva16si.that6k, ameny-'/ riyiben sikeresen elokeszitik a tanu16kat mind a tovabbtanulasra, mind pedig a szakmai kepzetts~g rnegszerzes~re. 6.2. Az iskolareformok elsodlegesen politikai
melyek tarsadalomfiloz6fiai idealok
gazdasagivalamint tar-
sadalmi jellegil pragrnatikus elvarasok talajan j6nnek
students with good progress
emphasis,ing the support of
weak students.
Long-term perspectives as well,as widerspread consent
bY,the population are important factors for the success of flchool reforms. Reforms usually influence the total school education of children and 'adolescents
at least part of
'their, vocational training thus directly influencing the lives and life ,styles of ,entire families .. Therefore these reforms had their strongest 'influence in countries where a large majority of oitizens acoepted ..
passively .. the
establishm-ent of' comprehensiva schools.,
The development in
haa shown, that educational
and social research cannot replace political decisions but long-term, well-prepared experimental models with complementary research help to bring about the widerspread consent of the population. On the other hand, the situation in Great Britain , has made obvious that this can also be supported by local and regional initiatives.
There is no school system which can 'harmonise advantages
and disadvantages. The citizen of a democratic nation can expect an education policy which aims at converging the support measures for pupils with fast, medium and weak progress abilities. The international comparison leaves open, if
schools are needed for exceptionally talented and handicapped pupils -
the two "polest' of pupils popula.tion - although
... 43 ...
Jelenlegi t~m'nkon akkor tUdjuk ezt a t~telt illus~tr~lni, ha a tamogatas ~s a szelekcio oktatasi rendszeren beluli elsodlegess~g~nek k~rd~s~re vonatkoztatjuk. Bar a felel6ss~gteljes
politikusok a1apvet6en elismerik aziskolai oktatas mindket elv~t
es kolcsonviszonyukat, az
6 dontesuk es az 6 felelosseguk
valasztani,'a ket ely kozlil melyikleszaz az egy, amelyet a torvenyek, rende1etek es
gyakor1atjir~nye1vek hangsulyoznak.
A vizsgaztatasi eljarasok donto $zerepet jatszanflk ebben a vo-
tatkozasban. A mindennapi politikaban ez a priorit~s kortili konflik tus ~ a Jo1 halado tanu1ok. sze1ektalasanak, val3Y ped 1.g a gyengek tamogatasanak hangsu1yozasaban fejez6dik kiD 6.3'A ~osszutavu perspektivak es a nepesseg sz~leskorU jov~hagy~sa
az isko1areformok sikeressegenek.
A reformok rendszerint kihatnak a gyermekek es feln6ttek eg€sz iskolai oktatasara
legalabb reszben szakmai
i1ymodon kozvetienlil befo1yasoIjak egesz csaladok ~let6t stilusat. Ezert ezek a reformok' olyan orszagokban
46 elnt-
ki a leger6sebb hatast, ahol a polgarok nagy"tobbsege ... ha csak passzivan is - elfogadta a komprehenziv iskolak letrehozasat. 6.4 A
fej16des megmutatta, hogy az okta-,
tasi es tarsadalmi kutatas nem helyettesitheti a politikai don·teseket, de a kutatassal kiegeszitett jal elokeszitett kiserleti modellek segitik a
szeleskorU j6vahagyasanak meg-
szerzeset. Masfe16l a Nagy-Britannia-i he1yzet' nyilvanvalava tette, hogy ezt helyi es regionalis iniciativak is tamogathatj6k.
respective integration tendencies can be observed in'Italy and Sweden. In this connection, it must be mentioned that the selective private schools of Great Britain, France, the USA and other countries as well as the special schools for exceptionally talented pupils in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe are no longer the same as the grammar schools in the Federal Republic of Germany and Austria, whioh have turned 'into educational mass institutions. Their former exclusive function
at the preparation for university attendance
has been more and more complemented by the function of pre'paring pupils ~or vocational training and- occupation1""I.
Findings and interpretations on the
of fast progressing students in comprehensive schools need to be taken seriously18. Contentions
that comprehensive schools
were progress reducing institutions in the general comparison with selective schools, could not be kept up to a large extent. In those cases t the fact had been dis.regarded that the standards
of comparison had been chosen
It is, namely, not
possible to compare findings 'on progress in oomprehensive schools comprising almost all age group populations of
secondary education with grammer schools and their partial age groups. In comparative educational literature the following argumentation is brought forth in favour of comprehensive schools in comparison to tradicionally structured secondary, schools: a/ Children from lower social
are supported
- 45 -
6.5 Nines'en. olyan iskolarendszer, amely az elonyok megtartisa mellett ki
kUsz6bolni a
Egy de-
mokratikus nemzet' polga·ra olyan oktataspolitikara szarnithat, amelynek .eelj'a ,a gyorsan', , kozepesen es gyengen halado tanuloknak nyujtand:Q; tc4mog.;~lta,s. konve.rgenei~ja. A nemzetk6zi osszehasonli t~s nem tudja,.
,hogy sztikseg van-e kUlon iskolak-
ra a kU16nosen t'e:he-tsegesek es a nuloi nepesseg ketpolu$a ll
h~tral tatott
tanulok - a "ta-
szamara, bar ilyen integraeios
tendeneiak megfigyelhe,tok Svedorszagban es Olaszor szagban .. Meg kellemliteni ehben az6sszefUg.gesben, hogy a szelektiv magan, iskolak Nagy-Br'itanniaban, Franeiaorszagban, az USA-ban
orszagokban, valamint a'kivetelesen tehetseges tanulok iskolai a Szovjetunioban es Kelet-Europaban mar nem ugyanolyanok'mint a Nernet Sz6vetsegi K6ztarsasag es Ausztria girnnaziumai, amelyek oktatasi tomegintezmenyekke alakultak at. Korabbi, kizar61ag az egyetemi bejutasra iranyulo funkei6jukat fokozatosan egyre ink~bb
kieg.eszi tette a szakrnai tovabbkepzesre es
. l oepzes ' k' , f un k C10]a. .,. 17 va
6.6, Komolyan kell vennlink az arrol szolo beszamolokat
es interpreta,ciokat, hogy a kornprehe;nziv iskolakban a gyorsan halado tanulok nem tal.~lnak tamogatasra .18 Az olyan allitasokat, hogy a komprehe.nziv iskolak a szelektiv iskolakkal vale altalanos 6sszehasonliteisban a tanulmanyi
haladast csokkento in-
tezmenyek lennenek, nem nagyon lehetett fenntartani .. Az erintett esetekben nem vettek figyelembe azt a tenyt, hogy az osszehasonlitasban alkalmazott mercek helytelenUl voltak megvalasztva"
-•. 46 -'
more and reach higher educational levels.
b/ School courses and decisions on regards to professional careers are open for a longer period of time thus leaving e greater chance for adolesoents to participate in decisions which are important for their future. c/
variety of curriculUm provisions satisfies
individual talents and interests better. This sentence has an accentuated signifioance for regions with a relatively low pupil population - an important problem in an epoch of low birth rates.
d/ The 'Rutter report and many other empiric studies prove that' socie-affective abilities and willingness are supported more effectively in comprehensive
learning" in pupil groups of different social, religious, ethnic and cultural baokgrounds isa special aspect in this a.rgumentation. As I see it,
may be said in favour of comprehensive
sdhools, especially in regions with low pupil population, where maintaining structured systems keeps the danger of a reducing quality for lower secondary eduoation in its entirety. Usually, pupils of non-selective schools are effected in reference to class frequency, equipment, facilities
This evaluation
implies the possibility to establish comprehensive schools as a competing school type or experimental school wherevere parents and local authorities wish to do so. As an educationist, I do not wish to answer the additional question on the value of comprehensive schools as compared to the mentioned "moderated" forms of integration in
- 47 ..
Nero lehet ugyanis az als6bb kozepfoku oktatasminden korcsoport .... jatat.fogokomprehenziv i skolak bane ler t ..tanulmany i e lorehal a . . . dasrols,zolotenyeket gimnaziumokkal es azok reszleges korcsoportj aivalosszehasonlitan i. Az·oktatasr61szo1o osszehasonlit6 munkak a kovetkez6 erveket hozzakfela'komprehenziv iskplak vedelmeben a hagyomanyosan strukturalt . k o,zepiskolakkals.z,emben: a/Az.alacsonyabb tarsadalmi'osztalyokbol szarmazo gyermekek nagyobbtamog\stasbanreszesUlnek, s ,igy magasabb oktatasi ,
b/.Az iskol.ai ·kurzu·sok as a szakmai palyakkal kapcsola·tos dontesek, hosszabb idore nyitva'maradnak, s 'ilymodon nagyobb eselyt adnak a serdlilokoruaknak a jovojUk szempontjab61 fontos dontesekben vale reszvetelre. c/
A tant~r~i kin~lat
valtOzatossaga jobban kielegiti az
egyeni talentumotes ·erdeklodest. Enneka kijelentesnek klilonos jelentosege
~an.olyan terlile~ekre
vonatkoztatva, ahol viszony-
lag kevesa tanulo - fontos problema ez az alacsony szliletasi aranysz~mok
d/ A Rutter-jelentes as sok mas empirikus tanulrnany I bizonysaga szerint a szocio~effektiv kapess~geket as keszseget jobban tamogatjak a komprehenziv iskolak. A kUlonbozo tarsadal-
terti tanulocsoportokban specialis aspektusa ennek az ervelesnek. Ahogy en latom, a komprehenziv iskolak mellett sokmindent lehet felhozni, kUlonosenaz.alacsony tanul6-nepessegU teriiletek V'onatkozasaban, ahol a struktural t. rendszer.ek fenntartasa
- ,48 -
the education system, since the present empiric findings in reference to socio-economic conditions, national traditions and individual expectatiuns do not allow any definite conclusions. I do not consider this restraint is
inconsistent with
the thesis that I think the argumentations ion favour of the comprehensive school are plausible and stimulating. In this connection, the historic exporienoe has,to be considered, that school reforms fail or cause social discord if they are not carried by a vast majority of ,the affeoted population. The reasons for this were pointed out earlier. To acknowledge' this experience is not ignoring the possibility' of a change in , opinions of majorities provided the change is caused by cri tical rationalit'y and pedagogic engagement. Despite this open problematic 'question I wish to end with the thesis that integration of school types within a horizontal level, in our case secondary education. I, is a decisive pedagogic task in democratic societies. The "system comparisons" of the past decade have informed us on different integration. efforts and have. shown that
a 1 I
tegrated systems" can learn 'from each other.
forms of "in-
... 49 ...
azzal a veszellyel jar, hogy a teljes alsobb kozepfoku ok ... tat~s min6sege romlik. Rendszerint a nem-szelektiv iskola.k
tanu16i vannak erintve az oragyakorisag, a
tesi tmenyek stb., szempontjab61. Ebbc51,Elz' ertekelasbol
a 1'-
kezik annak a lehetosege, hogy, a regivel vetelked6 vagy kiser..;.. leti iskolatipuskent komprehenziv iSkdlakat hozza-nak letre, ahol esak a'sztil6k as a hely! hatosagok ugy kivanjik. Mint oktatasi szakembernem akarok vala.szt adhi arra a tovabbi kerdesre,.hogya
iskolak erteke az ok-
tatasi integraei6 emlitett "moderalt lJ formaival valo osszevetesben, mivel a jelenlegi empirikus adatok a tarsadalmi-gazda-sagi viszonyokr61, nemzeti hagyomanyokr61, es egyeni elvarasok'" rol nem tesznek lehet6ve sernrnilyen hatarozott
Ugy gondolom, az ett61 valo tartozkodasnem osszeegyeztethetet'... len azzal
altalam vallott tetellel, mely szerint a
henziv iskola Mellett
ervelesek helytallonak latsza-
nak es gondolatebreszt6ek. Ebben az osszefilggesben fonto16ra kell venni azt a tortenelmi tapasztalatot, hogy az
iskolar.~ for-
rook kudareot vallanak, vagy tarsadalmi nyugtalansaghoz
akkor, ha nem tudj ak rnaguk mogott: az er intett nepesseg
tev6 tobbseget. Ennek okaira kora.:bban mar utaltam. Ennek a t.lpasztalatnak az elisrnerese nem jelenti, hogy figyelmen kivUl hagyn~nk
a t~bbsegek v~lemeny~nek lehetseges rnegvaltoi's~t, fe\-
teve, ha ezt a viltoz'st kritikus racionalitis es pedag6giai elk6telezettseg hozza letre.
fJO -
Annotation,!! 1
Fend, H.: Gesamtschule ,1m Vergleich. Bilanz dar Ergebnisse des Gesamtschulversuchs. Weilheim und Basel: Beltz 1982, S. 23-34 - Keirn, w. led./: Sekundarstufe I. Modelle - Probleme - Perspektiven. Konigsta1n Ta.: Scriptor 1978, s. 59-67 - Mitter, W.: Gesamtschulen in dar Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die allgemeinbildende polytechnische Oberschule der DDR - Kriterion fUr einen Vergleich ISkizze/. In: Baumann, UIt, l,enhard, V. und Zimmermann, A. led/: Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft. Wiesbaden: Akad. Verlagsgemeinschaft 1981, pp. 51-63 - Mitter, W.: Wandel und Kontinuitat 1m Bildungswesen der beiden dautschen staat en. In: Festschrift fUr Erwin Stein zum 80. Geburtstag. Bad Homburg v.d.H.: Gehlen 1983, pp. 153-170.
Lenhard, H.: Das brasilianische Bildungswesen. Grundlagen - Tendenzen - Probleme. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz 1978, pp. 203-221., 232- 246. .
Cf. DES Report on Education: The Growth of Comprehensive Education. No. 87, March 1977, London.
With regard to France cf Legrand, L.: Pour un college democratique. Rapport au Ministre de l'Education nationale. Paris: La documentation franyaise 1983.
Cf. Fend a.a.O., p. 483.
The author refers to his own comprehens'ive school visi te in Finland,France, Great Britain, Italy and the Netherlands as well as in Eastern European countries.
Cf. Mitter, W.: Sekundarstufe I im internationalen Vergleich In: Westermanns padagogische Beitrage, 29/1917/6 p pp. 259-262 ..... Thomas, H.: Gesamtschule .... Schule Europas o In: Di,e deutsche Schule, 70/1978/10, pp. 620-623 - Mi tter, We: Gesamtschulen im internationalen Vergleich. Versuch einer Bestimmung von Vergleichskriterien. In: Die deutsche Schule, 72/1980/4, pp. 243-252. q
In the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic complete compulsory education ends at the age of 18. The last 2 to 3 years are often completed in form of part-time school attendance parallel to an apprenticeship or job training.
As regards the Federal Republic, one has to mention in particular the "Freie _Wal'dorfachulen tt Cf. Lindenberg, Ch.: Waldorfschulen: Angstfrei lemen, selbstbewu.sfJt handeln. Praxis eines verkannten Schulmodells. Reinbek: Rowoh1t 1915 Irororo-Sachbuch. 6904/~
- 51 -
Erne nyi tott, .problernatikus kerdes ellenere szeretnem azzal a tetellel tegraci6ja
mondand6mat, hogy az
szinten beliil,esetiinkben az alsobb
kozepfok~ oktat.ason be'liil, fontos pedagogiai feladata a demok-
ratikus tars·adalomnak .. Az elmult evtized tlrendszerosszehasonlita~' sai II kiilonbctzo integraci6serofeszi tesekrol·informaltak es megmutattak, hogy az .nintegraltrendszerek tl a masikt61 ..
mJoden fajtaja tanulhat
Kelpanides, IVI : Schulsystem und Volksbildung.· In: Grothusen, K.~. led./: SUdosteuropa-Handbuch, Ivol./ 3: Griechenland. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht 1980, pp" 54... 121. '
Husen, T.~ Implications of the lEA findings for the philosophy of comprehensive education. In.: Purves, A.C. and Levine, D .-U.. / ed.!: £ducational Policy and International Assessment. Ber~ely: McCutchan 1975, pp. 117-
Fend,:vid. above, pp~ 483-507- Haenisch, H. and Lukesch, H.: 1st die Gesamtschule besser? Gesamtschulen und Schulen des gegliederten Schu1systems im Leistungsvergleich. Mtinchen/Wien/Baltimore: Urban und Schwarzenberg 1980.
Botkin, J. W., Elmandjra, M. and Malitza, M.: No Limits to Learning. Bridging the Human Gap~ A Report from the Club of Rome. Oxford:.Pergamon Press 1979.
Cf. Sonderschulen oder integrierte Erziehung? Two articles by W. I. Lubovski und N. Soder. In: UNESCOKurrier, 22/1981/6, ppo 16-23",
1 5 C f . Urban, Ko : Hochbegabte Kinder - eine Herausforderung? In: Bildung und Erziehung, 33/1980/6, pp .. 526-535 Bartenwerfer, H.. :Hochbegabung, ein bildungspolitisches Problem? In: Festschrift fUr Erwin Stein ZQm 80 .. Geburtstag .. Bad Homburg v.d.H .. : Gehlen 1983, pp. 407-419. 16
Hutter ~ M., Maughan, Be ~ Mortimore, P.. and ouston, J .. : Fifteen Thousand Hours .. Secondary Schools and their Effects on Children .. London: Open Books 1979 ..
This double function makes the relationshiD betvreen grammar school/or similar/ graduation and~university admittance more and more problematic .. In the Fedel'al Republic this is reflected in the discussions on the separation of the two procedures, initiated by the Minister of Education for Lower Saxony, Georg-Bernd Oschatz and the President-of the Westdeutsche Rektorkonferenz, Theodor Berehem, summer 1983.
Cf .. the controversy: Wottaw8, H.: Die Leistungsfahigkeit der nordrhein-westfalischen Gesamtschulen - eine
kritische Betrachtung der empirischen Ergebnissee In: Bildung und Erziehung 33/1980/3, pp$ 239-251 - Fend, He: Stellungnahme zum Aufsatz von Wottawa, pp. 252-262.
,- 53 -
Fend, H.: Gesamtschule im Vergleich. Bilanz der Ergebnisse des Gesamtschulversuchs IAz osszesitctt iskola osszehasonlit~sban. Az ossze~itett iskola kis~rleteredm~nyeinek m'rlege/. Weilheim und Basel;Bel~z 1982, pp. 23-24. -Keim,W. /ed./: Sekundarstufe I. Modelle, Probleme, Perspektive~ /Az alsobb koz'pfoku oktatas: model1ek, problemak, perpektivak/. Konigstein Ts.': ScriptQr.1978, pp. ,59-67. - Mitter,w.: Gesamtschulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die allgemelnbildende polytechnische Oberschule der DDR Kriterion flir einen Vergleich, Skizze IAz osszesite~t iskolak a Nemetorszagi Szovetsegi Koztarsasagban es az NDK altalanosankepz6 politechnikai,f6iskolaja - Kriterium e~y osszeveteshez - vazlatbk/, in: Baumann, U., Lenhard V. '~Zimmermann. A led./: Vergelichende Er~iehun9swissenschaft16sszehasonlito nevelestudomany I. W'iesbaden, Akade·mische Verlagsgemeinschaft 1981, pp. 51-63. - Mitter, W.:Wand~l un Kontinuitat im Bildungswesen der beiden deutschen staaten /Valtozas 's kontiunitas a ket N'metorszag oktatasligyeben/, in: Fest~hrift fUr Erwin 'stein zum 80 •• Geburtstag,Bad Homburg v.d.H.: Gehlen 1983, pp. 153-170.
Lenhard, R.: Das brasilianische Bildungswesen. GrundlagenTendenzen, Probleme /A brazil oktatastigy -'alapok, tendenciak, problemak/~ Weinheim und Basel: Beltz 1978, pp. 203-221.
V.o. DES Report on Education: The Growth of Comprehensive· Education IDES oktatasijelent's: a komprehenziv oktatas fej16dese/ No. 87, March 1977. London. '
Franciaorsz~ggal kapcsolatban L. tegrand-': Pour un 60l1ege democratique. Rapport au Ministrede l'Education nationale A demokratikus gimnaziumert: jelentei a nemzeti oktatasi miniszt~rnek/. Paris: La documentationfrancaise, 1983.
V.a. Fend, p. 483.
A szerz6 forrasakompreheniiv iskolakban tett 1atogatasai Finnorszagban, Franciaorszagban, Nagy-Britanniaban, Olaszorszagban, Hollandiaban ~s Kelet-europai orszagokban.
V.a. Mitter, W~: Sekundarstute I im internationa1en Verge1ich /Az a1sobb koz'pfoku oktatas nemzetkozi 6sszevetesben/. In: Westermanns padagogische Beitrage, 29/1977/6, pp" 259-262.
- 55 -
N~metSzovets~gi K6zt~rsas~gban ~s a N~met Demokratikus Kozt~rsasagban a te1jes kotelezo oktat~s 18 ~ves korig tart. Az utols6 ket-harom ~vet gyakran olyan formaban vegzik el a tanu16k, hogy reszleges iskolal~togatas mellett szakmai
vagy tanonckepzesen vesznek reszt. 9
A Nemet Szovetsegi.Koztarsasaggal kapcso1atbanmegemlitendo kUlon6sen "szabad WaldoI' £-i sko1·ak", V. o. Lindenberg, Ch.: Waldorfschulen: anstfrei lernen, se1bstbewusst hande1n. Praxis eines verkannten Schu1mode11s. Reinbek: Rowolt 1975 /rororo - Sachbuch 6904/ We1dorf-isko1ak: felelemnelkUli tanul~s, ontudatoscse1ekves. Egy fe1reismert isko1amode11 gyakor1ata/.
Kelpanides,M.: Schu1system und Vo1ksbi1dung /Iskolarendszer es n~poktatas/. In: Grothusen, K.D /ed./: SUdosteuropa-Handbuch, /voI./ 3: Griechenland.Gottingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprech t 1980, pp. 54-1.21.
Huse~, T.: Implications of the lEA Findings for the Pl:ilosphy of Comprehensive Education /Az lEA kutatasi eredmenyek imp1ikaci6i a komprehenziv oktatas e1me1ete szamara/. ~n.: Purv~s, A.C. and Levine, D.U~ /ed./: Educational Policy and Interriational Assessment /Oktataspo1itika ~s nemzetkozi erteke1~s/. Berkeley: McCutchan 1975, pp. 117-143.
Fend, vld. fent, Pp. 483-507- Haenisch, H. es Lukesch H.: 1st die Gesamtschu1e besser? Gesamtschulen und Schulen des gegliederten Schul systems i~ Leistungsvergleich /Jobb~e az ~sszesitett iskola? bsszesitett isko1ak es a tagolt isko1arendszer isko1ai te1jesitmenyUk szempontjab61 osszehasonlitva/. MUnckhen /Wien! Baltimore: Urban und Schwarzenberg 1980.
Botkin, C.W., Elmandjra, M. ~s Malitza, M.: No Limits to Learning. Bridging the Human Gap. A Report from the Club of Rome /Ne kor1atozzuk a tanu1ast. Az emberi hiany athidalasa. A Club of Rome jelentese / Oxford: Pergamon Press 1979.
Sonderschulen oder integrierte Erziehung? /KUlan iskolak vagy integra1t oktatas?/ W.I.Lubowski es N.Soder ket cikke. In: UNESCO-Kurier, 22/1981/6,pp. 16-23.
V.a. Urban, K.: Hochbagabte Kinder - eine Herausforderung? /Kivete1es tehetsegU tanu16k - kihivas?/ In: Bildung und Erziehung, 33/1980/6, pp. 526-535. - Bartenwerfer, H.: Hochbegabung, ein bildungspo1itisches Problem? /A kivetel~s . tehetseg: oktataspoltikai problema?/ In: Festschrift fUr Erwin Stein zum 80. Geburtstag. Bad Homburg v.d.H.: Gehlen 1983, pp. 407-419.
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Rutter,M., Maughan·, B., Mortimore, P. es Ouston, J.: Fifteen Thousan Hours. Secondary Schools and Their Effects onCh i Idreh /Tt zenotezer ora .A'koz':episkoia keshata'suk agyerek:ek:re/ • London: Open Books 1979.
I 7
Ez a k'e:t!'t:es funkci6egyre inka'lDb p'tob1.einatlkussateszi a 9 imnazitrmt /vdgy.has'()nlo/ .vegze'tts~g. ~saz ~9~iefem~ ..fe].yetel viszonyat. A.Nem~tgZoyetsegiKoztal:"Sc:is·ag}j'Cl9:e.z 'a .~:et·~l jaras elkillonitesetol. 'rolyo vitakbari.. . . .•. ~likrO:z'odik, . . meCl.y~'r Al so-8 zas,zors,z~9. Ok ~a~a~Hgy i .,Mini s ztere, Ge~:i"~9:'Be'rn~~,~~hatz es a WestdeutscheRe'ktorkonferenz 'e1noke , TheocldrBerchem inditottake1 1983. nyaran.
V. o. a 'vitaanyaga't: .wottawa; H. :.Die.. Leisttj'hg'S'f~'H±~ke±r der nordrhein-westphalisch~nGesamtschuleh-e~n~kr~~ische Be tr ach tung der . empiri sche'nErcg;e'bnisse /Az . 'es·z~~,"'ra ~+i-awe s zt fa 1 i a iosszes 'itett . i skolak. t~ 1 jesitokepe ssetje . . '""7 . '. a·z empir ikus eredmenyekkritik:asattekintese/ •. Ih:,Bild~'fig ll.nd
Erziehung 33/1980/3,pp •. 239-251- Fend,H.:~tel,lun9.nah.me zum Aufsatz vonWo't:t:awa jA11a,sfog'la1as wottawa tanuima:'nyc.\-' haz/., pp. 2~2-261.