THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
Prima Riani Cahyaningrum 112008062
First Year Students’ Strategies to Cope with English as Medium Instruction
Strategies Used by First Year Students to Cope With English as Medium Instruction
THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
Prima Riani Cahyaningrum 112008062
Approved by:
Nugrahenny T. Zacharias, Ph. D.
Anne I. Timotius, M. Ed.
First Year Students’ Strategies to Cope with English as Medium Instruction
COPYRIGHT STATEMENT This thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published or written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text.
Copyright@ 2013. Prima Riani Cahyaningrum and Nugrahenny T. Zacharias, Ph. D.
All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the permission of at least one of the copyright owners of the English Language Teaching Department, Faculty of Language and Literature, SatyaWacana Christian University, Salatiga.
Prima Riani Cahyaningrum
First Year Students’ Strategies to Cope with English as Medium Instruction
PUBLICATION AGREEMENT DECLARATION As a member of the (SWCU) Satya Wacana Christian University academic community, I verify that: Name
: Prima Riani Cahyaningrum
Student ID Number : 112008062 Study Program
: English Language Teaching Department
: Language and Literature
Kind of Work
: Undergraduate Thesis
In developing my knowledge, I agree to provide SWCU with a non-exclusive royalty freeright for my intellectual property and the contents therein entitled: STRATEGIES USED BY FIRST YEAR STUDENTS TO COPE WITH ENGLISH AS MEDIUM INSTRUCTION along with any pertinent equipment. With this non-exclusive royalty free right, SWCU maintains the right to copy, reproduce, print, publish, post, display, incorporate, store in or scan into a retrieval system or database, transmit, broadcast, barter or sell my intellectual property, in whole or in part without my express written permission, as long as my name is still included as the writer. This declaration is made according to the best of my knowledge. Made in : Salatiga Date
: May, 22nd 2013
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Prima Riani Cahyaningrum
Approved by Thesis Supervisor
Thesis Examiner
Nugrahenny T. Zacharias, Ph. D.
Anne I. Timotius, M. Ed.
First Year Students’ Strategies to Cope with English as Medium Instruction
Strategies Used by First Year Students to Cope With English as Medium Instruction Prima Riani Cahyaningrum
Abstract As an English Language Teaching Department, English become an obligatory language which used by lecturers and students in all of academic purposes in this department. This study was conducted to find strategies used by 2011 students of English Language Teaching (ELT) Department of SWCU to cope with English as Medium of Instruction (EMI) during their Integrated Course (IC) class. It focused on students strategies which discussed based on classification of strategies according to Oxford (1990). The data was gathered through semistructured interview to 20 students of ELT Department of SWCU year 2011 and then analyzed qualitatively. The finding showed that there were three strategies used by more than a half of the 20 interviewees. The first strategy was social strategy, which is done by building relationship with classmates. Second was metacognitive, which is done by optimizing speaking English to overcome the use of English to communicate inside and outside the classroom. The third was applying cognitive strategy through note taking, summarizing and highlighting. The pedagogical implication of the finding is for the first year English learners in ELT department in overcoming the use of EMI. The finding is beneficial to help them find the kinds of strategy which are proven to be useful by their senior. Keyword: English as Medium if Instruction (EMI), Integrated Course (IC), Social strategy, Cognitive strategy, Metacognitive strategy.
Introduction The use of English in an education sector makes me think of English as Medium Instruction (EMI) in my campus. According to National Education Law 20/3, 2003, the use of EMI in education sector in Indonesia started in 2006 (DPGSEM, 2009). In ELT Department, English becomes the obligatory language used by the lecturers to explain material to the students. This department regulates the lecturers to give instructions, ask questions and give feed back to the students only in English. The Department also makes the students to apply EMI in all of the courses. The meaning of EMI in this department is not
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only as a medium instruction inside the classroom, outside the classroom the lecturers and the students are also expected to use English as the communication tools. However, not all of the students in this Department are accustomed to use EMI for the whole learning processes since their first year in this Department. Most of the first students are struggling to be familiar with EMI. I believe that each student will have different strategies which fit with them to try to adapt them self with the use of EMI. Due to the reality that 1st year students have to find strategies to be accustomed with the use of EMI, finding what kind of strategy that can help the students become my concern, it triggers me to do this research. The researcher wants to discover what kind of strategies done by first year students of ELT Department of SWCU to be accustomed with the use of EMI. The aim of this study is to find kinds of strategies used by 2011 students during their first year in ELT Department of SWCU to cope with EMI in IC Class. This study is important for English students, especially for ELT Department students to give them options of suggested strategies which are proven to be successful by their senior to cope with EMI. From this study, the first year students of ELT Department will have a picture about strategies that will be useful for their leaning process. The use of strategies in learning process is very important especially for language learners. Oxford (1990) believes that, Learning strategies are steps taken by students to enhance their own learning. Strategies are especially important for language leaning because tools for affective, self-directed involvement, which is essential for developing communicative competence. Appropriate language learning strategies result in improved proficiency and greater self-confidence.
First Year Students’ Strategies to Cope with English as Medium Instruction
Strategy in learning process is a specific way to encounter difficulties. Each learner will have different strategies, depend on their learning style. Nunan (1999) believes that learners are free to choose strategy that fit with them. It is clear that the use of appropriate strategies will make the learners become more confident in the learning process and get better learning result. The use of strategies is to handle difficulties and understanding every input in the learning process. The other goal of applying strategies in language learning process is to make the learners become competence in using new language. The existence of learning strategies is important for learners in learning language. Allwright (1990) believes that the use of strategies is important because it could help the learners to plan their learning. By applying learning strategies, students will be independent, autonomous, and lifelong learners, so that they could learn better (Little, 1991). Each student has to find strategies which fit with their learning style, so they will be successful in the learning process. The importance of the use of strategies in learning process can be seen from many interpretations about language learning strategy. According to Oxford (2003), second language learning strategies are specific activity, behaviors or thought processes that each student uses to enhance their own second language learning. It is almost the same with what Brown (1994) has said. According to him, strategy deals with individual; each student has different learning strategy for each learner has different characteristic and learning style. As long as the learners feel comfortable with a certain strategy, and its strategy is suitable and can be applied in doing task, this strategy is good for the learners. Once the learners find one suitable strategy for them, it could “make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more selfdirected, more effective, and more transferable to new situations” (Oxford,1990). According to Fedderholdt (1997), the language learner capability of using a wide variety of language learning strategies appropriately can improve his language skills in a better way. It shows that
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the use of strategies in language learning will improve learners‟ language proficiency improvement. As a 3rd year student of a pre- service teacher program in ELT Department of SWCU, I have been accustomed with EMI in all of my classes. I am able to understand all my teachers‟ instructions and also respond it in English smoothly. English has become my second language which I use for educational purpose in this department. However, considering the fact that I graduated from a high school which not uses EMI, the first year in this university was really stressful for me. Almost anytime when I wanted to ask question to the teacher, I canceled it since I did not know how to say it in English. Even when I asked my friend, they were also reluctant to ask questions to the lecturer. I can still remember when the first time I entered this department, the Dean of this faculty gave a welcoming speech for the new students using English. Although I was good at English in my senior high school, receiving all new information in English was not easy for me. I just understood some points of the speech, but I confused when he made a joke in English, most of the people in that room were laughing, except me. This confusion continued until I had my Integrated Course (IC) class. Every time I had questions related to the material given to me, I couldn‟t ask questions to my teacher. I worried if I make grammar mistake on my questions as I was not accustomed to speak in English in front of the class. As the result, my confusion was not answered and I got bad grade for the following test. After some weeks in this faculty, I realized the importance of using strategy on my learning. I decided to plan my learning and tried to use strategies to learn in English better. I applied memory strategy by reviewing the lesson more often at home than what I did in the junior and senior high school. When I got new vocabulary in IC class, I usually memorized them one by one at night before sleeping. Whenever I had difficulties in understanding what my lecturer said, I applied compensation strategy by guessing the meaning of what my
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lecturer said. Not only that, in applying social strategy I also made a good relationship with my classmates and I enjoyed working in group discussions and practice using English for communication. When I did not understand about what my teacher had instructed me in English, I usually asked my friends to explain and repeat the instructions for me. IC is a basic course and very important for 1st year students to master on the first semester. It contains of 8 credits semesters which should be taken once on the first semester. There are four IC class meetings in a week, and each meeting is taught by different teacher. It means that each student will be taught by four different teachers, so the grading system of IC class will not be subjective. This course contains all of the basic knowledge about English, like reading, speaking, listening and writing skill. For those who fail this course once, they could repeat it on the next semester. However, if a student fails twice, it means that he is not capable to learn English in this Department. As the result, the Department will drop them out or suggest him to transfer to another faculty. Hence, it is important for each student to find learning strategies which fit to them to try to be accustomed with English as medium instruction of this Department. There have been a number of valuable studies on EMI. Such as studies done by Hudson (2009) and Othman (2009), some of them are researching about EMI just for science and math. However, according to my knowledge, none of them discuss about EMI for teaching English itself. It triggers me in researching strategies about EMI for English in ELT Department of Satya Wacana Christian University. I believe that this study will be helpful for other students who are struggling with the use of EMI. It will help them to choose the best strategies to cope with EMI which fit with their learning style. The use of strategies have been associated with successful learning (Borkowski, Carr, & Pressley, 1987; Garner, 1990. In language learning process learners
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need to find a strategy as a technique in encountering problem in learning language (Brown, 1994). When the learners apply a strategy in their leaning process, that strategy will prevent them from failing the course just because of the lack of language proficiency. Literature Review By applying EMI, the learners will not only listen but also will think, be instructed, and speak in English in their learning process. Although learn through English is not easy, learning English through English as the medium instruction will be beneficial for the learners since they are learning language while learning content material. As the result, it will lead them to successful and sustainable outcomes of learning, both the content material and the English (Biggs, 1990). It means that the use of EMI will be beneficial for the learners. While they are learning, they also trained to actively use English to speak, listen, read and write. Later after they graduated from a certain school or university, they will be English skillful graduates. Language learning strategy itself, according to Oxford (1990), is divided into two major categories: direct and indirect, both of them are divided into six groups of strategies; each has different purpose. This study will explore kinds of strategy used by 2011 students of ELT Department based on both direct and indirect strategies. According to Oxford (1990), direct strategies are divided into three groups. These groups of strategy are called as a direct strategy because these strategies involve the target language directly in the learning process. It means that the learners will directly use English in their learning. The first group of direct strategies is memory strategy; strategies which used by the learners to intentionally memorize new input of learning. One example is when I took notes new vocabulary on my notebook and memorize them one by one before sleeping. Memory strategy is divided into four sets. They are creating mental linkages, applying
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images and sound, reviewing well, employing action. The second group is cognitive strategy, a strategy that emphasizes the development of thinking skills and processes to enhance learning. Cognitive strategy is divided into four sets. Four sets of cognitive strategies are practicing, receiving and sending message, analyzing and reasoning, and creating structure for input and output. The last group of direct strategies is compensatory strategies. This strategy is divided into two sets; they are guessing intelligently and overcoming limitation in speaking and writing. Compensatory strategy is a strategy which is used by the learners in facing limitation in the language leaning, for example when a learner switching using Indonesian when facing difficulties in answering lecturer‟s question in English. Table 1. Classification of Direct Strategy (Oxford, 1990) Creating mental linkages Memory strategies
Applying images and sounds Reviewing well Employing attention Practicing
Direct strategy
Cognitive Strategies
Receiving and sending message Analyzing and reasoning Creating structure for input and output
Compensation Strategies
Guessing intelligently Overcoming limitations in speaking and writing
The second is Indirect Strategy (Oxford, 1990). This strategy is called as indirect because the learning process does not use the target language directly. This strategy contains of three groups of strategy. The first group of this category is Metacognitive strategies, which is strategy which “provide a way for learners to coordinate their own learning process” (Oxford, 1990). By applying this strategy the learners will be able to plan their learning. Metacognitive contains of three strategy sets; centering your learning, arranging and planning your learning, and evaluating your learning. The second group is affective strategies, is the
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strategies which deal with the learners‟ emotion, feeling, motivation and attitude toward learning. Making positive statement and playing classical music while studying are two example of affective strategy. This strategy is divided into three sets of strategy; lowering anxiety, encouraging yourself, and taking your personal temperature. The last group is social strategy; a strategy which makes the learners need to make a good communication and to be cooperative with the surrounding; classmates for example. This strategy is also divided into three sets of strategies, which are asking question, cooperating with others, and empathizing with others. Refer back to my experience in the IC class, the example of applying social strategy was by asking help from my peer to translate my lecturer instruction into Indonesian when I did not understand what my lecturer instructed in English. Table 2. Classification of Indirect Strategy (Oxford, 1990)
Centering your learning Metacognitive strategies
Arranging and planning your learning Evaluating your learning Lowering your anxiety
Indirect strategy
Affective Strategies
Encouraging yourself Taking your emotional temperature Asking questions
Social Strategies
Cooperating with others Empathizing with others
This classification of the strategies refers to learning strategies in general. This study will explore this classification of strategies, especially learning strategies in dealing with EMI based on the interview data.
First Year Students’ Strategies to Cope with English as Medium Instruction
The Study Context of the Study This study was conducted in ELT Department, Faculty of Language and Literature of Satya Wacana Christian University. It is located in a small town Salatiga, in Central Java, Indonesia. This Department uses EMI for all academic purposes. Both inside and outside the class, using English for communication and as medium instruction is obligatory for all students and lecturers. Integrated Course (IC) class becomes one focus on my study because IC is a crucial class for all first year students of ELT Department of Satya Wacana Christian University; it contains all basic rules and knowledge of English. English becomes the obligatory language for all of the lecturers and students to use as the medium instruction in the classroom. As the result all of the first year students have to make themselves accustomed with EMI. There is only one failure tolerance for the students, if a student fails in IC class twice, they will be dropped out. If they want to pass IC class it means that they have to have good strategies to cope with EMI in order to understand all explanation in English and get good grades on IC class. Participants To fulfill the minimal number of participant in this qualitative study, 20 of ELT Department students year 2011 who were easy accessible for the interviewer were chosen in the interview for this study. Every 2011 students have the same chance to be involved in the interview. The reason why I choose 2011 students is because they are already accustomed with the use of EMI. Besides, they are still on their second year in this department, so when I ask them questions about their learning strategies how to be accustomed with EMI, they still
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have fresh memory about the strategies they used to cope with the used of EMI during their first year in IC class. They also could share their experience about useful strategies they used when they were in IC class. Instrument of Data Collection In order to answer the research question of this study, the data was collected through 20 to 30 minutes semi- structured interview to 20 students of 2011. The interview was recorded by hand phone and transcribed using Express Scribe Dictation program. The interview was conducted on June. The interview contains of 5 questions, which try to dig and recall interviewees‟ experiences when they were in IC class. The questions were in Indonesian, and the interviewees did not need to use English to answer the questions, so the interviewees will not face difficulties in answering the question in English. Procedures of Data Collection As it is mentioned before, this study used interview as the instrument of data collection. It allows the participants to share their experiences during their IC class. Each interviewee would be interviewed around 20 to 30 minutes in the informal setting to make the interviewee feels comfortable to share their experience. Before the interview, the interviewee will be informed that the interview will be recorded. Interview will be recorded and transcribed in Indonesian using Express Scribe Dictation program. Data Analysis The data collected were analyzed qualitatively, and in the data display the data would be translated into English. As what stated before, this study focused on the classification on learning strategies according to Oxford (1990). Then the data explored descriptively based on Oxford classification of strategy in order to give clear explanation to
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the readers. By using the classification of learner strategies, this study would be focused more on the learners‟ strategy in dealing with EMI. Finding and Discussion This section shows the finding of the study which was collected from the interview with 20 students year 2011 of English Language Teaching Department. From the data gathered, I found three main strategies which were used by 2011 students of English Language Teaching Department of SWCU. These three main findings are classified into three themes, which are:
Social strategy by building relationship with classmates through questioning and asking help from peers,
Cognitive strategy, by taking notes and highlighting the material, and
Metacognitive strategy, by optimizing speaking English to elicit the use of English to communicate inside and outside the classroom.
In the following paragraphs, strategies used by 2011 students of ELT Department of SWCU on how to cope with EMI in IC class. The finding will be discussed from the most to the least frequently used by the students. A. Social Strategy by Asking Help from Peers During the IC class, both outside and inside the classroom, all of the interviewees stated that they always had communication with their classmates. Based on the interview data, all interviewees said that they ever faced difficulties in understanding what their lecturers said, especially in explaining the material and giving instruction to them in English in the classroom. As their strategy, they would ask help from their peers. Asking questions and cooperating with peers are the examples of Oxford‟s social strategy (1990). According to
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Vygotsky (1978), as what cited on Day (2002), learning process is not only happening inside the learner but also through dialog with the more capable peers; by asking questions for example. It could be inferred that in learning language, learners could not develop their language competence individually better then working with peers. When facing difficulties in understanding what their lecturer said, learners would ask for help from their peers as their strategies to solve that difficulties. This strategy, which focuses more on the language used, is showed from Evy‟s response. “I have ever experienced that [difficulties in understanding what their lecturers said; in explaining material, and asking question to the lecturer], I usually asked my friend first [how to express her thought in English], if I wanted to ask this [her difficulties], how to use English to ask this [asking her difficulties in English]? And then she told me how to ask it in English, and after that I asked the lecturer”. […]. So far, when I was in the IC class I understood what my lecturer said and asked me to do. The lecturer expected answer form us, but then, when I wanted to speak, it was hard for me to express it in English spontaneously”. (Evy Interview, June 7th, 2012), (my translation) From her explanation, it can be inferred that her problem is in the language use. The difficulty in a way to express what is in her thought is the reason why she asks help from her peers. As the result of learners‟ lack of competence in understanding lecturers‟ explanations using EMI, learners preferred to use Indonesian as the medium to ask help from friends to explain what the lecturers‟ said in English.
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“Yea, my friend helped me [asking question to peers], if I had a problem [language problem], I asked my friend, in Indonesian for sure. I asked her to explain anything that I did not understand from my lecturer [in understanding the lecturers‟ explanation and instruction]”. (Wenny Interview, June 22nd, 2012), (my translation) From Wenny‟s response, it is clear that peers have a big role in learning process. According to Wenny, in overcoming the difficulties in asking questions to the lecturer in English, one suggested strategy learners should use is by asking help from peers. The interview data shows that all of the interviewees have ever used this strategy to deal with language difficulties. The reason why learners tend to ask help from peers in the classroom is because explanations from peers are easier to remember by the learners compared to lecturer‟s explanation. “Em, it would be more effective to ask friend. Because by asking friend it, em, it will be easier to remember, um, like one day [the day when she asked question to her peers] I remember, oh, I have asked my friend about this [a particular question]. I can remember it until now”. (Femmy Interview, June 22nd, 2012), (my translation) The data above shows that when asking questions to peers, learners would remember it longer than directly asking question to the lecturer. Femmy stated that it will be more effective to ask friends, because according to her, explanations and helps from peers would help her to memorize the material from the lecturers. This finding shows a tendency that in the learning process learners prefer to ask help from their peers when the they face language difficulties in understanding the language,
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especially in understanding and respond the lecturer‟s explanations and instructions in English. This tendency will lead the learner to effective learning process, because learning is a process in which the learners having connection with others. It is obvious that language learner will not be able to learn by themselves. According to Vygotsky‟s theory of zone of proximal development (ZPD), learner would have potential development when they get guidance or collaboration with the more capable peers (Day, 2002). In cooperating with peers, especially with those who have higher language proficiency, learners will be helped to deal with the language difficulties in the learning process using EMI in the classroom. B. Cognitive strategy, by taking notes and highlighting the material to enhance English Vocabulary. Another frequently used strategy is cognitive strategy. From the interview data 18 of 20 interviewees stated that they were applying cognitive strategies when they were in the IC class. The data which shows that the interviewee used cognitive strategy was stated by Widya, When I was learning the material of IC, I tried to find [English] vocabulary that I did not know the meaning. After that I noted the meaning of those words. By writing those words, I would unconsciously remember that word. […]For me maybe, I underlined it [the difficult words], using colorful markers. I used blue, red and black markers. It would make it [the note] attractive. It would be easier to find and then read the note if I made it colorful. […]. I learnt many new vocabularies in IC class. I still remember one word, I still remember I took note on that word „extraordinary‟, I used purple pen. (Widya_ Interview, June 6th, 2012), (my translation)
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During her IC class, Widya applied Cognitive strategy by making note of English vocabulary that she did not know the meaning. She used colorful marker to make her note attractive. She believed by making her note colorful, it would be easier for her to find it. It also would increase her interest to read the notes. From the note taking and underlining vocabulary, Widya could memorize those words even though she did not intentionally try to memorize the words one by one. As what Widya said, Femmy stated that the use of colorful pen and highlighting pen will help to attract her interest to read her notes. She mentioned the place where she made the notes. I took note of material that I think important for me [new material and material that she doesn‟t understand yet]. I made the note on my binder so every time I opened my binder, I will be attracted to read and memorize what I had written on that binder. […] when I was in the IC class, I always brought many markers and highlighting pens. I used those markers and highlighting pens to mark sentences and words that I think important for me to memorize. […] those colorful marker and highlighting pen were attracting for me, especially for my notes. […] I think using colorful marker is effective, because if I only used black marker, my notes would be monotone and not attractive to read. In the other hand, if I found it [the note] is colorful, I would be attracted to read that note. (Femmy Interview, June 22nd, 2012), (my translation) Similar with Widaya‟s response, Femmy believed that using colorful pen would make her note became more attractive to read. From Femmy response, it can be inferred that she took notes only for material that she think is important to memorize. She also took time to reread the notes that she made on her binder to memorize them. Almost the same with Widya‟s
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response, Femmy believed that using colorful markers and highlighting pens is effective, since it could make the learners attracted to read the notes they made. Knowing the fact that using colorful pen is effective to attract Femmy, it is not less important thing to pay attention on where should the learners make and put their note. “The night before IC class, I read the material first. […] I enjoy learning material through writing because I think, by writing it would be easier for me to memorize the material that I learn. […] Everywhere I go, I usually bring a note book with me, so when I found new vocabulary I would write it down on that note book. For me, in learning English vocabulary, the effective way is by writing. […] I also made many notes on my IC handbook, when I wanted to learn IC I did not have to open other book” (Natasya Interview, June 24th, 2012), (my translation) From that response, Natasya showed that learning through writing could make her easier to memorize the material she learnt. She also noted that she prepared note book and brought it every where she goes, so that she could to write every new vocabulary she found. She thinks that it is effective to memorize new words by writing them down. Beside on her note book, Natasya also made many notes on her IC book. She wrote all notes on the IC handout so she did not need to open many books when she wanted to learn IC material. Cognitive strategy is a direct strategy which important for language learners since this strategy helps the learners to understand and produce new language (Oxford, 1990). By highlighting important part of the material, taking notes of important information and new vocabulary, the learners will unconsciously memorize that information without intentionally memorize the materials. In order to attract the learners‟ attention in learning new material, it
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is better for the learners to use colorful markers in the taking note and highlighting the material. According to Krasen‟s affective filter hypothesis (1985), by providing a low affective filter optimal language learning would occur. When the learners enjoy the learning process as they are attracted by the colorful notes that they made, they will lower their affective filter which results easier learning process and a maximal learning output. C. Metacognitive Strategy, by Optimizing Speaking English to Elicit the Use of English to Communicate Inside and Outside the Classroom The last strategy done by the interviewees to elicit the used of EMI is Metacognitive strategy. According to Rubin‟s (1975) characteristics of the good a language learner, one of the characteristics of a good language learner is the willingness and the ability to create opportunities to practice using the language in order to increase their ability in language. Based on the interview data, 10 of 20 interviewees also stated that they practiced using English to communicate. “I used English, in, um, anytime as long as they [Kevin‟s friends] can speak in English too. […] with anyone I met, so when I talked to my friend, when we were talking about something, we used English. […]. Um, outside the class I usually had a talk with my friends, I tried to use English, and I found it really helpful for me [to improve his English]. If my friends could speak in English, we usually spoke in English, on the café, we used to talk about many things, and we tried to speak in English for fun and learn to speak English fluently at the same time.” (Kevin Interview, June 22nd, 2012), (my translation) According to Kevin, trying to find opportunity to communicate with his friend who could speak in English is a helpful strategy to improve his English especially for communication
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with peers inside and outside the classroom. Kevin, as he said on the interview, always tried to create opportunity to speak in English outside and inside the class. As long as the one he spoke to could speak in English, he would speak to that person in English. Kevin believed that besides having fun to speak in English with his friend, he could get benefit to develop his language proficiency, especially in speaking. Not only from friends, another interviewee, Melisa said that she could practice speaking in daily conversation using English to elicit the use of English from her family. “[…] the first thing is learning from my friends; learn from my family at home, I asked them to speak in English. I learnt to speak English which I usually used for daily conversation. […]. I learnt by, um, practiced using English, would make me accustomed with English vocabulary, I also talk to my friend using English […] so that I would know English more.” (Melisa Interview, June 22nd, 2012), (my translation) Similar to Kevin, Melisa tried to create opportunity to practice speak in English outside the classroom. She tried to use English for daily conversation with her friend and especially with family at home by using daily conversation. She found it useful to help her to be accustomed with the use of English and enhance her English vocabulary. Evy explained how and with whom she practiced speaking in English. “For me, to be able to speak English smoothly, usually, with my friends in my boarding house, who also my senior in ED SWCU, I usually talked with her using English, like that. […]. Anytime we met, we talked like that [using English]. […] usually she came to my room and then we had a talk by using English. […]. It helped me a lot”
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(Evy Interview, June 7th, 2012), (my translation) Similar to what Kevin and Melisa did, Evy asked her friends to help her practicing using English for communication. She explained clearly that she always practiced to speak in English when she gathered with her friend in her boarding house who was also her senior in English Language Teaching Department. Evy found that it was helpful for her because every time she had a chance, she always practiced to speak in English with that person. This Metacognitive strategy of using English to communicate with classmates is one option of strategy to make the learner of English become accustomed with English. Research done by Osamu Taeuchi (2003), which analyzed 160 Japanese speakers who had successfully learnt another language shows that pushing language learners as often as possible to that new language is very important and effective to acquire new language. Moreover, it has been recognized recently that the remarkable use of language for communication will benefit the learner a great vocabulary development (Thornbury, 2002, p. 13). It means that the learners will get higher proficiency of that language. It is obvious that by applying Metacognitive strategy, especially in seeking practice opportunities, the learners will improve their ability to speak in English and also will help them become accustomed with the use of EMI Conclusion The purpose of this study was to find strategy used by 2011 students of ELT Department of SWCU on how they overcome the use of English as medium instruction in IC class. The finding showed that there were three main strategies used by the interviewees. The first strategy was social strategy. Knowing the fact that learning is not only happening inside individual learner, building relationship with peers to cooperate and discuss questions with the more capable peers will give benefit to language learners. It will increase learners‟ language proficiency. The second strategy was cognitive strategy which was done by note
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taking and highlighting. In this strategy the learners directly use the language to understand and produce the new language itself. The last strategy was general management of learning; Metacognitive strategy. In this strategy the learners had responsibility to create and find practice opportunity and coordinate leaning process to elicit the use of English especially in speaking. Before applying a certain strategy, it is important to see how the strategy was successful and effective or not to be used in a certain situation. Language learners who are still having difficulty in coping the use of English as medium of instruction are suggested to refer to the finding of this study. Good language learners are able to use a number of strategies which vary according to the individuals‟ learning styles. Learners also need to reflect their own leaning behavior and style to make sure that these strategies are appropriate to them and for their learning environment. The finding of strategies used by 2011 students of ELT Department of SWCU is beneficial for the other first year ELT Department and the other department students which have regulation to use EMI in all of the courses who are not accustomed with EMI. It will help them to find frequently used strategies which succeed to help the senior students of ELT Department to cope with EMI. In addition, this study was only focus on the strategy used by first year students in the ELT Department. This finding can not be directly applied for other student who comes from other Department which does not apply EMI in all of the class and having regulation that makes the students speak in English in all of the classes. It also could not be directly applied by last year students in this department, as pre- service teachers, in handling language difficulties in teaching.
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The researcher realizes that this finding will only give benefit for first year students of ELT when they are struggling and in the process of adjusting their self with the use of EMI in this department. As language learners, especially who are educated to be teachers in the future, they would not only need strategies to cope with EMI in their first year. Later on, on their last year, all ELT Department students have to do their Teaching Practicum. As preservice teachers, the students still have to be able to cope with EMI in explaining, giving instructions and questioning the students. However, according to the researcher‟s experiences, there were still some last year students in this department who does not have enough language proficiency to apply EMI in teaching students in the Teaching Practicum site. For the further research, the researcher hopes for the research on the strategies used by pre- service teachers to cope with EMI in teaching in the Teaching Practicum site. The researcher hopes for the other researches which will give benefit for last year students of this department to cope EMI outside this university as a pre- service teacher. Hence, future research finding strategies for pre- service teacher in overcoming language difficulty in using EMI to teach will greatly benefit for all students in ELT Department in this university.
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Acknowledgements The biggest thank and praise is only for my only God, Jesus Christ. For His blessings I could finally finish my thesis, which will open the last door to my graduation day. Without Him, I believe I couldn‟t be this far. I would like to address my sincerely gratitude for my thesis supervisor, Nugrahenny T. Zacharias, Ph. D. Thanks you for supervising me in starting, revising, and finishing my thesis, thanks for your patience and valuable time for consultations. I would also give my appreciation for my thesis examiner, Anne I. Timotius, M. Ed., for her willingness to give meaningful suggestion, read and examine my thesis. My biggest gratitude is for Mbak Wemmy and Pak Hendro, thanks for helping and supporting me when I was in the hardest time in this University. Also for all my friends in ED, I would like to say thanks for being good partners for me in this department. Saying thanks is not enough to express my great feeling to my family. More than just thanks for Papa, Mama, Mas Indra, Widya, Mbak Citra, thank you for all support, time, prayer, care, and also money for my time in this University. Thanks also for taking care my daughter when I had to deal with everything about my campus. The last but not the least, my lovely daughter, Gracia, thanks for being a nice girl for me, I got the new spirit every time I see your beautiful smile.
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References Allwright, D. (1990). Autonomy in language pedagogy: CRILE Working Paper, 6. University of Lancaster, U.K. Biggs, J.B. (1990). Effects of language medium of instruction on approaches to learning. Educational Research Journal, Vol.5, pp. 18-28. Brown, H.D. (1994). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Borkowski, J., Carr, M., & Pressely, M. (1987). "Spontaneous" strategy use: Perspectives from metacognitive theory. Intelligence, 11, 61-75. Day, E. M. (2002). Identity and the Young English Language Learner. Britain: Cromwell Press, Ltd. Fedderholdt, Karen. (1997). Using Diaries to Develop Language Learning Strategies. The Language Teacher Online, Vol. 21, Number 08. Retrieved May, 20, 2013 from Little, D. (1991). Learner autonomy 1: Definitions, issues, and problems. Dublin: Authentik DGPSEM. (2009). Sistem penyelenggaraan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional untuk pendidikan dasar dan menengah [Implementation system for international standard school in elementary and secondary education level]. Directorate General for Primary and Secondary Education Management (DGPSEM). Jakarta. Othman, Juliana. (2009). Challenges of Using English as a Medium of Instruction: Preservice Science Teachers' Perspective. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 18:2, 307-316.
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Nunan, D. (1999). Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle & Heinle. McKay, S.L. (2006). Researching Second Language Classrooms. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Oxford, R.L. (1990). Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know. Boston: Heinle & Heinle. Oxford, R.L. (2003). Language Learning Styles And Strategies: An Overview. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from Hudson, Peter. (2009). Learning to Teach Science Using English As The Medium of Instruction. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 2009, 5(2), 165-170. Rubin, J. (1975). What the “good language learner” can teach us. TESOL Quarterly, 9(1), 4151. Takeuchi, O. (2003). What can we learn from good foreign language learners? A qualitative study in Japanese Foreign language context. System 31:385- 92. Thornbury, S. (2002). How to Teach Vocabulary. Harlow: Longman. Krashen, S.D. (1985). The Input Hypothesis: Issues and Implications. New York: Longman.
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Appendix 1 Semi- Structured Interview Questions 1. Does your high school use English as medium of instruction? 2. How long have you been learning English? 3. What did you do the first time when you know that the ELT Department regulates all of the students and lecturers to use English in all courses in this department? 4. What kind of strategy did you use to make your self accustomed with the use of English as medium instruction (EMI) in this department? 5. According to your strategy you used in the IC class to be accustomed with EMI, what kind of strategy do you suggest to your junior to apply?
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Appendix 2 Sample of Interview Transcription Kevin, 112011098 (a students of ELT Department, Faculty of Language and Literature of Satya Wacana Christian University) Interviewer: Halo selamat pagi, kenalan dulu nama nya siapa? Interviewee: Kalau nama panggil aja Kevin Interviewer: Nim nya? Interviewee: 112011098 Interviewer: Oke selamat pagi kevin, kita santai aja ya, sambil ngobrol- ngobrol. disini aku mau jelasin dulu ni tujuan nya, kita mau cari, aku mau tanya ke kamu, tentang strategi belajar waktu di IC dulu, bagaimana cara kamu untuk terbiasa dalam menggunakan bahasa Iggris sebagai medium instruction di kelas IC. E, tapi sebelum interview nya lanjut, sebelum nya saya mau tanya dulu, waktu SMA kamu di SMA yang seperti apa sih? Interviewee: e, SMA negeri satu yang guru nya itu juga kadang full english kalau kelas. Jadi udah biasa sih dari SMA. Interviewer: jadi memang sudah terbiasa menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai medium instruction. Oke, di waktu masuk FBS ini perassn nya gimana waktu tahu ternyata di kelas IC harus pakai bahasa Inggris, full English dari student sama dosen nya? Interviewee: E, biasa aja, karena emang dari SMA udah dibiasakan seperti itu. Interviewer: sudah terbiasa dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris, oke. E, strategi nya itu gimana sih untuk lebih membiasakan diri menggunakan bahasa Inggris? Interviewee: Pakai bahasa Inggis,di, ya kapan aja kalau ngomong sama orang yang bisa pakai bahasa Inggris. Interviewer: Itu di dalam atau di luar kelas? Interviewee: E, di luar kelas juga. Interviewer: Diluar kelas berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris gitu ya? Itu kamu yang nyari mereka atau mereka. Em, siapa pun mereka kamu ajak ngomong aja se ketemu nya? Interviewee: E, iya seketemu nya. Jadi kalau aku ngobrol sama temen, kadang kita lagi ngobrol-ngobrol gitu pakai bahasa Inggris biar orang lain gak tau kita ngobrolin apa, hehe.
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Interviewer: Oke salah satu nya dengan digunain terus ya, di, apa, di luar kelas. Sekarang kita fokus dulu ni ke dalam kelas. Ini kan nanti tujuan nya buat advise buat adik angkatan kamu gimana nanti mereka gimana sih biar bisa cope with the use of English gitu, e, ada cara,e, strategi khusus dari kamu yang menurut kamu, ini lho strategi yang bener- bener yang berguna untuk bisa nngerti bahasa Inggris nya gitu. Interviewee: Apa ya, ya, coba terus aja ya praktekin tiap hari kalau perlu. Jadi kayak kamu baca koran, jangan di tapi di sekalian kita belajar bahasa Inggris, kalau gak tahu sekalian cari kamus gak papa, toh nanti kan kita apal sendiri to. Interviewer: Salah satu strategi kamu tadi dengan koran, dengan baca koran. itu yang printed atau di… Interviewee: yang on line. Interviewer: Setelah kamu baca kamu apakan itu? Interviewee: Tadikan, jadi tadi kan kita udah baca, kita nanti belajar ari nya apa, oh ini, ini. tapi kita kan mudeng sendri kalau pun, e, bahasa Inggris. Interviewer: Kamu cari arti nya kemana ? Interviewee: E, jadi download kamu yang di website itu, cukup kok buat ngartiin arti- arti nya itu. Interviewer: Cari di kamus ya? Pernah gak kamu diskusi tentag ini arti nya apa Interviewee: Kadang- kadang waktu kelas kalau ini, artinya apa sih, tanya sama temen, temen juga gak tahu kadang kita diskusiin gitu. Interviewer: Oh, jadi memang, saya nangkep, waktu anda gak ngerti dengan materi yang diajarkan dosen in English, kamu diskusi dengan teman, di dalam bahasa apa? Interviewee: E, pakai bahasa Inggris, kadang pakai bahasa Indonesia. Interviewer: Kapan pakai bahasa Ingggris, kapan pakai bahasa Indonesia? Interviewee: Kalau, saya merasa saya bisa pakai bahasa Inggris, saya pakai. Kalau sekira nya pertanyaan ini kata- kata nya agak belibet, ya butuh bahasa Indonesia, ya pakai bahasa Indonesia. Interviewer: Pernah buat coba mengartiin pelan- pelan atau sisa nya gak pakai Inggris Interviewee: Pernah, Interviewer: Contoh nya bagaimana?
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Interviewee: Waktu tes IC, ka ada bahan yang dari reading nya itu, nah berapa kata itu nggak mudeng, dibaca semua, semua, satu paragraf , dikira- kira oh, ini arti nya apa ya? Baru ketemu. Interviewer: Itu berarti waktu di dalam kelas nya, ada salah satu teman anda yang bilang kalau dengan dosen ini, harus seperti ini,kalau dosen yang itu saya seperti itu. untuk memastikan dulu ni, IC tu dosen nya ada berapa ya? Interviewee: Em, ada berapa ya? Tiga atau empat mungkin. Interviewer: Tiga atau empat. dalam menghadapi dosen satu dan dosen yang lain kau punya strategi yang sama atau beda? Interviewee: E strategi yang sama. Interviewer: Strategi yang sama. Oke,kalau , ada salah satu teman anda bilang bawa kalau dengan salah satu dosen dia harus duduk depan kalau ini, saya ga usah duduk di depan aja. Atau klau dengan dosen ini saya harus prepare di rumah supaya nanti bisa jawab waktu di tanya. Kamu ada gak strategi seperti itu? Interviewee: Ada sih, cuman itu karena ada beberapa satu dosen kalau, dosen nya itu selalu bertanya sebelum dalam satu kelas itu, jadi dia mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan in english , dan semua latian soal di buku IC itu harus udah diselesaikan di rumah. di kampus itu tinggal di cocokan. Interviewer: Oh, berarti dengan dosen yang seperti itu, cara kamu menghadapi nya gimana? Interviewee: Ya ngerjain dulu semua hal tentang materi nya di rumah dulu. Interviewer: Oke, ngerjain di rumah dulu. Bisa ngerjain semua atau gimana itu biasannya? Interviewee: E, biasanya sih bisa, tapi kalau ada beberapa yang ndak bisa dikerjain dan gak bisa diisi gitu dikosongin, nanti kan di kampus kan ketemu sama temen- temen. Interviewer: Oke, berarti kembali ya apa hubungan nya dengan teman lagi untuk mendiskusikan itu. Interviewee: Yup. Interviewer: E, setelah itu, pernah gak kayak pengen tanya ke dosen tapi got stuck gitu, stuck dengan kata- kata nya. Interviewee: E, pernah beberapa kali. Saya mau tanya in English tapi kata apa yang tepat gitu jadi mendingan langsunag pakai bahasa Indonesia aja. Interviewer: Itu boleh gak sih, kalau dosen nya, kalau seperti itu? Interviewee: E, beberapa dosen sih memperbolehkan soalnya kan kadang ada kata- kata yang belibet kalau pakai bahasa Inggris, ini in English nya apa, nanti daripada
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salah pengertian nya, jadi diselingi ada selipan bahasa Indonesia nya, jadi dicampurin. Interviewer: oke, kan kamu tadi bilang ada beberapa dosen yang boleh pakai bahasa Indonesia, berarti, apa, em, itu tadi maksud nya apa ada beberapa dosen juga yang harus pakai bahasa Ingggris full? Interviewee: E, ada, tapi kan kalau pertanyaan itu kalau kita nggak mudeng kita tanya pakai bahasa Inggris juga, kita nya udah gak mudeng, tanya nya pakai bahasa Inggris juga gak mudeng, jadi kita biasa nya sih, " im sorry, im using Indonesian" pertama nya gitu dulu baru ngomong. Interviewer: Bararti minta ijin dulu pakai bahasa INdonesia baru ngomong ya? perah gak dilarang? "no, u have to use English" Interviewee: E, nggak sih, gak. Interviewer: Em, gak perah dilarang ya? Oke, cara belajar yang ini, kaya preparation sebelum kelas, pernah melakukan preparation nya waktu IC? Interviewee: Nggak, Interviewer: Em,nggak pernah ya, berarti memang cuma di kelas itu aja ya. Interviewee: Iya, karena kan IC itu udah di ajari dari SMP sama SMA kan semua materi nya udah ada di sana udah “nglotok” dari dulu. Interviewer: Jadi kamu cuman tinggal nginge- nginget gitu ya? Interviewee: Iya Interviewer: Ya, cara nginget- nginget nya gimana itu? Interviewee: Kan sebelum suatu excercise kan ada bahan yang kita omongin, ini materi nya apa, apa, apa dulu, summary nya di baca dulu. Interviewer: Baca di kelas? Interviewee: Yup Interviewer: Cara membaca kamu yang paling efektif itu biasanya? Interviewee: Paling efektif, ya baca biasa aja sih. Interviewer: Buat sumary? Interviewee: Em, gak pernah sih. Cuman di baca gitu doang. Interviewer: Diulang- ulang? Interviewee: Sekali aja.
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Interviewer: Dan itu sudah membantu anda dalam mengerti? Interviewee: Em, sudah. Interviewer: Selanjut nya dengan dosen- dosen yang berbeda. saya mau tanya, saya mau balik tanya lagi ni, tentang strategi anda dalam menghadapi dosen yang berbedabeda, itu sama atau gak sih? Interviewee: E, kala beberapa ada beberapa pegecualian di satu, kayak ada dosen yang minta digarap dulu sebelum kelas,nah tu, tapi overall nya itu semua sama sih. Interviewer: Oke, garap dulu sebelum kelas. Arti nya pernah ya kalau persiapan sebelum kelas. Interviewee: Iya Interviewer: Persiapan nya gimana? Interviewee: Ya udah nggarap aja, itu malem digarap, Interviewer: Dengan cara? Interviewee: Ya,gimana ya, ya kaya garap soal tes aja digarap gitu. Sebisa nya, toh nanti di kampus kan di jelasin to kalau salah. Interviewer: Berarti sebisa nya aja. Untuk, em sebentar lagi kamu jadi kakak angkaan ya, e, saran nya apa untuk mereka apa untuk mereka biar bisa terbiasa menggunakan bahasa Inggris, bisa fluent gitu, kaya kamu sekarang. ini lo, yang saya lakukan di IC kemaren, dan kamu sebaik nya juga melakukan hal yang sama, di IC kemaren kamu melakuin apa? Interviewee: IC, be active. Jadi aktif, kalau ada dosen tanya, dosen, e, ngasih waktu kita buat tanya gitu, ya, jawab lah, kalau gak tanya. ya manfaatin waktu sebaik- baik nya aja. Interviewer: Tanya nya dengan cara seperti apa? Interviewee: Jadi kalau dosen ada ngomong " is there any question?" e, kalau kita benerbener ada yang gak mudeng, satu, kecil aja ngeganjel gitu, tanya. Soal nya nanti kalau gak ditanyain jadi gak bisa. Interviewer: Jadi langsung tanya ke dosen ya? Interviewee: Iya Interviewer: Selain itu, apa lagi tadi? Interviewee: E, jadi kalau ada dosen yang "silahkan maju untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari nomer satu sampai sepuluh atau salah satu saja" ya silahka maju, be active!
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Interviewer: Berarti memang anda gak ada kesulitan dalam, kaya rasa takut gitu ta? Interviewee: Em, enggak sih. Interviewer: Ada saran gak seumpama kalau ada rasa takut? Interviewee: E, kalau mau belajar bahasa Inggris, kalau takut, gak bakalan bisa. Interviewer: Maksud nya meyakinkan diri sendiri? Interviewee: Yup, betul. Interviewer: Cara meyakinkan diri sendiri kalau biar PD tu seperti apa sih kalau menurut kamu? Interviewee: E, ya, gimana ya, kayak bahasa jawa nya sih, "rai gedhek" jadi kalau kamu, kalau, walaupun kamu salah, kalau kamu ngomong apa, orang pasti akan mbenerin kalau orang itu tau yang bener. Jadi, santai aja, toh kita juga belajar. Interviewer: Berarti ngomong apapun terserah yang penting kita berani untuk ngeluarin ide gitu ya. Oke, tadi kan pertama ya, yang kedua tadi juga ada, yang untuk apa, em, kayak tadi anda bilang straight forward buat tanya, apapun yang terjadi tetep tanya Interviewee: Ya. Interviewer: Setelah itu apa lagi yang anda lakukan waktu itu dan itu cukup berhasil? Interviewee: E, di luar kelas itu kadang kan ngobrol- ngobrol, coba pakai bahasa Inggris, itu bener- bener bantu banyak. Interviewer: Dan terahir tadi anda bilang untuk, untuk apa, untuk cari kesempatan ngomong bahasa Inggris ya di luar kelas, dengan dosen apa dengan teman? Interviewee: Biasa dengan teman, karena jarang berhubungan dengan dosen saya. Interviewer: Teman. Teman itu cari teman yang native gitu, atau semua terserah? Interviewee: E, semua aja terserah. Karena, kan, mosok harus cari teman native dulu baru ngomong bahasa inggris? Kalau teman, e, seumpama,saya punya temen nama nya Clarissa, jadi dia kan bisa ngomong pakai bahasa Inggris, kadang kita ngobrol pakai bahasa Inggris gitu, di kafe, kan kadang ngobrolin orang gitu kan jadi ka iseng- iseng pakai bahasa inggris sekalian belajar. Interviewer: Oke, berari harus banyak practice dan gak harus cari yang native dulu ya? Interviewee: Gak usah. Interviewer: Terus kemudian, ada gak cara kamu, tadi Wenny bilang kalau dia belajar harus pakai musik, harus, kadang- kadang pakai musik, yang musik nya juga harus
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yang, kaya musik yang slow gitu, biar kaya, biar kaya bisa jadi stimulus buat dia bisa belajar. Kamu ada strategi yang seperti itu gak? Interviewee: Gak ada, kalau pakai musik atau dengerin yang lain, liat yang lain, malah jatuh nya nanti kalau musik ikut nyayi lah, gak konsen jadi nya. Jadi kalau benerbener itu ya tenang. Interviewer: Berarti untuk keep your concentration memang harus tenang, gitu ya? itu salah satu strategi belajar anda. Strategi belajar anda tadi dengan tenang. Maksud nya gimana sih, contoh nya? Interviewee: Em, relax aja, gak usah grusa- grusu nggarap nya. Kayak harus garap ini, satu sampai dua puluh, kita gak usah ih itu banyak banget, anti kalau ada waktu luang dan lagi enak mood nya, garap aja. Udah enak waktu nya garap aja selesain, toh nanti juga selesai sendiri kalau gitu. Interviewer: Berarti memang cari waktu uang gitu untuk mengerjakan. Pernah gak merasa males untuk mengerjakan soal atau untuk belajar seperti itu? Interviewee: Wah, sering. Interviewer: Cara mengantisipasi nya gimana tu? Menghilangkan masa malas? Interviewee: Gak ada usaha buat menghilangkan sih, cuma nunggu malas nya ilang aja. Interviewer: Ok, nunggu males nya ilang, sampai kapan gak ngerti ya, tapi pasti nya udah berusaha gitu kan? Interviewee: Iya. Interviewer: Dengan lagu tadi juga seperti itu ya? Justru malah mengganggu konsentrasi kamu. Oke, mungkin itu aja sih, soal nya udah dapet beberapa strategi kamu yang cukup membantu. Oke, tapi sebentar, kamu repeat IC gk? Interviewee: Nggak. Interviewer: Oke kamu gak repeat IC ya, berarti memang kalau strategi mu itu memang bener- bener berhasil dari waktu waktu awal ya Interviewee: Ya. Interviewer: Kalau hal yang mungkin, em, ini sebentar lagi ni, untuk hal yang mungkin, strategi, pernah memiliki strategi yang menurut kamu salah gak? Yang nanti buat adik angkatan yang jangan dilakuin ni strategi yang seperti ini, karena ini salah, dan kenapa ini salah? Interviewee: Apa ya, em, e, jangan nunda. Interviewer: Jangan menunda?
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Interviewee: Kalau ada pertanyaan atau bingung apa, jangan nunggu sampai dosen nya , maksud nya, dosen nya kasih waktu pertanyaan atau nanti kita di kelas itu, ih, malu ah, mosok aku tanya- tanya mulu kan, temen- temen juga mau tanya mosok aku terus yang tanya- tanya mulu. kalau kamu bener- bener gk mudeng, tanya aja, jadi gak usah nunggu kalau nanti ketemu sama dosen nya pasti di luar, nanti nunda- nunda gitu tu bakal gak ketemu sama dosen nya, bakal lupa itu pertanyaan apa, dan bakal bingung kalau nanti test. Interviewer: Oke, berarti memang untuk be Active, belajar nya dengan tenang, dan juga jangan menunda buat apa pun itu juga jangan ada rasa malu. Oke, makasih kevin untuk sharing nya hari ini. Interviewee: Iya, Interviewer: Kapan lagi kalau ada waktu dan ada beberapa yang di tanyakan bisa tanya lagi? Interviewee: Oke, pasti mbak. Interviewer: Thanks Kevin, selamat pagi. Interviewee: Oke sama- sama mbak.