ABSTRACT Motivation in Extensive Reading (ER) is paramount since it is crucial to keep students’ positive attitude toward reading. Although the concept of ER concern to produce individualindependent learners, teachers still have the responsibility to orient and guide the students Therefore, teachers should provide some strategies to maintain students’ motivation in the reading process. This study aimed to identify students’ perceptions on teachers’ strategies to motivate them in ER. The data of this study was collected using semi-structured interview (more or less 13 questions) from 10 participants (1 male, 9 female). The participants were students who took ER class in Semester I 2013/2014. By analyzing it qualitatively, the findings revealed that students perceived that teacher’s supports are important in their learning process. The students stated that they became more motivated at three conditions, which are when they see that their teachers being active reader during the Silent Reading, when their teachers act as guide, and when they are given appropriate assignments by the teachers. Though teachers’ strategies in motivating the students consider as extrinsic motivation but through deeper implementation by the teacher it could be transform into intrinsic motivation which is essential for language learning process. Keywords: motivation, teacher’s strategies, Extensive Reading, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation
INTRODUCTION Motivation in language learning process is crucial because it is one of the key factors that lead to its success (Dornyei, 2001). However, we know that the motivation behind every student varies, with different background of life and different ability in learning language. It might cause students to see motivation in different perspectives that lead to their actions and results in doing things. Having motivated students who are willing to work hard, focusing their attention on the task given, and even helping others in the classroom must be every teacher’s dream, that is why 1
teachers often see it as their responsibility to motivate students by providing some necessary strategies to encourage the students to perform better. In addition, research on motivation has evolved considerably from focusing on describing what create students’ motivation to a detailed list of suggestions that teacher can do to promote it. Some studies has confirmed that Extensive Reading (ER) is useful in growing student’s reading motivation and is beneficial for them in terms of increasing language proficiency (Elley & Mangubhai, 1993; Nation 2009), vocabulary knowledge (Horst, 2005), positive attitude and motivation (Elley, 2000), and reading rate (Iwahori, 2008). By reading extensively without anxious about being fail, students might perform better in reading such as, gaining a general understanding about what is read, developing good reading habits, building up knowledge of vocabulary and structure, and encouraging a liking for reading (Day & Bamford, 1998). Although the principles of ER mentioned that the concept of ER is to produce individualindependent learner, teachers still have the responsibility to orient and guide the students. That is why, if teachers want their students to read better, they have to motivate their students to read large quantity of books or other materials. In fact, to maintain students’ motivation in reading could be challenging for teachers because they have to understand their students’ characteristics which are various from one to another. That is why teachers should provide necessary strategies that could be applied during the learning process. Motivation in ER is paramount since it is crucial to keep students to have positive attitude toward the reading process itself. When it comes to high motivated students it might not be hard to preserve their habit of reading, on the other hand, students with low motivation need to have a figure that could lead and show them why is reading important and why they have to do it. Therefore, in this case teacher is the most dependable person that could
accomplish this job since students possibly have this particular believe toward their teacher as their model in school (Kok, 2009). As we already know the importance of teachers’ supports on the students’ language learning process especially in ER, here the writer wants to conduct a research on students’ perception toward the motivation given by the teacher in ER class, that lead to the research question: “How do the students perceive the teacher’s strategies to motivate the students in Extensive Reading class?” The aim of this research is to identify students’ opinions about the strategies done by the teacher in order to motivate them to be more engaged in reading activity, specifically in ER class. Moreover, it is expected that through this research might help the teachers to recognize which strategy is beneficial to increase students’ motivation in reading.
LITERATURE REVIEW A. Motivation in Second Language (L2) Learning In L2 learning process, it is essential to keep the students motivated in what they learn because students tend to work longer, harder, and with more vigor and intensity when they are motivated. Moreover, highly-motivated students are proven to perform better than those who are less-motivated (Winke, 2005). Brown (2001) discusses motivation from two distinct points of view. From cognitive perspective, the term of motivation is used to explain individual’s behaviors were influenced by thought, conscious, attitudes, belief and interpretation of events (Dornyei, 2001). In this case people will act or perform because of their own decision that might be related to their needs and belief. While in behavioral theories, motivation is defined as “the anticipation of reinforcement” (Brown, 2001, p.73),
behaviorists believe in the role of external factor (reward or punishment) to influence one in pursuing his goal. Gardner in Fen Yeh (2010) defines motivation in terms of “attitude, effort, and desire, derived from his social-educational model of language learning which is one of the most influential theories to explain how language learners are motivated and how their learning motivations affect their achievement” (p.253). His model of motivation is classified into two different orientations: integrative and instrumental. Integrative orientation deals with students’ motivation to learn the target language because their interest in the language itself, desire for interaction with the target language community, and positive attitude toward the target language community. It emphasizes on the importance of students’ interest on the success of the process. If students feel engaged to the target language they tend to be more eager to learn about it. In contrast, in instrumental orientation students learn the target language to achieve a practical goal such as getting a better job or a higher salary (Dornyei, 2001). Another definition stated by Decy and Ryan (2000): “to be motivated means to be moved to do something” (p.54). This means that as long as someone is motivated, then it has a chance for someone to reach his goal. Motivation can also be divided into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (ibid.). Intrinsic motivation presents when students participate in activities without expecting any reward because they love it and see the activity as the reward itself. Intrinsic motivation is more related on personal satisfactions on the things they do. Unlike intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation needs external factor for it to appear that unrelated to the task they are performing, for example, they want to pass the course, get good grades and plus points from the teacher, or to avoid punishment. 4
In conclusion, both internal and external factors influence students’ performances. Yet, the internal or intrinsic motivation (interest, enjoyment) has greater impact on students’ L2 learning process than extrinsic motivation because students may learn for long term because it is their own needs and beliefs, rather than rewards or punishments. Students may lose their interest in learning once they reach their goals if they count on external factors only. Otherwise, intrinsically motivated students are more likely to continue to educate themselves outside school setting.
B. Teacher Plays Important Role in Motivating Students In general, teacher plays an important role in students’ learning process because students may identify their teachers as their model in educational context. Students do what their teacher do. A research done by Shien and Chiou (2011) has indicated that students’ learning styles were related to their models. It is one of teacher’s responsibilities to maintain students’ motivation and even persuade them to be more engaged in what they learn. To ensure that the students are committed in their learning process, teachers should provide some strategies that are relevant and applicable in the classroom. In ER class, teachers have the responsibilities to guide and orient the students in order to accomplish the goals. Here, the teachers should be able to stimulate students’ interest toward reading. Students’ interest is important because when the students feel that reading is fun they tend to have positive attitude toward reading. Teachers’ strategies in ER class usually seen as an external factor and considered temporary because it comes from outside the students, however it is also proven as an effective way to increase students’ interest in 5
reading (Nicholson, 2013). In order to prevent the short-term effect, teachers should be able to make use and find a way to transform this extrinsic motivation into intrinsic motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2000). To encourage student to become self motivated independent learners in ER, teachers can do the following strategies as suggested by Shrivastava (2012): First, build students’ selfconfidence by giving frequent, positive supports beliefs that they can do well. Students have to believe that they are competent in what they are doing. Here, the teachers should embrace students’ confidence and maximize their potential by frequently tell them that they can. When they believe that they can achieve, they do achieve (Arrowsmith, 2012). Teacher should also encourage students to be responsible for they own reading (Fen Yeh, 2010), the students are allowed to choose their own reading material that suitable for them and to stop reading if it is not interesting them as well. Students need to feel comfortable in reading to stimulate their interest for reading. As long as students enjoy reading, their comprehension will become deeper and their expectancy for success will grow, which, in turn could motivate their intrinsic motivation (Day & Bamford, 1998). Still related to the first strategy, the second one is that teachers could give positive evaluation or feedback to motivate students to read. Students want to be recognized for their hard work and effort in doing assignment. Teachers could praise students' effort when they succeed. On other hand, when they fail, the teacher should also give feedback about effort or strategies that may not work. Students perceive teacher’s feedback as evaluation for their work and even as a standard for next assignment. That is why it is important for the teachers to give clear explanation on the feedback given. Feedback should be something that is constructive and orientate students’ improvement rather than critical. Positive feedback could 6
enhance students’ confidence in reading because through the comments students might learn if they already doing right or they have to change to make it better (Hattie & Timperley, 2007). By giving positive feedback, it is expected that the students might show better performance in the future. Thirdly, teachers could ensure opportunities for students’ success by giving relevant tasks. Teacher as the material designer should provide tasks that are challenging but achievable. This means that they are neither too difficult nor too easy. In addition, teachers might also have his/her expectation on how the task should be done by the students. Teachers’ expectation has great influence on students’ motivation since students do what their teachers expect them to do and they will try their best to fulfill teacher’s expectation (Shrivastava, 2012). However, teacher’s expectation should not be above student’s ability or it will destroy their motivation. The point of giving assignment here is to ensure that the students do reading outside the class in order to build students habit in reading. Reading habit is essential to engage the students in the reading process. Therefore, teachers should put more attention in this area. The assignments do not have to be in the form of test, since it is in reading class then the assignments are more focusing on any activities that require the students to read, such as weekly journal. Through this kind of assignment, the students will consider that reading books is a must whether they want it or not, as a result, their reading habit will be eventually established. Moreover, by doing this task the students will also be able to monitor their own progress in reading which hopefully will motivate them to be more active in reading. The last but not least, the most important thing that a teacher could do to motivate the students is by being a role model in reading (Kok, 2009). “Teachers identified by the students 7
as models in an educational context may play a particularly important role in students’ learning process” (Lashley & Barron, 2006 in Shein & Chiou, 2011, p.1097). Students learn through the teacher, through the commitment to excellence and the teacher’s ability to make them realize their personal growth, moreover the students look their teacher for advice and guidance. Being a model means that the teacher give the close example for the students on how it is to be a good reader. Therefore, “to help students to become highly engaged readers, teachers themselves need to be highly engaged.” (Guthrie et al in Kok, 2009, p.96). Teacher’s modeling in ER class is commonly demonstrated during the silent reading activity. At this chance, the teacher reads together with his/her students at the same time which is good to give the real example to the students. According to Nuttal (1996), when the students see that their teacher read with concentration, enjoy reading, and make use of books, the students are more likely to notice and follow doing the same thing. By doing such encouragement and guidance, teachers stimulate students to have positive attitude toward reading in ER class which is needed to help them accomplish their goal in the process itself. Teacher might be the second person that persistently observes students’ development after their parents. Teachers need to know their students well, including their weakness and strength to be able to apply suitable strategy to motivate them. Moreover, in order to help the students to improve their performance in reading, teacher should monitor the students’ development during the process. Teachers have to persistently keep an eye on the students’ progress so that they would be able to give the exact assist. Teachers also need to be enthusiastic about the subject and accept any students’ problems as challenges that need to be overcome. By doing the strategies above, it is expected that teacher might encourage the students to be motivated in reading. 8
THE STUDY Context of the Study This study was conducted in the English Teacher Education Program, Faculty of Language and Literature (FLL) of Satya Wacana Christian University (SWCU), Salatiga, Central Java. The participants were students who took Extensive Reading Class in Semester I 2013/2014. In this class, students are required to do amounts of reading in order to develop good reading habits, to build up knowledge of vocabulary and structure, and to encourage a liking for reading (Day & Bamford, 1998). This context was chosen because as the students of this program I would like to know whether or not ER teachers have specific strategies in motivating the students to read and how the students perceived those strategies given by the teachers. The students do reading both inside and outside the class and are asked to give oral book report as the assignment. During the class, both the teacher and students are doing reading together in silent reading activity and then make a discussion of the material (books). In order to pass the course, students should at least read the minimum number of pages that has been determined by the teachers.
Participants The participants of the research were 10 students of English Teacher Education Program, SWCU, Indonesia, who took Extensive Reading class in Semester I 2013/2014. There were 1 male and 9 female students. They were all freshmen in this faculty, they were Indonesians and their age ranged from 18 to 21 years old. The participants were chosen randomly because there is
no specific qualification needed for the participants. As long as they took Extensive Reading class they were allowed to be the participants of this study.
Data Collection Instrument For data collection tool, I used semi-structured interview which means I have provided some questions as a guideline but I still could add some other questions during the interview if it is needed in order to gather sufficient information. The reason why I use interview as my data collection tool is because I could ask directly to the students about their opinions on teacher’s strategies and ensure that they understand the questions. In addition, the students would be more expressive to conceal their feelings when they are talking about it instead of just writing it down. The interview was conducted to identify how the students perceive the strategies done by the teacher in order to motivate them. There were 13 questions (see Appendix) prepared for the interview which developed from the theory and the purpose of this study. Some other questions were also adapted from Motivation of Reading Questionnaire (MRQ) developed by Wigfield and Guthrie at the University of Maryland (1997). The questions are asking about the students interests in reading, their opinion about ER class, the activity that they do during the class, teacher’ strategies on the class, and the students’ opinions about the teacher’ strategies. The interviews were done in Indonesian so that the students were able to express their feeling freely. In this interview the participants could share his/her experience in reading and their opinion about themselves as a reader and their teacher’s strategies or supports in motivating them to read in ER class. Since
there were approximately 13 questions, therefore it took at least 15-20 minutes for each interview.
Data Collection Procedures Before the interviews were conducted, I did the piloting to ensure if the questions were suitable and could gather the information that I needed to answer the research question of this study. To make appointments with some participants, I contacted them one day before the interview held, while the other participants were asked spontaneously on the spot. The interviews were took place around the F building during their break time. In the interview, firstly I told the participants the aim of the study and asked them to give their honest answers and that their answers in this interview would not affect their grades in Extensive Reading class. I asked them to be relax and started the interview from first to the last questions. Although the interview has already recorded, I still took some notes based on the explanation as back up sources.
Data Analysis Procedures After I finished all of the interviews, the next thing I did was transcribing them. When the transcriptions were done I started to categorize them. I examined them one by one from the first to the last question, I put the same answers in a group so that it would be easier for me to compare their answers. From the analysis, I came up with three themes which represent students’ perceptions toward teachers’ strategies in motivating the students. To develop those themes, I 11
tried to analyze and interpret the data transcriptions and then compared the result to the theory in order to answer the purpose of this study.
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This section discusses the findings revealed from the analysis of the data gathered about the students’ perceptions on the teachers’ strategies to motivate them in ER class. The findings are discussed more deeply under three main points: (a) teacher’s strategy to motivate the students could be in the form of being an active reader, (b) teacher’s guidance encourage students’ motivation, and (c) assignment works as a trigger to students’ motivation in reading.
a. Teacher’s strategy to motivate the students by being an Active Reader ‘Readers are made by readers’, this quotation by Nuttal (1996) could represent how important it is as a teacher for being a model for his/her students. As we know, there are several ways for teachers to show their students their passions on reading, yet it would be better if we know which one influence students the most. Students are seeing a figure of model in their teacher to convince them that what they are doing is right and beneficial. Therefore, teachers should perform as active readers and show the students that they perceive
reading as an important activity. Teachers could participate in silent reading activity and doing reading together with the students. By doing this, it is expected that the teachers could stimulate students’ motivation to in ER class. Most of the participants agree that seeing their teachers reading during the silent reading activity motivates them to do the same thing. They conveyed that seeing their teachers reading stimulates their responsibilities and awareness to do reading as well. They also said that the motivation came when they saw that the teacher reading the same book as them. It made them felt that the teachers were consequence with their words. The students have this belief that teacher should be an appropriate example for them, for anything that they have to do they insist that their teacher should do the same thing. At this point, students perceived teachers’ participation as a trigger to stimulate their motivation in reading. By taking part in silent reading activity, teacher gives contribution in supporting the students to read more. Knowing that their teachers were also did the same thing as they asked the students to do, give understanding to the students that they are on the equal position as the teacher. It would motivate the students more to read rather than if they see their teacher as a commander. “Iya seneng juga sih, soalnya dia kasih contoh kan. Jadi kalau misalnya dosennya aja kayak gitu mahasiswanya pasti jadi pekeweuh kalau nggak baca.” (Participant E) (“Yes, I like it, because she gave us the real example. So if the teacher did reading, the students would felt uncomfortable/ guilty if they didn’t.”) “Seneng sih, kelihatan kalau dia ngedukung mahasiswa untuk baca, jadi kaya motivasi, nggak cuma nyuruh tapi dia juga baca jenis buku yang dia suruh ke kita.”(Participant J) (“It’s good, we could see that she supported the students to read, it’s like a motivation for us, not just told us what to read but she also read the same book like us.”) “Lebih suka yang seperti itu sih, karena dosennya ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan kita juga kan, ikut baca gitu.”(Participant K)
(“I prefer that way, because the teacher also took part in our activity, when she also reading.”)
From the above data, we could see that the teachers took part in the Silent Reading activity. During this time, together with the students teacher was also practicing reading, which means they did their job as a role model in reading. This type of role model was appreciated by the students since through this modeling they could see that it is true that their teachers were also readers. Moreover, by being an active member of reading community, teachers showed their students how to make use of books and also built students’ awareness that reading is essential in their learning process and even further. Having this kind of perspective could encourage students’ intrinsic motivation in reading and also enhance their belief toward the teachers. Being an active reader in silent reading activity is one of strategies for the teachers to show their passion in reading. Throughout the Silent Reading time students could see that their teachers do read in ‘real’ time, which would inspire them to do so, therefore teachers should really take advantages of this activity. Not only just saying but through real example demonstrating that their teacher enjoy reading will also convince the students that reading is fun and is not a boring activity as they thought (Kok, 2009). Students will believe more on what they see rather than what they just heard. By showing the value of reading for them, teachers could also enhance students’ belief on the importance of reading for their own sake. This finding supports the cognitive perspective which stated that students’ behaviors were influenced by their consciousness and positive attitude of the importance of reading itself. Once the students perceived that reading is beneficial for their study they would be motivated.
b. Teacher’s guidance encourage students’ motivation Being a guide means that teacher should be ready to be an advisor and source for the students. Students usually believe on what their teacher say, so they would probably do what their teacher told them to do. There are many ways that the teachers could do as a guide. Teachers could advise their students on what they can do to make reading easier or how to get the right book to read and even give some suggestions on what books are suitable for them. Through giving advises, teachers also prove that they concern about the students’ success. Moreover, through the idea given by the teacher, students could probably open their mind to the wider experience in reading. According to the participants, teachers’ strategy by giving advice on how to choose books starting from the lower level and to see if the book title was interest them to read or not helps them to find which books are suitable for them. In addition, their teachers also gave them reading strategy. The teachers suggesting them to read the synopsis of the book before read the whole story. They said that it was beneficial because it is timesaving. Other participants revealed that teacher’s strategy done by the teacher when the teacher told them to find comfortable place for them to read and suggest them to use guessing method to encounter their problem of vocabulary. Moreover, teachers also recommend what books that might be interesting to the students. By giving this suggestion, the students felt that reading is fun, as the result, they become more engaged in this activity. “Iya, pas itu Mam Dina (pseudonym) nyaranin level yang bawah dulu nanti kalau pas mau baca lihat titlenya, kalau misalkan tertarik kan bacanya juga enak.” (Participant D) (“Yes, at that time Mam Dina suggest us to start from the lower level first, and also read the book title, if it is interesting it will be more pleasant for us to read.”)
“…jadi kalau kamu pengen tau ceritanya, lebih baik baca sinopsisnya dulu, jadi kalau bener-bener mau memperdalam baru baca isinya, tapi baca isinya itu temukan intinya saja, jadi bisa ngerti tapi juga cepat.” (Participant F) (“…if we want to read the book, it would be better to read the synopsis first, if we think we are curious about it then go, but just look for the important part of the book, so we can understand the story and not waste our time.”) “Dia bilang ya cari tempat yang nyaman dulu untuk baca, kita nggak perlu buka kamus kalau ada kata yang sulit tapi baca dulu ceritanya baru dibuat konklusi.” (Participant H) (“She said that we should find a place that makes us comfortable, we don’t have to find the meaning of difficult words in the dictionary, just read and conclude.”)
As I said before, students have trust on their teachers’ saying and are likely to be motivated on teacher’s suggestions. It is something that comes naturally for the students to do so because they see their teachers as their model in school. Sometimes, teacher’s recommendation also gives some ideas to the students to read books from another genre or topic which might be different from their usual. Suggestions of reading strategies might help the students to prevent and encounter the difficulties that they find during the reading process. The right reading strategy is actually important to prevent the students to feel that reading is boring, so that teacher needs to ensure that the students has been provided appropriate reading strategies and support them to be more motivated to read in ER class. The students already have their own believe toward the teachers. They stated that they were motivated to read the book recommended by her teacher because they believed that the teacher has already read the book. Moreover, they confessed that after following their teachers’ advices and felt the benefit made them become more interested in reading because they knew that their teachers would help them to overcome their problem during the reading process.
“He’e [membuat lebih ingin membaca]. Karena kan Mam Dina (pseudonym) pasti udah tau ceritanya, jadi dia kayak ngasih tau…” (Participant D) (“Yes, it is [made me curious to read the book]. Because Mam Dina must have known the story of the book, so she told us…”) “…jadi dulu awalnya sebelum Extensive Reading kalau baca ada kata susah dikit langsung buka kamus, tapi setelah disaranin ya aku coba baca dulu sampai habis…, jadi tak ikutin sarannya……..jadi nggak buang-buang waktu….” (Participant H) (“…before Extensive Reading class, I always open the dictionary everytime I found difficult words, but after being suggested not to I try to finish the book first…., so I did her suggestion…….it is timesaving….”) “Ga tau aku percaya aja sih, mungkin dia udah pernah baca kali ya dan tau itu bagus untuk kita, efeknya juga bagus, jadinya direkomendasiin. Ya udah terus aku cari.” (Participant J) (“I don’t know, I just trust her, maybe she has read the book and know that it’s good for us, so she recommend it. So yeah I look for it.”) Students’ positive perspective toward teachers is necessary in order to gain their trust. Once the students believe on their teacher, they tend to follow their teachers’ advises or even instructions willingly. At this point, teachers build and develop students’ intrinsic motivation where students doing reading for their own satisfaction and not expecting any other reward because they love it and already feel the benefits of reading itself. They will be more aware on the important of reading on their learning process and doing reading continuously. That is why teacher should be more alert on their function as an advisor and source to encourage students’ motivation in reading. c. Assignment works as a trigger to students’ motivation in reading Giving relevant assignment might be one of the strategies that teacher could do to give opportunities to the students to read. Since students consider the assignment as their duty, they would be more responsible in accomplishing it. The assignment could be in the form of oral report, reading journal, book analysis, and also drama performance. The most important 17
thing is that all of these tasks should require the students to read. Through the necessity to complete the tasks, students gain their personal experiences in reading which hopefully will stimulate the reading habit and open their eyes to the importance of reading. Most of participants agree that the necessity of assignment influence their motivation in reading. They said that the deadline of the assignment give them no choice but do reading to complete the assignment given. Some of them stated that they were motivated to read in order to get a good grade. This concern about grade is strongly motivated the students to read because it is their personal goal in this class. On the other hand, some students conveyed that assignment is probably the only reason why they were doing reading. In this point, we can see that the function of assignment is to make certain that the student is engaged in reading even outside the class. As the participants said that through assignment they also build their habit in reading. They might not enjoy reading in the first place, but during the process in doing the assignment which requires them to read, they realized that reading is fun and beneficial. In this case, assignment also plays an important role to arouse students’ reading habit. “Sebenernya yang memotivasi itu tugasnya, karena ada deadline jadi mau nggak mau ya harus dikerjain.” (Participant E) (“Actually, it is because the deadline of the assignment, so whether I want it or not I have to do it.”) “Banget, mungkin kalau nggak ada tugas aku nggak baca.” (Participant H) (“Yes, of course. If there’s no assignment then I might not read.”) “Soalnya [dengan adanya tugas] kita lebih termotivasi untuk dapat nilai yang bagus, jadi ya termotivasi baca buku.” (Participant K) (“Because of the assignment we are more motivated to get a good grade, that’s why we read.”) “Kalau pertama karena tugas tapi abis itu lama-lama ya suka [membaca], ya mendinglah daripada dulu sama sekali nggak suka.” (Participant O)
(“Firstly, it’s because of the assignment but eventually I start to like [reading], well it’s better than before that I don’t like reading at all.”) The fact that students have extrinsic motivation to pass a course with good grade is undeniable. However, Extensive Reading class is focusing more on the students’ attitude toward reading rather than grade. One of the goals in Extensive Reading class is that the students have motivation to read in second language (Day and Bamford, 1998). In order to accomplish this goal, teachers should assist the students to build their habit of reading. Creating a habit in reading is not an easy thing to do but it is proven to be an effective way to maintain students’ positive attitude toward reading. Assignment given to the students as a strategy which helps the teacher ensure that the students doing reading even outside the class. By keeping the students reading continuously, teachers build a strong reading habit into the students.
CONCLUSION The findings of this research indicate that motivation plays a crucial role in foreign language learning, in this case to encourage students’ interests in ER. As a result, teachers have a responsibility to maintain their students’ motivation in order to reach the goals of the program. According to the results gathered, students perceived teachers’ strategies to motivate them in various ways. In silent reading program, students felt their teachers’ support when the teachers act as an active reader. Here, the teacher’s strategy seems to be successful because at this chance teacher could prove that he/she is a reader. Students are demanding that their teachers have to read as they ask them to, they would believe that reading is important for them when they see that teachers also perceive that it is essential for them. Students have a tendency to imitate what their teacher do because they thought it is the right thing to do, as a result they might produce the 19
same learning styles as the teachers. This finding echoes Shien and Chiou’s (2006) argument that students’ learning styles were related to their model. Considering this fact, teachers should be more aware on their function as educators. Not only as an instructor but probably start to realize that if they want the students to give their best, they have to firstly present the best example for their students. Moreover, seeing that their teachers also took part in their activity would make the students to be more excited and passionate in reading as they could share their problem with their teachers. To act as a guide, teachers need to provide themselves with appropriate knowledge so that they would be capable to help the students to overcome any problems that might occur during the reading. In addition, teachers should also be able to convince their students that they are competent and reliable as sources in order to gain students’ trust on them. It would be easier for the teachers to give suggestions when they have their students’ trust. By giving suggestions, teachers could show their support toward the students as well. Sharing experiences in reading, telling them how to choose the right book or advising some reading strategies such as guessing, would encourage the students’ belief that reading is fun and beneficial. Through the guidance, teachers make sure that the students experience no failure in their reading process. Minimizing the bad experiences and maximizing students’ potential are the greatest way to embrace students’ confidence which is needed to stimulate their intrinsic motivation. When the students have already had intrinsic motivation on them, the long-term retention of reading motivation will stay even after they finish their study. The third finding of this research revealed that teacher’s strategy could be in the form of giving appropriate assignments. As the material designer, teachers provide appropriate assignments that build students’ awareness on the importance of reading. The term ‘appropriate’ 20
means that the assignments should not be too difficult or too easy, it has to be something that motivate rather than de-motivate the students’ interest in reading. Teachers should ensure that the tasks are understandable by giving clear instructions. Furthermore, teachers have to make sure that the students have successful experiences in ER in order to establish students’ positive attitude toward reading which resulting greater reading ability, motivation, and enjoyment in reading (Nicholson, 2013). Besides, through intensive assignments students would build their own habit in reading and eventually make reading a part of their life. It should be noted that this research had some limitations. This research was conducted in ER class on English Teacher and Education Program of Faculty of Language and Literature, thus, the generalization of the findings to other academic contexts should be treated with caution and might not be applicable or comparable to other program or needs to be further explored. In terms of suggestion for further research, a specific research on teacher’s modeling could be conducted since it would be interesting to examine whether or not this kind of teacher’s stretegy is the most effective way for teacher to motivate their students in ER (Khrisnan, Rahim, Marimuthu et al., 2009). In conclusion, this research was intended to identify students’ perceptions on teachers’ strategies in order to encourage students’ motivation in reading and all of the findings of this research agree that students perceived that the strategies done by the teachers are beneficial and important for their learning process. Teachers’ strategies also motivate and enhance their interest in reading because they believe that their teachers would help them to encounter any difficulties that they might found during the process. Therefore, in the future the writer would like to suggest to teachers to pay more attention on their function as educators which not only limited as instructors but they will also deepen the concept of modeling in ER and apply it appropriately in 21
their teaching methodology. Moreover, teachers could also take into consideration to make use of assignments in order to engage students’ motivation in reading. In the last part, hopefully the findings of this research could give some insight to the teachers on how to motivate the students to be more motivated in reading, especially in ER class.
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Interview’s questions: 1. Students’ interest in reading: Do you enjoy reading? (if yes) Are you reading for hobby or just doing assignment? (if no) why not? 2. Do you like Extensive Reading class? Why or why not? 3. What kinds of activities you did in class? 4. Did your teacher participate in those activities? 5. Do you like when your teacher showing his/her participation in class? 6. Did teacher involve in any reading activities (SSR)? Did you pay attention to him/her? 7. Did teacher share his/her experience in reading? Did their experiences motivating you to read more books? 8. Did teacher give some reading tips in the class? Was it influence your reading habit? 9. Did he/she share their opinion about books? Did they ask your opinion? 10. Does teacher’s opinion persuade you to read a book or not? 11. Assignment: did teacher give clear instructions to do the assignment? 25
12. Did he/she give comment(s) on your report? Did the comment(s) encourage you to do more reading? 13. In conclusion, do you think the way teacher teach in this class motivate you to read more books?
: 18 years old
P: Interviewer H: Interviewee
P: Selamat Siang, namanya siapa? H: Participant H (pseudonym) P: H Nim-nya berapa? H: 112013*** P: Jadi gini H ya, sebelumnya makasih dulu udah mau jadi partisipan aku, jadi nanti thesisku ini kan tentang bagaimana dosen memotivasi mahasiswa untuk lebih banyak membaca, apa aja yang perlu dilakukan oleh dosen. Jadi ya kurang lebih pertanyannya tentang apa yang kamu rasain di kelas exread kmrn, santai aja kamu bisa cerita apa aja, apa yang kamu rasain di kelas kemaren, pendapat kamu tentang dosen atau apapun, nggak usah takut, tegang atau gimana, udah lewat juga kan jadi nggak ngaruh ke nilai dan ini nanti juga cuma untuk dokumentasi pribadi aja sih, gitu ya. Oke, sebelumnya aku mau nanya, kamu suka baca nggak? H: Suka P: Suka banget atau biasa aja? H: Biasa aja P: Oke, mulai suka baca sejak kapan sih? H: Sebenernya dari TK itu baca majalah anak ya jadi suka, ya dari mama juga sih, mama kan dulu suka bacain cerita gitu, nah waktu udah bisa baca sendiri aku baca sendiri P: Biasanya kalo sekarang-sekarang ini kalau baca suka buku yang tentang apa sih? H: Mm biasanya majalah, artikel2, P: Biasanya ada topic spesifik nggak? H: Nggak sih bebas aja
P: Oke, kalo menurut kamu sendiri membaca itu bermanfaat nggak sih? H: Bermanfaat, nambah ilmu pastinya P: Kalau tadi kamu bilang dari keluarga mama ya, kalau di kelas sendiri ada nggak sih peran dosen yang memacu kamu jadi lebih suka baca? H: Ada, jadi yang awalnya disuruh paling nggak tiap minggu baca 1 buku, dan aku seringnya baca 1-3 buku seminggu P: Oke, jadi memang karena ada disuruh dari dosen ya? H: Jadi aku nyarinya juga buku yang enak dibaca P: Menurut kamu buku yang enak dibaca tu lebih yang sesuai sama kamu atau yang kamu suka topiknya? H: Level sama topic sih P: Waktu di awal kelas kemaren nentuin levelya gimana sih?sendiri atau dibantu dosen? H: Dibantu dosen. Itu kalau nggak salah disuruh baca misalnya dikasih bacaan level 3 dulu, disitu kira2 berapa banyak kata yang kamu nggak ngerti, kalau misal di atas 10 berarti levelnya dibawah level 3 P: Kalau kamu sendiri akhirnya di level mana? H: Aku level 3, jadi mulainya dari level 3 P: Semakin terus baca ada peningkatan? H: Iya, kemaren sampe level 6 juga dibaca P: Terus, menurut kamu sendiri secara keseluruhan kelas exread tu kelas yang seperti apa sih? H: Mm, menyenangkan, karena banyak apa ya…. lebih santai gitu, ya kita membaca tapi kadang disuruh ada yang lain juga kaya drama, jadi menyenangkan P: Kalau dosennya sendiri gimana? H: Menyenangkan, kan ibunya baik P: Baiknya gimana sih? H: Dia kan awal2 masuk itu, ya sekarang sih juga masih belajar Bahasa Inggris yang betul, tapi kalau misal ada beberapa kata yang nggak tau dalam Bhs Inggris masih boleh pake Bhs Indonesia terus dia kasih tau Bhs Inggrisnya apa. P: Itu waktu apa tugas atau? H: Jadi tiap habis baca itu kan kita disuruh report buku ini tentang apa gitu kan, jadi pas kita bikin oral report itu dia kasih tau kalau kita nggak tau Bhs Inggrisnya. 28
P: Jadi ada komentar gitu ya? H: Iya komentar P: Oke terus dengan ada report itu bikin kamu pengen baca lagi nggak? H: Iya, karena komennya itu lebih mendukung “ayo..ayo baca lagi jangan cuma level 3 aja.” P: Selain itu di kelas ngapain aja sih? H: Selain drama yang tadi, juga bikin pembatas buku dari quote yang kita suka, terus upload suara kita di soundcloud, jadi bisa di komenin sama teman-teman juga P: Kalau kegiatan yang spesifik membaca ada nggak? H: Iya ada silent reading, jadi tiap awal pertemuan pasti ada SR 15 menit P: Itu tiap minggu? H: Iya P: Di kegiatan silent reading itu dosen ikut baca nggak sih? H: Iya, ikut baca…terus kita juga kan tukeran pinjem buku sama temen, ….. P: Itu kalau dosen ikut baca juga berarti ya, suka perhatiin nggak sih dosennya kalau baca gimana apa serius apa santai? H: Kalau yang saya liat sih lebih santai P: Kalau menurut kamu sendiri dosen kamu ini tipe orang yg suka baca nggak? H: Iya, kayanya seperti itu, soalnya dia punya banyak referensi buku, jadi disaranin buku yang bagus P: Jadi pernah beberapa dikasih rekomendasi buku yang bagus? H: Iya, yang pernah dia baca dan sesuai sama level P: Biasanya caranya bilangnya seperti apa? H: Kamu baca level 3 coba baca buku ini, misalnya judulnya apa, terus biasanya cari tak baca P: Ini nggak, sebelumnya dia cerita nggak misalnya buku ini level 4 terus kasih ceritanya tentang apa? H: Iya P: Iya, terus itu yang bikin kamu pengen baca? H: Iya P: Terus langsung cari bukunya? H: Iya, tak cari tapi nggak tak terusin sih, soalnya setelah baca awalnya kok kayaknya nggak cocok buat saya, maksudnya jalur ceritanya agak memusingkan 29
P: Oo, jadi setelah baca awalnya ngerasa kurang berminat gitu ya? H: Iya P: Oke, jadi dosen juga kasih rekomendasi ke kamu ya? H: Heem P: Sering nggak sih? H: Yaa, waktu masih awal-awal belajar mencari buku gitu yang sesuai sama kita, dia juga kadang2 ngajak, “coba tanya temenmu buku ini enak nggak dibaca? supaya kamu lebih banyak baca lagi”, Cuma temen kadang kan levelnya beda, tapi ya coba tetep baca P: Jadi selain sama temen bisa sama dosen juga ya? H: Heem P: Oke, selain kasih rekomendasi gitu ya, pernah nggak misalnya waktu di kelas dosen dia cerita tentang dia lagi baca buku apa? H: Pernah sih, dia bilang saya lagi baca buku level 5 atau berapa gitu, kalau kamu tertarik coba aja dicari dibaca juga P: Dia kasih opini tentang buku itu seperti apa nggak? H: Waktu itu dosennya cuma bilang ini ceritanya tentang apa tapi kalau opini nggak sih P: Jadi lebih ke ceritanya aja ya? H: Iya P: Menyarankan untuk mahasiswa untuk baca buku yang sama? H: Iya P: Mm, terus kalau menurut kam sendiri dosen di kelas exread itu harus seseorang yang seperti apa sih kalau kamu boleh kasih criteria mungkin? H: Mungkin dia ..apa ya, lebih dekat, jadi nanya ke mahasiswanya ya paling nggak dia mantau,. Jadi kita kan bikin weekly jurnal itu kan tapi juga ditanya tentang gimana kamu,,,,jadi lebih banyak komunikasi, biar lebih bisa sharing gimana pengalaman kita baca level ini gimana P: Jadi menurut kamu kamu dengan sharing seperti itu lebih memotivasi kamu kah? H: Iya pasti lebih memotivasi, karena dosen saya di exread itu misalnya kita baca sampai level ini dia terus yang .. jadi dia juga kasih saran lagi P: Jadi saran2nya itu ya yang bikin kamu lebih banyak baca lagi? H: Iya
P: Oke, terus kalau dosen sendiri ada nggak sih misalnya bisa langsung atau misalnya dia memberi contoh misalnya kalau membaca ni lebih enak dengan cara yang seperti ini atau gimana…? H: Enggak sih, ya dia bilangnya carilah suasana baca yang bikin kamu senyaman saat membaca jadi lebih menikmati membacanya sendiri P: Kalau strategi2 tertentu supaya lebih mudah membaca? H: Dia bilangnya ya cari tempat yang nyaman dulu untuk baca, kita nggak perlu buka kamus kalau ada kata yang sulit tapi baca dulu ceritanya satu chapter sampai abis dulu baru di konklusi P: Itu kamu terapin nggak? H: Iya P: Dan menurut kamu gimana? H: Ya emng lebih enak sih kalau kaya gitu P: Jadi ada perubahan dari kebiasaan membaca sebelumnya dengan setelah dosen memberikan saran itu? H: Ada, dulu kan ee..ini pengalaman pertama saya baca dalam Bahasa Inggris, jadi dulu awalnya sebelum exread kalau baca ada kata susah dikit langsung buka kamus, tapi setelah disaranin ya aku coba baca dulu sampai habis terus yang oo jadi maksudnya gini, jadi tak ikutin sarannya P: Kamu lebih nyaman kah? H: Iya dan jadi nggak buang2 waktu untuk buka kamus P: Menurut kamu bermanfaat? H: Iya P: Ok, terus kalau menurut kamu ngelihat dosen di kelas sosok dosen yang antusias nggak sih? H: Iya antusias sekali, suka senyum, dan kalau ada teman yang misalnya late submission itu langsung dtanyain kenapa terlambat? Padahal sebenarnya reportnya udah bagus quote yang diambil juga bagus, jadi dia selalu nanya alasan kenapa kita nggak ngumpul tugas atau terlambat gitu P: Kalau terlambat gitu ada konsekuensi? H: Ya kita udah buat kesepakatan di awal kalau telat dapet 0 atau dikurangi nilainya berapa persen gitu P: Ee dengan adanya rules seperti itu bikin kamu lebih ini nggak..
H: Jadi kalau ada rules gitu berarti ada deadlinenya kan, jadi itu memacu saya untuk selesai baca tanggal segini jadi lebih teratur karena setiap minggu selalu kirim email kan jadi lebih teratur dalam membacanya P: Mm, oke itu rules dari dosen ya, kalau dari diri sendiri apa sih yang kamu terapin ke diri sendiri supaya lebih suka membaca? H: Mm mungkin pertama aku cari dulu buku yang menurut aku enak dibaca jadi nggak setengah2 bisa sampai habis, jadi misalnya seminggu itu ada tiga buku yang kita baca P: Jadi selain dari dosen… H: Juga berusaha supaya nggak cuma stagnant di situ aja tapi lebih lagi P: Jadi bisa dibilang kamu punya goal sendiri gitu ya dalam membaca? H: Heem P: Mm, pernah nggak sih misalnya lagi membaca gitu ya, kamu menghadapi kesulitan gitu apa? H: Kesulitannya ya lebih karena vocab biasanya, kadang kan juga ada beberapa buku yang alurnya nggak teratur jadi bolak-blaik kan jadi ya harus focus bacanya P: Oo gitu, terus pernah nggak missal kamu punya kesulitan seperti ini gitu ya kamu coba minta saran ke dosen harus seprti apa H: Kalau untuk membaca lebih enak sih udah disaranin tadi, jadi kalau minta saran nggak sih tinggal nerapin yang dia bilang aja P: Mm, oke terus secara keseluruhan apakah menurut kamu dosen kamu ini sudah menjadi seorang contoh yang baik as a reader gitu? H: Iya sudah P: Kenapa? H: Ya, karena dia sendiri bukan cuma nyuruh tapi dia juga membaca, misalnya kaya dia kasih bacaan minggu ini baca ini ternyata dia juga baca jadi dia juga ngerti ceritanya P: Jadi taunya dia membaca karena dia juga bisa cerita gitu ya? H: Iya P: Mm, terus pernah nggak kamu suatu waktu ngelihat dosen kamu lagi istirahat mungkin dia lagi baca? H: Jarang lihat ibunya pas istirahat sih P: Oh oke, kalau kamu sendiri suka baca di waktu luang nggak, misalnya kaya gini lagi jam kosong gitu disempetin untuk baca gitu? 32
H: Ya kadang2 sih. Kalau misalnya lagi mood baca P: Tapi kamu biasanya udah bawa buku atau spontan aja? H: Spontan aja sih, kalau pengen baca paling cari buku di perpus P: Mm, kalau tentang tugas ya, tadi kan ada tugas kaya oral report gitu ya, selain itu apa aja? H: Individual/ kelompok? P: Dua-duanya boleh H: Emm, kalau kelompok kita present novel2 yang kita baca misalnya pake gambar, terus cari dari novel itu quote yang kita suka terus dibuat pembatas buku P: Oke, menurut kamu kegiatan2 itu menarik nggak? H: Menarik P: Lebih bikin kamu pengen baca buku lagi? H: Iya P: Iya, kenapa? H: Ya tertarik aja, apalagi kalau tugas quote itu kan kita boleh bikin lebih dari satu quote, jadi cari ….. P: Jadi bikin tambah pengetahuan, cerita menarik, kamu juga bisa dapet quote untuk diri kamu sendiri gitu ya. H: Iya. P: Kalau tadi kan dosen udah kasih saran untuk membaca seperti ini gitu ya, kalau untuk penilaian sendiri ada criteria tertentu dari dosen harus seperti apa gitu? H: Iya, kan kita dikasih tau jadi nanti yang akan dinilai apa aja, misalnya waktu report apa suaranya harus jelas …. P: Mmm itu memunculkan motivasi kamu juga nggak sih? H: Iya, kan kita dikasih feedbacknya jadi kita tau mana yang kurang bagus jadi besok selanjutnya bisa diperbaiki kaya kata2 yang error gitu P: Jadi lebih bisa diperbaiki ya? H: Heem P: Oke, terus kalau di awal kelas itu, kan tiap minggu harus baca ya, tapi ada nggak sih misal di akhir semester target yang harus dicapai berapa buku atau halaman? H: Nggak sih P: Tapi nggak ada minimalnya gitu ya? 33
H: Nggak sih P: Sebisanya mahasiswa aja ya? H: Iya P: Jadi nggak ada patokan nilainya gitu? Misal kalau mau dapat nilai harus gimana? H: Ya ada sih, mungkin kaya bacanya harus lebih dari 10 buku selama 1 semester P: Mm, itu dikasih taunya dari awal kelas atau gimana? H: Nggak, cuma yang pas di akhir final project itu dibilang berapa banyak yang kamu baca itu menunjukkan seberapa.. P: Terus dengan adanya target seperti itu bikin kamu yang, oh iya ni aku harus bisa mencapai target atau lebih, kaya gitu ada nggak sih memotivasi diri sendiri? H: Ada, jadi pengennya nggak cuma gitu-gitu aja, jadi banyak buku lah yang saya baca supaya dapet nilai bagus P: Oke, kalau kamu sendiri dalam membaca lebih karena tertarik sama bukunya atau sekedar pengen dapet nilai bagus aja? KH: Kalau saya sih karena suka bukunya juga karena kan kita juga share sama temen buku yang menarik apa, jadi karena share itu jadi baca buku yang ini, tuker2an juga P: Jadi nggak melulu terpatok sama nilai ya? H: Iya P: Jadi sambil menikmati sambil berusaha ya? H: Iya P: Terus, kalau menurut kamu secara keseluruhan cara dosen mengajar sudah menjadi contoh yang baik belum sih/memotivasi kamu dalam membaca belum sih? H: Sudah karena saya dan semua temen2 juga semakin termotivasi untuk rajin membaca P: Oke, setelah selesai kelas apakah kamu masih melanjutkan kebiasaan membaca ini tau nggak? H: Masih sih, cuma sekarang lebih ke arah artikel2 P: Ada referensi tertentu nggak sih kalau kamu cari bahan bacaan? H: Sebenernya lebih banyak, kan dulu pernah disaranin kalau baca passage yang pendek gitu P: Jadi pernah disaranin ya, oke, terus kalau menurut kamu dosen ni sudah menjadi role model kamu dalam hal membaca? H: Iya, karena dia selain mengajarkan untuk membaca dia juga membawa buku apa yang dia baca dan sharing juga 34
P: Mm, kalau menurut kamu di kelas ini kamu membaca lebih karena tugas harus membaca atau lebih ke peranan dosen dalam membaca? H: Kalau awalnya karena awalnya dari dosen dikasih tugas harus baca tiap minggu, tapi lamalama karena merasa asik misalnya setelah sharing sama teman kok kayaknya bukunya menarik jadi pengen baca
: 20 years old
P: Interviewer J: Interviewee
P: Selamat siang, namanya siapa? J: J (pseudonym) P: Nim? J: 112013*** P: Sebelumnya aku mau makasih dulu buat kamu udah mau jadi partisipan aku hari ini, makasih untuk waktunya. Jadi thesis aku ini kan tujuannya untuk mencari tau bagaimana dosen bisa memotivasi mahasiswa untuk bisa lebih banyak membaca. Jadi nanti kurang lebih pertanyaannya ttg itu, kamu bisa ceritain apa aja yang kamu rasain di kelas kemarin, gimana kelasnya, dosennya, atau apapun. Santai aja nggak usah tegang, takut, nggak ngaruh di nilai juga kan, Pertama aku mau tanya, kamu suka membaca nggak? J: Suka baca tapi nggak yang kaya everyday gitu nggak, paling kalau lagi moodnya baca ya baca. Tapi kalau lagi mood mungkin novel setebel apa gitu pasti sekali abis, kalau moodnya lagi bagus. Tapi kalau lagi nggak pengen baca tu ya males baca. P: Jadi tergantung mood juga ya? J: Iya P: Biasanya kalau baca lebih ke buku seperti apa sih? J: Kalau aku paling seringnya novel, majalah fashion, mungkin aku sering baca juga kaya media sosial dari internet juga, jadi kaya buku biography tapi via internet gitu. P: Biasanya kalau kaya gitu dapat referensi darimana sih? Cari sendiri atau gimana? J: Kadang dari temen, eh tau buku ini nggak? Coba baca deh, cari. Nanti kalau misal buku di perpus nggak ada aku cari di toko buku nggak ada, paling aku cari di internet P: Jadi kalau udah tertarik sama satu topik harus dicari gitu ya? J: Iya, aku orangnya gitu soalnya kalau udah pengen harus ketemu. P: Menurut kamu sendiri membaca itu bermanfaat nggak sih? 36
J: Akhir-akhir ini aku baru sadar waktu exread ternyata baca tu manfaatnya banyak banget, kalau dulu kan baca cuma sekedar hobi, tapi kalau di sini kita lebih dituntut untuk tahu apa isi cerita sebenernya, terus kayak ada pertanyaan dari kelas, itu bermanfaat banget, jadi stlh kelas ini lebih suka baca. Kalau di reading skill kan cuma teori tapi ternyata lebih enak kayak exread jadi kita disuruh baca gitu. P: Meningkatkan habit gitu ya? J: Iya meningkatkan habit P: Kalau kamu sendiri di kelas exred ini membaca lebih karena kamu suka atau karena tugas harus baca? J: Awalnya sih sekedar karena tugas, tapi karena bukunya kan juga aku juga nggak terlalu tertarik topiknya, tapi waktu aku coba cari topik yang menarik ternyata lama-lama malah akhirnya aku suka baca buku-buku yang ada di perpus P: Kalau dari dosen sendiri ada nggak sih peranan dosen yang bikin kamu jadi termotivasi untuk baca? J: Ada sih, soalnya mam-nya ini sebenernya nggak nyuruh kita harus baca berapa buku, tapi karena kan di kasih weekly diary jadi kita tu , jadi dosen pengen liat kita tu punya keingin baca tinggi apa nggak, tapi dari dosen sih membebaskan tapi nggak harus berapa buku sih nggak, yang penting baca P: Jadi nggak ada kalian harus berapa gitu? J: Iya, yang penting sih kita ngerti sama bukunya P: Kalau dosen cara memotivasi seperti apa sih? J: Untuk baca mam Dona (pseudonym) suka kasih referensi buku yang bagus apa, terus kalau bisa kita cari buku yang judul atau topiknya yang kita suka, karena kalau kita maksain baca yang kita nggak suka tu percuma juga nggak akan ngerti juga. P: Jadi lebih kasih rekomendasi buku yang seperti apa gitu ya, pernah nggak waktu rekomendasi sambil cerita pernah baca buku apa atau lagi baca buku apa? J: Kalau seinget aku sih belum pernah ya cerita baca buku apa, tapi kalau setiap kelas 15 menit sebelum kan kita sama-sama baca buku dan itu mam Dona (pseudonym) juga ikut baca, tapi dia nggak cerita sih baca buku apa. P: Jadi ada satu waktu dosen sama mahasiswa baca sama2 ya? J: Iya setiap sebelum kelas mulai 37
P: Kamu gimana sih ngeliat dosen yg ikut baca sama mahasiswa? J: Seneng sih, keliatan kalau dia ngedukung mahasiswa untuk baca, jadi kaya motivasi, nggak cuma nyuruh tapi dia juga baca jenis buku yang dia suruh ke kita. P: Memberi contoh gitu ya? J: Iya P: Kamu sendiri lebih suka yang seperti itu atau gimana? J: Lebih suka yang begitu sih. Karena kalau dosen yang cuma nyuruh tapi nggak nunjukin kalau dia suka baca kan kita jadi males, ngapain kita baca dosennya aja nggak baca. Walaupun dia nggak cerita bukunya apa atau gimana seenggaknya dia kasih motivasi kita untuk baca P: Oke, terus jadi menurut kamu dosen ini sudah memotivasi kamu untuk membaca? J: Kalau untuk aku sih iya memotivasi P: Kalau untuk kelasnya sendiri menurut kamu gimana sih? J: Pertama2 karena aku nggak terlalu suka baca, exread tu ngebosenin tapi lama2 dijalanin tu enak, karena kelasnya dibawa seneng, dosennya enak banged, dosen paling enak menurut aku, kelasnya juga kita ada drama, jadi sekarang malah pengennya reading skill kaya exread karena kalo RS tu kan terlalu teori banget kan jadi agak boring kalau di kelas, jadi lebih suka yang ke prakteknya P: Jadi setelah kelas ini kamu jadi lebih punya semangat untuk baca gitu ya? J: Iya P: Kalau itu menurut kamu karena disemangatin sama dosennya tadi atau karena misalnya kamu baca karena kamu pengen dapet nilai yang bagus? J: Awalnya sih aku baca memang karena disuruh tapi lama lama kesini baca ya karena kemauan aku sendiri, jadi kalau mam Dona (pseudonym) kan nggak pernah maksa untuk baca buku berapa2 tapi aku juga nggak batesin 1-2 buku, aku pernah baca sampai 4 buku karena bukunya bagus P: Jadi reading habitnya meningkat ya? J: Iya, dan itu kan readingnya pake buku Bahasa Inggris jadi sekarang lebih suka baca yang pake Bahasa Inggris, waktu itu dikasih novel yang pake Bahasa Indonesia malah agak kagok, karena udah biasa penguin reader jadi berasa aneh, males baca gitu, kalau yg Inggris malah lebih enak. P: Jadi udah terbiasa ya? J: Iya jadi kayak terbiasa 38
P: Kalau reading habit ningkat ya, kalau reading level? J: Kalau aku pertama di level 4, tapi aku pernah coba baca level 3 atau 2, tapi mam Dona (pseudonym) ngasih aku motivasi untuk naikin level, yaudah aku coba ke 5-6 malah lebih gampang, karena ceritanya lebih enak dibaca justru daripada level 4 P: O okay, tapi kamu sendiri waktu lagi baca gitu ada kesulitan nggak sih yang kamu temui? J: Kalau kesulitan paling kadang nggak terlalu tau vocabnya, udah liat di kamus nggak ada, atau kadang ada tapi pas dicocokin sama kalimatnya kok malah aneh, itu sih kata2 baru yang belum pernah aku temuin sama nyari judul buku yang kita suka agak susah juga P: Kalau misalnya pas kamu unya kesulitan gitu ya, pernah nggak sih ditanyain ke dosen, kamu share punya kesulitan seperti ini kira-kira solusinya apa? J: Aku belum pernah sih kalau nanya kesulitan ke dosen kayak gitu, tapi justru sebelum aku share dosen udah pernah kasih solusi, kalau kalian ketemu kata-kata yang sulit coba cari di kamus atau boleh tanya ke dia, tapi kalau aku belum pernah sih. P: Mungkin karena dari awal dosen udah pernah kasih strategi gitu ya? J: Iya P: Terus kalau kamu sendiri diterapin nggak sih saran-saran yang dikasih gitu? J: Iya diterapin, aku kadang buka kamus atau kadang nanya temen, “ini artinya apa sih?” gitu aja sih P: Oke, terus pernah nggak kala misal lagi kelas gitu dosen apa namanya, misalnya dia membahas tentang satu buku sama2 di kelas pernah nggak? J: Kayanya belum pernah sih., karena kita kan kalau mam Dona (pseudonym) lebih sering kayak kita yang suruh cerita apa yang kita baca, kita yang share..tapi waktu itu pernah ada satu tugas jadi mam Dona kasih satu buku dan kita harus baca dan temuin persamaan sama buku yang lain, jadi dia cerita sedikit buku itu tentang apa. P: Jadi dia ada kasih rekomendasi gitu ya? J: Iya rekomendasi P: Terus dengan dikasih rekomendasi gitu bikin kamu lebih semangat buat baca nggak sih? J: Kadang kan aku suka males nyarinya gitu kan, tapi kalau dikasih kayak gitu kita jadi lebih gampang, “oh direkomendasiin ini berarti yang bagus ini karena dosen yang rekomendasiin kan. P: Jadi kalau kamu apa sih yang bikin percaya sama rekomendasi dosen?
J: Ga tau aku percaya aja sih, mungkin dia udah pernah baca kali ya dan tau itu bagus untuk kita, efeknya juga bagus, jadinya direkomendasiin. Ya udah terus aku cari. P: Kalau menurut kamu dosen kamu ini orang yang suka baca nggak sih? J: Iya, kalau Mam Dona ini suka banget membaca, jadi dia kan pernah cerita waktu itu dia ada kelas jam berapa gitu kan tapi gara-gara keasikan baca sampe kelewatan jamnya, pokoknya mam Dona amat sangat suka baca dan terus dia cerita kalau baca suka ada cemilan P: Jadi suka cerita pengalaman pribadi waktu membaca gitu ya..terus kalau kamu tau dosen kamu orangnya suka baca itu bikin kamu pengen seperti itu juga nggak sih? J: Iya aku pengen banget kaya gitu, bisa bertahan baca satu buku dengan topik baru. Aku kadang nggak suka kalau baca topik baru, aku harus cari topic yang menarik dulu dan itu juga masih tergantung mood. Tapi kalau mam Dona tu nggak kalau dia tu baca terus, ya aku lagi pengen coba terapin sih baca dengan nggak tergantung mood P: Jadi pengen ya bisa mencoba melakukan apa yang dilakukan dosen? J: Iya P: Kalau menurut kamu dosen sudah menjadi contoh yang baik belum sih as a reader gitu? J: Iya, kalau menurut aku iya, karena dengan dia cerita habitnya dia yang selalu suka baca sampai kelewatan kelas, menurut aku dia sudah jadi contoh best readerlah karena kalau aku liat dia itu pinter banget, wawasannya luas dan itu karena dia suka baca kan P: Jadi itu termasuk salah satu yang memotivasi kamu untuk membaca gitu ya? J: Iya itu jadi salah 1 motivasi aku buat baca P: Kalau untuk tugas sendiri, biasanya apa aja sih? J: Kalau tugas mam Dona paling kita disuruh baca terus share di kelas apa yang dibaca, yang menarik, yang bikin kita tertarik sama buku itu, terus bikin bookmark dari quote dari buku yang kita baca, terus ada drama juga, terus sama itu drawing buku apa yang kita baca, jadi kita mengilustrasikan dengan gambar, sama terakhir final project yang bikin nggak tidur x) final projectnya soalnya kaya bikin kita tu harus nyeritain apa sih pengalaman yang kita dapet di kelas exread, jadi kita tu harus explain ada 4 diagram itu tentang bukunya berapa waktu kita baca dan itu buat aku baru tau gimana capeknya buat tugas sampe nggak tidur P: Tapi kalau menurut kamu sndiri selama kelas ini kamu yang lebih berperan tugas atau keingin kamu untuk membaca? J: Pertama sih tugas tapi kesini seimbang sih, karena tugas dan karena aku juga suka baca 40
P: Oke, menurut kamu selama di kelas ngelihat dosen dia itu orang yang antusias nggak sih dalam mengajar? J: Mmm, nggak, ya bisa dibilang antusias sih, karena dia selalu prepare apa yang mau diajar di kelas.. tapi awalnya aku ngelihat ini apa sih kok kita cuma suruh baca, tapi pas udah belakang2 maksudnya kelas exread tu ini. Aku tu udah mikir ini kok dosennya males banget sih cuma suruh baca tapi ternyata oh emang gini maksudnya kelas ini P: Oh okay, sebelumnya pernah nggak sih dia kasih tau tentang manfaat membaca itu apa? J: Mm, dia sih nggak menjelaskan detail tapi cuma pernah bilang kamu tu harus baca, buku apapun itu coba kamu baca, karena dengan baca kamu bisa tau apa yang nggak kamu tau sebelumnya. Gitu aja sih tapi nggak pernah yang kamu harus baca gini2, paling kasih rekomendasi aja P: Terus kalau direkomendasiin gitu bikin pengen baca buku yang sama nggak? J: Nggak terlalu sih, maksudnya nggak terlalu yang langsung aku harus baca, paling aku lihat dulu aku dengerin rekomendasinya, kalau aku tertarik aku langsung cari tapi kalau nggak tertarik ya paling nanti-nanti, tapi tetep aku cari sih cuma nggak langsung P: Tapi pernah ya? J: Iya pernah P: Biasanya buku yang di perpus? J: Iya buku penguin reader yang kita baca, atau buku Cambridge. Jadi dia kasih rekomendasilah buku yang bagus apa P: Jadi kalau ada yang cocok langsung dicari ya? J: Iya, kadang hari itu juga langsung aku pinjem P: Oke, terus kalau dosen sendiri pernah ini nggak kalian kalau misalnya mau dapet nilai A kalian harus apa gitu, ada nggak sih kriteria-kriterianya? J: Dia sih nggak bilang secara langsung kriteria gitu, paling cuma kaya misalnya waktu bikin bookmark dia bilangnya bikinnya yang menarik ya nanti nilainya pasti tinggi jadi dia lebih memotivasi biar kita bikin yang bagus jadi nggak cuma sekedar biar nilainya bagus aja. Dia nggak secara langsung bilang kalian harus gini2 tu nggak, tapi …… soundcloud….kasih kesempatan revisi. P: Jadi tiap tugas dikasih komentar gitu ya? J: Iya, dia pasti langsung kasih feedback gitu via facebook, email 41
P: Menurut kamu feedback itu cukup memacu kamu untuk baca lagi gitu nggak? J: Iya karena mam Dona kasih kita kesempatan yang lain untuk komen ke temen supaya lebih bagus nilainya dan lebih diperbaiki lagi tugasnya P: Jadi dengan dikasih kesempatan bikin lebih baik lagi gitu ya? J: Iya P: Terus menurut kamu dosen ini sudah bisa dibilang sebagai role model belum sih dalam membca? J: Udah, karena mam Dona (pseudonym) sendiri kan juga hobinya baca ya, jadi menurut aku udah P: Jadi kamu sendiri bisa melihat ya kalau beliau ini orang yang suka membaca? J: Iya. P: Oke, mungkin itu dulu, makasih waktunya ya J: Iya sama-sama kak.