Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Sharing and Growing with the Nation
Daftar Isi Contents
52 58
Tema: Sharing and Growing with the Nation Theme: Sharing and Growing with the Nation
Struktur Bisnis Business Structure
Catur Dharma, Misi & Visi Our Philosophy, Mission & Vision
Struktur Organisasi Organization Structure
Tentang Laporan Ini About this Report
Pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan Stakeholder Engagement
Sambutan Dewan Komisaris Message from the Board of Commissioners
Tata Kelola Perusahaan Good Corporate Governance
Sambutan Direksi Message from the Board of Directors
Bagaimana Astra Mengelola Keberlanjutan How does Astra Organize Sustainability
Kebiijakan Lingkungan, Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Keamanan Security, Environment and Social Responsibility Policy
Peristiwa Penting Event Highlights
Sekilas Astra International Astra International in Brief
Ulasan Khusus HUT ke-55 Astra Special Review Astra 55th Anniversary
Public Contribution Roadmap 86 94
Portfolio Roadmap
Ikhtisar Keuangan Financial Highlights
Kontribusi Ekonomi Economic Contribution
Manajemen Vendor Vendor Management
Kepuasan Pelanggan Customer Satisfaction
People Roadmap 74
Sumber Daya Manusia Human Capital
Pendidikan Education Peningkatan Pendapatan Ekonomi Masyarakat (IGA) Income Generating Activity (IGA) Lingkungan Environment Kesehatan Health Kegiatan Donasi dan Tanggap Bencana Donation and Disaster Response Activities Lingkungan, Kesehatan & Keselamatan Kerja Environment, Health & Safety
& Informasi 130 Data Pendukung Supporting Data & Information
Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi 2012 2012 Awards and Certifications
Kontributor Data LK3 EHS Data Contributor
Referensi Silang Indeks GRI GRI Index Cross Reference
Daftar Tabel dan Grafik List of Tables and Graph
Lembar Umpan Balik Feedback Form
Sharing and Growing with the Nation ‘Public Contribution’ merupakan salah satu dari tiga pilar dalam ‘Strategic Triple Roadmap’ Astra. Dengan semangat berbagi dan terlibat aktif dengan semua stakeholder di sekitarnya, Astra memantapkan pertumbuhan bisnisnya di masa depan sejalan dengan kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran bangsa dan rakyat Indonesia. Astra has defined ‘Public Contribution’ as one of the three pillars within its ‘Strategic Triple Roadmap’. By sharing and engaging in active involvement with all communities it touches, Astra aims to secure its future growth alongside the welfare and prosperity of the nation and people of Indonesia.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Catur Dharma, Misi & Visi [4.8]
Our Philosophy & Vision
Catur Dharma
Our Philosophy
• Menjadi Milik yang Bermanfaat bagi Bangsa dan
• To be an Asset to the Nation • To Provide the Best Service to Our Customers • To Respect Individuals and Promote Teamwork • To Continually Strive for Excellence
Negara • Memberikan Pelayanan Terbaik kepada Pelanggan • Menghargai Individu dan Membina Kerja Sama • Senantiasa Berusaha Mencapai yang Terbaik
Misi • Sejahtera bersama bangsa dengan memberikan nilai terbaik kepada stakeholder kami
Visi • Menjadi salah satu perusahaan dengan pengelolaan terbaik di Asia Pasifik dengan penekanan pada pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan dengan pembangunan kompetensi melalui pengembangan sumber daya manusia, struktur keuangan yang solid, kepuasan pelanggan dan efisiensi • Menjadi perusahaan yang mempunyai tanggung jawab sosial serta peduli lingkungan
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Mission • To prosper with the nation by providing the best value to our stakeholders
Vision • To be one of the best managed corporations in Asia Pacific with an emphasis on sustainable growth by building competence through people development, solid financial structure, customer satisfaction and efficiency • To be a socially responsible and environmentally conscious corporation
Tentang Laporan Ini About This Report
Pemahaman dan implementasi nilai-nilai utama dalam filosofi dasar dan visi perusahaan telah membawa Astra tumbuh berkembang hingga usianya yang ke-55 di tahun 2012 dan akan terus mendorong keberlanjutan Astra ke depan. The understanding and implementation of the core values in the corporate philosophy and vision statement has enabled Astra to celebrate 55 years of growth in 2012 and will continue to sustain Astra’s existence into the future.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 ini menyajikan kinerja Astra
These 2012 Sustainability Report presents the performance
dalam upaya mencapai pembangunan berkelanjutan
of Astra in its effort to achieve sustainable development
di bidang lingkungan, kesehatan dan keselamatan
in the areas of environment, health and safety, as well
kerja (LK3) serta tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan,
as corporate social responsibility, that represents Astra’s
sebagai kontribusi Astra bagi kemajuan bangsa dan
contribution to the advancement of Indonesia, which has
negara Indonesia yang telah menjadi sumber inspirasi
been the source of inspiration for Astra in its business
bagi Astra untuk berkarya, sekaligus dalam menunjang
endeavors, and also in support of sustainable development
keberlanjutan perkembangan dan pertumbuhan bisnis
and business growth for Astra in the future.
Astra ke depan.
Standar Pelaporan
Reporting Standards
Laporan Keberlanjutan Astra merupakan bagian yang tak
Astra’s Sustainability Report is an integral part of Astra
terpisahkan dari Laporan Tahunan Astra yang disusun
Annual Report that is prepared each year. The previous
setiap tahun. Laporan Keberlanjutan terakhir sebelum
report, Astra Sustainability Report 2011, was published
laporan ini adalah Laporan Keberlanjutan Astra 2011 yang
on April 2012. As in the previous reports, the preparation
diterbitkan pada bulan April 2012. Sebagaimana pada
of Astra Sustainability Report 2012 refers to Sustainability
laporan sebelumnya, penyusunan Laporan Keberlanjutan
Reporting Guidelines Version 3.1, issued by the Global
Astra 2012 mengacu pada panduan Sustainability
Reporting Initiative (GRI). [3.1] [3.2] [3.3]
Reporting Guidelines Version 3.1 yang diterbitkan oleh Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). [3.1] [3.2] [3.3]
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Untuk kemudahan pemahaman, dalam Laporan
For ease of understanding, in this Sustainability Report
Keberlanjutan ini digunakan istilah Astra, Grup Astra,
the terms of Astra, Astra Group, the Company or We is
Perusahaan ataupun Kami untuk mewakili Astra
used to represent Astra International, its subsidiaries, and
International, anak perusahaan, dan Yayasan. Dalam
Foundations. In certain parts of the Sustainability Report,
bagian tertentu pada Laporan Keberlanjutan ini juga
abbreviations are also used in referring to subsidiaries as
digunakan singkatan-singkatan dari anak perusahaan
well as Foundations.
maupun Yayasan.
Cakupan Pelaporan
The Scope of Reporting
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 ini menyajikan informasi
This 2012 Sustainability Report presents information of
terkait implementasi kebijakan lingkungan, kesehatan
the implementation of programs and policies related to
dan keselamatan kerja (LK3) dan tanggung jawab sosial
environmental, health and safety (EHS), as well as social
yang dilakukan oleh Astra International, anak perusahaan
responsibility by Astra International, its subsidiaries and
maupun Yayasan di Indonesia dalam rentang waktu
foundations in Indonesia during the period January 1 and
antara 1 Januari dan 31 Desember 2012. [3.1] [3.6]
December 31, 2012. [3.1] [3.6]
Mengingat luas cakupan operasional Grup Astra baik dari
Considering the broad operational scope of Astra Group,
segi geografis maupun jumlah instalasi yang beroperasi,
both in terms of geography as well as the number of
diperlukan adanya seleksi terhadap unit bisnis yang
installations in operation, the selection of business units
menjadi kontributor data dan informasi untuk tujuan
that contribute data and information for this reporting
pelaporan ini. Untuk informasi terkait kinerja finansial,
purpose is necessary. Information related to financial
tata kelola dan aspek ketenagakerjaan, digunakan
performance, governance and aspects of employment
data konsolidasi di tingkat korporat. Untuk pelaporan
uses the consolidated data at the corporate level. For
kinerja lingkungan, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja
the reporting of environmental, health and safety (EHS)
(LK3), digunakan data yang berasal dari 70 perusahaan
performance, data is collected from 70 companies in
di lingkungan Astra, meningkat dari 66 perusahaan
Astra, up from 66 companies in 2011 (see Table of EHS
kontributor data pada tahun 2011 (lihat Tabel Kontributor
Data Contributor on page 138 of this report). Meanwhile,
Data LK3 di halaman 138 dalam laporan ini). Sementara
there are 8 (eight) Foundations under Astra engaged
itu, terdapat 8 (delapan) Yayasan di bawah Astra
in social responsibility activities that are reported in
yang melakukan aktivitas tanggung jawab sosial yang
this report, compared to 7 (seven) Foundations in our
dilaporkan dalam Laporan ini, dibandingkan 7 (tujuh)
Sustainability Report 2011. [3.6] [3.7] [3.8]
Yayasan pada Laporan Keberlanjutan 2011. [3.6] [3.7] [3.8] Pada laporan ini tidak terdapat perubahan signifikan
In this report there is no significant change in the scope of
atas cakupan laporan, metode pengukuran maupun
the report, the method of measurement, presentation the
penyajian data dan informasi dibandingkan dengan
data and information compared to the Astra Sustainability
Laporan Keberlanjutan Astra 2011, kecuali pada
Report 2011, except for the method of calculation for
metode perhitungan pemakaian sumber daya alam
consumption of natural resources per unit product for
per satuan produk untuk sektor industri alat berat dan
the heavy equipment and mining industry.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Topik Dalam Laporan Ini
Topics in This Report
Pemilihan topik pada Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 ini
The selection of topics in the 2012 Sustainability Report
dilakukan melalui analisis materialitas yang dilakukan
is done through a analysis of materiality conducted by
oleh pihak internal Astra yang mewakili pemangku
internal Astra team that represent Our key stakeholders.
kepentingan utama Kami. Topik material dipilih dari topik-
Topic materials are selected among topics that are relevant
topik yang relevan bagi Astra di bidang finansial, sosial
to Astra in areas of financial, social and environmental
dan lingkungan pada periode pelaporan sesuai dengan
performance during the reporting period in accordance
Strategic Triple Roadmap Astra. Topik-topik yang relevan
with Astra’s Strategic Triple Roadmap. The relevant
tersebut kemudian diprioritaskan melalui konsensus
topics are then prioritized by consensus based on the
berdasarkan signifikansi topik tersebut bagi keberlanjutan
significance of the topic for the sustainability and
dan reputasi Astra, baik dari sudut pandang Kami
reputation of Astra, both from Our standpoint as well
maupun pemangku kepentingan yang terkait. [3.5]
as the stakeholders. [3.5]
Kerangka pelaporan disusun sesuai implementasi strategi
The reporting framework is prepared according to the
pertumbuhan jangka panjang Astra yaitu Strategic Triple
implementation of the long-term growth strategy of
Roadmap yang terdiri dari Portfolio Roadmap, People
Astra, namely the Strategic Triple Roadmap that consists
Roadmap dan Public Contribution Roadmap. Dalam
of Portfolio Roadmap, People Roadmap and Public
Laporan Keberlanjutan ini, masing-masing bagian
Contribution Roadmap. In this Sustainability Report, each
tersebut akan menyajikan potensi atau dampak ekonomi,
part presents the economic, social and environmental
sosial dan lingkungan yang relevan. Khusus pada Laporan
potential or impact that are relevant. For the 2012
Keberlanjutan 2012, Kami menambahkan topik khusus
Sustainability Report in particular, We included a special
tentang kegiatan Astra untuk merayakan Hari Ulang
topic about the activities of Astra in celebrating its 55th
Tahunnya yang ke-55 dengan tema “Berbagi Bersama
Anniversary with the theme “Sharing with the Nation”.
Penyajian Data dan Informasi
Presentation of Data and Information
Penyajian data dan informasi dalam Laporan Keberlanjutan
Presentation of data and information in this Sustainability
ini dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan di bidangnya
Report is conducted in accordance with the provisions in
masing-masing. Data untuk kinerja finansial disajikan
their respective fields. Data on financial performance is
sesuai dengan indikasinya. Untuk data kinerja produksi,
presented in accordance with the respective indicators. In
satuan unit produk digunakan untuk industri dengan
regards production performance data, the unit product
produk unit yang dapat dihitung seperti misalnya satuan
is used for industries with countable product units,
pieces untuk kendaraan bermotor atau suku cadang,
such as pieces for motor vehicles or spare parts, while
sedangkan untuk jasa layanan yang terkait dengan
units of man-days, i.e. the number of working days of
layanan keuangan atau operasional kantor menggunakan
all employees in one year, is used for services related
satuan mandays yaitu jumlah hari kerja seluruh karyawan
to financial service or office operation. For products
dalam satu tahun. Adapun untuk produk yang tidak bisa
that cannot be counted in pieces of unit products,
dihitung dalam satuan pieces, maka digunakan satuan
the weight unit or other measurements are used such
unit berat atau lainnya, seperti misalnya satuan kilogram
as; units of kilograms of products for automotive
produk untuk bisnis komponen otomotif, satuan ton
components business, tons of coal for the heavy
batubara untuk industri alat berat dan penambangan,
equipment and mining industry, or distance in miles for
atau mile untuk shipping company. Sesuai dengan
shipping company. In line with the spirit for “continual
semangat “continual improvement”, Kami senantiasa
improvement”, We strive for improved quality in data
meningkatkan kualitas pelaporan data dan informasi pada
and information reporting in our Sustainablity Report.
Laporan Keberlanjutan. Pada Laporan Keberlanjutan tahun
Aside from increased number of data contributors, these
2012 ini, selain penambahan jumlah kontributor, para
contributors have also updated all data reported in the
kontributor juga melakukan pemutakhiran terhadap data
2102 Sustainability Report. [3.9]
yang dilaporkan. [3.9]
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 ini tidak memuat pernyataan
The 2012 Sustainability Report does not contain a
kembali dari laporan sebelumnya. Namun, kami
restatement on the previous report. However, we
informasikan bahwa terdapat koreksi pada data
inform the readers that data of water resources usage
jumlah sumber daya air dalam Laporan Keberlanjutan
as reported in the 2011 Sustainability Report should be
2011 terkait faktor pengali yang digunakan. Faktor
corrected in regards of the multiplication factor. The
pengali seharusnya adalah (x 10 M ). Astra juga tidak
correct multiplication factor should be (x 105M3)). Astra
melakukan proses external assurance atas isi dari Laporan
also does not engage in external assurance process for the
Keberlanjutan 2012 ini. Pemastian data dan informasi
contents of the 2012 Sustainability Report. Ascertainment
yang terdapat dalam Laporan ini diperiksa dan dipastikan
of the data and information contained in this report
oleh tim penyusun Laporan Keberlanjutan Astra di
are reviewed and confirmed by the drafting team of
korporat. Untuk mendukung proses pemastian ini, Astra
Astra Sustainability Report at the corporate office. To
telah menyusun proses pemantauan aktivitas operasional
support this ascertainment process, Astra has developed
dengan menetapkan pengukuran kinerja secara berkala
the operational activity monitoring to establish regular
oleh anak perusahaan, perusahaan asosiasi maupun
performance measurement by subsidiaries, associates and
jointly-controlled entities menggunakan standar yang
jointly controlled entities using standards that have been
telah ditetapkan. Proses ini diharapkan dapat memastikan
set. This process is expected to ensure the uniformity of
keseragaman data yang dikumpulkan sehingga dapat
the collected data so that it can be evaluated or compared
dievaluasi atau diperbandingkan baik dengan periode
thoroughly with previous periods or with an external
waktu yang sebelumnya maupun dengan referensi
reference. [3.8] [3.10] [3.10] [3.11] [3.13]
eksternal. [3.8] [3.10] [3.11] [3.11] [3.13] Kami berharap Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 ini dapat
We hope the 2012 Sustainability Report can
memberikan gambaran yang komprehensif terkait
provide a comprehensive overview associated with
dengan pelaksanaan tanggung jawab Astra kepada
the implementation of Astra responsibilities to the
lingkungan dan masyarakat, sebagai bagian yang
environment and society, as the fundamental part of
mendasar dari praktik bisnis yang sehat yang dapat
sound business practices to sustain the existence of Astra
menunjang keberlanjutan keberadaan Astra di masa
into the future as a valuable asset to the people and
mendatang menjadi milik yang bermanfaat bagi bangsa
nation of Indonesia. [3.11]
dan negara Indonesia. [3.11]
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Umpan Balik
Astra akan sangat menghargai adanya tanggapan
Astra would greatly appreciate any feedback from readers
dari pembaca dan pemangku kepentingan berupa
and stakeholders in the form of question, comment or
pertanyaan, umpan balik maupun kritik terhadap Laporan
criticisms of this Sustainability Report, allowing Us to
Keberlanjutan ini, sehingga Kami dapat melakukan upaya-
improve on subsequent reports. For this purpose, Astra
upaya perbaikan untuk laporan-laporan selanjutnya.
provides a feedback sheet at the back of this Sustainability
Untuk keperluan itu, Astra menyediakan Lembar Umpan
Report, as well as access for communications and
Balik di bagian belakang Laporan Keberlanjutan ini,
correspondences regarding this Sustainability Report and
maupun akses komunikasi dan korespondensi mengenai
other related information, through [3.4]:
Laporan Keberlanjutan ini dan informasi terkait lainnya, melalui [3.4]:
Environment & Social Responsibility Division PT Astra International Tbk Gedung Astra International A, Lantai 5 Jl. Gaya Motor Raya No. 8, Sunter II Jakarta Utara 14330 Indonesia Telepon : +62-21 6522555 Email
[email protected]
Website :
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Sambutan Dewan Komisaris
Message from the Board of Commissioners
Kami bersyukur bahwa Astra mampu membukukan
We are truly gratified that Astra was able to post
pencapaian bisnis yang cukup menggembirakan di usianya
encouraging business performance as it celebrates its
yang menginjak 55 tahun pada tahun 2012. Prestasi
55th anniversary in 2012. It was quite an exemplary
ini merupakan keberhasilan tersendiri dari Direksi dan
achievement as Astra’s Board of Directors and
manajemen Astra, yang mengelola 185.580 karyawan
management, overseeing a total of 185,580 employees
di 170 anak perusahaan, perusahaan asosiasi dan entitas
in 170 subsidiaries, associated companies and jointly
pengendali bersama, dalam melaksanakan strategi jangka
controlled entities within the Astra Group, successfully
panjang Strategic Triple Roadmap secara fokus dan
implemented our Strategic Triple Roadmap long-term
strategy in a focused and consistent manner.
Pada aspek Portfolio Roadmap, kejelian, kecepatan
In the aspect of Portfolio Roadmap, Astra’s perceptiveness,
respons dan kreativitas manajemen Astra telah berperan
speed of response and management creativity have
penting dalam mengantisipasi dan mengatasi sejumlah
been instrumental in anticipating and addressing the
perkembangan ekonomi global yang mungkin dapat
possible impact of global economic developments
berdampak buruk bagi kinerja bisnis-bisnis Astra. Pada
from adversely affecting the performance of Astra’s
akhirnya, sekalipun kinerja beberapa lini bisnis memang
businesses. Eventually, although a number of our business
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
mengalami penurunan, secara keseluruhan, kinerja bisnis
lines experienced a decline, Astra’s overall business
Astra di tahun 2012 tetap memperlihatkan peningkatan
performance in 2012 was a clear improvement over those
dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya.
recorded in the previous year.
Di aspek People Roadmap, Dewan Komisaris mengapresiasi
In the aspect of People Roadmap, the Board of
langkah-langkah manajemen untuk memperkuat
Commissioners appreciates initiatives by the management
pemahaman dan penerapan prinsip-prinsip Catur Dharma
in strengthening the comprehension and practice of
yang merupakan budaya dan fondasi kuat Astra sejak awal
Catur Dharma, a set of principles that are a part of Astra’s
eksistensinya. Manajemen juga memiliki pandangan jauh
culture and a strong foundation since the beginning of
ke depan untuk memastikan keberlanjutan Astra melalui
its existence. The management has also shown great
program-program pengembangan kompetensi karyawan
foresight in undertaking a variety of employee competency
dan penciptaan leadership yang dijalankan selama tahun
and leadership development programs throughout 2012
in order to ensure Astra’s sustainability.
Aspek Public Contribution Roadmap khususnya
Aspects of Public Contribution Roadmap in particular
memperoleh momentum yang baik terkait dengan
have gained a good momentum associated with the
perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun ke-55 Astra di tahun
celebration of Astra’s 55th Anniversary in 2012, through a
2012, melalui serangkaian program dan aktivitas yang
series of programs and activities with the theme ‘Sharing
mengambil tema ‘Berbagi Bersama Bangsa’. Sepanjang
with the Nation’. Throughout the year, various initiatives of
tahun tersebut, berbagai inisiatif Public Contribution
Public Contribution in education, community healthcare,
di bidang pendidikan, kesehatan masyarakat, Income
Income Generating Activities, and environmental
Generating Activity dan pelestarian lingkungan hidup
preservation have been implemented in all parts of the
telah dilaksanakan di seluruh pelosok Nusantara, baik
archipelago, as part of a special 55th Anniversary event
yang berupa acara khusus HUT ke-55 maupun program-
or through the Astra Group’s existing routine programs
program rutin Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (CSR)
in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
yang selama ini telah berjalan di lingkungan Grup Astra. Pelaksanaan program CSR memang telah menjadi komitmen
Astra has a commitment and formal policy to engage
dan kebijakan formal Astra untuk berbagi manfaat dengan
in CSR activities as a way to share the benefits of our
masyarakat Indonesia. Karenanya, masing-masing bisnis
successes with the people of Indonesia. Each of our
Astra wajib secara aktif menyelenggarakan program
businesses therefore is required to balance its focus on
CSR sebagai penyeimbang dari fokus usahanya. Dewan
business with active implementation of CSR programs.
Komisaris melihat bahwa bersama dengan Pemerintah
The Board of Commissioners believes that, together
dan juga komunitas bisnis di Indonesia, Astra dapat
with the Government and the business community in
dan wajib mendorong, mendukung dan menyemangati
Indonesia, Astra have the ability as well as the obligation
perubahan-perubahan yang positif bagi bangsa Indonesia,
to make use of its considerable capability, capacity and
dengan kemampuan, kapasitas dan jangkauan luas yang
reach in order to promote, support and inspire positive
changes for the people of Indonesia.
Pelestarian lingkungan, tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan
In fact, aspects of environment preservation, corporate
dan kebijakan donasi juga merupakan beberapa aspek yang
social responsibility, and donation policy, are some of the
secara formal diatur dalam Astra GCG Code of Conduct
issues that are formally regulated in Astra GCG Code
sebagai pedoman pelaksanaan tata kelola perusahaan di
of Conduct, as the guidelines of the practice of good
lingkungan Grup Astra. Dengan demikian, seluruh sumber
corporate governance for Astra Group. Thus, all of the
daya yang telah dikerahkan dalam implementasi program
resources that have been utilized in the implementation
CSR Astra juga mencerminkan terus meningkatnya kualitas
of Astra’s CSR programs also reflected the increasing
penerapan praktik tata kelola Astra yang berlandaskan
quality of Astra’s corporate governance practices based
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
pada filosofi perusahaan, Catur Dharma. Pada gilirannya,
on the company philosophy, Catur Dharma. In turn, the
membaiknya kualitas penerapan tata kelola perusahaan
improved quality of corporate governance practices will
dipercaya akan berperan penting dalam memastikan
be an important element in sustaining Astra’s existence
keberlanjutan eksistensi dan pertumbuhan Astra di masa
and growth into the future.
mendatang. Ke depannya, implementasi program CSR diharapkan
Going forward, the implementation of CSR programs
dapat semakin ditingkatkan baik dalam jumlah aktivitas,
is expected to continue to improve in terms of the
jangkauan program maupun kualitas pelaksanaannya.
number of activities, program outreach, and quality of
Pada saat yang sama, ini semua hendaknya diimbangi
execution. At the same time, these CSR programs need
dengan inisiatif komunikasi dan sosialisasi program CSR
to be effectively communicated and make known to
Astra secara lebih luas kepada masyarakat umum. Kami
the broader segments of the general public. It is our
berharap, apa yang telah kami upayakan memberikan
sincere hope that all our efforts in social responsibility
inspirasi bagi Astra sendiri maupun pemangku
engagement can serve as an inspiration for Astra and
kepentingan lainnya, untuk dapat mewujudkan tanggung
its stakeholders to work together as socially responsible
jawab sosial dan bersama-sama memajukan bangsa dan
citizens towards greater progress for the people and
negara Indonesia.
nation of Indonesia.
Jakarta, April 2013 PT Astra International Tbk,
Budi Setiadharma Presiden Komisaris President Commissioner
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Sambutan Direksi [1.1]
Report from the Board of Directors
Tahun 2012 merupakan tahun yang penuh tantangan bagi
The year 2012 was a challenging year for Astra, mainly
Astra, terutama akibat perkembangan kondisi eksternal
due to the development of unfavorable external
yang kurang menguntungkan. Melemahnya harga-harga
conditions. The declining prices of global commodities
komoditas global yang menjadi andalan ekspor Indonesia
that are also the mainstay of Indonesia’s exports, has
telah berdampak pada kinerja lini bisnis Astra di bidang
had an impact on the performance of Astra’s business
alat berat dan agribisnis. Pemberlakuan ketentuan Bank
lines in the heavy equipment and agribusiness sectors.
Indonesia mengenai Loan-to-Value minimum untuk kredit
The implementation of Bank Indonesia’s provisions on
konsumer juga berpotensi besar menekan permintaan
minimum Loan-to-Value for consumer credit also suppress
pasar kendaraan bermotor domestik, yang merupakan
the potentially large domestic market demand for motor
sumber pendapatan terbesar Astra.
vehicles, which is Astra’s largest source of income.
Namun berkat langkah-langkah antisipasi yang tepat
However, due to the right anticipation measures taken
yang diambil sejak dini, dengan kerja sama dan kerja
early on, with the cooperation and hard work of all
keras seluruh insan Astra, kinerja usaha Astra secara
individuals at Astra, our overall business performance
keseluruhan masih membukukan pertumbuhan.
still managed to show a growth. Net operating revenues
Pendapatan bersih meningkat 16%, sementara laba
increased by 16% while net income grew by 9%.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
bersih tumbuh 9%. Sekalipun lebih rendah dari
Although these growth figures are lower than the
pencapaian tahun sebelumnya, pertumbuhan tersebut
previous year’s achievement, the growth proved Astra’s
membuktikan fleksibilitas dan kemampuan Astra
flexibility and ability to adapt in difficult conditions in
beradaptasi dalam kondisi yang sulit, sehingga tetap
order to continue its success. This achievement is a
tampil sebagai pemenang. Ini merupakan keberhasilan
triumph that we should be grateful for.
yang patut kita syukuri. Pada saat yang sama, kita juga menyadari bahwa
At the same time, we also recognize that the business
kelangsungan usaha Astra dalam jangka panjang tidak
continuity of Astra in the long run is not only measured
hanya diukur dari kinerja keuangan semata. Keberlanjutan
by financial performance alone. Our sustainability is also
Astra juga ditentukan oleh seberapa baik kita mampu
determined by how well we are able to manage the
mengelola dampak sosial dan dampak lingkungan dari
social and environmental impact of Astra’s presence as
keberadaan Astra sebagai entitas bisnis.
a business entity.
Sejak tahun 2010, Astra telah menetapkan strategi
Since 2010, Astra has established a long-term growth
pertumbuhan jangka panjang yang disebut Strategic Triple
strategy known as the Strategic Triple Roadmap. Through
Roadmap. Melalui Portfolio Roadmap, People Roadmap
its elements of Portfolio Roadmap, People Roadmap and
dan Public Contribution Roadmap, Astra akan membangun
Public Contribution Roadmap, Astra will build upon its
tahapan-tahapan pertumbuhannya menuju Sasaran 2020
growth stages towards Goal 2020 as the ‘Pride of the
sebagai ‘Perusahaan Kebanggaan Bangsa’.
Bagi Astra, menjadi perusahaan kebanggaan bangsa berarti
For Astra, to become the pride of the nation means being
mampu menghasilkan produk dan jasa kreasi anak bangsa
able to produce locally created products and services that
yang dapat berkibar di pasar dunia. Menjadi perusahaan
are globally competitive. Becoming the pride of the nation
kebanggaan bangsa juga berarti tampil sebagai entitas yang
also means to be perceived as an entity that is respected
dihormati dan dicintai oleh seluruh pemangku kepentingan
and loved by all stakeholders of the company. Astra
perusahaan. Astra harus mampu menjadi solusi dari berbagai
should be capable to be the solution of various issues in
masalah keberlanjutan yang ada di lingkungannya, di
their environment, in Indonesia and the world. Being the
Indonesia dan di dunia luas. Menjadi perusahaan kebanggaan
pride of the nation is Astra’s sustainability vision.
bangsa adalah visi keberlanjutan Astra. Perjalanan panjang Astra menuju keberlanjutan telah
In 2012, Astra’s long journey towards sustainability has
memasuki tahun yang ke-55 pada tahun 2012. Hari Ulang
entered its 55th year. The anniversary has become a special
Tahun (HUT) ke-55 Astra menjadi momen yang istimewa
moment as well as a good opportunity to re-emphasize
dan sekaligus kesempatan yang baik untuk kembali
the presence of Astra in Indonesia as one of the nation’s
mempertegas kehadiran Astra di Indonesia sebagai salah
valuable assets. This spirit is manifested through a variety
satu aset bangsa yang berharga. Semangat ini diwujudkan
of programs and activities in commemoration of the
melalui berbagai program dan aktivitas dalam rangka
55th Anniversary of Astra with the theme ‘Sharing with
memperingati HUT ke-55 Astra dengan tema ‘Berbagi
the Nation,’ which reflected the appreciation of Astra
Bersama Bangsa’, yang mencerminkan apresiasi Astra
to Indonesia that has been the source of inspiration
terhadap bangsa dan negara Indonesia yang telah menjadi
throughout its journey.
sumber inspirasi selama perjalanannya sampai saat ini.
Sebagai implementasi dari tema ‘Berbagi Bersama
To implement the theme of ‘Sharing with the Nation,’
Bangsa’, Astra menyelenggarakan program Jelajahi
Astra organized a program called ‘Jelajahi Dunia Astra’ or
Dunia Astra di lima kota besar di Indonesia, yaitu Jakarta,
Explore the World of Astra in five major cities in Indonesia
Medan, Balikpapan, Makassar dan Surabaya, untuk
namely, Jakarta, Medan, Balikpapan, Makassar and
mengkomunikasikan rangkaian produk dan jasa di Grup
Surabaya, in order to communicate the range of products
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Astra serta pencapaian-pencapaian penting yang telah
and services of Astra Group, as well as the important
diraih Astra selama ini. Program ini juga menampilkan
achievements that Astra have accomplished. The program
aktivitas Tanggung Jawab Sosial (CSR) Astra baik melalui
also presents Astra Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
PT Astra International Tbk sebagai perusahaan induk,
activities through PT Astra International Tbk as the
maupun melalui 8 Yayasan di bawah naungan Grup
parent company, as well as through the 8 Foundations
Astra. Khusus dalam rangka memperingati HUT ke-55,
under the Astra Group. Another special program in
Astra menyelenggarakan aktivitas CSR tematis: kegiatan
commemoration of its 55th Anniversary is the thematic
menanam 550 ribu pohon dalam ‘Astra untuk Lingkungan’,
CSR activities, namely 550 thousand trees in ‘Astra for the
55 ribu kantong darah dalam ‘Astra untuk Kesehatan’,
Environment’, 55 thousand units of blood bags in ‘Astra
55 ribu jam eksekutif ‘Astra Berbagi Ilmu’, serta 55
for Health’, 55 thousand hours of knowledge sharing in
ribu jam pelatihan dalam ‘Astra bagi UKM’. Kegiatan
‘Astra for Sharing Knowledge’ and 55 thousand hours of
ini melengkapi sumbangsih Astra kepada bangsa
training in in ‘Astra for SMEs’. This activity complements
yang telah dilakukan melalui program Semangat Astra
Astra’s contribution to the nation that was performed
Terpadu Untuk Indonesia (SATU Indonesia) dengan
through Semangat Astra Terpadu Untuk Indonesia (SATU
penyelenggaraan SATU Indonesia Award yang ke-3 pada
Indonesia) or Astra’s Unified for Indonesia program with
tahun 2012.
the implementation of the 3rd SATU Indonesia Award in 2012.
Sumbangsih lain Astra bagi bangsa Indonesia pada tahun
Another contribution of Astra for Indonesia in 2012 was
2012 adalah pengenalan kendaraan roda empat ramah
the launching of the affordable and environmentally
lingkungan dengan harga terjangkau (low cost green car)
friendly four-wheel vehicle (low cost green car) under
dengan merek Astra Toyota AGYA dan Astra Daihatsu
the brand Astra Toyota AGYA and Astra Daihatsu AYLA.
AYLA. Keberhasilan pengembangan kedua jenis kendaraan
The successful development of both types of vehicles is a
tersebut merupakan prestasi yang membanggakan karena
proud achievement because it is made in Indonesia with
merupakan hasil rancangan asli anak bangsa dengan
84% local components. The launching of Astra Toyota
84% komponen lokal. Peluncuran Astra Toyota AGYA
AGYA and Astra Daihatsu AYLA is an important milestone
dan Astra Daihatsu AYLA merupakan tonggak penting
in the sustainability of Astra’s existence as the largest
dalam keberlanjutan eksistensi Astra sebagai perusahaan
automotive manufacturing company in Indonesia.
manufaktur otomotif terbesar di Indonesia. Melalui Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 ini, Astra ingin
Through this 2012 Sustainability Report, Astra would like
memberikan informasi kepada seluruh pemangku
to provide information to all stakeholders on a range of
kepentingan mengenai berbagai inisiatif yang telah dilakukan
initiatives that have been performed by each individual at
seluruh insan Astra dalam mengupayakan keberlanjutan
Astra in pursuit of sustainability and in giving their best
Astra dan memberikan yang terbaik untuk Indonesia.
for Indonesia. This report does not only contain Astra
Laporan ini tidak hanya memuat prestasi Astra, namun
achievements, but also the challenges encountered in
juga berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi dalam menjalankan
running a business while contributing to the society and
bisnis dengan tetap berkontribusi bagi masyarakat dan
environment. Thus, Astra and its stakeholders can engage
lingkungan. Dengan demikian, Astra dan seluruh pemangku
more effectively in order to achieve common goals for
kepentingannya dapat menjalin keterlibatan yang lebih
a better future.
efektif dalam rangka mencapai tujuan-tujuan bersama di masa mendatang secara lebih baik lagi. Memandang ke depan, tahun 2013 diperkirakan akan
Entering 2013, the development of unfavorable external
diwarnai oleh perkembangan eksternal yang masih
conditions are still affecting business in Indonesia,
kurang kondusif bagi dunia usaha di Indonesia, termasuk
including Astra business. Global economic conditions
bisnis-bisnis Astra. Perekonomian global yang masih
failed to improve will put pressure on the Indonesia’s
belum membaik akan terus memberikan tekanan pada
key commodities prices. In the domestic scene, labor
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
harga-harga komoditas andalan Indonesia. Di dalam
issues related to minimum wage and the possibility of a
negeri, isu ketenagakerjaan terkait upah minimum
fuel price hike should receive our attention. Faced with
buruh serta bayang-bayang kenaikan harga Bahan
these challenges, Astra should strive to improve efficiency
Bakar Minyak juga menjadi perhatian kita. Menghadapi
and seek for innovations in all areas, so as to be able to
berbagai tantangan tersebut, Astra dituntut untuk lebih
increase the productivity of individuals and companies.
meningkatkan efisiensi dan inovasi di segala bidang, sehingga mampu meningkatkan produktivitas individu maupun perusahaan. Dalam jangka menengah-panjang, Astra juga
In the medium- to long-term horizon, Astra also faces
menghadapi tantangan internal dalam menjaga
internal challenges in maintaining sustainability related
keberlanjutannya, terkait dengan aspek sumber daya
to aspects of human resources. Astra’s rapid business
manusia. Perkembangan bisnis Astra yang pesat dalam
growth in recent years has created its own demand on
tahun-tahun terakhir ini telah memberikan tuntutan
our workforce, both in terms of higher numbers as well
tersendiri untuk mencukupi kebutuhan karyawan,
as for better skills requirements. This also includes the
baik dari sisi jumlah maupun kualitas. Termasuk di sini
need to prepare the future leaders of the company. In
adalah kebutuhan untuk mempersiapkan calon-calon
order to answer this challenge, Astra is determined to
pemimpin perusahaan di masa mendatang. Menjawab
refresh the understanding and appreciation of Catur
tantangan ini, Astra bertekad untuk menyegarkan
Dharma’ philosophy, as well as continuing to strengthen
kembali pemahaman dan penghayatan filosofi ‘Catur
the implementation of Astra Management System (AMS)
Dharma’ di kalangan insan Astra, serta terus memperkuat
across the organization.
implementasi Astra Management System (AMS) di seluruh lingkungan organisasi. Selama 55 tahun keberadaan Astra sampai saat ini, nilai-
During its 55 years of existence until this day, the values of
nilai Catur Dharma dan panduan visi dan misi Astra telah
Catur Dharma and Astra’s vision and mission statements
memampukan kita melewati berbagai rintangan dan
have enabled us to prevail over obstacles and challenges,
tantangan, sekaligus menempa diri menjadi lebih baik
while making us stronger and better. This same spirit also
dan lebih kuat. Semangat yang sama ini juga memberikan
gives confidence that we will be able to continue to grow,
keyakinan bahwa kita akan mampu terus tumbuh,
develop and share, and ultimately preserve the existence
berkembang dan berbagi dan akhirnya melestarikan
of Astra as the pride of the nation.
keberadaan Astra sebagai perusahaan kebanggaan bangsa Indonesia. Jakarta, April 2013 PT Astra International Tbk,
Prijono Sugiarto Presiden Direktur President Director
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Kebijakan Lingkungan, Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Keamanan [2.1]
Security, Environment and Social Responsibility Policy
Arief Istanto Chief
Catur Dharma merupakan sumber inspirasi bagi seluruh
The Catur Dharma philosophy is a source of inspiration
entitas bisnis di lingkup Astra dalam melaksanakan tugas
for all business entities within Astra in performing
dan tanggung jawabnya kepada seluruh pemangku
its duties and responsibilities to all stakeholders. The
kepentingan. Pelaksanaan Catur Dharma juga tercermin
implementation of Catur Dharma philosophy is also
dalam strategi keberlanjutan jangka panjang 2020
reflected in the long-term sustainability strategy for
Astra yang dituangkan dalam Strategic Triple Roadmap,
Astra 2020 as outlined in the Strategic Triple Roadmap,
mencakup Portfolio Roadmap, People Roadmap dan Public
including Portfolio Roadmap, People Roadmap People
Contribution Roadmap.
and Public Contribution Roadmap.
Dalam menjalankan operasional bisnisnya, Astra menerapkan
Astra implements the Astra Management System
Astra Management System (AMS), sedangkan dalam
(AMS) in conducting its business operations, whereas
pengelolaan aspek lingkungan, kesehatan dan keselamatan
in the management of environment, health and safety
kerja (LK3), tanggung jawab sosial (CSR) serta Keamanan
(EHS), social responsibility (CSR) and security aspects,
(Security), Astra menetapkan Kebijakan Lingkungan,
Astra established the Security, Environment and Social
Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Keamanan (SESR Policy) yang
Responsibility Policy (SESR Policy), which is prepared each
disusun oleh Korporat setiap tahun.
year at the Corporate level.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Kebijakan Lingkungan, Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Keamanan 2012
Security, Environment and Social Responsibility Policy 2012
SESR Policy 2012 yang memuat target-target pencapaian di bidang
The SESR Policy 2012, which includes targets for achievements
LK3, CSR dan Keamanan disusun dengan semangat ‘Berbagi
in aspects of EHS, CSR, and Security, has been formulated
Bersama Bangsa’ seiring dengan Hari Ulang Tahun ke-55 Astra,
with the spirit of “Share With the Nation,’ in line with the
yang menjadi landasan dalam melaksanakan Public Contribution
55th Anniversary of Astra that form the basis for implementing
Roadmap untuk memberikan kontribusi yang terbaik bagi kemajuan
Public Contribution Roadmap to contribute the best for the
bangsa. SESR Policy 2012 menetapkan bahwa pelaksanaan
advancement of the nation. The SESR Policy 2012 emphasizes
program-program LK3, CSR dan Keamanan perlu dilakukan secara
the focused and systematic implementation of EHS, CSR and
terarah dan sistematis serta dengan mengedepankan sinergi di
Security programs, while also encouraging synergies among
antara Grup Astra, Yayasan dan Korporat.
Astra Group, Foundations and the Corporate.
LK3 - target yang ditetapkan di bidang ini mencakup:
EHS - the targets set in this area include: the application
penerapan Astra Green Company (AGC) dengan peringkat
of Astra Green Company (AGC) with a minimum rating
minimal ‘Hijau’; efisiensi pemakaian sumber daya alam per
of “Green”; efficiency of natural resource use per unit of
satuan produk/aktivitas sebesar 5% dibandingkan kinerja
product/activity performance by 5% compared to 2011;
2011; pengurangan emisi Gas Rumah Kaca sebesar 2% per
reduction of Green House Gas emissions by 2% per unit
satuan produk/aktivitas dibandingkan kinerja 2011, serta;
of product/activity performance compared to 2011, and;
pencapaian Zero Workplace Incident termasuk bagi pihak
achieving Zero Workplace Incident including for third parties
ketiga (kontraktor/perusahaan alih-daya).
(contractors/outsourcing firms).
CSR - di bidang CSR, target Astra adalah untuk menerapkan
CSR - in aspects of CSR, Astra’s target is to implement
Astra Friendly Company (AFC) dengan peringkat minimal
Astra Friendly Company (AFC) with a minimum rating
‘Bintang 3’ serta untuk mengembangkan program
of “3 Star,” as well as to develop CSR programs that are
CSR yang sejalan dengan dampak bisnis dalam rangka
aligned with the business impact in order to increase social
meningkatkan social protection. Program CSR tersebut
protection. The CSR programs include the development of
mencakup pengembangan minimal 1 (satu) program Income
at least 1 (one) Income Generating Activity (IGA) program
Generating Activity (IGA) di setiap instalasi, pengembangan
at each installation, development of business activity-
sekolah binaan di setiap grup, program kesehatan ibu dan
related schools in each group, maternal and child health
anak, program sanitasi berbasis masyarakat, serta program
programs, community-based sanitation programs, as well
as reforestation program.
Keamanan - target-target di bidang ini meliputi: pengembangan
Security - targets in this area include development of strong
networking yang kuat, penyediaan sumber daya manusia
professional networks, provision of qualified human resources,
yang berkualitas, penggunaan peralatan pengamanan
utilization of modern security equipment, improvement of
yang modern, peningkatan proses internal dengan PDCA
internal processes with PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) approach,
(Plan-Do-Check-Act), pembinaan dan pengembangan, serta
coaching and development, and the implementation of Astra
pelaksanaan Astra Security Management System (ASMS)
Security Management System (ASMS) with a minimum rating
dengan peringkat minimal ‘Hijau’.
of “Green.”
Komitmen Kami di Tahun 2013
Our Commitments in 2013
Kami mengusung komitmen ‘Strengthening the Core’ untuk tahun
In 2013, Astra is committed to ‘Strengthening the Core’ through
2013 melalui komunikasi yang harmonis dengan para pemangku
harmonious communication with the stakeholders, as well as
kepentingan serta pengembangan social innovation yang terarah,
the development of focused, systematic and synergetic social
sistematis dan sinergis di seluruh Grup Astra dan Yayasan.
innovation throughout the Astra Group and Foundations.
LK3 - implementasi AGC diupayakan mencapai peringkat
EHS – The implementation of AGC is aimed to achieve a
minimal ‘Hijau’ di tiap instalasi yang berpartisipasi, dengan
minimum rating of “Green” in each participating installation,
penekanan pada pemenuhan regulasi kualitas lingkungan. Di
with the emphasis on regulatory compliance in regards
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
tahun 2013, Astra mentargetkan pencapaian efisiensi sumber
environmental quality. In 2013, Astra is targeting to achieve
daya alam minimal 5% per satuan produk dengan penekanan
resource efficiency of at least 5% per unit of product with
pada cleaner production dan efisiensi energi dan penurunan
the emphasis on cleaner production and energy efficiency,
emisi Gas Rumah Kaca minimal 2% per satuan produk/
as well as a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of at least
aktivitas, dibandingkan dengan tahun 2012, serta mencapai
2% per unit of product/activity, compared to 2012, and also
zero workplace incident melalui program Behavior Based Safety
to achieve zero workplace incident through Behavior Based
Awareness dan pemberlakuan aturan-aturan LK3 bagi pihak
Safety Awareness program and the strict and consistent
ketiga secara tegas dan konsisten.
implementation of EHS rules for third parties.
CSR - Astra menargetkan penerapan AFC minimal dengan
CSR - Astra targets the implementation of AFC with a minimum
peringkat ‘Bintang 4’, serta dilakukannya pemetaan pencapaian
rating of “4 Star” as well as a complete mapping of AFC
AFC di tiap instalasi. Untuk meningkatkan social protection sejalan
achievements at each installation. To improve social protection
dengan dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh bisnis-bisnis Kami, setiap
in line with the impact of our businesses, every company under
perusahaan Grup Astra harus memiliki minimal 1 (satu) program
Astra Group must have at least 1 (one) educational training/school
pembinaan pendidikan/sekolah, baik dukungan kurikulum maupun
program, both through the curriculum and extra-curricular support.
ekstra kurikuler. Setiap instalasi Astra (Head Office/cabang, site
Each of Astra’s installation (Head Office/branch, or plant site) should
ataupun plant) juga harus memiliki 1 (satu) program Income
also have one (1) Income Generating Activity (IGA) program, which
Generating Activity (IGA) yang dapat dilaksanakan secara sinergis
can be implemented in synergy with other Astra Group installation.
dengan instalasi Grup Astra lainnya. Di tiap wilayah operasi,
In each region of operation, the healthcare program particularly
program kesehatan khususnya untuk ibu dan anak akan terus
for mothers and children will continue to be improved, including
ditingkatkan, termasuk pengembangan program ‘kampung
the development of “Healthy Village” (integrated green society).
sehat’ (integrated green society). Astra juga akan terus melakukan
Astra will also continue to conduct reforestation program on an
program penghijauan secara berkelanjutan, khususnya dalam
ongoing basis, especially with regards to the establishment of “City
rangka mewujudkan ‘Hutan Kota’ maupun area konservasi.
Forest” and forest conservation areas.
Keamanan - kinerja pengelolaan pengamanan yang terbaik
Security – The best security management performance will
akan diupayakan melalui implementasi ASMS di tiap perusahaan
be pursued through the implementation of ASMS in every
Grup Astra dengan sasaran minimal peringkat ‘Hijau’. Untuk
company of Astra Group with a minimum target of “Green”
itu, Astra akan fokus pada pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk
rating. Therefore, Astra will focus on education and training
meningkatkan kualitas dan kompetensi personil security,
in order to improve the quality and competency of security
serta pemanfaatan perangkat dan teknologi pengamanan
personnel, as well as the use of the latest security equipment
terkini guna mendukung efektivitas dan efisiensi pengelolaan
and technology to support the effectiveness and efficiency of
pengamanan. Astra juga akan memperkuat proses-proses
security management. Astra will also strengthen the internal
internal pengelolaan pengamanan melalui pelaksanaan PDCA
processes of security management through consistent
yang konsisten.
implementation of PDCA.
Keberhasilan pelaksanaan arahan di atas pada tahun 2013
The successful implementation of the above directives in 2013
kiranya akan mendukung pencapaian tujuan kita menjadi
should support the achievement of our goals to be “The Best
‘The Best Company in CSR in Indonesia’ di tahun 2020 selaras
CSR Company in Indonesia” by 2020 in line with the mission
dengan misi ‘To Prosper with the Nation by Providing the Best
“To Prosper with the Nation by Providing the Best Value to
Value to Our Stakeholders’.
Our Stakeholders”.
Jakarta, April 2013 PT Astra International Tbk,
Arief Istanto Chief
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Peristiwa Penting Event Highlights 15 Januari
19 Januari
PT Federal International Finance mengadakan Seremonial peresmian mobil sosial OBI (Obor Berkat Indonesia) dan kegiatan Donor Darah Rutin PT Federal International Finance Head Office mengadakan kegiatan Donor Darah Rutin dan Seremonial peresmian mobil sosial kepada yayasan Obor Berkat Indonesia di Menara FIF Jakarta.
Program CSR: PT Astra Honda Motor Peduli Pendidikan dan Lingkungan PT Astra Honda Motor bekerja sama dengan Dinas Pendidikan dan Kepolisian di 9 provinsi antara lain DI Yogyakarta, Sumatera Barat, Lampung, Sulawesi Selatan, Bali dan Sulawesi Tenggara mensosialisasikan Kurikulum Etika Berlalu Lintas kepada para guru sekolah.
15 January
15 Januari 15 January
Penandatanganan Komitmen Program CSR Astra untuk Jakarta Utara PT Astra International Tbk menandatangani komitmen untuk program CSR di wilayah Jakarta Utara pada acara kunjungan kerja Gubernur DKI Jakarta di Kelurahan Kebon Bawang. Sekaligus dilaksanakan penyerahan simbolis bantuan 5 mesin pencacah plastik untuk 5 kelurahan di area sekitar Perusahaan. The Signing of Astra Commitment in CSR Program for North Jakarta Region PT Astra International Tbk signed an agreement for the launching of CSR program in North Jakarta region during the working visit of the Jakarta governor in Kebon Bawang district, in conjunction with the symbolic handover of 5 plastic thrasher in 5 districts around the area.
The Head Office of PT Federal Insurance Finance held a regular blood donor and an opening ceremonical of social car to OBI (Obor Berkat Indonesia) The Head Office of PT Federal Insurance Finance held an opening ceremonial of social car to Obor Berkat Indonesia foundation and regular blood donor.
19 January
CSR Program: PT Astra Honda Motor Cares from Environment to Education PT Astra Honda Motor in collaboration with the Department of Education and the Police from 9 provinces including Yogyakarta, West Sumatra, Lampung, South Sulawesi, Bali and Sulawesi to socialize curriculum ethics in traffic to teachers.
20 Februari 20 February
55 Tahun Astra Berbagi Bersama Bangsa Kick off program CSR dalam rangka memperingat Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) Astra 55 tahun dengan mengambil tema : “Berbagi Bersama Bangsa Astra 55th Years Share with the Nation A kick off of CSR program in conjunction with the celebration of Astra 55 year anniversary with the theme “Share with the Nation”
2012 24 Februari
25 Februari
3 Maret
11 Maret
26 Maret
Mobil Donor Darah Astra Untuk Palang Merah Indonesia Jusuf Kalla, Ketua Umum PMI menerima bantuan mobil donor darah dari PT Astra International Tbk.
PT Astra Honda Motor Membangun Pembangkit Listrik Mikro Hidro PT Astra Honda Motor membangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hidro (PLTMH) berkapasitas 6.400 watt untuk masyarakat di Kasepuhan Ciptagelar, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat.
Go Green PT Astra Otoparts Tbk PT Astra Otoparts Tbk melakukan penanaman 5.000 pohon di lereng Merapi dan pembangunan kawasan wisata agro yang diberi nama Agro Lengkeng di Sleman, Yogyakarta.
Kesepakatan Kerja Sama PT Astra International Tbk dengan Kementerian Kehutanan RI PT Astra International Tbk bersama Zulkifli Hasan, Menteri Kehutanan RI menandatangani kesepakatan kerja sama dalam program rehabilitasi hutan dan lahan serta pemberdayaan masyarakat di Desa Jayanti, Kecamatan Madang, Bogor.
Go Green Astra Bersama AKPOL Semarang PT Astra International Tbk menyerahkan bantuan 8.000 bibit tanaman produktif berupa pohon Trembesi, Jabon dan Kelapa Hibrida dalam kegiatan Go Green di Akademi Kepolisian Semarang.
24 February
Astra blood donor car for Palang Merah Indonesia Jusuf Kalla, as the chairman of Palang Merah Indonesia received the blood donor car as a donation from PT Astra International Tbk.
25 February
PT Astra Honda Motor built a Micro Hydro Power Plant PT Astra Honda Motor built a micro hydro power plant or Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hidro (PLTMH) with the capacity of 6,400 watt for the community around Ciptagelar, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat.
3 March
Go Green with PT Astra Otoparts Tbk PT Astra Otoparts Tbk planting 5,000 trees on the slopes of Merapi and agro tourism development, named Agro Lengkeng in Sleman, Yogyakarta.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
11 March
Cooperation Agreement between PT Astra International Tbk and Ministry of Forestry PT Astra International Tbk with Zulkifli Hasan, Minister of Forestry of Indonesia signed an agreement in cooperation of forest and land rehabilitation program and community empowerment in Jayanti Village, Madang district, Bogor.
26 March
Astra Go Green with the Police Academy in Semarang PT Astra International Tbk handed out 8,000 productive tree seedlings of Trembesi, Jabon and Hybrid Coconut in the Go Green event with the Police Academy in Semarang.
5 April 5 April
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor Menerima Penghargaan Juara 1 Lomba Cepat Tepat Norma Ketenagakerjaan 2012 PT Astra Daihatsu Motor diwakili oleh Willy Ari Utomo (Dept. Head EHS) menerima piala penghargaan Juara 1 lomba cepat tepat norma ketenagakerjaan. PT Astra Daihatsu Motor received the 1st award trophy for winning Lomba Cepat Tepat Norma Ketenagakerjaan 2012 PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, represented by Ari Willy Utomo (Dept. Head EHS) received the 1st award trophy for winning Lomba Cepat Tepat Norma Ketenagakerjaan 2012.
15 April 15 April
PT Astra International Tbk menandatangani Kesepakatan Kerja Sama dengan Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat PT Astra International Tbk menandatangani Kesepakatan Kerja Sama dengan Menteri Perumahan Rakyat RI, Djan Faridz, dalam Program Percepatan Pembangunan Perumahan Swadaya bagi Masyarakat. PT Astra International Tbk signed a cooperation agreement with the Minister of Housing PT Astra International Tbk signed a cooperation agreement with Djan Faridz, Minister of Housing in the Acceleration Development of Governmental Housing Program for the community.
4-6 Mei 4-6 May
PT Astra International Tbk menggelar Jelajahi Dunia Astra Grup Astra menggelar Jelajahi Dunia Astra dalam rangkaian program HUT Astra ke-55 di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), Jakarta. PT Astra International Tbk held Explore the World of Astra Astra Group held Explore the World of Astra as the series of Astra 55th Anniversary program at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), Jakarta.
23 Mei 23 May
Grup Astra Bersama UGM Yogyakarta Lestarikan Hutan Pendidikan Grup Astra bekerja sama dengan Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Gadjah Mada menanam 2 x 55.000 bibit pohon beragam jenis, di hutan pendidikan Wanagama. Astra group with UGM Yogyakarta preserve the education of forestry Astra Group in collaboration with the Faculty of Forestry, University of Gadjah Mada planted 2 x 55,000 seedlings of various tree species, in the Wanagama education forestry.
5 Juni
9-10 Juni
27 Juni
4 Juli
Dua Sekolah Binaan PT Astra International Tbk Mendapat Penghargaan Adiwiyata Nasional Dua sekolah (SDN 05 S. Bambu dan SDN Meulaboh Aceh) binaan PT Astra International Tbk meraih penghargaan Adiwiyata Nasional dari MenLH Prof. Dr. Balthasar Kambuaya, MBA.
Grup Astra Menggelar Astra Green Lifestyle dalam rangka memperingati Hari Lingkungan Hidup Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia, Grup Astra menggelar Astra Green Lifestyle di Kawasan Plaza Timur Monas Jakarta dengan mengusung tema “Kenali, Lakukan, Ajarkan”.
PT Astra International Tbk meraih Penghargaan Indonesia Green Company Award PT Astra International Tbk meraih penghargaan Indonesia Green Company Award, yang diselenggarakan oleh SWA & Yayasan Kehati.
PT Astra International Tbk Menerima Penghargaan dari Pemerintah Jakarta Utara PT Astra International Tbk menerima Penghargaan dari Pemerintah Jakarta Utara untuk Komitmen Perusahaan dalam Pelaksanaan Program CSR.
PT Astra International Tbk received Indonesia Green Company Award PT Astra International Tbk received Indonesia Green Company Award, which was held by SWA & Kehati Foundation.
PT Astra International Tbk Received an Award from the Government of North Jakarta PT Astra International Tbk received an award from the government of North Jakarta in regards to the company commitment in implementing CSR Program.
5 June
Two Schools Developed by PT Astra International Tbk Received Adiwiyata National Award Two schools (SDN 05 S. Bambu and SDN Meulaboh Aceh) developed by PT Astra International Tbk received Adiwiyata National Award from the Minister of Environment, Prof. Dr. Balthasar Kambuaya, MBA.
9-10 June
Astra Group held Astra Green Lifestyle in commemoration of World Environment Day In commemoration of World Environment Day, Astra Group held Astra Green Lifestyle in Plaza Timur Monas, Jakarta with the theme “Knowing, Doing, Teaching”.
27 June
4 July
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
10 Juli 10 July
Astra Raih 7 Penghargaan Asia’s Best Companies 2012 PT Astra International Tbk berhasil meraih 7 penghargaan pada Asia’s Best Companies 2012 di Indonesia sebagai peringkat terbaik untuk kategori The Best Managed Company, Best Corporate Governance dan Best Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yang diselenggarakan oleh Majalah Finance Asia. Astra received 7 awards of Asia’s Best Companies 2012 PT Astra International Tbk received 7 awards of Asia’s Best Companies 2012 in Indonesia which was rated as the best in the categories of The Best Managed Company, Best Corporate Governance and Best Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) conducted by Finance Asia magazine.
10 July
PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk raih 3 Penghargaan di Bidang CSR PT Astra Agro Lestari memperoleh 3 penghargaan di bidang CSR yang diterima dari publik, yaitu “Indonesia Green Award 2012” yang digagas majalah Bisnis & CSR serta “Social Business Innovation Award 2012” dan “20 Green CEO 2012” persembahan majalah Warta Ekonomi. PT Astra Agro Lestari gained three awards in the field of CSR PT Astra Agro Lestari gained three awards in the field of CSR received from the public, which was “Indonesia Green Awards 2012” and initiated by Business and CSR Magazine with the “Social Business Innovation Award 2012” and “20 Green CEO 2012” a tribute by Warta Ekonomi magazine.
18 Juli 18 July
Astra Hijaukan Bogor Eco Edu Forest Babakan Madang, Sentul dengan 550.000 Pohon Grup Astra menandatangani kesepakatan penanaman 550.000 pohon bersama Kementerian Kehutanan Republik Indonesia dan Perum Perhutani di Bogor Eco Edu Forest Babakan Madang, Sentul, Jawa Barat. Astra greening Bogor Eco Edu Forest Babakan Madang, Sentul with 550,000 Trees Astra Group signed an agreement of planting 550,000 trees together with the Ministry of Forestry of Republic of Indonesia and Perum Perhutani in the Bogor Eco Edu Forest Office in Babakan Madang, Sentul, West Java.
14 Agustus
30 Agustus
Grup Astra Bagikan Paket Sembako untuk Masyarakat Dalam rangka memperingati hari raya Idul Adha 1433 H, Grup Astra membagikan lebih dari 8.000 paket sembako dan santunan anak yatim untuk masyarakat sekitar instalasi.
84.300 Pohon Mangrove dari Grup AHEME Grup AHEME (Astra Heavy Equipment, Mining & Energy) melakukan penanaman mangrove di jalur hijau tol Sedyatmo (kawasan Pantai Indah Kapuk Jakarta Utara).
Astra Group Distributed Primary Staple Food to Communities In commemoration of Eid al-Adha 1433 H, Astra distributed more than 8,000 food packages and donations to the orphans.
84,300 Mangrove Trees by AHEME group AHEME group (Astra Heavy Equipment, Mining & Energy) held mangrove planting activity in the green lane of Sedyatmo highway (Pantai Indah Kapuk area, North Jakarta).
14 August
30 August
3 September 12 September 15 September 12 Oktober 3 September
12 September
15 September
12 October
19-21 Oktober
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor melakukan Edukasi Teknologi dan Sumbang Mesin PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) melakukan edukasi teknologi otomotif dan donasi mesin kepada SMKN 4 Jakarta dan SMKN 2 Surakarta.
Grup Astra Hijaukan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun dengan 55.000 Pohon Grup Astra menanam 55.000 bibit pohon di kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat.
Serahkan 15.000 Bibit Pohon kepada Walikota Makassar, Grup Astra Hijaukan Makassar Grup Astra melakukan penanaman 15.000 bibit pohon di sepanjang Pantai Losari, Makasar.
Tanam 10.000 Pohon, Permata Bank Hijaukan Kota Tangerang Selatan Permata Bank bersama dengan Pemerintah Kota Tangerang Selatan melakukan Gerakan Penanaman 10.000 Pohon di Hutan Kota Witana Harja, Tangerang Selatan.
Grup Astra Menggelar Jelajah Dunia Astra di Surabaya Grup Astra menggelar Jelajah Dunia Astra di Surabaya sebagai penutupan rangkaian Perayaan HUT Astra ke-55.
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor provided Technology Education and Donated Machineries PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) provided education on automotive technology and donated machineries to State Vocational High School 4 Jakarta and State Vocational High School 2 Surakarta.
10 Juli
Astra Group Greening Gunung Halimun National Park with 55,000 Trees Astra Group planted 55,000 tree seedlings in Gunung Halimun Salak National Park, Sukabumi, West Java.
Presented 15,000 Seedlings to Makassar Mayor, Astra Group Greening Makassar Astra Group planted 15,000 tree seedlings along the coast of Losari Beach, Makasar.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
PermataBank Greening South Tangerang City, Planting 10,000 Trees PermataBank together with South Tangerang City Regional Government inisiated the Planting of 10,000 Trees Movement in Witana Harja City Forest, South Tangerang.
19-21 October
Astra Group Held Explore the World of Astra Astra Group launched Explore the World of Astra in Surabaya as the conclusion to the series of events to celebrate the 55th anniversary of Astra.
7 November 7 November
24 Oktober 24 October
PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) menggelar Jambore Toyota 2012 Presdir PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) Johnny Darmawan bersama sejumlah veteran dan perwakilan komunitas pengguna Toyota, usai pemberian donasi dari komunitas pengguna Toyota kepada veteran di acara Jambore Toyota 2012. PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) held Toyota Jamboree 2012 President Director of PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) Johnny Darmawan along with several veterans and representatives of user communities Toyota, after the donation of Toyota Community to veterans at Toyota Jamboree 2012 Event.
24 Oktober 24 October
Penyerahan Bantuan Mobil Ambulance untuk masyarakat Lagoa, Jakarta Utara PT Astra International Tbk menyerahkan bantuan 1 unit mobil ambulance untuk masyarakat di Keluarahan Lagoa, Jakarta Utara. Donation of Ambulance to the Community in Lagoa District, North Jakarta PT Astra International Tbk handed out assistance in the form of 1 unit of ambulance to the community in the Lagoa District, North Jakarta.
28 November 28 November
Astra Terima Penghargaan Penanaman Satu Miliar Pohon PT Astra International Tbk menerima penghargaan Penanaman Satu Miliar Pohon dari Kementerian Kehutanan RI, disaksikan langsung oleh Presiden RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dalam acara Peringatan Hari Menanam Pohon Indonesia dan Bulan Menanam Nasional Tahun 2012. Astra Received the Planting of One Billion Trees Award PT Astra International Tbk, in the presence of Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, received the “The Planting of One Billion Trees Award” from the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia during the celebration of Indonesia Trees Planting Day and National Planting Month 2012.
Serah Terima Bantuan Pendidikan SDN Percontohan Meulaboh dari PT Astra International Tbk PT Astra International Tbk menyerahkan gedung sekolah dan sarana pendidikan SDN Percontohan Meulaboh dengan total nilai 18 miliar sejak tahun 2004 sampai tahun 2012. Handover of Educational Assistance to SDN Percontohan Meulaboh from PT Astra International Tbk PT Astra International Tbk handed out assistance in the form of school building and education facilities to SDN Percontohan Meulaboh with the value of Rp 18 billion since 2004 to 2012.
22 November 22 November
PT Astra Honda Motor Donasikan Sepeda Motor dan Mesin Produksi ke ITB PT Astra Honda Motor menyerahkan bantuan mesin produksi dan motor kepada Institut Teknologi Bandung. PT Astra Honda Motor Donated Motorcycle and Engine Production to ITB PT Astra Honda Motor handed out assistance in the form of production machineries and motorcycle to Bandung Institute of Technology.
3 Desember
16 Desember 21-22 Desember 16 December
21-22 December
PT Astra Internastional Tbk meraih Best Sustainability Report 2011 untuk Kategori Manufaktur PT Astra International tbk meraih penghargaan sebagai Best Sustainability Report 2011 untuk kategori Manufaktur dari National Center for Sustainability Reporting (NCSR) pada acara malam penghargaan “Indonesia Sustainability Reporting Award (ISRA) 2012”
Peresmian Jalur Sepeda di Taman AHEME oleh Gubernur DKI Jakarta Bapak Joko Widodo, Gubernur DKI Jakarta meresmikan jalur sepeda di taman AHEME, Banjir Kanal Timur, Jakarta Timur.
Astra Adopsi 2.000 Pohon di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango PT Astra International Tbk bersama rekan-rekan media dan para penerima apresiasi SATU Indonesia Awards mengadopsi 2.000 bibit pohon yang diselenggarakan di Camping Ground Sarongge Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango.
3 December
PT Astra International Tbk Awarded Best Sustainability Report 2011 for Manufacturing Category PT Astra International tbk awarded on Best Sustainability Report 2011 for manufacturing category from National Center for Sustainability Reporting (NCSR) during the “Indonesia Sustainability Reporting Award (ISRA) 2012”.
Inaguration of Bicycle Lanes at AHEME Park by the Governor of Jakarta Joko Widodo, Governor of Jakarta inaugurate a new bicycle lanes in AHEME Park, Eastern Flood Canal, East Jakarta.
Astra Adopted 2,000 Trees in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park PT Astra International Tbk together with its media partners, as well as Satu Indonesia Awards winners adopted 2,000 tree seedlings in Camping Ground Sarongge, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Parks.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Sekilas ASTRA International
Astra International in Brief
PT Astra International Tbk (“Astra”), yang awalnya adalah
PT Astra International Tbk (“Astra”) is a limited liability
perusahaan perdagangan, merupakan sebuah badan
company established in Jakarta in 1957, initially as a
hukum berbentuk perseroan terbatas, yang didirikan
trading company. Today, after 55 years in existence, Astra
di Jakarta pada tahun 1957. Kini, menginjak usia yang
has grown and developed into one of Indonesia’s largest
ke-55 tahun, Astra telah berkembang menjadi salah satu
national corporation, employing more than 185,580
perusahaan nasional terbesar, didukung oleh lebih dari
employees (as of December 31, 2012) spread across 170
185.580 orang karyawan (per 31 Desember 2012) yang
subsidiaries, associated companies and jointly controlled
tersebar di 170 anak perusahaan, perusahaan asosiasi
entities, all of which are domiciled and operating in
dan entitas pengendali bersama, yang berdomisili dan
Indonesia. Astra’s headquarter is located in Jakarta. [2.1]
beroperasi di Indonesia. Kantor pusat Astra terletak di
[2.3] [2.4] [2.5] [2.6] [2.8]
Jakarta. [2.1][2.3][2.4][2.5][2.6][2.8]
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Sejak tahun 1990, Astra merupakan perusahaan publik
Astra has become a publicly listed company since 1990,
yang sahamnya tercatat dan diperdagangkan di Bursa
with its shares listed and traded on the Indonesia Stock
Efek Indonesia. Nilai kapitalisasi pasar pada akhir tahun
Exchange. The Company’s market capitalization at
2012 adalah sebesar Rp 307,7 triliun, dengan komposisi
the end of 2012 amounted to Rp 307.7 trillion, with
kepemilikan saham sebagai berikut: [2.6][2.8]
shareholding composition as follows: [2.6] [2.8]
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Komposisi Pemegang Saham Composition of Shareholders
31 Desember 2012 31 December 2012 Jumlah Investor No. of Investors
Jumlah Saham No. of Shares
31 Desember 2011 31 December 2011 %
Jumlah Investor No. of Investors
Jumlah Saham No. of Shares
Description %
Domestic 14,725
1. Retail
2. Corporation
3. Asuransi
3. Insurance
4. Yayasan
4. Foundation
1. Ritel 2. Korporasi
5. Koperasi
5. Cooperative
6. Lain-lain
6. Others
Sub Total Internasional 1. Ritel 2. Institusi Sub Total Total
Sub Total International
1. Retail
2. Institutions
Sub Total
Pemecahan Nilai Nominal Saham 1:10 pada tanggal 8 Juni 2012 Sumber: Biro Administrasi Efek PT Raya Saham Registra
Stock Split Ratio of 1:10 on June 8, 2012 Source: Share Registrar PT Raya Saham Registra
Entitas induk langsung Astra adalah Jardine Cycle &
Astra is majority owned by Singapore-based Jardine
Carriage Ltd. yang berkedudukan di Singapura, sedangkan
Cycle & Carriage Ltd., while its ultimate shareholder is
entitas induk utama (ultimate shareholder) adalah Jardine
Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. domiciled in Bermuda.
Matheson Holdings Ltd. yang berkedudukan di Bermuda.
[2.9] [2.6]
[2.9] [2.6] Ketekunan menjalin kerja sama dan kemitraan dengan
Perseverance in cooperation and partnership with
berbagai perusahaan ternama dari mancanegara
leading companies from around the world has led to
telah mengantarkan banyak peluang bagi Astra untuk
many opportunities for Astra to touch various aspects
mengembangkan berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat
of Indonesian society through a variety of products and
Indonesia melalui berbagai produk dan jasa yang
services produced in its six business lines comprising
dihasilkan di keenam sektor bisnisnya yaitu Otomotif,
Automotive, Financial Services, Heavy Equipment and
Jasa Keuangan, Alat Berat dan Pertambangan, Agribisnis,
Mining, Agribusiness, Infrastructure and Logistics,
Infrastruktur dan Logistik, serta Teknologi Informasi.
and Information Technology. Astra’s products in the
Produk-produk Astra di sektor Agribisnis dan Otomotif
Agribusiness and Automotive sectors are the mainstay of
merupakan komoditas ekspor andalan Indonesia ke
Indonesian commodities export to foreign countries. The
mancanegara. Tabel berikut menyajikan merek, produk
following table presents the primary brands, products or
atau jasa utama yang dihasilkan oleh Grup Astra: [2.2]
services produced by Astra Group: [2.2] [2.7]
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Sektor Bisnis Business Sector
Merek dan/atau Produk/Jasa Utama Brand and/or Product/Services
Otomotif Automotive
Kendaraan roda-4 (Toyota, Daihatsu, Isuzu, UD Trucks, Peugeot, BMW) Kendaraan roda-2 (Honda) Suku cadang dan komponen otomotif 4-wheel Vehicles (Toyota, Daihatsu, Isuzu, UD Trucks, Peugeot, BMW) 2-wheel vehicles (Honda) Automotive parts and components
Jasa Keuangan Financial Services
Perbankan (PermataBank) Pembiayaan (mobil, sepeda motor, alat berat) Asuransi Umum Banking (PermataBank) Financing (automobilesl, motorcycles, heavy equipment) General Insurance
Alat Berat & Pertambangan Heavy Equipment and Mining
Alat Berat & Mesin Konstruksi (Komatsu, UD Trucks, Scania, Tadano, Bomag, Patria) Kontraktor Penambangan Batubara Pertambangan Batubara Construction Equipment & Machinery (Komatsu, UD Trucks, Scania, Tadano, Bomag, Patria) Coal Mining Contracting Coal Mining
Agribisnis Agribusiness
Minyak Kelapa Sawit Mentah Crude Palm Oil
Infrastruktur & Logistik Infrastructure and Logistics
Konstruksi dan Operator Jalan Tol Pengelola Air Bersih (PALYJA) Penyewaan Kendaraan (TRAC-Astra Rent a Car) Penjualan Mobil Bekas (Mobil88) Toll Road Construction and Operator Clean Water Management (PALYJA) Vehicle Rental (TRAC-Astra Rent a Car) Used Car Sales (Mobil88)
Teknologi Informasi Information Technology
Alat Kantor (Fuji Xerox) Office Equipment (Fuji Xerox)
Komitmen pada prinsip-prinsip luhur Catur Dharma juga
Commitment to the inspiring principles of Catur Dharma
terus mendorong interaksi non-bisnis yang luas dengan
also serves to encourage non-business interaction with
stakeholder melalui berbagai program tanggung jawab
stakeholders through a broad range of social responsibility
sosial (CSR) di bidang pendidikan, IGA/UKM, lingkungan
(CSR) programs in education, Income Generating Activity
hidup dan kesehatan. Keselarasan langkah tersebut
(IGA)/SME, environment and healthcare. The harmony of
merupakan bagian dari perjalanan Astra untuk menjadi
business and non-business aspirations is part of Astra’s
Perusahaan Kebanggaan Bangsa (Pride of the Nation).
journey to become the Pride of the Nation.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Struktur Bisnis
Business Structure
Mobil Car Toyota Daihatsu Isuzu UD Trucks Peugeot BMW
Pembiayaan Mobil Car Financing PT Astra Sedaya Finance PT Toyota Astra Financial Services
Mesin Konstruksi Construction Machinery PT United Tractors Tbk PT Traktor Nusantara
Pembiayaan Sepeda Motor Motorcycle Financing PT Federal International Finance
Kontraktor Penambangan Mining Contractor PT Pamapersada Nusantara
Sepeda Motor Motorcycle Honda
Pembiayaan Alat Berat Heavy Equipment Financing PT Surya Artha Nusantara Finance PT Komatsu Astra Finance
Pertambangan Mining PT Tuah Turangga Agung PT Agung Bara Prima PT Duta Sejahtera PT Duta Nurcahya PT Piranti Jaya Utama PT Prima Multi Mineral PT Asmin Bara Jaan PT Asmin Bara Bronang PT Bukit Enim Energi
Komponen Components PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Lain-lain Others AstraWorld
Asuransi Umum General Insurance PT Asuransi Astra Buana Perbankan Banking PT Bank Permata Tbk
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Agribisnis Agribusiness PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk
Infrastruktur Umum General Infrastructure PT Astratel Nusantara PT Intertel Nusaperdana
Solusi Dokumen Document Solution PT Astra Graphia Tbk
Mata Rantai Logistik Logistic Value Chain PT Serasi Autoraya
Solusi TI IT Solution PT Astra Graphia Information Technology
Jalan Tol Toll Road PT Marga Mandalasakti PT Marga Trans Nusantara PT Marga Harjaya Infrastruktur Pengelola Air Bersih Water Operator PT Pam Lyonnaise Jaya Penampungan Bahan Bakar Minyak Fuel Tanking PT Gresik Distribution Terminal
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Struktur Organisasi
Organisation Structure
Board of Commissioners
Executive Committee
President Commissioner : Budi Setiadharma Commissioners : Djunaedi Hadisumarto* Soemadi Djoko Moerdjono Brotodiningrat Erry Firmansyah Kyoichi Tanada Anthony John Liddell Nightingale Benjamin William Keswick Mark Spencer Greenberg Chiew Sin Cheok Jonathan Chang David Alexander Newbigging
Chairman Members
Audit Committee Chairman Members
* Meninggal dunia pada tanggal 23 Desember 2012 Passed away on December 23, 2012
Board of Directors President Director Directors
: Benjamin William Keswick : Mark Spencer Greenberg David Alexander Newbigging Chiew Sin Cheok Budi Setiadharma Prijono Sugiarto Simon Collier Dixon
: Soemadi Djoko Moerdjono Brotodiningrat : Inget Sembiring Harry Wiguna Chiew Sin Cheok**
** Tidak mempunyai hak suara | Has no voting rights
: Prijono Sugiarto : Gunawan Geniusahardja Johnny Darmawan Danusasmita Djoko Pranoto Widya Wiryawan Angky Utarya Tisnadisastra Sudirman Maman Rusdi Simon Collier Dixon Johannes Loman
Remuneration & Nomination Committee Chairman Members
: Benjamin William Keswick : Anthony John Liddell Nightingale Prijono Sugiarto
Chief Executive Officer Prijono Sugiarto
Corporate Functions Corporate Secretary & Group General Counsel
DIC: Prijono Sugiarto
DIC: Simon Collier Dixon
Gita Tiffany Boer
Group Corporate Development & Strategy Chief:
Kishanjit Singh Gill
Corporate Human Capital Development
F.X. Sri Martono
Corporate Communication
Arief Istanto
Corporate Security, Environment & Social Responsibility
Arief Istanto
Group Audit & Risk Advisory
Daniel Phua Meng Kuan
Corporate Planning
Erik Tjahyadi Sadikin
Group Treasury & Investor Relations
Iwan Hadiantoro
Corporate Finance & Accounting
Regina Okthory S.
Corporate Information System & Technology
Ganda Kusuma
Corporate Operations DIC: Johnny Darmawan Danusasmita
Toyota Sales Operation
Jodjana Jody
DIC: Johannes Loman
Honda Sales Operation
Sigit Prabowo Kumala
Daihatsu Sales Operation
Suparno Djasmin
Isuzu Sales Operation
UD Trucks Sales Operation
Dandy Pawitan
BMW Sales Operation
Ernando Demily
Peugeot Sales Operation
C. Herlijoso
Denny Suharja
Deputy DIC: Suparno Djasmin
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Board of Commissioners
Executive Committee Audit Committee
Board of Directors
Remuneration & Nomination Committee
Chief Executive Officer Prijono Sugiarto
Line of Business
DIC: Johannes Loman
DIC: Johnny Darmawan Danusasmita
DIC: Sudirman Maman Rusdi
DIC: Johnny Darmawan Danusasmita
DIC: Gunawan Geniusahardja
DIC: Djoko Pranoto
DIC: Widya Wiryawan
DIC: Angky Utarya Tisnadisastra
Astra Motor I Honda Astra Motor II Toyota Astra Motor III Manufacturing Non Toyota Astra Motor IV Astra Component Astra Finance Companies & Banking
Johannes Loman
Johnny Darmawan Danusasmita
Sudirman Maman Rusdi
Siswanto Prawiroatmodjo
Djony Bunarto Suhartono Buntoro Muljono
Astra Heavy Equipment & Mining Value Chain
Djoko Pranoto Sudiarso Prasetio
Astra Resources Agribusiness Astra System (Document, IT Services, Logistic & Value Chain AG, SERA Astra Insurance Company AAB
Deputy DIC: Paulus Bambang W.E.S.
Astra Infrastructure AN
Widya Wiryawan
Lukito Dewandaya Pongki Pamungkas
Hardi Montana
Irawan Santoso
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Board of Commissioners
Executive Committee Audit Committee
Board of Directors
Remuneration & Nomination Committee
Chief Executive Officer Prijono Sugiarto
Astra Foundations
Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra
F.X. Sri Martono
Yayasan Pendidikan Astra Michael D. Ruslim
Yusnani T. Winarto
Yayasan Astra Bina Ilmu
Siswanto Prawiroatmodjo
Koperasi Astra International
Pongki Pamungkas
Dana Pensiun Astra
Hendra Sugiharto
DIC: Prijono Sugiarto
DIC: Djoko Pranoto
DIC: Angky Utarya Tisnadisastra
Jakarta, 15 Juni 2012
Prijono Sugiarto Presiden Direktur President Director
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan
Stakeholder Engagement
Astra menyadari bahwa keberlanjutan bisnisnya juga
Astra realizes that business sustainability also relies
bergantung pada upaya pelibatan pemangku kepentingan,
on effective stakeholder engagement efforts in terms
baik dalam dimensi bisnis, dimensi sosial maupun dimensi
of business, social, and environmental dimensions
lingkungan, secara seimbang dan harmonis. Pengelolaan
that are balanced and harmonious. We conduct our
hubungan dengan para pemangku kepentingan tersebut
relationships with stakeholders based on the principles
dilakukan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola yang
of good governance, namely transparency, accountability,
baik yaitu transparansi, akuntabilitas, responsibilitas,
responsibility, independence, and fairness.
kemandirian dan kewajaran. Astra telah mengidentifikasi segmen-segmen pemangku
Astra uses internal means to identify segments of the
kepentingan yang relevan dengan Perusahaan berdasarkan
stakeholders that are relevant to the Company based on
rentang pengaruh dan kepentingannya terhadap
their scale of influence and importance to the Company’s
keberlanjutan Perusahaan [4.15]. Selanjutnya, Astra
sustainability [4.15]. Then, Astra develop the pattern of
mengembangkan pola pendekatan pelibatan yang sesuai
engagement approaches that are appropriate for each of
bagi masing-masing pemangku kepentingan tersebut
these stakeholders in order to create optimal synergies in
agar dapat menciptakan sinergi yang optimal di bidang
terms of economic, environmental and social aspects.
ekonomi, lingkungan maupun sosial.
Pemegang Saham:
Saham-saham Astra dimiliki oleh pemegang saham
Astra’s stocks are held by individual and institutional
institusi dan individu, baik domestik maupun internasional.
shareholders, both domestic as well as foreign. Interaction
Interaksi antara Astra dan pemegang sahamnya, antara
between Astra and its shareholders, among other
lain menyangkut perubahan Anggaran Dasar, besarnya
things involving changes to the articles of association,
permodalan, penggunaan laba bersih, pengangkatan dan
the amount of capital, the use of net income, the
pemberhentian anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris,
appointment and dismissal of the Board of Directors and
serta kebijakan mengenai transaksi-transaksi tertentu,
Board of Commissioners, as well as policies regarding
dilakukan melalui mekanisme Rapat Umum Pemegang
certain transactions, is conducted through the mechanism
Saham, yang dilakukan minimal 1 (satu) kali dalam
of General Meeting of Shareholders held at least 1 (one)
setahun. Pemegang saham juga memperoleh informasi
time in a year. Shareholders also obtain information
mengenai Astra melalui penerbitan Laporan Tahunan dan
concerning Astra through the issuance of press releases
siaran pers oleh Astra.
and Annual Reports by Astra.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Otoritas dan Regulator:
Authorities and Regulators:
Astra terikat pada berbagai ketentuan dan peraturan
Astra is bound by various rules and regulations issued by
yang dikeluarkan oleh otoritas pasar modal dimana
the authorities of the capital market where its shares are
saham-sahamnya tercatat dan diperdagangkan (Bursa
listed and traded (Indonesia Stock Exchange) as well as
Efek Indonesia) maupun yang dikeluarkan oleh otoritas
those issued by the relevant authority or regulator in each
atau regulator yang berwenang di masing-masing
of its business sectors. As a basic policy, Astra strives at
sektor usahanya. Pada dasarnya, Astra senantiasa
all times to comply with all existing regulations, including
mengupayakan untuk mematuhi seluruh ketentuan yang
submission of mandatory reports.
ada, termasuk laporan-laporan yang bersifat wajib.
Melalui kegiatan usahanya, Astra telah berkontribusi
Through its business activities, Astra has contributed to
pada pembangunan nasional, termasuk secara langsung
the national development, including directly through the
melalui pemenuhan kewajiban pembayaran pajak. Astra
fulfillment of tax obligations. Astra also actively support
juga secara aktif mendukung dan terlibat dalam berbagai
and engage in a variety of environmental and social
program lingkungan maupun sosial masyarakat yang
programs initiated by the Government.
diprakarsai oleh Pemerintah.
Astra berinteraksi dengan karyawannya melalui mekanisme
Astra interact with employees through organizational
organisasi di masing-masing unit kerja dan perusahaan,
mechanisms in the respective work units and companies,
termasuk melalui forum Gemba, yaitu kunjungan lapangan
including through Gemba forum, or field visit by the Directors
Direksi dan eksekutif Astra, yang diadakan minimal 2 (dua)
and executives of Astra, which is held at least 2 (two) times
kali dalam setahun. Aspek hubungan industrial menyangkut
a year. The aspects of industrial relations involving issues
isu-isu kesejahteraan karyawan, masalah ketenagakerjaan,
such as employee benefits, labor issues, employee rights
kewajiban dan hak karyawan termasuk lingkungan kerja yang
and obligations that include a healthy and safe working
sehat dan aman, dilakukan melalui forum LKS bipartit secara
environment, are conducted regularly through bipartite forum
rutin dengan perwakilan serikat pekerja.
with union representatives.
Pelanggan dan Konsumen:
Customers and Consumer:
Astra bertanggung jawab atas mutu produk dan jasa
Astra is responsible for the quality of products and services
Astra yang diperoleh pelanggan dan konsumen, termasuk
that are delivered to customers and consumer, including
kualitas pelayanan kepada mereka. Secara rutin, Astra
the quality of service given to them. Astra routinely
menyelenggarakan acara customer gathering untuk
organized a customer gathering to obtain feedback from
memperoleh masukan dari pelanggan/konsumen. Dari waktu
the customers/consumers. From time to time, at least
ke waktu, minimal sekali dalam tahun, Astra menyelenggarakan
once each year, Astra conducted customer satisfaction
survei kepuasan pelanggan untuk mengukur efektivitas tingkat
surveys to measure the effectiveness of the level of service
pelayanan maupun kualitas produk dan jasanya.
and quality of its products and services.
Astra berinteraksi dengan berbagai kalangan masyarakat
Astra interact with different segments of society for
untuk kepentingan transparansi maupun komunikasi,
the purpose of transparency and communication, using
yang dilakukan sesuai kebutuhan melalui forum
both formal and informal communication channels as
komunikasi formal maupun jalur komunikasi informal.
needed. Astra also provides scholarships and internship
Astra juga menyediakan program beasiswa dan peluang
opportunities for students, as well as educational
magang bagi pelajar dan mahasiswa maupun bantuan
assistance to schools/educational institutions, and
pendidikan bagi sekolah/institusi pendidikan, serta
organizes CSR programs in the areas of health, economic
menyelenggarakan program-program CSR di bidang
empowerment (Income Generating Activity/IGA), public
kesehatan, pemberdayaan ekonomi (Income Generating
facilities assistance, as well as other social assistance
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Activity/IGA), bantuan sarana umum dan bantuan
for communities around Astra installations and other
sosial lainnya, bagi masyarakat di sekitar lokasi instalasi
communities in need (for example, disaster relief).
Astra maupun masyarakat lainnya yang membutuhkan (bantuan bencana alam, misalnya).
Astra menjaga hubungan dengan pihak media dalam
Astra maintain relationships with the media in order to
rangka mengelola dampak produk dan jasa, reputasi
manage the impact of products and services, reputation
maupun kebutuhan komunikasi perusahaan. Ini dilakukan
and corporate communication needs. This is conducted
melalui acara-acara media gathering, workshop, media
through media gathering events workshops, media visit,
visit, company visit, wawancara, perjalanan jurnalistik,
company visit, interviews, travel journalism, fasting with
buka puasa bersama media, konferensi pers, seminar dan
the media, press conferences, seminars and the issuance
penerbitan siaran pers yang dilakukan sepanjang tahun.
of press releases throughout the year.
Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat:
Astra berinteraksi aktif melalui forum formal maupun informal
Astra actively interact through formal and informal forums
dengan berbagai lembaga swadaya masyarakat, baik dalam
with various non-governmental organizations, both in
rangka transparansi perusahaan maupun keterlibatan dalam
the context of corporate transparency and involvement
berbagai program pengembangan lingkungan dan sosial,
in a variety of environmental and social development
yang dilakukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
program, which are conducted as needed.
Pemasok dan Mitra Usaha:
Suppliers and Business Partners:
Astra berupaya menjaga hubungan komersial yang baik
Astra strives to maintain good commercial relations with
dengan para pemasok dan mitra usaha, termasuk dalam
suppliers and business partners, including in developing
mengembangkan standar-standar yang diinginkan oleh
standards desired by Astra concerning the quality of
Astra menyangkut mutu produk dan jasa yang dipasok
products and services that are supplied, as well as
maupun proses-proses kerja yang terkait. Hal ini dilakukan
work related processes. This is conducted through
melalui komunikasi selama kontrak berjalan dan evaluasi
communication throughout the contract period and joint
bersama di akhir masa kontrak.
evaluation at the end of the contract period.
Asosiasi Bisnis:
Business Associations:
Astra aktif dalam forum komunikasi formal maupun sebagai
Astra is active in a variety of formal communication forum and
anggota di berbagai asosiasi bisnis untuk membahas dan
as member in various business associations in order to discuss
memberi masukan mengenai berbagai isu seperti kebijakan
and provide input on various issues such as government policy,
pemerintah, ketenagakerjaan, serta perkembangan kondisi
labor, and developments in economic, social, and political
ekonomi, sosial dan politik, termasuk Hankam dan Teknologi.
conditions, including Defense and Technology. Among these
Keterlibatan Astra dalam asosiasi bisnis diantaranya Asosiasi
business associations are the Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia
Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO), Gabungan Industri Kendaraan
(APINDO), Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia
Bermotor Indonesia (GAIKINDO), Indonesian Association of
(GAIKINDO), Indonesian Association of Child Friendly
Child Friendly Companies (IACFC), Konsorsium CSR, Dewan
Companies (IACFC), CSR Consortium, Dewan LK3 Nasional,
LK3 Nasional, Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan Indonesia (IATPI),
Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan Indonesia (IATPI), Indonesia
Indonesia Society of Sustainability Professional dan Asosiasi
Society of Sustainability Professional and Asosiasi Emiten
Emiten Indonesia. [4.13]
Indonesia. [4.13]
Lingkungan Hidup:
Kepedulian Astra pada masalah kelestarian lingkungan
Astra’s concern on the issue of environmental sustainability
dan perubahan iklim global diwujudkan melalui
and global climate change are accomplished through
penerapan sistem Astra Green Company di seluruh
the application of Astra Green Company system in all
perusahaan di lingkungan Astra.
companies within the Astra Group.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Tata Kelola Perusahaan Good Corporate Governance
Astra memasuki usianya yang ke-55 pada tahun 2012.
Astra enters its 55th years in business in 2012. In more
Dalam kurun waktu lebih dari setengah abad tersebut,
than half a century, Astra has successfully passed several
Astra telah berhasil melewati beberapa kali masa krisis
crises due to the strong growth in external conditions and
akibat terpaan perkembangan kondisi eksternal dan terus
continuing to progressed and developed into one of the
tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi salah satu kelompok
leading companies in Indonesia today. This achievement
perusahaan terkemuka di Indonesia saat ini. Prestasi
can be viewed as a real evidence of the continuing Good
tersebut dapat dipandang sebagai salah satu bukti nyata
Corporate Governance (GCG) within Astra.
telah berjalannya praktik Tata Kelola Perusahaan secara baik (GCG) di Astra. Astra telah memiliki Pedoman Good Corporate Governance
Astra develops the GCG Code of Conduct as a formal
(GCG Code of Conduct) sebagai suatu dokumen kebijakan
policy document of the Company. The GCG Code of
formal perusahaan. Pedoman GCG mengatur mengenai:
Conduct governs:
• Pedoman Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris
• Guidelines for Directors and Board of Commissioners
• Pedoman Etika Bisnis dan Etika Kerja
• Business and Work Ethics Policy
• Sekretaris Perusahaan
• Corporate Secretary
• Sistem Audit dan Manajemen Risiko
• Audit and Risk Management System
• Pedoman Transaksi Benturan Kepentingan
• Guidelines on Conflict of Interest Transactions
• Securities Dealing Rules
• Securities Dealing Rules
• Pelestarian Lingkungan dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial
• Environmental Preservation and Corporate Social
• Kebijakan Donasi
• Donation Policy
Sebagai perusahaan induk, Astra terus memberikan
As the parent company, Astra continues to provide
pengarahan dan pedoman kepada anak-anak perusahaan
guidance and guidance to the subsidiaries in order
dalam mematuhi prosedur tata kelola perusahaan yang
to comply with the procedures of good corporate
baik, diselaraskan dengan pendekatan individual dari
governance, aligned with the individual approach of
masing-masing anak perusahaan. Secara keseluruhan,
each subsidiary. Overall, the effort is aimed at promoting
upaya ini ditujukan untuk mengedepankan penerapan
the implementation of the relevant policies and good
kebijakan dan prosedur GCG yang tepat yang dapat
corporate governance procedures to encourage the
mendorong terciptanya pertumbuhan secara sehat dan
development of a healthy and sustainable growth in
berkelanjutan dalam jangka panjang bagi Astra. [4.6]
the long run for Astra. [4.6] [4.8] [SO 2] [SO 3] [SO 4]
[4.8] [SO 2] [SO 3] [SO 4] [SO 5] [SO 7]
[SO 5] [SO 7]
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Pelaksanaan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan dan Luar Biasa PT Astra International Tbk
Organisasi Tata Kelola Astra [4.1] [4.2]
Astra Governance Structure [4.1] [4.2]
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham
General Meeting of Shareholders
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) mempunyai
The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) has all powers
The Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Astra International Tbk
wewenang yang tidak diberikan kepada Dewan Komisaris
that are not granted to the Board of Commissioners and
dan Direksi, dengan batasan yang ditentukan dalam
Board of Directors, within the limits prescribed in relevant
peraturan perundang-undangan dan/atau anggaran
laws and regulations and/or the Articles of Association
dasar. Wewenang tersebut antara lain membuat
of the Company. The powers include making decisions
keputusan atas hal-hal sebagai berikut:
on the following:
• Perubahan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan;
• Amendments in the Articles of Association;
• Struktur dan jumlah permodalan Perusahaan;
• Capital structure of the Company;
• A l o k a s i p e n g g u n a a n k e u n t u n g a n b e r s i h
• Utilization of net profit; • The appointment and dismissal of members of the
Perusahaan; • Pengangkatan dan pemberhentian anggota Dewan
Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors; • Approval of the annual report of the Board of
Komisaris dan Direksi; • Persetujuan atas laporan tahunan Dewan Komisaris
Commissioners and the Board of Directors; • Evaluation of the performance of the Board
dan Direksi; • Evaluasi kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, serta
of Commissioners and Board of Directors, and
penetapan jumlah dan jenis remunerasi Dewan
determination of the amount and type of remuneration
Komisaris dan Direksi;
for the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors;
• Penunjukan akuntan publik; • Penggabungan, peleburan atau pemisahan
• Merger, consolidation or spin-off of business units;
perusahaan; dan • Persetujuan atas transaksi dengan nilai atau sifat material tertentu, termasuk transaksi yang mengandung benturan kepentingan.
• Appointment of a public accountant; and • Approval for transactions exceeding a certain value or with certain significance, including conflict of interest transactions.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Perusahaan telah mengadakan RUPS terakhir kalinya
The most recent GMS of the Company was held on 27
pada tanggal 27 April 2012, yang merupakan gabungan
April 2012, which is a combination of the Annual GMS
RUPS Tahunan dan RUPS Luar Biasa Perusahaan. Seluruh
and Extraordinary GMS of the Company. All resolutions
keputusan RUPST dan RUPSLB secara lengkap telah
of the Annual GMS and Extraordinary GMS in full have
dipublikasikan dalam surat kabar harian Bisnis Indonesia
been published in Bisnis Indonesia and The Jakarta
dan The Jakarta Post pada tanggal 30 April 2012 sesuai
Post newspapers on 30 April 2012 in accordance with
dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Beberapa agenda
applicable regulations. Some of the important agenda
penting dalam RUPS tanggal 27 April 2012 tersebut
in the GMS on 27 April 2012 were the changes in the
adalah perubahan pada jajaran Dewan Komisaris,
composition of the Board of Commissioners, the approval
persetujuan untuk melakukan pemecahan nilai saham
for a stock split from the previous Rp 500/share to Rp 50/
(stock split) dari sebelumnya Rp 500/saham menjadi
share, as well as changes to the Articles of Association
Rp 50/saham, serta perubahan pada Anggaran Dasar
relating to the stock split. [4.4] [4.5] [4.7] [4.10]
terkait dengan stock split tersebut. [4.4] [4.5] [4.7] [4.10]
Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners
Dewan Komisaris berfungsi sebagai organ pengawasan
The Board of Commissioners serves as the supervisory
atas proses pengurusan Perusahaan yang dijalankan oleh
body over the management of the Company by the
Direksi, termasuk dengan memberikan masukan dan
Board of Directors, including by providing advise and
rekomendasi kepada Direksi.
recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Secara umum, tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan
In general, the duties and responsibilities of the Board of
Komisaris antara lain adalah:
Commissioners are, among others:
• Melakukan pengawasan atas risiko usaha
• Monitoring the risk of the Company’s business;
Perusahaan; • Melakukan pengawasan atas pelaksanaan prinsipprinsip Good Corporate Governance dalam kegiatan usaha; dan • Memberikan tanggapan, rekomendasi dan juga persetujuan jika diperlukan, atas usulan dan rencana
• Monitoring the implementation of the principles of Good Corporate Governance in the business; and • Providing feedback, recommendation and approval, if required, on strategy and business development proposals and plans put forward by the Board of Directors.
pengembangan strategi Perusahaan yang diajukan Direksi. Dewan Komisaris terdiri dari 12 anggota, termasuk 5
The Board of Commissioners consists of 12 members,
orang Komisaris Independen, dan merupakan sebuah
including 5 Independent Commissioners, and is
majelis dimana setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris tidak
an assembly where each member of the Board of
dapat bertindak sendiri-sendiri. Presiden Komisaris
Commissioners cannot act on their own. The President
bertugas mengkoordinasikan berbagai kegiatan Dewan
Commissioner is in charge of coordinating the activities of
Komisaris dan tidak memegang tugas eksekutif/
the Board of Commissioners, and does not hold executive
pengurusan perusahaan. [4.3]
duties/ management of the company. [4.3]
Dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya
In the execution of its duties and responsibilities in
mengawasi jalannya Perusahaan, Dewan Komisaris
overseeing the Company, the Board of Commissioners is
dibantu oleh beberapa Komite Komisaris sebagai
assisted by a number of Board committees as follows:
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Komite Audit [4.10]
Audit Committee [4.10]
Sesuai ketentuan Bapepam-LK, Komite Audit dibentuk
In accordance with the stipulations of Bapepam-LK,
oleh Dewan Komisaris dan bertanggung jawab
the Audit Committee is established by the Board of
mengawasi dan memberi saran kepada Dewan Komisaris
Commissioner and is responsible for overseeing and
tentang efektivitas mekanisme pengendalian internal,
advising the Board of Commissioners of the effectiveness
kepatuhan terhadap peraturan internal dan eksternal
of internal control mechanisms, compliance with the
yang berlaku termasuk peraturan Bapepam–LK, serta
existing internal and external regulations including
melaksanakan tugas lain yang diminta oleh Dewan
Bapepam-LK regulations, and perform other tasks as
requested by the Board of Commissioners.
Pada akhir tahun 2012, keanggotaan Komite Audit
At the end of 2012, the membership of the Audit
mencakup empat (4) orang anggota, yaitu satu (1)
Committee consists of four (4) members, comprising one
Komisaris Independen yang menjabat sebagai Ketua dan
(1) Independent Commissioner who served as Chairman
dua (2) anggota independen, serta tambahan satu (1)
and two (2) independent members, and an additional one
anggota khusus yang tidak memiliki hak suara.
(1) special member without voting rights.
Komite Remunerasi dan Nominasi
Remuneration and Nomination Committee
Komite Remunerasi dan Nominasi bertugas secara
The Remuneration and Nomination Committee is
khusus untuk memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan
specifically tasked to provide recommendations to
Komisaris perihal nominasi dan remunerasi anggota
the Board of Commissioner regarding the nomination
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi untuk diajukan dalam RUPS.
and remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and
Komite tersebut juga memberi saran terkait calon-calon
Board of Directors to be proposed at the GMS. The
yang akan ditunjuk sebagai Eksekutif Senior Perusahaan,
Committee also provides advice related to the candidates
serta merekomendasikan pembagian tugas anggota
to be appointed as the Company’s Senior Executives
Direksi kepada Dewan Komisaris. Pada akhir tahun 2012,
and recommends the division of duties of Directors to
susunan Komite Remunerasi dan Nominasi terdiri dari
the Board of Commissioners. At the end of 2012, the
tiga (3) orang anggota.
composition of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee consists of three (3) members.
Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Executive Committee bertanggung jawab melakukan
The Executive Committee is responsible for reviewing the
kajian atas keputusan dan kebijakan bisnis yang
decisions and policies that require the approval of the
memerlukan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris serta hal-hal
Board of Commissioners as well as other important issues
penting lainnya yang diajukan Direksi. Pada akhir tahun
put forth by the Board of Directors. At the end of 2012,
2012, susunan Executive Committee terdiri dari tujuh (7)
the composition of the Executive Committee consists of
orang anggota.
seven (7) members.
Board of Directors
Direksi bertanggung jawab untuk memimpin dan
The Board of Directors is responsible for leading and
mengurus Perusahaan untuk kepentingan Perusahaan.
managing the Company for the benefit of the Company.
Direksi wajib melaksanakan tugas pokoknya dengan
The Board of Directors shall execute its tasks in good
itikad baik dan penuh tanggung jawab sesuai dengan
faith and with full responsibility in accordance with the
Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, peraturan perundang-
Articles of Association of the Company, applicable laws
undangan yang berlaku dan prinsip-prinsip GCG. Setiap
and regulations and the principles of GCG. Each member
anggota Direksi bertanggung jawab secara penuh secara
of the Board of Directors is fully responsible individually
pribadi dan secara tanggung renteng atas kerugian
and mutually for the loss of the Company if the person
Perusahaan, apabila yang bersangkutan bersalah atau
concerned neglects their duties in accordance with laws
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
lalai menjalankan tugasnya sesuai dengan ketentuan
and regulations. The Board of Directors consists of nine (9)
perundangan-undangan. Direksi terdiri dari sembilan
Directors, including a President Director who coordinates
(9) orang Direktur, termasuk Presiden Direktur yang
the activities of the other Directors in managing the
mengkoordinir kegiatan Direktur-Direktur lain dalam
mengelola Perusahaan.
Penilaian Kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi
Assessment on the Performance of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors
Pencapaian pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab
The performance of the Board of Commissioners
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi diukur setiap tahunnya
and Board of Directors in executing their duties and
melalui proses asesmen yang terstruktur. Kriteria untuk
responsibilities is evaluated each year through a structured
proses asesmen terhadap kinerja Dewan Komisaris adalah
assessment process. The criteria for the assessment
pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris dalam melakukan
of the performance of the Board of Commissioners
pengawasan atas kebijakan pengurusan jalannya
is the implementation of the duties of the Board of
Perusahaan dan memberi nasihat kepada Direksi untuk
Commissioners in monitoring management policies and
kepentingan dan tujuan Perusahaan. Penilaian juga
the running of the Company and providing advice to
mencakup evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan tugas khusus
the Board of Directors in the interests and to attain the
yang telah diberikan sesuai Anggaran Dasar dan/atau
objectives of the Company. The assessment also includes
berdasarkan keputusan RUPS Tahunan.
an evaluation of the implementation of specific tasks that have been given according to the Articles of Association and/or by decision of the Annual GMS.
Sedangkan indikator kinerja untuk mengukur kinerja
While the indicators to measure the performance of the
Direksi mencakup:
Board of Directors include:
1. Pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab masing-
1. Execution of the duties and responsibilities of each
masing anggota Direksi sesuai Anggaran Dasar
member of the Board of Directors in accordance to
Perusahaan; 2. Pelaksanaan hasil keputusan RUPS Tahunan 2012; dan 3. Pencapaian realisasi dari Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP).
the Articles of Association of the Company; 2. Implementation of the decisions of the 2012 Annual GMS; and 3. Actual achievement of the Company Work and Budget Plan.
Penilaian atas kinerja Komisaris dilaksanakan melalui
The evaluation of the Board of Commissioners performance
RUPS, sedangkan penilaian terhadap kinerja Direksi
is conducted through the GMS, while evaluation on the
dilaksanakan oleh Dewan Komisaris dan RUPS. Dalam
accomplishment of the Board of Directors is conducted by
melakukan penilaian terhadap kinerja Direksi, Dewan
the Board of Commissioners and the GMS. In assessing
Komisaris mengacu kepada indikator KPI Direksi seperti
the performance of the Board of Directors, the Board of
tertera di atas. [4.10]
Commissioners refers to the KPIs as listed above. [4.10]
Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi
Remuneration for the Board of Commisioners and Board of Directors
Remunerasi anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi
Remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and
ditetapkan berdasarkan pada pertimbangan lingkup
the Board of Directors are set based on the scope and
dan tanggung jawab pekerjaan serta standar domestik
responsibilities of the task as well as the applicable
dan regional yang berlaku saat ini. Secara garis besar,
domestic and regional standards. Generally speaking, the
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
• Pelaksanaan Forum Komunikasi Environment Social Responsibility Grup Astra (kiri) Astra Group’s Environment Social Responsibility Communication Forum (left) • Perhelatan Gemba Direksi bersama pemegang saham ke PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (kanan) Gemba Forum with the Directors and shareholders to PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (right)
ketetapan remunerasi di setiap level dalam organisasi
remuneration provisions in every level of the organization
Perusahaan diarahkan untuk memberikan penghargaan
are designed to reward the staff in accordance with his/
sesuai dengan posisi terkait dan mendorong pencapaian
her position and encourage them to achieve the best
kinerja yang terbaik. [4.5]
possible performance. [4.5]
Grup Internal Audit [4.4]
Group Internal Audit [4.4]
Grup Internal Audit (GIA) berperan untuk memastikan dan
The Group Internal Audit (GIA) assumes a critical role
memberikan konsultasi yang independen dan obyektif
in providing independent and objective consultation
bagi manajemen Grup Astra dalam pelaksanaan sistem
services to Astra Group management in respect of
pengendalian yang sejalan dengan tujuan Perusahaan.
effective implementation of control systems to support
GIA merupakan unit kerja yang independen, di bawah
the Company’s objectives. GIA is an independent working
dan bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Presiden
unit, under and responsible directly to the President
Direktur. Pimpinan GIA diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh
Director. The Head of GIA is appointed and dismissed by
Presiden Direktur dengan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris.
the President Director with the approval of the Board of
GIA bekerja berdasarkan Program Audit Internal, dalam
Commissioners. GIA performs the Internal Audit Program
melakukan pemeriksaan audit berbasis risiko berdasarkan
in conducting risk-based audits based on international
standar internasional dari Institute of Internal Audit (IIA)
standards of the Institute of Internal Audit (IIA) and the
dan the Committee of Sponsoring Organisation of the
Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway
Treadway Commission (COSO).
Commission (COSO).
Pengelolaan Risiko [4.9] [4.11]
Risk Management [4.9] [4.11]
Sebagai penanggung jawab utama atas pengelolaan
Holding primary responsibility for managing the risks
risiko Perusahaan, Direksi telah membentuk fungsi
of the Company, the Board of Directors has established
Risk Management Advisory (RMA) dalam struktur Grup
the Risk Management Advisory (RMA) function in the
Internal Audit sebagai pelaksana penerapan manajemen
structure of Group Internal Audit as the implementing
risiko di lingkungan Perusahaan. Tugas utama RMA
unit of risk management within the Company. The
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
adalah membangun dan menyempurnakan kerangka
RMA’s main task is to develop and refine the Company’s
kerja manajemen risiko Perusahaan (Enterprise Risk
comprehensive risk management framework (Enterprise
Management - ERM) yang menyeluruh dan sesuai profil
Risk Management - ERM) according to the respective risk
risiko dan industri masing-masing unit.
and industry profile of each business unit.
RMA membantu Direksi dengan mengkonsolidasikan
The RMA assists the Directors by consolidating and
dan melaporkan risiko utama yang diidentifikasi melalui
reporting on key risks identified by the Astra ERM function
fungsi ERM Astra di berbagai unit operasional. RMA juga
in various operational units. The RMA also reviews and
mengkaji dan membuat rekomendasi atas kecukupan
recommends on the adequacy and effectiveness of the
dan efektivitas Business Continuity Plan dan cakupan
Business Continuity Plan and insurance coverage at the
asuransi di unit-unit ini.
business units.
Komunikasi dengan Karyawan
Communication with Employees
Sejumlah media informasi mulai dari publikasi internal
A number of information media that include the
bulanan Majalah Astra dan Majalah Dinding Astra yang
monthly Astra Magazine publications, the bimonthly
terbit dua bulan sekali, hingga Astranet yang dikelola
Astra Wall Magazine, and the Astranet internal portal
melalui kerja sama dengan Corporate Human Capital
managed in cooperation with the Corporate Human
Development (CHCD), menjadi sarana informasi penting
Capital Development (CHCD) unit, provide the means
terkait perkembangan Perusahaan dan melibatkan
of communicating critical information relating to the
partisipasi aktif karyawan dalam menyumbang informasi
development of the Company and to be involving the
dan saran kepada manajemen tentang kebutuhan dan
active participation of employees in the contribution of
kondisi di lingkungan Perusahaan.
information and advice to the management concerning the needs and conditions in the Company.
Jajaran manajemen Astra juga melakukan interaksi aktif
Astra’s management also actively interact through
melalui pertemuan dan dialog antara Presiden Direktur,
meetings and dialogue between the President Director, the
para Direktur lain, Manajer Senior Grup Astra dan para
other Directors, as well as Astra Group Senior Managers
Kepala Departemen serta key personnel Grup Astra di
with the Head of the Department and key personnel of
berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, dalam forum “Gemba”.
Astra Group in various regions in Indonesia, through the
Upaya turun ke lapangan tersebut dilakukan minimal dua
“Gemba” forum. Gemba is conducted at least twice
kali dalam setahun agar terjalin komunikasi dua arah,
a year, in order for the two-way communication to be
serta peninjauan secara langsung kondisi yang terjadi
established, as well as direct observation on conditions
dalam keseharian operasional Perusahaan.
that exist in the daily operations of the Company.
Selain itu, Astra juga menyelenggarakan berbagai Forum
In addition, Astra also organizes regular Internal
Komunikasi Internal secara reguler, Forum Komunikasi
Communication Forums such as; Forum Communications
Person In Charge Public Relations, Forum Human
Person In Charge of Public Relations, Human Resource
Resource, Forum Hubungan Investor, Forum Finansial,
Forum, Investor Relations Forum, Financial Forum, Legal
Forum Legal, Forum Sekuriti, Forum Risk Management,
Forum, Security Forum, Risk Management Forum, Internal
Forum Internal Audit dan Forum Environment & Social
Audit Forum and Environment & Social Responsibility
Responsibility. Pertukaran informasi melalui forum-forum
Forum. The exchange of information in these forums
tersebut di satu sisi membantu menciptakan tanggapan
helps create a positive response from the participants
positif dari para peserta dan di sisi lain membuahkan
and on the other hand led to ideas and feedback that
gagasan-gagasan bermanfaat bagi Perseroan. [4.4]
are beneficial to the Company. [4.4]
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Paparan Kinerja Astra di Ajang Investor Summit 2012
Penilaian Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Assessment of Corporate Governance
Saat ini, Astra tidak menerapkan penilaian atas Tata
Currently, Astra does not conduct assessment on
Kelola Perusahaan, baik yang dilakukan secara internal
Corporate Governance, whether conducted internally
Public Exposure on Astra Performance at Investor Summit 2012
oleh Perusahaan maupun kajian independen oleh pihak
by the Company or an independent review by external
Pernyataan Dewan
Statement of the Board
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi cukup puas bahwa
The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors
pengendalian internal yang memadai, yang meliputi
are reasonably satisfied that adequate internal controls
pengendalian keuangan, operasional dan kepatuhan
are in place, including financial controls, operational and
serta sistem manajemen risiko, telah berjalan dan
compliance and risk management systems, and with that
Grup Astra tidak melihat adanya kelemahan dalam
in mind, Astra Group does not see any weaknesses in
pengendalian internal yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian
the internal control that may cause material loss during
material sepanjang tahun yang lalu. [4.9]
the past year. [4.9]
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Bagaimana Astra Mengelola Keberlanjutan How Astra Manage Sustainability
Komitmen dan Kebijakan Astra dalam Keberlanjutan
Astra Commitment and Policy in Sustainability
Komitmen Astra untuk berkontribusi pada tiga pilar
The commitment of Astra to contribute to the three
pembangunan berkelanjutan yaitu ekonomi, sosial dan
pillars of sustainable development, namely economic,
lingkungan telah dilaksanakan sejak Perusahaan berdiri
social and environment has been implemented since
dengan dilandasi oleh filosofi Catur Dharma yaitu,
the company was founded based on the Catur Dharma
“Menjadi milik yang bermanfaat bagi bangsa dan Negara;
philosophy, which is “To become an asset to the Nation;
Memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada pelanggan;
To provide the best service to customers; Respect
Menghargai individu dan membina kerja sama, serta
individual and promote teamwork, and Continually strives
Senantiasa berusaha mencapai yang terbaik.”
for excellence.”
Pada tahun 2010, Astra menetapkan tujuan jangka
In 2010, Astra establish its ‘Astra 2020’ long-term
panjang ‘Astra 2020’, yaitu “Perusahaan dengan
objective, which is to become “the best managed
pengelolaan yang terbaik di sisi ekonomi; dihormati dan
company in the field of economics, respected and
dicintai oleh seluruh pemangku kepentingan karena
loved by all stakeholders through adherence to Good
menjunjung Good Corporate Governance.” Untuk
Corporate Governance.” To achieve this goal, Astra has
mencapai cita-cita itu, Astra merumuskan ‘Strategic Triple
formulated the “Strategic Triple Roadmap,” comprising
Roadmap’, yakni Portfolio Roadmap, People Roadmap,
the Portfolio Roadmap, People Roadmap and Public
dan Public Contribution Roadmap. Catur Dharma dan
Contribution Roadmap. The philosophy of Catur Dharma
Strategic Triple Roadmap adalah komitmen dasar bagi
and Strategic Triple Roadmap are the basic commitment
seluruh entitas dalam lingkup bisnis Astra dalam upaya
for all business entities within the Astra Group towards
keberlanjutan bisnis Astra.
achieving business sustainability.
Pengelolaan CSR Astra
Astra CSR Management
Pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan Astra
The implementation of Astra environmental and social
didasari oleh filosofi ‘Menjadi milik yang bermanfaat
responsibility is based on the philosophy of “to become an
bagi bangsa’ dan arahan People Roadmap dan
asset to the Nation” and the direction of People Roadmap
Public Contribution Roadmap. Kebijakan dan target
as well as Public Contribution Roadmap. Policies and
pencapaian khusus ditetapkan melalui President Letter
specific achievement targets are established through the
dan Security, Environment & Social Responsibility (SESR)
President Letter and the Security, Environment and Social
Corporate Policy setiap tahunnya. Pelaksanaan program
Responsibility (SESR) Corporate Policy issued annually.
tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan dilakukan oleh
The implementation of the environmental and social
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
• Penghargaan Gerakan Penanaman Satu Miliar Pohon dari Kementerian Kehutanan RI (kiri) Appreciation from the Minister of Forestry for ‘One Billion Tree Planting’ program (left) • Acara Planning Cycle CSR SUWARGO (Penyusunan Program Kerja CSR Bersama Masyarakat) (kanan) The Planning Cycle session of SUWARGO CSR activities for communities (right)
Environment & Social Responsibility Division, Corporate
responsibility programs is conducted by the Environment
Communication, Corporate Security dan Corporate
& Social Responsibility Division, Corporate Communication,
Human Capital Development, serta 8 yayasan Astra
Corporate Security and Corporate Human Capital
dengan pembiayaan dari Astra International dan sumber
Development, as well as 8 Astra foundations with funding
lainnya. Selain itu, seluruh Grup Astra dan perusahaan
from Astra International and other sources. In addition, the
juga melakukan program CSR dan pembiayaan masing-
Astra Group and each respective company also undertake
masing dengan sinergi antara program korporat dan
their own CSR programs and financing, aiming for synergy
entitas bisnis Astra lainnya.
between the corporate programs and those of Astra’s business entities.
Program CSR Astra meliputi empat pilar utama yaitu:
Astra CSR program covers four main pillars:
Pendidikan : program yang difokuskan pada wilayah
miskin di sekitar lokasi Grup Astra,
areas in the vicinity of Astra Group,
khususnya di tingkat pendidikan dasar
particularly at the primary and secondary
dan menengah UKM/IGA
: programs that focused on low income
education level
: f okus pada sub-kontraktor Astra dan
: focus on Astra sub-contractors and the
komunitas lokal di setiap wilayah operasi
local community in every area of Astra
Grup Astra
Group operation
Lingkungan : fokus pada program konservasi dan sanitasi
Environment : focus on conservation and sanitation
bagi masyarakat
program for the community
Kesehatan : fokus pada masalah kesehatan ibu dan
: focus on maternal and child health issues,
anak, bekerja sama dengan pemerintah
working together with government and
dan masyarakat setempat
local communities
Untuk menetapkan program di masing-masing pilar CSR,
To establish the programs in each of the CSR pillars,
Astra mengawalinya dengan melakukan pemetaan sosial
Astra commence by conducting social mapping in
untuk memperoleh kondisi masyarakat di sekitar daerah
order to obtain the condition of the people in the
tujuan program secara keseluruhan. Pemetaan sosial
surrounding area of the overall program objectives.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
dilanjutkan dengan dialog partisipatif dengan kelompok
Social mapping is continued by a participatory dialogue
dan tokoh masyarakat setempat untuk memahami
with local community groups and leaders to understand
berbagai harapan dan kepentingan yang relevan.
the expectations and relevant interests. The dialogue
Dialog dilakukan pada tahapan perencanaan dan selama
is conducted at the planning stage and during the
penerapan program sehingga tercipta saling pengertian
implementation of the program in order to create mutual
di antara pemangku kepentingan.
understanding among the stakeholders involved.
Pilar Utama Kegiatan CSR Astra dan Entitas Pelaksana Main Pillars of Astra CSR Activities and Implementing Entities • Anak Perusahaan/Cabang Subsidiary/Branch • Corporate SESR • YTA • YABI • YAHM • YPA-MDR • YKB-UT • YAAL • YAA Pendidikan Education
• Anak Perusahaan/ Cabang Subsidiary/Branch • Corporate SESR • YDBA • YAHM • YAA
• Anak Perusahaan/Cabang Subsidiary/Branch • Corporate SESR • YAHM
Lingkungan Environment
Kesehatan Health • Anak Perusahaan/Cabang Subsidiary/Branch • Corporate SESR
Profil Yayasan Grup Astra
Profile of Astra Group Foundation
Delapan yayasan di bawah naungan Grup Astra
The eight foundations under the Astra Group embrace
merangkul seluruh stakeholder Grup Astra dalam
the entire stakeholders in coordinating the planning and
mengkoordinasikan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan
implementation of programs to maximize the benefits
program untuk memaksimalkan manfaat yang
dihasilkan. Yayasan Toyota dan Astra (YTA)
Toyota and Astra Foundation (YTA)
YTA didirikan pada tahun 1974 oleh PT Astra International
YTA was founded in 1974 by PT Astra International
Tbk dan PT Toyota Astra Motor untuk turut berkontribusi
Tbk and PT Toyota Astra Motor to contribute in
membangun kehidupan intelektual bangsa melalui
building the intellectual life of the nation through
penyediaan bantuan dana dan pembiayaan untuk
the provision of funding for education, research and
kegiatan pendidikan, riset dan pengembangan ilmu
development of science and technology, particularly
sains dan teknologi, terutama teknologi otomotif. Dana
automotive technology. Funding is distributed in the
bantuan disalurkan dalam bentuk beasiswa; bantuan
form of scholarship grants; assistance to universities
kepada universitas untuk penyelenggaraan acara-acara
for organizing events related to science and research,
terkait sains dan penelitian serta hibah penelitian; dan
including research grants; and also donations of teaching
juga sumbangan alat bantu mengajar dan buku-buku
tools and technical books.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Dharma Bhakti Astra Foundation
Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA) didirikan tahun
The Dharma Bhakti Astra Foundation (YDBA) was
1980 oleh pendiri Astra, Bapak William Soeryadjaya
established in 1980 by the founder of Astra, Mr.
dengan mengemban misi pembinaan dan pengembangan
William Soeryadjaya with the mission of fostering
UMKM di tanah air, juga sekaligus sebagai perkuatan
and development of MSMEs in the country, as well as
value chain usaha Astra melalui program pemberdayaan
well as strengthening the Astra value chain through
atau Income Generating Activity (IGA) masyarakat di
empowerment programs or Income Generating Activity
sekitar Grup Astra.
(IGA) in the community surrounding the Astra Group.
Program pembinaan yang diberikan antara lain di bidang
The programs offer assistance in the areas of management,
manajemen, teknologi, akses pasar, fasilitas pembiayaan,
technology, market access, financing facilities, and
dan teknologi informasi dengan memaksimalkan
information technology, by maximizing the synergy in
sinergi pada jaringan value chain Grup Astra secara
the Astra Group’s value chain network in an integrated
Yayasan Astra Bina Ilmu (YABI)
Astra Bina Ilmu Foundation (YABI)
Pada tahun 1995, PT Federal Motor saat ini PT Astra
In 1995, PT Federal Motor, currently PT Astra Honda Motor,
Honda Motor mendirikan Yayasan Federal Bina Ilmu yang
established Federal Bina Ilmu Foundation that oversees
membawahi Akademi Teknik Federal untuk memberi solusi
Federal Technical Academy to provide a reliable and
akan kebutuhan tenaga kerja yang handal dan terampil,
skilled workforce solutions, especially in the motorcycle
terutama di bidang industri sepeda motor. Seiring
industry. Along with the business development, Federal
dengan perkembangan bisnis, Yayasan Federal Bina Ilmu
Bina Ilmu Foundation changed its name to Astra Bina
berubah menjadi Yayasan Astra Bina Ilmu (YABI) dan
Ilmu Foundation (YABI) and Federal Technical Academy
Akademi Teknik Federal menjadi Politeknik Manufaktur
to Astra Polytechnic Manufacturing (Polman Astra),
Astra (Polman Astra), dengan misi menyelenggarakan
with a mission of organizing a professional educational
institusi pendidikan yang profesional dalam bidang
institution in the field of technology, particularly in the
teknologi, khususnya pada bidang yang terkait otomotif
areas of automotive and natural resources, to produce
dan sumber daya alam, untuk menghasilkan lulusan siap
graduates that are ready to work and with the best quality
pakai dengan kualitas terbaik di Indonesia. YABI melalui
in Indonesia. Since 2009, YABI through Polman Astra has
Polman Astra sejak tahun 2009 menyediakan beasiswa
provided scholarships for outstanding students involving
bagi siswa berprestasi di sejumlah 35% dari kapasitas
35% of available capacity.
yang tersedia. Yayasan Astra Honda Motor (YAHM)
Astra Honda Motor Foundation (YAHM)
YAHM didirikan pada tahun 1995 sebagai organisasi
YAHM was founded in 1995 as an independent social
sosial yang mandiri dengan misi mendukung kehidupan
organization with a mission to support communities
masyarakat di bidang pendidikan, keselamatan
through programs in the field of education, safety driving,
berkendara, lingkungan hidup dan pemberdayaan
environmental and community empowerment, as well as
masyarakat serta kepedulian sosial. Sebagai wujud
social care. As a form of implementation of its mission,
implementasi misinya, YAHM antara lain memberikan
YAHM provides scholarships, educational support and
beasiswa pendidikan, membangun fasilitas pendukung
facilities and, working together with the Directorate of
pendidikan dan bersama-sama Direktorat Lalu Lintas
Traffic Police and the Provincial Education Department,
Polda serta Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi secara konsisten
consistently provide learners with traffic ethics curriculum
membekali peserta didik dengan kurikulum etika lalu
that has been implemented at 18 provinces in Indonesia.
lintas yang telah dilaksanakan di 18 Provinsi di seluruh
Additionally, YAHM conducts tree-planting activities, the
Indonesia. Di samping itu YAHM melakukan kegiatan
development of economic empowerment in communities,
penghijauan, pengembangan kemampuan ekonomi
and also provides people with life skills training.
masyarakat, juga membekali masyarakat melalui pelatihan keterampilan hidup.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Yayasan Karya Bakti United Tractors (YKB UT)
Karya Bakti United Tractors Foundation (YKB UT)
YKB UT berdiri pada tahun 2008. Sebagai wadah dalam
YKB UT was founded in 2008 as an organization in
pelaksanaan program pendidikan, YKB UT melalui
the implementation of educational programs. YKB UT
program UT-School telah mendidik lulusan-lulusan SMA/
through UT-School program has trained graduates from
SMK dari seluruh Indonesia untuk menjadi SDM yang siap
high school/vocational school from across Indonesia to
menghadapi tantangan global. Dengan disertai standar
become human resources that are ready to face global
dari organisasi lembaga sertifikasi alat berat Indonesia,
challenges. Accompanied by the certification standards
bekal softskill dan hardskill yang lengkap, lulusan UT-
of the Indonesian heavy equipment organization, along
School siap bekerja sebagai operator dan mekanik alat
with the knowledge of soft skills and hard skills, UT-
berat baik di perusahaan-perusahaan Grup Astra maupun
School graduates are ready to work as a heavy equipment
di industri nasional secara luas.
operator and mechanic at both Astra Group companies, as well as the national industry in general.
Yayasan Pendidikan Astra Michael D. Ruslim (YPA-MDR)
Astra Michael D. Ruslim Education Foundation
Pada 2009 didirikan Yayasan Astra Bina Pendidikan yang
khusus mengelola bantuan pendidikan untuk daerah
In 2009, Astra Bina Pendidikan Foundation was
prasejahtera. Pada semester I tahun 2010, dilakukan
established specially to manage educational assistance to
penggantian nama yayasan menjadi Yayasan Pendidikan
underprivileged areas. In the first semester of 2010, the
Astra - Michael D. Ruslim (YPA-MDR) untuk menghormati
foundation changed its name to Astra - Michael D. Ruslim
almarhum Bapak Michael D. Ruslim - Presiden Direktur
Education Foundation (YPA-MDR) in honor of the late Mr.
Astra tahun 2005 – 2010 yang memulai program ini.
Michael D. Ruslim - President Director of Astra in 2005 -
Visi YPA-MDR adalah membantu sekolah-sekolah yang
2010 who started the program. The vision of YPA-MDR
berada di daerah prasejahtera agar siswa-siswinya mampu
is to assist schools in underprivileged areas so that the
meningkatkan kualitas, intelektual dan kompetensi
students are able to improve the quality, competence and
kecakapan hidup (life skill) serta memiliki karakter yang
intellectual skills (life skills), as well as having characters
didasarkan pada nilai luhur Bangsa Indonesia.
based on the noble values of the Indonesian Nation.
Misi YPA-MDR adalah berperan aktif sebagai agen
The mission of YPA-MDR is to take on an active role
perubahan (agent of change) dan agen pengembangan
as an agent of change, and agent of development
(agent of development) dalam peningkatan mutu
in improving the quality of schools, targeted human
sekolah-sekolah, pengembangan sumber daya manusia
resource development, as well as curriculum development
yang terarah, serta pengembangan kurikulum dan
and professional school management. The levels of
manajemen sekolah yang profesional. Jenjang sekolah
school that receive assistance are Primary, Junior High,
yang mendapatkan bantuan adalah Sekolah Dasar,
and Vocational High School in 5 regions of Indonesia
Sekolah Menengah Pertama dan Sekolah Menengah
namely, Leuwiliang, Yogyakarta, Lampung, West Kutai
Kejuruan di 5 wilayah Indonesia yaitu Leuwiliang,
and Pacitan.
Yogyakarta, Lampung, Kutai Barat dan Pacitan.
Yayasan Amaliah Astra (YAA)
Amaliah Astra Foundation (YAA)
YAA memiliki misi untuk membangun Intellectual
YAA has a mission to build the Intellectual Quotient (IQ),
Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ) dan Spiritual
Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Spiritual Quotient through
Quotient melalui kegiatan di bidang sosial-keagamaan,
activities in the socio-religious, the goal for a Muslim
tujuannya agar karyawan muslim Astra menjadi
employee at Astra to be a Muslim professional, and the
muslim yang profesional dan masyarakat di sekitarnya
surrounding communities have a religious devotion.
memiliki ketaatan beragama. Melalui Masjid Astra,
Through Astra Mosque, YAA organized activities of
YAA menyelenggarakan aktivitas perayaan keagamaan
religious celebration and Astra Islamic Quiz (CCIA) in Astra
dan Cerdas Cermat Islami Astra (CCIA) dalam Astra
Gema Islami (AGI), its function is to strengthen solidarity
Gema Islami (AGI), fungsinya mempererat solidaritas
among Muslims and increase their knowledge of Islam.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
• Pelaksanaan Wisuda XIII Tahun Akademik 2012 Politeknik Manufaktur Astra (kiri) Graduate Day XIII for 2012 Academic Year at Politeknik Manufaktur Astra (left) • Suasana kegiatan belajar di UT School (kanan atas) Student’s learning activity at UT School (above right) • Laboratorium Bahasa Inggris Sekolah YAAL (foto kanan bawah) Englis Language Lab at YAAL School (below right)
sesama umat Muslim dan meningkatkan pengetahuan
Astra Mosque also develops and nurtures future leaders
agama Islam. Masjid Astra juga mengembangkan dan
religious through Astra Mubaligh Development Program.
membina calon pemimpin agama melalui Astra Mubaligh
Through LAZIS Amaliah Astra, YAA also facilitates the
Development Program. Melalui Lazis Amaliah Astra,
provision of Zakat, infaq and alms (ZIS) distributed for
YAA juga memfasilitasi pemberian zakat, infaq dan
scholarships and working capital for entrepreneurs in
sedekah (ZIS) yang disalurkan untuk beasiswa dan modal
the community.
wirausaha masyarakat. Yayasan Astra Agro Lestari (YAAL)
Astra Agro Lestari Foundation (YAAL)
YAAL didirikan pada 10 Juni 2010 dengan fokus kegiatan
YAAL was established on June 10, 2010, with a focus on
sosial di bidang pendidikan di 3 wilayah operasionalnya
social activities in the field of education at three operational
yaitu Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. YAAL
areas namely, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. YAAL
berkomitmen untuk menyediakan pendidikan yang
is committed to providing a better education for the
lebih baik bagi keluarga karyawan dan masyarakat
families of employees and the surrounding community,
sekitar, dengan membangun sekolah mulai TK hingga
by building schools from kindergarten to junior high
SMP berikut manajemen sekolah dan menyediakan
school, as well as management school and providing
tenaga pengajar yang berkualitas. Selain itu YAAL juga
qualified teachers. Additionally, YAAL also build houses
membangun rumah bagi para tenaga pengajar dan
for teachers and provide training for them. Schools in the
memberikan training bagi mereka. Sekolah-sekolah di
three operational areas of AAL are targeted to be one of
3 area operasional AAL ditargetkan menjadi salah satu
the best schools in the plantation operations area. It has
sekolah terbaik di wilayah operasi perkebunan. Hal ini
been proven by the achievement of a variety of awards
sudah mulai dibuktikan dengan pencapaian beragam
in various science competitions.
penghargaan dalam berbagai kompetisi keilmuan.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Partisipasi Astra dalam Asosiasi Perusahaan Sahabat Anak
Astra’s Participation in the Association of Child Friendly Companies
Astra merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang mendukung
Astra is one of the companies that support the formation
terbentuknya asosiasi perusahaan sahabat anak
of Indonesian Association of Child Friendly Companies.
(Indonesian Association of Child Friendly Companies) di
A Child Friendly Company is a company that applied the
Indonesia. Perusahaan sahabat anak adalah perusahaan
integrated business principles with children’s rights both
yang menerapkan prinsip-prinsip bisnis yang terintegrasi
in the implementation of the policies, as well as the work
dengan hak-hak anak baik dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan,
programs and its products. As a manifestation of this
maupun program kerja dan produknya. Sebagai wujud
support, Astra applies the principles of Indonesian Child
dari dukungan tersebut Astra menerapkan prinsip-prinsip
Friendly Company, among others:
Perusahaan Sahabat Anak Indonesia, antara lain:
a. Implementation of Astra Green Company and Astra
a. Penerapan kriteria Astra Green Company dan Astra Friendly Company terkait prinsip-prinsip perusahaan sahabat anak di seluruh Grup Astra b. Melakukan pembinaan vendor terkait pemenuhan hak-hak anak
Friendly Company criteria related to the child friendly company principles across Astra Group b. Conducting vendor training related to the fulfillment of children’s rights c. Coaching support and education facilities include SDN
c. Bantuan pembinaan dan sarana pendidikan di
Percontohan Meulaboh-Aceh and SDN 05/06 Sungai
antaranya SDN Percontohan Meulaboh-Aceh dan
Bambu - North Jakarta and free health care program
SDN 05/06 Sungai Bambu-Jakarta Utara dan program
for children through MOKESA
kesehatan gratis untuk anak-anak melalui MOKESA
Pada tanggal 15 Agustus 2012, PT Astra International
On August 15, 2012, PT Astra International Tbk has
Tbk telah menjadi salah satu dari lima perusahaan yang
become one of the five companies that are evaluated
dievaluasi terkait perusahaan sahabat anak. [HR 6]
concerning child friendly company. [HR 6]
Pengelolaan Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja
Environmental, Health and Safety Management
Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan
The management of Environmental, Health and Safety
Kerja (LK3) merupakan komitmen Astra untuk mengelola
(EHS) is Astra’s commitment to managing aspects related
aspek yang terkait aktivitas operasional di masing-masing
to operational activity at each Astra installation towards
instalasi Astra terhadap karyawan, masyarakat dan
the employees, community and environment around
lingkungan hidup di sekitar instalasi Astra, sehingga
the installation of Astra so that negative impacts can
dampak negatif dapat diminimalkan dan dampak positif
be minimized and positive impacts can be enhanced.
dapat ditingkatkan. [DMA LA] [SO 9]
[DMA LA] [SO 9]
Untuk memastikan pelaksanaan komitmen ini, Astra
To ensure the implementation of this commitment, Astra
memiliki dua sistem yaitu Astra Green Company (AGC)
has two systems, namely Astra Green Company (AGC)
dan Astra Friendly Company (AFC), masing-masing sistem
and Astra Friendly Company (AFC), each system contains
berisi kriteria-kriteria yang harus dipenuhi oleh setiap anak
criteria that must be fulfilled by each Astra subsidiary.
perusahaan Astra. Pemenuhan atas kriteria dalam AGC dan
Fulfillment of the criteria in the AGC and AFC evaluated
AFC dievaluasi secara berkala dengan melakukan assessment
regularly by conducting assessment by Astra internal
yang dilakukan oleh tim assessor internal Astra.
assessor team.
Astra Green Company (AGC)
Astra Green Company (AGC)
Astra Green Company dimulai sejak tahun 1999 dan
Astra Green Company was established in 1999, and
terus dikembangkan hingga kini. AGC memuat kriteria
continued developing until today. AGC consist of the
di bidang LK3 yang meliputi strategi bisnis Perusahaan
criteria in the EHS field, covering the Company’s business
(Green Strategy), proses bisnis yang aman, nyaman dan
strategy (Green Strategy), a safe business process,
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Pengelolaan LK3 di Instalasi Grup Astra SHE activities at various Astra installations
bersih (Green Process), pengembangan produk yang
comfortable and clean (Green Process), the development
ramah lingkungan (Green Product) dan pengembangan
of environmentally friendly products (Green Product)
kompetensi sumber daya manusia (Green Employee).
and the development of human resource competencies
Tujuan utama AGC adalah mencapai operasi bisnis yang
(Green Employee). The main purpose of the AGC is to
ramah lingkungan dan keberlanjutan di masing-masing
achieve an environmentally friendly business operations
bisnis dan operasi Grup Astra. [4.12]
and sustainability in their respective businesses and operations of Astra Group. [4.12]
Kriteria AGC mengadopsi sistem manajemen lingkungan
The AGC criteria adopted international environmental
dan LK3 Internasional yaitu ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001
management and EHS systems, which are ISO 14001,
dan SMK3. Selain itu, AGC juga mengintegrasikan aspek
OHSAS 18001 and SMK3. In addition, AGC also
pemenuhan peraturan nasional terkait lingkungan dan
integrates aspects of national regulations compliance
related to environmental and EHS. [DMA EN]
Pencapaian masing-masing instalasi Astra atas pemenuhan
The achievement of each Astra installation for AGC criteria
kriteria AGC diberikan dalam bentuk kategori ‘Emas’,
compliance is given in the categories of ‘Gold’, ‘Green’,
‘Hijau’, ‘Biru’, ‘Merah’ dan ‘Hitam’ berurutan sebagai
‘Blue’, ‘Red’ and ‘Black’ respectively as the highest level to
tingkat tertinggi hingga terendah. Hasil penilaian
the lowest. The results of the assessment are conducted
dilakukan melalui Corporate Assessment, Group
by Corporate Assessment, Group Assessment and Self-
Assessment dan Self-Assessment yang dilakukan secara
Assessment, which is done periodically.
berkala. Pada tahun 2012, assessment dilakukan terhadap
In 2012, the assessment was conducted at 469
sejumlah 469 instalasi dari 505 instalasi layak audit
installations of 505 installations that were eligible
di grup Astra (total keseluruhan di Grup Astra 1070
audited in Astra Group (a total of 1070 Astra Group
instalasi). Dari assessment yang dilakukan terdapat 16%
installations). From the assessment conducted, 16%
instalasi yang meraih peringkat ‘Emas’, atau menurun
of the installation ranks ‘Gold,’ or a decreased of 1%,
1% , kemudian terdapat 58% instalasi meraih peringkat
and 58% installation ranks ‘Green,’ an increased of 8%
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
‘Hijau’, atau meningkat 8% dibanding tahun 2011.
compared to the year 2011. The overall predicates of
Secara keseluruhan, predikat ‘Biru’, ‘Merah’ dan ‘Hitam’
‘Blue,’ ‘Red,’ and ‘Black’ has declined 1-4% compared
telah terjadi penurunan 1-4% dibanding tahun 2011.
to the previous year. In addition, 30% of the installation
Selain itu, sejumlah 30% instalasi yang berpredikat
that received the predicate of ‘Red’/’Black’ in 2011, has
‘Merah’/’Hitam‘ di tahun 2011, telah mengalami
increased to a minimum of ‘Blue’ in 2012. It proves that
peningkatan menjadi minimal ‘Biru’ di tahun 2012. Hal
the performance management of EHS has led to a better
ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja pengelolaan LK3 menuju
level than in 2011.
pada tingkat yang lebih baik dibanding tahun 2011. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan, penyebab suatu
From the analysis conducted, the cause of an installation
instalasi mendapat peringkat akhir ‘Merah’ dan ‘Hitam’
to receive the rating of ‘Red’ and ‘Black’ are generally
umumnya disebabkan: (i) tidak memenuhi persyaratan
caused by: (i) the lack of fulfillment of the requirements
sarana dengan dampak LK3, (ii) Frequency Rate & Severity
of facilities with EHS impacts, (ii) high Frequency Rate
Rate tinggi karena kecelakaan berat/fatal, (iii) tidak
and Severity Rate due to severe accidents and or fatality,
konsisten dalam memenuhi persyaratan dan ketentuan
(iii) inconsistency of the fulfillment of the environmental
lingkungan (seperti AMDAL/UKL-UPL, pengelolaan
terms and conditions (such as AMDAL/UKL-UPL, B3 waste
limbah B3 dan lain-lain).
management, etc.).
Status AGC Grup Astra 2012 AGC Status Astra Group 2012
Emas Gold
Hijau Green 58% Biru Blue
Merah Red
Hitam Black
Astra Friendly Company (AFC)
Astra Friendly Company (AFC)
Astra Friendly Company merupakan bentuk kerangka
Astra Friendly Company is a form of Astra Group
panduan komprehensif Grup Astra mengenai penerapan
comprehensive guide framework on the implementation
sistem manajemen, implementasi dan metode pengukuran
of management systems, application and measurement
program pengembangan berkesinambungan tanggung
methods of sustainable development programs of
jawab sosial perusahaan (CSR). AFC memiliki tiga pilar
corporate social responsibility (CSR). AFC has three main
utama yaitu Value, Mindset & Behavior.
pillars, namely Value, Mindset & Behavior.
Melalui Standar AFC, setiap perusahaan dalam Grup
Through AFC standards, every company within Astra
Astra diharapkan dapat mengintegrasikan aspek sosial
Group is expected to integrate social aspects in any
dalam setiap keputusan bisnisnya sehingga tercapai
business decisions that increase the quality of social
peningkatan kualitas hubungan sosial yang seimbang dan
relations that reached a balanced and harmonious
harmonis dengan para pemangku kepentingan.
relationship with stakeholders.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Fokus implementasi program AFC adalah pada program
The implementation focus of AFC program is on
pendidikan, peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat
education programs, increasing community incomes or
(Income Generating Activity), kesehatan dan lingkungan.
Income Generating Activity, health and the environment.
Sejak tahun 2011, terdapat revisi kriteria penilaian AFC
Since the year 2011, there were revisions to the
yaitu penambahan kriteria penilaian program budaya,
assessment criteria of AFC, which is the addition of the
dimana instalasi-instalasi Grup Astra diharapkan turut
cultural program criteria, so that Astra Grup installations
serta dalam melakukan pelestarian budaya masyarakat
are expected to take part in making the preservation of
local culture.
Penilaian kinerja AFC dilakukan berdasarkan pada tingkat
AFC performance assessment is based on the level of
pencapaian sistem manajemen dan aktivitas program,
achievement of the management system and program
dengan menggunakan sistem grading dari ‘Bintang 1’
activity, using the grading system of ‘1 Star’ as the lowest
sebagai pencapaian terendah hingga ‘Bintang 5’ sebagai
achievement up to ‘5 Star’ as the highest achievement.
pencapaian tertinggi. [DMA SO]
Penilaian kinerja AFC tahun 2012 dilakukan pada 214
AFC performance assessment in 2012 was conducted at
instalasi, meningkat 16% dibanding tahun 2011 (184
214 installations, an increase of 16% compared to 2011
instalasi). Dari hasil assessment diketahui sejumlah 51
(184 installations). From the results of assessment, 51
instalasi berhasil meraih peringkat tertinggi ‘Bintang 5’,
installations ranks highest with ‘5 Star,’ 78 installations
78 instalasi meraih peringkat ‘Bintang 4’, 82 instalasi
ranks ‘4 Star,’ 82 installation ranks ‘3 Star,’ 2 installation
meraih peringkat ‘Bintang 3’, 2 instalasi meraih peringkat
ranks ‘2 Star,’ and 1 installation is given a ’1 Star’ ranking.
‘Bintang 2’ dan 1 instalasi meraih peringkat ‘Bintang 1’.
[SO 1]
[SO 1] Hasil pencapaian tahun 2012, 99% perusahaan Grup
The results of achievement in 2012, 99% of Astra Group
Astra berada pada peringkat ‘Bintang 3’ ke atas, sesuai
companies ranked ‘3 Star’ or above, in accordance with
dengan target kinerja yang telah ditetapkan dalam SESR
the performance targets set in the SESR Corporate Policy
Corporate Policy 2012.
Status AFC Grup Astra 2012 AFC Status Astra Group 2012
Bintang 5 Star 24% Bintang 4 Star 36% Bintang 3 Star 38% Bintang 2 Star 0.9% Bintang 1 Star 0.5%
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Ulasan Khusus HUT ke-55 Astra Special Review Astra 55th Anniversary
Merayakan 55 Tahun Astra “Berbagi Bersama Bangsa”
Celebrating 55 Years of Astra “Share With the Nation”
Tidak banyak perusahaan di Indonesia yang memiliki
In Indonesia, there are not many companies that have
sejarah panjang dalam tumbuh dan berkembang
a long history of growing and developing for over half
selama lebih dari setengah abad. Astra bersyukur dapat
a century. Astra is grateful to be able to celebrate its
merayakan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-55 yang jatuh pada
55th anniversary that falls on February 20th 2012, which
tanggal 20 Februari 2012, menandai sebuah perjalanan
marks a long way since 1957 in operating as part of, and
panjang sejak 1957 dalam berkarya sebagai bagian dari,
contribute to, the development of Indonesia.
serta berkontribusi pada, pembangunan Indonesia. Sebagai ungkapan rasa terima kasih bagi negeri yang
As an expression of gratitude to the country that has
sudah menjadi sumber inspirasi Astra dalam berkarya
become the source of inspiration for Astra’s performances
untuk “Menjadi Milik yang Bermanfaat bagi Bangsa
to “Become Asset for the Nation,” Astra commemorate its
dan Negara”, Astra memperingati HUT ke-55 ini dengan
55th Anniversary with the theme “Share With the Nation.”
tema “Berbagi Bersama Bangsa”. Tema ini mencerminkan
This theme reflects the passion to achieve the vision and
semangat untuk mewujudkan visi dan misi Astra, selaras
mission of Astra, in line with the implementation of the
dengan penerapan nilai filosofi Astra, Catur Dharma yang
Catur Dharma philosophy values that emphasize active
mengedepankan keterlibatan aktif dalam memberikan
involvement in providing the best for Indonesia, including
yang terbaik bagi bangsa dan negara Indonesia, termasuk
to become an adequate place to work for the children of
dengan menjadi tempat berkarya yang layak bagi anak
the nation, provide a positive impact on the surrounding
bangsa, memberikan dampak positif bagi masyarakat
community, as well as to contribute the economic benefits
di sekitarnya dan memberikan manfaat ekonomi bagi
for the country.
Salah satu aktivitas utama dalam merayakan HUT ke-55
One of the main activities in the celebration of the 55th
Astra adalah program Jelajahi Dunia Astra yang bertujuan
Anniversary was Explore the World of Astra program
untuk lebih mensosialisasikan sosok Astra kepada
that aims to socialize Astra’s image to the general public,
kalangan masyarakat umum, termasuk pencapaian yang
including the achievements that have been accomplished
telah diraih oleh Grup Astra sebagai sumbangsihnya
by Astra Group as a contribution to the progress and
pada kemajuan dan kesejahteraan di Indonesia selama
prosperity in Indonesia for 55 years. The three day
55 tahun. Acara yang berlangsung selama tiga hari di
weekend event was held alternately in five major cities
akhir pekan ini dilaksanakan secara bergantian di lima
starting in Jakarta (May 2012), Medan (June 2012),
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Rangkaian Acara Perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun Astra ke-55 Activities and events in commemoration of Astra 55th Anniversary
kota besar di Indonesia, dimulai di Jakarta (Mei 2012),
Balikpapan (July 2012), Makassar (September 2012),
Medan (Juni 2012), Balikpapan (Juli 2012), Makassar
and ended in Surabaya (October 2012). More than 245
(September 2012) dan berakhir di Surabaya (Oktober
thousand visitors attended various events during the
2012), dengan total pengunjung lebih dari 245 ribu
implementation of Explore the World of Astra program
selama penyelenggaraan Jelajahi Dunia Astra di 5 kota
in those 5 cities.
tersebut. Jelajahi Dunia Astra dikemas sebagai sebuah acara
Explore the World of Astra was presented as an
edukatif dan hiburan bagi seluruh anggota keluarga,
educational and entertainment event for the whole
termasuk pelanggan dan karyawan Astra. Sajian utama
family, including customers and employees of Astra.
dalam Jelajahi Dunia Astra adalah Area Pameran Grup
The highlight of Explore the World of Astra was the
Astra, yang menampilkan produk dan jasa Grup Astra di
Exhibition of Astra Group featuring the products and
enam lini bisnisnya serta kegiatan Tanggung Jawab Sosial
services of Astra’s six business lines, as well as Astra
(CSR) Astra. Pengunjung juga dapat menyaksikan acara
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. Visitors
hiburan di Alun-Alun Astra, menikmati kuliner Aneka
can also watch the entertainment at Astra Square, enjoy
Jajanan Khas Nusantara di Kedai Astra, mengajak anak
various culinary delights of Traditional Food at Astra Food
bermain sambil belajar mengenal produk-produk Astra
Stall, invite children to play while learning about Astra
di Zona Anak Astra, maupun menambah pengetahuan
products at Astra Kids Zone, as well as to gain knowledge
tentang kegiatan CSR Astra selama 55 tahun di Galeri
about Astra CSR in the past 55 years at Astra 55 Years
Foto 55 Tahun Astra.
Photo Gallery.
Ajang Jelajahi Dunia Astra juga menampilkan beberapa
The event also featured several other interesting activities
kegiatan menarik lainnya seperti Lomba Foto Momen
such as Best Moments of Explore the World of Astra Photo
Terbaik Jelajahi Dunia Astra, Lomba Astra Mencari Bakat
Contest, Astra Get Talent competition for employees
untuk karyawan Astra dan anak-anak, Pameran Usaha
of Astra and children, exhibition of Small and Medium
Kecil Menengah Binaan Astra, serta Bursa Kerja bagi
Enterprises supported by Astra, and a Job Fair for those
mereka yang berminat meniti karir bersama Astra.
interested in pursuing a career with Astra.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Program CSR HUT ke-55 Astra
Astra 55th Anniversary CSR Program
Melaksanakan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (CSR)
The implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility
telah sejak lama menjadi bagian dari keberadaan Astra
(CSR) has long since become a part of Astra existence as
sebagai entitas bisnis, sesuai visi yang dicanangkan
a business entity, in accordance to the vision to “Become
untuk “Menjadi perusahaan yang mempunyai tanggung
a socially responsible and environmentally friendly
jawab sosial dan ramah lingkungan”. Visi tersebut
company.” This vision also underlies aspects of Public
juga mendasari aspek Public Contribution Roadmap,
Contribution Roadmap, which is one of the pillars of the
yang merupakan salah satu pilar dari Strategic Triple
Strategic Triple Roadmap as a long-term strategy toward
Roadmap sebagai strategi jangka panjang Astra menuju
Astra sustainability.
keberlanjutan. Astra melaksanakan aktivitas tanggung jawab sosial
Astra conducted activities of social and environmental
dan lingkungan di keempat pilar CSR Astra yaitu bidang
responsibility in all four pillars of Astra CSR namely,
pendidikan, pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat,
education, health, economic empowerment, and
pelestarian lingkungan, dan kesehatan. Khusus untuk
environmental sustainability. In celebration of its 55th
merayakan HUT ke-55, Astra menyelenggarakan empat
anniversary, Astra conducted four special CSR programs,
program khusus, yaitu:
55.000 Jam - Astra Berbagi Ilmu: Kontribusi Astra
55,000 Hours - Astra Sharing Knowledge:
untuk memajukan dunia pendidikan di Indonesia dengan
Contributions of Astra to promote education in Indonesia
mendedikasikan 55.000 jam dimana insan Astra berbagi
by dedicating 55,000 hours where Astra individuals share
ilmu dan pengalaman mereka di lembaga-lembaga
their knowledge and experience through presentations in
pendidikan formal maupun non-formal.
formal and non-formal educational institutions.
55.000 Jam Pelatihan - Astra untuk Usaha Kecil
55,000 Training Hours - Astra for Small and Medium
Menengah: Astra memberikan 55.000 jam pelatihan
Enterprises: Astra provides 55,000 hours of training
bagi Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) dalam rangka
for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in order to
membina dan mengembangkan UKM serta membangun
foster and develop SMEs, as well as to build skills and
keterampilan dan semangat kewirausahaan masyarakat.
entrepreneurial spirit of the community.
550.000 Pohon - Astra untuk Lingkungan: Komitmen
550,000 Trees - Astra for the Environment: The
Astra untuk aktif melestarikan lingkungan antara lain
commitment of Astra in order to preserve the environment,
diwujudkan melalui penanaman 550.000 pohon di
among others is achieved through the planting of
berbagai lokasi di Indonesia dimana instalasi Grup Astra
550,000 trees in various locations in Indonesia where
the Astra Group installation is located.
55.000 Kantong Darah - Astra untuk Kesehatan:
55,000 Blood Bags - Astra for Health: An embodiment
Salah satu perwujudan komitmen Astra terhadap
of Astra commitment to public health by collecting
kesehatan masyarakat dengan mengumpulkan 55.000
55,000 units of blood bags to help fulfill the needs of
kantong darah untuk membantu memenuhi kebutuhan
the blood supply in Indonesia, in cooperation with the
persediaan darah di Indonesia bekerja sama dengan
Indonesian Red Cross.
Palang Merah Indonesia.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Tabel Pencapaian Public Contribution Table Achievement Public Contribution Kegiatan CSR dalam rangka Perayaan HUT Astra ke-55 tahun
Seluruh perusahaan di lingkungan Grup Astra, termasuk
All the companies within Astra Group, including the
Yayasan-yayasan yang bernaung di bawah Astra,
various Astra Foundations, participated in the four CSR
berpartisipasi dalam keempat program CSR HUT ke-55
programs of Astra 55th Anniversary. The implementation
CSR programs in commemoration of Astra 55th Anniversary
Astra tersebut. Pelaksanaannya berlangsung dari bulan
was held from February 2012 to October 2012, including
Februari 2012 sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2012,
the activities undertaken in the framework of Explore
termasuk aktivitas-aktivitas yang dilakukan dalam rangka
the World of Astra event. With great enthusiasm and
penyelenggaraan acara Jelajahi Dunia Astra. Dengan
sincerity from all participants, these programs achieved
antusiasme yang tinggi dan kesungguhan dari seluruh
the promising results with the accomplishment that
partisipan, program-program tersebut mencapai hasil
exceeding the set targets.
yang menggembirakan dengan pencapaian melebihi target-target yang ditetapkan.
Astra Green Lifestyle Campaign
Astra Green Lifestyle Campaign
Sejak tahun 2011, Astra telah secara rutin
Since 2011, Astra has routinely organizes Astra Green
menyelenggarakan Astra Green Lifestyle Campaign setiap
Lifestyle Campaign in June of each year, to correspond
bulan Juni dalam rangka Hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia
with the World Environment Day on June 5th. This
tanggal 5 Juni. Kegiatan ini merupakan kampanye
activity is an environmentally friendly lifestyle campaign to
gaya hidup ramah lingkungan dengan mengajak
encourage people to learn about the environment and its
masyarakat untuk belajar lebih mengenal lingkungan
management, as well as applying the knowledge in their
dan pengelolaannya, serta mengaplikasikan pengetahuan
daily lives as individuals, families, and communities.
tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari baik oleh individu, keluarga, maupun komunitas.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Astra Green Lifestyle Campaign 2012 mengambil
Astra Green Lifestyle Campaign 2012 took place at
tempat di kawasan Plaza Timur Monumen Nasional
the East Plaza of the National Monument (Monas) in
(Monas), Jakarta pada tanggal 9-10 Juni 2012 dengan
Jakarta on June 9th – 10th 2012 with a total of 15,000
total pengunjung sebanyak 15.000 orang. Pada ajang
visitors. The event was filled with various activities such
tersebut dilakukan berbagai kegiatan, diantaranya aksi
as waste separation environmental action and creating
lingkungan pemilahan sampah dan pembuatan 550
550 Biopori, Eco Exhibition featuring Astra CSR activities
biopori, Eco Exhibition yang menampilkan aktivitas CSR
in the areas of environment, the activities of several
Astra di bidang lingkungan, kegiatan dari beberapa
environmental community, Fun Bike that participated by
komunitas lingkungan, Fun Bike yang diikuti lebih dari
more than 5,000 people, free emissions test of more than
5.000 orang, uji emisi gratis lebih dari 250 kendaraan
250 vehicles during 2 days of implementation, as well as
selama 2 hari penyelenggaraan dan Green Talk yang
Green Talk featuring important topics relating to nature,
menampilkan topik-topik menarik berkaitan dengan
the environment, and a healthy lifestyle.
alam, lingkungan dan gaya hidup sehat.
SATU Indonesia Award
SATU Indonesia Award
Semangat Astra Terpadu Untuk Indonesia atau yang
SATU (Semangat Astra Terpadu Untuk) Indonesia or
dikenal dengan SATU Indonesia merupakan langkah nyata
Astra’s Unified for Indonesia , known as SATU Indonesia
dari Grup Astra untuk berperan aktif, serta memberikan
is a real action from Astra Group to take an active
kontribusi meningkatkan kualitas masyarakat Indonesia
role, as well as contributing to improve the quality of
melalui karsa, cipta dan karya terpadu untuk memberikan
Indonesian society through the initiative, creativity and
nilai tambah bagi kemajuan bangsa Indonesia. Pada
creations integrated to provide added value to the nation
prinsipnya, di mana pun Astra berada, harus memberikan
development of Indonesia. In principle, Astra wherever
manfaat bagi lingkungan sekitarnya, sesuai dengan butir
located, should provide benefits to the environment,
pertama filosofi Catur Dharma, yaitu “Menjadi Milik yang
according to the first item of Catur Dharma philosophy,
Bermanfaat bagi Bangsa dan Negara.”
namely “To be an Asset to the Nation”
Tahun 2012 adalah tahun ketiga pelaksanaan SATU
In 2012 became the third-year implementation of the
Indonesia Awards, dimana pada tahun 2010 merupakan
SATU Indonesia Award, which in 2010 was the first
pelaksanaannya yang pertama kali. Apresiasi ini diberikan
implementation. Appreciation is given to Indonesian
kepada pemuda-pemudi Indonesia yang memiliki
young people who have a passion in line with the Astra
semangat sejalan dengan Astra di bidang Pendidikan,
passion in Education, Environment, Health, Technology
Lingkungan, Kesehatan, Teknologi dan Kewirausahaan.
and Entrepreneurship.
Hingga tahun 2012, SATU Indonesia Awards telah
Until 2012, SATU Indonesia Awards has scored 15 young
mencetak 15 pemuda-pemudi yang telah berkarya
men and women who have worked as well as a positive
serta memberikan kontribusi positif bagi lingkungan
contribution to their surrounding environment.
sekitarnya. Malam Apresiasi Astra Untuk Anak Bangsa “SATU
Astra Appreciation Night for Youth of the Nation “SATU
Indonesia Awards 2012” dihelat pada 24 Oktober 2012
Indonesia Award 2012” held on October 24, 2012 in
di Jakarta.
PT Astra International Tbk memberikan apresiasi senilai Rp
PT Astra International Tbk has granted appreciation worth
55 Juta kepada lima penerima apresiasi SATU Indonesia
Rp 55 million to the five winners of appreciation SATU
Awards 2012, yaitu:
Indonesia Awards 2012, namely:
• Eko Cahyono (Malang) “Pembebas Buta Huruf”:
• Eko Cahyono (Malang) “Literacy Liberator”:
Mengembangkan jaringan 26 perpustakaan desa
Develop a network of 26 village libraries in Malang,
di Kabupaten Malang, yang juga menjadi tempat
which also become the place for community members
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
belajar berbagai keterampilan mulai dari komputer,
to learn a variety of skills ranging from computers,
menjahit, sampai tanaman obat tradisional, selain
sewing, to traditional medicinal plants, as well as
kursus baca-tulis.
literacy courses.
• Dharma Sucipto (Gresik) “Penggiat Jajanan
• Dharma Sucipto (Gresik) (Gresik) “Healthy “Healthy Snacks Snacks
Mengembangkan berbagai resep makanan tradisional
Developing a variety of traditional recipes that can
yang dapat diproduksi dari hasil kebun sendiri serta
be produced in your own garden and promote it as
mempromosikannya sebagai jajanan sehat untuk
a healthy snack for students in schools.
siswa di sekolah-sekolah. • Rosmiati (Riau) “Penggerak Kesehatan Ibu dan
• Rosmiati (Riau) “Promoting Maternal and Child
Mengembangkan program Tabungan Ibu Bersalin
Developing Savings for Maternity and Health Fund
dan Dana Sehat untuk membantu warga yang
program to assist residents in need of treatment and
memerlukan pengobatan dan terutama ibu-ibu yang
especially for expectant mothers in a location with
hendak bersalin, di lokasi yang sangat minim fasilitas
very minimal public health facilities.
kesehatan masyarakat. • Harianto Albar (Makassar) “Pencetus Terang
• Harianto Albar (Makassar) “Village Light
Merintis pembangunan instalasi kincir air pembangkit
Pioneering the construction waterwheel electricity
listrik (mini hidro) dengan swadaya masyarakat
generating plant (mini hydro) with community
sehingga penduduk di dusun terpencil Ampiri, Desa
participation so that people in remote areas such as
Bacu-Bacu, Kabupaten Barru, Makassar kini dapat
the hamlet of Ampiri, Bacu-Bacu Village, Barru Regency
menikmati manfaat listrik.
in Makassar can enjoy the benefit of electricity.
• Noviyanto (Boyolali) “Penggagas Pabrik Keju”
• Noviyanto (Boyolali) “ Cheese Factory Founder”
Mendirikan Koperasi Unit Desa yang kemudian
Establishing Village Cooperative Unit that developed
mengembangkan pabrik keju skala kecil - yang
a small-scale cheese factory, which was the first in
pertama di Boyolali - sehingga membantu kestabilan
Boyolali, and thus help to stabilize the market for
pasar bagi petani peternak di sentra penghasil susu
dairy cow farmers in the largest milk production
sapi terbesar di Jawa Tengah tersebut.
center in Central Java.
Malam Apresiasi Astra Untuk Anak Bangsa “SATU Indonesia Awards 2012” Appreciation Night of Astra for Nation’s sons and daughters “SATU Indonesia Awards 2012”
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Portfolio Roadmap Portfolio Roadmap
Dengan 170 perusahaan dan 185.580 karyawan, aktivitas bisnis Astra menyentuh kehidupan jutaan orang pengguna produk dan layanannya. With 170 companies and 185,580 employees, Astra’s business activities impacted the lives of millions of people who benefit its products and services.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Ikhtisar Keuangan
[EC 1][EC 8][EC 9]
Financial Highlights
Dalam miliar Rupiah
Ikhtisar Keuangan Konsolidasian Laporan Laba Rugi Pendapatan Bersih
Statements of Income 188,053
Net Revenue
Laba Bruto
Gross Profit
Laba Bersih*
Net Income*
Total Assets
Jumlah Liabilitas
Total Liabilities
Jumlah Ekuitas
Neraca Jumlah Aset
Balance Sheets
Laporan Arus Kas
Total Equity Statements of Cash Flows
Pembayaran kepada pemasok
Payments to suppliers
Pembayaran kepada karyawan
Payments to employees
Penerimaan dari pelanggan
Receipt from customers
Pembayaran pajak penghasilan badan
Payments of corporate income tax
Pembayaran untuk aktivitas operasi lainnya
Payments for other operating activities
Arus kas bersih yang diperoleh dari aktivitas operasi Pengeluaran modal bersih Investasi bersih Dividen kas yang diterima
Penerimaan/(pembayaran) utang
Net investment
Dividend received
Net Capital Expenditure
Payments for other investing activities
Net cash flows used in investing activities
Net proceed/(repayment) of debt
Interest payment
Dividend payment
Net proceed/(payments) for other financing activities
Net cash flow used in financing activities
(1,746) 588
Kenaikan/(penurunan) bersih kas
Kas pada awal tahun
Dampak perubahan selisih kurs Kas pada akhir tahun
Net cash flows provided from operating activities
Penerimaan/(pembayaran) untuk aktivitas pendanaan lainnya Arus kas bersih yang digunakan untuk aktivitas pendanaan
Pembayaran bunga Pembayaran dividen
Pembayaran untuk aktivitas investasi lainnya Arus kas bersih yang digunakan untuk aktivitas investasi
(72) 7,093
* Laba bersih yang diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk.
In billions of Rupiah
Consolidated Financial Highlights
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
100 (6,054) 486
Cash at beginning year
Exchange rate adjustment
(527) 8,738
Increase/(decrease) in cash
Cash at end year * Profit attributable to owners of the parent.
Kontribusi Ekonomi
Economic Contribution
Pada tahun 2012, Astra kembali mencatat kinerja yang
In 2012, Astra once again recorded a highly satisfactory
sangat memuaskan. Nilai pendapatan bersih meningkat
performance. Net sales increased by 16% to Rp 188.1
sebesar 16% menjadi Rp 188,1 triliun, diikuti dengan
trillion, followed by an increase in net income to
peningkatan laba bersih menjadi Rp 19,4 triliun, naik
Rp 19.4 trillion, up 9% from the previous year. Our market
9% dari tahun sebelumnya. Nilai kapitalisasi saham yang
capitalization reached Rp 307.7 trillion at the end of
mencapai Rp 307,7 triliun di akhir tahun 2012, dengan
2012, with an increase in total assets of Rp 28 trillion to
kenaikan total aset sebesar Rp 28 triliun menjadi Rp 182,3
Rp 182.3 trillion, which suggests that Astra continues to
triliun, menunjukkan bahwa Astra terus berkembang dan
evolve and grow with a solid performance. Sustainable
tumbuh dengan solid. Pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan
growth and responsibilities have been the commitment of
dan bertanggung jawab telah menjadi komitmen Astra
Astra in line with our Catur Dharma philosophy. [EC 1]
sebagaimana tertuang dalam filosofi Catur Dharma. [EC 1] Prestasi tersebut bukanlah hasil akhir dari perjuangan
This achievement is not merely the end result of our
dalam rangka meraih keuntungan besar semata, namun
striving to make greater profits, but more than that, it
lebih dari itu, Astra dapat memberikan dampak positif
reflects on our continuing efforts to provide a positive
yang lebih bagi peningkatan ekonomi seluruh pemangku
impact to improve the economy for all stakeholders in
kepentingan seiring dengan pertumbuhannya. Astra
line with our growth. Astra recognizes the importance
menyadari pentingnya keterlibatan dan peran serta
of involvement and participation of all stakeholders in
setiap pemangku kepentingan dalam menciptakan nilai
the value creation that is able to support the growth of
tambah yang mampu mendukung pertumbuhan Astra.
Astra. Therefore, stakeholders will always be an essential
Oleh karena itu, pemangku kepentingan akan selalu
element for Astra. Contribution of economic value to
menjadi elemen penting bagi Astra. Kontribusi nilai
the local communities not only provided through the
ekonomi terhadap masyarakat sekitar tidak hanya Astra
implementation of its CSR programs, but also from
berikan melalui pelaksanaan program CSR, namun juga
business operations particularly towards employees,
dari operasional bisnis khususnya terhadap karyawan,
suppliers and the government. [DMA EC]
pemasok dan pemerintah. [DMA EC]
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Jumlah Karyawan Astra Group Number of Employee at Astra Group
Pembayaran Karyawan (Rp milliar) Employee Expenses (Rp billion)
168,703 126,700
Pada akhir tahun 2012, jumlah karyawan Grup Astra
At the end of 2012, Astra Group had a total of 185,580
telah mencapai 185.580 orang yang tersebar di 170
employees in 170 companies, including subsidiaries,
perusahaan, termasuk anak perusahaan, perusahaan
associate companies and jointly controlled entities. This
asosiasi dan entitas pengendali bersama. Besarnya
large number of employees is evidence that Astra is one
jumlah karyawan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Astra
of the largest national companies and contributes to
merupakan salah satu perusahaan nasional terbesar
develop the nation’s economy by creating a continuous
yang telah ikut membangun perekonomian bangsa
stream of job opportunities. Astra realizes that employees
dengan terus menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan. Astra
form an integral part of business success over the
menyadari bahwa karyawan adalah bagian yang tidak
years; hence, employee welfare is a top priority for
terpisahkan dari keberhasilan usaha selama ini, sehingga
the Company. A total of Rp 10.4 trillion was provided
kesejahteraan karyawan menjadi prioritas utama bagi
by Astra to employees for payment of salaries and
perusahaan. Sejumlah Rp 10,4 triliun telah diberikan
other benefits during 2012. This amount was a 20%
Astra kepada karyawan dalam bentuk pembayaran
increase to last year’s figure of Rp 8.6 trillion. To support
gaji maupun dalam bentuk benefit karyawan lainnya
competency building and personal development of
selama tahun 2012. Jumlah tersebut meningkat sebesar
employees, Astra continues to provide training and
20% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya yaitu Rp 8,6
education opportunities. Costs allocated to training and
triliun. Untuk menunjang pengembangan kompetensi
education of employees during the year 2012 reached
dan pembentukan karyawan, Astra senantiasa
Rp 326 billion, up 8% over the previous year. [LA 3]
memberikan kesempatan training dan pendidikan bagi
[LA 8]
karyawannya. Biaya yang dialokasikan untuk pendidikan dan training karyawan selama tahun 2012 mencapai Rp 326 miliar, naik 8% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. [LA 3] [LA 8]
6,868 4,945
145,154 116,038
Biaya Pendidikan & Training (Rp milliar) Training & Education Expenses (Rp billion)
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Suppliers Pembayaran kepada Pemasok (Rp milliar) Payment to Suppliers (Rp billion) 170,132 138,291 116,189 81,155
Laju usaha Astra juga turut menggerakkan laju usaha
Astra’s progress in business activity similarly drives the
mitra bisnisnya, yaitu pemasok. Selama tahun 2012,
businesses run by partners, that is, the suppliers. During
secara riil biaya operasional sebesar Rp 170,1 triliun telah
2012, actual operating costs in the amount of Rp 170.1
dibayarkan kepada pemasok perusahaan, meningkat
trillion were paid to suppliers, increasing 23% from
23% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp 138,3
the previous year’s amount of Rp 138.3 trillion. Astra
triliun. Astra sangat memahami peran pemasok yang
completely understands the very fundamental role of
amat fundamental dalam rantai usaha yang dijalankan,
suppliers in its operational value chain. Therefore, Astra
oleh karenanya Astra senantiasa menjaga kelancaran
constantly ensures smooth business relationships with
hubungan usaha dengan pemasok dengan melaksanakan
suppliers by performing periodic evaluations to monitor
evaluasi berkala untuk memantau ketetapan waktu
timeliness of supplier payments. [EC 6]
pembayaran kepada pemasok. [EC 6]
Government Pembayaran Pajak kepada Pemerintah (Rp milliar) Tax Payment to the Government (Rp billion) 5,688 4,373
4,826 4,177
Selain dari pembayaran kepada karyawan dan pemasok,
Apart from payments to employees and suppliers,
nilai ekonomi yang berhasil didistribusikan adalah dalam
another form of economic value distributed is taxes
bentuk pajak yang dibayarkan kepada pemerintah.
paid to the government. During 2012, Astra made
Sepanjang tahun 2012 ini, Astra telah membayar pajak
tax payments to the government amounting to Rp 5.7
kepada pemerintah sebesar Rp 5,7 triliun, naik 36%
trillion, up 36% from tax payment of Rp 4.2 trillion in
dibanding tahun 2011 senilai Rp 4,2 triliun sebagai bentuk
2011, as Astra’s contribution in boosting state revenues.
kontribusi Astra dalam meningkatkan pendapatan negara.
[EC 1] [EC 8]
[EC 1] [EC 8]
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Manajemen Vendor Vendor Management
Membina Pemasok Berkualitas
Developing Qualitied Suppliers
Keberadaan pemasok atau sub-kontraktor adalah bagian
The existence of a supplier or sub-contractor is an important
penting mata rantai nilai dalam proses bisnis Astra. Astra
part in the value chain of Astra business processes. Astra
melakukan pengelolaan pemasok untuk melindungi
manage its suppliers in order to protect its business
kepentingan bisnisnya dengan menjaga kualitas pasokan
interests by maintaining the supply of quality goods and
barang dan jasa serta untuk mengelola dampak lingkungan
services, as well as to manage the environmental and social
dan sosial yang timbul. Pengelolaan pemasok juga ditujukan
impacts that arise. Supplier management is also intended
untuk memastikan terpenuhinya hak-hak pemasok sesuai
to ensure the rights of the supplier in accordance with the
dengan kesepakatan kontraktual dan etika bisnis.
contractual agreement and business ethics.
Kebijakan pengelolaan pemasok dilaksanakan secara
The implementation of supplier management policy
konsisten oleh anak perusahaan sejak proses pemilihan
is consistently conducted by the subsidiaries since the
yang dilakukan berdasarkan prinsip kesetaraan perlakuan
appointment process based on the principle of equality and
dan keterbukaan, sesuai dengan standar dan kriteria yang
transparency, in accordance with Astra standards and criteria
ditetapkan Astra atas produk dan jasa. Selama masa
of products and services. Throughout the cooperation, Astra
kerja sama Astra melakukan pembinaan, pemantauan
conducted training, monitoring and evaluation of supplier
dan evaluasi pemasok dilakukan secara periodik untuk
periodically to measure the performance of the supplier
mengukur kinerja pemasok berdasarkan indikator kualitas,
based on indicators such as; quality, cost, delivery, and
biaya, pengiriman dan LK3. Temuan dari proses ini menjadi
SHE. Findings from this process became the basis for the
dasar perbaikan bagi pemasok dan menjadi pertimbangan
improvement of supplier and into consideration to establish
untuk menetapkan kelanjutan atau penyesuaian kerja
the continuity or adjustment of cooperation with suppliers
sama dengan pemasok di akhir kontrak. [EC 6]
at the end of the contract. [EC 6]
Untuk menumbuhkembangkan wirausaha di Indonesia,
To develop entrepreneurship in Indonesia, Astra actively
Astra aktif melakukan pembinaan terhadap pemasok segmen
provides training to suppliers in the small and medium
Usaha kecil dan Menengah (UKM) yang diselenggarakan
enterprises (SMEs) sector organized by Yayasan Dharma
melalui Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA). Pembinaan
Bhakti Astra (YDBA). Assistance provided by YDBA for
yang dilakukan YDBA bagi UKM yang memasok anak
SMEs that act as supplier to Astra’s subsidiaries is in
perusahaan adalah berupa bantuan modal, pembinaan
the form of working capital assistance, technical and
teknis maupun manajerial termasuk dalam pengelolaan
managerial training, including the management of
dampak lingkungan dan sosial yang timbul saat operasi;
environmental and social impact from the operation; thus
dengan demikian UKM Binaan Astra menjadi lebih mampu
SMEs trained by Astra are able to compete with the more
bersaing dengan pemasok yang lebih mapan.
established suppliers.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Aktivitas produksi di UKM binaan YDBA & Subkontraktor Grup Astra Production activity in SME developed by YDBA & subcontractors of Astra Group
Di bidang otomotif dan alat berat, YDBA memberikan
In the field of automotive and heavy equipment, YDBA
pembinaan kepada UKM Subkon dan bengkel kendaraan
provides guidance to sub-contractor SMEs and workshops
Roda-2 maupun Roda-4 dengan tujuan utama untuk
for 2-wheel and 4-wheel vehicle, with the primary
meningkatkan Quality, Cost, Delivery & Innovation
objective of improving aspects of Quality, Cost, Delivery
& Innovation (QCDI).
Pembinaan kepada UKM Subkon otomotif dan
Guidance to SME sub-contractors in automotive and heavy
alat berat dilakukan bekerja sama dengan grup
equipment is conducted in collaboration with Astra’s
manufaktur Astra antara lain PT Astra Honda Motor
manufacturing group companies, among others, PT Astra
(AHM), PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM), PT Toyota Motor
Honda Motor (AHM), PT Toyota Astra Motor/PT Toyota
Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN), PT Astra Daihatsu
Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TAM/TMMIN), PT Astra
Motor (ADM), PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia (IAMI),
Daihatsu Motor (ADM), PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia
PT Astra Multi Truck Indonesia (AMTI), Grup Astra Otopart
(IAMI) and PT Astra Multi Truck Indonesia (ANDI), Astra
(AOP), PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering (UTPE)
Otopart (AOP) with PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering
dan Komatsu Indonesia (KI). Melalui pembinaan teknik
(UTPE) and Komatsu Indonesia (KI). Through engineering
dan manajemen, UKM Subkon secara bertahap mampu
and management training, these sub-contractor SMEs
meningkatkan level QCDI dan kinerja sehingga menjadi
are progressively able to increase the QCDI level and
mitra kerja yang handal.
performance and become a reliable business partner.
Salah satu keberhasilan pembinaan YDBA adalah
One of the successes of YDBA training was the realization
terwujudnya UKM Subkon Mandiri yang secara akumulasi
of SME Subkon Mandiri program, which since 2009 and
sejak 2009 dilakukan penilaian sampai dengan tahun
up to 2012 has provided assistance to 61 SMEs to become
2012 berjumlah 61 UKM. Setelah mendapatkan predikat
independent. After receiving a Mandiri (independent)
mandiri, subkon dimaksud tidak lagi memperoleh
status, the respective sub-contractor SMEs no longer
pembinaan secara intensif. Yang diberikan hanya sebatas
receive intensive training. YDBA assistance is limited to
konsultasi dan pemberian informasi.
consultation and information.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Langkah ini dilakukan dengan maksud memberikan
This initiative is conducted with the intention of providing
kesempatan yang sama kepada subkon-subkon baru
equal opportunities to new sub-contractors with the
yang juga berpotensi untuk menjadi binaan YDBA. Dari
potential to be developed by YDBA. From 244 SME sub-
244 UKM Subkon yang dibina oleh YDBA dan Grup
contractors assisted by YDBA and Astra Group, as many
Astra telah diserap sebanyak 26.555 orang tenaga kerja.
as 26,555 workers have been employed. This number is
Jumlah tersebut meningkat 13% dari tahun 2011 yang
an increase of 13% from 2011, which stand at 23,776
berjumlah 23.776 orang. [EC 9]
people. [EC 9]
PT United Tractors Tbk - SubContractor Safety Management System
PT United Tractors Tbk - SubContractor Safety Management System
PT United Tractors Tbk (UT), anak perusahaan Astra dan
United Tractors (UT), a subsidiary of Astra, and distributor
distributor alat berat Komatsu, mengimplementasikan Sub-
of Komatsu heavy equipment implemented the Sub-
Contractor Safety Management System di Site Adaro, salah
Contractor Safety Management System at Site Adaro,
satu lokasi operasional UT di Kalimantan Selatan. Sistem
one of UT’s operations in South Kalimantan. The system
tersebut diterapkan untuk memperbaiki kinerja Kesehatan,
was implemented to improve the performance of the
Keselamatan Kerja & Lingkungan Hidup (K3LH) melalui
Environment, Health, & Safety (EHS) through auditing
metode audit serta sistem reward & punishment terhadap
methods, as well as a reward and punishment system
para sub-kontraktor di wilayah kerja Site Adaro. Melalui
against the sub-contractor in the work line of Site Adaro.
cara pembinaan ini, tingkat insiden kecelakaan kerja yang
Through this training method, the level of incidence
bersumber dari aktivitas sub-kontraktor di UT Site Adaro
of accidents arising from sub-contractors’ activities in
telah terlihat menurun, baik dari sisi keparahan maupun
UT Site Adaro has been reduced, both in terms of the
jumlah insiden. Sub-kontraktor juga diuntungkan dari
severity as well as number of incidents. Subcontractors
sisi peningkatan kapabilitas mereka untuk bekerja dalam
also benefited through the improvement in their ability to
lingkungan yang menerapkan standar keselamatan kerja
work in an environment that applies exacting standards
yang tinggi. [HR 2] [PR 2]
of work safety. [HR 2] [PR 5]
PT Astra Honda Motor - Supply Chain Risk Management
PT Astra Honda Motor - Supply Chain Risk Management
Anak perusahaan Astra dan produsen sepeda motor
Astra’s subsidiary and manufacturer of Honda motorcycles,
Honda, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM), melakukan
PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM), conducted an integrated
pembinaan pemasok secara terintegrasi melalui
supplier development program through the Supply Chain
sistem Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM), untuk
Risk Management (SCRM) system in order to ensure the
menjamin kelangsungan pasokan pada waktu dan jumlah
continuity of supply at the right time and number with the
yang tepat dengan kualitas yang memenuhi standar
standard quality set by the company. The comprehensive
perusahaan. Mekanisme SCRM yang komprehensif
SCRM mechanisms start from the examination of the
mulai dari tahap pemeriksaan proses produksi, proses
production process and materials used in the factory
pengiriman dan bahan-bahan yang digunakan di pabrik
of the potential supplier, trial manufacturing products,
pemasok, serta meminimalkan berbagai risiko yang
to supplier agreements that are periodically evaluated
mungkin timbul dalam hubungan kerja sama bisnis antara
towards strict criterias, and also serves to minimize the
pemasok dan AHM, termasuk memastikan terpenuhinya
risks that may arise in relation to business partnership
persyaratan regulasi terkait lingkungan, keselamatan dan
between suppliers and AHM, including ensuring
kesehatan kerja. Pada tahun 2012, AHM memproduksi
compliance of regulatory requirements related to the
sekitar 4,1 juta unit sepeda motor Honda, dengan
environment, heath and safety. In 2012, AHM produced
tingkat kandungan komponen lokal sekitar 98%, dan
approximately 4.1 million units of Honda motorcycles,
melibatkan sekitar 132 pemasok komponen maupun
with about 98% local components, and involving the
layanan lainnya. [PR 5]
activities of 132 suppliers of components and other services. [PR 5]
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Kepuasan Pelanggan Customer Satisfaction
Mengedepankan Kepuasan Pelanggan
Prioritizing Customer Satisfaction
Konsumen dari berbagai lapisan masyarakat menikmati
Consumer from all walks of life enjoy the range of
beragam produk dan jasa yang dihasilkan oleh Grup Astra,
products and services produced by Astra Group, which
mulai dari produk otomotif, layanan jasa perbankan dan
extends from automotive products, banking and
keuangan, sampai pada komoditas sumber daya alam
financial services, to the natural resource commodities
dan layanan teknologi informasi. Kepercayaan dari
and information technology services. The customer’s
para pelanggan dan pengguna produk dan jasa Astra
confidence in Astra’s products and services is one of
tersebut merupakan salah satu faktor yang menopang
the determine factors of Astra’s sustained success until
keberhasilan Astra sampai dengan saat ini. Sesuai dengan
today. In accordance with the Catur Dharma philosophy
filosofi Catur Dharma untuk “Memberikan Pelayanan
“Providing the Best Services to Customers,” Astra
yang Terbaik bagi Pelanggan”, Astra berkomitmen untuk
commited to always prioritize customer satisfaction in
senantiasa mengedepankan kepuasan pelanggan dalam
order to ensure Astra’s sustainability into the future.
rangka memastikan keberlanjutan eksistensi Astra di
masa mendatang. [DMA PR]
Produk Otomotif yang Bermutu
Qualified Automotive Product
Bisnis otomotif merupakan segmen bisnis utama Astra
Automotive business is the main business segment for
yang berkontribusi 53% pada total pendapatan usaha
Astra, which contributed 53% to total revenues in 2012.
Astra di tahun 2012. Sekitar 605.000 unit kendaraan
Approximately 605,000 units of 4-wheel vehicles and
roda-4 dan hampir 4,1 juta unit kendaraan roda-2
almost 4.1 million of 2-wheelers produced by Astra were
produksi Astra terjual pada tahun tersebut, yang
sold last year, reflecting a market share of approximately
mencerminkan penguasaan pangsa pasar masing-masing
54.4% and 58%, respectively. It would be impossible
sekitar 54,4% dan 58%. Posisi Astra yang dominan
for Astra to reach a dominant position in the domestic
di industri otomotif domestik tersebut tentunya tidak
automotive industry as it is, without the added value
mungkin tercapai tanpa adanya nilai lebih yang diperoleh
obtained by the customers of Astra automotive-related
pengguna produk otomotif Astra terkait kualitas produk
products towards its quality and service. [2.7]
maupun layanan terkait lainnya. [2.7]
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Komitmen Astra pada kepuasan pelanggan dimulai
Astra’s commitment to customer satisfaction starts even
bahkan sejak sebelum pelanggan membeli produk
before the customer purchase an Astra automotive
otomotif Astra. Informasi yang memadai, terinci dan
product. Adequate, detailed and accurate information
akurat mengenai produk yang diminati dapat diperoleh
on the products that are of interest can be obtained
dengan mudah dari para tenaga penjual Astra maupun
clearly from Astra salespeople, product brochures,
dari brosur produk, iklan dan materi promosi lainnya.
advertisements and other promotional materials. Clarity
Kejelasan informasi produk dapat mencegah adanya
of product information can prevent misinterpretation
kesalahpahaman dalam persepsi ataupun ekspektasi
of customer’s perception or expectation of the product.
konsumen terhadap produk yang bersangkutan. Sesuai
According to the regulations, any Astra automotive
ketentuan yang berlaku, setiap produk otomotif Astra
product also includes manual book for maintenance and
juga dilengkapi dengan buku panduan penggunaan,
product information. [DMA PR] [PR 3]
pemeliharaan dan informasi produk. [DMA PR] [PR 3] Upaya untuk menjaga kualitas produk dan layanan terkait
The efforts to maintain the quality of products and related
dilakukan di sepanjang mata rantai bisnis otomotif Astra,
services is conducted along the value chain of Astra
mulai dari pembinaan pemasok dan sub-kontraktor,
automotive business, ranging from the development
proses manufaktur dan perakitan dengan kontrol kualitas
of suppliers and sub-contractors, manufacturing and
yang ketat, sampai pada kemudahan untuk memperoleh
assembly process with quality control, to the ease of
pembiayaan bagi pembelian kendaraan bermotor serta
obtaining finance for the purchase of motor vehicles and
layanan pasca-penjualan. Astra juga terus mendorong
post-sales service. Astra also continues to encourage the
berbagai inovasi fitur produk yang dapat menambah
range of innovative product features that can add comfort
kenyamanan ataupun keamanan berkendara. Salah
or safety. For instance, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) adds
satunya, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) menambahkan
parking brake lock and side stand switch feature on all
fitur parking brake lock dan side stand switch pada semua
variants of Honda matic type motorcycles produced. The
varian motor Honda type matic yang diproduksinya.
parking brake lock feature is intended to minimize the
Parking brake lock meminimalkan risiko kendaraan selip
risk of vehicle skid or slide while to stopping in uphill or
atau meluncur saat harus berhenti di jalan yang menanjak
downhill position while the side stand switch prevents
atau menurun, sementara side stand switch mencegah
the machine to turn on when the side stand switch of the
mesin dinyalakan apabila standar samping motor belum
motorcycle has not been raised. Both of these features
dinaikkan. Kedua fitur tersebut membantu melindungi
help to protect the rider from injury. [PR 1] [PR 3]
pengendara dari cedera. [PR 1] [PR 3]
Toyota Indonesia semakin Diperhitungkan di Pasar Otomotif Global
Toyota Indonesia to be reckoned with in the Global Automotive Market
Keberhasilan pencapaian rekor penjualan di atas
The success in achieving record sales of over 400,000
400.000 unit di pasar otomotif nasional sepanjang 2012,
units in the national automotive market throughout
menempatkan Toyota Indonesia di posisi empat besar
2012, has placed Toyota Indonesia in the top four as the
sebagai kontributor terbesar penjualan Toyota global,
largest contributor to Toyota’s global sales, outside of the
di luar pasar Jepang. Presiden Direktur PT Toyota Astra
Japanese market. President Director of PT Toyota Astra
Motor, Johnny Darmawan, menyebutkan pencapaian
Motor, Johnny Darmawan, said that Toyota Indonesia
yang dicatatkan Toyota Indonesia sepanjang tahun lalu
achievements recorded over the past year will make
akan membuat posisi Indonesia semakin diperhitungkan
Indonesia to be reckoned in the global automotive market
di tataran pasar otomotif global. Pencapaian gemilang
level. Glorious achievement of the year 2012 become
sepanjang tahun 2012 ini semakin bermakna karena
more meaningful because of the position of Indonesia
posisi Indonesia dianggap semakin penting bagi Toyota
is considered increasingly important for Toyota global in
global dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dan kepuasan
fulfilling the needs and satisfaction of customers towards
pelanggan terhadap produk Toyota.
Toyota products.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Astra Senantiasa Memberikan Pelayanan Terbaik bagi Pelanggan Astra strives at all times to provide excellent services to customers
Menghadirkan Customer Delight [PR 6]
Introducing Customer Delight [PR 6]
Bagi konsumen kendaraan roda-4 Astra khususnya, Astra
For consumers of 4-wheel vehicles in particular, Astra
memiliki AstraWorld yang menyediakan layanan mulai
has AstraWorld that provide services ranging from
dari konsultasi untuk pembelian kendaraan baru, asuransi
consultation for the purchase of new vehicles, insurance
dan pembiayaan, sampai pada informasi pemeliharaan
and financing, to the routine maintenance information
rutin dan bantuan darurat di jalan (Emergency Roadside
and emergency assistance on the road (Emergency
Assistance/ERA). Sejak tahun 2012, armada ERA telah
Roadside Assistance / ERA). Since 2012, the ERA fleet has
dilengkapi dengan perangkat Global Positioning System
equipped with the Global Positioning System (GPS) for
(GPS) untuk kapabilitas Automated Vehicle Locator,
the Automated Vehicle Locator capabilities; thus it can
sehingga dapat lebih efektif dalam melayani pelanggan
be more effective in serving AstraWorld customers who
AstraWorld yang membutuhkan bantuan ERA. AstraWorld
need ERA assistance. AstraWorld also has launched a new
juga telah meresmikan fasilitas contact center yang baru
contact center facility in Central Jakarta, to strengthen
di Jakarta Pusat, untuk memperkuat operasional contact
the existing operational contact center located at Sunter,
center yang ada saat ini di Sunter, Jakarta. Selain contact
Jakarta. In addition to the contact center, AstraWorld
center, AstraWorld mengoperasikan 9 kantor wilayah
operates 9 regional offices with operation coverage in
dengan cakupan area operasional di 13 kota besar di
13 cities major cities throughout Indonesia. AstraWorld
Indonesia serta berinteraksi dengan pelanggan Astra
also interacts with Astra customers through customer
melalui ajang customer gathering maupun program-
gathering and customer appreciation programs.
program customer appreciation lain.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Dalam rangka menjalin hubungan yang erat dengan
In order to maintain a close relationship with customers,
pelanggan, komitmen Astra juga diwujudkan dengan
Astra’s commitment is also manifested by the engagement
keterlibatan bersama pelanggan pada event spesial. Pada
with customers on specific events. On the Lebaran
masa libur mudik lebaran 2012, PT Astra Honda Motor
holiday season in 2012, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM)
menghadirkan “Mudik Bareng dan Balik Bareng Honda”,
organized the “Mudik Bareng dan Balik Bareng Honda”
dimana AHM memberangkatkan pemudik motor dengan
program, where AHM send off motorcycle riders with
bus di sepanjang jalur Semarang – Yogyakarta yang
buses along the Semarang – Yogyakarta route section,
menjadi titik lelah pemudik dan jalur rawan kecelakaan
where motorcycle riders usually get tired and thus prone
kendaraan bermotor. Selain itu, untuk memberikan
to become involved in accidents. In addition, to provide
kenyamanan dan tempat istirahat bagi para pemudik, di
comfort and a resting place for the travelers, along the
sepanjang jalur mudik Lampung – Bali didirikan 23 Bale
route of Lampung – Bali, Astra established 23 Honda
Santai Honda. Layanan servis motor bagi pemudik dari
Rest Areas. Motorcycle services for Honda motorcycle
konsumen AHM juga tetap terjaga dengan dibukanya
travelers were also maintained with the operation of
2207 bengkel AHASS dan 40 unit Honda CARE (Customer
2,207 AHAASS workshops and 40 units of Honda CARE
Assistance and Road Emergency) selama masa libur
(Customer Assistance and Emergency Road) during the
lebaran. [PR 5] [PR 6]
Lebaran holidays. [PR 5] [PR 6]
Penghargaan yang Diterima [2.10]
Awards Received [2.10]
AstraWorld: Penghargaan di kategori ‘Best Green Contact
AstraWorld: Awards in the category ‘Best Green Contact
Center’ dalam ajang Contact Center World Awards 2012
Center’ at the Contact Center World Awards 2012
yang diselenggarakan oleh Contact Center World.
organized by Contact Center World.
PT Astra Honda Motor: Nilai Customer Satisfaction Level
PT Astra Honda Motor: Assessment of Customer
(CSL) 4.03/5.00 untuk kepuasan pelanggan terhadap
Satisfaction Level (CSL) 4.03/5.00 for customer satisfaction
produk motor Honda dan nilai Customer Satisfaction
towards Honda products and the value of Customer
Index nomor 1 dibandingkan dengan kompetitor.
Satisfaction Index number 1 compared to competitors.
PT Asuransi Astra Buana (AAB): Garda Oto, salah satu
PT Asuransi Astra Buana (AAB): Garda Oto, one of the
produk unggulan AAB, meraih Total Satisfaction Score
AAB flagship product, reached Total Satisfaction Score of
sebesar 4,354, tertinggi dalam kategori asuransi mobil,
4.354, the highest in the category of car insurance, at
dalam ajang Indonesian Customer Satisfaction Award
the Indonesian Customer Satisfaction Award (ICSA) 2012
(ICSA) 2012 yang diselenggarakan oleh Majalah SWA
organized by SWA and Fortune Magazine.
dan Fortune. PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) kembali meraih
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) received another
penghargaan bergengsi dari J.D. Power Asia Pacific
prestigious recognition from J.D. Power Asia Pacific by
setelah berhasil menempati pertama dalam indeks
placing first rank in the customer satisfaction index at the
kepuasan pelanggan saat melakukan proses pembelian
point of vehicle purchase process.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
• PT Astra Daihatsu Motor meraih penghargaan J.D. Power Asia Pasific untuk Kepuasan Pelanggan (kiri) PT Astra daihatsu Motor gets an award for Customer Satisfaction from J.D. Power Asia Pacific (left) • PT Astra Honda Motor Menggelar Mudik Bareng Honda (kanan) PT Astra Honda Motor organizes a Lebaran homecoming program (right)
Tanggap Terhadap Keluhan Pelanggan [PR 8]
Responsive to Customer Complaints [PR 8]
Astra menyadari bahwa kepercayaan pelanggan
Astra recognize that customer confidence is a foremost
merupakan syarat utama agar dapat meraih kesuksesan
requirement in order to achieve success and maintain business
bisnis dan menjaga keberlangsungan usaha. Oleh
continuity. To maintain customer confidence, the ability of
karenanya, untuk menjaga kepercayaan pelanggan
responsiveness to customer complaints is one of the most
Astra selalu terbuka bagi komunikasi dengan para
important elements, additionally to the quality of the product or
pelanggannya dalam menyampaikan keluhan ataupun
service itself. Therefore, Astra has always open to communicate
memberikan masukan, kritik maupun saran melalui
with the customer in sharing complaint or provide feedback,
layanan customer service di tiap outlet Astra, telepon
criticism and suggestions via Astra customer service at each
hotline ke call center Astra, media cetak dan elektronik
outlet and telephone hotline to Astra call centers, through the
(online) ataupun dengan surat elektronik ke milis
print media and electronic media (online), or with electronic
Corporate Communication Astra.
mail to Astra Corporate Communications mailing list.
Total keluhan pelanggan untuk Grup Astra pada tahun
Total customer complaints for Astra Group in 2012
2012 tercatat 147 kasus, menurun 8,1% dari 160 kasus
recorded 147 cases, down 8.1% from the 160 cases
pada tahun 2011. Sampai dengan akhir tahun 2012,
in 2011. Until the end of 2012, all the cases has been
seluruh kasus tersebut telah selesai ditangani dengan baik
handled properly and completed by the respective
oleh masing-masing unit bisnis yang bersangkutan.
business unit concerned.
Surat Pembaca Tahun 2010, 2011 & 2012* Customer Voice in 2010, 2011 and 2012 208 160 131
75 76 56 39
2010 38
29 25
2011 2012
Media Cetak
Media Online
Corcomm Mills
Data dihimpun berdasarkan surat pembaca yang masuk dari monitoring media yang dilakukan Corporate Communications PT Astra International Tbk. Data collected by the incoming letters from readers in the media monitoring by Corporate Communications of PT Astra International Tbk.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
People Roadmap People Roadmap
Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia adalah faktor pembeda yang utama bagi suksesnya sebuah perusahaan, bahkan bagi kemajuan suatu bangsa. The quality of Human Resources is the primary differentiator that decides the success of a business entity, or even the progress of a nation.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Sumber Daya Manusia Human Capital
Membangun ikatan yang kuat dengan karyawan adalah fokus pengembangan SDM Kami
Building a strong bond with employees is the focus of Our human resources development.
Bagi Astra, sumber daya manusia (SDM) merupakan faktor
For Astra, human resources (HR) are the key factors that
penting yang membedakan Astra dengan organisasi bisnis
distinguishing Astra from other business organizations.
lainnya. Dalam dunia usaha, kekuatan yang dimiliki dalam
In the corporate world, the strength of the company in
hal modal keuangan, strategi bisnis ataupun teknologi,
terms of financial capital, business strategy or technology,
tidak akan berarti banyak tanpa adanya SDM yang
will not mean much without the human resources that
memiliki kualitas kepribadian, kompetensi profesional
have the personal qualities, professional competence or
ataupun kapabilitas kepemimpinan yang unggul.
excellent leadership capability.
Pada Visi Astra 2020, pengembangan SDM ditujukan untuk
In Astra Vision 2020, the development of human resources
menjadikan Astra sebagai ‘The Most Preferred Company to
aims to make Astra as ‘The Most Preferred Company to
Work for’ dengan rencana strategis pengembangan yang
Work for’ with strategic development plan established
dituangkan dalam People Roadmap. People Roadmap
in the People Roadmap. Astra People Roadmap is
Astra adalah merekrut dan mengembangkan SDM Astra
guidance to recruit and develop the best, competitive
yang terbaik, remunerasi yang bersaing, melakukan inovasi
remuneration, conducting innovation and improvement,
dan improvement, serta menjadikan Catur Dharma sebagai
as well as building Catur Dharma philosophy as a strong
budaya perusahaan yang kuat.
corporate culture.
Pengelolaan SDM Astra adalah tanggung jawab divisi
Astra HR management is the responsibility of the
Corporate Human Capital Development (CHCD). Sistem
Corporate Human Capital Development (CHCD) division.
yang diterapkan untuk mengelola SDM Astra adalah Astra
The system that applied to manage Astra human resources
Human Resource Management (AHRM) sebagai suatu
is Astra Human Resource Management (AHRM) as the
perangkat kebijakan pengelolaan SDM yang merupakan
human resources management policy that is a part of the
bagian dari kerangka Astra Management System (AMS).
Astra Management System (AMS) framework. Astra HRD
Astra juga mengaplikasikan Kriteria Praktik ke-HRD-an
Practice Implementation Criteria (KIPKA) is also applies
Astra (KIPKA) untuk melakukan kaji ulang yang sistematik
to conduct a systematic review through auditing, as well
dengan cara audit, serta asesmen silang melalui proses
as cross assessment of experience sharing process and
experience sharing dan sistem grading antar manajemen
grading system between management of Astra Group
perusahaan-perusahaan Grup Astra. [DMA LA] [LA 12]
companies. [DMA LA] [LA 12]
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Profil SDM Astra
Astra HR Profile
Per tanggal 31 Desember 2012, Astra didukung oleh
As of December 31st 2012, Astra is supported by
185.580 karyawan yang tersebar di 170 perusahaan
185,580 employees in 170 companies under Astra Group.
dalam Grup Astra. Jumlah tersebut merupakan
This number is an increase of 10.04% from 168.703
peningkatan 10,04% dari 168.703 karyawan setahun
employees in the previous year. A total of 16.877 new
sebelumnya. Sebanyak 16.877 karyawan baru telah
employees were recruited throughout the year 2012,
direkrut sepanjang tahun 2012, dengan tingkat turn-over
representing a turnover rate of 6.94%. [LA 1] [LA 2]
karyawan sebesar 6,94%. [LA 1] [LA 2] [LA 13]
[LA 13]
Karyawan Grup Astra Berdasarkan Usia [LA 1]
Usia 18-25 tahun | 18-25 years old
Usia 36-45 tahun | 36-45 years old Usia 46-55 tahun | 46-55 years old
34,698 272
Usia 26-35 tahun | 26-35 years old
Astra Group Employees by Age
>55 tahun | >55 years old
Karyawan Grup Astra Berdasarkan Pendidikan [LA 1]
Astra Group Employee by Education
D1 - D3 | Diploma
S1 | Under Graduate 818
26,649 779
Sampai dengan SLTA | High school
S2 | Post Graduate
Karyawan Grup Astra Berdasarkan Lini Bisnis [LA 1] Astra Group by Number of Business Line
Otomotif | Automotive Jasa Keuangan | Financial Services
Agribisnis | Agribusiness 1,439
Alat Berat, Pertambangan dan Energi Heavy Equipment, Mining and Energy
Infrastruktur dan Logistik | Infrastructure and Logistics Informasi Teknologi | Information Technology
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Profil SDM Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin [LA 1]
HR Profiles based on Gender
Pria | Male Wanita | Female
Merekrut dan Mengembangkan SDM Astra yang Terbaik
Recruiting and Developing the Best of Astra Human Resources
Astra memprioritaskan pemenuhan kebutuhan karyawan
Astra prioritize to fulfill the needs of employees for the
akan posisi tertentu dengan mengembangkan kompetensi
specific position by developing employee competencies
karyawan dari lingkungan yang bersangkutan untuk
of the concerned environment for promotion, and
promosi jabatan, serta penempatan dengan mekanisme
mechanism placement for internal job posting and work
internal job posting dan work rotation. Astra juga
rotation. Astra also recruits the best talent from the labor
merekrut talenta terbaik dari pasar kerja untuk memenuhi
market to fulfill the competency requirements that cannot
kebutuhan kompetensi segera yang tidak bisa dipenuhi
be filled by internal employees in the short term through
dari karyawan internal dalam jangka pendek lewat
competency development.
pengembangan kompetensi. Sedangkan untuk memperoleh tenaga kerja baru, Astra
Meanwhile, to obtain new employment, Astra recruit
merekrut lulusan-lulusan dari sekolah dan perguruan
graduates from the best schools and colleges. For this
tinggi terbaik. Untuk keperluan ini Astra menjalin
purpose, Astra build relationships with schools and
hubungan dengan sekolah dan perguruan tinggi dengan
colleges through internship programs, student visits
program magang, fasilitasi kunjungan pelajar dan
facilitation and Astra scholarships for students. The
beasiswa Astra bagi mahasiswa. Mahasiswa yang terpilih
selected student will be appointed as Astra Ambassador
akan diangkat sebagai Astra Ambassador di perguruan
at their respective schools and colleges. As of now, there
tingginya masing-masing. Hingga kini, terdapat 80
are 80 Astra Ambassadors from various universities in
Astra Ambassador dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di
Indonesia. Proses perekrutan karyawan dilakukan di masing-
The employee recruitment process is conducted in each
masing unit bisnis dengan didukung oleh Recruitment
business units, supported by Astra Recruitment Center
& Assessment Center Division (RACD) yang memberikan
(ARC), which provides system support and advisory
dukungan sistem dan advisory kepada unit bisnis. Seleksi
to the business unit. Selection of Astra employees is
karyawan Astra didasarkan pada kriteria 2C; Competence
based on the 2C criteria, Competence and Character.
and Character. Kompetensi yang diharapkan pada
The competence expected from Astra candidate is the
seorang calon karyawan Astra adalah nilai-nilai dalam
values of Astra Leadership Competence, whereas the
Astra Leadership Competence, sedangkan Karakter yang
expected character is in line with the values of Catur
diharapkan adalah sifat yang sejalan dengan nilai-nilai
Dharma philosophy.
Catur Dharma.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Pengembangan dan pendidikan karyawan melalui pelatihan Training programs for employee development
Komitmen Astra pada karyawannya adalah menumbuhkan
Astra’s commitment to its employees is prepared
dari dalam (groom from within) sumber daya manusia
from within the best human resources, improving the
yang unggul, meningkatkan kualitas SDM secara
sustainable quality of human resources, and maintaining
berkelanjutan dan menjaga winning team yang tangguh
the challenge from the team in order to support the
untuk menunjang pergerakan arah bisnis dalam portofolio
movement direction of the business portfolio with
usaha yang bersinergi luas dan memenangkan persaingan
the extensive business synergy and winning in the
pasar. Dalam mengelola dan mengembangkan SDM,
competition market. In managing and developing human
Astra menjunjung tinggi prinsip kewajaran (fairness)
resources, Astra upholding the principle of fairness and
serta memberi kesempatan yang setara kepada seluruh
provide equal opportunities to all employees to develop
karyawan untuk mengembangkan karir dan menjalankan
their careers and conduct their duties in a professional
tugas secara profesional tanpa membedakan suku,
manner without distinction to race, religion, class, gender
agama, ras, golongan, gender atau kondisi fisik.
or physical condition. [DMA LA] [HR 4]
[DMA LA] [HR 4] Untuk mengembangkan kompetensi karyawan, Astra
To develop employee competence, Astra has operated
telah mengoperasikan Astra Management Development
Astra Management Development Institute (AMDI) at the
Institute (AMDI) di kantor pusat Perusahaan. AMDI adalah
Company headquarter. AMDI is Astra learning center
pusat pembelajaran Astra dengan mengembangkan
by creating development program that focuses on the
program pengembangan yang berfokus pada unsur-unsur
elements of corporate culture, core competencies,
budaya perusahaan, kompetensi dasar, manajemen dan
and management leadership. The program is integrally
kepemimpinan. Muatan program disusun terintegrasi antara
structured between theoretical knowledge and practice
pengetahuan teoritis dan praktik melalui penempatan
through work placement (learning by doing). AMDI
bekerja (learning by doing). AMDI bekerja sama dengan
collaborates with a number of educational institutions
berbagai institusi akademik lokal dan Asia Pasifik agar lahir
in the country and the Asia Pacific region to develop the
pemimpin terbaik yang berwawasan global.
best leaders with global perspective.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Program-program pengembangan yang dikelola di AMDI
Development programs that are managed in AMDI are:
adalah: • Astra Basic Management Program (ABMP), untuk para karyawan di tingkat staff • Astra First-Line Management Program (AFMP), untuk para karyawan calon penyelia/supervisor • Astra Middle Management Program (AMMP), untuk para karyawan calon middle manager • Astra Senior Management Program (ASrMP), untuk para karyawan calon senior manager • Astra General Management Program (AGMP) untuk para karyawan calon General Manager
• Astra Basic Management Program (ABMP), for staff level employees • Astra First-Line Management Program (AFMP), for employee canditates for supervisor level • Astra Middle Management Program (AMMP), for middle manager candidate employees • Astra Senior Management Program (ASrMP), for the senior management level candidates • Astra General Management Program (AGMP) for the general manager candidates
• Astra Executive Program untuk para eksekutif, serta
• Astra Executive Program, for executive personnel
• Astra Advanced Executive Program untuk para
• Astra Advanced Executive Program, for senior
eksekutif senior. [LA 8] [HR 8]
executives [LA 8] [HR 8]
Selain melakukan pengembangan manajerial secara
In addition to the general managerial development, Astra
umum, Astra juga melakukan pengembangan untuk
also conducting development for specific competence,
kompetensi khusus yaitu Security Competence yang
which is the Security Competence coordinated by the
dikoordinasikan oleh Corporate Security Center,
Corporate Security Center that includes intelligence
diantaranya pelatihan Intelijen, pelatihan T Baton,
training, T Baton training, Self-Defense training, Search
pelatihan Self-Defense, pelatihan Search & Rescue (SAR)
& Rescue training (SAR), and others. [LA 8]
dan lain-lain. [LA 8]
Remunerasi yang Adil
Fair Remuneration
Astra menerapkan sistem penilaian kinerja yang
Astra implement a performance appraisal system that
berorientasi pada pengukuran produktivitas sekaligus
oriented with productivity measurement, as well as
sebagai motivasi bagi setiap karyawan dalam hal
motivation for each employee in remuneration and career
remunerasi dan peningkatan karir. Secara garis besar,
advancement. In general, the system is based on target at
sistem ini didasarkan pada target di tingkat korporasi
the corporate level derived to each employees based on
yang diturunkan pada masing-masing karyawan
functions carried through the Individual Performance Plan
berdasarkan fungsi yang diemban melalui Individual
(IPP). The implementation of IPP is evaluated in intervals,
Performance Plan (IPP). Implementasi IPP dievaluasi secara
and the results are used as the reference to determine
berkala dan hasilnya dijadikan acuan untuk menentukan
salary increases, year-end bonuses and promotions for
kenaikan gaji, bonus akhir tahun dan juga promosi
position. Through IPP, remuneration and career paths
jabatan. Dengan IPP, remunerasi dan jenjang karir tidak
are not defined by gender, ethnicity, religion or race but
ditetapkan berdasarkan gender, suku, agama maupun
based on objective assessment. [LA 14]
ras, namun sejauh mungkin berdasarkan penilaian obyektif. [LA 14]
Karyawan tetap Astra memperoleh remunerasi berupa
Astra permanent employees earn remuneration in the
gaji, insentif dan bonus, serta manfaat mencakup
form of salaries, incentives and bonuses, as well as
manfaat kesehatan dan perawatan rumah sakit, asuransi
benefits that include health benefits and hospital care,
kematian, fasilitas kacamata, kepemilikan kendaraan
death insurance, eye care facilities, vehicle ownership
bermotor (mobil/sepeda motor) serta beasiswa bagi
(car/motorcycle) and scholarships for employees and
karyawan dan keluarga. [LA 3]
families. [LA 3]
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Karyawan Astra dalam Inovasi dan Improvement
Astra Employees in Innovation and Improvement
Astra terus berupaya membangun dan memperkuat
Astra continues to build and strengthen the culture of
budaya perbaikan berkelanjutan (kaizen) untuk
continuous improvement (kaizen) to achieve the best
pencapaian yang terbaik sesuai 8 kemampuan inti
according to the 8 core capabilities of Astra leadership,
kepemimpinan Astra, termasuk pembentukan perilaku
including the establishment of behavioral and a solid work
dan etika kerja yang kokoh serta budaya pembelajaran
ethic, as well as the culture of learning and innovation
dan inovasi yang melekat erat pada setiap karyawan
that firmly attached to each Astra employee. The
Astra. Komitmen untuk mendorong semangat berinovasi
commitment to encourage the spirit of innovation and
dan berkarya demi pencapaian kinerja terbaik tersebut
work to achieve the best performance among others is
antara lain diwujudkan melalui kompetisi tahunan
realized through the annual competition, InnovAstra.
InnovAstra. Sejak tahun 1982, Astra secara rutin menyelenggarakan
The InnovAstra 2013 competition is the 29th of such
InnovAstra dan pada tahun 2013 ini merupakan ajang
event that has been routinely organized by Astra since
InnovAstra yang ke-29. Penilaian tidak saja dilakukan dari
1982. The competing entries are evaluated not only on
inovasi yang dilakukan tetapi juga dari manfaat finansial
the basis of innovation, but also on the financial benefit
dari improvement yang dihasilkan dengan perhitungan
resulting from the respective improvement as calculated
Net Quality Income.
in Net Quality Income parameter.
Kategori proyek yang dikompetisikan adalah:
Categories of projects that are competed;
• Suggestion System (SS): proyek individu karyawan,
• Suggestion System (SS): projects by individual
• Quality Control Circle (QCC) Non Teknik: proyek nonteknikal di tingkat Departemen,
employee, • Non Technical Quality Control Circle (QCC): non
• Quality Control Circle (QCC) Teknik: proyek teknikal di tingkat Departemen,
technical projects at the Department level, • Technical Quality Control Circle (QCC): technical
• Quality Control Project (QCP): proyek di tingkat lintas Departemen,
projects at the Department level, • Quality Control Project (QCP): projects involving
• Business Performance Improvement (BPI): proyek di tingkat Divisi,
several Departments, • Business Performance Improvement (BPI): projects at
• Value Chain Innovation (VCI): proyek lintas divisi di beberapa perusahaan, dan
the Division level. • Value Chain Innovation (VCI), which consists of
• Astra Award (AA): kompetisi di level pencapaian perusahaan secara keseluruhan.
projects involving several companies, and • Astra Award (AA), which consists of a competition in the company’s overall achievement.
Apabila diukur dengan parameter Net Quality Income,
Measured in terms of Net Quality Income, the InnoAstra
sampai saat ini InnovAstra telah memberikan manfaat
to date has resulted in more than Rp 6.313 trillion
finansial lebih dari Rp 6,313 triliun (unaudited), dengan
(unaudited) in financial benefits, with an increase of up to
persentase peningkatan dari tahun sebelumnya hingga
238.05% from the previous year to 4,501,462 suggestion
238,05% dengan 4.501.462 suggestion system (sistem
system. The variety of innovations generated during 2012
saran). Kumpulan inovasi yang dilakukan sepanjang
is detailed in the following table.
tahun 2012 dengan melahirkan inovasi sesuai rincian dalam tabel.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Jumlah Entry Kumulatif pada InnovAstra Cumulative Number of Entry on InnovAstra Kategori Category
Sampai dengan 2012 Up to 2012
Business Performance Improvement Quality Control Project Quality Control Circle Suggestion System
Sampai dengan 2013 Up to 2013
Peningkatan (%) Increase (%)
Value Chain Innovation
Memperkokoh Catur Dharma
Strengthening Catur Dharma Philosophy
Catur Dharma menuntut komitmen, integritas, dedikasi
Catur Dharma philosophy requires commitment, integrity,
dan kompetensi yang unggul dari setiap karyawan Astra
dedication and the superior competence of each Astra
agar setiap karyawan Astra dapat memberikan pelayanan
employee so they can provide the best service for consumers,
terbaik bagi konsumen, bekerja sama dengan erat dan
working together closely and respect each individual, as well
sikap menghargai setiap individu serta pencapaian kinerja
as achieving the best performance. For employees, the culture
terbaik. Bagi karyawan, budaya Catur Dharma dapat
of Catur Dharma can manifest themselves as Astra’s people
mewujudkan diri seorang insan Astra menjadi milik yang
to be an asset of the nation.
bermanfaat bagi bangsa dan negara.
Nilai-nilai luhur Catur Dharma serta norma-norma dan
Catur Dharma noble values and norms, as well as
perilaku bisnis dan sosial yang berlaku umum diuraikan
business and social behavior generally described in the
dalam Kode Etik Astra yang berfungsi sebagai pedoman
Astra Code of Ethic, which serves as the main guideline
utama dalam menjalankan kegiatan bisnis. Astra melakukan
for business activities. Astra disseminate the Company
sosialisasi budaya Perusahaan sejak masa orientasi
culture since orientation of new employees, and then
karyawan yang baru bergabung, kemudian diikuti dengan
continues with the development of understanding and
pengembangan pemahaman dan penerapannya secara
application on an ongoing basis throughout all levels of
berkesinambungan di seluruh jenjang organisasi. [4.8]
the organization. [4.8]
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Human Capital Training untuk Memperkuat Catur Dharma Astra Human Capital Training to strengthen Catur Dharma
Hubungan Industrial [EC 5] [HR 4] [HR 5]
Industrial Relations [EC 5] [HR 4] [HR5]
[HR 6] [HR 7] [LA 4] ]HR 11]
[HR 6][HR 7] [LA 4] [HR 11]
Karyawan adalah aset terpenting yang dimiliki Astra
Employees are the most valuable assets of Astra so that
sehingga hubungan karyawan dengan perusahaan
the company’s relationship with employees fostered
dibina berdasarkan semangat kemitraan yang kuat.
a strong spirit of partnership. Various measures are
Berbagai upaya secara konsisten dilaksanakan guna
consistently implemented to maximize comfort and
memaksimalkan kenyamanan dan kepercayaan karyawan
trust of employees towards Astra, one of which is by
terhadap Astra, salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan
conducting a routine employee opinion survey (EOS) in
employee opinion survey (EOS) secara rutin setiap 2 tahun
every 2 years. Additionally, Astra also held Family Day/
sekali. Disamping itu, Astra juga mengadakan Family Day/
Employee Gathering, extracurricular activities in the field
Employee Gathering, kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di bidang
of sport and art that aimed to grow bond, a sense of
olahraga & seni yang ditujukan untuk menumbuhkan
belonging and a strong appreciation of the employees
ikatan, rasa saling memiliki dan apresiasi yang kuat antara
and their families with the Company.
karyawan beserta keluarganya dan Perusahaan. Astra dalam menjalankan kegiatan bisnisnya senantiasa
In conducting its business activities, Astra continuously
memenuhi peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku terkait
fulfill the rules and guidelines related to employment
ketenagakerjaan yang diatur dalam Peraturan Perusahaan
that stipulated in the Company Regulation (PP) and the
(PP) maupun Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) yang
Collective Labour Agreement (CLA), which contains
diantaranya berisi tentang tidak mempekerjakan anak di
restrictions on employing child labor, providing minimum
bawah umur, memberikan upah minimal sesuai dengan
wages in accordance with the minimum wage of
upah minimum provinsi/kota/kabupaten (UMP/UMK)
provincial/municipal/district (UMP/UMK), as well as no
dan tidak memberikan perbedaan perlakuan atas dasar
discrimination in treatment based on race, religion, class
suku, ras, agama, golongan maupun gender. Disamping
or gender. In addition, Astra also provides freedom of
itu, Astra juga memberikan kebebasan berserikat dan
association and expression to employees through worker
berpendapat kepada karyawan melalui serikat pekerja
unions. To achieve harmonious industrial relations with
atau ikatan karyawan. Untuk mencapai hubungan
worker unions, Astra routinely conducts LKS Bipartite
industrial yang harmonis dengan serikat pekerja atau
forum as an event to share ideas and experiences between
ikatan karyawan, Astra melakukan forum LKS bipartit
management and (representatives of) the employees. this
secara rutin sebagai ajang berbagi ide dan pengalaman
allows efforts to increase productivity for the benefit of
antara manajemen dan (perwakilan) karyawan.
Astra, as well as the best welfare for employees; thus
Hal ini memungkinkan upaya-upaya peningkatan
further strengthening the responsibility and commitment
produktivitas bagi kepentingan Astra, sekaligus tingkat
to promoting business continuity in the future.
kesejahteraan yang terbaik bagi karyawan, sehingga semakin memperkokoh tanggung jawab dan komitmen bersama untuk mengedepankan keberlanjutan bisnis di masa depan.
Mengedepankan Kesejahteraan Karyawan [LA 3]
Prioritizing Employee Welfare [LA 3]
Koperasi Astra International (KAI)
Astra International Cooperative (KAI)
Koperasi Astra International (KAI) adalah koperasi
Astra International Cooperative (KAI) is a cooperative
yang beranggotakan karyawan Grup Astra. Dengan
whose members are Astra Group employees. With the
dukungan dari Perusahaan, KAI menyelenggarakan
Company’s support, KAI organizes various programs and
berbagai program dan kegiatan yang menyeluruh untuk
activities to improve the overall well being of members
meningkatkan kesejahteraan anggota beserta keluarga
and their families. During their service as employees
mereka. Dalam masa bakti sebagai karyawan Astra,
of Astra, the members can take advantage of many
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
para anggota dapat memanfaatkan berbagai fasilitas
facilities offered by KAI, such as short-term loans for
yang ditawarkan KAI, seperti pinjaman jangka pendek
many personal needs, down payment on mortgages
untuk berbagai keperluan, kredit uang muka rumah dan
and scholarships.
bantuan beasiswa. Pada tahun 2012, KAI telah menyalurkan pinjaman
In 2012, KAI has allocated loans of Rp 244.58 billion,
sebesar Rp 244,58 miliar dengan penyaluran terbesar
with the largest distribution on housing loans (44.5%),
pada pinjaman perumahan (44,5%), Koperasi Unit
Cooperative Unit (24.7%) and education (9.3%). While
(24,7%) dan pendidikan (9,3%). Sedangkan dana
funding for scholarships allocated a total of Rp 3.99
beasiswa yang disalurkan mencapai jumlah Rp 3,99
billion for 2.548 children. Scholarships are awarded to
miliar bagi 2.548 anak. Beasiswa diberikan untuk anak
children of KAI members particularly in the I-III levels
anggota terutama golongan I-III pada jenjang pendidikan
for elementary, junior high, high school, and university.
SD, SMP, SMU, Perguruan Tinggi. Selama periode 2001
During the period from 2001 until 2012, KAI has provided
hingga 2012, KAI telah memberikan beasiswa sebesar
scholarships of Rp 19.35 billion for 14.204 children.
Rp 19,35 miliar untuk 14.204 anak.
Dana Pensiun Astra (DPA)
Astra Pension Fund (DPA)
Dana Pensiun Astra (DPA) adalah Dana Pensiun yang
Astra Pension Fund (DPA) is a Pension Fund that managed
mengelola Iuran Pensiun peserta untuk kesinambungan
Contribution Retirement for the participant to receive
penghasilan di masa tua/masa pensiun. DPA didirikan
continuing stream of income in old age/retirement. DPA
pada tahun 1986 oleh pendiri PT Astra International
was established in 1986 by the founder of PT Astra
Tbk, William Soeryadjaya. Ketika didirikan, DPA masih
International Tbk, Mr. William Soeryadjaya. When it
berbentuk yayasan dengan nama Yayasan Dana Pensiun
was first established, the DPA is formed as a foundation
Astra. Pada tahun 1996 Yayasan Dana Pensiun Astra
with the name Astra Pension Fund Foundation. In 1996,
berubah nama menjadi Dana Pensiun Astra dan pada
Astra Pension Fund Foundation changed its name to
tahun 2005 DPA dibagi menjadi dua, di mana peserta
Astra Pension Fund, and in 2005 DPA is divided into
yang masuk setelah 20 April 1992 menjadi anggota DPA2
two, in which participants that enter after April 20th
dan yang sebelum 20 April 1992 menjadi anggota DPA1.
1992 became members of DPA2 while prior to April
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
• Komunikasi antara Manajemen & Karyawan (kiri) Communication between management and employees (left) • Penyelenggaraan Family Day untuk Karyawan Astra (kanan) Family Day activities for all Astra employees (right)
Selain melakukan pengelolaan Dana Pensiun peserta, DPA
20th 1992 became members of DPA1. In addition to
juga memiliki Program Persiapan Pensiun yang secara
the management of pension fund for participants, DPA
rutin diadakan setiap tahun sejak tahun 2008.
also has a Retirement Preparation Program that is held annually since 2008.
Program Persiapan Pensiun (Purna Bhakti) di Astra dimulai
Astra’s Retirement Preparation Program spans over a
dalam rentang waktu 2 tahun sebelum efektif masa
period of 2 years prior to effective retirement. To produce
pensiun. Untuk menghasilkan manfaat yang optimal,
maximum benefits, the activities are aligned with the
kegiatan diselaraskan dengan kebutuhan dan minat
needs and interests of each individual employee and
masing-masing karyawan dan dirancang secara multi
designed with a multi-dimensional structure, consisting
dimensi yang terdiri dari dua tahap utama, yaitu:
of two main stages:
• Dua tahun sebelum memasuki masa pensiun
• Two years before retirement, Phase 1 of the program
dilakukan persiapan diri dan mental karyawan
is initiated with counseling to provide physical and
melalui program persiapan pensiun tahap 1 untuk
mental preparation for employees and their spouses
menghadapi perubahan kegiatan rutinitas sehari-
in dealing with forthcoming changes in daily routine
• Enam bulan sesudah tahap 1 dilaksanakan, peserta
• Six months after the implementation of counseling
diundang di tahap 2 untuk mengikuti pelatihan yang
in Phase 1, participants are invited to attend Phase 2,
menitikberatkan pada program pengembangan
dedicated to developing employee’s entrepreneurial
kemampuan (kewirausahaan) dan keahlian (life skills)
capabilities and life skills based on their individual
berdasarkan minat karyawan [LA 11] [EC 3]
interests [LA 11] [EC 3]
Memahami Diri Menghadapi Purna Bhakti Bapak Andriyanto adalah peserta Program Persiapan Pensiun Angkatan 7 yang telah berhasil menjalankan aktivitas pasca pensiun. Beliau pensiun dari PT Yutaka Manufacturing Indonesia pada Oktober 2012. Saat ini Pak Andriyanto telah menjalankan usaha penetasan telur di Jogjakarta. Program ini diakui Pak Andriyanto telah membantunya dalam menganalisis dan menyiapkan aktivitas pasca pensiunnya. “Setelah mengikuti Program Persiapan Pensiun saya jadi tahu kelemahan dan kekuatan saya, sehingga saya bisa membuat mesin penetasan telur sendiri dan menjalankan usaha ini,” ujarnya ketika memberikan pendapat tentang Program Persiapan Pensiun ini. Andriyanto Peserta Program Persiapan Pensiun Angkatan 7
Preparing for Retirement by Getting to Know Yourself Mr. Andriyanto was a participant in the 7th Generations of Retirement Preparation Program, who has been successfully running post-retirement activities. He retired from PT Yutaka on October 2012. Currently, Mr. Andriyanto has been involved in eggs hatching business in Jogjakarta. Mr. Andriyanto acknowledges that the program has helped him to analyze and prepare post-retirement activities. “After attending the Retirement Preparation Program, I know my weaknesses and strengths, to the point where I can make my own egg hatching machine and run this business,” he said when asked to give an opinion on the program.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Public Contribution Roadmap Public Contribution Roadmap
Dalam kegiatan CSR, Astra senantiasa berupaya mempertemukan antara kepentingan Perusahaan dan kebutuhan masyarakat serta lingkungan. In its CSR activities, Astra strives at all times to strike a balance between the interest of business and the needs of communities and the environment.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
[EC 8] [EC 9]
Dukungan Astra terhadap dunia pendidikan terus meningkat jumlah dan kualitasnya. Astra continues to increase its support for education, both in quantity as well as quality.
Pengembangan Pendidikan mendapatkan perhatian
Support for education is a special focus for Astra, as
khusus bagi Astra, sebagai perwujudan dari Catur Dharma
the embodiment of the first principle of Catur Dharma,
Astra yang pertama yaitu ‘Menjadi Milik yang Bermanfaat
‘to be an asset to the Nation’, as well as being aligned
bagi Bangsa dan Negara’ dan sejalan dengan program
with the Government’s programs related to Millennium
pemerintah dalam Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium
Development Goals (MDGs) in basic education. Astra’s
(Millennium Development Goals) di bidang pendidikan
contribution in this area is directed towards helping
dasar. Sumbangsih Astra diarahkan pada peningkatan
provide better education so that the Nation’s sons
pendidikan anak bangsa agar tumbuh cerdas, mandiri,
and daughters could grow up to be intelligent and
berkarakter baik, serta memiliki kepedulian untuk turut
independent persons with good personal character and
serta membangun Indonesia.
a concern for national development.
Astra telah mendukung pendidikan di Indonesia sejak
Astra’s support for education in Indonesia started in 1974
1974, hingga tahun 2012 program pendidikan Astra telah
and, up to 2012, the various educational support programs
menyediakan 134.056 beasiswa untuk berbagai jenjang
by Astra have provided some 134,056 scholarships to
pendidikan, mengembangkan lebih dari 7.000 sekolah di
students at various education levels, provided assistance
seluruh Indonesia, serta turut meningkatkan kompetensi
to more than 7,000 schools throughout the country,
14.500 guru. Selain itu, Astra mengembangkan
as well as training for some 14,500 school teachers.
program pendidikan yang komprehensif sebagai upaya
In addition, Astra also developed comprehensive
memperoleh sumber daya manusia dan mendukung
education programs as a way of obtaining competent
bisnis Astra melalui Polman Astra dan UT School.
human resources in support of Astra’s businesses,
Dukungan yang diberikan secara menyeluruh diharapkan
through Polman Astra and UT School. Comprehensive
akan dapat mendukung peningkatan pengetahuan
support for education is expected to result in knowledge
sekaligus keterampilan (life skills) yang bermanfaat bagi
improvement as well as life skills development for the
masa depan anak didik.
benefit of future life of students.
Beasiswa - Astra memberikan beasiswa bagi siswa dari
Scholarship - Astra provides scholarships for students
keluarga tidak mampu di sekitar daerah operasional
from poor families around Astra operational areas in
Astra untuk terus melanjutkan pendidikannya. Beasiswa
order for them to continue their education. Scholarships
diberikan bagi siswa berbakat serta berprestasi di jenjang
are awarded to talented students with good marks in
pendidikan sekolah dasar hingga perguruan tinggi.
primary schools and up to university level. In addition to
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
• Pemberian Beasiswa dari PT Astra International Tbk (kiri) Scholarship grants from PT Astra International Tbk (left) • Pengembangan Kurikulum Teknik Sepeda Motor oleh YAHM (kanan) Motorcycle Engineering Curriculum by YAHM (right)
Selain bagi siswa, Astra juga menyediakan beasiswa
students, Astra also provides scholarships for teachers to
bagi tenaga pengajar untuk menempuh pendidikan yang
pursue higher education (masters and doctoral degrees),
lebih tinggi (master dan doktoral) serta bantuan biaya
as well as support for research costs. In addition to the
penelitian. Disamping untuk masyarakat sekitar, Astra
surrounding community, Astra also provides scholarships
juga memberikan beasiswa untuk anak karyawan.
for employees’ children.
Salah satu pemberi beasiswa terbesar dan paling aktif
Yayasan Toyota and Astra (YTA) is among the most active
di Grup Astra adalah Yayasan Toyota Astra (YTA) yang
institutions in the Astra Group in regards scholarship
telah menyalurkan lebih 85.000 beasiswa hingga tahun
grants, with more than 85,000 scholarships given up to
2012. Jumlah penerima beasiswa YTA pada tahun 2012
2012. In 2012, YTA disbursed some 3,743 scholarships
adalah 3.743 orang dan 13 penerima bantuan penelitian,
in total, as well as 13 research grants. The recipients
yang berasal dari 500 sekolah dan 52 perguruan tinggi
come from 500 schools and 52 universities throughout
tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.
Yayasan Astra Honda Motor (YAHM) pada tahun 2012
In 2012, Astra Honda Motor Foundation (YAHM) awarded
menyalurkan beasiswa untuk 1.731 siswa berprestasi
1,731 scholarships to outstanding students including the
dari kalangan anak karyawan serta masyarakat umum.
children of employees and the public. Additionally, YAHM
Selain itu YAHM secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan
also conducted workshops of traffic ethics socialization
melakukan workshop sosialisasi kurikulum etika lalu lintas
curriculum for teachers of junior high school, senior
kepada guru tingkat SMP, SMA dan SMK bekerja sama
high school and vocational school in collaboration with
dengan Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi dan Direktorat Lalu-
the Provincial Education Department and the Provincial
lintas Polda seluruh Indonesia. Hingga akhir tahun 2012
Directorate of Traffic Police throughout Indonesia. Until
workshop telah dilaksanakan di 18 provinsi yang diikuti
the end of 2012, around 3,000 teachers and Head of
sekitar 3.000 guru dan Kasatlantas.
Traffic Unit participated in the workshops that were conducted in 18 provinces.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Program Lazis Astra dari Yayasan Amaliah Astra pada
In 2012, the LAZIS program from Amaliah Astra Foundation
tahun 2012 telah memberikan beasiswa kepada 1.375
has awarded 1,375 scholarships to less-fortunate students
siswa kurang mampu yang tinggal di 16 lokasi di sekitar
who lived in 16 locations around the Astra Group
perusahaan Grup Astra tersebar di 10 provinsi. Beasiswa
companies across 10 provinces. Scholarship funding comes
bersumber dari dana kumpulan zakat, infaq dan sedekah
from the collection of Zakat, Infaq and charity (ZIS) by the
(ZIS) oleh perusahaan dan karyawan Grup Astra.
companies and employees of the Astra Group.
Tabel Penerima Beasiswa dari Grup Astra Beneficiaries of Astra Group Scholarships Kategori Category
Sampai dengan 2010 Up to 2010
Sampai dengan 2011 Up to 2011
Sampai dengan 2012 Up to 2012
Grup Astra
Astra International Head Office Total
Astra 1st adalah program beasiswa dan pengembangan
Astra 1st is a scholarship and development program given
diri yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa-mahasiswa terbaik
to the best students from leading universities on the
dari berbagai universitas unggulan di pulau Jawa. Selama
island of Java. During the year 2012, 62 students from
tahun 2012, 62 mahasiswa berasal dari 14 perguruan tinggi
14 universities were selected as the second batch of Astra
terpilih sebagai Astra 1st gelombang kedua, sedangkan 18
1st, while 18 other students from the first batch of Astra
mahasiswa lain dari Astra 1st gelombang pertama mendapat
1st received the honor to continue with the program.
kehormatan untuk melanjutkan program ini. Serangkaian
A series of activities such as workshops, mentoring,
kegiatan seperti workshop, kegiatan mentoring, coaching
coaching and career counseling, as well as internship
& career counseling dan internship disusun untuk
designed to develop technical competence and non-
menumbuhkan kompetensi teknis (Technical Competencies)
technical competencies (Soft Competencies), as well as
dan kompetensi non teknis (soft competencies) sekaligus
introducing the positive universal values about the world
memperkenalkan nilai-nilai universal positif tentang dunia
of employment. Going forward, Astra expect to continue
kerja. Selanjutnya, Astra akan terus berupaya memperluas
to expand the mentoring program to other students in
program pendampingan kepada mahasiswa lainnya
order for them to be ready to contribute optimally to the
sehingga mereka siap berkontribusi optimal terhadap
organization where they will be employed and as the next
organisasi tempat mereka bekerja dan sebagai generasi
generation of Indonesia with quality.
penerus bangsa yang berkualitas. Sekolah Binaan - Untuk meningkatkan mutu belajar,
School Development - To improve the quality of
Astra memberikan kontribusi sarana dan prasarana
learning, Astra provides learning facilities assistance in
belajar dalam bentuk pembangunan sekolah dan
the form of school building construction as well as repair
perbaikan fasilitas sekolah seperti ruang belajar, ruang
of learning facilities such as classrooms, school libraries,
perpustakaan (beserta fasilitasnya), Unit Kesehatan
School Health Unit (UKS), laboratory room and facilities,
Sekolah (UKS), ruang laboratorium beserta fasilitasnya
and others. The excellent facilities and infrastructure in
dan lainnya. Sarana dan prasarana sekolah yang lebih
schools will create a comfortable learning environment
baik diharapkan akan menciptakan suasana belajar yang
for students and at the same time improve the quality
nyaman bagi peserta didik dan meningkatkan kualitas
of learning. To support education for early childhood,
pembelajaran. Untuk mendukung pendidikan usia dini, PT
PT Astra International Tbk - Head Office unit build 4 units
Astra International Tbk - Head Office membangun 4 unit
of Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in 2012, added to
Pendidikan Usia Dini (PAUD) pada tahun 2012 sehingga
a total of 20 PAUDs that has been built by Astra in the
total 20 PAUD yang telah dibangun Astra di wilayah
Sungai Bambu, Warakas and Papanggo (SUWARGO)
kelurahan Sungai Bambu, Warakas dan Papanggo
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
• Dua sekolah Binaan Astra Raih Penghargaan Adiwiyata tingkat Nasional (kiri)
Selain meningkatkan sarana dan prasarana belajar
In addition to improving facilities and infrastructure
bantuan pengembangan pada sekolah binaan juga
development assistance for schools, Astra also enriched
diperkaya dengan muatan kepedulian lingkungan.
it with the capacity of environmental concern. In 2012,
Pada tahun 2012, Astra mengembangkan dua sekolah
Astra developed two primary schools in order to be
dasar agar menjadi sekolah berwawasan lingkungan.
environmentally sound school. The development was
Two of Astra’s sponsored schools awarded with National Adiwiyata status (left)
Pengembangan ini didasarkan pada kriteria Program
based on the criteria of Adiwiyata Program, announced
• Sekolah Binaan YPA-MDR di Pacitan (kanan atas) YPA-MDR sponsored school in Pacitan (above right) • Kegiatan membatik siswa sekolah binaan YPA-MDR (foto kanan bawah) Batik-making by students at YPAMDR sponsored school (below right)
Adiwiyata yang dicanangkan Kementerian Lingkungan
by the Ministry of Environment, which includes the
Hidup, yang meliputi Kebijakan Sekolah Peduli dan
Environmentally Friendly School Policy, Curriculum-
Berbudaya Lingkungan, Kurikulum Berbasis Lingkungan,
Based Environment, Development of Activity-Based
Pengembangan Kegiatan Berbasis Partisipatif dan
Participative, as well as Management and/or Development
Pengelolaan dan atau Pengembangan Sarana Pendukung
of School Support Facilities. In 2012, two of the school
Sekolah. Pada tahun 2012, dua sekolah binaan Astra
developments by Astra received the Adiwiyata Award at
memperoleh Penghargaan Adiwiyata tingkat Nasional,
the national level, namely, SDN Percontohan Meulaboh in
yaitu SDN Percontohan Meulaboh Aceh dan SDN 05&06
Aceh dan SDN 05 & 06 Sungai Bambu in Tanjung Priok,
Sungai Bambu, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara. [SO 1]
North Jakarta. [SO 1]
Yayasan Pendidikan Astra - Michael D. Ruslim (YPA-
Astra Education Foundation - Michael D. Ruslim (YPA-
MDR) memfokuskan pembinaan di sekolah-sekolah yang
MDR) focused its development efforts to elementary
terletak terutama di daerah prasejahtera dari jenjang SD-
schools and vocational schools located primarily in less
SMK. Hingga akhir 2012 jumlah sekolah yang dibantu
prosperous areas. Until the end of 2012, the number of
mencapai 42 sekolah, meningkat dari 35 sekolah di tahun
school developments reached 42 schools, up from 35
2011, yang tersebar di daerah Leuwiliang, Gunungkidul,
schools in 2011, which are spread across Leuwiliang,
Bantul, Lampung Selatan, Kutai Barat, serta Pacitan yang
Gunungkidul, Bantul, South Lampung, West Kutai areas
dimulai pada tahun 2012.
as well as in Pacitan that was started in 2012.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru - Untuk
Improving Teacher Competency - In order to develop
mengembangkan bahan ajar dan pengajar, Astra
quality teaching materials and teachers, Astra introduced
membuat program pengembangan dalam bentuk
a development program in the form of software through
software melalui pelatihan dan penyusunan kurikulum,
training and school curriculum development, and
brainware melalui peningkatan kompetensi guru dengan
brainware through teacher competencies improvement
rangkaian pelatihan tenaga pendidik. Pengembangan
through a series of training for teachers. The development
tenaga pendidik dilakukan dengan memberikan beasiswa
of teachers is conducted by providing scholarships,
belajar, memfasilitasi lokakarya dan pelatihan, hingga
workshop facilities and training, as well as assisting to
membantu penyediaan perumahan dinas guru seperti
provide housing services for teachers as conducted by
yang dilakukan oleh Astra Agro Lestari di tahun 2012,
Astra Agro Lestari in 2012, which has built 220 houses
yang telah membangun 220 rumah dinas bagi guru
for school teachers.
sekolah. Penerima Program CSR Pendidikan Beneficiaries of CSR Education Programs
Sekolah Binaan | School Development (Hardware, Brainware, Software)
6,323 3,568
Guru yang dibina | Teacher Development
s.d. | up to 2011
s.d. | up to 2012
Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan - Terdapat dua lembaga
Providing Education - There are two main educational
pendidikan utama yang dilahirkan Astra, yaitu Politeknik
institutions founded by Astra namely, the Astra
Manufaktur Astra dan UT School. Keduanya didirikan
Manufacturing Polytechnic and UT School. Astra
oleh Astra untuk menyediakan kesempatan belajar bagi
established both to provide learning opportunities for
putra-putri Indonesia dan bagi Astra merupakan salah
the children of Indonesia, as well as for Astra to acquire
satu cara untuk memperoleh talenta untuk mendukung
talent in order to support the Company business.
bisnis Perusahaan.
Politeknik Manufaktur Astra (Polman Astra) didirikan pada
Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic (Polman Astra) was
1995 dengan satu program studi yang kini berkembang
established in 1995 with a study program that now has
menjadi tujuh program studi pada tingkat Diploma III.
evolved into Diploma 3 (D3) with seven study programs.
Dalam proses pengajarannya para mahasiswa dibekali
In the teaching process students are equipped with the
pengetahuan dan kompetensi teknikal terbaik yang
best technical knowledge and competencies adopted
diadopsi dari berbagai industri di Astra. Melalui program
from various industries within Astra, through the Link
Link and Match yang memadukan pendidikan teori dan
and Match program that combines education theory and
keterampilan teknis melalui dukungan industri Grup
technical skills to support Astra Group industry. Under the
Astra. Melalui program tersebut para mahasiswa selain
program, in addition to the technical training, at Polman
mendapatkan pelatihan teknis di Polman Astra juga diberi
Astra the students are also given the opportunity to
kesempatan menjalani praktik dan magang di berbagai
undergo the practice and internships in various industries,
industri, site dan bengkel layanan Astra (Astra Service
site and Astra Service Center, several innovative and
Center), bahkan beberapa tugas akhir mahasiswa yang
accurate thesis by students have been utilized in the
inovatif dan tepat guna telah dimanfaatkan pada proses
processes and work systems utilized at Astra Group
dan sistem kerja di fasilitas produksi Grup Astra.
production facilities.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Polman Astra juga melakukan pelatihan teknis bagi
Polman Astra, which located in the area of Astra International
calon karyawan yang akan masuk dunia industri maupun
Headquarters, also conducted technical training for
pelatihan keterampilan teknis bagi masyarakat seputar
prospective employees who will enter the industry, as well
kampus. Polman Astra telah meluluskan 2.072 tenaga
as technical skills training for the community surrounding
kerja profesional yang diserap oleh Grup Astra maupun
the campus. To date, Polman Astra has graduated some
industri di Indonesia pada umumnya.
2,072 professionals that are employed by Astra Group and industries in general in Indonesia.
Pada tahun 2012, Polman Astra mewisuda 218
In 2012, Polman Astra graduated 218 students, including
mahasiswa termasuk 48 mahasiswa penerima Beasiswa
48 beneficiaries of Astra Achievement Scholarship,
Prestasi Astra yaitu siswa-siswi terbaik sekolah SMA/SMK
representing the best students from high school/
dari 6 provinsi. Sejak 2009 program Beasiswa Prestasi
vocational schools in 6 provinces. Since 2009, Astra
Astra telah membiayai 35% mahasiswa Polman Astra
Achievement Scholarship program has helped 35% of
total sebanyak 302 mahasiswa dari 20 provinsi. Total
Polman Astra students, totaling 302 students from 20
nilai beasiswa yang diberikan selama tahun 2009- 2012
provinces. Total value of scholarships awarded during
mencapai Rp 12,9 miliar.
2009 - 2012 amounted to Rp 12.9 billion.
UT School diprakarsai oleh PT United Tractors Tbk melalui
UT School is initiated by PT United Tractors Tbk through
Yayasan Karya Bakti UT, didirikan UT School sebagai
the Karya Bakti UT Foundation. The UT School was
wadah pendidikan jangka panjang (1-3 tahun) dan
established as a forum for long-term education (1-3 years)
program pelatihan jangka pendek dalam memenuhi
and short-term training programs in order to fulfill the
kebutuhan operator dan mekanik alat berat. Kurikulum
needs of heavy equipment operators and mechanics. The
dirancang secara terstruktur dan menyeluruh memenuhi
curriculum is designed in a structured and comprehensive
kebutuhan industri maupun pelanggan secara khusus,
system to fulfill the needs of the industry and consumers in
sehingga para peserta secara intensif membangun
particular, so that the participants intensively build technical
kompetensi teknis selaras dengan kemajuan teknologi
competencies in line with the very rapid technological
yang amat pesat. Keberadaan UT School semakin
advances. The presence of UT School strengthens value
memperkuat value chain Astra Heavy Equipment, Mining
chain of the integrated Astra Heavy Equipment, Mining
and Energy (AHEME) yang terintegrasi. Tersebar di 17
and Energy (AHEME) business lines. Spread across 17
lokasi (Balikpapan, Semarang, Banjarmasin, Adaro,
locations (Balikpapan, Semarang, Banjarmasin, Adaro,
Medan, Pekanbaru, Lampung, Jakarta, Samarinda,
Medan, Pekanbaru, Lampung, Jakarta, Samarinda,
Makassar, Sorong, Batukajang, Sangatta, Palembang,
Makassar, Sorong, Batukajang, Sangata, Palembang,
Bontang, Bendili, Separi) di seluruh Indonesia, UT School
Bontang, Bendili, Separi) throughout Indonesia, UT School
bekerja sama dengan 548 SMA/SMK dan 39 Perguruan
collaborated with 548 high schools/vocational schools and
tinggi serta memiliki jumlah siswa dan peserta pelatihan
39 colleges with a total number of some 2,100 students
sekitar 2.100 pada tahun 2012.
and trainees in 2012.
SDN Percontohan Meulaboh - Pada November 2012,
SDN Percontohan Meulaboh - In November 2012,
Astra melakukan serah terima gedung sekolah dan sarana
Astra handed over the school building and educational
pendidikan SDN Meulaboh hasil rekonstruksi pasca
facilities of SDN Meulaboh, a state elementary school,
bencana tsunami pada tahun 2004 lalu kepada Pemda
which was reconstructed after the tsunami disaster
Kabupaten Aceh Barat, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
in 2004, to the Government of West Aceh Regency,
Selama 6 tahun dari 2006 hingga 2012 Astra terus
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. During the last 6 years from
melakukan pendampingan dan memberi bantuan
2006 to 2012, Astra continued to provide guidance and
pengembangan tenaga pendidik (brainware) dan
assistance to the development of teachers (brainware)
manajemen sekolah (software) untuk SDN Percontohan
and school management (software) for the Model SDN
Meulaboh. Pembangunan ini adalah wujud komitmen
Meulaboh. This development was Astra’s commitment to
Astra pada bidang pendidikan. Bantuan tidak hanya fokus
education. It does not only focused on the reconstruction
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
pada rekonstruksi fasilitas pendidikan serta pemberian
of educational facilities and the provision of learning
material penunjang belajar yang cenderung bersifat fisik
support materials, but also involves supporting the
saja, tetapi juga melibatkan upaya pengembangan mutu
development of quality education in accordance with
pendidikan sesuai dengan standar nasional pendidikan,
national education standards, in order to accomplish
demi terwujudnya pemerataan akses terhadap pendidikan
equitable access to quality education and the realization
yang berkualitas dan realisasi program pembelajaran
of free-of-cost learning, towards the achievement of
yang tidak dipungut biaya demi tercapainya wajib
compulsory learning for children of schooling age. At the
belajar pada usia sekolah. Pada acara yang sama, Astra
same event, Astra also awarded scholarships worth more
juga menyerahkan bantuan beasiswa senilai lebih dari
than Rp 250 million to 220 students from elementary
Rp 250 juta untuk 220 siswa dari tingkat sekolah dasar (SD)
school (SD) to high school (SMA) in Meulaboh.
hingga sekolah menengah atas (SMA) di Meulaboh. Total bantuan Grup Astra untuk pasca bencana Aceh
The amount of aid from Astra Group for post-disaster
mencapai sekitar Rp 65 miliar, termasuk renovasi serta
at Aceh reached some Rp 65 billion, including for the
program pendampingan SDN Percontohan Meulaboh
renovation and mentoring program for SDN Percontohan
senilai Rp 18 miliar (terdiri dari Rp 11 miliar untuk
Meulaboh worth Rp 18 billion in total (consisting of
pembangunan fisik, dengan ketahanan gempa 10 skala
Rp 11 billion for the construction of earthquake-proof
richter, serta selebihnya untuk biaya pendampingan
building able to withstand a 10 Richter scale earthquake,
selama enam tahun). Ini merupakan jumlah bantuan
and the rest for the cost of assistance for six years). This
terbesar untuk program tanggung jawab sosial (CSR)
was the largest amount of aid for social responsibility
yang pernah dikeluarkan oleh Grup Astra untuk sebuah
(CSR) ever issued by Astra Group in a national disaster.
bencana nasional.
Program Sekolah Sehat, Indah, Sejuk dan Hijau
School Program for Healthy, Beautiful, Cool and
Lingkungan (Sehati Sejoli) [SO 1]
Green Environment (Sehati Sejoli) [SO 1]
PT Letawa mengadakan program Sekolah Sehat, Indah,
PT Letawa held a School Program for Healthy, Beautiful,
Sejuk dan Hijau Lingkungan (Sehati Sejoli) di SMP Astra
Cool and Green Environment (Sehati Sejoli) at Astra
Makmur Jaya, di Desa Makmur Jaya, Kecamatan Tikke
Makmur Jaya Junior High School (SMP) in Makmur Jaya
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Serah Terima Bantuan Sarana Pendidikan dan Bangunan SDN Percontohan Meulaboh Official handover of education facilities assistance and school building of SDN Percontohan Meulaboh
Raya, Kabupaten Mamuju Utara – Sulawesi Barat.
village, Tikke Raya District, North Mamuju Regency - West
Program Sekolah Sehat (PSS) ditujukan untuk membina
Sulawesi. The Healthy School Program (PSS) is intended to
dan mengembangkan kebiasaan perilaku hidup sehat
promote and develop healthy lifestyles and habits among
pada peserta didik secara menyeluruh dan terpadu.
students at the school.
Tiga program utama PSS adalah: (1) pendidikan
The three main programs of PSS are: (1) health education,
kesehatan; (2) pelayanan kesehatan dan (3) pembinaan
(2) healthcare services, and (3) development of a healthy
lingkungan sekolah sehat. PSS dilakukan melalui metode
school environment. PSS is conducted through methods
sosialisasi, aksi lapangan, penyediaan sarana penunjang
of socialization, fieldwork, provision of supporting tools for
kesehatan dan kebersihan serta penataan lingkungan.
health and hygiene, as well as environmental preservation.
Program Rumah Pintar [SO 1]
‘Rumah Pintar’ Program [SO 1]
PT United Tractors Tbk memfasilitasi kegiatan Rumah
PT United Tractors facilitated a ‘Rumah Pintar’ program
Pintar “Batu Bual Gemilang” bagi masyarakat Kampung
called “Batu Bual Gemilang” for the community at Pegat
Pegat Bukur yang berada dekat instalasi perusahaan di
Bukur village located near the company’s installation
Tanjung Redeb, Kabupaten Berau Kalimantan Timur.
at Tanjung Redeb, Berau Regency, in East Kalimantan.
Rumah Pintar tidak hanya difokuskan mendukung proses
The ‘Rumah Pintar’ is not only focused to support the
pembelajaran anak-anak di sekolah, namun juga sebagai
children’s learning process in school, but also as a center
sentra kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui
for community empowerment through education,
pendidikan, aktivitas ekonomi dan sosial budaya.
economic and cultural activities.
Di Rumah Pintar disediakan perpustakaan untuk
The ‘Rumah Pintar’ provides library facility to improve the
meningkatkan minat membaca anak-anak dan warga
reading habit of children and villagers, as well as to serve
kampung, serta berfungsi sebagai Taman Pendidikan Al-
as a State Education of Qur’an (TPA), Early Childhood
Qur’an (TPA), Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD), sentra
Education (PAUD), center of culture and dance art, craft
budaya dan seni tari, sentra kriya dan pelatihan keterampilan,
and vocational training centers, as well as computer
serta pelatihan komputer untuk seluruh warga.
training for all residents.
Program Rumah Pintar yang dimulai tahun 2009 hingga
The ‘Rumah Pintar’ program that was first initiated in
tahun 2012 ini terus berkembang mencakup kelompok
2009 continued to grow and expand through 2012,
jahit ibu rumah tangga untuk memproduksi seragam
comprising groups of housewives with activities in
sekolah, pembuatan kue dan katering, penjualan
producing school uniforms, baking and catering, sales
ATK dan saprodi; serta pembentukan lembaga sosial
of stationeries and farming necessities, as well as
kemasyarakatan “Lembaga Karya Bersatu”. Di tahun
the establishment of a community social institution
2013 direncanakan perluasan jangkauan program ke
“Lembaga Karya Bersatu”. In 2013, the program will be
masyarakat luar Pegat Bukur melalui peluncuran Motor
expanded to reach communities outside of Pegat Bukur
Pintar, serta duplikasi program ke komunitas lain.
through the launching of ‘Motor Pintar’ program, and program replication to other communities.
Program Anak Rimba Ayo Belajar
‘Anak Rimba Ayo Belajar’ Program
Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) untuk Orang Rimba
PT Sari Aditya Loka 1 conducted an Early Childhood
oleh PT Sari Aditya Loka 1 adalah program bantuan
Education (PAUD) facility for children of Suku Anak
pendidikan untuk Suku Anak Dalam, yaitu suku asli
Dalam, the indigenous nomadic tribes living in the forests
Jambi yang memiliki budaya hidup nomaden di hutan
of Jambi. In order to prepare these children to enter
rimba. Guna mempersiapkan anak-anak Rimba memasuki
formal schools, the PAUD program was implemented for
sekolah formal dijalankan program PAUD untuk 29 anak
29 children belonging to the Anak Dalam and Melayu
Suku Anak Dalam dan Suku Melayu dengan dibimbing 2
tribes, assisted by two teachers in a classroom built by
orang guru di kelas yang dibangun Perusahaan.
the Company.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Peningkatan Pendapatan Ekonomi Masyarakat (IGA)
[EC 8] [EC 9] [SO 1]
Income Generating Activity (IGA)
Membangun kemandirian masyarakat untuk menggerakkan perekonomian lokal dan menciptakan lapangan kerja. Building communities self-reliance to drive the local economy and create jobs.
Selaras dengan salah satu misi Astra pada pembangunan
In harmony with one of the missions of Astra on building
kompetensi melalui pengembangan sumber daya
competencies through human resource development,
manusia, Astra memiliki komitmen berkelanjutan dan
Astra has an ongoing commitment and focus on income
fokus utama pada program-program peningkatan
generating activities through a strategy of training,
pendapatan (income generating activity) melalui strategi
network development and growth of Micro, Small and
pelatihan, pembangunan jaringan dan pertumbuhan
Medium Enterprises (MSME) as well as promoting other
Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) serta
entrepreneurial activities in communities to achieve self-
aktivitas kewirausahaan rakyat lainnya guna mencapai
kemandirian masyarakat.
Pemberdayaan komunitas yang berada di sekitar fasilitas
By empowering communities located around the
produksi Grup Astra ini bertujuan meningkatkan
production facilities of the Astra Group, We aim to
kesejahteraan melalui pengembangan keterampilan dan
improve their economic welfare through the development
manajemen usaha, menfasilitasi kebutuhan pembiayaan
of business and management skills, facilitating financing
dan membuka akses lebih luas ke pasar.
needs and providing access to wider markets.
Pembinaan UMKM [SO 10]
MSME Development [SO 10]
Program pembinaan UMKM Astra dimotori oleh Yayasan
Dharma Bhakti Astra Foundation (YDBA), which was
Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA) yang sejak didirikan
founded in 1980, initiates Astra’s MSME development
pada tahun 1980 aktif melakukan berbagai program
programs. Since the beginning, the foundation was active
pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan motto “memberi
in various community development programs with the
kail, bukan ikan” dan secara terintegrasi didukung
motto “give the hook, not the fish” and supported by the
perusahaan-perusahaan Grup Astra dan para mitranya.
integrated Astra Group companies and their partners.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Dalam pembinaan UMKM di daerah, YDBA menjalin kerja
In the development of MSMEs, YDBA collaborates with
sama dengan Instansi Pemerintah dan BUMN/S. Grup
the Government and SOEs and private. Astra Group also
Astra juga mendirikan Lembaga Pengembangan Bisnis
established a Business Development Institute (LPB) for the
(LPB) agar pelaksanaan program pembinaan menjadi lebih
implementation of development programs in order to be
efektif dan berkesinambungan. Hingga akhir tahun 2012,
more effective and sustainable. By the end of 2012, there
total LPB mitra binaan YDBA adalah 11 LPB, yaitu LPB
were a total of 11 LPBs assisted by YDBA namely, LPB
Jakarta (DKI Jakarta), LPB PPKP Mataram (Nusa Tenggara
Jakarta (DKI Jakarta), LPB PPKP Mataram (Lombok), LPB
Barat), LPB Banua Prima Persada (Balangan, Kalimantan
Banua Prima Persada (Balangan, South Kalimantan), LPB
Selatan) dan LPB Pama Mitra Daya (Kutai Barat,
Pama Mitra Daya (West Kutai, East Kalimantan), LPB TOP
Kalimantan Timur), LPB TOP PAMA, Kapuas (Kalimantan
PAMA Kapuas (Central Kalimantan), LPB Mitra Bersama
Tengah), LPB Mitra Bersama, Sidoarjo (Jawa Timur), LPB
Sidoarjo (East Java), LPB Mitra Bersama Palembang
Mitra Bersama, Palembang (Sumatera Selatan), LPB Mitra
(South Sumatra), LPB Mitra Bersama, Bukittinggi (West
Bersama, Bukittinggi (Sumatera Barat), LPB Mitra Bersama
Sumatra), LPB Mitra Bersama, Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta),
Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta), LPB Tegal (Jawa Tengah) dan
LPB Tegal (Central Java) and LPB Pama Daya Taka in
LPB Pama Daya Taka di Batu Kajang (Kalimantan Timur).
Batu Kajang (East Kalimantan). LPB Mirta Bersama is
LPB Mitra Bersama didirikan antara Astra dengan BCA
established as a joint collaboration program of Astra,
dan Pertamina.
BCA and Pertamina.
Dukungan fasilitas pembiayaan terhadap permodalan
YDBA facilitates working capital financing with low
UMKM dengan fasilitas suku bunga yang rendah serta
interest rates and simple processes for MSMEs through
dengan persyaratan yang mudah, dilakukan YDBA dengan
the establishment of Microfinance Institution (LKM). LKM
mendirikan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM) berbadan
are cooperatives legal entities supported by Astra Group
hukum Koperasi yang didukung oleh perusahaan Grup
companies, government agencies and other relevant
Astra, lembaga pemerintah dan berbagai institusi terkait.
institutions. By 2012, there were 10 LKM spread across
Pada tahun 2012 telah terdapat 10 LKM yang tersebar
West Sulawesi, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan,
di Sulawesi Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan
East Kalimantan and South Sumatra. A new LKM in
Tengah, Kalimantan Timur dan Sumatera Selatan. LKM
Kumai, Central Kalimantan, was still in the process
baru di Kumai, Kalimantan Tengah, hingga akhir tahun
of establishment at year-end 2012. These LKM have
2012 masih dalam proses pendirian. Nasabah LKM kini
more than 1,925 registered members who are engaged
telah mencapai lebih dari 1.925 anggota yang bergerak
in various business sectors such as palm-oil farming,
di berbagai bidang usaha seperti usaha tani sawit,
rubber breeding, fishing, motorcycle workshop, catering
pembibitan karet, perikanan, bengkel sepeda motor,
and small convenience stores. At present, total credit
katering dan waserda. Saat ini LKM telah menyalurkan
disbursement by these LKM has reached more than Rp
kredit lebih dari Rp 19,5 miliar dengan tingkat kredit
19.5 billion, with a non-performing loan (NPL) ratio of
bermasalah (NPL) sekitar 1%.
around 1%.
LPB dan LKM adalah sarana YDBA melakukan pembinaan
LPBs and LKM are the means by which YDBA conduct
dan pengembangan UMKM melalui peningkatan
the development and improvement of MSMEs through
keterampilan teknik, manajemen, pemasaran,
capacity building in technical skills, management,
pembiayaan dan teknologi informasi kepada UMKM
marketing, finance and information technology to
yang pada akhir tahun 2012 mencapai jumlah 7.482
MSMEs, which by the end of 2012, has reached the
mitra UMKM. Program penguatan UMKM diharapkan
number of 7,482 MSME partners. This program in the
mampu mewujudkan cita-cita Astra yaitu “Sejahtera
strengthening of MSME is expected to achieve Astra’s
Bersama Bangsa”, melalui sinergi yang optimal dengan
ideals of “Prosper with the Nation,” through optimal
perusahaan Grup Astra, BUMN/S, pemerintah serta
synergy with Astra Group companies, BUMN and private,
berbagai institusi yang memiliki misi yang sama dalam
Government, as well as other institutions that have the
pembinaan dan pengembangan UMKM.
same mission in the development and improvement of MSME.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Selama tahun 2012 beberapa pencapaian penting YDBA
During the year 2012 some key achievements of YDBA
antara lain adalah:
1. Pendirian LPB Mitra bersama di Yogyakarta dan
1. Establishment of LPB Mitra Bersama in Yogyakarta
perintisan pendirian LPB Pama Daya Taka di Batu
and pioneering the establishment of LPB Pama Daya
Kajang, Kalimantan Timur dengan kerangka kerja
Taka in Batu Kajang, East Kalimantan under a new
yang baru. 2. Peluncuran YDBA Operating Values yaitu “CARE” atau ‘Compassionate, Adaptive, Responsible, Excellent’; 3. Penyusunan dan pengenalan cetak biru pengembangan UMKM binaan di bidang manufaktur, bengkel servis kendaraan, perkebunan dan kerajinan tangan. 4. Pengembangan modul baru pelatihan dari 8 modul menjadi 14 modul. 5. Standardisasi dan penerapan audit kinerja dan laporan keuangan untuk LKM.
operational framework. 2. Lauching of YDBA Core Values namely, “CARE” or “Compassionate, Adaptive, Responsible, Excellent” 3. Preparation and introduction of development blueprints for MSME partners in manufacturing, vehicle service workshops, plantations and handicrafts. 4. Development of new training modules, increasing the number of modules from 8 to 14. 5. Standardization and implementation of performance and financial audit for LKM. 6. Preparation of the independence criteria and
6. Penyusunan kriteria kemandirian dan metode
assessment methods for MSMEs in manufacturing,
penilaian untuk UMKM di bidang manufaktur,
vehicle servicing workshops, planting and
bengkel servis kendaraan, usahatani dan kerajinan
tangan. Di bidang jasa perbengkelan Roda-2, YDBA bekerja
YDBA provides assistance in the form of technical and
sama dengan PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) sedangkan
management training to vehicle servicing workshops
untuk perbengkelan Roda-4, YDBA bekerjasama dengan
in various areas, in collaboration with PT Astra Honda
Toyota Astra Motor-Training Centre (TAM-TC), Astra
Motor (AHM) for 2-wheel vehicle and with Toyota Astra
Daihatsu Motor-Training Centre (ADM-TC) dan Isuzu
Motor-Training Centre (TAM-TC), Astra Daihatsu Motor-
Astra Manufacturing Indonesia-Training Centre (IAMI-TC)
Training Centre (ADM- TC) and Isuzu Astra Manufacturing
• Genba Direksi di UKM Binaan YDBA (kiri) Director Genba forum with YDBAsponsored SMEs (left) • Pelatihan Bengkel Roda Dua oleh YDBA (kanan) Training in motorcycle servicing by YDBA (right)
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
memberikan pembinaan berupa pelatihan teknik dan
Indonesia-Training Centre (IAMI-TC) for 4-wheel vehicles.
manajemen bengkel kepada bengkel-bengkel umum di
Workshops that qualify with Astra’s standards are likely
berbagai wilayah. Bengkel yang memenuhi kualifikasi
to be appointed as partner workshops in the Astra Group
standar Astra berpeluang diangkat menjadi bengkel binaan
network, such as the official workshop or garage for
jaringan Grup Astra, seperti menjadi Bengkel Resmi Binaan
Daihatsu or partner workshop with PT Asuransi Astra
Daihatsu atau bengkel rekanan PT Asuransi Astra Buana.
Untuk membantu pemuda putus sekolah, YDBA
In order to help school dropouts, YDBA cooperates with
bekerja sama dengan perusahaan Grup Astra dan
Astra Group companies and BUMN to provide training for
BUMN/S, memberikan pelatihan kepada para pemuda
these youths to become a 2-wheeler mechanic so they
untuk menjadi mekanik Roda-2 sehingga mempunyai
can have sufficient skills to fill employment opportunities
keterampilan yang cukup untuk mengisi peluang kerja
in 2-wheeler servicing sector.
di bidang perbengkelan. Pohon industri tentang hasil produk Astra yang
The YDBA Gallery displays the range of Astra’s products
merupakan gabungan dari produk-produk UMKM
that combine various components made by its MSME
binaan ter-display di Galeri YDBA. Sebagian besar hasil
partners. The majority of MSMEs assisted product results
produk UMKM binaan terpampang di Galeri sehingga
are displayed in the gallery, to make it easier for visitors
memudahkan bagi pengunjung untuk mengetahui seluk
to know the ins and outs of Astra products such as a car
beluk dari sebuah mobil atau motor produk Astra. Selain
or motorcycle. In addition, YDBA Gallery also markets a
itu, untuk produk-produk kerajinan hasil produksi UKM
variety of handicraft products by MSMEs, available for
binaan juga dipasarkan melalui Galeri YDBA yang juga
volume orders through YDBA Gallery.
bisa dipesan langsung melalui YDBA dengan kapasitas yang banyak. Salah satu UMKM binaan yang telah menjadi mitra
One of the MSME partners that have been partners with
YDBA sejak tahun 1991 membagi pengalaman sebagai
YDBA since 1991, shared the experience as follows:
“Begitu banyak bantuan dan dukungan yang kami peroleh
“We have received much help and support from YDBA,
dari YDBA, berupa pelatihan-pelatihan baik di bidang
in the form of training in technical and management
teknik maupun manajemen, yang telah menambah
aspects, which has added to our knowledge and insight
pengetahuan dan wawasan kami dalam menjalankan
in running and developing a business. With YDBA, we
dan mengembangkan usaha. Bersama YDBA, kami juga
had the opportunity to do a benchmark study overseas by
diberi kesempatan melakukan benchmark ke luar negeri
visiting the auto show in Guangzhou on February 2011
seperti meninjau pameran otomotif pada Februari 2011
and in Liuzhou, China, on December 2011. YDBA also
di Guangzhou dan bulan Desember 2011 di Liuzhou,
give us the opportunity to attend a training program to
China. Melalui YDBA juga kami diberikan kesempatan
Japan in early 2012 through the AOTS program,” said
mengikuti program pelatihan ke Jepang pada awal
Krishna Bharata, Director of PT Mada Wikri Tunggal, an
tahun 2012 melalui program AOTS,” ungkap Krishna
automotive component manufacturers and supplier to
Bharata, Direktur PT Mada Wikri Tunggal, produsen
PT Astra Honda Motor.
komponen otomotif yang menjadi pemasok PT Astra Honda Motor.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Program Pelatihan dan Pembinaan UMKM YDBA Training and Development Program of MSME by YDBA No
Program Program
Indikator Indicator
Training Mekanik
Jumlah Murid
Pembinaan UMKM
Jumlah UMKM
UKM Mandiri
Jumlah UKM
Jumlah UKM
UKM Subkon Astra
Pendirian LPB
Jumlah LPB
Pendirian LKM
Jumlah LKM
Program IGA di SUWARGO [SO 1]
IGA Programs at SUWARGO [SO 1]
Program IGA menggunakan pendekatan pengembangan
IGA program in local community development in areas
komunitas lokal yang berada di sekitar lokasi perusahaan
around Astra’s operational sites has been implemented
Astra telah cukup lama berjalan di kawasan Sunter,
for quite some time at Sunter area, North Jakarta. The
Jakarta Utara. Sasaran program adalah kaum wanita
program empowers women in the production of sewn
yang diarahkan untuk menjahit kain majun, yang akan
cloth rags, which will be used as a cleaning cloth in
digunakan sebagai kain pembersih dalam kegiatan
the day-to-day operations of factories and workshops
operasional sehari-hari di berbagai pabrik dan bengkel
of Astra in the Sunter area. At the year-end 2012, the
Astra di kawasan Sunter. Hingga akhir tahun 2012,
program involved some 22 local residents who received
program ini diikuti oleh 22 orang warga yang menerima
coaching in entrepreneurship as well as working capital
pembinaan kewirausahaan disertai bantuan modal
loan in the form of sewing machines, and enlisted the
usaha berupa mesin jahit, dengan menggandeng
partnership of a number of community organizations. In
sejumlah lembaga pemberdayaan masyarakat sebagai
2012, production of cloth rags amounted to 21,474 kg in
mitra kerja. Pada tahun 2012, produksi kain majun
line with the increasing number of Astra companies that
yang telah mencapai 21.474 kg seiring meningkatnya
use the cloth rags. Through this program, participants
jumlah perusahaan Astra pengguna kain majun. Secara
were able to receive an average monthly income of
riil, program ini mampu memberikan pendapatan para
Rp 1,000,000. In addition to the production of cloth • Program IGA Suwargo Astra : IGA Majun (kiri) Cleaning cloth production - IGA program by Astra at SUWARGO (left) • IGA Komunitas Aku Bisa (kanan atas) “Aku Bisa’ IGA Community Group (above right) • IGA Bank Sampah (kanan bawah) Garbage Bank IGA program (below right)
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
anggotanya rata-rata senilai Rp 1.000.000 per bulan.
rags, Astra also assisted and provided funding to help
Selain komoditas kain majun, Astra juga membina dan
community entrepreneurial activities in other areas as
menggulirkan dana untuk membantu usaha masyarakat
well, such as in food and beverage business, futsal field
di lain bidang, contohnya usaha makanan, penyewaan
rental and handicrafts.
lapangan futsal dan kerajinan tangan. Dengan semakin berkembang dan bervariasi program
With the growing volume and variety of IGA programs
IGA di area SUWARGO tahun 2012, Astra membentuk
in SUWARGO area, in 2012, Astra established the AKU
komunitas AKU BISA (Asosiasi Kelompok Usaha Binaan
BISA (Association of Astra Business Partners) community
Astra) sebagai wadah komunikasi dan diskusi serta
as a communication, discussion, and monitoring forum
monitoring perkembangan usaha yang dijalani.
for business development of its members.
Pelatihan UKM dan Wirausaha Muda Astra
SME and Astra Young Entrepreneur Training
Untuk menumbuhkan kewirausahaan masyarakat
To promote entrepreneurship in communities around
sekitar perusahaan, Astra mengadakan program Astra
Astra’s companies, Astra has conducted the Astra Socio
Socio Entrepreneur sejak tahun 2011 yang ditujukan
Entrepreneur program since 2011. Aimed at the young
bagi wirausaha muda. Program ini tidak hanya bersifat
entrepreneurs, this program is not only a competition,
kompetisi namun juga meliputi pembinaan terhadap
but also assists the participants to gain knowledge
peserta lomba melalui workshop dan pelatihan guna
through the workshop in order to monitor and improve
memonitor dan meningkatkan usaha peserta. Pada tahun
participants’ businesses. In 2012, the number of
2012, jumlah peserta 27 orang, meningkat dari tahun
participants increased to 27 people, compared to 18 in
sebelumnya 18 orang.
the previous year.
Beberapa pelatihan yang diadakan di tahun 2012 antara
Several trainings that held in 2012 invited expert speakers
lain mengundang narasumber Saptuari Sugiharto pemilik
such as Saptuari Sugiharto, owner of ‘Kedai Digital’
usaha kreatif ‘Kedai Digital’ dari Jogja dan Syaiful Dikki
creative business from Yogyakarta and Syaiful Dikki of
dari Entrepreneur University yang berbagi tentang
Entrepreneur University, who shared tips on business
kiat-kiat pengembangan bisnis Usaha Kecil Menengah
development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME).
(UKM). Pada kesempatan lain, Astra mengundang seluruh
On another occasion, Astra invited all partner agencies
lembaga mitra pendamping untuk mendengarkan
to a sharing session with Dompet Peduli Umat Darul
sharing dari Dompet Peduli Umat Darut Tauhid (DPU-
Tauhid (DPU-DT) on the management of microfinance
DT) mengenai pengelolaan pinjaman keuangan mikro
loans to the public.
kepada masyarakat. Selama tahun 2012, Astra telah melakukan pelatihan
Throughout 2012, Astra has conducted a total of 237,182
selama 237.182 jam, yang terbuka untuk umum maupun
training hours for public participants as well as those
khusus untuk peserta program IGA.
reserved for IGA program participants.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Program Peminjaman Bibit Kelapa Sawit Pada
Palm Oil Seed Loan Program
Masyarakat Sekitar PT Suryaraya Lestari 1 (SRL 1) merupakan salah satu
PT Suryaraya Lestari 1 (SRL 1) is a subsidiary of PT Astra
anak perusahaan PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk yang berada
Agro Lestari Tbk, in the C1 area of West Sulawesi. In
di kabupaten Mamuju, provinsi Sulawesi Barat. Dalam
conducting its business operations, SRL 1 continues to
menjalankan operasional bisnisnya, SRL 1 senantiasa
maintain harmony with the surrounding communities and
menjaga hubungan harmonis dengan masyarakat sekitar
creates synergy through its CSR programs.
dan bersinergi dengan melakukan program CSR. Salah satu program CSR yang dilakukan oleh SRL 1 adalah
One of the CSR activities conducted by SRL 1 is the
program Income Generating Activity berupa pemberian
Income Generating Activities program of providing palm
pinjaman bibit kelapa sawit. Program ini telah dilakukan
oil seedlings as loans to farmers. This program was first
sejak tahun 2008 dan hingga saat ini telah melibatkan
initiated in 2008 and to date has covered some 2,423
2.423 peserta yang meliputi 13 desa, 5 kecamatan dan 2
participants in 13 villages, 5 districts and 2 regencies. In
kabupaten. Pada tahun 2012 pendapatan yang diterima
2012, the average revenue generated per month by each
oleh masing-masing peserta program mencapai hampir
participant amounted to almost Rp 3,000,000.
Rp 3.000.000 per bulan.
Program IGA Budidaya Ikan Lele
IGA Program of Catfish Farming
PT Kayaba Indonesia mengembangkan program
PT Kayaba Indonesia has developed a program to
peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat desa Jatiwangi yang
increase rural incomes in Jatiwangi village, adjacent to
bertetangga dengan instalasi perusahaan di Cikarang
the company’s installations in West Cikarang, Bekasi.
Barat, Bekasi. Usaha yang dikembangkan adalah
The program involves development of catfish cultivation
budidaya ikan Lele jenis Sangkuriang yang merupakan
farming, particularly for Sangkuriang catfish that are
ikan lele unggulan karena mudah dipelihara, usia panen
easy to care for, quick to harvest, and has a high market
lebih cepat dan memiliki potensi pasar yang tinggi.
Pembelajaran dimulai dengan mengikuti pelatihan
The program begins with training for Sangkuriang catfish
budidaya ikan Lele Sangkuriang di PKBM Baitul Ilmi, Bogor
cultivation farming conducted at PKBM Baitul Ilmi, Bogor,
yang diterapkan kelompok usaha bersama beranggota
for a group of 10 Jatiwangi villagers. Within a year, the
10 orang warga desa Jatiwangi. Dalam waktu satu tahun
catfish cultivation program has increased significantly
budidaya mengalami peningkatan cukup signifikan,
with monthly revenues of around Rp 1,000,000 per
pendapatan yang diterima mencapai 1 juta rupiah per
person. The number of business groups continues to
orang setiap bulan. Kelompok usaha terus bertambah
grow in line with the increasing number of locals who
seiring meningkatnya jumlah warga yang ikut membuat
participated to make catfish cultivation ponds on the
kolam ikan lele di lahan rumah masing-masing.
land of their homes.
Atas inisiatif mengembangkan IGA di desa Jatiwangi, PT
For its initiative in developing IGA in Jatiwangi village,
Kayaba Indonesia memperoleh penghargaan CSR dari
PT Kayaba Indonesia received a CSR award from the
Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kabupaten Bekasi. Kediaman salah
Agency of Labor of Bekasi Regency. The residence of
satu warga desa pelopor budidaya ikan lele, bahkan
one of the pioneers in catfish cultivation was also used
dijadikan benchmark oleh Pemprov Jawa Barat sebagai
by the provincial government of West Java as a showcase
percontohan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) yang berhasil
of Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) successful project
berternak ikan Lele Sangkuriang.
in Sangkuriang catfish farming.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Program IGA Masyarakat Sekitar Perkebunan Sawit
IGA Program of Palm Oil Community
PT Sukses Tani Nusasubur sebagai salah satu anak usaha
PT Sukses Tani Nusasubur as one of the subsidiaries of
PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk di Kalimantan Timur telah
PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk in East Kalimantan that has
menjalin hubungan baik dengan masyarakat melalui
established good relations with the community through
pemberdayaan kompetensi petani palawija di sekitar
the empowerment of vegetable crop farmers around the
perkebunan sawit perusahaan.
company’s palm oil plantations.
Tujuan program adalah menciptakan lapangan kerja dan
The IGA program aims to create jobs and promote
mendorong kemandirian melalui pembentukan kelompok
independence through the formation of well-organized
tani dan kelompok usaha bersama yang terorganisir dan
and sustainable farmer groups and business groups.
berkesinambungan. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah
Activities conducted were the development of crop
pengembangan varietas tanaman yang memiliki nilai
varieties with high economic value such as peppers,
ekonomi cukup tinggi seperti cabe, timun dan terong,
cucumbers and eggplant, as well as patin fish farming.
serta pengembangan kolam ikan patin. Pada tahun 2012, PT Sukses Tani Nusasubur memiliki
In 2012, PT Sukses Tani Nusasubur has 11 farmer groups as
11 kelompok binaan yang menerima dana bergulir
partners that received revolving, interest-free loans of around
atau pinjaman lunak tanpa bunga sekitar Rp 90 juta.
Rp 90 million. Income received by members of the farmer
Pendapatan yang diterima anggota kelompok meningkat
groups has increased by almost 90% from Rp 978,000 to
hampir 90% dari Rp 978.000 menjadi lebih dari
Rp 1,826,000 per member each month.
Rp 1.826.000 per anggota setiap bulan.
• Program Budidaya Lele Sangkuriang oleh PT Kayaba Indonesia (kiri) Sangkuriang Catfish breeding program by PT Kayaba Indonesia (left) • Kelompok Tani Binaan PT Sukses Tani Nusasubur (kanan) Farmers’ Community Group sponsored by PT Sukses Tani Nusasubur (right)
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
[EC 8]
Melibatkan karyawan secara aktif dalam pelestarian lingkungan. Actively engaging employees in environment conservation.
Perlindungan dan konservasi alam adalah salah
Astra is committed to nature preservation and protection,
satu komitmen Astra karena kami meyakini bahwa
as we believe that a well-balanced ecosystem is beneficial
keseimbangan alam yang baik akan bermanfaat bagi
to sustainable development. The focus of Astra’s CSR
pembangunan berkelanjutan. Fokus kegiatan CSR Astra
activities in aspect of Environment is nature conservation
di bidang Lingkungan adalah upaya konservasi dan
as well as prevention of environmental pollution.
pencegahan pencemaran lingkungan.
Astra telah merintis gerakan penanaman pohon sejak
Since 2008, Astra has engaged its employees in a tree-
tahun 2008 yang melibatkan karyawan Astra melalui
planting program called “One Employee, One Tree
program “Satu Karyawan, Satu Pohon (Sakasapo)” untuk
(Sakasapo)”, targeting 116.867 trees that corresponded
116.867 orang karyawan Astra di seluruh Indonesia.
with the number of Astra’s employees throughout
[EN 18]
Indonesia. [EN 18]
550.000 Pohon untuk Lingkungan
550,000 Trees for the Environment
“550.000 Pohon untuk Lingkungan” adalah program khusus
Astra conducted a special program in commemoration of
yang diselenggarakan oleh Astra untuk memperingati 55
its 55th Anniversary, “550,000 Trees for the Environment”,
tahun usia Perusahaan. Penanaman pohon pada program ini
for the planting of trees around Astra Group’s installations
dilakukan di seluruh Indonesia di sekitar instalasi Grup Astra.
throughout Indonesia. Among the types of seedlings
Jenis bibit pohon yang ditanam di antaranya pohon langka
planted are rare and native species typical to a region,
khas daerah, memiliki daya serap CO2 baik, pohon berkayu
trees with good CO2-absorption characteristics, non-
bukan palem, tanaman hias, paku-pakuan. Untuk Program
palms woody plants, ornamental plants, and tree ferns.
ini Astra bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Kehutanan,
In this program, Astra collaborated with the Ministry of
Perum Perhutani, Pemerintah Daerah serta instansi-instansi
Forestry, Perum Perhutani, local government and other
lain yang terkait.
related agencies.
Sepanjang 2012, Grup Astra secara bertahap melakukan
Throughout 2012, Astra organized tree-panting activities
penanaman pohon di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Realisasi
in several stages all over Indonesia. Some of the key
program yang dicapai antara lain:
achievements are:
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Kegiatan CSR Bidang Lingkungan oleh Grup Astra
1. Penanaman pohon di hutan Wanagama Universitas
1. Planting of 110,000 trees at the Wanagama
Gadjah Mada, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta sebanyak
forest Gadjah Mada University in Gunung Kidul,
CSR activities in Environment by Astra Group
2. Penanaman pohon di Gunung Halimun, Sukabumi
110.000 pohon.
sebanyak 55.000 pohon.
2. Planting of 55,000 trees in Mount Halimun, Sukabumi.
3. Penanaman pohon di lima kota tempat pelaksanaan
3. Tree-planting activities in conjunction with “Explore
program “Jelajahi Dunia Astra” yaitu Jakarta mencapai
the World of Astra” events held in five cities, namely
55.000 pohon, Medan sebanyak 15.000 pohon,
Jakarta (55,000 trees), Medan (15,000 trees),
Balikpapan sebanyak 15.000 pohon, Makassar sebanyak
Balikpapan (15,000 trees), Makassar (15,000 trees),
15.000 pohon dan Surabaya sebanyak 15.000 pohon.
and Surabaya (15,000 trees).
4. Penanaman pohon Mangrove di Sulawesi Barat mencapai 140.000 pohon.
4. Planting of 140,000 mangrove trees in West Sulawesi.
5. Penanaman pohon Mangrove di Muara Tawar, Marunda sebanyak 78.300 pohon.
5. Planting of 78,300 mangrove trees in Muara Tawar, Marunda.
6. Penanaman pohon di hutan kota Witana Harja, kota
6. Planting of 10,000 trees at Witana Harja city forest,
Tangerang Selatan sebanyak 10.000 pohon terdiri 9.900
South Tangerang, with 9,900 shade trees and another
pohon pelindung dan 100 pohon yaitu pohon Sawo
100 rare and native trees such as Sawo Kecik,
Kecik, Jamblang, Buah Nona, Gandaria, Lobi-lobi, Rukem,
Jamblang, Buah Nona, Gandaria, Lobi-lobi, Rukem,
Rambutan Rapiah, Srikaya, Kweni dan Mengkudu. 7. Penanaman pohon di bumi perkemahan Cikundul, Sukabumi sebanyak 1.100 pohon.
Rambutan Rapiah, Srikaya, Kweni and Mengkudu. 7. Planting of 1,100 trees at the Cikundul campground in Sukabumi.
8. Adopsi 1.000 pohon (@Rp108.000) melanjutkan adopsi
8. Adoption of 1,000 trees (at Rp 108,000 per tree)
tahun 2011 sebanyak yang sama di Sarongge, Jawa
in continuation of the same initiative in 2011 at
Sarongge, West Java.
Sejak Grup Astra aktif melakukan penanaman pohon,
Since the beginning of Astra’s active involvement in tree-
hingga tahun 2012 tercatat lebih dari 1.600.000 pohon
planting activities, more than 1,600,000 trees of various
berbagai jenis telah ditanam. [EN 18]
species have been planted up to 2012. [EN 18]
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Astra Bogor Eco Edu Forest
Astra Bogor Eco Edu Forest
Astra Bogor Eco Edu Forest adalah program Grup
Astra Bogor Eco Edu Forest is a program by Astra to plant
Astra untuk menanami pohon di sebuah area seluas
trees in a 500-hectare area at Babakan Madang, Sentul
500 hektar di Babakan Madang, Sentul, Jawa Barat.
in West Java. The tree-planting program can be part of
Program penanaman pohon ini dapat menjadi bagian
learning activities on such subjects as forestry, biodiversity,
dari pembelajaran tentang kehutanan, keanekaragaman
as well as public education on environment, in order to
hayati, serta pendidikan lingkungan bagi masyarakat
improve the knowledge and understanding of Indonesia’s
untuk meningkatkan wawasan dan pemahaman tentang
tropical forests.
hutan tropis di Indonesia. Pada acara penanaman Astra Bogor Eco Edu Forest
The Minister of Forestry, Zulkifli Hasan, officially
yang diresmikan oleh Menteri Kehutanan Zulfkifli
inaugurated the tree-planting program at Astra Bogor
Hasan, 18 Juli 2012, Menteri menyampaikan rencana
Eco Edu Forest on 18 July 2012. At the inauguration
agar kawasan yang memiliki total luas 3.000 hektar ini
ceremony, the Minister proposed a plan for a possible
dapat dikembangkan menjadi taman nasional di masa
future development of the location, having a total area of
mendatang. Selain menjadi kawasan hutan, Eco Edu
3,000 hectares, into a national park. In addition to being a
Forest juga diharapkan untuk dapat membantu sosial
forested area, the Eco Edu Forest is also expected to result
ekonomi masyarakat melalui pelibatan masyarakat untuk
in socio-economic benefits for local communities through
memanfaatkan kawasan yang ditanam untuk pertanian
a scheme of community involvement in agricultural
tumpang sari, sehingga masyarakat juga turut merawat
intercropping, so that the community can also assist to
kawasan hutan ini.
take care of the forest.
Untuk mendukung program ini, Astra menyerahkan
As a further support, Astra donated one unit of
bantuan satu unit mobil operasional kepada Bina
operational vehicle to the local government agency of
Pengelola Daerah Aliran Sungai (BPDAS) Citarum Ciliwung
Citarum-Ciliwung River Watershed Area Management.
kepada pemerintah daerah. Bantuan juga diberikan untuk
Assistance was also given for the development of a rural
pengembangan Kebun Bibit Rakyat (KBR) bagi Kelompok
nursery run by the Arayan Santoso Farmers Group under
• Penanaman 55.000 Mangrove PT Astra International Tbk di Angke, Kapuk (kiri atas) Planting of 55,000 mangrove trees in Angke, Kapuk, by PT Astra International Tbk (above left) • Restorasi Mangrove sebagai tempat singgah burung migran di area konservasi PT Letawa (kiri bawah) Mangrove restoration as a safe-haven for migratory birds at PT Letawa conservation area (below left) • Astra mendukung Gerakan Penanaman Satu Miliar Pohon (kanan) Astra supports the ‘One Billion Tree Planting’ program (right)
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Tani Arayan Santoso yang merupakan binaan Dharma
the patronage of Dharma Wanita (Women Organization)
Wanita Kementerian Kehutanan dengan Astra. Program
of the Ministry of Forestry and Astra. This program assists
ini merupakan pembinaan masyarakat desa hutan di area
local forest villagers in the Babakan Madang area in
Babakan Madang, Sentul dengan bentuk sosialisasi cara
Sentul with capacity building in tree planting, breeding
menanam, pembibitan dan perawatan tanaman yang
and plant upkeep. [EN 18]
baik. [EN 18]
Apresiasi [2.10]
Appreciation [2.10]
Komitmen Go Green with Astra yang difokuskan dengan
Commitment to Go Green with Astra, which focuses on
penanaman pohon di seluruh Nusantara dilakukan sejalan
tree-planting activities throughout the country, is in line
dengan program pemerintah “Penanaman Satu Miliar
with the government program of “One Billion Indonesian
Pohon” (One Billion Indonesia Trees-OBIT) yang digagas
Trees (OBIT) initiated by the Ministry of Forestry. The
Kementerian Kehutanan. Dengan melakukan penanaman
planting of trees is also aligned with one of the objectives
pohon, salah satu aspek dalam ‘Tujuan Pembangunan
of the ‘Millennium Development Goals’ (MDGs), namely
Milenium’ (Millenium Development Goals-MDG’s) yaitu
ensuring environmental sustainability. Another benefit of
menjamin daya dukung lingkungan hidup dapat dicapai.
planting trees is carbon absorption, which in turn could
Menanam pohon juga akan memberikan manfaat untuk
mitigate the risk of climate change caused by greenhouse
penyerapan karbon yang dapat mengurangi risiko
gas emissions. The government of Indonesia is committed
perubahan iklim akibat emisi gas rumah kaca, sebagai
to reduce carbon emissions by 26% in 2020.
wujud komitmen pemerintah untuk menurunkan emisi karbon sebanyak 26% pada 2020. Sebagai apresiasi atas upaya yang telah dilakukan, Astra
As an appreciation for its efforts in tree-planting programs,
memperoleh Penghargaan Penanaman Satu Miliar Pohon
Astra received the recognition of One Billion Tree Planting
pada Bulan Menanam Nasional tahun 2012 tanggal 28
Award at the National Planting Month 2012 on 28
November 2012. Penghargaan ini diberikan langsung
November 2012. The award was presented by Zulkifli
oleh Menteri Kehutanan Zulkifli Hasan kepada Direktur
Hasan, the Minister of Forestry, to Angky Tisnadisastra,
Astra mendukung program adopsi pohon bersama Presiden Republik Indonesia di Sarongge, Jawa Barat Astra and the President of RI at the tree-adoption program in Sarongge, West Java
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Astra International Angky Tisnadisastra, disaksikan
Director of Astra International, and witnessed by Susilo
langsung oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono, the President of the Republic of
Bambang Yudhoyono.
Selain penanaman pohon, program CSR Astra untuk
In addition to tree planting, Astra’s CSR program for
lingkungan 2012 di antaranya adalah pembangunan
2012 includes the development of Astra Park, at the
Taman Astra yang terletak di sudut perempatan Jalan
corner of the intersection of Jalan Yos Sudarso and Jalan
Yos Sudarso dengan Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Jakarta
Perintis Kemerdekaan in North Jakarta, the Garbage
Utara, Bank Sampah, Kampanye dan Stop Nyampah di
Bank program, and the Campaign for ‘Stop Littering
Our Rivers”.
Program Energi Terbarukan Mikro Hidro untuk
Micro Hydro Renewable Energy Program for Isolated
Masyarakat Terisolasi oleh PT Astra Honda Motor
Communities by PT Astra Honda Motor
PT Astra Honda Motor merintis program pengembangan
PT Astra Honda Motor is pioneering a program to develop
energi terbarukan untuk masyarakat yang tinggal di
renewable energy for the benefit of people in remote
tempat yang terpencil dan terisolasi melalui pembangunan
and isolated areas. The program involves the installation
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hidro (PLTMH) untuk
of a number of Micro Hydro Power Plant (MHPP) for
masyarakat adat Banten Kidul Kasepuhan Ciptagelar
the traditional community of Banten Kidul Kasepuhan
yang tinggal di kaki Gunung Halimun di Sukabumi - Jawa
Ciptagelar living at the foot of Mount Halimun, Sukabumi
Barat, serta warga Pekon Tuguratu dan Bading Agung,
in West Java, as well as for residents of Pekon Tuguratu and
Suoh - Lampung Barat yang terisolasi karena infrastuktur
Bading Agung, Suoh in West Lampung. These two villages
jalan yang belum memadai.
are isolated due to inadequate road infrastructure.
Total daya yang dihasilkan dari 3 pembangkit listrik ini
Total power generated from the 3 power plants is 26,400
adalah 26.400 watt yang mampu menerangi 220 rumah,
watts, sufficient to light up 220 houses, 2 mosques and
2 mushola dan 2 rumah bersalin. Penerangan di malam
2 maternity homes. At night, electric lights facilitate
hari dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan belajar dan mengaji,
studying and praying. During the daytime, the electricity
energi listrik yang tersedia juga dimanfaatkan untuk
is used in productive activities such as in repair shops and
kegiatan produktif seperti perbengkelan serta mesin
to power coffee and cocoa drying equipment.
pengering kopi dan kakao.
Pembangkit mikro hidro memanfaatkan air untuk
A micro-hydro power plant uses flowing water to turn
memutar turbin, sehingga secara langsung mendorong
the electricity generator’ turbines. People are thus
masyarakat secara sadar untuk senantiasa menjaga
encouraged to consciously preserve the surrounding
kelestarian hutan yang merupakan daerah tangkapan
forests as water catchment areas. Moreover, people are
air. Selain itu, masyarakat juga terdorong untuk menjaga
also encouraged to maintain a clean watershed area so
kebersihan Daerah Aliran Sungai agar air mengalir tidak
that the river water can flow unhindered in generating
tersendat untuk menghasilkan listrik.
Program Restorasi Mangrove dan Kompor Biomass
Mangrove Restoration and Biomass Stove Programs
[EN 11] [EN 12] [EN 13] [EN 14] [EN 15] [EN 25]
[EN 11] [EN 12] [EN 13] [EN 14] [EN 15] [EN 25]
PT Lettawa melakukan konservasi lingkungan dengan
PT Lettawa has been conducting an environment
melakukan restorasi mangrove di daerah pesisir pantai
conservation program by restoring mangrove shrubs in
dan wilayah sekitar perusahaan serta pelabuhan khusus
the coastal areas around the company’s premises and its
Tanjung Bakau, Kabupaten Mamuju Utara – Sulawesi
special harbor at Tanjung Bakau, North Mamuju Regency,
Barat. Mangrove yang ditanam selama 2010 – 2012
West Sulawesi. During the period from 2010 to 2012,
mencapai 142.000 pohon. Selain mencegah abrasi
some 142,000 mangroves have been planted. In addition
pantai, areal hutan mangrove yang telah berusia 2 tahun
to preventing coastal erosion, the 2-year-old mangrove
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
ini menjadi tempat singgah bagi 37 spesies burung,
forest has become a haven for 37 species of birds,
termasuk 12 spesies burung migran. Selain program
including 12 species of migratory birds. In addition to
penanaman mangrove, PT Lettawa juga memberikan
mangrove tree planting, PT Lettawa also provides biomass
kompor biomass kepada masyarakat pesisir yang
stoves for local communities in the coastal area, in order
bertujuan untuk mengurangi pembalakan mangrove
to reduce the use of mangrove trees for fuel as was
yang digunakan sebagai bahan bakar. Kompor biomass
previously the custom among these people. The biomass
tersebut memanfaatkan cangkang Limbah padat kelapa
stoves use the solid waste husks from oil palm fruits as
sawit sebagai bahan bakar alternatif. Pemakaian kompor
an alternative fuel source. The use of biomass stoves is
biomass tersebut diperkirakan dapat menghemat
calculated to result in savings of Rp 112.5 million and
pemakaian LPG senilai Rp 112,5 juta atau minyak tanah
Rp 288 million in LPG and kerosene utilization,
senilai Rp 288 juta, atau 1.200 pohon mangrove dapat
respectively, or some 1,200 mangrove trees being saved,
terselamatkan dari pembalakan selama satu tahun.
each year.
Program Pendidikan Konservasi
Environment Conservation Education program
Program pendidikan konservasi lingkungan yang
PT Agro Menara Rahmat engaged in an environment
dilakukan oleh PT Agro Menara Rahmat untuk melindungi
conservation education program to help protect the
Area Konservasi di area perusahaan seluas hampir 700
Company’s conservation area of nearly 700 hectares,
hektar yang terletak di Pangkalan Lada, Kabupaten
located at Pangkalan Lada, West Kotawaringin Regency in
Kotawaringin Barat - Kalimantan Tengah. Sasaran
Central Kalimantan. The program aims to educate students,
program adalah murid sekolah, karyawan perusahaan
company’s employees and people in the surrounding
dan masyarakat sekitar melalui metode sosialisasi dan
communities through socialization and education methods
edukasi di kelas ataupun kunjungan ke area konservasi.
in the classrooms as well as field trips.
Program Konservasi Mangrove Teluk Jakarta dan
Mangrove Conservation Program in Jakarta Bay and
Ruang Terbuka Hijau Jakarta Timur
Green Open Space Program in East Jakarta
Program UTRESS Konservasi Mangrove Teluk Jakarta
The UTRESS Mangrove Conservation Program in Jakarta
dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Jakarta Timur dilakukan oleh
Bay and Green Open Space Program in East Jakarta is
PT United Tractors Tbk bersama Grup AHEME. Penanaman
conducted by PT United Tractors in collaboration with
mangrove dilakukan di dua lokasi lahan kritis, yaitu di sisi
AHEME Group. The planting of mangrove trees was
jalan tol bandara di Muara Angke, serta di pesisir pantai
conducted at two particularly critical areas, namely
Muara Tawar Marunda. Jumlah mangrove yang ditanam
alongside the airport toll road in Muara Angke and on the
di Muara Angke adalah 6.000 pohon sementara di
coast of Muara Tawar Marunda. Some 6,000 mangroves
pantai Muara Tawar mencapai 78.300 pohon mangrove.
were planted in Muara Angke, and another 78,300 in the
Untuk mendukung kelestarian Kanal Banjir Timur (KBT)
coast of Muara Tawar. To support the sustainability of the
di Jakarta Timur PT United Tractors Tbk membangun
East Flood Canal (KBT) in East Jakarta, PT United Tractors
“Taman UT AHEME” seluas 3,9 hektar di wilayah Duren
build the “UT AHEME Garden” in a 3.9 hectares area at
Sawit sebagai Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) di koridor KBT
Duren Sawit, intended as an urban Green Open Space
yang memiliki fungsi ekologis sekaligus sosial bagi warga
in the KBT corridor with ecological and social functions
sekitar kanal. [EN 13]
for residents around the canal. [EN 13]
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
[EC 8] [EC 9] [SO 1]
Kesehatan ibu dan anak, sumber kesejahteraan masyarakat Maternal and child health, the foundation of community welfare
Bidang kesehatan merupakan salah satu dari empat
The health sector is one of the four pillars of CSR that is
pilar CSR yang sangat penting dan besar pengaruhnya
particularly important and has a significant influence in
dalam menentukan tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat
determining the level of welfare, as well as to support the
serta mendukung program Pemerintah dalam komitmen
Government’s commitment for Millennium Development
Pembangunan Milenium (MDGs) di bidang kesehatan
Goals (MDGs) particularly in the areas of healthcare to
utamanya untuk menurunkan angka kematian anak
reduce infant mortality and improve maternal health. In
dan meningkatkan kesehatan ibu. Pada tahun 2012,
2012, Astra’s SESR Policy (SESR Corporate/ESR Division)
kebijakan SESR (SESR Corporate/ESR Division) Astra
focused Astra’s healthcare activities in support of maternal
memfokuskan kegiatan kesehatan pada kesehatan
and child health as well as to develop community-based
ibu dan anak serta mengembangkan program sanitasi
sanitation programs.
berbasis masyarakat. Pelaksanaan program kesehatan dilakukan dengan
The implementation of healthcare programs was
bekerja sama dengan pemerintah daerah dan komunitas
conducted in cooperation with respective local
setempat. Adapun pada tahun 2012 dilakukan kerja sama
government and communities. In 2012, cooperation with
dengan Kementerian Kesehatan RI tentang Kesehatan Ibu
the Ministry of Health was organized in relation to the
dan Anak serta Desa Ramah Lingkungan.
Maternal and Child Health, as well as the Environmentally Friendly Village.
Mobil Kesehatan Astra (MOKESA)
MOKESA (Astra Health Service Car)
Program MOKESA digulirkan sejak tahun 2011
The MOKESA program was established in 2011 and has
dan memperoleh sambutan yang sangat baik dari
received positive reception from the various stakeholders.
berbagai pemangku kepentingan. MOKESA adalah
MOKESA is a mobile health clinic program that provides
program pengobatan keliling gratis bagi warga kurang
free medical treatments for low-income residents through
mampu dengan pemberian kupon untuk berobat yang
a system of health coupons distributed by the local district
penyebarannya dilakukan oleh kelurahan setempat.
MOKESA hadir dari kepedulian Astra terhadap kesulitan
The idea for MOKESA originated from Astra’s concern
sebagian masyarakat khususnya yang berada di sekitar
over the difficulty of some people in the community,
lingkungan Grup Astra di Sunter, Jakarta Utara, untuk
especially those at Astra Group’s neighborhood area in
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
MOKESA, Pelayanan Kesehatan Gratis untuk Warga Suwargo MOKESA provides free heathcare service for communities in SUWARGO
mengakses layanan kesehatan karena keterbatasan
Sunter, North Jakarta, to access health services due to
biaya. Astra bersama jajaran pemerintah dari Kelurahan,
lack of funds. Astra, along with the relevant government
Puskesmas, Lembaga Musyawarah Kelurahan, Kecamatan,
officials from the Village and District, Community Health
dan tokoh masyarakat di wilayah Kelurahan Sungai
Center, Institute for Urban Council, and community
Bambu, Warakas dan Papanggo, menggagas program
leaders in the area of the Sungai Bambu, Warakas, and
pelayanan kesehatan MOKESA (Mobil Kesehatan Astra)
Papanggo Village, initiated the healthcare program
yang melayani ketiga kelurahan tersebut.
MOKESA (Astra Health Service Car) to serve communities in the three villages.
MOKESA secara rutin berkunjung untuk memberikan
The MOKESA unit regularly visits the community to
fasilitas pelayanan pemeriksaan kesehatan dari dokter-
provide health consultation from the team of doctors
dokter dan tim paramedis yang juga berasal dari wilayah
and paramedics who also come from the local area, as
setempat sekaligus pemberian obat-obatan sesuai
well as to provide the appropriate medicines according
Penerima Manfaat Mobil Kesehatan Astra 2012 MOKESA beneficiaries in 2012
464 370
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
diagnosis tanpa dipungut biaya. Tidak kurang 300
to the diagnosis at no charge. Some 300 people are
warga dapat dilayani pada setiap pelaksanaan MOKESA,
assisted at each of these monthly visits. At the end
karenanya pada akhir tahun 2011 frekuensi pelaksanaan
of 2011, it was decided to increase the frequency of
MOKESA ditingkatkan dari satu kali per bulan menjadi
MOKESA implementation to twice per month, which in
dua kali per bulan sehingga total penerima program
2012 resulted in an increase of total patients to 13,487
sampai dengan tahun 2012 mencapai 13.487 orang.
Kampanye Ibu dan Anak Sehat (KIAS)
Maternal and Child Health Campaign (KIAS)
Program KIAS berfokus pada kesehatan ibu dan anak,
KIAS program focuses on maternal and child health,
khususnya anak berusia di bawah lima tahun (Balita)
especially for children under five years old, through the
melalui kegiatan Posyandu (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu)
establishment of Posyandu (integrated health service
yang tersebar di beberapa wilayah sekitar instalasi Grup
outlet) in several locations in areas around Astra Group’s
Astra. Melalui Posyandu, dilakukan berbagai penyuluhan
installations. Through the Posyandu, information is
kepada ibu untuk lebih memperhatikan gizi anak dan
provided to mothers on the importance of child’s nutrition
memonitor tumbuh kembang anak secara optimal, serta
and the monitoring of child growth, as well as guidance
pengarahan kepada ibu untuk lebih memperhatikan
on how to give more attention to female reproductive
kesehatan reproduksi kewanitaan, terutama selama masa
health, especially during pregnancy and postpartum.
kehamilan dan pasca melahirkan. Melengkapi program reguler Posyandu ini, Astra
Complementary to the Posyandu regular program, Astra
mengembangkan program Stimulasi, Deteksi, dan
also develops the Stimulation, Detection, and Intervention
Intervensi Dini Tumbuh Kembang Anak (SDIDTK).
Early Growth (SDIDTK) program. The Posyandu coaching
Program pembinaan Posyandu juga menyediakan bentuk
program also offers supplementary feeding for toddlers,
pemberian makanan tambahan bagi balita, menyebarkan
and distributes the Maternal and Child Health Book,
Buku Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak di seluruh wilayah di
a guidebook on childcare for mothers.
Indonesia yang merupakan panduan bagi para ibu untuk merawat buah hatinya. Kegiatan Posyandu Binaan: Activities in Posyandu sponsored by: • PT Astra International Tbk (foto kiri | left) • PT United Tractors Tbk (kanan | right)
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Penyerahan Penghargaan Pemenang Lomba Posyandu Plus Astra Appreciation for the winner of Astra Posyandu Plus Competition
PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (AAL) juga melakukan program
PT Astra Agro Lestari (AAL) also conducted a community
peningkatan kesehatan masyarakat dilakukan melalui
health improvement program through Posyandu
Program Revitalisasi Posyandu desa di sekitar perkebunan
Revitalization Program in villages around AAL’s plantations,
AAL, termasuk memfasilitasi pelatihan untuk kader
which include the provision of training for Posyandu
Posyandu. Selama tahun 2012, seluruh Posyandu tersebut
cadres. In 2012, all the Posyandu have served the
telah melayani penerima manfaat melalui pemberian
beneficiaries by providing vitamins, food supplements,
vitamin, makanan tambahan, imunisasi, penimbangan
immunization, monthly child’s weight service, family
balita rutin bulanan, Keluarga Berencana, pengobatan
planning, minor illness treatment, and education on
ringan serta penyuluhan kesehatan lingkungan.
healthy environment.
Program Revitalisasi Posyandu oleh PT Sari Aditya
Posyandu Revitalization Program by PT Sari Aditya
Loka 1
Loka 1
PT Sari Aditya Loka 1 menjalankan program revitalisasi
PT Sari Aditya Loka 1 conducted a revitalization program
Posyandu yang selama ini belum optimal melayani warga
for local Posyandu to improve healthcare services to
Suku Anak Dalam di desa Bukit Suban dan desa Pematang
members of Anak Dalam tribe in Bukit Suban and
Kabau, Kabupaten Sarolangun Jambi.
Pematang villages, Sarolangun Regency in Jambi.
Revitalisasi dilakukan melalui pelatihan kader, renovasi
The revitalization program involves cadre training,
sarana fisik, standardisasi prasarana, sistem informasi
renovation of physical facilities, standardization of
dan sistem pelayanan, serta program pendukung seperti
infrastructure, information systems and service systems,
penanganan balita gizi kurang, senam hamil, demo
and support programs such as handling of malnutrition
masak dan sebagainya. Fokus revitalisasi adalah 2 unit
toddlers, pregnancy exercise, cooking demo, and
Posyandu berstandar Mandiri, yaitu standar tertinggi
more. The program focuses on 2 Posyandu units with
Posyandu, serta 2 unit Posyandu berstandar Pratama
Mandiri standard, which is the highest standard, and 2
yang baru didirikan untuk warga Suku Anak Dalam yang
Posyandu units with Pratama standard that were recently
tinggal di dua dusun berjauhan.
established for Anak Dalam people living in two widely separated villages.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Program “Sehat Keluarga adalah Sehatnya Bangsa”
“Healthy Family is a Healthy Nation” Program by
oleh PT Sari Aditya Loka 1
PT Sari Aditya Loka 1
Program “Sehat Keluarga adalah Sehatnya Bangsa” yaitu
The “Healthy Family is a Healthy Nation” program is a
program komprehensif peningkatan kualitas hidup dan
comprehensive initiative to improve the life quality and
kesejahteraan keluarga terutama ibu dan anak melalui
well-being of families, especially mothers and children,
pembentukan Klinik KB Perusahaan, Posyandu Mandiri,
through the establishment of Company-run Family
kelompok Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) dan kelas ibu hamil
Planning Clinic, Posyandu Mandiri, community group for
untuk warga Muara Delang, Kabupaten Merangin –
families with toddlers (BKB), and pregnancy classes for
residents of Muara Delang, Merangin Regency in Jambi.
Program Green Posyandu Asoka oleh PT United
Green Posyandu Asoka Program by PT United
Tractors Tbk
Tractors Tbk
Program GPS (Green Posyandu aSoka) oleh PT United
The Green Posyandu aSoka (GPS) program by PT United
Tractors Tbk - site Sangatta bertujuan mengembangkan
Tractors Tbk - Site Sangatta program is to develop the
Posyandu sebagai sarana kesehatan serta wadah
Posyandu as an integrated outlet for health services
pembentukan kesadaran masyarakat mengenai
and the promotion of environment awareness among
lingkungan. Program ini mencakup penyuluhan
community members. The program involves health
kesehatan, bantuan sarana dan prasarana, serta
education, facilities and infrastructure support, as well
pendampingan Posyandu “Asoka” di Desa Swarga Bara,
as Posyandu Asoka assistance at Swarga Bara Village,
Kabupaten Kutai Timur – Kalimantan Timur.
East Kutai Regency in East Kalimantan.
Program Astra Menerangi Dunia
Astra Lights the World Program
Keterbatasan akses sebagian masyarakat penderita
The limited access to health services and facilities for
berbagai penyakit kronis terhadap fasilitas dan layanan
certain patients with chronic disease, has become one
kesehatan telah menjadi salah satu kepedulian Astra.
of the concerns for Astra. Continuing the program from
Melanjutkan program di tahun terdahulu, program
the previous year, “Astra Lights the World II” was held in
Astra Menggelar Program Astra Menerangi Dunia bagi Penderita Katarak Astra held the ‘Astra Lights the World’ program for cataract patients
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Bantuan ambulance dan Sarana Kesehatan Astra untuk Masyarakat Kelurahan Lagoa
“Astra Menerangi Dunia II” diselenggarakan pada
November 2012, organizing free cataract surgery for 123
bulan November 2012 bekerja sama dengan PERDAMI
low-income people living in Sungai Bambu, Warakas and
(Persatuan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia) dan Rumah
Papanggo districts. In this program, Astra collaborated
Sakit Royal Progres memberikan bantuan berupa operasi
with PERDAMI (Association of Eye Specialist in Indonesia)
Astra donated an ambulance unit and other healthcare facilities to the community at Lagoa District
katarak secara gratis terhadap 123 warga kurang mampu
and the Royal Progress Hospital. The program in 2012
yang tinggal di wilayah Sungai Bambu, Warakas dan
was also expanded not only for patients with cataracts,
Papanggo. Program tahun 2012 juga diperluas tidak
but also for those who needed hernia surgery (25 people)
hanya bagi penderita penyakit katarak, tetapi juga
and cleft lip surgery (6 people).
bantuan operasi penyakit hernia (25 orang) serta operasi bibir sumbing (6 orang).
Penyerahan Sarana Kesehatan Astra
Donation of Health Facilities by Astra
Pada 24 Februari 2012 diserahkan secara simbolis
On 24 February 2012, a symbolic handover of Astra Blood
bantuan Mobil Transfusi Astra untuk Palang Merah
Donor Car to the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) received by
Indonesia (PMI) yang diterima oleh Ketua PMI Bapak
PMI Chairman, Mr. H. Jusuf Kalla.
H. Jusuf Kalla. Pada 24 Oktober 2012, satu unit Ambulans diserahkan
On 24 October 2012, an ambulance unit was given to the
kepada masyarakat Kelurahan Lagoa, Jakarta Utara untuk
community at Lagoa District, North Jakarta, to facilitate
membantu akses kesehatan bagi yang membutuhkan.
access to healthcare services.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Kegiatan Donasi & Tanggap Bencana
[EC 8]
Donation & Disaster Response Activities
Kegiatan operasional Astra menjangkau penjuru
Astra operational activities reaches across the archipelago
Nusantara dengan jaringan lebih dari 1.000 instalasi
with a network of more than 1,000 Astra Group
Grup Astra di 34 provinsi, menjadikan hampir seluruh
installations in 34 provinces, covering almost the
wilayah Indonesia bagaikan halaman rumah bagi
entire Indonesia and make it a home to 185.580 Astra
185.580 karyawan Astra. Dengan kelebihan ini, Astra
employees. With these advantages, Astra attempts to be
berupaya untuk peka terhadap berbagai musibah, baik
sympathetic to a variety of disasters, whether caused by
akibat bencana alam maupun kecelakaan luar biasa yang
natural disasters or exceptional accident that occurred
terjadi di Indonesia. Upaya Astra untuk dapat merespons
in Indonesia. An Astra effort to respond to disasters in
bencana dengan cara yang tepat dan benar adalah
timely and precise manner is through establishing Astra
dengan membentuk Tim SAR Astra di Kantor Pusat
SAR Team at Jakarta Head Office in 2011.
Jakarta pada tahun 2011.
Pada tahun 2012, Tim SAR Astra telah beranggotakan
In 2012, Astra SAR Team consists of 64 people from two
64 orang dari dua angkatan pelatihan. Tim ini telah
training batches. The team has been trained for search
mendapatkan pelatihan search and rescue dari Badan SAR
and rescue by the National SAR Agency (Basarnas), as
Nasional (Basarnas), serta rutin mengadakan pelatihan
well as conducting regular training activities in First
First Response Medical Training, Collapse Structure,
Response Medical Training, Collapse Structure, Confines
Confines Space Rescue, Fire Rescue, Water Rescue, dan
Space Rescue, Fire Rescue, Water Rescue, and High
High Angle Rescue. Astra berencana untuk membentuk
Angle Rescue. Astra plans to form Astra SAR Team in
Tim SAR Astra di daerah, yang akan bertugas sebagai
various regions that will serve as a first responder in the
first responder di daerah bencana untuk memberikan
disaster area by providing information about the victims
informasi tentang korban dan asset assessment kepada
and asset assessment to the Astra SAR Team command
pusat komando Tim SAR Astra di Jakarta.
center in Jakarta.
Pada tahun 2012, Tim SAR Astra ikut berperan serta
In 2012, Astra SAR Team participated in SAR operations
dalam operasi SAR kecelakaan Sukhoi SJ100 di Gunung
in connection to the Sukhoi SJ100 airline crash at Mount
Salak, Bogor. Sebanyak 9 orang anggota Tim SAR Astra
Salak, Bogor. Since May 11, 2012, a total of 9 members
sejak 11 Mei 2012 tergabung dalam Tim SAR Gabungan
of Astra SAR Team have joined with the Joint Rescue
di bawah kendali Basarnas, membantu proses pencarian
Team under the supervision of Basarnas, assisting with
dan evakuasi korban kecelakaan. Kemampuan dan hasil
the search and evacuation of accident victims. The ability
pelatihan yang diperoleh Tim SAR Astra membawa
and training results obtained by Astra SAR Team brings
kontribusi profesional pada upaya evakuasi yang
professional contribution to the evacuation effort that
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
• Donasi Hewan Qurban saat Idul Adha 1433 H (kiri) Donation of sacrificial animals on Idul Adha 1433 H (left) • Tim SAR Astra bertugas saat bencana Sukhoi (kanan atas) Astra SAR team at the Sukhoi accident (above right) • Kesepakatan kerja sama bedah rumah dengan Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat RI (kanan bawah) Collaboration for housing program with the Ministry of Housing (below right)
berlangsung selama 7 hari tersebut. Tim SAR Astra juga
lasted for 7 days. Astra SAR Team also helped firefighting
ikut membantu upaya pemadaman api dan penyelamatan
efforts to rescue fire victims in a residential area behind
korban saat terjadi kebakaran di daerah pemukiman di
one of the Astra installations in North Jakarta in April
belakang salah satu instalasi Astra di Jakarta Utara pada
2012. Other activity of Astra SAR Team in 2012 was
bulan April 2012. Kegiatan lain Tim SAR Astra pada
the organizing of Water SAR training for community
tahun 2012 adalah penyelenggaraan pelatihan SAR Air
members at Ciliwung to help improve the capacity of
bagi anggota komunitas Ciliwung untuk membantu
local communities in responding to floods.
meningkatkan kemampuan swadaya masyarakat setempat dalam merespons bencana banjir. Dalam rangka menyambut Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1433 Hijriyah,
In celebration of the Idul Fitri 1433 Hijriyah holiday
Grup Astra di wilayah Sunter dan sekitarnya membagikan
festivities, Astra Group companies in Sunter and
total 10.584 paket sembako kepada masyarakat yang
surrounding areas distributed a total of 10,584 packages
bertempat tinggal di sekitar wilayah instalasi Grup Astra. Selain
of basic staple items to local communities in the area. In
membagikan sembako, Grup Astra juga menyantuni 200 anak
addition, Astra Group also gave charity donations to 200
yatim. Sedangkan pada Hari Raya Idul Kurban, tahun 2012 ini
orphans. Meanwhile, on the Idul Kurban holiday in 2012,
Grup Astra menyalurkan sejumlah 887 hewan kurban yang
Astra Group donated a total of 887 sacrificial animals,
terdiri 747 kambing dan 140 sapi untuk masyarakat sekitar
comprising 747 goats and 140 cows, whose meat was
instalasi Grup Astra yang membutuhkan.
distributed to the poorer community members around Astra Group installations.
Pada tanggal 13 April 2012, PT Astra International Tbk
On 13 April 2012, PT Astra International Tbk signed
menandatangani kesepakatan kerja sama program bedah
a cooperation agreement to participate in a program
rumah yang diinisiasi oleh Kementerian Perumahan
initiated by the Ministry for Housing to help improve
Rakyat Indonesia untuk meningkatkan kualitas rumah
housing standards among the poor. The houses to be
tidak layak huni. Rumah yang akan dibedah ditentukan
improved are selected through a survey conducted
melalui hasil survei tim dari Kemenpera RI dan PT Astra
by a team from the Ministry of Housing and PT Astra
International Tbk. Sebagai tahap realisasi kesepakatan
International Tbk. In the initial stage of the program,
ini telah dibangun 6 unit rumah layak huni di sekitar
Astra has built 6 minimum-standard houses in Sungai
Kelurahan Sungai Bambu, Warakas dan Papanggo
Bambu, Warakas and Papanggo districts in Tanjung Priok,
Kecamatan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara.
North Jakarta.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Lingkungan, Kesehatan & Keselamatan Kerja (LK3) Environment, Health & Safety (EHS)
Komitmen Pengelolaan LK3
[LA 6] [LA 9]
Commitment to EHS Management [LA 6] [LA 9]
Astra memahami bahwa memiliki lingkungan kerja yang
Astra understand that a healthy and safe working
sehat dan aman adalah salah satu faktor keberlanjutan
environment is one of the factors supporting the business
dalam berbisnis. Selain itu, Astra juga menyadari akan
success. In addition, Astra also aware of its responsibility
pentingnya mengelola kegiatan usaha yang ramah
to manage the business activities to the extent possible
lingkungan sehingga dapat meminimalkan dampak negatif
and to minimize the negative impact of these activities on
bagi lingkungan sekitar. Komitmen untuk mengembangkan
the environment and natural surroundings. Commitment
bisnis dengan mempertimbangkan tanggung jawab sosial
to grow the business by considering social responsibility
dan pemeliharaan lingkungan tersebut tercermin dalam
and environmental stewardship is reflected in the vision
pernyataan visi Astra untuk ‘menjadi perusahaan yang
statement of Astra to ‘to become a socially responsible
memiliki tanggung jawab sosial serta ramah lingkungan’,
and environmentally friendly company,’ and accomplished
dan diwujudkan melalui upaya-upaya pengelolaan
through the efforts of the Environment, Health & Safety
Lingkungan, Kesehatan & Keselamatan Kerja (LK3) yang
(EHS) management conducted by all companies in the
dilaksanakan oleh seluruh perusahaan dalam Grup Astra.
Astra Group.
Upaya pengelolaan LK3 dilaksanakan secara komprehensif
The efforts of EHS management is implemented in a
dan berkesinambungan, mencakup aspek efisiensi energi
comprehensive and sustainable way, and covering aspects
dan sumber daya alam, pengurangan emisi Gas Rumah
of energy and natural resources efficiency, reducing
Kaca (GRK), penanganan limbah dari aktivitas kerja dan
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, waste management
produksi, serta penciptaan lingkungan kerja yang aman
of labor and production activities, as well as the creation
dan sehat. Dalam kerangka Astra Green Company (AGC),
of a work environment that is safe and healthy. Within
Astra telah memiliki perangkat dan prosedur dimana kinerja
the framework of Astra Green Company (AGC), Astra
tiap perusahaan dan instalasi Astra di tiap-tiap aspek LK3
already has the tools and procedures through which the
dapat dipantau dan diukur secara sistematis dan kuantitatif,
performance of each company, and the installation of Astra
sebagai dasar untuk menilai efektivitas pengelolaan LK3
in every aspect of EHS can be monitored and measured
dan mengupayakan perbaikan atau peningkatannya.
systematically and quantitatively, as the basis for assessing
[1.2] [DMA EN, LA]
EHS management effectiveness and seek corrections or improvement. [1.2] [DMA EN, LA]
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Energy and Natural Resources Efficiency
Dalam pengelolaan dan penggunaan sumber daya alam
Astra has developed efficiency of energy and natural
& energi, Astra telah mengembangkan kebijakan efisiensi
resources policy within the business activities, including
energi dan sumber daya alam dalam kegiatan usahanya,
the use of water, electricity, diesel, oil and gasoline. The
mencakup penggunaan air, listrik, solar dan oli. Berikut
following is the data of aggregate consumption of natural
adalah data pemakaian sumber daya alam dan energi
resources and energy for the entire Astra Group in 2012
Grup Astra, pada tahun 2011 dan 2012. Sesuai dengan
and 2011. In accordance with the policy of EHS in 2012,
kebijakan LK3 tahun 2012 target yang ditetapkan untuk
the set target for efficient use of natural resources per
efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya alam per unit produk/
unit of product/activity in 2012 is a reduction of 5% of
aktivitas pada tahun 2012 adalah pengurangan 5% dari
the level of consumption in 2011. In 2012, there is an
tingkat pemakaian tahun 2011. Pada tahun 2012, terjadi
increase in the use of natural resources and energy, which
peningkatan pemakaian sumber daya alam dan energi
reflected increased production and business expansion
yang disebabkan oleh peningkatan produksi dan ekspansi
of Astra Group. However, in terms of unit product, there
bisnis Grup Astra. Akan tetapi, jika dihitung terhadap satuan
is an overall decline in the use of natural resources and
produk, rata-rata terjadi penurunan dalam pemakaian sumber
energy. While the efficiency of energy use per unit of
daya alam dan energi. Sedangkan efisiensi penggunaan
product/activity is targeted a reduction of 2% from 2011.
energi per unit produk/aktivitas ditargetkan pengurangan
[EN 1] [EN 3] pEN 4] [EN 8]
2% dari tahun 2011. [EN1] [EN 3] [EN 4] [EN 8]
Penggunaan Sumber Daya Alam dan Energi [EN1] [EN 3] [EN 4] [EN 8] Natural Resources and Energy Consumption
360 Air (x105 M3) Water (x105 M3)
Listrik (x107 KWh) Electricity (x107 KWh)
Solar (x107 L) Diesel Fuel (x107 L)
Implementation of HSE standards in Astra Group
Efisiensi Energi dan Sumber Daya Alam
Penerapan standar LK3 di Grup Astra
Oli (x106 L) Lubricants (x106 L)
2012 Bensin (x105 L) Gasoline (x105 L)
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Air (M3/unit produk) [EN 2] [EN 5] [EN 7] [EN 10] [EN 29] Water (M3/unit product)
Alat Berat dan Pertambangan (x10 M3/unit produk) Heavy Equipment and Mining (x10 M3/unit product)
Jasa Keuangan (M3/unit produk) Financial Services (M3/unit product)
1.31 2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
Infrastruktur dan Logistik (x10-1 M3/unit produk) Infrastructure and Logistics (x10-1 M3/unit product)
The average increase in water consumption per unit product compared to the year 2011.
Agribisnis (M3/unit produk) Agribusiness (M3/unit product)
Rata-rata kenaikan konsumsi air per unit produk dibanding tahun 2011.
Otomotif (x10 M3/unit produk) Automotive (x10 M3/unit product)
Teknologi Informasi (M3/unit produk) Information Technology (M3/unit product)
2011 2012
Listrik (KWh/unit produk) [EN 2] [EN 5] [EN 6] [EN 7] [EN 10] [EN 29] Electricity (KWh/unit product)
Rata-rata penurunan konsumsi listrik per unit produk dibanding tahun 2011.
Agribisnis Agribusiness
Jasa Keuangan (x102 KWh/unit produk) Financial Services (x102 KWh/unit product)
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
0.38 2011 2012
Infrastruktur dan Logistik (KWh/unit produk) Infrastructure and Logistics (KWh/unit product)
The average reduction in electricity consumption per unit product compared to the year 2011.
Alat Berat dan Pertambangan (x103 KWh/unit produk) Heavy Equipment and Mining (x103 KWh/unit product)
Otomotif (x103 KWh/unit produk) Automotive (x103 KWh/unit product)
Teknologi Informasi (x10-1 KWh/unit produk) Information Technology (x10-1 KWh/unit product)
2011 2012
Solar (L/unit produk) [EN 2] [EN 5] [EN 7] [EN 10] [EN 29] Diesel Fuel (L/unit product) Otomotif (x102 L/unit produk) Automotive (x102 L/unit product)
4.86 3.06 2011 2012
2011 2012
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
2011 2012
0.77 2011 2012
3.22 1.13
2011 2012
Jasa Keuangan (x10-1 L/unit produk) Financial Services (x10-1 L/unit product)
The average reduction in diesel consumption per unit product compared to the year 2011.
Agribisnis (x10-1 L/unit produk) Agribusiness (x10-1 L/unit product)
Rata-rata penurunan konsumsi solar per unit produk dibanding tahun 2011.
Alat Berat dan Pertambangan (x102 L/unit produk) Heavy Equipment and Mining (x102 L/unit product)
2011 2012
Infrastruktur dan Logistik (L/unit produk) Infrastructure and Logistics (L/unit product) Teknologi Informasi (L/unit produk) Information Technology (L/unit product)
Oli (L/unit produk) [EN 2] [EN 5] [EN 7] [EN 10] [EN 29] Lubricants (L/unit product) Otomotif (x10 L/unit produk) Automotive (x10 L/unit product)
Agribisnis (x10-1 L/unit produk) Agribusiness (x10-1 L/unit product)
Alat Berat dan Pertambangan (x102 L/unit produk) Heavy Equipment and Mining (x102 L/unit product)
Rata-rata penurunan konsumsi oli per unit produk dibanding tahun 2011.
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
Teknologi Informasi Information Technology
Infrastruktur dan Logistik (x10-1 L/unit produk) Infrastructure and Logistics (x10-1 L/unit product)
Jasa Keuangan (x10-2 L/unit produk) Financial Services (x10-2 L/unit product)
2011 2012
2011 2012
The average reduction in lubricants consumption per unit product compared to the year 2011.
Penurunan Gas Rumah Kaca
Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Upaya penurunan Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) merupakan
An effort to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions
bentuk kepedulian Astra terhadap isu pemanasan global.
is a form of concern for Astra against global warming.
Emisi GRK merupakan hasil samping dari kegiatan bisnis
GHG emissions are a by product of Astra business
Astra, terkait dengan penggunaan listrik dan bahan
activities associated with the use of electricity and fossil
bakar fosil dalam aktivitas kerja dan produksi, termasuk
fuels in employment and production activities, including
transportasi. Astra melakukan perhitungan emisi karbon
transportation. Astra calculates the generated carbon
yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan standar yang
emissions using the standard issued by the United Nations
dikeluarkan oleh United Nation Environment Programme
Environment Programme (UNEP). GHG calculation is
(UNEP). Perhitungan GRK didapat dari Listrik (MWh/
obtained from the Electricity (MWh/year), Diesel fuel
tahun), Solar (M /tahun), LPG, (ton/tahun), gas alam (M /
(M3/year), LPG (tons/year), natural gas (M3/year) and fuel
tahun) dan bahan bakar yang terkait aktivitas kerja dan
related to work and production activities. Following is the
produksi. Berikut adalah data emisi CO2 per unit produk
data of CO2 emissions per unit product for each of Astra
untuk masing-masing lini bisnis Astra, pada tahun 2012
business lines in 2012 and 2011.
dan 2011.
Penurunan GRK (ton CO2/unit produk) [EN 16] [EN 18] [EN 19]
GHG Decrease (ton CO2/unit product) Otomotif (x10 ton CO2/unit produk) Automotive (x10 ton CO2/unit product)
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
Rata rata penurunan emisi CO2 per unit produk dibanding tahun 2011. 0.23
1.42 0.26
Teknologi Informasi (x10-1 ton CO2/unit produk) Information Technology (x10-1 ton CO2/unit product)
Infrastruktur dan Logistik (ton CO2/unit produk) Infrastructure and Logistics (ton CO2/unit product)
Jasa Keuangan (x10-1 ton CO2/unit produk) Financial Services (x10-1 ton CO2/unit product)
Agribisnis (x10-3 ton CO2/unit produk) Agribusiness (x10-3 ton CO2/unit product)
Alat Berat dan Pertambangan (ton CO2/unit produk) Heavy Equipment and Mining (ton CO2/unit product)
2011 2012
Average reduction in CO2 emission per unit of product compared to the year 2011.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Program Efisiensi Energi, SDA dan pengurangan GRK [EC 2] [EN 2] [EN 6] [EN 16] [EN 17]
Energy and Natural Resources Efficiency and GHG Reduction Programs [EC 2] [EN 2] [EN 6] [EN 16] [EN 17]
Modifikasi Alat Berat agar Lebih Rendah Emisi
Modification of Heavy Equipment to Reduce Emission
PT Pamapersada Nusantara (PAMA) adalah salah satu
PT Pamapersada Nusantara (PAMA) is a company in Astra
perusahaan di Grup Astra Heavy Equipment and Mining,
Heavy Equipment & Mining Group that uses a variety of
yang memanfaatkan alat berat untuk menjalankan
heavy equipment in its activities as a mining contractor.
aktivitas sebagai kontraktor penambangan. Pama
PAMA owns 3,772 diesel-engined heavy equipment in
memiliki 3772 alat berat yang ditenagai dengan mesin
various engine capacity and sizes. Since 2009, PAMA has
diesel dengan berbagai kapasitas dan ukuran, sebagai
pioneered a program to reduce the Green House Gas
penggerak utama alat berat. Sejak tahun 2009 PAMA
(GHG) emission from these heavy equipment through,
merintis program untuk menurunkan emisi Gas Rumah
the installation of Auto Economy Mode (Auto EM) as
Kaca (GRK) yang ditimbulkan oleh mesin-mesin tersebut,
well as the use of Filtakleen Ten35 fuel additive, on the
diantaranya dengan memasang Auto Economy Mode
heavy equipment.
(EM) dan penambahan aditif bahan bakar Filtakleen Ten35 pada alat berat. Melalui penerapan tersebut PAMA telah menurunkan
Through these means, PAMA was able to record
emisi GRK sebesar 1.413 ton CO 2 e dalam kurun
a reduction in GHG emissions of 1,413 ton CO 2e
waktu Januari sampai dengan Desember 2011 dan
between January and December 2011. PAMA has also
mendapatkan pengakuan secara internasional dengan
obtained international recognition through ISO 14064-2
diraihnya sertifikat ISO 14064-2 dari Lembaga Sertifikasi
certification from TUV SUD PSB Pte Certification Institution
TUV SUD PSB Pte di lokasi tambang KCMB pada bulan
on Januari 2013 for its KCMB mining site. [EN 18]
Januari 2013. [EN 18] Green Parts Logistic Operation oleh PT Toyota Astra
Green Parts Logistic Operation by PT Toyota Astra
Motor - Service Part Logistic Division (TAM - SPLD)
Motor - Service Part Logistic Division (TAM - SPLD)
Green Parts Logistics Operation adalah program mobilisasi
Green Parts Logistics Operations is industrial mobilization
industri dan reduksi emisi di fasilitas logistik suku cadang
program and emission reduction in spare parts logistics
PT Toyota Astra Motor - Service Part Logistic Division
facilities of PT Toyota Astra Motor - Service Part Logistic
(TAM - SPLD). TAM - SPLD telah menetapkan arah efisiensi
Division (TAM-SPLD). TAM-SPLD has set the direction of
operasi dan reduksi karbon hingga tahun 2016 yaitu
operating efficiency and carbon reduction by the year
dengan target masing-masing penghematan energi 2%
2016 with the target of energy savings by 2% in watts/
dalam watt/manhour, pengurangan material kemasan
manhour, reduction in packaging material by 3% in kg/
3% dalam kg/M3 serta reduksi emisi karbon 2% dalam
M3, and carbon emission reduction by 2% in ton CO2e/
ton CO2e/M .
Untuk mencapai target tersebut dijalankan 12 program
To achieve these targets, 12 efficiency programs were
efisiensi dimana sebagian besar, yaitu 8 program,
conducted, where 8 programs are associated with
berkaitan dengan sasaran mengurangi penggunaan
the goal of reducing the use of packaging materials
bahan kemasan melalui modifikasi desain palet dan daur
through modifications in the design of pallets as well
ulang palet kayu bekas barang impor.
as the recycling of wooden pallets used in the import
of goods.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Green Parts Logistic di Toyota Astra Motor - SPLD Green Parts Logistic at Toyota Astra Motor - SPLD
Dalam kurun waktu 2011 - 2012, keseluruhan program
In the period of 2011 - 2012, the overall efficiency of TAM
efisiensi TAM telah mencapai hasil di atas target, yaitu
program has achieved results above the target, which
mengurangi penggunaan energi 3,3% dan material
reduced energy use by 3.3% and packaging materials
kemasan 5,3% serta emisi karbon 5,4%. Bila dikuantifikasi
by 5.3%, as well as carbon emissions by 5.4%. When
efisiensi ini terwujud dalam bentuk penghematan 3.380
quantified the efficiency savings achieved reductions in
pohon, reduksi 35,27 ton CO2e dan penghematan biaya
the form of 3,380 trees, 35.27 ton CO2e, as well as direct
senilai Rp 4,8 miliar. [EN 5]
savings of Rp 4.8 billion. [EN 5]
Eco Dumpload
Eco Dumpload
Disamping itu, UT juga mengembangkan program Eco
In addition, UT also established Eco Dumpload program
Dumpload yang berfungsi mengkondisikan pemakaian
that serves to conditioning the use of fuel consumption
fuel consumption yang efektif dan efisien sesuai dengan
effectively and efficiently in accordance with the optimal
kebutuhan operasional yang optimal terutama pada
operational needs, especially during loading and dumping
operasi loading dan dumping, dengan menghindari
operations, in order to avoid power loss, which eventually
terjadinya power loss dan akhirnya menurunkan fuel
lower the fuel consumption. Eco DumpLoad is able to
consumption. Eco DumpLoad mampu mengurangi
reduce the consumption of natural resources (diesel fuel)
pemakaian sumber daya alam (fuel solar) sebanyak
by as much as 813.694 liters/year or Rp 7.3 billion per
813.694 liter per tahun atau sebesar Rp 7,3 miliar per
year, and also contributed to reduction of greenhouse
tahun dan mampu berkontribusi mengurangi sumber gas
gases by 2,179 ton CO2/year.
rumah kaca sebesar 2.179 ton CO2 per tahun.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Green Test Engine KR System
Green Test Engine KR System
Program ini dilakukan oleh PT Astra Daihatsu Motor
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor conducts the program in order to
dalam rangka mengurangi penggunaan sumber daya
reduce the use of natural resources and carbon emissions
alam dan emisi karbon yang dihasilkan saat melakukan
generated during engine tests for Astra Daihatsu AYLA
tes engine untuk tipe Astra Daihatsu AYLA 1.0 L dan
1.0 L and Astra Toyota AGYA 1.0 L types. The replacement
Astra Toyota AGYA 1.0 L. Dengan adanya program
program of engine test equipment delivers positive impact
penggantian alat tes engine ini memberikan dampak
on the environment, which produced 18.9% (99.09 L)
positif bagi lingkungan dimana dihasilkan penurunan
reduction in energy use, 18.53% (495,347 L) reduction
penggunaan energi 18,9% (99,09 L), pengurangan
of waste water by 20,173 L and the reduction of CO2
penggunaan air mencapai 18,53% (495.347 L),
emission produced by 309.99 ton CO2. Moreover, also
berkurangnya limbah yang dihasilkan sebesar 20.173 L.
in terms of safety, Zero Accident and Zero Incident were
serta berkurangnya emisi yang dihasilkan sebesar 309,99
obtained, through the elimination of fire hazard factors
ton CO2. Disamping itu juga dari segi safety didapat Zero
and reduction of the working temperature from >60°
Accident and Zero Incident yaitu menghilangkan faktor
to <35°.
kebakaran dan mengurangi suhu dari >60o menjadi < 35o.
Penanganan Limbah
Waste Management
Astra melakukan pemantauan dan pengukuran terhadap
Astra conducted monitoring and measurement of the
limbah yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan usahanya mencakup
waste generated from its operations that include solid
limbah padat, cair dan gas baik yang bersifat Bahan
and liquid waste, both Toxic and Hazardous Materials
Beracun dan Berbahaya (B3) maupun non-B3. Upaya
(B3) and non-B3. Waste management efforts not only to
pengelolaan limbah tidak hanya dilakukan untuk
prevent negative impacts on the environment, but also
mencegah dampak negatifnya terhadap lingkungan,
attributed to cost efficiency in the production process as
namun juga dikaitkan dengan upaya efisiensi biaya
well as overall business activity. Following are the data
dalam proses produksi maupun aktivitas bisnis secara
of waste production per unit of product for each Astra
keseluruhan. Berikut adalah data produksi limbah per
business line in 2012 and 2011.
unit produk untuk masing-masing lini bisnis Astra, pada tahun 2012 dan 2011.
Limbah Cair Non B3 (L/unit produk) [EN 21] [EN 22] [EN 24] Non-hazardous Liquid Waste (L/unit product)
Alat Berat dan Pertambangan (x103 L/unit produk) Heavy Equipment and Mining (x103 L/unit product) Agribisnis (x10 L/unit produk) Agribusiness (x10 L/unit product)
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
2011 2012
Infrastruktur dan Logistik (x10 L/unit produk) Infrastructure and Logistics (x10 L/unit product)
4.00 2011 2012
Jasa Keuangan (x10 L/unit produk) Financial Services (x10 L/unit product)
Average Nonhazardous Liquid Waste increase per unit of product compared to the year 2011.
Rata-rata kenaikan Limbah Cair Non B3 per unit produk dibanding tahun 2011.
Otomotif (x103 L/unit produk) Automotive (x103 L/unit product)
2011 2012
Teknologi Informasi (x10 L/unit produk) Information Technology (x10 L/unit product)
Limbah Cair B3 (L/unit produk) [EN 21] [EN 22] [EN 24] Hazardous Liquid Waste (L/unit product) Otomotif (x102 L/unit produk) Automotive (x102 L/unit product)
2.05 2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
Rata-rata penurunan Limbah Cair B3 per unit produk dibanding tahun 2011.
Teknologi Informasi Information Technology
Infrastruktur dan Logistik (x10-1 L/unit produk) Infrastructure and Logistics (x10-1 L/unit product)
Jasa Keuangan (x10-2 L/unit produk) Financial Services (x10-2 L/unit product)
Agribisnis (x10-2 L/unit produk) Agribusiness (x10-2 L/unit product)
Alat Berat dan Pertambangan (x102 L/unit produk) Heavy Equipment and Mining (x102 L/unit product)
2011 2012
2011 2012
The average reduction per unit Hazardous Liquid Waste products compared to the year 2011.
Limbah Padat Non B3 (Kg/unit produk) [EN 22] [EN 24] Non-hazardous solid waste (Kg/unit product)
Agribisnis (x102 Kg/unit produk) Agribusiness (x102 Kg/unit product)
Alat Berat dan Pertambangan (x102 Kg/unit produk) Heavy Equipment and Mining (x102 Kg/unit product)
Otomotif (x10 Kg/unit produk) Automotive (x10 Kg/unit product)
Rata-rata kenaikan Limbah Padat Non B3 per unit produk dibanding tahun 2011.
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
Teknologi Informasi (Kg/unit produk) Information Technology (Kg/unit product)
Infrastruktur dan Logistik (x10-1 Kg/unit produk) Infrastructure and Logistics (x10-1 Kg/unit product)
Jasa Keuangan (x10-1 Kg/unit produk) Financial Services (x10-1 Kg/unit product)
2011 2012
The average increase in Non Hazardous Solid Waste per unit of product compared to the year 2011.
Limbah Padat B3 (Kg/unit produk) [EN 22] [EN 24] Hazardous solid waste (Kg/unit product)
Agribisnis (x10-1 Kg/unit produk) Agribusiness (x10-1 Kg/unit product)
Alat Berat dan Pertambangan (x10 Kg/unit produk) Heavy Equipment and Mining (x10 Kg/unit product)
Otomotif (x102 Kg/unit produk) Automotive (x102 Kg/unit product)
Rata-rata penurunan Limbah Padat B3 per unit produk dibanding tahun 2011.
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
2011 2012
Teknologi Informasi (x10-1 Kg/unit produk) Information Technology (x10-1 Kg/unit product)
Infrastruktur dan Logistik (x10-1 Kg/unit produk) Infrastructure and Logistics (x10-1 Kg/unit product)
Jasa Keuangan (x10-1 Kg/unit produk) Financial Services (x10-1 Kg/unit product)
2011 2012
The average reduction in Hazardous Solid Waste per unit of product compared to the year 2011.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Program Lingkungan dan Penanganan Limbah [EN 1] [EN 8]
Environmental and Waste Management Program [EN 1] [EN 8] [EN
[EN 10] [EN 26]
10] [EN 26]
Zero Pollution with Fuel Saver
Zero Pollution with Fuel Saver
PT United Tractors Tbk (UT), penyedia suku cadang dan
PT United Tractors, a provider of spare parts and heavy
jasa perbaikan alat berat pertambangan, menghasilkan
equipment services for the mining industry produced an
inovasi perangkat Fuel Saver yaitu wadah penampung
innovative Fuel Saver device that collects container of
bahan bakar minyak solar dari fuel filter yang diganti saat
diesel fuel from the fuel filter replaced at regular service.
servis rutin. Metode ini mengurangi limbah B3 ke tingkat
This method reduces the hazardous waste to a level zero
nihil karena tiada lagi solar yang terbuang mencemari
because diesel fuel is no longer polluting the environment,
lingkungan, serta menghemat biaya karena solar yang
as well as to reducing costs for solar. The implementation
ditampung digunakan kembali. Penggunaan Fuel Saver
of Fuel Saver in 105 units of heavy equipment at Adaro
terhadap 105 unit alat berat di site Adaro dan Tanjung,
and Tanjung sites in South Kalimantan has saved fuel
Kalimantan Selatan telah menghemat biaya bahan bakar
costs of Rp 235 million per year. Fuel Saver has now
mencapai Rp 235 juta per tahun. Fuel Saver kini telah
become the standard tool in all United Tractors workshop
menjadi perangkat standar yang ada di setiap workshop
service. [EN 6]
service UT. [EN 6] Formula Alami Ramah Lingkungan untuk
Green Natural Formula to Increase Efficiency and
Meningkatkan Efisiensi dan Efektivitas Herbisida Glisofat
Effectiveness of Glyphosate Herbicides
Penggunaan bahan kimia dosis tinggi pada kegiatan
The use of high doses of chemicals for activities in palm
rawat tanaman kelapa sawit dapat berdampak negatif
oil plantations can negatively affect soil sustainability.
bagi kelestarian tanah. PT Gunung Sejahtera Dua Indah
PT Gunung Sejahtera Dua Indah (GSDI) has innovated
(GSDI) berinovasi membuat formula herbisida ramah
an environmentally friendly herbicides formula to reduce
lingkungan untuk mengurangi dosis penggunaan
the dose of glyphosate chemical herbicide materials, by
material herbisida kimia glifosat dengan menambah
adding natural materials such as tuba root, coconut milk
material alami akar tuba serta air kelapa dan bawang
and garlic. The formula named “Kar Tub” and “Coni”
putih. Formula bernama “Kar Tub” dan “Coni” ini telah
has been successfully applied at Afdeling OE of GSDI in
sukses diterapkan di Afdeling OE PT GSDI di Kumai –
Kumai, Central Kalimantan.
Kalimantan Tengah.
“Green Logistic” Mengurangi Limbah Non B3
“Green Logistics” to Reduce Non-Hazardous Logistic
Kemasan Material Logistik
Packaging Materials Waste
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) memahami akan seluruh
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) recognizes all the
dampak lingkungan yang timbul dari proses manufaktur
environmental impacts arising from the manufacturing
yang dilakukan. Sebagai salah satu bentuk komitmen
process that being performed. As one form of commitment
untuk menanggulangi dampak lingkungan tersebut
to address the environmental impact, an environmental
dibuatlah program perbaikan lingkungan dengan Tema
improvement program was developed under the theme
“Green Logistic” yaitu “Mengurangi Limbah Non B3
“Green Logistics” namely, “Reducing Non-hazardous
Kemasan Material Logistik”. Tujuan program ini adalah
Logistic Packaging Materials Waste.” The purposes of
minimisasi Limbah Padat Non B3, ikut berperan serta
this program are to minimize Non-hazardous solid waste,
dalam program pelestarian lingkungan serta secara
participate in environmental conservation programs, and
proaktif mencegah pencemaran dari sumbernya.
proactively prevent pollution at the source. The scope of
Cakupan program perbaikan lingkungan ini dilakukan
the environmental improvement program was conducted
di lingkungan ADM Assembly Plant dan melibatkan 8
within the ADM Assembly Plant and involves 8 logistics
supplier parts logistik dengan jumlah item parts sebanyak
parts suppliers, with a total of 235 part items. Following
235 item. Setelah dilakukan proses perbaikan terdapat
the improvement process, the 235 parts could be packed
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
improvement packing sebanyak 235 parts sudah tidak
without plastic wrap, eliminating the process of opening
menggunakan pembungkus plastik, menghilangkan
the plastic wrap prior to setting. This program resulted in
proses membuka plastik sebelum setting. Program ini
the decline of Non-hazardous solid waste (plastic), which
menyebabkan menurunnya jumlah limbah padat non B3
amounted to 2 tons/months in 2012, and a cost saving
(plastik) tahun 2012 sebesar 2 ton per bulan serta total
of more than Rp 16 million per month.
penghematan lebih dari Rp 16 juta per bulan. Daur Ulang Air Netralisasi WWT Untuk Proses
Recycling of WWT Neutralization Water For
Quenching di Heat Treatment
Quenching Process in Heat Treatment
PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing melakukan program daur
PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing conducted a program
ulang Air Netralisasi WWT untuk Proses Pendinginan
of recycling the water for WWT neutralization to be
Piston di Area Quenching-Seksi Heat Treatment
re-used for Piston Cooling Process at Quenching Area -
Departemen Foundry. Dampak dari program ini adalah
Heat Treatment Section at the Foundry Department. As
pengurangan pemakaian air tanah sebanyak 18 M per
a result, the use of ground water has been reduced by
hari sehingga penghematan mencapai Rp 7,2 juta per
18 M3 per day, leading to cost savings of Rp 7.2 million/
bulan. [EN 9] [EN 10]
month. [EN 9] [EN 10]
Recycle Limbah Rinsing FP Plating
Recycling of Waste from FP Plating Rinsing
PT Showa Indonesia Manufacturing, melakukan program
PT Showa Indonesia Manufacturing conducted a Rinsing
Recycle Limbah Rinsing yaitu air rinsing (air pembilas) yang
Waste Recycling program, involving the rinse water that
sudah tercemar oleh cairan plating digunakan kembali
has been contaminated by plating liquid that is reused
setelah dilakukan proses pemisahan limbah terhadap air
after separation process of the waste material in the
itu sendiri. Recycle ini dilakukan pada rinsing Nickel dan
waste water. Recycling is done on Nickel and Chrome
rinsing Chrome untuk meminimalisir kenaikan konsumsi
rinsing in order to minimize water consumption increases
air yang dikarenakan perubahan proses Hard Chrome
due to changes in the process from Hard Chrome to
menjadi Nickel Hard Chrome. Program ini memberikan
Nickel Hard Chrome. The program provides financial
manfaat finansial Rp 40 juta per bulan atau sebesar
benefits of Rp 40 million/month or Rp 480 million/year
Rp 480 juta per tahun dan penghematan sumber daya air
and saving of water resources by 3,641 M³/month or
sebesar 3.641 M³ per bulan atau 43.692 M³ per tahun.
43,692 M³/year.
Reduction Chemical PTC Degreasing
Reduction of Chemicals for PTC Degreasing
PT Gaya Motor melakukan program pengurangan bahan
PT Gaya Motor conducted a program that reduce the
kimia untuk proses Cleaning Body dari 3 jenis menjadi
chemicals used in Body Cleaning process from 3 types
1 jenis sehingga program ini dapat menghemat biaya
of chemicals to only 1 type, thus effecting a cost saving
sebesar Rp 12.307 per unit. Disamping itu PT Gaya
of Rp 12,307 per unit. In addition, PT Gaya Motor also
Motor juga melakukan improvement pada proses curing
undertake an improvement on the curing process of
(pematangan) cat ED dengan menaikan cycle time dari
ED paint by increasing the cycle time from previously
yang semula 4,85 menit/unit menjadi 3,6 menit/unit
4.85 minute/unit to 3.6 minute/unit as well as raising
serta menaikkan suhu pemanasan dari 200°C menjadi
the heating temperature from 200°C to 220°C. The
220°C, dengan dilaksanakannya improvement ini dapat
implementation of these improvements resulted
menghemat pemakaian listrik dan solar sekitar Rp 4,2
in reduced use of electricity and diesel fuel worth
juta per hari.
approximately Rp 4.2 million per day.
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja
Occupational Health & Safety
Sebagai pemberi kerja yang bertanggung jawab, Astra
As a responsible employer, Astra constantly strive to
senantiasa berupaya untuk menyediakan lingkungan kerja
provide the work environment that is safe, healthy
yang aman, sehat dan nyaman bagi para karyawannya.
and comfortable for its employees. In addition, the
Selain itu, pengelolaan aspek Keselamatan & Kesehatan
management aspects of Occupational Health & Safety
Kerja (LK3) melalui pelaksanaan Green Process juga dapat
(OHS) through the implementation of Green Process can
menekan potensi kerugian akibat adanya penurunan
also utilize the potential losses due to a decrease in work
efisiensi kerja, sehingga akhirnya akan berdampak positif
efficiency; thus it will eventually have a positive impact on
pada produktivitas dan kinerja usaha Astra.
Astra productivity and business performance.
Berikut adalah data jumlah kasus kecelakaan kerja secara
Following are the data on the number of occupational
agregat di Grup Astra, pada tahun 2012 dan 2011.
accidents cases at Astra Group, in 2012 and 2011.
Grafik Kecelakaan Kerja [LA7] Occupational Accident
Kecelakaan Fatal Fatal Accident
2011 2012
Kecelakaan Berat Serious Accident
2011 2012
146 6
2011 2012
Reduction in total accident cases compared to the year 2011.
Penurunan Total kasus kecelakaan dibanding tahun 2011.
Kecelakaan Ringan Light Accident Kebakaran Wildfire
2011 2012
Pada tahun 2012, kecelakaan fatal terjadi penurunan
In 2012, fatal accidents were reduced by 25%, serious
sebesar 25%, kecelakaan berat yang menyebabkan hari
accidents causing lost of days (more than 1x24 hours)/
hilang (lebih dari 1x24 jam)/kehilangan anggota badan/
loss of limb/disability/loss of body function declined by
cacat/kehilangan fungsi tubuh terjadi penurunan 20.21%,
20.21%, minor accidents that are not causing lost of
kecelakaan ringan tidak menyebabkan hari hilang terjadi
days declined by 42%, and fire incidents declined by
penurunan 42% dan insiden kebakaran terjadi penurunan
16%. Therefore, the average reduction in accidents that
16% sehingga penurunan rata-rata kecelakaan yang
occurred during the year 2012 amounted to 36.1%.
terjadi selama tahun 2012 sebesar 36,1%.
Program Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja
Occupational Safety & Health Program
Traffic Incident Reduction Program (TRIP)
Traffic Incident Reduction Program (TRIP)
Guna mencapai standar tertinggi dalam kebijakan
In order to achieve the highest standards of Environmental,
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Lingkungan Hidup
Health and Safety (EHS) policies, the TRIP program is
(K3LH) dijalankan program TRIP untuk mengurangi traffic
implemented to reduce traffic incidents at the mine site
incident di lokasi tambang District Kideco yaitu 136 traffic
of Kideco District, which in 2011 recorded 136 traffic
incident atau 76% dari total 177 incident selama tahun 2011.
incidents or 76% of the total of 177 incidents. The TRIP
Program TRIP bertujuan untuk meningkatkan 4 aspek terkait
program aims to improve the 4 aspects related to traffic
penyebab traffic incident yaitu pemahaman atas critical risk
incidents, namely understanding of the critical risk of
lalu lintas di tambang, kompetensi K3LH, best practices lalu
traffic at the mining area, EHS competency, best traffic
lintas di tambang,serta pengembangan tanggung jawab dan
practice at the mining area, and the development of EHS
budaya K3LH untuk seluruh karyawan. [LA 8]
responsibility and culture among all employees. [LA 8]
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Hingga akhir 2012 program TRIP menunjukkan hasil-
Up until the end of 2012, the TRIP program has shown
hasil menggembirakan, yaitu traffic incident turun
encouraging results, whereas the traffic incident has
menjadi 105 incident, jumlah terendah dalam empat
been reduced to 105 incidents, the lowest number in
tahun terakhir. Fatigue incident juga menurun dari 16
the last four years. Fatigue incident was also reduced
kasus di tahun 2011 menjadi 12 kasus di tahun 2012.
from 16 cases in 2011 to 12 cases in 2012. Based on
Berdasarkan pengujian PVT (Phychomotor Vigilance
PVT (Phychomotor Vigilance Task) testing, it is known
Task) diketahui bahwa kini operator bekerja lebih efisien
that the operators are now working more efficiently with
dengan kecenderungan fatigue berkurang.
the trend of lower fatigue.
Ergonomic Friendly Mengurangi Potensi Lower Back
Ergonomic Friendly Reducing Potential of Lower
Pain dan Kecelakaan Kerja
Back Pain and Work Accidents
Lower Back Pain (LBP) atau nyeri pinggang bawah sering
Lower Back Pain (LBP) frequently occurs because of
terjadi karena posisi dan beban kerja yang tidak ergonomis,
the position and the workload that is not ergonomic
serta mengakibatkan kerugian kehilangan jam kerja dan
which results in the loss of working hours and high
biaya penanganan yang tinggi. PT Aisin Indonesia,
treatment costs. PT Aisin Indonesia, a manufacturer of
produsen suku cadang kendaraan, menjalankan program
auto parts implements Ergonomic Friendly program to
Ergonomic Friendly untuk mencegah penyakit akibat
prevent occupational ailments with administrative and
kerja dengan pendekatan administratif dan engineering,
engineering approach. The results were a decline of the
hasilnya terdapat penurunan kasus LBP dari 214 kasus
LBP cases from 214 cases in 2011 to 97 cases in 2012,
di tahun 2011 menjadi 97 kasus di tahun 2012, serta
as well as a decline in the potential of work site causes
berkurangnya potensi lokasi kerja penyebab LBP dari 7
of LBP from 7 sites to 3 sites, after improving the position
lokasi menjadi 3 lokasi, setelah dilakukan perbaikan posisi
and the workload at 4 locations during the year 2012.
dan beban kerja di 4 lokasi selama tahun 2012. [LA 8]
[LA 8]
Inovasi Egrek 2T Guna Menghindari Kecelakaan
Innovation in Egrek 2T To Avoid Work Accidents and
Kerja dan Mendukung Mobilitas Pekerja Panen
Support Mobility of Crop Worker
Inovasi dilakukan oleh PT Gunung Sejahtera Dua Indah
PT Gunung Sejahtera Dua Indah conducted an innovation
terhadap alat panen Egrek. Melalui modifikasi ini terciptalah
on the harvesting equipment known as Egrek, which is
Egrek yang mudah dibongkar dan dirakit, sehingga aman
modified so that it is easier to assemble and dis-assemble,
dibawa ke lokasi panen menaiki dengan sepeda motor,
thus making it save to be carried to the crop site using
serta tidak harus menggunakan truk. Inovasi ini mengurangi
motorcycles instead of trucks. This innovation reduces the
risiko kecelakaan kerja di perkebunan sawit Borneo 1,
risk of accidents in Borneo 1 palm oil plantation in Kumai
Kumai – Kalimantan Tengah dan memperkuat kebijakan
- Central Kalimantan, as well as strengthen the policy of
“No Safety, No Production” yang dianut perusahaan, serta
“No Safety, No Production” adopted by the company
meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan. [LA 8]
while also increasing employee productivity. [LA 8]
Program Tertib Lalu Lintas Perkebunan (TLLP)
Plantation Traffic Discipline Program (TLLP)
Wilayah perkebunan sawit Area Borneo 1 PT Astra Agro
The area of palm oil plantations at Bromo Area 1 of
Lestari Tbk sangat luas yaitu 55.000 hektar dan memiliki
PT Astra Agro Lestari is extensive, covering some 55,000
jalan kebun sepanjang 40.000 kilometer dengan 2.000
hectares with 40,000 kilometers of roads and 2,000
perempatan. Mengingat tingginya volume kendaraan
crossroads. Given the high volume of vehicles belonging
milik 10.000 karyawan serta rendahnya kesadaran
to the 10,000 employees, as well as the poor driving
keselamatan berkendara, program TLLP difokuskan pada
safety awareness, the TLLP program is focused to all
seluruh karyawan dan keluarganya. Program dimulai
employees and their families. The program begins with an
dengan sosialisasi secara intensif melalui berbagai media
intensive socialization through various print and outdoor
cetak dan luar ruang, pelatihan berkendara, kurikulum
media, as well as training on driving, traffic regulations
tertib lalu lintas di sekolah, serta patroli dan penindakan
courses in schools, and road patrol and the execution of
tilang di jalan. Hasilnya selama tahun 2012 terjadi
traffic fines. As a result, throughout 2012 the number
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
menurunnya pelanggaran lalu lintas dari 262 kasus
of traffic violations has been reduced from 262 cases in
di bulan Januari menjadi 86 kasus di bulan Desember.
January to 86 cases in December [LA 8].
[LA 8] UT Sangatta Berbudaya LK3
EHS Culture Program at UT Sangatta
Program Berbudaya LK3 dijalankan seiring meningkatnya
The EHS Culture Program is held in line with the increasing
aktivitas PT United Tractors Tbk - Site Sangatta di
activities at the United Tractors - Sangatta Site of the
penambangan KPC Kalimantan Timur. Tujuan program
KPC mines in East Kalimantan. The program aims to
adalah mengurangi Lost Time Injury atau cedera hilang
reduce the Lost Time Injury, as well as to instill an EHS
waktu serta membangun budaya LK3 bagi seluruh
culture for all employees. The program involves training
karyawan. Program ini dilakukan dengan pelatihan
on safety behavior, selection of best employee in safety
safety behavior, pemilihan karyawan teladan di bidang
competition, fatigue management, and supervision on
safety, fatigue management dan melakukan supervisi
new employees. In parallel, sharing and coordination
karyawan baru. Selain itu, berbagai pertemuan sharing
meetings between the parties in the mining operations
dan koordinasi antar pihak di operasi pertambangan
are routinely conducted, ranging from field operators and
secara rutin diadakan, mulai dari pelaksana dan terus
continuing to all levels of management. [LA 8]
berjenjang ke tingkat manajemen. [LA 8]
Crane Pupuk (Crapu) atau Alat Muat Pupuk Mekanis
Fertilizer Crane or Mechanical Fertilizer Loading
Guna meningkatkan efektivitas pemupukan manual
tanaman kelapa sawit, Astra Agro Lestari menerapkan
To increase the effectiveness of manual fertilizing of palm
pemupukan mekanis menggunakan Fertilizer Spreader
oil trees, Astra Agro Lestari applies mechanical fertilization
Canycom yaitu sejenis kendaraan beroda rantai penabur
using Fertilizer Spreader Canycom, a tracked-vehicle that
pupuk. Karena posisi wadah pupuk yang tinggi,
spreads fertilizers. Due to the high position of the fertilizer
penggunaan Canycom ini tidak ergonomis dan berisiko
containers, the use of Canycom is not ergonomic and also
kecelakaan kerja. Melalui inovasi dirancanglah Crane
accident-prone. The Fertilizer Crane is an innovation,
Pupuk (Crapu) atau sejenis derek bertenaga mesin listrik
being an electric engine powered crane to load fertilizer
untuk menaikkan pupuk ke Canycom secara aman,
into the Canycom in a safer, faster and efficient manner
lebih cepat dan efisien karena hanya membutuhkan 1
as it only requires 1 employee, whereas previously it
karyawan dibandingkan 3 karyawan. [LA 8]
requires 3 employees. [LA 8]
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
• Upaya mengurangi kecelakaan kerja berupa interaktif campaign keselamatan kerja pada program TRIP (kiri) Efforts to reduce accidents in the form of interactive safety campaign on the TRIP program (left) • Crane Pupuk (Crapu) lebih aman dan ergonomis (kanan atas) Crane Fertilizer (Crapu) more secure and ergonomic (above right) • Proses pemanenan buah kelapa sawit (foto kanan bawah) The process of harvesting oil palm fruits (below right)
Pengenalan produk Astra Toyota AGYA dan Astra Daihatsu AYLA mengacu pada Low Cost Green Car (LCGC) Introduction of Low Cost Green Car (LCGC) products, Astra Toyota AGYA and Astra Daihatsu AYLA
Low Cost Green Car
Low Cost Green Car
Semakin menguatnya kesadaran konservasi lingkungan
The increasing awareness of environmental conservation
telah mendorong produsen otomotif di seluruh dunia
has prompted automotive manufacturers worldwide
untuk mengembangkan kendaraan yang ramah
to develop environmental friendly vehicles (green car).
lingkungan (green car). Melalui kolaborasi dengan
Through collaboration with Toyota Motor Corporation
Toyota Motor Corporation dan Daihatsu Motor Company
and Daihatsu Motor Company of Japan, Astra has
dari Japan, Astra telah merintis pengembangan mobil
pioneered the development of the latest compact green
compact terbaru berkonsep green car berkapasitas 5
car concept with a capacity of 5 passengers named Astra
penumpang bernama Astra Toyota AGYA dan Astra
Toyota AGYA and Astra Daihatsu AYLA.
Daihatsu AYLA. AGYA dan AYLA adalah mobil dengan harga terjangkau
AGYA and AYLA are an environmentally friendly car with
yang ramah lingkungan dan irit bahan bakar, serta
an affordable price and fuel efficient, as well as the first
merupakan produk otomotif pertama yang didesain
automotive product designed entirely by Indonesian
seutuhnya oleh tenaga ahli Indonesia, dipilih secara
experts, which selected globally, competing against
global mengalahkan desainer dari Italia, Perancis dan
designers from Italy, France and Japan. [EN 26]
Jepang. [EN 26]
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Data & Informasi Pendukung Supporting Data & Information
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi 2012 2012 Awards and Certifications
Winner Best Sustainability Reporting 2011 Categories Industries ISRA 2011
Penghargaan Bidang EHS & CSR 2012 No
Perusahaan Company
Awards by Minister of Forestry the Republic of Indonesia
Indonesia Green Company Achievement Award
2012 Awards in EHS & CSR Nama Penghargaan Awards
Pemberi Institution
Penghargaan Perusahaan Non Kehutanan Dalam Rangka Mensukseskan Penanaman Satu Miliar Pohon 2012
Kementerian Kehutanan RI
PT Astra International Tbk
PT Astra International Tbk
Indonesia Green Company Achievement 2012
PT Astra International Tbk
Social Business Innovation Award 2012, Inovasi di bidang Green Company
Warta Ekonomi
PT Astra International Tbk
Best Sustainability Report 2011
National Center for Sustainability Reporting
PT Astra International Tbk
Best CSR Company
Alpha Southeast Asia Magazine
PT Astra International Tbk
Komitmen Perusahaan dalam Pelaksanaan Program CSR
Pemerintah Kota Jakarta Utara
PT Astra International Tbk
Runner-Up Indonesia MDGS Awards 2011, Kategori Peserta Sektor Swasta Program Akses Pada Air Minum Layak dan Sanitasi Dasar
Kantor Utusan Khusus Presiden RI untuk MDGS
PT United Tractors Tbk
ISBA (Indonesia Sustainable Business Award)
Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD), Kadin Indonesia, dan Global Initiatives
PT Permata Bank - Tower III Bintaro
Penghargaan dalam Rangka Mensukseskan Penanaman Satu Miliar Pohon
Pemerintah Kota Tangerang Selatan
PT Astra Daido Steel Indonesia
Pengelolaan dan Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup
BPLHD Kabupaten Bekasi
PT Kayaba Indonesia (KI)
Piagam Penghargaan Pengelolaan dan Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup
Pemerintah Kabupaten Bekasi
PT Kayaba Indonesia (KI)
Piagam Penghargaan Peran Aktif Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup
BPLHD Kabupaten Bekasi
PT Aisin Indonesia
Pengelolaan dan Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup
BPLHD Kabupaten Bekasi
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Perusahaan Company
No 14
PT Mesin Isuzu Indonesia (MII) - Cabang Pondok Ungu
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Assembly Plant
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN)
Nama Penghargaan Awards
Pemberi Institution
Penanaman Pohon di Bumi Perkemahan Cikundul Sukabumi
Pemerintah Kota Sukabumi
Pengembangan Kegiatan Taman Lalu Lintas
Korlantas Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
Konservasi Air Terbaik untuk Perusahaan dengan Penerapan Biopori
PT Astra Honda Motor - HO
Sepeda Motor dengan Emisi Terendah
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup
PT Astra Honda Motor - HO
Penerapan Kawasan Dilarang Merokok
Gubernur DKI Jakarta
PT Astra Honda Motor - Plant 2
Penerapan Daur Ulang Air Limbah
Gubernur DKI Jakarta
PT Astra Honda Motor - Plant 3
Pengelolaan dan Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup
BPLHD Kabupaten Bekasi
PT Permata Bank - Cabang Tower III Bintaro
Penghargaan untuk Efektivitas dan Aktivitas P2K3
Pemerintah Provinsi Banten
PT Serasi Auto Raya (SERA) - HO
Tertib LK3 DKI Jakarta
Disnaker Provinsi DKI
PT Permata Bank - Cabang Zainul Arifin Medan
Penghargaan LK3
Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Utara
PT PermataBank - Cabang Makassar
Penghargaan LK3
Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
PT United Tractors Tbk - Site Soroako
Penghargaan LK3
Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan
PT United Tractors Tbk - Cabang Makassar
Penghargaan LK3
Pemerintah Kota Makassar
PT Kayaba Indonesia (KI)
Piagam Penghargaan Peran Aktif Kegiatan CSR
Pemerintah Kabupaten Bekasi
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - HO
Program CSR, Posyandu dan UMKM Binaan
Majalah Autobild
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - HO
Juara 1 Lomba Cepat Tepat Norma Ketenagakerjaan
Pemerintah DKI Jakarta
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Assembly Plant
HIV-AIDS di Tempat Kerja Peringkat "Silver"
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Assembly Plant
Posyandu Binaan
Pemerintah Kota Solok
PT FUJI Technica Indonesia
Penghargaan Melaksanakan Donor Darah
Palang Merah Indonesia - Karawang
PT Astra Otoparts Tbk - HO
Penghargaan Melaksanakan Donor Darah
Palang Merah Indonesia - DKI JAKARTA
PT DIC Astra Chemical
Penghargaan Melaksanakan Donor Darah
Palang Merah Indonesia
PT Aisin Indonesia
Penghargaan Melaksanakan Donor Darah
Palang Merah Indonesia - Karawang
PT GS Battery-Sunter Plant
Penghargaan Melaksanakan Donor Darah
Palang Merah Indonesia
PT Indokarlo Perkasa
Penghargaan Melaksanakan Donor Darah
Palang Merah Indonesia
PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing
Finalis "Indonesia Green Company Achievement 2012"
2012 PROPER Perusahaan Company
Pemberi Institution
Keterangan Notes
PT Letawa
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Sari Aditya Loka I
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Sari Aditya Loka II
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) - Karawang
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
Hijau Hijau
PT Tunggal Perkasa Plantation
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Assy Plant
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Astra Honda Motor - Plant 3
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Ekadura
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Gaya Motor
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Gemala Kempa Daya
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Gunung Sejahtera Dua Indah
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Gunung Sejahtera Ibu Pertiwi
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Gunung Sejahtera Putih Pesona
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
Biru Biru
PT Pasang Kayu
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Perkebunan Lembah Bakti
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Sari Lembah Subur 1
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Sawit Asahan Indonesia
PT Showa Indonesia Manufacturing
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Surya Raya Lestari 1
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Perusahaan Company
Pemberi Institution
Keterangan Notes
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) - Sunter I Plant
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) - Sunter II Plant
Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI
Biru Biru
ISO 14001 (Status per 2012) Perusahaan Company
Pemberi Institution
Keterangan Notes
PT Aisin Indonesia
SGS Indonesia
PT Aisin Takaoka Indonesia
PT Astra Credit Companies
SGS Indonesia
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Assembly Plant
SAI Global
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Casting Plant
SAI Global
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Engine Plant
SGS Indonesia
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Stamping Plant
SGS Indonesia
PT Astra Graphia Tbk
PT Astra Honda Motor
SGS Indonesia
PT Astra Nippon Gasket Indonesia
PT Astra Otoparts Tbk - Div. Nusametal
PT Century Batteries Indonesia
PT Denso Indonesia - Bekasi Plant
PT Denso Indonesia - Sunter Plant
PT DIC Astra Chemical
SAI Global
PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing
PT Federal Nittan Industries
PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia - Cileungsi Plant (III)
PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia - Pulogadung Plant (I & II)
PT FUJI Technica Indonesia
SGS Indonesia
PT Gaya Motor
SGS Indonesia
PT Gemala Kempa Daya
PT GS battery - Kerawang Plant
PT GS battery - Sunter Plant
Certified Certified
PT Indokarlo Perkasa
PT Inti Ganda Perdana
PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia
PT Kalimantan Prima Persada - Port Sei Putting
PT Kalimantan Prima Persada - Site Rantau
PT Menara Terus Makmur
PT Mesin Isuzu Indonesia (MII)
PT Musashi Auto Parts Indonesia
SGS Indonesia
PT Pamapersada Nusantara
PT Showa Indonesia Manufacturing (SIM)
PT SKF Indonesia
PT Suryaraya Rubberindo Indonesia
SGS Indonesia
PT Toyoda Gosei Safety System Indonesia
PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM)
Aja Registrars
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN)
Aja Registrars
PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering (UTPE)
PT United Tractors Tbk
PT Yutaka Mfg Indonesia (YMI) - plant I & plant II
SGS Indonesia
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Zero Accident Award 2012 Perusahaan Company
Pemberi Institution
PT Letawa
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Sari Aditya Loka I
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Sari Aditya Loka II
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) - Karawang
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Tunggal Perkasa Plantation
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Assy Plant
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Astra Honda Motor - Plant 3
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Ekadura
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Gaya Motor
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Gemala Kempa Daya
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Gunung Sejahtera Dua Indah
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Gunung Sejahtera Ibu Pertiwi
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Gunung Sejahtera Putih Pesona
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Pasang Kayu
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Perkebunan Lembah Bakti
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Sari Lembah Subur 1
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Sawit Asahan Indonesia
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Showa Indonesia Manufacturing
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Surya Raya Lestari 1
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) - Sunter I Plant
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi RI
OHSAS 18001 (Status per 2012) Perusahaan Company
Pemberi Institution
Keterangan Notes
Astra Credit Companies
SGS Indonesia
PT Aisin Indonesia
SGS Indonesia
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Assembly Plant
SGS Indonesia
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Casting Plant
SGS Indonesia
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Engine Plant
SGS Indonesia
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Head Office
SGS Indonesia
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Parts Center
SGS Indonesia
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor - Stamping Plant
SGS Indonesia
PT AT Indonesia
PT DIC Astra Chemical
SAI Global
PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing
PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia - Cileungsi Plant
PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia - Pulogadung Plant
PT Gemala Kempa Daya
PT GS battery - Kerawang Plant
PT GS battery - Sunter Plant
PT Indokarlo Perkasa
PT Inti Ganda Perdana
PT Kalimantan Prima Persada
PT Kayaba Indonesia (KI)
PT Musashi Auto Parts Indonesia
SGS Indonesia
PT PAM lyonnaise Jaya
SGS Indonesia
PT Pamapersada Nusantara
PT Serasi Auto Raya (SERA) - Head Office
SAI global
PT Serasi Auto Raya (SERA) - TRAC Balikpapan & Sangatta
SAI global
PT Serasi Auto Raya (SERA) - TRAC Condet
SAI global
PT Serasi Auto Raya (SERA) - TRAC Makassar
SAI global
Certified Certified
PT Serasi Auto Raya (SERA) - TRAC Medan
SAI global
PT Showa Indonesia Manufacturing (SIM)
PT SKF Indonesia
PT Suryaraya Rubberindo Indonesia
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Perusahaan Company
Pemberi Institution
Keterangan Notes
PT Toyoda Gosei Safety System Indonesia
PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM)
Aja Registrars
Aja Registrars
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN)
PT United Tractors Tbk
PT Menara Terus Makmur
PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering (UTPE)
Pemberi Institution
Keterangan Notes
SMK 3 Perusahaan Company
No 1
PT Astra Honda Motor
Kemenakertrans RI
PT Astra Nippon Gasket Indonesia
Kemenakertrans RI
PT Century Batteries Indonesia
Kemenakertrans RI
PT Denso Indonesia (Bekasi)
Kemenakertrans RI
PT Denso Indonesia (Sunter)
Kemenakertrans RI
PT Kalimantan Prima Persada - Port Sei Putting
Kemenakertrans RI
PT Kalimantan Prima Persada - Site Rantau
Kemenakertrans RI
PT Kalimantan Prima Persada - Site Tanjung Alam
Kemenakertrans RI
PT Pamapersada Nusantara
Kemenakertrans RI
PT Showa Indonesia Manufacturing (SIM)
Kemenakertrans RI
PT SKF Indonesia
Kemenakertrans RI
PT Suryaraya Rubberindo Indonesia
Kemenakertrans RI
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN)
Kemenakertrans RI
PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering
Kemenakertrans RI
PT United Tractors Tbk
Kemenakertrans RI
PT Yutaka Mfg Indonesia (YMI) - plant I
Kemenakertrans RI
PT Yutaka Mfg Indonesia (YMI) - plant II
Kemenakertrans RI
PT GS Battery-Kerawang Plant
Kemenakertrans RI
PT GS Battery-Sunter Plant
Kemenakertrans RI
Pemberi Institution
Keterangan Notes
HACCP Perusahaan Company
PT Eka Dura Indonesia
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT. Gunung Sejahtera Dua Indah
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Gunung Sejahtera Ibu Pertiwi
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Gunung Sejahtera Puti Pesona
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Karya Tanah Subur
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Kimia Tirta Utama
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Letawa
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Nirmala Agro Lestari
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Pasangkayu
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Perkebunan Lembah Bhakti
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Sari Aditya Loka 1
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Sari Aditya Loka 2
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Sari Lembah Subur 1
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Sari Lembah Subur 2
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Sawit Asahan Indah
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Surya Indah Nusantara Pagi
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Suryaraya Lestari 1
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Suryaraya Lestari 2
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
PT Tunggal Perkasa Plantation
Lembaga Sertifikasi IPB
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
ISPO Perusahaan Company
Pemberi Institution
Keterangan Notes
PT Sari Aditya Loka 1
Komisi ISPO
PT Gunung Sejahtera Dua Indah
Komisi ISPO
PT Gunung Sejahtera Ibu Pertiwi
Komisi ISPO
Pemberi Institution
Keterangan Notes
Joint Certification AGC Perusahaan Company
No 1
PT Astra Sedaya Finance (ACC) - Medan 1
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Astra Sedaya Finance (ACC) - Semarang
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Astra Sedaya Finance (ACC) - Surabaya 1
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Kalimantan Prima Persada - Rantau
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Telen Orbit Prima (TOP)
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT United Tractors Tbk - Cab. Palembang
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT United Tractors Tbk - Site Adaro
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT United Tractors Tbk - Site Batukajang
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT United Tractors Tbk - Site Damai
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT United Tractors Tbk - Site Sangatta
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT United Tractors Tbk - Site Tenggarong
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Astra International Tbk Daihatsu - Cab. Balikpapan
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Asuransi Astra Buana (AAB) - Cab. Banjarmasin
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Asuransi Astra Buana (AAB) - Cab. Mangga Dua
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Asuransi Astra Buana (AAB) - Cab. Palembang
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Asuransi Astra Buana (AAB) - Cab. Samarinda
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Federal International Finance (FIF) - Cab. Banjarmasin
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Federal International Finance (FIF) - Cab. Medan
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Federal International Finance (FIF) - Cab. Padang
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Gunung Sejahtera Dua Indah
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Kalimantan Prima Persada - Tanjung Alam
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Kimia Tirta Utama
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Letawa
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Perkebunan Lembah Bhakti
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Sari Lembah Subur1
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Surya Raya Lestari 1
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Tunggal Perkasa Plantation
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT United Tractors Semen Gresik (UTSG)
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT United Tractors Tbk - Cab. Pekanbaru
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Astra International Tbk Daihatsu - Cab. Makassar
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Asuransi Astra Buana (AAB) - Cab. Kelapa Gading
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Asuransi Astra Buana (AAB) - Cab. Padang
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Eka Dura Indonesia
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Gunung Sejahtera Puti Pesona
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Sari Lembah Subur2
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Sawit Asahan Indah
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
PT Surya Raya Lestari 2
Joint Cert. AI - AFAQ
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Kontributor Data LK3 EHS Data Contributor Perusahaan Company
No 1
PT Astra International Tbk - Head Office
Perusahaan Company
No 38
PT Menara Terus Makmur
PT Mesin Isuzu Indonesia
PT Astra International Tbk - Astra World
PT Musashi Auto Parts Indonesia
PT Astra International Tbk - BMW
PT Showa Indonesia Manufacturing
PT Astra International Tbk - Daihatsu
PT SKF Indonesia
PT Astra International Tbk - Honda
PT Suryaraya Rubberindo Indonesia
PT Astra International Tbk - Isuzu
PT Tjahja Sakti Motor
PT Astra International Tbk - Peugeot
PT Toyoda Gosei Safety Systems Indonesia
PT Astra International Tbk - Toyota (AUTO 2000)
PT Toyota Astra Motor
PT Astra International Tbk - UD Truck
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia
PT Aisin Indonesia
PT Yutaka Manufacturing Indonesia
PT Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia
PT Astra Visteon Indonesia
Astra Credit Companies
PT Astra Daido Steel Indonesia
PT Asuransi Astra Buana
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor
PT Bank Permata Tbk
PT Astra Honda Motor
PT Federal International Finance
PT Astra Komponen Indonesia
PT Surya Artha Nusantatra Finance
PT Astra Multi Trucks Indonesia
PT Toyota Astra Financial Services
PT Astra Nippon Gasket Indonesia
PT Astra Otoparts Tbk – Divisi Adiwira Plastik
PT Bina Pertiwi
PT Astra Otoparts Tbk – Divisi Nusametal
PT Kalimantan Prima Persada
PT Astra Otoparts Tbk - Head Office
PT Komatsu Remanufacturing Asia
PT AT Indonesia
PT Pamapersada Nusantara
PT Century Batteries Indonesia
PT Traktor Nusantara
PT Denso Indonesia
PT United Tractors Tbk
PT DIC Astra Chemical
PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering (UTPE)
PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing
PT Federal Nittan Industries
PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia
PT Fuji Technica Indonesia
PT Astratel Nusantara
PT Gaya Motor
PT Harmoni Mitra Utama
PT Gemala Kempa Daya
PT Marga Mandala Sakti
PT GS Battery
PT PAM lyonnaise Jaya
PT Indokarlo Perkasa
PT Serasi Auto Raya (SERA)
PT Inti Ganda Perdana
PT Serasi Logistic Indonesia
PT Inti Pantja Press Industri
PT Toyofuji Serasi Indonesia
PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia
PT Kayaba Indonesia
PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk
PT Astra Graphia Tbk
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
Referensi Silang Indeks GRI [3.12]
GRI Index Cross Reference GRI #
Daftar Isi GRI GRI Content
Halaman Page
8, 11
Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary, or measurement methods applied in the report.
Table identifying the location of the Standard Disclosures in the report.
139, 141
Policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance for the report. If not included in the assurance report accompanying the sustainability report, explain the scope and basis of any external assurance provided. Also explain the relationship between the reporting organization and the assurance provider(s).
Governance structure of the organization, including committees under the highest governance body responsible for specific tasks, such as setting strategy or organizational oversight.
28, 35
Indicate whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer (and, if so, their function within the organization’s management and the reasons for this arrangement).
28, 35
For Organization that have a unitary board structure, state the number and gender of member of highest governance body that area independent and /or non executive member.
Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or direction to the highest governance body.
Linkage between compensation for members of the highest governance body, senior managers, and executives (including departure arrangements), and the organization’s performance (including social and environmental performance).
36, 39
Processes in place for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided.
Process for determining the composition, qualifications, and expertise of the members of the highest governance body and its committees, including any consideration of gender and other indicators of diversity.
Internally developed statements of mission or values, codes of conduct, and principles relevant to economic, environmental, and social performance and the status of their implementation.
2, 34, 80
Procedures of the highest governance body for overseeing the organization’s identification and management of economic, environmental, and social performance, including relevant risks and opportunities, and adherence or compliance with internationally agreed standards, codes of conduct, and principles.
39, 41
Processes for evaluating the highest governance body’s own performance, particularly with respect to economic, environmental, and social performance.
36, 37, 38
Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organization.
Statement from the most senior decision maker of the organization (e.g., CEO, chair, or equivalent senior position) about the relevance of sustainability to the organization and its strategy.
Description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities.
Name of the organization.
15, 22
Primary brands, products, and/or services.
25, 26
Operational structure of the organization, including main divisions, operating companies, subsidiaries, and joint ventures.
22, 28
Location of organization’s headquarters.
Number of countries where the organization operates, and names of countries with either major operations or that are specifically relevant to the sustainability issues covered in the report.
Nature of ownership and legal form.
22, 23, 24
Markets served (including geographic breakdown, sectors served, and types of customers/beneficiaries).
24, 25, 67
Scale of the reporting organization.
Significant changes during the reporting period regarding size, structure, or ownership.
Awards received in the reporting period.
Reporting period (e.g., fiscal/calendar year) for information provided.
Date of most recent previous report (if any)
Reporting cycle (annual, biennial, etc.)
Contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents.
Process for defining report content.
Boundary of the report (e.g., countries, divisions, subsidiaries, leased facilities, joint ventures, suppliers). See GRI Boundary Protocol for further guidance.
State any specific limitations on the scope or boundary of the report.
Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries, leased facilities, outsourced operations, and other entities that can significantly affect comparability from period to period and/or between organizations.
Data measurement techniques and the bases of calculations, including assumptions and techniques underlying estimations applied to the compilation of the Indicators and other information in the report.
Explanation of the effect of any re-statements of information provided in earlier reports, and the reasons for such re-statement (e.g., mergers/acquisitions, change of base years/periods, nature of business, measurement methods).
42, 44, 116
22, 23 6 70, 105 3, 4
Daftar Isi GRI GRI Content
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36, 39, 40
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Daftar Isi GRI GRI Content
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Externally developed economic, environmental, and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes or endorses.
Memberships in associations (such as industry associations) and/or national/international advocacy organizations
List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization.
Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage.
EN 14 Strategies, current actions, and future plans for managing impacts on biodiversity.
EN 15 Number of IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations, by level of extinction risk.
119, 120
EN 17 Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight.
Approaches to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group.
EN 18 Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reductions achieved.
102, 103, 105, 119, 120
Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reporting.
EN 19 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by weight.
EN 20 NO, SO, and other significant air emissions by type and weight
Direct economic value generated and distributed, including revenues, operating costs, employee compensation, donations and other community investments, retained earnings, and payments to capital providers and governments.
60, 61, 62, 63
EC 2
Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organization’s activities due to climate change.
EC 3
Coverage of the organization’s defined benefit plan obligations.
EC 4
Significant financial assistance received from government.
EC 5
Range of ratio of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local mininum wages at significant location of operation.
EC 6
Policy practices and proportion of spending on locallybased suppliers at significant location of operation.
EC 7
Procedures for local hiring and proportion of senior management hired from the local community at locations of significant operation.
EC 8
Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit through commercial, inkind, or pro bono engagement.
60, 63, 86, 94, 102, 108, 114
EC 9
Understanding and describing significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts.
EN 21 Total water discharge by quality and destination.
122, 123
EN 22 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method.
EN 23 Total number and volume of significant spills. EN 24 Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste deemed hazardous under the terms of the Basel Convention Annex I, II, III, and VIII, and percentage of transported waste shipped internationally.
122, 123
EN 26 Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services, and extent of impact mitigation.
124, 129
63, 64
EN 27 Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by category.
EN 28 Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for noncompliance with environmental laws and regulations.
60, 66, 86, 94, 108
EN 1
Materials used by weight or volume.
117, 124
EN 2
Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials.
118, 120
EN 3
Direct energy consumption by primary energy source.
EN 4
Indirect energy consumption by primary source.
EN 5
Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements.
118, 119, 121
EN 6
Initiatives to provide energy-efficient or renewable energy based products and services, and reductions in energy requirements as a result of these initiatives.
118, 120, 124
EN 7
Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption and reductions achieved.
118, 119
EN 8
Total water withdrawal by source.
117, 124
EN 9
Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water.
118, 125
EN 10 Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused.
EN 25 Identity, size, protected status, and biodiversity value of water bodies and related habitats significantly affected by the reporting organization’s discharges of water and runoff.
Environmental Performance Indicators
Halaman Page
EN 16 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emission by weight.
Economic Performance Indicator EC 1
Daftar Isi GRI GRI Content
118, 119, 125
EN 11 Location and size of land owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas.
EN 12 Description of significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas.
EN 13 Habitats protected or restored.
EN 29 Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials used for the organization’s operations, and transporting members of the workforce. EN 30 Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by type.
118, 119
Labour Indicators LA 1
Total workforce by employment type, employement contract, and region, broken down by gender.
LA 2
Total number and rate of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender, and region.
LA 3
Benefit provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part time employee,by significant location of operation.
62, 78, 81
LA 4
Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements.
LA 5
Minimum notice period(s) regarding operational changes, including whether it is specified in collective agreements.
LA 6
Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management–worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety programs.
LA 7
Rates of injury, occupational disease,lost days, and absenteeism , and total number of work-related fatalities, by region and by gender.
LA 8
Education, training, counseling, prevention, and risk-control programs in place to assist workforce members, their families, or community members regarding serious diseases.
62, 78, 126, 127, 128
LA 9
Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions.
LA 10 Average hours of training per year employee by gender,and by employee category.
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
75, 76
116 -
Daftar Isi GRI GRI Content
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LA 11 Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings.
SO 6
Total value of financial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians, and related institutions by country.
LA 12 Percentage of employee receiving regular performance and career development reviews, by gender.
SO 7
LA 13 Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversity.
Total number of legal actions for anticompetitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices and their outcomes.
SO 8
Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for noncompliance with laws and regulations.
LA 14 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men by employee category, by significant location of operation.
SO 9
Operations with significant potential or actual negative impacts on local communities.
LA 15 Return to work and retention rates after parental leave, by gender.
Human Rights Indicators HR 1
HR 2
HR 3
Percentage and total number of significant investment agreement and contract that include clauses incorporating human right concern, or that have undergone human right screening.
Percentage of significant supplier contractors and other business partner that have undergone human right screening, and action taken.
Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of employees trained.
HR 4
Total number of incident of discrimination and corrective action taken.
77, 81
HR 5
Operation and significant supplier identified in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be violated or at significant risk, and action taken to support these rights.
HR 6
“Operations and significant suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labor, and measures taken to contribute to the effective abolition of child labor”.
48, 81
HR 7
“Operations and significant suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor”.
HR 8
Percentage of security personnel trained in the organization’s policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations.
Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous people and actions taken.
HR 9
HR 10 Percentage and total number of operations that have been subject to human rights reviews and/or impact assessments..
HR 11 Number of grievances related to human rights filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms.
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48, 49
SO 10 “Prevention and mitigation measures implemented in operations with significant potential or actual negative impacts on local communities.”
Product Responsibilty Indicators PR 1
Life cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products and services are assessed for improvement, and percentage of significant products and services categories subject to such procedures.
68, 69
PR 2
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning health and safety impacts of products and services during their life cycle, by type of outcomes.
PR 3
Type of product and service information required by procedures, and percentage of significant products and services subject to such information requirements.
PR 4
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and service information and labeling, by type of outcomes.
PR 5
Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction.
PR 6
Programs for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes related to marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship.
PR 7
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship by type of outcomes.
PR 8
Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data.
PR 9
Monetary value of significant fines for noncompliance with laws and regulations concerning the provision and use of products and services.
71 -
Social Indicators SO 1
Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs.
SO 2
Percentage and total number of business units analyzed for risks related to corruption.
SO 3
Percentage of employees trained in organization’s anticorruption policies and procedures.
SO 4
Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption.
SO 5
Public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying.
51, 89, 92, 93, 94, 98, 108
Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report • ASTRA International
Daftar Tabel dan Grafik List of Tables and Graphs Keterangan Tabel Table Description
No 1
Komposisi Pemegang Saham | Composition of Shareholders
Ikhtisar Keuangan | Financial Highlights
Jumlah Entry Kumulatif pada InnovAstra | Cumulative Number of Entry on InnovAstra
Tabel Penerima Beasiswa dari Grup Astra | Beneficiaries of Astra Group Scholarships
Program Pelatihan dan Pembinaan UMKM YDBA | Training and Development Program of MSMEs YDBA
Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi 2012 | 2012 Awards and Certifications
Kontributor Data LK3 | EHS Data Contributor
Referensi Silang Indeks GRI | GRI Index Cross Reference
Keterangan Grafik Graph Description
Halaman Page
Halaman Page
Status AGC Grup Astra 2012 | AGC Status Astra Group 2012
Status AFC Grup Astra 2012 | AFC Status Astra Group 2012
Jumlah Karyawan Astra Group | Number of Employee at Astra Group
Pembayaran Karyawan | Employee Expenses
Biaya Pendidikan & Training | Training & Education Expenses
Pembayaran kepada Pemasok | Payment to Suppliers
Pembayaran Pajak kepada Pemerintah | Tax Payment to the Government
Surat Pembaca Tahun 2010, 2011 & 2012 | Customer Voice in 2010, 2011 and 2012
Karyawan Grup Astra Berdasarkan Usia | Astra Group Employees by Age
Karyawan Grup Astra Berdasarkan Pendidikan | Astra Group Employee by Education
Karyawan Grup Astra Berdasarkan Lini Bisnis | Astra Group by Number of Business Line
Profil SDM Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin | HR Profiles based on Gender
Penerima Program CSR Pendidikan | Beneficiaries of CSR Education Programs
Penerima Manfaat Mobil Kesehatan Astra 2012 | MOKESA beneficiaries in 2012
Penggunaan Sumber Daya Alam dan Energi | Natural Resources and Energy Consumption
Air (M3/unit produk) | Water (M3/unit product)
Listrik (KWh/unit produk) | Electricity (KWh/unit product)
Solar (L/unit produk) | Diesel Fuel (L/unit product)
Oli (L/unit produk) | Oil (L/unit product)
Penurunan GRK (tonCO2/unit produk) | GRK Decrease (tonCO2/unit product)
Limbah Cair Non B3 (L/unit produk) | Non-hazardous Liquid Waste (L/unit product)
Limbah Cair B3 (L/unit produk) | Hazardous Liquid Waste (L/unit product)
Limbah Padat Non B3 (Kg/unit produk) | Non-hazardous solid waste (Kg/unit product)
Limbah Padat B3 (Kg/unit produk) | Hazardous solid waste (Kg/unit product)
Grafik Kecelakaan Kerja | Occupational Accident
ASTRA International • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2012 Sustainability Report
PT Astra International Tbk Astra International Building Jl. Gaya Motor Raya No. 8 Sunter II, Jakarta 14330 Indonesia Telp (62-21) 652 2555 Fax (62-21) 653 04957