Script: Perjalanan berbahaya – A dangerous journey Bahasa Inggris
Bahasa Indonesia
Leatherback turtles are amongst the largest living reptiles and are found in all oceans except the Arctic and Antarctic. They are critically endangered and will only survive if people from many countries work together to protect them. Find out more about the leatherback turtle and how you can help.
Info button text (in English)
Breeding sites
Lokasi berkembangbiak
Leatherback lifecycle
Perputaran hidup penyu
Leatherback quiz
Kuis penyu
Turtle Survivor!
Penyu yang selamat!
Click on each Leatherback turtle breeding site for information.
Klik pada masing-masing tempat berkembangbiak penyu untuk informasi.
Leatherback turtles travel the world as they hunt for their favourite foods. They live in more areas of the world than any other turtle. There are only a few major breeding sites left in the world.
Info button text (in English)
Listen to the marine park ranger.
Dengarkanlah penjaga taman laut.
Listen to people from the local community.
Dengarkanlah masyarakat lokal.
Look at the Indonesian version of the website made by children from an Australian school.
Lihatlah website versi bahasa Indonesia yang dibuat oleh anak-anak dari sekolah di Australia.
My job is to guard the turtles and their eggs. The eggs need time to hatch.
Tugas saya menjaga penyu-penyu dan telurnya. Telur-telur itu perlu waktu untuk menetas. Saya akan memastikan supaya anak penyu yang menetas bisa mencapai laut. Saya tidak akan melihat penyu-penyu ini lagi selama 8 sampai 10 tahun. Penyu betina datang ke sini hanya untuk bertelur.
I make sure the baby turtles can get to the water. I won’t see these turtles again for about 8-10 years. The females return here to lay their eggs. We get paid to patrol the beach. Our community wants to stop egg poaching and the killing of young turtles. We have also stopped the selling of turtle eggs and poaching of adult turtles.
Kami dibayar untuk berpatroli di pantai. Masyarakat kami ingin menghentikan perburuan telur dan pembunuhan terhadap anak-anak penyu. Kami juga menghentikan penjualan telur penyu dan perburuan penyu dewasa.
In Australia, Leatherback turtles feed in Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Each year some Leatherback turtles visit this place to lay eggs. We want people to know that the turtles and
Di Australia, penyu ini hidup di Queensland, Western Australia dan Northern Territory.
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Setiap tahun, beberapa penyu mengunjungi tempat ini untuk bertelur. Kami ingin orang tahu bahwa penyu ini dan Perjalanan berbahaya
nests should not be disturbed or turtles won’t come here any more. There used to be lots more turtles but most die at sea.
sarangnya tidak boleh diganggu, atau penyupenyu ini tidak akan datang ke sini lagi. Dulu ada banyak sekali penyu, tapi sebagian besar mati di laut.
A female turtle makes its way up the beach at dusk and uses its large front flippers (which can be up to 1 metre long) to dig a hole up to 1 metre deep in which its whole body will fit.
Info button text (in English)
Some of the major threats to turtles breeding successfully are caused by humans. Governments, conservation groups and local communities often work together to protect turtles. It is best to work with the local community because they must manage the program into the future, and they benefit from the conservation projects.
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Local people know that turtles have been coming to the same local beaches to lay eggs for many years.
Info button text (in English)
Find out about the lifecycle of the Leatherback turtle.
Dapatkan informasi tentang perputaran hidup penyu.
Scientists need to know a lot more about the Leatherback’s lifecycle between the hatchlings leaving the beach and the adult turtle returning to breed. This will help people design programs to protect the turtle.
Info button text (in English)
Find out where Leatherback turtles live, breed and lay eggs.
Dapatkan informasi tentang di mana penyu hidup, berkembangbiak, dan bertelur.
Click on the turtles on the line to find information about Leatherback breeding.
Klik pada penyu-penyu yang berada di atas garis untuk mencari informasi tentang berkembangbiaknya penyu.
Read or listen to the text and then click ‘next’ to see the turtles grow and hatch.
Baca atau dengarkan teks lalu klik pada ‘Terus’ untuk melihat anak penyu tumbuh dan menetas.
Click on the bars of the graph to find out about total turtle numbers over the past 20 years.
Klik pada balok dari grafik untuk mendapat informasi tentang jumlah penyu selama lebih dari 20 tahun.
Listen to today’s news.
Dengarkanlah berita hari ini.
1. Pacific Ocean – Turtles hunt for jellyfish and other favourite foods. 2. Atlantic Ocean - Turtles hunt for jellyfish and other favourite foods. 3. Indian Ocean - Turtles hunt for jellyfish and other favourite foods. 4. Indonesia – Females return to the beach where they hatched, to breed and lay their eggs.
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1. Lautan Pasifik – Penyu berburu uburubur dan makanan favorit lain. 2. Lautan Atlantik – Penyu berburu ubur-ubur dan makanan favorit lain. 3. Lautan India – Penyu berburu uburubur dan makanan favorit lain. 4. Indonesia – Penyu betina kembali ke pantai di mana mereka ditetas, untuk berkembangbiak dan bertelur. Perjalanan berbahaya
5. Costa Rica, Suriname etcetera - Females return to the beach where they hatched, to breed and lay their eggs. 6. Australia – Females return to the beach where they hatched, to breed and lay their eggs. 1. Females reach breeding age at about 10 years old. 2. Males and females mate in temperate zones. Males mate with more than one female in a breeding season. 3. Females go to their nesting beach in a tropical zone just before they are ready to lay their eggs. 4. Females choose beaches that slope gently. They come ashore at night close to high tide. 5. They lay their eggs and then return to the sea. 6. Females lay 4-8 nests (one nest every 9 days). Then leave and return to temperate zones. 7. They come back to nest again about every 3 years. 1. The female turtle uses her flippers and legs to dig a pit in sand. 2. She lays about 60 eggs and 30 small fake eggs. The eggs are not hard and can bounce. She covers the eggs with sand. 3. The baby turtles begin to grow. The temperature of the sand controls whether the turtle will be male or female. 4. After about 60 days, up to 90% of eggs hatch. Often it is much less than this. Baby turtles break out of their shells and go to the surface. They often come out in groups at night. 5. The baby turtles find their way to the ocean. They are in danger from predators like birds and dogs on the beach and larger animals in the sea. Only 2-3 turtles per thousand will survive. 1. Longline fishing catches up to 60,000 turtles per year. (Find out more…)
1. Penyu betina mulai berkembangbiak pada umur kira-kira 10 tahun. 2. Penyu jantan dan betina kawin di iklim sedang. Penyu jantan kawin dengan lebih dari satu betina pada musim kawin. 3. Penyu betina pergi ke sarang di pantai yang beriklim tropis sebelum mereka siap bertelur. 4. Penyu betina memilih pantai yang landai. Mereka menuju ke pantai pada malam hari saat pasang tinggi. 5. Mereka bertelur lalu kembali ke laut. 6. Penyu betina bisa bertelur antara 4-8 sarang (satu sarang setiap sembilan hari). Lalu mereka kembali ke daerah beriklim sedang. 7. Mereka kembali untuk bertelur lagi setiap 3 tahun. 1. Penyu betina menggunakan sirip-sirip dan kakinya untuk menggali sebuah lubang di pasir. 2. Dia bertelur sebanyak 60 telur dan 30 telur kecil yang palsu. Telur itu tidak keras dan bisa gembur. Dia menutup telur dalam pasir. 3. Anak penyu mulai tumbuh. Suhu dari pasir menentukan apakah penyu itu jantan atau betina. 4. Sesudah kira-kira 60 hari, 90% dari telur-telur menetas. Kadang-kadang kurang dari 90%. Anak penyu memecahkan kulit telurnya dan keluar. Seringkali, mereka keluar berkelompok pada waktu malam hari. 5. Anak penyu menuju ke laut. Mereka dapat bahaya dari para pemangsa seperti burung dan anjing di pantai, dan binatang besar di laut. Hanya dua atau tiga penyu per seribu yang bertahan hidup. 1. Memancing secara ’long-line’ bisa menangkap sampai dengan 60,000 penyu per tahun (Untuk informasi lebih lanjut…)
There are fishing lines (longline) over 100 kms long with up to 8,000 hooks. The
© Commonwealth of Australia 2005
5. Costa Rica, Suriname dll Penyu betina kembali ke pantai di mana mereka ditetas, untuk berkembangbiak dan bertelur. 6. Australia - Penyu betina kembali ke pantai di mana mereka ditetas, untuk berkembangbiak dan bertelur.
Senar pancing (long-line) sepanjang 100 km bisa menampung sampai Perjalanan berbahaya
hooks catch turtles, whales, dolphins and birds as well as fish. Every year 20-30% of Leatherbacks in the Pacific Ocean may be caught and killed like this.
2. New fishing hooks are less dangerous to turtles. (Find out more…) New circular fishing hooks can reduce by as much as 90% the number of Leatherback turtles caught. Scientists want fishermen to use the new hooks.
3. “Marine parks can save turtles” say scientists. (Find out more…)
dengan 8.000 kait. Kait-kait itu bukan hanya menangkap ikan, tetapi juga penyu, ikan paus, ikan lumba-lumba dan burung. Setiap tahun 20-30% dari penyu yang berada di Samudera Pasifik mungkin tertangkap dan terbunuh dengan cara tersebut. 2. Kait pancing yang baru kurang berbahaya bagi penyu. (Untuk informasi lebih lanjut…) Kait pancing lingkaran yang baru dapat mengurangi sampai 90% jumlah penyu yang ditangkap. Ilmuwan ingin bahwa nelayan menggunakan kait yang baru. 3. “Taman laut bisa menyelamatkan penyu” kata para ilmuwan. (Untuk informasi lebih lanjut…)
Marine parks can save turtles. Local people patrol beaches to protect the turtle nests. The people are paid so that they do not need to make money from taking and selling eggs, or from taking tourists to see the turtles.
Taman laut bisa menyelamatkan penyu. Orang lokal berpatroli di pantai untuk menjaga sarang-sarang penyu. Orang-orang ini dibayar supaya mereka tidak perlu mendapatkan uang dengan menjual telur-telur itu atau membawa turis untuk melihat penyu.
Scientists do have a lot of information about how big female turtles are when they reach breeding age and know that they continue to grow after reaching breeding age. Bigger female turtles lay more eggs and more of those eggs survive.
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Leatherback turtles choose beaches without rubbish and lay their eggs above the high tide mark when possible. They are only on shore for about 2 hours. If the sand is not moist or warm enough, the eggs will not hatch. The temperature is very important at one stage of the eggs’ development – if it is above 29.75o all the hatchlings will be female turtles, if it is below 29 o they will all be male.
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One of the very dangerous times for the turtle is when the eggs are laid. Animals dig them up to eat them, and local people may take the eggs to eat and sell.
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Leatherback turtles use the ocean currents to travel for very long distances (often further than 5000km). They do most of their long
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Perjalanan berbahaya
distance swimming at midday, swimming close to the surface to save energy. They are very powerful swimmers and can dive very deep as well as stay under for a long time at various depths. The longest recorded dive was 67.3 minutes. Scientists do not know very much about what leatherback turtles do during their time at sea, except that they swim for most of the day when adults, and for 15% to 45% of their day when young. Turtle Quiz Test yourself on Leatherback turtle facts.
Kuis penyu Ujilah sendiri pada fakta-fakta tentang penyu.
1. How many eggs does a turtle lay in one nest? 2. What is one way that we can protect turtles? 3. Why do scientists only know how many female turtles there are? 4. How many Leatherbacks live until adulthood? 5. Leatherback turtles lay their eggs … 6. Leatherbacks are different from other turtles because … 7. Female turtles lay eggs … 8. Turtles don’t return to the beach to lay eggs if …
1. Berapa jumlah telur yang bisa ditelur oleh penyu dalam satu sarang? 2. Apakah satu cara kami bisa menjaga penyu? 3. Ilmuwan bisa tahu tentang jumlah penyu betina saja. Mengapa? 4. Berapa penyu hidup sampai kedewasaan?
Answers: (Correct answer bolded)
1. a) b) c) d)
5. Penyu-penyu bertelur … 6. Penyu-penyu berbeda dari kura-kura lain karena ……. 7. Penyu betina bertelur ….. 8. Penyu-penyu tidak kembali lagi ke pantai untuk bertelur kalau …
60-100 50-60 200 20
a) b) c) d)
a) patrol beaches b) use circular fishing hooks on longlines
c) set up marine parks d) all the above 3.
a) male turtles swim too far b) females are counted when they return to the beach c) males don’t live long d) male turtles are smaller so are not seen very often
60 sampai 100 50 sampai 60 200 20
a) Orang lokal berpatroli di pantai b) Gunakan kait pancing linkgaran di ‘longlines’ c) Mendirikan taman laut d) Semua jawaban di atas benar a) Penyu jantan berenang terlalu jauh b) Penyu betina berhitung waktu mereka kembali ke pantai c) Penyu jantan tidak hidup lama d) Penyu jantan lebih kecil, jadi jarang dilihat
4. a) all the baby turtles b) about half
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a) Semua anak penyu b) Kira-kira setengah anak penyu
Perjalanan berbahaya
c) about 200 out of 1,000 d) about 5 out of 1,000 5.
c) Kira-kira 200 dari 1000 d) Kira-kira 5 dari 1000
a) at sea b) in holes in rocks c) in holes in the sand, far from the water’s edge d) in groups near the water’s edge
a) their egg shell is not hard b) they are larger than most turtles c) all of these d) they swim further and into colder waters than other turtles
a) di laut b) di lubang-lubang di batu-batu c) di lubang-lubang di pasir, jauh dari tepi laut d) di kelompok dekat tepi laut a) kulit telurnya tidak keras b) mereka lebih besar daripada kebanyakan kura-kura lain c) Semuanya jawaban di atas benar d) Mereka berenang lebih jauh ke lautan yang lebih dingin dibandingkan dengan kura-kura lain.
7. a) once every year b) 3 or 4 nests about every third year c) one nest every 3 years d) 3 or 4 nests every year
a) satu kali setahun b) tiga atau empat sarang setiap tahun ketiga c) satu sarang setiap tahun ketiga d) tiga atau empat sarang setahun
8. a) there are loud noises or bright lights b) it is dark and they cannot see c) other turtles are on the beach d) they have already been to that beach
a) Ada suara keras dan cahaya terang b) Gelap dan mereka tidak bisa melihat c) Kura-kura lain berada di pantai d) Mereka sudah pernah ke pantai itu
Answer the quiz again to improve your score. Try another activity.
Jawablah kuis ini lagi untuk memperbaiki skormu. Cobalah aktivitas yang lain.
Feedback: a) Not so good. Check your Leatherback facts again.
a) Kurang baik. Periksalah fakta-fakta tentang penyu sekali lagi.
b) Good. You know quite a lot about Leatherbacks but are not an expert yet.
b) Bagus. Kamu tahu cukup banyak tentang penyu tapi belum ahli.
c) Excellent work, you are almost a Leatherback expert.
c) Bagus sekali. Kamu hampir menjadi ahli penyu.
Try again?
Coba lagi?
Find out more about the precarious life of a Leatherback turtle by playing Survivor. (loose translation)
Carilah informasi lebih lanjut tentang kehidupan penuh bahaya dari Kura-kura air (atau penyu) dengan bermain ‘Survivor’ (atau yang selamat)
Game introduction
Perkenalan permainan
Game dilemma Work out what you will do to try to stay alive…
Dilema permainan Pikirkan apa yang akan anda lakukan untuk bisa tetap hidup...
© Commonwealth of Australia 2005
Perjalanan berbahaya
Its time to dig your way to the surface and head for the ocean. Will you go during the day or wait until night?
Sudah waktunya bagi anda untuk muncul ke permukaan dan menuju ke laut. Apakah anda akan pergi pada tengah hari atau menunggu sampai malam tiba?
You are heading out through the waves. Will you stay in a group or go it alone?
Anda berjalan menuju ke ombak. Apakah anda akan pergi berkelompok atau pergi sendirian?
You are hungry. You need to hunt for jellyfish. Will you stay here where there are lots of jellyfish but fishermen often drop nets, or will you go somewhere else?
Anda lapar. Anda harus berburu ubur-ubur. Apakah anda akan tinggal di sini di mana banyak terdapat ubur-ubur dan nelayan juga menjatuhkan jalanya, atau anda akan memilih pergi ke tempat lain?
Di sini?
Somewhere else
Ke tempat lain?
You are swimming along looking for food. You see a silvery flash. Do you eat it or not?
Anda sedang berenang mencari makanan. Anda melihat sinar keperakan. Anda memakannya atau tidak?
Eat it?
Don’t eat it?
Tidak memakannya?
Its time to lay your eggs. The beach you were born on has houses nearby. Will you stay, or find a quieter beach?
Sudah waktunya untuk bertelur. Pantai tempat anda lahir dekat dengan rumahrumah. Apakah anda akan tetap tinggal di sana, atau mencari pantai lain yang lebih tenang?
Stay here?
Game feedback
Umpan balik permainan
Play again to find out what else can happen, finish Survivor or choose Home.
Cobalah bermain lagi untuk menemukan apa lagi yang mungkin terjadi, selesaikan ‘Survivor’ atau pilih ‘Kembali’.
Dilemma 1: Response 1- chose day: Bad luck! The sun made you tired and a dog has eaten you.
Dilema 1: Response 1- chose day: Sial! Matahari membuat anda lelah dan seekor anjing memangsa anda.
Response 2 - chose night: Well done! More turtles survive if they head
Response 2 - chose night: Bagus sekali! Banyak penyu yang selamat kalau mereka menuju ke laut pada malam
© Commonwealth of Australia 2005
Perjalanan berbahaya
for the ocean at night.
Dilemma 2: Response 1- chose group and you are one of the 50% of users who survive:
Dilema 2: Response 1- chose group and you are one of the 50% of users who survive:
Well done! Fish and birds ate many of the other hatchlings but they missed you.
Bagus sekali! Ikan dan burung-burung memangsa beberapa telur yang menetas, tetapi mereka tidak memangsa anda.
Response 2 - chose group and you are one of the 50% of users who do not survive: Bad luck! A fish could see you even though you were in a group and ate you for its meal.
Response 2 - chose group and you are one of the 50% of users who do not survive: Sial! Seekor ikan mendapati anda, meskipun anda berada dalam kelompok dan ikan memangsa anda sebagai santapan.
Response 3 - chose alone: Bad luck! A fish could see you easily and ate you for its meal.
Response 3 - chose alone Sial! Seekor ikan dapat melihat anda dengan mudah dan menyantap anda sebagai makanan.
Dilemma 3: Response 1- you chose stay here: Bad luck! There is a net and your flippers get caught in it. You drown.
Dilema 3: Response 1- you chose stay here: Sial! Ada jala dan sirip anda terjerat. Anda tenggelam.
Response 2a - you chose to swim elsewhere and you are one of 50% of survivors: Well done! You have survived this time.
Response 2a - you chose to swim around and you are one of 50% of users: Bagus sekali! Anda selamat kali ini.
Response 2b - you chose to swim elsewhere and you are not one of 50% of survivors: Good choice. Unfortunately you ate a plastic bag, thinking it was a jellyfish, and it will choke you slowly.
Response 2b - you chose to swim elsewhere and you are not one of 50% of survivors: Pilihan yang bagus. Tetapi sayang sekali anda makan tas plastik, karena mengira itu ubur-ubur, dan itu akan membuat anda tercekik pelan-pelan.
Dilemma 4: Response 1a: If you chose to eat it and you are one of the unlucky 50%: Bad luck! You have eaten a squid on a small hook on a longline. You will die a slow death by drowning.
Dilema 4: Response 1a: If you chose to eat it and you are one of the unlucky 50%: Sial! Anda telah makan cumi-cumi pada kait kecil di sebuah senar panjang. Anda akan mati pelan-pelan karena tenggelam.
Response 1b: You chose to eat it and you are one of the lucky 50%: You are in luck! The longline fishermen have used the new large round hooks and you cannot swallow the food.
Response 1b: You chose to eat it and you are one of the lucky 50%: Anda sedang beruntung! Senar panjang nelayan menggunakan kait baru yang bulat dan besar dan anda tidak dapat menelan kait.
Response 2: If you chose not to eat it: A good choice! There are much better foods for you to eat.
Response 2: If you chose not to eat it: Pilihan yang tepat! Masih ada banyak makanan lain yang lebih baik untuk dimakan.
Dilemma 5: Response 1a: If you chose to lay eggs on this beach and were one of 50% lucky:
Dilema 5: Response 1a: If you chose to lay eggs on this beach and were one of 50% lucky:
© Commonwealth of Australia 2005
Perjalanan berbahaya
You are lucky! You lay your eggs. No egg poachers or dogs eat them. About half survive. You lay 3 more nests of eggs over 30 days and go back to sea.
Anda beruntung! Anda bertelur. Tidak ada pemburu gelap atau anjing yang memangsanya. Sekitar separuh selamat. Anda bisa menghasilkan 3 sarang telur lagi selama 30 hari lalu kembali ke laut.
Response 1b: If you chose to lay eggs on this beach and were one of 50% unlucky: Bad luck! You lay your eggs and go back to sea. Dogs from the houses take all your eggs. None survive.
Response 1b: If you chose to lay eggs on this beach and were one of 50% unlucky: Sial! Anda bertelur lalu kembali ke laut. Anjing dari rumah-rumah di dekat pantai mengambil semua telur-telur anda. Tak satupun selamat.
Response 2: If you chose to find a quieter beach: The best choice! Nothing disturbs the nest and nearly 80% of your eggs hatch. You lay 3 more nests of eggs over 30 days and go back to sea.
Response 2: If you chose to find a quieter beach: Bagus sekali! Tidak ada yang mengganggu sarang dan hampir 80% dari telur anda menetas. Anda bisa menghasilkan 3 sarang telur lagi selama 30 hari lalu kembali ke laut.
Only about 3% of Leatherback hatchlings head for the sea during the day and few of these survive. It is much safer to wait until dark. It is cooler, and there are fewer birds, people and other animals as predators. You can travel as a member of the group – so someone else might get eaten, not you. Of the 97% of turtles that wait until night, only a few – 7% - don’t make it.
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Only about 25% of turtle hatchlings survive the first day of their life. If they make it to the ocean, they have to face schools of fish waiting for them in and near the surf zone. Many birds, such as frigate birds, are deadly for the hatchlings up to 4 kms off the beach. It is most dangerous for those hatchlings that hatch within 2 hours of dawn as only 10% of these survive.
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Every year, hundreds of thousands of plastic bags, plastic bottles, pieces of fishing net and other rubbish finds its way into the oceans. Much of the rubbish is thrown overboard from fishing boats, but a lot finds its way through drains and sewerage systems after rain. Turtles, birds, fish, seals and other mammals swallow the rubbish thinking it is food, or are trapped on hooks or in nets. Scientists estimate that over 1,000,000 birds and 100,000 marine mammals and turtles die in this way every year.
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In longline fishing, lines over 100kms long with up to 8,000 hooks are let out from boats. The hooks catch turtles, whales, dolphins and birds as well as fish. Every year 20-30% of Leatherbacks in the Pacific Ocean
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Perjalanan berbahaya
may be caught and killed like this. New circular fishing hooks catch 90% less Leatherback turtles than small hooks. Scientists are asking all fishermen to consider changing to the new hooks. Even when a nest is not disturbed, not all the eggs hatch. This means that out of 60-70 eggs, only between 30 and 50 hatch. Predators such as humans, dogs and crabs can take all of them if the turtle is unlucky.
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Perjalanan berbahaya