Cloud Computing “a journey” Mardhani Riasetiawan Dipresentasikan pada Kuliah Umum, Fakultas Teknik UNSOED 15 September 2016
[email protected] | |
[email protected] | | Yogyakarta, ID Experience ___________________________ Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada | 2012 - current Founder & CEO, Intelligent Technology Initiatives, a big data management platform company | 2010 – current Consultant, Integrated Data Management & Big Data, Upstream Technology Center, PT Pertamina | 2012 - current Consultant, Nuclear Safety & Data Center Management, BAPETEN RI | 2015 - current Researcher, International Monitoring Center, CTBTO-IAEA & Univ of Vienna, Austria | Nov 2015 - Feb 2016 Lead Researcher, Cloud & Grid Working Group, DIKE FMIPA UGM | 2013 – current Secretary, Big Data Working Group UGM | 2015 - current
Education ___________________________ Master in Information Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada | 2007 Bachelor in Accounting, Universitas Gadjah Mada | 2013
Professional Certification ______________ CompTIA Cloud Essential, 2013 – current Big Data Administrator, TuV Rhineland, German, 2016
Interest _____________________________ Cloud
Big Data
Entrepreneurships Social-preneur Data Science
Open Source
Agenda 1. Intro 2. Challenge 3. Cloud & Technology Landscape 4. Inside The Cloud 5. Research
Indonesia hari ini …
Masa depan …
Modern Application Engineering 1. 2. 3.
Business Process Automation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Strategy Driven Flexible, Extensible Decision Enabler Cross Functional Adaptive Workflow
4. 5.
Mobile First Lightweight LOB Purpose Built Disposable App Rapid Deploy
Software Driven Dynamic Infrastructures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Xaas Model Secure Reliable App Aware LOB visibility Elastic Scaling
Internet → Social Media → Collaborative → Autonomous
Features & Capabilities
Key Features
Consolidate all service on the single box Email Web hosting File management E-learning system and content Academics activities Multimedia services Based on Single sign on services
Mobility Mobile, Gadget and PC based access Unlimited transfer rate on local network
Simple On Single access user Collaboration platform Install execution
Management Secure content & access management “national” data Collaboration
Accountability Monitor for illegal content Backup management on data center Personal backup Live time
1. Infrastruktur CloudBox (e-Indonesia Initiative Forum 2011) Model CloudBox memberikan komponen-komponen teritengrasi sebagai berikut: • Fasilitas catu daya terintegrasi untuk setiap node. • Fasilitas slot motherboard • Fasilitas slot Hard Disk • dengan Fasilitas Network Management & Interfaces • konsep Gygabite over ethernet. • Manajemen sistem operasi tunggal • Database Management System berbasis MySQL • Cluster. • Midleware services dengan menggunakan • OpenNebula • Aplikasi Komputasi berbasis MPI.
GamaCloud (CITEE 2012)
Gamabox (Malaysia Open Source Conference 2013, JOSC 2013) GamaBox
• • •
14 Raspbery pi mode B Raspbian whheezy + cluster MPICH2 FLOPS sebesar : 86.9620747 MFLOPS, • CPU Time : 2576.06624 detik, dan • University Score Southampton sebesar : 2.69545318 - Supercomputer • • • •
64 Raspbery pi mode b Raspbian whheezy + cluster MPICH2 FLOPS sebesar : 4 x 86.9620747 MFLOPS, CPU Time : 4 x (more stable) Score sebesar : 4 x (more better)
Virtual Data Center (Indonesia Security Conference 2014) Pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasillan desain dan model Secure Data Center. Penelitian melakukan analisa dan desain dari secure VM dan secure Data Center. Penelitian dijalankan pada infrastruktur GamaBox dengan menggunakan OpenNebula dan Nagios. Hasil desain dan model secure Data Center menjadi koontribusi untuk dapat dikembangkan untuk mendukung High Performance and Secure Data Center.
Cloud Data Center
Supercomputer, 2016 Wisanggeni 0.0 Wisanggeni 1.0
Lahan Gambut
Questions: Digital economy & cloud bisa berkontribusi untuk memecahkan masalah ini?
Penelitian dengan Center for Digital Economy UGM, on going
Ideas Potensi
Dimensional approach Lahan dibagi dalam dimensi Setiap dimensi memiliki ukuran bervariasi Dimensi memiliki nilai/value Value
Petani bisa memiliki satu atau lebih dimensi
Expected Result Result
Petani memiliki kepemilikan aset
Nilai kepemilikan naik setiap waktu
Kepemilikan dapat bersifat bersama Orientasi pada pengolahan
Nilai ekonomis bertambah Memunculkan value added
Finance (kerjasama dengan OJK RI – on going) Financial challenges: Inflation Economic indicator Bank contribution City economic capacity International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(ijacsa), Volume 7 Issue 2, 2016.
What for Informasi yang dihasilkan 1. Kota dengan dukungan institusi keuangan yang dominan 2. Kontribusi Kota terhadap economic capacity a. Inflasi b. Rate c. fraud
G-Connect Project 2016
Our Ideas 1. connectivities and access for small and temporary areas 2. inter-networks for cover more wider area
Deliveries 1. internet + content + communication in remote area 2. share infrastructures
remote area
public space
school and communities
independent connectivity distribution in remote-small area.
loon distribution area
mobile distribution area
independent network area
technologies Baloon
opensky networks
solar paper panel
powerbank, mini router & wireless
safety wire & backup access
mini & mobile data center
specification Balon at least 30 days capabilities to up in the air Network & Access Tools single board router computer power bank wireless devices backup link to base station
Solar paper panel for generating the power power
backup link
Our Plane Jan 2016 Project Start
Jan - March 2016 RnD, Prototyping
April - June 2016 1st Product Release
our deliveries target in 2016 to Mid of 2017 are 100 schools in remote area 25 public space facilities in urban area 35 remote area with limited access
July - August 2016 Launched
Long Term Run & Implementation Sept - June 2017