Wetenschappelijke publicaties Nederlands Dehue, F., Bolman, C., Völlink, T., & Pouwelse, M. (2009). Pesten op het werk: de relatie met gezondheid en verzuim en de rol van coping. Gedrag & Organisatie, 22(2), 97-118. Oud, A.N.M., & Bloemers, W. (2009). Loont bedrog? Effecten van fraude bij een online intelligentietest zonder supervisie. Gedrag & Organisatie, 22(3), 200-213. Pouwelse, M., Hermes, A., & Stevelmans, I. (2009). Effecten van de cursus “Plezier op school” op sociale angst, sociale gedragsproblemen en gepest worden. ORD 2009. Programma en proceedings. Leuven, 78-79. Ruysseveldt, J. van, & Taverniers, J. (2009). Te laag opgeleiden en hun (on)welzijn in het werk. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 25(4), 394-404. Ruysseveldt, J. van, & Taverniers, J. (in press). Al werkend leren. De actief leren-hypothese van Karasek revisited. Gedrag & Organisatie. Ruysseveldt, J. van, Taverniers, J., & Smulders, P. (2009). De voorspelling van werkstress in Nederland en Vlaanderen. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 25(1), 98-110. Ruysseveldt, J. van, De Witte, H., & Smulders, P. (2009). Bevordert een intrinsieke arbeidsoriëntatie de bevlogenheid en arbeidstevredenheid? Gedrag & Organisatie, 22(3), 177-199. Schreurs, B., Derous, E., Proost, K., Notelaers, G., & Witte, K. de. (2009). Validatie van een vragenlijst over verwachtingen van sollicitanten [Validation of a questionaire on applicants’ expectations about selection procedures]. Gedrag & Organisatie, 22, 50-75. Verheggen, Th., & Voestermans, P. (2009). “Cultuur doet niets, mensen wel. Cultuur en lichaam in de gezondheidszorg” Cultuur, Migratie, Gezondheid, 6(1), 2-11.
Engels Acker, F. van, & Theuns, P. (in press). A Comparison of Web-based and Face-to-Face Functional Measurement Experiments. Psicologica. Acker, F., van, & Theuns, P. (in press). On Possibilities and Limitations of Using SelfAnchoring Scales in Web Surveys. Quality and Quantity. DOI 10.1007/s11135-009-92654.
Bakker, E.C., Hornstra, G., Blanco, C.E., & Vles, J.S.H. (2009). Relationship between longchain polyunsaturated fatty acids at birth and motor function at 7 years of age. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 63, 499-504. Berlanga, A.J., Rusman, E., Eshuis, J.H., Hermans, H., & Sloep, P.B. (2009). Learning Networks for Lifelong Learning: An Exploratory Survey on Distance Learners' Preferences. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networked Learning. Braeken, A., Kempen, G., Watson, M., Houben, R., Gils, F. van, & Lechner, L. (2009). Psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Mental Adjustment to Cancer scale. Psycho-Oncology. DOI 10.1002/pon1628. Braeken, A., Lechner, L., Gils, F. van, Houben, R., Eekers, D., Ambergen, T., & Kempen, G. (2009). The effectiveness of the Screening Inventory of Psychosocial Problems (SIPP) in cancer patient treated with radiotherapy: design of a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMC Cancer, 9, 177. Broeck, A. van den, Ruysseveldt, J. van, Smulders, P., & Witte, H. de (in press). Do Intrinsic Work Values Strengthen the Impact of Job Resources? A Perspective from the Job Demands-Resources Model. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. Collip, D., Oorschot, M., Thewissen, V., Os, J. van, Bentall, R., & Myin-Germeys, I. (2009). Social world interactions: how company connects to paranoia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35(1), 21. Cooman, R. de, Gieter, S. de, Pepermans, R., Jegers, M., & Acker, F. van (2009). Development and Validation of the Work Effort Scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25, 266-273. DOI 10.1027/1015-5759.25.4.266 De Cremer, D., & Dijke, M.H. van (2009). On the psychology of justice as a social regulation tool. Invited paper for special issue on “Psychological perspectives on justice as social regulation”, Netherlands Journal of Psychology. Invited paper for special issue on “Psychological perspectives on justice as social regulation”, Netherlands Journal of Psychology. De Cremer, D., Brockner, J., Fishman, A., Dijke, M.H. van, Olfen, W. van, & Mayer, D.M. (in press). When do procedural fairness and outcome fairness interact to influence employees' work attitudes and behaviors?: The moderating effect of uncertainty. Journal of Applied Psychology. De Cremer, D., Mayer, D., Dijke, M.H. van, Schouten, B.C., & Bardes, M. (2009). When does self-sacrificial leadership motivate prosocial behavior? It depends on followers’ prevention focus. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 887-899.
Dijke, M.H. van, & De Cremer, D. (in press). The role of procedural fairness in explaining leader prototypicality effects. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Dijke, M.H. van, & Verboon, P. (in press). The role of trust in authorities in explaining procedural fairness effects on tax compliance. Journal of Economic Psychology. Dijke, M.H. van, De Cremer, D., & Mayer, D. M. (in press). The role of power in explaining procedural fairness effects. Journal of Applied Psychology. Dijke, M.H. van, De Cremer, D., Bos, A., & Schefferlie, P. (2009). Procedural and interpersonal fairness moderate the relationship between distributive fairness and merit pay acceptance. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 18, 8-28. Drachsler, H., Hummel, H.G.K., Berg, B. van den, Eshuis, J., Waterink, W., Nadolski, R.J., Berlanga, A.J., Boers, N., & Koper, R. (2009). Effects of the ISIS Recommender System for navigation support in self-organised Learning Networks. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 12(3), 122-135. Geel, R. van, & Mey, H.R.A. de (2009). Measuring proximity among affect profiles in Hermans' Self-Confrontation-Method. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 22, 237-252. Groothof, H.A.K., Dijkstra, P, & Barelds, D.P.H. (2009). Sex differences in jealousy: The case of Internet infidelity. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 26, 1119-1129. Jacobs, N., Os, J. van, Derom, C., Thiery, E., Delespaul, P., & Wichers, M. (in press). Neuroticism explained? From a non-informative vulnerability marker to informative person-context interactions in the realm of daily life. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. Krans, J., Näring, G., & Becker, E.S. (2009). Count out your intrusions: Effects of verbal encoding on intrusive memories. Memory, 17(8), 809-815. Krans, J., Näring, G., Becker, E.S., & Holmes, E.A. (2009). Intrusive trauma memory: A review and functional analysis. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23(8), 1076-1088. Krans, J., Näring, G., Holmes, E., & Becker, E. (2009). Tell me more: Can a memory test reduce analogue traumatic intrusions? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47(5), 426-430. Könings, K.D., Brand-Gruwel, S., & Merriënboer, J.J.G. van (in press). An approach to participatory instructional design in secondary education: an exploratory study. Educational Research. Langendijk, G., Dijke, M.H. van, & De Cremer, D. (in press). How power and trust explain procedural fairness effects on self-esteem. Invited paper for special issue on “Psychological perspectives on justice as social regulation”, Netherlands Journal of Psychology. 3
Lataster, T., Wichers, M., Jacobs, N., Mengelers, R., Derom, C., Thiery, E., et al. (2009). Does reactivity to stress cosegregate with subclinical psychosis? A general population twin study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 119(1), 45-53. Leontjevas, R., Hooren, S. van, & Mulder, A. (2009). The Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale and the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia: a validation study with patients exhibiting early-onset dementia. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 17(1), 56-64. Leontjevas, R., Hooren, S. van, Waterink, W., & Mulder, A. (2009). Apathy and depressive mood symptoms in relation to dementia severity in patients exhibiting early-onset dementia. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, 24(4), 341348. Mairesse, O., Neu, D., Rosseel, Y., Acker, F. van, Cluydts, R., & Theuns, P. (2009). Comparative Sensitivity of Outcome Variables of a Software-Based Behavioral Sleep Resistance Task. Industrial health, 47, 80-88. Meijer, W.A., Boxtel, M.P.J. van, Gerven, P. van, Hooren, S. van, Groot, R.H.M. de, & Jolles, J. (2009). Interaction effects of education and health status on cognitive change: 6year follow-up of the Maastricht Aging Study. Aging and Mental Health, 13(4), 521-529. Mulder, L., Verboon, P. & Cremer, D. de (2009). Sanctions and moral judgments: The moderating effect of sanction severity and trust in authorities. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39(2), 255-269. Muris, P., Bos, A., Mayer, B., Verkade, R., Thewissen, V., & Dell’Avento, V. (2009). Relations among behavioral inhibition, Big Five personality factors, and anxiety disorder symptoms in non-clinical children. Personality and Individual Differences, 46(4), 525529. Oorschot, M., Thewissen, V., Os, J. van, & Myin-Germeys, I. (2009). The ecological validity of negative symptoms. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35(1), 22. Osch, L. van, Beenackers, M., Reubsaet, A., Lechner, L., Candel, M., & Vries, H. de (2009). Action planning as predictor of health protective and health risk behaviour: An investigation of fruit and snack consumption. International Journal of Nutrition and Physical activity, 6, 69. Osch, L. van, Lechner, L., Reubsaet, A., Steenstra, M., Wigger, S., & Vries, H. de (2009). Optimizing the efficacy of Quit & Win smoking cessation contests: an exploration of determinants of successful quitting. Health Education Research, 24, 54-63.
Poel, F. te, Bolman, C., Reubsaet, A., Vries, H. de (2009). Efficacy of a single computertailored email for smoking cessation: results after six months. Health Education Research, 24, 930-940. Pouwelse, M., Hermes, A., & Stevelmans, I. (2009). Effects of the course “Pleasure at School”on social anxiety and social behavioural problems of peers. Psychology & Health, 24 (suppl. 1), 324. Reubsaet, A., Osch, L. van, Lechner, L., Op de Coul, M., & Vries, H. de (2009). Some signals cannot wait: Effects of a national campaign on early detection of cancer among Dutch adults (>55 years). Cancer Epidemiology, 33, 194-200. Rozema, H., Völlink, T., Lechner, L. (2009). The role op patients’ illness representations in coping and mental and physical health with breast cancer. Psycho Oncology, 18, 849-857. Schreurs, B., Derous, E., Hooft, E. van, Proost, K., & Witte, K. de (2009). Predicting applicants’ job pursuit behavior from their selection expectations: The mediating role of the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30, 761-783. Schreurs, B., Druart, C., Proost, K., & Witte, K. de (2009). Symbolic attributes and organizational attractiveness: The moderating effect of applicant personality. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 17, 35-46. Schutter, S. de, Geel, R. van, Lodewijkx, H., & Verboon, P. (2009). Social Absorption and Social Individuation: Dutch Validation. Netherlands Journal of Psychology, 65, 40-52. Simons, C. J., Jacobs, N., Derom, C., Thiery, E., Jolles, J., Os, J. van, et al. (2009). Cognition as predictor of current and follow-up depressive symptoms in the general population. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 120(1), 45-52. Stralen, M.M. van, Vries, H. de, Bolman, C., Mudde, A., & Lechner, L. (2009). Disentangling the working mechanisms of adding environmental information to a tailored physical activity intervention for older adults. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 6, 83. Stralen, M.M. van, Vries, H. de, Bolman, C., Mudde, A., & Lechner, L. (2009). Efficacy of two tailored physical activity interventions for older adults. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 37, 405-417. Stralen, M.M. van, Vries, H. de, Mudde, A.N., Bolman, C., & Lechner, L. (2009). Determinants of initiation and maintenance of physical activity among older adults: a literature review. Health Psychology Review, 3(2), 147-207. Stralen, M.M. van, Vries, H. de, Mudde, A., Bolman, C., Lechner, L. (2009). Long term efficacy and underlying mediating mechanisms of two tailored physical activity interventions among the over fifties. Psychology and Health, 24, 400. 5
Taverniers, J., Ruysseveldt, J. van, Smeets, T., & Grumbow, J. von (in press). High-intensity Stress Elicits Robust Cortisol Increases, and Impairs Working Memory and Visuo-spatial Declarative Memory in Special Forces Candidates: A Field Experiment. Stress: The International Journal on the Biology of Stress. Theuns, P. Hofmans, J., Mazaheri, M., Acker, F. van, & Bernheim, J. L. (in press). Crossnational Comparability of the WHOQOL-BREF: a Measurement Invariance Approach. Quality of Life Research. Thewissen, V., Bentall, R., à Campo, J., Lierop, T. van, Os, J. van, & Myin-Germeys, I. (2009). Paranoia and hallucinations in the context of daily life: the role of emotional experiences and self-esteem. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35(1), 13. Udachina, A., Thewissen, V., Myin-Germeys, I., Fitzpatrick, S., O'Kane, A., Bentall, R. (2009). Understanding the relationships between self-esteem, experiential avoidance and paranoia: Structural equation modelling and Experience Sampling studies. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197(9), 661-668. Verboon, P., & Goslinga, S. (in press.). The role of fairness in tax compliance. Netherlands Journal of Psychology, 65(4). Verheggen, Th. (2009) “Received knowledge in dated context”, review of Sandra Jovchelovitch, Knowledge in Context. Theory & Psychology, 19(4), 565-567. Vries, H. de, Smit, E., Osch, L. van, Hoving, C., Elfeddali, I., Bolman, C. (2009). Psychological principles underpinning internet-based interventions. Psychology and Health, 24, 151. Wichers, M., Geschwind, N., Jacobs, N., Kenis, G., Peeters, F., Derom, C., et al. (2009). Transition from stress sensitivity to a depressive state: longitudinal twin study. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 195(6), 498-503. Wichers, M., Peeters, F., Geschwind, N., Jacobs, N., Simons, C. J., Derom, C., et al. (in press). Unveiling patterns of affective responses in daily life may improve outcome prediction in depression: A momentary assessment study. Journal of Affective Disorders. Wichers, M., Schrijvers, D., Geschwind, N., Jacobs, N., Myin-Germeys, I., Thiery, E., et al. (2009). Mechanisms of gene-environment interactions in depression: evidence that genes potentiate multiple sources of adversity. Psychological Medicine, 39(7), 1077-1086. Willemse-van Son, A.H.P., Ribbers, G.M., Hop, W.C.J., & Stam, H.J. (2009). Community integration following moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: a longitudinal investigation. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 41, 521–527.
Willemse-van Son, A.H.P., Ribbers, G.M., Stam, H.J., & Bos, G.A.M. van den (2009). Is there equity in healthcare utilization after traumatic brain injury? Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 41, 59-65. Zomeren, M. van, & Lodewijkx, H.F.M. (2009). Could this happen to me?: Threat-related state orientation increases position identification with victims of random, senseless violence. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39(2), 223-236.
Boeken Bakker, E., & Buuren, H. van. (2009). Onderzoek in de gezondheidszorg. Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers. De Cremer, D., & Dijke, M.H. van (2009). Acting fairly to be the boss: Procedural fairness as a tool to affirm power relations with subordinates. In D. Tjosvold & B. Van Knippenberg (Eds.), Power and Interdependence. (pp. 118-132). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Dijke, M. van, Syroit, J., & Ruysseveldt, J. van (2009). Strategisch selecteren. Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers. Dijke, M. van, Syroit, J., & Ruysseveldt, J. van (2009). Trends in selectie. In M. van Dijke, J. Syroit & J. Van Ruysseveldt (red.). Strategisch selecteren (pp. 263-276). Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers. Drachsler, H., Hummel, H., Berg, B. van den, Eshuis, J., Waterink, W., Nadolski, R., et al. (2009). How to set up an Experiment for Recommender Systems in Learning Networks? In R. Koper (Ed.), Learning Network Services for Professional Development. Berlin: Springer. Grumbkow, J. von, & Völlink, T. (2009). Organisatiestrategie en strategisch selecteren. In M. van Dijke, J. Syroit & J. Van Ruysseveldt (red.) Strategisch selecteren (pp. 11-30). Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers. Hommes, M.A., Kuntze, A.I., & Molen, H.T. van der (in press) Het hypothesetoetsend model: De stappen van de diagnostische cyclus. In H.T. van der Molen, H.G. Schmidt, M.A. de Jong & E.M. Osseweijer, (red.). Vaardigheden in psychodiagnostiek. Amsterdam: Koninklijke Boom Uitgevers. Kalz, M., Bruggen, J. van, Giesbers, B., Rusman, E., Eshuis, J., & Waterink, W. (2009). A Validation Scenario for a Placement Service in Learning Networks. In R. Koper (Ed.), Learning Network Services for Professional Develoment. Berlin: Springer. Kuntze, A.I., Molen, H.T. van der, Hommes, M.A., & Osseweijer, E.M. (in press) ViP: Kennismaking met psychodiagnostisch testgebruik. In H.T. van der Molen, H.G. Schmidt, 7
M.A. de Jong & E.M. Osseweijer, (red.). Vaardigheden in psychodiagnostiek. Amsterdam: Koninklijke Boom Uitgevers. Lange, A., Jacobs, N., Thewissen, V. (2009). Systeemtherapieën. In G. Smeets, A.E.R. Bos, H.T. van der Molen, & P. Muris (red.), Klinische psychologie: diagnostiek en therapie. Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers. Ponds, R., Dijkstra, K., & Hooren, S. van (2009). Dementie. In G. Smeets, A.E.R. Bos, H.T. van der Molen, & P. Muris (red.), Klinische psychologie: diagnostiek en therapie (pp. 497-525). Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers. Ruysseveldt, J. van (2009). Functieanalyse. In M. van Dijke, J. Syroit & J. Van Ruysseveldt (red.), Strategisch selecteren (pp. 111-132). Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers. Syroit, J., Könings, K., & Proost, K. (2009). Besluitvorming in het wervings- en selectieproces. In M. van Dijke, J. Syroit, & J. Van Ruysseveldt (red.), Strategisch selecteren (pp. 32-56). Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers. Syroit, J. (2009). Het selectie-interview. In M. van Dijke, J. Syroit, & J. Van Ruysseveldt (red.), Strategisch selecteren (pp. 194-210). Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers. Syroit, J. (2009). Het assessmentcenter. In M. van Dijke, J. Syroit, & J. Van Ruysseveldt (red.), Strategisch selecteren (pp. 230-247). Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers. Syroit, J. (2009). Statistical banding in personeelsselectie. Een beslissingstechniek voor strategisch selecteren. Methoden, Technieken en Analyses voor Personeelsmanagement. Alphen a/d Rijn: Kluwer.
Vakpublicaties Dehue, F., Bolman, C., & Völlink, T. (2009). Cyberpesten, who cares? Tijdschrift voor Jeugdgezondheidszorg, 41(4), 69-73. Taverniers, J., & Ruysseveldt, J. van (2009). Wat met werkplekleren? Een Studie naar arbeidstevredenheid van te laag vs. goed geschoolde werknemers met inbreng van werkdruk en werkplekleren. Over.Werk, 2, 116-121. Borsboom, L., Bolman, C., Helden, C. van, & Lechner, L (2009). Signalering van psychosociale problematiek. Oncologie 2009, 1, 40-44.
Congresbijdragen 8
Acker, F., van, & Theuns, P. (2009). OSuCre-FM: a Software Tool to Conduct Web-based Functional Measurement Experiments. Second meeting on Functional Measurement, Brussels. Bernaerts, I., Grumbkow, J. von, & Syroit, J. (2009). Exerting power in schools: Factors that influence students’ willingness to participate in school councils. Paper presented during the 14th European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), 13-16 May 2009. Spain, Santiago de Compostela. Braeken, A., Kempen, G., Lechner, L., Houben, R., & Gils, F. van (2009). Psychometric Properties of the Screening Inventory of Psychosocial Problems (SIPP) in Cancer Patients treated with Radiotherapy. Psycho-Oncology, 18 (Suppl.2): S1-S330. presentation at IPOS 11th world congress of psycho-oncology, Vienna, Austria, June 2009. Buuren, H. van (2009). Making statistics meaningful: The merits of a competence-based approach. ISI 2009 IASE Satellite Conference, 13-22 August 2009, Durban, SouthAfrika. De Cremer, D., Dijke, M.H. van, & Mayer, D.M. (2009, May). Cooperating when self and other are treated fairly: It depends on leader’s group prototypicality. Paper presented at the 14th European Congress of Work and Organization Psychology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Dijke, M.H. van, & De Cremer, D. (2009, October). The role of trust in authorities in explaining procedural fairness effects on tax compliance. Paper presented at the first business ethics conference, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Dijke, M.H. van, De Cremer, D., & Mayer, D.M. (2009, May). The role of power in explaining procedural fairness effects. In M.H. van Dijke (Chair), Power and leader effectiveness. Symposium conducted at the 14th European Congress of Work and Organization Psychology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Eshuis, J., Hezewijk, R. van, & Verheggen, T. (2009). The Powder, the Fuse & the Lighter: Evolutionary Precursors to Culture. Paper presented at the International Society for Theoretical Psychology. Geenen, B., Proost, K., Dijke, M. van, & Grumbkow, J. von (2009, November). Antecedents of applicants’ justice expectations: The relative importance of direct experiences and general beliefs. Paper presented at the WAOP-conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Hagtvet, K.A., Proost, K., Derous, E., Schreurs, B., & Witte, K. de (2009, July). The differential relationships of self- and other-referenced anxiety to cognitive test performance. In K.A. Hagtvet (Chair) & K. Proost (co-chair), Self-related cognitions in test anxiety research: The distinction between self- versus other-referenced cognitions. Symposium conducted at the 30th Stress and Anxiety Research Society Conference, Budapest, Hungary. 9
Hoogervoorst, N., De Cremer, D., & Dijke, M.H. van (2009, May). Do leaders care? The effect of power and belongingness motives on leader’s self-sacrifice. In M.H. van Dijke (Chair), Power and leader effectiveness. Symposium conducted at the 14th European Congress of Work and Organization Psychology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Hooren, S. van, Eshuis, J., & Waterink, W. (2009). Sex drive, sexual functioning, and sexual strategies throughout life and into old age. XIXth IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, France (5-9 July). Jacobs, N., Dijk, G. van, & Mudde, A. (2009 ). Oral presentation: Who becomes depressed? A longitudinal web-based study on risk factors for depression Paper presented at the First International E-Mental Health Summit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 14-16 October 2009. Könings, K.D., & Seidel, T. (2009, August). "How Do You Expect a Learning Environment Will Be?" Profiles in Content of Student Expectations and Its Influence on Later Perceptions. Paper presented at the biannual conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Langendijk, G., Dijke, M.H. van, & De Cremer, D. (2009). Power, action and behavior; high power behavior in active vs non-active situations, Paper presented at EAWOP conference in Santiago de Compostela, Spain Näring, G., & Canisius, A. (2009, May). Teachers’ Use of Negative Emotions in the Classroom. In D. Zapf (Chair), The psychology of service: Emotion regulation, health and performance, Part I. Symposium conducted at the 14th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Näring, G., Krans, J., & Becker, E. (2009, June). Eye- or Ear-Witness of a Trauma: The importance of visual information about a trauma in the etiology of intrusions. In Marianne Jakobsen (Chair), Theories on trauma and PTSD. Symposium conducted at the 11th European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Oslo, Norway Näring, G., Vlerick, P., & Ven, B. van de (2009, Oct). Emotional labor and emotional exhaustion in teachers: The role of emotional and cognitive job resources. XIth European Conference on Organizational Psychology and Human Service Work, Lisbon, Portugal. Nijkamp, M. (2009). Workshop ‘Geef je eigen invulling aan het profiel van de gezondheidspsycholoog’. Presentatie Psychologie Toekomst Perspectief Congres (PTP), 5 juni, Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen, Universiteit Leiden. Pouwelse, M., Hermes, A., & Stevelmans, I. (2009). Effecten van de cursus “Plezier op school” op sociale angst, sociale gedragsproblemen en gepest worden. Mondelinge presentatie op ORD 2009, KU Leuven, Belgium, 27-5-2009.
Pouwelse, M., Hermes, A., & Stevelmans, I. (2009). Effects of the course “Pleasure at School” on social anxiety and social behavioural problems of peers. Poster presentation at the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 23-26 September, Pisa, Italy. Proost, K., Schreurs, B., Hagtvet, K.A., Derous, E., & Witte, K. de (2009, July). The influence of self- and other-referenced anxiety on perceptions of justice. In K.A. Hagtvet (Chair) & K. Proost (co-chair), Self-related cognitions in test anxiety research: The distinction between self- versus other-referenced cognitions. Symposium conducted at the 30th Stress and Anxiety Research Society Conference, Budapest, Hungary. Schreurs, B., Proost, K., & Dijke, M. van (2009, July). Angry applicants: The influence of justice perceptions and anxiety. In K.A. Hagtvet (Chair) & K. Proost (co-chair), Selfrelated cognitions in test anxiety research: The distinction between self- versus otherreferenced cognitions. Symposium conducted at the 30th Stress and Anxiety Research Society Conference, Budapest, Hungary. Stralen, M.M. van, Vries, H. de, Mudde A., Bolman, C., & Lechner, L. (2009). Long-term efficacy and underlying mediating mechanisms of an environmentally tailored physical activity intervention. Paper presented at NASO voorjaarssymposium, 19 maart 2009, Den Bosch. Stralen, M.M. van., Vries, H. de, Mudde, A., Bolman, C., & Lechner, L. (2009). Long term efficacy and underlying mediating mechanisms of two tailored physical activity interventions among the over fifties. Presentation at the 23st Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, September 23-26, Pisa, Italy. Taverniers, J. (2009). High-intensity Stress Impairs Working Memory in Special Forces Candidates: The Case of Stress and Learning in High Reliability Professions. Paper presentation at the WAOP-conference, November 5th 2009, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Taverniers, J., Ruysseveldt, J. van, & Grumbkow, J. von (2009). How Do Organizational Changes Affect Your Sense of Job Insecurity and What Are the Outcomes? A Longitudinal Multi-groups Analysis Forecasting Perceived Job Insecurity after a Period of Few vs. Intense Organizational Changes and its Subsequent Effects on Work Outcomes. Paper presentation during the 14th European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), 13-16 May 2009. Spain, Santiago de Compostela. Vries, H. de, Smit, E., Osch, L. van, Hoving, C., Elfeddali, & I., Bolman, C. (2009). Psychological principles underpinning internet-based interventions. Presentation at the 23st Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, September 23-26, Pisa, Italy. Zamani, K., & Dijke, M.H. van (2009, June). Virtual Laboratory. Paper presented at the annual EADTU conference, Maastricht, the Netherlands 11
Dissertaties Acker, F. van (2009). Web-based Surveys and Experiments: Development, Implementation and Validation of the Online Survey Creator. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: unpublished doctoral dissertation.
Overig Redactielid Hezewijk, R. van, Chief-editor of The Netherlands Journal of Psychology. Hezewijk, R. van, Editorial Board Theory & Psychology. Lechner, L. (2007), Lid editorial board Health Education Research. Lodewijkx, H.F.M., Editorial Board van Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology Ruysseveldt, J. van, Lid van de redactie van het Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken.
Lezingen/presentaties Acker, F. van (2009). Web-based Studies & Internet Recruitment. Universiteit Maastricht. Acker, F. van (2009). Social and Behavioral Research on the Internet. Doctoral School Humanities, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Acker, F. van (2009). From theory to data analysis - an overview of multivariate data analysis methods and their applicability. Doctoral School Humanities, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Dehue, F., & Völlink, T. (2009). Presentatie 'Cyberpesten of een geintje'. Wetenschapscafé Heerlen (6-10-2009). Eshuis, J.H. (2009). Waarom het domein "mijnOU.nl" gekaapt werd... Presentation at the IPO Onderwijscolloquium Mod2.0. Heerlen: Open Universiteit Nederland. Eshuis, J.H., & Smaniotto, R.C. (red.). (2009). Biologische grondslagen: evolutionaire psychologie. Heerlen: Open Universiteit Nederland. Hooren, S. van (2009). Presentatie ‘Succesvol ouder worden’, Rotary Club Elsloo Maaskant. Hooren, S. van (2009). Presentatie ‘Succesvol ouder worden door brain fitness?’, Rotaryclub Heerlen. Hooren, S. van (2009). Presentatie ‘Houdt geheugentraining de hersenen fit?’, Volksuniversiteit Amstelland. 12
Näring, G. (2009, april). 'Keeping up appearances or bursting out in tears: Emotional labour and emotional demands in health care'. Seminar given at the the Centre for Health Communication, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, 16 april 2009. Verheggen, Th. (2009). Lezing Hogeschool Utrecht, 28 januari 2009. Cultuurpsychologie (Deel II).
Varia Bolman, C., Lid van beoordelingscommissie en corona bij promotie L. van Osch. Beyond motivation: an exploration of the pre- en postmotivational determinants of cancer-related behaviors. 15 mei 2009. Universiteit Maastricht. Dehue, F. Cost Action IS0801. Cyberbullying: Coping with Negative and Enhancing Positive Uses of New Technologies, in Relationships in Educational Settings. Dissemination conference Social Media for Children. Cyberbullying and media literacy. Sofia, Bulgaria, 22-10-2009. Dehue, F. Cost Action IS0801. Cyberbullying: Coping with Negative and Enhancing Positive Uses of New Technologies, in Relationships in Educational Settings. 3rd Management Committee, Sofia, Bulgaria, 23-10-2009. Dehue, F. (2009). 'Cyberpesten of een geintje'. In Alberts, H. Internet. De Psycholoog, 12, 616-617. Dehue, F., & Völlink, T. 'Wat te doen tegen cyberpesten'. In Davidse, M. Het Onderwijsblad, 17, 31-10-2009. Dehue, F. 'Cyberpesten of een geintje'. Radio-Interview Balkon van Limburg (6-10-2009). Eshuis, J., Goltstein, G., Hermans, H., & Slot, W. (2009). mijnOU.nl [prototype social networking site]. Heerlen: Open Universiteit Nederland. Gigerenzer, G. Doctor honoris causa, Open Universiteit. Heerlen, september 2009. Hezewijk, R. van. Laudatio docor honoris causa G. Gigerenzer. Heerlen, september 2009. Kann, D. van, Janssen, E., Osch, L. van, Lechner, L., & Vries, H. de (2009). Zonverstandig: Evaluatie van de KWF Kankerbestrijding Zoncampagne 2009. Report issued to the Dutch Cancer Society. Maastricht: Maastricht University. Lechner, L., & Vries (UM), H. de, Promotor van Osch, L. van (2004-2008). Voorlichting primaire en secundaire preventie van kanker van de Nederlandse Kankerbestrijding; copromotor: A. Reubsaat (UM). 13
Nijkamp, M. Opponent bij Promotie Karen P.H. Lemmens. Proefschrift The systematic recruitment of new blood donors, Maastricht 20 maart 2009. Verheggen, Th., & Voestermans, P., (2009). “Cultuur is een label op een pakket gedragingen”, NRC Opinie (online), 12 juni 2009. http://www.nrc.nl/opinie/article2269526.ece/Cultuur_is_een_label_op_een_pakket_gedra gingen Verheggen, Th. (2009) “Een lief woord is niet genoeg”, geïnterviewd door Ad Bergsma (auteur), De Volkskrant, 3 januari 2009, katern “Hart en Ziel”. Völlink, T. Cost Action IS0801. Cyberbullying: Coping with Negative and Enhancing Positive Uses of New Technologies, in Relationships in Educational Settings. Dissemination conference Social Media for Children. Cyberbullying and media literacy. Sofia, Bulgaria, 22-10-2009. Völlink, T. Cost Action IS0801. Cyberbullying: Coping with Negative and Enhancing Positive Uses of New Technologies, in Relationships in Educational Settings. 3rd Management Committee, Sofia, Bulgaria, 23-10-2009. Völlink, T. (2009). 'Cyberpesten of een geintje'. In Alberts, H. Internet. De Psycholoog, 12, 616-617. Völlink, T. Interview TV-Limburg September, 2009. Waterink, W. (2009). Bachelor of Science in Psychology: Open University of the Netherlands Versus Moscow State University of Psychology and Education [External report]. Heerlen: Open University of the Netherlands.