MATA KULIAH: Strategic Management
Nama Mata Kuliah
: Strategic Management
Kode Mata Kuliah/sks
Program Studi Semester Nama Dosen Pengampu Email
: : : :
/ 3 sks Magister Manajemen Gasal/Genap Dr. Waseso Segoro, Ir. MM.
[email protected]
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Strategy Management discusses how the organization is run to win the competition. It is all about positioning your own firm to gain competitive advantage. The most advantageous positioning depends on the current positioning of your own strategy, the current positioning of your opponent’s strategy, the expected future positioning of your opponent’s strategy, and the desired future positioning of your own. Therefore, one needs to understand the implications of current positioning and have an idea of what positioning the opponent is likely to adopt in the future. Strategic Management explains how managing a firm is somewhat like playing chess. The resources of the firm are like the pieces of a chess set. The class will be about positioning the resources of the firm with a view toward gaining competitive advantage and earning superior economic returns.
Capaian Pembelajaran/Learning Outcomes The course shows students how the theoretical concepts of Strategic Management can actually be used and implemented in the business decision-making process taking into account ethical issues and all tools and concepts presented in the functional areas of management, including Finance, Marketing, Production and Operations Management, HR Management in managerial strategic decision making process.
Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan
Analytical / Quantitative Skills that emphasize techniques for improving problem-solving by making problem-solving a more rational, analytical process
Customer orientation Remaining competitive in an increasingly global environment companies needed to create an environment in which the customer was at the center of every decision.
Computer skills The fundamental skills needed for seeking information utilizing hardware, software, and internet.
Decision making The process through which a problem was identified solution objectives defined, a predecision made, alternatives generated and evaluated, and the best alternative chosen and implemented.
Entrepreneurial The creation of wealth – adding value
Leadership / Interpersonal Behavior and characteristics of individuals who use their influence to coordinate and direct the activities of others toward group objectives.
Risk taking A decision making situation which only the probabilities of the possible outcomes are known
Oral communication The transfer of information from one person to another by the process of speaking and listening
Written Communication The ability to use written language effectively.
Team Building A planned organizational development technique with a group of people who may have common organizational relationships and goals designed to improve how work gets done. Strategic Thinking & Systemic Thinking The process of determine the alternatives solution through perceiving, understanding, and reasoning process by considering the short and long term implications. Change Management Initiating and implementing the change process by taking into account the existing landscape of its internal and external environment
Referensi 1. Barney, J.B. and W.S. Hesterly, 2008-2012. Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage; Concepts and Cases. 2nd – 4th eds. Pierson Int.
2. Fred R David. 2012. Strategic Management. Concepts and Cases. 13th eds. Pierson Int.
Evaluasi Hasil Belajar
Penilaian mahasiswa akan ditentukan berdasarkan gabungan dari komponen berikut ini: 1) Ujian tengah semester (UTS) 30% 2). Ujian akhir semester (UAS) 30% 3). Tugas terstruktur (Paper I, II, Presentasi, Keaktifan) 40% Konversi nilai angka ke nilai huruf, sesuai bobot komponen, adalah sebagai berikut: Nilai Angka Nilai Huruf Bobot Nilai Angka Nilai Huruf ≥ 86 A 4,00 60,00 – 64,99 C + 80,00 – 85,99 A3,75 75,00 – 79,99 B+ 3,25 70,00 – 74,99 B 3,00 65,00 – 69,99 B2,75 Keterangan : I (Incomplete) = Komponen tidak lengkap
55,00 – 59,99 50,00 – 54,99 45,00 – 49,99 ≤ 45
Bobot 2,25 2,00 1,75 1,00 0,00
Rencana Perkuliahan Semester (RPS) TM KeTM-1
Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan teori tentang : strategy and the strategic management process
Pokok Bahasan dan Sub Pokok Bahasan What is strategy and the strategic management process
Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan teori tentang : Evaluating a Firm’s external environment
Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan teori tentang : Evaluating a Firm’s Internal Capabilities
Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan teori tentang : Cost Leadership
Cost leadership
- Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi
Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan teori tentang : Strategic
Strategic issues of product differentiation
- Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi
Evaluating a Firm’s external environment
Evaluating a Firm’s internal capabilities
Metode Pembelajaran - Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi - Praktikum - Dll - Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi
- Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi
Media Pembelajaran - Text - Presentasi - Animasi - Audio/video - Soal-tugas - Web - Text - Presentasi - Animasi - Audio/video - Soal-tugas Web - Text - Presentasi - Animasi - Audio/video - Soal-tugas Web - Text - Presentasi - Animasi - Audio/video - Soal-tugas Web - Text - Presentasi - Animasi
Sumber Deskripsi Ajar Tugas Ref. #1, - Kuis bab 1 - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal
Ref. #1, - Kuis bab 2 - Tanya jawab Penyelesaian soal
Ref. #1, - Kuis bab 3 - Tanya jawab Penyelesaian soal
Ref. #1, - Kuis bab 4 - Tanya jawab Penyelesaian soal
Ref. #1, bab 5
- Kuis - Tanya jawab Penyelesaian
TM Ke-
Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan issues of Product Differentiation
Pokok Bahasan dan Sub Pokok Bahasan
Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan teori tentang : Strategic issues of Vertical Integration
Strategic issues of Vertical Integration
- Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi
Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan teori tentang : Corporate Diversification
Corporate diversification
- Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi
Paper I
Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS)
Various case-based studies in strategic management relevant to the above topics Class Examination
Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan teori tentang : Organizing to Implement Corporate Diversification
Organizing to Implement Corporate Diversification
Metode Pembelajaran
- Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi
Media Pembelajaran - Audio/video - Soal-tugas Web - Text - Presentasi - Animasi - Audio/video - Soal-tugas Web - Text - Presentasi - Animasi - Audio/video - Soal-tugas Web
Sumber Ajar
Ref. #1, - Kuis bab 8 - Tanya jawab Penyelesaian soal
Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web
Deskripsi Tugas soal
Ref. #1, - Kuis bab 6 - Tanya jawab Penyelesaian soal
Ref. #1, - Kuis bab 7 - Tanya jawab Penyelesaian soal
TM KeTM-11
Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan teori tentang : Strategic Alliances
Pokok Bahasan dan Sub Pokok Bahasan Strategic Alliances
Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan tentang : Merger and Acquisitions
Merger and Acquisitions
- Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi
Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan teori tentang : International Strategies
International Strategies
- Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi
Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan teori tentang : Implementing Strategies : Management and Operations Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan teori tentang : Implementing
Implementing Strategies: Management and Operations
- Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi
Implementing Strategies: Marketing, Finance/Accounting, R&D, and MIS Issues
- Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi
Metode Pembelajaran - Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi
Media Pembelajaran - Text - Presentasi - Animasi - Audio/video - Soal-tugas Web - Text - Presentasi - Animasi - Audio/video - Soal-tugas Web - Text - Presentasi - Animasi - Audio/video - Soal-tugas Web - Text - Presentasi - Animasi - Audio/video - Soal-tugas Web - Text - Presentasi - Animasi - Audio/video
Sumber Deskripsi Ajar Tugas Ref. #1, - Kuis bab 9 - Tanya jawab Penyelesaian soal
Ref. #1, bab 10
- Kuis - Tanya jawab Penyelesaian soal
Ref. #1, - Kuis bab - Tanya jawab 11 Penyelesaian soal
Ref. #2, - Kuis bab 7 - Tanya jawab Penyelesaian soal
Ref. #2, - Kuis bab 8 - Tanya jawab Penyelesaian soal
TM Ke-
Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan Strategies : Marketing, Finance/Accounting, R&D, and MIS Issues Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan teori tentang : Strategy Review, Evaluation, and Control
Pokok Bahasan dan Sub Pokok Bahasan
Paper II
Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS)
Various case-based studies in strategic management relevant to the above topics Class Examination
Strategy Review, Evaluation, and Control
Metode Pembelajaran
Media Pembelajaran - Soal-tugas Web
Sumber Ajar
- Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi
Ref. #2, - Kuis bab 9 - Tanya jawab Penyelesaian soal
Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web
Deskripsi Tugas