MATA KULIAH: Seminar Manajemen Perbankan Syariah
Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah/sks Program Studi Semester Nama Dosen Pengampu Email
: : : Magister Manajemen (MM) : Gasal/Genap : Dr. Zulkifli Rangkuti :
/ 3 sks
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah This Course is an introduction to modern theory of banking in Islamic finance intermediation. Despite their long history and importance, Islamic banks don’t easily fit into the models that Islamic economic typically use. We will examine different modeling approaches, with an emphasis on models based on asymmetric information. We will also study theories of financial instability and regulatory response to instability. After taking this course, the student will be familiar with the models underlying modern research in financial intermediation; we will also read some recent paper to give a sense of the current research frontier.
Capaian Pembelajaran/Learning Outcomes 1. To learn the many roles and responsibilities of financial service in the Islamic economic. 2. To grasp the importance and possible detriment of the regulatory environment provided by domestic and global government. 3. To Understand the different types of organization used in the banking and financial service industries and the competition that is involved. 4. To Explore how banks chartered by state and federal authorities, including the branch concepts expansion and targeting markets for bank growth. 5. To delve into bank financial statement and how those statements are used by managers in determining bank performance. 6. To Analyze varying tools applied to financial statement used by managers in determining bank performance. 7. To point out options bankers have regards to dealing with risk. What risk due banks face and how do they offset that reset with acceptable assets. 8. To Examine how financial futures, options and swap contract can be used to combat bank losses in a changing market. 9. To expand on the concept of liquidity and methods to stay on top cash needs. 10. To understand the management of pricing of deposit service and non-deposit liabilities. 11. To discover the why capital, particularly equity capital, is important to bank’s health, will also delve international sanctions from basel I,II, III and how impact domestic institutions. 12. To explore the different type international institutions and service provide.
Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan
Analytical / Quantitative
Customer orientation
Skills that emphasize techniques for improving problem-solving by making problem-solving a more rational, analytical process
Remaining competitive in an increasingly global environment companies needed to create an environment in which the customer was at the center of every decision.
Computer skills
Decision making
The fundamental skills needed for seeking information utilizing hardware, software, and internet.
The process through which a problem was identified solution objectives defined, a predecision made, alternatives generated and evaluated, and the best alternative chosen and implemented.
Leadership / Interpersonal
The creation of wealth – adding value
Behavior and characteristics of individuals who use their influence to coordinate and direct the activities of others toward group objectives.
Risk taking
Oral communication
A decision making situation which only the probabilities of the possible outcomes are known
The transfer of information from one person to another by the process of speaking and listening
Written Communication
Team Building
The ability to use written language effectively.
A planned organizational development technique with a group of people who may have common organizational relationships and goals designed to improve how work gets done. Strategic Thinking & Systemic Thinking The process of determine the alternatives solution through perceiving, understanding, and reasoning process by considering the short and long term implications. Change Management Initiating and implementing the change process by taking into account the existing landscape of its internal and external environment
Referensi 1. Rose Peter S and Sylvia C. Hudgins, 2008, Bank Management and financial service, Mc Graw Hill.USA 2. Aoki, Masahiko: Kim, Hyung-Ki, and worldbank, 1995, corporate governance in trasitional economicmies insider control and the role of bank, Washington, DC:The World Bank. 3. Blinder, Alan.S, 1998, Central Bank in theory and practice, Cambridge, Mass:MITPress. 4. Bower, Tab:Gibb, Greg and Womg, Jeffrey, 2003, Banking In Asia, Acquiring a profit minset, 2nd Edition, John Wiley, Singapore. 5. Gallati, Reto R, 2003, Risk Management and Capital Adequacy, Mc.Graw-Hill, NewYork, London. 6. Glantz, Morton;Mun, Johnathan and Moody’s-KMV, 2003, Managing bank risk: an Introduction to broad base credit engineering, Amsterdam, Boston.Academic Press. 7. Yunus Muhammad, 2003, Banker to the poor:micro lending and the battle against world poverity, New York Public Affairs. 8. Brian Kettell, 2011, Introduction to Islamic Banking and finance, Wiley Finance. 9. Natalie Schoon, 2009, Islamic Banking and Finance, Spiramus Press.Ltd. 10. Gita Danupranata, 2011, Buku Ajar “Manajemen Perbankan Syariah”, Salemba EmpatJakarta.
Evaluasi Hasil Belajar Penilaian mahasiswa akan ditentukan berdasarkan gabungan dari komponen berikut ini: 1) Ujian tengah semester (UTS) 30% 2). Ujian akhir semester (UAS) 30% 3). Tugas terstruktur (Paper I, II, Presentasi, Keaktifan) 40% Konversi nilai angka ke nilai huruf, sesuai bobot komponen, adalah sebagai berikut: Nilai Angka Nilai Huruf Bobot Nilai Angka Nilai Huruf ≥ 86 A 4,00 60,00 – 64,99 C + 80,00 – 85,99 A3,75 55,00 – 59,99 C 75,00 – 79,99 B+ 3,25 50,00 – 54,99 C 70,00 – 74,99 B 3,00 45,00 – 49,99 D 65,00 – 69,99 B2,75 ≤ 45 E Keterangan : I (Incomplete) = Komponen tidak lengkap
Bobot 2,25 2,00 1,75 1,00 0,00
Rencana Perkuliahan Semester (RPS) TM Ke-
Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan
Pokok Bahasan dan Sub Pokok Bahasan Introduction and banking regulation (UU.Perbankan Syariah, OJK & BI)
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum Dll
Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan ini
The Role of Financial Intermediaries (Concept Funding and Lending)
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum Dll
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan ini
The Industrial Organization Approach To banking structure
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum Dll
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan ini
Nisbah (Bagi hasil) risk management
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum Dll
Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas
(Learning objectives/goals)
(Learning objectives/goals)
Media Pembelajaran
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan ini
(Learning objectives/goals)
Metode Pembelajaran
Sumber Ajar
Deskripsi Tugas
- Jurnal - Kuis terkait - Tanya jawab materi - Penyelesaian - U.U soal terkait dengan Perbanka n, OJK & BI - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian
(Learning objectives/goals)
Financial risk management in Islamic bank - Money Market (PUAS,SIMA, RTGS, SWIFT) - Capital Market (Option, Swap and hedging)
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum Dll
Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web
- Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan ini
Lender and Borrower Relationships (ALMA)
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum Dll
Operational, Marketing distribution Risk management
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum Dll
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum Dll
Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web Presentasi Diskusi
- Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan ini
(Learning objectives/goals)
(Learning objectives/goals) Paper I
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan ini
(Learning objectives/goals)
- Web
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan terkait dengan resiko (Learning/goals) setelah
How To handle the Risk Management to look from bottom to up
- Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal
- Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian - Diambil Kesimpulan
pertemuan 1-7, diharapkan mahasiswa juga secara resiko berdampak terhadap keberlangsungan bisnis
Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS)
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan ini
Capital Adequancy of Islamic banking industry
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan ini
Good Corporate Governance
(Learning objectives/goals)
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum Dll
Marketing and Distribution Network In Islamic Banking
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum Dll
Measurement and Evaluation the performance in Islamic Banking (Financial Statement)
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum
(Learning objectives/goals)
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan ini
(Learning objectives/goals)
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan ini
- Penyelesaian soal - Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi - Praktikum - Dll
Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video
__________ - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian
(Learning objectives/goals)
- Dll
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan ini
Individual Bank Runs and systemic Risk
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum Dll
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan ini
Equilibrium in Financing and It’s Macroeconomic Implications
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum Dll
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan ini
Leaderships and ethics
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum Dll
Paper I
Case Study systemic Risk In Islamic Banking In Indonesia
Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum Dll
(Learning objectives/goals)
(Learning objectives/goals)
(Learning objectives/goals)
Kemampuan/kompetensi yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan dan sub pokok bahasan terkait dengan resiko sistemik (Learning/goals) setelah pertemuan 8-17, diharapkan mahasiswa juga
- Soal-tugas - Web -
Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web
- Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal
- Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian - Diambil Kesimpulan
secara resiko berdampak terhadap keberlangsungan bisnis dan keberlangsungan bisnis perbankan syariah secara system perbankan Nasional.
Ujian Akhir Semester TM-18
- Penyelesaian soal