Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven
Postal address Postbus 301, 5600 AH Eindhoven
To the student Office Address Kronehoefstraat 87, Eindhoven Telephone (040) 293 60 00 Twitter @Rabo_EV E-mail
[email protected] Website www.rabobank.nl/eindhoven-veldhoven
Our reference Direct number Date RE
Cover letter (040) 293 60 00 July 2013 Interest free loan for your notebook Dear student, As you know from the information you received from the University of Technology, you have to pay EUR 750 in order to purchase your notebook computer. That’s a lot of money, and you may not be able pay it all at once, so Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven, together with Eindhoven University of Technology, is willing to offer you an interest-free loan in the amount of EUR 750. The following are the most important details: What does that loan mean? Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven will pay Eindhoven University of Technology EUR 750 for you in order to pay for your notebook computer. You will receive an interest-free loan in the amount of EUR 750, which you will then pay back to us in 24 or 36 monthly instalments (the length of the master’s and bachelor’s programme) of EUR 31.25 or EUR 20.83. That amount will be deducted automatically from your Rabo Student Package account. If you want to pay back faster you can always do so at no extra cost. This interest-free loan is subject to the following conditions: You must have a Student Package account at Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven. We can open that account for you. If you already have a youth/current/student account at another local Rabobank branch office, Rabobank EindhovenVeldhoven will take over that account. To be clear: your student account must be at Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven; otherwise we cannot offer you an interest-free loan.
Coöperatieve Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven U.A., gevestigd te Eindhoven Ingeschreven bij de K.v.K. Oost-Brabant te Eindhoven onder nr. 17008015/BTW-identificatienummer NL0013.43.087.B.01
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What you will receive in this information package: 1. Information about the Student Package 2. A Student Package application and transfer form 3. Two Rabobank Student PC Loan agreements 4. The European Standard Form containing information for you about the loan 5. Product information regarding the Rabobank Student PC Loan 6. The General Banking Terms and Conditions 7. The addresses and office hours of Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven
How can you submit an application for an interest-free loan? 1. Students who do not have an account at Rabobank: Students who do not have an account at Rabobank must submit proof of identification to a bank employee before an account can be opened. Therefore, the forms for those students must be submitted in person at a Rabobank branch office in Eindhoven or Veldhoven. In connection with the Dutch Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Act all the information must be submitted personally, together with valid proof of identity, at one of the branches of Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven. Enclosed is a list of the addresses and office hours of the Rabobank Eindhoven Veldhoven branches. We urgently request you to come by before 16 August 2013 so that you can be sure that everything is arranged on time and you can receive your notebook computer on the agreed date. 2. Students who have an account at another Rabobank branch: Transfer form for youth/current/student account: First you must complete the transfer form for youth/current/student accounts. Once we receive that form we will take care of transferring your account. If you have a youth account or a current account at Rabobank, we will convert it into a Student Package, in which case you will keep the same account number and the same pin number. If you are in Eindhoven or Veldhoven you can pick up the Rabox at one of our branch offices so that you can bank electronically. Rabobank Student PC Loan agreement: You must complete both agreements in full and sign them on the back. You can send the agreements and the other completed forms in a postage-paid envelope to: Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven, Antwoordnummer 9, 5600 VC Eindhoven. The bank will sign one of those agreements and send it back to you for your records.
Coöperatieve Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven U.A., gevestigd te Eindhoven Ingeschreven bij de K.v.K. Oost-Brabant te Eindhoven onder nr. 17008015/BTW-identificatienummer NL0013.43.087.B.01
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What you have to return before 16 August 2013: 1. The transfer form for youth/current/student accounts 2. Two copies of the Student PC Loan agreement, which have both been completed in full 3. A COPY OF YOUR VALID PROOF OF IDENTITY 3. Students who already have an account at Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven: You can submit two completed copies of the Student PC Loan agreement at the branch where you normally bank. If necessary your youth/current account will be converted into a Student Package account. We will also make sure that you have the right bank card and you will receive a Rabox for electronic banking. For the sake of clarity: New account holders must complete all the forms and submit them before 16 August 2013 in person at one of the branches of Rabobank EindhovenVeldhoven. Existing Rabobank account holders must complete all the forms and submit them before 16 August 2013. Best regards, R.J.J.C. (Ruud) Noten Private Accounts Manager Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven
Coöperatieve Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven U.A., gevestigd te Eindhoven Ingeschreven bij de K.v.K. Oost-Brabant te Eindhoven onder nr. 17008015/BTW-identificatienummer NL0013.43.087.B.01
Rabo StudentenPakket
Ben je student aan mbo, hbo of universiteit?
Het Rabo StudentenPakket omvat:
Regel dan je bankzaken met het Rabo
Gratis Rabo StudentenRekening
StudentenPakket. Daarmee heb je al je bankzaken in de hand. Uiteraard is een betaalrekeningonderdeel van het pakket. Deze 1
is gratis als je je studiefinanciering erop laat storten2. De rekening die past bij je studentenbestaan De betaalrekening is onderdeel van het Rabo Studentenpakket, een uitgekiend pakket financiële diensten. Daarmee kun je overzichtelijk al je financiële zaken regelen tegen aantrekkelijke voorwaarden.
Eén Rabo WereldPas Rabo Internetbankieren Rabo Mobielbankieren Rabofoon Rabo Bijschrijving Alert (gratis per email) Rabo Roodstand Alert (gratis per email) Rabo Interhelp Maandelijks een digitaal rekeningafschrift Rabo StudentenSpecials Naar keuze extra (tegen betaling): Krediet op Betaalrekening3 Rabo BaseCard2
Rabo WereldPas Met de Rabo WereldPas betaal je grote én kleine bedragen in binnen- en buitenland. Deze pas heeft de nieuwe chip voor de internationale betaalstandaard. Betalingen in binnen- en buitenland zul je steeds vaker doen met deze chip en je pincode. Geld opnemen bij geldautomaten kan uiteraard ook wereldwijd. Aan betalingen en opnames met de Rabo WereldPas in euro’s zijn geen extra kosten verbonden. Aan opnames en pintransacties in vreemde valuta wel. Je vindt alle tarieven en limieten op www.rabobank.nl/tarievenbetalen.
In het kader hiernaast zie je welke onderdelen gratis zijn en waar je
voor moet betalen.
Als je (nog) geen studiefinanciering ontvangt, maar je kunt met een Bewijs van inschrijving of Collegekaart aantonen dat je wèl een voltijds opleiding volgt waarvoor je studiefinanciering kunt krijgen, dan kom je in veel gevallen toch in aanmerking voor een Rabo StudentenPakket
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Rabo Internetbankieren Internetbankieren is puur betaalgemak. Je gaat naar www.rabobank.nl waarna je na inloggen snel in je eigen menu komt. Een prettige gebruikersvriendelijke omgeving waarin je vanzelf de weg vindt. Je gebruikt de veilige Random Reader in combinatie met je Rabo WereldPas en je pincode. Je moet uiteraard wel over een pc met internetverbinding en up-to-date (beveiligings) software beschikken.
Rabo Mobielbankieren Eenvoudig je saldo kunnen checken, dat kan met mobielbankieren van de Rabobank. Na inloggen op je mobiele telefoon weet je met één druk op de knop wat je actuele saldo is. Behalve je saldo checken kun je via Rabo Mobielbankieren geld overmaken en heb inzicht in je bij- en afschrijvingen. Je regelt je bankzaken dus makkelijk en veilig met je mobiele telefoon - wanneer het jou uitkomt. Rabo Mobielbankieren kan met alle
Onder voorbehoud van acceptatie door de bank.
Versie: januari 2013
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Rabo StudentenPakket providers en kun je aanvragen op www.rabobank.nl/mobielbankieren of sms app naar 7171.
Rabofoon Met de Rabofoon kun je via de telefoon, je saldo beluisteren en informatie over bij- en afschrijvingen opvragen. Je kunt overboeken naar eigen rekeningen, maar ook nota's en acceptgiro's voldoen of je beltegoed opwaarderen van enkele telecomproviders. Dat doet je allemaal via het Rabofoonnummer 09000909 (€ 0,15 p/m). Of als je vanuit het buitenland belt: +31 499 499 199 (lokaal tarief). Vergeet niet dat je telefoonmaatschappij ook gesprekskosten berekent en dat telefoneren in het buitenland extra kosten met zich meebrengt.
Rabo Alerts Met Rabo Alerts hou je zicht op je betaalrekening. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld meteen een bericht ontvangen als je studiefinanciering binnen is. Alerts kun je ontvangen in de vorm van een SMS of als een email. De emailalerts zijn gratis. De bijschrijving alerts en roodstand alerts kosten €0,15 per sms. Ook saldo-informatie en berichten over bij- en afschrijvingen kun je ontvangen tegen € 0,15 per Rabo Alert. Rabo Alerts kun je zelf via internetbankieren instellen en aanpassen. Daar zie je dat er meer interessante mogelijkheden van 'Alerts' zijn.
Rabo Interhelp Bij elke bankpas en creditcard van de Rabobank hoort de gratis service bij verlies of diefstal. Je kunt met één telefoontje je passen of creditcards laten blokkeren en direct nieuwe passen en creditcards aanvragen. Heb je niet direct een nieuwe WereldPas nodig dan kun je die later bij je lokale bank aanvragen. Deze diensten zijn binnen het StudentenPakket gratis. Verder kan er financiële noodhulp in het buitenland worden verstrekt - tot € 5.000 - tegen een kostenvergoeding. Het tarief vind je op www.rabobank.nl/tarievenbetalen Het alarmnummer van Interhelp is +31 88 722 6767 en is dag en nacht bereikbaar en staat achterop elke pas en creditcard. Sla dit nummer ook op in je mobiele telefoon.
Rekeningafschriften In combinatie met Rabo Internetbankieren ontvang je in het Rabo StudentenPakket maandelijks een digitaal rekeningafschrift. Als je wilt kun je dit opslaan op je eigen computer en/of printen. Een papieren rekeningafschrift is in dit pakket niet mogelijk.
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Rabo StudentenSpecials Studeren kan meer opleveren dan studiepunten alleen. Want met Rabo StudentenSpecials profiteer je ook nog van voordeel op andere, niet financiële, producten en diensten die relevant zijn voor studenten. Nieuwsgierig? Kijk dan op www.rabobank.nl/studentenspecials.
Rabo BaseCard Als meerderjarige mbo-, hbo- of wo-student kun je een Rabo Basecard aanvragen. Zo'n Rabo BaseCard, een MasterCard creditcard, is puur betaalgemak. Aan deze card zijn wel kosten verbonden In de hele wereld, maar zeker ook in Nederland, waar het aantal acceptatiepunten blijft groeien. Aan het MasterCard-logo zie je waar je met deze kaart terecht kunt. De bestedingslimiet is € 1.000. Uitgaven met de Rabo BaseCard worden aan het einde van de maand in één keer van je betaalrekening afgeschreven. De Rabo BaseCard is voorzien van de nieuwe chip met pincode, waarmee je nog veiliger kunt betalen. In plaats van met je handtekening betaal je steeds vaker met je pincode. Die pincode kun je zelf wijzigen via elke geldautomaat van de Rabobank. Gebruik van je BaseCard bij automaten in winkels, restaurants en dergelijke is gratis, in zowel Nederland als het buitenland. Wil je geld opnemen bij een geldautomaat met het MasterCard-logo of aan de balie? Dan zijn er kosten aan verbonden. Op www.rabobank.nl/tarievenbetalen vind je een overzicht van alle kosten. Meer weten? Vraag het je Rabobankadviseur of kijk op www.rabobank.nl.
Krediet op Betaalrekening In de bijlage lees je alles over het Krediet op Betaalrekening.
Extra mogelijkheden: Rabo Saldo SMS Ook met Rabo Saldo SMS kun je je saldo checken. Je meldt je eenmalig aan via Rabo Internetbankieren. Rabo Saldo SMS kan met een telefoontje maar ook door 'Saldo' te SMS-en naar 7226, waarna je binnen een minuut een SMSje met je saldo ontvangt. Rabo Saldo SMS kost € 0,15 per sms.
Collegegeld gespreid betalen Met een Rabo StudentenPakket kun je je jaarlijkse collegegeld makkelijk in termijnen betalen. Je geeft één keer een machtiging af en het bedrag wordt iedere keer automatisch overgemaakt. Een machtigingsfomulier haal je bij je onderwijsinstelling.
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Rabo StudentenPakket Fiscale behandeling Rabo StudentenPakket Automatisch betalen en sparen Ook andere betalingen, zoals je abonnementen, contributies en huur betaal je makkelijk met een automatische incasso, dus altijd op tijd. Ben je het met een periodieke automatische incasso niet eens, dan kun je die binnen 8 weken ongedaan maken. Dit geldt niet voor betalingen van je collegegeld en eenmalige incasso’s. Op je betaalrekening ontvang je geen rente. Heb je geld over, maak dit dan over naar Rabo InternetSparen.
Kenmerken Rabo InternetSparen Rabo InternetSparen is ideaal als je eenvoudigwilt kunnen sparen en opnemen. Zonder extra kosten. Je ontvangt een variabele rente en beheert je spaargeld zelf via internet, mobielbankieren of telefoon. Gemakkelijk en snel. Je kunt je spaargeld 24 uur per dag opnemen, via Rabo Internet- en Mobielbankieren of de Rabofoon. Zit je een keer krap, in een mum van tijd staat het geld weer op je betaalrekening en kun je het contant opnemen via de geldautomaat of pinnen in de winkel.” Je ontvangt van Rabo InternetSparen geen afschriften. Rabo Mobiel: transparant en voordelig Bankieren kan tegenwoordig ook met je mobiele telefoon. Met Rabo Mobiel heb je bellen en bankieren in één. Als klant van de Rabobank profiteer je van de vele voordelen. Je belt via het vertrouwde KPN-netwerk. Je profiteert van transparante en voordelige tarieven en houdt grip op je uitgaven. Waarom Rabo Mobiel? Je belt in Nederland altijd tegen hetzelfde tarief, zowel binnen als buiten je belbundel. Een abonnement zonder zorgen. Je betaalt, na de eerste minuut, altijd per seconde en niet per minuut. Je bespaart hiermee tot 30% op je belkosten en weet wat je betaalt. Je ontvangt een sms als je verbruik het door jouw ingestelde bedrag heeft bereikt. Je houdt grip op je belkosten. Ga naar www.rabomobiel.nl voor meer informatie.
Actuele informatie Het meest actuele overzicht van al onze diensten, die voortdurend worden uitgebreid en verbeterd, kun je vinden op www.rabobank.nl. Wat wij precies met je afspreken over het Rabo StudentenPakket lees je in de overeenkomst en de bijbehorende algemene voorwaarden.
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Het saldo van je betaalrekening en het saldo van je spaarrekening op 1 januari vallen als bezittingen in box 3. Jaarlijks ben je per saldo 1,2% inkomstenbelasting verschuldigd over het netto-vermogen (bezittingen minus schulden) per 1 januari. Je bent deze belasting, de zogenoemde vermogensrendementsheffing, alleen verschuldigd voor zover jouw netto-vermogen meer bedraagt dan het voor jou van toepassing zijnde heffingvrij vermogen. Het heffingvrij vermogen is dat gedeelte van het in box 3 aanwezige vermogen waarover geen inkomstenbelasting wordt geheven. De hoogte van het door jou opgenomen krediet op 1 januari valt als schuld in box 3. Het bedrag van de schuld verlaagt jouw netto-vermogen, waarbij een drempelbedrag voor kleine schulden niet in aanmerking wordt genomen. Dit drempelbedrag wordt jaarlijks vastgesteld. Ben je minderjarig, dan wordt jouw netto-vermogen toegerekend aan je ouders.
Rabo StudentenPakket aanvragen: www.rabobank.nl Ben je student? Dan is het Rabo StudentenPakket is vast iets voor jou. Op onze website vind je onder productinformatie uitgebreide informatie. Daar kun je meteen je eigen Rabo StudentenPakket aanvragen en de volledige voorwaarden nalezen. Komt het je beter uit, dan kun je natuurlijk ook het ingevulde aanvraagformulier insturen of afgeven bij jouw Rabobank.
Rabobank StudentenPakket Met het Rabo StudentenPakket regel je overzichtelijk al je financiële zaken tegen aantrekkelijke voorwaarden en heb je al je bankzaken in de hand. Aanvullend kun je hierbij denken aan een Studentenkrediet en een verzekering voor studenten (de Interpolis Alles in één Polis® voor studenten). Met het formulier hierna kun je het Rabo StudentenPakket aanvragen. De door jou verstrekte persoonsgegevens gebruikt de Rabobank Groep om je zo goed mogelijk te kunnen adviseren over haar producten en diensten. Daarnaast worden de gegevens van al onze klanten ook gebruikt voor het voorkomen, detecteren en bestrijden van fraude en witwassen. Als je geen informatie over onze diensten en producten wilt ontvangen, dan kun je dat kenbaar maken bij de Rabobank.
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Rabo StudentenPakket Bijlage Krediet op Betaalrekening
Met een Krediet op Betaalrekening mag u rood staan op uw betaalrekening. Tot het afgesproken bedrag: de kredietlimiet. U hoeft het krediet niet meteen te gebruiken. U kunt, als u dat uitkomt, een deel van het krediet opnemen. Totdat de kredietlimiet is bereikt. Een Krediet op Betaalrekening is bijvoorbeeld erg handig als u even te weinig geld op uw betaalrekening heeft, maar toch iets moet betalen; of omdat er een incasso zal worden uitgevoerd.
Waarvoor gebruikt u het Krediet? Het Krediet op Betaalrekening is gekoppeld aan uw Betaalrekening. Het krediet staat, net als uw geld op die rekening, altijd direct tot uw beschikking. Overschrijven, pinnen, chippen en betalen: het is allemaal mogelijk. U hoeft deze extra financiële ruimte niet te gebruiken, maar het is makkelijk als u het toch nodig heeft.
Hoe wordt uw kredietaanvraag beoordeeld? Na ontvangst van uw aanvraag kijkt de bank naar uw financiële situatie. De bank beoordeelt, op basis van uw persoonlijke omstandigheden, of u het gevraagde kredietbedrag ook weer terug kunt betalen. Er wordt onder andere rekening gehouden met uw gezinssituatie, uw inkomen, eventueel het inkomen van uw partner, uw huidige huur- of hypotheeklasten en bestaande overige financiële verplichtingen. De Rabobank voert ook een toetsing uit bij het Bureau Krediet Registratie (BKR) te Tiel. Hiermee kan de bank nagaan welke kredieten u nog heeft lopen, welke zijn afgelost en of u betalingsachterstanden heeft of heeft gehad. De bank beoordeelt alle informatie. Zijn er geen bijzonderheden, dan bepalen wij hoeveel u verantwoord kunt lenen. De Rabobank doet dat op basis van de richtlijnen van het Nibud. Voorwaarde is dat u ouder dan 18 jaar bent en in Nederland woont. Bent u student? Voor u gelden dan de volgende voorwaarden: - u bent 18 jaar of ouder en u woont in Nederland; - u krijgt een basisbeurs van de DUO - IB Groep. Informatie over rechten en plichten Voordat wij een kredietovereenkomst met u sluiten ontvangt u nog specifieke informatie over dit
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kredietproduct. Zo krijgt u de algemene voorwaarden. Hierin staat aangegeven wat de afspraken zijn met u over het krediet. Om te weten welke kosten het door u gewenste krediet met zich meebrengt, krijgt u van ons het standaard informatieformulier. Zo weet u precies hoeveel u moet betalen en wat uw rechten en plichten zijn. Daarna kunt u het krediet gebruiken. Wilt u informatie over de tarieven van het Krediet op Betaalrekening, de Algemene Voorwaarden of wilt u zelf uitrekenen wat u maximaal verantwoord kunt lenen? Ga dan naar www.rabobank.nl of naar uw lokale bank waar u uw vragen in een persoonlijk gesprek kunt bespreken.
Hoe gebruikt u het Krediet op Betaalrekening? Op uw betaalrekening kunt u rood staan. Een roodstand kan op verschillende manieren ontstaan, bijvoorbeeld door het betalen van uw boodschappen in de supermarkt. Maar ook door een automatische incasso van uw energiemaatschappij. Meestal wordt de roodstand korte tijd later weer opgelost doordat uw salaris op de betaalrekening wordt gestort. Of doordat u een gedeelte van uw spaargeld op uw rekening overschrijft om de roodstand op te heffen. Als u het krediet daadwerkelijk gebruikt, dan moet er elke maand ten minste 2% van de kredietlimiet op uw betaalrekening worden gestort. Twee voorbeelden U heeft een Krediet op Betaalrekening met een kredietlimiet van € 1.500,-. Dat betekent dat u bij gebruik van het krediet (of: bij een roodstand) iedere maand minimaal € 30,- (is 2% van € 1.500,-) moet (laten) storten op uw betaalrekening. Uw saldo op de betaalrekening is € 195,- positief. Door het afschrijven van uw ziektekostenpremie van € 250,- komt u € 55,- in het rood te staan. Over die € 55,- betaalt u rente aan de Rabobank voor de periode dat u rood staat. Als u een dag later uw salaris ontvangt op uw betaalrekening heeft u weer een positief saldo. U betaalt dan rente voor één dag over de € 55,-. Op uw betaalrekening heeft u een Krediet op Betaalrekening met een kredietlimiet van € 500,-. Dat betekent dat u iedere maand minimaal € 10,(is 2% van € 500,-) moet (laten) storten op uw betaalrekening. Uw saldo op de betaalrekening is € 195,- positief. Door het afschrijven van uw kamerhuur van € 450,- komt u € 255,- rood te staan. Over die
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Rabo StudentenPakket € 255,- betaalt u rente aan de Rabobank voor de periode dat u rood staat. Stel, dat u een dag later uw Basisbeurs ontvangt op je betaalrekening. Hierdoor heeft u weer een positief saldo. U betaalt dan rente voor één dag over de € 255,-. Variabele rente U moet rente betalen over het krediet dat u heeft gebruikt. Bij een Krediet op Betaalrekening is dat een variabele rente. Dit houdt in dat de rente niet vast staat en de rente dus hoger of lager kan worden. Belangrijk is in ieder geval dat u het bedrag weer terugbetaalt. Zodat u niet met een schuld blijft zitten. Overzicht Via Rabo Internetbankieren of uw papieren rekeningafschrift kunt u zien of u rood heeft gestaan in de afgelopen periode. U ziet dan ook hoeveel rente u heeft betaald. Overschrijding Een overschrijding ontstaat als u meer rood komt te staan dan uw kredietlimiet toelaat. Dat kan gebeuren door een automatische incasso waar u geen rekening mee had gehouden.
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Werkloos, arbeidsongeschikt of overlijden. Wordt u werkeloos of arbeidsongeschikt? En kunt u hierdoor niet meer aan uw verplichtingen voldoen? Als één van deze situaties zich voordoet, neem dan in ieder geval contact op met de Rabobank. Dan kunnen we samen zoeken naar een passende oplossing. Komt u te overlijden? Dan blijft de schuld bestaan en zullen uw nabestaanden moeten zorgen voor aflossing van het krediet. Wat gebeurt er als u niet betaalt? Betaalt u een maandtermijn meer dan twee maanden niet. Dan vragen wij u voor een bepaalde datum te betalen. Betaalt u dan nog niet. Dan kunnen wij het krediet opeisen en moet u het krediet meteen terugbetalen. Bovendien melden wij dit bij het BKR in Tiel. Ontstaat er een achterstand in de betalingen van de maandtermijnen, neem dan in ieder geval contact op met de Rabobank. Dan kunnen we samen zoeken naar een passende oplossing.
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Rabo StudentenPakket Aanvraag Rabo StudentenPakket Ja, ik vraag een Rabo StudentenPakketaan. Mijn studiefinanciering laat ik op deze rekening storten. Ik wil mijn huidige Betaalrekening omzetten in een Rabo StudentenPakket (het nummer blijft ongewijzigd). Het nummer van mijn Rabo Betaalrekening is: Ik wil de volgende faciliteiten in mijn Rabo StudentenPakket: Krediet op mijn studentenrekening (vanaf 18 jaar) van € 500 of € 1.000; neem contact met mij op. BaseCard, tegen betaling: zie www.rabobank/tarievenbetalen (alleen voor meerderjarige MBO-, HBO- en WO-studenten); neem contact met mij op. Rabo InternetSparen. Ik wil graag meer informatie ontvangen over: De Interpolis Alles in één polis© voor Studenten. Rabo InternetSparen. Onderwijsinstelling HAVO VWO
Anders, nl.
Ik ben klant bij de Rabobank te Wegens verhuizing draag ik mijn bankzaken over aan de Rabobank te: Mijn nieuwe adres is met ingang van: Adres Postcode/plaats Telefoon thuis
werk Gegevens aanvrager, tevens rekeninghouder*
Naam en voorletters
Adres Postcode / plaats Telefoon thuis
e-mailadres Handtekening aanvrager/rekeninghouder
Datum: Plaats: Legitimatie
Bij opening van een Rabo StudentenPakket word je gevraagd je te legitimeren met een geldig legitimatiebewijs. Geef dit aanvraagformulier af bij, of stuur het op naar jouw Rabobank. *De door jou verstrekte persoonsgegevens gebruikt de Rabobank Groep om je zo goed mogelijk te kunnen infomeren over haar producten en diensten. Daarnaast worden de gegevens van al onze klanten ook gebruikt voor het voorkomen, detecteren en bestrijden van fraude en witwassen. Als je geen informatie over onze diensten en producten wilt ontvangen, dan kun je dat kenbaar maken bij de Rabobank.
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Aanvraagformulier Rabo StudentenPakket Ja, Ik vraag een Rabo StudentenPakket aan met gratis Rabo Wereldpas, Rabofoon , Rabo Internetbankieren en Rabo Mobielbankieren. Mijn studiebeurs laat ik op deze rekening storten. ik wil mijn huidige Betaalrekening omzetten in een Studentenpakket (het nummer blijft ongewijzigd). Het nummer van mijn Rabo Betaalrekening is
Ik wil de volgende faciliteiten op mijn Studentenpakket: Krediet op Betaalrekening (vanaf 18 jaar) € 500 of € 1000; neem contact met mij op BaseCard voor € 3,60 per kwartaal Rabo InternetSparen
Ik wil graag meer informatie ontvangen over: De Interpolis Alles in één Polis® voor Studenten Rabo InternetSparen
Gegevens aanvrager, tevens rekeninghouder Naam en voorletters
Roepnaam Adres Postcode/woonplaats Geboortedatum Telefoon thuis Telefoon mobiel BSN E-mail-adres
Handtekening aanvrager Datum: Plaats:
Bij opening van een Rabo StudentenPakket word je gevraagd je te legitimeren met een geldig legitimatiebewijs. Geef dit aanvraagformulier af bij, of stuur het op naar uw Rabobank.
Insturen met: - 2x contract laptop-lening - Kopie van een geldig legitimatiebewijs
De door u verstrekte persoonsgegevens gebruikt de Rabobank Groep om u zo goed mogelijk te kunnen adviseren over haar producten en diensten. Daarnaast worden de gegevens van al onze klanten ook gebruikt voor het voorkomen, detecteren en bestrijden van fraude en witwassen. Als u geen informatie over onze diensten en producten wilt ontvangen, dan kunt u dat kenbaar maken bij de Rabobank.
Verhuisformulier Rabo jongeren/betaal/studentenrekening Ik wil mijn bankzaken verhuizen naar Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven Ik ben klant bij de Rabobank te …………………………………………………… Mijn rekeningnummer is: ………………………………………… Ik wil de volgende faciliteiten op mijn StudentenPakket Krediet op Betaalrekening (vanaf 18 jaar) € 500 of € 1000; neem contact met mij op BaseCard voor € 3,60 per kwartaal Rabo InternetSparen Ik wil graag meer informatie ontvangen over De Interpolis Alles in één Polis® voor Studenten Rabo InternetSparen
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Handtekening aanvrager Datum: Plaats:
Bij opening van een Rabo StudentenPakket word je gevraagd je te legitimeren met een geldig legitimatiebewijs. Geef dit aanvraagformulier af bij, of stuur het op naar uw Rabobank.
Insturen met: - 2x contract laptop-lening - Kopie van een geldig legitimatiebewijs De door u verstrekte persoonsgegevens gebruikt de Rabobank Groep om u zo goed mogelijk te kunnen adviseren over haar producten en diensten. Daarnaast worden de gegevens van al onze klanten ook gebruikt voor het voorkomen, detecteren en bestrijden van frau de en witwassen. Als u geen informatie over onze diensten en producten wilt ontvangen, dan kunt u dat kenbaar maken bij de Rabobank.
Agreement Rabobank Student PC Loan 1. Name: _____________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ Postal code + city: _______________________________________________ D.O.B.: _________________ Sex: M/F Study: Bachelor/ Master referred to below as ‘You’ 2. Coöperatieve Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven U.A. having its registered office and maintaining a place of business at Kronehoefstraat 87 in Eindhoven and Veldhoven, the Netherlands, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number H17008015. referred to below as the ‘Bank’ The Bank undertakes to grant You an interest-free loan in the amount of EUR 750 in order to purchase a notebook computer and software in connection with your studies, subject to the following conditions. The loan will be granted to You by transferring the amount to an account in the name of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). You give the Bank irrevocable authorisation and an assignment to transfer the amount of EUR 750 to the account made available for that purpose by TU/e. The credit to the account of TU/e will be deemed to be evidence of payment by the Bank to You of the amount borrowed and of that amount being due by You to the Bank. Type of credit: Amount of credit: Amount in words: Term: Debit interest: Annual cost percentage: 1 Total amount to be paid by the debtor:2 Monthly instalment:
First instalment due date: Student account: 1 2
non-revolving credit EUR 750 seven hundred and fifty euros 24 months (Master) or 36 months (bachelor) 0% per annum 0 % per annum EUR 750 The monthly instalment is EUR 31.25 (master) or EUR 20.83 (bachelor). That amount must be paid not later than the last day of the month. The first instalment must be paid in the month in which the loan is granted or in the following month. ………………………………………………………..(account number)
Total charges expressed as an annual percentage of the total credit amount Credit amount plus interest and charges.
You hereby authorise the Bank, subject to the right of substitution, to debit the monthly instalments from the above-mentioned student account at the Bank. You must ensure that the balance in that account is sufficient. The monthly instalments will be deducted from that account each month. You can have your bank re-credit the amount debited for a term of 56 calendar days after it is collected. You are obliged to maintain a Rabobank Student Package account at Rabobank Eindhoven Veldhoven. If You are entitled to benefits in the context of the Dutch Student Grants and Loans Act ( Wet op de Studiefinanciering) You must have those benefits paid to that account. You may pay the outstanding debit in full or in part at any time. You will not owe any penalty for doing so. If You pay back the loan in part You will still be obliged to pay the monthly instalments. The repayment will be deducted from the last monthly instalment. If the Agreement ends prior to the end date You will be obliged to pay the outstanding debt as a lump sum. The Bank is affiliated with the Dutch Central Credit Registration Office ( Bureau Krediet Registratie) in Tiel, the Netherlands. The Bank is required to request information from that Office, and it must notify the Office of this loan. In the event that You do not make payment on time the Bank is required to notify the Central Credit Registration Office in Tiel.
If you do not pay a monthly instalment for two months, the Bank will ask you to pay that monthly instalment before a certain date. If you still do not make payment, the outstanding debt will be immediately due and payable. This means that you will have to repay the entire outstanding debt to the Bank, without the Bank having to ask you to do so. If you do not pay on time, the bank will report you to the Dutch Central Credit Registration Office in Tiel.
You may cancel the loan at any time, in which case the loan will end. You can cancel the loan by giving the Bank notice, in which case You will be required to repay the outstanding debt immediately. The Bank may cancel the loan at any time. The Bank is not required to state the reason for cancellation. The loan will end and You will be required to immediately repay the outstanding debt to the Bank in the following cases:
You stop being a student at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e); You stop receiving benefits as a full-time day student within the context of the Student Grants and Loans Act in the student account maintained at the Bank; You are in arrears for at least two months in respect of the payment of a monthly instalment that are due and You have failed to comply with your obliga tions after being given notice of default; You no longer reside in the Netherlands or the Bank is entitled to assume that you will leave the Netherlands within a few months; You die and the Bank has well-founded reasons to assume that your obligations under this Agreement will not be complied with;
You are declared bankrupt; You are subject to a statutory debt rescheduling scheme; You have provided the Bank with incorrect information in order to obtain the loan and the Bank would not have granted the loan if the Bank had been informed properly; or the Bank has cancelled the loan because the Bank is of the opinion that the banking relationship is endangering the integrity of the Bank or the financial sector.
You are obliged to notify the Bank in writing of any changes of address within three days. You must also notify the Bank if your benefits in the context of the Student Grants and Loans Act end or you are no longer registered as a student at TU/e. You grant the Bank and TU/e permission to exchange information about You and the loan. The information that the Bank stores that forms part of the Agreement, the loan and the use thereof will be deemed to furnish full evidence against you. This also applies in respect of other parties that the Bank engages. The books and records will be maintained for and on behalf of the Bank by De Lage Landen Financiering B.V., having its registered office and maintaining a place of business in Eindhoven. You are entitled to furnish evidence to the contrary at any time. The Bank is authorised to stipulate administrative rules and regulations. You are responsible for the forms and other documents that the Bank provides You. The General Banking Terms and Conditions govern this Agreement. By signing this Agreement you declare that you have received and seen them. If You sign this Agreement, you give the Bank permission to immediately start implementing it.
Executed in Eindhoven/Veldhoven, ……-……- 2013
On behalf of the Bank
……………………………………… (name of borrower)
………………………………………………….. (Bank employee)
Agreement Rabobank Student PC Loan 1. Name: _____________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ Postal code + city: _______________________________________________ D.O.B.: _________________ Sex: M/F Study: Bachelor/ Master referred to below as ‘You’ 2. Coöperatieve Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven U.A. having its registered office and maintaining a place of business at Kronehoefstraat 87 in Eindhoven and Veldhoven, the Netherlands, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number H17008015. referred to below as the ‘Bank’ The Bank undertakes to grant You an interest-free loan in the amount of EUR 750 in order to purchase a notebook computer and software in connection with your studies, subject to the following conditions. The loan will be granted to You by transferring the amount to an account in the name of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). You give the Bank irrevocable authorisation and an assignment to transfer the amount of EUR 750 to the account made available for that purpose by TU/e. The credit to the account of TU/e will be deemed to be evidence of payment by the Bank to You of the amount borrowed and of that amount being due by You to the Bank. Type of credit: Amount of credit: Amount in words: Term: Debit interest: Annual cost percentage: 1 Total amount to be paid by the debtor:2 Monthly instalment:
First instalment due date: Student account: 1 2
non-revolving credit EUR 750 seven hundred and fifty euros 24 months (Master) or 36 months (bachelor) 0% per annum 0 % per annum EUR 750 The monthly instalment is EUR 31.25 (master) or EUR 20.83 (bachelor). That amount must be paid not later than the last day of the month. The first instalment must be paid in the month in which the loan is granted or in the following month. ………………………………………………………..(account number)
Total charges expressed as an annual percentage of the total credit amount Credit amount plus interest and charges.
You hereby authorise the Bank, subject to the right of substitution, to debit the monthly instalments from the above-mentioned student account at the Bank. You must ensure that the balance in that account is sufficient. The monthly instalments will be deducted from that account each month. You can have your bank re-credit the amount debited for a term of 56 calendar days after it is collected. You are obliged to maintain a Rabobank Student Package account at Rabobank Eindhoven Veldhoven. If You are entitled to benefits in the context of the Dutch Student Grants and Loans Act ( Wet op de Studiefinanciering) You must have those benefits paid to that account. You may pay the outstanding debit in full or in part at any time. You will not owe any penalty for doing so. If You pay back the loan in part You will still be obliged to pay the monthly instalments. The repayment will be deducted from the last monthly instalment. If the Agreement ends prior to the end date You will be obliged to pay the outstanding debt as a lump sum. The Bank is affiliated with the Dutch Central Credit Registration Office ( Bureau Krediet Registratie) in Tiel, the Netherlands. The Bank is required to request information from that Office, and it must notify the Office of this loan. In the event that You do not make payment on time the Bank is required to notify the Central Credit Registration Office in Tiel.
If you do not pay a monthly instalment for two months, the Bank will ask you to pay that monthly instalment before a certain date. If you still do not make payment, the outstanding debt will be immediately due and payable. This means that you will have to repay the entire outstanding debt to the Bank, without the Bank having to ask you to do so. If you do not pay on time, the bank will report you to the Dutch Central Credit Registration Office in Tiel.
You may cancel the loan at any time, in which case the loan will end. You can cancel the loan by giving the Bank notice, in which case You will be required to repay the outstanding debt immediately. The Bank may cancel the loan at any time. The Bank is not required to state the reason for cancellation. The loan will end and You will be required to immediately repay the outstanding debt to the Bank in the following cases:
You stop being a student at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e); You stop receiving benefits as a full-time day student within the context of the Student Grants and Loans Act in the student account maintained at the Bank; You are in arrears for at least two months in respect of the payment of a monthly instalment that are due and You have failed to comply with your obliga tions after being given notice of default; You no longer reside in the Netherlands or the Bank is entitled to assume that you will leave the Netherlands within a few months; You die and the Bank has well-founded reasons to assume that your obligations under this Agreement will not be complied with;
You are declared bankrupt; You are subject to a statutory debt rescheduling scheme; You have provided the Bank with incorrect information in order to obtain the loan and the Bank would not have granted the loan if the Bank had been informed properly; or the Bank has cancelled the loan because the Bank is of the opinion that the banking relationship is endangering the integrity of the Bank or the financial sector.
You are obliged to notify the Bank in writing of any changes of address within three days. You must also notify the Bank if your benefits in the context of the Student Grants and Loans Act end or you are no longer registered as a student at TU/e. You grant the Bank and TU/e permission to exchange information about You and the loan. The information that the Bank stores that forms part of the Agreement, the loan and the use thereof will be deemed to furnish full evidence against you. This also applies in respect of other parties that the Bank engages. The books and records will be maintained for and on behalf of the Bank by De Lage Landen Financiering B.V., having its registered office and maintaining a place of business in Eindhoven. You are entitled to furnish evidence to the contrary at any time. The Bank is authorised to stipulate administrative rules and regulations. You are responsible for the forms and other documents that the Bank provides You. The General Banking Terms and Conditions govern this Agreement. By signing this Agreement you declare that you have received and seen them. If You sign this Agreement, you give the Bank permission to immediately start implementing it.
Executed in Eindhoven/Veldhoven, ……-……- 2013
On behalf of the Bank
……………………………………… (name of borrower)
………………………………………………….. (Bank employee)
STANDARD EUROPEAN CONSUMER CREDIT INFORMATION FORM WITH RESPECT TO THE RABOBANK STUDENT PC LOAN 1. Identity and contact details of the party offering/intermediating in respect of the credit Creditor Coöperatieve Rabobank EindhovenVeldhoven U.A. Address Kronehoefstraat 87, 5612 HL Eindhoven Telephone number E-mail address
(040) 293 60 00
[email protected]
2. Key features of the credit product The type of credit
Non-revolving credit
The total amount of credit This means the ceiling or the total sums made available under the credit agreement The conditions governing the drawdown This means how and when you will obtain the money. The duration of the credit agreement
EUR 750
Instalments and, where appropriate, the order in which instalments will be allocated
You will have to pay the following: EUR 31.25 per month for a term of 24 months (master) or EUR 20.83 per month for a term of 36 months (bachelor). Interest and/or charges will be payable in the following manner: You will not pay any interest or charges. EUR 750
The total amount you will have to pay This means the amount of borrowed capital of credit plus interest and possible costs related to your credit. 3. Costs of the credit The borrowing rate or, if applicable, different borrowing rates which apply to the credit Annual Cost Ratio (ACR) This is the total cost expressed as a percentage of the total amount of credit. The ACR helps you compare different offers.
After the agreement is concluded you will have access to your credit within two working days. The credit will end no later than 24 months after it is provided.
The effective interest is 0% per annum.
The ACR is 0%. In calculating the annual cost ratio and the total amount to be paid the creditor has assumed: • that the credit will be paid back in 24 months (master) or 36 months (bachelor);
Is it compulsory, in order to obtain the credit or to obtain it on the terms and conditions marketed, to take out • an insurance policy securing the credit, or • another ancillary service contract? If the costs of these services are not known by the creditor they are not included in the ACR Related costs Costs in the case of late payments Missing payments could have severe consequences for you (e.g. forced sale) and make obtaining credit more difficult. 4. Other important legal aspects Right of withdrawal Early repayment You have the right to repay the credit early at any time in full or partially. Consultation of a database The creditor must inform you immediately and without charge of the result of a consultation of a database, if a credit application is rejected on the basis of such a consultation. This does not apply if the provision of such information is prohibited by European Community law or is contrary to objectives of public policy or public security. Right to a draft credit agreement You have the right, upon request, to obtain a copy of the draft credit agreement free of charge. This provision does not apply if the creditor is at the time of the request unwilling to proceed to the conclusion of the credit agreement with you. The period of time during which the creditor is bound by the precontractual information
• that the debit interest and the costs of the credit will remain the same during that period; • the entire credit will be taken out as a lump sum; • there will be no new withdrawals or redemptions during that period; • the monthly instalments are paid on time The customer must maintain a (free) student account at the bank.
You will be charged 0% interest for missing payments. However, in the event of missing payments you will be reported to the Dutch Central Credit Registration Office in Tiel.
No You have the right to repay the credit early in full or partially. The creditor will conduct a check with the Dutch Central Credit Registration Office in Tiel.
You have the right to obtain a copy of the draft credit agreement upon request.
The information is valid from………………..……..(huidige datum) to …………………..…….(huidige datum +14 dagen).
5. Additional information in the case of distance marketing of financial services a)
concerning the creditor
The supervisory authority
The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM)), Vijzelgracht 50, 1017 HS Amsterdam.
b) concerning the credit agreement Exercise of the right of withdrawal
You may reverse the credit or an increase in the credit within 14 days after it is taken out. You must notify the creditor in writing in this respect. If you reverse the credit you must pay back the used credit to the creditor within 30 days. You will not be required to pay any extra costs. If you do not pay within 30 days the creditor will charge extra costs, such as statutory interest and collection costs.
The law taken by the creditor as a basis for the establishment of relations with you before the conclusion of the credit contract
The agreement is governed by Dutch law.
Clause stipulating the governing law applicable to the credit agreement and/or the competent
If you submit a conflict to the court then that must be a Dutch court.
Language regime c)
Information and contractual conditions will be provided in Dutch.
concerning redress
Existence of and access to out-ofcourt complaint and redress mechanism
The creditor has a complaints procedure. Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven is the first contact for any complaints. If you are not satisfied with how your complaint is handled, send a letter to: Rabobank Nederland Complaints Service Antwoordnummer 10043 5600 VB Eindhoven (no postage required within the Netherlands). If you would like more information about our complaints procedure, click on the ‘Customer Service’ link on our website.
If you are not satisfied with how Rabobank Nederland handles your complaint you can submit it to: The Financial Services Ombudsman PO Box 93257 2509 AG The Hague. You can find more information about how complaints are handled by the Dutch Financial Services Complaints Authority at www.kifid.nl (in Dutch). If you have a complaint about the Dutch Central Credit Registration Office and you are not satisfied about how Rabobank Nederland has handled that complaint you can submit it to: Dutch Central Credit Registration Office Dispute Committee De Lairessestraat 155 (1) 1075 HK Amsterdam You can find more information about the handling of complaints by the Dutch Central Credit Registration Office Dispute Committee at www.bkr.nl (in Dutch).
Rabobank Student PC Loan When you start your studies, Eindhoven University of Technology will offer you the opportunity to purchase a notebook computer. The computer costs EUR 750. That’s a lot of money, and you may not be able pay it all at once. So Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven, together with Eindhoven University of Technology, is willing to offer you an interest-free loan in the amount of EUR 750.
maintain a student account at Rabobank EindhovenVeldhoven.
What is the loan for?
Transfer of the loan amount When you take out the loan the entire amount will be transferred as a lump sum to Eindhoven University of Technology’s special account, in order to pay for your notebook computer.
Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven will pay Eindhoven University of Technology EUR 750 for you, in order to pay for your notebook computer.
How does the Rabobank Student PC Loan work? You will receive an interest-free loan in the amount of EUR 780, which you then have to pay back to us in 24 or 36 monthly instalments (the length of the master’s and bachelor’s programme) of EUR 31.25 or EUR 20.83. That amount will be deducted automatically from your Rabo Student Package Account. If you want to pay back faster you can always do so at no extra cost.
What are the rules? After it receives your application the bank will review your financial situation. The bank will determine, on the basis of your personal circumstances, whether you will be able to pay back the amount that you’ve borrowed. Rabobank will also run a check with the Dutch Central Credit Registration Office in Tiel, in order to see what other outstanding credit you have, what you have paid and whether you’ve ever been in arrears. The bank will take all that information into consideration. In order to participate you have to be older than 18 and you must live in the Netherlands. You also have to
Printdatum: 27 juni 2013
Advance information Before we conclude an agreement with you, you will receive specific information about the loan, such as the European standard form, so you know exactly how much you have to pay and what your rights and obligations are.
How do you use the Rabobank Student PC Loan?
Repayment Each month you will repay us EUR 31.25 (master) or EUR 20.83 (bachelor): the monthly instalments. Those monthly instalments will be deducted from your bank account automatically. You can pay back all or part of the loan at any time, without owing any penalty. You can make an extra payment by transferring the amount you want to pay to account number 1137.87.928 in the name of Rb Eindhoven-Veldhoven, quoting your contract number as a reference. The monthly instalments will stop when the loan has been paid back in full. Once you have repaid an amount, you can’t withdraw it again. Overview You can ask Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven to send you an overview of the payments you’ve made and the outstanding debt at any time. Payment arrears If at any point you are in arrears on your payments you should contact Rabobank in any case, so that we can help you find suitable solution. If you fail to pay the monthly instalments on time the loan may be recalled, which means that you would have to pay back the entire loan at once. The bank would also have to report
Versie: juni 2011
Blad 1 van 2
Rabobank Student PC Loan the arrears to the Central Credit Registration Office in Tiel.
Additional information about the Rabobank Student PC Loan Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven offers credit, savings and current accounts, and related facilities. It is registered under its official name with the Netherlands Financial Markets Authority in Amsterdam. Death In the event of your death, your surviving relatives will have to pay back the outstanding loan that you still have at the bank. Complaints Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven is the first party you should contact if you have any complaints. If you are not satisfied with how your complaint is handled, send a letter to: Rabobank Nederland Complaint Service Antwoordnummer 10043 5600 VB Eindhoven (no postage required within the Netherlands). If you would like more information about our complaints procedure and terms and conditions, click on the ‘Customer Service’ link on our website. If you are not satisfied with how Rabobank Nederland handles your complaint you can submit it to: The Financial Services Ombudsman PO Box 93257 2509 AG The Hague. You can find more information about how complaints are handled by the Dutch Financial Services Complaints Authority at www.kifid.nl (in Dutch). If you have a complaint about the Central Credit Registration Office and you are not satisfied about how Rabobank Nederland has handled that complaint, you can submit it to:
Central Credit Registration Office Dispute Committee De Lairessestraat 155 (1) 1075 HK Amsterdam Right to dissolve the agreement in the event of distance marketing If you do not actually go to the bank in order to enter into the agreement you will be entitled to reverse the agreement within 14 days after you enter into it. You can do so by informing Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven in writing that you want to dissolve the agreement. You will not owe any charges or penalties if you dissolve the Rabobank Student laptop loan agreement. If you have already made use of the loan, you will have to pay back the amount you received immediately, and in any event within 30 days after you have sent the bank the written notice of dissolution. If you do not pay back that amount within the term of 30 calendar days the bank will charge you statutory interest. The bank will also be entitled to take legal action without any further notice, and it may report you to the Dutch Central Credit Registration Office in Tiel. Miscellaneous The agreement, the terms and conditions that govern it, and all the information with respect to this product will be provided in Dutch. A number of the documents are also available in English. During the term of the agreement the bank will communicate about this product only in Dutch. If you conclude an agreement with us we will ask you to provide us with valid proof of your identity. The agreement is governed exclusively by Dutch law. If you submit a conflict to the court, that must be a Dutch court. This document is intended for information purposes only and no rights can be derived from it. This information is provided subject to change.
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General Banking Conditions 2009
General Banking Conditions (Version 2009) This is a translation of the original Dutch text. This translation is furnished for the customer’s convenience only. The original Dutch text will be binding als shall prevail in case of any variance between the Dutch Text and the English translation.
These General Conditions were drawn up in consultation between the Netherlands Bankers’ Association and the consumers’ organisation ‘Consumentenbond’ within the framework of the Co-ordination Group on Self-regulation Consultation of the Socio-Economic Council (SER) and will become effective on November 1st 2009. No consultations took place on other (product-related) conditions that may be applicable. The Consumentenbond reserves the right to start collective legal action against such conditions. 1
Scope The provisions of these General Banking Conditions shall apply to all existing and future legal relationships between the Bank and the Customer to the extent that it is not otherwise provided in agreements and/or in special conditions. General conditions that a foreign branch of the Bank applies to its legal relationships with the Customer shall prevail above these General Banking Conditions in the event of a conflict between the two. If other general conditions apply or are declared applicable by or on behalf of the Customer, these shall not apply in the legal relationship with the Bank, unless the Bank has agreed to this in writing. Duty of care of the Bank and of the Customer 1 The Bank shall exercise due care when providing services. In its provision of services, the Bank shall take the Customer’s interests into account to the best of its ability. None of the provisions of these General Banking Conditions or of the special conditions used by the Bank shall detract from this principle. 2 The Customer shall exercise due care vis-à-vis the Bank and shall take the Bank’s interests into account to the best of his ability. The Customer shall enable the Bank to fulfil its statutory and contractual obligations and to render its services correctly. The Customer shall not make improper or illegal use (or allow improper or illegal use to be made) of the services and/or products of the Bank, also including use that conflicts with laws and regulations, serves criminal activities or is damaging to the Bank or to its reputation or to the integrity of the financial system.
Activities and objectives The Customer provides information to the Bank, taking into account the applicable privacy laws, at its first request, about the Customer’s activities and objectives and about the reason for the (intended) use of the services and/or products of the Bank. Upon request, the Customer informs the Bank as to the origin of the funds and securities deposited with the Bank or that are to be deposited with the Bank and of goods that have been given to the bank to hold in (open) custody.
Non-public information In providing its services, the Bank does not have to make use of nonpublic information, including price-sensitive information.
The Bank or third parties as the counterparty 1 In providing its services, the Bank may make use of third parties and may (partially) outsource activities. The Bank may give goods, documents of title, securities or financial instruments that belong to the Customer, whether or not held in the name of the Bank, to third parties in custody or have these administrated by third parties. 2 If the Customer gives the Bank an order or an authorisation, the Bank may also do business with itself as a counterparty in order to execute the order or authorisation, and the Bank may also transfer this order or authorisation to a third party. 3 The Bank takes the necessary care into account in the selection of third parties. In the event that the Customer has called in or
appointed a third party, the consequences of this choice are for the account of the Customer. 6
Risk of dispatches If the Bank, by order of the Customer, dispatches funds or financial instruments, including securities, to the Customer or to third parties, such dispatch shall be at the Bank’s risk. If the Bank, by order of the Customer, dispatches other goods or documents of title to the Customer or to third parties, such dispatch shall be at the Customer’s risk.
Customer data The Customer and the Customer’s representatives are obliged to cooperate with the Bank and to provide information in order to determine and verify their identity, their citizen’s (services) identification number, date of birth, civil status, legal capacity and authorisation to act, postnuptial agreement, partnership agreement, legal form, place of residence or place of establishment, and insofar as applicable, the registration number with the chamber of commerce and/or other registers and their VAT number. The Customer must inform the Bank as soon as possible of any changes in this information. The Bank may make copies of documents, which provide evidence of this information, and the Bank may record and file this information. If the Customer is a legal person or form of cooperation, the Customer and its representatives are also obliged, at the Bank’s first request, to give the Bank insight into the ownership and control structure of the legal person or the form of cooperation.
Signature The Customer and his representatives shall deposit an example of their handwritten signatures at the Bank’s first request at the Bank in a manner and/or in a form as determined by the Bank. The example provided by a person is deemed to be the representation of the Customer’s current handwritten signature, regardless of the capacity in which the Customer acts vis-à-vis the Bank, until the Bank has been notified of a change.
Authorisation and power of representation 1 The Customer may grant a third party a power of attorney to do business with the bank on his behalf. The authorised representative is not authorised to transfer the power of attorney granted to him to a third party. The Customer is liable vis-à-vis the Bank for the fulfilment of obligations, which have been entered into by the authorised representative. The Bank can demand that an authorisation is granted in a specific manner and/or in a specific form and/ or according to a specific procedure. The Bank is not obliged to (continue) to do business with an authorised representative. 2 If the authorisation of a representative of the Customer is revoked or a change occurs with regard to the authorisation, the Customer is obliged, notwithstanding the registration in public registers or the publication thereof, to notify the Bank as soon as possible of this revocation or change. The Bank may (continue to) legally execute orders that have been given to the Bank by a representative before or shortly after the Bank has received notification of the revocation if the Bank could not reasonably prevent the execution. 3 The General Banking Conditions and all other provisions, rules and limitations that apply between the Customer and the Bank also apply to the representative in connection with the execution of his representation. The Customer is responsible for the compliance with the above by his representative and shall ensure that the Customer and the representative keep each other fully informed about everything that is important for them or could be important for them as Customer and representative.
Personal data The Bank may process personal data of the Customer and the Customer’s representatives, as well as data regarding the products and services purchased by the Customer, taking into account the applicable laws and regulations and the codes of conduct that apply to the Bank and the Bank may exchange this data within the group to which the Bank belongs in connection with customer relationship management, to prevent and combat criminal activities and for
commercial purposes. Personal data can also be exchanged with third parties that that Bank makes use of in its business operations or in providing its banking services. This can entail, inter alia, in connection with payments, the passing on of personal data to third parties in countries that do not have the same level of protection as in the Netherlands. Personal data can be the subject of an investigation by authorised national authorities of the countries where such data is located in connection with the processing of the data both during and after the processing. 11
(Video and audio) recordings The Bank may, within the boundaries of the applicable laws and regulations, make (audio and video) recordings for the purpose of sound business operations, providing evidence, combating criminal activities and monitoring quality. If the Customer requires the Bank to comply with an obligation to issue a copy or transcription of a recording, the Customer must first provide the relevant specifications such as the relevant date, time and location.
Continuity in the providing of services The Bank aims to ensure the adequate functioning of its facilities for the provision of its services (for example, equipment, programmes, systems, infrastructure, networks); however, the Bank does not guarantee that these facilities will always be running correctly without interruption. The Bank aims to avoid interruptions / malfunctioning, insofar as this lies within its sphere of influence, within reasonable bounds or to remedy the interruption / malfunctioning within a reasonable time.
The Death of a Customer 1 The Bank must be notified of the death of a customer in writing as soon as possible. As long as the Bank has not been notified of the death of a customer in this manner, the Bank may (continue) to execute the orders received from or on behalf of the Customer. The Bank may (continue to) legally execute orders that have been given to the Bank before or shortly after the Bank has received notification of the death of a Customer if the Bank could not reasonably prevent the execution. 2 After the death of the Customer, the Bank can demand that the person/persons who claims/claim to be authorised to perform (legal) acts with regard to the Customer’s estate submits/submit an attestation of admissibility to the estate, issued by a Dutch notary, and/or documents that the Bank deems to be acceptable as proof thereof. 3. The Bank is not obliged to provide information again regarding actions and transactions that have been carried out before the time of the death of the Customer.
Name and address of the Customer 1 The Customer informs the Bank to which address the documents and/or information that are intended for the Customer can be sent. The Customer notifies the Bank as soon as possible in writing of a change of name and address. If the Customer’s address is not known or is no longer known at the Bank due to the Customer’s fault, the Bank can attempt to find out the address of the Customer without being obliged to do so. The costs of such an investigation are for the Customer’s account. The Customer, whose address is not known at the Bank, is deemed to have his postal address at the address where the Bank is located, unless agreed otherwise. 2 If a product or service of the Bank is purchased by two or several persons, the Bank shall send the documents and/or information to the address, which that person has provided to the Bank. If the persons do not agree or do no longer agree on this, the Bank may make the choice itself to which address of these persons it will send the documents and/or information.
Dutch language The communication between the Bank and the Customer takes place in Dutch, unless agreed otherwise in writing. The Bank can demand that the Customer has documents, which are in a language other than Dutch, translated into Dutch or into another language that the Bank agrees to at the Customer’s costs by a person who is qualified
to translate these documents in the opinion of the Bank. A translator who is a sworn translator in the language in question is qualified in any case. 16
Use of means of communication The Customer is obliged to make safe use of Internet, fax, e-mail, post or other means of communication in the Customer’s communication with the Bank.
Information and orders 1 The Customer shall ensure that the Bank shall receive all information, which the Bank requires or which the Customer can reasonably understand that this information is necessary for the correct provision of services by the Bank. The Customer shall ensure that statements, such as orders and notifications to the Bank or to a third party appointed by the Bank are clear and comprehensive and contain the correct information. The Customer complies with the instructions and regulations issued by the Bank. 2 The Customer makes use of data carriers or means of communication approved or specified by the Bank for its communication with the Bank or with a third party designated by the bank. The Customer makes use of this taking into consideration the Bank’s instructions and regulations. 3 The Bank may postpone the execution or refuse to execute orders if these have not been submitted correctly. In special circumstances, the Bank may refuse to execute orders given by or on behalf of the Customer or the Bank may refuse to provide the requested service.
Evidential force of the Bank’s records and record keeping period An abstract from the Bank’s records serves as prima facie evidence vis-à-vis the Customer, subject to rebuttal evidence produced by the Customer. The Bank is not required to keep its records for a period longer than the statutory record keeping period.
Checking the information provided by the Bank and orders executed by the Bank 1 The Customer must check the confirmations, bank statements, invoices, other specifications or other information that the Bank sends to the Customer or makes available to the Customer as soon as possible after receiving this. If the Bank makes such communications available to the Customer electronically, the Customer must check the information as soon as possible after this has been made available to the Customer. The date of dispatch or the date of making the information available is the date of dispatch or the date of making the information available as is apparent from copies, distribution lists or otherwise from the Bank’s records. The Customer must check as soon as possible whether the bank has executed orders given by the Customer or on behalf of the Customer correctly and completely. If the Customer does not receive a notification from the Bank, whereas the Customer knows or should know that he could expect a notification from the Bank, the Customer must inform the Bank of this as soon as possible in writing. 2 If the Customer notices a mistake or an omission, he must inform the Bank as soon as possible and take all reasonable measures to prevent (further) damage. If the Bank detects that it has made a mistake or an error, the Bank shall remedy this as soon as possible. The Bank informs the Customer about the detected mistake or error as soon as possible. 3 The Bank is authorised to remedy a mistake or error without the Customer’s consent and to reverse an incorrect entry. The Bank is authorised to reverse the crediting of an account of the Customer as a result of an order given by an unauthorised person or a person without legal capability to act. 4 If the Customer requests a copy of information that has already been provided to him by the Bank, the Bank shall provide this to the Customer within a reasonable period and the Bank shall receive a reimbursement for the reasonable costs incurred by the Bank, unless the Bank no longer has this information or the request is unreasonable.
Approval of bank documents If the Customer has not contested the contents of confirmations, statements of accounts, invoices, other specifications or other information sent or made available to the Customer by the Bank in writing within thirteen months after such documents have been made available to the Customer by or on behalf of the Bank, the contents of such documents shall, in any case and notwithstanding the Customer’s obligation pursuant to Article 19, be deemed to have been approved by the Customer. If such documents contain any arithmetical errors, the Bank shall remedy these errors, also after the expiry of the period of thirteen months.
Obligation to retain records and confidentiality obligation 1 The Customer must store and treat with care the items made available to the Customer such as forms, data carriers, means of communication, security measures, cards, personal and access codes and passwords. The Customer must treat personal pin codes and access codes and such with due care and keep these confidential for other persons. The Customer adheres to the security regulations issued by the Bank. 2 If the Customer knows or can reasonably suspect that items that the Bank has made available to the Customer have come into unauthorised hands or that abuse is being made or can be made or that an unauthorised person knows his pin code and/or access code, he must immediately notify the Bank of this.
Commission, interest and fees 1 The Bank charges commissions, interest and fees for its services. The Bank may change the amount thereof, unless agreed otherwise in writing. If the amounts of these commissions, interest and fees have not been agreed in advance between the Customer and the Bank, the Bank shall charge its usual commissions, interest and fees. 2 When providing its services, the Bank informs the Customer to the extent reasonably possible about the amount of its charges (commissions, interest, fees). The Bank ensures that the information about these charges can easily be obtained. 3 The Bank may deduct the commissions, interest and fees owed by the Customer from an account that the Customer holds with the Bank without notifying the Customer in advance. If an unauthorised debit balance arises on the account due to the deduction, the Customer must immediately clear the debit balance without the Bank being required to give notice of default.
Conditional credit entries Each credit entry of an amount received or to be received in favour of the Customer is made subject to the proviso that the Bank actually receives this amount definitely and unconditionally. If this condition has not been satisfied, the Bank may reverse the credit entry – without prior notification – by debiting the same amount with retrospective effect. If the amount received or to be received was converted into another currency when crediting the account, the bank may make the debit entry in the other currency at an exchange rate at the time of execution. Costs in connection with the reversal are for the Customer’s account.
Lien 1 As a result of these General Banking Conditions becoming applicable, the Customer: a undertakes to pledge the following goods including the related ancillary rights to the Bank as security for all that which the Customer may owe or come to owe the Bank at any given moment: i all (cash) receivables that the Bank owes to the Customer on any account whatsoever; ii all goods, documents of title, securities and other financial instruments that the Bank or a third party on behalf of the Bank, on any account whatsoever, holds or obtains of or for the Customer; iii all securities in collective depositories that the Bank holds in custody or acquires; iv all goods that (shall) take the place of the goods under i, ii, or iii;
b insofar as legally possible, the Customer pledges the goods referred to in sub a to the Bank; c grants the Bank an irrevocable authorisation, with the right of substitution, to pledge these goods to itself in the name of the Customer, if necessary repetitively, and to do everything that serves the pledge. 2 The Customer guarantees that he is authorised to make the pledge and that the goods in question are or will be free of rights and claims of other parties than the bank. 3 The Bank shall release the pledged goods, if the Customer wishes to have these goods in his possession, if the value of the then remaining pledged goods provides sufficient cover for all that the Customer, on any account whatsoever, owes or may come to owe to the Bank. The Bank may only seize and execute the pledged goods if the Customer’s debt to the Bank has become due and payable and the Customer is in default. The Bank shall not seize and execute more of the pledged goods than necessary for the payment of the debt that the Customer owes to the Bank. After the Bank has exercised its seize and execution right, it shall notify the Customer of this in writing as soon as possible. 25
Right of set-off The Bank shall at all times be entitled to set off all and any debts receivable by the Bank from the Customer, whether or not due and payable and whether or not contingent, against any debts owed by the Bank to the Customer, whether due and payable or not, regardless of the currency in which such debts are denominated. If, however the Customer’s debt to the Bank or the Bank’s debt to the Customer is not yet due and payable - and provided that the Customer’s debt and the Bank’s debt are expressed in the same currency - the Bank shall not exercise its right of set-off except in the event of an attachment being levied upon the Bank’s debt to the Customer or recovery being sought from such debt in any other way, or in the event that a restricted right is created thereon or the Customer assigns the Bank’s debt to a third party by singular title, or the Customer is declared bankrupt, or has entered into a moratorium of payments or another insolvency regulation or statutory debt repayment arrangement applies to the Customer. Debts expressed in a foreign currency shall be set off at the exchange rate on the day of set-off. If possible, the Bank shall inform the Customer in advance that it intends to exercise its right of set-off.
Collateral 1 As a result of the General Banking Conditions becoming applicable, the Customer has undertaken vis-à-vis the Bank to provide (additional) collateral for all existing and future amounts that the Customer owes to the Bank, on any account whatsoever, at the first request of the Bank and to the Bank’s satisfaction. This collateral must be such, and if necessary must be replaced and/ or supplement by the Customer to the Bank’s satisfaction, that the Bank, taking into account the Customer’s risk profile, the cover value of the security and any other factors relevant to the Bank, continually has sufficient collateral. At the Customer’s request, the Bank shall inform the Customer of the reason of the demand for collateral, or the replacement or supplement thereof. The amount of the required collateral must reasonably be in proportion to the Customer’s obligations. 2 Pledge and mortgage rights of the Bank also serve, in the event that another banking institution, as its legal successor under general title, continues the banking relationship with the Customer, partially or in full, in favour of the other banking institution as if this was the Bank itself. 3 The Bank can terminate its pledge or mortgage rights at any moment, partially or fully by giving notice of termination. 4 Establishing a (new) security right in favour of the Bank does not serve to replace or release (existing) security rights. 5 If the General Banking Conditions are used vis-à-vis the Customer to amend, supplement and/or replace previous General (Banking) Conditions, all by virtue of earlier general (banking) conditions existing collateral, security rights and set-off rights remain in full force in addition to the rights and powers by virtue of these General Banking Conditions.
Immediately due and payable If the Customer is in default with regard to the fulfilment of any obligation to the Bank, the Bank may make the amount due by the Customer immediately due and payable by giving notice, unless this is not justified in view of the minor importance of the default. Such a notice of termination must be made in writing and state the grounds for termination.
Special costs 1 If the Bank becomes involved in a seizure, dispute or proceedings between the Customer and a third party, then the Customer shall fully reimburse the costs incurred by the Bank resulting there from (for example the costs of legal assistance). 2 All other special costs incurred by the Bank following from the relationship with the Customer are for the Customer’s account insofar as this is reasonable.
Taxation and levies All taxation, levies and such – under whatever name and levied by whomever - that concern the relationship between the Customer and the Bank are for the account of the Customer, unless agreed in writing otherwise or a provision of imperative law specifies differently.
The form of notifications Notifications to the Bank must be made in writing, unless a different manner of communication has explicitly been agreed with the Bank.
Incidents and disasters If (in the execution of) an agreement between the Bank and the Customer an incident or disaster threatens to occur, occurs or has occurred, the Customer must, at the Bank’s request, do or refrain from doing everything what the Bank reasonably considers necessary in connection therewith.
Partial nullity or annulability Should a provision in these General Banking Conditions be invalid or annullable, then this does not imply that another provision of these Conditions is (partially) invalid or annullable. If a provision in these General Banking Conditions should be invalid or annullable, it will be replaced by a valid provision that is as close as possible to the import of the invalid or annullable provision.
Applicable law The relations between the Customer and the Bank shall be governed by the laws of the Netherlands, unless imperative law prescribes otherwise.
Complaints and disputes 1 If the Customer is not satisfied with the services provided by the Bank, the Customer must first turn to the Bank taking into account the Bank’s procedure for this. 2 Disputes between the Customer and Bank shall only be brought before the competent Netherlands Court, except in the case of imperative law and the following: a The Customer can also submit a dispute to the authorised dispute and complaint committees. b The Bank can also submit a dispute to the foreign court that is competent for the Customer.
Termination of the relationship Both the Customer and the Bank may terminate the relationship between the Customer and the Bank in writing completely or partially. If the relationship is terminated by the Bank, the Bank shall, upon request, inform the Customer of the reason for such termination. After notice of termination of the relationship has been given, the existing individual agreements between the Customer and Bank shall be settled as soon as possible taking into account the applicable time periods. During the settlement, these General Banking Conditions and the specific conditions that apply to the individual agreements remain applicable.
Transfer of contracts As a result of these General Banking Conditions becoming applicable, the Customer has, in the event of a (partial) transfer of the business operations of the bank, agreed to cooperate in advance that the Customer’s legal relationship with bank in connection with the (partial) transfer shall (partially) be transferred to a third party.
Amendment of and additions to the General Banking Conditions Amendments of and additions to these General Banking Conditions shall not take effect until after the representative Dutch consumers’ and employers’ organisations have been consulted about such amendments and additions and also about the manner in which the Customer shall be informed of the amendments and additions. The amendments and additions shall be filed at the Registrar’s Office of the District Court of Amsterdam. These amendments and additions will not take effect until sixty days after the date of filing. A copy of these General Banking Conditions has been filed by the Netherlands Bankers’ Association at the Registrar’s office of the District Court of Amsterdam under number 61/2009 on 27 July 2009.
General Banking Conditions sep-09
Addresses and business hours of Rabobank Eindhoven-Veldhoven
Branch Witte Dame (Emmasingel 4), Eindhoven Monday: Tuesday till Thursday: Friday: Saturday
12.00 – 17.00 hrs 09.30 – 17.00 hrs 09.30 – 18.00 hrs 10.00 – 13.00 hrs
Branch Winkelcentrum Woensel 400, Eindhoven Monday: Tuesday till Thursday: Friday: Saturday
12.00 – 17.00 hrs 09.30 – 17.00 hrs 09.30 – 18.00 hrs 10.00 – 13.00 hrs
Branch Franz Leharplein 20, Eindhoven Monday: Tuesday till Thursday: Friday:
12.00 – 17.00 hrs 09.30 – 17.00 hrs 09.30 – 18.00 hrs
Branch Jeroen Boschlaan 2, Eindhoven Monday: Tuesday till Thursday: Friday:
12.00 – 17.00 hrs 09.30 – 17.00 hrs 09.30 – 18.00 hrs
Branch De Meent 2, Veldhoven Monday: Tuesday till Thursday: Friday: Saturday:
12.00 – 17.00 hrs 09.30 – 17.00 hrs 09.30 – 18.00 hrs 10.00 – 13.00 hrs
Branch De Schimmerik 11, Veldhoven Monday: Tuesday till Thursday: Friday:
12.00 – 17.00 hrs 09.30 – 17.00 hrs 09.30 – 18.00 hrs
General information Phone-number: Website:
(040) 293 60 00 www.rabobank.nl/eindhoven-veldhoven
Our branches Franz Leharplein and Jeroen Boschlaan are closed from 1 July up to and including 9 August 2013.