Workshop Report CBTS044/2011-2012-Q4 RECOFTC-YAKOBI
Oktober 2012
Workshop on the perspective of Holy Quran, Prophetic Hadiths, and the Classical Scholars Texts of Islam regarding Climate Change and REDD+
Yayasan Komunitas Belajar Indonesia Dr.Sutomo Number 9.Tanjung Redeb, Berau, East Kalimantan Province
[email protected] Partnership between RECOFTC and YAKOBI
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 2
Objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Composition of Participants .............................................................................................................. 4
Methods Adopted for Training.......................................................................................................... 4
Course materials .................................................................................................................................... 5
Course content ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Key Outputs and Findings ................................................................................................................... 6
Major gaps or issues identified ......................................................................................................... 6
Outreach and Communication Strategy ......................................................................................... 7
Annex .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Partnership between RECOFTC and YAKOBI
1. Introduction The Enviromental crisis occurring recently causes the climate changes globally and
affects to all mankinds. If the mankinds in the Earth do not prevent
contemporaneously, the earth will become an unsafe place due to various disasters that will hit more often, such as floods, landslides, storms, animal extinction, various diseases, increase of temperature and etc.
Various efforts in global level have been done to reduce climate change impacts. At the local level, Berau district, one of four districts in Indonesia, has become the area
of Demonstrative Activities for Reducing Emission from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) by the Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia since January 2010 with the intervention of enviromental management improvement program,
emendation plan for district spatial program and society program. This initiative act
is done in a collaborative way among Berau government, East Kalimantan Provincial Government, Vice of the central government (Ministry of Forestry,
Bappenas-National Planning Agency), Ministry of Home Affair, Ministry of Enviroment and The Nature Conservancy(TNC).
The Initiative of REDD Program in Berau known as Berau Forest Carbon Program
(BFCP) is a series of interconected activities to reduce deforestation and forest degradation impacts which can affect on the increase of green houses gas emissions,
damage fragile biodiversity, ecosystem services dan other important cultural sources and livelihoods. This initiative needs awareness and participation of the whole societies. The roles of Ulama (Muslim scholars) and pondok pesantren
(Islamic Boarding School (pesantren) are very important in community as Islam/Muslim is a majority religion in Berau.
The Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) Community is the frontest section in giving contribution to socialize the important of nature conservation. Islam as a
peace religion to the natural world has its own policy and wisdom extracted from
Al-Qur’an, and As-Sunnah. On the basis of these, therefore the traditional priests had ever formulated some classical holy books as guidance in conserving nature.
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Islamic Boarding School has a potency as an institution to transferring knowledge,
changing attitude and behaviour to be friendlier to environment. It also plays an important role in community as a media to make significant changes in lifestyle, to be more environmental friendly.
Religious leaders, priest, and leaders of Islamic Boarding School (pesantren)
together with civil society organizations have strategic role to educate and build
awareness among the communities. They can contribute by disseminating
information through perspective of Al-Qur’an, Al Hadist and the Book of Salaf in
terms of climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Religious Leaders and leader of Islamic Boarding School might become the key sources of information and guidance of lives needed by community. In general, they can give examples actively to explain about the vision of Islam in life by various ways such as lectures, sermons and public consultations.
To formulate the guidances and religious wisdom, it is needed time to talk over and
find out the view of Islam from its sourses. Therefore it is important to unite the
priests in a forum or council. Besides that, this forum or council may become a place
to discuss and share knowledge and experiences among priests, environmental activists and ecologists in Berau distric. 2. Objectives •
Discussing and formulating conservation in terms of the sustainable preservation and utilization of natural resources.
• Giving updates of dynamics challenge on enviromantal management and most recent climate change from local level to global level.
• Formulating the wisdom from Al – Qur’an , Al- Hadist and Book Of Salaf regarding the efforts on enviromental protection, reparation and climate change mitigation.
• Disseminating the workshop’s results as one of practical guidance on daily life of
Muslim started from Islamic Boarding School (pesantren), Religious Leaders and Priests to the public and students of Islamic Boarding School (pesantren).
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3. Composition of Participants Selection of participants is based on the reference and the recomendation Nahdlatul
Ulama (NU) of Berau district regarding the members of NU and its Priests network starting from the upper stream of Kelay and Segah , urban city and coastal area of
Berau district. The criteria of participants is considered from their potential and
active participation in organization and social interaction in the community.
About 20 participants participated in this training. They are Ustad dan religious Leaders, called Ustad and Ustadah, the Heads of Islamic Boarding School (pesantren), and some community leaders in Berau.
The three day workshop became the beginning efforts to inform the public related to how Islam view on climate change mitigation and adaptation based on Al-
Qur’an, Al-Hadist and The Book of Salaf. •
The participants hoped that this workshop would be conducted regularly.
The ustads have very important roles to disseminate information, especially the
Heads of Islamic Boarding School (pesantren) who have studenst in their schools.
4. Methods Adopted for Training
The participants got the materials about the progress of global issues related to
climate change, forest and its function, people roles in overcoming the climate
change and supporting to Berau Forest Carbon Program in Berau.
In the first session, the participants got the explanation regarding the decsription of
Government policy and enviromental management program in Berau district from BLH (Environmental Institution) and global issue development of climate change
along forest and its function by The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The second material was peresented by using presentation slide and discussion.
At the second and third day of workshop, the participants divided in 3 groups of
focus group discussion (FGD), namely group of Al-Qur’an, group of Al-Hadist and group of The Book Salaf. Each group found out about wisdom from Al Quran, Al-
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Hadist and Salaf’s books. At the end of the session, each group presented their results.
5. Course materials Materials used in the training to explain climate change and REDD + were simulation videos/films showed climate change impacts on some parts of the world
presented by TNC. BLH used Statistical data showed in the presentation slides to
explain the environmental program management in Berau district. Besides that each group used some additional references such as Tafseer, Fiqh and qomus, brought by participants.
6. Course content
The three days workshop focused on formulating the wisdom guidance from Al-
Qur’an, Al-Hadist and The Book Salaf regarding protection, enviromental
improvement and climate change mitigation.
Understanding the climate change issues: Forest and its functions 1. The role of forest and climate change
Through the explanation of forest and its function the function scientifically, the
participants then began to mention the roles and functions of forests based on
their own experiences. They also gave examples of how the forest give benefit to
their community such as clean water sources, especially in the coastal region.
Clean water resource is always found in the region where the forests are still exist and managed well. With the climate change issues, the participants were hoped to begin sharing information, educating and encouraging people to work together to keep the existence of the forest. Some coastal areas are potentially developed as natural tourism destination by local government.
2. PKHB/BFCP (Berau Forest Carbon Program)
The explanation about BFCP became a concern for participants. Most of the
religious leaders and the leader of Islamic Boarding School (pesantren) did not know this program. Some participants noted that this program should run well
because it has a legal framework scheme. Furthermore, they also suggested that it was necessary to involve local government and parliament members in the
Partnership between RECOFTC and YAKOBI
similar workshop.
3. Dokumen rekomendasi
Results of discussion from perspective Quran Al-Qur’an, Al-Hadist and Salaf Book
on climate change can be arranged into a document containing the results of the
studies, lecture materials, sermons, and lessons.
7. Key Outputs and Findings.
This meeting is a means for boarding scholars/Ustad or Ustadah and experts to
discuss and formulate the conservation schemes based on the preservation and utilization of natural resources in sustainable development.
This meeting was expected to produce a formulation of environmental Fiqh excavated from the Quran, as sunnah (Prophet’s sunnah) and Salaf books. The
result of this formulation is estimated to be a practical guidance in daily life of Muslims starting from the Islamic Boarding School (pesantren) in Berau.
Islamic Boarding Schools (pesantren) with their human resourse potencies (students of Islamic Boarding School (pesantren) could play an important role between people and Ustads) and their system. They can be a solution for muslim
communities in all strata of life. Then, finally they can give solution and raise the awareness about the important to conserve and maintain the nature for all communities in Berau District.
Basically participants enjoyed this workshop. This workshop was the first
workshop held in East Kalimantan regarding climate change on the perspective of holy qur’an, hadiths and classical books involving religious leaders. 8. Major gaps or issues identified In the workhop meeting, Religious Leader, Ustads of Islamic Boarding School were
divided into discussion groups. Each group focused on skills and expertise of each
leader (Ustad) of Islamic Boarding School (pesantern). However, participants of
groups found several challenges because some of them did not have sufficient ability to interpreting the holy books related to the topic discussed. Therefore, discussion
run slowly and fairly dominated by some participants. Besides that, the duration of
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workshop was very short so participants had a limited time to discuss more about
the widsom in Al-Qur’an, Al-hadist, and book of salaf related to climate change mitigation and adaptation in Islamic view. Therefore, participants suggested that the
duration of workshop extended to have more time to formulate and complete the
documents. Moreover, the group discussion would be more effective if they had
much time to discuss to have similar perception and deep understanding about the context.
9. Outreach and Communication Strategy YAKOBI and participants of workshop agreed to work closely after the workshop to evaluate how the workshop result implemented in society. Yakobi would visit
participants to discuss the result and the challenge faced during the dissemination information to communities.
Besides that, it was planned that each participant wrote regularly related to the topic they used in their Friday sermons. This writings would be complied as a
weekly/monthly bulletin that might be distribute locally to people in berau as a reading material.
To disseminate information related to the workshop results in a large range of
community, the committee and participants would make a compilation book “the
wisdom of Al-Qur’an, Hadist, salaf books in terms of environmental issues and conservancy, along with the example of the environmental cases occured in Berau district. This book would be used as a recommendation view of Islamic leaders to
the government of Berau related to environmental issues.
Partnership between RECOFTC and YAKOBI
Annex 1. Training Schedule Hari 1
08:00 - 09:00
Registrasi Peserta Opening : Greeting
Tujuan yang ingin dicapai • Explanation of the workshop aim ( YAKOBI ) • Sermon and Opening Pray (KH. Burhanuddin Harahap)
09:00 -10:00
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 -12:00 12:00 - 13:30
Materi I : Policy and course of program of environmental management in Berau district Coffe Break
Policy and course of program of environmental management in Berau district BLH Kab. Berau Coffee Break Materi II: Development of climate change global issue
13.30 -14.30
Biodiversity, forest, its function, role of foreset and condition of forest
Wahyudi Wardoyo (Senior Advisor, TNC) Materi III: Program Karbon Hutan Berau (PKHB): Kontribusi
Partnership between RECOFTC and YAKOBI
Greeting of Head Regency of Berau (Drs. H. Makmur HAPK.MM)
The environmental problem that is faced by Berau Local govenrment program against environmental problem in Berau The efforts to create a welfare community of Berau
Envirnmental Institution (BLH) of Berau District
• •
• •
• • •
The environmental problem that is faced by Berau Local govenrment program against environmental problem in Berau The efforts to create a welfare community of Berau
Explaining signs and impact of climate change Identifying the causes of climate change and impact of glass greenhouse Understanding future projection against climate change Knowledge related to biodiversity of tropical forest and ocean Mentioning important roles of forest in global carbon cyclus
• Deforestation and Degradation Definition and •
its differences along factors of the causes
Decribing how forest can be a role in mitigation of climate change
Berau untuk Dunia
M. Fajri (Sekretariat Pokja REDD Berau)
15:00 - 15:30
Understanding common description and the main goal of PKHBas one of initiatif which was developed by Berau in as a role to overcome global climate change • Explaining a role and posisiton of community in program • Showing development of PKHB to 2012. • Explaining challengeof PKHB and the next agenda.
Coffee Break for Ashar prayer.
15:30 - 17:00
Summary of discussion result and dividing discussion group (Niel Makinuddin/Fasilitator ) Agenda
08:00 - 08:30
Overview proses hari pertama.
• Brushing up the first day
Hari 2
08:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:30
13:00 – 15:00
15:00 – 15:30
15:30 - 17:00
• • •
Discussion group of Al-Qur’an Discussion group of Hadist Discussion group of Salaf books.
Formulation of discussion group • How Islam answers/speaks about environment and conservancy Division of discussion group: (common consep/philosophy) 1. Discussion group of Al• Which Verses discuss about aspect of Qur’an 2. Discussion group of Hadist environment and conservancy. 3. Discussion group of Salaf • There are model stories related to books. directly or indirectly against environment and conservancy issues. (Model/practice) Coffee Break/Sholat Jum’at
Formulation of discussion group • How Islam answers/speaks about Continuing discussion on the environment and conservancy first day : (common consep/philosophy) 1. Discussion group of Al• Which Verses discuss about aspect of Qur’an environment and conservancy. 2. Discussion group of Hadist • There are model stories related to 3. Discussion group of Salaf books. directly or indirectly against environment and conservancy issues. (Model/practice) Coffe Break Report of Development representation)
Discussion (group
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Hari 3
08:30 - 12:00
Formulation of discussion group • How Islam answers/speaks about Continuing discussion on the environment and conservancy first day : (common consep/philosophy) 1. Discussion group of Al• Which Verses discuss about aspect of Qur’an environment and conservancy. 2. Discussion group of Hadist • There are model stories related to 3. Discussion group of Salaf books. directly or indirectly against environment and conservancy issues. (Model/practice)
08:00 - 08:30
12:00 – 13:00
Review on second day
Coffe break
13:00 - 15:00
Final arrangement
15:00 - 15:30
Coffe Break
• Brushing up the second day
Discusion of participant group is a material draft based on group, result of Al-Qur’an, Hadist and salaf books groups.
15:30 -17:00
Follow up
• • • •
17:00 - 17:30
Training of conservay illumination for students of Islamic Boarding School (pesantren) Disemination of conservancy material and environmental for sermon, speech. Contest of care Islamic Boarding School against consrvancy and environmental Contest of religiousspeech about conservancyand environmental Material of sermon related to environmental issue. Communicating reoutinely with Ustads(Religious Leader) Curriculum material and muatan lokal (MULOK) about perspective of Islam from result of workshop for 3 days against private schools, Islamic Boarding School (pesantren), etc.
Closing (Impresion & order are given to participant representation)
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2. List and Profile of the Participants
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Biodata Peserta
Nama Lengkap
: Zulfikri S. Ag
Utusan/Wakil dari
: DDI Biduk-Biduk
Tempat, tanggal lahir Alamat Kantor/Pesantren Telepon
Alamat Rumah Telepon
Nama Lengkap
: Biduk-Biduk, 18 Juni 1967 : Jl. Majahabah RT. 04 :
: Jl. Belimbing RT. 02 :
: 081253385126 :
: Yusnan NR.
Tempat, tanggal lahir
: Tabalong, 20 Mei 1968
Alamat Kantor/Pesantren
: Jl. Raja Alam I RT. 02 Sambaliung
Utusan/Wakil dari Telepon
Alamat Rumah Telepon
: Tokoh Masyarakat Kec. Sambaliung :
: Jl. Raja Alam I RT. 02 Sambaliung :
: 085246950030 :
Nama Lengkap
: Ahmad Suradi
Utusan/Wakil dari
: Ponpes Al-Ihsan
Tempat, tanggal lahir Alamat Kantor/Pesantren Telepon
Alamat Rumah
: 17 Oktober 1960 : Jl. P. Hidayatullah : :
Partnership between RECOFTC and YAKOBI 17
: 081364381518
Nama Lengkap
: Patta Sempo S.Pd.I
Utusan/Wakil dari
: Ponpes Al-Ikhlas
Tempat, tanggal lahir Alamat Kantor/Pesantren
: Pokanga, 09 Juni 1974
: Manunggal Jaya Biatan
Alamat Rumah
: Kampung Biatan Baru
: 081355541326
Nama Lengkap
: Wahidin, S.HI
Utusan/Wakil dari
: Tokoh Masyarakat Kec. Tabalar
Tempat, tanggal lahir Alamat Kantor/Pesantren Alamat Rumah
Nama Lengkap
: Jl. Ruaban RT. 04 No. 33 Tubaan : Jl. Ruaban RT. 04 No. 33 Tubaan
Telepon E-mail
: Indramayu, 08 Mei 1977
: 081347170551/082151402140 :
Tempat, tanggal lahir
: Jamhari S.Pd
: Bondowoso, 13 Juni 1980
Partnership between RECOFTC and YAKOBI 18
Utusan/Wakil dari
: MNC NU Kec. Talisayan
: 081336588800
Alamat Kantor/Pesantren
:Jl. Soekarno Hatta RT. 05 Kec. Talisayan
Alamat Rumah
:Jl. Soekarno Hatta RT. 12 Kec. Talisayan
Nama Lengkap
: Nani Sugiarti, SE.
Utusan/Wakil dari
: PC. NU
Tempat, tanggal lahir Alamat Kantor/Pesantren Alamat Rumah Telepon
Handphone E-mail
: 085336313000
: Surabaya, 05 Juni 1969
: Jl. Soetomo : Jl. Pulau Semama : 081252408734 : :
Nama Lengkap
: Mohammad Arif
Utusan/Wakil dari
: Ponpes Al-Kholil
Tempat, tanggal lahir Alamat Kantor/Pesantren Alamat Rumah Telepon
: Sumenep, 23 Mei
: Jl. Raya bangun Sambaliung : Jl. Raya bangun Sambaliung : 085246509704
Partnership between RECOFTC and YAKOBI 19
Nama Lengkap
Tempat, tanggal lahir
: Burhan Hamid
: Jombang, 13 Mei 1977
Utusan/Wakil dari
: Ponpes Al-Adnan
: 05542720414
Alamat Kantor/Pesantren
Alamat Rumah Handphone
: Jl. Sirsak RT. 03 Labanan Makmur
: Jl. Sirsak RT. 03 Labanan Makmur : 081254823577
Nama Lengkap
: H. Maksum Abdullah
Utusan/Wakil dari
: Ponpes Nurul Muhajir
Tempat, tanggal lahir
: 1943
Alamat Kantor/Pesantren
Alamat Rumah
: Jl. Diponegoro Labanan Makarti
Telepon Telepon E-mail
: 085820886811 : :
Nama Lengkap
: Muhammad Fajri
Utusan/Wakil dari
: Sekretariat POKJA REDD Berau
: 081520450271
Tempat, tanggal lahir Alamat Kantor/Pesantren
: Berau, 24 Desember 1977
: Jl. Anggur 265 Tanjnung Redeb
Partnership between RECOFTC and YAKOBI 20
Alamat Rumah
: Jl. Pemuda
: 081520450271
[email protected]
Nama Lengkap
: Suhari Mustaji
Utusan/Wakil dari
: Ponpes Al-Kholil
: 085246509704
Tempat, tanggal lahir Alamat Kantor/Pesantren
: Pamekasan, 19 Januari 1969
: Jl. Raya Bangun RT. 01 Sambaliung
Alamat Rumah
: RT. 01 Sambaliung
Telepon E-mail
: :
Nama Lengkap
: Saifun Nashor
Utusan/Wakil dari
: Labanan Jaya
Tempat, tanggal lahir Alamat Kantor/Pesantren Alamat Rumah Telepon
: Malang, 16 Desember 1975
: Jl. Cempaka II Tanjung Redeb : Labanan Jaya :
: 085652203074
[email protected]
Partnership between RECOFTC and YAKOBI 21
Nama Lengkap
: Zainul Fuad
Utusan/Wakil dari
: Kec. Kelay
Tempat, tanggal lahir
: Lumajang, 27 Mei 1975
Alamat Kantor/Pesantren
Alamat Rumah
: Jl. Poros Berau-SMD KM 103 Kec. Kelay
: 081253144413
[email protected]
Nama Lengkap
: Muhammad Arsyad S.
Utusan/Wakil dari
: Tanjung Redeb
: 085347018639
Tempat, tanggal lahir Alamat Kantor/Pesantren
: Tanjung Redeb, 13 Oktober 1979
Alamat Rumah
: Gunung Panjang
Telepon E-mail
: :
Nama Lengkap
: Ase Asape, S.Pd.I
Utusan/Wakil dari
: Kec. Segah
Tempat, tanggal lahir Alamat Kantor/Pesantren Alamat Rumah
: Soppeng, 11 Januari 1964
: Jl. Dermaga Kec. Segah : RT. 04 Kampung Gunung Sari
Partnership between RECOFTC and YAKOBI 22
[email protected]
: 0813476864
Nama Lengkap
: Rahman Duka, S. Ag. M.Pd.
Utusan/Wakil dari
Tempat, tanggal lahir Alamat Kantor/Pesantren
Alamat Rumah Handphone
: Abbanuange, 31 Desember 1973
: Jl. Dr. Soetomo No. 09 Tanjung Redeb
: Jl. Dr. Soetomo No. 09 Tanjung Redeb : 081346250708
[email protected]
Nama Lengkap
: KH. Burhanuddin Harahap
Utusan/Wakil dari
Tempat, tanggal lahir Alamat Kantor/Pesantren : Alamat Rumah Handphone
: Trenggalek, 12 September 1957
: Jl. Pemuda RT. 18 Tanjung Redeb : 081346524355 :
Partnership between RECOFTC and YAKOBI 23
List of Resource Person No Name
Niel Makinnudin
The Nature Conservancy
Muhammad Fajri
Pokja REDD
2. 4.
Gilang Ramadhan
BLH Kabupaten Berau YAKOBI
Partnership between RECOFTC and YAKOBI 24