inspired Together we grow
Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan A member of HLB International
Vol. 14 September 2016
Table of contents 1
PSAK 70: Accounting for Tax Amnesty Assets and Liabilities
Key Contacts
Foreword Welcome to the fourteenth issue of Inspired! For this edition, we would like to inform about Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (“Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan” or “PSAK”) 70: Accounting for Tax Amnesty Assets and Liabilities. This standard provides guidelines on the accounting treatment of tax amnesty assets and liabilities in accordance with the Tax Amnesty Law. PSAK 70 is officially approved by the Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan – Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (DSAK-IAI) on September 14, 2016. We have received various inputs/comments from our readers on the prior issues. This creates a room for discussion on practical and relevant issues to our clients. Since we want the journal to be as relevant as possible to your business’ needs, we look forward to hearing your inputs on each issue. If you wish us to write an article on topics relevant to your business needs, please e-mail us. Contact details are furnished at the last part of this journal.
Adi Wirawan Senior Partner September 2016
“Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan (Hadori) is a registered public accounting and business advisers firm, established in 1973, with offices located in Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta and Semarang, and comprises of 13 partners and more than 225 professionals. Hadori is a member of HLB International.”
PSAK 70: ACCOUNTING FOR TAX AMNESTY ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Sehubungan dengan diberlakukannya pengampunan pajak yang tertuang dalam Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 2016 mengenai Pengampunan Pajak, maka Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan – Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (DSAK-IAI) menerbitkan PSAK 70 mengenai Akuntansi Aset dan Liabilitas Pengampunan Pajak. PSAK ini bertujuan untuk mengatur perlakuan akutansi atas aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak sesuai dengan UndangUndang Pengampunan Pajak. PSAK 70 resmi disahkan oleh DSAK IAI pada tanggal 14 September 2016 dan berlaku efektif sejak tanggal pengesahan Undang-Undang Pengampunan Pajak.
In connection with the enactment of the tax amnesty in Law No. 11 Year 2016 regarding the tax amnesty, the Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan – Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (DSAK-IAI) issued PSAK 70 relating to Accounting for Tax Amnesty Assets and Liabilities. This standard establishes the accounting treatment of assets and liabilities for tax amnesty in accordance with the Tax Amnesty Law. PSAK 70 was officially approved by DSAK IAI on September 14, 2016 and effective since the ratification date of Tax Amnesty Law.
PSAK 70 juga dapat diterapkan oleh Entitas tanpa Akuntabilitas Publik Signifikan sesuai dengan definisi dalam Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Tanpa Akuntabilitas Publik (SAK ETAP), jika entitas tersebut mengakui aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak dalam laporan keuangannya.
PSAK 70 also can be applied by the entity without significant public accountability as defined in the Financial Accounting Standard of Entities Without Public Accountability (FAS EWPA), if it recognizes tax amnesty assets and liabilities in its financial statements.
PSAK 70 memberikan dua opsi untuk perlakuan aset dan liabilitas dari hasil pengampunan pajak antara lain:
PSAK 70 provides two options for the treatment of assets and liabilities as a result of the tax amnesty, amongst others:
1. Mengikuti standar akuntansi yang berlaku, yakni mengakui aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada. Jika Entitas mengikuti standar akuntansi yang berlaku maka standar akuntansi yang digunakan adalah PSAK 25: Kebijakan Akuntansi, Perubahan Estimasi Akuntansi dan Kesalahan. Oleh karena itu, perlakuan akuntansi atas aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak tersebut dianggap sebagai koreksi kesalahan sehingga akan dilakukan koreksi atas saldo laba.
1. Follow the applicable accounting standards, which recognize the assets and liabilities as a result of the tax amnesty in accordance with the existing standards. If the Entity follows the acceptable accounting standards, the accounting standard to be used is PSAK 25: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. Therefore, the accounting treatment for tax amnesty assets and liabilities is considered as a correction of error, as such, corrections should be made on the retained earnings.
2. Mengikuti ketentuan khusus dalam PSAK 70, yakni mengakui aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak sebesar jumlah aset yang dilaporkan dalam Surat Keterangan Pengampunan Pajak. Kemudian selisih antara keduanya diakui sebagai tambahan modal disetor pada bagian ekuitas.
2. Following a specific provision under PSAK 70, which recognizes the tax amnesty assets and liabilities based on the total assets reported in the Tax Amnesty Approval Letter. Then, the difference between the assets and liabilities of tax amnesty is recognized as additional paid in capital in the equity section.
Perlakuan akuntansi mengenai aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak yang dipilih harus diterapkan secara konsisten.
The accounting treatment of tax amnesty assets and liabilities should be applied consistently.
Pengukuran setelah pengakuan awal aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak mengacu pada Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) yang relevan berdasarkan nature transaksi dari aset dan liabilitas tersebut.
Subsequent measurement of the tax amnesty assets and liabilities is referred to the relevant ‘Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK)’ based on the nature of transaction of the related assets and liabilities.
Entitas diperkenankan, namun tidak disyaratkan, untuk mengukur kembali aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak berdasarkan nilai wajar sesuai dengan SAK pada tanggal Surat Keterangan Pengampunan Pajak. Selisih pengukuran kembali antara nilai wajar pada tanggal Surat Keterangan dengan biaya perolehan aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak yang telah diakui sebelumnya disesuaikan dalam saldo tambahan modal disetor.
The entity is permitted, but not required, to measure the value of tax amnesty assets and liabilities at fair value in accordance with SAK as of the date of Tax Amnesty Approval Letter. The difference between the fair value measurement on the Approval Letter with the acquisition costs of assets and liabilities for tax amnesty that has been previously recognized in the adjusted balance of the additional paid-in capital.
Entitas yang telah melakukan pengampunan pajak yang memiliki pengendalian atas investasi diperkenankan untuk mengukur investasi dalam entitas anak dengan metode biaya sampai dengan laporan keuangan yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2017 dan setelahnya diharuskan mengukur kembali aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak pada tanggal Surat Keterangan dan secara bersamaan juga menerapkan prosedur konsolidasi sesuai PSAK 65: Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian, dengan periode pengukuran kembali dimulai setelah tanggal Surat Keterangan sampai 31 Desember 2017.
The Entity that submit tax amnesty that has control over the investment allowed to measure investments in subsidiaries under the cost method to the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2017 and thereafter will be required to re-measure the assets and liabilities of tax amnesty on the date of Approval Letter and simultaneously implement procedures consolidation in accordance with PSAK 65: Consolidated Financial Statements which, by measuring the period beginning after the date of the Approval Letter until December 31, 2017.
Entitas menerapkan kriteria penghentian pengakuan atas masing-masing aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam SAK untuk masing-masing jenis aset dan liabilitas tersebut.
The entity implement the criteria for derecognition of the tax amnesty assets and liabilities in accordance with the provisions of the SAK for each type of asset and the liability.
Uang tebusan adalah sejumlah uang yang dibayarkan ke kas negara untuk mendapatkan pengampunan pajak, yang dihitung dengan mengkalikan tarif pengampunan pajak dengan Harta Bersih. Harta Bersih merupakan selisih harta tambahan dengan utang yang berkaitan dengan harta tambahan.
Redemption money is the amount of money paid into the state treasury for tax amnesty, which is calculated by multiplying the rate for the tax amnesty with the Net Assets. Net Assets represents the excess of the additional assets with the debt related to the additional assets.
Uang tebusan yang dibayarkan untuk pengampunan pajak di luar lingkup PSAK 46: Pajak Penghasilan karena tidak dikenakan atas laba kena pajak sesuai dengan ketentuan PSAK 46. Perlakuan akuntansi atas uang tebusan mengacu pada PSAK 57: Provisi, Liabilitas Kontijensi dan Aset Kontijensi karena uang tebusan berasal dari pengalian suatu tarif sesuai Undang-Undang Pengampunan Pajak terhadap nilai aset bersih. Oleh karena itu, uang tebusan diakui dalam laba rugi pada periode Surat Keterangan disampaikan dan tidak disajikan dalam akun beban pajak dalam laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan komprehensif lain sebagaimana dimaksud dalam PSAK 1: Penyajian Laporan Keuangan.
Redemption money to be paid for the tax amnesty is outside the scope of PSAK 46: Income Taxes because it does not apply to taxable income in accordance with the provisions of PSAK 46. The accounting for redemption money refers to PSAK 57: Provision, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets because redemption money comes from multiplication of the Tax amnesty law rates on net asset value. Therefore, the redemption money is recognize in profit or loss on the period of Approval Letter and not presented in tax expenses in the statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income as defined in PSAK 1: Presentation of Financial Statements.
Aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak disajikan terpisah dari aset dan liabilitas lainnya dalam laporan posisi keuangan. Entitas juga tidak dapat melakukan saling hapus antara aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak.
Tax amnesty assets and liabilities are presented separately from the other assets and other liabilities in the statement of financial position. Also, the Entity should not offset the tax amnesty assets and liabilities.
Entitas mengungkapkan keuangannya sebagai berikut:
The entity shall disclose statements as follows:
1. Tanggal Surat Keterangan Pengampunan Pajak. 2. Jumlah yang diakui sebagai aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak sesuai dengan Surat Keterangan.
1. Date of Tax Amnesty Approval Letter. 2. The amounts recognized as tax amnesty assets and liabilities in accordance with the Approval Letter.
Entitas menggunakan pertimbangannya dalam mengungkapkan kebijakan dan estimasi akuntansi, serta rincian atas jumlah tercatat yang memiliki dampak signifikan terhadap laporan keuangan untuk menghasilkan informasi yang relevan dan andal.
The entity has the discretion to disclose the accounting policies and estimates, as well as details on the carrying amount that have a significant impact on the financial statements in order to produce information that is relevant and reliable.
Jika Anda memutuskan untuk mengikuti pengampunan pajak dan membutuhkan informasi mengenai perlakuan akunatnsi terkait dengan aset dan liabilitas pengampunan pajak tersebut, tim kami dapat membantu Anda untuk mengatasi permasalahan Anda.
If you decide to apply for tax amnesty and in need of information about the accounting treatment of tax amnesty assets and liabilities, our team can assist you to resolve your problems.
Key Contacts Should you need further clarification on the information included in this issue, or would require any assistance in the implementation of the new accounting standards, taxation, regulation and any other inquiries on our advisory services, kindly send us an email at
[email protected] or call us at +62-21-5761667. Adi Wirawan Senior Partner
[email protected]
Wahyu Wibowo Partner
[email protected]
Yulianti Sugiarta Partner
[email protected]
Wijanarko Partner
[email protected]
Riza Manalo Paguio Senior Technical Advisor
[email protected]
Velix Sogen Partner
[email protected]
Contributors: Sri Agustina
[email protected]
Cover Photo: Lilis Ardianti
Cover Photo Location: Losari Waterfront, Makassar
HLB International is a leading global network of independent professional accounting firms and business advisers. We are present in 130 countries worldwide, with our member firms providing a comprehensive array of audit & accounting, tax and advisory services to a broad range of clients of all industry sectors. A member of the International Federation of Accountants Forum of Firms, HLB International is committed to the highest quality standards in financial reporting and auditing practices with all our members meeting specific quality criteria both nationally and internationally. With member firms well established in their markets, HLB International offers an ideal combination of local expertise and international skills. Our member firms support you as you grow regionally by becoming and globally, ensuring the same partner-led high-quality and personalised service wherever you operate. About Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan Hadori & Rekan is a registered public accounting and business advisers firm. We have been established since 1973, with offices located in Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta and Semarang. The firm represents a group of specialist providing business advices and services to a wide range of business organizations, including private, public, stateowned enterprises and not-for-profit organizations. Since 1988, Hadori & Rekan joined HLB International, a worldwide accounting firms and business advisers. Having this membership each member firm has the right to use HLB in their name to present a blend of international and local name. It emphasizes the strength of both the international organization and the local firm whilst, at the same time, demonstrating the close bond between the two. Accordingly, the brand name Hadori & Rekan change to Hadori & Rekan (currently Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan). Such change has been approved by the Ministry of Finance. As a member of HLB International, Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan is part of a worldwide network of respected public accounting and business advisory firms in 130 countries, with 1,900 partners and 17,000 staffs in 600 offices worldwide. This publication contains general information only and is not intended to be comprehensive or to provide specific accounting, business, financial, investment, legal, tax or other professional advice or services. This publication is not a substitute for such professional advice or services, and it should not be acted on or relied upon or used as a basis for any Verdict or action that may affect you or your business. Before making any Verdict or taking any action that may affect you or your business, you should consult a qualified professional advisor. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, this cannot be guaranteed, and neither HLB International nor any related entity shall have any liability to any person or entity that relies on the information contained in this publication. Any such reliance is solely at the user’s risk. © 2016 Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan