Project 3 My projects
Project 3: Unit 1
My family Task: • Write about your family members • Find photos of your family members. • Outcome: a poster, 15 sentences (15 points) Ideas: • their names, age, work, hobbies, where they live, if they are married … Useful phrases: • I´ve got a brother / a sister… • His name is … and he is … years old… • They live in.. • Her hobbies are … • Last year they … • My grandpa died two years ago.
Project 3: Unit 1
My family Strategy: • Think about your family. What can you say about each family member in English? Write as many ideas as you can. Now write sentences. Write in English, it is easier than to translate Czech sentences. (Popřemýšlej o své rodině. Co můžeš říct v angličtině o jednotlivých rodinných příslušnících? Napiš co nejvíce nápadů. Teď napiš věty. Piš anglicky, je to jednodušší, než překládat české věty do angličtiny.)
Self-check questions: • Do sentences link? Do paragraphs link? Does your text say things about your family? • Is there noun and verb in each sentence? Is noun in front of verb in affirmative? • Do you have correct tenses in your sentences (present simple, present continuous, past simple). If you are not sure, check your student´s book. • Check you have –s in third person singular and not somewhere else. • Check you have correct form of „be“ plus –ing in present continuous. • Check you have –ed or a correct verb form of irregular verb in past simple. • Is your spelling good? If you are not sure, check the words in the dictionary.
Project 3: Unit 1
My family – – – – – – –
Navazují věty na sebe? Navazují odstavce na sebe? Splňuje text zadání? Máš v každé větě podmět a přísudek? Máš v kladné větě podmět před předmětem? Máš správné časy ve větách (přítomný prostý, přítomný průběhový, minulý prostý)? Pokud si nejsi jistý, podívej se do učebnice. Zkontroluj si, že máš v třetí osobě jednotném čísla –s, a že ho nemáš v jiných osobách. Zkontroluj, že máš správný tvar slovesa být a koncovku –ing v přítomném průběhovém. Zkontroluj, že máš koncovku –ed nebo správný tvar nepravidelného slovesa v minulém prostém. Jsou slova dobře vyhláskovaná? Pokud si nejsi u některých jistý, zkontroluj je ve slovníku.
• Now I can write about me.
Project 3: Unit 2
My life in the future Task:
• Write about your life in the future. How do you imagine it? • Draw a picture of your life in the future (your future house, your future job, ...). • Outcome: a poster, 15 sentences (18 points) Ideas:
• • • • •
where you will live what your job will be like whether you will be married, number of children, ... what you will do your future hobbies
Project 3: Unit 2
My life in the future Useful phrases: • I think I will …. • I don´t think I will … • One day I want to … • In the future … • When I am 20 (years old), …. • When I leave school, … Strategy: • Think about your life. How do you imagine your life in the future? Write as many ideas as you can. Now write sentences. Write in English, it is easier than to translate Czech sentences. (Popřemýšlej o svém životě. Jak si představuješ svůj život v budoucnosti? Napiš co nejvíce nápadů. Teď napiš věty. Piš anglicky, je to jednodušší, než překládat české věty do angličtiny.)
Project 3: Unit 2
My life in the future Self-check questions: • Do sentences link? Do paragraphs link? Does your text say things about your future? • Is there noun and verb in each sentence? Is noun in front of verb in affirmative? • Do you have correct tenses in your sentences (present simple, present continuous, past simple, will future). If you are not sure, check your student´s book. • Is your spelling good? If you are not sure, check the words in the dictionary. – – – –
Navazují věty na sebe? Navazují odstavce na sebe? Splňuje text zadání? Máš v každé větě podmět a přísudek? Máš v kladné větě podmět před předmětem? Máš správné časy ve větách (přítomný prostý, přítomný průběhový, minulý prostý, budoucnost s will)? Pokud si nejsi jistý, podívej se do učebnice. Jsou slova dobře vyhláskovaná? Pokud si nejsi u některých jistý, zkontroluj je ve slovníku.
• Now I can write about my future.
Project 3: Unit 4
We went to London – Part 1 Choose one tourist attraction in London from your teacher´s list. You will find out information about it. Go to and find out: - why it´s famous - when it was built and who built it - what you can see there - a price of tickets - find a picture / a photo of this place (go to > obrázky > vyhledávací nástroje > práva k užití > Povoleno opětovné použití s úpravami). Don´t forget to write the website where you took the picture.
make a poster
Project 3: Unit 4
We went to London – Part 2 Your teacher will give you worksheets. Follow the instructions in the worksheets and do all the exercises in your worksheets. (24 points)
Project 3: Unit 5
Questionnaire – Have you ever …? Task:
1. Prepare 10 questions. Use present perfect (Start your questions with Have you ever ... ?) 2. Do an interview with 4 schoolmates (2 from the primary and 2 from the secondary, not your classmates!), ask them your questions and write down the answers. Translate them into English. 3. Write the interviews down. Write down the name of the student you asked + which class he/she goes to (e.g. David, Class 3) 4. Write about the results. („3 people have been to Italy, but one boy hasn´t.“ „Nobody has spoken to the Czech prezident“.) 4. Draw / find some pictures. Outcome: a poster (16 points)
Project 3: Unit 5
Questionnaire – Have you ever …? Useful phrases: Have you ever …. ? All the people have (not) … Everybody has (not) … Nobody has … Two people have (not) … One boy / girl / person has (not) … Strategy: • Think about some interesting activities. What can you ask about in English? Write the questions in English, it is easier than to translate Czech sentences.
Project 3: Unit 5
Questionnaire – Have you ever …? Self-check questions: • Check you have „have / has“ plus –ed or correct form of irregular verb in present perfect • Check you have „has“ in the 3rd person singular and not somewhere else • Is your spelling good? If you are not sure, check the words in the dictionary. – – –
Zkontroluj si, že máš v předpřítomném čase have/has a koncovku –ed nebo správný tvar nepravidelného slovesa Zkontroluj si, že ve 3. osobě jednotného čísla máš „has“ a v jiných osobách „have“ Jsou slova dobře vyhláskovaná? Pokud si nejsi u některých jistý, zkontroluj je ve slovníku.
• Now I can prepare a questionnaire in present perfect.
Project 3: Unit 6
Rules of our perfect school Task: Work in groups of 5 students. Think about what students, teachers and parents should /shouldn´t / must / mustn´t do in perfect school. Write your ideas. Outcome: a poster (10 points) Useful phrases: Students should / shouldn´t / must / mustn´t … Teachers should / shouldn´t / must / mustn´t … Parents should / shouldn´t / must / mustn´t …
Project 3: Unit 6
Rules of our perfect school Self-check questions: • Check you have infinitive after should / shouldn´t / must / mustn´t. • Is your spelling good? If you are not sure, check the words in the dictionary. – –
Zkontroluj si, že po slovesech „ should / shouldn´t / must / mustn´t“ máš infinitiv. Jsou slova dobře vyhláskovaná? Pokud si nejsi u některých jistý, zkontroluj je ve slovníku.
• Now I can write about what people should do.
Project 3: Unit 6
Writing a story Task: Your teacher will give you comic picture strips (or you can find some on the internet). Write the words for the comics. Outcome: A collage of comics (12 points)
Self-check questions: • Do you have correct tenses in your sentences? If you are not sure, check in your student´s book. Do you have correct forms of the verbs? • Is your spelling good? If you are not sure, check the words in the dictionary. – –
Máš správné časy ve větách? Pokud si nejsi jistý, podívej se do učebnice. Máš správný tvar sloves? Jsou slova dobře vyhláskovaná? Pokud si nejsi u některých jistý, zkontroluj je ve slovníku.
• Now I can write comics!
References: • • • • • • •||||,_1920.gif