www.researchportal.be - 26 Nov 2015 15:21:29
Research projects (1350 - 1400 of 6686) Search filter: Classifications: SOCIAL SCIENCES (S)
De ontwikkeling van een professionaliseringstraject voor leraren lager onderwijs om onderzoeksgericht onderwijs binnen wereldoriëntatie en wiskunde toe te passen University College Ghent Abstract: In ‘inquiry-basededucation’ zijn exploratie en onderzoek, een meer zelfstandige aanpak van nieuweproblemen, creativiteit en reflectie sleutelbegrippen. Ze zijn absoluut noodzakelijk voor de wetenschappelijke en algemene ontwikkeling van kinderen en om ze aan te zetten tot wetenschappelijke en technische studies, wat noodzakelijk is om Vlaanderen te laten uitgroeien tot een toonaangevende en innovatieve regio. Bovendien stelt het verslag[2] van de Conferentie na de peiling Wereldoriëntatie domein natuur: ‘Heel wat leraren zouden ook te weinig kansen geven om te experimenteren, om vragen te leren stellen bij fenomenen, om ervaringsgericht en aanschouwelijk te leren. Leraren die dat wel doen, zouden soms te weinig aandacht schenken aan wat men noemt ‘verankeren’ van de waarneming of de ervaring.’ Het onderzoeksteam wil daarom een professionaliseringstraject ontwikkelen op maat van de leraar lager onderwijs, met specifieke aandacht voor de onderbouw, om onderzoeksgericht onderwijs (inquiry-basededucation) binnen wereldoriëntatie en wiskunde toe te passen. Het onderzoek stelt de volgende onderzoeksvraag centraal: “Aan welke karakteristieken moet een professionaliseringstraject voor de leraar lager onderwijs voldoen zodat deze leraren binnen leergebied wereldoriëntatie en wiskunde de onderzoekende houding van kinderen blijvend kunnen stimuleren?” Het traject zal ontwikkeld worden in nauwe samenwerking met het werkveld volgens de principes van educational design research. Organisations: • Faculty of Teacher Training • Department of Mathematics/Environmental Studies
Researchers: • Lieveke Maeseele
De Opbouw van Architectuurtheorie in Vlaanderen 1965-1995 KU Leuven Abstract: De inzet van het doctoraatsproject is een beter begrip van de Belgischearchitectuurtheorie uit de tweede helft van de twintigste eeuw (1965 - 1995). Als onderzoeksgebied wordt Vlaanderen aangeduid en met uitbreiding Louvain-la-Neuve en Brussel. Het onderzoek beperkt zich met andere woorden niet tot Nederlandstalig België. Interdisciplinariteit staat voorop. Tekstmateriaal uit de sociologie, fenomenologie of (kunst)geschiedenisgaan hand in hand met opiniestukken uit de architectuurkritiek. Dit project maakt deel uit van een tweeluik. Simultaan met de studie van het tekstuele oeuvre, wordt onderzoek verricht naar de architectuurtheorie alspedagogisch instrument en discipline. Een bijzondere aandacht gaat hierbij naar maquettes en divers didactisch materiaal. Het onderzoek naar het tekstuele oeuvre zal zich dan ook ontwikkelen in nauwe samenwerking enoverleg met de verantwoordelijke van deze projectlijn, Elke Couchez. Het doel van dit onderzoek is een beter inzicht te verwerven in het aan Organisations: • Architecture and Society
Researchers: • Yves Schoonjans • Hildegarde Heynen • Rajesh Heynickx • Lien Carton
De overgang van familiale onder-nemingen (rechtsvergelijkend) University College Ghent Abstract: Abstract not yet available Organisations: • Faculty of Business Administration and Public Administration • Department of Taxation and accountancy
Researchers: • Katrien Van Boxstael • Bertel De Groote
De pedagogische taakverdeling tussen ouders en begeleiders in de kinderopvang University College Ghent Abstract: Abstract not yet available Organisations: • Faculty of Social Work and Welfare Studies • Department of Social Work • Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Researchers: • Agnès Biltris • Greet De Brauwere
De plaats en rol van niet-volwassen brussen (broers en zussen van personen met een handicap) in de begeleiding van gezinnen met een kind met een handicap. Ontwikkelen van een ondersteuningsplan voor brussen ter versterking van het natuurlijk netwerk University College Ghent Abstract: Broers en zussen (brussen) van personen met een handicap nemen een steeds belangrijkere rol op in de ondersteuning van hun broer of zus. Door de verschuiving naar het ondersteuningsmodel in de zorg voor personen met een handicap wordt er meer belang gehecht aan het natuurlijk netwerk rond personen met een handicap. Brussen maken deel uit van dit netwerk. De vraag stelt zich dan ook op welke manier brussen kunnen worden voorbereid op en ondersteund in hun rol in dit natuurlijke netwerk.Uit onderzoek blijkt dat als brussen reeds op jonge leeftijd de aangepaste ondersteuning krijgen, ze later hun relatie met hun broer of zus als meer positief beleven en ook meer gepaste zorg kunnen geven aan hun broer of zus.De hoofddoelstelling van dit onderzoeksproject is het ontwikkelen van een ondersteuningsplan voor de begeleiding van brussen in gezinnen met een kind met een handicap. In het onderzoek worden 3 fasen onderscheiden die gedeeltelijk gelijktijdig verlopen en nauw samenhangen:-in fase 1 brengen we de beleving van brussen (n=20) tussen 4 en 21 jaar in kaart op zgn. 4 transitiemomenten. Dit zijn momenten
waarop brussen hun relatie met hun broer of zus als moeilijker ervaren. Als brussen tijdens deze transitiemomenten de gepaste ondersteuning krijgen, komt dit niet alleen de broer-zus relatie ten goede, maar betekent dit ook een ondersteuning voor het hele gezin.-In fase 2 willen we nagaan hoe de gezinsondersteuning momenteel vorm krijgt en welke plaats brussen hier innemen. Zowel het verhaal van de hulpverleners als van de ouders is hier belangrijk. Het ontwikkelen van een ondersteuningsplan reikt immers de hulpverleners een methodiek aan om brussen in de gezinsbegeleiding op te nemen. Daarnaast zal het ondersteuningsplan voor de brussen ook een ondersteuning voor de ouders en het hele gezin betekenen.-In fase 3 wordt een ondersteuningsplan ontwikkeld, toegepast en geëvalueerd bij 4 brussen (case-studies). Methodologisch gebruiken we zowel kwalitatieve als kwantitatieve methoden:- kwalitatieve gegevens verkregen uit de interviews (fase 1 en fase 2) worden verwerkt volgens de grounded- theory benadering, met behulp van winMAX98.- kwantitatieve gegevens uit fase 1 worden geanalyseerd met behulp van SPSS.kwalitatieve gegevens uit fase 3 worden geanalyseerd via case-by-case vergelijkingen. Organisations: • Faculty of Social Work and Welfare Studies • Department of Orthopedagogy-Special Education
Researchers: • Tinneke Moyson • Riet Steel • Stijn Vandevelde • Leen Poppe
Depression KU Leuven Abstract: No English Abstract Organisations: • Centre for Psychology of Learning and Ex
Researchers: • Filip Raes • Kris Martens
Depression and interpersonal variables: a combined quantitative/qualitative study Ghent University Abstract: This research-project aims to study the interpersonal component in depression in general and examines whether three subtypes of depression (dependent/self-critical/somatization) can be differentiated based on this interpersonal component. The research-project comprises a quantitative questionnaire-study in 500 clients of ambulant mental helath services and a qualitative interview-research in 45 of these respondents. Organisations: • Departement of Psycho-analysis and clinical consulting
Researchers: • Paul Verhaeghe
Depression in early adolescence: the relationship between emotion and cognitive control processes Ghent University Abstract: In this study we suggest that executive control deficits could be an important underlying mechanism of the difficulties in information processing and the perturbed emotion regulation that characterizes MDD. Therefore it is the central goal of the current project to investigate cognitive processing of emotional material in depressed adolescents using different experimental paradigms targeting inhibition, updating, attentional control and shifting. Organisations: • Departement of Developmental, personality and social psychology
Researchers: • Caroline Braet • Sven Müller
Depression with children in the primary school. Orthopedagogic aproach in the educational learning situation. Vrije Universiteit Brussel Abstract: Depression with children in mostly provoked by their environment: family and school. It is therefore important that teachers are capable of detecting and managing depression. To that end, the Orthopedagogics departement of the Brussels Free university has developed an intervention. the past 2 years, it has the co-workers of De Richtern a public primary schoolfor special education in the province of limburg, to apply this orthopedagogic intervantion. The results are promising. It therefore seems obious to export this approach to other primary schools, for special as well as for common education. This phase research runs over 2 years. It intendsto evaluate the orthopedagogic approach of De Richter and to uncover possible pain-pints. In order to consequently remove them and correct the approach. Only then, this intervention can be generalised. Organisations: • Education
Researchers: • FRANK DE FEVER
Depressive realism and implicit self-esteem Ghent University Abstract: Depressed people seem to be more objective than non-depressed people when they assess the extent to which they control key events of their environment. We will examine whether this depressive-realism effect is related to implicit self-esteem and implicit measures tapping into the association between the concepts "self" and "depressed". Organisations: • Departement of Experimental clinical and health psychology
Researchers: • Jan De Houwer
De professionele identiteit van de maatschappelijk assistent vanuit legitimatieperspectief University College Ghent Abstract: Onderzoek naar de professionele identiteit van maatschappelijk assistenten als reccurent en contexgebonden gegeven, vanuit legitimatieperspectief. Analyse van de prescriptieve visies omtrent professionele identiteit uit sociologie, agogiek, filosofie. Empirisch onderzoek naar de facto legitimaties van professionele identiteit aan de hand van casuïstiek in focusgroepen. Descriptieve analyse van deze 'practice wisdom'. Synthese van prescriptief buiten- en descriptief binnenperspectief. Organisations:
• Faculty of Social Work and Welfare Studies • Department of Social Sciences
Researchers: • Agnes Verbruggen
De receptie van het Oost-Romeinse Recht door de Syntagma van Blastares. KU Leuven Abstract: No English Abstract Organisations: • Division for Roman Law and Legal History
Researchers: • Laurent Waelkens
De Recursieve InternetArchitectuur als oplossing voor optimaal brongebruik, veiligheid en schaalbaarheid van sensornetwerken: RINAiSense. KU Leuven Abstract: No English Abstract Organisations: • Informatics Section
Researchers: • Christophe Huygens • Daniel Hughes
De rol van de taal in een multicultureel omgeving.(mini). The role of language in a multicultural environment. Vrije Universiteit Brussel Abstract: What people see as 'their culture', is nothing but a dynamic resultant of historical and actual influences. This research project explores such a snapshot to gain better insight into the genesis of such a culture. The diversity of the concept of culture impels to a specific approach. As a cultural core value of the different communities that lie on the base of this genesis, this project opted for the language as a carrier and producer of culture. Starting from the reality of language use in Brussels, the main body of the project, this research also wants to explore the perceptions, possibilities and expectations of the inhabitants of Brussels towards a community based on people with a different linguistic and/or cultural background. It wants to mark the contours of a future 'Brussels model' that can set an example for a 'European model' dealing with a similar diversity. Organisations: • Germanic Languages • Public Health Care
De rol van investeringsbanken bij fusies en overnames in Europa: Welke invloed hebbenfinanciële adviseurs op overnameactiviteit en in welkemate dragen ze bij tot waardecreatievoor hun cliënten? KU Leuven Abstract: No English Abstract Organisations: • Research Centre Finance, Leuven
Researchers: • Nancy Huyghebaert
De rol van online informatie voor prostaatkanker patiënten en hun partners KU Leuven Abstract: No English Abstract Organisations: • Academic Center for General Practice
Researchers: • Chantal Van Audenhove • Karin Haustermans • Hendrik Van Poppel • Jessie Schrijvers
De rol van sociale media in de impact van stijgende voedselprijzen op demonstraties en sociale onrust. KU Leuven Abstract: No English Abstract Organisations: • Research Centre of Development Economics
Researchers: • Johan Swinnen • Joachim Vandercasteelen
Description of the minimum police capacity required for the realization of the basic police care (in each police zone) Ghent University Abstract: In this research, commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior, we studied: (1) which tasks and activities basic police care implies, (2)whichever stabile and relative unchanging objective environmental variables are influencing these tasks and activities and (3) what?s the minimum operational capacity arising from this exercise. Organisations: • Departement of Penal law and criminology
Researchers: • Paul Ponsaers
Descriptive analysis of the thematic maps (demography) within the framework of the Neighbourhood Monitoring of the Brussels-Capital Region Vrije Universiteit Brussel Abstract: Descriptive analysis of the thematic maps (demography) within the framework of the Neighbourhood Monitoring of the Brussels-Capital Region Organisations: • Social Research
Descriptive and Predictive Analysis of Customer Churn Behavior Ghent University Abstract: This project will analyze sequences of product purchases with the main objective to predict which customers are most likely to churn, i.e., end their purchasing relationship with the company. Alternative models will be formulated, and their predictive performence will be compared. Organisations: • Department of Marketing
Researchers: • Dirk Van den Poel
Design, analysis and reporting of research impact NFTE-training Vrije Universiteit Brussel Abstract: The research institute 'VUB' and the 'NFTE- Network for Training Entrepreneurship' have entered into a service-agreement concerning the project' Opzet, analyse en rapportering van impactonderzoek NFTE-opleidingen'. The research results can be transferred to the company, there can be a reasonable return in case of commercialisation or there is another kind of agreement on intellectual property, as outlined in the concluded agreement. Organisations: • Experimental and Applied Psychology
Design and analysis of garbage collection algorithms for flash-based solid state drives. University of Antwerp Abstract: The main objective of this project is to design and to analyze the performance of garbage collection algorithms for flash-based solid state drives that make use of page-, block- or hybrid-mapped flash translation layers. The analysis will mainly focus on the impact of the garbage collection algorithm on the write performance and lifespan of the solid state drive, while different data models, data separation techniques and the use of the TRIM command will be considered. Organisations: • Modeling Of Systems and Internet Communication (MOSAIC)
Researchers: • Benny Van Houdt
Design and development of edifying teaching for the Master of Science in Educational Studies (taking into account parttime students). KU Leuven Abstract: The project aims at a further development and design of the master program in educational studies for students that require a maximum of fexibility. It aims at a translation of the new vision on education adopted bythe faculty which emphasizes the edifying function of education and training. Edifying moments refer to strong experiences and deep experiential processes which mostly require an intensive interaction implying physical presence and (collective) exposure. The aim is to design such edifying moments within the new master program. It will include an optimalisation by increasing efficiency and effectivity of the educational process in terms of learning outcomes and maximalising moments of and opportunities for edification. Organisations: • Education, Culture and Society
Researchers: • Jan Elen • Nikola Verschueren • Jan Masschelein • Geraldine Clarebout
Design and development of tourism training in the Kazakh State University of World Languages, Alvaty, Kazakhstan. Vrije Universiteit Brussel Abstract: After a need-analysis in the Kazakk tourism industry there will be the development of a tourism training existing of a 4 year graduate training and a 2 year post-graduate training. This will all happen within the framework of a 3-year TEMPUS-TACIS project. After these 3 years a sustained training should exist which is based on the new expertise and sources. Organisations: • Movement Agogics, Sports and Leisure Policy
Researchers: • LIVIN BOLLAERT
Design and Management of Metadata-based Multimedia Systems using Active Networks Vrije Universiteit Brussel Abstract: In general, the purpose of this project is to perform fundamental research that will result in a new platform for the development of metadata-based multimedia applications by using active networks. A format for the use of metadata in this context will be developed. Moreover, it will be investigated to which extend object-oriented methodologies can be applied for the development of multimedia appli¬cations that rely on active networks. Therefore, interfaces will be defined, being descriptions of the functionality of the considered multimedia objects traversing the network. The temporal synchroniza¬tion between the actual multimedia data and the corresponding metadata will be investigated as well. For this purpose a data structure allowing for the efficient processing and management of the metadata will be developed. Concerning the research topics dealing with active networking, it is aimed to prove the inherent advantages of using active networks for multimedia applications. We will also investigate efficient encoding techniques for multimedia data, and more specifically video content, and examine how the coding can maximally
support the underlying network. As was stated above, the global approach (i.e., the combined optimization of the (meta)data (de)coding and the management of the used network) is a key concept within this project. This is the main reason why this project will be performed within the research groups of the promoters Jan Cornelis, Steven Dewitte en Peter Schelkens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of Electronics and Information Processing, expertise: multimedia compression), Rik Van de Walle (Ghent University, Department of Electronics and Information Systems; expertise: multimedia systems and applications), and Piet Demeester, Bart Dhoedt and Mario Pickavet (Ghent University, Department of Information Technology; expertise: broadband networks). In order to be able to achieve the aforementioned goals several research aspects will be addressed. Organisations: • Electronics and Informatics
Design and test of a planningsmethod for KCO processes Ghent University Abstract: Development of a planning algorithm for administrative processes, taking into consideration uncerainty and variability. Organisations: • Departement of Industrial management
Researchers: • Hendrik Van Landeghem
Design and validation of models for short-term and long-term media mix investment optimization. University of Antwerp Abstract: The project investigates the impact of advertising investments, media mix allocation and advertising share of voice on short-term advertising and brand effects, on consumer activation (gathering extra information, visiting websites and generating word-of-mouth), and on their impact on long-term brand effects. Organisations: • Marketing
Researchers: • Patrick De Pelsmacker • Peter Goos • Nathalie Dens
Design for supply chain management. KU Leuven Abstract: No English Abstract Organisations: • Research Centre for Operations Managemen
Researchers: • Robert Boute • Maud Van den Broeke
Design, implementation and evaluation of powerful learning environments. University of Antwerp Abstract: Design, implementation and evaluation of powerful learning environments. Organisations: • Education of Dutch • Didactica
Researchers: • Jules Frans Daems
Design, implementation and evaluation of powerful learning environments. University of Antwerp Abstract: The major goal of the present project is to establish a forum where Belgian Scholars can work together with internationally established European researchers at the further elaboration and validation of the concepts of powerful learning environments by bringing together the recent achievements and the ongoing developments within the three following domains: instructional psychology, instructional design, and instructional technology. This will be realized mainly through the organization of workshops, each focused on a particular aspect of the above mentioned topic, as well as through exchanges of junior and senior researchers. Organisations: • DEPARTMENT OF GERMANIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE • Didactica
Researchers: • Jules Frans Daems
Designing an adequate legal framework for protection and valorisation of cultural heritage as a pilot for an integrated spatial planning law. KU Leuven Abstract: / Organisations: • Faculty of Law, Campus Brussels
Researchers: • Anne Draye • Bert Demarsin • Stijn Aerts
Designing Architecture in the Sixteenth-Century Low Countries. Architectural Drawing as Motor and Medium for a New Designing Practice. KU Leuven Abstract: The subject of the research programme is the design and design process of architecture in the Low Countries during the long 16th century (1480-1630), with the architectural drawing and the architectural print as its main focus. The objective is gaining insight into the design of architecture by graphical means, while keeping in mind that in this period the Renaissance architecture is newly defined as an intellectual activity, not forgetting that the architectural drawing constitutes one of the mechanisms of interchange between architecture and the fine arts. Symptom of a new architectural practice, but also motive force2 of its development, the architectural drawing will be studied here as means of communication and as designing tool, not only on the construction site but also in the study and the drawing room. Organisations: • Architecture and Society
Researchers: • Krista De Jonge • Oliver Kik
Designing a selfevaluation-instrument concerning a broad access to youth care Ghent University Abstract: Accessbility is pivotal in Integrated Youth Care (Flanders, Belgium). The networks for direct access have an important role in realizing accessible care. The instrument for selfevaluation will be developed next to other initiatives concerning accessibility. The instrument wants to enable the display of different "practices of accessibility" and the reflection on the contribution of these practices to the accessibility of Integrated Youth Care. Organisations: • Departement of Social welfare studies
Researchers: • Maria De Bie
Designing enterprises for evolvability: an integrated approach based on fundamental engineering concepts. University of Antwerp Abstract: Contemporary organizations are operating in a hypercompetitive environment, in which they are faced with challenges such as increasing complexity and increasing change in many or all of their aspects. Current methodologies for the development of information systems supporting these organizations are clearly unable to deal with these levels of changing complexity. Normalized Systems (NS) theory proposes a theoretical framework that explains why current modular structures in information systems are intrinsically limited in terms of evolvability, as well as how modular structures can be built without these limitations, thus exhibiting evolvable modularity. The strategic goal of this project is to develop a contribution to how evolvable modularity as a theoretical framework can support business processes and enterprise architectures and its supporting ICT systems. Organisations: • Management Information Systems (MIS)
Researchers: • Herwig Mannaert • Peter De Bruyn
Designing Housing for our Future Selves KU Leuven Abstract: The ageing population challenges architects to design housing environments that address the needs and preferences of actual and future generations of elderly people. The material environment holds great potential toimprove the quality of life of people moving into old age. However, when designing housing environments for them, architects are faced with a lack of adequate design knowledge: how to take into account the diversityof elderly, their personal development, and growing old as a continuousprocess?
At the same time, it is hypothesized that elderly people can offer a great deal of insight in what people generally feel in different settings. This especially holds for persons with dementia. Emotionally they react to their environment like others, yet as a result of their condition, the impact on their wellbeing is more apparent.
Starting from this hypothesis, this doctoral research aims to gain a more articulate understanding of how the material environment affects the quality Organisations: • Department of Architecture
Researchers: • Ann Heylighen • Iris Van Steenwinkel
Design methodologies and techniques for the construction of knowledge management environment. Vrije Universiteit Brussel Abstract: The project coverss applied research on methodologies and techniques applicable to make knowledge that is available in a company under different formats, more accessible for the management, and other users. In particular we will investigate the methodologies that can be used for the design and implementation of a 'knowledge portal'. We have to design a "knowledge architecture' that supports access to knowledge contained in classical formats like document management systems, database schema's or workflow systems. the aim is to build a usable system of knowledge cartographie in which the retrieval of available knowledge becomes feasable for the user. Focus should go to differetn partial aspects like: - technical and ergonomical aspeceets of a knowledge portal - the application of intelligent agents for the implementation of user profiles in order the make retrieval more efficient - the connection with external information systems including e-commerce systems. - optimization of search engines - applicability of data mining - techniques of 'in text retrieval - the optimal usage of WEB-technology. to test the system we planned to use the university as a prototype for the setup of a knowledge environment. Organisations: • Management Informatics
Researchers: • EDUARD VANDIJCK
Design of Blended Learning Environments for Vulnerable Adult Learners KU Leuven Abstract: No English Abstract Organisations: • Instructional Psychology and Technology
Researchers: • Jan Elen • Stijn Van Laer
Design of discrete choice experiments adapted to the respondent's cognitive process. University of Antwerp Abstract: Discrete choice experiments (DCEs), which involve respondents choosing among alternatives presented in choice sets, are widely used to study preferences for attributes of products or services in various economic fields. To maximize the power of the statistical inference from data from DCEs, it is crucial to design the experiments optimally. Most research in this area focuses on optimizing the design of DCEs under the simplifying assumption that respondents make compensatory decisions. This means that unattractive levels of an attribute can be compensated for by attractive levels of another attribute. However, the assumption of compensatory decision-making often proves to be unrealistic. This research project studies three scenarios in which respondents depart from the compensatory decision rule when making choices: (i) the scenario where respondents ignore attributes in the decision making because there are too many, (ii) the scenario where respondents favor certain attributes because of their position in the description of the alternatives and (iii) the scenario where respondents favor certain alternatives because of their position in the choice set. Pro-actively accounting for respondents' cognitive processes when constructing optimal DCEs in these scenarios will result in more practical designs for DCEs, with applications in marketing, transportation, environmental and health economics. Organisations: • Engineering Management
Researchers: • Guido Erreygers • Peter Goos • Roselinde Kessels
Desire in Learning and Work. University of Antwerp Abstract: This research project aims to enhance the transition of students from secondary to higher education and from higher education to the labour market. Assessing and monitoring learning competencies throughout the school career can be supportive in this regard. By means of mixed method research different instruments to assess and coach individual differences in learning and motivation are developed and validated. Organisations: • EduBROn
Researchers: • Peter Van Petegem • Vincent Donche
Desistance and restorative justice: mechanisms for desisting from crimewithin restorative justice practices. KU Leuven Abstract: Although many studies have shown that participation in restorative justice programmes often reduces the likelihood of reoffending, it remains unclear why this is the case, for which groups and under which conditions. The general aim of this study is to gain insight in the mechanisms within restorative justice practices that can contribute to desistance fromcrime and thus reduce victimisation. Starting from the factors identified in the desistance literature in general, this study will develop a conceptual framework for analysing restorative justice and desistance, which will then be empirically tested in three European countries. Main research question: What impact does restorative justice have on desistance from crime?Specific sub-questions are Which mechanisms within restorative justice practices produce positive subjective changes that help sustain abstinence from criminal offending?Which mechanisms within restorative justice practices produce positive social changes that help susta Organisations: • Leuven Institute of Criminology
Researchers: • Ivo Aertsen
Desk Study on dept swaps University of Antwerp Abstract: This project represents a formal service agreement between the parties Universiteit Antwerpen and UNESCO. UAntwerpen provides UNESCO research results on the "Desk Study on debt Swaps" under the conditions as stipulated in the present contract. Organisations: • Impact of Globalization
Researchers: • Danny Cassimon
De symbolische samenleving. Maatschappelijke gevolgen van de nieuwe zelf-controle. Vrije Universiteit Brussel Abstract: Starting point of this project is the assertion that detraditionalising has not resulted in individualization, but should be regarded as a change in the mode of social control. The project wants to describe ,on one hand, the emergence of a new approach of themselves. On the other hand, it wants to investigate the implications of the change in the mode of social control empirically. Organisations: • Tempus Omnia Revelat • Sociology
Detecting and Managing Suicidal Behavior at Emergency and Psychiatric Hospital Departments in Flanders: a randomized controlled study of the effects of a brief Educational Intervention.
Ghent University Abstract: In a multicenter randomized controlled study, staff from psychiatric and emergency departments from general or regional hospitals throughout Flanders, will be invited to participate in the study to indicate the need of implementation of an educational poster and evaluation and triage guide. In particular, the effect of an educational poster and guide as a cost-effective way to improve knowledge, attitudes and clinical behavior with regard to suicide prevention, will be evaluated. Organisations: • Departement of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology
Researchers: • Cornelis Van Heeringen • Gwendolyn Portzky
Determinanten van zorgtekorten bij zelfstandig thuiswonende ouderen University College Ghent Abstract: Abstract not yet available Organisations: • Faculty of Health Care • Department of Nursing
Researchers: • Nico De Witte
Determinants and consequences of migration with special attention or the relation betwaaen illegal migration and organised crime University of Antwerp Abstract: Migration raises several important social issues. Does worldwide liberalisation of international trade lead to decreasing migratry pressure? What effects has the economic integration of Central and Eastern Europe into the EU on East-West migration? Does migration lead to diminishing employment opportunities or wages for locals? What are the benefits of migration and for whom? How can the social choice for a stop in the migration be explained? What are the costs and benefits of such a policy? How can integration of immigrants be encouraged in a cost-effective way? In this research project a number of questions will be adressed. The goal of the project is to deepen the knowledge of the determinants and the consequences of migration and to strenghen policy making views. The cetral theme of the project is the study of the causes and cosequences of migration in general, but more specifically thedevelopment of a paradigm on the relation betwaan illegal migration and organised crime Organisations: • DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS • Economics
Researchers: • Mathew Tharakan • Walter Nonneman • Eddy Van de Voorde
Determinants and consequences of tax avoidance in private firms. KU Leuven Abstract: The research project aims to investigate the determinants and consequences of tax avoidance in private, unlisted firms.Tax avoiding practices have been largely explored in the context of listed firms, but little is known about these practicesin private firms. However, prior research already documents that private firms are more likely to avoid taxes incomparison to listed firms. A first research topic in this proposal focuses on the association between voluntary disclosurequality and tax reporting activities in private firms. It can be arguedthat firms being more transparent about thecomposition and evolution in their earnings avoid taxes to a lower extent. Second, the tax avoidance behaviour in familyand non−family firms will be examined, as tax accounting practices might differ within different agency contexts. Third,potential costs and benefits of tax avoiding activities in private firms will be researched, and in particular whethercreditors take into account the firm's ex Organisations: • Faculty of Theology and Religious Studie • Department of Accountancy and Taxation,
Researchers: • Raf Orens
Determinants and effects of social ethnic segregation in primary education Ghent University Abstract: This research project aims to get a profound insight into the magnitude, causes and consequences of social ethnic segregation in Flemish primary education. Although this social ethnic segregation is considered a social problem, in Flanders there is hardly any research dealing with it. First this project aims to describe the prevalence of social ethnic segregation in Flanders. Second, it will examine the determinants of this social ethnic segregation. And finally it will explore the effects of this social ethnic segregation for pupilsand teachers. Organisations: • Departement of Sociology
Researchers: • Mieke Van Houtte
Determinants and effects of social ethnic segregation in primary education Ghent University Abstract: This research project aims to get a profound insight into the magnitude, causes and consequences of social ethnic segregation in Flemish primary education. Although this social ethnic segregation is considered a social problem, in Flanders there is hardly any research dealing with it. First this project aims to describe the prevalence of social ethnic segregation. And finally it will explore the effects of this social ethnic segregation for pupils and teachers. Organisations: • Departement of Sociology
Researchers: • Mieke Van Houtte
Determinants and effects of social ethnic segregation in primary education. University of Antwerp Abstract: This is a fundamental research project financed by the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO). The project was subsidized after selection by the FWO-expert panel.
Organisations: • Educational management • EduBROn
Researchers: • Christiane Timmerman • Paul Mahieu
Determinants for the non-participation of women from the target group to the Flemish population study concerning breast cancer and the ways to influence the participation favorably. University of Antwerp Abstract: Determinants for the non-participation of women from the target group to the Flemish population study concerning breast cancer and the ways to influence the participation favorably. Organisations: • Epidemiology and social medicine (ESOC)
Researchers: • Guido Van Hal