Dasar pemikiran penetapan fokus dan prioritas riset PP PLWI dilatarbelakangi tidak hanya terkait dengan isu global seperti perubahan iklim global (climate change) dan krisis ekonomi global, tetapi juga secara spesifik difokuskan pada berbagai permasalahan yang eksis di masyarakat, antara lain: (1) ketidakberdayaan sebagian besar masyarakat terhadap bencana alam (kekeringan, banjir) dan krisis ekonomi yang menurunkan daya beli masyarakat; (2) Ipteks ITB belum secara sengaja ditujukan bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat; dan (3) potensi masyarakat maupun sumber daya alam lingkungannya belum termanfaatkan dengan baik dan arif. Disamping itu, fokus riset PP PLWI yang terkait pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang selama ini telah dilaksanakan, memerlukan roadmap riset yang dekat dengan persoalan masarakat dan sejalan dengan agenda riset-riset KK.
Dalam jangka pendek (2-3 tahun mendatang)
fokusnya di suatu sisi adalah untuk
mencari inovasi teknologi dan bentuk-bentuk rekayasa sosial dalam mengurangi dampak perubahan iklim, dan di sisi lain adalah meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui keterlibatan aktif masyarakat, berbasis rencana strategis pemerintahan daerah (Pemda) yang didukung kepakaran perguruan tinggi, sedangka tujuan yang hendak dicapai adalah untuk mensinergikan kebijakan dan program pemerintah daerah, kepakaran perguruan tinggi, kearifan lokal masyarakat, dalam mengangkat potensi yang dimilikinya. Sinergisme
kesejahteraan, mutu lingkungan hidup, dan kesehatan masyarakat.
Dana utama pendukung RU Prioritas PP PLWI tahun 2010 diharapkan dari dana DIPA dan dana pemerintah daerah (APBD) atau swasta (CSR, corporate social responsibility). 1
Dana APBD atau CSR disarankan paling tidak sama atau lebih besar dari dana DIPA. Dana DIPA ITB diperkirakan maksimal sebesar Rp. 200.000.000,- (dua ratus juta rupiah) per topik. Adapun 3 (tiga) paket Riset Unggulan yang diperioritaskan pada 2 tahun ke depan (2010-2012) dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini. Untuk paket RU yang terkait dengan Pengelolaan Lingkungan khususnya yang terkait dengan effek dari perubahan iklim terhadap lingkungan hidup dan binaan dan kehidupan masyarakat, Gambar 1. diharapkan dapat membantu peneliti melihat fokus dan kontek riset yang menajdi fokus riset prioritas PP PLWI 2010-2012. PAKET RISET UNGGULAN PRIORITAS PP-PLWI 2010-1012 (bersifat hilir atau memiliki manfaat langsung, bukan riset dasar, siap utk “scaling up”) Topik Prioritas TP-1: Inovasi dalam rekayasa teknik dan sosial dalam mitigasi effek rumah kaca melalui: pengendalian Perubahan Gunalahan dan Penurunan Pembakaran Bahan Bakar Fosil; TP-2: Pengembangan ekonomi komunitas pedesaan dan perkotaan (pro-poor) yang berwawasan lingkungan
Output Targets Inovasi teknologi tepat guna dan kontek, instrumentasi, metoda, model, Rencana dan kebijakan yang terkait dengan perubahan iklim.
Time Frame 2010-2012
Catatan Inovasi teknologi atau inovasi di bidang rekayasa sosial
Model dan metoda pendekatan, regulasi (peraturan) dan Pedoman (guidelines) bagi masyarakat dan pemerintah
TP-3: Pegembangan Infrastruktur Dasar (akses air bersih, sanitasi, sampah) murah yang berwawasan lingkungan dan berkelanjutan .
Model dan metoda pendekatan, regulasi (peraturan) dan Pedoman (guidelines) bagi masyarakat dan pemerintah
- model, dan guidelines pengembangan potensi sumber daya masyarakat miskin pedesaan dan perkotaan - model pembiayaan penyediaan, operasi, pemelihraan (produksi dan distribusi) infrastruktur murah dan langgeng
Gambar 1. Diagram Proses Perubahan Iklim dan Fokus Target Output Riset 3
Topik-topik riset disamping topik utama/prioritas di atas atau Topik Reguler (TR), adalah topik-topik yang berkenaan dengan pengembangan wilayah, pengelolaan lingkungan dan “sustainable development” di bidang transportasi dan kebutuhan infrastruktur dasar. Daftar topik riset yang gayut dengan roadmap riset PPLWI dapat dilihat pada tabel 2-6. Dana yang dialokasikan (maksimum) adalah Rp. 50.000.000,- (lima puluh juta rupiah)
Tabel 2. TR-1 Urban and Regional Development Planning Sub Topics Research Questions Developing Planning Tools to meet Development Goals set up by Kapubaten/ Kota/ Kecamatan Finding Effective Growth Management Models for Indonesia: Macro region; Meso Corridors, Micro Neighborhood Developing Green Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Model for Indonesia
Under decentralization schemes, how can we improve planning methodologies and tools, to meet development goals setup by local governments ?
Target output 2010 Model and Policy Development
Models, analytical tools improvements
Model, Plan, and Policy Development
Tabel 3. TR-2 Climate Change and Transport Sub Topics Research Questions
Target output 2010
Greenhouse gas abatement and transport: economic impact of emissions trading scenarios
What are the future economic and emissions impacts of emissions trading, with particular reference to the transport sector?
Standard, and Measurement
How do transport fuel use and emissions respond to price changes? Transport mode shift and greenhouse gas abatement
How responsive are transport fuel use and emissions to price changes?
Standard, and Measurement
What are the success factors for greenhouse gas abatement from mode shift, (eg from private car to public transport)? What is the outlook for greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector?
Standard, and Measurement
Greenhouse gas emissions for Indonesian transport: year 2007 projections to 2020
Standard, and Measurement
Transport energy futures: new technologies and fuels
What the longer term options for transport energy, given climate change and longer term oil replacement challenges?
Tabel 4. TR-3 Infrastructure Developement Sub Topics Research Questions how do public-private partnerships and other innovative approaches perform in delivering infrastructure and what are the success factors for each approach? Comprehensive Infrastructure What is the framework and guideline for Investment Plan the infrastructure investment plan that can be used to direct the infrastructure provision, operation and maintenance? How can we improve planning of, Multimodal and Intermodal investment in roads and highways and terminals: options for access to ports and terminals, in light of experience and freight industry enhancing the role of rail economics? If significant volumes of interstate freight Road impacts of potential shifted to rail, how would this affect the mode shift to rail freight infrastructure investment needs for the highways? What is the 20 year outlook in aircraft Aircraft movements at capital movements at major airports in light of city airports: long term outlook projected growth in demand and expected changes in aircraft type? What is the long term year outlook for Indonesian sea port activity to container and bulk traffics through 2025 Indonesian ports?
Plan, Standard, and Measurement
Target output 2010
Infrastructure delivery models
Tabel 5. TR-4 Urban Transportation Urban corridors: long term What is the long-term traffic growth outlook outlook for the urban corridors of the city network? Urban public transport: recent Over the recent period of high fuel prices, trends how have urban public transport patronage and supply responded?
Plan and guideline
Tools, plan, and regulation
Plan, and impacts
Forecasting, Statistics
Target output 2010
Capital city residential and employment location trends and commuting patterns Challenges facing local governments
What have been the main spatial changes in major capital city employment and residential patterns over the past decade and how has commuting behavior responded? What are the challenges and demands being faced by the diversity of local governments?
Tabel 6. TR-5 Freight Transportation Truck productivity: trends and What are the factors that have caused the future scenarios productivity improvement of the road freight industry and what is the future outlook? Where and how do road and rail (passenger Road and rail freight: and freight) compete with or complement competitors or complements? each other? How do Indonesian ports perform against Indonesian ports in an international benchmarks? international context Port and rail interface: What are the key issues in improving the regulatory and investment port-rail (airport and seaport) interface? strategies What are the long-term trends in interstate Interstate freight: long term road, rail, sea and air freight? trends and projections How has the estimated annual cost of road Cost of road crashes crashes changed over the past decade? Passenger and Freight What are the education/training transport workforce analysis in requirements, labor skills shortages and the context of urban and recruitment and retention issues and regional development possible strategies for the passenger and freight transport workforce in the context of urban and regional development?
Transportation Patterns
Target output 2010