Pioneering in the IT-Industry
• §
35+ years of Entrepreneurial drive •
1980’s building client-server ‘Off-the-Shelf’ software
end 1990’s becoming the #2- ERP-vendor (after SAP)
2000’s: Business Process - Building a Business Operations Platform
2010’s: Focus on the collaborative knowledge worker (Internet of Things)
Copyright © 2014 Vanenburg Software B.V. All rights reserved
Gartner ERP Quadrant: June 1998
By June 1998 Gartner deemed that Baan and SAP occupied the leading positions in the ERP segment for big companies
The complexity of Legacy ERP •
Logic stored in concrete 100.000+ Database Tables
Procedural Language, Relatively Fixed after Compilation
Maintaining & Updating Nightmare. Customizations blocking new innovation Million Lines of Source Code
Multi-Instance with many silos
No-Normalized DB - Duplication - Standard Non-Scalable RDBMS; Primary & Secondary Fields Far from agreement
The Stacey Diagram
Close to agreement Close to certainty
Far from certainty
The traditional ERP Implementation Journey
To Improve Operations Excellence
t tea
Unfortunately, the customization is not decoupled from the start version. Technically too difficult to adopt new versions of the software
in Plain-vanilla Version
Evaluating RFO’s. But…… unfortunately no match with ERP-vanilla Solutions
Business Consultancies are able to explain the benefit of Process Improvements by BPR
Start Bespoke
The choice for the largest provider is obvious, given the least personal risk by failing afterwards
9 months
Operations Excellence
The long and complex customization journey, where IT- and Business people are working in different teams
Setting Implementation Parameters
Program requirements established by Strategy Consultants at a daily rate of € 2,000, provide an attractive contribution and is above the entrance to many additional services
Expected Improvement
ren diffe
Operational after many years of struggling, but even not able to have a business process view Still Operations are depending on a legacy solution from the last decade!
6 months
9 months
Difficult Journey The Bespoke Programmers are changing the source-code in the logic system (a real hand-made craftsmanship) which makes the maintenance extremely more complex
The attractive journey for System Integrators gets a highlight. Based on daily invoicing starts a delicious tinkering with the very old Procedural languages to change a complex generic system. With this customization are many original features destroyed. That all of this is based on technology of the world before the internet exist has hardly been realized by someone
26 - 36 months
The new BPM Journey together with Smart Process Apps
Evaluating RFO’s. But…… unfortunately no match with ERP-vanilla Solutions
in Plain-vanilla Version
Operational in a ‘end-to-end’ process view, together with other legacy solutions
Business Consultancies are able to explain the benefit of Process Improvements by BPR
6 months
Ongoing Innovation
Let the knowledge worker complete his workflow task and activities
Operations Excellence
Smart Process Apps
The choice for the largest provider is obvious, given the least personal risk by failing afterwards
9 months
Collaboration as-a-Service
The Business Process journey, where ITs eam and Business people t d e rat working together as integ one team
Setting Implementation Parameters
Program requirements established by Strategy Consultants at a daily rate of € 2,000, provide an attractive contribution and is above the entrance to many additional services
Expected Improvement
To Improve Operations Excellence
9 months
Changing the old (vanilla) version with the newest updates
12 months
2 months
Improve the Productivity of the Knowledge Worker Let the knowledge worker complete his workflow task and activities
Smart Process Apps
• Integration • Master Data Mngt (MDM) • Case Management • Entity Modelling Aligning IT & Business
ated tegr
Operational Excellence
SOA & Integration
s team
Gartner’s Pace-Layered Application Strategy by 2022
3 ➡ Systems of Innovation – new ad hoc built apps for experimental business requirements identify the company's next competitive advantage
3 billion user interfaces
14 billion conn
ected devices
3 2
➡ Systems of Differentiation – applications that enable unique
New Ideas
company processes to sustain competitive advantage
Better Ideas
ses s Proces s e in s u B nd (E2E) End-to-E
Common Ideas
➡ Systems of Record – business capabilities with a clear focus on standardization
Add agility to IT and accelerate Time to Value
Systems of Innovation changing: few days 5 days
In today’s boardroom IT must become a key part of the Business
2 years
Business Strategy changing: 1-2 years
Collaborative Documents as proactive agents Case Container (Dossier) with Integrated Apps
Smart Process Apps
• Integration • Master Data Mngt (MDM) • Case Management • Entity Modelling Operational execution (OPS) 4 months changing 3-6 months
Application Silo’s
2 months 10 years
Supporting Technology changing: 6-10 years
Operational Excellence changing: 1-2 months
ed te
rat integ
Reducing ERP-complexity with Cloud Objects •
100.000+ Database Tables
Procedural Language
Million Lines of Source Code
No-Normalized DB; Huge Data Duplication
Customizations blocking new innovation
Multi-Instance with many silos
4M+ Custom Apps
• 700 Main Business Objects; Inheritance, • Multi Tenant Cloud Platform • Full Object Oriented • Code Reusability • Separate Customization • Scaling • Full Mobile Compliant
• Multi Instance • On Premise • 4 GL • Handmade
Multi Tenant Single Stack
Smart Decoupling of IT Transaction-driven
multi instance
On Premise
• • • •
Integration (SOA) Master Data Management Case Management Entity Modeling
Multi Tenant Single Stack
Smart Collaborative Process Apps
Transaction oriented: (Vanilla)
Dynamic Business Applications
Business task for the Knowledge-worker
Generic IT-Solutions for ISV’s
Generic Components
Composite Applications
Packaged Applications
Specific Components User Influence on specs Improve the productivity of the Knowledge-Worker
The rise of the 3rd platform Billions of Users
Trillions of Things
Dedicated, agile and integrated solutions will prevail
Millions of Apps
Intelligent Industry Solutions LOB’s Enterprises SMB’s
Consumers Emerging Markets
3rd Platform Mobile Broadband Social Business
Big Data/Analytics Cloud Services
Mobile Devices and Apps
• In 2020: ➡ 98% of the total IT industry’s growth will be based upon 3rd platform initiatives • The industry’s 3rd platform revenue will be 40% of the total IT industry's revenue
Apps Services Information Content Experiences
De burger in de private Overheids-cloud
Uittreksel bevolkingsregister • vanuit één plaats te onderhouden • gegevens altijd up to date • door andere instanties te verrijken • gegevens losgekoppeld van dossier • onderling uit te wisselen • basis voor gemeentelijke services • verbetering privacy (data hoeft niet meer op andere plaatsen te worden opgeslagen) • miljarden IT besparingen • Nederland wereldleider in e-Government • flexibel voor moment van verblijf b.v. bij aflevering van goederen etc. • verhuizing met één transactie geregeld!
Gemeentelijke services
Persoonlijke burger services
Commerciële systemen
N.A.W. gegevens op basis van regelgeving in business rules
Beveiligd netwerk NAFIN (Defensie)
Aanbevelingen cie Elias 1. Meer Bit met Rec • Markt betrekken in aansturing • Innovatieve projecten die mogen (soms moeten) mislukken (€2M) • Overheid als launching customer • Bij aanbestedingen Startup Delta-project betrekken (Neelie Kroes) • Naast toetsing ook stimulatie door opzet Rijks Expertise Centrum 2. Meer Actie • Digitale inrichting van Nederland • Pilots, verkenningen, onderzoeken
• Digi-commissaris 3. Meer Innovatie • Eén publieke NAW service (GBA in de cloud)
'If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.'
• Faciliteit voor bedrijven en overheden (Digid++) • Ontkoppeling van persoon en persoonsgegevens (Privacy enhancing)
Gebruik High-Level IT-ontwerp Defensie als Pilot voor vernieuwing Gebruik expertise van Defensie voor vernieuwingen Rijksoverheid • Kent schaalbaarheid en heeft ervaringen ook bij grote mislukkingen • Heeft oog voor nieuwe infrastructuur met 3 lagen model en beschikt over veel expertise • Samenwerking met NATO inzake security