Penulisan Hukum (Skripsi)
Disusun dan Diajukan untuk Melengkapi Persyaratan Guna Meraih Derajat Sarjana S1 dalam Ilmu Hukum pada Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
Oleh Iin Wulandari Sukarno Putri NIM. E 0006279
Penulisan Hukum (Skripsi)
Oleh Iin Wulandari Sukarno Putri NIM. E 0006279
Disetujui untuk dipertahankan dihadapan Dewan Penguji Penulisan Hukum (Skripsi) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
Surakarta, 8 april 2010 Dosen Pembimbing
Kristiyadi, S.H, M.Hum NIP.195812251986011001
Oleh Iin Wulandari Sukarno Putri NIM. E 0006279
Telah diterima dan disahkan oleh Dewan Penguji Penulisan Hukum (Skripsi) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta Pada : Hari
: Rabu
Tanggal : 14 April 2010 TIM PENGUJI 1. Bambang Santoso S.H, M.Hum
: (
2. Edy Herdyanto S.H, M.H
: (
3. Kristiyadi S.H, M.Hum
: (
Mengetahui Dekan,
Mohammad Jamin, S.H, M.Hum NIP. 19610930 1986011 001
Nama : Iin Wulandari Sukarno Putri NIM : E0006279 Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa penulisan hukum (skripsi) berjudul : Analisis Perbandingan Hukum Pengaturan Konsep Ganti Rugi dan Rehabilitasi Bagi Korban Proses Peradilan Pidana yang Cacat Hukum (Miscarriage Of Justice) menurut Undang-undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara pidana dengan Undang-Undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch) adalah betul-betul karya sendiri. Hal-hal yang bukan karya saya dalam penulisan hukum (skripsi) ini diberi tanda citasi dan ditunjukkan dalam daftar pustaka. Apabila dikemudian hari terbukti pernyataan saya tidak benar, maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi akademik berupa pencabutan penulisan hukum (skripsi) dan gelar yang saya peroleh dari penulisan hukum (skripsi) ini.
Surakarta, 8 April 2010 yang membuat pernyataan
Iin Wulandari Sukarno Putri NIM. E0006279
BAGI KORBAN PROSES PERADILAN PIDANA YANG CACAT HUKUM (Miscarriage of Justice) MENURUT UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 8 TAHUN 1981 TENTANG HUKUM ACARA PIDANA DENGAN UNDANG-UNDANG ACARA PIDANA BELANDA (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch). Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis, perbandingan pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum (Miscarriage of justice) menurut Undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana dibandingkan dengan Undang-undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch) dan Apakah konsep pengaturan ganti rugi dalam Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch berpotensi dijadikan rujukan pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersikap perskriptif dan apabila dilihat dari tujuannya termasuk penelitian hukum normatif atau doktrinal. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dengan studi pustaka baik dari buku, peraturan perundang-undangan, dokumendokumen, dan sebagainya. Analisis data menggunakan analisis data kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, maka dapat dikemukakan bahwa: Pengaturan konsep Ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana masih sangat kurang dan jauh ketinggalan dari criminal injuries compensation act of dutch, Undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana khususnya pengaturan mengenai konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi harus segera diperbarui agar sesuai dengan kemajuan zaman dan kebutuhan masyarakat, Dan pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana masih kurang, dan menurut konsep pengaturan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch berpotensi dijadikan rujukan pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia.
Kata kunci: Ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi, Undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana, Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch.
v Di dalam ketakutan ada keberanian sejati, bahwa cara untuk mengatasi ketakutan itu adalah dengan menghadapinya (Puccino) v Sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah manusia yang paling bermanfaat bagi manusia yang lain (Al-Hadits) v Hidup adalah sebuah pilihan, dan pilihan itu bukan apa yang akan kita capai tetapi bagaimana cara kita mencapainya.
Penulisan Hukum ini saya persembahkan kepada: 1. Yang Maha kuasa, sumber dan pangkal segala pengetahuan. 2. Keluargaku ·
Orang tua tercinta yang telah melahirkan, merawat, menjaga, membesarkan, membimbing, dan mendidik dengan penuh cinta dan kasih sayang yang tulus. Terima kasih untuk segala pengorbanan, doa, semangat dan dukungan yang ayah dan ibu berikan kepada saya selama ini
tersayang yang selalu memberi keceriaan dan semangat dalam
menyusun Penulisan Hukum ini. 3. Orang-orang terdekatku yang selama ini sudah banyak membantu: Gandhi Mario, Gita, Wahyu, Asih, Teni, Nisa, Indah, Tya, Riana, Acil, Upi. 4.
Almamaterku, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret yang telah memberi bekal ilmu pengetahuan untuk mengarungi kehidupan ini
Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb. Puji syukur atas kehadirat Allah SWT, Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang, karena hanya dengan berkah, rahmat, karunia dan ridho-NYA, sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan penulisan hukum dengan judul “ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN HUKUM PENGATURAN
Compensation Act of Dutch)” dengan baik dan lancar. Penulis menyadari bahwa dalam penulisan hukum ini, masih banyak kekurangannya. Untuk itu penulis dengan besar hati menerima kritik dan saran yang membangun dari semua pihak, sehingga dapat memperkaya isi penulisan hukum ini. Penulis yakin bahwa keberhasilan di dalam penyelesaian penulisan hukum ini tidak lepas dari dukungan dan bantuan dari berbagai pihak, maka dalam kesempatan ini penulis ingin menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada: 1. Bapak Mohammad Jamin, S.H, M.Hum. selaku Dekan Fakultas Hukum UNS yang telah memberi izin dan kesempatan kepada penulis untuk menyusun dan menyelesaikan penulisan hukum ini. 2. Bapak Edy Herdyanto, S.H, M.H, selaku Ketua Bagian Hukum Acara Pidana yang telah memberikan kelancaran kepada penulis untuk menyelesaikan penulisan hukum ini. 3. Bapak Kristiyadi S.H, M.Hum, selaku Pembimbing Skripsi Penulis yang telah banyak membantu memberikan pengarahan, bimbingan serta saran dalam penulisan hukum ini.
4. Bapak Bambang Santoso S.H, M.Hum, selaku Dosen Acara Pidana yang telah banyak memberi pengarahan dan masukan dalam penulisan hukum ini. 5. Bapak Muhammad Rustamaji S.H, M.H, selaku Pembimbing Proposal yang telah banyak memberikan masukan, arahan dan saran dalam penyusunan proposal penulisan hukum ini. 6. Ibu Dr. I. Gusti Ketut Ayu Rackhmi, S. H, M. M, selaku Pembimbing akademik yang telah memberikan bimbingan bagi tersusunnya penulisan hukum ini dan bimbingan-bimbingan yang berkenaan dengan perkuliahan. 7. Bapak dan Ibu Dosen Fakultas Hukum UNS yang telah memberikan ilmu, serta mengajari dan membimbing Penulis sehingga dapat menjadi bekal bagi Penulis dalam penulisan hukum ini. 8. Sahabat-sahabat yang telah memberikan bantuan dan dukungan : Wahyu, Gita, Asih, Nisa, Teni, Indah, terima kasih, semoga persahabatan kita abadi selamanya, AMIEN. 9. Rekan-rekan angkatan 2006 yang tidak dapat saya sebutkan satu-persatu, terima kasih atas segala pengalaman dan motivasinya. 10. Semua pihak yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu persatu yang telah memberikan bantuan bagi penulis, baik selama kuliah maupun dalam penyelesaian penulisan hukum ini. Akhir kata mengingat banyaknya bantuan yang telah penulis terima dari berbagai pihak yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu persatu, sekali lagi penulis mengucapakan terima kasih banyak, semoga Allah SWT membalas semua kebaikan dan amal yang telah diberikan kepada penulis. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Surakarta, 7 April 2010 Penulis
HALAMAN JUDUL........................................................................................
HALAMAN PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ..............................................
HALAMAN PENGESAHAN PENGUJI ........................................................
HALAMAN PERNYATAAN .........................................................................
ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................
MOTTO ...........................................................................................................
KATA PENGANTAR .....................................................................................
DAFTAR ISI....................................................................................................
DAFTAR BAGAN ..........................................................................................
DAFTAR TABEL............................................................................................
DAFTAR LAMPIRAN....................................................................................
: PENDAHULUAN ..........................................................................
A. Latar Belakang .........................................................................
B. Rumusan Masalah ....................................................................
C. Tujuan Penelitian .....................................................................
D. Manfaat Penelitian ...................................................................
E. Metode Penelitian ....................................................................
F. Sistematika Penulisan Hukum .................................................
BAB II : TINJAUAN PUSTAKA .................................................................
A. Kerangka Teori ........................................................................
1. Tinjauan tentang Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia.............
2. Tinjauan tentang Hukum Acara Pidana Belanda ...............
3. Tinjauan tentang Ganti Rugi ..............................................
4. Tinjauan tentang Rehabilitasi.............................................
5. Tinjauan tentang Cacat Hukum dalam Proses Peradilan Pidana ...............................................................................
B. Kerangka Pemikiran.................................................................
BAB III : HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN.......................................................
A. Perbandingan
Rehabilitasi bagi Korban Proses Peradilan Pidana yang Cacat Hukum (Miscarriage Of Justice) menurut Undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana dengan Undang-Undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch)....................................................
B. Konsep Pengaturan Ganti Rugi dalam Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch Berpotensi dijadikan Rujukan Pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia .............
BAB IV : PENUTUP………………..............................................................
A. Simpulan………….. ................................................................
B. Saran…………….....................................................................
DAFTAR PUSTAKA ......................................................................................
Bagan 1 : Alur Kerangka Pemikiran..................................................................
Tabel 1 : Maximum for Single Offence..................................................................
Lampiran I
Criminal Injuries Compensation Act amandement 2004
Hukum acara pidana sejak awal keberadaannya diperuntukan bagi perlindungan masyarakat terhadap kesewenang-wenangan pemerintah. Oleh karenanya, sering dikatakan bahwa fungsi dari aturan hukum acara pidana adalah untuk membatasi kekuasaan negara dalam bertindak terhadap warga masyarakat yang terlibat dalam proses peradilan pidana. Ketentuan-ketentuan dalam hukum acara pidana antara lain berfungsi untuk melindungi para tersangka dan terdakwa, terhadap tindakan aparat penegak hukum dalam menjalankan fungsi penegakan hukum melalui lembaga peradilan. Peradilan pada hakekatnya merupakan lembaga tempat setiap warga masyarakat memperjuangkan, memperoleh dan mempertahankan hak-haknya. Peradilan pidana mempunyai fungsi yang demikian penting, karena dalam hal ini hukum acara pidana sebagai cabang hukum yang paling berkaitan dengan hak-hak asasi manusia akan diuji dan ditegakkan. Peradilan pidana sebagai tempat pengujian dan penegakkan hak-hak asasi manusia memiliki ciri khusus, yaitu terdiri dari sub-sub sistem yang merupakan kelembagaan yang berdiri sendiri-sendiri, tetapi harus bekerja secara terpadu agar dapat menegakkan hukum sesuai harapan masyarakat pencari keadilan. Proses peradilan pidana yang terdiri dari serangkaian tahapan mulai dari penyelidikan,
pelaksanaan putusan
merupakan kegiatan yang sangat kompleks dan dapat dikatakan tidak mudah difahami serta kadang kala menakutkan bagi masyarakat. Persepsi yang demikian tidak dapat dihindari sebagai akibat banyaknya pemberitaan di media massa yang menggambarkan betapa
masyarakat sebagai pencari keadilan seringkali dihadapkan pada kondisi-kondisi yang tidak menyenangkan, baik disebabkan oleh ketidaktahuan mereka akan hukum maupun perlakuan tidak simpatik dari aparat
penegak hukum. Keberadaan perundang-undangan yang khusus memberikan perlindungan dan hak-hak bagi mereka terlihat belum tegas. Dewasa ini pengaturan Hukum Acara Pidana terhadap korban kejahatan belum menampakkan pola yang jelas. Dikarenakan perlindungan korban masih banyak yang abstrak atau perlindungan tidak langsung, dimana pertanggungjawaban pidananya terhadap pelaku bukanlah pertanggung jawaban terhadap kerugian/penderitaan korban secara langsung dan kongkrit, tetapi lebih tertuju pada pertanggung jawaban yang bersifat pribadi/individual (Barda Nawawi Arief. 1998: 56). Hal ini terlihat jelas misalnya dalam kasus salah tangkap Imam Kambali dan Devid Eko Priyanto yang dituduh membunuh asrori. Kasus pembunuhan Asrori sendiri bermula dari diketemukannya sosok mayat di sebuah kebun tebu di Jombang pada 29 September 2007 silam. Berdasarkan ciri-ciri fisik yang diakui keluarga. Polisi menetapkan korban bernama Asrori (28). Pada Oktober 2007 dua orang tersangka, yakni Imam Kambali alias Kemat dan Devid Eko Priyanto ditangkap dan diproses secara hukum hingga kemudian pada 8 Mei 2008 PN Jombang memvonis Kemat 17 tahun dan David 12 tahun pidana kurungan. Seorang tersangka lain yang diduga ikut terlibat, Maman Sugianto alias Sugik masih dalam proses persidangan. Dugaan salah tangkap mencuat saat sang Jagal Jombang, Ryan membuat pengakuan kontroversial bahwa korban kesebelas dari rangkaian pembunuhan yang dilakukannya bernama Asrori. Lewat test DNA oleh Laboratorium Forensik Kepolisisan mayat Mr.X yang digali dari pekarangan rumah Ryan di Jombang cocok dengan DNA kaka kandung Asrori yang diduga dibunuh oleh Kemat cs. Bahkan kini Markas Besar Kepolisian RI kemarin mengumumkan bahwa mayat yang semula diduga Asrori adalah Fauzin Suyanto warga
Ploso, Nganjuk. Ironisnya, bukti DNA ini tidak mengubah pendirian pihak kepolisian bahwa telah terjadi salah tangkap. Padahal selain bukti nyata tes DNA tersebut, pengakuan para terdakwa yang mengalami penyiksaan selama proses penyidikan, dan kejanggalan dua rekonstruksi kejadian yang berbeda-beda semakin memperkuat indikasi salah tangkap tersebut. ( Pihak Devid dan Imam Kambali hanya mengiklaskan hal tersebut tanpa meminta ganti rugi, padahal sesuai dengan Pasal 9 ayat (1) Undang-undang Nomor 4 tahun 2004 tentang Ketentuan-ketentuan Pokok Kekuasaan Kehakiman, menyediakan prosedur ganti rugi bagi mereka yang di tangkap, ditahan, dituntut ataupun diadili tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan Undang-undang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai orangnya atau hukum yang diterapkan yang selanjutnya diatur dalam Pasal 95 Undang-undang Nomor 8 tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana yang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari biasa disebut dengan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana dan untuk selanjutnya dalam pembahasan ini akan disebut sebagai Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana. Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana, Pasal 77 diatur tentang kewenangan pengadilan negeri untuk memeriksa dan memutus ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi seseorang yang perkara pidananya dihentikan sampai penyidikan atau penuntutan. Kemudian dalam Pasal 98 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana dan seterusnya diatur tentang kemungkinan penggabungan perkara gugatan dan ganti kerugian kepada perkara pidana yang bersangkutan (Muladi & Barda Nawawi Arief, 1992 : 88). Pada tahun 1977 di Negeri Belanda telah diatur kompensasi yang dibayar oleh Negara bagi korban-korban tindak pidana kekerasan. Oleh karena Hukum di Negara Indonesia berasal dari belanda pada saat masa penjajahan belanda dan Undang-undang Negara Belanda sendiri sudah mengalami beberapa revisi akan tetapi Indonesia sampai sekarang masih memakai Undang-undang peninggalan Belanda tersebut.
“Perbandingan hukum sebagai salah satu metode mengandung arti bahwa ia merupakan suatu cara pendekatan untuk lebih memahami suatu objek atau masalah yang otentik” (Barda Nawawi Arif, 2002 : 4). Membandingkan hukum nasional dengan hukum asing dapat memperdalam pengetahuan tentang hukum nasional dan dengan secara objektif dapat melihat kelebihan dan kekurangan hukum nasional dibandingkan dengan hukum Negara lain atau sebaliknya. Dengan mempelajari perbandingan sistem hukum dapat memahami potret budaya hukum negaranya sendiri dan mengadopsi hal-hal yang positif dari sistem hukum asing guna pembangunan hukum nasional (Ade Maman Suherman, 2004:19) Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, penulis tertarik untuk mengadakan penelitian dan menyusunnya
Agar suatu permasalahan yang diteliti dapat dipecahkan, maka perlu disusun dan dirumuskan suatu permasalahan yang jelas dan sisitematik. Perumusan masalah ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi kemudahan bagi penulis dalam membatasi permasalahan yang akan ditelitinya sehingga dapat mencapai tujuan dan sasaran yang jelas serta sesuai dengan yang di inginkan. Berdasarkan uraian latar belakang yang ada, maka penulis merumuskan masalah sebagai berikut:
1. Bagaimanakah pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum (Miscarriage of justice) menurut Kitab
Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana dibandingkan dengan Undang-undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch)? 2. Apakah konsep pengaturan ganti rugi dalam Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch berpotensi dijadikan rujukan pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia? C. TUJUAN PENELITIAN
Suatu penelitian harus memiliki tujuan yang jelas agar tepat mengenai sasaran yang dikehendaki. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan solusi yang terbaik dari masalah praktis serta disebutkan pada rumusan masalah diatas. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka penulisan hukum ini mempunyai tujuan sebagai berikut:
1. Tujuan Obyektif a. Untuk mengetahui pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum (Miscarriage of justice) menurut Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana dibandingkan dengan Undangundang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch). b. Untuk mengetahui konsep pengaturan ganti rugi dalam Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch berpotensi dijadikan rujukan pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia.
2. Tujuan Subyektif a. Untuk memperluas pengetahuan dan wawasan peneliti di bidang hukum serta pemahaman aspek hukum dalam teori dan praktek dalam lapangan hukum acara pidana, khususnya
hukum acara pidana tentang perbandingan
pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum (Miscarriage of Justice) menurut Kitab Undangundang Hukum Acara Pidana dengan Undang-undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch). b. Melatih kemampuan peneliti untuk berpikir kritis dan sistematis dalam menganalisa suatu masalah. c. Sebagai syarat akademis untuk memperoleh gelar kesarjanaan dalam ilmu hukum pada Fakultas Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.
Suatu penelitian selain mempunyai tujuan yang jelas juga diharapkan memberikan manfaat. Adapun manfaat yang diharapkan dari penelitian adalah: 1. Manfaat Teoritis a. Diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangan pemikiran bagi pengembangan Ilmu Hukum pada umumnya dan Hukum Acara Pidana pada khususnya. b. Diharapakan dapat menambah literatur dan bahan-bahan informasi ilmiah yang dapat dijadikan acuan pada penelitian-penelitian sejenis untuk tahap berikutnya. c. Memberikan jawaban atas permasalahan yang sedang diteliti. 2. Manfaat Praktis a. Penulisan hukum ini diharapkan dapat membantu dan memberikan masukan serta sumbangan pemikiran bagi para pihak yang terkait dalam masalah yang diteliti dan berguna dalam menyelesaikannya, b. Untuk melatih mengembangkan pola piker yang sistematis sekaligus untuk mengukur kemampuan peneliti dalam menerapkan ilmu yang sudah diperoleh, dan c. Sebagai pewacanaan kondisi hukum khususnya dalam hal perbandingan pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan xx
pidana yang cacat hukum (Miscarriage of justice) menurut Kitab Undangundang Hukum Acara Pidana dengan Undang-undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch).
E. METODE PENELITIAN Penelitian adalah suatu kegiatan ilmiah, yang didasarkan pada metode, sistematika, dan pemikiran tertentu, yang bertujuan untuk mempelajari satu atau beberapa gejala hukum dan masyarakat, dengan jalan menganalisisnya. Yang diadakan pemeriksaan secara mendalam terhadap fakta hukum tersebut permasalahan-permasalahan yang timbul di dalam gejala yang bersangkutan. Metode berasal dari kata “metodhos” (Yunani) yang artinya cara atau menuju suatu jalan. Metode merupakan kegiatan ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan suatu cara kerja (sistematis) untuk memahami suatu subjek atau objek penelitian, sebagai upaya untuk menemukan jawaban yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah termasuk keabsahannya.
Dapat dikatakan bahwa metode merupakan suatu unsur yang mutlak harus ada dalam penelitian, dipilih berdasarkan dan mempertimbangkan keserasian dengan objek serta metode yang digunakan sesuai dengan tujuan, sasaran, variabel, dan masalah yang hendak diteliti. Hal tersebut diperlukan untuk memperoleh hasil penelitian yang mempunyai nilai validitas dan rehabilitas yang tinggi. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, metode yang digunakan penulis dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah:
1. Jenis Penelitian
Jenis peneltian yang digunakan penulis adalah penelitian hukum normatif atau doktrinal, dengan metode pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian normatif dapat diartikan sebagai penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder yang terdiri dari bahan primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tersier. Bahan-bahan tersebut disusun secara sistematis, dikaji kemudian ditarik kesimpulan dalam hubungannya dengan masalah yang diteliti.
2. Sifat Penelitian Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat bersifat perskriptif. Dimana dalam penelitian ini penulis mentelaah Undang-undang, yaitu dengan memperbandingkan Undang-undang Nomor 8 tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana dan Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal injuries compensation act of dutch), lalu hasil dari telaah tersebut di buat suatu opini atau pendapat hukum (Peter Mahmud Marzuki, 2005: 37).
3. Pendekatan Penelitian Pendekatan (approach) yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan perbandingan (comparative approach) yaitu pendekatan dilakukan dengan membandingkan Undang-undang suatu Negara dengan Undang-undang dari satu atau lebih Negara lain. Kegunaan pendekatan ini adalah untuk memperoleh persamaan dan perbedaan diantara Undang-undang tersebut. Hal ini untuk menjawab mengenai isu antara ketentuan Undang-undang dengan ratio legis yang melahirkan Undangundang itu.. Hal yang sama juga dapat dilakukan dengan membandingkan putusan pengadilan antara suatu negara dengan negara lain untuk kasus yang serupa (Peter Mahmud Marzuki, 2005: 95).
4. Jenis Data dan Sumber Data Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa data sekunder, yaitu data dari bahan-bahan kepustakaan yang antara lain meliputi : bahan kepustakaan seperti buku-buku, literatur, Koran, majalah, jurnal maupun arsip-arsip yang sesuai dengan permasalahan yang akan diteliti (Peter Mahmud Marzuki, 2005: 141) Berkaitan dengan jenis data yang digunakan, maka sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sumber data sekunder, yang terdiri dari: a. Bahan hukum primer yang berupa: 1) Undang-undang Nomor 8 tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana 2) Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Belanda 3) Peraturan lainnya yang terkait dengan topik penelitian. b. Bahan hukum sekunder Bahan hukum sekender, yaitu bahan-bahan yang erat hubungannya dengan bahan hukum primer dan dapat membantu menganalisis serta memahami bahan hukum primer, berupa buku-buku, hasil penelitian dan bahan pustaka lainnya yang berkaitan dengan penelitian. (Peter Mahmud Marzuki, 2005: 141).
5. Teknik Pengumpulan Data Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan penulis dalam penulisan hukum ini adalah studi kepustakaan, yaitu teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara mengkaji dan mempelajari bahan-bahan tertulis yang berupa
bahan-bahan dokumen resmi,
peraturan perUndang-undangan, laporan, buku-buku kepustakaan, dan lain-lain yang ada hubungannya dengan masalah yang diteliti.
6. Teknik Analisis Data
mengklasifikasi, menguraikan data yang diperoleh kemudian melalui proses pengolahan nantinya. Data yang digunakan untuk menjawab permasalahan yang diteliti. Metode deduksi yang digunakan penulis untuk menganalisa data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini. Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan metode deduksi adalah metode yang berpangkal dari pengajuan premis mayor yang kemudian diajukan premis minor, kemudian dari kedua premis tersebut ditarik suatu kesimpulan atau conclusion (Peter Mahmud Marzuki, 2005: 47). Metode deduksi yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini diawali penelitian dengan mengajukan hal yang bersifat umum dan diakhiri dengan kesimpulan yang bersifat khusus.
F. Sistimatika Penulisan Hukum Pada bagian ini, penulis mensistematisasikan dalam bagian-bagian yang dibahas menjadi beberapa bab yang diusahakan dapat saling kait mengait dan lebih tersistematis, terarah dan mudah dimengerti, sehingga saling mendukung dan menjadi satu kesatuan yang bulat dan utuh . Adapun sistematika penulisan hukum tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
: Pendahuluan Bab pertama ini akan diuraikan mengenai latar belakang masalah, rumusan masalah, tujuan penelitian, manfaat penelitian, metode penelitian, dan sistematika penulisan hukum
: Tinjauan Pustaka Dalam bab ini dimulai dari kerangka teori yang akan menguraikan tentang teori-teori yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang akan diteliti, meliputi xxiv
tinjauan tentang hukum acara pidana di indonesia yang meliputi sejarah pembentukan kitab Undang-undang hukum acara pidana, tujuan hukum acara pidana, asas-asas hukum acara pidana kemudian tinjauan tentang hukum acara pidana belanda yang meliputi sejarah Undang-undang acara pidana belanda, kemudian tinjauan tentang ganti rugi yang terdiri dari pengertian ganti rugi, kepada siapa tuntutan ganti rugi ditujukan, jumlah ganti rugi, pengajuan permintaan ganti rugi, pembayaran ganti rugi, tinjauan tentang rehabilitasi yang meliputi pengertian rehabilitasi, yang berhak mengajukan
pelaksanaan rehabilitasi dan kemudian tinjauan tentang cacat hukum yang meliputi pengertian cacat hukum.
: Hasil Penelitian dan Pembahasan Dalam bab ini Dikemukakan mengenai Hasil Penelitian dan Pembahasan yaitu mengenai perbandingan pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum (Miscarriage of justice) menurut Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana dengan Undangundang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch) yang memiliki beberapa persamaan dan perbedaan. Dan Konsep pengaturan ganti rugi dalam Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch berpotensi dijadikan rujukan pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia.
: Pada bab ini, penulis menguraikan mengenai simpulan dan saran terkait hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan penulis.
A. Kerangka Teori 1. Tinjauan Tentang Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia a. Sejarah pembentukan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Pada masa orde baru, terbukalah kesempatan untuk membuat peraturan perundang-undangan. Oleh sebab itu, dibentuklah di departemen kehakiman suatu panitia untuk menyusun RUU Hukum Acara Pidana. RUU Undang-undang Nomor 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana disahkan oleh sidang paripurna DPR pada tanggal 23 September 1981, dan kemudian disahkan oleh presiden menjadi Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana, pada tanggal 31 Desember 1981 dalam Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1981 Nomor 76 dan dalam Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 3209
b. Tujuan Hukum Acara Pidana Tujuan Hukum Acara Pidana antara lain dapat dibaca pada Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana yang dikeluarkan oleh Menteri Kehakiman sebagai berikut: “Tujuan dari hukum acara pidana adalah untuk mencari dan mendapatkan atau setidak-tidaknya mendekati kebenaran materiil, ialah kebenaran yang selengkap-lengkapnya dari suatu perkara pidana dengan menerapkan ketentuan hukum acara pidana secara jujur dan tepat dengan tujuan untuk mencari siapakah pelaku yang dapat di dakwakan melakukan suatu pelanggaran hukum, dan selanjutnya meminta pemeriksaan dan putusan dari pengadilan guna menemukan
apakah terbukti bahwa suatu tindak pidana telah dilakukan dan apakah orang yang di dakwa itu dapat di persalahkan.” Van Bemmelen di dalam buku karangan Andi Hamzah Mengemukakan tiga fungsi hukum acara pidana yaitu sebagai berikut:
1). Mencari dan menemukan kebenaran 2). Pemberian keputusan oleh hakim 3). Pelaksanaan keputusan Dari ketiga fungsi tersebut, yang paling penting karena menjadi tumpuan kedua fungsi berikutnya, ialah “mencari kebenaran”. Setelah menemukan kebenaran yang diperoleh melalui alat bukti dan barang bukti itulah, hakim akan sampai kepada putusan (yang seharusnya adil dan tepat), yang kemudian dilaksanakan oleh jaksa. (Andi Hamzah,S.H, 2006:8) c. Asas-Asas Hukum Acara Pidana
1). Peradilan Cepat, Sederhana, dan Biaya Ringan, Pencantuman peradilan cepat di dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana cukup banyak yang diwujudkan dengan istilah”segera”. Asas peradilan cepat, sederhana, dan biaya ringan yang dianut di dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana tersebut sebenarnya merupakan penjabaran Undang-undang Ketentuan Pokok Kekuasaan Kehakiman.
2). Praduga Tak Bersalah, Asas ini disebut dalam penjelasan umum butir 3c Kitab Undangundang Hukum Acara Pidana yang berbunyi: ”Setiap orang yang disangka, ditangkap, ditahan, dituntut,dan atau dihadapkan di muka siding pengadilan, wajib di anggap tidak bersalah sampai adanya putusan pengadilan yang menyatakan kesalahannya dan memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap.” Konsekuensi logis dari asas praduga tak bersalah ini maka kepada tersangka atau terdakwa diberikan hak oleh hukum untuk tidak xxvii
memberikan keterangan yang akan memberatkan/merugikan dirinya di muka persidangan (the right of non-self incrimination), dan untuk tidak memberikan jawaban baik dalam proses penyidikan maupun dalam proses persidangan ( 3). Asas Oportunitas, Dalam Hukum Acara Pidana dikenal suatu badan yang khusus diberi wewenang untuk melakukan penuntutan pidana ke pengadilan yang disebut penuntut umum. Di Indonesia penuntut umum itu disebut juga jaksa (Pasal 1 butir a dan b serta Pasal 137 dan seterusnya Kitab Undangundang Hukum Acara Pidana) 4). Pemeriksaan Pengadilan Terbuka untuk Umum, Pemeriksaan pengadilan dalam hukum acara pidana bersifat terbuka untuk umum, akan tetapi sebenarnya hakim dapat menetapkan apakah suatu sidang dinyatakan seluruhnya atau sebagiannya tertutup untuk umum, yang artinya persidangan dilakukan di belakang pintu tertutup untuk umum. 5). Semua orang diperlakukan sama di depan hukum, Asas yang umum dianut di Negara-negara yang berdasarkan hukum ini tegas
Kehakiman Pasal 5 ayat (1) dan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana dalam penjelasan umum butir 3a. Pasal 5 ayat (1) tersebut berbunyi: ’’Pengadilan mengadili menurut hukum dengan tidak membedabedakan orang.” 6). Peradilan Dilakukan oleh Hakim karena jabatannya dan Tetap, Hal ini berarti bahwa pengambilan keputusan mengenai salah tidaknya terdakwa dilakukan oleh hakim karena jabatannya dan bersifat tetap. Untuk jabatan ini di angkat hakim-hakim yang tetap oleh kepala Negara.
Hal ini disebut dalam Undang-undang Pokok Kekuasaan Kehakiman Pasal 31. 7). Tersangka/Terdakwa berhak mendapat bantuan hukum, Dalam Pasal 69 sampai dengan Pasal 74 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana diatur tentang bantuan hukum tersebut di mana tersangka/terdakwa mendapat kebebasan-kebebasan yang sangat luas. Kebebasan-kebebasan yang sangat luas. Kebebasan-kebebasan itu antara lain adalah sebagai berikut: (a). Bantuan hukum dapat diberikan sejak saat tersangka ditangkap atau ditahan. (b). Bantuan hukum dapat diberikan pada semua tingkat pemeriksaan. (c). Penasihat hukum dapat menghubungi tersangka atau terdakwa pada semua tingkat pemeriksaan pada setiap waktu. (d). Pembicaraan antara penasihat hukum dan tersangka tidak didengar oleh penyidik dan penuntut umum kecuali pada delik yang menyangkut keamanan Negara. (e). Turunan berita acara diberikan kepada tersangka atau penasihat hukum guna kepentingan pembelaan. (f). Penasihat hukum berhak mengirim dan menerima surat dari tersangka/terdakwa. 8). Asas Akusator dan Inkisitor, Kebebasan memberi dan mendapatkan nasihat hukum menunjukkan bahwa dengan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana telah dianut asas akusator itu. Ini berarti perbedaan antara pemeriksaan sidang pengadilan pada asasnya telah dihilangkan. Dan asas inkisitor itu berarti tersangka dipandang sebagai objek pemeriksaan. 9). Pemeriksaan Hakim yang langsung dan Lisan, Pemeriksaan di sidang pengadilan dilakukan oleh hakim secara langsung, artinya langsung kepada terdakwa dan para saksi. Ini berbeda dengan xxix
acara perdata dimana tergugat dapat diwakili oleh kuasanya. Pemeriksaan Hakim juga dilakukan secara lisan, artinya bukan tertulis antara hakim dan terdakwa.
2. Tinjauan Tentang Hukum Acara Pidana Belanda Belanda menganut sistem Eropa kontinental, merupakan sistem hukum yang berkembang di Eropa daratan yang juga disebut sebagai "civil law". Hukum ini awalnya berasal dari kodifikasi hukum yang berlaku di kekaisaran Romawi pada masa pemerintahan Justinianus abad VI Sebelum Masehi. Peraturan-peraturan hukumnya merupakan kumpulan berbagai kaidah hukum yang ada sebelum Justinianus yang kemudian disebut "corpus juris civilis". Sistem hukum Eropa Kontinental adalah suatu sistem hukum dengan ciri-ciri adanya berbagai ketentuan-ketentuan hukum dikodifikasi secara sistematis yang akan ditafsirkan lebih lanjut oleh hakim dalam penerapannya. Filosofi sistem hukum Eropa Kontinental tampak pada sifat-sifatnya yang represif, yang senantiasa cenderung melindungi yang berkuasa. Dikarenakan yang berkuasa pada saat itu adalah kolonial Belanda yang jelas ingin mempertahankan dan mengokohkan kekuasaannya melalui berbagai Undang-undang atau sistem hukumnya. Sejarah Undang-undang Acara Pidana Belanda berasal dari KUHP belanda yang dimulai pada tahun 1811. Ketika Kerajaan Belanda itu dimasukkan ke dalam Kekaisaran Perancis dan berlaku sejak 1809, digantikan oleh Napoleon, yang berlaku sejak 1809. Dan setelah kemerdekaan pada tahun 1813, aturan prancis itu tetap berlaku, dengan beberapa perubahan penting. Misalnya sistem juri dihapuskan dan sistem sanksi pada tahun 1809 kembali diperkenalkan. Pada tahun 1813 Undang-undang Dasar Belanda Menetapkan hukum acara pidana akan dimasukkan dalam aturan tersebut. Selama abad XIX sejumlah konsep pidana disajikan, tetapi dalam parlemen terdapat kurangnya kesepakatan tentang sistem sanksi dan sistem penjara. Namun, terjadi revisi penting dari aturan criminal, terutama pada sanksi. Kisaran kalimat berkurang menjadi berbagai bentuk Hukuman Penjara, denda, penangguhan hak-hak
tertentu dan terkena denda dari barang-barang tertentu. Hukuman Mati juga dihapuskan pada 1856, penahanan diperkenalkan pada 1864. Bahkan ide-ide dari sekolah klasik hukum criminal dalam pidana, secara bertahap digantikan oleh ide-ide modern, yang mengarah ke tempat yang lebih manusiawi, dan sistem Penjara Belanda pada waktu itu, terutama abad ke-17, tidak cocok bagi mereka ide-ide modern. Rezim penjara sangat kasar, tidak ada pembedaan dalam penjara menurut umur,dan masa hukuman penjara. Pada tahun 1823 dibentuk Asosiasi Belanda untuk Perbaikan Moral Narapidana oleh beberapa warga. Tujuan dari Asosiasi adalah kemajuan moral para tahanan. Para relawan dari Asosiasi mencoba untuk memerangi ancaman kerusakan moral yang timbul dari kondisi menyedihkan di dalam penjara dengan kunjungan, pendidikan, pelajaran agama dan penyediaan buku-buku. Asosiasi Belanda ini memainkan peranan penting dalam pembentukan hukum nasional. Dan akhirnya Berikutnya pada 1863 Menteri Kehakiman, Modderman, menerbitkan reformasi Perundang-undanganpidana Belanda. Dalam Perundang-undangantersebut berisi penjelasan rinci mengenai
pidana Belanda harus disusun. Sebuah amandemen hukum acara pidana telah disahkan pada tahun 1879 oleh Modderman dalam kapasitasnya sebagai Menteri Kehakiman dan diserahkan kepada Parlemen. Aturan ini telah diadopsi tahun 1881, tetapi mulai berlaku pada tahun 1886, karena sejumlah bagian harus diamandemen.”The Criminal justice Act, provided for a statutory scheme to replace the exiting system of example gratia compensation for the victim of violent crime”( T. R. S. Allan. 1995:53)
3. Tinjauan Tentang Ganti Rugi
a. Pengertian Ganti Rugi Tuntutan ganti kerugian timbul tidak dapat dilepaskan dengan masalah lainnya, yaitu adanya perbuatan yang menyebabkan terjadinya kerugian, yang dipihak lain menimbulkan kewajiban untuk menggantikan kerugian tersebut.
(Joko Prakoso, 1988:10). Pengertian ganti rugi pada hakekatnya adalah suatu pengertian yang terletak pada lapangan hukum perdata, sehubungan dengan perbuatan melanggar hukum. Hal demikian dapat dilihat ketentuan Pasal 1365 KUH Perdata yang menyatakan bahwa tiap perbuatan melanggar hukum yang membawa kerugian kepada orang lain, mewajibkan orang yang karena salahnya menerbitkan kerugian itu mengganti kerugian tersebut. Segala perbuatan yang menggangu keseimbangan tersebut merupakan pelanggaran hukum. Pada tiap pelanggaran hukum para penegak hukum mencari bagaimana mengembalikan keseimbangan yang terganggu itu. Mungkin hanaya berupa pembayaran keseimbangan yang terganggu it (inok, 2008: 4507). Kalau disimak lebih lanjut ternyata pengertian ganti rugi itu tidak sematamata terletak dalam lapangan hukum perdata saja tetapi, juga pengertian dalam hukum publik. Hal demikian bisa dilihat dalam ketentuan Pasal 14 C:(1) KUHP mengatur masalah ganti rugi. Perlindungan korban dalam proses pidana tentunya tidak lepas dari perlindungan korban menurut ketentuan hukum positif yang berlaku. Dalam hukum pidana positif yang berlaku saat ini, perlindungan korban lebih banyak merupakan perlindungan abstrak atau perlindungan tidak langsung. Dengan kata lain, sistem sanksi dan pertanggung jawaban pidananya tidak tertuju pada perlindungan korban secara langsung dan kongkret, tetapi hanya perlindungan korban secara tidak langsung dan abstrak, yang bersifat pribadi/individual. Perlindungan korban secara tidak langsung itu dapat terlihat pada pidana tambahan berupa pencabutan hak-hak tertentu, antara lain : 1). Pencabutan hak menjalankan pencaharian sebagai dokter/bidan dalam kasus pengguguran (Pasal 349 KUHP).
2). Penutupan seluruh/sebagian perusahaan si terhukum (Pasal 7 ayat (1)b Undang-undang TPE No.7 Drt. 1955). 3). Pencabutan ijin usaha industri (terutama Pasal 26 Jo.19 Undang-undang Nomor 5 tahun 1984 tentang perindustrian yang bermaksud melindungi standar bahan baku dan barang hasil industri). 4). Pencabutan surat ijin mengemudi/SIM (Pasal 70 Undang-undang Nomor 14 tahun 1992 tentang lalu lintas dan angkutan jalan). (Barda Nawawi Arief. 1998:55-56). Mengenai landasan hukum tuntutan ganti rugi yang diatur dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana sebenarnya bersumber dari ketentuan Pasal 9 Undang-undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2004, yang berbunyi: ”seorang yang ditangkap ,ditahan, dituntut ataupun diadili tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan Undang-undang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai orangnya atau hukum yang diterapkanberhak menurut ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi”(Yahya Harahap, 2002: Hal 39).
b. Kepada siapa tuntutan ganti rugi ditujukan Sesuai dengan Pasal 95 ayat (1) Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana, yang berhak menuntut ganti rugi adalah:
a) tersangka/ terdakwa/ terpidana b) yang ditangkap/ ditahan/ dituntut/ diadili c) dikenakan tindakan lain (penggeledahan/penyitaan) tanpa alasan berdasarkan Undang-undang/ karena kekeliruan mengenai orangnya/ kekeliruan hukum yang diterapkan. untuk berhak mendapatkan ganti rugi maka harus memenuhi ketiga hal tersebut.
c. Jumlah ganti rugi
Hal ini diatur dalam Pasal 9 Peraturan Pemerintah (P.P) Nomor 27 Tahun 1983 yang bunyinya sebagai berikut: 1. Ganti rugi berdasarkan alasan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 77 huruf b dan Pasal 95 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana adalah berupa imbalan serendah-rendahnya berjumlah Rp.5000- (lima ribu rupiah dan setinggitingginya Rp. 1.000.000,- (Satu juta rupiah). 2. Apabila penangkapan, penahanan dan tindakan lain sebagaimana dimaksud Pasal 95 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana mengakibatkan yang bersangkutan sakit atau cacat sehingga tidak dapat melakukan pekerjaan atau mati, besarnya ganti kerugian berjumlah setinggi-tingginya RP.3.000.000,-( tiga juta rupiah)”. Jumlah ganti rugi tersebut oleh sebagian pakar di anggap terlalu kecil karena nilai rupiah semakin menurun. seyogjanya jumlah tersebut diubah setiap tahun atau setiap tiga tahun Bagaimanapun, Hakim terikat pada ketentuan yang ada dalam menentukan besarnya jumlah ganti rugi tersebut.
d. Pengajuan Permintaan Ganti Rugi Tenggang waktu pengajuan tuntutan ganti rugi diatur oleh Pasal 7 P.P. nomor 27 Tahun 1983 yaitu hanya dapat diajukan dalam tenggang waktu 3 (tiga) bulan sejak Putusan Pengadilan mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap. Akan tetapi dalam hal tuntutan ganti rugi tersebut diajukan terhadap perkara yang dihentikan pada tingkat penyidikan atau tingkat penuntutan sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 77 huruf b Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Hukum Acara Pidana, maka jangka waktu 3 (tiga) bulan dihitung dari saat pemberitahuan penetapan pra peradilan. Setelah lewat tenggang waktu 3 (tiga) bulan sejak Putusan Pengadilan berkekuatan hukum tetap atau sejak pemberitahuan penetapan praperadilan, maka hak mengajukan tuntutan ganti rugi menjadi daluwarsa, dengan perkataan lain, bahwa tuntutan ganti rugi tersebut tidak dapat diajukan lagi. Selain itu pemeriksaan ganti rugi, sebagaimana tersebut dalam ayat(4), yaitu mengikuti acara praperadilan.
e. Pembayaran Ganti Rugi Hal ini telah diatur dengan rinci di dalam Pasal (2) dan (3) dari Keputusan Menteri Keuangan tanggal 31 desember 1983. Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Keuangan tersebut, Ketua Pengadilan Negeri setempat yang mengajukan permohonan penyediaan dana kepada menteri kehakiman cq Sekretaris Jenderal Departemen Keuangan yang selanjutnya akan meneruskannya kepada Menteri Keuangan cq Direktur Jenderal Anggaran untuk diterbitkan Surat Keputusan Otorisasi (SK0) yang aslinya disampaikan pada yang berhak. Setelah SK0 diterima yang berhak, maka ia mengajukan permohonan pembayaran kepada Kantor Perbendaharaan Negara (KPN) melalui Ketua Pengadilan setempat dengan melampirkan: 1). SK0 2). Asli dan salinan/ fotocopy petikan penetapan Pengadilan. selanjutnya Ketua Pengadilan Negeri meneruskannya disertai dengan Surat Permintaan Pembayaran (SPP). Permintaan/tuntutan ganti rugi tersebut setelah memperoleh penetapan, masih memerlukan kesabaran untuk merealisasikannya. Dengan Pengaturan yang demikian, kemungkinan yang bersangkutan baru akan memperoleh haknya dalam tenggang waktu 6 (enam) bulan sampai 1 (satu) tahun.
4. Tinjauan Tentang Rehabilitasi a. Pengertian Rehabilitasi
Rehabilitasi menurut Pasal 1 butir ke-23 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidanaadalah “hak seseorang untuk mendapat pemulihan haknya dalam kemampuan, kedudukan dan harkat serta martabatnya yang
diberikan pada tingkat penyidikan, penuntutan atau peradilan karena ditangkap, ditahan, dituntut ataupun diadili tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan Undang-undang atau hukum yang diterapkan menurut cara yang diatur dalam Undang-undang ini”. Tujuan rehabilitasi adalah sebagai sarana dan upaya untuk memulihkan kembali nama baik, kedudukan dan martabat seseorang yang telah sempat menjalani tindakan penegakan hukum baik berupa penangkapan, penahanan, penuntutan atau pemeriksaan di sidang pengadilan. Padahal tindakan yang dikenakan kepada dirinya merupakan tindakan tanpa alasan yang sah menurut Undang-undang. Lembaga yang berwenang memberikan rehabilitasi adalah pengadilan baik melalui proses persidangan biasa maupun melalui proses persidangan praperadilan. Putusan pemberian rehabilitasi diberikan kepada terdakwa apabila ia oleh pengadilan diputus bebas (vrijspraak) atau lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum (ontslag van rechtsvervolging) apabila perkaranya telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap (Pasal 97 ayat (1) Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana). Sedang yang melalui proses praperadilan ialah apabila perkaranya tidak dilimpahkan ke pengadilan, (Pasal 97 ayat 3 jo Pasal 77 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana). Rehabilitasi dapat diajukan oleh tersangka, terdakwa, ahli warisnya (keluarganya) maupun kuasanya. Permintaan rehabilitasi atas penangkapan atau penahanan yang tidak sah diajukan kepada pengadilan yang berwenang selambat-lambatnya 14 hari setelah putusan mengenai sah tidaknya penangkapan atau penahanan diberitahukan kepada pemohon. Apabila pengadilan menjatuhkan putusan bebas atau lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum atau apabila permohonan pemohon dalam praperadilan dikabulkan pengadilan, maka dalam amar putusan
“memulihkan hak terdakwa/pemohon dalam kemampuan,
kedudukan dan
harkat serta martabatnya”. Jadi bagi terdakwa yang diadili dan diputus bebas xxxvi
atau lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum, tidak perlu mengajukan permohonan rehabilitasi karena pemberian rehabilitasi tersebut dengan sendirinya harus diberikan oleh pengadilan yang memutus dan sekaligus mencantumkan dalam amar putusannya. Bagaimana jika pengadilan lalai mencantumkan amar rehabilitasi tersebut padahal putusan perkaranya telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap, ternyata Undang-undang Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidanatidak memberikan jalan keluar untuk mengajukannya permohonan yang bersifat yudisial secara tersendiri. Namun demikian menurut hemat kami karena hal tersebut merupakan kewajiban pengadilan untuk mencantumkan amar pemberian rehabilitasi dalam putusannnya dan merupakan hak asasi terdakwa untuk mendapatkan rehabilitasi terhadap nama baiknya, maka seyogyanya
terdakwa/pemohon dapat memperoleh hak tersebut melalui jalur hukum. b. Yang Berhak Mengajukan Rehabilitasi Rehabilitasi ini pada mulanya diatur dalam Pasal 9 Undang-undang No. 14 Tahun 1970, yang merumuskan orang yang berhak mengajukan rehabilitasi yakni:
1). yang ditangkap 2). yang ditahan 3). yang dituntut/diadili, tanpa alasan berdasarkan Undang-undang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai orangnya atau hukum yang diterapkan.
c. Tenggang Waktu Mengajukan Rehabilitasi
Tenggang waktu mengajukan permintaan rehabilitasi ditentukan dalam Pasal 12 Peraturan Pemerintah No.27 yang berbunyi: “Permintaan rehabilitasi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 97 ayat (3) Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana diajukan oleh tersangka, keluarganya, atau kuasanya kepada Pengadilan yang berwenang selambat-lambatnya dalam waktu 14 hari setelah putusan mengenai sah tidaknya penangkapan atau penahanan diberitahukan pada pemohon”. Berdasarkan Pasal tersebut maka, tenggang waktu mengajukan permintaan rehabilitasi adalah 14 hari terhitung sejak putusan mengenai tidak sahnya penangkapan atau penahanan diberitahukan (Yahya Harahap, 2002:73).
d. Pelaksanaan Rehabilitasi Pelaksanaan rehabilitasi dilakukan berdasarkan Pasal 97 ayat (2) dengan mencantumkan sekaligus dalam putusan pengadilan. Pencantuman tersebut, dipertegas oleh Pasal 14 ayat (1) peraturan pemerintah nomor 27 tahun 1983, yang berbunyi: “Memulihkan hak pemohon dalam kemampuan, kedudukan dan harkat serta martabatnya”. Selanjutnya, Pasal 13 peraturan pemerintah nomor 27 tahun 1983, menentukan bahwa penetapan praperadilan mengenai rehabilitasi diberikan:
1). petikan terhadap pemohon 2). salinan kepada: Penyidik, Penuntut Umum, Tempat kerja pemohon, Ketua RW Baik putusan maupun penetapan berdasarkan rehabilitasi, berdasarkan Pasal 15 PP Nomor 27 tahun 1983, diumumkan oleh panitera dengan menempelkan pada papan pengumuman pengadilan (Leden Marpaung, I997:130).
5. Tinjauan Tentang Cacat Hukum dalam Proses Peradilan Pidana Kepastian hukum merupakan suatu yang amat penting dan merupakan produk dari hukum atau lebih khusus produk dari suatu perUndang-undangan. adanya suatu hukum diikuti dengan munculnya kepastian hukum. Maka jika suatu peraturan Perundang-undangan dikeluarkan (diundangkan), pada saat yang sama muncul jugalah kepastian peraturan (hukum). Akan tetapi suatu kepastian hukum itu memerlukan usaha dan perjuangan serta tidak datang secara otomatis. Selain kepastian hukum, keadilan merupakan suatu masalah yang substansial dalam berhukum. Tujuan orang memakai hukum adalah untuk mencari keadilan yang hakiki dari suatu permasalahan yang memperdebatkan keadilan itu sendiri. Secara sederhana, keadilan dapat diartikan tidak berat sebelah. Tidak merugikan salah satu pihak. Atau dengan kata lain, keadilan adalah suatu situasi dimana masing-masing pihak merasa puas dengan apa yang telah diputuskan oleh hukum. Tetapi, hal itu akan menjadi suatu persoalan ketika ternyata kepastian hukum itu tidak mencerminkan adanya keadilan. hal tersebut terlihat dengan terjadinya suatu kasus tindak pidana dalam masyarakat, baik korban maupun pelaku menghendaki adanya rasa keadilan yang didapatkan dalam proses Sistem Peradilan Pidana. Namun pada kenyataannya seringkali hal tersebut tidak terwujud, yang terjadi hanyalah cacat hukum yang tidak diharapkan oleh masyarakat. Cacat Hukum merupakan suatu tindakan yang tidak sesuai dengan Undang-undang secara normatif atau teori dan norma yang berlaku di masyarakat. “Jurisprudence of injury a comprehensive, if loosely defined system of law that includes tort, compensation statutes and regulation. The basic tort features of the events are clear. The primary wrongdoers were intentional tortfeasors, of whom the operational villains are dead and their managers as a practical matter unreachable, unless the attacks eventually come to be tied to a government”(Marshall S. Shapo. 2003: 1245) Cacat hukum tersebut dimungkinkan terjadi dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana mulai dari elemen penyelidikan dan penyidikan di tingkat kepolisian, penuntutan di
kejaksaan, pendakwaan dan penjatuhan vonis di pengadilan atau bahkan di lembaga pemasyarakatan pun hal tersebut memungkinkan bisa terjadi. Kontroversi dalam penegakan hukum pidana berdasarkan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana sering terjadi, sementara para penegak hukum masih berkutat dalam paradigma formalisme, sehingga banyak kasus-kasus yang semestinya dapat diadili, lenyap begitu saja karena keterbatasan pemikiran tentang pelaksanaan penegakan hukum. Padahal tujuan utama dari penegakan hukum adalah mewujudkan kebenaran dan keadilan. Selama aparat penegak hukum tidak mengubah pemikiran bahwa tujuan utama dari penegakan hukum pidana adalah untuk menwujudkan kebenaran dan keadilan, maka pelaksanaan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidanaakan tetap sering terjadi kontroversi. Upaya penegakan terhadap hukum acara dan nilai peradilan harus tetap dijaga dan dipertahankan oleh semua pihak, terutama oleh para aparatur pengadilan itu sendiri. Bagaimana masyarakat mau menghormati pengadilan jika para hakim itu sendiri tidak dapat menjaga kewibawaannya sendiri. Menjaga kehormatan pengadilan secara formal tercermin pada penegakan acara sidang pengadilan dan secara sosiologis tercermin dari putusan-putusan hakim yang berkualitas dan berdasarkan hukum dan keadilan. Di samping itu, penegakan hukum acara dan kewibawaan pengadilan harus dijaga dan dipelihara karena hal itu berkaitan langsung dengan pemberian keadilan bagi seluruh pihak yang terlibat di dalam perkara baik itu terdakwa, saksi, dan korban maupun keluarganya. Penyidik kepolisian maupun penyidik kejaksaan sebagai gerbang pertama penanganan adanya kasus tindak pidana, sebelum melanjutkan perkara / kasus ke tingkat berikutnya harus benar-benar memperhitungkan apakah perkara / kasus tersebut akan terbukti dan mendapat hukuman sesuai ketentuan, atau kasus tersebut akan terhenti di tengah jalan. Karena jika terhenti di tengah jalan maka proses yang telah dilaksanakan menjadi sia-sia, sudah menghabiskan waktu, biaya, maupun tenaga, tetapi hasilnya tidak maksimal. Sebaiknya pihak yang bersangkutan harus menjalani
interogasi, tuntutan, hukuman dan menjalani hukuman di lembaga pemasyarakatan, dan ternyata ada yang mengaku melakukan perbuatan yang disangkakan kepada terhukum. Hal tersebut, selain telah membuang banyak faktor (waktu, biaya dan tenaga) juga tentu adanya tanggapan dari masyarakat bahwa proses Sistem Peradilan Pidana tersebut berjalan tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan atau peraturan yang ada. Sehingga akan menyebabkan kurangnya kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap penegak hukum.
B. Kerangka Pemikiran
Dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat sehari-hari timbul suatu gejala-gejala sosial, yang diakibatkan oleh pergaulan hidup bermasyarakat. Dan dengan adanya gejala sosial maka diperlukan adanya suatu hukum untuk mengatur dan membatasi gejala sosial tersebut. Para penguasa akhirnya membuat suatu tatanan hukum sebagai norma yang harus dipatuhi oleh seluruh masyarakat. Akan tetapi di dalam hukum itu sendiri muncul berbagai permasalahan hukum yang menyebabkan pelaksanaan dari tujuan hukum tersebut terganggu, dan salah satunya adalah permasalahan cacat hukum, dimana merupakan suatu keadaan bahwa keadilan tidak lagi diutamakan dan dijunjung tinggi oleh masyarakat maupun para penguasa dengan melakukan suatu perbuatan yang melawan hukum. padahal tujuan utama suatu hukum adalah menciptakan keadilan bagi mereka yang teraniaya dan memberikan sanksi bagi pelaku kejahatan tersebut. Adanya cacat hukum tersebut menimbulkan suatu ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi yang harus dipenuhi oleh pelakunya terhadap korban cacat hukum. konsep pengaturan ganti rugi tersebut telah diatur dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana. Tidak hanya di Indonesia konsep pemberian ganti rugi tersebut diatur, akan tetapi juga di Negara-Negara lain. Dan salah satunya adalah belanda.
Oleh karena itu penulis ingin membahas tentang perbandingan hukum pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum (miscarriage of justice) menurut Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana dengan undang-undang acara pidana belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch) dan apakah konsep pengaturan ganti rugi dalam Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch dapat di jadikan rujukan pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia atau tidak.
Gejala Sosial
Permasalahan Hukum (Cacat Hukum)
Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana
Ganti Rugi dan Rehabilitasi
Bagan.1 skematik kerangka pemikiran
Undang-Undang Acara Pidana Belanda (criminal injuries compensation act of dutch)
A. Pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum (Miscarriage of Justice) menurut Kitab Undangundang Hukum Acara Pidanadibandingkan dengan Undang-undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch) Dalam pembahasan ini akan di paparkan pengaturan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana dan Undang-Undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch) serta Perbandingan di antara keduanya dalam pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi. 1. Pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum menurut Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana
a. Pasal 95: (1). Tersangka, terdakwa atau terpidana berhak menuntut “ganti kerugian” karena ditangkap, ditahan, dituntut dan diadili atau dikenakan tindakan lain, tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undangundang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai orangnya atau hukum yang diterapkan. (2). Tuntutan ganti kerugian oleh tersangka atau ahli warisnya atas penangkapan atau penahanan serta tindak lain tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undang-undang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai atau hukum yang diterapkan sebagaimana dalam ayat (1) yang perkaranya tidak diajukan ke Pengadilan Negeri, diputus di sidang Pra Peradilan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 77. (3). Tuntutan ganti kerugian sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) diajukan oleh tersangka, terdakwa, terpidana atau ahli warisnya
kepada Pengadilan yang berwenang mengadili perkara yang bersangkutan. (4). Untuk memeriksa dan memutus perkara tuntutan ganti kerugian tersebut pada ayat (1), Ketua Pengadilan sejauh mungkin menunjukkan Hakim yang sama yang telah mengadili perkara pidana yang bersangkutan. (5). Pemeriksaan terhadap ganti kerugian sebagaimana tersebut pada ayat (4) mengikuti acara pra peradilan. b. Pasal 96: (1). Putusan pemberian ganti kerugian berbentuk penentapan. (2). Penetapan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) memuat dengan lengkap semua hal yang dipertimbangkan sebagai alasan bagi putusan tersebut. c. Pasal 97: (1). Seorang berhak memperoleh rehabilitasi apabila oleh pengadilan diputus lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum yang putusannya telah mempunyai hukum tetap. (2). Rehabilitasi tersebut diberikan dan dicantumkan sekaligus dalam putusan pengadilan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1). (3). Permintaan rehabilitasi oleh tersangka atas penangkapan atau penahanan tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undang-undang atau kekeliruan mengenai orang atau hukum yang diterapkan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 95 ayat (1) yang perkaranya tidak diajukan ke pengadilan negeri diputus oleh hakim praperadilan yang dimaksud dalam Pasal 77. d. Pasal 98: (1). Jika suatu perbuatan yang menjadi dasar dakwaan dalam suatu pemeriksaan perkara pidana oleh Pengadilan Negeri, menimbulkan kerugian bagi orang lain, maka Hakim ketua sidang atas permintaan itu dapat menetapkan untuk menggabungkan perkara gugatan ganti kerugian kepada perkara pidana itu. e. Pasal 99 : (1). Apabila pihak yang dirugikan minta penggabungan perkara gugatannya pada perkara pidana sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 98, maka pengadilan negeri menimbang tentang kewenangannya untuk mengadili gugatan tersebut, tentang kebenaran dasar gugatan dan xlv
tentang hukuman pengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan oleh pihak yang dirugikan tersebut. (2). Kecuali dalam hal pengadilan negeri menyatakan tidak berwenang mengadili gugatan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) atau gugatan dinyatakan tidak dapat diterima, putusan hakim hanya memuat tentang penetapan hukuman pengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan oleh pihak yang telah dirugikan. (3). Putusan mengenai ganti kerugian dengan sendirinya mendapat kekuatan tetap, apabila putusan pidananya juga mendapat kekuatan hukum tetap. f. Pasal 100 : (1). Apabila terjadi penggabungan perkara antara perkara perdata dan perkara pidana, maka penggabungan itu dengan sendirinya berlangsung dalam pemeriksaan tingkat banding. (2). Apabila terhadap suatu perkara pidana tidak diajukan permintaan banding, maka permintaan banding mengenai putusan ganti rugi tidak diperkenankan. g. Pasal 101 : Ketentuan dari aturan hukum acara perdata berlaku bagi gugatan ganti kerugian sepanjang dalam undang-undang ini tidak diatur lain
2. Pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum menurut Criminal injuries Compensation Act of Dutch CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION ACT 2004 AMANDEMEN
1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003 2. Commencement This Act comes into operation on a day fixed by proclamation Terms used In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears —
alleged offence means a crime, misdemeanour or simple offence of which no person has been convicted; applicant means a person who makes a compensation application; assessor means the Chief Assessor, or an assessor, appointed under Schedule 1 clause 2; CEO means the chief executive officer of the department of the Public Service that principally assists the Minister in the administration of this Act; Chief Assessor means the Chief Assessor of Criminal Injuries Compensation appointed under Schedule 1 clause 2(1); close relative has the meaning given by section 4; compensation application means an application for criminal injuries compensation made under Part 2; compensation award means an award of compensation made under Part 4; compensation reimbursement order means an order made under section 52 of this Act, or section 39(1) of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985 ; convicted has a meaning affected by section 5; health professional means —
(a) a person who is registered as a dentist under the Dental Act 1939 or a law of another place that is substantially similar to that Act; (b) a person who is registered as a medical practitioner under the Medical Practitioners Act 2008 or a law of another place that is substantially similar to that Act; (c) a person who is registered as a psychologist under the Psychologists Act 2005 or a law of another place that is substantially similar to that Act; injury means bodily harm, mental and nervous shock, or pregnancy; interested person , in relation to a compensation application or to a compensation award made on such an application, means —
(a) the applicant; (b) a person who an assessor thinks may become liable under Part 6 to pay an amount to the State; or xlvii
(c) the CEO; legal practitioner means an Australian legal practitioner within the meaning of that term in the Legal Profession Act 2008 section 3; loss has the meaning given by section 6; offence means an alleged offence or a proved offence; personal representative , of a deceased person, means —
(a) the executor or the administrator of the deceased’s estate; (b) in the absence of such an executor or administrator, a person who satisfies an assessor that the person is entitled to apply to be the executor or administrator of the deceased’s estate; proved offence means a crime, misdemeanour or simple offence of which a person has been convicted; record means any record of information, whether made on paper, electronically or otherwise and whether in writing or otherwise; satisfied means satisfied on the balance of probabilities; victim means a person who suffers injury, or who dies, as a consequence of the commission of an offence
3. Term used: close relative (1) For the purposes of this Act, a close relative of a victim who dies or is injured as a consequence of the commission of an offence, is a person who, immediately before the offence was committed, was — (a) a parent, grandparent or step-parent of the victim; (b) the spouse or a de facto partner of the victim; or (c) a child, grandchild or stepchild of the victim. (2) The presumptions of parentage in the Family Court Act 1997 Part 5 Division 11 Subdivision 3 operate, and section 193 of that Act operates in respect of those presumptions, for the purposes of this Act. 4. Term used: convicted (1) For the purposes of this Act a person is convicted of an offence notwithstanding that having been found guilty or convicted of the offence — (a) a spent conviction order made under the Sentencing Act 1995 section 39 applies to the conviction; (b) a conviction is not recorded under the Young Offenders Act 1994 section 55;
(c) the complaint or indictment was dismissed under the repealed section 669(1)(a) of The Criminal Code ; (d) the repealed section 20 of the Offenders Community Corrections Act 1963 applies to the conviction; (e) the repealed section 40 or 126A of the Child Welfare Act 1947 applies to the conviction; (f) the charge was dismissed or the person was discharged under the repealed section 34 or 34B of the Child Welfare Act 1947 ; or (g) the complaint for the offence was dismissed under the repealed section 24 of the Children’s Court of Western Australia Act 1988 . (2) For the purposes of this Act a person is convicted of an offence if the person, whether or not he or she is charged with the offence, is dealt with by a juvenile justice team under the Young Offenders Act 1994 Part 5 Division 2 for the offence. 5. Term used: loss (1) In this section — personal item means — (a) an item of clothing or footwear; (b) spectacles, or contact lenses, used to correct eyesight; (c) a hearing aid; (d) artificial teeth; (e) an artificial limb; (f) a surgical appliance or implant used to correct or relieve a physical disability or medical condition; or (g) any other item prescribed by the regulations. (2) In the case of a victim who is injured, loss means — (a) expenses actually and reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the victim — (i). that arise directly from; or (ii).that arise in obtaining any report from a health professional or a counsellor in relation to, the injury suffered by the victim; (b) expenses that are likely to be reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the victim for treatment that the victim is likely to need as a direct consequence of the injury suffered by the victim; (c) loss of earnings suffered by the victim as a direct consequence of the injury suffered by the victim; or (d) any loss arising from any damage caused as a direct consequence of the commission of the offence to any personal item that was being worn by the victim when he or she suffered the injury. (3) In the case of a victim who dies, loss means any loss suffered by a close relative of the victim for which damages could be awarded to the relative under the Fatal Accidents Act 1959 if the death of the victim were caused by the wrongful act, neglect or default of another. 6. Construction of Act xlix
Subject to sections 42(3) and (4) and 68, this Act must be construed as being in addition to, and not in derogation of, any other law. 7. Construction of Act Subject to sections 42(3) and (4) and 68, this Act must be construed as being in addition to, and not in derogation of, any other law. 8. Offences for which compensation may be sought This Act does not apply to or in relation to an offence that was committed before 22 January 1971. 9. Time limit for making a compensation application (1) A compensation application must be made within 3 years after the date on which — (a) the offence to which it relates was committed; or (b) if it relates to more than one offence, the last of them was committed. (2) Despite subsection (1), an assessor may allow a compensation application to be made after the 3 years if he or she thinks it is just to do so and may do so on any conditions that he or she thinks it is just to impose. 10. Death of person entitled to compensation ends entitlement (1). Any entitlement of a victim to compensation under this Act ceases on the death of the victim. (2). Any entitlement of a close relative of a deceased victim to compensation under this Act ceases on the death of the close relative. (3). Subsections (1) and (2) apply even if — (a) a compensation application is made by or on behalf of a victim or a close relative of a deceased victim before the death of the victim or close relative; or (b) a compensation award in favour of a victim or a close relative of a deceased victim is made after and in ignorance of the death of the victim or close relative 11. How to make a compensation application (1). A compensation application must be — (a) made in writing on a form approved by the Chief Assessor; and (b) given to the Chief Assessor. (2). If a person entitled to make a compensation application is — (a) under 18 years of age — the application may be made on his or her behalf by a parent, or a person acting in place of a parent, of the person; (b) a represented person within the meaning of the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 — the application may be made on his
or her behalf by the person’s guardian or administrator appointed under that Act. 12. Proved offence (1) A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence may apply for compensation for the injury and any loss also suffered. (2) If a person, being a close relative of a person who dies as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence, suffers loss as a result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (3) An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied — (a) if the application is made under subsection (1) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence; (b) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. 13. Alleged offence: acquittal
(1) This section applies if a person is charged with an alleged offence and is found not guilty of it other than on account of unsoundness of mind. (2) If a person — (a) suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; and (b) claims that the alleged offence was committed but by a person other than the acquitted person, the person may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (3) If — (a) a person dies as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; (b) a close relative of the deceased suffers loss as a result of the death; and (c) the personal representative of the deceased claims that the alleged offence was committed but by a person other than the acquitted person, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (4) An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied that the alleged offence was committed but by a person other than the acquitted person and —
(a) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; (b) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. (5) If an assessor is satisfied that the person who committed the act or made the omission that constitutes the alleged offence was, at the time of the act or omission, not criminally responsible for it, the alleged offence is to be taken not to have been committed for the purposes of subsection (4) unless the person was not criminally responsible for it by reason of The Criminal Code section 27. 14. Alleged offence: acquittal due to unsoundness of mind (1). This section applies if a person is found not guilty of a crime, misdemeanour or simple offence (the charged offence ) on account of unsoundness of mind. (2). A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the act or omission that is alleged to constitute the charged offence may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (3). If — (a) a person dies as a consequence of the act or omission that is alleged to constitute the charged offence; and (b) a close relative of the deceased suffers loss as a result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (4). An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied — (a) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the act or omission that is alleged to constitute the charged offence; (b) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the act or omission that is alleged to constitute the charged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. 15. Alleged offence: accused not mentally fit to stand trial (1). This section applies if — (a) a person is charged with an alleged offence that is alleged to have been committed on or after 1 January 1986; and (b) the person is found to be mentally unfit to stand trial for the alleged offence. lii
(2). A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (3). If a person, being a close relative of a person who dies as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence, suffers loss as a result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (4). An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied — (a) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; (b) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. (5) If an assessor is satisfied that the person who committed the act or made the omission that constitutes the alleged offence was, at the time of the act or omission, not criminally responsible for it, the alleged offence is to be taken not to have been committed for the purposes of subsection (4) unless the person was not criminally responsible for it by reason of The Criminal Code section 27. 16. Alleged offence: charge not determined (1) This section applies if a person is charged with an alleged offence and — (a) the charge is withdrawn or a nolle prosequi is entered in respect of it or the prosecution of it is discontinued; (b) the charge is dismissed without a finding as to whether the person charged is guilty or not guilty of it; (c) the person is acquitted because the prosecutor does not adduce any evidence on the charge; (d) the person dies before he or she is found guilty or not guilty of the charge; or (e) for any other reason, the person is not brought to trial on the charge, and — (f) the person charged is not otherwise charged with the alleged offence or tried for it; and (g) section 15 does not apply. (2) A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (3) If a person, being a close relative of a person who dies as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence, suffers loss as
a result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (4) An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied — (a) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; (b) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. (5) If an assessor is satisfied that the person who committed the act or made the omission that constitutes the alleged offence was, at the time of the act or omission, not criminally responsible for it, the alleged offence is to be taken not to have been committed for the purposes of subsection (4) unless the person was not criminally responsible for it by reason of The Criminal Code section 27. 17. Alleged offence: no person charged (1). This section applies if an alleged offence is committed but no person is charged with the alleged offence. (2). A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (3). If a person, being a close relative of a person who dies as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence, suffers loss as a result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (4). An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied — (a) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; (b) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. (5). If an assessor is satisfied that the person who committed the act or made the omission that constitutes the alleged offence was, at the time of the act or omission, not criminally responsible for it, the alleged offence is to be taken not to have been committed for the purposes of subsection (4) unless the person was not criminally responsible for it by reason on Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003-sect 18.
18. Procedure, general matters (1) An assessor must determine compensation applications expeditiously and informally having regard to the requirements of justice and this Act. (2) In deciding a compensation application an assessor is not bound by rules or practice as to evidence or procedure but may inform himself or herself in any manner he or she thinks fit. 19. Assessor’s general powers (1). For the purposes of deciding a compensation application, an assessor may do any or all of the following, either on the application of an interested person or on the assessor’s own initiative — (a) amend the application; (b) give written notice of the application and of any amendment to it to an interested person; (c) seek and receive any information or evidence that the assessor thinks necessary; (d) make any inquiries and investigate any matters that the assessor thinks necessary; (e) request the applicant to provide the assessor with information in relation to the application; (f) defer deciding the application in order to obtain more information or until information requested under paragraph (c), (d) or (e) is provided. (2). For the purposes of deciding a compensation application, an assessor may give a person a written notice that requires the person to do any or all of the following — (a) to give the assessor, within the time specified in the notice, the relevant information described generally or specifically in the notice; (b) to appear before the assessor at a time and place specified in the notice to give relevant evidence to the assessor; (c) to produce to the assessor, within the time specified in the notice, any relevant record that is described generally or specifically in the notice and that is in the person’s possession or control. (3). The powers in subsection (1) and (2) may be exercised whether or not a hearing of the compensation application is to be conducted. (4). An assessor to whom a record is produced may inspect and make a copy of the record and for those purposes may keep the record for a reasonable time. (5). A person who is given a notice under subsection (2) and who, without a reasonable excuse, does not comply with it commits an offence. Penalty: $5 000. lv
20. Victim may be directed to attend doctor etc. (1). For the purposes of deciding a compensation application by or on behalf of a person who claims to have suffered an injury as a consequence of the commission of an offence (the victim ), an assessor, either on the application of an interested person or on the assessor’s own initiative, may — (a) direct the victim to attend and be examined by a health professional nominated by the assessor; and (b) defer deciding the application until the victim has complied with the direction. (2). If an assessor directs such a victim to attend and be examined by a health professional — (a) the assessor may give the health professional a copy of any report by another health professional about the victim; (b) the assessor must request the health professional to provide the assessor with a report of the examination; (c) the Chief Assessor must pay the reasonable cost of the examination and the report; and (d) any compensation award must be reduced by the amount so paid. (3). If a victim does not obey such a direction, the assessor may take account of the fact by reducing any compensation award made in favour of the victim. 21. Applicant may be required to enforce other remedies (1) If an assessor dealing with a compensation application by or on behalf of a victim who suffered injury as a consequence of the commission of an offence is of the opinion that the victim — (a) has reasonable grounds for taking proceedings independently of this Act to obtain compensation or damages for all or some of the claimed injury and any claimed loss; or (b) may be entitled under a contract of insurance to payment for all or some of that injury or loss, the assessor may require the victim to take proceedings to obtain the compensation, damages or payment and may defer the application pending the determination of those proceedings. (2) If an assessor dealing with a compensation application by the personal representative of a victim who died as a consequence of the commission of an offence is of the opinion that the personal representative — (a) has reasonable grounds for taking proceedings independently of this Act to obtain compensation or damages for all or some of any claimed loss; or
(b) may be entitled under a contract of insurance to payment for all or some of that loss, the assessor may require the representative to take proceedings to obtain the compensation, damages or payment and may defer the application pending the determination of those proceedings. 22. CEO may apply for stay of compensation application (1). The CEO may at any time request that a compensation application be stayed because a prosecution for an alleged offence to which the compensation application relates has been or is about to be commenced. (2). On such a request an assessor may stay the compensation application for such period as the assessor decides. 23. Interim payments (1) If an assessor dealing with a compensation application is satisfied — (a) that a person has incurred or is likely to incur expenses that are or are likely to be a loss in respect of which compensation will be or is likely to be awarded under this Act on the application; and (b) that the making of an interim payment of compensation pending the final determination of the application is warranted, the assessor may make an interim payment of such reasonable amount, and on such terms, as the assessor decides. (2) For any one compensation application more than one interim payment may be made but the total of the payments, not including any payment for the funeral of a victim who has died, must not exceed 3% of the maximum amount of compensation that could be awarded if the application were for compensation in relation to a single offence. (3) The total of any interim payments must be deducted from any compensation award that is subsequently made in favour of the victim or close relative. (4) If one or more interim payments are made to a person and a compensation award in favour of that person is subsequently refused, the total of the interim payments becomes a debt due to the State by the person 24. Hearing to be held if assessor thinks fit (1) An assessor may conduct a hearing of a compensation application if he or she thinks fit. (2) An assessor, without conducting a hearing of a compensation application may make, or refuse to make, a compensation award in respect of the application.
25. Hearings (1). If an assessor decides to conduct a hearing of a compensation application, the assessor must cause written notice of the time and place of the hearing to be given to the applicant and to any other interested person that the assessor intends to hear. (2). A person who is notified of a hearing is entitled — (a) to appear at the hearing and be heard by the assessor; (b) to appear in person or to be represented by a legal practitioner, or by a person approved by the assessor; and (c) to present evidence and to call, examine and re-examine witnesses and to cross-examine any witness not called by that person. (3). Section 63 applies for the purposes of conducting a hearing. (4). A hearing by an assessor must be conducted in private unless the assessor decides that it should be conducted in public. (5). If a hearing is conducted in private, the assessor may exclude any person who the assessor does not intend to hear. 26. Awards etc. to be in writing A compensation award, or a decision to refuse to make a compensation award, must — (a) be made in writing; and (b) be given to the applicant concerned. 27. Reasons for decisions (1) If an assessor makes a compensation award, the assessor must give written reasons for making the award to any interested person who, in writing, asks the assessor for the reasons. (2) If an assessor refuses to make a compensation award, the assessor must give written reasons for the refusal to — (a) the applicant; and (b) any other interested person who, in writing, asks the assessor for the reasons. 28. Copy of awards to be sent to CEO The Chief Assessor must send a copy of a compensation award to the CEO as soon as practicable after it is made. 30. Compensation awards, general (1) On a compensation application in respect of injury suffered by a victim as a conseque of the commission of an offence, an assessor may award such compensation that the assessor is satisfied is just for the injury and for any loss also suffered. (2) A compensation award made under subsection (1) may include directions that all or a specified part of the compensation be held on
trust for the victim by the person, and on any terms, specified in the award. (3) On a compensation application made by the personal representative of a victim who dies as a consequence of the commission of an offence, an assessor may award such compensation that the assessor is satisfied is just for the loss suffered by the one or more close relatives of the deceased. (4) A compensation award made under subsection (3) may — (a) apportion the compensation between 2 or more close relatives; (b) include directions that all or a specified part of the compensation be held on trust for a close relative by the person, and on any terms, specified in the award. (5) An assessor may at any time for good reason amend or cancel a direction made under subsection (2) or (4). 29. Assessor’s general discretion (1). In deciding whether or not to make a compensation award, or the amount of a compensation award, an assessor may have regard to any factors or circumstances that the assessor thinks are relevant. (2). Subsection (1) is subject to sections 12(3), 13(4), 14(4), 15(4), 16(4) and 17(4) and this Part. 30. Compensation awards, general (1).On a compensation application in respect of injury suffered by a victim as a consequence of the commission of an offence, an assessor may award such compensation that the assessor is satisfied is just for the injury and for any loss also suffered. (2).A compensation award made under subsection (1) may include directions that all or a specified part of the compensation be held on trust for the victim by the person, and on any terms, specified in the award. (3).On a compensation application made by the personal representative of a victim who dies as a consequence of the commission of an offence, an assessor may award such compensation that the assessor is satisfied is just for the loss suffered by the one or more close relatives of the deceased. (4).A compensation award made under subsection (3) may — (a)apportion the compensation between 2 or more close relatives; (b)include directions that all or a specified part of the compensation be held on trust for a close relative by the person, and on any terms, specified in the award. (5).An assessor may at any time for good reason amend or cancel a direction made under subsection (2) or (4). 31. Maximum for single offence
(1). Subject to sections 32, 33 and 34, the maximum amount that may be awarded in aggregate under sections 30(1) and (3) in favour of one person for a single offence committed on a date in a period set out in the Table to this subsection is set out in the Table opposite that period.
Table 1 Item Period (all dates inclusive)
Maximum amount
22 January 1971 17 October 1976
to For an indictable offence: $2 000 For a simple offence: $300
18 October 1976 31 December 1982
to $7 500
1 January 1983 31 December 1985
to $15 000
1 January 1986 30 June 1991
to $20 000
1 July 1991 to the day $50 000 before the day on which this Act comes into operation
On or after the day on $75 000
which this Act comes into operation
(2). Subject to sections 32, 33 and 34, the maximum amount that may be awarded in aggregate on a compensation application made by the personal representative of a victim who dies as a consequence of the commission of an offence committed in a period set out in the Table to subsection (1) is set out in that Table opposite the period. (3). The regulations may from time to time amend the Table to subsection (1) by —
(a) inserting a further item that specifies the maximum amount for offences committed on or after a date specified or referred to in the item, being a date on or after the date on which the regulations come into operation; and (b) making any necessary consequential amendments to any previous item in the Table that do not change the effect of the item. 32. Maximum for single offence by multiple offenders Section 31(1) and (2) apply even if the single offence is committed by 2 or more persons acting in concert. 33. Maximum for multiple related offences (1) For the purposes of this section, 2 or more offences are related to one another if an assessor is satisfied — (a) that they were committed at approximately the same time, whether by one person or by 2 or more persons acting in concert; or (b) that they are related for any other reason. (2) If as a consequence of the commission of 2 or more related offences, a person — (a) suffers injury; (b) suffers loss as the close relative of a victim who dies as a consequence of one of the offences; or (c) suffers both injury as described in paragraph (a) and loss as described in paragraph (b), the amounts awarded under section 30(1) and (3) in favour of the person for the injury described in paragraph (a) and any loss also suffered and for the loss described in paragraph (b) must not in aggregate exceed the maximum amount that may be awarded for the last one of the offences to be committed. (3). Despite subsection (2), if a person is a close relative of 2 or more victims who die as a consequence of 2 or more related offences and as a result of 2 or more of those deaths — lxi
(a) suffers injury; (b) suffers loss as the close relative; or (c) suffers both injury as described in paragraph (a) and loss as described in paragraph (b), the amounts awarded under section 30(1) and (3) in favour of the person for the injury described in paragraph (a) and any loss also suffered and for the loss described in paragraph (b) must not in aggregate exceed twice the maximum amount that may be awarded for the last one of the offences to be committed. 34. Maximum for multiple unrelated offences by one offender (1). This section applies to and in respect of a compensation application made on or after 23 September 2003. (2). If as a consequence of 2 or more offences committed by one person that are not related offences within the meaning of section 33(1), another person —
(a) suffers injury; (b) suffers loss as a close relative of a victim who dies as a consequence of one or more of the offences; or (c) suffers both injury as described in paragraph (a) and loss as described in paragraph (b), the amounts awarded under section 30(1) and (3) in favour of the person for the injury described in paragraph (a) and any loss also suffered and for the loss described in paragraph (b) must not in aggregate exceed twice the maximum amount that may be awarded for the last one of the offences to be committed. 35. Mental and nervous shock, compensation for limited to certain persons (1) This section applies to and in respect of a compensation application made on or after 23 September 2003. (2) An assessor must not make a compensation award for mental and nervous shock suffered by a victim as a consequence of the commission of an offence, or for any loss in respect of such shock, unless the assessor is satisfied — (a) that the victim also suffered bodily harm or became pregnant as a consequence of the commission of the offence; (b) that the victim was the person against whom, or against whose property, the offence was committed; (c) that a person other than the victim died or suffered injury as a consequence of the offence and the victim was personally present when or immediately after the offence was committed;
(d) that immediately before the offence was committed the victim was the parent or step-parent of a person who died as a consequence of the commission of the offence; or (e) that immediately before the offence was committed the victim — (i). was a close relative of a person who suffered injury or died as a consequence of the commission of the offence; and (ii).(ii) was living with that person. (3) Despite subsection (2), if an assessor is satisfied — (a) that a person died or was injured as a consequence of the commission of an offence; and (b) that the death occurred or the injury was suffered when the person was committing a separate offence, the assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a close relative of the person for mental and nervous shock suffered by the close relative as a result of the death or injury. 36. No award if compensation likely to benefit offender An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, if the assessor is of the opinion — (a) that there is a relationship or connection between the person who committed the offence and the victim or close relative; and (b) that by reason of the relationship or connection any money paid under the award is likely to benefit or advantage the person who committed the offence. 37 . No award if injury is from motor vehicle in certain cases (1) In this section — (2) This section applies in relation to an offence committed on or after 1 July 1993. (3) An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of the personal representative of a deceased victim, in respect of any loss suffered by a close relative of a deceased victim, as a consequence of the commission of an offence if satisfied that the injury or death was caused directly by, or by the driving or other use of, a motor vehicle unless — (a) the motor vehicle was used for the purpose of committing the offence; and (b) the offence is a crime. 38. No award if applicant did not assist investigators An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, if the assessor is of the opinion that the victim or close relative did not do any act or thing which he or she
ought reasonably to have done to assist in the identification, apprehension or prosecution of the person who committed the offence. 39. No award if victim was engaged in criminal conduct (1) If an assessor is satisfied — (a) that a person was injured as a consequence of the commission of an offence; and (b) that the injury was suffered when the person was committing a separate offence, the assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of the person. (2) If an assessor is satisfied — (a) that a person died as a consequence of the commission of an offence; and (b) that the death occurred when the person was committing a separate offence, the assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a close relative of the person for any loss suffered by the close relative as a result of the death. 40. No award if compensation already awarded or refused (1) In this section —award means an order for compensation made under the Criminal Injuries (Compensation) Act 1970 , or an award of compensation made under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1982 , the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985, or this Act; compensation application means an application for compensation made under the Criminal Injuries (Compensation) Act 1970 3 , the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1982, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985 2 or this Act. (2) An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a victim who is injured as a consequence of the commission of an offence if — (a) an award has been made previously in favour of the victim; or (b) a compensation application by or on behalf of the victim has been refused previously, in relation to an injury suffered by the victim as a consequence of the offence. (3) An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a close relative of a victim who dies as a consequence of the commission of an offence if — (a) an award has been made previously in favour of the close relative; or (b) a compensation application on behalf of the close relative has been refused previously, in relation to loss suffered by the close relative as a result of the death.
41. Behaviour etc. of victim to be considered In deciding whether or not to make a compensation award, or the amount of a compensation award, in favour of a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, an assessor — (a) must have regard to any behaviour, condition, attitude, or disposition of the victim that contributed, directly or indirectly, to the victim’s injury or death; and (b) may, if he or she thinks it is just to do so — (i). refuse to make a compensation award because of that contribution; or (ii).reduce the amount that the assessor would otherwise have awarded. 42. Insurance payments etc. to be deducted from award (1) In this section —registered organisation has the meaning given by the National Health Act 1953 of the Commonwealth. (2) An assessor must deduct from a compensation award in relation to any loss suffered by a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, any amount that the victim or close relative would, but for this Act, also be entitled to receive under a contract of insurance with a registered organisation in respect of any of that loss. (3) An assessor must deduct from a compensation award in relation to any injury or loss suffered by a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, any amount that the victim or close relative has received by way of compensation or damages, or under a contract of insurance, for the injury or loss. (4) If an assessor is satisfied that a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, who has suffered injury or loss will receive an amount by way of compensation or damages, or under a contract of insurance, for the injury or loss, the assessor may deduct the amount from a compensation award in relation to that injury or loss. (5) Despite subsections (3) and (4), in the case of an application by a personal representative of a deceased victim, the amounts described in the Fatal Accidents Act 1959 section 5(2)(b) and (c) must not be deducted. 42. Insurance payments etc. to be deducted from award (1) In this section — registered organisation has the meaning given by the National Health Act 1953 of the Commonwealth. (2) An assessor must deduct from a compensation award in relation to any loss suffered by a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, any amount that the victim or close relative would, but for this Act, also be
entitled to receive under a contract of insurance with a registered organisation in respect of any of that loss. (3) An assessor must deduct from a compensation award in relation to any injury or loss suffered by a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, any amount that the victim or close relative has received by way of compensation or damages, or under a contract of insurance, for the injury or loss. (4) If an assessor is satisfied that a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, who has suffered injury or loss will receive an amount by way of compensation or damages, or under a contract of insurance, for the injury or loss, the assessor may deduct the amount from a compensation award in relation to that injury or loss. (5) Despite subsections (3) and (4), in the case of an application by a personal representative of a deceased victim, the amounts described in the Fatal Accidents Act 1959 section 5(2)(b) and (c) must not be deducted. CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION ACT 2003 - SECT 43 43 . Award to be off set against any amount owed to the State An assessor may reduce the amount payable to a victim or close relative under a compensation award by an amount not exceeding any amount that the victim or close relative owes the State — (a) under section 23(4); (b) under a compensation reimbursement order; or (c) under section 68. 44. Person who incurs expenses may be paid directly If a compensation award includes an amount in respect of expenses incurred on behalf of a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, by a person who is responsible for the maintenance of the victim or close relative, the award may direct that the amount be paid directly to that person. 45. Order about reimbursement order may be made (1) When or after making a compensation award in respect of an application made under section 12, an assessor who thinks it is just to do so may make — (a) an order barring proceedings under Part 6 in respect of the award; or (b) an order that only a part of the award (specified in the order) may be the subject of proceedings under Part 6. (2) At any time, on an application by the CEO, an assessor may cancel an order made under subsection (1).
46. Consolidated Account charged with payment The Consolidated Account is charged with the payment of any compensation awarded under this Act and is appropriated accordingly. 47. Appeal period, payment may be withheld Payment under a compensation award is not to be made until — (a) the period referred to in section 55(3) has elapsed; and (b) any appeal commenced under Part 7 is determined, except with the written authority of an assessor. 48. Future treatment expenses, payment of (1) If a compensation award made in favour of a victim who has suffered injury includes an amount in respect of expenses of the kind referred to in section 6(2)(b), the amount is not to be paid unless — (a) the Chief Assessor is given evidence for the purposes of paragraph (b) by or on behalf of the victim; and (b) an assessor is satisfied that the expenses have been reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the victim for treatment that the victim required as a direct consequence of the injury suffered by the victim in consequence of the commission of the offence to which the award relates; and (c) the Chief Assessor is given a request for payment of the amount in accordance with subsection (2). (2) A request referred to in subsection (1)(c) must be given to the Chief Assessor — (a) if the victim was under 18 years of age on the date of the award, before — (i). the victim reaches 28 years of age; or (ii).the expiry of 10 years after the date on which the Acts Amendment (Justice) Act 2008 section 31 commences, whichever occurs last; or (b) otherwise — (i). if the award was made before that section commences, within 10 years after the day on which it commences; or (ii).otherwise, within 10 years after the date of the award. 48A. Term used: compensation award In this Part — compensation award includes an award for payment of compensation made under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985. 49. CEO may request offender to reimburse compensation If —
(a) a compensation award is made in respect of any injury or loss suffered as a consequence of an offence; and (b) a person is convicted of the offence, then, subject to any order made under section 45(1), the CEO may give the offender a written notice that requests the offender to pay to the State as a lump sum — (c) the whole, or such part as is specified in the notice, of the amount paid or payable under the award; and (d) the whole, or such part as is specified in the notice, of the amount, if any, deducted under section 42(3) or (4) and remitted to the Commonwealth under a law of the Commonwealth. 50. Compensation reimbursement orders, application for (1) At any time after a compensation award is made in relation to an offence the CEO may apply to the Chief Assessor for a compensation reimbursement order against a person who has been convicted of the offence, subject to any order made under section 45(1). (2) An application may be made under subsection (1) whether or not the CEO has given the offender a notice under section 49. 51. Dealing with applications (1) In this section — application means an application made under section 50(1) or 52(3). (2) On receiving an application the Chief Assessor must ensure that — (a) notice of the application is served on the offender; and (b) the CEO and the offender are served with notice of — (i). the time and place of the hearing of the application; (ii). the matters listed in section 52(2) that will be considered at the hearing; and (iii). their entitlements under subsection (3). (3) A person who is notified of the hearing is entitled — (a) to give the assessor, before the hearing, a written submission about any matter relevant to the making of a compensation reimbursement order; (b) to appear at the hearing and be heard by the assessor dealing with the application; (c) to appear in person or to be represented by a legal practitioner, or by a person approved by the assessor; and (d) to present evidence and to call, examine and re-examine witnesses and to cross-examine any witness not called by that person. (4) Section 63 applies for the purposes of conducting the hearing. (4) The hearing must be conducted in private unless the assessor decides that it should be conducted in public. (kok 4 nya 2 ) (5) If a hearing is conducted in private, the assessor may exclude any person who the assessor does not intend to hear. lxviii
(6) At the hearing an assessor may inquire into — (a) the matters listed in section 52(2); and (b) any other matters that the assessor thinks are relevant to the application 52. Compensation reimbursement order, making (1) At the hearing of an application made under section 50(1), an assessor may make a compensation reimbursement order that orders the offender to pay to the State an amount specified in the order being — (a) the whole or part of the amount paid or payable under the relevant compensation award; and (b) the whole or part of the amount, if any, deducted under section 42(3) or (4) and remitted to the Commonwealth under a law of the Commonwealth, in a lump sum or by means of instalments of such amounts and at such times as the order specifies. (2) In deciding whether to make a compensation reimbursement order and the amount to be paid under the order an assessor must have regard to the following — (a) the extent to which the offender is responsible for the victim’s injury or death; (b) whether the behaviour of the victim at the time of the offence in any way precipitated or provoked the offence; (c) whether any behaviour, condition, attitude, or disposition of the victim contributed, directly or indirectly, to the victim’s injury or death; (d) the offender’s means to satisfy any such order having regard to — (i). the offender’s income, assets and liabilities; and (ii).the offender’s current and prospective employment; (e) the extent to which the offender is likely to be able to satisfy any such order within a reasonable time. (3) The CEO or the offender may at any time apply for a compensation reimbursement order to be amended or cancelled. (4) On an application made under subsection (3), an assessor may amend or cancel the compensation reimbursement order. 53. Compensation reimbursement order, enforcement of (1) A compensation reimbursement order may be enforced by lodging a copy of it, certified by an assessor as a true copy, and an affidavit stating to what extent it has not been complied with, with a court of competent jurisdiction. (2) When a compensation reimbursement order is lodged with a court of competent jurisdiction, the order is to be taken to be a judgment of the lxix
court against the offender in favour of the State and may be enforced accordingly 54. Reimbursed amounts to be credited to Consolidated Account Any money paid or recovered under this Part must be credited to the Consolidated Account. 55. Appeal lies to the District Court (1) An interested person may appeal to the District Court against an assessor’s decision — (a) to make or to refuse to make a compensation award; (b) as to the amount of a compensation award. (2) The CEO or an offender may appeal to the District Court against an assessor’s decision — (a) to make or to refuse to make, or to cancel or amend or to refuse to cancel or amend, a compensation reimbursement order under section 52; (b) as to the amount of a compensation reimbursement order made or amended under section 52. (3) The appeal must be commenced within 21 days after the date of the decision. (4) If it is just to do so, the District Court may allow an appeal to be commenced after the 21 days, and may do so even if the period has expired. (5) The appeal must be conducted in accordance with rules of court made by the District Court. 56. Dealing with appeals (1) On an appeal under section 55 against an assessor’s decision, the District Court must decide the application to which the decision relates afresh, without being fettered by the assessor’s decision, solely on the evidence and information that was in the possession of the assessor or may receive further evidence and information. (2) On an appeal under section 55 the District Court may do any or all of the following — (a) exercise any power of an assessor under this Act, other than a power under section 19(1)(b), 24(1) or 25; (b) confirm, vary or reverse the assessor’s decision, either in whole or in part; (c) make any order that an assessor could make under this Act; (d) order an unsuccessful party to the appeal to pay a successful party’s costs as set by the Court in accordance with the scale of costs prescribed by the regulations;
(e) refer a question of law that arises in the appeal to the Court of Appeal for determination; (f) make any necessary consequential order. 57. District Court decision is final The District Court’s decision on an appeal made under this Part is not appealable. 58. Assessor may refer question of law to Court of Appeal An assessor may refer a question of law that arises in relation to a compensation application or the interpretation of this Act to the Court of Appeal for determination. 59. Chief Assessor and assessors, appointment of etc. Schedule 1 has effect. 60. Chief Assessor may allocate work to assessors The Chief Assessor may allocate and reallocate compensation applications to or among himself or herself and the other assessors to be dealt with in accordance with this Act. 61. Administrative staff Any person needed to assist the assessors must be appointed under the Public Sector Management Act 1994 Part 3. 62. Annual report and other reports (1) Before 1 October in each year, the Chief Assessor must give the Minister a report about the operation of this Act during the financial year that ended on 30 June in that year. (2) At any other time the Chief Assessor may give the Minister a report about the operation of this Act. (3) The Minister must cause any report given to him or her under this section to be laid before each House of Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after receiving it. 62A. Assessor may conduct hearing (1) This section does not affect section 24. (2) If he or she thinks fit, an assessor may conduct a hearing in respect of any question that an assessor may decide under this Act. 63 . Witnesses at hearings of applications (1) In this section — witness means a person who is given a notice under subsection (2). (2) For the purposes of conducting a hearing under this Act, an assessor, on the application of a person who has been given notice of the hearing or on the assessor’s own initiative, may give a person a written notice that requires him or her to appear at the hearing and do one or both of the following — lxxi
(a) to give oral evidence; (b) to produce any record that is described generally or specifically in the notice and that is in his or her possession or control. (3) An assessor may administer an oath or affirmation to a witness. (4) An assessor may ask a witness any question. (5) A witness commits an offence if he or she, without a reasonable excuse, does not — (a) appear in accordance with a notice given to the person under subsection (2); (b) take an oath or affirmation as required by an assessor; or (c) give oral evidence or produce a record as required by an assessor. Penalti: $ 5 000 . (6) A witness who complies with a notice given to the witness under subsection (2) is entitled to a reasonable amount, decided by an assessor, in respect of any expenses incurred or earnings lost by the witness in so complying. (7) If an amount is paid under subsection (6) in relation to a witness at a hearing that relates to an offence of which a person is convicted, an assessor may order the offender to pay the State the whole or part of the amount. (8) Section 53 applies to an order made under subsection (7) as if the order were a compensation reimbursement order. 64 . Publicity, assessor may restrict (1) In this section — proceedings means — (a) a compensation application or an application made under Part 6; (b) proceedings on a hearing of such an application; or (c) a decision, award or order made by an assessor on such an application, or the reasons for it; specified means specified in an order made under this section. (2) If satisfied that it is in the interests of justice to do so, an assessor may make an order in respect of specified proceedings that prohibits the publication of the proceedings, or of a report or summary of them, or of a specified part or particular of them. (3) Without limiting subsection (2), an assessor may make an order that prohibits the publication of any particular of specified proceedings that is likely to lead members of the public to identify a specified person who is — (a) a victim; (b) a close relative of a deceased victim; or (c) a person who committed an offence to which any proceedings relate, whether or not he or she has been convicted of it.
(4) In making an order under this section an assessor must have regard to the desirability of the public being informed of the nature of applications made under this Act and the principles applied in deciding them. (5) A person who contravenes an order made under this section commits an offence. Penalty: (a) for a natural person: $5 000; (b) for a body corporate: $25 000. 65. Immunity for assessors, legal practitioners and witnesses (1) An assessor has, in the performance of his or her functions as an assessor, the same protection and immunity as a judge of the Supreme Court has in performance of his or her duties as a judge. (2) A person representing a person at a hearing conducted by an assessor under this Act has the same protection and immunity as a legal practitioner has in representing a party in proceedings in the Supreme Court. (3) A person appearing as a witness before an assessor has the same protection and immunity as a witness has in proceedings in the Supreme Court. 66. Protection of assessors from personal liability (1) In this section, a reference to the doing of anything includes a reference to an omission to do anything. (2) A civil action does not lie against a person for anything that the person does, while he or she is an assessor, in good faith in the performance or purported performance of a function of an assessor. (3) The Crown is also relieved of any liability that it might otherwise have had for another person having done anything as described in subsection (2). 67. Costs An assessor does not have power to award costs. 68. Repayment to State of insurance payments etc. (1) If — (a) a compensation award is made in respect of any injury or loss suffered by a victim or a close relative of a deceased victim; (b) the victim or close relative also receives or recovers in respect of that injury or loss an amount under a contract of insurance or by way of damages or compensation, otherwise than under this Act; and (c) that amount is not deducted under section 42(3) or (4), an amount equal to the lesser of —
(d) the amount awarded to the victim or close relative under the compensation award; or (e) the amount referred to in paragraph (b), is a debt due to the State by the victim or close relative or by any person who holds the amount referred to in paragraph (b) on behalf of the victim or close relative. (2) In this section —compensation award includes an award for payment of compensation made under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985 2 . 69. Debts due to the State, recovery of (1) A debt due to the State under section 23(4) or 68 may be recovered in a court of competent jurisdiction. (2) Any such debt that is paid or recovered must be credited to the Consolidated Account. 70. False information, offence of giving (1) In this section —prescribed information means any information given — (a) in a compensation application; (b) in response to a request made, or a notice given, under section 19; or (c) in an application made under section 50(1) or 52(3). (2) A person who gives any prescribed information knowing that it is false in a material particular commits an offence. Penalty: $5 000. (3) A court that convicts a person of an offence under subsection (1) in respect of information given in or in relation to a compensation application may, in addition to the sentence it imposes, order the person to repay to the State the whole or a part of any amount paid to the person under a compensation award made on the compensation application. 71. Limitation period for prosecutions A prosecution for an offence under this Act must be commenced within 2 years after the date on which the offence is alleged to have been committed.
72. Regulations (1) The Governor may make regulations prescribing all matters that are required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed or are necessary or convenient to be prescribed for giving effect to the purposes of this Act. (2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), regulations may provide for the substituted service on a person of notices issued under
section 19, 25, 51(2) or 63, or on an appeal, in cases where it is impossible or impracticable to give the notice to the person. 73. Repeal and transitional provisions Schedule 2 has effect. 3. Perbandingan Pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum (Miscarriage of Justice) menurut Kitab Undangundang Hukum Acara Pidana dibandingkan dengan Undang-undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch) Pada dasarnya pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana maupun Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch sama-sama diciptakan untuk melindungi hak asasi manusia, agar korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum mendapatkan ganti rugi atas kerugian yang di deritanya. Landasan pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Tertera dalam Pembukaan UndangUndang Dasar Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 yang kemudian dijabarkan lebih rinci dalam Bab XA yang berjudul Hak Asasi Manusia. Dimana dalam Pasal 28D ayat (1) disebutkan bahwa Setiap orang berhak atas pengakuan, jaminan, perlindungan, dan kepastian hukum yang adil serta perlakuan yang sama di hadapan hukum, dalam Pasal 28G ayat (1) Setiap orang berhak atas perlindungan diri pribadi, keluarga, kehormatan, martabat, dan harta benda yang di bawah kekuasaannya, serta berhak atas rasa aman dan perlindungan dari ancaman ketakutan untuk berbuat atau tidak berbuat sesuatu yang merupakan hak asasi dan dalam Pasal 28I ayat (4) disebutkan ”Perlindungan, pemajuan, penegakan, dan pemenuhan hak asasi manusia adalah tanggung jawab negara, terutama pemerintah” maka dibentuklah Pengaturan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum di dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana sebagai wujud perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) merupakan konsepsi Hak Asasi Manusia dan telah diakui secara universal yang merupakan standar perlakuan terhadap para pelanggar hukum. Hal ini mengandung pengertian bahwa
secara internasional adanya pengakuan atas perlindungan terhadap hak asasi seorang tersangka/terdakwa. Hukum pidana Belanda (1996) dalam menghadapi kejahatan, dalam Pasal 74 KUHP Belanda (1996) diatur bahwa penuntut umum diberikan diskresi untuk mencegah seseorang tersangka kejahatan serius di dakwa di muka sidang pengadilan, kecuali untuk kejahatan yang diancam lebih dari 6(enam) tahun. Persyaratan untuk memasuki tahap ini antara lain, tersangka telah membayar sejumlah uang kepada Negara, mencabut hak kepemilikan yang bersangkutan atas harta benda tertentu, telah menyerahkan barang-barang yang menjadi objek penyitaan atau membayar sejumlah nilai barang tersebut kepada negara, atau telah memberikan kompensasi penuh atau sebagian kerugian yang disebabkan kejahatan yang telah dilakukannya. Berdasarkan Pasal di atas, perhatian terhadap korban kejahatan di Belanda selain kepada tersangka/terdakwa telah diperkuat dengan Undang-Undang tentang Kompensasi terhadap Korban Kejahatan (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act) yang menetapkan bahwa korban kejahatan dapat menuntut ganti rugi termasuk ahli warisnya di dalam proses peradilan pidana. Dengan Undang-Undang tersebut sekaligus melindungi saksi-saksi pelapor dari ancaman pihak lain
Akan tetapi, terdapat beberapa perbedaan dalam pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi di antara Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana dengan Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch, perbedaan tersebut antara lain:
Di dalam Pasal 95 ayat (1) Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana berbunyi: ”Tersangka, terdakwa atau terpidana berhak menuntut “ganti kerugian” karena ditangkap, ditahan, dituntut dan diadili atau dikenakan
tindakan lain, tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undang-undang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai orangnya atau hukum yang diterapkan”, sedangkan dalam
disebutkan:” applicant means a person who makes a compensation application” dimana Pemohon merupakan pihak yang membuat berkas kompensasi. Dipertegas dengan Pasal 12 ayat (1) yang berbunyi:’’ A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence may apply for compensation for the injury and any loss also suffered’’. Yang berarti Seseorang yang menderita cedera sebagai akibat dari komisi pelanggaran yang terbukti dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk kompensasi atas cedera dan kerugian juga menderita. Disini tidak disebutkan cidera yang bagaimana yang dapat mohonkan ganti rugi. Sehingga pengertian cidera dalam hal ini menjadi sangat luas. Hal ini mempermudah pihak korban dalam menuntut ganti rugi.
b. Dalam Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch dikenal adanya Hakim Komisaris atau ”examining judges” yang bertugas mengawasi dan
menjalankan tugasnya. Sehingga jalannya peradilan lebih terkontrol dan adil. Hakim Komisaris yang mempunyai tugas antara lain melakukan pengawasan terhadap penerapan ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai penangkapan, penahanan, penggeledahan, pensitaan dan pemeriksaan surat-surat, dimaksudkan untuk menjamin hak-hak asasi dari pada tersangka yang dikurangi, janganlah pengurangannya itu berlebih-lebihan dari keperluan yang sebenarnya, atau jangan sampai dihapus sama sekali, karena misalnya adanya penyelewengan dari kepastian hukum yang ada oleh petugas yang bersangkutan, sehingga dengan demikian tersangka sangat dirugikan. Sedangkan dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana tidak ada aturan mengenai hakim komisaris, dimana dulu ketentuan mengenai hakim komisaris di masukkan dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang tentang Kitab Undangundang Hukum Acara Pidana Tahun 1973-1974, akan tetapi hal ini menimbulkan keberatan dari berbagai kalangan, utamanya dari kalangan Kejaksaan karena dinilai adanya ketidakpercayaan publik terhadap polisi/penyidik yang dikhawatirkan akan mempergunakan upaya paksa yang berlebihan. Oleh karena itu ketentuan mengenai hakim komisaris tidak dimasukkan dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana akan tetapi diganti dengan adanya Lembaga praperadilan Dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Pasal 95 ayat (2) yang menyebutkan bahwa: ’’Tuntutan ganti kerugian oleh tersangka atau ahli warisnya atas penangkapan atau penahanan serta tindak lain tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undang-undang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai atau hukum yang diterapkan sebagaimana dalam
ayat (1) yang perkaranya tidak diajukan ke Pengadilan Negeri, diputus di sidang Pra Peradilan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 77”. Padahal Tidak semua upaya paksa dapat dimintakan pemeriksaan untuk diuji dan dinilai kebenarannya dan ketepatannya oleh lembaga praperadilan misalnya, penggeledahan, penyitaan dan pembukaan serta pemeriksaan surat-surat tidak dijelaskan dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana, sehingga menimbulkan ketidakjelasan siapa yang berwenang memeriksanya apabila terjadi pelanggaran. Di lembaga
perlindungan hak asasi tersangka atau terdakwa dalam hal penyitaan dan penggeledahan, padahal penggeledahan yang sewenang-wenang merupakan pelanggaran terhadap ketentraman rumah tempat tinggal orang (privacy), dan penyitaan yang tidak sah merupakan pelanggaran serius terhadap hak milik seseorang. Praperadilan tidak berwenang untuk menguji dan menilai sah atau tidaknya suatu penangkapan atau penahanan tanpa adanya permintaan dari tersangka atau keluarganya atau pihak lain atas kuasa tersangka. Sehingga apabila permintaan tersebut tidak ada, walaupun tindakan penangkapan atau penahanan nyata-nyata menyimpang dari ketentuan yang berlaku, maka sidang praperadilan tidak dapat diadakan. Lebih parah lagi sebagaimana dalam praktik pemeriksaan praperadilan selama ini, hakim lebih banyak memperhatikan perihal dipenuhi tidaknya syarat-syarat formil semata dari suatu penangkapan atau penahanan, seperti misalnya ada atau tidaknya adanya surat perintah penangkapan (Pasal 18 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana), atau ada tidaknya surat perintah penahanan (Pasal 21 Ayat (2) Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana), dan sama sekali tidak menguji dan menilai syarat materiilnya. Padahal syarat materiil inilah yang menentukan apakah seseorang
dapat dikenakan upaya paksa berupa penangkapan atau penahanan oleh pihak penyidik atau penuntut umum. c. Dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Pasal 95 ayat (3) Tuntutan ganti kerugian diajukan oleh tersangka, terdakwa, terpidana atau ahli warisnya kepada Pengadilan yang berwenang mengadili perkara yang bersangkutan. Dan dalam Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch Pasal 13(c) berbunyi: “the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss”, yang berarti wakil pribadi almarhum dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk mendapatkan kompensasi untuk kerugian dan rehabilitasi”, pernyataan ini tentu lebih luas dimana apabila tersangka meninggal, tidak harus ahli waris yang mengajukan permohonan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi ke Pengadilan akan tetapi siapapun pihak yang ditunjuk menjadi wakil tersangka. Tentu saja hal ini mempermudah pihak korban untukmendapatkan ganti rugi d. Dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Pasal 96 ayat (1) dan (2) berbunyi: “(1) Putusan pemberian ganti kerugian berbentuk penentapan. (2) Penetapan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) memuat dengan lengkap semua hal yang dipertimbangkan sebagai alasan bagi putusan tersebut”. Sedangkan di dalam criminal injuries compensation act of dutch Putusan pemberian ganti rugi berupa Putusan Hakim, dimana di sebutkan nilai nominal yang harus dibayar sesuai dengan tingkat kesalahan seperti dalam Pasal 63 ayat (5)(c) yang berbunyi: “A witness commits an offence if he or she, without a reasonable excuse, does not give oral evidence or produce a record as required by an assessor. Penalti: $ 5 000. Artinya apabila seorang saksi melakukan suatu pelanggaran hukum jika ia, tanpa alasan yang masuk akal tidak memberikan bukti lisan atau menghasilkan catatan yang diperlukan oleh seorang assessor dikenakan denda $ 5 000.
e. Dalam criminal injuries compensation act of dutch diatur mengenai kompensasi bagi korban meninggal dunia, sedangkan hal ini dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana sama sekali tidak di atur. Hal ini akan menimbulkan kesulitan bagi ahli waris korban untuk mengajukan tuntutan ganti rugi dalam hal jumlah nominal ganti rugi yang dimohonkan karena aturan ganti rugi bagi korban meninggal dunia tidak di atur dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana f. Dalam Penjelasan Umum butir 3 huruf c Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana, Setiap orang yang disangka, ditangkap, ditahan, dituntut, dan/atau dihadapkan di depan pengadilan wajib dianggap tidak bersalah sebelum ada putusan pengadilan yang menyatakan kesalahannya, dan telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap. hal ini berbeda maknanya secara signifikan dengan rumusan asas praduga tak bersalah di dalam Pasal 14 ayat (2) criminal injuries compensation act of dutch, yang berbunyi: ”Everyone charged with criminal offence shall have the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law”, disini hanya ditegaskan, harus dianggap tidak bersalah sampai dibuktikan berdasarkan undang-undang bahkan, tidak menegaskan juga masalah putusan yang memperoleh kekuatan hukum yang tetap, sebagai batas toleransi seseorang dapat dinyatakan bersalah. Pembuktian kesalahan seseorang berdasarkan berdasarkan sistem hukum Common Law sering ditegaskan dengan bunyi kalimat, ”proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt”, yang berarti, ”(Dinyatakan) Bersalah berdasarkan bukti-bukti yang sangat kuat atau tidak dapat diragukan sama sekali”; bandingkan dengan rumusan kalimat,” (Dinyatakan) Bersalah atas dasar putusan yang telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap”. g. Dalam criminal injuries compensation act of dutch diatur mengenai ketentuan mengenai pelanggaran informasi palsu dalam pembuatan permohonan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi yaitu Pasal 70 ayat (1):. False lxxxi
information, offence of giving, In this section prescribed information means any information given in a compensation application yang berarti
pelanggaran Informasi palsu, Dalam bagian ini berarti setiap informasi yang diberikan dalam permohonan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi. Sedangkan dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidanaketentuan mengenai pelanggaran tersebut sama sekali tidak diatur, lalu langkah apa yang akan di ambil para penegak hukum apabila pelanggaran tersebut benar-benar terjadi. B. Konsep pengaturan ganti rugi dalam Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch berpotensi dijadikan rujukan pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia Dari pembahasan di atas dapat dilihat bahwa pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana masih kurang, hal ini terlihat jelas, seperti dalam criminal injuries compensation act of dutch Pasal 10 diatur mengenai kompensasi bagi korban meninggal dunia, dimana dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana hal ini sama sekali tidak di atur, dan ketentuan mengenai pelanggaran informasi palsu dalam pembuatan permohonan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi di Pasal 70 ayat (1) criminal injuries compensation act of dutch juga tidak diatur dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana serta kekurangan-kekurangan lain yang termuat dalam pembahasan perbandingan di atas. Oleh karena itu pengaturan ganti rugi dalam Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch berpotensi dijadikan rujukan pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia. Dimana Pengambilan budaya asing dalam bidang hukum diperbolehkan, asal dilakukan secara selektif dan tidak mengorbankan nilai-nilai kepribadian bangsa Indonesia. Dan dalam Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch diatur lebih dalam mengenai konsep pengaturan pemberian ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum.
Selain itu Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana harus dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan perkembangan-perkembangan baru, khususnya perkembangan internasional yang sudah disepakati oleh masyarakat internasional. Pembaharuan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia harus segera dilakukan. Sifat Undang-undang yang selalu tertinggal dari realitas sosial menjadi landasan dasar ide pembaharuan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana, saat ini merupakan produk kolonial Belanda yang diterapkan pada masa penjajahan, Indonesia yang kini menjadi negara yang bebas dan merdeka hendaknya menyusun sebuah peraturan pidana baru yang sesuai dengan jiwa bangsa. Selain itu di Negara Belanda itu sendiri Hukum Acara Pidana sudah mengalami banyak perubahan, maka sudah seharusnya Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana di perbaharui. Dan tidak ada salahnya mengadopsi atau menjadikan hukum asing sebagai acuan pembaharuan hukum Negara kita demi pembangunan nasional. Pembaharuan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana dalam pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi ini dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara. Pertama, pembaharuan dengan cara parsial, yakni dengan cara mengganti bagian demi bagian. Dan kedua, pembaharuan dengan cara universal, total atau menyeluruh, yaitu pembaharuan dengan mengganti total pengaturan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana. Dan menurut saya lebih baik memakai cara parsial yakni mengganti bagian dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana tidak perlu dan menambahkan Aturan-Aturan yang sekiranya dirasa masih kurang.
C. Pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum (Miscarriage of Justice) menurut Kitab Undangundang Hukum Acara Pidanadibandingkan dengan Undang-undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch) Dalam pembahasan ini akan di paparkan pengaturan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana dan Undang-Undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch) serta Perbandingan di antara keduanya dalam pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi. 3. Pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum menurut Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana
a. Pasal 95: (1). Tersangka, terdakwa atau terpidana berhak menuntut “ganti kerugian” karena ditangkap, ditahan, dituntut dan diadili atau dikenakan tindakan lain, tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undangundang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai orangnya atau hukum yang diterapkan. (2). Tuntutan ganti kerugian oleh tersangka atau ahli warisnya atas penangkapan atau penahanan serta tindak lain tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undang-undang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai atau hukum yang diterapkan sebagaimana dalam ayat (1) yang perkaranya tidak diajukan ke Pengadilan Negeri, diputus di sidang Pra Peradilan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 77. (3). Tuntutan ganti kerugian sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) diajukan oleh tersangka, terdakwa, terpidana atau ahli warisnya kepada Pengadilan yang berwenang mengadili perkara yang bersangkutan. (4). Untuk memeriksa dan memutus perkara tuntutan ganti kerugian tersebut pada ayat (1), Ketua Pengadilan sejauh mungkin menunjukkan Hakim yang sama yang telah mengadili perkara pidana yang bersangkutan. (5). Pemeriksaan terhadap ganti kerugian sebagaimana tersebut pada ayat (4) mengikuti acara pra peradilan. b. Pasal 96: lxxxiv
(1). Putusan pemberian ganti kerugian berbentuk penentapan. (2). Penetapan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) memuat dengan lengkap semua hal yang dipertimbangkan sebagai alasan bagi putusan tersebut. c. Pasal 97: (1). Seorang berhak memperoleh rehabilitasi apabila oleh pengadilan diputus lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum yang putusannya telah mempunyai hukum tetap. (2). Rehabilitasi tersebut diberikan dan dicantumkan sekaligus dalam putusan pengadilan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1). (3). Permintaan rehabilitasi oleh tersangka atas penangkapan atau penahanan tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undang-undang atau kekeliruan mengenai orang atau hukum yang diterapkan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 95 ayat (1) yang perkaranya tidak diajukan ke pengadilan negeri diputus oleh hakim praperadilan yang dimaksud dalam Pasal 77. d. Pasal 98: (1). Jika suatu perbuatan yang menjadi dasar dakwaan dalam suatu pemeriksaan perkara pidana oleh Pengadilan Negeri, menimbulkan kerugian bagi orang lain, maka Hakim ketua sidang atas permintaan itu dapat menetapkan untuk menggabungkan perkara gugatan ganti kerugian kepada perkara pidana itu. e. Pasal 99 : (1). Apabila pihak yang dirugikan minta penggabungan perkara gugatannya pada perkara pidana sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 98, maka pengadilan negeri menimbang tentang kewenangannya untuk mengadili gugatan tersebut, tentang kebenaran dasar gugatan dan tentang hukuman pengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan oleh pihak yang dirugikan tersebut. (2). Kecuali dalam hal pengadilan negeri menyatakan tidak berwenang mengadili gugatan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) atau gugatan dinyatakan tidak dapat diterima, putusan hakim hanya memuat tentang penetapan hukuman pengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan oleh pihak yang telah dirugikan. (3). Putusan mengenai ganti kerugian dengan sendirinya mendapat kekuatan tetap, apabila putusan pidananya juga mendapat kekuatan hukum tetap.
f. Pasal 100 : (1). Apabila terjadi penggabungan perkara antara perkara perdata dan perkara pidana, maka penggabungan itu dengan sendirinya berlangsung dalam pemeriksaan tingkat banding. (2). Apabila terhadap suatu perkara pidana tidak diajukan permintaan banding, maka permintaan banding mengenai putusan ganti rugi tidak diperkenankan. g. Pasal 101 : Ketentuan dari aturan hukum acara perdata berlaku bagi gugatan ganti kerugian sepanjang dalam undang-undang ini tidak diatur lain
4. Pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum menurut Criminal injuries Compensation Act of Dutch CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION ACT 2004 AMANDEMEN
7. Short title This Act may be cited as the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003 8. Commencement This Act comes into operation on a day fixed by proclamation Terms used In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears — alleged offence means a crime, misdemeanour or simple offence of which no person has been convicted; applicant means a person who makes a compensation application; assessor means the Chief Assessor, or an assessor, appointed under Schedule 1 clause 2; CEO means the chief executive officer of the department of the Public Service that principally assists the Minister in the administration of this Act;
Chief Assessor means the Chief Assessor of Criminal Injuries Compensation appointed under Schedule 1 clause 2(1); close relative has the meaning given by section 4; compensation application means an application for criminal injuries compensation made under Part 2; compensation award means an award of compensation made under Part 4; compensation reimbursement order means an order made under section 52 of this Act, or section 39(1) of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985 ; convicted has a meaning affected by section 5; health professional means —
(d) a person who is registered as a dentist under the Dental Act 1939 or a law of another place that is substantially similar to that Act; (e) a person who is registered as a medical practitioner under the Medical Practitioners Act 2008 or a law of another place that is substantially similar to that Act; (f) a person who is registered as a psychologist under the Psychologists Act 2005 or a law of another place that is substantially similar to that Act; injury means bodily harm, mental and nervous shock, or pregnancy; interested person , in relation to a compensation application or to a compensation award made on such an application, means —
(d) the applicant; (e) a person who an assessor thinks may become liable under Part 6 to pay an amount to the State; or (f) the CEO; legal practitioner means an Australian legal practitioner within the meaning of that term in the Legal Profession Act 2008 section 3; loss has the meaning given by section 6; offence means an alleged offence or a proved offence; personal representative , of a deceased person, means —
(c) the executor or the administrator of the deceased’s estate;
(d) in the absence of such an executor or administrator, a person who satisfies an assessor that the person is entitled to apply to be the executor or administrator of the deceased’s estate; proved offence means a crime, misdemeanour or simple offence of which a person has been convicted; record means any record of information, whether made on paper, electronically or otherwise and whether in writing or otherwise; satisfied means satisfied on the balance of probabilities; victim means a person who suffers injury, or who dies, as a consequence of the commission of an offence
9. Term used: close relative (3) For the purposes of this Act, a close relative of a victim who dies or is injured as a consequence of the commission of an offence, is a person who, immediately before the offence was committed, was — (d) a parent, grandparent or step-parent of the victim; (e) the spouse or a de facto partner of the victim; or (f) a child, grandchild or stepchild of the victim. (4) The presumptions of parentage in the Family Court Act 1997 Part 5 Division 11 Subdivision 3 operate, and section 193 of that Act operates in respect of those presumptions, for the purposes of this Act. 10. Term used: convicted (3) For the purposes of this Act a person is convicted of an offence notwithstanding that having been found guilty or convicted of the offence — (h) a spent conviction order made under the Sentencing Act 1995 section 39 applies to the conviction; (i) a conviction is not recorded under the Young Offenders Act 1994 section 55; (j) the complaint or indictment was dismissed under the repealed section 669(1)(a) of The Criminal Code ; (k) the repealed section 20 of the Offenders Community Corrections Act 1963 applies to the conviction; (l) the repealed section 40 or 126A of the Child Welfare Act 1947 applies to the conviction; (m) the charge was dismissed or the person was discharged under the repealed section 34 or 34B of the Child Welfare Act 1947 ; or (n) the complaint for the offence was dismissed under the repealed section 24 of the Children’s Court of Western Australia Act 1988 .
(4) For the purposes of this Act a person is convicted of an offence if the person, whether or not he or she is charged with the offence, is dealt with by a juvenile justice team under the Young Offenders Act 1994 Part 5 Division 2 for the offence. 11. Term used: loss (4) In this section — personal item means — (h) an item of clothing or footwear; (i) spectacles, or contact lenses, used to correct eyesight; (j) a hearing aid; (k) artificial teeth; (l) an artificial limb; (m) a surgical appliance or implant used to correct or relieve a physical disability or medical condition; or (n) any other item prescribed by the regulations. (5) In the case of a victim who is injured, loss means — (e) expenses actually and reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the victim — (i). that arise directly from; or (ii).that arise in obtaining any report from a health professional or a counsellor in relation to, the injury suffered by the victim; (f) expenses that are likely to be reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the victim for treatment that the victim is likely to need as a direct consequence of the injury suffered by the victim; (g) loss of earnings suffered by the victim as a direct consequence of the injury suffered by the victim; or (h) any loss arising from any damage caused as a direct consequence of the commission of the offence to any personal item that was being worn by the victim when he or she suffered the injury. (6) In the case of a victim who dies, loss means any loss suffered by a close relative of the victim for which damages could be awarded to the relative under the Fatal Accidents Act 1959 if the death of the victim were caused by the wrongful act, neglect or default of another. 12. Construction of Act Subject to sections 42(3) and (4) and 68, this Act must be construed as being in addition to, and not in derogation of, any other law. 7. Construction of Act Subject to sections 42(3) and (4) and 68, this Act must be construed as being in addition to, and not in derogation of, any other law. 8. Offences for which compensation may be sought This Act does not apply to or in relation to an offence that was committed before 22 January 1971.
9. Time limit for making a compensation application (3) A compensation application must be made within 3 years after the date on which — (c) the offence to which it relates was committed; or (d) if it relates to more than one offence, the last of them was committed. (4) Despite subsection (1), an assessor may allow a compensation application to be made after the 3 years if he or she thinks it is just to do so and may do so on any conditions that he or she thinks it is just to impose. 10. Death of person entitled to compensation ends entitlement (1). Any entitlement of a victim to compensation under this Act ceases on the death of the victim. (2). Any entitlement of a close relative of a deceased victim to compensation under this Act ceases on the death of the close relative. (3). Subsections (1) and (2) apply even if — (c) a compensation application is made by or on behalf of a victim or a close relative of a deceased victim before the death of the victim or close relative; or (d) a compensation award in favour of a victim or a close relative of a deceased victim is made after and in ignorance of the death of the victim or close relative 11. How to make a compensation application (3). A compensation application must be — (c) made in writing on a form approved by the Chief Assessor; and (d) given to the Chief Assessor. (4). If a person entitled to make a compensation application is — (c) under 18 years of age — the application may be made on his or her behalf by a parent, or a person acting in place of a parent, of the person; (d) a represented person within the meaning of the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 — the application may be made on his or her behalf by the person’s guardian or administrator appointed under that Act. 12. Proved offence (4) A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence may apply for compensation for the injury and any loss also suffered. (5) If a person, being a close relative of a person who dies as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence, suffers loss as a
result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (6) An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied — (c) if the application is made under subsection (1) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence; (d) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. 13. Alleged offence: acquittal
(6) This section applies if a person is charged with an alleged offence and is found not guilty of it other than on account of unsoundness of mind. (7) If a person — (c) suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; and (d) claims that the alleged offence was committed but by a person other than the acquitted person, the person may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (8) If — (d) a person dies as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; (e) a close relative of the deceased suffers loss as a result of the death; and (f) the personal representative of the deceased claims that the alleged offence was committed but by a person other than the acquitted person, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (9) An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied that the alleged offence was committed but by a person other than the acquitted person and — (c) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; (d) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. (10) If an assessor is satisfied that the person who committed the act or made the omission that constitutes the alleged offence was, at the time of the act or omission, not criminally responsible for it, the xci
alleged offence is to be taken not to have been committed for the purposes of subsection (4) unless the person was not criminally responsible for it by reason of The Criminal Code section 27. 14. Alleged offence: acquittal due to unsoundness of mind (4). This section applies if a person is found not guilty of a crime, misdemeanour or simple offence (the charged offence ) on account of unsoundness of mind. (5). A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the act or omission that is alleged to constitute the charged offence may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (6). If — (a) a person dies as a consequence of the act or omission that is alleged to constitute the charged offence; and (b) a close relative of the deceased suffers loss as a result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (4). An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied — (c) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the act or omission that is alleged to constitute the charged offence; (d) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the act or omission that is alleged to constitute the charged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. 15. Alleged offence: accused not mentally fit to stand trial (5). This section applies if — (c) a person is charged with an alleged offence that is alleged to have been committed on or after 1 January 1986; and (d) the person is found to be mentally unfit to stand trial for the alleged offence. (6). A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (7). If a person, being a close relative of a person who dies as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence, suffers loss as a result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (8). An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied — xcii
(c) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; (d) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. (6) If an assessor is satisfied that the person who committed the act or made the omission that constitutes the alleged offence was, at the time of the act or omission, not criminally responsible for it, the alleged offence is to be taken not to have been committed for the purposes of subsection (4) unless the person was not criminally responsible for it by reason of The Criminal Code section 27. 16. Alleged offence: charge not determined (5) This section applies if a person is charged with an alleged offence and — (h) the charge is withdrawn or a nolle prosequi is entered in respect of it or the prosecution of it is discontinued; (i) the charge is dismissed without a finding as to whether the person charged is guilty or not guilty of it; (j) the person is acquitted because the prosecutor does not adduce any evidence on the charge; (k) the person dies before he or she is found guilty or not guilty of the charge; or (l) for any other reason, the person is not brought to trial on the charge, and — (m) the person charged is not otherwise charged with the alleged offence or tried for it; and (n) section 15 does not apply. (6) A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (7) If a person, being a close relative of a person who dies as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence, suffers loss as a result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (8) An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied — (c) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence;
(d) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. (6) If an assessor is satisfied that the person who committed the act or made the omission that constitutes the alleged offence was, at the time of the act or omission, not criminally responsible for it, the alleged offence is to be taken not to have been committed for the purposes of subsection (4) unless the person was not criminally responsible for it by reason of The Criminal Code section 27. 17. Alleged offence: no person charged (6). This section applies if an alleged offence is committed but no person is charged with the alleged offence. (7). A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (8). If a person, being a close relative of a person who dies as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence, suffers loss as a result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (9). An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied — (c) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; (d) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. (10). If an assessor is satisfied that the person who committed the act or made the omission that constitutes the alleged offence was, at the time of the act or omission, not criminally responsible for it, the alleged offence is to be taken not to have been committed for the purposes of subsection (4) unless the person was not criminally responsible for it by reason on Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003-sect 18. 18. Procedure, general matters (3) An assessor must determine compensation applications expeditiously and informally having regard to the requirements of justice and this Act. (4) In deciding a compensation application an assessor is not bound by rules or practice as to evidence or procedure but may inform himself or herself in any manner he or she thinks fit.
19. Assessor’s general powers (1). For the purposes of deciding a compensation application, an assessor may do any or all of the following, either on the application of an interested person or on the assessor’s own initiative — (g) amend the application; (h) give written notice of the application and of any amendment to it to an interested person; (i) seek and receive any information or evidence that the assessor thinks necessary; (j) make any inquiries and investigate any matters that the assessor thinks necessary; (k) request the applicant to provide the assessor with information in relation to the application; (l) defer deciding the application in order to obtain more information or until information requested under paragraph (c), (d) or (e) is provided. (2). For the purposes of deciding a compensation application, an assessor may give a person a written notice that requires the person to do any or all of the following — (d) to give the assessor, within the time specified in the notice, the relevant information described generally or specifically in the notice; (e) to appear before the assessor at a time and place specified in the notice to give relevant evidence to the assessor; (f) to produce to the assessor, within the time specified in the notice, any relevant record that is described generally or specifically in the notice and that is in the person’s possession or control. (3). The powers in subsection (1) and (2) may be exercised whether or not a hearing of the compensation application is to be conducted. (4). An assessor to whom a record is produced may inspect and make a copy of the record and for those purposes may keep the record for a reasonable time. (5). A person who is given a notice under subsection (2) and who, without a reasonable excuse, does not comply with it commits an offence. Penalty: $5 000. 20. Victim may be directed to attend doctor etc. (4). For the purposes of deciding a compensation application by or on behalf of a person who claims to have suffered an injury as a consequence of the commission of an offence (the victim ), an assessor, either on the application of an interested person or on the assessor’s own initiative, may —
(c) direct the victim to attend and be examined by a health professional nominated by the assessor; and (d) defer deciding the application until the victim has complied with the direction. (5). If an assessor directs such a victim to attend and be examined by a health professional — (e) the assessor may give the health professional a copy of any report by another health professional about the victim; (f) the assessor must request the health professional to provide the assessor with a report of the examination; (g) the Chief Assessor must pay the reasonable cost of the examination and the report; and (h) any compensation award must be reduced by the amount so paid. (6). If a victim does not obey such a direction, the assessor may take account of the fact by reducing any compensation award made in favour of the victim. 21. Applicant may be required to enforce other remedies (1) If an assessor dealing with a compensation application by or on behalf of a victim who suffered injury as a consequence of the commission of an offence is of the opinion that the victim — (c) has reasonable grounds for taking proceedings independently of this Act to obtain compensation or damages for all or some of the claimed injury and any claimed loss; or (d) may be entitled under a contract of insurance to payment for all or some of that injury or loss, the assessor may require the victim to take proceedings to obtain the compensation, damages or payment and may defer the application pending the determination of those proceedings. (2) If an assessor dealing with a compensation application by the personal representative of a victim who died as a consequence of the commission of an offence is of the opinion that the personal representative — (c) has reasonable grounds for taking proceedings independently of this Act to obtain compensation or damages for all or some of any claimed loss; or (d) may be entitled under a contract of insurance to payment for all or some of that loss, the assessor may require the representative to take proceedings to obtain the compensation, damages or payment and may defer the application pending the determination of those proceedings.
22. CEO may apply for stay of compensation application (3). The CEO may at any time request that a compensation application be stayed because a prosecution for an alleged offence to which the compensation application relates has been or is about to be commenced. (4). On such a request an assessor may stay the compensation application for such period as the assessor decides. 23. Interim payments (5) If an assessor dealing with a compensation application is satisfied — (c) that a person has incurred or is likely to incur expenses that are or are likely to be a loss in respect of which compensation will be or is likely to be awarded under this Act on the application; and (d) that the making of an interim payment of compensation pending the final determination of the application is warranted, the assessor may make an interim payment of such reasonable amount, and on such terms, as the assessor decides. (6) For any one compensation application more than one interim payment may be made but the total of the payments, not including any payment for the funeral of a victim who has died, must not exceed 3% of the maximum amount of compensation that could be awarded if the application were for compensation in relation to a single offence. (7) The total of any interim payments must be deducted from any compensation award that is subsequently made in favour of the victim or close relative. (8) If one or more interim payments are made to a person and a compensation award in favour of that person is subsequently refused, the total of the interim payments becomes a debt due to the State by the person 24. Hearing to be held if assessor thinks fit (3) An assessor may conduct a hearing of a compensation application if he or she thinks fit. (4) An assessor, without conducting a hearing of a compensation application may make, or refuse to make, a compensation award in respect of the application. 25. Hearings (3). If an assessor decides to conduct a hearing of a compensation application, the assessor must cause written notice of the time and place of the hearing to be given to the applicant and to any other interested person that the assessor intends to hear. (4). A person who is notified of a hearing is entitled — (d) to appear at the hearing and be heard by the assessor;
(e) to appear in person or to be represented by a legal practitioner, or by a person approved by the assessor; and (f) to present evidence and to call, examine and re-examine witnesses and to cross-examine any witness not called by that person. (3). Section 63 applies for the purposes of conducting a hearing. (4). A hearing by an assessor must be conducted in private unless the assessor decides that it should be conducted in public. (5). If a hearing is conducted in private, the assessor may exclude any person who the assessor does not intend to hear. 26. Awards etc. to be in writing A compensation award, or a decision to refuse to make a compensation award, must — (c) be made in writing; and (d) be given to the applicant concerned. 27. Reasons for decisions (1) If an assessor makes a compensation award, the assessor must give written reasons for making the award to any interested person who, in writing, asks the assessor for the reasons. (2) If an assessor refuses to make a compensation award, the assessor must give written reasons for the refusal to — (c) the applicant; and (d) any other interested person who, in writing, asks the assessor for the reasons. 28. Copy of awards to be sent to CEO The Chief Assessor must send a copy of a compensation award to the CEO as soon as practicable after it is made. 30. Compensation awards, general (5) On a compensation application in respect of injury suffered by a victim as a conseque of the commission of an offence, an assessor may award such compensation that the assessor is satisfied is just for the injury and for any loss also suffered. (6) A compensation award made under subsection (1) may include directions that all or a specified part of the compensation be held on trust for the victim by the person, and on any terms, specified in the award. (7) On a compensation application made by the personal representative of a victim who dies as a consequence of the commission of an offence, an assessor may award such compensation that the assessor is satisfied is just for the loss suffered by the one or more close relatives of the deceased. (8) A compensation award made under subsection (3) may —
(c) apportion the compensation between 2 or more close relatives; (d) include directions that all or a specified part of the compensation be held on trust for a close relative by the person, and on any terms, specified in the award. (6) An assessor may at any time for good reason amend or cancel a direction made under subsection (2) or (4). 29. Assessor’s general discretion (1). In deciding whether or not to make a compensation award, or the amount of a compensation award, an assessor may have regard to any factors or circumstances that the assessor thinks are relevant. (2). Subsection (1) is subject to sections 12(3), 13(4), 14(4), 15(4), 16(4) and 17(4) and this Part. 30. Compensation awards, general (1).On a compensation application in respect of injury suffered by a victim as a consequence of the commission of an offence, an assessor may award such compensation that the assessor is satisfied is just for the injury and for any loss also suffered. (2).A compensation award made under subsection (1) may include directions that all or a specified part of the compensation be held on trust for the victim by the person, and on any terms, specified in the award. (3).On a compensation application made by the personal representative of a victim who dies as a consequence of the commission of an offence, an assessor may award such compensation that the assessor is satisfied is just for the loss suffered by the one or more close relatives of the deceased. (4).A compensation award made under subsection (3) may — (a)apportion the compensation between 2 or more close relatives; (b)include directions that all or a specified part of the compensation be held on trust for a close relative by the person, and on any terms, specified in the award. (5).An assessor may at any time for good reason amend or cancel a direction made under subsection (2) or (4). 31. Maximum for single offence (4). Subject to sections 32, 33 and 34, the maximum amount that may be awarded in aggregate under sections 30(1) and (3) in favour of one person for a single offence committed on a date in a period set out in the Table to this subsection is set out in the Table opposite that period.
Table 1 Item Period (all dates inclusive)
Maximum amount
22 January 1971 17 October 1976
to For an indictable offence: $2 000 For a simple offence: $300
18 October 1976 31 December 1982
to $7 500
1 January 1983 31 December 1985
to $15 000
1 January 1986 30 June 1991
to $20 000
1 July 1991 to the day $50 000 before the day on which this Act comes into operation
On or after the day on $75 000 which this Act comes into operation
(5). Subject to sections 32, 33 and 34, the maximum amount that may be awarded in aggregate on a compensation application made by the personal representative of a victim who dies as a consequence of the commission of
an offence committed in a period set out in the Table to subsection (1) is set out in that Table opposite the period. (6). The regulations may from time to time amend the Table to subsection (1) by —
(c) inserting a further item that specifies the maximum amount for offences committed on or after a date specified or referred to in the item, being a date on or after the date on which the regulations come into operation; and (d) making any necessary consequential amendments to any previous item in the Table that do not change the effect of the item. 32. Maximum for single offence by multiple offenders Section 31(1) and (2) apply even if the single offence is committed by 2 or more persons acting in concert. 33. Maximum for multiple related offences (2) For the purposes of this section, 2 or more offences are related to one another if an assessor is satisfied — (c) that they were committed at approximately the same time, whether by one person or by 2 or more persons acting in concert; or (d) that they are related for any other reason. (2) If as a consequence of the commission of 2 or more related offences, a person — (d) suffers injury; (e) suffers loss as the close relative of a victim who dies as a consequence of one of the offences; or (f) suffers both injury as described in paragraph (a) and loss as described in paragraph (b), the amounts awarded under section 30(1) and (3) in favour of the person for the injury described in paragraph (a) and any loss also suffered and for the loss described in paragraph (b) must not in aggregate exceed the maximum amount that may be awarded for the last one of the offences to be committed. (4). Despite subsection (2), if a person is a close relative of 2 or more victims who die as a consequence of 2 or more related offences and as a result of 2 or more of those deaths — (d) suffers injury; (e) suffers loss as the close relative; or (f) suffers both injury as described in paragraph (a) and loss as described in paragraph (b), the amounts awarded under section 30(1) and (3) in favour of the person for the injury described in paragraph (a) and any loss also suffered and for the loss described in paragraph (b) must not in aggregate exceed twice
the maximum amount that may be awarded for the last one of the offences to be committed. 34. Maximum for multiple unrelated offences by one offender (1). This section applies to and in respect of a compensation application made on or after 23 September 2003. (2). If as a consequence of 2 or more offences committed by one person that are not related offences within the meaning of section 33(1), another person —
(d) suffers injury; (e) suffers loss as a close relative of a victim who dies as a consequence of one or more of the offences; or (f) suffers both injury as described in paragraph (a) and loss as described in paragraph (b), the amounts awarded under section 30(1) and (3) in favour of the person for the injury described in paragraph (a) and any loss also suffered and for the loss described in paragraph (b) must not in aggregate exceed twice the maximum amount that may be awarded for the last one of the offences to be committed. 35. Mental and nervous shock, compensation for limited to certain persons (3) This section applies to and in respect of a compensation application made on or after 23 September 2003. (4) An assessor must not make a compensation award for mental and nervous shock suffered by a victim as a consequence of the commission of an offence, or for any loss in respect of such shock, unless the assessor is satisfied — (a) that the victim also suffered bodily harm or became pregnant as a consequence of the commission of the offence; (b) that the victim was the person against whom, or against whose property, the offence was committed; (c) that a person other than the victim died or suffered injury as a consequence of the offence and the victim was personally present when or immediately after the offence was committed; (d) that immediately before the offence was committed the victim was the parent or step-parent of a person who died as a consequence of the commission of the offence; or (e) that immediately before the offence was committed the victim — (i). was a close relative of a person who suffered injury or died as a consequence of the commission of the offence; and (ii).(ii) was living with that person. (4) Despite subsection (2), if an assessor is satisfied —
(c) that a person died or was injured as a consequence of the commission of an offence; and (d) that the death occurred or the injury was suffered when the person was committing a separate offence, the assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a close relative of the person for mental and nervous shock suffered by the close relative as a result of the death or injury. 36. No award if compensation likely to benefit offender An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, if the assessor is of the opinion — (c) that there is a relationship or connection between the person who committed the offence and the victim or close relative; and (d) that by reason of the relationship or connection any money paid under the award is likely to benefit or advantage the person who committed the offence. 37 . No award if injury is from motor vehicle in certain cases (7) In this section — (8) This section applies in relation to an offence committed on or after 1 July 1993. (9) An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of the personal representative of a deceased victim, in respect of any loss suffered by a close relative of a deceased victim, as a consequence of the commission of an offence if satisfied that the injury or death was caused directly by, or by the driving or other use of, a motor vehicle unless — (c) the motor vehicle was used for the purpose of committing the offence; and (d) the offence is a crime. 38. No award if applicant did not assist investigators An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, if the assessor is of the opinion that the victim or close relative did not do any act or thing which he or she ought reasonably to have done to assist in the identification, apprehension or prosecution of the person who committed the offence. 39. No award if victim was engaged in criminal conduct (3) If an assessor is satisfied — (c) that a person was injured as a consequence of the commission of an offence; and (d) that the injury was suffered when the person was committing a separate offence, the assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of the person.
(4) If an assessor is satisfied — (c) that a person died as a consequence of the commission of an offence; and (d) that the death occurred when the person was committing a separate offence, the assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a close relative of the person for any loss suffered by the close relative as a result of the death. 40. No award if compensation already awarded or refused (4) In this section —award means an order for compensation made under the Criminal Injuries (Compensation) Act 1970 , or an award of compensation made under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1982 , the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985, or this Act; compensation application means an application for compensation made under the Criminal Injuries (Compensation) Act 1970 3 , the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1982, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985 2 or this Act. (5) An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a victim who is injured as a consequence of the commission of an offence if — (c) an award has been made previously in favour of the victim; or (d) a compensation application by or on behalf of the victim has been refused previously, in relation to an injury suffered by the victim as a consequence of the offence. (6) An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a close relative of a victim who dies as a consequence of the commission of an offence if — (c) an award has been made previously in favour of the close relative; or (d) a compensation application on behalf of the close relative has been refused previously, in relation to loss suffered by the close relative as a result of the death. 41. Behaviour etc. of victim to be considered In deciding whether or not to make a compensation award, or the amount of a compensation award, in favour of a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, an assessor — (c) must have regard to any behaviour, condition, attitude, or disposition of the victim that contributed, directly or indirectly, to the victim’s injury or death; and (d) may, if he or she thinks it is just to do so — (i). refuse to make a compensation award because of that contribution; or
(ii).reduce the amount that the assessor would otherwise have awarded. 42. Insurance payments etc. to be deducted from award (1) In this section —registered organisation has the meaning given by the National Health Act 1953 of the Commonwealth. (2) An assessor must deduct from a compensation award in relation to any loss suffered by a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, any amount that the victim or close relative would, but for this Act, also be entitled to receive under a contract of insurance with a registered organisation in respect of any of that loss. (3) An assessor must deduct from a compensation award in relation to any injury or loss suffered by a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, any amount that the victim or close relative has received by way of compensation or damages, or under a contract of insurance, for the injury or loss. (4) If an assessor is satisfied that a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, who has suffered injury or loss will receive an amount by way of compensation or damages, or under a contract of insurance, for the injury or loss, the assessor may deduct the amount from a compensation award in relation to that injury or loss. (5) Despite subsections (3) and (4), in the case of an application by a personal representative of a deceased victim, the amounts described in the Fatal Accidents Act 1959 section 5(2)(b) and (c) must not be deducted. 42. Insurance payments etc. to be deducted from award (6) In this section — registered organisation has the meaning given by the National Health Act 1953 of the Commonwealth. (7) An assessor must deduct from a compensation award in relation to any loss suffered by a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, any amount that the victim or close relative would, but for this Act, also be entitled to receive under a contract of insurance with a registered organisation in respect of any of that loss. (8) An assessor must deduct from a compensation award in relation to any injury or loss suffered by a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, any amount that the victim or close relative has received by way of compensation or damages, or under a contract of insurance, for the injury or loss. (9) If an assessor is satisfied that a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, who has suffered injury or loss will receive an amount by way of compensation or damages, or under a contract of insurance, for the injury or loss, the assessor may deduct the amount from a compensation award in relation to that injury or loss. cv
(10) Despite subsections (3) and (4), in the case of an application by a personal representative of a deceased victim, the amounts described in the Fatal Accidents Act 1959 section 5(2)(b) and (c) must not be deducted. CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION ACT 2003 - SECT 43 43 . Award to be off set against any amount owed to the State An assessor may reduce the amount payable to a victim or close relative under a compensation award by an amount not exceeding any amount that the victim or close relative owes the State — (d) under section 23(4); (e) under a compensation reimbursement order; or (f) under section 68. 44. Person who incurs expenses may be paid directly If a compensation award includes an amount in respect of expenses incurred on behalf of a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, by a person who is responsible for the maintenance of the victim or close relative, the award may direct that the amount be paid directly to that person. 45. Order about reimbursement order may be made (3) When or after making a compensation award in respect of an application made under section 12, an assessor who thinks it is just to do so may make — (c) an order barring proceedings under Part 6 in respect of the award; or (d) an order that only a part of the award (specified in the order) may be the subject of proceedings under Part 6. (4) At any time, on an application by the CEO, an assessor may cancel an order made under subsection (1). 46. Consolidated Account charged with payment The Consolidated Account is charged with the payment of any compensation awarded under this Act and is appropriated accordingly. 47. Appeal period, payment may be withheld Payment under a compensation award is not to be made until — (c) the period referred to in section 55(3) has elapsed; and (d) any appeal commenced under Part 7 is determined, except with the written authority of an assessor.
48. Future treatment expenses, payment of (3) If a compensation award made in favour of a victim who has suffered injury includes an amount in respect of expenses of the kind referred to in section 6(2)(b), the amount is not to be paid unless — (d) the Chief Assessor is given evidence for the purposes of paragraph (b) by or on behalf of the victim; and (e) an assessor is satisfied that the expenses have been reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the victim for treatment that the victim required as a direct consequence of the injury suffered by the victim in consequence of the commission of the offence to which the award relates; and (f) the Chief Assessor is given a request for payment of the amount in accordance with subsection (2). (4) A request referred to in subsection (1)(c) must be given to the Chief Assessor — (c) if the victim was under 18 years of age on the date of the award, before — (iii). the victim reaches 28 years of age; or (iv). the expiry of 10 years after the date on which the Acts Amendment (Justice) Act 2008 section 31 commences, whichever occurs last; or (d) otherwise — (iii). if the award was made before that section commences, within 10 years after the day on which it commences; or (iv). otherwise, within 10 years after the date of the award. 48A. Term used: compensation award In this Part — compensation award includes an award for payment of compensation made under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985. 49. CEO may request offender to reimburse compensation If — (e) a compensation award is made in respect of any injury or loss suffered as a consequence of an offence; and (f) a person is convicted of the offence, then, subject to any order made under section 45(1), the CEO may give the offender a written notice that requests the offender to pay to the State as a lump sum — (g) the whole, or such part as is specified in the notice, of the amount paid or payable under the award; and (h) the whole, or such part as is specified in the notice, of the amount, if any, deducted under section 42(3) or (4) and remitted to the Commonwealth under a law of the Commonwealth.
50. Compensation reimbursement orders, application for (3) At any time after a compensation award is made in relation to an offence the CEO may apply to the Chief Assessor for a compensation reimbursement order against a person who has been convicted of the offence, subject to any order made under section 45(1). (4) An application may be made under subsection (1) whether or not the CEO has given the offender a notice under section 49. 51. Dealing with applications (3) In this section — application means an application made under section 50(1) or 52(3). (4) On receiving an application the Chief Assessor must ensure that — (c) notice of the application is served on the offender; and (d) the CEO and the offender are served with notice of — (iv). the time and place of the hearing of the application; (v). the matters listed in section 52(2) that will be considered at the hearing; and (vi). their entitlements under subsection (3). (3) A person who is notified of the hearing is entitled — (e) to give the assessor, before the hearing, a written submission about any matter relevant to the making of a compensation reimbursement order; (f) to appear at the hearing and be heard by the assessor dealing with the application; (g) to appear in person or to be represented by a legal practitioner, or by a person approved by the assessor; and (h) to present evidence and to call, examine and re-examine witnesses and to cross-examine any witness not called by that person. (4) Section 63 applies for the purposes of conducting the hearing. (10) The hearing must be conducted in private unless the assessor decides that it should be conducted in public. (kok 4 nya 2 ) (11) If a hearing is conducted in private, the assessor may exclude any person who the assessor does not intend to hear. (12) At the hearing an assessor may inquire into — (c) the matters listed in section 52(2); and (d) any other matters that the assessor thinks are relevant to the application 52. Compensation reimbursement order, making (5) At the hearing of an application made under section 50(1), an assessor may make a compensation reimbursement order that orders the offender to pay to the State an amount specified in the order being —
(c) the whole or part of the amount paid or payable under the relevant compensation award; and (d) the whole or part of the amount, if any, deducted under section 42(3) or (4) and remitted to the Commonwealth under a law of the Commonwealth, in a lump sum or by means of instalments of such amounts and at such times as the order specifies. (6) In deciding whether to make a compensation reimbursement order and the amount to be paid under the order an assessor must have regard to the following — (f) the extent to which the offender is responsible for the victim’s injury or death; (g) whether the behaviour of the victim at the time of the offence in any way precipitated or provoked the offence; (h) whether any behaviour, condition, attitude, or disposition of the victim contributed, directly or indirectly, to the victim’s injury or death; (i) the offender’s means to satisfy any such order having regard to — (iii). the offender’s income, assets and liabilities; and (iv). the offender’s current and prospective employment; (j) the extent to which the offender is likely to be able to satisfy any such order within a reasonable time. (7) The CEO or the offender may at any time apply for a compensation reimbursement order to be amended or cancelled. (8) On an application made under subsection (3), an assessor may amend or cancel the compensation reimbursement order. 53. Compensation reimbursement order, enforcement of (3) A compensation reimbursement order may be enforced by lodging a copy of it, certified by an assessor as a true copy, and an affidavit stating to what extent it has not been complied with, with a court of competent jurisdiction. (4) When a compensation reimbursement order is lodged with a court of competent jurisdiction, the order is to be taken to be a judgment of the court against the offender in favour of the State and may be enforced accordingly 54. Reimbursed amounts to be credited to Consolidated Account Any money paid or recovered under this Part must be credited to the Consolidated Account.
55. Appeal lies to the District Court (6) An interested person may appeal to the District Court against an assessor’s decision — (c) to make or to refuse to make a compensation award; (d) as to the amount of a compensation award. (7) The CEO or an offender may appeal to the District Court against an assessor’s decision — (c) to make or to refuse to make, or to cancel or amend or to refuse to cancel or amend, a compensation reimbursement order under section 52; (d) as to the amount of a compensation reimbursement order made or amended under section 52. (8) The appeal must be commenced within 21 days after the date of the decision. (9) If it is just to do so, the District Court may allow an appeal to be commenced after the 21 days, and may do so even if the period has expired. (10) The appeal must be conducted in accordance with rules of court made by the District Court. 56. Dealing with appeals (3) On an appeal under section 55 against an assessor’s decision, the District Court must decide the application to which the decision relates afresh, without being fettered by the assessor’s decision, solely on the evidence and information that was in the possession of the assessor or may receive further evidence and information. (4) On an appeal under section 55 the District Court may do any or all of the following — (g) exercise any power of an assessor under this Act, other than a power under section 19(1)(b), 24(1) or 25; (h) confirm, vary or reverse the assessor’s decision, either in whole or in part; (i) make any order that an assessor could make under this Act; (j) order an unsuccessful party to the appeal to pay a successful party’s costs as set by the Court in accordance with the scale of costs prescribed by the regulations; (k) refer a question of law that arises in the appeal to the Court of Appeal for determination; (l) make any necessary consequential order. 57. District Court decision is final The District Court’s decision on an appeal made under this Part is not appealable.
58. Assessor may refer question of law to Court of Appeal An assessor may refer a question of law that arises in relation to a compensation application or the interpretation of this Act to the Court of Appeal for determination. 59. Chief Assessor and assessors, appointment of etc. Schedule 1 has effect. 60. Chief Assessor may allocate work to assessors The Chief Assessor may allocate and reallocate compensation applications to or among himself or herself and the other assessors to be dealt with in accordance with this Act. 61. Administrative staff Any person needed to assist the assessors must be appointed under the Public Sector Management Act 1994 Part 3. 62. Annual report and other reports (4) Before 1 October in each year, the Chief Assessor must give the Minister a report about the operation of this Act during the financial year that ended on 30 June in that year. (5) At any other time the Chief Assessor may give the Minister a report about the operation of this Act. (6) The Minister must cause any report given to him or her under this section to be laid before each House of Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after receiving it. 62A. Assessor may conduct hearing (3) This section does not affect section 24. (4) If he or she thinks fit, an assessor may conduct a hearing in respect of any question that an assessor may decide under this Act. 63 . Witnesses at hearings of applications (9) In this section — witness means a person who is given a notice under subsection (2). (10) For the purposes of conducting a hearing under this Act, an assessor, on the application of a person who has been given notice of the hearing or on the assessor’s own initiative, may give a person a written notice that requires him or her to appear at the hearing and do one or both of the following — (c) to give oral evidence; (d) to produce any record that is described generally or specifically in the notice and that is in his or her possession or control. (11) An assessor may administer an oath or affirmation to a witness. (12) An assessor may ask a witness any question.
(13) A witness commits an offence if he or she, without a reasonable excuse, does not — (d) appear in accordance with a notice given to the person under subsection (2); (e) take an oath or affirmation as required by an assessor; or (f) give oral evidence or produce a record as required by an assessor. Penalti: $ 5 000 . (14) A witness who complies with a notice given to the witness under subsection (2) is entitled to a reasonable amount, decided by an assessor, in respect of any expenses incurred or earnings lost by the witness in so complying. (15) If an amount is paid under subsection (6) in relation to a witness at a hearing that relates to an offence of which a person is convicted, an assessor may order the offender to pay the State the whole or part of the amount. (16) Section 53 applies to an order made under subsection (7) as if the order were a compensation reimbursement order. 64 . Publicity, assessor may restrict (6) In this section — proceedings means — (d) a compensation application or an application made under Part 6; (e) proceedings on a hearing of such an application; or (f) a decision, award or order made by an assessor on such an application, or the reasons for it; specified means specified in an order made under this section. (7) If satisfied that it is in the interests of justice to do so, an assessor may make an order in respect of specified proceedings that prohibits the publication of the proceedings, or of a report or summary of them, or of a specified part or particular of them. (8) Without limiting subsection (2), an assessor may make an order that prohibits the publication of any particular of specified proceedings that is likely to lead members of the public to identify a specified person who is — (d) a victim; (e) a close relative of a deceased victim; or (f) a person who committed an offence to which any proceedings relate, whether or not he or she has been convicted of it. (9) In making an order under this section an assessor must have regard to the desirability of the public being informed of the nature of applications made under this Act and the principles applied in deciding them. (10) A person who contravenes an order made under this section commits an offence. Penalty:
(c) for a natural person: $5 000; (d) for a body corporate: $25 000. 65. Immunity for assessors, legal practitioners and witnesses (4) An assessor has, in the performance of his or her functions as an assessor, the same protection and immunity as a judge of the Supreme Court has in performance of his or her duties as a judge. (5) A person representing a person at a hearing conducted by an assessor under this Act has the same protection and immunity as a legal practitioner has in representing a party in proceedings in the Supreme Court. (6) A person appearing as a witness before an assessor has the same protection and immunity as a witness has in proceedings in the Supreme Court. 66. Protection of assessors from personal liability (4) In this section, a reference to the doing of anything includes a reference to an omission to do anything. (5) A civil action does not lie against a person for anything that the person does, while he or she is an assessor, in good faith in the performance or purported performance of a function of an assessor. (6) The Crown is also relieved of any liability that it might otherwise have had for another person having done anything as described in subsection (2). 67. Costs An assessor does not have power to award costs. 68. Repayment to State of insurance payments etc. (3) If — (f) a compensation award is made in respect of any injury or loss suffered by a victim or a close relative of a deceased victim; (g) the victim or close relative also receives or recovers in respect of that injury or loss an amount under a contract of insurance or by way of damages or compensation, otherwise than under this Act; and (h) that amount is not deducted under section 42(3) or (4), an amount equal to the lesser of — (i) the amount awarded to the victim or close relative under the compensation award; or (j) the amount referred to in paragraph (b), is a debt due to the State by the victim or close relative or by any person who holds the amount referred to in paragraph (b) on behalf of the victim or close relative.
(4) In this section —compensation award includes an award for payment of compensation made under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985 2 . 69. Debts due to the State, recovery of (3) A debt due to the State under section 23(4) or 68 may be recovered in a court of competent jurisdiction. (4) Any such debt that is paid or recovered must be credited to the Consolidated Account. 70. False information, offence of giving (4) In this section —prescribed information means any information given — (d) in a compensation application; (e) in response to a request made, or a notice given, under section 19; or (f) in an application made under section 50(1) or 52(3). (5) A person who gives any prescribed information knowing that it is false in a material particular commits an offence. Penalty: $5 000. (6) A court that convicts a person of an offence under subsection (1) in respect of information given in or in relation to a compensation application may, in addition to the sentence it imposes, order the person to repay to the State the whole or a part of any amount paid to the person under a compensation award made on the compensation application. 71. Limitation period for prosecutions A prosecution for an offence under this Act must be commenced within 2 years after the date on which the offence is alleged to have been committed.
72. Regulations (3) The Governor may make regulations prescribing all matters that are required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed or are necessary or convenient to be prescribed for giving effect to the purposes of this Act. (4) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), regulations may provide for the substituted service on a person of notices issued under section 19, 25, 51(2) or 63, or on an appeal, in cases where it is impossible or impracticable to give the notice to the person. 73. Repeal and transitional provisions Schedule 2 has effect.
4. Perbandingan Pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum (Miscarriage of Justice) menurut Kitab Undangundang Hukum Acara Pidana dibandingkan dengan Undang-undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch) Pada dasarnya pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana maupun Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch sama-sama diciptakan untuk melindungi hak asasi manusia, agar korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum mendapatkan ganti rugi atas kerugian yang di deritanya. Landasan pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Tertera dalam Pembukaan UndangUndang Dasar Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 yang kemudian dijabarkan lebih rinci dalam Bab XA yang berjudul Hak Asasi Manusia. Dimana dalam Pasal 28D ayat (1) disebutkan bahwa Setiap orang berhak atas pengakuan, jaminan, perlindungan, dan kepastian hukum yang adil serta perlakuan yang sama di hadapan hukum, dalam Pasal 28G ayat (1) Setiap orang berhak atas perlindungan diri pribadi, keluarga, kehormatan, martabat, dan harta benda yang di bawah kekuasaannya, serta berhak atas rasa aman dan perlindungan dari ancaman ketakutan untuk berbuat atau tidak berbuat sesuatu yang merupakan hak asasi dan dalam Pasal 28I ayat (4) disebutkan ”Perlindungan, pemajuan, penegakan, dan pemenuhan hak asasi manusia adalah tanggung jawab negara, terutama pemerintah” maka dibentuklah Pengaturan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum di dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana sebagai wujud perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) merupakan konsepsi Hak Asasi Manusia dan telah diakui secara universal yang merupakan standar perlakuan terhadap para pelanggar hukum. Hal ini mengandung pengertian bahwa secara internasional adanya pengakuan atas perlindungan terhadap hak asasi seorang tersangka/terdakwa. Hukum pidana Belanda (1996) dalam menghadapi kejahatan, dalam Pasal 74 KUHP Belanda (1996) diatur bahwa penuntut umum diberikan diskresi untuk
mencegah seseorang tersangka kejahatan serius di dakwa di muka sidang pengadilan, kecuali untuk kejahatan yang diancam lebih dari 6(enam) tahun. Persyaratan untuk memasuki tahap ini antara lain, tersangka telah membayar sejumlah uang kepada Negara, mencabut hak kepemilikan yang bersangkutan atas harta benda tertentu, telah menyerahkan barang-barang yang menjadi objek penyitaan atau membayar sejumlah nilai barang tersebut kepada negara, atau telah memberikan kompensasi penuh atau sebagian kerugian yang disebabkan kejahatan yang telah dilakukannya. Berdasarkan Pasal di atas, perhatian terhadap korban kejahatan di Belanda selain kepada tersangka/terdakwa telah diperkuat dengan Undang-Undang tentang Kompensasi terhadap Korban Kejahatan (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act) yang menetapkan bahwa korban kejahatan dapat menuntut ganti rugi termasuk ahli warisnya di dalam proses peradilan pidana. Dengan Undang-Undang tersebut sekaligus melindungi saksi-saksi pelapor dari ancaman pihak lain
Akan tetapi, terdapat beberapa perbedaan dalam pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi di antara Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana dengan Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch, perbedaan tersebut antara lain:
Di dalam Pasal 95 ayat (1) Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana berbunyi: ”Tersangka, terdakwa atau terpidana berhak menuntut “ganti kerugian” karena ditangkap, ditahan, dituntut dan diadili atau dikenakan tindakan lain, tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undang-undang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai orangnya atau hukum yang diterapkan”, sedangkan dalam
disebutkan:” applicant means a person who makes a compensation application” dimana Pemohon merupakan pihak yang membuat berkas
kompensasi. Dipertegas dengan Pasal 12 ayat (1) yang berbunyi:’’ A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence may apply for compensation for the injury and any loss also suffered’’. Yang berarti Seseorang yang menderita cedera sebagai akibat dari komisi pelanggaran yang terbukti dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk kompensasi atas cedera dan kerugian juga menderita. Disini tidak disebutkan cidera yang bagaimana yang dapat mohonkan ganti rugi. Sehingga pengertian cidera dalam hal ini menjadi sangat luas. Hal ini mempermudah pihak korban dalam menuntut ganti rugi.
b. Dalam Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch dikenal adanya Hakim Komisaris atau ”examining judges” yang bertugas mengawasi dan
menjalankan tugasnya. Sehingga jalannya peradilan lebih terkontrol dan adil. Hakim Komisaris yang mempunyai tugas antara lain melakukan pengawasan terhadap penerapan ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai penangkapan, penahanan, penggeledahan, pensitaan dan pemeriksaan surat-surat, dimaksudkan untuk menjamin hak-hak asasi dari pada tersangka yang dikurangi, janganlah pengurangannya itu berlebih-lebihan dari keperluan yang sebenarnya, atau jangan sampai dihapus sama sekali, karena misalnya adanya penyelewengan dari kepastian hukum yang ada oleh petugas yang bersangkutan, sehingga dengan demikian tersangka sangat dirugikan. Sedangkan dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana tidak ada aturan mengenai hakim komisaris, dimana dulu ketentuan mengenai hakim komisaris di masukkan dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang tentang Kitab Undangundang Hukum Acara Pidana Tahun 1973-1974, akan tetapi hal ini menimbulkan keberatan dari berbagai kalangan, utamanya dari kalangan Kejaksaan karena dinilai adanya ketidakpercayaan publik terhadap polisi/penyidik yang dikhawatirkan akan mempergunakan upaya paksa yang berlebihan. Oleh karena itu ketentuan mengenai hakim komisaris tidak dimasukkan dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana akan tetapi diganti dengan adanya Lembaga praperadilan Dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Pasal 95 ayat (2) yang menyebutkan bahwa: ’’Tuntutan ganti kerugian oleh tersangka atau ahli warisnya atas penangkapan atau penahanan serta tindak lain tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undang-undang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai atau hukum yang diterapkan sebagaimana dalam
ayat (1) yang perkaranya tidak diajukan ke Pengadilan Negeri, diputus di sidang Pra Peradilan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 77”. Padahal Tidak semua upaya paksa dapat dimintakan pemeriksaan untuk diuji dan dinilai kebenarannya dan ketepatannya oleh lembaga praperadilan misalnya, penggeledahan, penyitaan dan pembukaan serta pemeriksaan surat-surat tidak dijelaskan dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana, sehingga menimbulkan ketidakjelasan siapa yang berwenang memeriksanya apabila terjadi pelanggaran. Di lembaga
perlindungan hak asasi tersangka atau terdakwa dalam hal penyitaan dan penggeledahan, padahal penggeledahan yang sewenang-wenang merupakan pelanggaran terhadap ketentraman rumah tempat tinggal orang (privacy), dan penyitaan yang tidak sah merupakan pelanggaran serius terhadap hak milik seseorang. Praperadilan tidak berwenang untuk menguji dan menilai sah atau tidaknya suatu penangkapan atau penahanan tanpa adanya permintaan dari tersangka atau keluarganya atau pihak lain atas kuasa tersangka. Sehingga apabila permintaan tersebut tidak ada, walaupun tindakan penangkapan atau penahanan nyata-nyata menyimpang dari ketentuan yang berlaku, maka sidang praperadilan tidak dapat diadakan. Lebih parah lagi sebagaimana dalam praktik pemeriksaan praperadilan selama ini, hakim lebih banyak memperhatikan perihal dipenuhi tidaknya syarat-syarat formil semata dari suatu penangkapan atau penahanan, seperti misalnya ada atau tidaknya adanya surat perintah penangkapan (Pasal 18 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana), atau ada tidaknya surat perintah penahanan (Pasal 21 Ayat (2) Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana), dan sama sekali tidak menguji dan menilai syarat materiilnya. Padahal syarat materiil inilah yang menentukan apakah seseorang
dapat dikenakan upaya paksa berupa penangkapan atau penahanan oleh pihak penyidik atau penuntut umum. c. Dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Pasal 95 ayat (3) Tuntutan ganti kerugian diajukan oleh tersangka, terdakwa, terpidana atau ahli warisnya kepada Pengadilan yang berwenang mengadili perkara yang bersangkutan. Dan dalam Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch Pasal 13(c) berbunyi: “the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss”, yang berarti wakil pribadi almarhum dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk mendapatkan kompensasi untuk kerugian dan rehabilitasi”, pernyataan ini tentu lebih luas dimana apabila tersangka meninggal, tidak harus ahli waris yang mengajukan permohonan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi ke Pengadilan akan tetapi siapapun pihak yang ditunjuk menjadi wakil tersangka. Tentu saja hal ini mempermudah pihak korban untukmendapatkan ganti rugi d. Dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Pasal 96 ayat (1) dan (2) berbunyi: “(1) Putusan pemberian ganti kerugian berbentuk penentapan. (2) Penetapan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) memuat dengan lengkap semua hal yang dipertimbangkan sebagai alasan bagi putusan tersebut”. Sedangkan di dalam criminal injuries compensation act of dutch Putusan pemberian ganti rugi berupa Putusan Hakim, dimana di sebutkan nilai nominal yang harus dibayar sesuai dengan tingkat kesalahan seperti dalam Pasal 63 ayat (5)(c) yang berbunyi: “A witness commits an offence if he or she, without a reasonable excuse, does not give oral evidence or produce a record as required by an assessor. Penalti: $ 5 000. Artinya apabila seorang saksi melakukan suatu pelanggaran hukum jika ia, tanpa alasan yang masuk akal tidak memberikan bukti lisan atau menghasilkan catatan yang diperlukan oleh seorang assessor dikenakan denda $ 5 000.
e. Dalam criminal injuries compensation act of dutch diatur mengenai kompensasi bagi korban meninggal dunia, sedangkan hal ini dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana sama sekali tidak di atur. Hal ini akan menimbulkan kesulitan bagi ahli waris korban untuk mengajukan tuntutan ganti rugi dalam hal jumlah nominal ganti rugi yang dimohonkan karena aturan ganti rugi bagi korban meninggal dunia tidak di atur dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana f. Dalam Penjelasan Umum butir 3 huruf c Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana, Setiap orang yang disangka, ditangkap, ditahan, dituntut, dan/atau dihadapkan di depan pengadilan wajib dianggap tidak bersalah sebelum ada putusan pengadilan yang menyatakan kesalahannya, dan telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap. hal ini berbeda maknanya secara signifikan dengan rumusan asas praduga tak bersalah di dalam Pasal 14 ayat (2) criminal injuries compensation act of dutch, yang berbunyi: ”Everyone charged with criminal offence shall have the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law”, disini hanya ditegaskan, harus dianggap tidak bersalah sampai dibuktikan berdasarkan undang-undang bahkan, tidak menegaskan juga masalah putusan yang memperoleh kekuatan hukum yang tetap, sebagai batas toleransi seseorang dapat dinyatakan bersalah. Pembuktian kesalahan seseorang berdasarkan berdasarkan sistem hukum Common Law sering ditegaskan dengan bunyi kalimat, ”proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt”, yang berarti, ”(Dinyatakan) Bersalah berdasarkan bukti-bukti yang sangat kuat atau tidak dapat diragukan sama sekali”; bandingkan dengan rumusan kalimat,” (Dinyatakan) Bersalah atas dasar putusan yang telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap”. g. Dalam criminal injuries compensation act of dutch diatur mengenai ketentuan mengenai pelanggaran informasi palsu dalam pembuatan permohonan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi yaitu Pasal 70 ayat (1):. False cxxi
information, offence of giving, In this section prescribed information means any information given in a compensation application yang berarti
pelanggaran Informasi palsu, Dalam bagian ini berarti setiap informasi yang diberikan dalam permohonan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi. Sedangkan dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidanaketentuan mengenai pelanggaran tersebut sama sekali tidak diatur, lalu langkah apa yang akan di ambil para penegak hukum apabila pelanggaran tersebut benar-benar terjadi. D. Konsep pengaturan ganti rugi dalam Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch berpotensi dijadikan rujukan pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia Dari pembahasan di atas dapat dilihat bahwa pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana masih kurang, hal ini terlihat jelas, seperti dalam criminal injuries compensation act of dutch Pasal 10 diatur mengenai kompensasi bagi korban meninggal dunia, dimana dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana hal ini sama sekali tidak di atur, dan ketentuan mengenai pelanggaran informasi palsu dalam pembuatan permohonan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi di Pasal 70 ayat (1) criminal injuries compensation act of dutch juga tidak diatur dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana serta kekurangan-kekurangan lain yang termuat dalam pembahasan perbandingan di atas. Oleh karena itu pengaturan ganti rugi dalam Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch berpotensi dijadikan rujukan pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia. Dimana Pengambilan budaya asing dalam bidang hukum diperbolehkan, asal dilakukan secara selektif dan tidak mengorbankan nilai-nilai kepribadian bangsa Indonesia. Dan dalam Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch diatur lebih dalam mengenai konsep pengaturan pemberian ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum.
Selain itu Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana harus dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan perkembangan-perkembangan baru, khususnya perkembangan internasional yang sudah disepakati oleh masyarakat internasional. Pembaharuan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia harus segera dilakukan. Sifat Undang-undang yang selalu tertinggal dari realitas sosial menjadi landasan dasar ide pembaharuan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana, saat ini merupakan produk kolonial Belanda yang diterapkan pada masa penjajahan, Indonesia yang kini menjadi negara yang bebas dan merdeka hendaknya menyusun sebuah peraturan pidana baru yang sesuai dengan jiwa bangsa. Selain itu di Negara Belanda itu sendiri Hukum Acara Pidana sudah mengalami banyak perubahan, maka sudah seharusnya Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana di perbaharui. Dan tidak ada salahnya mengadopsi atau menjadikan hukum asing sebagai acuan pembaharuan hukum Negara kita demi pembangunan nasional. Pembaharuan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana dalam pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi ini dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara. Pertama, pembaharuan dengan cara parsial, yakni dengan cara mengganti bagian demi bagian. Dan kedua, pembaharuan dengan cara universal, total atau menyeluruh, yaitu pembaharuan dengan mengganti total pengaturan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana. Dan menurut saya lebih baik memakai cara parsial yakni mengganti bagian dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana tidak perlu dan menambahkan Aturan-Aturan yang sekiranya dirasa masih kurang.
E. Pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum (Miscarriage of Justice) menurut Kitab Undangundang Hukum Acara Pidanadibandingkan dengan Undang-undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch) Dalam pembahasan ini akan di paparkan pengaturan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana dan Undang-Undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch) serta Perbandingan di antara keduanya dalam pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi. 5. Pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum menurut Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana
a. Pasal 95: (1). Tersangka, terdakwa atau terpidana berhak menuntut “ganti kerugian” karena ditangkap, ditahan, dituntut dan diadili atau dikenakan tindakan lain, tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undangundang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai orangnya atau hukum yang diterapkan. (2). Tuntutan ganti kerugian oleh tersangka atau ahli warisnya atas penangkapan atau penahanan serta tindak lain tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undang-undang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai atau hukum yang diterapkan sebagaimana dalam ayat (1) yang perkaranya tidak diajukan ke Pengadilan Negeri, diputus di sidang Pra Peradilan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 77. (3). Tuntutan ganti kerugian sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) diajukan oleh tersangka, terdakwa, terpidana atau ahli warisnya kepada Pengadilan yang berwenang mengadili perkara yang bersangkutan. (4). Untuk memeriksa dan memutus perkara tuntutan ganti kerugian tersebut pada ayat (1), Ketua Pengadilan sejauh mungkin menunjukkan Hakim yang sama yang telah mengadili perkara pidana yang bersangkutan. (5). Pemeriksaan terhadap ganti kerugian sebagaimana tersebut pada ayat (4) mengikuti acara pra peradilan. b. Pasal 96: cxxiv
(1). Putusan pemberian ganti kerugian berbentuk penentapan. (2). Penetapan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) memuat dengan lengkap semua hal yang dipertimbangkan sebagai alasan bagi putusan tersebut. c. Pasal 97: (1). Seorang berhak memperoleh rehabilitasi apabila oleh pengadilan diputus lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum yang putusannya telah mempunyai hukum tetap. (2). Rehabilitasi tersebut diberikan dan dicantumkan sekaligus dalam putusan pengadilan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1). (3). Permintaan rehabilitasi oleh tersangka atas penangkapan atau penahanan tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undang-undang atau kekeliruan mengenai orang atau hukum yang diterapkan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 95 ayat (1) yang perkaranya tidak diajukan ke pengadilan negeri diputus oleh hakim praperadilan yang dimaksud dalam Pasal 77. d. Pasal 98: (1). Jika suatu perbuatan yang menjadi dasar dakwaan dalam suatu pemeriksaan perkara pidana oleh Pengadilan Negeri, menimbulkan kerugian bagi orang lain, maka Hakim ketua sidang atas permintaan itu dapat menetapkan untuk menggabungkan perkara gugatan ganti kerugian kepada perkara pidana itu. e. Pasal 99 : (1). Apabila pihak yang dirugikan minta penggabungan perkara gugatannya pada perkara pidana sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 98, maka pengadilan negeri menimbang tentang kewenangannya untuk mengadili gugatan tersebut, tentang kebenaran dasar gugatan dan tentang hukuman pengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan oleh pihak yang dirugikan tersebut. (2). Kecuali dalam hal pengadilan negeri menyatakan tidak berwenang mengadili gugatan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) atau gugatan dinyatakan tidak dapat diterima, putusan hakim hanya memuat tentang penetapan hukuman pengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan oleh pihak yang telah dirugikan. (3). Putusan mengenai ganti kerugian dengan sendirinya mendapat kekuatan tetap, apabila putusan pidananya juga mendapat kekuatan hukum tetap.
f. Pasal 100 : (1). Apabila terjadi penggabungan perkara antara perkara perdata dan perkara pidana, maka penggabungan itu dengan sendirinya berlangsung dalam pemeriksaan tingkat banding. (2). Apabila terhadap suatu perkara pidana tidak diajukan permintaan banding, maka permintaan banding mengenai putusan ganti rugi tidak diperkenankan. g. Pasal 101 : Ketentuan dari aturan hukum acara perdata berlaku bagi gugatan ganti kerugian sepanjang dalam undang-undang ini tidak diatur lain
6. Pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum menurut Criminal injuries Compensation Act of Dutch CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION ACT 2004 AMANDEMEN
13. Short title This Act may be cited as the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003 14. Commencement This Act comes into operation on a day fixed by proclamation Terms used In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears — alleged offence means a crime, misdemeanour or simple offence of which no person has been convicted; applicant means a person who makes a compensation application; assessor means the Chief Assessor, or an assessor, appointed under Schedule 1 clause 2; CEO means the chief executive officer of the department of the Public Service that principally assists the Minister in the administration of this Act;
Chief Assessor means the Chief Assessor of Criminal Injuries Compensation appointed under Schedule 1 clause 2(1); close relative has the meaning given by section 4; compensation application means an application for criminal injuries compensation made under Part 2; compensation award means an award of compensation made under Part 4; compensation reimbursement order means an order made under section 52 of this Act, or section 39(1) of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985 ; convicted has a meaning affected by section 5; health professional means —
(g) a person who is registered as a dentist under the Dental Act 1939 or a law of another place that is substantially similar to that Act; (h) a person who is registered as a medical practitioner under the Medical Practitioners Act 2008 or a law of another place that is substantially similar to that Act; (i) a person who is registered as a psychologist under the Psychologists Act 2005 or a law of another place that is substantially similar to that Act; injury means bodily harm, mental and nervous shock, or pregnancy; interested person , in relation to a compensation application or to a compensation award made on such an application, means —
(g) the applicant; (h) a person who an assessor thinks may become liable under Part 6 to pay an amount to the State; or (i) the CEO; legal practitioner means an Australian legal practitioner within the meaning of that term in the Legal Profession Act 2008 section 3; loss has the meaning given by section 6; offence means an alleged offence or a proved offence; personal representative , of a deceased person, means —
(e) the executor or the administrator of the deceased’s estate;
(f) in the absence of such an executor or administrator, a person who satisfies an assessor that the person is entitled to apply to be the executor or administrator of the deceased’s estate; proved offence means a crime, misdemeanour or simple offence of which a person has been convicted; record means any record of information, whether made on paper, electronically or otherwise and whether in writing or otherwise; satisfied means satisfied on the balance of probabilities; victim means a person who suffers injury, or who dies, as a consequence of the commission of an offence
15. Term used: close relative (5) For the purposes of this Act, a close relative of a victim who dies or is injured as a consequence of the commission of an offence, is a person who, immediately before the offence was committed, was — (g) a parent, grandparent or step-parent of the victim; (h) the spouse or a de facto partner of the victim; or (i) a child, grandchild or stepchild of the victim. (6) The presumptions of parentage in the Family Court Act 1997 Part 5 Division 11 Subdivision 3 operate, and section 193 of that Act operates in respect of those presumptions, for the purposes of this Act. 16. Term used: convicted (5) For the purposes of this Act a person is convicted of an offence notwithstanding that having been found guilty or convicted of the offence — (o) a spent conviction order made under the Sentencing Act 1995 section 39 applies to the conviction; (p) a conviction is not recorded under the Young Offenders Act 1994 section 55; (q) the complaint or indictment was dismissed under the repealed section 669(1)(a) of The Criminal Code ; (r) the repealed section 20 of the Offenders Community Corrections Act 1963 applies to the conviction; (s) the repealed section 40 or 126A of the Child Welfare Act 1947 applies to the conviction; (t) the charge was dismissed or the person was discharged under the repealed section 34 or 34B of the Child Welfare Act 1947 ; or (u) the complaint for the offence was dismissed under the repealed section 24 of the Children’s Court of Western Australia Act 1988 .
(6) For the purposes of this Act a person is convicted of an offence if the person, whether or not he or she is charged with the offence, is dealt with by a juvenile justice team under the Young Offenders Act 1994 Part 5 Division 2 for the offence. 17. Term used: loss (7) In this section — personal item means — (o) an item of clothing or footwear; (p) spectacles, or contact lenses, used to correct eyesight; (q) a hearing aid; (r) artificial teeth; (s) an artificial limb; (t) a surgical appliance or implant used to correct or relieve a physical disability or medical condition; or (u) any other item prescribed by the regulations. (8) In the case of a victim who is injured, loss means — (i) expenses actually and reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the victim — (i). that arise directly from; or (ii).that arise in obtaining any report from a health professional or a counsellor in relation to, the injury suffered by the victim; (j) expenses that are likely to be reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the victim for treatment that the victim is likely to need as a direct consequence of the injury suffered by the victim; (k) loss of earnings suffered by the victim as a direct consequence of the injury suffered by the victim; or (l) any loss arising from any damage caused as a direct consequence of the commission of the offence to any personal item that was being worn by the victim when he or she suffered the injury. (9) In the case of a victim who dies, loss means any loss suffered by a close relative of the victim for which damages could be awarded to the relative under the Fatal Accidents Act 1959 if the death of the victim were caused by the wrongful act, neglect or default of another. 18. Construction of Act Subject to sections 42(3) and (4) and 68, this Act must be construed as being in addition to, and not in derogation of, any other law. 7. Construction of Act Subject to sections 42(3) and (4) and 68, this Act must be construed as being in addition to, and not in derogation of, any other law. 8. Offences for which compensation may be sought This Act does not apply to or in relation to an offence that was committed before 22 January 1971.
9. Time limit for making a compensation application (5) A compensation application must be made within 3 years after the date on which — (e) the offence to which it relates was committed; or (f) if it relates to more than one offence, the last of them was committed. (6) Despite subsection (1), an assessor may allow a compensation application to be made after the 3 years if he or she thinks it is just to do so and may do so on any conditions that he or she thinks it is just to impose. 10. Death of person entitled to compensation ends entitlement (1). Any entitlement of a victim to compensation under this Act ceases on the death of the victim. (2). Any entitlement of a close relative of a deceased victim to compensation under this Act ceases on the death of the close relative. (3). Subsections (1) and (2) apply even if — (e) a compensation application is made by or on behalf of a victim or a close relative of a deceased victim before the death of the victim or close relative; or (f) a compensation award in favour of a victim or a close relative of a deceased victim is made after and in ignorance of the death of the victim or close relative 11. How to make a compensation application (5). A compensation application must be — (e) made in writing on a form approved by the Chief Assessor; and (f) given to the Chief Assessor. (6). If a person entitled to make a compensation application is — (e) under 18 years of age — the application may be made on his or her behalf by a parent, or a person acting in place of a parent, of the person; (f) a represented person within the meaning of the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 — the application may be made on his or her behalf by the person’s guardian or administrator appointed under that Act. 12. Proved offence (7) A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence may apply for compensation for the injury and any loss also suffered. (8) If a person, being a close relative of a person who dies as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence, suffers loss as a
result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (9) An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied — (e) if the application is made under subsection (1) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence; (f) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. 13. Alleged offence: acquittal
(11) This section applies if a person is charged with an alleged offence and is found not guilty of it other than on account of unsoundness of mind. (12) If a person — (e) suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; and (f) claims that the alleged offence was committed but by a person other than the acquitted person, the person may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (13) If — (g) a person dies as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; (h) a close relative of the deceased suffers loss as a result of the death; and (i) the personal representative of the deceased claims that the alleged offence was committed but by a person other than the acquitted person, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (14) An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied that the alleged offence was committed but by a person other than the acquitted person and — (e) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; (f) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. (15) If an assessor is satisfied that the person who committed the act or made the omission that constitutes the alleged offence was, at the time of the act or omission, not criminally responsible for it, the cxxxi
alleged offence is to be taken not to have been committed for the purposes of subsection (4) unless the person was not criminally responsible for it by reason of The Criminal Code section 27. 14. Alleged offence: acquittal due to unsoundness of mind (7). This section applies if a person is found not guilty of a crime, misdemeanour or simple offence (the charged offence ) on account of unsoundness of mind. (8). A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the act or omission that is alleged to constitute the charged offence may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (9). If — (a) a person dies as a consequence of the act or omission that is alleged to constitute the charged offence; and (b) a close relative of the deceased suffers loss as a result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (4). An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied — (e) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the act or omission that is alleged to constitute the charged offence; (f) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the act or omission that is alleged to constitute the charged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. 15. Alleged offence: accused not mentally fit to stand trial (9). This section applies if — (e) a person is charged with an alleged offence that is alleged to have been committed on or after 1 January 1986; and (f) the person is found to be mentally unfit to stand trial for the alleged offence. (10). A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (11). If a person, being a close relative of a person who dies as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence, suffers loss as a result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss.
(12). An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied — (e) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; (f) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. (7) If an assessor is satisfied that the person who committed the act or made the omission that constitutes the alleged offence was, at the time of the act or omission, not criminally responsible for it, the alleged offence is to be taken not to have been committed for the purposes of subsection (4) unless the person was not criminally responsible for it by reason of The Criminal Code section 27. 16. Alleged offence: charge not determined (9) This section applies if a person is charged with an alleged offence and — (o) the charge is withdrawn or a nolle prosequi is entered in respect of it or the prosecution of it is discontinued; (p) the charge is dismissed without a finding as to whether the person charged is guilty or not guilty of it; (q) the person is acquitted because the prosecutor does not adduce any evidence on the charge; (r) the person dies before he or she is found guilty or not guilty of the charge; or (s) for any other reason, the person is not brought to trial on the charge, and — (t) the person charged is not otherwise charged with the alleged offence or tried for it; and (u) section 15 does not apply. (10) A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (11) If a person, being a close relative of a person who dies as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence, suffers loss as a result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (12) An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied —
(e) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; (f) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. (7) If an assessor is satisfied that the person who committed the act or made the omission that constitutes the alleged offence was, at the time of the act or omission, not criminally responsible for it, the alleged offence is to be taken not to have been committed for the purposes of subsection (4) unless the person was not criminally responsible for it by reason of The Criminal Code section 27. 17. Alleged offence: no person charged (11). This section applies if an alleged offence is committed but no person is charged with the alleged offence. (12). A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence may apply for compensation for that injury and any loss also suffered. (13). If a person, being a close relative of a person who dies as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence, suffers loss as a result of the death, the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss. (14). An assessor must not make a compensation award in respect of a compensation application made under this section unless satisfied — (e) if the application is made under subsection (2) — that the claimed injury and any claimed loss has occurred and did so as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence; (f) if the application is made under subsection (3) — that the death occurred as a consequence of the commission of the alleged offence and that the claimed loss has occurred. (15). If an assessor is satisfied that the person who committed the act or made the omission that constitutes the alleged offence was, at the time of the act or omission, not criminally responsible for it, the alleged offence is to be taken not to have been committed for the purposes of subsection (4) unless the person was not criminally responsible for it by reason on Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003-sect 18. 18. Procedure, general matters (5) An assessor must determine compensation applications expeditiously and informally having regard to the requirements of justice and this Act.
(6) In deciding a compensation application an assessor is not bound by rules or practice as to evidence or procedure but may inform himself or herself in any manner he or she thinks fit. 19. Assessor’s general powers (1). For the purposes of deciding a compensation application, an assessor may do any or all of the following, either on the application of an interested person or on the assessor’s own initiative — (m) amend the application; (n) give written notice of the application and of any amendment to it to an interested person; (o) seek and receive any information or evidence that the assessor thinks necessary; (p) make any inquiries and investigate any matters that the assessor thinks necessary; (q) request the applicant to provide the assessor with information in relation to the application; (r) defer deciding the application in order to obtain more information or until information requested under paragraph (c), (d) or (e) is provided. (2). For the purposes of deciding a compensation application, an assessor may give a person a written notice that requires the person to do any or all of the following — (g) to give the assessor, within the time specified in the notice, the relevant information described generally or specifically in the notice; (h) to appear before the assessor at a time and place specified in the notice to give relevant evidence to the assessor; (i) to produce to the assessor, within the time specified in the notice, any relevant record that is described generally or specifically in the notice and that is in the person’s possession or control. (3). The powers in subsection (1) and (2) may be exercised whether or not a hearing of the compensation application is to be conducted. (4). An assessor to whom a record is produced may inspect and make a copy of the record and for those purposes may keep the record for a reasonable time. (5). A person who is given a notice under subsection (2) and who, without a reasonable excuse, does not comply with it commits an offence. Penalty: $5 000. 20. Victim may be directed to attend doctor etc. (7). For the purposes of deciding a compensation application by or on behalf of a person who claims to have suffered an injury as a consequence of the commission of an offence (the victim ), an cxxxv
assessor, either on the application of an interested person or on the assessor’s own initiative, may — (e) direct the victim to attend and be examined by a health professional nominated by the assessor; and (f) defer deciding the application until the victim has complied with the direction. (8). If an assessor directs such a victim to attend and be examined by a health professional — (i) the assessor may give the health professional a copy of any report by another health professional about the victim; (j) the assessor must request the health professional to provide the assessor with a report of the examination; (k) the Chief Assessor must pay the reasonable cost of the examination and the report; and (l) any compensation award must be reduced by the amount so paid. (9). If a victim does not obey such a direction, the assessor may take account of the fact by reducing any compensation award made in favour of the victim. 21. Applicant may be required to enforce other remedies (1) If an assessor dealing with a compensation application by or on behalf of a victim who suffered injury as a consequence of the commission of an offence is of the opinion that the victim — (e) has reasonable grounds for taking proceedings independently of this Act to obtain compensation or damages for all or some of the claimed injury and any claimed loss; or (f) may be entitled under a contract of insurance to payment for all or some of that injury or loss, the assessor may require the victim to take proceedings to obtain the compensation, damages or payment and may defer the application pending the determination of those proceedings. (2) If an assessor dealing with a compensation application by the personal representative of a victim who died as a consequence of the commission of an offence is of the opinion that the personal representative — (e) has reasonable grounds for taking proceedings independently of this Act to obtain compensation or damages for all or some of any claimed loss; or (f) may be entitled under a contract of insurance to payment for all or some of that loss, the assessor may require the representative to take proceedings to obtain the compensation, damages or payment and may defer the application pending the determination of those proceedings.
22. CEO may apply for stay of compensation application (5). The CEO may at any time request that a compensation application be stayed because a prosecution for an alleged offence to which the compensation application relates has been or is about to be commenced. (6). On such a request an assessor may stay the compensation application for such period as the assessor decides. 23. Interim payments (9) If an assessor dealing with a compensation application is satisfied — (e) that a person has incurred or is likely to incur expenses that are or are likely to be a loss in respect of which compensation will be or is likely to be awarded under this Act on the application; and (f) that the making of an interim payment of compensation pending the final determination of the application is warranted, the assessor may make an interim payment of such reasonable amount, and on such terms, as the assessor decides. (10) For any one compensation application more than one interim payment may be made but the total of the payments, not including any payment for the funeral of a victim who has died, must not exceed 3% of the maximum amount of compensation that could be awarded if the application were for compensation in relation to a single offence. (11) The total of any interim payments must be deducted from any compensation award that is subsequently made in favour of the victim or close relative. (12) If one or more interim payments are made to a person and a compensation award in favour of that person is subsequently refused, the total of the interim payments becomes a debt due to the State by the person 24. Hearing to be held if assessor thinks fit (5) An assessor may conduct a hearing of a compensation application if he or she thinks fit. (6) An assessor, without conducting a hearing of a compensation application may make, or refuse to make, a compensation award in respect of the application. 25. Hearings (5). If an assessor decides to conduct a hearing of a compensation application, the assessor must cause written notice of the time and place of the hearing to be given to the applicant and to any other interested person that the assessor intends to hear. (6). A person who is notified of a hearing is entitled — (g) to appear at the hearing and be heard by the assessor;
(h) to appear in person or to be represented by a legal practitioner, or by a person approved by the assessor; and (i) to present evidence and to call, examine and re-examine witnesses and to cross-examine any witness not called by that person. (3). Section 63 applies for the purposes of conducting a hearing. (4). A hearing by an assessor must be conducted in private unless the assessor decides that it should be conducted in public. (5). If a hearing is conducted in private, the assessor may exclude any person who the assessor does not intend to hear. 26. Awards etc. to be in writing A compensation award, or a decision to refuse to make a compensation award, must — (e) be made in writing; and (f) be given to the applicant concerned. 27. Reasons for decisions (1) If an assessor makes a compensation award, the assessor must give written reasons for making the award to any interested person who, in writing, asks the assessor for the reasons. (2) If an assessor refuses to make a compensation award, the assessor must give written reasons for the refusal to — (e) the applicant; and (f) any other interested person who, in writing, asks the assessor for the reasons. 28. Copy of awards to be sent to CEO The Chief Assessor must send a copy of a compensation award to the CEO as soon as practicable after it is made. 30. Compensation awards, general (9) On a compensation application in respect of injury suffered by a victim as a conseque of the commission of an offence, an assessor may award such compensation that the assessor is satisfied is just for the injury and for any loss also suffered. (10) A compensation award made under subsection (1) may include directions that all or a specified part of the compensation be held on trust for the victim by the person, and on any terms, specified in the award. (11) On a compensation application made by the personal representative of a victim who dies as a consequence of the commission of an offence, an assessor may award such compensation that the assessor is satisfied is just for the loss suffered by the one or more close relatives of the deceased. (12) A compensation award made under subsection (3) may —
(e) apportion the compensation between 2 or more close relatives; (f) include directions that all or a specified part of the compensation be held on trust for a close relative by the person, and on any terms, specified in the award. (7) An assessor may at any time for good reason amend or cancel a direction made under subsection (2) or (4). 29. Assessor’s general discretion (1). In deciding whether or not to make a compensation award, or the amount of a compensation award, an assessor may have regard to any factors or circumstances that the assessor thinks are relevant. (2). Subsection (1) is subject to sections 12(3), 13(4), 14(4), 15(4), 16(4) and 17(4) and this Part. 30. Compensation awards, general (1).On a compensation application in respect of injury suffered by a victim as a consequence of the commission of an offence, an assessor may award such compensation that the assessor is satisfied is just for the injury and for any loss also suffered. (2).A compensation award made under subsection (1) may include directions that all or a specified part of the compensation be held on trust for the victim by the person, and on any terms, specified in the award. (3).On a compensation application made by the personal representative of a victim who dies as a consequence of the commission of an offence, an assessor may award such compensation that the assessor is satisfied is just for the loss suffered by the one or more close relatives of the deceased. (4).A compensation award made under subsection (3) may — (a)apportion the compensation between 2 or more close relatives; (b)include directions that all or a specified part of the compensation be held on trust for a close relative by the person, and on any terms, specified in the award. (5).An assessor may at any time for good reason amend or cancel a direction made under subsection (2) or (4). 31. Maximum for single offence (7). Subject to sections 32, 33 and 34, the maximum amount that may be awarded in aggregate under sections 30(1) and (3) in favour of one person for a single offence committed on a date in a period set out in the Table to this subsection is set out in the Table opposite that period.
Table 1 Item Period (all dates inclusive)
Maximum amount
22 January 1971 17 October 1976
to For an indictable offence: $2 000 For a simple offence: $300
18 October 1976 31 December 1982
to $7 500
1 January 1983 31 December 1985
to $15 000
1 January 1986 30 June 1991
to $20 000
1 July 1991 to the day $50 000 before the day on which this Act comes into operation
On or after the day on $75 000 which this Act comes into operation
(8). Subject to sections 32, 33 and 34, the maximum amount that may be awarded in aggregate on a compensation application made by the personal representative of a victim who dies as a consequence of the commission of
an offence committed in a period set out in the Table to subsection (1) is set out in that Table opposite the period. (9). The regulations may from time to time amend the Table to subsection (1) by —
(e) inserting a further item that specifies the maximum amount for offences committed on or after a date specified or referred to in the item, being a date on or after the date on which the regulations come into operation; and (f) making any necessary consequential amendments to any previous item in the Table that do not change the effect of the item. 32. Maximum for single offence by multiple offenders Section 31(1) and (2) apply even if the single offence is committed by 2 or more persons acting in concert. 33. Maximum for multiple related offences (3) For the purposes of this section, 2 or more offences are related to one another if an assessor is satisfied — (e) that they were committed at approximately the same time, whether by one person or by 2 or more persons acting in concert; or (f) that they are related for any other reason. (2) If as a consequence of the commission of 2 or more related offences, a person — (g) suffers injury; (h) suffers loss as the close relative of a victim who dies as a consequence of one of the offences; or (i) suffers both injury as described in paragraph (a) and loss as described in paragraph (b), the amounts awarded under section 30(1) and (3) in favour of the person for the injury described in paragraph (a) and any loss also suffered and for the loss described in paragraph (b) must not in aggregate exceed the maximum amount that may be awarded for the last one of the offences to be committed. (5). Despite subsection (2), if a person is a close relative of 2 or more victims who die as a consequence of 2 or more related offences and as a result of 2 or more of those deaths — (g) suffers injury; (h) suffers loss as the close relative; or (i) suffers both injury as described in paragraph (a) and loss as described in paragraph (b), the amounts awarded under section 30(1) and (3) in favour of the person for the injury described in paragraph (a) and any loss also suffered and for the loss described in paragraph (b) must not in aggregate exceed twice
the maximum amount that may be awarded for the last one of the offences to be committed. 34. Maximum for multiple unrelated offences by one offender (1). This section applies to and in respect of a compensation application made on or after 23 September 2003. (2). If as a consequence of 2 or more offences committed by one person that are not related offences within the meaning of section 33(1), another person —
(g) suffers injury; (h) suffers loss as a close relative of a victim who dies as a consequence of one or more of the offences; or (i) suffers both injury as described in paragraph (a) and loss as described in paragraph (b), the amounts awarded under section 30(1) and (3) in favour of the person for the injury described in paragraph (a) and any loss also suffered and for the loss described in paragraph (b) must not in aggregate exceed twice the maximum amount that may be awarded for the last one of the offences to be committed. 35. Mental and nervous shock, compensation for limited to certain persons (5) This section applies to and in respect of a compensation application made on or after 23 September 2003. (6) An assessor must not make a compensation award for mental and nervous shock suffered by a victim as a consequence of the commission of an offence, or for any loss in respect of such shock, unless the assessor is satisfied — (a) that the victim also suffered bodily harm or became pregnant as a consequence of the commission of the offence; (b) that the victim was the person against whom, or against whose property, the offence was committed; (c) that a person other than the victim died or suffered injury as a consequence of the offence and the victim was personally present when or immediately after the offence was committed; (d) that immediately before the offence was committed the victim was the parent or step-parent of a person who died as a consequence of the commission of the offence; or (e) that immediately before the offence was committed the victim — (i). was a close relative of a person who suffered injury or died as a consequence of the commission of the offence; and (ii).(ii) was living with that person. (5) Despite subsection (2), if an assessor is satisfied —
(e) that a person died or was injured as a consequence of the commission of an offence; and (f) that the death occurred or the injury was suffered when the person was committing a separate offence, the assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a close relative of the person for mental and nervous shock suffered by the close relative as a result of the death or injury. 36. No award if compensation likely to benefit offender An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, if the assessor is of the opinion — (e) that there is a relationship or connection between the person who committed the offence and the victim or close relative; and (f) that by reason of the relationship or connection any money paid under the award is likely to benefit or advantage the person who committed the offence. 37 . No award if injury is from motor vehicle in certain cases (13) In this section — (14) This section applies in relation to an offence committed on or after 1 July 1993. (15) An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of the personal representative of a deceased victim, in respect of any loss suffered by a close relative of a deceased victim, as a consequence of the commission of an offence if satisfied that the injury or death was caused directly by, or by the driving or other use of, a motor vehicle unless — (e) the motor vehicle was used for the purpose of committing the offence; and (f) the offence is a crime. 38. No award if applicant did not assist investigators An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, if the assessor is of the opinion that the victim or close relative did not do any act or thing which he or she ought reasonably to have done to assist in the identification, apprehension or prosecution of the person who committed the offence. 39. No award if victim was engaged in criminal conduct (5) If an assessor is satisfied — (e) that a person was injured as a consequence of the commission of an offence; and (f) that the injury was suffered when the person was committing a separate offence, the assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of the person.
(6) If an assessor is satisfied — (e) that a person died as a consequence of the commission of an offence; and (f) that the death occurred when the person was committing a separate offence, the assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a close relative of the person for any loss suffered by the close relative as a result of the death. 40. No award if compensation already awarded or refused (7) In this section —award means an order for compensation made under the Criminal Injuries (Compensation) Act 1970 , or an award of compensation made under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1982 , the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985, or this Act; compensation application means an application for compensation made under the Criminal Injuries (Compensation) Act 1970 3 , the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1982, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985 2 or this Act. (8) An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a victim who is injured as a consequence of the commission of an offence if — (e) an award has been made previously in favour of the victim; or (f) a compensation application by or on behalf of the victim has been refused previously, in relation to an injury suffered by the victim as a consequence of the offence. (9) An assessor must not make a compensation award in favour of a close relative of a victim who dies as a consequence of the commission of an offence if — (e) an award has been made previously in favour of the close relative; or (f) a compensation application on behalf of the close relative has been refused previously, in relation to loss suffered by the close relative as a result of the death. 41. Behaviour etc. of victim to be considered In deciding whether or not to make a compensation award, or the amount of a compensation award, in favour of a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, an assessor — (e) must have regard to any behaviour, condition, attitude, or disposition of the victim that contributed, directly or indirectly, to the victim’s injury or death; and (f) may, if he or she thinks it is just to do so — (i). refuse to make a compensation award because of that contribution; or
(ii).reduce the amount that the assessor would otherwise have awarded. 42. Insurance payments etc. to be deducted from award (1) In this section —registered organisation has the meaning given by the National Health Act 1953 of the Commonwealth. (2) An assessor must deduct from a compensation award in relation to any loss suffered by a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, any amount that the victim or close relative would, but for this Act, also be entitled to receive under a contract of insurance with a registered organisation in respect of any of that loss. (3) An assessor must deduct from a compensation award in relation to any injury or loss suffered by a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, any amount that the victim or close relative has received by way of compensation or damages, or under a contract of insurance, for the injury or loss. (4) If an assessor is satisfied that a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, who has suffered injury or loss will receive an amount by way of compensation or damages, or under a contract of insurance, for the injury or loss, the assessor may deduct the amount from a compensation award in relation to that injury or loss. (5) Despite subsections (3) and (4), in the case of an application by a personal representative of a deceased victim, the amounts described in the Fatal Accidents Act 1959 section 5(2)(b) and (c) must not be deducted. 42. Insurance payments etc. to be deducted from award (11) In this section — registered organisation has the meaning given by the National Health Act 1953 of the Commonwealth. (12) An assessor must deduct from a compensation award in relation to any loss suffered by a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, any amount that the victim or close relative would, but for this Act, also be entitled to receive under a contract of insurance with a registered organisation in respect of any of that loss. (13) An assessor must deduct from a compensation award in relation to any injury or loss suffered by a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, any amount that the victim or close relative has received by way of compensation or damages, or under a contract of insurance, for the injury or loss. (14) If an assessor is satisfied that a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, who has suffered injury or loss will receive an amount by way of compensation or damages, or under a contract of insurance, for the injury or loss, the assessor may deduct the amount from a compensation award in relation to that injury or loss. cxlv
(15) Despite subsections (3) and (4), in the case of an application by a personal representative of a deceased victim, the amounts described in the Fatal Accidents Act 1959 section 5(2)(b) and (c) must not be deducted. CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION ACT 2003 - SECT 43 43 . Award to be off set against any amount owed to the State An assessor may reduce the amount payable to a victim or close relative under a compensation award by an amount not exceeding any amount that the victim or close relative owes the State — (g) under section 23(4); (h) under a compensation reimbursement order; or (i) under section 68. 44. Person who incurs expenses may be paid directly If a compensation award includes an amount in respect of expenses incurred on behalf of a victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, by a person who is responsible for the maintenance of the victim or close relative, the award may direct that the amount be paid directly to that person. 45. Order about reimbursement order may be made (5) When or after making a compensation award in respect of an application made under section 12, an assessor who thinks it is just to do so may make — (e) an order barring proceedings under Part 6 in respect of the award; or (f) an order that only a part of the award (specified in the order) may be the subject of proceedings under Part 6. (6) At any time, on an application by the CEO, an assessor may cancel an order made under subsection (1). 46. Consolidated Account charged with payment The Consolidated Account is charged with the payment of any compensation awarded under this Act and is appropriated accordingly. 47. Appeal period, payment may be withheld Payment under a compensation award is not to be made until — (e) the period referred to in section 55(3) has elapsed; and (f) any appeal commenced under Part 7 is determined, except with the written authority of an assessor.
48. Future treatment expenses, payment of (5) If a compensation award made in favour of a victim who has suffered injury includes an amount in respect of expenses of the kind referred to in section 6(2)(b), the amount is not to be paid unless — (g) the Chief Assessor is given evidence for the purposes of paragraph (b) by or on behalf of the victim; and (h) an assessor is satisfied that the expenses have been reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the victim for treatment that the victim required as a direct consequence of the injury suffered by the victim in consequence of the commission of the offence to which the award relates; and (i) the Chief Assessor is given a request for payment of the amount in accordance with subsection (2). (6) A request referred to in subsection (1)(c) must be given to the Chief Assessor — (e) if the victim was under 18 years of age on the date of the award, before — (v). the victim reaches 28 years of age; or (vi). the expiry of 10 years after the date on which the Acts Amendment (Justice) Act 2008 section 31 commences, whichever occurs last; or (f) otherwise — (v). if the award was made before that section commences, within 10 years after the day on which it commences; or (vi). otherwise, within 10 years after the date of the award. 48A. Term used: compensation award In this Part — compensation award includes an award for payment of compensation made under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985. 49. CEO may request offender to reimburse compensation If — (i) a compensation award is made in respect of any injury or loss suffered as a consequence of an offence; and (j) a person is convicted of the offence, then, subject to any order made under section 45(1), the CEO may give the offender a written notice that requests the offender to pay to the State as a lump sum — (k) the whole, or such part as is specified in the notice, of the amount paid or payable under the award; and (l) the whole, or such part as is specified in the notice, of the amount, if any, deducted under section 42(3) or (4) and remitted to the Commonwealth under a law of the Commonwealth.
50. Compensation reimbursement orders, application for (5) At any time after a compensation award is made in relation to an offence the CEO may apply to the Chief Assessor for a compensation reimbursement order against a person who has been convicted of the offence, subject to any order made under section 45(1). (6) An application may be made under subsection (1) whether or not the CEO has given the offender a notice under section 49. 51. Dealing with applications (5) In this section — application means an application made under section 50(1) or 52(3). (6) On receiving an application the Chief Assessor must ensure that — (e) notice of the application is served on the offender; and (f) the CEO and the offender are served with notice of — (vii). the time and place of the hearing of the application; (viii).the matters listed in section 52(2) that will be considered at the hearing; and (ix). their entitlements under subsection (3). (3) A person who is notified of the hearing is entitled — (i) to give the assessor, before the hearing, a written submission about any matter relevant to the making of a compensation reimbursement order; (j) to appear at the hearing and be heard by the assessor dealing with the application; (k) to appear in person or to be represented by a legal practitioner, or by a person approved by the assessor; and (l) to present evidence and to call, examine and re-examine witnesses and to cross-examine any witness not called by that person. (4) Section 63 applies for the purposes of conducting the hearing. (16) The hearing must be conducted in private unless the assessor decides that it should be conducted in public. (kok 4 nya 2 ) (17) If a hearing is conducted in private, the assessor may exclude any person who the assessor does not intend to hear. (18) At the hearing an assessor may inquire into — (e) the matters listed in section 52(2); and (f) any other matters that the assessor thinks are relevant to the application 52. Compensation reimbursement order, making (9) At the hearing of an application made under section 50(1), an assessor may make a compensation reimbursement order that orders the offender to pay to the State an amount specified in the order being —
(e) the whole or part of the amount paid or payable under the relevant compensation award; and (f) the whole or part of the amount, if any, deducted under section 42(3) or (4) and remitted to the Commonwealth under a law of the Commonwealth, in a lump sum or by means of instalments of such amounts and at such times as the order specifies. (10) In deciding whether to make a compensation reimbursement order and the amount to be paid under the order an assessor must have regard to the following — (k) the extent to which the offender is responsible for the victim’s injury or death; (l) whether the behaviour of the victim at the time of the offence in any way precipitated or provoked the offence; (m) whether any behaviour, condition, attitude, or disposition of the victim contributed, directly or indirectly, to the victim’s injury or death; (n) the offender’s means to satisfy any such order having regard to — (v). the offender’s income, assets and liabilities; and (vi). the offender’s current and prospective employment; (o) the extent to which the offender is likely to be able to satisfy any such order within a reasonable time. (11) The CEO or the offender may at any time apply for a compensation reimbursement order to be amended or cancelled. (12) On an application made under subsection (3), an assessor may amend or cancel the compensation reimbursement order. 53. Compensation reimbursement order, enforcement of (5) A compensation reimbursement order may be enforced by lodging a copy of it, certified by an assessor as a true copy, and an affidavit stating to what extent it has not been complied with, with a court of competent jurisdiction. (6) When a compensation reimbursement order is lodged with a court of competent jurisdiction, the order is to be taken to be a judgment of the court against the offender in favour of the State and may be enforced accordingly 54. Reimbursed amounts to be credited to Consolidated Account Any money paid or recovered under this Part must be credited to the Consolidated Account.
55. Appeal lies to the District Court (11) An interested person may appeal to the District Court against an assessor’s decision — (e) to make or to refuse to make a compensation award; (f) as to the amount of a compensation award. (12) The CEO or an offender may appeal to the District Court against an assessor’s decision — (e) to make or to refuse to make, or to cancel or amend or to refuse to cancel or amend, a compensation reimbursement order under section 52; (f) as to the amount of a compensation reimbursement order made or amended under section 52. (13) The appeal must be commenced within 21 days after the date of the decision. (14) If it is just to do so, the District Court may allow an appeal to be commenced after the 21 days, and may do so even if the period has expired. (15) The appeal must be conducted in accordance with rules of court made by the District Court. 56. Dealing with appeals (5) On an appeal under section 55 against an assessor’s decision, the District Court must decide the application to which the decision relates afresh, without being fettered by the assessor’s decision, solely on the evidence and information that was in the possession of the assessor or may receive further evidence and information. (6) On an appeal under section 55 the District Court may do any or all of the following — (m) exercise any power of an assessor under this Act, other than a power under section 19(1)(b), 24(1) or 25; (n) confirm, vary or reverse the assessor’s decision, either in whole or in part; (o) make any order that an assessor could make under this Act; (p) order an unsuccessful party to the appeal to pay a successful party’s costs as set by the Court in accordance with the scale of costs prescribed by the regulations; (q) refer a question of law that arises in the appeal to the Court of Appeal for determination; (r) make any necessary consequential order. 57. District Court decision is final The District Court’s decision on an appeal made under this Part is not appealable.
58. Assessor may refer question of law to Court of Appeal An assessor may refer a question of law that arises in relation to a compensation application or the interpretation of this Act to the Court of Appeal for determination. 59. Chief Assessor and assessors, appointment of etc. Schedule 1 has effect. 60. Chief Assessor may allocate work to assessors The Chief Assessor may allocate and reallocate compensation applications to or among himself or herself and the other assessors to be dealt with in accordance with this Act. 61. Administrative staff Any person needed to assist the assessors must be appointed under the Public Sector Management Act 1994 Part 3. 62. Annual report and other reports (7) Before 1 October in each year, the Chief Assessor must give the Minister a report about the operation of this Act during the financial year that ended on 30 June in that year. (8) At any other time the Chief Assessor may give the Minister a report about the operation of this Act. (9) The Minister must cause any report given to him or her under this section to be laid before each House of Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after receiving it. 62A. Assessor may conduct hearing (5) This section does not affect section 24. (6) If he or she thinks fit, an assessor may conduct a hearing in respect of any question that an assessor may decide under this Act. 63 . Witnesses at hearings of applications (17) In this section — witness means a person who is given a notice under subsection (2). (18) For the purposes of conducting a hearing under this Act, an assessor, on the application of a person who has been given notice of the hearing or on the assessor’s own initiative, may give a person a written notice that requires him or her to appear at the hearing and do one or both of the following — (e) to give oral evidence; (f) to produce any record that is described generally or specifically in the notice and that is in his or her possession or control. (19) An assessor may administer an oath or affirmation to a witness. (20) An assessor may ask a witness any question.
(21) A witness commits an offence if he or she, without a reasonable excuse, does not — (g) appear in accordance with a notice given to the person under subsection (2); (h) take an oath or affirmation as required by an assessor; or (i) give oral evidence or produce a record as required by an assessor. Penalti: $ 5 000 . (22) A witness who complies with a notice given to the witness under subsection (2) is entitled to a reasonable amount, decided by an assessor, in respect of any expenses incurred or earnings lost by the witness in so complying. (23) If an amount is paid under subsection (6) in relation to a witness at a hearing that relates to an offence of which a person is convicted, an assessor may order the offender to pay the State the whole or part of the amount. (24) Section 53 applies to an order made under subsection (7) as if the order were a compensation reimbursement order. 64 . Publicity, assessor may restrict (11) In this section — proceedings means — (g) a compensation application or an application made under Part 6; (h) proceedings on a hearing of such an application; or (i) a decision, award or order made by an assessor on such an application, or the reasons for it; specified means specified in an order made under this section. (12) If satisfied that it is in the interests of justice to do so, an assessor may make an order in respect of specified proceedings that prohibits the publication of the proceedings, or of a report or summary of them, or of a specified part or particular of them. (13) Without limiting subsection (2), an assessor may make an order that prohibits the publication of any particular of specified proceedings that is likely to lead members of the public to identify a specified person who is — (g) a victim; (h) a close relative of a deceased victim; or (i) a person who committed an offence to which any proceedings relate, whether or not he or she has been convicted of it. (14) In making an order under this section an assessor must have regard to the desirability of the public being informed of the nature of applications made under this Act and the principles applied in deciding them. (15) A person who contravenes an order made under this section commits an offence. Penalty:
(e) for a natural person: $5 000; (f) for a body corporate: $25 000. 65. Immunity for assessors, legal practitioners and witnesses (7) An assessor has, in the performance of his or her functions as an assessor, the same protection and immunity as a judge of the Supreme Court has in performance of his or her duties as a judge. (8) A person representing a person at a hearing conducted by an assessor under this Act has the same protection and immunity as a legal practitioner has in representing a party in proceedings in the Supreme Court. (9) A person appearing as a witness before an assessor has the same protection and immunity as a witness has in proceedings in the Supreme Court. 66. Protection of assessors from personal liability (7) In this section, a reference to the doing of anything includes a reference to an omission to do anything. (8) A civil action does not lie against a person for anything that the person does, while he or she is an assessor, in good faith in the performance or purported performance of a function of an assessor. (9) The Crown is also relieved of any liability that it might otherwise have had for another person having done anything as described in subsection (2). 67. Costs An assessor does not have power to award costs. 68. Repayment to State of insurance payments etc. (5) If — (k) a compensation award is made in respect of any injury or loss suffered by a victim or a close relative of a deceased victim; (l) the victim or close relative also receives or recovers in respect of that injury or loss an amount under a contract of insurance or by way of damages or compensation, otherwise than under this Act; and (m) that amount is not deducted under section 42(3) or (4), an amount equal to the lesser of — (n) the amount awarded to the victim or close relative under the compensation award; or (o) the amount referred to in paragraph (b), is a debt due to the State by the victim or close relative or by any person who holds the amount referred to in paragraph (b) on behalf of the victim or close relative.
(6) In this section —compensation award includes an award for payment of compensation made under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985 2 . 69. Debts due to the State, recovery of (5) A debt due to the State under section 23(4) or 68 may be recovered in a court of competent jurisdiction. (6) Any such debt that is paid or recovered must be credited to the Consolidated Account. 70. False information, offence of giving (7) In this section —prescribed information means any information given — (g) in a compensation application; (h) in response to a request made, or a notice given, under section 19; or (i) in an application made under section 50(1) or 52(3). (8) A person who gives any prescribed information knowing that it is false in a material particular commits an offence. Penalty: $5 000. (9) A court that convicts a person of an offence under subsection (1) in respect of information given in or in relation to a compensation application may, in addition to the sentence it imposes, order the person to repay to the State the whole or a part of any amount paid to the person under a compensation award made on the compensation application. 71. Limitation period for prosecutions A prosecution for an offence under this Act must be commenced within 2 years after the date on which the offence is alleged to have been committed.
72. Regulations (5) The Governor may make regulations prescribing all matters that are required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed or are necessary or convenient to be prescribed for giving effect to the purposes of this Act. (6) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), regulations may provide for the substituted service on a person of notices issued under section 19, 25, 51(2) or 63, or on an appeal, in cases where it is impossible or impracticable to give the notice to the person. 73. Repeal and transitional provisions Schedule 2 has effect.
5. Perbandingan Pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum (Miscarriage of Justice) menurut Kitab Undangundang Hukum Acara Pidana dibandingkan dengan Undang-undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch) Pada dasarnya pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana maupun Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch sama-sama diciptakan untuk melindungi hak asasi manusia, agar korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum mendapatkan ganti rugi atas kerugian yang di deritanya. Landasan pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Tertera dalam Pembukaan UndangUndang Dasar Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 yang kemudian dijabarkan lebih rinci dalam Bab XA yang berjudul Hak Asasi Manusia. Dimana dalam Pasal 28D ayat (1) disebutkan bahwa Setiap orang berhak atas pengakuan, jaminan, perlindungan, dan kepastian hukum yang adil serta perlakuan yang sama di hadapan hukum, dalam Pasal 28G ayat (1) Setiap orang berhak atas perlindungan diri pribadi, keluarga, kehormatan, martabat, dan harta benda yang di bawah kekuasaannya, serta berhak atas rasa aman dan perlindungan dari ancaman ketakutan untuk berbuat atau tidak berbuat sesuatu yang merupakan hak asasi dan dalam Pasal 28I ayat (4) disebutkan ”Perlindungan, pemajuan, penegakan, dan pemenuhan hak asasi manusia adalah tanggung jawab negara, terutama pemerintah” maka dibentuklah Pengaturan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum di dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana sebagai wujud perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) merupakan konsepsi Hak Asasi Manusia dan telah diakui secara universal yang merupakan standar perlakuan terhadap para pelanggar hukum. Hal ini mengandung pengertian bahwa secara internasional adanya pengakuan atas perlindungan terhadap hak asasi seorang tersangka/terdakwa. Hukum pidana Belanda (1996) dalam menghadapi kejahatan, dalam Pasal 74 KUHP Belanda (1996) diatur bahwa penuntut umum diberikan diskresi untuk
mencegah seseorang tersangka kejahatan serius di dakwa di muka sidang pengadilan, kecuali untuk kejahatan yang diancam lebih dari 6(enam) tahun. Persyaratan untuk memasuki tahap ini antara lain, tersangka telah membayar sejumlah uang kepada Negara, mencabut hak kepemilikan yang bersangkutan atas harta benda tertentu, telah menyerahkan barang-barang yang menjadi objek penyitaan atau membayar sejumlah nilai barang tersebut kepada negara, atau telah memberikan kompensasi penuh atau sebagian kerugian yang disebabkan kejahatan yang telah dilakukannya. Berdasarkan Pasal di atas, perhatian terhadap korban kejahatan di Belanda selain kepada tersangka/terdakwa telah diperkuat dengan Undang-Undang tentang Kompensasi terhadap Korban Kejahatan (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act) yang menetapkan bahwa korban kejahatan dapat menuntut ganti rugi termasuk ahli warisnya di dalam proses peradilan pidana. Dengan Undang-Undang tersebut sekaligus melindungi saksi-saksi pelapor dari ancaman pihak lain
Akan tetapi, terdapat beberapa perbedaan dalam pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi di antara Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana dengan Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch, perbedaan tersebut antara lain:
Di dalam Pasal 95 ayat (1) Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana berbunyi: ”Tersangka, terdakwa atau terpidana berhak menuntut “ganti kerugian” karena ditangkap, ditahan, dituntut dan diadili atau dikenakan tindakan lain, tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undang-undang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai orangnya atau hukum yang diterapkan”, sedangkan dalam
disebutkan:” applicant means a person who makes a compensation application” dimana Pemohon merupakan pihak yang membuat berkas
kompensasi. Dipertegas dengan Pasal 12 ayat (1) yang berbunyi:’’ A person who suffers injury as a consequence of the commission of a proved offence may apply for compensation for the injury and any loss also suffered’’. Yang berarti Seseorang yang menderita cedera sebagai akibat dari komisi pelanggaran yang terbukti dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk kompensasi atas cedera dan kerugian juga menderita. Disini tidak disebutkan cidera yang bagaimana yang dapat mohonkan ganti rugi. Sehingga pengertian cidera dalam hal ini menjadi sangat luas. Hal ini mempermudah pihak korban dalam menuntut ganti rugi.
b. Dalam Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch dikenal adanya Hakim Komisaris atau ”examining judges” yang bertugas mengawasi dan
menjalankan tugasnya. Sehingga jalannya peradilan lebih terkontrol dan adil. Hakim Komisaris yang mempunyai tugas antara lain melakukan pengawasan terhadap penerapan ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai penangkapan, penahanan, penggeledahan, pensitaan dan pemeriksaan surat-surat, dimaksudkan untuk menjamin hak-hak asasi dari pada tersangka yang dikurangi, janganlah pengurangannya itu berlebih-lebihan dari keperluan yang sebenarnya, atau jangan sampai dihapus sama sekali, karena misalnya adanya penyelewengan dari kepastian hukum yang ada oleh petugas yang bersangkutan, sehingga dengan demikian tersangka sangat dirugikan. Sedangkan dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana tidak ada aturan mengenai hakim komisaris, dimana dulu ketentuan mengenai hakim komisaris di masukkan dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang tentang Kitab Undangundang Hukum Acara Pidana Tahun 1973-1974, akan tetapi hal ini menimbulkan keberatan dari berbagai kalangan, utamanya dari kalangan Kejaksaan karena dinilai adanya ketidakpercayaan publik terhadap polisi/penyidik yang dikhawatirkan akan mempergunakan upaya paksa yang berlebihan. Oleh karena itu ketentuan mengenai hakim komisaris tidak dimasukkan dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana akan tetapi diganti dengan adanya Lembaga praperadilan Dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Pasal 95 ayat (2) yang menyebutkan bahwa: ’’Tuntutan ganti kerugian oleh tersangka atau ahli warisnya atas penangkapan atau penahanan serta tindak lain tanpa alasan yang berdasarkan undang-undang atau karena kekeliruan mengenai atau hukum yang diterapkan sebagaimana dalam
ayat (1) yang perkaranya tidak diajukan ke Pengadilan Negeri, diputus di sidang Pra Peradilan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 77”. Padahal Tidak semua upaya paksa dapat dimintakan pemeriksaan untuk diuji dan dinilai kebenarannya dan ketepatannya oleh lembaga praperadilan misalnya, penggeledahan, penyitaan dan pembukaan serta pemeriksaan surat-surat tidak dijelaskan dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana, sehingga menimbulkan ketidakjelasan siapa yang berwenang memeriksanya apabila terjadi pelanggaran. Di lembaga
perlindungan hak asasi tersangka atau terdakwa dalam hal penyitaan dan penggeledahan, padahal penggeledahan yang sewenang-wenang merupakan pelanggaran terhadap ketentraman rumah tempat tinggal orang (privacy), dan penyitaan yang tidak sah merupakan pelanggaran serius terhadap hak milik seseorang. Praperadilan tidak berwenang untuk menguji dan menilai sah atau tidaknya suatu penangkapan atau penahanan tanpa adanya permintaan dari tersangka atau keluarganya atau pihak lain atas kuasa tersangka. Sehingga apabila permintaan tersebut tidak ada, walaupun tindakan penangkapan atau penahanan nyata-nyata menyimpang dari ketentuan yang berlaku, maka sidang praperadilan tidak dapat diadakan. Lebih parah lagi sebagaimana dalam praktik pemeriksaan praperadilan selama ini, hakim lebih banyak memperhatikan perihal dipenuhi tidaknya syarat-syarat formil semata dari suatu penangkapan atau penahanan, seperti misalnya ada atau tidaknya adanya surat perintah penangkapan (Pasal 18 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana), atau ada tidaknya surat perintah penahanan (Pasal 21 Ayat (2) Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana), dan sama sekali tidak menguji dan menilai syarat materiilnya. Padahal syarat materiil inilah yang menentukan apakah seseorang
dapat dikenakan upaya paksa berupa penangkapan atau penahanan oleh pihak penyidik atau penuntut umum. c. Dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Pasal 95 ayat (3) Tuntutan ganti kerugian diajukan oleh tersangka, terdakwa, terpidana atau ahli warisnya kepada Pengadilan yang berwenang mengadili perkara yang bersangkutan. Dan dalam Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch Pasal 13(c) berbunyi: “the personal representative of the deceased may apply for compensation for that loss”, yang berarti wakil pribadi almarhum dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk mendapatkan kompensasi untuk kerugian dan rehabilitasi”, pernyataan ini tentu lebih luas dimana apabila tersangka meninggal, tidak harus ahli waris yang mengajukan permohonan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi ke Pengadilan akan tetapi siapapun pihak yang ditunjuk menjadi wakil tersangka. Tentu saja hal ini mempermudah pihak korban untukmendapatkan ganti rugi d. Dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Pasal 96 ayat (1) dan (2) berbunyi: “(1) Putusan pemberian ganti kerugian berbentuk penentapan. (2) Penetapan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) memuat dengan lengkap semua hal yang dipertimbangkan sebagai alasan bagi putusan tersebut”. Sedangkan di dalam criminal injuries compensation act of dutch Putusan pemberian ganti rugi berupa Putusan Hakim, dimana di sebutkan nilai nominal yang harus dibayar sesuai dengan tingkat kesalahan seperti dalam Pasal 63 ayat (5)(c) yang berbunyi: “A witness commits an offence if he or she, without a reasonable excuse, does not give oral evidence or produce a record as required by an assessor. Penalti: $ 5 000. Artinya apabila seorang saksi melakukan suatu pelanggaran hukum jika ia, tanpa alasan yang masuk akal tidak memberikan bukti lisan atau menghasilkan catatan yang diperlukan oleh seorang assessor dikenakan denda $ 5 000.
e. Dalam criminal injuries compensation act of dutch diatur mengenai kompensasi bagi korban meninggal dunia, sedangkan hal ini dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana sama sekali tidak di atur. Hal ini akan menimbulkan kesulitan bagi ahli waris korban untuk mengajukan tuntutan ganti rugi dalam hal jumlah nominal ganti rugi yang dimohonkan karena aturan ganti rugi bagi korban meninggal dunia tidak di atur dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana f. Dalam Penjelasan Umum butir 3 huruf c Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana, Setiap orang yang disangka, ditangkap, ditahan, dituntut, dan/atau dihadapkan di depan pengadilan wajib dianggap tidak bersalah sebelum ada putusan pengadilan yang menyatakan kesalahannya, dan telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap. hal ini berbeda maknanya secara signifikan dengan rumusan asas praduga tak bersalah di dalam Pasal 14 ayat (2) criminal injuries compensation act of dutch, yang berbunyi: ”Everyone charged with criminal offence shall have the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law”, disini hanya ditegaskan, harus dianggap tidak bersalah sampai dibuktikan berdasarkan undang-undang bahkan, tidak menegaskan juga masalah putusan yang memperoleh kekuatan hukum yang tetap, sebagai batas toleransi seseorang dapat dinyatakan bersalah. Pembuktian kesalahan seseorang berdasarkan berdasarkan sistem hukum Common Law sering ditegaskan dengan bunyi kalimat, ”proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt”, yang berarti, ”(Dinyatakan) Bersalah berdasarkan bukti-bukti yang sangat kuat atau tidak dapat diragukan sama sekali”; bandingkan dengan rumusan kalimat,” (Dinyatakan) Bersalah atas dasar putusan yang telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap”. g. Dalam criminal injuries compensation act of dutch diatur mengenai ketentuan mengenai pelanggaran informasi palsu dalam pembuatan permohonan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi yaitu Pasal 70 ayat (1):. False clxi
information, offence of giving, In this section prescribed information means any information given in a compensation application yang berarti
pelanggaran Informasi palsu, Dalam bagian ini berarti setiap informasi yang diberikan dalam permohonan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi. Sedangkan dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidanaketentuan mengenai pelanggaran tersebut sama sekali tidak diatur, lalu langkah apa yang akan di ambil para penegak hukum apabila pelanggaran tersebut benar-benar terjadi. F. Konsep pengaturan ganti rugi dalam Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch berpotensi dijadikan rujukan pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia Dari pembahasan di atas dapat dilihat bahwa pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana masih kurang, hal ini terlihat jelas, seperti dalam criminal injuries compensation act of dutch Pasal 10 diatur mengenai kompensasi bagi korban meninggal dunia, dimana dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana hal ini sama sekali tidak di atur, dan ketentuan mengenai pelanggaran informasi palsu dalam pembuatan permohonan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi di Pasal 70 ayat (1) criminal injuries compensation act of dutch juga tidak diatur dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana serta kekurangan-kekurangan lain yang termuat dalam pembahasan perbandingan di atas. Oleh karena itu pengaturan ganti rugi dalam Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch berpotensi dijadikan rujukan pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia. Dimana Pengambilan budaya asing dalam bidang hukum diperbolehkan, asal dilakukan secara selektif dan tidak mengorbankan nilai-nilai kepribadian bangsa Indonesia. Dan dalam Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch diatur lebih dalam mengenai konsep pengaturan pemberian ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum.
Selain itu Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana harus dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan perkembangan-perkembangan baru, khususnya perkembangan internasional yang sudah disepakati oleh masyarakat internasional. Pembaharuan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia harus segera dilakukan. Sifat Undang-undang yang selalu tertinggal dari realitas sosial menjadi landasan dasar ide pembaharuan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana, saat ini merupakan produk kolonial Belanda yang diterapkan pada masa penjajahan, Indonesia yang kini menjadi negara yang bebas dan merdeka hendaknya menyusun sebuah peraturan pidana baru yang sesuai dengan jiwa bangsa. Selain itu di Negara Belanda itu sendiri Hukum Acara Pidana sudah mengalami banyak perubahan, maka sudah seharusnya Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana di perbaharui. Dan tidak ada salahnya mengadopsi atau menjadikan hukum asing sebagai acuan pembaharuan hukum Negara kita demi pembangunan nasional. Pembaharuan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana dalam pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi ini dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara. Pertama, pembaharuan dengan cara parsial, yakni dengan cara mengganti bagian demi bagian. Dan kedua, pembaharuan dengan cara universal, total atau menyeluruh, yaitu pembaharuan dengan mengganti total pengaturan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana. Dan menurut saya lebih baik memakai cara parsial yakni mengganti bagian dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana tidak perlu dan menambahkan Aturan-Aturan yang sekiranya dirasa masih kurang.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan yang telah penulis paparkan pada bab sebelumnya yang mengacu pada rumusan masalah, maka penulis menyimpulkan sebagai berikut:
3. Pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi bagi korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum (Miscarriage of justice) menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 8 tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana dibandingkan dengan Undang-undang Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch) Pada dasarnya konsep pengaturan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab UndangUndang Hukum Acara Pidana maupun Criminal Injuries Compensation Act Of Dutch sama-sama diciptakan untuk melindungi hak asasi manusia. Agar korban proses peradilan pidana yang cacat hukum mendapatkan ganti rugi atas kerugian yang di deritanya Dalam hal ini Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) merupakan konsepsi Hak Asasi Manusia dan telah diakui secara universal yang merupakan standar perlakuan terhadap para pelanggar hukum. Hal ini mengandung pengertian bahwa secara internasional adanya pengakuan atas perlindungan terhadap hak asasi seorang tersangka/terdakwa. Akan tetapi terdapat beberapa perbedaan dalam pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi di antara Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana dan Hukum Acara Pidana Belanda (Criminal Injuries Injuries Compensation Act of dutch) yang menunjukkan
bahwa konsep pengaturan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana masih sangat kurang dan jauh ketinggalan dari Criminal injuries Compensation Act of Dutch)
4. Konsep pengaturan ganti rugi dalam Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of Dutch berpotensi dijadikan rujukan pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia.
Pengaturan konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana masih sangat kurang. Seperti dalam criminal injuries compensation act of dutch Pasal 10 diatur mengenai kompensasi bagi korban meninggal dunia, dimana dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana hal ini sama sekali tidak di atur, dan ketentuan mengenai pelanggaran informasi palsu dalam pembuatan permohonan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi di Pasal 70 ayat (1) criminal injuries compensation act of dutch juga tidak diatur dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana serta kekurangan-kekurangan lain yang termuat dalam pembahasan perbandingan di atas. 2.
Bahwa Kitab Undang-
Undang Hukum Acara Pidana khususnya pengaturan mengenai konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi harus segera diperbarui agar sesuai dengan kemajuan zaman dan kebutuhan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu konsep pengaturan ganti rugi dalam Criminal injuries compensation Act of Dutch berpotensi dijadikan rujukan pembaharuan dalam Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia.. Konsep ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi ini dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara. Pertama, pembaharuan dengan cara parsial, yakni dengan cara mengganti bagian demi bagian. Dan kedua, pembaharuan dengan cara universal, total atau menyeluruh, yaitu pembaharuan dengan mengganti total pengaturan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana
B. Saran
Pada bagian terakhir ini, beberapa saran dengan harapan saran ini dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan bagi pihak yang terkait. Adapun saran tersebut antara lain : Pemerintah harus segera memperbaharui Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana agar tidak ketinggalan zaman dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Akan lebih bagus lagi apabila Indonesia mempunyai Undang-Undang buatan sendiri. Dan dalam mewujudkan keadilan dan kesejahteraan bagi korban tindak pidana, dibutuhkan peran dari semua pihak tidak hanya aparatur penegak hukum tetapi juga seluruh kalangan masyarakat untuk aktif memperjuangkan hak-hak korban terutama dalam memperoleh ganti kerugian atas perbuatan terdakwa yang telah merugikan diri korban.
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