E-culture fair 12 - 13 november 2000 Congrescentrum, RAI, Amsterdam
Op 12 en 13 november 2000 vindt in de RAI te Amsterdam de eerste E-culture fair plaats georganiseerd door het Virtueel Platform. De E-culture fair is een internationale beurs waar creatieve en innovatieve concepten, processen, en produkten op het gebied van de nieuwe media getoond worden. De nadruk bij de E-culture fair ligt op nieuwe manieren van communiceren, leren en spelen in een brede culturele/maatschappelijke context.
De E-culture fair is geen gewone nieuwe media beurs. Bij de E-culture fair is het juist de bedoeling dat het publiek in de projecten participeert. Veel projecten zijn nog in ontwikkeling en de makers die aanwezig zijn willen juist een reactie van het publiek of ze wel of niet op de goede weg zijn. Het zijn projecten die voor iedereen in de toekomst iets kunnen gaan betekenen. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn nieuwe vormen van lesgeven aan jonge kinderen; nieuwe vormen van TV en radiomaken waar het publiek bepaald wat er te zien is en zelf voor de input zorgt; informatieplatformen voor universiteiten en huishoudens; ontwikkelingsprojecten uit Bangladesh en India; nieuwe manieren van spelen en vermaak en nog veel meer...............
Zo'n 50 nieuwe media projecten zijn ondergebracht in 4 zones: Zone 1 Staging De toename van audio, video en live programmering (streaming media) via het internet biedt extra mogelijkheden voor artistieke experimenten die bij een breder publiek nog nauwelijks bekend zijn. Zone 2 Interacting Veel van onze dagelijkse communicatie gaat via het computerscherm. Door de uitbreiding van de mobiele telefoon en de zogenaamde 'pervasive computing' is het tegenwoordig mogelijk alle zintuigen te gebruiken als interactie instrument. Zone 3 Learning Leerprocessen kunnen door technologie op een hele andere manier worden vormgegeven. In deze zone worden innovatieve toepassingen voor individueel leren en voorbeelden van online-leeromgevingen getoond. Zone 4 Playing Een zone die de recente ontwikkeling op spelgebied toont en deze in een maatschappelijke/culturele context plaatst.
E-culture contexts Tijdens de E-culture fair vindt er een divers zaalprogramma plaats met onder andere project-presentaties, visies van (inter-) nationale experts en screenings. Op 12 november zullen de thema's Interacting en Staging aan bod komen en 13 november Learning en Playing. Programma van presentaties vindt plaats in de zaal naast de Playing zone:
Zondag 12 november Zone Staging 14.00-14.10 Inleiding, Eric Kluitenberg, De Balie, Amsterdam 14.10-14.30 Bakteria, Arcangel Constantini, Mexico City 14.30-14.50 CAT Network, GMD-IMK.MARS lab, Sankt Augustin 14.50-15.10 Border 2000, Mike Riemel, Border 2000, Berlijn 15.10-15.30 Keystroke, Sher Dorruf, Waag labs, Amsterdam
Zone Interacting 16.00-16.10 Inleiding, Iris van den Hoek, IJsfontein, Amsterdam 16.10-16.30 Fly Fisherman, Katja Battarbee, University of Art and Design, Helsinki 16.30-16.50 Brainball, Ingvar Sjöberg en Sara Ilstedt, Smart Studio, Interactive Institute Sweden 16.50-17.10 Living Memory, Anton Andrews, Philips Design, Eindhoven 17.10-17.30 www.orkest.nl, Remon Tijssen, Tilburg
Maandag 13 november Zone Learning 14.00-14.15 Inleiding, Rob van Kranenburg, De Balie & Universiteit van Amsterdam 14.15-14.30 Oro Oro, Caroline Nevejan, Hogeschool van Amsterdam 14.30-15.15 Lezing, Stephen Heppell, Ultralab, Chelmsford 15.15-15.30 The Learn Foundation, Shahidul Alam, Drik Multimedia, Bangladesh 15.30-15.45 Etui, i3, Andy Simpson, Ultralab, Chelmsford
Zone Playing 16.00-16.10 Inleiding, Arie Altena, Mediamatic, Amsterdam 16.10-16.30 eSCAPE, Annika Blunck, ZKM, Karlsruhe en Dr Steve Pettifer, University of Manchester 16.30-16.50 The Sims, Marieke van der Velden, Amsterdam 16.50-17.10 Cyberwarriors film, Frag_Harry, Half Life-clan Cyberwarriors 17.10-17.30 Blender, Ian Ginn, Blender, Amsterdam
Speakers Corner' Project van Jaap de Jonge geproduceerd door het Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst. Bezoekers kunnen via een speciale telefoon of de internetsite reageren op de teksten die op de 16 meter lange billboard te zien zijn. Door middel van spraakherkennings software worden de telefoongesprekken omgezet in tekst. Binnenkort zal deze billboard permanent te zien zijn aan de voorkant van het Kiklees Media Centre in Huddersfield (UK).
E-culture navigation tool Ontwerp en productie: HKU/KMT (Utrecht School of the Arts, faculty of Art, Media and Technology)
Cinema Digitaal E-culture night Op 12 november wordt 's avonds in het Cinema Digitaal programma van Paradiso op scherm een aantal E-culture sterren getoond. Onder andere The Best of the Webby Awards; de "Oscars" van de wereld van de webdesign, "In de eerste persoon", een video-, film en documentaire programma van het Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst i.s.m. Cinema Digitaal, optredens van Boombox een livestreaming clubmuziek website, TNC Network en van Arcangel Constantini, VJ kunstenaar en ontwikkelaar van VJ software.
E -Quest Het Virtueel Platform organiseert een wedstrijd voor jonge kinderen met voor de winnaar een prijs: het nieuwste spel van Playstation Rayman 2
Bellissima Bellissima zal op locatie in de RAI een livestreaming studio opzetten waarmee de E-Culture Fair zowel op het internet als op het lokale kabel televisie netwerk te volgen is. www.bellissima.net
ZONE 1 STAGING 1.1 Electro Beep Club Steim's Electro Beep Club presents an array of instruments that produce sounds and in some cases images in response to touch. You change the sound (and where appropriate the image) by rubbing, squeezing, pushing, caressing or waving at them. Some of the instruments can be played by singing into them or by touching another person who is playing them. Steim (NL) www.steim.nl
1.2 CAT (Communication, Art & Technology network) CAT is a multi-channel Internet based platform mediating the cross culture of art, research and digital media providing three different net levels: information, communication and production. Media Arts Research (MARS) lab, German National Research Center for Information Technology (GMD), Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and the University of Siegen (GER). http://imk.gmd.de/mars/cat
1.3 Frequency Clock The Frequency Clock is a collaborative interdisciplinary project rediscovering and enlarging the spectrum of radio art, and encouraging interactive and participatory models of cross-cultural and cross-art-form exchange. Radioqualia (GER) www.radioqualia.net
1.4 BoomBox.net The BoomBox label brings together a collective of networkers, designers, promoters, DJs, VJs and food jockeys, and is a prime example of the reciprocal relationship between club culture and Internet culture. In collaboration with Mouthwatering, Micromusic, büro destruct, Stocktown, Dublab, and others. Nomad Media Corporation Ag (CH) www.boombox.net
1.5 Bakteria and other works Flash VJ rave software from Mexico. Archangel Constantini (MEX) www.bakteria.org
1.6 TNC Network TNC Network is a Paris-based new media label dedicated to the emerging digital culture and specializing in advanced net-inspired electronic entertainment. Operated by an interdisciplinary crew of carefully chosen media professionals, TNC has developed concepts and projects for a diverse group of partners. TNC Network (FR) www.tnc.net
1.7 KeyStroke KeyStroke is a Multi-User Cross Media Synthesizer - a distributed application that allows multiple players to generate, synthesize and process images, sounds and text within a shared realtime environment. As an instrument it allows communities of players to dynamically control and modify all aspects of digitized media in a collaborative performance. Waag labs (NL) www.waag.org
1.8 Klubradio Klubradio is a commercial live streaming project that regularly streams the sound of some of the most famous German clubs into the internet. A remote, scheduler driven system that includes video options. Klubradio unlimited GmbH (GER) www.klubradio.de
1.9 X-change network and 'Acoustic Space' A network for radio development in internet information exchange, and research on using different software real-time broadcasting and audio archiving in the net. Including a presentation of the new issue of the magazine 'Acoustic Space'. RIXC Center for New Media Culture (LV) http://xchange.re-lab.net
1.10 Border 2000 Border 2000 is the web aspect of the project 'the border' that started 1000 days before 2000 as a 48 hour festival for contemporary culture developments in Trier. The goal is to set up a network of cultural production and distribution to document and develop new forms of cooperation until 1000 days after 2000. III Mikea 2.3+ Border TV (GER) www.border2000.org
1.11 Superchannel/Superflex Superchannel is a tool that enables you to produce internet TV with interaction by the viewers through chat and discussion groups. The Superchannel is a network of people that uses streaming media to strengthen and create social connections by redefining the broadcaster/viewer relation. Superchannel/Superflex (DK/UK), commissioned by the Foundation for Art & Creative Technology's Collaboration Programme in partnership with Liverpool Housing Action Trust (UK). www.superchannel.org
2.1 Free Range Appliances in a Light Dill Sauce An exploration of anthropomorphic qualities inherent in household appliances and an irreverent look at the meaning of ''smart'' appliances. Kitchen gadgets are liberated from their mundane existences and taught motor skills; enabling them to fully realize their suppressed ambulatory desires. dancingtoasters.com (USA) www.dancingtoasters.com
2.2 Brainball Brainball is a game, a piece of art and a research project about new methods of interaction between human and machine using biosensors. Interactive Institute (SWE) www.interactiveinstitute.se
2.3 Fly Fisherman One of the outcomes of the Nordic Design Student Workshop on 'design for user experience'. University of Art and Design UIAH Helsinki (FIN) www.uiah.fi/projects/smart/edesign/nordicworkshop.html
2.4 World Wide work-out web featuring 'TypoToons & new projects' by IJsfontein / VPRO. TypoToons is a complete multimedia-project with WEB, TV and multi-user game in one. Combining: education, gaming and storywriting. A new project is an animation programme for TV and internet. In a multi-user chat-game, on the internet, children play a part in changing the storyline, give orders to the characters and write dialogues. The project lasts 65 daily WEB-isodes and 13 weeks broadcast by the VPRO. It is presented here on the bicycle computer installation the World Wide work-out web designed and produced by Norbert Starink for Cinekids. Cinekids (NL) www.cinekids.nl IJsfontein Interactive Media(NL) www.ijsfontein.nl, VPR0 (NL) www.vpro.nl/typotoons.
2.5 Een kast (cupboard) A real wooden cupboard is used to drive a computer program. The drawers contain different objects and function as keys: if a drawer is opened the object appears on the screen above the cupboard. In the computer image each object has its own meaning and behaviour. Nobodyhere (NL) www.nobodyhere.com
2.6 Bottles of Light An answer phone can be made far more interesting by replacing the conventional buttons with a humanised user interface. This product contains glass bottles that can capture voice messages. Royal College of Art (UK) http://members.tripod.lycos.nl/StijnOssevoort
2.7 PODIUM, a selection of projects for short presentations, including: Please in Pieces, by Browser Day winner Nirit Peled (NL) It's about time, by Browser Day winner Andrej Mrackovski (RU) Trans-Ports by Ole Bouman and Kees Oosterhuis (NL) SEWA and other projects from the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad (IND)
2.8 inStink inStink is a system for digitally connecting two spaces using smell: on one end a kitchen with a spice rack; on the other end a subtle, ambient representation of the dishes being cooked in the kitchen. MIT Media Lab (USA) www.media.mit.edu/ci
2.9 Clip.fm Clip.fm is a clip art resource for wireless users across the world. These compact animations can be sent to any WAPenabled phone by entering a wireless number through a wireless or web browser, selecting the animation desired and pressing 'send'. Couch projects (USA) www.couchprojects.com
2.10 Chat/off/course Chat/off/course consists of 4 beanbags with built-in loudspeakers, where you can listen to someone somewhere in the world chatting. This effect is achieved by connecting the speakers to chatrooms on the internet. Fantesigners (NL) www.fantesigners.nl
2.11 Living Memory (LiMe) Living Memory will provide members of a selected community who live and work in a particular locality or neighbourhood with the means to capture, share and explore their collective memory with the aim to interpret and preserve the richness and complexity of local culture. Philips Design (NL), Queen Margaret University College (UK), Domus Academy (IT), Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (UK), Centre D'Etude sur L'Actuel et le Quotidien (Académie de Paris Sorbonne, FR).
3.1 The Ideas Factory The Ideas Factory is a new online service produced by Illumina for Channel 4 Television. The Ideas Factory is an interactive information tool and networking service aiming to support young people (16-26) involved in the creative industries and new economy in an informal learning context. Illumina Ltd. (UK) www.illumina.co.uk
3.2 FATHOM Fathom is a consortium of universities, museums and libraries, including Colombia University, The New York Public Library, the London School of Economics, the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, the British Library and Cambridge University Press. Fathom.com is a knowledge website that features the best public content of these institutions and their experts. Illuminations Interactive (USA) www.fathom.com
3.3 ORO ORO / Teachers Lab ICT and learning to learn, for large numbers of users. Hogeschool van Amsterdam (NL) www.oro.hva.nl
3.4 Edu Art An arts education project which aims to provide all Dutch schools with free access to a stimulating, international learning environment through creating a number of related virtual worlds on the internet. Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Haags Montessori Lyceum (NL) www.hml.nl/cyberart
3.5 NIMIS (Networked Interactive Media in Schools) Supports co-operative learning activities, developing a computer-integrated-classroom for early learners, using networked computers in a classroom provided with interactive learning environments and new peripherals. Part of the EU funded i3 Experimental School Environments programme. Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg (GER), Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Lisbon (POR), University of Leeds (UK), MediaWorld GmbH & Co KG (GER) http://collide.informatik.uni-duisburg.de/Projects/nimis/
3.6 éTui A multimedia toy designed to develop children's creativity, curiosity and sense of adventure. It can be taught to walk, reacts to obstacles and learns musical notes. Part of the EU funded i3 Experimental School Environments programme.
Ultralab (UK), Apple (UK), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (SP) www.ultralab.ac.uk/projects/etui
3.7 Caress (Creating Aestheticallly Resonant Environments in Sound) Software using body sensors and sound, mainly developed for disabled children. Part of the EU funded i3 Experimental School Environments programme. University of Sunderland (UK), Emaljskolan, Landskrona (SWE), Digital Music Research Group (UK), University of Bristol (UK) www.bris.ac.uk/caress
3.8 De Digitale Poppenkast A puppet show consisting of a screen with two datagloves, which allow two children to manipulate the facial expressions and movements of two monkeys using gesture. HKU/KMT (Utrecht School of the Arts, faculty of Art, Media and Technology (NL) http://www2.hku.nl/~kars/poppenkast
3.9 Pogo Develops innovative IT based learning tools for children aged 4-8. Pogo allows children to design stories with the use of virtual props and characters. Part of the EU funded i3 Experimental School Environments programme. Philips International (NL), Domus Academy (IT), University of Sienna (IT), FNRS University of Liège (BEL), Ravensburger GmbH (GER) Cryo-Networks www.pogoweb.org
3.10 Echte Welvaart (real welfare) A digital action centre: a network linking some 500 initiatives dealing with themes such as work, learning, local environments. Jam! New Media for Public Dialogue (NL) www.echtewelvaart.nl
3.11 LEARN Foundation An innovative model for developing computer skills in village children using afforestation and rural business models, coupled with corporate software development as the business model. Drik Picture Library Ltd. (UK) www.drik.net
3.12 NairoBits The core of NairoBits is a one-year interdisciplinary webmaster training for twenty young people from the slums of Nairobi. Two web designers and an artist taught the young people the basics of online visual communication. The photos, drawings, animations and homepages generated are the results. NairoBits foundation (NL) www.nairobits.org
3.13 Tinker Imagineers Tinker Imagineers will show some of its projects and concepts. Tinker imagineers (NL) www.tinker.nl
4.1 Happy Doomsday! HD! is an art environment which uses the conventions of computer games and reflects on the culture of war at the threshold between historic and post-historic times. With graphic and sound environments redesigning samples from art history, military history, science, media, folklore, pop culture, HD! is a metaphor-based war machine, as well as a game about game playing. This stand also features 'the best of DEAF', interaction with the highlights of the coming Dutch Electronic Arts Festival. V2 Organization (NL) www.v2.nl/projects/hd/ and www.v2.nl/deaf
4.2 eSCAPE, featuring Placeworld and the Cyberpond The core research challenge for eSCAPE is developing techniques that will allow a wide variety of different approaches and spaces to co-exist. This requires fundamental research into the formation of suitable paradigms to promote interconnection and the demonstration of the application of these paradigms in practice. University of Lancaster (UK), University of Manchester (UK), SWEedish Institute for Computer Science (SWE), Zentrum für Kunst und Medien (GER) http://escape.lancs.ac.uk
4.3 TerraSonica/ZOOM Terrasonica is a computer game for the visually impaired. An adventure game you play with the aid of audio navigation. HKU/KMT (Utrecht School of the Arts, faculty of Art, Media and Technology) (NL), Change the Script (NL) http://terrasonica.hku.nl Zoom is a website that can be used by secondary school pupils to make a portrait of a person on their neighbourhood. HKU/KMT (Utrecht School of the Arts, faculty of Art, Media and Technology) (NL); Hogeschool Holland (NL), VPRO (NL) www2.hku.nl/~atlas/zoom
4.4 DOM - Pentagon Domination level for Unreal Tournament. Amateur games level designers show their work in progress. TMProductions (NL) www.planetunreal.com/tmproductions
4.5 Lego Mindstorms A robot that drives a car to a climbing wall, climbs the wall, throws a rope over the wall and goes abseiling. Lego (DEN) www.lego.com
4.6 Lostboys: Games and Interaction
A selection of the newest games and interaction projects. Lostboys (NL) www.lostboys.nl
4.7 Re:gossip A multi-modal online game about gossip and social status. Players exchange gossip in a game to achieve the highest degree of 'connectedness' by becoming the best 'gossiper' or 'gossipee'. Players are invited by a 'host' to join a re:gossip network that shares a common experience. Re:gossip is a research project in progress that currently is testing and developing in an integrated email and web environment. The eventual game environment is 24/7, wireless/cellular and pervasive network environment. Technical University of British Columbia (CAN), Nokia Research Centre (FIN) www.techbc.ca
4.8 HKU: Selected work The first results of a new course combining theatre and acting with technology and computers, creating virtual environments, avatars, interactive scenarios and game situations. Utrecht School of the Arts, Design for Virtual Theatre and Games (NL) www.hku.nl/kunst-techniek-en/index.html
4.9 Jheronimus Bosch learning and adventure internet game - work in progress In this adventure game several difficult missions have to be accomplished at high speed. This happens in a series of small games based on Bosch's 'The Seven Capital Sins'. The challenge is to find a balance between surviving and the good life, and to stay healthy in the dark Middle Ages. Because at the end of the game, the last judgement will be passed. Museum Boijmans van Beuningen (NL), V2-Lab (NL), Ranj. digital entertainment b.v. (NL) www.BoschUniverse.org (operational as of January 2001)
4.10 Edge A leading interactive entertainment magazine that scours the globe every month for the hottest exclusives and the most revealing news. Edge has become the digest for opinion and discussion on videogame and interactive entertainment throughout Europe, the US and Japan. Edge (UK) www.edge-online.co.uk
4.11 The Sims A computer game in which players can tell an interactive story and make their own soap opera, exchanging characters, houses and stories. The Sims (USA) www.thesims.com
4.12 Dance-o-matic A large box with techno music pumping out from the built-in loudspeakers. You can enter the box, pull on the ribbons that hang from the ceiling to control the music, and dance. Inside this party box, you are both a dancer and the DJ. Steim (NL) www.steim.nl
De E-culture fair werd mede mogelijk gemaakt door: Ministerie van OC&W Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst Het Virtueel Platform
Sponsors: Euronet Internet Beam Systems UbiSoft
Projectmanagement en redactie: Cathy Brickwood Productie: Anemoon Elzinga Publiciteit: Marieke Istha Productie assistentie: Mariëlle van Veen Inrichting fair: FIFH maatschap voor permanente en tijdelijke inrichting Techniek: Gerbrand Oudenaarden Grafische vormgeving: Axel Ebert Programma Cinema Digitaal: Kees van Brienen (Paradiso) en Bart Rutten (NIM) Onderzoek zones: Staging: Eric Kluitenberg, Lucas Evers (De Balie) Interacting: John Thackara (Doors of Perception), Iris van den Hoek (IJsfontein) Learning: Carolien Euser (Cut n Paste) Playing: Arie Altena (Mediamatic), Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (Mediamatic), Harold de Groot (Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten)
De E-culture fair wordt georganiseerd door het Virtueel Platform, het netwerk voor beleid en samenwerking op het gebied van cultuur en nieuwe media in Nederland. Bezoek ook de website www.vplounge.nl de nieuwe on-line database en nieuwsdienst op het gebied van Nederlandse nieuwe media cultuur.
Virtueel Platform Keizersgracht 609 NL-1017 DS Amsterdam T +31 (0)20 5516500 F +31 (0)20 6201031
[email protected] www.virtueelplatform.nl