22 Mei 2015 R Rapat Lab Doping Lt 4
Topik Pembicaraan
08.30 – 09.00
Pembukaan dan pengarahan Pimpinan SPM
09.00 – 09.15
Review catatan asesmen prodi
09.15 – 09.30
Pengalaman manajemen K3L di prodi Teknik Kimia setelah ABET
09.30 – 09.45
Koordinasi butir-butir tracer study untuk mendukung ABET
09.45 – 10.15
Koordinasi asesmen PEO, SO
10.15 – 10.45
Koordinasi tahapan persiapan RFE, SSR, VisitasiTahapan
10.45 – 11.00
April – May 2015 Team Chair (TC) Assignment ▪ Through e-mail notification ▪ Respon to the notification within 7 days of issuance Visit Dates Set-Up ▪ Inform all relevant information or any concerns regarding the cultural differences, religious holidays / practices, seasonal weather, and national/local calendars around and during the visit dates ▪ Visit Dates : Nov 22-24, 2015
May 2015 Invoice for 2015-16 Accreditation fees – ▪ Be prepared to complete the payment in 30 days of issuance ▪ PIC: Ms Kim Turner ABET Senior Staff Accountant at
[email protected] or +1(410) 347-770 ext. 1739
Invitation for Institutional Representative Day (IRD) – EAC:
Thursday, July 16, 2015
▪ Orientation regarding the accreditation process and items/things to be alert or to expect prior to the scheduled on-site visit, during the on-site visit, and after the on-site visit ▪ Opportunity for the representative(s) from your institution to meet with your TC face-to face and discuss all aspects of the accreditation review
May 2015 Invoice for 2015-16 Accreditation fees – ▪ Be prepared to complete the payment in 30 days of issuance ▪ PIC: Ms Kim Turner ABET Senior Staff Accountant at
[email protected] or +1(410) 347-770 ext. 1739
Invitation for Institutional Representative Day (IRD) – EAC:
Thursday, July 16, 2015
▪ Orientation regarding the accreditation process and items/things to be alert or to expect prior to the scheduled on-site visit, during the on-site visit, and after the on-site visit ▪ Opportunity for the representative(s) from your institution to meet with your TC face-to face and discuss all aspects of the accreditation review
May 2015 Invitation for Institutional Representative Day
(IRD) – EAC: Thursday, July 16, 2015 ▪ Electronic invitation bill be sent to the Dean and Representative(s) listed in Request foe Evaluation (RFE) ▪ PIC: Ms. Ellen Stokes Manager for Accreditation at
[email protected] ▪ Complete the event registration and required payment prior to contacting Ms. Daniela Iacona Senior Managee for International Relations and Board Operations at
[email protected] for a visa support letter
June 2015 Program Evaluator (PEV) Selections ▪ Dean is encouraged to work closely with TC and determine the visit dates as early as possible, preferably no later than June 1. ▪ Program Evaluators (PEV) cannot be assigned until visit dates are posted. Visit dates should be scheduled between September and mid-December ▪ Dean will receive e-mail notifications regarding PEV candidates for approval ▪ Respond to the PEV assignments within 7 days of issuance
July 2015 Self Study Report Submission ▪ One soft copy (a CD/DVD or data stick) per program must be sent to the ABET office (415 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, U.S.A.) by July 1 ▪ Confirm with TC how each review team member would like to receive a copy of the Self-Study Report(s) with the required supplemental materials and transcripts ▪ Shortly after the Self Study Report submission, review team will begin to work on in-depth analyses of the submitted Self-Study Report(s)
July 2015 – Scheduled On Site Review Continue ▪ To stay in good communication with your team chair throughout the review process in order to stay on target with the accreditation timeline
Follow the accreditation timeline closely ▪ Any excessive delay in reponse or lack of response may result in cancellation of the scheduled review as well as a penalty fee caused bay the cancelation
Facilitate the team’s visa applications if needed ▪ If government or bussiness type of visas are required, please assisst in acquiring any needed visa approvals for all team members from the relevant authority in your country
July 2015 – Scheduled On Site Review Continue ▪ To stay in good communication with your team chair throughout the review process in order to stay on target with the accreditation timeline ▪ Follow the accreditation timeline closely ▪ Any excessive delay in reponse or lack of response may result in cancellation of the scheduled review as well as aa penalty fee caused bay the cancelation ▪ Facilitate the team’s visa applications if needed If government or bussiness type of visas are required, please assisst in acquiring any needed visa approvals for all team members from the relevant authority in your country
July 2015 – Scheduled On Site Review Provide support for the review team’s on-site logistics ▪ Hotel ▪ The hotel location should be close to the visit campus and easy travel to the airport. The hotel should be clean and quiet with reliable internet access
▪ Pick-up/Drop-off/Escort/Transportation ▪ Send one representative/driver to help the team to travel safely between each visit location including campuses, hotel, and airport every day during the on-site visit
▪ Special consideration if any ▪ If the visit involves multiple campuses which are far apart from the main campus or special arrangement/considerations (i.2. holidays, religions, or local customs), be sure to plan well ahead of the team’s travel
1. Students 9. Program Specific Criteria 8. Institutional Support & Financial 7. Facilities
2. Program Educational Objectives 3. Program Outcomes & Assessment 4. Continuous improvement
6. Faculty 5. Curriculum
Deficiencies A deficiency indicates that a criterion, policy, or
procedure is not satidfied. Therefore, the program is not in compliance with the criterion, policy, or procedure
Weaknessess A weakness indicates that a program lacks the
strength of compliance with a criterion, policy, or procedure to ensure that the quality of the program will not be compromised. Therefore, remedial action is required to strengthen compliance with the criterion, policy, or procedure prior to the next review
Concern A concern indicates that a program currently satisfies
a criterion policy, or procedure; however, the potential exist for the situation to change such that the criterion, policy, or a procedure may not be satisfied
Observation An observation os a comment or suggestion that does
not relate directly to the current accreditation action but is offered to assist the institution in its continuing efforts to improve its programs
This criterion requires that clasrooms, laboratories, and associated equpiment be adequate to safely accomplish the program objectives and provide atmosphere conducive to learning
Common findings across study programs in ITB The facilities does not appear to be in good condition or need
frequent repairs
The facilities does not offer the opportunity for students to practive
the required engineering skills in rellevant fields
The laboratories provide environments in which there are multiple
significant safety hazards
Students were found to engage in operation of hazardous
experiments that did not appear to have appropriate safety review prior to operation
To do: Provide Safety Training for all personnels ▪ All lab personnels should comply to the safety requirements
Provide safety documents at all laboratories and
▪ Safety requirement, work permit, MSDS
Provide automated data logger / human machine
interface for frequent experimental kits – collaborate with other study programs! Provide operating procedures at all equipments Clean equipments and offices Remove all unused / hazardous meterials / wastes
This criterion requires that a program have in place published educational objectives that are consistent with the mission of the institution and the engineering criteria. Program educational objectives are defined in the engineering criteria as broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program is preparing the graduates to achieve
Common Findings The PEO appear to be highly ambitious, broad statement that
reflect the overall career accomplishments of graduate rather that early career achievements Improperly framed PEO limit the program ability to assess and evaluate its impact
Common Findings While there is a process for assessing program
educational objectives that consider alumni and employer surveys as well as senior exit surveys, the process is tied to the process for measuring outcomes and the objectives themselves are largely framed in language that describes skills and attributes of students at the same time of graduation This process does not provide information about the degree to which the career and professional accomplishments of the program’s graduates are attained
To do Synchronize the alumni and employer surveys as
well as senior exit surveys Use the survey data to assess the attainments of the PEO and the SO Followthrough the assessments, to complete at least one cycle of continuous improvement
This criterion requires that the program regularly use the appropriate, documented processes for assessing and evaluating the extent to which both the PEO and the SO are being attained. The results of these evaluation are to be systematically utilized as input for the continuous improvement of the program
Common Findings The reported evaluation data does not appear to
provide meaningful direction to the program to guide program improvement
Criterion 3(c) requires an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs with realistic constraints
Common Findings While it is clear that the program employs team
activities, multidisciplinary aspects requires strengthening
Criterion 3(d) requires an ability to function on multidisciplinary team
Common Findings While it is clear that the program employs team
activities, multidisciplinary aspects requires strengthening
Criterion 3(d) requires an ability to function on multidisciplinary team
To do Synchronize common activities of all involved study
Communicate and collaborate between study
programs to facillitate collaborated multidiscipline learning / research ▪ Examples : ▪ Introduction to Engineering Design Courses ▪ Interdisciplinary Courses / Final Projects ▪ Promote Minor Courses as Multidisciplinary Experience
Bagaimana Kompetensi Lulusan Program Studi Teknik Fisika pada Institusi Anda? Menggunakan prinsip umum, teori, konsep, dan/atau formula
matematis, fisika, kimia dan kerekayasaan untuk memecahkan berbagai jenis permasalahan kerekayasaan di industri
Mengumpulkan, menganalisa, dan menginterpretasikan data dan
informasi serta mendisain dan melakukan eksperimen / proyek sesuai dengan yang tuntutan profesi
Merancang sistem, komponen atau proses untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan proyek dengan mempertimbangkan batasan sosial ekonomi, keselamatan kerja, kesehatan dan kelestarian lingkungan
Mengambil peran kepemimpinan ketika dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi
objektif grup
Mampu bekerja dengan pemikir dan anggota dari kelompok yang
berbeda disiplin ilmu yang menjalankan bermacam-macam fungsi
Bagaimana Kompetensi Lulusan Program Studi Teknik Fisika pada Institusi Anda? Mampu mengidentifikasi, memformulasikan dan menyelesaikan
masalah kerekayasaan
Memperlihatkan tanggung jawab professional dan etik yang tinggi Berkomunikasi dan mempresentasikan ide secara jelas dan effektif
kepada berbagai tingkatan pendengar
Menggunakan perkakas / perangkat lunak terkini untuk analisa, disain,
dan presentasi yang sesuai dengan industri kerekayasaan
Mempunyai wawasan yang luas sehingga memahami dampak suatu
keputusan kerekayasaan terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan, baik dalam lingkup lokal maupun global
Menginvestasikan waktu di luar pekerjaan untuk mempelajari hal baru
yang mendukung kinerjanya dalam perusahaan
Teamwork Secara umum, saya mendapatkan pengalaman kerja kelompok yang
baik selama kuliah di S1 TF ITB
Pendidikan di S1 TF ITB membekali pemahaman tentang dinamika
grup dan pengalaman kerja kelompok yang baik yang telah memberi saya ketrampilan dan strategi yang akan membuat kerjasama kelompok dimasa mendatang dapat sukses Kuliah dan petunjuk dalam kerja kelompok yang didapat dari dosendosen di TF cukup membekali keterampilan kerja setelah lulus Kuliah dan petunjuk dalam kerja kelompok yang didapat dari dosendosen ITB telah cukup Ketika menjadi mahasiswa S1, banyak kesempatan mengikuti seminar pengembangan keprofessionalan yang terfokus pada ketrampilan teamwork, komunikasi interpersonal, atau manajemen waktu
Communication Skills Perkuliahan di S1 TF ITB menyiapkan saya untuk mampu berkomunikasi lisan
dan tertulis dalam pekerjaan dengan baik
Kegiatan ko-kurikuler dan ekstra kurikuler di ITB menyiapkan saya untuk
mampu berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis dalam pekerjaan dengan baik
Saya mendapat petunjuk dan instruksi yang berkualitas dalam komunikasi
tulisan dan lisan
Societal Impact Saya percaya bahwa saya memiliki cukup pemahaman mengenai isu global
yang berhubungan dengan kerekayasaan dan sosial konteksnya
Saya percaya bahwa pendidikan di ITB telah berkontribusi secara signifikan
pada pemahaman saya tentang isu global yang berhubungan dengan kerekayasaan dan sosial konteknya
Selama menjadi mahasiswa S1, saya telah mengambil keuntungan dari
peluang yang diberikan kepada saya oleh berbagai program internasional di ITB
Peluang pendidikan tambahan diperlukan para mahasiswa untuk memahami
kontek yang luas pada masyarakat ilmiah
Long Life Learning
Professional Responsibility
Selama menjadi mahasiswa S1 TF, saya mendapat pemahaman tentang pentingnya belajar sepanjang hayat Pendidikan S1 membekali saya dengan keterampilan manajemen waktu dan komunikasi interpersonal sebagai pekerja profesional Pendidikan S1 di ITB telah cukup mempersiapkan saya untuk menggunakan ketrampilan dan teknik untuk mengumpulkan informasi agar dapat menjadi pekerja profesional yang berhasil Secara total, kuliah-kuliah yang saya terima di ITB mempersiapkan saya untuk cepat menyesuaikan diri dengan bidang pekerjaan secara profesional Saya bekerja pada bidang yang mencerminkan pendidikan S1 TF yang pernah saya jalani
Technical Knowhow
Matakuliah S1 TF telah membekali saya dengan pengalaman menggunakan perangkat terkini untuk disain, analisis dan presentasi Saya sangat mengerti jenis tool untuk disain, analisis dan presentasi yang terkini yang harus dipenuhi oleh seorang insinyur profesional Saya mendapat petunjuk dan instruksi yang berkualitas dalam penggunaan tool untuk disain, analisis dan presentasi yang terkini
Cermati butirbutir-butir PEO
Gunakan survey berikut untuk mengukur pencapaian butirbutir-butir PEO
Seluruh butir harus bisa diukur melalui survey
Survey Pengguna Lulusan Survey Alumni (Profesional) ▪ Max 5 tahun setelah lulus
Survey Alumni (Studi Lanjut) ▪ Max 5 tahun setelah lulus
Bila perlu, lakukan kilas balik asesmen PEO untuk melengkapi analisis 1 siklus continuos improvement
Cermati Pemetaan SO pada mata kuliah Seluruh SO harus bisa diukur secara langsung maupun
tidak langsung
Gunakan aspek berikut untuk mengukur pencapaian SO Hasil UAS, UTS, tugas individual / kelompok Kuesoner pencapaian SO internal prodi
Lengkapi form analisis SO, nyatakan tindak lanjutnya
Bila perlu, lakukan kilas balik asesmen SO untuk melengkapi analisis 1 siklus continuos improvement
Perubahan silabus, dosen, kurikulum
Untuk setiap TA yang dipamerkan, siapkan abstrak dalam bahasa Inggris, tekankan aspek desain Beri beberapa contoh TA / laporan tugas / laporan proyek multidisiplin, siapkan abstrak dalam bahasa inggris Uraikan daam analisis SO 3 Desain dan 4 Tim Multidisiplin bagian Criterion 4 Continuous Improvement
Pada Criterion 5. Curriculum, tekankan bahwa asesmen PEO dan SO digunakan untuk mengevaluasi dan menyusun kurikulum Berikan rencana perbaikan untuk kurikulum 2013 / 2018
Koordinasi Tim Prodi III
Workshop Internal Prodi
Persiapan Visitasi Prodi
23 May-5 Jun 2015
Bimbingan Visitasi
5 Jun 15
Visitasi ABET
SSR Siap Kirim ke ABET
Evaluasi Visitasi ABET
22 May 15
16 Jul 15 May – Nov 2015
Evaluasi SSR Internal
26 Jun 15
6 Sep 15 22 – 24 Nov 15 27 Des 15
SPM Alert Prodi
Bentuk Tim Prodi
SSR Tahap 2
SSR Internal
Siap Kirim ke ABET
Bimbingan Visitasi
Visitasi ABET
Evaluasi Visitasi ABET
Bimbingan Tim Prodi I
Bimbingan Tim Prodi II
SSR Tahap 1
Bimbingan Tim Prodi III
7 -Jul-16
31-Jan-16 8-Feb-16