Contact : Coord. Ministry of Economic Affairs, RI • Mahendra Siregar (021) 380-8384
[email protected] • Bahris Paseng (021) 352-1974 The World Bank • Mohamad Al-Arief (021) 5299-3084
[email protected]
MEETING OF THE CONSULTATIVE GROUP ON INDONESIA (CGI) BALI, JANUARY 21-22, 2003 Jakarta, January 8, 2003 – The 12th Meeting of the Consultative Group on Indonesia (CGI) will be held in Nusa Dua, Bali this coming January 21-22. This year’s theme will be “Promoting Equitable Growth, Investment and Poverty Reduction”. Representatives of the Government of Indonesia (GOI) as well as over 30 multilateral and bilateral donors will attend the meeting. Key issues concerning the economy, governance, poverty, aid effectiveness, and post-Bali developments will be discussed. A draft agenda is attached. Following the meeting, a joint GOI-World Bank press briefing will be held on Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 3:30 p.m. at the Bougenville Room, Bali International Convention Center (BICC), first floor. The BICC is adjacent to the Sheraton Nusa Indah Hotel, Nusa Dua, Bali. Please note that the meeting itself will be a closed session. A press room will be provided in the Sheraton Hotel. If you plan to attend the press conference, you will need to seek prior accreditation. Please fill in the attached form for this purpose. Send it to the fax number indicated in the form at the latest on January 17, 2003. The accreditation badge will be available for you in the press room. Please also bring a valid press photo ID to collect it.
--PERTEMUAN CONSULTATIVE GROUP ON INDONESIA (CGI) BALI, 21-22 OKTOBER 2002 Jakarta, 8 Januari 2003 – Pertemuan Tahunan Consultative Group on Indonesia (CGI) yang ke12 akan diselenggarakan di Nusa Dua, Bali tanggal 21-22 Januari ini. Tema tahun ini adalah “Mengupayakan Pertumbuhan yang Merata, Investasi dan Pengurangan Kemiskinan”. Perwakilan dari Pemerintah Indonesia serta 30 donor multilateral dan bilateral lainnya akan menghadiri pertemuan ini. Hal-hal penting yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi, governance, kemiskinan, efektifitas bantuan, dan perkembangan pasca-Bali akan dibahas. Rancangan agenda terlampir. Setelah pertemuan ini akan diadakan konferensi pers bersama Pemerintah RI dan Bank Dunia pada hari Rabu, 22 Januari 2003, pukul 3:30 sore (WIB) di Ruang Bougenville, lantai 1, Bali Int’l Convention Center (BICC)berdekatan dengan Hotel Sheraton Nusa Indah, Nusa Dua, Bali. Mohon dicatat bahwa pertemuan ini sifatnya tertutup. Ruangan pers akan disediakan di Hotel Sheraton. Jika berencana untuk hadir pada konferensi pers, silahkan mendapatkan akreditasi terlebih dahulu. Untuk keperluan ini, silahkan kirim formulir terlampir. Kirimkan ke nomor fax yang tertera pada formulir paling lambat tanggal 17 Januari 2003. Tanda pengenal akreditasi akan disediakan di ruangan pers. Mohon juga membawa kartu identitas pers yang berfoto dan masih berlaku untuk memperoleh tanda akreditasi tersebut.
TENTATIVE AGENDA TWELFTH MEETING OF THE CONSULTATIVE GROUP ON INDONESIA Bali, January 21-22, 2003 “Promoting Equitable Growth, Investment and Poverty Reduction.”
Tuesday, January 21 08:00A.M.
Registration and tea/coffee
Opening Statements
Session I: Enhancing Pro-poor Growth and Investment - Economic Policy, Fiscal Sustainability, and Social Update - Removing Structural Impediments to Growth and Poverty Reduction - Supporting SME Development
10:30 – 10:45A.M.
Coffee Break
Session I: Continued
Session II: Responding to Bali and Aceh - Mitigating the economic and social costs for Bali and other regions of the October bombing - Promoting peace and development in Aceh
12:30 – 2:00P.M.
Session II: Continued
Session III Improving Governance - Reforming the Justice Sector - Advancing Decentralization - Enforcing Sustainable Forest Management
03:45 – 04:00P.M.
Coffee Break
Session III: Continued
End of First Day’s proceedings
Wednesday, January 22 9:00A.M.
Session IV: Towards a Poverty Reduction Strategy - Improving Health Services to the Poor - Next Steps in a Poverty Reduction Strategy
10:30 – 10:45A.M.
Coffee Break
Session V: Using Aid Effectively - Strengthening Procurement and Financial Management
Session VI: Financing Requirements for 2003 and beyond - CGI Member Aid Indications
01:30 – 2:30P.M.
Closing Business - Approval of Press Release - Chairman’s Closing Remarks - Arrangements for Next Meeting
Press Conference Location : Bougenville Room, Bali International Convention Center (BICC), 1 st Floor, Nusa Dua, Bali. Note : The press room is located at the Hibiscus Room, BICC, 1st Floor, Nusa Dua, Bali.
Members of the Consultative Group on Indonesia (CGI) Bilateral Donors 1. Australia 2. Austria 3. Belgium 4. Canada 5. Denmark 6. Finland 7. France 8. Germany 9. Italy 10. Japan 11. South Korea 12. Kuwait 13. The Netherlands 14. New Zealand 15. Norway 16. Portugal 17. Spain 18. Sweden 19. Switzerland 20. United Kingdom 21. United States of America Multilateral Donors 22. Asian Development Bank (ADB) 23. European Commission 24. International Finance Corporation (IFC) 25. International Monetary Fund (IMF) 26. Islamic Development Bank 27. Nordic Development Bank 28. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 29. United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF) 30. The World Bank ***
Attn : Ms. Christina Setiadi *URGENT Fax : (021) 5299-3111 Re : Press Accreditation From : _______________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Press Accreditation Form Formulir Akreditasi Pers The 12th Meeting of the Consultative Group on Indonesia Bali, January 21-22, 2003 1. Name of media 2. Full address
: :
3. Phone/Fax 4. E-mail
: :
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
5. Name of journalist and supporting staff who will cover the event (please indicate one’s capacity in the brackets) : • • • •
Mr/Mrs/Ms. _________________________ ( _______________) Mr/Mrs/Ms. _________________________ ( _______________) Mr/Mrs/Ms. _________________________ ( _______________) Mr/Mrs/Ms. _________________________ ( _______________)
Acknowledged by :
(_________________________) Correspondent/Editor-In-Chief