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Magazine & Inhouse Magazine Sabtu, 29 November 2014
Haililah Tri Gandhiwati,S.S.,S.Si.,M.M.
Definition of Magazine A Magazine is another type of print media. According to Alozie (2009), it is a bound printed publication which contains news and other forms of information on a wide range of recent and past events. Magazines usually publish weekly or monthly. Magazines are like newspapers only that they are better packaged, bound together, smaller in size and contain in-depth, better researched, investigated and news behind the news. Magazine is a discrete publication containing a variety of articles and images, that is not a newspaper, book, or catalogue, and has a regular publishing schedule. Magazine is Paid-for creative may include display ads, an advertising supplement bound into a printed magazine, a sponsored magazine, an advertorial, a tip on, an ad series that ran over a number of pages, a paid-for cover, or gatefold execution.
Magazine is general interest regular periodical (typically a monthly) covering several topics by short articles (typically about 3-pages long) by in-house and external authors, carrying black and white and color advertisements and graphics, and printed usually on glossy paper.
Types of Magazine 1. General interest magazines: This type of magazine is published for a wide audience and the focus is either on one or many different subjects. Every general interest magazine is tailored for a specific enthusiast reader. These are not only fun to read but also provide information on topics where a common man would like to read. Freelancers or staffs write stories and articles and a lot of photographs and pictures are included in it. Entertainment, viewpoint promotion and product sale are the main ideas behind every general interest magazines.
2. Scholarly magazines: Such magazines focus on academics. You can get in-depth information on many subjects. The format of providing information in a scholarly magazine is serious and so the text book alike. You will find more of graphs and charts rather than pictures. Teaching and providing help in researches is the main purpose of scholarly magazines.
3. Sensational magazines: You will find sensational magazines in a newspaper like format. They are thin, but large in size as compared to other magazines. Sensational magazines are said to thrive on creating a stir. Flashy headlines are used for attracting attention of the readers and the main focus is on stories related to celebrities or any other amazing stories. Freelancers or staffers write these articles, which are usually more picturesque than stories that are included in sensational magazines. These are also known as tabloids.
Classification of magazines Magazines could be classified according to the following categories: 1. Nature of the Target Audience: magazines are published with a target audience in mind. Sometimes, the title of the magazine such as Women’s World, Children Arena etc say much about the target audience. In some cases, the title remains silent on the audience especially when the magazine is expected to appeal to a wider audience. 2. The Subject Matter: Most magazines are classified based on their area of interest. Some of these include Health watch, sports world, maritime watch, IT & Telecom. 3. Technology of Publication: Some magazines publish on the internet, other produce hard copies while others publish both the online edition and the hard copy.
4. The Size or Format: Just like newspapers, magazines are also classified according to the size. In this category is the life size magazine measuring about 101 /2 inches by 13 inches and the time size measuring about 81/2 inches by 11 inches. 5. Area of Coverage/Circulation: In this category is the local, national and international magazines. 6. Purpose of Publication: In this category is the training magazine such as the one used in training students and trade magazines that focus on activities in different industries or trade. 7. Ownership: In this category is the independent and state-owned magazines. The independent magazines are expected to be independent in discussion of public issues while the state owned magazines are accused of being the government’s mouthpiece.
Newsletter vs Magazine • Magazines and newsletters are both serials or periodicals publications that are published on a regular, recurring schedule for an indefinite period of time. That schedule could be weekly, monthly, quarterly, or every other day of every other month that has more than 4 letters. • Most readers will pick up a publication and immediately decide for themselves whether it is a newsletter or a magazine. In general, the differences between newsletters and magazines come down to how they are written, who they are written for, and how they are distributed. Additionally, most newsletters and magazines provide visual clues as to their identity.
The Differences between Magazines & Newsletters Content • Magazine: a periodical publication with articles, stories, or pictures on multiple subjects by multiple authors • Newsletter: a periodical publication with articles about one main subject or topic by one or more authors Audience • Magazine: written for the general public | typically even special interest magazines are written with a general audience in mind minimum technical jargon or specialized language • Newsletter: written for a group of people with a common interest | may contain more technical jargon or specialized language not readily understood by the general public that doesn't share the interest or common bonds of the newsletter audience •
Distribution • Magazine: available by subscription or from newstands | often heavily supported by advertising • Newsletter: available by subscription to interested parties or distributed to members of an organization | supported primarily by subscriptions, organizational membership fees (club dues), or paid for by the publishing authority (such as an employee newsletter or a marketing newsletter) • Some localities and organizations have their own specific definitions for magazines and newsletters based on readership, distribution, length, or format regardless of what the publication calls itself. Here are some of the criteria someone might use in deciding if a publication is a magazine, newsletter, or other periodical.
Size: Magazines come in a variety of sizes from digest to tabloid size. Newsletters do as well, although letter size is a typical newsletter format. Length: Most magazines are significantly longer than a newsletter, from a few dozen pages to a few hundred. Newsletters are not generally more than 12-24 pages in length and some may be only 1-2 pages. Binding: Magazines typically use saddle-stitching or perfect binding depending on the number of pages. Newsletters may not require binding or might use saddle-stitching or simply a staple in the corner. Layout: The most common, significant visual difference between a magazine and a newsletter is the cover. Magazines usually have a cover that includes the name of the publication, graphics, and perhaps headlines or teasers about what is inside that issue. Newsletters typically have the nameplate and one or more articles right on the front, no separate cover. •
Print or Pixels • Traditionally, magazines and newsletters were both print publications and most remain so. However, email newsletters are common, especially as a publication in support of a Web site. Print periodicals may also have an electronic version, usually in PDF format. There are also some periodicals that are available only in PDF electronic versions, not in print. With electronic publications there are no obvious visual clues from the layout and type of printing. The content and audience become the main criteria in determining if the publication is a magazine or a newsletter. Frequency of a Magazine: • Three days, Weekly, Monthly, Annually.
Magazine and Types of Magazines Magazine • A magazine is a periodical publication containing a wide variety of articles on various subjects. • Periodical • A periodical is a regular issue from a press; it could be a magazine or a review. Journal A journal is a professional periodical. • Literary Magazine • A literary magazine is a periodical devoted to literature. It usually covers poetry, short stories, essays on different topics, critical reviews of different books, interviews of different poets and authors, letters and a lot of other related stuff.
Religious Film Sports Political Women’s Children’s Fashion Digest
Sub Categories of Magazine Newsletter Research Journal Photos Journal
Fungsi Media Internal Media hubungan komunikasi internal dan ekstrenal dalam upaya pencapaian pesan-pesan perusahaan kepada pemilik (shareholder), khlayaak terkait (stakeholder) mengenai aktivitas perusahaan, manfaat produk barang dan jasa. Ajang komunikasi antar karyawan. Misalnya: kegiatan usaha, wisata, kegiatan karyawan. Media bagi staf PR dalam tulis menulis Nilai tambah bagi PR untuk menerbitkan in house journal yang bermutu, terbit berkala dan teratur, penmapilan profesional, lay out dan isi yang ditata apik, cover menarik.
Publik Media INternal • • • • • • • •
Pegawai/ anggota Distributor Pemasok/mitra usaha Investor Konsumen Pemerintah Masyarakat Tokoh berpengaruh
Kegiatan Media INternal • Menetapkan target dasar dan tujuan dari media internal • Memperhitungkan sumberdaya manusia dan biaya untuk pelaksanaan media internal • Menetapkan skala prioritas untuk waktu operasi serta optimalisasi penggunaan tenaga kerja, dan berbagai sumberdaya lainnya. • Menentukan kelayakan pelaksanaan setiap upaya yang hendak dilakukan sesuai dengan dana, staf, serta kecukupan peralatan yang ada.
Karakteristik Media Internal • Jangkauan serta pembaca humas internal harus dikenali karena akan mempengaruhi gaya dan kandungan isi jurnal • Besar kecilnya kuantitas penerbitan akan mempengaruhi metode produksi dan kualitas materi maupun kandungan isinya. • Jurnal harus diterbitkan secara berkala dan teratur dan memiliki tanggal publikasi yang tetap • Biasanya isi jurnal berisi uraian hal-hal yang sudah terjadi • Setiap jurnal hendaknya memiliki ciri khas berkaitan dengan isinya • Jurnal internal harus disesuaikan dengan keseluruhan program humas dan jadi wahana untuk mencapai khalayak yang hendak dituju.
Bentuk Media Internal • • • • • • • • • • • •
The sales bulletin The Newsletter The Magazine Tabloid Newsletter The Wall Newspaper Bentuk Media Internal Menurut M. Linggar Anggoro Newsletter Koran atau Tabloid Majalah Dinding Majalah Cetakan Khusus
Alozie, V.O. (2009). The print media newspaper and magazine production, editing, graphics and Organization. Owerri: Pilvic Communication. Bivins,Thomas H.The Basics of Style to accompany Public Relations Writing The Essentials of Style and Format. Fifth Edition.2005. Newsom, Dough & Jim Haynes. Public Relations Writing Form & Style.2011. The Grantsmanship Center.(1979). Guide to public relations for nonprofit organizations and public agencies Los Angeles, CA.: Martinez, B.F. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/magazine. html.
Terima Kasih Haililah Tri Gandhiwati,S.S.,S.Si.,M.M.