Lampiran 9 Kepustakaan Jenis Pustaka yang Tersedia di Perpustakaan (1) Buku Teks(Textbooks)CDROM
Judul, Penulis / Penerbit, dan Tahun
1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
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(2) Statistik Terapan Bambang Supeno / 1997 Probabilitas dan Statistik dalam Ilmu Rekayasa dan Manajemen William W Hines / 1990 Sampling untuk Pemeriksaan Johannes Supranto / 1992 Kalkulus & Geometri Analitis Edwin J Purcell / 1997 Dasar-Dasar Matematika Diskrit C.L. Liu / 1995 Aljabar Linear Elementer Howard Anton / 1997 Aljabar Linear Elementer Howard Anton / 1997 Statistika Matematika Modern Edward J. Dudewicz / 1995 Kalkulus & Ilmu Ukur Analitik (1) Louis Leithold / 1997 Asas-asas Matematika, Fisika dan Teknik Peter Soedojo / 1995 Kalkulus N. Soemartojo / 1983 Mathematics Diagnostic Survey Ministry of . . . /1997 Pengantar Matriks J. Supranto / 1981 Automated Mathematical Induction /1996 Statistika Dasar untuk Pustakawan Simpson / 1995 Mathematics for Bussiness & Economics Robert Nicolson / 1986 Kamus Matematika Analisis DEPDIKBUD / 1994 Kiat Pendidikan Matematika di Indonesia Sujadi / 2000 Materi Pokok Geometri Insidensi Rawuh / 1996 Functional Analysis Walter Rudin / 1973 Kalkulus & Ilmu Ukur Analitik (1) Louis Leithold / 1985 Basic Statistics for Business Douglas Lind / 2001 Kalkulus Hari Hasyim Baisuni / 1986
Jumlah Eksemplar (3) 10 5 5 18 4 5 2 20 7 1 3 1 2 5 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1
24. Petunjuk Praktikum Analisis Numerik Dian Usdiyana / 2000 25. Petunjuk Praktikum Statistika Elementer /`2001 26. Geometri Analitik Ruang Karso / 1983 27. A Programed Course in Calculus Infinite Sequences and Series W.A. Benjamin / 1968 28. Algebra for College Students Middlemiss Roser / 1985 29. Foundations of Constructive Analysis Bishop Errett / 1967 30. Fundamental Statistic For David C. Howell / 1989 31. Pengantar Metode Statistik Anto Dajan / 1986 32. Statistika Terapan untuk Penelitian Furqon / 1997 33. Dasar-Dasar Statistik Ridwan/2002 34. Higher Mathematics I. Suvorov’/ 1963 35. Statistik Teori dan Aplikasi J. Supranto / 2000 36. Statistik Non Parametrik Wijaya / 2000 37. Statistik Non Parametrik untuk Penelitian Sugiyono/2001 38. Statistik Untuk Penelitian Sugiyono / 2000 39. Statistika Terapan Untuk Penelitian Furqon / 2001 40. Analisis Statistik dengan Program SPSS 10.0 Wijaya / 2001 41. Pengantar Statistik Ronald Wonnacott /1989 42. Metode Numerik Steven C.C / 1988 43. Ilmu Ukur Ruang Alders / 1980 44. Statistik Psikologi A.Supratiknyo / 2000 45. Analisis Butir Soal Matematika Ramon Mohandas / 2002 46. Statistika Dasar untuk Penelitian Pendidikan Ruseffendi / 1998 47. Matematika Diskrit Yaya S.Kusumah / 1998 48. Statistika untuk Ekonomi dan Niaga Sudjana / 1991 49. Dasar-dasar Analisis Numerik Samuel Conte / 1992 50. Kunci Penyelesaian Soal-Soal Kalkulus Lampiran 9 Kepustakaan
5 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 8 1 2 10 11 14 10 11 1 2 1 12 1 3 3 1 3 6 2
Purcell / 1984 51. Kalkulus dan Geometri Analitik Purcell / 1987 52. Matematika untuk Teknik Stroud / 1996 53. Persamaan Diferensial Ayres / 1999 54. Metode Numerik Joyodiharto / 2000 55. Konsep-Konsep Probabilitas dalam Perencanaan Alfredo / 1975 56. Teori dan Soal-Soal Analisis Numerik Scheid / 1992 57. Teori dan Soal-Soal Ayres / 1984 58. Matematika Diskrit Rinaldi Munir / 2001 59. Pengantar Aljabar Linear dan Geometri Suryadi / 1991 60. Geometri Kusno / 2004 61. Pengantar Statistik Walpole / 1995 62. Introduction to Real Analysis Bartle / 1994 63. The Element of Real Analysis Bartle / John Wiley & Sons / 1976 64. Applied Functional Analysis & Partial Diff. Eq Miklavcic / Michigan State University / 1998 65. Introduction to Topology Gamelin & Greene / Dover Publications, Inc / 1999 66. A First Course in Analysis Pedrick / Springer-Verlag / 1993 67. Applied Functional Analysis Aubin / John Wiley & Sons / 2000 68. Real Analysis Folland / John Wiley & Sons / 1999 69. Groupoids, Inverse Semigroups & Their Operator Algebras Kehe Zu / CRC Press / 1993 70. An Introduction to Operator Algebra Kehe Zu / CRC Press / 1993 71. Fundamental of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problem Kent Negle / Addison-Wesley 72. Berkeley Problems in Mathematics 73. Prinsciples of Mathematics Analysis Rudin / McGraw-Hill 74. Real Analisys A Historical Approach Stahl / John Wiley & Sons / 1999 75. K-Theory for Operator Algebras Blackadar / 1998
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4 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
76. Elementary Topology Roseman / Prentice Hall 77. First Concepts of Topology (The Geometry and Diks) Chinn & Steenrod 78. The Most Beautiful Mathematical Formulas Saleon & Coralie / John Wiley & Sons / 1992 79. A Course In Operator Theory Conway AMS / 1999 80. Elementary Topology Roseman / Prentice Hall / 1999 81. Real Analysis (A Historical Approach) Stahl / John Wiley / 1999 82. Elementary Linear Algebra(Applications Version) Howard Anton & Chris Rorres / John Wiley & Sons 83. Elementary Linear Algebra Howard Anton / John Wiley & Sons 84. How To Prove It (A Structured Approach) Velleman / Cambridge University Press / 1996 85. Galois Theory Stewart / Chapman & Hall Mathematics 86. Modern Algebra Durbin / John Wiley & Sons / 2000 87. Linear Algebra (A First Course With Applications to Diff. Eq Apostol / John Wiley & Sons 88. Introduction to The Theory of Errr-Correcting Code Vera Press / John Wiley & Sons 89. Advanced Linear Algebra Roman / Springer Verlag / 1992 90. Linear Algebra An Introduction to Abstract Mathematics Valenza / Springer-Verlag / 1993 91. Linear Algebra Smith / Springer-Verlag / 1998 92. Groups, rings, and Fields Wallace / Springer-Verlag / 1998 93. Algebra (A Graduate Course) Isaacs / Cobe Publishing 94. Matrix Theory (Basic Resultans and Techniques) Zhang / 1999 95. Applied Abstract Algebra Lidl & Pilz/Springer 96. Applied Boolean Algebra Hohn / The Mcmillan Company / 1966 97. Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups Conway / Springer-Verlag / 1993 98. Communications in Algebra (Volume 27,28,29) / 1999,2000,2001 99. Learning Abstract Algebra With ISETL Dubinsky / Springer-Verlag
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1 4 1 1 1 2 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1
100. Linear Algebra (An Introduction Approach) Curtin / Springer-Verlag 101. Decision Making Through Operations Research Thieerauf & Klekamp / John Wiley & Sons 102. Operations Research (Application and Algorithms) Winston / Duxbury Press / 1994 103. Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis Berger / Springer / 1985 104. Probability Theory (Independence, Interchangeability) Chow / Springer / 1997 105. Convergence of Probability Measures Billingsley / John Wiley & Sons 106. Box & Praper, Evolutionary Operation Box & Draper / John Wiley & Sons / 1968 107. Forecasting, Methode and Applications Makridas / John Wiley & Sons / 1998 108. Chance Encounters, A First Course in Data Analysis and Inference Wild & Seber / John Wiley & Sons / 2000 109. Applied Regression Analysis Draper / John Wiley & Sons / 1998 110. Introduction To Statistical Quality Control Montgonery / John Wiley & Sons / 2001 111. Design and Analysis of Experiment Montgonery / John Wiley & Sons / 2001 112. Tools for Statistical Inference Tanner / Springer / 1996 113. An Introduction to categorical Data Analysis Agresti / John Wiley & Sons / 1996 114. Statistical Modeling by Wavelets Kovic / John Wiley & Sons / 1999 115. Experimental Stochatics/ Moeschhis/Springer/1998 116. Survival Analysis, Techniques Foe Censored and Truncated Data Klein / Springer / 1997 117. Loss Models (From Data to Decisions) Klugman / John Wiley & Sons / 1998 118. Elementary Survey Sampling (Fourth Edition) Mendenhall / Duxbury Press / 1990 119. Elementary Sampling Theory Yamane / Prentice Hall / 1967 120. Statistika Dasar Ruseffendi / 121. Probability Models Ross / 1997 122. Matrix Analysis for Statistics Schott / Wiley Series / 1997 123. Metoda Statistika Sudjana / Tarsito / 1982
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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
124. Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems Boyce & Diprima / John Wiley & Sons / 2001 125. Differential Equations (A Modeling Perspective) Borelli/ John Wiley & Sons / 1996 126. Calculus Volume I Apostol / John Wiley & Sons / 1967 127. Calculus Volume II Apostol / John Wiley & Sons / 1967 128. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations in Science & Engineering Lapidus / John Wiley & Sons / 1999 129. Differential Equations and Linear Algebra Goode / Prentice Hall 130. The Laboratory Approach To Teaching Calculus Leinbach / The Math. Association of America / 1991 131. Partial Differential Equations An Introduction Strauss / John Wiley & Sons 132. Fundamental of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems Nagle / Addison Wesley / 1996 133. Ideals, Varieties and Algorithms Cox, Little / Springer / 1997 134. Linear Programming and Network Flows Bazaraa / John Wiley & Sons / 1990 135. Risk Management and Analysis Volume 1 Alexander / John Wiley & Sons / 1999 136. Boundary Value Problem and Partial Differential Equation Humi / PWS-Kent Publishing 137. Numerical Methods and Software Kahaner / Prentice Hall / 1998 138. Graph Theory Wilson / Prentice Hall / 1996 139. A Friendly Introduction To Graph Theory Buchley / Carson Education. Inc / 2003 140. Graphs & Digraphs Chartrand / Chapman & Hall CRC / 2000 141. Vector Calculus Colley / Prentice Hall / 1998 142. Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics Zauderer / Willry Proter Science Series / 1998 143. Excursions In Calculus Young / The Mathematical Association of America 144. Partial Differential Equations Stravroulaeis / World Scientific / 1999 145. PSLE (Problem Solving in Mathematics) 146. Mathematics: Chalenging Problems Andrew Er /
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147. Discrete Mathematics and its Apllications Roszn / International Edition 148. Elementary Differential Equations Trench / Brooks / Zole Thamson Learning / 2000 149. An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis Epperson / John Wiley & Sons / 2002 150. Programming Language One With Structured Programming Bates & Druglas / Prentice Hall / 1975 151. Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs Wirth / Prentice Hall / 1976 152. Algoritma dan Pemrograman I Rinaldi Munir / Informatika Bandung / 1998 153. Algoritma dan Pemrograman II Rinaldi Munir / Informatika Bandung / 1998 154. Pascal Tingkat Lanjutan Jogiyanto / Andi Offset Yogyakarta / 1994 155. Turbo Pascal Professional, Reference Guide Turbo Pascal SS Borland’s Product Information 156. Turbo Pascal S.S The Complete Reference O’Brien / Borland’s Product Information 157. Maple 6: Programming Guide Monagan / Waterloo Maple Inc 158. Maple 6: Learning Guide Hansen / Waterloo Maple Inc / 2000 159. Cabri Geometri II, Guidebook for Macintosh,Windows, MS DOS Gremillion / Texas Instruments / 1997 160. The Geometer's Sketchpad (Dynamic Geometry) Key Curriculum Press/1995 161. Teaching Geometry With The Geometer's Sketchpad Key Curriculum Press / 1995 162. Struktur Data Bambang Hariyanto / Informatika Bandung 163. Mathematica Buku I 164. Mathematica Buku II 165. Delphi 5 Marco Cantu / Borland’s 166. Turbo Pascal San Francisco Press 167. Foundation Action Script Sham Bangol / 2000 168. Foundation Flash 5 Bangol,Farr 169. The Most Beautiful Mathematics Formulas Salem, Testord / John Wiley & Sons / 1992 170. Connecting Mathematics Across The Curriculum Peggy A House / NCTM / 1995
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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
171. Contemporary Issues in Mathematics Education Gavostos / Cambridge Univ.Press / 2000 172. History in Mathematics Education Fauvel and Mannen / Kluwer / 2000 173. Mathemtics Education as a Research Domain Sterpinska / Kluwer / 1998 174. Developing Mathematical Reasoning in Grades K-12/Stiff & Curcio/NCTM/1999 175. Learning Mathematics for a New Century Burke & Curcio / NCTM / 2000 176. Mathematics Education Exploring the culture of Learning Allen & Wilder / The Open University / 2004 177. Constructing Mathematical Knowlegde: estimology and Mathematics Education Ernest / The Falmer Press / 1994 178. Reform in School Mathematics and Authentic Assesment Romberg / State Univ. of New York Press / 1993 179. Perpestive on the Teaching of Mathematics Rubenstein & Bright / NCTM / 2004 180. The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Ernest / The Falmer Press / 1991 181. Making Sense of Fractions, Ratio, and Proportions Litwiller & Bright / NCTM / 2002 182. Problem Solving in School Mathematics Reys / NCTM / 1980 183. Kapita Selekta Matematika Wahyudin & Turmudi / 2002 184. Basis Data Darmawan / 1999 185. Struktur Aljabar Hidayanto / 2001 186. Struktur Aljabar II Hidayanto / 2002 187. Kalkulus Edy Bambang / 1999 188. Teknik Analisis Regresi Permadi / 1999 189. Analisis Kompleks Santi / 2001 190. Pemrograman Komputer untuk Matematika Rini Marwati / 2000 191. Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika Kontemporer Tim MKPBM / 2001 192. Analsisi Nyata Dhoriva / 2003 193. Kalkulus Lanjut Sugiman / 2003 194. Pengembangan Kurikulum & Pembelajaran Matematika Hudojo / 2001 Lampiran 9 Kepustakaan
1 1 1 1 1 1
3 2 1 1 22 17 17 17 17 17 17 105 102 108 108 95
195. Kalkulus I Dadang. Juandi, Kusnandi / 2003 196. Persamaan Diferensial Biasa Rustanto,Hudojo,Supeno / 2003 197. Evaluasi Pembelajaran Matematika Erman S / 2003 198. Pengantar Teori Integral 199. Teori Himpunan:Bil.Kardinal & Aksioma Pilihan Takashi Itoh, Sugiman / 2003 200. Analsisis Real I Tim 201. Analisis Real II I. N. Parta / 2000 202. Statistika Matematika Tim / 1999 203. Matematika Diskrit H.Sutarno, N.Priatna,Nurjanah / 2003 204. Analisis Regresi & Aplikasinya Susiswo / 2002 205. Pengantar Aljabar Abstrak Sukirman / 2000 206. Metode Statistika Praktis Abadyo / 2004 207. Aljabar Linear Sukarjono / 2004 208. Geometri Ruang 209. Kalkulus Multivariabel Sukardjono / 1999 210. Geometri Euclid Sri Mulyati/ 211. Komputasi Statik 212. Metode Numerik Statik 213. Pengantar Ilmu Komputer 214. Introduction to Complex Analysis H.A. Priestley/Oxford Science Publications/1990 215. Fundamental With Elements of Algebra (#rd Edition)/Patricia J. Cass & Elizabeth O’Connor/Brooks Cole Publishing Company/1998 216. Abstract Algebra Theory and Applications/Thomas W. Judson/PW Publishing Company Boston/1994 217. Intermediate Algebra/R. David Gustafson & Peter D. Frisk/Brooks Cole Publishing Co California, 1984 218. Rings Categories of Modules/Frank W. Anderson & Kent R. Fuller/Springer Verlag New York/1992 219. Contemporary Abstract Algebra/Joseph A. Gallian/Houchton Mifllin Company/1998 220. An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis/James F. Epperson/John Willey & Sons New York/2002
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221. Identifiability in Stochastic Models Characteristization of Probability distribution/ BLLS Prakasa Rao/Academic Press INC 222. Elementary Topology/Dennis Rosemary/Pretince Hall/Dennis Roseman/Prentice Hall New Jersey/1999 223. First Concepts of Topology/W. G. Chinn and N.E. Steenrod/The Mathematical Association of America/1986 224. Foundation Action Script/Sham Bhangal/Friends of ED/2000 225. Foundation Flash 5/Sham Bangal, Amanda Farr,Patrick Rey /Friends of ED/2000 226. Utility Internal Widows Xp/Ian Chandra K/PT. Elex Media Komputindo, Jkt/2001 227. Sistem Operasi Microsoft Windows Xp/Ian Chandra/ PT. Elex Media Komputindo, Jkt/2001 228. Algoritma dan Teknik Pemrograman/Budi Sutedjo S.Kom, Michael AN, S.Kom/Andi Yogyakarta/2000 229. Pengantar Sistem Operasi Komputer/Rahmat M. Samik & Ibrahim, M. Sc./MDGR FIK-UI/2004 230. Sistem Operasi/Iwan Binanto/Andi Ofset Yogyakarta/2005 1. Jurnal Matematika dan Sains, ITB 2. Jurnal MIPA, UNJ 3. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Sains No.2. Th. VI / 2001 / UNY 4. Jurnal Matematika, IPA, & Pengajarannya. Th. 31. No. 1. 2002 / UNM 5. Jurnal Matematika Th. VII. No.2. 2001 / UNM 6. Jurnal Matematika Integratif. Vol.1. No. 1 / 2002 7. Jurnal MIPA & Pengajarannya. Vol. 2. No.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 48 22 49 1 27
1. 2001 / UPI 8. Jurnal MIPA & Pengajarannya. Vol. 2. No.2.
2001 / UPI Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional 9. Jurnal MIPA & Pengajarannya. Vol. 3.
10. Jurnal Matematika atau Pengajarannya, Tahun
1. 2002 / UPI IX, Nomor 1, April 2003 11. Jurnal Matematika atau Pengajarannya, Tahun
IX, Nomor 2, Agustus 2003 12. Jurnal Matematika atau Pengajarannya, Tahun
X, Nomor 1, April 2004 13. Jurnal Matematika atau Pengajarannya, Tahun X, Nomor 2, Agustus 2004 14. Jurnal Matematika atau Pengajarannya, Tahun XI, Nomor 1, April 2005 Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional
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1. The College Mathematics Journal 2. LIMITS, Journal Of Mathematics & Its
Application. Vol. 1. No. 1. 2004 / ITS
1 1 1 8 1
Buletin / Majalah Ilmiah Lokal
Disertasi / Tesis / Skripsi
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3. Journal Of The Indonesian Mathematical Society. Vol 9 No. 1, 2003 4. Journal Of The Indonesian Mathematical Society. Vol 9 No. 2, 2003 5. Journal Of The Indonesian Mathematical Society. Vol 10 No. 1, 2004 6. Journal Of The Indonesian Mathematical Society. Vol 10 No. 2, 2004 7. Journal Of The Indonesian Mathematical Society. Vol 11 No. 1, April 2005 8. Journal Of The Indonesian Mathematical Society. Vol 11 No. 2. October 2005 1. Mathematics Magazine 2. The American Mathematical Monthly 3. Southeast Asian Bulletin Of Mathematics 1. Pengaruh Pembelajaran Matematika Kontekstual terhadap Hasil Belajar dan Sikap Siswa SD Kelas Awal dalam Matematika / Disertasi / Darhim / 2004 2. Bifurcations in dynamical systems with parametric excitation / Disertasi / Siti Fatimah / 2002 3. Mengembangkan Kemampuan Pemahaman dan Penalaran Matematika Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri Melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah yang Menekankan pada Representasi Matematik / Tesis / Aan Hasanah / 2004 4. Keterlukisan Segi-n Beraturan / Tugas Akhir / Ririn Sispiyati / 2003 5. Upaya Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Matematika Siswa SMA Melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Penalaran / Skripsi / Al Jupri / 2004
1 1 1 1 1 1 12 22 15 1
1 1
Jenis Pustaka Yang Tersedia di Perpustakaan Jumlah Judul (1) (2) Buku Teks/CD* 213 Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional** 14 Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional*** 8 Buletin/Majalah Ilmiah Lokal**** 57 Skripsi dan TA***** 211 Lainnya *Rincian: 1. Judul dengan urutan 1 s.d .60 ada di Perpustakaan Pusat UPI 2. Judul dengan urutan 61 s.d. 181 ada di Perpustakaan Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika UPI 3. Judul dengan urutan 182 s.d. 211 ada di Kurikulatorium FPMIPA UPI **Rincian: 1. Jurnal Matematika dan Sains / ITB / 1 eks. 2. Jurnal MIPA / UNJ / 1 eks 3. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Sains No.2. Th. VI/2001 / UNY / 48 eks 4. Jurnal Matematika, IPA, & Pengajarannya. Th. 31. No. 1. 2002 / UNM / 22 eks 5. Jurnal MATEMATIKA. Th. VII. No. 2. 2001 / UNM / 49 eks 6. Jurnal Matematika Integratif. Vol. 1. No. 1. 2002 / UNPAD / 1 eks ***Rincian: 1. Mathematics Magazine :12 Judul (12 eks) 2. LIMITS, Journal Of Mathematics & Its Application. Vol. 1. No. 1. 2004 / ITS / 1 eks 3. The American Mathematical Monthly : 22 Judul (22 eks) 4. The College Mathematics Journal : 8 Judul (8 eks) 5. Southeast Asian Bulletin Of Mathematics : 15 Judul (15 eks) ****Rincian: 1. Jurnal MIPA & Pengajarannya. Vol. 2. No. 1. 2001 / UPI / 27 eks 2. Jurnal MIPA & Pengajarannya. Vol. 2. No.2. 2001 / UPI / 24 eks 3. Jurnal MIPA & Pengajarannya. Vol. 3. No. 1. 2002 / UPI / 2 eks *****Berdasarkan data mahasiswa yang lulus sejak tahun 2001, dengan perincian TA sebanyak 87 dan Skripsi sebanyak 124.
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