DEVELOPMENT SUPERIOR NEW VARIETY OF INPARA 1 AND INPARA 3 IN TIDAK SWAMP LAND PROVINCE JAMBI (Case study Senyerang sub District of Tanjung Jabung Barat) Jumakir and Endrizal Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Jambi
ABSTRACT Tidal land has considerable potential to be developed into food crop-based agriculture in support of national food security. Improved varieties is one component of a technology that has a real role in improving production and quality of new varieties of agricultural wetlands that have high yield potential of which is Inpara 1 and Inpara 3. This study aims to determine the productivity and development of Inpara 1 and Inpara 3 in the tidal wetlands of Jambi Province. The results showed that the rice assessment Inpara 1 and Inpara 3 in the dry season (MK) 2010 0.5 ha area evolved into a 30 ha in the rainy season (MH) 2010/1011. Appearance and productivity of Inpara 3 better than Inpara 1 and Inpara 3 are more resistant to disease. Farmers respond more to Inpara 3. Inpara 3 rice productivity is 6.50 t / ha higher than the 3.45 Inpara 1 t / ha. The low productivity of Inpara 1 because these varieties are quite susceptible to bacterial leaf blight disease.
Key words: Superior New Variety Inpara 1 and Inpara 3, Varieties Development and Tidal swamp land
Rice crops a priority in supporting agricultural programs and to date rice farming in Indonesia is still the backbone of rural economy (Budianto, 2003). In this regard, it is necessary the development potential of land, including marginal lands such as tidal wetlands. Tidal swamp land has considerable potential to be developed into food crop-based agriculture in support of national food security. Indonesia is quite tidal land area of about 20.1 million ha and 9.3 million of them have potential for development of food crops (Ismail et al., 1993). Jambi province has an estimated 684 000 ha area of swamp land, the potential for development of 246 481 ha of agricultural land consisting of 206 832 ha of tidal and non tidal land (lowland) 40 521 ha (Bappeda, 2000). The study Ismail et al. (1993) suggests that these wetlands has good potential for agriculture both for food crops, plantation, horticulture and animal husbandry. Fore these wetlands to be very strategic and important for agricultural development and to support 1
food security and agribusiness (Alihamsyah, 2002). Commodity that many farmers are cultivated with rice cultivation techniques applied are simple and use of local varieties and fertilization
Rice productivity tidal swamp land in the District of West Tanjung Jabung Jambi Province is still low and it ranged from 3.00 to 3.90 t / ha (BP4K Kab Tanjung Jabung Barat, 2010). Production can still be improved to 5-6 t / ha over the introduction of technologies such as improved seed paddy, NSV, fertilization, amelioration, pest control (Ismail et al., 1993 and Alihamsyah et al., 2003). According to Abdullah et al. (2008), One of the causes of low rice production is already achieving optimum yield potential of new varieties (VUB) planted by the farmer or the limited ability of existing genetic varieties to produce higher (Balitpa, 2003). Further according to Abdullah et al. (2008), leading varieties is one of the component technologies that have a real role in improving production and quality of agricultural commodities (Daradjat, 2001 and Soewito et al.1995). New varieties wetlands that have high yield potential of which is Inpara 1 and Inpara 3. Efforts to improve the management of farming in tidal land to increase farm productivity and efficiency, and simultaneously maintaining soil fertility through soil and water conservation measures (Abdurachman, 2005) or the application of rice cultivation technology with an integrated approach to crop management (ICM) (Deptan, 2008). This study aims to determine the productivity and development of rice VUB Inpara 1 and Inpara 3 in the tidal wetlands of Jambi Province. CHARACTERISTICS OF TIDAL SWAMP LAND Wetlands are generally considered as a marginal and fragile ecosystems, but the land has the potential to be utilized for the development of food crops, plantations and fisheries. According Widjaya Adhi et al. (1992) that wetlands are distinguished based on arrival influences the tidal water in the rainy season and the influence of sea water in the dry season, is divided into three zones, namely: 1) tidal brackish / saline (zone I), 2) tidal freshwater (zone II) and non tidal / valley (zone III). Furthermore Djafar (1992) says that land is an area of tidal marsh in the formation process is influenced by the ebb and flow of sea water, located at the mouth of the river or along the coast. Swampy marsh land area which is in the process of its formation is not affected by the ebb and flow of sea water, but is affected by the flooding river water or rainwater that late exit located at the middle and upper river. Tidal land based agro-ecosystem can be divided into four main typologies of potential land, acid sulfate lands, peat lands and saline lands. 1) Potential land is a land of upper layer of 0-50 cm, has a low pyrite content of 2 percent and has not undergone a process of oxidation. 2) Land acid sulfate is a land that has a layer of 2
pyrite or sulfidic at depth <50 cm and all the land that has sulfirik layer, although the depth of the layer piritnya> 50 cm. Pyrite layer is a layer or layers of sulfidic soil piritnya levels> 2 percent. Sulfirik horizon is a layer that shows the jerosite (brown layer) or pyrite oxidation process pH (H2O) <3.5. Acid sulfate land was divided into (i) actual acid sulfate land and (ii) potential acid sulfate land that is not or has not undergone the process of pyrite oxidation. 3) Peatlands are wetlands that have a layer of peat and peat thickness is characterized by shallow peat (thickness 50-100 cm), peat medium (thickness of 100-200 cm), deep peat (200-300 cm) and deep peat ( > 300 cm). Conferences and Adiprasetyo (1993) says that peat have great prospects for the cultivation of crops. For coconut and oil palm cultivation can be carried out on peat medium and deep. 4) Land is land that received saline brines influence, when under the influence of sea water / salty over 4 months of the year and the content of Na in soil solution of 8 percent to 15 percent. Tidal land based hidrotopografi divided into four types which require different management. Type A is the area of swamp which is always a big tide terluapai and small pairs. Type B is the land only by a tidal terluapi. Type C is a land that is not terluapi tide, both pairs of large and small pairs, but the depth of ground water is less than 50 cm from the soil surface. Type D is not terluapi tidal land both pairs of large and small pairs, but the depth of ground water for more than 50 cm from the soil surface.
AVAILABILITY OF TECHNOLOGY Cropping patterns and Land Settlement Cropping pattern of paddy fields in the arrangement of type A is the flood of rice-rice. While the cropping pattern of paddy fields or surjan by arrangement on the type of flood water B is rice-rice and rice-crops / horticulture Table 1. Reference to the arrangement of land typology and type of floodwater in tidal swamp land. Typology of Type floodwater Land A B C Potential Rice Rice /surjan Rice /surjan/tegalan Acid sulfate Rice Rice /surjan Rice /surjan/tegalan Thinness peat Rice Rice /surjan Rice /tegalan Thickness peat Rice Rice /surjan Rice /tegalan Medium peat Conservation Tegalan/ Plantation Deep peat Conservation Tegalan/ Plantation Saline Rice / pond Rice / pond Sources; Widjaya Adhi (1995) dan Alihamsyah et al. (2000) 3
D Rice /tegalan/farm Rice /tegalan/farm Rice /tegalan/farm Tegalan/kebun Plantation Plantation -
Water System
Management of the macro and micro watersheds are critical success factors management of tidal land. Operation and maintenance of macro water system (including the channel network of primary, secondary and tertiary as well as water gates) have been the responsibility of PU while the micro-water system (quarter channel network, channel circumference and worms) are the responsibility of farmers. From the research system of the water in tidal land is one-way flow system for the dignity and system of floodwater type A / B. In the land of type A floodwater flow system arranged in one direction whereas the flood water on the land of type B is regulated by one-way systems and dignity, because of high water during the dry season often does not enter the paddy land. Type C and D water flood the system with the door stoplog dignity.
Land Management
Preparing land with tillage on tidal land is required in addition to improving soil conditions become more uniform and flat with the tilling and siltation also to accelerate the leaching of toxic materials and mixing ingredients to the soil amelioration and fertilizer (Widjaya Adhi, 1995). Tillage results in terms of both physical and crop land is to plow or hoe singkal followed by a rotary or in combination with herbicides glebeg (Ar-Riza and Saragih, 2001). When the soil is loose or muddy fine and evenly distributed on the land that is generally found thinness feat with overflow type A and B, the intensive cultivation of land is not required but is replaced by minimum tillage or no tillage (TOT), which combined with the use of herbicides This suggests that tidal land for processing depending on the condition of the land. Although tillage is needed but does not have to do every season, because the cultivation of land which do not lapse two seasons reduce crop yields.
Amelioration and Fertilization
Provision of material or materials ameliorant soil and fertilizer is an important factor for pushing to improve soil condition and increase the productivity of the land. Such materials can be either limestone or dolomite or organic materials or husk ash and dust of sawn timber. From a series of research activities nutrient management and fertilizer can be synthesized optimum dose for rice crop are listed in Table 2. The combination is consistent with the results of the assessment project in different locations tidal ISDP South Sumatra, Riau, Jambi and West Kalimantan. Table 2. Doses of fertilizers and materials ameliorant rice plants in tidal swamp land Fertilizer types (kg/ha) Potential land N or urea 45-90 =100-200 P2O5 or SP36 22,5-45= 60-120 K2O or KCl 50=100 CuSO4 or terusi ZnSO4 Limstone atau dolomit Sources: Trip Alihamsyah (2003)
Potential acid sulfate 67,5-135 =150-300 45,0-70 =120-180 45,0-70 = 90-150 1000-3000
Peat 45=100 60=160 50=100 5 6 1000-2000
Integrated Pest Management
It basically refers to a strategy of control carried out integrated pest management (IPM), which is through the use of resistant varieties and natural enemies, good cultivation techniques and sanitation. The use of chemical pesticides as the last action performed. Integrated strategy and how to integrated rat on tidal land is presented in Table 3. Rat pest control strategies are based on a combination of control measures based on the phase and the rice crop in the field. To the success of pest and disease control is needed the support of farmers and officials as well as facilities and infrastructure.
Table 3. Strategies and means of pest control rats in tidal swamp land Stadia of rice Technology components plants Gropyokan Feed Fumigasi SPP Fallow * * * Nursery * * * Active puppies * * Filled out * * Tillers * Harvest * SPP: System fence traps for 1 ha with 40 pieces for 20 ha of rice plants Sources: Balittra (2001)
Bamboo traps
* * *
Teluk Ketapang Village is a tidal area is included in the sub District Senyerang contained in the District of West Tanjung Jabung Jambi Province. The total area of 12 742 ha Senyerang sub District (Teluk Ketapang Village area is 6628 ha and Kempas Jaya area is 6114 ha). Cultivated land area of 1881 ha of paddy fields, farm / garden 680 ha, plantation / farm 2745 ha. Teluk Ketapang Village wide 6628 ha, has a flat topography with a height of 0-5 m above sea level. The area suitable for development of rice plants have puddles of type B, C and most of these conditions is rather fertile land. Cropping patterns are common in rice-rice fields were fallow. In sub District Senyerang rain continued throughout the year albeit with varying intensity and distribution between months. According to Oldeman (1975) into the classification of agroclimate C3. In the agro-climate zones C3, suitable cropping pattern is the rice - rice / crops. Judging from the pattern of rainfall, the farmers the option to apply the cropping pattern in the Teluk Ketapang Village padi-padi/palawija Senyerang District is an option that is in conformity with the agro-climatic zones. Based on field observations of average soil pH of 4.5 to 5 (quite acidic) and the content of iron (Fe) ranges from 0-5 ppm lower.
New varieties of rice developed in tidal wetlands have characteristics that fit in accordance with agroecosystem include Inpara 1 and Inpara 3. Assessment of the results obtained productivity Inpara 1 is 5.6 t / ha and Inpara 3 is 7.04 t / ha GKP (Jumakir et al., 2010). According Suprihatno et al. (2011), that the varieties Inpara 1 and Inpara 3 include varieties for wetlands (tidal and swampy). Characteristics of rice varieties are listed in Table 4. Table 4. Characteristics of new varieties Inpara1 and Inpara 3 Varieties No.Seleksi
Inpara 1 B9852E-KA-66
Originally a cross Group Plant age (days) Plant form Plant height (cm) Productive tillers (stems) Color feet Stem color Ear leaf color Aloe leaf color Leaf color Leaf face Leaf position Flag leaf Grain shape Grain color Loss Fall down Rice texture Amylose content (%) 1000 grain weight (g) Average yield (t/ha) Potential yield (t/ha) Resistance WBC Resistance HDB Toxicity tolerance Fe & Al Sources: Suprihatno et al. (2011)
Batang Ombilin Cere Indica 131 Upright 111 18 Green Green No colored No colored Green Coarse Upright Upright Medium Yellow Moderate Moderate Pera 27,93 23,25 5,65 6,47 Moderate resistant Resistant Tolerance
Inpara 3 IR70213-9-CPA-12-UBN2-1-3-1 IR69256/IR43524-55-1-3-2 Cere Indica 127 Upright 108 17 Green Green No colored No colored Green Coarse Upright Upright Medium Yellow Moderate Moderate Pera 28,60 25,70 4,60 5,60 Moderate resistant Resistant Tolerance
Dissemination activities is a very important in the effort to accelerate the popularization of technological innovation. Dissemination can be done through an open-field and technology degrees. The technology is implemented through an integrated approach to crop management (ICM) tidal rice fields, such as tillage, seed quality / labeled, new varities, row planting system legowo 6:1, fertilization, land amelioration (manure and dolomite) and IPM. Participants who attended the meeting consisted of about 60 participants from the Department of Agriculture and Horticulture District of West Tanjung Jabung, BP4K, Food Security Agency, the Agency has, BPP, PPL, FEATI Consultant, Private (PT Syngenta) and farmer groups that exist in the District Senyerang. An open-field activity and the degree of technology begins with the submission of the assessment activities and field trips as well as distribution of leaflets about the IPM rice fields and tidal sources of rice seed production technology. Of the degree of technology and productivity of an open-field was obtained Inpara 1 is 5.6 t / ha GKP, Inpara 3 7.04 t / ha GKP, Cisokan 4.64 t / ha Ciherang GKP and 4.20 t / ha GKP (Jumakir et al., 2010). From the results of a survey of about 60 farmers at an open-field technology degree and a visit to the site assessment, it is generally argued that from the four varieties grown, the best varieties Inpara 3 in terms of growth and production as well as resistance to pests / diseases and varieties Inpara 1 , so that farmers will develop it on MH 2010/2011 (Table 5). New varities is the second development undertaken by farmers as much as 600 kg Senyerang sub District (1 ha 40 kg of seeds are required to be widely planted 15 ha). Table 5. Development of Inpara 1 and Inpara 3 in tidal swamp land village Ketapang sub District Senyerang MK2010
Development of rice varieties The number of seeds (Kg) Area planted (ha) Inpara 1 300 7,5 Inpara 3 300 7,5 Number 600 15 Sources : Jumakir et al. (2010)
On MH 2010/2011 farmers grow rice varieties Inpara 1 and Inpara 3 of 15 ha, and planting of the two varieties is a continuation of planting MK 2010. Growth of both varieties are quite good at the vegetative phase, but the generative growth phase of rice varieties Inpara 1 shows performance particularly unfavorable or less empty while the varieties contain Inpara 3 shows good performance. Pests that attack is sundep and outs of the intensity of the attacks while the disease is 10-20% with a high enough attack intensity at inpara 1 than Inpara 3. The intensity of the attack bacterial leaf blight disease on
Inpara 1 to 40%. Rice productivity of
Inpara 3 is 6.50 t / ha higher than the Inpara 1 3.45 t / ha. The low productivity of Inpara 1 because these varieties are quite susceptible to bacterial leaf blight disease. Farmers' response to the two varieties showed that they will develop varieties Inpara 3 because it is quite resistant to disease than Inpara 1
Table 6. Productivity of Inpara 1 and Inpara 3 in tidal swamp land village Ketapang sub District Senyerang MH 2011 Varieties Performance Plant height (cm) Productivity tillers Productivity (t/ha) GKP
Inpara 1 3-5 108 12 3,45
Inpara 3 3 104 14 6,50
CONCLUSION 1. Planting of Inpara 1and Inpara 3 in the dry season (MK) 2010 0.5 ha area evolve into a 30 ha in the rainy season (MH) 2010/1011. 2. Appearance and productivity of rice Inpara 3 better than Inpara 1 and Inpara 3 are more resistant to bacterial leaf blight disease. Farmers respond more to Inpara 3.
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