Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Jen TOKODI, Dr.: Structure of the Intelligent Supervision, Control and Communication System
BESTUFS IV. Conference Prague, Czech Republic, November 13-14, 2003
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: the developer institutes
Computer and Automation Research Institute
KNORR-BREMSE Research and Development Center
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Hungarian National Police
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Structure of the Intelligent Supervision, Control and Communication System
GSM satellite
Fleet management center
Information centers
On-board controller
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System Basic functions Position and navigation Preventive maintenance Diagnostics Vehicle safety On-board measurement and communication Management center
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System Position and navigation I. - Main functions GPS position and verification Inertial correction Geographic information system Plan of the transportation routes Navigation
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System Position and navigation II. - Data screens
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Diagnostics Status of the warning lamp Axle loads Pressures Battery voltage Reading failure memory Download software
Dispatcher center
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Vehicle Safety Detection of fading Frozen surface detection Estimation of friction Road surface quality Analysis of the accidents Driver evaluation Tire pressure monitoring
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: On-board Measurement and Communication Unit Actual position Altimeter Temperature of the brake disk Accelerations Lining wear of the brake pads Axle loads Behaviour of drivers Black-box function Road roughness Tire wear Road friction
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: On-board Measurement and Communication Unit Road map Navigation Waypoints Propose alternative routes Date and time of arrival Average velocity Odometer Tachograf functions Identification of the driver Driven hours Mileage
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Structure of the Integrated Logistics Information System
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Fleet setup - Disposition
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Tour planning - Route optimization before the start
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Tracking & Tracing
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Functional Server - The fleet control process
Fleet setup
Fleet scheduling (Logistics)
Trace Maintenance
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Operative Tour Planning System
Structure of the tour planning system Disposition, rendering , ca lculation of the transportatio n time, estimation of the arrival time Address of th e customer, order data bas e Enterprise Reso urces Planning
Network connections
Network cover tim e
Potencial matrix
Geoco ding
Custo mer navigation Addres s Data Base
Topology, speed...
Tentative tour plan
Transportation plan
Exact tou r plan Routes
Limit conditions (ex pl. time windows, costs, ov ertime,)
Graphics Maps Geographic Information Sys tem: -street topology -addresses -graphics
Transportation plan Disp atcher, driver
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Input data - Data base of the nodal points Kód
99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72
Szeghalom Nyírbátor Kazincbarcika Szarvas Hajdúnánás Tiszafüred Jánoshalma Kiskunhalas Kisk rös Bicske Dorog Tata Kisbér Zirc Oroszlány Mór Mosonmagyaróvár Sümeg Celld mölk Sárvár Zalaszentgrót Bonyhád Siklós Sárbogárd Boglárlelle Dombóvár Balatonaliga Balatonf zf
577 684 515 505 602 528 364 384 360 284 296 250 214 195 250 237 129 126 115 90 102 270 241 282 170 224 228 212
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
260 399 465 229 396 358 135 157 190 336 376 368 340 296 335 316 402 255 302 301 248 132 60 229 215 146 249 262
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Input data - Data base of the route graph Ssz. Kód
[csomópont neve]
[csomópont neve]
223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 197 196
27 26 27 59 35 46 89 01 04 01 03 44 45 45 18 80 54 10 08 08 09 80 11 08 08 06 05 86
Szekszárd Pécs Szekszárd Dunaföldvár Karcag Mez kövesd Dorog Budapest Komárom Budapest Esztergom Hatvan Gyöngyös Gyöngyös Zalaegerszeg Sárvár Körmend Szombathely Kapuvár Kapuvár K szeg Sárvár Pápa Kapuvár Kapuvár Hegyeshalom Gy r Zirc
78 74 76 91 94 94 90 90 89 89 89 53 50 51 80 82 80 80 10 80 80 81 81 09 83 83 83 87 ...
Bonyhád Dombóvár Sárbogárd Kisk rös Tiszafüred Tiszafüred Bicske Bicske Dorog Dorog Dorog Rétság Pásztó Salgótarján Sárvár Sümeg Sárvár Sárvár Szombathely Sárvár Sárvár Celldömölk Celldömölk K szeg Mosonmagyaróvár Mosonmagyaróvár Mosonmagyaróvár Kisbér
14.0 54.7 47.0 43.1 39.5 31.2 32.1 42.2 49.1 38.5 8.6 73.3 29.2 53.9 55.0 42.4 39.2 25.9 61.6 47.5 45.3 18.5 27.7 48.5 50.0 14.0 38.0 34.1
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Input data - Graph of the route system
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Building routes manually and automatic way Automatic
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Results - Reports in text form A diszpozíció által kijelölt rakodási helyek: ---------------------------------------------[03_JARAT azonosítójú diszpozíció] 3 . járm [ 1] [10] [80] [70]
kapacitása: 90
Budapest Szombathely Sárvár Várpalota A járat menetrendje: --------------------
Összes terhelés:
Budapest Székesfehérvár Várpalota
-> -> ->
Székesfehérvár Várpalota KEZELÉS
62 22
km km
34 42 28 19 26
km km km km km
Várpalota: 103914. sz. megrendelés
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Eltelt id : Kirakandó: Várpalota Zirc Pápa Celldömölk Sárvár Szombathely
2 óra 25 min 24.00
Terhelés: -> -> -> -> -> ->
Zirc Pápa Celldömölk Sárvár Szombathely KEZELÉS
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Results - Reports in graphical form
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Results - Reports for the cost calculation A járatokra vonatkozó globális adatok: -------------------------------------------------------------------nem volt.
Résztartomány kijelölés: nagy települések száma:
A feltétlenül felkeresend
1 [db] 100 [%]
A gócponton kívül kiszolgált forgalom részaránya:
100.00 [%]
Kiindulási állomás:
A gócpont települése:
Utolsó kezelési hely felkeresése:
10 óra 0 [min]
A járat elfogadásának küszöbértéke:
10 óra 30 [min]
A fennmaradó települések kiszolgált forgalma:
A járatonként felkereshet
kezelési helyek száma:
10 [db]
A gépkocsik kapacitása: 50
70 40 [km/h]
A gépkocsik átlagos haladási sebessége: Az ügyfeleknél töltött átlagos rakodási id :
20 [min]
-------------------------------------------------------------------Összes járat összes szállított mennyisége: Összes járat összes futása:
273.00 1825 [km]
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Összes járat összes id szükséglete:
48 óra 38 min
Összes járatok száma:
4 [db]
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Server Functions User request DataBase Connection DataBase Query / Modification DataBase DataBase
Fleet Fleet Management Management Functions Functions Functional Functional Server Server
Req .
Communication Communication Server Server
DataBase Query / Modification
M20 M20
SMS SMS receiving receiving // sending sending
User Interface (applet)
GSM information processing
Vehicle Vehicle
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Trace Function Map
Map download request
Position DataBase DataBasechanged
Notification Position request Functional Server
Communication Server
Request for SMS sending M20 M20
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Vehicle Vehicle
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Communication Server
Communication Communication Server Server
Request for SMS sending
Saving vehicle parameters
SMS SMSreceiving receiving// sending sending
Functional Server
M20 M20
DataBase DataBase
User requests
M20 M20
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Vehicle Vehicle
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management System: Functionality and Complexity of the System Functionality
Traffic Safety manpack agement
DiagEconomy Cargo/ nostics package vehicle package security
On-line intervention Function restriction Sound and visual information Communication with other vehicles Vehicle positions #