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248. o. A más kárából tanulás – Arnold, Debora, Lawrence G. Calhoun, Richard Tedeschi, and Arnie Cann. “Vicarious Posttraumatic Growth in Psychotherapy.” Journal of Humanistic Psychology 45, no. 2 (2005): 239–63. Barrington, Allysa, and Jane E. Shakespeare-Finch. “Giving Voice to Service Providers Who Work with Survivors of Torture and Trauma.” Qualitative Health Research 24, no. 12 (2014). 1686–99. Hernández, Pilar, David Gangsei, and David Engstrom. “Vicarious Resilience: A New Concept in Work With Those Who Survive Trauma.” Family Process 46, no. 2 (2007): 229–41. Acevedo, Victoria Eugenia, and Pilar Hernandez-Wolfe. “Vicarious Resilience: An Exploration of Teachers and Children’s Resilience in Highly Challenging Social Contexts.” Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma 23, no. 5 (2014): 473–93. Inocencio Soares, Nataly Tsumura, and Mauren Teresa Grubisich Mendes Tacla. “Experience of Nursing Staff Facing the Hospitalization of Burned Children.” Investigación y Educación en Enfermería 32, no. 1 (2014): 49–59. 249. o. A résztvevők nemcsak arról számoltak be – Abel, Lisa, Casie Walker, Christina Samios, and Larissa Morozow. “Vicarious Posttraumatic Growth: Predictors of Growth and Relationships with Adjustment.” Traumatology 20, no. 1 (2014): 9–18. 249. o. Csak akkor tudunk tanulni és fejlődni mások szenvedésének hatására – Tosone, Carol, Jennifer Bauwens, and Marc Glassman. “The Shared Traumatic and Professional Posttraumatic Growth Inventory.” Research on Social Work Practice (megjelenés alatt, 2014). doi: 10.1177/1049731514549814. 250. o. Gyakran úgy gondolunk – A terapeutától származó idézet forrása: Engstrom, David, Pilar Hernandez, and David Gangsei. “Vicarious Resilience: A Qualitative Investigation into Its Description.” Traumatology 14, no. 3 (2008): 13–21. 252. o. A programon való részvétel első fél éve után – Shochet, Ian M., Jane Shakespeare-Finch, Cameron Craig, Colette Roos, Astrid Wurfl, Rebecca Hoge, Ross McD Young, and Paula Brough. “The Development and Implementation of the Promoting Resilient Officers (PRO) Program.” Traumatology 17, no. 4 (2011): 43–51. Shakespeare-Finch, Jane E., Ian M. Shochet, Colette R. Roos, Cameron Craig, Deanne Armstrong, Ross McD Young, and Astrid Wurfl. “Promoting Posttraumatic Growth in Police Recruits: Preliminary Results of a Randomised Controlled Resilience Intervention Trial.” In Australian and New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference, Association for Sustainability in Business, QT Gold Coast Hotel, Surfers Paradise (2014). 254. o. Úgy tűnik, hogy aki így érez – Hayes, Steven C., Jason B. Luoma, Frank W. Bond, Akihiko Masuda, and Jason Lillis. “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Model, Processes and Outcomes.” Behaviour Research and Therapy 44, no. 1 (2006): 1–25. Lásd még Bond, Frank W., Steven C. Hayes, Ruth A. Baer, Kenneth M. Carpenter, Nigel Guenole, Holly K. Orcutt, Tom Waltz, and Robert D. Zettle. “Preliminary Psychometric Properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire—II: A Revised Measure of Psychological Inflexibility and Experiential Avoidance.” Behavior Therapy 42, no. 4 (2011): 676–88.